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1  sur  29
Unit Topic Period Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical
2 PROGRAMMING 42 40 25 16
42 36 30 8
110 100 70 30
Month Topic Details Required No. of Periods No. Of
Computer Networking: Networking - a brief
overview, Basic concept of domain name, MAC,
and IP Address, Identifying computers and users
over a network (Domain Name, MAC 'Media
Access Control' and IP address), domain name
resolution, Network Topologies, Types of network
- LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN; Wired Technologies -
Co-Axial, Ethernet Cable, Optical Fiber; Wireless
Technologies - Blue Tooth, Infrared, Microwave,
Radio Link, Satellite Link; Network Devices –
Hub, Switch, Repeater, Gateway - and their
Network security - denial of service, intrusion
problems, snooping
Open Source Concepts:
Open Source Software (OSS), common
FOSS/FLOSS examples (e.g. Gnu/Linux, Fi ref ox,
Open Office), common open standards (open
20 4 22
document format Ogg Vorbis) Indian Language
Computing: character encoding, UN I CODE,
different types of fonts (open type vs true type,
static vs dynamic), Entering Indian Language Text
- phonetic and key map based.
UNIT Review of Class XI;
(Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of
GUI Programming, and Appendix B for Swing
Control Methods & Properties)
5 4
2 May -
June Review of Class XI continued………
(Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of GUI
Programming, and Appendix B for Swing Control
Methods & Properties)
Basic concept of Access specifier for classes,
Members and methods.
15 10 18
3 July Basic concept of Inheritance: need, Method
Overloading and Overriding, Abstract Class and
Interfaces, use of inter faces.
Commonly used libraries: String class and
methods: toString(), concat(), length(),
toLowerCase() ,toU pperCase(), trim (), substring()
Math object: pow(), round()
15 10 25
4 August Accessing MySQL database using ODBC/JDBC to
connect with database.
Web application development: U RL, Web Server,
Communicating with the web server, concept of
Client and Server Side.
HTML based web pages covering basic tags -
HTML, TITLE, BODY, H1..H6, Paragraph (P),
LineBreak (BR), Section Separator (HR), FONT,
TABLE, LIST (UL, OL), FORM ;Creating and
accessing static pages using HTML and
introduction to XML
14 15 23
5 Sept Review of RDBMS from Class XI
Database Fundamentals
Concept of Database Transaction, Committing and
revoking a Transaction using COMM IT and
Grouping Records: GROUP BY, Group functions
- MAX(), M IN(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT();
22 16 24
using COUNT(*), DISTINCT clause with COUNT,
Group Functions and Null Values,
Displaying Data From Multiple Tables:
Cartesian product, Union, concept of Foreign Key,
Equi -Join
6 Oct Creating a Table with PRIMARY KEY and NOT
NULL constraints, adding a Constraint, enabling
Constraints, Viewing Constraints, Viewing the
Columns Associated with Constraints;
14 6 17
7 Nov ALTER TABLE for deleting a column, ALTER
TABLE for modifying data types of a column
DROP Table for deleting a table;
Front-end Interface - Introduction; content and
features; identifying and using appropriate
(Text Box, Radio Button, CheckBox, List) for data
entry, validation and display;
Back-end Database - Introduction and its purpose;
exploring the requirement of tables and its essential
Front-End and Database Connectivity -
Introduction, requirement and benefits
Demonstration and development of appropriate
Front-end interface and Back-end Database for e-
Governance, e-Busi ness and e-Learning
Revision for I Pre Board Examination
8 Dec Revision, Project Work Preparation & I Pre
Board Examination
9 Jan Revision, Finalisation of Project & II Pre Board
10 Feb Revision, CBSE Practical Exam
Class XII (Practical)
S.No. Description Marks
1 Problem Solving using Java 10
2 SQL Queries 4
3 Practical Record
• Simple Problems using IDE Java
• SQL Queries
• IT Applications
4 Project Work 4
5 Viva Voce 6
Evaluation of Practical Examination
1. Problem Solving using Java
Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory
throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file. Student will be given a
problem to be solved using Java during final practical examination to be
conducted at the end of the academic session.
2. SQL Queries
Students will be trying out SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year along with course coverage
in theory. Student will be asked to write 4 queries based on one or two tables during final practical
examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session
3. Practical Record File
A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be
duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final
Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following:
At least 12 solutions of simple problems and 2 IT applications using IDE based Java (refer to
Appendix 'A' & 'B')
At least 24 SQL queries based on one and/or two tables
Solution of at least 2 simple problems incorporating Java Application & Database connectivity
4. Project File
Students in group of 2-3 are required to work collaboratively to develop a project using
Programming and Database skills learnt during the course. The project should be an application
with GUI front-end based on any one of the following domains - e-Governance, e-Business and e-
Learni ng
5. Viva Voce
Students will be asked oral questions during practical Examination to be conducted at the end of
the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session
CBSE Curriculum 2012
Appendix 'A'
Sample Guidelines for GUI Programming
1. To display a message using Label, TextBox, MessageDialog using simple GUI applications
2. To concatenate two text entries and display using simple GUI application
3. To perform a simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in MessageDialog orTextBox
using simple GUI application
4. To perform simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in TextBox using simpleGUI
5. To make simple decision making (if statement) solution and display relevant message using GUI
application (Example - Problems related to Eligibility for a given value of Age, "Profit" or "Loss"
messages for given values of Cost Price and Sale Price, Grade Display for given values of Marks of
students etc.)
6. To create a simple GUI application to perform both arithmetic and logical operation together
(Example - Total, Average and Grade calculation for given marks, Salary Calculation on different
7. To create a simple GUI application to perform an operation based on the criteria input by the user in a
CheckBox or a RadioButton.
(Example 1: Find the Discount of an item on the basis of Category of item [Electrical Appliance/
Electronic Gadget/Stationary specified using a Radio button] and its Cost [Below 1000/Above
1000/Equal to 1000 specified using a Radio button]).
(Example 2: Calculate the incentive of a Sales Person on the basis of his Sales Amount, Customer
Feedback, Count of Customer specified using CheckBox) [Introduce variable declaration.
8. To create a simple GUI application to change the property of a swing element based on the selection
made by the user
(Example 1: To change the background or Foreground color of any of the Swing elements of the form
based on the color selected from a list)
(Example 2: To change the foreground and background color of a label based on the values
input/stored in a combo box)
9. To store the data(Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in a table
[Table] and find total number of students in each class and section.
10. To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input. (Example:
To display the multiplication table of a number input by the user)
Sample Guidelines for Connectivity Problems
11. To create a simple GUI application that counts and displays the number of records present in database
12. To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format
(using jTable) on the GUI form.
13. To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a
tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form based on a criteria input by the user.
14. To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved
from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application.
Appendix 'B'
Ready Reference for GUI Programming
Swing Control Methods & Properties
Class Swing Control Methods / Properties
Jbutton jButton Methods • getText()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text have same
• Label value (by
Jlabel jLabel M ethods • getText()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text
JtextField jTextField M ethods • getText()
• isEditable()
• isEnabled()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Editable
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text
JRadioButton jRadioButton M ethods • getText()
• setText()
• isSelected()
• setSelected()
Properties • Background
• Button Group
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Label
• Selected
• Text
JcheckBox jCheckBox M ethods • getText()
• setText()
• isSelected()
• setSelected()
Properties • Button Group
• Font
• Foreground
• Label
• Selected
• Text
ButtonGroup jButtonGroup Properties • Add
JcomboBox jComboBox M ethods • getSelectedItem()
• getSelectedIndex()
• setModel()
Properties • Background
• ButtonGroup
• Editable
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Model
• SelectedIndex
• SelectedItem
• Text
Jlist jList M ethods • getSelectedValue()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Model
• SelectedIndex
• SelectedItem
• SelectionMode
• Text
Jtable jTable M ethods • addRow()
• getModel()
Properties • model
JoptionPane M ethods • showMessageDialog()
DefaultTableModel M ethods • getRowCount()
• removeRow()
• addRow()
Commonly used Methods
Class Methods
Integer • parseInt()
• toDouble()
• toString()
String • concat()
• length()
• substring()
• toDouble()
• toLowerCase()
• toUpperCase()
• trim()
Double • parseDouble ()
• toString()
• toI nt()
Math • pow()
• round()
Database Connectivity Methods
Class Methods
Con necti on • createStatement()
• close()
D riverM anager
• getConnection()
• executeQuery()
• next()
• first()
• last()
• getString()
Exception • getMessage()
System • exit()
Class XII (Theory)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70
Unit Name Marks
Month Topic Details Required No.
of Periods
No. Of
REVIEW: C++ covered In Class -XI,
Object Oriented Programming:
Concept of Object Oriented Programming - Data hiding,
Data encapsulation, Class and Object, Abstract class and
Concrete class, Polymorphism (Implementation of
polymorphism using Function overloading as an example
in C++); Inheritance, Advantages of Object Oriented
Programming over earlier programming methodologies
2 May -
Implementation of Object Oriented Programming
concepts in C++:
Definition of a class, Members of a class - Data Members
and Member Functions (methods), Using Private and
Public visibility modes, default visibility mode (private);
Member function definition: inside class definition and
outside class definition using scope resolution operator (::);
Declaration of objects as instances of a class; accessing
members from object(s), Objects as function arguments -
pass by value and pass by reference
Constructor and Destructor:
Constructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and
Definition of constructor, Deffault constructor, Overloaded
Constructors, Copy Constructor, Constructor
with default arguments
Destructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and
definition of destructor
3 July 34
Inheritance (Extending Classes):
Concept of Inheritance, Base Class, Derived Class,
Defining derived classes, protected visibility mode; Single
level inheritance, Multilevel inheritance and Multiple
inheritance, Privately derived, Publicly derived and
Protectedly derived class, accessibility of members from
objects and within derived class(es)
Data File Handling:
Need for a data file, Types of data files - Text file and
Binary file
Basic file operations on text file: Creating/Writing text
into file, Reading and Manipulation of text from an already
existing text File (accessing sequentially);
Binary File: Creation of file, Writing data into file,
Searching for required data from file, Appending data to a
file, Insertion of data in sorted file, Deletion of data from
file, Modification of data in a file; Implementation of
above mentioned data file handling in C++
4 August Components of C++ to be used with file handling: 30 23
Header file: fstream.h; if stream, of stream, f stream classes;
Opening a text file in in, out, and app modes;
Using cascading operators for writing text to the file and
reading text from the file; open(), get(), put(), getline() and
close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without
using eof() function);
Opening a binary file using in, out, and app modes;
open(), read(), write() and close() functions; Detecting
end-of-file (with or without using eof() function); tellg(),
tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions
Declaration and Initialization of Pointers; Dynamic
memory all ocati on/deal location operators: new, delete;
Pointers and Arrays: Array of Pointers, Pointer to an array
(1 dimensional array), Function returning a pointer,
Reference variables and use of alias; Function call by
reference. Pointer to structures: Deference operator: *, ->;
self referential structures
One and two Dimensional arrays: Sequential allocation and
address calculation
One dimensional array: Traversal, Searching (Linear,
Binary Search), Insertion of an element in an array,
deletion of an element from an array, Sorting (Insertion,
Selection, Bubble sort), concatenation of two linear arrays,
merging of two sorted arrays
Two-dimensional arrays: Traversal, Finding
sum/difference of two NxM arrays containing numeric
values, Interchanging Row and Column elements in a two
dimensional array.
5 September Stack (Array and Linked implementation of Stack): 34 24
Operations on Stack (PUSH and POP) and its
Implementation in C++, Converting expressions from
INFIX to POSTFIX notation and evaluation of Postfix
Queue: (Circular Array and Linked Implementation):
Operations on Queue (Insert and Delete) and its
Implementation in C++.
Database Concepts:
Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple,
relation, key, primary key, alternate key, candidate key;
Relational algebra: Selection, Projection, Union and
Cartesian product
Structured Query Language:
General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data
Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language
SQL commands:
6 October SQL functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX and M IN; 22 17
Obtaining results (SELECT query) from 2 tables using
equi-join, Cartesian Product and Union
Note: Implementation of the above mentioned commands
could be done on any SQL supported software on one or
two tables.
Binary-valued Quantities, Bool ean Variable, Bool ean
Constant and Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT; Truth
Tables; Closure Property, Commutative Law, Associative
Law, Identity law, Inverse law, Principle of Duality,
Idempotent Law, Distributive Law, Absorption Law,
Involution law, DeM organ's Law and their applications
Obtaining Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum
(POS) form from the Truth Table, Reducing Boolean
Expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, Use of
Karnaugh Map for minimization of Boolean expressions
(up to 4 variables)
Application of Boolean Logic:
Digital electronic circuit design using basic Logic Gates
Use of Boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR) in SQL
SEL ECT statements
Use of Boolean operators (AND, OR) in search engine
Evolution of Networking: ARPANET, Internet, Interspace
Different ways of sending data across the network with
reference to switching techniques (Circuit, M essage and
Packet switching)
Data Communication terminologies: Concept of
Channel, Baud, Bandwidth (Hz, KHz, M Hz) and Data
transfer rate (bps, kbps, M bps, Gbps, Tbps)
Transmission media: Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable,
optical fiber, infrared, radio link, microwave link and
satellite link
Network devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, Ethernet Card,
Hub, Switch, Gateway
Network Topologies and types: Bus, Star, Tree; PAN,
Network Protocol: TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
PPP, Remote Login (Telnet), Internet
Wireless/M obile Communication protocol such as GSM,
CDMA, GPRS, WLL, 1G, 2G and 3G
Electronic mail protocols such as SM TP, POP3 Protocols
for Chat and Video Conferencing VoIP protocols such as
Wi-Fi and WiMax
Network Security Concepts:
Threats and prevention from Viruses, Worms, Trojan
horse, Spams Use of Cookies, Protection using Firewall;
India IT Act, Cyber Law, Cyber Crimes, IPR issues,
WWW, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML),
eXtensible Markup Language (X M L); Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP); Domain Names; URL; Protocol
Address; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web
Hosting, Web Scripting - Client side (VB Script, Java
Script, PHP) and Server side (ASP, JSP, PHP), Web 2.0
(for social networking)
Open Source Concepts
Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprietary
Revision for I Pre Board Examination
8 December Revision, Project Work Preparation & I Pre Board
9 January Revision, Finalisation of Project & II Pre Board
10 February Revision, CBSE Practical Exam
Class XII (Practicals)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30
1. Programming in C++ 10
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the
basis of following:
Logic : 5 Marks Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks Output presentation : 3 Marks
Notes: The types of problems to be given will be of application type from the following topics
Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional) • Array of structure• Stack using arrays and linked implementation
Queue using arrays (circular) and linked implementation
Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and modification)• Text File operations (Creation, Displaying and
2. SQL Commands 05
Five Query questions based on a particular Table/Relation to be tested practically on Computer during the examination. The
command along with the result must be written in the answer sheet.
3. Project Work 05
The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented Technology and also should have use of Data files. (The
project is required to be developed in a group of 2-4 students)
Presentation on the computer • Project report (Listing, Sample, Outputs, Documentation • Viva
4. Practical File 05 Must have minimum
20 programs from the following topics
Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional, sorting, searching, merging, deletion'& insertion of elements)
Arrays of structures • Stacks using arrays and linked implementation • Queues using arrays
(linear and circular) and linked implementation • File (Binary and Text) operations (Creation,
U pdation, Query) • Any computational based problems
15 SQL commands along with the output based on any table/relation: 3 Marks
5. Viva Voce 05
Viva will be asked from syllabus covered in class XII and the project developed by student
Unit Topic Period Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical
20 04 10 02
45 36 30 6
110 100 70 30
Month Topic Details Required No. of
No . Of
T e nta ti ve
Wo r ki ng
da y s
Hardware Concepts:
Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU,
Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices,
6 02 6
communication bus, ports (serial, parallel, network,
Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch
Screens, Graphics Tablets, Joystick, Microphone,
OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader,
Biometric sensor, web camera;
Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit
(VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot
Printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser
Printer), Plotter, Speaker;
Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard
Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital
Versatile Disk (DVD) USB Drive, Memory cards;
Comparative properties of storage devices;
Memory Units: Bit (Binary Digit)/Byte (Kilobyte,
Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte)
2 July Software Concepts: 10 02 25
Operating systems, Need for operating system,
major functions of Operating System, Memory
Security of system: sources of attack and possible
damages, virus and related entities - worms,
propagation of these entities, virus detection using a
tool, digital certificates, digital signature, cookies,
firewall, password, file access permissions
Types of Software: System Software, Utility
Software, Application Software and Developer
System Software
Productivity Tools
General Purpose Application Software: Word
Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package,
Database Management System
Specific Purpose Application software (for
example: Inventory Management System,
Purchasing System,
Human Resource Management System, Payroll
System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management
and Reservation System)
Developer Tools: Compilers and Interpreters,
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
General features of Desktop:
To be taught through practical. Refer to the
practical section.
Word Processing
To be taught through practical. Refer to the
practical section.
To be taught through practical. Refer to the
practical section.
Getting started with Programming using IDE
(Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of GUI
Programming, and Appendix B for Swing Control
Methods & Properties)
Introduction, Rapid Application Development
using IDE (Integrated Development Environment);
Familiarization of IDE using basic Interface
components- Label, TextField, TextArea, Button,
CheckBox, RadioButton,
Creation of a simple Swing Application ("Hello
3 August Programming Fundamentals
Data Types: Concept of data types; Built-in data
types - byte, short, int, long, float, double, char,
String, boolean
Need to use variable, Declaring Variables, Variable
Naming Convention, Assigning value to Variables;
22 10 23
Integer object method: parseInt
Double object method: parseDouble
Control Structures:
Decision Structure - if, if-else, switch;
Looping Structure- while, do-while, for;
4 Septem
Developing General Application - Getting Familiar
with Java Swing User Interface components-
Frame, Dialog, OptionPane, Panel, ScrollPane,
Label, TextField, PasswordField, TextArea, Button,
CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, List, Table,
FileChooser, ColorChooser, ToolBar, Menu.
Basic component handling methods/attributes
setText, getText, add, is Selected, setSelected, getX,
getY, addActionListener.
20 14 24
5 October Programming Guidelines:
General Concepts; Modular approach; Stylistic
Guidelines: Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions,
Names, Comments, Indentation; Documentation
and Program Maintenance; Running and debugging
programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical
Problem Solving Methodology and Techniques:
Understanding of the problem, Identifying
number of inputs required for output, Step by step
solution for the problem, breaking down solution
into simple steps, Identification of arithmetic and
logical operations required for solution, Using
Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite
and infinite);
Database Management System
Introduction to database concepts: Relation/Table,
attribute/fields, Tuple / Rows;
Data Types - Number, Character and Date
Key - Primary Key, Candidate key, Alternate key;
Examples of common Database Management
DB2, MS SQL, Sybase.
17 7 17
6 Novemb
Introduction to MySQL
(ANSI SQL 99 standard commands)
Classification of SQL Statements:
SQL SELECT Statement (working with
demo/already existing tables): SELECT statement,
Selecting All the Columns, Selecting Specific
22 10 20
Column, Using Arithmetic Operators, Operator
Precedence, Defining and using Column Alias,
Duplicate rows and their Elimination (DISTINCT
keyword), Displaying Table Structure (DESC
command); SELECT Statement Continued:
Limiting Rows during selection (using WHERE
clause), Working with Character Strings and Dates,
Working with NULL values;
7 Decemb
Using Comparison operators - =, <, >, <=, >=, <>,
BETWEEN, IN, LIKE(%,_), Logical Operators
-AND, OR, NOT; Operator Precedence;
ORDER BY Clause, Sorting in Ascending /
Descending Order, Sorting By Column Alias
Name, Sorting On Multiple Columns;
Functions in MySQL:
String Function - CHAR(), CONCAT(),INSTR(),
Mathematical Functions - POWER(), ROUND(),
14 10 18
8 January Date and Time Functions - CURDATE() , DATE(),
Manipulating Data of a Table/Relation: Inserting
New Rows, Inserting New Rows with Null Values,
Inserting NUMBER, CHAR and DATE Values,
Update Statement to Change Existing Data of a
Table, Updating Rows in A Table, Delete statement
- removing row/rows from a Table;
Creating Table using CREATE TABLE, ALTER
TABLE for adding a new column, using naming
conventions for column names;
15 15 15
9 February
e-Governance - Definition, Benefits to citizens, e -
Governance websites and their salient features and
societal impacts; e-Governance challenges.
e-Business - Definition, Benefits to customers and
business, e-Business websites and their salient
features and societal impacts; e-Business
e-Learning - Definition; Benefits to students
(Learners), Teachers (Trainers) and School
Management; e-Learning websites and their salient
features and societal impacts; e-Business
Revision, and Project work
5 20 20
Class XI (I.P. Practical)
S.No. Description Marks
1 Problem Solving using Java 12
2 SQL Queries 4
3 Practical Record
• Familiarization of Computer and its
Productivity Tools
• Simple Problems using IDE Java
• SQL Queries
• IT Applications
5 Viva Voce 6
Evaluation of Practical Examination
1. Problem solving using Java
Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory
throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file.
Student will be given a problem to be solved using Java during final practical examination to be
conducted at the end of the academic session
2. SQL Queries
Students will be trying out SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year along with course
coverage in theory.
Student will be asked to write 4 queries based on one or two tables during final practical
examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session
3. Practical Record File
A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be
duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final
Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following:
• Print out of at least 2 documents with use of Different Style, Page Setting/Formatting,
Bulleting/Numbering and Tabulation.
• Print out of at least 2 spreadsheets with simple calculations, basic functions, macros and
• At least 6 solutions of simple problems and 2 IT applications using IDE based Java (refer
to Appendix 'A' & 'B')
• At least 20 SQL queries based on one table
4. Viva Voce
Students will be asked oral questions during practical Examination to be conducted at the end
of the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session
General Content to be covered during practical sessions
Familiarization of Computer and its Productivity Tools
Hardware concepts (Demonstration of components of a PC):
Components to be shown through relevant Charts or Animation or Presentation or Video or
Internet Sites or real demonstrations:
Microprocessor; Hard Disk, RAM; Mother Board; Boards; USB port; RJ45 LAN port; serial
port, parallel port; CD/ DVD drive;
Central Processing Unit (CPU); Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit, Memory Unit (RAM –Random
Access Memory & ROM - Read Only Memory) Input devices: Keyboard,
Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screens, Graphics Tablets, Joystick, Microphone,OCR, Scanner,
Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera, Thin Clients;
Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot
Matrix Printer, Deskjet/ Ink jet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser Printer), Plotter, Speaker, Thin
Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital
Versatile Disk (DVD) USD Drive, Memory cards;
General features of Desktop: Panel, Icon, Links, Trash, System File Browser, Folder Panel:
Applications menu, Places menu, System menu Applications Menu: Accessories - Calculator,
Text Editor, Graphics Image Viewer, Drawing Tool;
Internet- Web Browser, Internet messenger, Mail Client;
Using Office tools;
Sound & Video - CD Player, Sound Recorder, PMovie Player, Music Player,
Universal Access- Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier.
Places Menu: Home Folder, Desktop, Computer, Network, and Search for Files.
System Menu: Preferences- About me, Appearances, Assistive Technologies, Keyboard
Main Menu, Mouse, Network Proxy, Preferred Applications, Screen Resolution, Screen Saver,
Administration - Hardware Driver/Device Driver Utility, Package Manager, Printing/Print
Manager, Update Manager, Users and Groups, Time and Date, Language Support; Help; Log
Out; Shut Down.
Word Processing
Opening a new/existing document, closing a document, typing in a document, saving a
document, page preview, printing a document, setting up of page as per the specifications,
selecting a portion of document, copying selected text, cutting selected text, pasting selected
text; changing font, size, style, color of text; Inserting symbol; Formatting: Alignment - Left,
Right, Center; Converting from word processor document to PDF format directly from
Opening a new/existing spreadsheet, closing a spreadsheet, understanding a cell, row and
column, typing in numbers in the cell, saving a spreadsheet, page preview, printing a
spreadsheet, setting up of page as per the specifications, selecting a portion of spreadsheet,
writing formulas for addition, subtraction and multiplication in cells, writing simple arithmetic
formulas in spreadsheet, copying formulas across cells, Converting spreadsheet to PDF format
directly from Evaluation of this portion will be done on the basis of work done
in the Practical Record File and Viva Voce during final practical Examination to be conducted
at the end of the academic session
CBSE Curriculum 2012
Appendix 'A'
Sample Guidelines for GUI Programming
1. To display a message using Label, TextBox, MessageDialog using simple GUI applications
2. To concatenate two text entries and display using simple GUI application
3. To perform a simple arithmetic operation (+,-, *,/) and display the result in MessageDialog
orTextBox using simple GUI application
4. To perform simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in TextBox using
simpleGUI application
5. To make simple decision making (if statement) solution and display relevant message using
GUI application (Example - Problems related to Eligibility for a given value of Age, "Profit" or
"Loss" messages for given values of Cost Price and Sale Price, Grade Display for given values
of Marks of students etc.)
6. To create a simple GUI application to perform both arithmetic and logical operation
together (Example - Total, Average and Grade calculation for given marks, Salary Calculation
on different criteria)
7. To create a simple GUI application to perform an operation based on the criteria input by
the user in a CheckBox or a RadioButton.
(Example 1: Find the Discount of an item on the basis of Category of item [Electrical
Appliance/ Electronic Gadget/Stationary specified using a Radio button] and its Cost [Below
1000/Above 1000/Equal to 1000 specified using a Radio button]).
(Example 2: Calculate the incentive of a Sales Person on the basis of his Sales Amount,
Customer Feedback, Count of Customer specified using CheckBox) [Introduce variable
8. To create a simple GUI application to change the property of a swing element based on the
selection made by the user.
(Example 1: To change the background or Foreground color of any of the Swing elements of
the form based on the color selected from a list)
(Example 2: To change the foreground and background color of a label based on the values
input/stored in a combo box)
9. To store the data(Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in
a table [Table] and find total number of students in each class and section.
10. To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input.
(Example: To display the multiplication table of a number input by the user)
Appendix 'B'
Ready Reference for GUI Programming
Swing Control Methods & Properties
Class Swing Control Methods / Properties
Jbutton jButton Methods • getText()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text have same
• Label value (by
Jlabel jLabel Methods • getText()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text
JtextField jTextField Methods • getText()
• isEditable()
• isEnabled()
• setText()
Properties • Background
• Editable
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Text
JRadioButton jRadioButton Methods • getText()
• setText()
• isSelected()
• setSelected()
Properties • Background
• Button Group
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Label
• Selected
• Text
JcheckBox jCheckBox Methods • getText()
• setText()
• isSelected()
• setSelected()
Properties • Button Group
• Font
• Foreground
• Label
• Selected
• Text
ButtonGroup jButtonGroup Properties • Add
JcomboBox jComboBox Methods • getSelectedItem()
• getSelectedIndex()
• setModel()
Properties • Background
• ButtonGroup
• Editable
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Model
• SelectedIndex
• SelectedItem
• Text
Jlist jList Methods • getSelectedValue()
Properties • Background
• Enabled
• Font
• Foreground
• Model
• SelectedIndex
• SelectedItem
• SelectionMode
• Text
Jtable jTable Methods • addRow()
• getModel()
Properties • model
JoptionPane Methods • showMessageDialog()
DefaultTableModel Methods • getRowCount()
• removeRow()
• addRow()
Commonly used Methods
Class Methods
Integer • parseInt()
• toDouble()
• toString()
String • concat()
• length()
• substring()
• toDouble()
• toLowerCase()
• toUpperCase()
• trim()
Double • parseDouble ()
• toString()
• toI nt()
Math • pow() • round()
Class XI (Theory)
Duration: 3 hours Total
Marks: 70
Unit Name Marks
Month Topic Details Required No.
of Periods
No. Of
Evolution of computers; Basics of computer and its
operation: Functional Components and their
interconnections, concept of Booting.
Software Concepts:
Types of Software - System Software, Utility
Software and Application Software
System Software: Operating System, Compiler,
Interpreter and Assembler
2 July Operating System: Need for operating system,
Functions of Operating System (Processor
Management, Memory Management, File
Management and Device Management), Types of
operating system -Interactive (GUI based), Time
Sharing, Real Time and Distributed; Commonly
used operating systems: UNIX, LINUX, Windows,
Solaris, BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions);
Illustration and practice of the following tasks using
any one of the above Operating Systems:
• Opening/Closing Windows
• Crea ting/Moving/Deleting Files/Folders
• Renaming Files/Folders
• Switching between Tasks
Utility Software: Anti Virus, File Management
tools, Compression tools and Disk Management
tools (Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Backup)
Application software: Office Tools - Word
Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package,
Database Management System; Domain specific
tools - School Management System, Inventory
Management System, Payroll System, Financial
Accounting, Hotel Management, Reservation
System and Weather Forecasting System
General Concepts; Modular approach; Clarity and
Simplicity of Expressions, Use of proper Names for
identifiers, Comments, Indentation; Documentation
and Program Maintenance; Running and Debugging
programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical
Problem Solving Methodologies: Understanding of
the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs
required for output, Writing code to optimizing
execution time and memory storage, step by step
solution for the problem, breaking down solution
into simple steps, Identification of arithmetic and
logical operations required for solution, Control
Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite
and infinite)
Getting Started:
C++ character set, C++ Tokens (Identifiers,
Keywords, Constants, Operators), Structure of a
C++ Program (include files, main function); Header
files - iostream.h, iomanip.h; cout, cin; Use of I/O
operators (<< and >>), Use of endl and setw(),
Cascading of I/O operators, Error Messages; Use of
editor, basic commands of editor, compilation,
linking and execution; standard input/output
operations from C language: gets(), puts() of stdio.h
header file
3 August Data Types, Variables and Constants: 30 23
Concept of Data types; Built-in Data types: char, (20+10)
int, float and double; Constants: Integer Constants,
Character Constants (Backslash character constants -
n, t ), Floating Point Constants, String Constants;
Access modifier: const; Variables of built-in data
types, Declaration/Initialisation of
variables, Assignment statement; Type modifier:
signed, unsigned, long
Operators and Expressions:
Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%), Unary
operator (-), Increment (++) and Decrement (--)
Operators, Relational operators (>,>=,<,<=,==,!=),
Logical operators (!, &&, ||), Conditional operator:
<condition>?<if true>:<else>; Precedence of
Operators; Expressions; Automatic type conversion
in expressions, Type casting; C++ shorthands (+=, -
=, *=, /=, %=)
Flow of control:
Conditional statements: if-else, Nested if,, Nested, break
(to be used in only);
4 September Loops: while, do - while , for and Nested 34 24
loops (20+14)
Structured Data Type:
One Dimensional Array
Declaratrion / initialisation of One-dimensional
array, Inputting array elements, Accessing array
Manipulation of Array elements (sum of elements,
product of elements, average of elements, linear
search, finding maximum/minimum value)
5 October Declaration/Initialization of a String, string 22 17
manipulations (counting vowels/ (15+7)
consonants/digits/special characters, case
conversion, reversing a string, reversing each word
of a string)
Inbuilt Functions
Character Functions:
Header File: ctype.h
Functions: isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(),
islower(), isupper(), tolower(), toupper()
String Functions:
Header File: string.h
Function: strcpy(), strcat(), strlen(), strcmp(),
strcmpi(), strrev(), strlen(), strupr(), strlwr()
Mathematical Functions:
Header File-math.h, stdlib.h
Functions: fabs(), pow(), sqrt(), sin(), cos(), abs();
Other Functions:
Header File- stdlib.h;
Functions: randomize(), random(), itoa(), atoi()
6 November Two-dimensional Array
Declaration / initialisation of a two-dimensional
array, inputting array elements Accessing
array elements,
Manipulation of Array elements (sum of row
element, column elements, diagonal elements,
finding maximum / minimum values)
User Defined Functions:
Defining a function; function prototype,
Invoking/calling a function, passing arguments to
function, specifying argument data types
7 December User Defined Functions (continued)
Default argument, constant argument, call by value,
call by reference, returning values from a
function,,calling functions with arrays, scope rules
of functions and variables local and global variables
User-defined Data Types:
Need for : User defined data type
Defining a symbol name using typedef keyword and
defining a macro using #define directive
8 January Structure - struct
Defining a Structure, Declaring structure variables,
Accessing structure elements, Passing structure to
Functions as value and reference
argument/parameter, Function returning structure,
Array of structures, passing an array of structure as
an argument/ a parameter to a function
Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal,
Hexadecimal and conversion between two different
number systems
Internal Storage encoding of Characters: ASCII,
ISCII (Indian scripts Standard Code for Information
Interchange), and UNICODE (for multilingual
9 February Microprocessor: Basic concepts, Clock speed 30 20
(MHz, GHz), 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit processors; Types (15+1 5)
Memory Concepts:
Units: Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera
Byte, Peta Byte
Primary Memory: Cache, RAM, ROM
Secondary Memory: Fixed and Removable Storage
- Hard Disk Drive, CD/DVD Drive, Pen Drive, Blue
Ray Disk
Input Output Ports/Connections: Serial, Parallel
and Universal Serial Bus, PS-2 port, Infrared port,
Bluetooth, Firewire.
Project work
Class XI (Practicals)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30
1. Programming in C++ 10
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the
examination. Marks are allotted on the basis of following:
Logic : 5 Marks Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks Output presentation : 3 Marks
2 Project Work 10 Problems related to String, Number and Array manipulation
General Guidelines: Initial Requirement, developing an interface for user (it is advised to
use text based interface screen), developing logic for playing the game and developing
logic for scoring points
1. Memory Game: A number guessing game with application of 2 dimensional
arrays containing randomly generated numbers in pairs hidden inside boxes.
2. Cross 'N Knots Game: A regular tic-tac-toe game
3. Hollywood/Hangman: A word Guessing game
4. Cows 'N Bulls: A word/number Guessing game
Similar projects may be undertaken in other domains
(As mentioned in general guidelines for project, given at the end of the curriculum in a
group of 2-4 students)
3 Practical File05 Must have minimum 15 programs from the topics covered in class XI course.
• 5 Programs on Control structures
• 4 Programs on Array manipulations
• 4 Programs on String Manipulations
• 2 Programs on structure manipulations
4 Viva Voce05 Viva will be asked from the syllabus covered in class XI and the project developed by
the student(s).

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split up syllabus_ip,cs-xi,xii

  • 1. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS (2012-2013) CLASS XII SUBJECT: - INFORMATICS PRACTICES(065) Unit Topic Period Marks Theory Practical Theory Practical 1 NETWORKING AND OPEN STANDARDS 20 4 10 2 2 PROGRAMMING 42 40 25 16 3 RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 42 36 30 8 4 IT APPLICATION 6 20 5 4 110 100 70 30 I.P.(Theory) S No Month Topic Details Required No. of Periods No. Of Tentative Working Days Theory/ Computer Aided teaching Practical 1 April UNIT 1: NETWORKING AND OPEN STANDARDS Computer Networking: Networking - a brief overview, Basic concept of domain name, MAC, and IP Address, Identifying computers and users over a network (Domain Name, MAC 'Media Access Control' and IP address), domain name resolution, Network Topologies, Types of network - LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN; Wired Technologies - Co-Axial, Ethernet Cable, Optical Fiber; Wireless Technologies - Blue Tooth, Infrared, Microwave, Radio Link, Satellite Link; Network Devices – Hub, Switch, Repeater, Gateway - and their functions Network security - denial of service, intrusion problems, snooping Open Source Concepts: Open Source Software (OSS), common FOSS/FLOSS examples (e.g. Gnu/Linux, Fi ref ox, Open Office), common open standards (open 20 4 22
  • 2. document format Ogg Vorbis) Indian Language Computing: character encoding, UN I CODE, different types of fonts (open type vs true type, static vs dynamic), Entering Indian Language Text - phonetic and key map based. UNIT Review of Class XI; (Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of GUI Programming, and Appendix B for Swing Control Methods & Properties) 5 4 2 May - June Review of Class XI continued……… (Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of GUI Programming, and Appendix B for Swing Control Methods & Properties) Basic concept of Access specifier for classes, Members and methods. 15 10 18 3 July Basic concept of Inheritance: need, Method Overloading and Overriding, Abstract Class and Interfaces, use of inter faces. Commonly used libraries: String class and methods: toString(), concat(), length(), toLowerCase() ,toU pperCase(), trim (), substring() Math object: pow(), round() 15 10 25 4 August Accessing MySQL database using ODBC/JDBC to connect with database. Web application development: U RL, Web Server, Communicating with the web server, concept of Client and Server Side. HTML based web pages covering basic tags - HTML, TITLE, BODY, H1..H6, Paragraph (P), LineBreak (BR), Section Separator (HR), FONT, TABLE, LIST (UL, OL), FORM ;Creating and accessing static pages using HTML and introduction to XML 14 15 23 5 Sept Review of RDBMS from Class XI Database Fundamentals Concept of Database Transaction, Committing and revoking a Transaction using COMM IT and REVOKE Grouping Records: GROUP BY, Group functions - MAX(), M IN(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT(); 22 16 24
  • 3. using COUNT(*), DISTINCT clause with COUNT, Group Functions and Null Values, Displaying Data From Multiple Tables: Cartesian product, Union, concept of Foreign Key, Equi -Join 6 Oct Creating a Table with PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraints, adding a Constraint, enabling Constraints, Viewing Constraints, Viewing the Columns Associated with Constraints; 14 6 17 7 Nov ALTER TABLE for deleting a column, ALTER TABLE for modifying data types of a column DROP Table for deleting a table; UNIT 4: IT APPLICATIONS Front-end Interface - Introduction; content and features; identifying and using appropriate component (Text Box, Radio Button, CheckBox, List) for data entry, validation and display; Back-end Database - Introduction and its purpose; exploring the requirement of tables and its essential attributes; Front-End and Database Connectivity - Introduction, requirement and benefits Demonstration and development of appropriate Front-end interface and Back-end Database for e- Governance, e-Busi ness and e-Learning applications Revision for I Pre Board Examination 6 6 6 20 20 8 Dec Revision, Project Work Preparation & I Pre Board Examination 9 Jan Revision, Finalisation of Project & II Pre Board Examination 10 Feb Revision, CBSE Practical Exam
  • 4. Class XII (Practical) S.No. Description Marks 1 Problem Solving using Java 10 2 SQL Queries 4 3 Practical Record • Simple Problems using IDE Java • SQL Queries • IT Applications 6 4 Project Work 4 5 Viva Voce 6 Evaluation of Practical Examination 1. Problem Solving using Java Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file. Student will be given a problem to be solved using Java during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session. 2. SQL Queries Students will be trying out SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year along with course coverage in theory. Student will be asked to write 4 queries based on one or two tables during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session 3. Practical Record File A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following: At least 12 solutions of simple problems and 2 IT applications using IDE based Java (refer to Appendix 'A' & 'B') At least 24 SQL queries based on one and/or two tables Solution of at least 2 simple problems incorporating Java Application & Database connectivity 4. Project File Students in group of 2-3 are required to work collaboratively to develop a project using Programming and Database skills learnt during the course. The project should be an application with GUI front-end based on any one of the following domains - e-Governance, e-Business and e- Learni ng 5. Viva Voce Students will be asked oral questions during practical Examination to be conducted at the end of the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session
  • 5. CBSE Curriculum 2012 Appendix 'A' Sample Guidelines for GUI Programming 1. To display a message using Label, TextBox, MessageDialog using simple GUI applications 2. To concatenate two text entries and display using simple GUI application 3. To perform a simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in MessageDialog orTextBox using simple GUI application 4. To perform simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in TextBox using simpleGUI application 5. To make simple decision making (if statement) solution and display relevant message using GUI application (Example - Problems related to Eligibility for a given value of Age, "Profit" or "Loss" messages for given values of Cost Price and Sale Price, Grade Display for given values of Marks of students etc.) 6. To create a simple GUI application to perform both arithmetic and logical operation together (Example - Total, Average and Grade calculation for given marks, Salary Calculation on different criteria) 7. To create a simple GUI application to perform an operation based on the criteria input by the user in a CheckBox or a RadioButton. (Example 1: Find the Discount of an item on the basis of Category of item [Electrical Appliance/ Electronic Gadget/Stationary specified using a Radio button] and its Cost [Below 1000/Above 1000/Equal to 1000 specified using a Radio button]). (Example 2: Calculate the incentive of a Sales Person on the basis of his Sales Amount, Customer Feedback, Count of Customer specified using CheckBox) [Introduce variable declaration. 8. To create a simple GUI application to change the property of a swing element based on the selection made by the user (Example 1: To change the background or Foreground color of any of the Swing elements of the form based on the color selected from a list) (Example 2: To change the foreground and background color of a label based on the values input/stored in a combo box) 9. To store the data(Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in a table [Table] and find total number of students in each class and section. 10. To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input. (Example: To display the multiplication table of a number input by the user) Sample Guidelines for Connectivity Problems 11. To create a simple GUI application that counts and displays the number of records present in database table. 12. To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form. 13. To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form based on a criteria input by the user. 14. To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application.
  • 6. Appendix 'B' Ready Reference for GUI Programming Swing Control Methods & Properties Class Swing Control Methods / Properties Jbutton jButton Methods • getText() • setText() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text have same • Label value (by default) Jlabel jLabel M ethods • getText() • setText() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text JtextField jTextField M ethods • getText() • isEditable() • isEnabled() • setText() Properties • Background • Editable • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text JRadioButton jRadioButton M ethods • getText() • setText() • isSelected() • setSelected() Properties • Background • Button Group • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Label • Selected • Text JcheckBox jCheckBox M ethods • getText() • setText() • isSelected() • setSelected()
  • 7. Properties • Button Group • Font • Foreground • Label • Selected • Text ButtonGroup jButtonGroup Properties • Add JcomboBox jComboBox M ethods • getSelectedItem() • getSelectedIndex() • setModel() Properties • Background • ButtonGroup • Editable • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Model • SelectedIndex • SelectedItem • Text Jlist jList M ethods • getSelectedValue() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Model • SelectedIndex • SelectedItem • SelectionMode • Text Jtable jTable M ethods • addRow() • getModel() Properties • model JoptionPane M ethods • showMessageDialog() DefaultTableModel M ethods • getRowCount() • removeRow() • addRow()
  • 8. Commonly used Methods Class Methods Integer • parseInt() • toDouble() • toString() String • concat() • length() • substring() • toDouble() • toLowerCase() • toUpperCase() • trim() Double • parseDouble () • toString() • toI nt() Math • pow() • round() Database Connectivity Methods Class Methods Con necti on • createStatement() • close() D riverM anager Statement ResultSet • getConnection() • executeQuery() • next() • first() • last() • getString() Exception • getMessage() System • exit()
  • 9. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS FOR CLASS XII SUBJECT : COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SESSION:2012-13 Class XII (Theory) Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70 Unit No. Unit Name Marks 1. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C++ 30 2. DATA STRUCTURES 14 3. DATABASES AND SQL 8 4. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 8 5. COMPUTER NETWORKS 10 70 S No Month Topic Details Required No. of Periods (Theory/ Computer Aided Teaching + Practical) No. Of Tentative Working days 1 April UNIT 1: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN 30 (22+08) 22 C++ REVIEW: C++ covered In Class -XI, Object Oriented Programming: Concept of Object Oriented Programming - Data hiding, Data encapsulation, Class and Object, Abstract class and Concrete class, Polymorphism (Implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an example in C++); Inheritance, Advantages of Object Oriented Programming over earlier programming methodologies
  • 10. 2 May - June Implementation of Object Oriented Programming concepts in C++: Definition of a class, Members of a class - Data Members and Member Functions (methods), Using Private and Public visibility modes, default visibility mode (private); Member function definition: inside class definition and outside class definition using scope resolution operator (::); Declaration of objects as instances of a class; accessing members from object(s), Objects as function arguments - pass by value and pass by reference Constructor and Destructor: Constructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and Definition of constructor, Deffault constructor, Overloaded Constructors, Copy Constructor, Constructor with default arguments Destructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and definition of destructor 18 (11+7) 18 3 July 34 (15+14) 25 Inheritance (Extending Classes): Concept of Inheritance, Base Class, Derived Class, Defining derived classes, protected visibility mode; Single level inheritance, Multilevel inheritance and Multiple inheritance, Privately derived, Publicly derived and Protectedly derived class, accessibility of members from objects and within derived class(es) Data File Handling: Need for a data file, Types of data files - Text file and Binary file Basic file operations on text file: Creating/Writing text into file, Reading and Manipulation of text from an already existing text File (accessing sequentially); Binary File: Creation of file, Writing data into file, Searching for required data from file, Appending data to a file, Insertion of data in sorted file, Deletion of data from file, Modification of data in a file; Implementation of above mentioned data file handling in C++
  • 11. 4 August Components of C++ to be used with file handling: 30 23 Header file: fstream.h; if stream, of stream, f stream classes; Opening a text file in in, out, and app modes; Using cascading operators for writing text to the file and reading text from the file; open(), get(), put(), getline() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without using eof() function); Opening a binary file using in, out, and app modes; open(), read(), write() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without using eof() function); tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions Pointers: Declaration and Initialization of Pointers; Dynamic memory all ocati on/deal location operators: new, delete; Pointers and Arrays: Array of Pointers, Pointer to an array (1 dimensional array), Function returning a pointer, Reference variables and use of alias; Function call by reference. Pointer to structures: Deference operator: *, ->; self referential structures UNIT 2: DATA STRUCTURES (22+08) Arrays: One and two Dimensional arrays: Sequential allocation and address calculation One dimensional array: Traversal, Searching (Linear, Binary Search), Insertion of an element in an array, deletion of an element from an array, Sorting (Insertion, Selection, Bubble sort), concatenation of two linear arrays, merging of two sorted arrays Two-dimensional arrays: Traversal, Finding sum/difference of two NxM arrays containing numeric values, Interchanging Row and Column elements in a two dimensional array.
  • 12. 5 September Stack (Array and Linked implementation of Stack): 34 24 (20+14) Operations on Stack (PUSH and POP) and its Implementation in C++, Converting expressions from INFIX to POSTFIX notation and evaluation of Postfix expression Queue: (Circular Array and Linked Implementation): Operations on Queue (Insert and Delete) and its Implementation in C++. UNIT 3: DA TABASES AND SQL Database Concepts: Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation, key, primary key, alternate key, candidate key; Relational algebra: Selection, Projection, Union and Cartesian product Structured Query Language: General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language Data types: NUMBER/DECIMAL, CHARACTER/ VARCHAR/VARCHAR2, DATE; SQL commands: CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, UPDATE...SET..., INSERT, DELETE; SELECT, DISTINCT, FROM, WHERE, IN, BETWEEN, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY 6 October SQL functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX and M IN; 22 17 (15+7) Obtaining results (SELECT query) from 2 tables using equi-join, Cartesian Product and Union Note: Implementation of the above mentioned commands could be done on any SQL supported software on one or two tables.
  • 13. UNIT 4: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Binary-valued Quantities, Bool ean Variable, Bool ean Constant and Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT; Truth Tables; Closure Property, Commutative Law, Associative Law, Identity law, Inverse law, Principle of Duality, Idempotent Law, Distributive Law, Absorption Law, Involution law, DeM organ's Law and their applications Obtaining Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form from the Truth Table, Reducing Boolean Expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, Use of Karnaugh Map for minimization of Boolean expressions (up to 4 variables) Application of Boolean Logic: Digital electronic circuit design using basic Logic Gates (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR) Use of Boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR) in SQL SEL ECT statements Use of Boolean operators (AND, OR) in search engine queries. 7 November UNIT 5: COMMUNICATION AND OPEN SOURCE 30 (22+08) 20 CONCEPTS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Evolution of Networking: ARPANET, Internet, Interspace Different ways of sending data across the network with reference to switching techniques (Circuit, M essage and Packet switching) Data Communication terminologies: Concept of Channel, Baud, Bandwidth (Hz, KHz, M Hz) and Data transfer rate (bps, kbps, M bps, Gbps, Tbps) Transmission media: Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, infrared, radio link, microwave link and satellite link Network devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, Ethernet Card,
  • 14. Hub, Switch, Gateway Network Topologies and types: Bus, Star, Tree; PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN Network Protocol: TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), PPP, Remote Login (Telnet), Internet Wireless/M obile Communication protocol such as GSM, CDMA, GPRS, WLL, 1G, 2G and 3G Electronic mail protocols such as SM TP, POP3 Protocols for Chat and Video Conferencing VoIP protocols such as Wi-Fi and WiMax Network Security Concepts: Threats and prevention from Viruses, Worms, Trojan horse, Spams Use of Cookies, Protection using Firewall; India IT Act, Cyber Law, Cyber Crimes, IPR issues, Hacking. WebServices: WWW, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), eXtensible Markup Language (X M L); Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Domain Names; URL; Protocol Address; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting, Web Scripting - Client side (VB Script, Java Script, PHP) and Server side (ASP, JSP, PHP), Web 2.0 (for social networking) Open Source Concepts Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprietary Software, FLOSS/FOSS, GNU,FSF,OSI Revision for I Pre Board Examination 8 December Revision, Project Work Preparation & I Pre Board Examination 9 January Revision, Finalisation of Project & II Pre Board Examination 10 February Revision, CBSE Practical Exam
  • 15. Class XII (Practicals) Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30 1. Programming in C++ 10 One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the basis of following: Logic : 5 Marks Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks Output presentation : 3 Marks Notes: The types of problems to be given will be of application type from the following topics Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional) • Array of structure• Stack using arrays and linked implementation Queue using arrays (circular) and linked implementation Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and modification)• Text File operations (Creation, Displaying and modification) 2. SQL Commands 05 Five Query questions based on a particular Table/Relation to be tested practically on Computer during the examination. The command along with the result must be written in the answer sheet. 3. Project Work 05 The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented Technology and also should have use of Data files. (The project is required to be developed in a group of 2-4 students) Presentation on the computer • Project report (Listing, Sample, Outputs, Documentation • Viva 4. Practical File 05 Must have minimum 20 programs from the following topics Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional, sorting, searching, merging, deletion'& insertion of elements) Arrays of structures • Stacks using arrays and linked implementation • Queues using arrays (linear and circular) and linked implementation • File (Binary and Text) operations (Creation, U pdation, Query) • Any computational based problems 15 SQL commands along with the output based on any table/relation: 3 Marks 5. Viva Voce 05 Viva will be asked from syllabus covered in class XII and the project developed by student
  • 16. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS (2012-13) CLASS XI SUBJECT: - INFORMATICS PRACTICES (Code-065) Unit Topic Period Marks Theory Practical Theory Practical 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEMS 20 04 10 02 2 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 40 40 25 16 3 RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 45 36 30 6 4 IT APPLICATION 5 20 5 6 110 100 70 30 I.P.(Theory) S N o Month Topic Details Required No. of Periods No . Of T e nta ti ve Wo r ki ng da y s Theory/ Computer Aided teaching Practicals 1 June UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEMS Hardware Concepts: Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU, Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices, 6 02 6 communication bus, ports (serial, parallel, network, phone); Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screens, Graphics Tablets, Joystick, Microphone, OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera; Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix Printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser Printer), Plotter, Speaker; Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) USB Drive, Memory cards; Comparative properties of storage devices; Memory Units: Bit (Binary Digit)/Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte) 2 July Software Concepts: 10 02 25 Operating systems, Need for operating system, major functions of Operating System, Memory Management
  • 17. Security of system: sources of attack and possible damages, virus and related entities - worms, propagation of these entities, virus detection using a tool, digital certificates, digital signature, cookies, firewall, password, file access permissions Types of Software: System Software, Utility Software, Application Software and Developer Tools System Software Productivity Tools General Purpose Application Software: Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System Specific Purpose Application software (for example: Inventory Management System, Purchasing System, Human Resource Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management and Reservation System) Developer Tools: Compilers and Interpreters, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) General features of Desktop: To be taught through practical. Refer to the practical section. Word Processing To be taught through practical. Refer to the practical section. Spreadsheet To be taught through practical. Refer to the practical section. UNIT 2: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 12 06 Getting started with Programming using IDE (Refer to Appendix A for sample guidelines of GUI Programming, and Appendix B for Swing Control Methods & Properties) Introduction, Rapid Application Development using IDE (Integrated Development Environment); Familiarization of IDE using basic Interface components- Label, TextField, TextArea, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, Creation of a simple Swing Application ("Hello World") 3 August Programming Fundamentals Data Types: Concept of data types; Built-in data types - byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, String, boolean Variables: Need to use variable, Declaring Variables, Variable Naming Convention, Assigning value to Variables; 22 10 23
  • 18. Integer object method: parseInt Double object method: parseDouble Control Structures: Decision Structure - if, if-else, switch; Looping Structure- while, do-while, for; 4 Septem ber Developing General Application - Getting Familiar with Java Swing User Interface components- Frame, Dialog, OptionPane, Panel, ScrollPane, Label, TextField, PasswordField, TextArea, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, List, Table, FileChooser, ColorChooser, ToolBar, Menu. Basic component handling methods/attributes setText, getText, add, is Selected, setSelected, getX, getY, addActionListener. 20 14 24 5 October Programming Guidelines: General Concepts; Modular approach; Stylistic Guidelines: Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions, Names, Comments, Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance; Running and debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors; Problem Solving Methodology and Techniques: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, Step by step solution for the problem, breaking down solution into simple steps, Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution, Using Control Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite and infinite); UNIT 3: RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Database Management System Introduction to database concepts: Relation/Table, attribute/fields, Tuple / Rows; Data Types - Number, Character and Date Key - Primary Key, Candidate key, Alternate key; Examples of common Database Management System - MySQL, INGRES, POSTGRES, ORACLE, DB2, MS SQL, Sybase. 17 7 17 6 Novemb er Introduction to MySQL (ANSI SQL 99 standard commands) Classification of SQL Statements: DML - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE DDL - CREATE, DROP, ALTER SQL SELECT Statement (working with demo/already existing tables): SELECT statement, Selecting All the Columns, Selecting Specific 22 10 20
  • 19. Column, Using Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence, Defining and using Column Alias, Duplicate rows and their Elimination (DISTINCT keyword), Displaying Table Structure (DESC command); SELECT Statement Continued: Limiting Rows during selection (using WHERE clause), Working with Character Strings and Dates, Working with NULL values; 7 Decemb er Using Comparison operators - =, <, >, <=, >=, <>, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE(%,_), Logical Operators -AND, OR, NOT; Operator Precedence; ORDER BY Clause, Sorting in Ascending / Descending Order, Sorting By Column Alias Name, Sorting On Multiple Columns; Functions in MySQL: String Function - CHAR(), CONCAT(),INSTR(), LCASE(), LEFT(), LOWER(), LENGTH(), LTRIM(), MID(), RIGHT(), RTRIM(), SUBSTR(), TRIM(), UCASE(), UPPER(). Mathematical Functions - POWER(), ROUND(), TRUNCATE(). 14 10 18 8 January Date and Time Functions - CURDATE() , DATE(), MONTH(), YEAR(), DAYNAME(), DAYOFMONTH(), DAYOFWEEK(), DAYOFYEAR(), NOW(), SYSDATE(). Manipulating Data of a Table/Relation: Inserting New Rows, Inserting New Rows with Null Values, Inserting NUMBER, CHAR and DATE Values, Update Statement to Change Existing Data of a Table, Updating Rows in A Table, Delete statement - removing row/rows from a Table; Creating Table using CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE for adding a new column, using naming conventions for column names; 15 15 15 9 February UNIT 4: IT APPLICATIONS e-Governance - Definition, Benefits to citizens, e - Governance websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Governance challenges. e-Business - Definition, Benefits to customers and business, e-Business websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Business challenges. e-Learning - Definition; Benefits to students (Learners), Teachers (Trainers) and School (Institution) Management; e-Learning websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Business Challenges. Revision, and Project work 5 20 20
  • 20. Class XI (I.P. Practical) S.No. Description Marks 1 Problem Solving using Java 12 2 SQL Queries 4 3 Practical Record • Familiarization of Computer and its Productivity Tools • Simple Problems using IDE Java • SQL Queries • IT Applications 8 5 Viva Voce 6 Evaluation of Practical Examination 1. Problem solving using Java Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file. Student will be given a problem to be solved using Java during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session 2. SQL Queries Students will be trying out SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year along with course coverage in theory. Student will be asked to write 4 queries based on one or two tables during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session 3. Practical Record File A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following: • Print out of at least 2 documents with use of Different Style, Page Setting/Formatting, Bulleting/Numbering and Tabulation. • Print out of at least 2 spreadsheets with simple calculations, basic functions, macros and graphs/charts • At least 6 solutions of simple problems and 2 IT applications using IDE based Java (refer to Appendix 'A' & 'B') • At least 20 SQL queries based on one table 4. Viva Voce Students will be asked oral questions during practical Examination to be conducted at the end of the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session General Content to be covered during practical sessions Familiarization of Computer and its Productivity Tools Hardware concepts (Demonstration of components of a PC): Components to be shown through relevant Charts or Animation or Presentation or Video or Internet Sites or real demonstrations: Microprocessor; Hard Disk, RAM; Mother Board; Boards; USB port; RJ45 LAN port; serial port, parallel port; CD/ DVD drive; Central Processing Unit (CPU); Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit, Memory Unit (RAM –Random Access Memory & ROM - Read Only Memory) Input devices: Keyboard,
  • 21. Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screens, Graphics Tablets, Joystick, Microphone,OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera, Thin Clients; Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix Printer, Deskjet/ Ink jet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser Printer), Plotter, Speaker, Thin Clients; Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) USD Drive, Memory cards; General features of Desktop: Panel, Icon, Links, Trash, System File Browser, Folder Panel: Applications menu, Places menu, System menu Applications Menu: Accessories - Calculator, Text Editor, Graphics Image Viewer, Drawing Tool; Internet- Web Browser, Internet messenger, Mail Client; Using Office tools; Sound & Video - CD Player, Sound Recorder, PMovie Player, Music Player, Universal Access- Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier. Places Menu: Home Folder, Desktop, Computer, Network, and Search for Files. System Menu: Preferences- About me, Appearances, Assistive Technologies, Keyboard shortcuts, Main Menu, Mouse, Network Proxy, Preferred Applications, Screen Resolution, Screen Saver, Sound; Administration - Hardware Driver/Device Driver Utility, Package Manager, Printing/Print Manager, Update Manager, Users and Groups, Time and Date, Language Support; Help; Log Out; Shut Down. Word Processing Opening a new/existing document, closing a document, typing in a document, saving a document, page preview, printing a document, setting up of page as per the specifications, selecting a portion of document, copying selected text, cutting selected text, pasting selected text; changing font, size, style, color of text; Inserting symbol; Formatting: Alignment - Left, Right, Center; Converting from word processor document to PDF format directly from Spreadsheet Opening a new/existing spreadsheet, closing a spreadsheet, understanding a cell, row and column, typing in numbers in the cell, saving a spreadsheet, page preview, printing a spreadsheet, setting up of page as per the specifications, selecting a portion of spreadsheet, writing formulas for addition, subtraction and multiplication in cells, writing simple arithmetic formulas in spreadsheet, copying formulas across cells, Converting spreadsheet to PDF format directly from Evaluation of this portion will be done on the basis of work done in the Practical Record File and Viva Voce during final practical Examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session
  • 22. CBSE Curriculum 2012 Appendix 'A' Sample Guidelines for GUI Programming 1. To display a message using Label, TextBox, MessageDialog using simple GUI applications 2. To concatenate two text entries and display using simple GUI application 3. To perform a simple arithmetic operation (+,-, *,/) and display the result in MessageDialog orTextBox using simple GUI application 4. To perform simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in TextBox using simpleGUI application 5. To make simple decision making (if statement) solution and display relevant message using GUI application (Example - Problems related to Eligibility for a given value of Age, "Profit" or "Loss" messages for given values of Cost Price and Sale Price, Grade Display for given values of Marks of students etc.) 6. To create a simple GUI application to perform both arithmetic and logical operation together (Example - Total, Average and Grade calculation for given marks, Salary Calculation on different criteria) 7. To create a simple GUI application to perform an operation based on the criteria input by the user in a CheckBox or a RadioButton. (Example 1: Find the Discount of an item on the basis of Category of item [Electrical Appliance/ Electronic Gadget/Stationary specified using a Radio button] and its Cost [Below 1000/Above 1000/Equal to 1000 specified using a Radio button]). (Example 2: Calculate the incentive of a Sales Person on the basis of his Sales Amount, Customer Feedback, Count of Customer specified using CheckBox) [Introduce variable declaration] 8. To create a simple GUI application to change the property of a swing element based on the selection made by the user. (Example 1: To change the background or Foreground color of any of the Swing elements of the form based on the color selected from a list) (Example 2: To change the foreground and background color of a label based on the values input/stored in a combo box) 9. To store the data(Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in a table [Table] and find total number of students in each class and section. 10. To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input. (Example: To display the multiplication table of a number input by the user)
  • 23. Appendix 'B' Ready Reference for GUI Programming Swing Control Methods & Properties Class Swing Control Methods / Properties Jbutton jButton Methods • getText() • setText() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text have same • Label value (by default) Jlabel jLabel Methods • getText() • setText() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text JtextField jTextField Methods • getText() • isEditable() • isEnabled() • setText() Properties • Background • Editable • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Text JRadioButton jRadioButton Methods • getText() • setText() • isSelected() • setSelected() Properties • Background • Button Group • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Label • Selected • Text JcheckBox jCheckBox Methods • getText() • setText() • isSelected() • setSelected() Properties • Button Group • Font
  • 24. • Foreground • Label • Selected • Text ButtonGroup jButtonGroup Properties • Add JcomboBox jComboBox Methods • getSelectedItem() • getSelectedIndex() • setModel() Properties • Background • ButtonGroup • Editable • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Model • SelectedIndex • SelectedItem • Text Jlist jList Methods • getSelectedValue() Properties • Background • Enabled • Font • Foreground • Model • SelectedIndex • SelectedItem • SelectionMode • Text Jtable jTable Methods • addRow() • getModel() Properties • model JoptionPane Methods • showMessageDialog() DefaultTableModel Methods • getRowCount() • removeRow() • addRow() Commonly used Methods Class Methods Integer • parseInt() • toDouble() • toString() String • concat() • length() • substring() • toDouble() • toLowerCase() • toUpperCase() • trim() Double • parseDouble () • toString() • toI nt() Math • pow() • round()
  • 25. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS FOR CLASS XI SUBJECT : COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SESSION:2012-13 Class XI (Theory) Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70 Unit No. Unit Name Marks 1. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 10 2. PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY 10 3. INTRODUCTION TO C++ 15 4. PROGRAMMING IN C++ 35 70 S No Month Topic Details Required No. of Periods (Theory/ Computer Aided Teaching + Practical) No. Of Tentative Working days 1 June UNIT 1: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Evolution of computers; Basics of computer and its 9 (6+3) 6 operation: Functional Components and their interconnections, concept of Booting. Software Concepts: Types of Software - System Software, Utility Software and Application Software System Software: Operating System, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler 2 July Operating System: Need for operating system, Functions of Operating System (Processor Management, Memory Management, File Management and Device Management), Types of operating system -Interactive (GUI based), Time Sharing, Real Time and Distributed; Commonly used operating systems: UNIX, LINUX, Windows, Solaris, BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions); Illustration and practice of the following tasks using any one of the above Operating Systems: • Opening/Closing Windows • Crea ting/Moving/Deleting Files/Folders • Renaming Files/Folders 34 (26+08) 25
  • 26. • Switching between Tasks Utility Software: Anti Virus, File Management tools, Compression tools and Disk Management tools (Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Backup) Application software: Office Tools - Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System; Domain specific tools - School Management System, Inventory Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management, Reservation System and Weather Forecasting System UNIT 2: PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY General Concepts; Modular approach; Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions, Use of proper Names for identifiers, Comments, Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance; Running and Debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors Problem Solving Methodologies: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, Writing code to optimizing execution time and memory storage, step by step solution for the problem, breaking down solution into simple steps, Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution, Control Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite and infinite) UNIT 3: INTRODUCTION TO C++ Getting Started: C++ character set, C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators), Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function); Header files - iostream.h, iomanip.h; cout, cin; Use of I/O operators (<< and >>), Use of endl and setw(), Cascading of I/O operators, Error Messages; Use of editor, basic commands of editor, compilation, linking and execution; standard input/output operations from C language: gets(), puts() of stdio.h header file 3 August Data Types, Variables and Constants: 30 23 Concept of Data types; Built-in Data types: char, (20+10) int, float and double; Constants: Integer Constants, Character Constants (Backslash character constants - n, t ), Floating Point Constants, String Constants; Access modifier: const; Variables of built-in data types, Declaration/Initialisation of
  • 27. variables, Assignment statement; Type modifier: signed, unsigned, long Operators and Expressions: Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%), Unary operator (-), Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators, Relational operators (>,>=,<,<=,==,!=), Logical operators (!, &&, ||), Conditional operator: <condition>?<if true>:<else>; Precedence of Operators; Expressions; Automatic type conversion in expressions, Type casting; C++ shorthands (+=, - =, *=, /=, %=) UNIT 4: PROGRAMMING IN C++ Flow of control: Conditional statements: if-else, Nested if,, Nested, break statement (to be used in only); 4 September Loops: while, do - while , for and Nested 34 24 loops (20+14) Structured Data Type: One Dimensional Array Declaratrion / initialisation of One-dimensional array, Inputting array elements, Accessing array elements, Manipulation of Array elements (sum of elements, product of elements, average of elements, linear search, finding maximum/minimum value) 5 October Declaration/Initialization of a String, string 22 17 manipulations (counting vowels/ (15+7) consonants/digits/special characters, case conversion, reversing a string, reversing each word of a string) Inbuilt Functions Character Functions: Header File: ctype.h Functions: isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isupper(), tolower(), toupper() String Functions: Header File: string.h Function: strcpy(), strcat(), strlen(), strcmp(), strcmpi(), strrev(), strlen(), strupr(), strlwr() Mathematical Functions: Header File-math.h, stdlib.h Functions: fabs(), pow(), sqrt(), sin(), cos(), abs();
  • 28. Other Functions: Header File- stdlib.h; Functions: randomize(), random(), itoa(), atoi() 6 November Two-dimensional Array Declaration / initialisation of a two-dimensional array, inputting array elements Accessing array elements, Manipulation of Array elements (sum of row element, column elements, diagonal elements, finding maximum / minimum values) 30 (22+08) 20 User Defined Functions: Defining a function; function prototype, Invoking/calling a function, passing arguments to function, specifying argument data types 7 December User Defined Functions (continued) Default argument, constant argument, call by value, call by reference, returning values from a function,,calling functions with arrays, scope rules of functions and variables local and global variables User-defined Data Types: Need for : User defined data type Defining a symbol name using typedef keyword and defining a macro using #define directive 24 (16+08) 18 8 January Structure - struct Defining a Structure, Declaring structure variables, Accessing structure elements, Passing structure to Functions as value and reference 23 (13+10) 15 argument/parameter, Function returning structure, Array of structures, passing an array of structure as an argument/ a parameter to a function UNIT 1: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and conversion between two different number systems Internal Storage encoding of Characters: ASCII, ISCII (Indian scripts Standard Code for Information Interchange), and UNICODE (for multilingual computing) 9 February Microprocessor: Basic concepts, Clock speed 30 20 (MHz, GHz), 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit processors; Types (15+1 5) - CISC, RISC Memory Concepts: Units: Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera Byte, Peta Byte Primary Memory: Cache, RAM, ROM
  • 29. Secondary Memory: Fixed and Removable Storage - Hard Disk Drive, CD/DVD Drive, Pen Drive, Blue Ray Disk Input Output Ports/Connections: Serial, Parallel and Universal Serial Bus, PS-2 port, Infrared port, Bluetooth, Firewire. Project work Revision Class XI (Practicals) Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30 1. Programming in C++ 10 One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the basis of following: Logic : 5 Marks Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks Output presentation : 3 Marks 2 Project Work 10 Problems related to String, Number and Array manipulation General Guidelines: Initial Requirement, developing an interface for user (it is advised to use text based interface screen), developing logic for playing the game and developing logic for scoring points 1. Memory Game: A number guessing game with application of 2 dimensional arrays containing randomly generated numbers in pairs hidden inside boxes. 2. Cross 'N Knots Game: A regular tic-tac-toe game 3. Hollywood/Hangman: A word Guessing game 4. Cows 'N Bulls: A word/number Guessing game or Similar projects may be undertaken in other domains (As mentioned in general guidelines for project, given at the end of the curriculum in a group of 2-4 students) 3 Practical File05 Must have minimum 15 programs from the topics covered in class XI course. • 5 Programs on Control structures • 4 Programs on Array manipulations • 4 Programs on String Manipulations • 2 Programs on structure manipulations 4 Viva Voce05 Viva will be asked from the syllabus covered in class XI and the project developed by the student(s).