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WinSock Asynchronous
         ECE 4564: Network Application Design

                       Scott F. Midkiff
               Bradley Department of Electrical
                  and Computer Engineering
      Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

 ! Need for specialized WinSock calls
 ! Blocking and message-driven architecture
 ! Asynchronous calls
   " Message-based
   " Event-based
   " Asynchronous TCP ECHO server example
   " Database calls

 ! WinSock version checking

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 2

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
WinSock ≠ BSD UNIX Sockets
 ! WinSock 1.1 and 2.2 “core” calls are based
     on BSD UNIX Sockets model
       "    Builds on existing knowledge base -- BSD UNIX
            Sockets widely used by network programmers
       "    Simplifies porting of applications from UNIX to
            Microsoft Windows
 ! Usual socket calls may not be the best to
     use in Windows, especially for windowed
       "    Blocking can cause problems for
            message-driven operating system
       "    May not take full advantage of Windows
            advanced I/O features
ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 3

        Message-Driven Architecture (1)
 ! Microsoft Windows is message-driven
   " System indicates “events” by providing a
     message to a program
   " The program responds to the message
   " The response may lead to new messages being
     sent at a later time or new messages may occur
     because of user actions
 ! Messages indicate different system events
   " User interface action
   " I/O completion
   " System call completion
   " Error conditions

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Message-Driven Architecture (2)
 ! Windows programs must check messages
     and will be unresponsive if messages are
     not checked
       "    Not an issue for console applications
 ! Multitasking scheme determines how
     processes share the processor -- and when
     messages are checked
       "    16-bit Windows (3.1 and 3.11) uses cooperative
       "    32-bit Windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP)
            uses preemptive multitasking

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                     WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 5

                    Cooperative Multitasking

  ! Processes must check
    for messages to keep
    system “alive”                                                  Message
  ! Blocked calls block the                                         Queue
    entire system


                             Process               Process          ...      Process

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Preemptive Multitasking (1)

                                                   ...                     Message

                        Dispatch                             Dispatch

                          Thread                              Thread

               GetMessage()                               GetMessage()
              PeekMessage()                              PeekMessage()

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               Preemptive Multitasking (2)
 ! Each thread has a message queue
 ! Operating system preempts threads so that
   a single blocked thread will not block other
 ! Blocking can make an application
   unresponsive and should be avoided, at
   least in user interface threads

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Messages and Application Code (1)
 ! A Windows application defines a procedure
   to handle messages for a window
 ! Example: dialog process or DialogProc()
       "    hwndDlg identifies where to to send messages
       "    uMsg, with wParam and lParam, define message

   BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(
      HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box
      UINT uMsg,     // message
      WPARAM wParam, // 1st message parameter
      LPARAM lParam // 2nd message parameter

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     Messages and Application Code (2)
 ! Dialog procedure processes messages

      // process initialization message
    case WM_COMMAND:
      // process user interface message
    case SM_EVENT:
      // process asynchronous WinSock event

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Non-Blocking WinSock Calls
 ! To prevent blocking in an application
   thread, use non-blocking WinSock calls
 ! Two approaches
       "    Non-blocking sockets
             # ioctlsocket() to make socket non-blocking

             # select() to determine readiness of socket

             # Largely portable to UNIX

       "    Asynchronous calls (preferred method)
             # Asynchronous call returns immediately

             # Completion is indicated to application (three

               notification methods)
             # Windows-specific (WSA prefix for function


ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 11

                    Notification Methods (1)
 ! Three notification methods
    $ Message-driven
    % Event-driven
    & Callback routine

 ! Message-driven notification
   " Window handle passed to WSAAsyncSelect() or
     other asynchronous call
   " Message is sent to indicated window procedure
     upon completion
   " Requires a windowed application

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 12

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Notification Methods (2)
 ! Event-driven notification
   " Event handle passed to WSAEventSelect() or
     other asynchronous call
   " Event is signaled, application must check
   " Can be used with any application

 ! Callback routine
   " Pointer to callback procedure is passed to call
     such as WSASend() or WSARecv()
   " WinSock “calls back” at indicated procedure
     when action is completed
   " Can be used with any application

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 13

                       WSAAsyncSelect() (1)
 ! Makes socket non-blocking
   " No need to call ioctlsocket()

 ! Allows application to tell WinSock that
     messages should be sent for certain events
       "    When a connection is established
       "    When data is ready for receiving from socket
       "    When data can be sent to socket (following a
            situation when data cannot be sent)
       "    When socket is closed by peer
       "    When out-of-band data is received
       "    When socket or socket group quality of service
            (QoS) changes

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
WSAAsyncSelect() (2)
 ! Note that one message is created for any
     event — cannot have different messages
       "    wParam is the socket descriptor
       "    lParam contains event code and error code
             # WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam)

             # WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam)

 int WSAAsyncSelect (
    SOCKET s,          //                              socket
    HWND hWnd,         //                              window for messages
    unsigned int wMsg, //                              message number
    long lEvent        //                              types of events

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 15

                       WSAAsyncSelect() (3)
 ! Example call
   " Define SM_EVENT as the message to be sent to
     window with handle hWnd
   " Check for connect, close, read, and write events
     on socket sock
 #define SM_EVENT WM_USER + 1

 cc = WSAAsyncSelect (

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
WSAEventSelect() (1)
 ! Note that WSAAsyncSelect() requires that
   the application have a window to receive
 ! Windows are not always suitable
       "    Console applications are simpler to design
       "    Long-running servers
 ! WSAEventSelect() allows asynchronous
     notifications to be provided to applications,
     which may or may not have a window
       "    Sets an event object instead of posting a
            message to a window handle

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                        WSAEventSelect() (2)
 ! Makes socket non-blocking
 ! Allows application to specify event types for
     which the event will be set
       "    Same set as for WSAAsyncSelect()
       "    Event bit mask

  int WSAEventSelect (
     SOCKET s,              // socket
     WSAEVENT hEventObject, // event handle
     long lNetworkEvents    // event bit mask

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 18

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Asynchronous Echo: Overview
 ! TCP ECHO server with asynchronous event
   notification (aechod.cpp)
 ! Similar in concept to singly-threaded
   concurrent TCP ECHO server
 ! Two classes of sockets
       "    Master socket (index = 0)
             # Monitor when ready for accept (FD_ACCEPT)

       "    Sockets for connections to clients (index > 0)
             # Monitor when ready for read or write or when

               a close occurs (FD_READ | FD_WRITE |

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 19

             Asynchronous Echo: Calls (1)
 ! WSACreateEvent()
   " Used to create an event object
   " One event object per socket
   " Events[NumSock] = WSACreateEvent();

 ! WSAEventSelect()
   " Used to indicate monitored event types
   " Master socket:
     WSAEventSelect(temp_sock, Events[0],
   " Per connection socket:
     WSAEventSelect(temp_sock, Events[NumSock],

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 20

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Asynchronous Echo: Calls (2)
 ! WaitForMultipleEvents()
   " Used to wait for any one event to be signaled
   " SigEvent = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(
     NumSocks, Events, FALSE, WSA_INFINITE,
     FALSE );

     DWORD WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(
      DWORD cEvents, // number of events
      const WSAEVENT FAR *lphEvents, // array
      BOOL fWaitAll, // wait for all events
      DWORD dwTimeOUT, // time out value
      BOOL fAlertable // make alertable

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             Asynchronous Echo: Calls (3)
 ! WSAEnumNetworkEvents()
   " Determine triggering event, e.g. FD_READ

  int WSAEnumNetworkEvents (
   SOCKET s,
   WSAEVENT hEventObject,

 typedef struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS {
      long lNetworkEvents;
      int iErrorCodes[FD_MAX_EVENTS];
ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 22

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Asynchronous Echo: Calls (4)
 ! WSACloseEvent()
   " Releases event object
   " WSACloseEvent(Events[EventNum]);

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 23

   Asynchronous Echo: Data Structures
 ! Array of event handles

 ! Array of socket information structures
                struct info {
                   SOCKET sock;
                   int    state;
                   char buf[BUFSIZE];
                   char * bufptr;
                   int buflen;

                struct info * Socks[MAXSOCKS];

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                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
Asynchronous Echo: Operation

                                                                                           FD_WRITE && block FD_WRITE && block
 FD_READ && !block

 recv(), send()

                                            FD_READ && block

                                            recv(), send()
                       READING                                  WRITING
                                         FD_WRITE && !block
                     cleanup                                        CLOSING

                                                    FD_WRITE && !block
                                                    send(), cleanup

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                     WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 25

              Asynchronous Database Functions
 ! Asynchronous version of getXbyY() calls
   " WSAGetHostByAddr()
   " WSAGetHostByName()
   " WSAGetProtoByNumber()
   " WSAGetProtoByName()
   " WSAGetServByPort()
   " WSAGetServByName()

 ! Most important are WSAGetHostByAddr()
   and WSAGetHostByName() because of long
   potential delays
 ! Special call to cancel outstanding request
              "      WSACancelAsyncRequest()
ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                     WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 26

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
 ! Identify window and message as in
 ! Provide host name and return buffer
       "    Buffer must be large enough for all information
            since no information is stored by WinSock

  HANDLE WSAAsyncGetHostByName                                  (
     HWND hWnd,             //                                  window for msg
     unsigned int wMsg,     //                                  message id
     const char FAR * name, //                                  host name
     char FAR * buf,        //                                  return info
     int buflen             //                                  buffer length

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            WinSock Version Checking (1)
 ! WSAStartup()
   " Version requested is an input parameter
   " Returned LPWSADATA structure indicates
      # Version that WinSock expects application to

      # Highest version supported by this WinSock

 ! For example, if version 1.1 is requested from
     WinSock 2.2
       "    Version requested is 1.1
       "    Version expected (wVersion) is 1.1
       "    Highest version supported (wHighVersion) is 2.2

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 28

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
WinSock Version Checking (2)
               Results from WSAStartup()
       Version  Version
       Running Requested wVersion wHighVersion
            1.1                    1.0             WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED*

            1.1                    1.1                1.1                   1.1
            1.1                    2.0                1.1                   1.1
            2.0                    1.1                1.1                   2.0
            2.0                    2.2                2.0                   2.0
            2.2                    2.0                2.0                   2.2
            2.2                    2.2                2.2                   2.2
                            * Error return from WSAStartup()
ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 29

            WinSock Version Checking (3)
 ! A robust application should ensure that
     requested version is supported

  if(WSAStartup(wVersionReq, &wsaData)!= 0){
     // Check for error return
  else if (wsaData.wVersion != wVersionReq) {
     // Version not supported
  else {
     // Version is supported

ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 30

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
You should now be able to …
 ! Indicate the benefit of non-blocking calls in
   a message-driven operating system such as
   Microsoft Windows
 ! Describe basic mechanisms for notification
   including messages and events
 ! Analyze and design simple programs using
   asynchronous sockets with event-based
 ! Describe the asynchronous database calls
 ! Analyze and design code that verifies
   WinSock versions
ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002)                    WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 31

                                    © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff

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WinSock Asynchronous Input/Output

  • 1. WinSock Asynchronous Input/Output ECE 4564: Network Application Design Scott F. Midkiff Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Topics ! Need for specialized WinSock calls ! Blocking and message-driven architecture ! Asynchronous calls " Message-based " Event-based " Asynchronous TCP ECHO server example " Database calls ! WinSock version checking ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 2 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 2. WinSock ≠ BSD UNIX Sockets ! WinSock 1.1 and 2.2 “core” calls are based on BSD UNIX Sockets model " Builds on existing knowledge base -- BSD UNIX Sockets widely used by network programmers " Simplifies porting of applications from UNIX to Microsoft Windows ! Usual socket calls may not be the best to use in Windows, especially for windowed applications " Blocking can cause problems for message-driven operating system " May not take full advantage of Windows advanced I/O features ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 3 Message-Driven Architecture (1) ! Microsoft Windows is message-driven " System indicates “events” by providing a message to a program " The program responds to the message " The response may lead to new messages being sent at a later time or new messages may occur because of user actions ! Messages indicate different system events " User interface action " I/O completion " System call completion " Error conditions ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 4 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 3. Message-Driven Architecture (2) ! Windows programs must check messages and will be unresponsive if messages are not checked " Not an issue for console applications ! Multitasking scheme determines how processes share the processor -- and when messages are checked " 16-bit Windows (3.1 and 3.11) uses cooperative multitasking " 32-bit Windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP) uses preemptive multitasking ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 5 Cooperative Multitasking ! Processes must check for messages to keep system “alive” Message ! Blocked calls block the Queue entire system Dispatch Process Process ... Process GetMessage() PeekMessage() ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 6 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 4. Preemptive Multitasking (1) ... Message Queues Dispatch Dispatch Thread Thread GetMessage() GetMessage() PeekMessage() PeekMessage() ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 7 Preemptive Multitasking (2) ! Each thread has a message queue ! Operating system preempts threads so that a single blocked thread will not block other threads ! Blocking can make an application unresponsive and should be avoided, at least in user interface threads ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 8 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 5. Messages and Application Code (1) ! A Windows application defines a procedure to handle messages for a window ! Example: dialog process or DialogProc() " hwndDlg identifies where to to send messages " uMsg, with wParam and lParam, define message BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc( HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box UINT uMsg, // message WPARAM wParam, // 1st message parameter LPARAM lParam // 2nd message parameter ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 9 Messages and Application Code (2) ! Dialog procedure processes messages switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // process initialization message case WM_COMMAND: // process user interface message case SM_EVENT: // process asynchronous WinSock event … } ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 10 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 6. Non-Blocking WinSock Calls ! To prevent blocking in an application thread, use non-blocking WinSock calls ! Two approaches " Non-blocking sockets # ioctlsocket() to make socket non-blocking # select() to determine readiness of socket # Largely portable to UNIX " Asynchronous calls (preferred method) # Asynchronous call returns immediately # Completion is indicated to application (three notification methods) # Windows-specific (WSA prefix for function names) ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 11 Notification Methods (1) ! Three notification methods $ Message-driven % Event-driven & Callback routine ! Message-driven notification " Window handle passed to WSAAsyncSelect() or other asynchronous call " Message is sent to indicated window procedure upon completion " Requires a windowed application ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 12 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 7. Notification Methods (2) ! Event-driven notification " Event handle passed to WSAEventSelect() or other asynchronous call " Event is signaled, application must check " Can be used with any application ! Callback routine " Pointer to callback procedure is passed to call such as WSASend() or WSARecv() " WinSock “calls back” at indicated procedure when action is completed " Can be used with any application ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 13 WSAAsyncSelect() (1) ! Makes socket non-blocking " No need to call ioctlsocket() ! Allows application to tell WinSock that messages should be sent for certain events " When a connection is established " When data is ready for receiving from socket " When data can be sent to socket (following a situation when data cannot be sent) " When socket is closed by peer " When out-of-band data is received " When socket or socket group quality of service (QoS) changes ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 14 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 8. WSAAsyncSelect() (2) ! Note that one message is created for any event — cannot have different messages " wParam is the socket descriptor " lParam contains event code and error code # WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam) # WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam) int WSAAsyncSelect ( SOCKET s, // socket HWND hWnd, // window for messages unsigned int wMsg, // message number long lEvent // types of events ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 15 WSAAsyncSelect() (3) ! Example call " Define SM_EVENT as the message to be sent to window with handle hWnd " Check for connect, close, read, and write events on socket sock #define SM_EVENT WM_USER + 1 cc = WSAAsyncSelect ( sock, hWnd, SM_EVENT, FD_CONNECT| FD_CLOSE | FD_READ | FD_WRITE ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 16 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 9. WSAEventSelect() (1) ! Note that WSAAsyncSelect() requires that the application have a window to receive messages ! Windows are not always suitable " Console applications are simpler to design " Long-running servers ! WSAEventSelect() allows asynchronous notifications to be provided to applications, which may or may not have a window " Sets an event object instead of posting a message to a window handle ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 17 WSAEventSelect() (2) ! Makes socket non-blocking ! Allows application to specify event types for which the event will be set " Same set as for WSAAsyncSelect() " Event bit mask int WSAEventSelect ( SOCKET s, // socket WSAEVENT hEventObject, // event handle long lNetworkEvents // event bit mask ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 18 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 10. Asynchronous Echo: Overview ! TCP ECHO server with asynchronous event notification (aechod.cpp) ! Similar in concept to singly-threaded concurrent TCP ECHO server (tcpmechod.cpp) ! Two classes of sockets " Master socket (index = 0) # Monitor when ready for accept (FD_ACCEPT) " Sockets for connections to clients (index > 0) # Monitor when ready for read or write or when a close occurs (FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CLOSE) ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 19 Asynchronous Echo: Calls (1) ! WSACreateEvent() " Used to create an event object " One event object per socket " Events[NumSock] = WSACreateEvent(); ! WSAEventSelect() " Used to indicate monitored event types " Master socket: WSAEventSelect(temp_sock, Events[0], FD_ACCEPT); " Per connection socket: WSAEventSelect(temp_sock, Events[NumSock], FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CLOSE); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 20 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 11. Asynchronous Echo: Calls (2) ! WaitForMultipleEvents() " Used to wait for any one event to be signaled " SigEvent = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents( NumSocks, Events, FALSE, WSA_INFINITE, FALSE ); DWORD WSAWaitForMultipleEvents( DWORD cEvents, // number of events const WSAEVENT FAR *lphEvents, // array BOOL fWaitAll, // wait for all events DWORD dwTimeOUT, // time out value BOOL fAlertable // make alertable ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 21 Asynchronous Echo: Calls (3) ! WSAEnumNetworkEvents() " Determine triggering event, e.g. FD_READ int WSAEnumNetworkEvents ( SOCKET s, WSAEVENT hEventObject, LPWSANETWORKEVENTS lpNetworkEvents ); typedef struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS { long lNetworkEvents; int iErrorCodes[FD_MAX_EVENTS]; } WSANETWORKEVENTS, FAR * LPWSANETWORKEVENTS; ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 22 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 12. Asynchronous Echo: Calls (4) ! WSACloseEvent() " Releases event object " WSACloseEvent(Events[EventNum]); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 23 Asynchronous Echo: Data Structures ! Array of event handles " WSAEVENT Events[MAXSOCKS]; ! Array of socket information structures struct info { SOCKET sock; int state; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char * bufptr; int buflen; }; struct info * Socks[MAXSOCKS]; ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 24 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 13. Asynchronous Echo: Operation FD_WRITE && block FD_WRITE && block FD_READ && !block awaiting FD_ACCEPT recv(), send() accept() FD_READ && block send() recv(), send() READING WRITING FD_WRITE && !block send() FD_CLOSE FD_CLOSE cleanup CLOSING closed send() FD_WRITE && !block send(), cleanup ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 25 Asynchronous Database Functions ! Asynchronous version of getXbyY() calls " WSAGetHostByAddr() " WSAGetHostByName() " WSAGetProtoByNumber() " WSAGetProtoByName() " WSAGetServByPort() " WSAGetServByName() ! Most important are WSAGetHostByAddr() and WSAGetHostByName() because of long potential delays ! Special call to cancel outstanding request " WSACancelAsyncRequest() ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 26 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 14. WSAAsyncGetHostByName() ! Identify window and message as in WSAAsyncSelect() ! Provide host name and return buffer " Buffer must be large enough for all information since no information is stored by WinSock HANDLE WSAAsyncGetHostByName ( HWND hWnd, // window for msg unsigned int wMsg, // message id const char FAR * name, // host name char FAR * buf, // return info int buflen // buffer length ); ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 27 WinSock Version Checking (1) ! WSAStartup() " Version requested is an input parameter " Returned LPWSADATA structure indicates # Version that WinSock expects application to use # Highest version supported by this WinSock ! For example, if version 1.1 is requested from WinSock 2.2 " Version requested is 1.1 " Version expected (wVersion) is 1.1 " Highest version supported (wHighVersion) is 2.2 ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 28 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 15. WinSock Version Checking (2) Results from WSAStartup() Version Version Running Requested wVersion wHighVersion 1.1 1.0 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED* 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 * Error return from WSAStartup() ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 29 WinSock Version Checking (3) ! A robust application should ensure that requested version is supported if(WSAStartup(wVersionReq, &wsaData)!= 0){ // Check for error return } else if (wsaData.wVersion != wVersionReq) { // Version not supported } else { // Version is supported } ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 30 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff
  • 16. You should now be able to … ! Indicate the benefit of non-blocking calls in a message-driven operating system such as Microsoft Windows ! Describe basic mechanisms for notification including messages and events ! Analyze and design simple programs using asynchronous sockets with event-based notification ! Describe the asynchronous database calls ! Analyze and design code that verifies WinSock versions ECE 4564: Network Application Design (10/6/2002) WinSock Asynchronous I/O - 31 © 1998-2002, Scott F. Midkiff