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Data Structures

    Lab Manual

    Mr. Adeel M. Syed

       Lab 1:                  C++ Review

       Lab 2:                  Implementation of Stack

       Lab 3:                  Recursion

       Lab 4:                  Implementation of Queue

       Lab 5:                  Implementation of Priority Queue

       Lab 6:                  Implementation of Linked List

       Lab 7:                  Application of Linked List

       Lab 8:                  Implementation of Binary Tree

       Lab 9:                  Implementation of Binary Search Tree

       Lab 10:                 Implementation of Graph

       Lab 11:                 Application of Graph

       Lab 12-13:              Using Standard Template Library

       Lab 14-15:              Implementation of Sorting Techniques

       Lab 16:                 Implementation of Searching Techniques

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                            2
Lab 1
                                      C++ Review
Fundamental Data Types
              Category                          Available data types

         Boolean               bool
         Character             char                    signed char     unsigned char
         Signed integer        short                   int             long
         Unsigned integer      unsigned short          unsigned        unsigned long
         Floating point        float                   double          long double

Named Constants
Cannot be changed during program execution

       C style constants:
                 #define zero 0

       C++ style constants:
                const int zero = 0;
                const float PI = 3.14159;

Type Aliases
       typedef float real;

       “real” may now be used in place of “float”

       If more precision (i.e. more digits) needed, can replace this one statement by

               typedef double real;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                            3
Arithmetic Expressions
   Binary operators: , , *, /, %
   Unary operators: +, , ++,  

   Usual precedence rules apply

   Unary operators are right-associative:      ++ X   means ++ (X  )

   Binary operators are left-associative:      A / B * C means (A / B) * C

Relational  Logical Expressions

       Relational operators: , , =, =
       Equality operators: = =, !=
       Logical operators:
       Unary: !
       Binary: , | |

           (5 = = 4)  (a  b)         // false, since 5 != 4
           (5 = = 5) | | (a  b)         // true, since 5 = = 5

Conditional Expressions
       expression ? expression : expression

       Executed like if  else statement, but has a value

                    larger = (A  B) ? A : B;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                 4
       int max1( int X, int Y )
             return (X  Y) ? X : Y;             // result returned as function value

       void max2( int X, int Y, int Larger )
         Larger = (X  Y) ? X : Y;           // result returned by reference

       void max3( int X, int Y, int *Larger )
           *Larger = (X  Y) ? X : Y;         // result returned by pointer

           struct Student
               char name[30];
               int   section;
               float total_points;

           Student class[30];
           Student *ptr = class;

           class[0].name       is the same as ptr- name

       Student Ali = {“Ali Ahmed”, 8, 592.5};

       Structures may be copied with “=”
       Structures may be passed to functions by value
       Structures may be returned from functions
       Structures may be nested
       Arrays of structures may be defined

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                            5
C++ Classes
      The class is the capsule that is used to encapsulate an abstract data type.
      x   A class defines a new data type. You can create many objects of this type.
      x   A class is composed of one or more members.
      x   Members are:
             o   data items (members)
             o   functions (member functions)
      x   Class definition usually placed in an include (.h) file for ease of use.

      A Complex Number Class

 #include iostream
 #include math.h
 using namespace std;

 class Complex
 {     private:
          float re;
          float im;
          Complex(float r,float i) {re = r; im = i;}
          Complex(float r) {re = r; im = 0.0;}
          ~Complex() {};

            double Magnitude() // calculate magnitude
             return sqrt(re*re + Imag()*Imag());   }

             float Real() {return re;}        // return real part
             float Imag() {return im;}        // return imaginary part

             Complex operator+(Complex b)
             {return Complex(re +, im +;}

             Complex operator=(Complex b)
               {re =;im =; return *this;}

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           6
int main()
    Complex a(1.0,1.0);
    Complex *b = new Complex(5.0);
    Complex c(0,0);

     cout  a real =   a.Real()  “ a imaginary = “  a.Imag()  endl;
     cout  b real =   b-Real()  “ b imaginary = “  b-Imag()  endl;

     c = a + (*b);
      cout  c real =   c.Real()  “ c imaginary = “  c.Imag()  endl;

     delete b;
     return 0;

 Add a function to multiply two complex numbers using operator overloading.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                       7
Function Templates
Function templates are special functions that can operate with generic types. This allows
us to create a function template whose functionality can be adapted to more than one type
without repeating the entire code for each type.

In C++ this can be achieved using template parameters. A template parameter is a special
kind of parameter that can be used to pass a type as argument: just like regular function
parameters can be used to pass values to a function, template parameters allow to pass also
types to a function. These function templates can use these parameters as if they were any
other regular type.

The format for declaring function templates with type parameters is:

template class identifier function_declaration;


// function template
#include iostream
using namespace std;

template class T
T GetMax (T a, T b)
  T result;
  result = (ab)? a : b;
  return (result);

int main () {
  int i=5, j=6, k;
  long l=10, m=5, n;
  k=GetMaxint(i, j);
  n=GetMaxlong(l, m);
  cout  k  endl;
  cout  n  endl;
  return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                       8
Class Templates
We also have the possibility to write class templates, so that a class can have members that
use template parameters as types. For example:

template class T
class mypair
   T values [2];
   mypair (T first, T second)
     values[0]=first; values[1]=second;

This class serves to store two elements of any valid type. For example, if we wanted to
declare an object of this class to store two integer values of type int with the values 115
and 36 we would write:

mypairint myobject (115, 36);

this same class would also be used to create an object to store any other type:

mypairdouble myfloats (3.0, 2.18);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           9
Class Template Example 1

#include iostream
using namespace std;

template class T
class mypair
   T a, b;
   mypair (T first, T second)
    {a=first; b=second;}
   T getmax ();

template class T
T mypairT::getmax ()
  T retval;
  retval = ab? a : b;
  return retval;

int main ()
  mypair int myobject (100, 75);
  cout  myobject.getmax();
  return 0;


Add a function to compute minimum of two numbers in the above class.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                           10
Class Template Example 2

#include iostream
using namespace std;

template class T, int N
class mysequence
   T memblock [N];
   void setmember (int x, T value);
   T getmember (int x);

template class T, int N
void mysequenceT,N::setmember (int x, T value)

template class T, int N
T mysequenceT, N::getmember (int x)
  return memblock[x];

int main ()
  mysequence int,5 myints;
  mysequence double,5 myfloats;
  myints.setmember (0,100);
  myfloats.setmember (3, 3.1416);
  cout  myints.getmember(0)  'n';
  cout  myfloats.getmember(3)  'n';
  return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                       11
File Input/Output
       #include fstream                   // C++ file I/O

       Files are classified as containing either text (i.e. characters) or binary data

       May read and write numbers from/to text files: C++ does the necessary translations

   Character Input with fstream

       #include fstream

       ifstream infile;                           // define infile “MyData” );           // open “MyData” file
       if( !infile )
       cout  “Can’t open ”  “MyData”  endl;

       infile  chr;                             // read character from “MyData” file into chr

       infile.close( );                           // close “MyData” file

   Useful Functions for Character Input

       infile.ignore( n );                        // skip next n input characters

       chr = infile.get( );                       // same as infile  chr

       while( infile.get( ) != ‘n’ ) ...         // loop until end of line

       while( infile.get( ) != EOF ) ...          // loop until end of file

       while( infile  chr ) ...                 // loop until end of file

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                             12
Character Output with fstream

       #include fstream

       ofstream outfile( “MyOut” );             // define  open outfile

       outfile  chr;                          // write chr to “MyOut” file

       outfile.put( chr );                      // same as outfile  chr

       outfile.close( );                        // close “MyOut” file

   Numeric I/O with Text File and fstream

   If numeric data is read to/written from a variable of numeric type, then  translates the
   data into the appropriate numeric representation


       If “MyData” file contains

       5280           2.718      3.141592653


       int ftPerMile; float e; double pi;
       infile  ftPerMile  e  pi;

       stores input as int, float, and double

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                         13
Example: To count number of characters in a text file.

       #include iostream
       #include fstream

       using namespace std;

       int main(void)
             ofstream outFile;

               ifstream inFile(fin.txt);

               char ch;
               int count = 0;

                     outFile  ch;
               outFile  nn Character count =   count  endl;


               return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                            14
Lab Exercise 1.1
a) Declare a class named House for a real estate locator service. The following information
should be included:

       Owner: (a string of up to 20 characters)
       Address: (a string of up to 20 characters)
       Bedrooms: (an integer)
       Price (floating point)

b) Declare available to be an array of 100 objects of class House.

c) Write a function to read values into the members of an object of House.

d) Write a driver program to test the data structures and the functions you have developed.

The driver program should read in house entries into the available array. After the code
for entering the data, you should write code to output the data that you have entered to
verify that it is correct.

       Your program should look like this:

       Enter Owner : M. Khan
       Enter Address : G-9, Islamabad
       Number of Bedrooms ? : 4
       Price : 4500000

       Enter another house? N

       The output should look like:

       Owner          Address           Bedrooms          Price
       M. Khan        G-9, Islamabad    4                 4500000

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        15
Extra Credit:

The real estate company is very happy with the program that was developed in the earlier
to track their listings. Now they want to add some features to the processing.
Additional features:

- Search for a house that meets a potential buyer's specifications for the following:
   x The price is not more than a specified amount
   x The size is not less than a specified number of bedrooms
   x The house with lowest price
   x The largest house (with maximum number of bedrooms)
   x In a given city
   x With best ratio price/size
   x The user may enter a ? to indicate no preference.

- Print all the entries that meet the buyer’s need.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                            16
Lab Exercise 1.2
Assume that a file contains the midterm1, midterm2 and final exam scores and names of
students of a class. Write a C++ program to read the input file and produce an output file
containing the original and average scores for each student. Suppose that the weights of
the exams are as follows:

midterm1 – 25%
midterm2 – 25%
final – 50%.

The average score of a student is calculated using the formula:

               0.25 MT 1  0.25 MT 2  0.5 FIN

       #include iostream
       #include fstream

       using namespace std;

       int main ( )
       {     char name[10];
             float mt1, mt2, final, avg;

               ifstream fin ;     //Create file input stream object
               ofstream fout ;    //Create file output stream object

      ( input.dat) ; //Open input file
      ( output.dat);      //Open output file

               while (!fin.eof()) //Read data from input file
                     fin  name  mt1  mt2  final;
                     avg = 0.25*mt1 + 0.25*mt2 + 0.5*final ;
                     fout  name  't'  avg  endl ; //Write result to output file

               fin.close ( ) ;    //Close input file
               fout.close ( ) ;   //Close output file

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                          17
Exercise 1.3

You will write a student grades database program. It will read data of students from a
file and will let the user perform various operations on the data. You will have to store the
student data in an array of objects.

The input file will look like:
Hassan Khan 99 87 90
Sara Nazir 90 98 99
Ali Zaidi 55 43 0
Raza Ahmad 100 100 100

That is:
number of students
number of grades (per student)
Student name grade grade ... grade
Student name grade grade ... grade

Data structure:
You will store all the information in an array of student objects. You may use the
following class definition:

class student {
   char name[30];
   int lab[10];
   float average;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           18
Your program should work as follows:
  x Ask the user for the filename and open the file.
  x Read in the input from the file and store it in the student array.
  x Compute and store an average for every student.
  x Go into a menu loop giving the user the following options:
        1. Print all user names, all grades, and averages.
        2. Find a student and print his/her information.
        3. Quit.

   x For option 1 the user doesn't have to give you any extra information.

   x For option 2, finding a student, your program must ask the user for the name of the
     student he/she wishes to find; read in the name; perform a sequential search for that
     name; and if found, print all that student's info.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                       19
Lab 2
                               Implementation of Stack

Stack ADT Operations
Initialize -- Sets stack to an empty state.

IsEmpty -- Determines whether the stack is currently empty.

IsFull -- Determines whether the stack is currently full.

Push (ItemType newItem) -- Adds newItem to the top of the stack.

Pop (ItemType item) -- Removes the item at the top of the stack and returns it in item.

Implementation of Stack Using Static Array

#define MAX_ITEMS 100
typedef int ItemType;

class Stack {

      Stack ( );                                      // Default constructor.
      int IsEmpty( ) const;
      int IsFull( ) const;
      void Push( ItemType newItem );
      void Pop( ItemType item );                     // item is a copy of removed element.

       int   top;
       ItemType items[MAX_ITEMS];                     // array of ItemType

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                                  20
// Private data members of class:
//              int top;
//              ItemType items[MAX_ITEMS];
#include “stack.h”

Stack::Stack ( )                      // Default Constructor
      top = -1;

int Stack::IsEmpty( ) const
        return ( top == -1 );

int Stack::IsFull( ) const
        return ( top == MAX_ITEMS-1 );

void Stack::Push ( ItemType newItem )
        if (IsFull())
                cout  “Stack Overflow”  endl;
        items[top] = newItem;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                   21
void Stack::Pop ( ItemType item )
        if (IsEmpty())
                cout  “Stack Underflow”  endl;
        item = items[top];

// DRIVER FILE (driver.cpp)

#include iostream
#include stdlib.h
#include “stack.cpp”

using namespace std;

int main()
      Stack s;
      int item;
      for (int i = 0; i  20; i++)
      for (i = 0; i  20; i++)
      {       s.Pop(item);
              cout  item  endl;
      return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                   22
Dynamic Implementation of Stack
Stack Using Class Template and Dynamic Array
x The construct that allows us to create a class of undetermined type is called a template.

x A class template allows the compiler to generate multiple versions of a class type by
  using type parameters.

x The formal parameter appears in the class template definition, and the actual parameter
  appears in the client code. Both are enclosed in pointed brackets,    .

templateclass ItemType
class Stack {

      Stack ( );
      Stack ( int max ); // PARAMETERIZED CONSTRUCTOR
      ~Stack ( ) ;         // DESTRUCTOR . . .
      int IsEmpty( ) const;
      int IsFull( ) const;
      void Push( ItemType newItem );
      void Pop( ItemType item );

       int   top;
       int   maxStack;
       ItemType* items;        // DYNAMIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                       23
#include “stack.h”

templateclass ItemType
StackItemType::Stack( ) //DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR
      maxStack = 500;
      top = -1;
      items = new ItemType[500]; // dynamically allocates array

templateclass ItemType
StackItemType::Stack( int max ) // PARAMETERIZED
      maxStack = max;
      top = -1;
      items = new ItemType[max]; // dynamically allocates array

templateclass ItemType
StackItemType::~Stack( )
      delete [ ] items; // deallocates array

 templateclass ItemType
int StackItemType::IsEmpty( )
       return (top == - 1);

templateclass ItemType
int StackItemType::IsFull( )
       return (top == maxStack - 1);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        24
template class ItemType
void StackItemType::Push (ItemType newItem )
      if (IsFull())
      {      cout  “Stack Overflow”  endl;
      items[top] = newItem;

templateclass ItemType
void StackItemType::Pop (ItemType item )
      if (IsEmpty())
      {      cout  “Stack Underflow”  endl;
      item = items[top];

//----------------Driver Program ------Using Class Template--------------------------------
#include iostream
#include “stack.cpp”
using namespace std;
int main ()
        Stackint IntStack;
        Stackfloat FloatStack;
        int data;
        float val;


       cout  data  endl;

       cout  val  endl;
       return 0;    }

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                             25
Exercise 2

Use the Stack class to solve the following problems:

Infix to Postfix Conversion

       The input for this problem is an infix expression (with or without parenthesis). The
       operand should be single letter digits and valid operators are +, -, * and /. The output
       is the postfix version of the expression.

Postfix Evaluation

       Evaluate a valid postfix expression and display the result.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           26
Lab 3


Recursive Functions
A recursive function is one that calls itself.

Example 1: Calculating a Factorial
Factorials are often used in statistical calculations. The factorial of n, written as n! is equal
to the product of n(n-1)(n-2)...(1). For example 4! is equal to 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24. There is
an obvious way to do this calculation using a loop, but we can also do it recursively.

Let's consider the definition of a factorial in a slightly different way:
   x if n = 0, n! is equal to 1.
   x if n  0, n! is equal to n × ((n-1)!)

An implementation of recursive factorial function

#include iostream
#include conio.h

using namespace std;

int fact(int n)
{ if (n == 0)
          return 1;
          return n * fact(n - 1);

int main( )
        cout  fact(5)  endl;
        return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                             27
Example 2: Reversing the String

This function takes a series of characters and outputs them in reverse order.

#include iostream
#include conio.h

using namespace std;

void rev( )
{ char ch;
  if (ch != 'n')
  { rev();

int main( )
        return 0;

Example 3: Computing the Power
int Power(int X, int N)
     if( N == 0 )
         return 1;
         return Power( X, N-1) * X;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                    28
Example 4: Computing the Ackermann Function
int Ackermann(int m, int n)
         return n+1;
     else if (m0  n==0)
         return Ackermann(m-1,1);
        else if (m0  n0)
                  return Ackermann( m-1, Ackermann(m, n-1));

Exercise 3:
   o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to print numbers from n to 0.
   o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to compute binomial coefficients C(n, k)
     using the recursive definition:
               C(n,n) = 1
               C(n,0) = 1
               C(n,k) = C(n-1, k-1) + C(n-1,k) for (0kn) and n1
   o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to check if a number n is prime. (You have
     to check whether n is divisible by any number below n)

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                    29
Lab 4
                               Implementation of Queue
Queue ADT Operations

-   Initialize -- Sets queue to an empty state.
-   IsEmpty -- Determines whether the queue is currently empty.
-   IsFull -- Determines whether the queue is currently full.
-   Insert (ItemType newItem) -- Adds newItem to the rear of the queue.
-   Remove (ItemType item) -- Removes the item at the front of the queue and returns it
    in item.

Implementation of Queue Using Circular Arrays
x an array Items[0:N-1] consisting of N items
x two indices Front and Rear, that designate positions in the Items array

We can use the following assignments to increment the indices so that they always wrap
around after falling off the high end of the array.
                front = (front + 1) % N
                rear = (rear + 1) % N
#define maxQue 100
typedef int ItemType;
class Queue
                ItemType items[maxQue];
                int front, rear, count;
                Queue ();
                int IsEmpty ();
                int IsFull ();
                void Insert (ItemType newItem);
                void Remove (ItemType item);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                    30
Queue::Queue ()
     count = 0;
     front = 0;
     rear = 0;

int Queue::IsEmpty ()
      return (count == 0);
int Queue::IsFull ()
      return (count == maxQue);

void Queue::Insert (ItemType newItem)
      if (IsFull())
             cout  Over Flow;
      {      items[rear] = newItem;
             rear = (rear + 1) % maxQue;

void Queue::Remove (ItemType item)
      if (IsEmpty())
             cout  Under Flow;
      {      item = Items[front];
             front = (front + 1) % maxQue;

Write a driver program to insert 10 numbers in a queue and then remove and print the

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                     31
Dynamic Implementation of Queue
Queue Using Template and Dynamic Array

templateclass ItemType
class Que {
       Que( );
       Que( int max );      // PARAMETERIZED CONSTRUCTOR
       ~Que( ) ;            // DESTRUCTOR . . .
       int IsFull( ) const;
       int IsEmpty( ) const;
       void Insert( ItemType newItem );
       void Remove( ItemType item );
       int    front;
       int rear;
       int    maxQue;
       int    count;


templateclass ItemType
QueItemType::Que() // Default Constructor
      maxQue = 501;
      front = 0;
      rear = 0;
      count = 0;
      items = new ItemType[maxQue]; // dynamically allocates

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                32
templateclass ItemType
QueItemType::Que( int max )
// PARAMETERIZED Constructor
      maxQue = max + 1;
      front = 0;
      rear = 0;
      count = 0;
      items = new ItemType[maxQue];      // dynamically allocates

templateclass ItemType
QueItemType::~Que( )
      delete [ ] items; // deallocates array

templateclass ItemType
int QueItemType::IsEmpty( ) const
      return (count == 0);

templateclass ItemType
int QueItemType::IsFull( ) const
      return ( count == maxQue );

templateclass ItemType
void QueItemType::Insert( ItemType newItem )
      if (IsFull())
             cout  Over Flow;
      {      items[rear] = newItem;
             rear = (rear + 1) % maxQue;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                        33
templateclass ItemType
void QueItemType::Remove( ItemType item )
      if (IsEmpty())
             cout  Under Flow;
      {      item = items[front];
             front = (front + 1) % maxQue;


Write a driver program to insert 10 numbers in a queue and then remove and print the

Exercise 4

Suppose a deque is represented by an array of N elements. The two ends of the deque are
denoted as left and right and elements always extend from left to right. Using this model of
a deque write four routines insertLeft, removeLeft, insertRight and removeRight to
insert/remove an element to/from the deque from left and right ends. Make sure to check
for overflow and underflow conditions.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        34
Lab 5
                  Implementation of Priority Queue
Sometimes it is not enough just do FIFO ordering. We may want to give some items a
higher priority than other items. These should be serviced before lower priority even if
they arrived later. Such a data structure is called a priority Queue.

Two major ways to implement a priority queue are:
     –insert items in a sorted order and always remove the front
     –insert in unordered order and search list on remove
     –either way, time is same
           •either adding data takes time and removing is quick, or
           •adding data is quick and removing takes time

Use the Queue class to implement the following Priority Queue ADT to handle 10
different priority levels.

The Priority Queue ADT

A Priority Queue, PQ, is a finite collection of items of type T on which following
operations are defined:

1. Initialize the priority queue, PQ, to be the empty priority queue.
2. Determine whether or not the priority queue, PQ, is empty.
3. Determine whether or not the priority queue, PQ, is full.
4. If PQ is not full, insert a new item, X, into the priority queue, PQ, according to its
   priority level.
5. If PQ is not empty, remove from the priority queue, PQ, an item, X, of highest priority
   in PQ.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                      35
Lab 6
                       Implementation of Linked List
#include iostream

using namespace std;

templateclass ItemType
class List
             struct node {
                   ItemType info;
                   struct node *next;
             typedef struct node *NODEPTR;
             NODEPTR listptr;

             ItemType emptyList();
             void insertafter(ItemType oldvalue, ItemType newvalue);
             void deleteItem(ItemType oldvalue);
             void push(ItemType newvalue);
             ItemType pop();

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                36

// Default Constructor that initializes a newly created list to empty list.
templateclass ItemType
       listptr = 0;

// Destructor traverses the nodes of a list, freeing them one by one.
templateclass ItemType
       NODEPTR p, q;
       if (emptyList())
       for (p = listptr, q = p-next; p!=0; p = q, q = p-next)
              delete p;

// searches for the first occurance of oldvalue in the list and inserts a new node with value
newvalue following the node containing oldvalue.
templateclass ItemType
void ListItemType::insertafter(ItemType oldvalue, ItemType newvalue)
       NODEPTR p, q;
       for (p = listptr; p != 0  p-info != oldvalue; p = p-next)

       if (p == 0)
       {      cout   ERROR: value sought is not in the list.;
       q = new node;
       q-info = newvalue;
       q-next = p-next;
       p-next = q;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                          37
// Determines if the list is empty.
templateclass ItemType
ItemType ListItemType::emptyList()
       return (listptr == 0);

// push(newvalue) adds a new node with a given value to the front of the list.//
templateclass ItemType
void ListItemType::push(ItemType newvalue)
       NODEPTR p;
       p = new node;
       p-info = newvalue;
       p-next = listptr;
       listptr = p;

// deletes the first node containing the value oldvalue from the list.
templateclass ItemType
void ListItemType::deleteItem(ItemType oldvalue)
       NODEPTR p, q;
       for (q = 0, p = listptr; p != 0  p-info != oldvalue; q = p, p = p-next)
       if (p == 0)
       {      cout   ERROR: value sought is not in the list.;
       if (q == 0) listptr = p-next;
       else           q-next = p-next;
       delete p;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                         38
// pop deletes the first node of the list and returns its contents. //
templateclass ItemType
ItemType ListItemType::pop()
       NODEPTR p;
       ItemType x;
       if (emptyList())
       {       cout   ERROR: the list is empty.;
       p = listptr;
       listptr = p-next;
       x = p-info;
       delete p;
       return x;

int main()
      Listint l;
      cout  l.pop()endl;
      return 0;

Exercise 6.1
Write a menu driven program to test the linked list class.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                             39
Exercise 6.2
Assume the following specifications of a node of linked structure and the class
  struct Node
     int info;  Node* next;

class LinkedStr
          Node* ptr;
         // Constructor. Initiallize ptr to NULL.

         // Destructor. Remove all the nodes from dynamic memory

         // Create a linked structure of length len pointed to by ptr.
         // The values of the info part are input from the keyboard
         void makeStr(int len);

         // Display all the elements of the linked structure pointed to by ptr on the screen.
         void displayStr();

         // Remove the first element of the linked structure pointed to by ptr.
         // If the structure is empty, do nothing
         void removeFirst();

         // Remove the first element of the linked structure pointed to by ptr.
         // If the structure is empty, do nothing
         void removeLast();

         // Remove the first element of the linked structure with an info field equal to k.
         // If no such element or the list is empty, do nothing
         void remove(int k);

Write the implementation of the class LinkedStr. Write a driver program to test the

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           40
Lab 7
                               Application of Linked List
Polynomial may be represented as a linked list as follows: for every term in the
polynomial there is one entry in the linked list consisting of the term's coefficient and
degree. The entries are ordered according to ASCENDING values of degree; zero-
coefficient terms are not stored. For example, the following polynomial (the symbol '^' is
used to mean 'raised to the power'): 4x^5 - 2x^3 + 2x +3 can be represented as the linked
list of terms: (3,0) - (2,1) - (-2,3) - (4,5) where each term is a (coefficient, degree)
pair. Write a C++ class called Polynomial with the following functionality:
       x Read the polynomials from a file.
       x Addition of two polynomials.
       x Multiplication of two polynomials.
       x Evaluation of a polynomial at a given point.

Sample Output:
    Enter the name of the polynomial file = ptest1
    4.0x^5 + -2.0x^3 + 2.0x + 3.0

       1. ADD polynomial
       2. MULTIPLY polynomial
       3. EVALUATE polynomial
       4. QUIT
            Enter choice # = 1

       Enter the file containing the polynomial to add = ptest2
       8.0x^4 + 4.0x^3 + -3.0x + 9.0
       Sum: 4.0x^5 + 8.0x^4 + 2.0x^3 + -1.0x + 12.0

       1. ADD polynomial
       2. MULTIPLY polynomial
       3. EVALUATE polynomial
       4. QUIT
            Enter choice # = 2
       Enter the file containing the polynomial to multiply = ptest2

       8.0x^4 + 4.0x^3 + -3.0x + 9.0

    Product: 32.0x^9 + 16.0x^8 + -16.0x^7 + -20.0x^6 + 52.0x^5 + 38.0x^4 + -6.0x^3 + -
                                   6.0x^2 + 9.0x + 27.0

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                       41
Lab 8
                    Implementation of Binary Trees

ADT of Binary Tree
ADT BinaryTree

       A finite set of nodes either empty or consisting of a root node, left BinaryTree and
       right BinaryTree.


       BinaryTree ();
       // Creates an empty BinaryTree

       BinaryTree (ElementType info);
       // Creates a single node BinaryTree with information info

       BinaryTree (BinaryTree lbt, ElementType info, BinaryTree rbt);
       // Creates a Binarytree whose left subtree is lbt, whose right subtree is rbt,
       // and whose root node contain info.

       Boolean IsEmpty();
       // If number of elements in the BinaryTree is 0 return TRUE,
       // otherwise return FALSE.

       BinaryTree LChild();
       // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return left subtree of *this

       ElementType Data();
       // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return data in the root node of *this

       BinaryTree RChild();
       // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return right subtree of *this

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                            42
Implicit Static Array Representaion
The n nodes of an almost complete binary tree can be numbered from 1 to n, so that the
number assigned to a left son is twice the number assigned to its father, and number
assigned to a right son is one more than twice the number assigned to its father.

In C++, arrays start from 0; therefore we'll number the nodes from 0 to n-1. The left son of
node at position p is at position 2p+1 and right son is at 2p+2. The root of the tree is at
position 0.

Node Representation

       # define NUMNODES 500

       struct TreeNode
              int info;
              int left, right, father;

       TreeNode BT[NUMNODES];

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        43
Dynamic Representation
       struct Tree Node
              int info;
              TeeNode *left, *right, *father;

       typedef TreeNode *NODEPTR;

If a tree is always traversed from top to bottom, father field is unnecessary.

The maketree() function, which allocates a node and sets it as the root of a single-node
binary tree may be written as:

       NODEPTR maketree (int x)
           NODEPTR p =new TreeNode;
           p o info = x;
           p o left = NULL;
           p o right = NULL;
           return (p);

       The function setleft (p,x) sets a node with contents x as the left son of node(p).

       void setleft (NODEPTR p, int x)
             if (p == NULL)
             cout  “Void Insertion”;
             else if (p o left != NULL)
             cout  “Invalid Insertion”;
             p o left = maketree (x);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           44
Binary Tree Traversals in C++

Three C++ routines pretrav, intrav, and posttrav are given below. The parameter to each
routine is the pointer to the root node of a binary tree.

       void pretrav (NODEPTR tree)
             if (tree != NULL)
             cout  tree o info;    /* visit the root */
             pretrav (tree o left);
             pretrav (tree o right);

       void intrav (NODEPTR tree)
             if (tree != NULL)
             intrav (tree o left);
             cout  tree o info;
             intrav (tree o right);

       void posttrav (NODEPTR tree)
             if (tree != NULL)
             posttrav (tree o left);
             posttrav (tree o right);
             cout  tree o info;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                      45
Lab 9
            Implementation of Binary Search Trees
#include fstream
using namespace std;

template class ItemType 

struct TreeNode {
   ItemType info;            // Data member
   TreeNodeItemType* left; // Pointer to left child
   TreeNodeItemType* right; // Pointer to right child

template class ItemType 

class TreeType {
         TreeType ( );                     // constructor
         ~TreeType ( );                    // destructor
        bool IsEmpty ( ) const;
        bool IsFull ( ) const;
         int NumberOfNodes ( ) const;
         void InsertItem ( ItemType item );
         void DeleteItem (ItemType item );
         void RetrieveItem ( ItemType item, bool found );
         void PrintTree (ofstream outFile) ;
        void PrintHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ofstream outFile ) ;
        void InsertHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item ) ;
 void RetrieveHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item, bool found ) ;
        void DestroyHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr ) ;

      TreeNodeItemType* root;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                              46
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 template class ItemType 
TreeTypeItemType :: TreeType ( )                            // constructor
      root = NULL ;

template class ItemType 
bool TreeTypeItemType :: IsEmpty( ) const
    return ( root == NULL ) ;

template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: RetrieveItem ( ItemType item, bool found )
      RetrieveHelper ( root, item, found ) ;

template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: RetrieveHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr,
ItemType item, bool found)
{ if ( ptr == NULL )
      found = false ;    else if ( item  ptr-info )    // GO LEFT
      RetrieveHelper( ptr-left , item, found ) ;
    else if ( item  ptr-info )                         // GO RIGHT
      RetrieveHelper( ptr-right , item, found ) ;
    { item = ptr-info ;
      found = true ;    }

template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: InsertItem ( ItemType item )
      InsertHelper ( root, item ) ;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                                                 47
template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: InsertHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType
item )
{ if ( ptr == NULL )
    {                              // INSERT item HERE AS LEAF
       ptr = new TreeNodeItemType ;
       ptr-right = NULL ;
       ptr-left = NULL ;
       ptr-info = item ;
    else if ( item  ptr-info )                    // GO LEFT
       InsertHelper( ptr-left , item ) ;
    else if ( item  ptr-info )                    // GO RIGHT
       InsertHelper( ptr-right , item ) ;

template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: PrintTree ( ofstream outFile )
      PrintHelper ( root, outFile ) ;

template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: PrintHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ofstream
outFile )
{ if ( ptr != NULL )
    { PrintHelper( ptr-left , outFile ) ;  // Print left subtree
       outFile  ptr-info ;
       PrintHelper( ptr-right, outFile ) ; // Print right subtree

template class ItemType 
TreeTypeItemType :: ~TreeType ( )            // DESTRUCTOR
    DestroyHelper ( root ) ;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                              48
template class ItemType 
void TreeTypeItemType :: DestroyHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr )
// Post: All nodes of the tree pointed to by ptr are deallocated.
{ if ( ptr != NULL )
       DestroyHelper ( ptr-left ) ;
       DestroyHelper ( ptr-right ) ;
       delete ptr ;    }

// Driver Program

int main ()
      TreeType int tree;
      ofstream out(tree.txt);
      int item = 1;
      bool flag = false;

       for(int i = 0; i  10; i++)


        tree.RetrieveItem(item, flag);
        cout  flag  endl;

       return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                           49
Lab 10
                               Implementation of Graphs
C++ Representation of Graphs
   Suppose that the number of vertices in the graph is constant: that is, edges may be
   added or deleted but vertices may not.

   x A graph with 50 vertices could then be declared as follows:

       #define      MAXVERTEXS 50
       struct vertex
             /* information associated with each vertex */
       struct edge
             int adj;
             /* information associated with each edge */

       class Graph
                    struct vertex vertices[MAXVERTEXS];
                    struct edge edges[MAXVERTEXS][MAXVERTEXS];


       Graph g;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                  50
x Each vertex of the graph is represented by an integer between 0 and MAXVERTEXS-1
  and the array field vertices represents the appropriate information assigned to each

x The array field edges is a two-dimensional array representing every possible ordered
  pair of vertices.

x The value of g.edges[i][j].adj is either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not
  vertex j is adjacent to vertex i.

x The two-dimensional array g.edges[][].adj is called an adjacency matrix. In the case of
  a weighted graph, each edge can also be assigned information.

x Frequently the vertices of a graph are numbered from 0 to MAXVERTEXS-1 and no
  information is assigned to them. Also, we may be interested in the existence of edges
  but not in any weights or other information about them. In such cases the graph could
  be declared simply by


x In effect, the graph is totally described by its adjacency matrix. We present the code for
  the primitive operations just described in the case where a graph is described by its
  adjacency matrix.

       join (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2)
              /* add an edge from vertex1 to vertex2 */
              adj[vertex1][vertex2] = TRUE;

       remv (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2)
            /* delete edge from vertex1 to vertex2 if one exists */
            adj[vertex1][vertex2] = FALSE;

       adjacent (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2)
             return ((adj[vertex1][vertex2]==TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        51
C++ Representation of Weighted Graphs

A weighted graph with a fixed number of vertices may be declared by

       struct edge
             int adj;
             int weight;       };

       struct edge g[MAXVERTEXS][MAXVERTEXS];

   x The routine joinwt, which adds an edge from vertex1 to vertex2 with a given weight
     wt, may be coded as follows:

       void joinwt (struct edge g[] [MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2, int wt)
             g[vertex1][vertex2].adj = TRUE;
             g[vertex1][vertex2].weight = wt;

Exercise 10:
Implement in C++ a class for a Weighted Graph using adjacency matrix representation.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                     52
Lab 11
                               Application of Graphs

Exercise 11: Implement Breadth-First and Depth-First search algorithms for a graph.

Depth-First Search

x We begin by visiting the start vertex v. Next an unvisited vertex w adjacent to v is
  selected, and a depth-first search from w is initiated.

x When a vertex u is reached such that all its adjacent vertices have been visited, we back
  up to the last vertex visited that has an unvisited w adjacent to it and initiates a depth-
  first search from w.

     Boolean visited[n];
     // initially, no vertex has been visited
         for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
             visited[i] = FALSE;
         // start search at vertex 0
         DFS (0);

   DFS (v)
   // Visit all previously unvisited vertices that are reachable from vertex v
       visited[v] = TRUE;
       for (each vertex w adjacent to v)
              if ( !visited[w])

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                         53
Breadth-First Search

x In a breadth-first search, we begin by visiting the start vertex v. Next all unvisited
  vertices adjacent to v are visited.

x Unvisited vertices adjacent to these newly visited vertices are then visited, and so on.

   // A BFS of the graph is carried out starting at vertex v.
   // visited[i] is set to TRUE when v is visited. The algorithm uses a queue.
       Boolean visited[n];
       Queue q;
       // initially, no vertex has been visited
           for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
               visited[i] = FALSE;
       visited[v] = TRUE;
       q.insert(v);           // add vertex v to the queue
       while (!q.IsEmpty())
               v = q.delete();
               for (all vertex w adjacent to v)
               {      if ( !visited[w])
                      {       q.insert(w);
                                  visited[w] = TRUE;

Exercise 11:
Implement the Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm to generate shortest paths for a given
directed graph.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                         54
Lab 12-13
            Using Standard Template Library (STL)

The Standard Library is a fundamental part of the C++ Standard. It provides C++
programmers with a comprehensive set of efficiently implemented tools and facilities that
can be used for most types of applications.

The Standard Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes, algorithms,
and iterators; it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer

The STL is a generic library, meaning that its components are heavily parameterized:
almost every component in the STL is a template.

There are three components that make up STL. These are containers, algorithms, and
iterators. Each will be discussed below.

   1. Containers. Containers embody the data structures supported by STL. It
      accomplishes this by defining a template class for each of these data structures
      There are functions in the classes that allow the efficient manipulation of its
      elements. The following is a list of the containers.
           1. vector - allows us to define dynamic arrays.
           2. deque - doubly ended queues.
           3. queue - supports a queue. Officially not a container - it is an adapter, but we
              can think of it as a container.
           4. list - allows us to create linked lists.
           5. stack - implements a pushdown stack.
           6. maps and multimaps - allows us to create sorted tree structures. This gives us
              quick access to data stored in table form. The data may be accessed using a

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                          55
7. set and multi-set - allows us to organize a set of data in a tree structure.

               Note: Most often used are vectors and maps.

   2. Algorithms. There are a set of algorithms supplied to manipulate data in
      containers. Sort, lower bound (a binary search) and replace are examples of
      algorithms. A good rule: if the container contains a function that does the same
      thing as a function in the algorithms, use the function in the container class.

   3. Iterators. Iterators are a fancy word for pointers. They are pointers relative to
      containers. Because of the structure of the various containers they are not always as
      powerful as the standard C++ pointers.

Example 1:
Let's consider a simple example, one where we wish to create a set of integers and then
shuffle them into random order:

     #include vector
     #include algorithm
     #include iostream
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int main()
          vectorint v;

           for (int i = 0; i  25; i++)

           random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());

           for (int j = 0; j  25; j++)
                 cout  v[j]   ;
           cout  endl;
           return 0;

When run, this program produces output like:
   6 11 9 23 18 12 17 24 20 15 4 22 10 5 1 19 13 3 14 16 0 8 21 2 7

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                             56
STL has different types of containers that are available for holding data, namely vectors,
lists, and deques.

x A vector is like a smart array. You can use [] to efficiently access any element in the
  vector, and the vector grows on demand. But inserting into the middle of a vector is
  expensive, because elements must be moved down, and growing the vector is costly
  because it must be copied to another vector internally.

x A list is like a doubly-linked list that you've used before. Insertion or splicing of
  subsequences is very efficient at any point in the list, and the list doesn't have to be
  copied out. But looking up an arbitrary element is slow.

x A deque classically stands for double-ended queue, but in STL means a combination
  of a vector and a list. Indexing of arbitrary elements is supported, as are list operations
  like efficiently popping the front item off a list.

Example 2.1:
     #include list
     #include algorithm
     #include iostream
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int main()
          listint v;

           for (int i = 0; i  25; i++)

           for (int j = 0; j  25; j++) {
                 cout  v.front()   ;
           cout  endl;
           return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           57
Example 2.2:

     #include algorithm
     #include iostream
     #include deque
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int main()
          dequeint v;

           for (int i = 0; i  25; i++)

           random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());

           for (int j = 0; j  25; j++) {
                 cout  v.front()   ;

           cout  endl;
           return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                     58
Example 2.3:
One more worth mentioning data structure is stack. In STL a stack is based on a vector,
deque, or list. An example of stack usage is:

     #include iostream
     #include stack
     #include list
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int main()
          stackint, listint  stk;

           for (int i = 1; i = 10; i++)

           while (!stk.empty()) {
                cout  endl;
           return 0;

We declare the stack, specifying the underlying type (int), and the sort of list used to
represent the stack (listint).

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           59
Another STL data structure is bit sets, offering space-efficient support for sets of bits.

Example 3:

     #include iostream
     #include bitset
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int main()
          bitset16 b1(1011011110001011);
          bitset16 b2;

           b2 = ~b1;

           for (int i = b2.size() - 1; i = 0; i--)
                 cout  b2[i];
           cout  endl;

           return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           60
Iterators in STL are mechanisms for accessing data elements in containers and for cycling
through lists of elements.

Example 4:

     #include algorithm
     #include vector
     #include iostream
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     const int N = 100;

     int main()
          vectorint iv(N);

           iv[50] = 37;

           vectorint::iterator iter = find(iv.begin(), iv.end(), 37);
           if (iter == iv.end())
                  cout  not foundn;
                  cout  found at   iter - iv.begin()  n;

           return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                      61
STL also contains some algorithms for operating on ordered sets of data, illustrated by a
simple example:

Example 5:

     #include iostream
     #include algorithm
     #include vector
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int set1[] = {1, 2, 3};
     int set2[] = {2, 3, 4};
     vectorint set3(10);

     int main()
          vectorint::iterator first = set3.begin();

             vectorint::iterator last =
               set_union(set1, set1 + 3, set2, set2 + 3, first);

             while (first != last) {
                  cout  *first   ;
             cout  endl;

             return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        62
The fill() function fills a data structure with a specified value:

Example 6:

     #include algorithm
     #include iostream
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int vec1[10];
     int vec2[10];

     int main()
          fill(vec1, vec1 + 10, -1);
          for (int i = 0; i  10; i++)
                cout  vec1[i]   ;
          cout  endl;

           fill_n(vec2, 5, -1);
           for (int j = 0; j  10; j++)
                 cout  vec2[j]   ;
           cout  endl;

           return 0;

fill() fills according to the specified iterator range, while fill_n() fills a specified number of
locations based on a starting iterator and a count. The results of running this program are:

     -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
     -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                              63
Another simple algorithm that STL makes available is accumulation, for example
summing a set of numeric values. An example of this would be:

Example 7:

     #include iostream
     #include numeric
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     int vec[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

     int main()
          int sum = accumulate(vec, vec + 5, 0);

           cout  sum  endl;

           int prod = accumulate(vec, vec + 5, 1, timesint());

           cout  prod  endl;

           return 0;

In this example, we specify iterators for a vector of integers, along with an initial value (0)
for doing the summation.

By default, the + operator is applied to the values in turn. Other operators can be used,
for example * in the second example. In this case the starting value is 1 rather than 0.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                           64
Lab 14-15
              Implementation of Sorting Techniques
The main objective of this lab is to compare the efficiency of different sorting
techniques we have studied in the course.

Implement the following sorting techniques and count number of comparisons and

       1)   Bubble Sort
       2)   Selection Sort
       3)   Insertion Sort
       4)   Heap Sort

x Run all the above techniques for the following values of N. Generate input data
  randomly and vary the input size N as below:

       N = 10, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000

x   Present your results in tabular and graphical (line graph) form. The tabulated output
    should have the following form:

        N         Bubble Sort      Selection Sort    Insertion Sort   Heap Sort
                  Comp.    Exch.   Comp.      Comp   Exch. Exch.      Comp. Exch.

Extra Credit Task:

       Compute the actual execution time by reading the system clock.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        65
Bubble Sort
void Bubble( int x[], int n)
      int hold, j, pass;
      int switched = TRUE;
      for (pass = 0; pass  n-1  switched == TRUE; pass++)
      {      // outer loop controls the number of passes
             switched = FALSE;

               for ( j = 0; j  n-pass-1; j++)
                       // inner loop controls each individual pass

                      if (x[j]  x [j+1])      // elements out of order
                              switched = TRUE;
                              hold = x[j];     // interchange j and j+1
                              x[j] = x [j+1];
                              x[j+1] = hold;

                     } // end if
              } // end inner for loop
       } // end outer for loop
} // end Bubble

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                              66
Insertion Sort

       insertionsort (int x[], int n)
             int j, k, y;
             /* initially x[0] may be thought of as a sorted file of one element. After each
             repetition of the following loop, the elements x[0] through x[k] are in order */

               for (k=1; kn; k++)
                      /* insert x[k] into sorted file */
                      y = x[k];
                      /* move down all elements greater than y */
                      for (j=k-1; j=0  yx[j]; j++)
                             x[j+1] = x[j];
                      /* insert y at proper position */
                      x[j+1] = y;

Selection Sort
void Selectionsort(int x[], int n)
      int key;
      for(int a=0; a  n; a++)
      {      key=a;
             for(int b=a+1; b  n; b++)
                    if(x[b]  x[key]) key=b;
                    if (key  a)
                    {      int temp = x[a];
                           x[a] = x[key];
                           x[key] = temp;

Heap Sort
Use STL to implement Heap sort.

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                         67
Sorting using STL
We will now start discussing some of the actual STL algorithms that can be applied to data
structures. One of these is sorting.


Consider a simple example of a String class, and a vector of Strings:

     #include vector
     #include algorithm
     #include iostream
     #include assert
     #include string
     #include conio.h

     using namespace std;

     class String {
          char* str;
                str = 0;
          String(char* s)
                str = strdup(s);
          int operator(const String s) const
                return strcmp(str, s.str)  0;
          operator char*()
                return str;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                      68
char* list[] = {epsilon, omega, theta, rho,
          alpha, beta, phi, gamma, delta};

     const int N = sizeof(list) / sizeof(char*);

     int main()
          int i, j;

           vectorString v;

           for (i = 0; i  N; i++)

           random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());

           for (j = 0; j  N; j++)
                 cout  v[j]   ;
           cout  endl;

           sort(v.begin(), v.end());

           for (j = 0; j  N; j++)
                 cout  v[j]   ;
           cout  endl;

           return 0;

Output looks like:

     phi delta beta theta omega alpha rho gamma epsilon
     alpha beta delta epsilon gamma omega phi rho theta

Data Structures Lab Handouts                               69
Computing Execution Time

#include iostream
#include time.h
#include conio.h

using namespace std;

int main ()
  time_t start,end;
  char szInput [25];
  double dif;

    time (start);
    cout  Please, enter your name: ;
    cin szInput;
    time (end);
    dif = difftime (end,start);
    cout Hi  szInput ;
    cout   It took you  dif  seconds to type your name. endl;

    return 0;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                70
Lab 16

             Implementation of Searching Techniques
The main objective of this lab is to compare the efficiency of different searching
techniques we have studied in the course.

Implement the following searching techniques and count number of comparisons for
successful and unsuccessful search.

       1. Sequential Search
       2. Binary Search

                  N            Sequential Search           Binary Search
                           Successful Unsuccessful   Successful Unsuccessful

Sequential Search
       int Sequential( int x[], n, key)
               for (int i = 0; i n; i++)
                      if (key == x[i]) return (i);
               return (-1);

Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                   71
Binary Search
       int Binary( int x[], n, key)
              int low = 0;
              int hi = n-1;

               while (low = hi)
                      int mid = (low + hi) / 2;
                      if (key == x[mid])
                             return (mid);
                      if (key  x[mid])
                             hi = mid – 1;
                             low = mid + 1;
               return –1;

Data Structures Lab Handouts                      72
Searching using STL: MAPS
A map is something like an associative array or hash table, in that each element consists of
a key and an associated value. A map must have unique keys, whereas with a multimap
keys may be duplicated.


To see how maps work, let's look at a simple application that counts word frequency.
Words are input one per line and the total count of each is output.

       #include iostream
       #include string
       #include map
       #include conio.h

       using namespace std;

       int main()
            typedef mapstring, long, lessstring  MAP;

           MAP counter;

           char buf[256];

           while (cin  buf)

           MAP::iterator it = counter.begin();

           while (it != counter.end()) {
                cout  (*it).first     (*it).second  endl;

           return 0;


Data Structures Lab Handouts                                                        73

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Ds lab handouts

  • 1. Data Structures CSC-206 Lab Manual Instructor Mr. Adeel M. Syed
  • 2. Contents Lab 1: C++ Review Lab 2: Implementation of Stack Lab 3: Recursion Lab 4: Implementation of Queue Lab 5: Implementation of Priority Queue Lab 6: Implementation of Linked List Lab 7: Application of Linked List Lab 8: Implementation of Binary Tree Lab 9: Implementation of Binary Search Tree Lab 10: Implementation of Graph Lab 11: Application of Graph Lab 12-13: Using Standard Template Library Lab 14-15: Implementation of Sorting Techniques Lab 16: Implementation of Searching Techniques Data Structures Lab Handouts 2
  • 3. Lab 1 C++ Review Fundamental Data Types Category Available data types Boolean bool Character char signed char unsigned char Signed integer short int long Unsigned integer unsigned short unsigned unsigned long Floating point float double long double Named Constants Cannot be changed during program execution C style constants: #define zero 0 C++ style constants: const int zero = 0; const float PI = 3.14159; Type Aliases typedef float real; “real” may now be used in place of “float” If more precision (i.e. more digits) needed, can replace this one statement by typedef double real; Data Structures Lab Handouts 3
  • 4. Arithmetic Expressions Binary operators: , , *, /, % Unary operators: +, , ++, Usual precedence rules apply Unary operators are right-associative: ++ X means ++ (X ) Binary operators are left-associative: A / B * C means (A / B) * C Relational Logical Expressions Relational operators: , , =, = Equality operators: = =, != Logical operators: Unary: ! Binary: , | | Examples: (5 = = 4) (a b) // false, since 5 != 4 (5 = = 5) | | (a b) // true, since 5 = = 5 Conditional Expressions expression ? expression : expression Executed like if else statement, but has a value Example: larger = (A B) ? A : B; Data Structures Lab Handouts 4
  • 5. Functions int max1( int X, int Y ) { return (X Y) ? X : Y; // result returned as function value } void max2( int X, int Y, int Larger ) { Larger = (X Y) ? X : Y; // result returned by reference } void max3( int X, int Y, int *Larger ) { *Larger = (X Y) ? X : Y; // result returned by pointer } Structures struct Student { char name[30]; int section; float total_points; }; Student class[30]; Student *ptr = class; class[0].name is the same as ptr- name Initialization: Student Ali = {“Ali Ahmed”, 8, 592.5}; Structures may be copied with “=” Structures may be passed to functions by value Structures may be returned from functions Structures may be nested Arrays of structures may be defined Data Structures Lab Handouts 5
  • 6. C++ Classes The class is the capsule that is used to encapsulate an abstract data type. x A class defines a new data type. You can create many objects of this type. x A class is composed of one or more members. x Members are: o data items (members) o functions (member functions) x Class definition usually placed in an include (.h) file for ease of use. A Complex Number Class #include iostream #include math.h using namespace std; class Complex { private: float re; float im; public: Complex(float r,float i) {re = r; im = i;} Complex(float r) {re = r; im = 0.0;} ~Complex() {}; double Magnitude() // calculate magnitude { return sqrt(re*re + Imag()*Imag()); } float Real() {return re;} // return real part float Imag() {return im;} // return imaginary part Complex operator+(Complex b) {return Complex(re +, im +;} Complex operator=(Complex b) {re =;im =; return *this;} }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 6
  • 7. int main() { Complex a(1.0,1.0); Complex *b = new Complex(5.0); Complex c(0,0); cout a real = a.Real() “ a imaginary = “ a.Imag() endl; cout b real = b-Real() “ b imaginary = “ b-Imag() endl; c = a + (*b); cout c real = c.Real() “ c imaginary = “ c.Imag() endl; delete b; return 0; } Exercise: Add a function to multiply two complex numbers using operator overloading. Data Structures Lab Handouts 7
  • 8. Function Templates Function templates are special functions that can operate with generic types. This allows us to create a function template whose functionality can be adapted to more than one type without repeating the entire code for each type. In C++ this can be achieved using template parameters. A template parameter is a special kind of parameter that can be used to pass a type as argument: just like regular function parameters can be used to pass values to a function, template parameters allow to pass also types to a function. These function templates can use these parameters as if they were any other regular type. The format for declaring function templates with type parameters is: template class identifier function_declaration; Example: // function template #include iostream using namespace std; template class T T GetMax (T a, T b) { T result; result = (ab)? a : b; return (result); } int main () { int i=5, j=6, k; long l=10, m=5, n; k=GetMaxint(i, j); n=GetMaxlong(l, m); cout k endl; cout n endl; return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 8
  • 9. Class Templates We also have the possibility to write class templates, so that a class can have members that use template parameters as types. For example: template class T class mypair { T values [2]; public: mypair (T first, T second) { values[0]=first; values[1]=second; } }; This class serves to store two elements of any valid type. For example, if we wanted to declare an object of this class to store two integer values of type int with the values 115 and 36 we would write: mypairint myobject (115, 36); this same class would also be used to create an object to store any other type: mypairdouble myfloats (3.0, 2.18); Data Structures Lab Handouts 9
  • 10. Class Template Example 1 #include iostream using namespace std; template class T class mypair { T a, b; public: mypair (T first, T second) {a=first; b=second;} T getmax (); }; template class T T mypairT::getmax () { T retval; retval = ab? a : b; return retval; } int main () { mypair int myobject (100, 75); cout myobject.getmax(); return 0; } Exercise: Add a function to compute minimum of two numbers in the above class. Data Structures Lab Handouts 10
  • 11. Class Template Example 2 #include iostream using namespace std; template class T, int N class mysequence { T memblock [N]; public: void setmember (int x, T value); T getmember (int x); }; template class T, int N void mysequenceT,N::setmember (int x, T value) { memblock[x]=value; } template class T, int N T mysequenceT, N::getmember (int x) { return memblock[x]; } int main () { mysequence int,5 myints; mysequence double,5 myfloats; myints.setmember (0,100); myfloats.setmember (3, 3.1416); cout myints.getmember(0) 'n'; cout myfloats.getmember(3) 'n'; return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 11
  • 12. File Input/Output #include fstream // C++ file I/O Files are classified as containing either text (i.e. characters) or binary data May read and write numbers from/to text files: C++ does the necessary translations Character Input with fstream #include fstream ifstream infile; // define infile “MyData” ); // open “MyData” file if( !infile ) cout “Can’t open ” “MyData” endl; infile chr; // read character from “MyData” file into chr infile.close( ); // close “MyData” file Useful Functions for Character Input infile.ignore( n ); // skip next n input characters chr = infile.get( ); // same as infile chr while( infile.get( ) != ‘n’ ) ... // loop until end of line while( infile.get( ) != EOF ) ... // loop until end of file while( infile chr ) ... // loop until end of file Data Structures Lab Handouts 12
  • 13. Character Output with fstream #include fstream ofstream outfile( “MyOut” ); // define open outfile outfile chr; // write chr to “MyOut” file outfile.put( chr ); // same as outfile chr outfile.close( ); // close “MyOut” file Numeric I/O with Text File and fstream If numeric data is read to/written from a variable of numeric type, then translates the data into the appropriate numeric representation Example: If “MyData” file contains 5280 2.718 3.141592653 Then int ftPerMile; float e; double pi; infile ftPerMile e pi; stores input as int, float, and double Data Structures Lab Handouts 13
  • 14. Example: To count number of characters in a text file. #include iostream #include fstream using namespace std; int main(void) { ofstream outFile;; ifstream inFile(fin.txt); char ch; int count = 0; while(inFile.get(ch)) { outFile ch; count++; } outFile nn Character count = count endl; inFile.close(); outFile.close(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 14
  • 15. Lab Exercise 1.1 a) Declare a class named House for a real estate locator service. The following information should be included: Owner: (a string of up to 20 characters) Address: (a string of up to 20 characters) Bedrooms: (an integer) Price (floating point) b) Declare available to be an array of 100 objects of class House. c) Write a function to read values into the members of an object of House. d) Write a driver program to test the data structures and the functions you have developed. The driver program should read in house entries into the available array. After the code for entering the data, you should write code to output the data that you have entered to verify that it is correct. Your program should look like this: Enter Owner : M. Khan Enter Address : G-9, Islamabad Number of Bedrooms ? : 4 Price : 4500000 Enter another house? N The output should look like: Owner Address Bedrooms Price M. Khan G-9, Islamabad 4 4500000 Data Structures Lab Handouts 15
  • 16. Extra Credit: The real estate company is very happy with the program that was developed in the earlier to track their listings. Now they want to add some features to the processing. Additional features: - Search for a house that meets a potential buyer's specifications for the following: x The price is not more than a specified amount x The size is not less than a specified number of bedrooms x The house with lowest price x The largest house (with maximum number of bedrooms) x In a given city x With best ratio price/size x The user may enter a ? to indicate no preference. - Print all the entries that meet the buyer’s need. Data Structures Lab Handouts 16
  • 17. Lab Exercise 1.2 Assume that a file contains the midterm1, midterm2 and final exam scores and names of students of a class. Write a C++ program to read the input file and produce an output file containing the original and average scores for each student. Suppose that the weights of the exams are as follows: midterm1 – 25% midterm2 – 25% final – 50%. The average score of a student is calculated using the formula: 0.25 MT 1 0.25 MT 2 0.5 FIN Solution: #include iostream #include fstream using namespace std; int main ( ) { char name[10]; float mt1, mt2, final, avg; ifstream fin ; //Create file input stream object ofstream fout ; //Create file output stream object ( input.dat) ; //Open input file ( output.dat); //Open output file while (!fin.eof()) //Read data from input file { fin name mt1 mt2 final; avg = 0.25*mt1 + 0.25*mt2 + 0.5*final ; fout name 't' avg endl ; //Write result to output file } fin.close ( ) ; //Close input file fout.close ( ) ; //Close output file } Data Structures Lab Handouts 17
  • 18. Exercise 1.3 You will write a student grades database program. It will read data of students from a file and will let the user perform various operations on the data. You will have to store the student data in an array of objects. Input: The input file will look like: 4 3 Hassan Khan 99 87 90 Sara Nazir 90 98 99 Ali Zaidi 55 43 0 Raza Ahmad 100 100 100 That is: number of students number of grades (per student) Student name grade grade ... grade Student name grade grade ... grade Data structure: You will store all the information in an array of student objects. You may use the following class definition: class student { private: char name[30]; int lab[10]; float average; public: . . . }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 18
  • 19. Your program should work as follows: x Ask the user for the filename and open the file. x Read in the input from the file and store it in the student array. x Compute and store an average for every student. x Go into a menu loop giving the user the following options: 1. Print all user names, all grades, and averages. 2. Find a student and print his/her information. 3. Quit. x For option 1 the user doesn't have to give you any extra information. x For option 2, finding a student, your program must ask the user for the name of the student he/she wishes to find; read in the name; perform a sequential search for that name; and if found, print all that student's info. Data Structures Lab Handouts 19
  • 20. Lab 2 Implementation of Stack Stack ADT Operations Initialize -- Sets stack to an empty state. IsEmpty -- Determines whether the stack is currently empty. IsFull -- Determines whether the stack is currently full. Push (ItemType newItem) -- Adds newItem to the top of the stack. Pop (ItemType item) -- Removes the item at the top of the stack and returns it in item. Implementation of Stack Using Static Array //---------------------------------------------------------- // SPECIFICATION FILE (stack.h) //---------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_ITEMS 100 typedef int ItemType; class Stack { public: Stack ( ); // Default constructor. int IsEmpty( ) const; int IsFull( ) const; void Push( ItemType newItem ); void Pop( ItemType item ); // item is a copy of removed element. private: int top; ItemType items[MAX_ITEMS]; // array of ItemType }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 20
  • 21. //------------------------------------------------------- // IMPLEMENTATION FILE (stack.cpp) //------------------------------------------------------ // Private data members of class: // int top; // ItemType items[MAX_ITEMS]; //------------------------------------------------------- #include “stack.h” Stack::Stack ( ) // Default Constructor { top = -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------- int Stack::IsEmpty( ) const { return ( top == -1 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------- int Stack::IsFull( ) const { return ( top == MAX_ITEMS-1 ); } //---------------------------------------------------------- void Stack::Push ( ItemType newItem ) { if (IsFull()) { cout “Stack Overflow” endl; exit(1); } top++; items[top] = newItem; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 21
  • 22. //---------------------------------------------------------- void Stack::Pop ( ItemType item ) { if (IsEmpty()) { cout “Stack Underflow” endl; exit(1); } item = items[top]; top--; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // DRIVER FILE (driver.cpp) //---------------------------------------------------------- #include iostream #include stdlib.h #include “stack.cpp” using namespace std; int main() { Stack s; int item; for (int i = 0; i 20; i++) s.Push(i); for (i = 0; i 20; i++) { s.Pop(item); cout item endl; } return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 22
  • 23. Dynamic Implementation of Stack Stack Using Class Template and Dynamic Array x The construct that allows us to create a class of undetermined type is called a template. x A class template allows the compiler to generate multiple versions of a class type by using type parameters. x The formal parameter appears in the class template definition, and the actual parameter appears in the client code. Both are enclosed in pointed brackets, . templateclass ItemType class Stack { public: Stack ( ); Stack ( int max ); // PARAMETERIZED CONSTRUCTOR ~Stack ( ) ; // DESTRUCTOR . . . int IsEmpty( ) const; int IsFull( ) const; void Push( ItemType newItem ); void Pop( ItemType item ); private: int top; int maxStack; ItemType* items; // DYNAMIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 23
  • 24. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS TEMPLATE IMPLEMENTATION FILE (stack.cpp) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include “stack.h” templateclass ItemType StackItemType::Stack( ) //DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR { maxStack = 500; top = -1; items = new ItemType[500]; // dynamically allocates array } templateclass ItemType StackItemType::Stack( int max ) // PARAMETERIZED { maxStack = max; top = -1; items = new ItemType[max]; // dynamically allocates array } templateclass ItemType StackItemType::~Stack( ) { delete [ ] items; // deallocates array } templateclass ItemType int StackItemType::IsEmpty( ) { return (top == - 1); } templateclass ItemType int StackItemType::IsFull( ) { return (top == maxStack - 1); } Data Structures Lab Handouts 24
  • 25. template class ItemType void StackItemType::Push (ItemType newItem ) { if (IsFull()) { cout “Stack Overflow” endl; exit(1); } top++; items[top] = newItem; } templateclass ItemType void StackItemType::Pop (ItemType item ) { if (IsEmpty()) { cout “Stack Underflow” endl; exit(1); } item = items[top]; top--; } //----------------Driver Program ------Using Class Template-------------------------------- #include iostream #include “stack.cpp” using namespace std; int main () { Stackint IntStack; Stackfloat FloatStack; int data; float val; IntStack.Push(35); FloatStack.Push(3.1415927); IntStack.Pop(data); cout data endl; FloatStack.Pop(val); cout val endl; return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 25
  • 26. Exercise 2 Use the Stack class to solve the following problems: Infix to Postfix Conversion The input for this problem is an infix expression (with or without parenthesis). The operand should be single letter digits and valid operators are +, -, * and /. The output is the postfix version of the expression. Postfix Evaluation Evaluate a valid postfix expression and display the result. Data Structures Lab Handouts 26
  • 27. Lab 3 Recursion Recursive Functions A recursive function is one that calls itself. Example 1: Calculating a Factorial Factorials are often used in statistical calculations. The factorial of n, written as n! is equal to the product of n(n-1)(n-2)...(1). For example 4! is equal to 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24. There is an obvious way to do this calculation using a loop, but we can also do it recursively. Let's consider the definition of a factorial in a slightly different way: x if n = 0, n! is equal to 1. x if n 0, n! is equal to n × ((n-1)!) An implementation of recursive factorial function #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; int fact(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return n * fact(n - 1); } int main( ) { cout fact(5) endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 27
  • 28. Example 2: Reversing the String This function takes a series of characters and outputs them in reverse order. #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; void rev( ) { char ch; cin.get(ch); if (ch != 'n') { rev(); cout.put(ch); } } int main( ) { rev(); getch(); return 0; } Example 3: Computing the Power int Power(int X, int N) { if( N == 0 ) return 1; else return Power( X, N-1) * X; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 28
  • 29. Example 4: Computing the Ackermann Function int Ackermann(int m, int n) { if(m==0) return n+1; else if (m0 n==0) return Ackermann(m-1,1); else if (m0 n0) return Ackermann( m-1, Ackermann(m, n-1)); } Exercise 3: o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to print numbers from n to 0. o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to compute binomial coefficients C(n, k) using the recursive definition: C(n,n) = 1 C(n,0) = 1 C(n,k) = C(n-1, k-1) + C(n-1,k) for (0kn) and n1 o Write a function in C++ using Recursion to check if a number n is prime. (You have to check whether n is divisible by any number below n) Data Structures Lab Handouts 29
  • 30. Lab 4 Implementation of Queue Queue ADT Operations - Initialize -- Sets queue to an empty state. - IsEmpty -- Determines whether the queue is currently empty. - IsFull -- Determines whether the queue is currently full. - Insert (ItemType newItem) -- Adds newItem to the rear of the queue. - Remove (ItemType item) -- Removes the item at the front of the queue and returns it in item. Implementation of Queue Using Circular Arrays Given x an array Items[0:N-1] consisting of N items x two indices Front and Rear, that designate positions in the Items array We can use the following assignments to increment the indices so that they always wrap around after falling off the high end of the array. front = (front + 1) % N rear = (rear + 1) % N //-------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS DEFINITION FOR QUEUE //-------------------------------------------------------- #define maxQue 100 typedef int ItemType; class Queue { private: ItemType items[maxQue]; int front, rear, count; public: Queue (); int IsEmpty (); int IsFull (); void Insert (ItemType newItem); void Remove (ItemType item); }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 30
  • 31. Queue::Queue () { count = 0; front = 0; rear = 0; } int Queue::IsEmpty () { return (count == 0); } int Queue::IsFull () { return (count == maxQue); } void Queue::Insert (ItemType newItem) { if (IsFull()) cout Over Flow; else { items[rear] = newItem; rear = (rear + 1) % maxQue; ++count; } } void Queue::Remove (ItemType item) { if (IsEmpty()) cout Under Flow; else { item = Items[front]; front = (front + 1) % maxQue; --count; } } Exercise: Write a driver program to insert 10 numbers in a queue and then remove and print the numbers. Data Structures Lab Handouts 31
  • 32. Dynamic Implementation of Queue Queue Using Template and Dynamic Array //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS TEMPLATE DEFINITION FOR QUEUE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- templateclass ItemType class Que { public: Que( ); Que( int max ); // PARAMETERIZED CONSTRUCTOR ~Que( ) ; // DESTRUCTOR . . . int IsFull( ) const; int IsEmpty( ) const; void Insert( ItemType newItem ); void Remove( ItemType item ); privat int front; int rear; int maxQue; int count; ItemType* items; // DYNAMIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS TEMPLATE IMPLEMENTATION //----------------------------------------------------------------------- templateclass ItemType QueItemType::Que() // Default Constructor { maxQue = 501; front = 0; rear = 0; count = 0; items = new ItemType[maxQue]; // dynamically allocates } Data Structures Lab Handouts 32
  • 33. templateclass ItemType QueItemType::Que( int max ) // PARAMETERIZED Constructor { maxQue = max + 1; front = 0; rear = 0; count = 0; items = new ItemType[maxQue]; // dynamically allocates } templateclass ItemType QueItemType::~Que( ) { delete [ ] items; // deallocates array } templateclass ItemType int QueItemType::IsEmpty( ) const { return (count == 0); } templateclass ItemType int QueItemType::IsFull( ) const { return ( count == maxQue ); } templateclass ItemType void QueItemType::Insert( ItemType newItem ) { if (IsFull()) cout Over Flow; else { items[rear] = newItem; rear = (rear + 1) % maxQue; ++count; } } Data Structures Lab Handouts 33
  • 34. templateclass ItemType void QueItemType::Remove( ItemType item ) { if (IsEmpty()) cout Under Flow; else { item = items[front]; front = (front + 1) % maxQue; --count; } } Write a driver program to insert 10 numbers in a queue and then remove and print the numbers. Exercise 4 Suppose a deque is represented by an array of N elements. The two ends of the deque are denoted as left and right and elements always extend from left to right. Using this model of a deque write four routines insertLeft, removeLeft, insertRight and removeRight to insert/remove an element to/from the deque from left and right ends. Make sure to check for overflow and underflow conditions. Data Structures Lab Handouts 34
  • 35. Lab 5 Implementation of Priority Queue Sometimes it is not enough just do FIFO ordering. We may want to give some items a higher priority than other items. These should be serviced before lower priority even if they arrived later. Such a data structure is called a priority Queue. Two major ways to implement a priority queue are: –insert items in a sorted order and always remove the front –insert in unordered order and search list on remove –either way, time is same •either adding data takes time and removing is quick, or •adding data is quick and removing takes time Use the Queue class to implement the following Priority Queue ADT to handle 10 different priority levels. The Priority Queue ADT A Priority Queue, PQ, is a finite collection of items of type T on which following operations are defined: 1. Initialize the priority queue, PQ, to be the empty priority queue. 2. Determine whether or not the priority queue, PQ, is empty. 3. Determine whether or not the priority queue, PQ, is full. 4. If PQ is not full, insert a new item, X, into the priority queue, PQ, according to its priority level. 5. If PQ is not empty, remove from the priority queue, PQ, an item, X, of highest priority in PQ. Data Structures Lab Handouts 35
  • 36. Lab 6 Implementation of Linked List //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS TEMPLATE DEFINITION FOR LINKED LIST //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include iostream #includeconio.h using namespace std; templateclass ItemType class List { protected: struct node { ItemType info; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *NODEPTR; NODEPTR listptr; public: List(); ~List(); ItemType emptyList(); void insertafter(ItemType oldvalue, ItemType newvalue); void deleteItem(ItemType oldvalue); void push(ItemType newvalue); ItemType pop(); }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 36
  • 37. //-------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS TEMPLATE IMPLEMENTATION //-------------------------------------------------------- // Default Constructor that initializes a newly created list to empty list. templateclass ItemType ListItemType::List() { listptr = 0; } // Destructor traverses the nodes of a list, freeing them one by one. templateclass ItemType ListItemType::~List() { NODEPTR p, q; if (emptyList()) exit(0); for (p = listptr, q = p-next; p!=0; p = q, q = p-next) delete p; } // searches for the first occurance of oldvalue in the list and inserts a new node with value newvalue following the node containing oldvalue. templateclass ItemType void ListItemType::insertafter(ItemType oldvalue, ItemType newvalue) { NODEPTR p, q; for (p = listptr; p != 0 p-info != oldvalue; p = p-next) ; if (p == 0) { cout ERROR: value sought is not in the list.; exit(1); } q = new node; q-info = newvalue; q-next = p-next; p-next = q; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 37
  • 38. // Determines if the list is empty. templateclass ItemType ItemType ListItemType::emptyList() { return (listptr == 0); } // push(newvalue) adds a new node with a given value to the front of the list.// templateclass ItemType void ListItemType::push(ItemType newvalue) { NODEPTR p; p = new node; p-info = newvalue; p-next = listptr; listptr = p; } // deletes the first node containing the value oldvalue from the list. templateclass ItemType void ListItemType::deleteItem(ItemType oldvalue) { NODEPTR p, q; for (q = 0, p = listptr; p != 0 p-info != oldvalue; q = p, p = p-next) ; if (p == 0) { cout ERROR: value sought is not in the list.; exit(1); } if (q == 0) listptr = p-next; else q-next = p-next; delete p; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 38
  • 39. // pop deletes the first node of the list and returns its contents. // templateclass ItemType ItemType ListItemType::pop() { NODEPTR p; ItemType x; if (emptyList()) { cout ERROR: the list is empty.; exit(1); } p = listptr; listptr = p-next; x = p-info; delete p; return x; } int main() { Listint l; l.push(87); cout l.pop()endl; getch(); return 0; } Exercise 6.1 Write a menu driven program to test the linked list class. Data Structures Lab Handouts 39
  • 40. Exercise 6.2 Assume the following specifications of a node of linked structure and the class struct Node { int info; Node* next; }; class LinkedStr { private: Node* ptr; public: // Constructor. Initiallize ptr to NULL. LinkedStr(); // Destructor. Remove all the nodes from dynamic memory ~LinkedStr(); // Create a linked structure of length len pointed to by ptr. // The values of the info part are input from the keyboard void makeStr(int len); // Display all the elements of the linked structure pointed to by ptr on the screen. void displayStr(); // Remove the first element of the linked structure pointed to by ptr. // If the structure is empty, do nothing void removeFirst(); // Remove the first element of the linked structure pointed to by ptr. // If the structure is empty, do nothing void removeLast(); // Remove the first element of the linked structure with an info field equal to k. // If no such element or the list is empty, do nothing void remove(int k); }; Write the implementation of the class LinkedStr. Write a driver program to test the implementation. Data Structures Lab Handouts 40
  • 41. Lab 7 Application of Linked List Polynomial may be represented as a linked list as follows: for every term in the polynomial there is one entry in the linked list consisting of the term's coefficient and degree. The entries are ordered according to ASCENDING values of degree; zero- coefficient terms are not stored. For example, the following polynomial (the symbol '^' is used to mean 'raised to the power'): 4x^5 - 2x^3 + 2x +3 can be represented as the linked list of terms: (3,0) - (2,1) - (-2,3) - (4,5) where each term is a (coefficient, degree) pair. Write a C++ class called Polynomial with the following functionality: x Read the polynomials from a file. x Addition of two polynomials. x Multiplication of two polynomials. x Evaluation of a polynomial at a given point. Sample Output: Enter the name of the polynomial file = ptest1 4.0x^5 + -2.0x^3 + 2.0x + 3.0 1. ADD polynomial 2. MULTIPLY polynomial 3. EVALUATE polynomial 4. QUIT Enter choice # = 1 Enter the file containing the polynomial to add = ptest2 8.0x^4 + 4.0x^3 + -3.0x + 9.0 Sum: 4.0x^5 + 8.0x^4 + 2.0x^3 + -1.0x + 12.0 1. ADD polynomial 2. MULTIPLY polynomial 3. EVALUATE polynomial 4. QUIT Enter choice # = 2 Enter the file containing the polynomial to multiply = ptest2 8.0x^4 + 4.0x^3 + -3.0x + 9.0 Product: 32.0x^9 + 16.0x^8 + -16.0x^7 + -20.0x^6 + 52.0x^5 + 38.0x^4 + -6.0x^3 + - 6.0x^2 + 9.0x + 27.0 Data Structures Lab Handouts 41
  • 42. Lab 8 Implementation of Binary Trees ADT of Binary Tree ADT BinaryTree { Objects: A finite set of nodes either empty or consisting of a root node, left BinaryTree and right BinaryTree. Operations: BinaryTree (); // Creates an empty BinaryTree BinaryTree (ElementType info); // Creates a single node BinaryTree with information info BinaryTree (BinaryTree lbt, ElementType info, BinaryTree rbt); // Creates a Binarytree whose left subtree is lbt, whose right subtree is rbt, // and whose root node contain info. Boolean IsEmpty(); // If number of elements in the BinaryTree is 0 return TRUE, // otherwise return FALSE. BinaryTree LChild(); // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return left subtree of *this ElementType Data(); // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return data in the root node of *this BinaryTree RChild(); // If IsEmpty(), return error, else return right subtree of *this }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 42
  • 43. Implicit Static Array Representaion The n nodes of an almost complete binary tree can be numbered from 1 to n, so that the number assigned to a left son is twice the number assigned to its father, and number assigned to a right son is one more than twice the number assigned to its father. In C++, arrays start from 0; therefore we'll number the nodes from 0 to n-1. The left son of node at position p is at position 2p+1 and right son is at 2p+2. The root of the tree is at position 0. Node Representation # define NUMNODES 500 struct TreeNode { int info; int left, right, father; }; TreeNode BT[NUMNODES]; Data Structures Lab Handouts 43
  • 44. Dynamic Representation struct Tree Node { int info; TeeNode *left, *right, *father; }; typedef TreeNode *NODEPTR; If a tree is always traversed from top to bottom, father field is unnecessary. The maketree() function, which allocates a node and sets it as the root of a single-node binary tree may be written as: NODEPTR maketree (int x) { NODEPTR p =new TreeNode; p o info = x; p o left = NULL; p o right = NULL; return (p); } The function setleft (p,x) sets a node with contents x as the left son of node(p). void setleft (NODEPTR p, int x) { if (p == NULL) cout “Void Insertion”; else if (p o left != NULL) cout “Invalid Insertion”; else p o left = maketree (x); } Data Structures Lab Handouts 44
  • 45. Binary Tree Traversals in C++ Three C++ routines pretrav, intrav, and posttrav are given below. The parameter to each routine is the pointer to the root node of a binary tree. void pretrav (NODEPTR tree) { if (tree != NULL) { cout tree o info; /* visit the root */ pretrav (tree o left); pretrav (tree o right); } } void intrav (NODEPTR tree) { if (tree != NULL) { intrav (tree o left); cout tree o info; intrav (tree o right); } } void posttrav (NODEPTR tree) { if (tree != NULL) { posttrav (tree o left); posttrav (tree o right); cout tree o info; } } Data Structures Lab Handouts 45
  • 46. Lab 9 Implementation of Binary Search Trees #include fstream using namespace std; template class ItemType struct TreeNode { ItemType info; // Data member TreeNodeItemType* left; // Pointer to left child TreeNodeItemType* right; // Pointer to right child }; template class ItemType // BINARY SEARCH TREE SPECIFICATION class TreeType { public: TreeType ( ); // constructor ~TreeType ( ); // destructor bool IsEmpty ( ) const; bool IsFull ( ) const; int NumberOfNodes ( ) const; void InsertItem ( ItemType item ); void DeleteItem (ItemType item ); void RetrieveItem ( ItemType item, bool found ); void PrintTree (ofstream outFile) ; void PrintHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ofstream outFile ) ; void InsertHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item ) ; void RetrieveHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item, bool found ) ; void DestroyHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr ) ; private: TreeNodeItemType* root; }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 46
  • 47. // BINARY SEARCH TREE IMPLEMENTATION // OF MEMBER FUNCTIONS AND THEIR HELPER FUNCTIONS // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - template class ItemType TreeTypeItemType :: TreeType ( ) // constructor { root = NULL ; } template class ItemType bool TreeTypeItemType :: IsEmpty( ) const { return ( root == NULL ) ; } template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: RetrieveItem ( ItemType item, bool found ) { RetrieveHelper ( root, item, found ) ; } template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: RetrieveHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item, bool found) { if ( ptr == NULL ) found = false ; else if ( item ptr-info ) // GO LEFT RetrieveHelper( ptr-left , item, found ) ; else if ( item ptr-info ) // GO RIGHT RetrieveHelper( ptr-right , item, found ) ; else { item = ptr-info ; found = true ; } } template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: InsertItem ( ItemType item ) { InsertHelper ( root, item ) ; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 47
  • 48. template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: InsertHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ItemType item ) { if ( ptr == NULL ) { // INSERT item HERE AS LEAF ptr = new TreeNodeItemType ; ptr-right = NULL ; ptr-left = NULL ; ptr-info = item ; } else if ( item ptr-info ) // GO LEFT InsertHelper( ptr-left , item ) ; else if ( item ptr-info ) // GO RIGHT InsertHelper( ptr-right , item ) ; } template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: PrintTree ( ofstream outFile ) { PrintHelper ( root, outFile ) ; } template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: PrintHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr, ofstream outFile ) { if ( ptr != NULL ) { PrintHelper( ptr-left , outFile ) ; // Print left subtree outFile ptr-info ; PrintHelper( ptr-right, outFile ) ; // Print right subtree } } template class ItemType TreeTypeItemType :: ~TreeType ( ) // DESTRUCTOR { DestroyHelper ( root ) ; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 48
  • 49. template class ItemType void TreeTypeItemType :: DestroyHelper ( TreeNodeItemType* ptr ) // Post: All nodes of the tree pointed to by ptr are deallocated. { if ( ptr != NULL ) { DestroyHelper ( ptr-left ) ; DestroyHelper ( ptr-right ) ; delete ptr ; } } // Driver Program int main () { TreeType int tree; ofstream out(tree.txt); int item = 1; bool flag = false; for(int i = 0; i 10; i++) tree.InsertItem(i); tree.PrintTree(out); tree.RetrieveItem(item, flag); cout flag endl; return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 49
  • 50. Lab 10 Implementation of Graphs C++ Representation of Graphs Suppose that the number of vertices in the graph is constant: that is, edges may be added or deleted but vertices may not. x A graph with 50 vertices could then be declared as follows: #define MAXVERTEXS 50 struct vertex { /* information associated with each vertex */ }; struct edge { int adj; /* information associated with each edge */ }; class Graph { private: struct vertex vertices[MAXVERTEXS]; struct edge edges[MAXVERTEXS][MAXVERTEXS]; …… ……. }; Graph g; Data Structures Lab Handouts 50
  • 51. x Each vertex of the graph is represented by an integer between 0 and MAXVERTEXS-1 and the array field vertices represents the appropriate information assigned to each vertex. x The array field edges is a two-dimensional array representing every possible ordered pair of vertices. x The value of g.edges[i][j].adj is either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not vertex j is adjacent to vertex i. x The two-dimensional array g.edges[][].adj is called an adjacency matrix. In the case of a weighted graph, each edge can also be assigned information. x Frequently the vertices of a graph are numbered from 0 to MAXVERTEXS-1 and no information is assigned to them. Also, we may be interested in the existence of edges but not in any weights or other information about them. In such cases the graph could be declared simply by int adj[MAXVERTEXS][MAXVERTEXS]; x In effect, the graph is totally described by its adjacency matrix. We present the code for the primitive operations just described in the case where a graph is described by its adjacency matrix. join (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2) { /* add an edge from vertex1 to vertex2 */ adj[vertex1][vertex2] = TRUE; } remv (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2) { /* delete edge from vertex1 to vertex2 if one exists */ adj[vertex1][vertex2] = FALSE; } adjacent (int adj[][MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2) { return ((adj[vertex1][vertex2]==TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE); } Data Structures Lab Handouts 51
  • 52. C++ Representation of Weighted Graphs A weighted graph with a fixed number of vertices may be declared by struct edge { int adj; int weight; }; struct edge g[MAXVERTEXS][MAXVERTEXS]; x The routine joinwt, which adds an edge from vertex1 to vertex2 with a given weight wt, may be coded as follows: void joinwt (struct edge g[] [MAXVERTEXS], int vertex1, int vertex2, int wt) { g[vertex1][vertex2].adj = TRUE; g[vertex1][vertex2].weight = wt; } Exercise 10: Implement in C++ a class for a Weighted Graph using adjacency matrix representation. Data Structures Lab Handouts 52
  • 53. Lab 11 Application of Graphs Exercise 11: Implement Breadth-First and Depth-First search algorithms for a graph. Depth-First Search x We begin by visiting the start vertex v. Next an unvisited vertex w adjacent to v is selected, and a depth-first search from w is initiated. x When a vertex u is reached such that all its adjacent vertices have been visited, we back up to the last vertex visited that has an unvisited w adjacent to it and initiates a depth- first search from w. Depth-First-Search { Boolean visited[n]; // initially, no vertex has been visited for (i = 0; i n; i++) visited[i] = FALSE; // start search at vertex 0 DFS (0); } DFS (v) // Visit all previously unvisited vertices that are reachable from vertex v { visited[v] = TRUE; for (each vertex w adjacent to v) if ( !visited[w]) DFS(w); } Data Structures Lab Handouts 53
  • 54. Breadth-First Search x In a breadth-first search, we begin by visiting the start vertex v. Next all unvisited vertices adjacent to v are visited. x Unvisited vertices adjacent to these newly visited vertices are then visited, and so on. BFS(v) // A BFS of the graph is carried out starting at vertex v. // visited[i] is set to TRUE when v is visited. The algorithm uses a queue. { Boolean visited[n]; Queue q; // initially, no vertex has been visited for (i = 0; i n; i++) visited[i] = FALSE; visited[v] = TRUE; q.insert(v); // add vertex v to the queue while (!q.IsEmpty()) { v = q.delete(); for (all vertex w adjacent to v) { if ( !visited[w]) { q.insert(w); visited[w] = TRUE; } } } } Exercise 11: Implement the Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm to generate shortest paths for a given directed graph. Data Structures Lab Handouts 54
  • 55. Lab 12-13 Using Standard Template Library (STL) Overview The Standard Library is a fundamental part of the C++ Standard. It provides C++ programmers with a comprehensive set of efficiently implemented tools and facilities that can be used for most types of applications. The Standard Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators; it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer science. The STL is a generic library, meaning that its components are heavily parameterized: almost every component in the STL is a template. 1 - GETTING STARTED There are three components that make up STL. These are containers, algorithms, and iterators. Each will be discussed below. 1. Containers. Containers embody the data structures supported by STL. It accomplishes this by defining a template class for each of these data structures There are functions in the classes that allow the efficient manipulation of its elements. The following is a list of the containers. 1. vector - allows us to define dynamic arrays. 2. deque - doubly ended queues. 3. queue - supports a queue. Officially not a container - it is an adapter, but we can think of it as a container. 4. list - allows us to create linked lists. 5. stack - implements a pushdown stack. 6. maps and multimaps - allows us to create sorted tree structures. This gives us quick access to data stored in table form. The data may be accessed using a key. Data Structures Lab Handouts 55
  • 56. 7. set and multi-set - allows us to organize a set of data in a tree structure. Note: Most often used are vectors and maps. 2. Algorithms. There are a set of algorithms supplied to manipulate data in containers. Sort, lower bound (a binary search) and replace are examples of algorithms. A good rule: if the container contains a function that does the same thing as a function in the algorithms, use the function in the container class. 3. Iterators. Iterators are a fancy word for pointers. They are pointers relative to containers. Because of the structure of the various containers they are not always as powerful as the standard C++ pointers. Example 1: Let's consider a simple example, one where we wish to create a set of integers and then shuffle them into random order: #include vector #include algorithm #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { vectorint v; for (int i = 0; i 25; i++) v.push_back(i); random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end()); for (int j = 0; j 25; j++) cout v[j] ; cout endl; getch(); return 0; } When run, this program produces output like: 6 11 9 23 18 12 17 24 20 15 4 22 10 5 1 19 13 3 14 16 0 8 21 2 7 Data Structures Lab Handouts 56
  • 57. 2 - VECTORS, LISTS, DEQUES, STACK STL has different types of containers that are available for holding data, namely vectors, lists, and deques. x A vector is like a smart array. You can use [] to efficiently access any element in the vector, and the vector grows on demand. But inserting into the middle of a vector is expensive, because elements must be moved down, and growing the vector is costly because it must be copied to another vector internally. x A list is like a doubly-linked list that you've used before. Insertion or splicing of subsequences is very efficient at any point in the list, and the list doesn't have to be copied out. But looking up an arbitrary element is slow. x A deque classically stands for double-ended queue, but in STL means a combination of a vector and a list. Indexing of arbitrary elements is supported, as are list operations like efficiently popping the front item off a list. Example 2.1: #include list #include algorithm #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { listint v; for (int i = 0; i 25; i++) v.push_back(i); for (int j = 0; j 25; j++) { cout v.front() ; v.pop_front(); } cout endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 57
  • 58. Example 2.2: #include algorithm #include iostream #include deque #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { dequeint v; for (int i = 0; i 25; i++) v.push_back(i); random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end()); for (int j = 0; j 25; j++) { cout v.front() ; v.pop_front(); } cout endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 58
  • 59. Example 2.3: One more worth mentioning data structure is stack. In STL a stack is based on a vector, deque, or list. An example of stack usage is: #include iostream #include stack #include list #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { stackint, listint stk; for (int i = 1; i = 10; i++) stk.push(i); while (!stk.empty()) { cout endl; stk.pop(); } getch(); return 0; } We declare the stack, specifying the underlying type (int), and the sort of list used to represent the stack (listint). Data Structures Lab Handouts 59
  • 60. 3 - BIT SETS Another STL data structure is bit sets, offering space-efficient support for sets of bits. Example 3: #include iostream #include bitset #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { bitset16 b1(1011011110001011); bitset16 b2; b2 = ~b1; for (int i = b2.size() - 1; i = 0; i--) cout b2[i]; cout endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 60
  • 61. 4 – ITERATORS Iterators in STL are mechanisms for accessing data elements in containers and for cycling through lists of elements. Example 4: #include algorithm #include vector #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; const int N = 100; int main() { vectorint iv(N); iv[50] = 37; vectorint::iterator iter = find(iv.begin(), iv.end(), 37); if (iter == iv.end()) cout not foundn; else cout found at iter - iv.begin() n; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 61
  • 62. 5 - OPERATING ON SETS STL also contains some algorithms for operating on ordered sets of data, illustrated by a simple example: Example 5: #include iostream #include algorithm #include vector #include conio.h using namespace std; int set1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int set2[] = {2, 3, 4}; vectorint set3(10); int main() { vectorint::iterator first = set3.begin(); vectorint::iterator last = set_union(set1, set1 + 3, set2, set2 + 3, first); while (first != last) { cout *first ; first++; } cout endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 62
  • 63. 6 – FILLING The fill() function fills a data structure with a specified value: Example 6: #include algorithm #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std; int vec1[10]; int vec2[10]; int main() { fill(vec1, vec1 + 10, -1); for (int i = 0; i 10; i++) cout vec1[i] ; cout endl; fill_n(vec2, 5, -1); for (int j = 0; j 10; j++) cout vec2[j] ; cout endl; getch(); return 0; } fill() fills according to the specified iterator range, while fill_n() fills a specified number of locations based on a starting iterator and a count. The results of running this program are: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 Data Structures Lab Handouts 63
  • 64. 7 – ACCUMULATING Another simple algorithm that STL makes available is accumulation, for example summing a set of numeric values. An example of this would be: Example 7: #include iostream #include numeric #include conio.h using namespace std; int vec[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int main() { int sum = accumulate(vec, vec + 5, 0); cout sum endl; int prod = accumulate(vec, vec + 5, 1, timesint()); cout prod endl; getch(); return 0; } In this example, we specify iterators for a vector of integers, along with an initial value (0) for doing the summation. By default, the + operator is applied to the values in turn. Other operators can be used, for example * in the second example. In this case the starting value is 1 rather than 0. Data Structures Lab Handouts 64
  • 65. Lab 14-15 Implementation of Sorting Techniques The main objective of this lab is to compare the efficiency of different sorting techniques we have studied in the course. Implement the following sorting techniques and count number of comparisons and exchanges. 1) Bubble Sort 2) Selection Sort 3) Insertion Sort 4) Heap Sort x Run all the above techniques for the following values of N. Generate input data randomly and vary the input size N as below: N = 10, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000 x Present your results in tabular and graphical (line graph) form. The tabulated output should have the following form: N Bubble Sort Selection Sort Insertion Sort Heap Sort Comp. Exch. Comp. Comp Exch. Exch. Comp. Exch. . 10 100 1000 5000 10000 20000 50000 Extra Credit Task: Compute the actual execution time by reading the system clock. Data Structures Lab Handouts 65
  • 66. Bubble Sort void Bubble( int x[], int n) { int hold, j, pass; int switched = TRUE; for (pass = 0; pass n-1 switched == TRUE; pass++) { // outer loop controls the number of passes switched = FALSE; for ( j = 0; j n-pass-1; j++) { // inner loop controls each individual pass if (x[j] x [j+1]) // elements out of order { switched = TRUE; hold = x[j]; // interchange j and j+1 x[j] = x [j+1]; x[j+1] = hold; } // end if } // end inner for loop } // end outer for loop } // end Bubble Data Structures Lab Handouts 66
  • 67. Insertion Sort insertionsort (int x[], int n) { int j, k, y; /* initially x[0] may be thought of as a sorted file of one element. After each repetition of the following loop, the elements x[0] through x[k] are in order */ for (k=1; kn; k++) { /* insert x[k] into sorted file */ y = x[k]; /* move down all elements greater than y */ for (j=k-1; j=0 yx[j]; j++) x[j+1] = x[j]; /* insert y at proper position */ x[j+1] = y; } } Selection Sort void Selectionsort(int x[], int n) { int key; for(int a=0; a n; a++) { key=a; for(int b=a+1; b n; b++) { if(x[b] x[key]) key=b; } if (key a) { int temp = x[a]; x[a] = x[key]; x[key] = temp; } } } Heap Sort Use STL to implement Heap sort. Data Structures Lab Handouts 67
  • 68. Sorting using STL We will now start discussing some of the actual STL algorithms that can be applied to data structures. One of these is sorting. Example: Consider a simple example of a String class, and a vector of Strings: #include vector #include algorithm #include iostream #include assert #include string #include conio.h using namespace std; class String { char* str; public: String() { str = 0; } String(char* s) { str = strdup(s); assert(str); } int operator(const String s) const { return strcmp(str, s.str) 0; } operator char*() { return str; } }; Data Structures Lab Handouts 68
  • 69. char* list[] = {epsilon, omega, theta, rho, alpha, beta, phi, gamma, delta}; const int N = sizeof(list) / sizeof(char*); int main() { int i, j; vectorString v; for (i = 0; i N; i++) v.push_back(String(list[i])); random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end()); for (j = 0; j N; j++) cout v[j] ; cout endl; sort(v.begin(), v.end()); for (j = 0; j N; j++) cout v[j] ; cout endl; getch(); return 0; } Output looks like: phi delta beta theta omega alpha rho gamma epsilon alpha beta delta epsilon gamma omega phi rho theta Data Structures Lab Handouts 69
  • 70. Computing Execution Time #include iostream #include time.h #include conio.h using namespace std; int main () { time_t start,end; char szInput [25]; double dif; time (start); cout Please, enter your name: ; cin szInput; time (end); dif = difftime (end,start); cout Hi szInput ; cout It took you dif seconds to type your name. endl; getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 70
  • 71. Lab 16 Implementation of Searching Techniques The main objective of this lab is to compare the efficiency of different searching techniques we have studied in the course. Implement the following searching techniques and count number of comparisons for successful and unsuccessful search. 1. Sequential Search 2. Binary Search N Sequential Search Binary Search Successful Unsuccessful Successful Unsuccessful 10 100 1000 5000 10000 20000 50000 Sequential Search int Sequential( int x[], n, key) { for (int i = 0; i n; i++) if (key == x[i]) return (i); return (-1); } Data Structures Lab Handouts 71
  • 72. Binary Search int Binary( int x[], n, key) { int low = 0; int hi = n-1; while (low = hi) { int mid = (low + hi) / 2; if (key == x[mid]) return (mid); if (key x[mid]) hi = mid – 1; else low = mid + 1; } return –1; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 72
  • 73. Searching using STL: MAPS A map is something like an associative array or hash table, in that each element consists of a key and an associated value. A map must have unique keys, whereas with a multimap keys may be duplicated. Example: To see how maps work, let's look at a simple application that counts word frequency. Words are input one per line and the total count of each is output. #include iostream #include string #include map #include conio.h using namespace std; int main() { typedef mapstring, long, lessstring MAP; MAP counter; char buf[256]; while (cin buf) counter[buf]++; MAP::iterator it = counter.begin(); while (it != counter.end()) { cout (*it).first (*it).second endl; it++; } getch(); return 0; } Data Structures Lab Handouts 73