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State of Arizona
      Department of Education
2008 Educational Technology Standard
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade
         Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                    Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                                                                  Concept 1: Knowledge and Ideas
                                                             Using knowledge and ideas to explore and experiment.

           Kindergarten          Grade 1                 Grade 2                    Grade 3                    Grade 4                  Grade 5                  Grade 6
PO 1                      PO 1. Experiment,        PO 1. Experiment,        PO 1. Experiment,          PO 1. Experiment,        PO 1. Experiment,        PO 1. Experiment,
                          explore and try out      explore and try out      explore and try out        explore and try out      explore and try out      explore and try out
                          new ideas without fear   new ideas without fear   new ideas without fear     new ideas without fear   new ideas without fear   new ideas without fear
                          of failure to generate   of failure to generate   of failure to generate     of failure to generate   of failure to generate   of failure to generate
                          original ideas,          original ideas,          original ideas,            original ideas,          original ideas,          original ideas, products
                          products or projects.    products or projects.    products or projects.      products or projects.    products or projects.    or projects.

                                                             Concept 2: Digital Models and Simulations
                                                               Using digital models and simulations in situations.

           Kindergarten         Grade 1                  Grade 2                    Grade 3                    Grade 4                  Grade 5                  Grade 6
                          PO 1. Identify and       PO 1. Identify and       PO 1. Identify and         PO 1. Identify and       PO 1. Identify and       PO 1. Identify and
                          describe how aspects     describe how aspects     describe how aspects       describe how aspects     describe how aspects     describe how aspects
                          of a situation cause     of a situation cause     of a situation cause       of a situation cause     of a situation cause     of a situation cause
                          specific consequences    specific consequences    specific consequences      specific consequences    specific consequences    specific consequences
                          over time using a        over time using a        over time using a          over time using a        over time using a        over time using a
                          digital model or         digital model or         digital model or           digital model or         digital model or         digital model or
                          simulation.              simulation.              simulation.                simulation.              simulation.              simulation.

       .                  PO 2. Recognize and      PO 2. Recognize and      PO 2. Recognize and        PO 2. Recognize and      PO 2. Recognize and      PO 2. Recognize and
                          explain relevant         explain relevant         explain relevant           explain relevant         explain relevant         explain relevant
                          interdependent           interdependent           interdependent             interdependent           interdependent           interdependent
                          elements of a digital    elements of a digital    elements of a digital      elements of a digital    elements of a digital    elements of a digital
                          model or simulation.     model or simulation.     model or simulation.       model or simulation.     model or simulation.     model or simulation.
                          PO 3. Transfer           PO 3. Transfer           PO 3. Transfer             PO 3. Transfer           PO 3. Transfer           PO 3. Transfer
                          understanding of “the    understanding of “the    understanding of “the      understanding of “the    understanding of “the    understanding of “the
                          big picture” of how      big picture” of how      big picture” of how        big picture” of how      big picture” of how      big picture” of how
                          one system operates by   one system operates by   one system operates by     one system operates by   one system operates by   one system operates by
                          comparing it to          comparing it to          comparing it to            comparing it to          comparing it to          comparing it to another
                          another system of a      another system of a      another system of a        another system of a      another system of a      system of a different
                          different type that      different type that      different type that        different type that      different type that      type that operates in a
                          operates in a similar    operates in a similar    operates in a similar      operates in a similar    operates in a similar    similar manner using a
                          manner using a digital   manner using a digital   manner using a digital     manner using a digital   manner using a digital   digital model or
                          model or simulation.     model or simulation.     model or simulation.       model or simulation.     model or simulation.     simulation.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                      Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                                                                     Concept 3: Trends and Possibilities
                                                                Using Information to forecast trends and possibilities.

    Kindergarten                 Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1. Identify patterns,   PO 1. Identify            PO 1. Identify             PO 1. Identify            PO 1. Identify            PO 1. Identify            PO 1. Identify patterns,
trends and forecast        patterns, trends and      patterns, trends and       patterns, trends and      patterns, trends and      patterns, trends and      trends and forecast
possibilities.             forecast possibilities.   forecast possibilities.    forecast possibilities.   forecast possibilities.   forecast possibilities.   possibilities.

                           PO 2. Ask questions       PO 2. Ask questions       PO 2. Ask questions        PO 2. Ask questions       PO 2. Ask questions       PO 2. Ask questions
                           and scrutinize a          and scrutinize a          and scrutinize a           and scrutinize a          and scrutinize a          and scrutinize a
                           problem from different    problem from different    problem from different     problem from different    problem from different    problem from different
                           perspectives and          perspectives and          perspectives and           perspectives and          perspectives and          perspectives and
                           formulate inferences      formulate inferences      formulate inferences       formulate inferences      formulate inferences      formulate inferences
                           from known facts.         from known facts.         from known facts.          from known facts.         from known facts.         from known facts.

                           PO 3. Use reasoning to    PO 3. Use reasoning to    PO 3. Use reasoning to     PO 3. Use reasoning to    PO 3. Use reasoning to    PO 3. Use reasoning to
                           draw conclusions that     draw conclusions that     draw conclusions that      draw conclusions that     draw conclusions that     draw conclusions that
                           reflect clear and         reflect clear and         reflect clear and          reflect clear and         reflect clear and         reflect clear and
                           logical links between     logical links between     logical links between      logical links between     logical links between     logical links between
                           the trends and patterns   the trends and patterns   the trends and patterns    the trends and patterns   the trends and patterns   the trends and patterns
                           and the interpretations   and the interpretations   and the interpretations    and the interpretations   and the interpretations   and the interpretations
                           made from them.           made from them.           made from them.            made from them.           made from them.           made from them.

                           PO 4. Identify a          PO 4. Identify a          PO 4. Identify a           PO 4. Identify a          PO 4. Identify a          PO 4. Identify a
                           general or abstract       general or abstract       general or abstract        general or abstract       general or abstract       general or abstract
                           pattern that provides     pattern that provides     pattern that provides      pattern that provides     pattern that provides     pattern that provides
                           novel insights into the   novel insights into the   novel insights into the    novel insights into the   novel insights into the   novel insights into the
                           information.              information.              information.               information.              information.              information.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                         Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                                                             Concept 4: Original Works
                                                         Creating original works in innovative ways.

Kindergarten         Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5                   Grade 6
               PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools
               in a creative or          in a creative or          in a creative or          in a creative or          in a creative or          in a creative or
               innovative style to       innovative style to       innovative style to       innovative style to       innovative style to       innovative style to
               personally express        personally express        personally express        personally express        personally express        personally express
               original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,
               products, or projects.    products, or projects.    products, or projects.    products, or projects.    products, or projects.    products, or projects.

               PO 2. Use digital tools   PO 2. Use digital tools   PO 2. Use digital tools   PO 2. Use digital tools   PO 2. Use digital tools   PO 2. Use digital tools
               to collaborate with a     to collaborate with a     to collaborate with a     to collaborate with a     to collaborate with a     to collaborate with a
               group to communicate      group to communicate      group to communicate      group to communicate      group to communicate      group to communicate
               original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,           original ideas,
               products, or projects     products, or projects     products, or projects     products, or projects     products, or projects     products, or projects
               effectively to an         effectively to an         effectively to an         effectively to an         effectively to an         effectively to an
               audience in a creative    audience in a creative    audience in a creative    audience in a creative    audience in a creative    audience in a creative
               or innovative style.      or innovative style.      or innovative style.      or innovative style.      or innovative style.      or innovative style.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                    Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                          Concept 1: Knowledge and Ideas
                   Using knowledge and ideas to explore and experiment.

         Grade 7                       Grade 8                         High School
PO 1. Experiment, explore    PO 1. Experiment, explore      PO 1. Experiment, explore and
and try out new ideas        and try out new ideas          try out new ideas without fear of
without fear of failure to   without fear of failure to     failure to generate original ideas,
generate original ideas,     generate original ideas,       products or projects.
products or projects.        products or projects.

                   Concept 2: Digital Models and Simulations
                     Using digital models and simulations in situations.

          Grade 7                      Grade 8                         High School
PO 1. Identify and           PO 1. Identify and describe    PO 1. Identify and describe how
describe how aspects of a    how aspects of a situation     aspects of a situation cause
situation cause specific     cause specific                 specific consequences over time
consequences over time       consequences over time         using a digital model or
using a digital model or     using a digital model or       simulation.
simulation.                  simulation.

PO 2. Recognize and          PO 2. Recognize and            PO 2. Recognize and explain
explain relevant             explain relevant               relevant interdependent elements
interdependent elements      interdependent elements of     of a digital model or simulation.
of a digital model or        a digital model or
simulation.                  simulation.

PO 3. Transfer               PO 3. Transfer                 PO 3. Transfer understanding of
understanding of “the big    understanding of “the big      “the big picture” of how one
picture” of how one          picture” of how one system     system operates by comparing it
system operates by           operates by comparing it to    to another system of a different
comparing it to another      another system of a            type that operates in a similar
system of a different type   different type that operates   manner using a digital.
that operates in a similar   in a similar manner using a
manner using a digital.      digital.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                      Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                      Concept 3: Trends and Possibilities
                  Using information to forecast trends and possibilities.

        Grade 7                      Grade 8                      High School
PO 1. Identify patterns,   PO 1. Identify patterns,      PO 1. Identify patterns, trends
trends and forecast        trends and forecast           and forecast possibilities.
possibilities.             possibilities.

PO 2. Ask questions        PO 2. Ask questions and       PO 2. Ask questions and
and scrutinize a           scrutinize a problem from     scrutinize a problem from
problem from different     different perspectives and    different perspectives and
perspectives and           formulate inferences from     formulate inferences from
formulate inferences       known facts.                  known facts.
from known facts.

PO 3. Use reasoning to     PO 3. Use reasoning to        PO 3. Use reasoning to draw
draw conclusions that      draw conclusions that         conclusions that reflect clear
reflect clear and          reflect clear and logical     and logical links between the
logical links between      links between the trends      trends and patterns and the
the trends and patterns    and patterns and the          interpretations made from
and the interpretations    interpretations made from     them.
made from them.            them.

PO 4. Identify a           PO 4. Identify a general or   PO 4. Identify a general or
general or abstract        abstract pattern that         abstract pattern that provides
pattern that provides      provides novel insights       novel insights into the
novel insights into the    into the information.         information.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                        Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation

                              Concept 4: Original Works
                          Creating original works in innovative ways.

        Grade 7                        Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Use digital tools      PO 1. Use digital tools in    PO 1. Use digital tools in a
in a creative or             a creative or innovative      creative or innovative style to
innovative style to          style to personally express   personally express original ideas,
personally express           original ideas, products,     products, or projects.
original ideas,              or projects.
products, or projects.

PO 2. Use digital tools      PO 2. Use digital tools to    PO 2. Use digital tools to
to collaborate with a        collaborate with a group      collaborate with a group to
group to communicate         to communicate original       communicate original ideas,
original ideas,              ideas, products, or           products, or projects effectively to
products, or projects        projects effectively to an    an audience in a creative or
effectively to an            audience in a creative or     innovative style.
audience in a creative       innovative style.
or innovative style.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade
    Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                   Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                                                                     Concept 1: Digital Interactions
                       Interact and collaborate with peers, experts, or others from around the world, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

  Kindergarten               Grade 1              Grade 2              Grade 3                   Grade 4                        Grade 5                          Grade 6
PO 1. Identify        PO 1. Engage in      PO 1. Engage in       PO 1. Select and      PO 1. Select and use           PO 1. Select and use           PO 1. Select and
different             communication        communication         use appropriate       appropriate communication      appropriate communication      use appropriate communication
communication         with others as a     with others as a      communication         tools with teacher guidance    tools with teacher guidance    tools with teacher guidance or
tools.                whole class          whole class or        tools using a         to effectively interact with   or peer input to effectively   peer input to effectively
                      through teacher      small groups          variety of teacher    others.                        interact with others.          interact with others.
                      identified digital   through teacher       identified digital
                      tools.               identified digital    tools.
(e.g., mail, phone,                        tools.
email, discussions,                                              (e.g., e-mail,        (e.g., e-mail, discussion      (e.g., wikis, discussion       (e.g., e-mail, wikis, discussion
message boards,                                                  podcast, forums,      message boards, wikis)         message boards, e-mail)        message boards)
chats)                                                           discussion boards)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                  Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                                                               Concept 2: Effective Communications
                                  Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of digital environments.

    Kindergarten             Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                  Grade 4                   Grade 5                 Grade 6
PO 1. Identify         PO 1. Identify, compare    PO 1. Identify,          PO 1. Identify,           PO 1. Explain and        PO 1. Explain and          PO 1. Select and
and compare            and demonstrate safe and   compare                  compare                   demonstrate the          demonstrate the safety     utilize the appropriate
different digital      appropriate behavior       and demonstrate safe     and demonstrate safe      safety and etiquette     and etiquette of digital   digital environment to
environments for       when using                 and appropriate          and appropriate           of digital               environments to            communicate with
appropriate            digital environments.      behavior when            behavior when             environments to          communicate with           intended audience for
audiences.                                        using digital environ-   using digital environ-    communicate with         intended audiences.        specified purposes.
                                                  ments.                   ments.                    intended audiences.
(e.g., TV, computer,                                                                                                                                     (e.g., digitally
phone, email)                                                                                                                                            communicate with
                                                                                                                                                         authors, text message
                                                                                                                                                         to connected
                                                                                                                                                         classroom, create
                                                                                                                                                         digital sites, search

PO 2. Illustrate and   PO 2. Compose,             PO 2. Compose,           PO 2. Compose,            PO 2. Create             PO 2. Create products      PO 2. Create products
communicate ideas      illustrate and             illustrate and           illustrate and            products using digital   using digital media and    using digital media
and stories using      communicate original       communicate original     communicate original      media and processes      processes appropriate to   and processes
digital tools with     ideas and stories using    ideas or research        ideas or research using   appropriate to           assigned purpose and       appropriate to
teacher guidance.      digital tools.             using digital tools.     digital tools.            assigned purpose and     intended audience using    assigned purpose and
                                                                                                     intended audience        original ideas or          intended audience
                                                                                                     using original ideas     research.                  using original ideas or
                                                                                                     or research.                                        research.

                                                                                                                                                         (e.g., Publisher,
                                                                                                                                                         Keynotes, Voice
                                                                                                                                                         Thread, Podcast,
                                                                                                                                                         Movie Maker, iMovie,
                                                                                                                                                         Photo Story)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                               Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                                                                      Concept 3: Digital Solutions
                                            Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.

     Kindergarten             Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5                 Grade 6
PO 1. Participate in    PO 1. Participate in      PO 1. Identify and use    PO 1. Participate in a    PO 1. Participate in      PO 1. Participate in a   PO 1. Participate in a
classroom learning      classroom learning        cooperative group         cooperative learning      a cooperative learning    collaborative learning   community of practice
project using digital   project using digital     rules to contribute       project and               project and               project and              whose members
collaborative           collaborative             effectively in            demonstrate               demonstrate               demonstrate              collaborate at a
resources.              resources.                collaborative learning    effective group           effective group           effective group          distance.
                                                  project in classroom      behaviors with class      behaviors with class      behaviors with class
                                                  learning using digital    established               established               established
                                                  collaborative             norms while               norms while               norms while
                                                  resources.                using digital             using digital             using digital
                                                                            collaborative             collaborative             collaborative
                                                  (e.g., using response     resources.                resources.                resources.
                                                  pads to gather data
                                                  sequence of event of
                                                  pictures from Internet
                                                  resources on
                                                  interactive boards,
                                                  digital book, alphabet
                                                  and number books
                                                  with original digital

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                           Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                                                 Concept 4: Global Connections
                         Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.

Kindergarten   Grade 1                   Grade 2                   Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5                   Grade 6
                                   PO 1. Identify           PO 1. Identify           PO 1. Participate as a    PO 1. Participate as a    PO 1. Participate as a
                                   challenges and digital   challenges and digital   class in two-way          class in two-way          class in two-way
                                   strategies as a class    strategies as a class    communication at a        communication at a        communication at a
                                   for effectively          for effectively          distance with others of   distance with others of   distance with others of
                                   communicating with       communicating with       different cultures or     different cultures or     different cultures or
                                   other cultures.          other cultures.          geographic areas to       geographic areas to       geographic areas to
                                                                                     gain different            gain different            gain different
                                                                                     perspectives of topics.   perspectives of topics.   perspectives of topics.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                 Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                           Concept 1: Digital Interactions
 Interact and collaborate with peers, experts, or others from around the world, employing a
                         variety of digital environments and media.

       Grade 7                          Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Select and use           PO 1. Select and use          PO 1. Collaborate with others
appropriate communication      appropriate communication     employing a variety of digital
tools with peer input to       tools.                        environments and media to
effectively interact with                                    effectively establish and
others.                                                      maintain interaction.

                     Concept 2: Effective Communications
    Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety       y
                                  of digital environments.

        Grade 7                      Grade 8                         High School
PO 1. Explain and          PO 1. Evaluate, identify,      PO 1. Organize a digital
demonstrate features,      and use features,              environment utilizing features,
conventions, voice and     conventions, voice, and        conventions, voice and etiquette
etiquette of interactive   etiquette of                   of social networking tools to
digital environments to    interactive digital            communicate with the appropriate
communicate with the       environments to                audience.
appropriate audience.      communicate with the
                           appropriate audience.

PO 2. Using original       PO 2. Using original ideas     PO 2. Create and publish
ideas or research,         or research, create products   persuasive and other writing
create products using      using digital media and        applications for communications
digital media and          processes appropriate to       in different digital media
processes appropriate      purpose and audience.          environments.
to purpose and

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                  Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
                            Concept 3: Digital Solutions
    Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other

       Grade 7                       Grade 8                      High School
PO 1. Participate in a      PO 1. Participate in a      PO 1. Organize a community of
community of practice       community of practice       practice whose members
whose members               whose members               collaborate at a distance for
collaborate at a            collaborate at a distance   the purpose of producing
distance for                for the purpose of          original works or solving
the purpose of              producing original works    problems.
producing original          or solving problems.
works or solving

                           Concept 4: Global Connections
    Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other

        Grade 7                      Grade 8                      High School
PO 1. Independently         PO 1. Independently         PO 1. Engage in a global
locate and interact with    locate and interact with    community in order to become
teacher approved            teacher approved global     socially aware and
global communities.         communities.                contribute to a broader
                                                        understanding of specific global

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade
    Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                                                              Concept 1: Planning
                                                                           Plan strategies to guide inquiry.

    Kindergarten                Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                    Grade 4                   Grade 5                   Grade 6
PO 1. Generate ideas,     PO 1. Generate ideas,     PO 1. Generate ideas,      PO 1. Generate ideas,      PO 1. Generate ideas,     PO 1. Generate ideas,     PO 1. Generate a large
questions and solutions   questions and solutions   questions and solutions    questions, and or          questions, and/or         questions, and/or         number of ideas,
from a teacher posed      from a teacher posed      from a teacher posed       solutions through the      solutions through the     solutions through the     questions, and/or
question.                 question.                 question.                  process of                 process of                process of                solutions through the
                                                                               brainstorming with         brainstorming with        brainstorming             process of
                                                                               teacher guidance.          peer input and/or         independently, with       brainstorming
                                                                                                          teacher guidance.         peer input, and/or        independently, with
                                                                                                                                    teacher guidance.         peer input, and/or
                                                                                                                                                              teacher guidance.

PO 2. Generate key        PO 2. Generate key         PO 2. Generate key        PO 2. Generate key        PO 2. Determine key        PO 2. Determine key       PO 2. Determine key
words from a teacher      words and synonyms        words and synonyms         words to conduct           words for use in          words for use in          words and phrases,
posed question.           from a teacher posed      from a teacher posed       searches with teacher      information searches      information searches      which narrow or
                          question.                 question.                  guidance.                  which may be refined      which may be refined      broaden information
                                                                                                          through peer or teacher   through peer or teacher   searches through peer
                                                                                                          guidance.                 guidance.                 or teacher guidance.

PO 3. Use a secondary     PO 3. Use a secondary     PO 3. Select a             PO 3. Select several       PO 3. Use secondary       PO 3. Use primary and     PO 3. Use primary and
source selected by the    source selected by the    secondary source from      secondary sources          sources and               secondary sources with    secondary sources,
teacher.                  teacher.                  a list provided by the     from a list provided by    select several primary    peer input and/or         emphasizing primary
                                                    teacher.                   the teacher.               sources from a list       teacher guidance.         sources, focusing on
                                                                                                          provided by the                                     authority of
                                                                                                          teacher.                                            information, with peer
                                                                                                                                                              input and/or teacher

PO 4. Explore a           PO 4. Explore media       PO 4. Differentiate        PO 4. Differentiate        PO 4. Predict which       PO 4. Predict which       PO 4. Determine
limited number of         and online sources in a   types of media and         types of media and         information or media      information or media      which information or
media sources in a        group setting.            information sources in     information sources        source will provide the   source will provide the   media source will
group setting.                                      a group setting.           with teacher guidance.     desired data with         desired data with         provide the desired
                                                                                                          teacher guidance.         teacher guidance.         data with minimal
                                                                                                                                                              teacher guidance.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                  Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                                                              Concept 2: Process
                                  Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

     Kindergarten              Grade 1                  Grade 2                     Grade 3                    Grade 4                       Grade 5                      Grade 6
PO 1. Identify           PO 1. Identify           PO 1. Identify            PO 1. Use search          PO 1. Use search             PO 1. Locate and               PO 1. Locate and
keyword search terms     keywords and at least    keywords and a few        strategies such as        strategies to locate         synthesize information         synthesize information
with teacher             one synonym,             synonyms and use          developing a few          information.                 utilizing search strategies.   utilizing search
assistance.              completing a search,     keywords to narrow or     synonyms for search                                                                   strategies.
                         with teacher             broaden a search, to      terms and narrowing
                         assistance.              complete a search,        or broadening a search    (e.g., develop synonyms,     (e.g., develop synonyms,       (e.g., develop
                                                  with teacher guidance.    with teacher guidance.    narrow or broaden terms,     narrow or broaden terms,       synonyms, narrow or
                                                                                                      formulate an advanced        formulate an advanced          broaden terms,
                                                                                                      search, use more than        search, use more than one      formulate an advanced
                                                                                                      one search engine)           search engine)                 search, use more than
                                                                                                                                                                  one search engine)

PO 2. Recognize          PO 2. Identify           PO 2. Access              PO 2. Select and          PO 2. Select and             PO 2. Select and organize      PO 2. Select and
common navigational      common navigational      information from          organize information      organize information and     informationand media           organize information
elements among a         elements (e.g., back     designated sources and    and media from            media from a variety of      from a variety of sources.     and media
variety of information   and forward, enter,      use a provided tool to    several sources           sources.                                                    independently.
and media resources.     etc.) among a variety    organize the              including resources.
                         of information and       information.
                         media resources.

PO 3. Recognize a        PO 3. Differentiate      PO 3. Differentiate       PO 3. Analyze             PO 3. Analyze accuracy       PO 3. Analyze accuracy         PO 3. Analyze
fact.                    between a fact and       between a fact and        accuracy of               of information and           of information and limit       accuracy, relevance
                         something untrue.        something untrue.         information with          introduce the concept of     to more relevant items.        and
                                                                            teacher assistance.       information relevancy.                                      comprehensiveness of
                                                                                                                                                                  the information.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                     Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                                                                   Concept 2: Process
                                     Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

    Kindergarten                 Grade 1                    Grade 2                     Grade 3                      Grade 4                      Grade 5                      Grade 6
PO 4. Recognize facts      PO 4. Recognize facts      PO 4. Differentiate        PO 4. Differentiate        PO 4. Differentiate          PO 4. Evaluate between         PO 4. Evaluate
about a topic.             and opinions about a       facts and opinions         between facts and          between fact and             fact and opinion, bias, and    between fact and
                           topic.                     about a topic from         opinions and               opinion, bias, and           inaccurate information         opinion, bias,
                                                      inaccurate information     inaccurate information     inaccurate information       and media by consulting        inaccurate and
                                                      with teacher               and media with teacher     and media with teacher       more than one source with      misleading
                                                      assistance.                assistance.                or peer assistance.          teacher or peer assistance.    information and media
                                                                                                                                                                        by consulting more
                                                                                                                                                                        than one source
                                                                                                                                                                        independently or with
                                                                                                                                                                        teacher or peer
PO 5. List multiple        PO 5. List multiple        PO 5. List additional      PO 5. Formulate            PO 5. Evaluate               PO 5. Evaluate and             PO 5. Evaluate and
questions to a specific    questions to a specific    questions to a specific    additional research        information and              analyze information and        analyze information to
topic in a large group     topic in a large group     research topic             questions with peer        formulate additional         formulate additional           synthesize additional
setting.                   setting or individually.   individually.              input, and/or teacher      research questions with      research questions with        research questions
                                                                                 guidance.                  peer input, and/or teacher   peer input, and/or teacher     with peer input, and/or
                                                                                                            guidance.                    guidance.                      teacher guidance.

PO 6. Describe ethical     PO 6. Describe ethical     PO 6. Practice legal       PO 6. Follow               PO 6. Follow copyright       PO 6. Follow copyright         PO 6. Follow
behaviors when using       behaviors when using       and ethical behaviors      copyright laws when        laws when using text,        laws when using text,          copyright laws when
technology.                technology.                during research and        using text and images      images, videos and/or        images, videos and/or          using text, images,
                                                      cite resources             obtain permission to       other sources and obtain     other sources.                 videos and/or other
                                                      appropriately.             use the work of others     permission to use the                                       sources and obtain
                                                                                 and cite resources         work of others and cite                                     permission to use the
                                                                                 appropriately.             resources appropriately.                                    work of others and cite
                                                      (e.g., does not copy,      (e.g., does not copy,      (e.g., does not copy,        (e.g., does not copy, alter,   appropriately.
(e.g., does not copy,      (e.g., does not copy,
                                                      alter, or delete another   alter, or delete another   alter, or delete another     or delete another person’s
alter, or delete another   alter, or delete another
                                                      person’s work)             person’s work)             person’s work)               work, obtain permission        (e.g., does not copy,
person’s work)             person’s work,
                                                                                                                                         to use the work of others      alter, or delete another
                           explanation and use of
                           resource citations)                                                                                           and cite resources             person’s work)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                                                               Concept 3: Select
                                       Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based upon appropriateness to specific tasks.

     Kindergarten               Grade 1                   Grade 2                     Grade 3                    Grade 4                  Grade 5                  Grade 6
PO 1. Use a media tool    PO 1. Use media tools     PO 1. Use available       PO 1. Choose               PO 1. Choose              PO 1. Evaluate and       PO 1. Evaluate and
selected by the teacher   selected by the teacher   media tools for a class   appropriate media          appropriate media         choose appropriate       choose appropriate
for a class project.      for a class or            or individual project.    tools for the task.        tools for the task and    media tools for the      media tools for the
                          individual project.                                                            audience.                 task and audience with   task and audience with
                                                                                                                                   peer input, and/or       peer input, and/or
                                                                                                                                   teacher guidance.        teacher guidance.

                          PO 2. Review and          PO 2. Review and          PO 2. Review and           PO 2. Review and          PO 2. Review and         PO 2. Review and
                          select relevant data      select relevant data      select relevant data       select relevant data      select relevant data     select relevant data and
                          and information, from     and information, from     and information,           and information,          and information          information
                          provided materials and    provided materials and    appropriate to the         appropriate to the        appropriate to the       appropriate to the
                          resources, appropriate    resources, appropriate    problem or solution,       problem or solution,      problem or solution,     problem or solution,
                          to the problem or         to the problem or         with peer input and        with peer input and       with peer input and      with peer input and
                          solution, with teacher    solution, with teacher    teacher guidance.          teacher guidance.         teacher guidance.        teacher guidance.
                          guidance.                 guidance.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                 Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                                                               Concept 4: Product
                                                                      Processing data to communicate results.

     Kindergarten                Grade 1                   Grade 2                    Grade 3                      Grade 4                    Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1. Sort information     PO 1. Sort information   PO 1. Sort information     PO 1. Sort information     PO 1. Use appropriate      PO 1. Use appropriate      PO 1. Use appropriate
into major topics          into major topics with   into major topics          into major topics          digital tools to           digital tools to           digital tools to
selected by the teacher.   teacher guidance.        and create a list of       and create a list of       synthesize research        synthesize research        synthesize research
                                                    original ideas as a        original ideas with        information and            information and            information to create
                                                    class.                     peer input and teacher     develop new ideas          develop new ideas          new understanding
                                                                               guidance.                  with teacher guidance.     with peer input and        with peer input and
                                                                                                                                     teacher guidance.          teacher guidance.

                                                                                                          (e.g., Inspiration,        (e.g., Inspiration,
                                                                                                          Kidspiration, Word,        Kidspiration, Word,
                                                                                                          Publisher, Excel,          Publisher, Excel,
                                                                                                          browser-based              browser-based
                                                                                                          application, etc.)         application, etc.)

PO 2. Communicate          PO 2. Communicate        PO 2. Communicate          PO 2. Communicate          PO 2. Communicate          PO 2. Communicate           PO 2. Communicate
new understanding by       new understanding by     new understanding by       new understanding by       new understanding by       new understanding by       new understanding by
creating a digital         creating a digital       creating a digital         creating a digital         creating a digital         creating a digital         creating a digital
product with teacher       product for a specific   product, utilizing at      product, utilizing at      product, utilizing         product, utilizing         product, utilizing
guidance.                  audience with teacher    least 2 methods of         least 2 methods of         several methods of         several methods of         several methods of
                           guidance.                delivery, appropriate      delivery, appropriate      delivery, appropriate      delivery, appropriate      delivery, appropriate
                                                    for a specific audience,   for a specific audience,   for a specific audience,   for a specific audience,   for the audience, with
                                                    with teacher guidance.     with teacher guidance.     with peer input and        with peer input and        peer input and teacher
                                                                                                          teacher guidance.          teacher guidance.          guidance.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                               Concept 1: Planning
                            Plan strategies to guide inquiry.

      Grade 7                    Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Generate a         PO 1. Generate a large      PO 1. Originate topic of study and
large number of ideas,   number of thoughtful        formulate thoughtful and creative
questions, and or        and creative ideas,         ideas, questions, and/or solutions
solutions through the    questions, and or           for a real-world task.
process of               solutions through the
brainstorming            process of brainstorming
independently with       independently.
minimal supervision.

PO 2. Determine most     PO 2. Determine the          PO 2. Identify and defend effective
effective keywords       most effective keywords     key words, phrases and strategies
and phrases for use in   and phrases for use in      for sue in information searches.
information searches     information searches,
through peer or          independently.
teacher guidance.

PO 3. Use primary        PO 3. Use authoritative     PO 3. Evaluate and select
and secondary            sources and                 authoritative primary and
sources, emphasizing     independently evaluate      secondary sources, emphasizing
primary sources,         and select primary and      primary sources, focusing on
focusing on              secondary sources,          authority of information.
authority of             emphasizing primary
information, with peer   sources, focusing
input and/or teacher     on authority of
guidance.                information.

PO 4. Determine          PO 4. Determine,            PO 4. Identify and defend which
which information or     independently, which        information or media source will
media source will        information or media        provide the desired data.
provide the desired      source will provide the
data with minimal        desired data.
teacher guidance.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                Concept 2: Process
  Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
                              variety of sources and media.

            Grade 7                      Grade 8                    High School
 PO 1. Locate and synthesize    PO 1. Locate and            PO 1. Locate and synthesize
information utilizing search    synthesize information      information utilizing
strategies.                     utilizing search            advanced search strategies
                                strategies.                 using a variety of search
                                                            engines including meta data
                                                            search engines, conduction
                                                            deep web searches.

(e.g.,. develop synonyms,       (e.g., develop synonyms,    (e.g., Boolean, relevancy,
narrow or broaden terms,        narrow or broaden terms,    recency, file type, authority,
formulate an advanced           formulate an advanced       and comprehension)
search, use more than one       search, use more than
search engine, and deep web)    one search engine, file
                                type, relevancy, deep

PO 2. Select and organize       PO 2. Select and            PO 2. Select and organize
information and media           organize information and    information and media
independently.                  media independently.        independently.

PO 3. Analyze accuracy,         PO 3. Analyze accuracy,     PO 3. Evaluate and analyze
relevance and                   relevance and               information to synthesize
comprehensiveness of            comprehensiveness of        additional research
information and media.          information and media       questions.
                                in context.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                Concept 2: Process
  Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
                              variety of sources and media.

           Grade 7                       Grade 8                      High School
PO 4. Evaluate between fact     PO 4. Evaluate               PO 4. Apply ethical use of
and opinion, bias, inaccurate   independently between        information and media by
and misleading information      fact and opinion, bias,      respecting the principles of
and media by consulting         inaccurate and               intellectual freedom and
more than one source            misleading information       intellectual property rights,
independently or with teacher   and media by consulting      and using information and
or peer guidance.               multiple sources.            media technology
                                                             responsibly, including citing
                                                             resource citations.

PO 5. Evaluate and analyze      PO 5. Evaluate and           PO 5. Evaluate and analyze
information to synthesize       analyze information to       information to synthesize
additional research questions   synthesize additional        additional research
with minimal teacher            research questions           questions independently.
guidance.                       independently.

PO 6. Apply ethical use of      PO 6. Apply ethical use      PO 6. Apply ethical use of
information and media by        of information and           information and media by
respecting the intellectual     media by respecting the      respecting the principles of
property rights, and using      principles of intellectual   intellectual freedom and
information and media           freedom and intellectual     intellectual property rights,
technology responsibly and      property rights, and         and using information and
cite resources appropriately.   using information and        media technology
                                media technology             responsibly and cite
                                responsibly and cite         resources appropriately.
                                resources appropriately.

(e.g., does not copy, alter,    (e.g., does not
or delete another person’s      copy, alter, or delete
work)                           another person’s work)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
                                Concept 3: Select
  Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on appropriateness to
                                     specific tasks.

          Grade 7                    Grade 8                       High School
PO 1. Evaluate and choose     PO 1. Evaluate and       PO 1. Evaluate and choose
appropriate media tools for   choose appropriate       appropriate media rich digital
the task and audience with    media tools for the      tools for the task and audience
minimal teacher guidance.     task and audience        independently.

PO 2. Review and select       PO 2. Review and         PO 2. Analyze and evaluate
relevant data and             select relevant data     relevant data and information
information appropriate to    and information          appropriate to the real-world
the problem or solution,      appropriate to the       problem or question.
with peer input and           problem or question.
minimal teacher guidance.

                                Concept 4: Product
                        Processing data to communicate results.

         Grade 7                     Grade 8                      High School
PO 1. Synthesize research     PO 1. Synthesize         PO 1. Synthesize research
information to create         research information     information to create
new understanding with        to create                new understanding and innovative
peer input and minimal        new understanding.       solutions.
teacher guidance.

PO 2. Synthesize research     PO 2. Synthesize         PO 2. Communicate a new
information to create         research information     understanding by creating media-
new understanding with        to create                rich digital products appropriate
peer input and minimal        new understanding.       for the audience and purpose.
teacher guidance.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade
Strand 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                        Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making
                                                                              Concept 1: Investigation
                                                 Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.

       Kindergarten                  Grade 1                    Grade 2                       Grade 3                   Grade 4                    Grade 5                   Grade 6
PO 1. Collaborate as a         PO 1. Collaborate as a      PO 1. Collaborate as a     PO 1. Experiment,         PO 1. Experiment,          PO 1. Experiment,         PO 1. Experiment,
class to identify and define   class to select an          class to select an         explore and try out       explore and try out        explore and try out       explore and try out
essential                      essential question to       essential question to      new ideas without fear    new ideas without fear     new ideas without fear    new ideas without fear
questions using digital        research a question         research a question        of failure to generate    of failure to generate     of failure to generate    of failure to generate
tools and resources.           using digital               using digital              original ideas,           original ideas,            original ideas,           original ideas,
                               resources.                  resources.                 products or projects.     products or projects.      products or projects.     products or projects.

                               (e.g., investigating        (e.g., environmental,      (e.g., environmental,      (e.g. investigating       (e.g., digital            (e.g., digital
                               recycling on campus         investigating              investigating             recycling on campus        microscopes, probes,      microscopes, probes,
                               using cameras,              recycling on campus        recycling on campus       using cameras,             web resources,            web resources,
                               response pads, using        using cameras,             using cameras,            response pads, using       podcasts, WebQuests)      podcasts, WebQuests)
                               excel with                  response pads, using       response pads, using      excel with
                               pictographs)                excel with                 excel with                pictographs)
                                                           pictographs)               pictographs)

                                                                    Concept 2: Data Collection and analysis
                                                                   Collect and analyze data from different perspectives.

     Kindergarten                Grade 1                      Grade 2                       Grade 3                    Grade 4                    Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1. Participate in       PO 1. Participate in         PO 1. Participate in        PO 1. Participate in       PO 1. Conceptualize,       PO 1. Conceptualize,       PO 1. Plan, conduct
class learning project     group learning projects      group learning projects     group learning projects    plan and manage            plan and manage            and manage research
using digital tools        using digital planning       using digital planning      using digital planning     individual or group        individual or group        using valid and
identified by the          tools with teacher           tools with teacher          tools with teacher         learning projects using    learning projects using    independently selected
teacher to answer          support to answer            support to answer           support to answer          digital planning tools     digital planning tools     digital resources to
a question.                a question.                  a question.                 a question.                with teacher support to    with teacher support to    develop solutions to
                                                                                                               develop solutions to       develop solutions to       answer a question.
                                                                                                               answer a question.         answer a question.

(e.g., using simulations   (e.g. using simulations      (e.g., using simulations    (e.g., using simulations   (e.g., using simulations   (e.g., using simulations   (e.g., using simulations
and graphic organizers,    and graphic                  and graphic                 and graphic                and graphic                and graphic                and graphic organizers,
data analysis tools,       organizers, data             organizers, data            organizers, data           organizers, data           organizers, data           data analysis tools,
mind mapping,              analysis tools, mind         analysis tools, mind        analysis tools, mind       analysis tools, mind       analysis tools, mind       mind mapping,
concept mapping and        mapping, concept             mapping, concept            mapping, concept           mapping, concept           mapping, concept           concept mapping and
spreadsheets)              mapping and                  mapping and                 mapping and                mapping and                mapping and                spreadsheets)
                           spreadsheets)                spreadsheets)               spreadsheets)              spreadsheets)              spreadsheets)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                        Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making

                                                                         Concept 3: Data and Analysis
                                                                  Collect and analyze data from different perspectives.

     Kindergarten               Grade 1                      Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1. Participate         PO 1. Participate            PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools   PO 1. Use digital tools    PO 1. Use digital tools
with their class          with their class             to collaboratively        to independently          to independently          to independently           to independently
to use digital tools      to use digital tools         collect and analyze       collect and analyze       collect and analyze       collect and analyze        collect and analyze
to collect and            to collect and               data on a predefined      data on a predefined      data on a question.       data on a question.        data on a question.
analyze data on a         analyze data on a            question.                 question.
predefined question.      predefined question.

                                                               Concept 4: Use Multiple and Diverse Perspectives
                                                         Using more than one process and person’s point of view to explore solutions.

       Kindergarten                 Grade 1                    Grade 2                      Grade 3                    Grade 4                    Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1 Discuss                  PO 1. Discuss               PO 1. Use resources        PO 1. Use resources        PO 1. Use resources        PO 1. Use resources        PO 1. Use resources
data collected on a           data collected on a         and data collected on a    and data collected on a    and data collected on a    and data collected on a    and data collected on a
predefined question to        predefined question         predefined question to     predefined question to     predefined question to     predefined question to     predefined question to
explore solutions or          to propose                  generate                   generate solutions.        generate solutions.        generate solutions.        generate solutions.
results as a class.           developmentally             developmentally
                              appropriate solutions.      appropriate solutions.

 (e.g., using probes,          (e.g., using probes,       (e.g., using probes,        (e.g., using probes,      (e.g., using probes,       (e.g., using probes,       (e.g., using probes,
spreadsheets, internet or     spreadsheets, internet      spreadsheets, internet     spreadsheets, internet     spreadsheets, internet     spreadsheets, internet     spreadsheets, internet
software resources, digital   or software resources,      or software resources,     or software resources,     or software resources,     or software resources,     or software resources,
cameras, GPS, Foldable,       digital cameras, GPS,       digital cameras, GPS,      digital cameras, GPS,      digital cameras, GPS,      digital cameras, GPS,      digital cameras, GPS,
simulation tools, gaming      Foldables, simulation       Foldables, simulation      Foldables, simulation      Foldables, simulation      Foldables, simulation      Foldables, simulation
tools, web pages,             tools, gaming tools,        tools, gaming tools,       tools, gaming tools,       tools, gaming tools,       tools, gaming tools,       tools, gaming tools,
webquests, graphic            web pages, webquests,       web pages, webquests,      web pages, webquests,      web pages, webquests,      web pages, webquests,      web pages, webquests,
organizers, etc)              graphic organizers, etc)    graphic organizers, etc)   graphic organizers, etc)   graphic organizers, etc)   graphic organizers, etc)   graphic organizers, etc)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                          Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making
                               Concept 1: Investigation
   Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigations.

         Grade 7                      Grade 8                          High School
PO 1. Write essential       PO 1. Write essential           PO 1.Write essential questions
questions to                questions to investigate a      to investigate a complex
investigate an question     global question                 question independently using
independently using         independently using digital     digital tools and resources..
digital tools and           tools and resources.
(e.g., environmental,        (e.g., environmental,          (e.g., environmental, political,
political, scientific,      political, scientific, and/or   scientific, and/or
and/or                      social questions, such as:      social questions, such as:
social questions, such      health, bullying                health, bullying immigration,
as: health, bullying        immigration, peer               peer interaction)
immigration, peer           interaction)

                           Concept 2: Project Management
   Plan and manage activities to develop a solution to answer a question or complete a

        Grade 7                        Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Plan, conduct         PO 1. Use an action plan        PO 1. Plan and
and manage research         and timeline to conduct and     manage research using
using appropriate and       manage research using           appropriate and independently
independently selected      appropriate and                 selected digital resources to
digital resources to        independently selected          develop solutions to answer a
develop solutions to        digital resources to develop    question.
answer a question.          solutions to answer a
(e.g., using simulations    question. (e.g. using           (e.g., using simulations and
and graphic organizers,     simulations and graphic         graphic organizers, data
data analysis tools,        organizers, data analysis       analysis tools, mind mapping,
mind mapping,               tools, mind mapping,            concept mapping and
concept mapping and         concept mapping and             spreadsheets)
spreadsheets)               spreadsheets)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                         Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making

                  Concept 3: Data Collection and Analysis
                  Collect and analyze data from different perspectives.

        Grade 7                     Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Use digital tools    PO 1. Use digital tools to    PO 1. Collect and analyze data
to independently           independently collect and     from differing perspectives using
collect and analyze        analyze data.                 appropriate digital tools.
data on an question.

                          Concept 4: Exploring Solutions
    Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

       Grade 7                       Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Use resources        PO 1. Use resources and      PO 1. Use resources and data
and data collected on a    data collected, to propose   collected, to present innovative,
predefined question to     and prioritize solutions     sustainable solutions and make
generate solutions.        and make decisions.          decisions from multiple
(e.g., using probes,       (e.g., current events,
spreadsheets, internet     podcasts, class wiki,
or software resources,     collaborative tools, video
digital cameras, GPS,      conference, Web 2.0
Foldables, simulation      tools, etc.)
tools, gaming tools,
web pages,
WebQuests, graphic
organizers, wiki,
collaborative tools,
video conference, Web
2.0 tools, etc.)

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade
             Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                         Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
                                                                             Concept 1: Safety and Ethics
                                                    Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

    Kindergarten                Grade 1                       Grade 2                      Grade 3                    Grade 4                    Grade 5                     Grade 6
PO 1. Recognize and        PO 1. Recognize and           PO 1. Recognize and         PO 1. Explain when it     PO 1. Explain when it      PO 1. Analyze the          PO 1. Identify
discuss when it is         discuss when it is            discuss when it is         is appropriate and not     is appropriate and not     consequences of            situations in which it is
appropriate and not        appropriate and not           appropriate and not        appropriate to use a       appropriate to use a       inappropriate use of a     appropriate to use a
appropriate to use a       appropriate to use a          appropriate to use a       personal digital device.   personal digital device.   personal digital device.   personal digital device
personal digital device.   personal digital device.      personal digital device.                                                                                    in the home, at school,
                                                                                                                                                                     community, and in the

                           PO 2. Define cyber-           PO 2. Describe cyber-      PO 2. Identify cyber-      PO 2. Identify cyber-      PO 2. Identify cyber-      PO 2. Identify cyber-
                           bullying.                     bullying and discuss       bullying and describe      bullying and describe      bullying and describe      bullying and describe
                                                         the effect bullying has    age appropriate            age                        age appropriate            age appropriate
                                                         on the individual.         strategies to deal with    appropriate strategies     strategies to deal with    strategies to deal with
                                                                                    such a situation.          to deal with such a        such a situation.          such a situation.

PO 3. Identify and         PO 3. Identify and            PO 3. Identify and         PO 3. Identify and         PO 3. Identify and         PO 3. Identify and         PO 3. Identify and
articulate class rules     articulate rules in age       articulate rules in age    articulate rules in age    articulate rules in age    articulate rules in age    articulate rules in age
for the use of digital     appropriate ways for          appropriate ways for       appropriate ways for       appropriate ways for       appropriate ways           appropriate ways for
tools.                     the use of digital tools      the use of digital tools   the use of digital tools   the use of digital tools   for the use of digital     the use of digital tools
                           as defined by the             as defined by the          as defined by the          as defined by the          tools as defined by the    as defined by the
                           school board policies         school board policies      school board policies      school board               school board policies      school board policies
                           and procedures.               and procedures.            and procedures.            policies and               and procedures.            and procedures.

                           PO 4. Discuss why it          PO 4. Identify and         PO 4. Discuss why it is    PO 4. Recognize and        PO 4. Recognize and        PO 4. Identify and
                           may be dangerous to           discuss ways to stay       important not to           describe the potential     describe the potential     articulate strategies to
                           visit certain Internet        safe on the Internet.      provide personal           risks and dangers          risks and dangers          protect personal
                           sites.                                                   information in online      associated with various    associated with various    information.
                                                                                    communication.             forms of online            forms of online
                                                                                                               communications.            communications.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                      Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
                                                                      Concept 1: Safety and Ethics
                                             Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

    Kindergarten              Grade 1                   Grade 2                    Grade 3                    Grade 4                   Grade 5                  Grade 6
                                                                                                      PO 5. Explain how the     PO 5. Explain the        PO 5. Locate sources
                                                                                                      Internet can be           advantages and           of online information
                                                                                                      used when making a        disadvantages of using   that can be used to
                                                                                                      personal spending         the Internet to          evaluate the quality
                                                                                                      choice.                   complete an online       and cost for a
                                                                                                                                purchase.                particular product to
                                                                                                                                                         explain a personal

PO 6. Recognize and      PO 6. Recognize,          PO 6. Discuss and        PO 6. Explain the         PO 6. Respect the         PO 6. Exhibit legal      PO 6. Exhibit legal and
discuss why there are    discuss, and              demonstrate              importance                privacy of others'        and ethical behavior     ethical behavior when
rules for using          demonstrate               appropriate behavior     of respecting the         information and digital   when using technology    using technology and
technology at home       appropriate behavior      for technology use and   privacy of others’        workspace.                and discuss the          discuss consequences
and at school.           for technology use and    show respect for         information and digital                             consequences of          of misuse.
                         show respect for          technology equipment     workspace.                                          misuse.
                         technology equipment.

                                                          Concept 2: Leadership for Digital Citizenship
                                                                Demonstrates leadership for digital citizenship.

     Kindergarten               Grade 1                 Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                   Grade 5             Grade 6
PO 1. Exhibit            PO 1. Model leadership    PO 1. Model              PO 1. Independently        PO 1. Independently      PO 1. Independently      PO 1. Identify
leadership through the   skills by working         leadership skills by     conceptualize, guide       conceptualize, guide     conceptualize, guide     technology resources
appropriate use of       productively in groups.   working                  and manage group           and manage group         and manage group         that can be used to
digital tools                                      productively in          projects using content     projects using content   projects using content   foster global
                                                   groups.                  specific resources.        specific resources.      specific resources.      leadership and life-
                                                                                                                                                         long learning.

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                          Strand 5: Digital Citizenship

                                                                      Concept 3: Impact of Technology
                               Develop an understanding of cultural, historical, economic and political impact of technology on individuals and society.

     Kindergarten                  Grade 1                 Grade 2                     Grade 3                   Grade 4                     Grade 5                    Grade 6
PO 1. Recognize and         PO 1. Recognize and      PO 1. Recognize,          PO 1. Compare how         PO 1. Give examples         PO 1. Compare the use      PO 1. Research a
discuss examples of         discuss how they and     discuss, and explain      different cultures        of technologies that        of different               current technology and
technology that they        their family use         different types of        currently and in the      might be used to solve      technologies by            describe its potential
use in their daily lives.   technology to make       technologies used by      past used technology      a specific economic,        current or                 use to solve an
                            their lives better       current and past          to improve their lives.   environmental, health,      past societies and Infer   economic,
                                                     peoples                                             political, scientific, or   the values of that         environmental, health,
                            (e.g., food, clothing,                                                       social problem.             society from their         political, scientific, or
                            health, well being,                                                                                      technology use and the     social problem.
                            protection)                                                                                              impact on the

Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT
                                                          Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
                                Concept 1: Safety and Ethics
     Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

       Grade 7                                Grade 8                        High School
PO 1. Explain the situations       PO 1. Explain the situations      PO 1. Communicate and
in which it is appropriate to      in which it is appropriate to     collaborate safely using
use a personal digital device      use a personal digital device     multiple digital
in the home, at school,            in the home, at school,           communication tools.
community, and in the              community, and in the
workforce.                         workforce.

PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying      PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying     PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying
and describe age                   and describe age                  and describe age
appropriate strategies to deal     appropriate strategies to deal    appropriate strategies to deal
with such a situation.             with such a situation.            with such a situation.

PO 3. Identify and articulate      PO 3.Identify and articulate      PO 3. Identify, articulate, and
rules in age appropriate ways      rules in age appropriate ways     recommend rules for the use
for the use of digital tools as    for the use of digital tools as   of digital tools to the School
defined by the School Board        defined by the School Board       Board.
Policies and Procedures.           Policies and Procedures.

PO 4. Demonstrate safe             PO 4. Demonstrate safe            PO 4. Demonstrate safe
online communication               online communication              online communication
practices regarding personal       practices regarding personal      practices regarding personal
information.                       information.                      information.

PO 5. Organize, plan, and          PO 5. Analyze and compare         PO 5. Analyze how web
construct a personal budget        various forms of online           advertising influences
using appropriate digital          financial options.                consumer choices.

PO 6. Exhibit legal and            PO 6. Exhibit legal and           PO 6. Exhibit legal and
ethical behavior when using        ethical behavior when using       ethical behavior when using
technology.                        technology.                       technology.

State Standards
State Standards
State Standards
State Standards
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State Standards
State Standards
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State Standards

  • 1. State of Arizona Department of Education 2008 Educational Technology Standard DRAFT
  • 2. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation
  • 3. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 1: Knowledge and Ideas Using knowledge and ideas to explore and experiment. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1 PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, products products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. or projects. Concept 2: Digital Models and Simulations Using digital models and simulations in situations. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and describe how aspects describe how aspects describe how aspects describe how aspects describe how aspects describe how aspects of a situation cause of a situation cause of a situation cause of a situation cause of a situation cause of a situation cause specific consequences specific consequences specific consequences specific consequences specific consequences specific consequences over time using a over time using a over time using a over time using a over time using a over time using a digital model or digital model or digital model or digital model or digital model or digital model or simulation. simulation. simulation. simulation. simulation. simulation. . PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and explain relevant explain relevant explain relevant explain relevant explain relevant explain relevant interdependent interdependent interdependent interdependent interdependent interdependent elements of a digital elements of a digital elements of a digital elements of a digital elements of a digital elements of a digital model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer understanding of “the understanding of “the understanding of “the understanding of “the understanding of “the understanding of “the big picture” of how big picture” of how big picture” of how big picture” of how big picture” of how big picture” of how one system operates by one system operates by one system operates by one system operates by one system operates by one system operates by comparing it to comparing it to comparing it to comparing it to comparing it to comparing it to another another system of a another system of a another system of a another system of a another system of a system of a different different type that different type that different type that different type that different type that type that operates in a operates in a similar operates in a similar operates in a similar operates in a similar operates in a similar similar manner using a manner using a digital manner using a digital manner using a digital manner using a digital manner using a digital digital model or model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. model or simulation. simulation. 3
  • 4. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 3: Trends and Possibilities Using Information to forecast trends and possibilities. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify patterns, PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify patterns, trends and forecast patterns, trends and patterns, trends and patterns, trends and patterns, trends and patterns, trends and trends and forecast possibilities. forecast possibilities. forecast possibilities. forecast possibilities. forecast possibilities. forecast possibilities. possibilities. PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions and scrutinize a and scrutinize a and scrutinize a and scrutinize a and scrutinize a and scrutinize a problem from different problem from different problem from different problem from different problem from different problem from different perspectives and perspectives and perspectives and perspectives and perspectives and perspectives and formulate inferences formulate inferences formulate inferences formulate inferences formulate inferences formulate inferences from known facts. from known facts. from known facts. from known facts. from known facts. from known facts. PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to draw conclusions that draw conclusions that draw conclusions that draw conclusions that draw conclusions that draw conclusions that reflect clear and reflect clear and reflect clear and reflect clear and reflect clear and reflect clear and logical links between logical links between logical links between logical links between logical links between logical links between the trends and patterns the trends and patterns the trends and patterns the trends and patterns the trends and patterns the trends and patterns and the interpretations and the interpretations and the interpretations and the interpretations and the interpretations and the interpretations made from them. made from them. made from them. made from them. made from them. made from them. PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a general or abstract general or abstract general or abstract general or abstract general or abstract general or abstract pattern that provides pattern that provides pattern that provides pattern that provides pattern that provides pattern that provides novel insights into the novel insights into the novel insights into the novel insights into the novel insights into the novel insights into the information. information. information. information. information. information. 4
  • 5. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 4: Original Works Creating original works in innovative ways. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools in a creative or in a creative or in a creative or in a creative or in a creative or in a creative or innovative style to innovative style to innovative style to innovative style to innovative style to innovative style to personally express personally express personally express personally express personally express personally express original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, products, or projects. products, or projects. products, or projects. products, or projects. products, or projects. products, or projects. PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools to collaborate with a to collaborate with a to collaborate with a to collaborate with a to collaborate with a to collaborate with a group to communicate group to communicate group to communicate group to communicate group to communicate group to communicate original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, products, or projects products, or projects products, or projects products, or projects products, or projects products, or projects effectively to an effectively to an effectively to an effectively to an effectively to an effectively to an audience in a creative audience in a creative audience in a creative audience in a creative audience in a creative audience in a creative or innovative style. or innovative style. or innovative style. or innovative style. or innovative style. or innovative style. 5
  • 6. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 1: Knowledge and Ideas Using knowledge and ideas to explore and experiment. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Experiment, explore PO 1. Experiment, explore PO 1. Experiment, explore and and try out new ideas and try out new ideas try out new ideas without fear of without fear of failure to without fear of failure to failure to generate original ideas, generate original ideas, generate original ideas, products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. Concept 2: Digital Models and Simulations Using digital models and simulations in situations. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Identify and PO 1. Identify and describe PO 1. Identify and describe how describe how aspects of a how aspects of a situation aspects of a situation cause situation cause specific cause specific specific consequences over time consequences over time consequences over time using a digital model or using a digital model or using a digital model or simulation. simulation. simulation. PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and PO 2. Recognize and explain explain relevant explain relevant relevant interdependent elements interdependent elements interdependent elements of of a digital model or simulation. of a digital model or a digital model or simulation. simulation. PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer PO 3. Transfer understanding of understanding of “the big understanding of “the big “the big picture” of how one picture” of how one picture” of how one system system operates by comparing it system operates by operates by comparing it to to another system of a different comparing it to another another system of a type that operates in a similar system of a different type different type that operates manner using a digital. that operates in a similar in a similar manner using a manner using a digital. digital. 6
  • 7. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 3: Trends and Possibilities Using information to forecast trends and possibilities. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Identify patterns, PO 1. Identify patterns, PO 1. Identify patterns, trends trends and forecast trends and forecast and forecast possibilities. possibilities. possibilities. PO 2. Ask questions PO 2. Ask questions and PO 2. Ask questions and and scrutinize a scrutinize a problem from scrutinize a problem from problem from different different perspectives and different perspectives and perspectives and formulate inferences from formulate inferences from formulate inferences known facts. known facts. from known facts. PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to PO 3. Use reasoning to draw draw conclusions that draw conclusions that conclusions that reflect clear reflect clear and reflect clear and logical and logical links between the logical links between links between the trends trends and patterns and the the trends and patterns and patterns and the interpretations made from and the interpretations interpretations made from them. made from them. them. PO 4. Identify a PO 4. Identify a general or PO 4. Identify a general or general or abstract abstract pattern that abstract pattern that provides pattern that provides provides novel insights novel insights into the novel insights into the into the information. information. information. 7
  • 8. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation Concept 4: Original Works Creating original works in innovative ways. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools in PO 1. Use digital tools in a in a creative or a creative or innovative creative or innovative style to innovative style to style to personally express personally express original ideas, personally express original ideas, products, products, or projects. original ideas, or projects. products, or projects. PO 2. Use digital tools PO 2. Use digital tools to PO 2. Use digital tools to to collaborate with a collaborate with a group collaborate with a group to group to communicate to communicate original communicate original ideas, original ideas, ideas, products, or products, or projects effectively to products, or projects projects effectively to an an audience in a creative or effectively to an audience in a creative or innovative style. audience in a creative innovative style. or innovative style. 8
  • 9. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
  • 10. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 1: Digital Interactions Interact and collaborate with peers, experts, or others from around the world, employing a variety of digital environments and media. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify PO 1. Engage in PO 1. Engage in PO 1. Select and PO 1. Select and use PO 1. Select and use PO 1. Select and different communication communication use appropriate appropriate communication appropriate communication use appropriate communication communication with others as a with others as a communication tools with teacher guidance tools with teacher guidance tools with teacher guidance or tools. whole class whole class or tools using a to effectively interact with or peer input to effectively peer input to effectively through teacher small groups variety of teacher others. interact with others. interact with others. identified digital through teacher identified digital tools. identified digital tools. (e.g., mail, phone, tools. email, discussions, (e.g., e-mail, (e.g., e-mail, discussion (e.g., wikis, discussion (e.g., e-mail, wikis, discussion message boards, podcast, forums, message boards, wikis) message boards, e-mail) message boards) chats) discussion boards) 10
  • 11. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 2: Effective Communications Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of digital environments. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify, compare PO 1. Identify, PO 1. Identify, PO 1. Explain and PO 1. Explain and PO 1. Select and and compare and demonstrate safe and compare compare demonstrate the demonstrate the safety utilize the appropriate different digital appropriate behavior and demonstrate safe and demonstrate safe safety and etiquette and etiquette of digital digital environment to environments for when using and appropriate and appropriate of digital environments to communicate with appropriate digital environments. behavior when behavior when environments to communicate with intended audience for audiences. using digital environ- using digital environ- communicate with intended audiences. specified purposes. ments. ments. intended audiences. (e.g., TV, computer, (e.g., digitally phone, email) communicate with authors, text message to connected classroom, create digital sites, search Internet) PO 2. Illustrate and PO 2. Compose, PO 2. Compose, PO 2. Compose, PO 2. Create PO 2. Create products PO 2. Create products communicate ideas illustrate and illustrate and illustrate and products using digital using digital media and using digital media and stories using communicate original communicate original communicate original media and processes processes appropriate to and processes digital tools with ideas and stories using ideas or research ideas or research using appropriate to assigned purpose and appropriate to teacher guidance. digital tools. using digital tools. digital tools. assigned purpose and intended audience using assigned purpose and intended audience original ideas or intended audience using original ideas research. using original ideas or or research. research. (e.g., Publisher, PowerPoint, Keynotes, Voice Thread, Podcast, Movie Maker, iMovie, Photo Story) 11
  • 12. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 3: Digital Solutions Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Identify and use PO 1. Participate in a PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Participate in a PO 1. Participate in a classroom learning classroom learning cooperative group cooperative learning a cooperative learning collaborative learning community of practice project using digital project using digital rules to contribute project and project and project and whose members collaborative collaborative effectively in demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate collaborate at a resources. resources. collaborative learning effective group effective group effective group distance. project in classroom behaviors with class behaviors with class behaviors with class learning using digital established established established collaborative norms while norms while norms while resources. using digital using digital using digital collaborative collaborative collaborative (e.g., using response resources. resources. resources. pads to gather data collaboratively, sequence of event of pictures from Internet resources on interactive boards, digital book, alphabet and number books with original digital pictures) 12
  • 13. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 4: Global Connections Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Participate as a PO 1. Participate as a PO 1. Participate as a challenges and digital challenges and digital class in two-way class in two-way class in two-way strategies as a class strategies as a class communication at a communication at a communication at a for effectively for effectively distance with others of distance with others of distance with others of communicating with communicating with different cultures or different cultures or different cultures or other cultures. other cultures. geographic areas to geographic areas to geographic areas to gain different gain different gain different perspectives of topics. perspectives of topics. perspectives of topics. 13
  • 14. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 1: Digital Interactions Interact and collaborate with peers, experts, or others from around the world, employing a variety of digital environments and media. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Select and use PO 1. Select and use PO 1. Collaborate with others appropriate communication appropriate communication employing a variety of digital tools with peer input to tools. environments and media to effectively interact with effectively establish and others. maintain interaction. Concept 2: Effective Communications Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety y of digital environments. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Explain and PO 1. Evaluate, identify, PO 1. Organize a digital demonstrate features, and use features, environment utilizing features, conventions, voice and conventions, voice, and conventions, voice and etiquette etiquette of interactive etiquette of of social networking tools to digital environments to interactive digital communicate with the appropriate communicate with the environments to audience. appropriate audience. communicate with the appropriate audience. PO 2. Using original PO 2. Using original ideas PO 2. Create and publish ideas or research, or research, create products persuasive and other writing create products using using digital media and applications for communications digital media and processes appropriate to in different digital media processes appropriate purpose and audience. environments. to purpose and audience. 14
  • 15. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration Concept 3: Digital Solutions Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Participate in a PO 1. Participate in a PO 1. Organize a community of community of practice community of practice practice whose members whose members whose members collaborate at a distance for collaborate at a collaborate at a distance the purpose of producing distance for for the purpose of original works or solving the purpose of producing original works problems. producing original or solving problems. works or solving problems. Concept 4: Global Connections Cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Independently PO 1. Independently PO 1. Engage in a global locate and interact with locate and interact with community in order to become teacher approved teacher approved global socially aware and global communities. communities. contribute to a broader understanding of specific global issues. 15
  • 16. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
  • 17. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 1: Planning Plan strategies to guide inquiry. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate ideas, PO 1. Generate a large questions and solutions questions and solutions questions and solutions questions, and or questions, and/or questions, and/or number of ideas, from a teacher posed from a teacher posed from a teacher posed solutions through the solutions through the solutions through the questions, and/or question. question. question. process of process of process of solutions through the brainstorming with brainstorming with brainstorming process of teacher guidance. peer input and/or independently, with brainstorming teacher guidance. peer input, and/or independently, with teacher guidance. peer input, and/or teacher guidance. PO 2. Generate key PO 2. Generate key PO 2. Generate key PO 2. Generate key PO 2. Determine key PO 2. Determine key PO 2. Determine key words from a teacher words and synonyms words and synonyms words to conduct words for use in words for use in words and phrases, posed question. from a teacher posed from a teacher posed searches with teacher information searches information searches which narrow or question. question. guidance. which may be refined which may be refined broaden information through peer or teacher through peer or teacher searches through peer guidance. guidance. or teacher guidance. PO 3. Use a secondary PO 3. Use a secondary PO 3. Select a PO 3. Select several PO 3. Use secondary PO 3. Use primary and PO 3. Use primary and source selected by the source selected by the secondary source from secondary sources sources and secondary sources with secondary sources, teacher. teacher. a list provided by the from a list provided by select several primary peer input and/or emphasizing primary teacher. the teacher. sources from a list teacher guidance. sources, focusing on provided by the authority of teacher. information, with peer input and/or teacher guidance. PO 4. Explore a PO 4. Explore media PO 4. Differentiate PO 4. Differentiate PO 4. Predict which PO 4. Predict which PO 4. Determine limited number of and online sources in a types of media and types of media and information or media information or media which information or media sources in a group setting. information sources in information sources source will provide the source will provide the media source will group setting. a group setting. with teacher guidance. desired data with desired data with provide the desired teacher guidance. teacher guidance. data with minimal teacher guidance. 17
  • 18. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 2: Process Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Identify PO 1. Use search PO 1. Use search PO 1. Locate and PO 1. Locate and keyword search terms keywords and at least keywords and a few strategies such as strategies to locate synthesize information synthesize information with teacher one synonym, synonyms and use developing a few information. utilizing search strategies. utilizing search assistance. completing a search, keywords to narrow or synonyms for search strategies. with teacher broaden a search, to terms and narrowing assistance. complete a search, or broadening a search (e.g., develop synonyms, (e.g., develop synonyms, (e.g., develop with teacher guidance. with teacher guidance. narrow or broaden terms, narrow or broaden terms, synonyms, narrow or formulate an advanced formulate an advanced broaden terms, search, use more than search, use more than one formulate an advanced one search engine) search engine) search, use more than one search engine) PO 2. Recognize PO 2. Identify PO 2. Access PO 2. Select and PO 2. Select and PO 2. Select and organize PO 2. Select and common navigational common navigational information from organize information organize information and informationand media organize information elements among a elements (e.g., back designated sources and and media from media from a variety of from a variety of sources. and media variety of information and forward, enter, use a provided tool to several sources sources. independently. and media resources. etc.) among a variety organize the including resources. of information and information. media resources. PO 3. Recognize a PO 3. Differentiate PO 3. Differentiate PO 3. Analyze PO 3. Analyze accuracy PO 3. Analyze accuracy PO 3. Analyze fact. between a fact and between a fact and accuracy of of information and of information and limit accuracy, relevance something untrue. something untrue. information with introduce the concept of to more relevant items. and teacher assistance. information relevancy. comprehensiveness of the information. 18
  • 19. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 2: Process Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 4. Recognize facts PO 4. Recognize facts PO 4. Differentiate PO 4. Differentiate PO 4. Differentiate PO 4. Evaluate between PO 4. Evaluate about a topic. and opinions about a facts and opinions between facts and between fact and fact and opinion, bias, and between fact and topic. about a topic from opinions and opinion, bias, and inaccurate information opinion, bias, inaccurate information inaccurate information inaccurate information and media by consulting inaccurate and with teacher and media with teacher and media with teacher more than one source with misleading assistance. assistance. or peer assistance. teacher or peer assistance. information and media by consulting more than one source independently or with teacher or peer guidance. PO 5. List multiple PO 5. List multiple PO 5. List additional PO 5. Formulate PO 5. Evaluate PO 5. Evaluate and PO 5. Evaluate and questions to a specific questions to a specific questions to a specific additional research information and analyze information and analyze information to topic in a large group topic in a large group research topic questions with peer formulate additional formulate additional synthesize additional setting. setting or individually. individually. input, and/or teacher research questions with research questions with research questions guidance. peer input, and/or teacher peer input, and/or teacher with peer input, and/or guidance. guidance. teacher guidance. PO 6. Describe ethical PO 6. Describe ethical PO 6. Practice legal PO 6. Follow PO 6. Follow copyright PO 6. Follow copyright PO 6. Follow behaviors when using behaviors when using and ethical behaviors copyright laws when laws when using text, laws when using text, copyright laws when technology. technology. during research and using text and images images, videos and/or images, videos and/or using text, images, cite resources obtain permission to other sources and obtain other sources. videos and/or other appropriately. use the work of others permission to use the sources and obtain and cite resources work of others and cite permission to use the appropriately. resources appropriately. work of others and cite resources (e.g., does not copy, (e.g., does not copy, (e.g., does not copy, (e.g., does not copy, alter, appropriately. (e.g., does not copy, (e.g., does not copy, alter, or delete another alter, or delete another alter, or delete another or delete another person’s alter, or delete another alter, or delete another person’s work) person’s work) person’s work) work, obtain permission (e.g., does not copy, person’s work) person’s work, to use the work of others alter, or delete another explanation and use of resource citations) and cite resources person’s work) appropriately) 19
  • 20. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 3: Select Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based upon appropriateness to specific tasks. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Use a media tool PO 1. Use media tools PO 1. Use available PO 1. Choose PO 1. Choose PO 1. Evaluate and PO 1. Evaluate and selected by the teacher selected by the teacher media tools for a class appropriate media appropriate media choose appropriate choose appropriate for a class project. for a class or or individual project. tools for the task. tools for the task and media tools for the media tools for the individual project. audience. task and audience with task and audience with peer input, and/or peer input, and/or teacher guidance. teacher guidance. PO 2. Review and PO 2. Review and PO 2. Review and PO 2. Review and PO 2. Review and PO 2. Review and select relevant data select relevant data select relevant data select relevant data select relevant data select relevant data and and information, from and information, from and information, and information, and information information provided materials and provided materials and appropriate to the appropriate to the appropriate to the appropriate to the resources, appropriate resources, appropriate problem or solution, problem or solution, problem or solution, problem or solution, to the problem or to the problem or with peer input and with peer input and with peer input and with peer input and solution, with teacher solution, with teacher teacher guidance. teacher guidance. teacher guidance. teacher guidance. guidance. guidance. 20
  • 21. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 4: Product Processing data to communicate results. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Sort information PO 1. Sort information PO 1. Sort information PO 1. Sort information PO 1. Use appropriate PO 1. Use appropriate PO 1. Use appropriate into major topics into major topics with into major topics into major topics digital tools to digital tools to digital tools to selected by the teacher. teacher guidance. and create a list of and create a list of synthesize research synthesize research synthesize research original ideas as a original ideas with information and information and information to create class. peer input and teacher develop new ideas develop new ideas new understanding guidance. with teacher guidance. with peer input and with peer input and teacher guidance. teacher guidance. (e.g., Inspiration, (e.g., Inspiration, Kidspiration, Word, Kidspiration, Word, Publisher, Excel, Publisher, Excel, browser-based browser-based application, etc.) application, etc.) PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate PO 2. Communicate new understanding by new understanding by new understanding by new understanding by new understanding by new understanding by new understanding by creating a digital creating a digital creating a digital creating a digital creating a digital creating a digital creating a digital product with teacher product for a specific product, utilizing at product, utilizing at product, utilizing product, utilizing product, utilizing guidance. audience with teacher least 2 methods of least 2 methods of several methods of several methods of several methods of guidance. delivery, appropriate delivery, appropriate delivery, appropriate delivery, appropriate delivery, appropriate for a specific audience, for a specific audience, for a specific audience, for a specific audience, for the audience, with with teacher guidance. with teacher guidance. with peer input and with peer input and peer input and teacher teacher guidance. teacher guidance. guidance. 21
  • 22. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 1: Planning Plan strategies to guide inquiry. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Generate a PO 1. Generate a large PO 1. Originate topic of study and large number of ideas, number of thoughtful formulate thoughtful and creative questions, and or and creative ideas, ideas, questions, and/or solutions solutions through the questions, and or for a real-world task. process of solutions through the brainstorming process of brainstorming independently with independently. minimal supervision. PO 2. Determine most PO 2. Determine the PO 2. Identify and defend effective effective keywords most effective keywords key words, phrases and strategies and phrases for use in and phrases for use in for sue in information searches. information searches information searches, through peer or independently. teacher guidance. PO 3. Use primary PO 3. Use authoritative PO 3. Evaluate and select and secondary sources and authoritative primary and sources, emphasizing independently evaluate secondary sources, emphasizing primary sources, and select primary and primary sources, focusing on focusing on secondary sources, authority of information. authority of emphasizing primary information, with peer sources, focusing input and/or teacher on authority of guidance. information. PO 4. Determine PO 4. Determine, PO 4. Identify and defend which which information or independently, which information or media source will media source will information or media provide the desired data. provide the desired source will provide the data with minimal desired data. teacher guidance. 22
  • 23. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 2: Process Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Locate and synthesize PO 1. Locate and PO 1. Locate and synthesize information utilizing search synthesize information information utilizing strategies. utilizing search advanced search strategies strategies. using a variety of search engines including meta data search engines, conduction deep web searches. (e.g.,. develop synonyms, (e.g., develop synonyms, (e.g., Boolean, relevancy, narrow or broaden terms, narrow or broaden terms, recency, file type, authority, formulate an advanced formulate an advanced and comprehension) search, use more than one search, use more than search engine, and deep web) one search engine, file type, relevancy, deep web) PO 2. Select and organize PO 2. Select and PO 2. Select and organize information and media organize information and information and media independently. media independently. independently. PO 3. Analyze accuracy, PO 3. Analyze accuracy, PO 3. Evaluate and analyze relevance and relevance and information to synthesize comprehensiveness of comprehensiveness of additional research information and media. information and media questions. in context. 23
  • 24. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 2: Process Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 4. Evaluate between fact PO 4. Evaluate PO 4. Apply ethical use of and opinion, bias, inaccurate independently between information and media by and misleading information fact and opinion, bias, respecting the principles of and media by consulting inaccurate and intellectual freedom and more than one source misleading information intellectual property rights, independently or with teacher and media by consulting and using information and or peer guidance. multiple sources. media technology responsibly, including citing resource citations. PO 5. Evaluate and analyze PO 5. Evaluate and PO 5. Evaluate and analyze information to synthesize analyze information to information to synthesize additional research questions synthesize additional additional research with minimal teacher research questions questions independently. guidance. independently. PO 6. Apply ethical use of PO 6. Apply ethical use PO 6. Apply ethical use of information and media by of information and information and media by respecting the intellectual media by respecting the respecting the principles of property rights, and using principles of intellectual intellectual freedom and information and media freedom and intellectual intellectual property rights, technology responsibly and property rights, and and using information and cite resources appropriately. using information and media technology media technology responsibly and cite responsibly and cite resources appropriately. resources appropriately. (e.g., does not copy, alter, (e.g., does not or delete another person’s copy, alter, or delete work) another person’s work) 24
  • 25. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy Concept 3: Select Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on appropriateness to specific tasks. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Evaluate and choose PO 1. Evaluate and PO 1. Evaluate and choose appropriate media tools for choose appropriate appropriate media rich digital the task and audience with media tools for the tools for the task and audience minimal teacher guidance. task and audience independently. independently. PO 2. Review and select PO 2. Review and PO 2. Analyze and evaluate relevant data and select relevant data relevant data and information information appropriate to and information appropriate to the real-world the problem or solution, appropriate to the problem or question. with peer input and problem or question. minimal teacher guidance. Concept 4: Product Processing data to communicate results. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Synthesize research PO 1. Synthesize PO 1. Synthesize research information to create research information information to create new understanding with to create new understanding and innovative peer input and minimal new understanding. solutions. teacher guidance. PO 2. Synthesize research PO 2. Synthesize PO 2. Communicate a new information to create research information understanding by creating media- new understanding with to create rich digital products appropriate peer input and minimal new understanding. for the audience and purpose. teacher guidance. 25
  • 26. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • 27. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Concept 1: Investigation Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Collaborate as a PO 1. Collaborate as a PO 1. Collaborate as a PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, PO 1. Experiment, class to identify and define class to select an class to select an explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out explore and try out essential essential question to essential question to new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear new ideas without fear questions using digital research a question research a question of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate of failure to generate tools and resources. using digital using digital original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, original ideas, resources. resources. products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. products or projects. (e.g., investigating (e.g., environmental, (e.g., environmental, (e.g. investigating (e.g., digital (e.g., digital recycling on campus investigating investigating recycling on campus microscopes, probes, microscopes, probes, using cameras, recycling on campus recycling on campus using cameras, web resources, web resources, response pads, using using cameras, using cameras, response pads, using podcasts, WebQuests) podcasts, WebQuests) excel with response pads, using response pads, using excel with pictographs) excel with excel with pictographs) pictographs) pictographs) Concept 2: Data Collection and analysis Collect and analyze data from different perspectives. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Participate in PO 1. Conceptualize, PO 1. Conceptualize, PO 1. Plan, conduct class learning project group learning projects group learning projects group learning projects plan and manage plan and manage and manage research using digital tools using digital planning using digital planning using digital planning individual or group individual or group using valid and identified by the tools with teacher tools with teacher tools with teacher learning projects using learning projects using independently selected teacher to answer support to answer support to answer support to answer digital planning tools digital planning tools digital resources to a question. a question. a question. a question. with teacher support to with teacher support to develop solutions to develop solutions to develop solutions to answer a question. answer a question. answer a question. (e.g., using simulations (e.g. using simulations (e.g., using simulations (e.g., using simulations (e.g., using simulations (e.g., using simulations (e.g., using simulations and graphic organizers, and graphic and graphic and graphic and graphic and graphic and graphic organizers, data analysis tools, organizers, data organizers, data organizers, data organizers, data organizers, data data analysis tools, mind mapping, analysis tools, mind analysis tools, mind analysis tools, mind analysis tools, mind analysis tools, mind mind mapping, concept mapping and mapping, concept mapping, concept mapping, concept mapping, concept mapping, concept concept mapping and spreadsheets) mapping and mapping and mapping and mapping and mapping and spreadsheets) spreadsheets) spreadsheets) spreadsheets) spreadsheets) spreadsheets) 27
  • 28. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Concept 3: Data and Analysis Collect and analyze data from different perspectives. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Participate PO 1. Participate PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools with their class with their class to collaboratively to independently to independently to independently to independently to use digital tools to use digital tools collect and analyze collect and analyze collect and analyze collect and analyze collect and analyze to collect and to collect and data on a predefined data on a predefined data on a question. data on a question. data on a question. analyze data on a analyze data on a question. question. predefined question. predefined question. Concept 4: Use Multiple and Diverse Perspectives Using more than one process and person’s point of view to explore solutions. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1 Discuss PO 1. Discuss PO 1. Use resources PO 1. Use resources PO 1. Use resources PO 1. Use resources PO 1. Use resources data collected on a data collected on a and data collected on a and data collected on a and data collected on a and data collected on a and data collected on a predefined question to predefined question predefined question to predefined question to predefined question to predefined question to predefined question to explore solutions or to propose generate generate solutions. generate solutions. generate solutions. generate solutions. results as a class. developmentally developmentally appropriate solutions. appropriate solutions. (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, (e.g., using probes, spreadsheets, internet or spreadsheets, internet spreadsheets, internet spreadsheets, internet spreadsheets, internet spreadsheets, internet spreadsheets, internet software resources, digital or software resources, or software resources, or software resources, or software resources, or software resources, or software resources, cameras, GPS, Foldable, digital cameras, GPS, digital cameras, GPS, digital cameras, GPS, digital cameras, GPS, digital cameras, GPS, digital cameras, GPS, simulation tools, gaming Foldables, simulation Foldables, simulation Foldables, simulation Foldables, simulation Foldables, simulation Foldables, simulation tools, web pages, tools, gaming tools, tools, gaming tools, tools, gaming tools, tools, gaming tools, tools, gaming tools, tools, gaming tools, webquests, graphic web pages, webquests, web pages, webquests, web pages, webquests, web pages, webquests, web pages, webquests, web pages, webquests, organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) graphic organizers, etc) 28
  • 29. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Concept 1: Investigation Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigations. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Write essential PO 1. Write essential PO 1.Write essential questions questions to questions to investigate a to investigate a complex investigate an question global question question independently using independently using independently using digital digital tools and resources.. digital tools and tools and resources. resources. (e.g., environmental, (e.g., environmental, (e.g., environmental, political, political, scientific, political, scientific, and/or scientific, and/or and/or social questions, such as: social questions, such as: social questions, such health, bullying health, bullying immigration, as: health, bullying immigration, peer peer interaction) immigration, peer interaction) interaction) Concept 2: Project Management Plan and manage activities to develop a solution to answer a question or complete a project. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Plan, conduct PO 1. Use an action plan PO 1. Plan and and manage research and timeline to conduct and manage research using using appropriate and manage research using appropriate and independently independently selected appropriate and selected digital resources to digital resources to independently selected develop solutions to answer a develop solutions to digital resources to develop question. answer a question. solutions to answer a (e.g., using simulations question. (e.g. using (e.g., using simulations and and graphic organizers, simulations and graphic graphic organizers, data data analysis tools, organizers, data analysis analysis tools, mind mapping, mind mapping, tools, mind mapping, concept mapping and concept mapping and concept mapping and spreadsheets) spreadsheets) spreadsheets) 29
  • 30. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 4: Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Concept 3: Data Collection and Analysis Collect and analyze data from different perspectives. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Use digital tools PO 1. Use digital tools to PO 1. Collect and analyze data to independently independently collect and from differing perspectives using collect and analyze analyze data. appropriate digital tools. data on an question. Concept 4: Exploring Solutions Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Use resources PO 1. Use resources and PO 1. Use resources and data and data collected on a data collected, to propose collected, to present innovative, predefined question to and prioritize solutions sustainable solutions and make generate solutions. and make decisions. decisions from multiple perspectives. (e.g., using probes, (e.g., current events, spreadsheets, internet podcasts, class wiki, or software resources, collaborative tools, video digital cameras, GPS, conference, Web 2.0 Foldables, simulation tools, etc.) tools, gaming tools, web pages, WebQuests, graphic organizers, wiki, collaborative tools, video conference, Web 2.0 tools, etc.) 30
  • 31. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
  • 32. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 5: Digital Citizenship Concept 1: Safety and Ethics Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Recognize and PO 1. Recognize and PO 1. Recognize and PO 1. Explain when it PO 1. Explain when it PO 1. Analyze the PO 1. Identify discuss when it is discuss when it is discuss when it is is appropriate and not is appropriate and not consequences of situations in which it is appropriate and not appropriate and not appropriate and not appropriate to use a appropriate to use a inappropriate use of a appropriate to use a appropriate to use a appropriate to use a appropriate to use a personal digital device. personal digital device. personal digital device. personal digital device personal digital device. personal digital device. personal digital device. in the home, at school, community, and in the workforce. PO 2. Define cyber- PO 2. Describe cyber- PO 2. Identify cyber- PO 2. Identify cyber- PO 2. Identify cyber- PO 2. Identify cyber- bullying. bullying and discuss bullying and describe bullying and describe bullying and describe bullying and describe the effect bullying has age appropriate age age appropriate age appropriate on the individual. strategies to deal with appropriate strategies strategies to deal with strategies to deal with such a situation. to deal with such a such a situation. such a situation. situation. PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and PO 3. Identify and articulate class rules articulate rules in age articulate rules in age articulate rules in age articulate rules in age articulate rules in age articulate rules in age for the use of digital appropriate ways for appropriate ways for appropriate ways for appropriate ways for appropriate ways appropriate ways for tools. the use of digital tools the use of digital tools the use of digital tools the use of digital tools for the use of digital the use of digital tools as defined by the as defined by the as defined by the as defined by the tools as defined by the as defined by the school board policies school board policies school board policies school board school board policies school board policies and procedures. and procedures. and procedures. policies and and procedures. and procedures. procedures. PO 4. Discuss why it PO 4. Identify and PO 4. Discuss why it is PO 4. Recognize and PO 4. Recognize and PO 4. Identify and may be dangerous to discuss ways to stay important not to describe the potential describe the potential articulate strategies to visit certain Internet safe on the Internet. provide personal risks and dangers risks and dangers protect personal sites. information in online associated with various associated with various information. communication. forms of online forms of online communications. communications. 32
  • 33. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 5: Digital Citizenship Concept 1: Safety and Ethics Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 5. Explain how the PO 5. Explain the PO 5. Locate sources Internet can be advantages and of online information used when making a disadvantages of using that can be used to personal spending the Internet to evaluate the quality choice. complete an online and cost for a purchase. particular product to explain a personal purchase. PO 6. Recognize and PO 6. Recognize, PO 6. Discuss and PO 6. Explain the PO 6. Respect the PO 6. Exhibit legal PO 6. Exhibit legal and discuss why there are discuss, and demonstrate importance privacy of others' and ethical behavior ethical behavior when rules for using demonstrate appropriate behavior of respecting the information and digital when using technology using technology and technology at home appropriate behavior for technology use and privacy of others’ workspace. and discuss the discuss consequences and at school. for technology use and show respect for information and digital consequences of of misuse. show respect for technology equipment workspace. misuse. technology equipment. Concept 2: Leadership for Digital Citizenship Demonstrates leadership for digital citizenship. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Exhibit PO 1. Model leadership PO 1. Model PO 1. Independently PO 1. Independently PO 1. Independently PO 1. Identify leadership through the skills by working leadership skills by conceptualize, guide conceptualize, guide conceptualize, guide technology resources appropriate use of productively in groups. working and manage group and manage group and manage group that can be used to digital tools productively in projects using content projects using content projects using content foster global groups. specific resources. specific resources. specific resources. leadership and life- long learning. 33
  • 34. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 5: Digital Citizenship Concept 3: Impact of Technology Develop an understanding of cultural, historical, economic and political impact of technology on individuals and society. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 PO 1. Recognize and PO 1. Recognize and PO 1. Recognize, PO 1. Compare how PO 1. Give examples PO 1. Compare the use PO 1. Research a discuss examples of discuss how they and discuss, and explain different cultures of technologies that of different current technology and technology that they their family use different types of currently and in the might be used to solve technologies by describe its potential use in their daily lives. technology to make technologies used by past used technology a specific economic, current or use to solve an their lives better current and past to improve their lives. environmental, health, past societies and Infer economic, peoples political, scientific, or the values of that environmental, health, (e.g., food, clothing, social problem. society from their political, scientific, or health, well being, technology use and the social problem. protection) impact on the environment. 34
  • 35. Educational Technology Standard Articulated by Grade Level-DRAFT Strand 5: Digital Citizenship Concept 1: Safety and Ethics Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. Grade 7 Grade 8 High School PO 1. Explain the situations PO 1. Explain the situations PO 1. Communicate and in which it is appropriate to in which it is appropriate to collaborate safely using use a personal digital device use a personal digital device multiple digital in the home, at school, in the home, at school, communication tools. community, and in the community, and in the workforce. workforce. PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying PO 2. Identify cyber-bullying and describe age and describe age and describe age appropriate strategies to deal appropriate strategies to deal appropriate strategies to deal with such a situation. with such a situation. with such a situation. PO 3. Identify and articulate PO 3.Identify and articulate PO 3. Identify, articulate, and rules in age appropriate ways rules in age appropriate ways recommend rules for the use for the use of digital tools as for the use of digital tools as of digital tools to the School defined by the School Board defined by the School Board Board. Policies and Procedures. Policies and Procedures. PO 4. Demonstrate safe PO 4. Demonstrate safe PO 4. Demonstrate safe online communication online communication online communication practices regarding personal practices regarding personal practices regarding personal information. information. information. PO 5. Organize, plan, and PO 5. Analyze and compare PO 5. Analyze how web construct a personal budget various forms of online advertising influences using appropriate digital financial options. consumer choices. tools. PO 6. Exhibit legal and PO 6. Exhibit legal and PO 6. Exhibit legal and ethical behavior when using ethical behavior when using ethical behavior when using technology. technology. technology. 35