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Télécharger pour lire hors ligne
by Andrés Viedma
Restless Java lover
Software dinosaur
more than 20 years nagging
Working at
Usual suspect of MadridGUG
and MadridJUG
Arquitecture at
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Arquitecture at
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
PHP Script
About Groovy
● Dynamic Language, prepared for scripting
● Runs in the JVM
o Lots of Java libraries
o Can use the code of our Java services
● Source code “almost” compatible with Java
o Main difference: == operator means equals()
o If you make your script in Java, it’ll WORK
● Other “cool” features, mainly inspired by Python
Arquitecture at
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Arquitecture at
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Groovy Script
Arquitecture at
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Micro serviceTService
Groovy Script
Mix your Production code
with direct accesses to the
DB, config, TServices...
Hello World (Java, but works also as
import utils.*;
World world = new World();
System.out.println("Hello " +
world.getName() + "!");
package utils;
public class World {
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
$GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $GRSCRIPTS/utils/World.groovy
Hello World (Groovy style)
def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo")
println "Hello ${}!"
class World {
String id
String name
$ groovy helloworld.groovy
Hello Mongo!
Hello World (Groovy style)
def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo")
println "Hello ${}!"
class World {
String id
String name
$ groovy helloworld.groovy
Hello Mongo!
Hello World (Groovy style)
def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo")
println "Hello ${}!"
class World {
String id
String name
$ groovy helloworld.groovy
Hello Mongo!
Hello World (Groovy style)
def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo")
println "Hello ${}!"
class World {
String id
String name
$ groovy helloworld.groovy
Hello Mongo!
Closures / collections
def worlds = [
new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"),
new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"),
new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland")
] as ArrayList
def heroesByWorld = [
mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"],
mars: ["John Carter"],
wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"]
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
println "*** World: ${}"
def heroList = worldEntry.value
heroList.each { hero -> println hero }
Closures / collections
def worlds = [
new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"),
new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"),
new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland")
] as ArrayList
def heroesByWorld = [
mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"],
mars: ["John Carter"],
wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"]
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
println "*** World: ${}"
def heroList = worldEntry.value
heroList.each { hero -> println hero }
Closures / collections
def worlds = [
new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"),
new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"),
new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland")
] as ArrayList
def heroesByWorld = [
mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"],
mars: ["John Carter"],
wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"]
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
println "*** World: ${}"
def heroList = worldEntry.value
heroList.each { hero -> println hero }
Closures / collections
def worlds = [
new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"),
new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"),
new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland")
] as ArrayList
def heroesByWorld = [
mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"],
mars: ["John Carter"],
wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"]
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
println "*** World: ${}"
def heroList = worldEntry.value
heroList.each { hero -> println hero }
Closures / collections
def worlds = [
new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"),
new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"),
new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland")
] as ArrayList
def heroesByWorld = [
mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"],
mars: ["John Carter"],
wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"]
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
println "*** World: ${}"
def heroList = worldEntry.value
heroList.each { hero -> println hero }
Functions and scope of variables
def worlds = [ … ]
def heroesByWorld = [ … ]
eachWorld { world, heroes ->
println "*** World: ${}"
heroes.each { hero -> println hero }
void eachWorld(Closure closure) {
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
def heroList = worldEntry.value
closure(world, heroList)
Functions and scope of variables
def worlds = [ … ]
def heroesByWorld = [ … ]
eachWorld { world, heroes ->
println "*** World: ${}"
heroes.each { hero -> println hero }
void eachWorld(Closure closure) {
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
def heroList = worldEntry.value
closure(world, heroList)
Functions and scope of variables
def worlds = [ … ]
def heroesByWorld = [ … ]
eachWorld { world, heroes ->
println "*** World: ${}"
heroes.each { hero -> println hero }
void eachWorld(Closure closure) {
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
def heroList = worldEntry.value
closure(world, heroList)
Functions and scope of variables
def worlds = [ … ]
def heroesByWorld = [ … ]
eachWorld { world, heroes ->
println "*** World: ${}"
heroes.each { hero -> println hero }
void eachWorld(Closure closure) {
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
def heroList = worldEntry.value
closure(world, heroList)
Functions and scope of variables
def worlds = [ … ]
def heroesByWorld = [ … ]
eachWorld { world, heroes ->
println "*** World: ${}"
heroes.each { hero -> println hero }
void eachWorld(Closure closure) {
heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry ->
def worldId = worldEntry.key
def world = worlds.find { == worldId }
def heroList = worldEntry.value
closure(world, heroList)
● worlds = [ … ]
● @Field def worlds = [ … ]
● @Field List<World> worlds = [ … ]
Grape: libraries from Maven repos
@Grab(group='org.apache.commons', module='commons-email', version='1.3.3')
import org.apache.commons.mail.*
def usr, pwd, toAddress = [ … ]
println "Creating email object"
Email email = new SimpleEmail(
hostName: "",
smtpPort: 465,
authenticator: new DefaultAuthenticator(usr, pwd),
SSLOnConnect: true,
from: usr,
subject: "Groovy mail!",
msg: "You're hot and you know it ... :-)"
println "Sending email..."
println "OK"
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
<filesystem name="cachedGrapes">
<ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-
<artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/
<ibiblio name="codehaus" root=""
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="java.net2" root=""
Grape: default config
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
<filesystem name="cachedGrapes">
<ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-
<artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/
<ibiblio name="codehaus" root=""
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="java.net2" root=""
Grape: default config
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
<filesystem name="cachedGrapes">
<ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-
<artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/
<ibiblio name="codehaus" root=""
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="java.net2" root=""
Grape: default config
Grape: add your repository
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<credentials host=""
realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager"
username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/>
<property name="nexus-root"
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
<ibiblio name="nexus" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" />
Grape: add your repository
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<credentials host=""
realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager"
username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/>
<property name="nexus-root"
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
<ibiblio name="nexus" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" />
Grape: updatable snapshots
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<credentials host=""
realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager"
username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/>
<property name="nexus-root"
<ibiblio name="downloadGrapes" root="${nexus-root}"
m2compatible="true" />
Grape: updatable snapshots
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<credentials host=""
realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager"
username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/>
<property name="nexus-root"
<ibiblio name="downloadGrapes" root="${nexus-root}"
m2compatible="true" />
Databases: Sql object
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging",
"tuenti_developer", "lalala",
sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
def version = 2
def newVersion = 3
def type = "BUNDLEDEF"
sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition
where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}"""
) { row ->
if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) {
println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" +
" to ${newVersion}"
row.version = newVersion
Databases: Sql object
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging",
"tuenti_developer", "lalala",
sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
def version = 2
def newVersion = 3
def type = "BUNDLEDEF"
sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition
where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}"""
) { row ->
if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) {
println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" +
" to ${newVersion}"
row.version = newVersion
Databases: Sql object
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging",
"tuenti_developer", "lalala",
sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
def version = 2
def newVersion = 3
def type = "BUNDLEDEF"
sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition
where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}"""
) { row ->
if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) {
println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" +
" to ${newVersion}"
row.version = newVersion
Databases: Sql object
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging",
"tuenti_developer", "lalala",
sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
def version = 2
def newVersion = 3
def type = "BUNDLEDEF"
sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition
where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}"""
) { row ->
if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) {
println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" +
" to ${newVersion}"
row.version = newVersion
Script arguments: CliBuilder
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY')
cli.with {
h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information'
p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080'
d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .'
def opts = cli.parse(args)
if(!opts) return
if( {
def directory = opts.d
def port = opts.port
Script arguments: CliBuilder
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY')
cli.with {
h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information'
p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080'
d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .'
def opts = cli.parse(args)
if(!opts) return
if( {
def directory = opts.d
def port = opts.port
Script arguments: CliBuilder
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY')
cli.with {
h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information'
p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080'
d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .'
def opts = cli.parse(args)
if(!opts) return
if( {
def directory = opts.d
def port = opts.port
Create your own utility classes
Grapes in reusable files
import utils.*
package utils
class PlatformLibs {
static void load() {}
(Script) utils/PlatformLibs.groovy
“Clean” Services Clients
import utils.*
TServiceClient subscriptionService = new TServiceClient(
base: "http://xxxxx/SubscriptionService/")
def statusData = subscriptionService.getSubscriptionStatus([id: 80644970])
println "Result of the call: ${statusData}"
println "Subscription status: ${statusData.status}"
● Generic, equivalent to CURLs
● Using dynamic Groovy features
● Methods of the service are used transparently as if it
were a “real” client interface
“Clean” clients trick
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-
builder', version='0.7')
class TServiceClient {
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
def jsonResult = jsonCall(name, args)
String jsonCall(String name, args) {
def http = getHttpClient()
def json = http.request(POST, JSON) { req ->
body = [
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": callId,
"method": interface + "." + version + "." + name,
"params": [
"params": args,
"gid": gid,
"rid": rid
return json
“Clean” clients trick
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-
builder', version='0.7')
class TServiceClient {
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
def jsonResult = jsonCall(name, args)
String jsonCall(String name, args) {
def http = getHttpClient()
def json = http.request(POST, JSON) { req ->
body = [
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": callId,
"method": interface + "." + version + "." + name,
"params": [
"params": args,
"gid": gid,
"rid": rid
return json
Classes for named access to the
import utils.*
import groovy.sql.*
def chargingService =
def balanceData = chargingService.getBalance([id: 80644970], "es")
Sql chargingDb =
● Easy named access to:
o Databases
o Service clients
o For every environment
Environment helper
package utils
@GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true)
import groovy.sql.Sql
class TuentiEnv {
(... properties with common configuration ...)
static void initConsole() {
Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass
Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics
Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc
Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj ->
(new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() }
Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String
iface = null ->
return new TServiceClient(base: base,
iface: iface)
Environment helper
package utils
@GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true)
import groovy.sql.Sql
class TuentiEnv {
(... properties with common configuration ...)
static void initConsole() {
Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass
Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics
Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc
Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj ->
(new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() }
Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String
iface = null ->
return new TServiceClient(base: base,
iface: iface)
Environment helper
package utils
@GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true)
import groovy.sql.Sql
class TuentiEnv {
(... properties with common configuration ...)
static void initConsole() {
Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass
Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics
Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc
Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj ->
(new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() }
Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String
iface = null ->
return new TServiceClient(base: base,
iface: iface)
Services Console: easily test your
aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh
Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26)
Type ':help' or ':h' for help.
groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole()
===> null
groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es")
===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true]
groovy:000> pretty[id:
===> {
"isAvailable": true,
"lastUpdateTime": 1423501862,
"status": "active"
Services Console: easily test your
aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh
Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26)
Type ':help' or ':h' for help.
groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole()
===> null
groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es")
===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true]
groovy:000> pretty[id:
===> {
"isAvailable": true,
"lastUpdateTime": 1423501862,
"status": "active"
Services Console: easily test your
aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh
Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26)
Type ':help' or ':h' for help.
groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole()
===> null
groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es")
===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true]
groovy:000> pretty[id:
===> {
"isAvailable": true,
"lastUpdateTime": 1423501862,
"status": "active"
Tracking scripts execution
import utils.*
TuScript.track("Say hello to the world”)
println "Hello world!"
● A single line at the beginning of the script
o Logs start-end time and duration of the run (even if it
fails or is killed)
o Without changes in the scripts, it can be used to
register the script execution for monitoring
Tracking scripts execution
class TuScript {
public static void track(String description) {
if (metadata != null) {
} else {
addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() }
metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description)
public static void finishCurrentScript() {
if (metadata != null) {
metadata = null
private static void captureSignal(String signal) {
def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig ->
if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig)
}] as SignalHandler);
Tracking scripts execution
class TuScript {
public static void track(String description) {
if (metadata != null) {
} else {
addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() }
metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description)
public static void finishCurrentScript() {
if (metadata != null) {
metadata = null
private static void captureSignal(String signal) {
def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig ->
if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig)
}] as SignalHandler);
Tracking scripts execution
class TuScript {
public static void track(String description) {
if (metadata != null) {
} else {
addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() }
metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description)
public static void finishCurrentScript() {
if (metadata != null) {
metadata = null
private static void captureSignal(String signal) {
def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig ->
if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig)
}] as SignalHandler);
Split execution in steps
<loooooong SQL>
""") { row ->
void processRow(row) {
println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}"
(... lots and lots of processing ...)
Split execution in steps
<loooooong SQL>
""") { row ->
void processRow(row) {
println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}"
(... lots and lots of processing ...)
Split execution in steps
void step1(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out ->
<loooooong SQL>
""") { row ->
void step2(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.eachRow { out ->
void processRow(row) {
println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}"
(... lots and lots of processing ...)
Split execution in steps
void step1(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out ->
<loooooong SQL>
""") { row ->
void step2(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.eachRow { out ->
void processRow(row) {
println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}"
(... lots and lots of processing ...)
Split execution in steps
void step1(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out ->
<loooooong SQL>
""") { row ->
void step2(String file) {
Dump dump = new Dump(file)
dump.eachRow { out ->
void processRow(row) {
println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}"
(... lots and lots of processing ...)
Same processing code, no changes needed
Running Shell commands
def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute()
def procOutput = new InputStreamReader(
procOutput.eachLine { line ->
println line
println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
Running Shell commands
def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute()
def procOutput = new InputStreamReader(
procOutput.eachLine { line ->
println line
println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
Running Shell commands
def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute()
def procOutput = new InputStreamReader(
procOutput.eachLine { line ->
println line
println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute()
println process.text
def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute()
Running Shell commands
def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute()
def procOutput = new InputStreamReader(
procOutput.eachLine { line ->
println line
println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute()
println process.text
def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute()
def process = 'ls /home/andres/*'.execute()
def process = ['sh', '-c', 'ls /home/andres/*'].execute()
Running Shell commands
def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute()
def procOutput = new InputStreamReader(
procOutput.eachLine { line ->
println line
println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute()
println process.text
def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute()
def process = 'ls /home/andres/*'.execute()
def process = ['sh', '-c', 'ls /home/andres/*'].execute()
def process = 'ls'.execute()
def process = 'ls'.execute([], new File('/home/andres'))
Running Shell commands
class Shell {
File currentDir = new File('.')
final Map environment = [:]
Process run(String command) {
return ['sh', '-c', command].execute(
environment.collect { "${it.key}=${it.value}" },
String runAndGet(String command) {
def proc = run(command)
return proc.text
Shell shell = new Shell(currentDir: new File("/home/andres/temp"))
shell.environment["GREETINGS"] = "Hi!"
print shell.runAndGet('echo $GREETINGS')
print shell.runAndGet("ls i*")
print shell.runAndGet('echo "Hola caracola"')
Running Shell commands
class Shell {
File currentDir = new File('.')
final Map environment = [:]
Process run(String command) {
return ['sh', '-c', command].execute(
environment.collect { "${it.key}=${it.value}" },
String runAndGet(String command) {
def proc = run(command)
return proc.text
Shell shell = new Shell(currentDir: new File("/home/andres/temp"))
shell.environment["GREETINGS"] = "Hi!"
print shell.runAndGet('echo $GREETINGS')
print shell.runAndGet("ls i*")
print shell.runAndGet('echo "Hola caracola"')

Contenu connexe


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Tendances (20)

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Similaire à Groovy scripts with Groovy

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Similaire à Groovy scripts with Groovy (20)

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Groovy scripts with Groovy

  • 2. Restless Java lover Software dinosaur more than 20 years nagging Working at Usual suspect of MadridGUG and MadridJUG
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 8. About Groovy ● Dynamic Language, prepared for scripting ● Runs in the JVM o Lots of Java libraries o Can use the code of our Java services ● Source code “almost” compatible with Java o Main difference: == operator means equals() o If you make your script in Java, it’ll WORK ● Other “cool” features, mainly inspired by Python
  • 12. Mix your Production code with direct accesses to the DB, config, TServices...
  • 13. Hello World (Java, but works also as Groovy) import utils.*; World world = new World(); world.setId("mongo"); world.setName("Mongo"); System.out.println("Hello " + world.getName() + "!"); package utils; public class World { private String id; private String name; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } $GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $GRSCRIPTS/utils/World.groovy
  • 14. Hello World (Groovy style) def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo") println "Hello ${}!" class World { String id String name } $GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $ cd $GRSCRIPTS $ groovy helloworld.groovy Hello Mongo! $
  • 15. Hello World (Groovy style) def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo") println "Hello ${}!" class World { String id String name } $GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $ cd $GRSCRIPTS $ groovy helloworld.groovy Hello Mongo! $
  • 16. Hello World (Groovy style) def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo") println "Hello ${}!" class World { String id String name } $GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $ cd $GRSCRIPTS $ groovy helloworld.groovy Hello Mongo! $
  • 17. Hello World (Groovy style) def world = new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo") println "Hello ${}!" class World { String id String name } $GRSCRIPTS/helloworld.groovy $ cd $GRSCRIPTS $ groovy helloworld.groovy Hello Mongo! $
  • 18. Closures / collections def worlds = [ new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"), new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"), new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland") ] as ArrayList def heroesByWorld = [ mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"], mars: ["John Carter"], wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"] ] heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } println "*** World: ${}" def heroList = worldEntry.value heroList.each { hero -> println hero } }
  • 19. Closures / collections def worlds = [ new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"), new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"), new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland") ] as ArrayList def heroesByWorld = [ mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"], mars: ["John Carter"], wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"] ] heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } println "*** World: ${}" def heroList = worldEntry.value heroList.each { hero -> println hero } }
  • 20. Closures / collections def worlds = [ new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"), new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"), new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland") ] as ArrayList def heroesByWorld = [ mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"], mars: ["John Carter"], wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"] ] heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } println "*** World: ${}" def heroList = worldEntry.value heroList.each { hero -> println hero } }
  • 21. Closures / collections def worlds = [ new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"), new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"), new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland") ] as ArrayList def heroesByWorld = [ mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"], mars: ["John Carter"], wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"] ] heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } println "*** World: ${}" def heroList = worldEntry.value heroList.each { hero -> println hero } }
  • 22. Closures / collections def worlds = [ new World(id: "mongo", name: "Mongo"), new World(id: "mars", name: "Mars"), new World(id: "wonderland", name: "Wonderland") ] as ArrayList def heroesByWorld = [ mongo: ["Flash Gordon", "Prince Barin"], mars: ["John Carter"], wonderland: ["Alice", "Queen of Hearts"] ] heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } println "*** World: ${}" def heroList = worldEntry.value heroList.each { hero -> println hero } }
  • 23. Functions and scope of variables def worlds = [ … ] def heroesByWorld = [ … ] eachWorld { world, heroes -> println "*** World: ${}" heroes.each { hero -> println hero } } void eachWorld(Closure closure) { heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } def heroList = worldEntry.value closure(world, heroList) } }
  • 24. Functions and scope of variables def worlds = [ … ] def heroesByWorld = [ … ] eachWorld { world, heroes -> println "*** World: ${}" heroes.each { hero -> println hero } } void eachWorld(Closure closure) { heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } def heroList = worldEntry.value closure(world, heroList) } }
  • 25. Functions and scope of variables def worlds = [ … ] def heroesByWorld = [ … ] eachWorld { world, heroes -> println "*** World: ${}" heroes.each { hero -> println hero } } void eachWorld(Closure closure) { heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } def heroList = worldEntry.value closure(world, heroList) } }
  • 26. Functions and scope of variables def worlds = [ … ] def heroesByWorld = [ … ] eachWorld { world, heroes -> println "*** World: ${}" heroes.each { hero -> println hero } } void eachWorld(Closure closure) { heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } def heroList = worldEntry.value closure(world, heroList) } }
  • 27. Functions and scope of variables def worlds = [ … ] def heroesByWorld = [ … ] eachWorld { world, heroes -> println "*** World: ${}" heroes.each { hero -> println hero } } void eachWorld(Closure closure) { heroesByWorld.each { worldEntry -> def worldId = worldEntry.key def world = worlds.find { == worldId } def heroList = worldEntry.value closure(world, heroList) } } ● worlds = [ … ] ● @Field def worlds = [ … ] ● @Field List<World> worlds = [ … ]
  • 28. Grape: libraries from Maven repos @Grab(group='org.apache.commons', module='commons-email', version='1.3.3') import org.apache.commons.mail.* def usr, pwd, toAddress = [ … ] println "Creating email object" Email email = new SimpleEmail( hostName: "", smtpPort: 465, authenticator: new DefaultAuthenticator(usr, pwd), SSLOnConnect: true, from: usr, subject: "Groovy mail!", msg: "You're hot and you know it ... :-)" ) email.addTo(toAddress); println "Sending email..." email.send() println "OK"
  • 29. <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <resolvers> <chain name="downloadGrapes"> <filesystem name="cachedGrapes"> <ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy- [revision].xml"/> <artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ [type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/> </filesystem> <ibiblio name="codehaus" root="" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="java.net2" root="" m2compatible="true"/> </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings> Grape: default config
  • 30. <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <resolvers> <chain name="downloadGrapes"> <filesystem name="cachedGrapes"> <ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy- [revision].xml"/> <artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ [type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/> </filesystem> <ibiblio name="codehaus" root="" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="java.net2" root="" m2compatible="true"/> </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings> Grape: default config
  • 31. <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <resolvers> <chain name="downloadGrapes"> <filesystem name="cachedGrapes"> <ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy- [revision].xml"/> <artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ [type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/> </filesystem> <ibiblio name="codehaus" root="" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/> <ibiblio name="java.net2" root="" m2compatible="true"/> </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings> Grape: default config
  • 32. Grape: add your repository <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <credentials host="" realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/> <property name="nexus-root" value=""/> <resolvers> <chain name="downloadGrapes"> <ibiblio name="nexus" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" /> (...) </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings>
  • 33. Grape: add your repository <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <credentials host="" realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/> <property name="nexus-root" value=""/> <resolvers> <chain name="downloadGrapes"> <ibiblio name="nexus" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" /> (...) </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings>
  • 34. Grape: updatable snapshots <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <credentials host="" realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/> <property name="nexus-root" value=""/> <resolvers> <ibiblio name="downloadGrapes" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" /> </resolvers> </ivysettings>
  • 35. Grape: updatable snapshots <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/> <credentials host="" realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/> <property name="nexus-root" value=""/> <resolvers> <ibiblio name="downloadGrapes" root="${nexus-root}" m2compatible="true" /> </resolvers> </ivysettings>
  • 36. Databases: Sql object @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) import groovy.sql.Sql def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging", "tuenti_developer", "lalala", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE def version = 2 def newVersion = 3 def type = "BUNDLEDEF" sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}""" ) { row -> if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) { println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" + " to ${newVersion}" row.version = newVersion } }
  • 37. Databases: Sql object @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) import groovy.sql.Sql def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging", "tuenti_developer", "lalala", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE def version = 2 def newVersion = 3 def type = "BUNDLEDEF" sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}""" ) { row -> if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) { println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" + " to ${newVersion}" row.version = newVersion } }
  • 38. Databases: Sql object @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) import groovy.sql.Sql def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging", "tuenti_developer", "lalala", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE def version = 2 def newVersion = 3 def type = "BUNDLEDEF" sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}""" ) { row -> if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) { println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" + " to ${newVersion}" row.version = newVersion } }
  • 39. Databases: Sql object @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) import groovy.sql.Sql def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/simfonics_charging", "tuenti_developer", "lalala", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") sql.resultSetConcurrency = java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE def version = 2 def newVersion = 3 def type = "BUNDLEDEF" sql.eachRow("""select * from charging_element_definition where version = ${version} and element_type = ${type}""" ) { row -> if (row.element_id.startsWith("PG0.")) { println "Bundle ${row.element_id} version ${row.version}" + " to ${newVersion}" row.version = newVersion } }
  • 40. Script arguments: CliBuilder def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY') cli.with { h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information' p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080' d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .' } def opts = cli.parse(args) if(!opts) return if( { cli.usage() return } def directory = opts.d def port = opts.port (...)
  • 41. Script arguments: CliBuilder def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY') cli.with { h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information' p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080' d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .' } def opts = cli.parse(args) if(!opts) return if( { cli.usage() return } def directory = opts.d def port = opts.port (...)
  • 42. Script arguments: CliBuilder def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'simpleHtmlServer -p PORT -d DIRECTORY') cli.with { h longOpt:'help', 'Usage information' p longOpt:'port',argName:'port', args:1, type:Number.class,'Def is 8080' d longOpt:'dir', argName:'directory', args:1, 'Default is .' } def opts = cli.parse(args) if(!opts) return if( { cli.usage() return } def directory = opts.d def port = opts.port (...)
  • 43. Create your own utility classes
  • 44. Grapes in reusable files import utils.* PlatformLibs.load() (...) package utils @Grab('commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3') @Grab('org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.1') @Grab('...') (...) class PlatformLibs { static void load() {} } (Script) utils/PlatformLibs.groovy
  • 45. “Clean” Services Clients import utils.* TServiceClient subscriptionService = new TServiceClient( base: "http://xxxxx/SubscriptionService/") def statusData = subscriptionService.getSubscriptionStatus([id: 80644970]) println "Result of the call: ${statusData}" println "Subscription status: ${statusData.status}" ● Generic, equivalent to CURLs ● Using dynamic Groovy features ● Methods of the service are used transparently as if it were a “real” client interface
  • 46. “Clean” clients trick @Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http- builder', version='0.7') (...) class TServiceClient { (...) def methodMissing(String name, args) { def jsonResult = jsonCall(name, args) (...) } String jsonCall(String name, args) { def http = getHttpClient() def json = http.request(POST, JSON) { req -> body = [ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": callId, "method": interface + "." + version + "." + name, "params": [ "params": args, "gid": gid, "rid": rid ] ] } return json } }
  • 47. “Clean” clients trick @Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http- builder', version='0.7') (...) class TServiceClient { (...) def methodMissing(String name, args) { def jsonResult = jsonCall(name, args) (...) } String jsonCall(String name, args) { def http = getHttpClient() def json = http.request(POST, JSON) { req -> body = [ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": callId, "method": interface + "." + version + "." + name, "params": [ "params": args, "gid": gid, "rid": rid ] ] } return json } }
  • 48. Classes for named access to the environment import utils.* import groovy.sql.* def chargingService = def balanceData = chargingService.getBalance([id: 80644970], "es") Sql chargingDb = ● Easy named access to: o Databases o Service clients o For every environment
  • 49. Environment helper package utils @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true) @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabExclude('xml-apis:xml-apis') import groovy.sql.Sql class TuentiEnv { (... properties with common configuration ...) static void initConsole() { Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc (...) Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj -> (new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() } Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String iface = null -> return new TServiceClient(base: base, iface: iface) } } }
  • 50. Environment helper package utils @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true) @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabExclude('xml-apis:xml-apis') import groovy.sql.Sql class TuentiEnv { (... properties with common configuration ...) static void initConsole() { Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc (...) Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj -> (new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() } Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String iface = null -> return new TServiceClient(base: base, iface: iface) } } }
  • 51. Environment helper package utils @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true, initContextClassLoader=true) @Grab('mysql:mysql-connector-java') @GrabExclude('xml-apis:xml-apis') import groovy.sql.Sql class TuentiEnv { (... properties with common configuration ...) static void initConsole() { Object.metaClass.tu = TuentiEnv.metaClass Object.metaClass.sim = TuentiEnv.simfonics Object.metaClass.jsc = TuentiEnv.jsc (...) Object.metaClass.pretty = { obj -> (new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(obj)).toPrettyString() } Object.metaClass.tservice = { String base, String iface = null -> return new TServiceClient(base: base, iface: iface) } } }
  • 52. Services Console: easily test your services aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26) Type ':help' or ':h' for help. --------------------------------------------------------------------- groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole() ===> null groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es") ===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true] groovy:000> pretty[id: 80644970]) ===> { "isAvailable": true, "lastUpdateTime": 1423501862, "status": "active" } groovy:000>
  • 53. Services Console: easily test your services aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26) Type ':help' or ':h' for help. --------------------------------------------------------------------- groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole() ===> null groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es") ===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true] groovy:000> pretty[id: 80644970]) ===> { "isAvailable": true, "lastUpdateTime": 1423501862, "status": "active" } groovy:000>
  • 54. Services Console: easily test your services aviedma@dev6:~$ groovysh Groovy Shell (2.2.2, JVM: 1.6.0_26) Type ':help' or ':h' for help. --------------------------------------------------------------------- groovy:000> utils.TuentiEnv.initConsole() ===> null groovy:000>[id: 80644970], "es") ===> [amount:[amountInMillieuros:0], isAvailable:true] groovy:000> pretty[id: 80644970]) ===> { "isAvailable": true, "lastUpdateTime": 1423501862, "status": "active" } groovy:000>
  • 55. Tracking scripts execution import utils.* TuScript.track("Say hello to the world”) println "Hello world!" (...) ● A single line at the beginning of the script o Logs start-end time and duration of the run (even if it fails or is killed) o Without changes in the scripts, it can be used to register the script execution for monitoring
  • 56. Tracking scripts execution class TuScript { public static void track(String description) { if (metadata != null) { finishCurrentScript() } else { addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() } captureSignal("INT") captureSignal("TERM") } metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description) logScriptStart() } public static void finishCurrentScript() { if (metadata != null) { logScriptEnd() } metadata = null } private static void captureSignal(String signal) { def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig -> logSignal(signal) if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig) }] as SignalHandler); } (...)
  • 57. Tracking scripts execution class TuScript { public static void track(String description) { if (metadata != null) { finishCurrentScript() } else { addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() } captureSignal("INT") captureSignal("TERM") } metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description) logScriptStart() } public static void finishCurrentScript() { if (metadata != null) { logScriptEnd() } metadata = null } private static void captureSignal(String signal) { def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig -> logSignal(signal) if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig) }] as SignalHandler); } (...)
  • 58. Tracking scripts execution class TuScript { public static void track(String description) { if (metadata != null) { finishCurrentScript() } else { addShutdownHook { finishCurrentScript() } captureSignal("INT") captureSignal("TERM") } metadata = new ScriptMetadata(description: description) logScriptStart() } public static void finishCurrentScript() { if (metadata != null) { logScriptEnd() } metadata = null } private static void captureSignal(String signal) { def oldHandler = Signal.handle(new Signal(signal), [handle: { sig -> logSignal(signal) if (oldHandler) oldHandler.handle(sig) }] as SignalHandler); } (...)
  • 59. Split execution in steps sql.eachRow(""" <loooooong SQL> """) { row -> processRow(row) } void processRow(row) { println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}" (... lots and lots of processing ...) }
  • 60. Split execution in steps sql.eachRow(""" <loooooong SQL> """) { row -> processRow(row) } void processRow(row) { println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}" (... lots and lots of processing ...) }
  • 61. Split execution in steps void step1(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out -> sql.eachRow(""" <loooooong SQL> """) { row -> out.insert(row) } } } void step2(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.eachRow { out -> processRow(row) } } void processRow(row) { println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}" (... lots and lots of processing ...) }
  • 62. Split execution in steps void step1(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out -> sql.eachRow(""" <loooooong SQL> """) { row -> out.insert(row) } } } void step2(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.eachRow { out -> processRow(row) } } void processRow(row) { println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}" (... lots and lots of processing ...) }
  • 63. Split execution in steps void step1(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.withWriter(fieldNames) { out -> sql.eachRow(""" <loooooong SQL> """) { row -> out.insert(row) } } } void step2(String file) { Dump dump = new Dump(file) dump.eachRow { out -> processRow(row) } } void processRow(row) { println "${}: ${} ${row.surname}" (... lots and lots of processing ...) } Same processing code, no changes needed
  • 64. Running Shell commands def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute() def procOutput = new InputStreamReader( procOutput.eachLine { line -> println line } process.waitFor() println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
  • 65. Running Shell commands def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute() def procOutput = new InputStreamReader( procOutput.eachLine { line -> println line } process.waitFor() println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}"
  • 66. Running Shell commands def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute() def procOutput = new InputStreamReader( procOutput.eachLine { line -> println line } process.waitFor() println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}" def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute() println process.text def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute()
  • 67. Running Shell commands def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute() def procOutput = new InputStreamReader( procOutput.eachLine { line -> println line } process.waitFor() println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}" def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute() println process.text def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute() def process = 'ls /home/andres/*'.execute() def process = ['sh', '-c', 'ls /home/andres/*'].execute()
  • 68. Running Shell commands def process = 'ls /home/andres'.execute() def procOutput = new InputStreamReader( procOutput.eachLine { line -> println line } process.waitFor() println "** Return code: ${process.exitValue()}" def process = 'echo "Hola caracola"'.execute() println process.text def process = ['echo', 'Hola caracola'].execute() def process = 'ls /home/andres/*'.execute() def process = ['sh', '-c', 'ls /home/andres/*'].execute() def process = 'ls'.execute() def process = 'ls'.execute([], new File('/home/andres'))
  • 69. Running Shell commands class Shell { File currentDir = new File('.') final Map environment = [:] Process run(String command) { return ['sh', '-c', command].execute( environment.collect { "${it.key}=${it.value}" }, currentDir) } String runAndGet(String command) { def proc = run(command) proc.waitFor() return proc.text } } Shell shell = new Shell(currentDir: new File("/home/andres/temp")) shell.environment["GREETINGS"] = "Hi!" print shell.runAndGet('echo $GREETINGS') print shell.runAndGet("ls i*") print shell.runAndGet('echo "Hola caracola"')
  • 70. Running Shell commands class Shell { File currentDir = new File('.') final Map environment = [:] Process run(String command) { return ['sh', '-c', command].execute( environment.collect { "${it.key}=${it.value}" }, currentDir) } String runAndGet(String command) { def proc = run(command) proc.waitFor() return proc.text } } Shell shell = new Shell(currentDir: new File("/home/andres/temp")) shell.environment["GREETINGS"] = "Hi!" print shell.runAndGet('echo $GREETINGS') print shell.runAndGet("ls i*") print shell.runAndGet('echo "Hola caracola"')