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An Organizational Co-evolutionary
   Algorithm For Classification

 Developed By:   Badar Munir

                   National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
1.   Abstract
2.   Introduction
3.   Reference Techniques
4.   Proposed Technique
5.   Results
6.   Conclusion
7.   Future idea

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
OCEC is inspired from human interacting process.
- It uses the concept of Multi Poulation.
- It evolves individuals of population, individuals
that have same class arranges them in
Determines the fitness of each organization by
Calculating its
       - Significance of each attribute.
       - # of attributes in it

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
- Rules are extracted when evolutionary process
- Generalized rules are by merging rules.
- OCEC performs better than other EA based
classification algorithms and has less
computational complexity.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Co-evolutionary Algorithm
- EA are based on the process Natural Selection.
- When ever it is applied on engineering
problems it gives satisfactory results.
- Co-evolutionary algorithm is Multi-Population.
- In Co-evolutionary algorithms individuals of
species-I competes/ cooperates with species-II.
Best individual from both them is selected and
copied to next generation.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Co-evolutionary Algorithm
Two types of Co-evolutionary algorithms are:
- Competitive
- Cooperative

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Classification is a technique in which
• # possible inputs, #attributes in input,
• Range of attribute values
• Output Classes are already known.
 NAME    RANK                      YEARS              TENURED
 Mike    Assistant Prof              3                   no
 Mary    Assistant Prof              7                   yes
 Bill    Professor                   2                   yes
 Jim     Associate Prof              7                   yes
 Dave    Assistant Prof              6                   no
 Anne    Associate Prof              3                   no

                          National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
- We divide the dataset into

               Training          Test
                 Data            Data

                    Input Data

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad

NAME   RANK           YEARS TENURED                          Classifier
Mike   Assistant Prof   3      no
Mary   Assistant Prof   7      yes
Bill   Professor        2      yes
Jim    Associate Prof   7      yes
                                                 IF rank = ‘professor’
Dave   Assistant Prof   6      no
                                                 OR years > 6
Anne   Associate Prof   3      no                THEN tenured = ‘yes’

                         National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Our aim in classification is to develop
- Generalized rules instead of Specific
Cases results during the evaluation of
Underflow & Overflow
Reference Techniques
1- Michigan Approach     9- XCS
2- Pittsburgh approach   10- GEP
3- Chonnei Algorithm     11- DMEL
4- GABIL Approach        12- EVOPROL
5- COGIN                 13- SIA
6- JOINGA                14- ESIA
7- REGAL                 15- EENCL
8- G-Net                 16- EPNET

                    National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Michigan Approach
-Maintains a population of individual rules
which compete with each other for space and
priority in a population.
- It is not a good approach because it cannot
find best solution in complex problems instead
it converges rapidly.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Pittsburgh Approach
-Maintains a population of variable-length rule
set which compete with each other with respect
to performance on a domain task.
- computational cost for complex problems is
too high.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
GABIL Approach
- GABIL continuously learns and refines
classification rules by interacting with
- For rules refinement it uses Genetic Algorithm

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
COGIN Approach
- CONGIN is a inductive approach that uses GA.
- It promotes Competitive or Predator type COE
between classification nichie’s.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
JOINGA Approach
- CONGIN is a inductive approach that uses GA.
- It uses Cooperative or Symbiotic type COE
between classification nichie’s.
- It is used for Multi-Model classification.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
REGAL Approach
- It is a distributed GA based approach designed
for learning first-order logic concepts
description from examples.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
G-NET Approach
-G-NET is a descendant of REGAL that
consistently achieves better performance.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Organizational co-evolutionary (OCEC)
- OCEC copies COE model of Multiple
- It organizes the individuals in a sets called
- Focusing on extracting rules from individuals &
- It does not focus on making organizations but
it focus on simulating interacting process among
- It is bottom-up approach.

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Organizational co-evolutionary (OCEC)
- OCEC is based on organizations.
        • Organization 1                         • Organization 2

        • Organization3                          • Organization 4

                           National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
- An organization is a set of instances that have
same class
- Intersection between organizations is empty.
             Org1 Π Org2 = Ø
     Outlook     Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
       Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
       Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
      Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
       Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
       Rainy     Cool    Normal            False              Yes

* Each instance of an org is called Member of org.

                         National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
- If all members of org have the same value for
attribute A , then A is a Fixed-Value Attribute.
Suppose A’ is a fixed-value attribute that satisfy
the conditions required for rule extraction, then
A’ is a Useful Attribute. The fixed-value attribute
set of org is labeled as Forg, and the useful
attribute set is labeled as Uorg
- Useful attribute is significant because it
extracts rule.

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Wind  Forg1 & Uorg1                     (Org2)
Outlook  Uorg2                          (Org2)
Temp  Forg2 & Uorg2
Humidity  Forg2 & Uorg2

    Outlook     Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
      Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
      Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
     Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Cool    Normal            false              Yes

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Classification of Organizations
Classification of organizations are:
- Normal organization
- Trivial Organization
- Abnormal organization

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Normal Organization
- It has more than one members
- Has non-empty useful attributes set
     Outlook    Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
      Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
      Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
     Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Cool    Normal            False              Yes

- It is denoted as ORGN

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Trivial Organization
- It has only one members &
- All attributes of a member are useful.

     Outlook     Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
       Sunny     Hot      High              True              No
      Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes

- It is denoted as ORGT

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Abnormal Classification
- It is an organization with empty useful

     Outlook    Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
      Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
      Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
     Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Mild     High             True               Yes
      Rainy     Cool    Normal            False              Yes

- It is denoted as ORGA

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Organization Records
 Organization keeps record of
- Member list
- Attribute type
- Organization type
- Member class
- Fitness of organization

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Fitness of Organization
Fitness of an organization is calculated as:
- # of members
- # of useful attributes

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Data Representation
OCEC can handle both
    - Nominal &
    - Continuous data

    Outlook    Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
     Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
     Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
    Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
     Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
     Rainy     Cool    Normal            false              Yes

                       National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Knowledge Representation
- A is a set of attributes
- Each attribute has range of values.

     Outlook    Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
      Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
      Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
     Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Cool    Normal            false              Yes

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Knowledge Representation
- Instance Space I is the cartesian product of set
of attributes

     Outlook    Temp   Humidity          Wind               Play
      Sunny     Hot      High             False              No
      Sunny     Hot      High             True               No
     Overcast   Hot      High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Mild     High             False              Yes
      Rainy     Cool    Normal            false              Yes

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Knowledge Representation
- C is a set of classes
- Each member is

     Outlook     Temp     Humidity          Wind               Play
       Sunny     Hot        High             False              No
       Sunny     Hot        High             True               No
      Overcast   Hot        High             False              Yes
       Rainy     Mild       High             False              Yes
       Rainy     Cool      Normal            false              Yes

                           National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Rule Representation
Rules are represented in
      IF <condition> THEN <class>
Each term in condition is triple:
        Attribute, operator, value

* Rules are extracted when evolutionary process Ends

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Working of (OCEC)
- OCEC during COE process generates a of set of
examples and at the end of COE it generates set
of rules.

     if Temp = Mild and Outlook= Sunny
     then Class = Play Tennis

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Working of (OCEC)
- Inclusion or exclusion of attribute from a rule
depends upon the Significance of the attribute.
- EA Method is devised for determining the
Significance of the attribute.
- on the basis of attribute significance Fitness
function of organization is defined.

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Working of (OCEC)
- EA Method is devised for determining the
Significance of the attribute.
- On the basis of attribute significance Fitness
function of organization is defined.

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Evolutionary Operators (OCEC)
- Migrating Operator
- Exchanging Operator
- Merging Operator

Traditional operators such as mutation and
crossover are not used.

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Migrating Operators (OCEC)
- 2 parent organizations are selected
- n members are selected from either parent
and are migrated to child’s
    1    2   3    4                 5         6          7          8

    1    2   3    4                 5         1          2          3

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Exchanging Operators (OCEC)
- 2 org’s are randomly selected from Population
org1 & org2

            Parent                   Parent
             ORG1                     ORG2

            Child-                     Off-
            ORGc1                     ORGc2

                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Exchanging Operators (OCEC)
- n members from each parent org1 are
randomly selected and exchanged
- Two child organization orgc1 & orgc2
    1    2    3   4                 5         6          7          8

    1    6    7   8                 5         1          2          3

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Exchanging Operators (OCEC)
- Two child organization orgc1 & orgc2
- Precondition is:
            |orgp1|>1 and |orgp2|>1

           1 ≤ n < MIN{|orgp1|, |orgp2|}

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Merging Operators
- 2 org’s are randomly selected from Population
orgp1 & orgp2

            Parent                   Parent
             ORG1                     ORG2


                     National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Merging Operators (OCEC)
- n members from each org1 are randomly
selected and merged.
- One child organization orgc1 & orgc2
    1   2    3       4                 5         6          7          8

                 1       2         7         8

                         National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Selection Operators (OCEC)
- Tournament Selection Mechanism is used.

                    National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Rule Extraction From Organization
-Rules are extracted from organizations when
Evolutionary process ends.
- Rules are extracted on the basis useful
- Each useful attribute becomes TERM (part of
       if temp=hot then play = yes

                    National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Performance Evaluation of OCEC
-Multiplexer problem
- Radar Target Recognition Problem.
-All results shows that OCEC has
  - Higher prediction accuracy
  - Low computational cost.

                       National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Scalability Evaluation of OCEC
-Scalability of OCEC is evaluated on synthetic
  - trainging exampels increases from 1lac to 10
  - attributes are increases from 9 to 400.
  - results shows that I achieves good scalability.

                        National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
A. Multiplexer Problems
o Multiplexer problems were introduced to the
   machine learning community by Wilson in
   1987, and have often been used to evaluate
   the performance of learning classifier

                    National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
B. Experimental Results
o The 20- and 37-multiplexer problems are used
o The training set of the 20-multiplexer
  problem has 3000 examples, and that of the
  37-multiplexer problem has 15 000 examples
o The test set of each problem has 100 000
o The parameter N is set to 10% of the number
  of the training set, and n

                    National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 20-multiplexer

                            National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 37-multiplexer

                            National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Coding Output
The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 37-multiplexer

                            National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Coding Output

                National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Coding Output

                National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Comparison between OCEC & EA
- OCEC is based on organization while
traditional EA are based in individuals.
-OCEC has bottom-up searching mechanism
while EA has top-down searching mechanism
- the benefit of using organization is that I does
not generate meaningless rules.
- OCEC has higher prediction accuracy and low
computational cost.

                       National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
- It is best tool for data mining.
- It has low computational cost
- It performs well in a complex, huge dataset of
- On high scalability it performs better than
other techniques.

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Future IDEA
-If we use a Floating Point Fitness Function then
it will give us better result in Scientific

                      National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad

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An organizational co evolutionary algorithm for classification

  • 1. An Organizational Co-evolutionary Algorithm For Classification Developed By: Badar Munir National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 2. Index 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Reference Techniques 4. Proposed Technique 5. Results 6. Conclusion 7. Future idea National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 3. Abstract OCEC is inspired from human interacting process. - It uses the concept of Multi Poulation. - It evolves individuals of population, individuals that have same class arranges them in organization. Determines the fitness of each organization by Calculating its - Significance of each attribute. - # of attributes in it National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 4. Abstract - Rules are extracted when evolutionary process ends. - Generalized rules are by merging rules. - OCEC performs better than other EA based classification algorithms and has less computational complexity. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 5. Co-evolutionary Algorithm - EA are based on the process Natural Selection. - When ever it is applied on engineering problems it gives satisfactory results. - Co-evolutionary algorithm is Multi-Population. - In Co-evolutionary algorithms individuals of species-I competes/ cooperates with species-II. Best individual from both them is selected and copied to next generation. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 6. Co-evolutionary Algorithm Two types of Co-evolutionary algorithms are: - Competitive - Cooperative National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 7. Classification Classification is a technique in which • # possible inputs, #attributes in input, • Range of attribute values • Output Classes are already known. NAME RANK YEARS TENURED Mike Assistant Prof 3 no Mary Assistant Prof 7 yes Bill Professor 2 yes Jim Associate Prof 7 yes Dave Assistant Prof 6 no Anne Associate Prof 3 no National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 8. Classification - We divide the dataset into Training Test Data Data Input Data National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 9. Classification Classification Algorithms Training Data NAME RANK YEARS TENURED Classifier (Model) Mike Assistant Prof 3 no Mary Assistant Prof 7 yes Bill Professor 2 yes Jim Associate Prof 7 yes IF rank = ‘professor’ Dave Assistant Prof 6 no OR years > 6 Anne Associate Prof 3 no THEN tenured = ‘yes’ National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 10. Classification Our aim in classification is to develop - Generalized rules instead of Specific
  • 11. Classification Cases results during the evaluation of classification: Underflow & Overflow
  • 12. Reference Techniques 1- Michigan Approach 9- XCS 2- Pittsburgh approach 10- GEP 3- Chonnei Algorithm 11- DMEL 4- GABIL Approach 12- EVOPROL 5- COGIN 13- SIA 6- JOINGA 14- ESIA 7- REGAL 15- EENCL 8- G-Net 16- EPNET National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 13. Michigan Approach -Maintains a population of individual rules which compete with each other for space and priority in a population. - It is not a good approach because it cannot find best solution in complex problems instead it converges rapidly. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 14. Pittsburgh Approach -Maintains a population of variable-length rule set which compete with each other with respect to performance on a domain task. - computational cost for complex problems is too high. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 15. GABIL Approach - GABIL continuously learns and refines classification rules by interacting with environment. - For rules refinement it uses Genetic Algorithm National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 16. COGIN Approach - CONGIN is a inductive approach that uses GA. - It promotes Competitive or Predator type COE between classification nichie’s. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 17. JOINGA Approach - CONGIN is a inductive approach that uses GA. - It uses Cooperative or Symbiotic type COE between classification nichie’s. - It is used for Multi-Model classification. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 18. REGAL Approach - It is a distributed GA based approach designed for learning first-order logic concepts description from examples. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 19. G-NET Approach -G-NET is a descendant of REGAL that consistently achieves better performance. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 20. Organizational co-evolutionary (OCEC) - OCEC copies COE model of Multiple Populations - It organizes the individuals in a sets called organizations. - Focusing on extracting rules from individuals & organization. - It does not focus on making organizations but it focus on simulating interacting process among organization. - It is bottom-up approach. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 21. Organizational co-evolutionary (OCEC) - OCEC is based on organizations. • Organization 1 • Organization 2 • Organization3 • Organization 4 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 22. Organization? - An organization is a set of instances that have same class - Intersection between organizations is empty. Org1 Π Org2 = Ø Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal False Yes * Each instance of an org is called Member of org. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 23. Organization? - If all members of org have the same value for attribute A , then A is a Fixed-Value Attribute. Suppose A’ is a fixed-value attribute that satisfy the conditions required for rule extraction, then A’ is a Useful Attribute. The fixed-value attribute set of org is labeled as Forg, and the useful attribute set is labeled as Uorg - Useful attribute is significant because it extracts rule. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 24. Organization? Wind  Forg1 & Uorg1 (Org2) Outlook  Uorg2 (Org2) Temp  Forg2 & Uorg2 Humidity  Forg2 & Uorg2 Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal false Yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 25. Classification of Organizations Classification of organizations are: - Normal organization - Trivial Organization - Abnormal organization National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 26. Normal Organization - It has more than one members - Has non-empty useful attributes set Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal False Yes - It is denoted as ORGN National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 27. Trivial Organization - It has only one members & - All attributes of a member are useful. Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes - It is denoted as ORGT National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 28. Abnormal Classification - It is an organization with empty useful attributes. Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High True Yes Rainy Cool Normal False Yes - It is denoted as ORGA National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 29. Organization Records Organization keeps record of - Member list - Attribute type - Organization type - Member class - Fitness of organization National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 30. Fitness of Organization Fitness of an organization is calculated as: - # of members - # of useful attributes - National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 31. Data Representation OCEC can handle both - Nominal & - Continuous data Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal false Yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 32. Knowledge Representation - A is a set of attributes - Each attribute has range of values. Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal false Yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 33. Knowledge Representation - Instance Space I is the cartesian product of set of attributes Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal false Yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 34. Knowledge Representation - C is a set of classes - Each member is Outlook Temp Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High False No Sunny Hot High True No Overcast Hot High False Yes Rainy Mild High False Yes Rainy Cool Normal false Yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 35. Rule Representation Rules are represented in IF <condition> THEN <class> Each term in condition is triple: Attribute, operator, value * Rules are extracted when evolutionary process Ends National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 36. Working of (OCEC) - OCEC during COE process generates a of set of examples and at the end of COE it generates set of rules. if Temp = Mild and Outlook= Sunny then Class = Play Tennis National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 37. Working of (OCEC) - Inclusion or exclusion of attribute from a rule depends upon the Significance of the attribute. - EA Method is devised for determining the Significance of the attribute. - on the basis of attribute significance Fitness function of organization is defined. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 38. Working of (OCEC) - EA Method is devised for determining the Significance of the attribute. - On the basis of attribute significance Fitness function of organization is defined. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 39. Evolutionary Operators (OCEC) - Migrating Operator - Exchanging Operator - Merging Operator Traditional operators such as mutation and crossover are not used. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 40. Migrating Operators (OCEC) - 2 parent organizations are selected - n members are selected from either parent and are migrated to child’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 41. Exchanging Operators (OCEC) - 2 org’s are randomly selected from Population org1 & org2 Parent Parent ORG1 ORG2 Child- Off- ORGc1 ORGc2 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 42. Exchanging Operators (OCEC) - n members from each parent org1 are randomly selected and exchanged - Two child organization orgc1 & orgc2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 6 7 8 5 1 2 3 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 43. Exchanging Operators (OCEC) - Two child organization orgc1 & orgc2 - Precondition is: |orgp1|>1 and |orgp2|>1 1 ≤ n < MIN{|orgp1|, |orgp2|} National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 44. Merging Operators - 2 org’s are randomly selected from Population orgp1 & orgp2 Parent Parent ORG1 ORG2 Child- ORGc1 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 45. Merging Operators (OCEC) - n members from each org1 are randomly selected and merged. - One child organization orgc1 & orgc2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 7 8 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 46. Selection Operators (OCEC) - Tournament Selection Mechanism is used. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 47. Rule Extraction From Organization -Rules are extracted from organizations when Evolutionary process ends. - Rules are extracted on the basis useful attributes. - Each useful attribute becomes TERM (part of condition). if temp=hot then play = yes National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 48. Performance Evaluation of OCEC -Multiplexer problem - Radar Target Recognition Problem. -All results shows that OCEC has - Higher prediction accuracy - Low computational cost. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 49. Scalability Evaluation of OCEC -Scalability of OCEC is evaluated on synthetic sets. - trainging exampels increases from 1lac to 10 Million - attributes are increases from 9 to 400. - results shows that I achieves good scalability. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 50. EVALUATION OF OCEC’S EFFECTIVENESS A. Multiplexer Problems o Multiplexer problems were introduced to the machine learning community by Wilson in 1987, and have often been used to evaluate the performance of learning classifier systems National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 51. EVALUATION OF OCEC’S EFFECTIVENESS B. Experimental Results o The 20- and 37-multiplexer problems are used o The training set of the 20-multiplexer problem has 3000 examples, and that of the 37-multiplexer problem has 15 000 examples o The test set of each problem has 100 000 examples o The parameter N is set to 10% of the number of the training set, and n National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 52. EVALUATION OF OCEC’S EFFECTIVENESS The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 20-multiplexer problem National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 53. EVALUATION OF OCEC’S EFFECTIVENESS The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 37-multiplexer problem National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 54. Coding Output The evolutionary process of OCEC for the 37-multiplexer problem National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 55. Coding Output National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 56. Coding Output National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 57. Comparison between OCEC & EA - OCEC is based on organization while traditional EA are based in individuals. -OCEC has bottom-up searching mechanism while EA has top-down searching mechanism - the benefit of using organization is that I does not generate meaningless rules. - OCEC has higher prediction accuracy and low computational cost. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 58. Conclusion - It is best tool for data mining. - It has low computational cost - It performs well in a complex, huge dataset of individuals. - On high scalability it performs better than other techniques. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
  • 59. Future IDEA -If we use a Floating Point Fitness Function then it will give us better result in Scientific applications. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  2. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  3. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  4. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  5. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  6. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.
  7. evolutionary and selection operators are used to simulate the interacting process among organization.