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Using Digital Tools to Unlock HR’s
True Potential
Talent Has Gone Digital,But N ot HR
The Human Resource (HR) function is at
the center of sweeping changes. Digital
technologies are radically impacting
the manner in which employees and
prospects connect and communicate
with organizations. Barring a few
exceptions, however, HR functions
in most organizations continue to
stay rooted in traditional modes of

Mobile devices now
account for over a billion
job searches.
Job Seekers are Rapidly
Graduating to Mobile and
Social Platforms
J ob seek ers are increasingly using digital
channels and devices to search for job s.
In a survey of over 90 0 job seek ers in
A merica, 52% mentioned that they use
F aceb ook , 38% use L ink edIn and 34%
use Twitter to fi nd job s1. A dditionally,
mob ile devices account for over a
b illion job searches per month 2 . A n
organization’s presence across digital
channels now has a strong impact on job
seek er preferences. F or instance, 40 %
of job seek ers ab andon a non-mob ile
friendly job application process3.


7 % of leaders in HR
and talent manag
believe their companies
are behind the curve
in the use of internal
and ex
ternal social

Employees are Using
Digital to Record Workplace
Digital is changing the way employees
interact with employers. Increasingly,
employees are using social platforms
such as Twitter and G lassdoor to
express opinions on work place issues.
G lassdoor, for instance, has more than
3 million pieces of content contrib uted
b y employees, on more than 20 0 ,0 0 0
companies across 190 countries 4.
G iven their reach, these platforms can
signifi cantly impact employer b randing.
F or instance, employees at HMV pub licly
tweeted their angst on b eing fi red through
the company’s offi cial Twitter account,
which had a following of over 70 ,0 0 0 5.
The fi rst tweet went viral with over 1,30 0
retweets in 30 minutes. The incident was
a major pub lic relations disaster for the

But HR is Still Lagging in
the Use of Digital
The use of digital in HR is lagging on many
fronts. 75% of leaders in HR and talent
management b elieve their companies are
b ehind the curve in the use of internal and
external social network ing technologies7.
O nly 26 of F ortune 50 0 companies offer a
mob ile optimized job application process8.
A nd only 26% of talent acq uisition leaders
feel that their organization uses work force
analytics well during the hiring process9.
W e decided to explore the current state
of digitization in HR in more detail, to
understand the use of digital in k ey HR
processes. In Spring 20 13, Capgemini
Consulting conducted its annual survey
of 130 HR executives – the G lob al HR
Barometer survey. The survey revealed
that the overall digital maturity level of HR
processes is low. O nly few organizations
have estab lished b est-in-class digital
processes to interact with current and
potential employees.

Only 6 of org
use social recruitingas
a way to interact with
potential candidates and
then the emp
F or instance, nearly 75% of organizations
in our survey primarily still rely on traditional
recruitment and b randing techniq ues
such as posting advertisements on
traditional career web sites. O nly 6% of
organizations can b e classifi ed as digitally
advanced, using social recruiting as a
way to interact with potential candidates
and strengthen the employer b rand (see
F igure 1).

8 % of org
still rely on oneway
communication tools
for Learningand

O ther HR processes also showed similarly
low levels of digitization. F or instance,
80 % of organizations rely on one-way
communication tools, such as face-toface classroom training and web inars,
for L earning and Development. O nly a
minority of 5% use socially interactive
platforms that enab le employees to share
experiences and learn from each other
(see F igure 2).
Recruiting and retaining talent in a
competitive mark etplace is a concern for
nearly 70 % of organizations. O ur survey
revealed that organizations that lag in the
adoption of digital are also more lik ely to
face challenges in recruiting and retaining
talent. In this paper, we explore the
transformational impact of digital on HR
and how organizations should approach
the digitization of their HR function.

Figure 1: Use of Social Media in Employer Branding and Recruitment
What best describes how you are using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, blogs,
YouTube) in your employer branding and recruitment processes?




Has started to be visible in
social media. Majority of
employee marketing and
recruitment ads are posted
on websites and traditional
career sites.

Limited use of social
media. Use online
recruitment tool that is
integrated with HR system.





Using social recruiting
techniques, with customized
approaches based on the
uniqueness of each platform,
in all our employer branding
and recruitment campaigns
and as a way to interact with
potential candidates.

Using social recruiting and
branding techniques based
on same logic as internal
tools for communication
and development as way to
interact and strengthen our


Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013

Figure 2: Use of Digital Tools in Learning and Development
What best describes how you are using web 2.0/ digital platform in learning and development?



Mainly use face-to-face
classroom training for
learning and development.

Complement face-to-face
classroom training with
e-learning tools and
webinar sessions.



Using several learning
platforms with social
features for peer learning
and collaborative learning
platforms with a broad
access to interactive and
social tools.




Using e-learning modules
with social features based on
peer learning and collaborative learning platforms with
features to share information
and stories and learn from
each other’s experiences.

Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013

Digital Offers Innovative Ways
to Attract,Retain and Engage Talent
Figure 3: Impact of Digital on HR Processes



Insights and

or m


Visibility and
Brand Strength




U PS is a shining example of digital’s
potential to attract talent. In 20 0 9, U PS
cut b ack on traditional recruitment
channels and instead b egan developing
digital channels for recruitment. The
company posted job recruitment videos
online, which attracted 1.5 million views
without any paid media support10 . Since
then, U PS’s digital recruitment strategy
has delivered impressive results. The
company has seen the numb er of hires
through its mob ile and social recruitment
channels increase from 19 to nearly
15,0 0 0 in just 3 years11. Digital also
enhances the effi ciency of recruitment
processes. F or instance, the use of
work force analytics enab led a b ank to cut
staff costs in one area b y half. The b ank
analyzed the performance of staff and
found that candidates from lower rank ed
universities outperformed top-university
candidates, who typically draw higher
salaries. A s a result, the b ank was ab le
to b etter target its recruitment efforts and
reduce recruitment costs12.



Digital Technologies Help
Organizations Close the
Talent Gap Faster

Increased Speed
and Efficiency of

Impact of
Digital in HR
P erf

UPS has seen the number
of hires throug its mobile
and social recruitment
channels increase from 1
to nearly 1 , 0 in just 3
50 0



in g

Digital can potentially revolutionize the
manner in which HR processes are
currently run. W e investigated the impact
of digital on k ey HR processes (see F igure








Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis

7 % of HR professionals
feel that crowdsourced
nition data is
an important source
of information for
performance reviews.

Crowdsourcing Enhances
the Accuracy of
Performance Assessments
Research indicates that 45% of HR
leaders b elieve annual performance
reviews are not an accurate appraisal of

an employee’s work . A dditionally, 42%
b elieve that employees are not rewarded
fairly for their job performance13. A s such,
there is a strong need for organizations
to overhaul existing performance
management processes and align them
more closely with employee aspirations
and entitlements. Performance
management b ased on data gathered
from internal social platforms injects
multiple sources of feedb ack into the
review process and enab les feedb ack to
b e recorded continuously. Conseq uently,
it offers richer insights into an employee’s
performance, which in turn enab les a
fairer appraisal. In fact, in a recent survey
of more than 80 0 HR professionals, 78%
said that crowdsourced recognition data
is an important source of information for
performance reviews14.
8 % of talent acq
leaders ag that an
ation’ emp
brand has a sig
impact on its ability to
hire g
reat talent.

Employer Branding
Receives a Shot in the Arm
with Social Media
A strong employer b rand plays a critical
role in attracting and retaining talent in a
competitive mark etplace. In a survey of
talent acq uisition leaders 83% agreed
that an organization’s employer b rand
has a signifi cant impact on its ab ility to
hire great talent15. O rganizations that have
adopted digital for employer b randing
have seen strong results. F or instance,
Novo Nordisk adopted a social mediafocused employer b randing strategy to
attract new applicants, especially those
of international origin, to its G raduate
Program — a rotational program for new
recruits. Current and former graduates

from the G raduate Program were
encouraged to share their experiences
on the company-owned b log and Twitter
accounts. The initiative saw the numb er
of applicants for the G raduate Program
rise threefold, from 1,250 in 20 0 8 to
3,50 0 in 20 11 and drew candidates from
over 92 countries16.

Gamification Boosts
Employee Learning and
The effective use of digital platforms
can dramatically improve learning
outcomes. Research shows that the use
of gamifi cation techniq ues, for instance,
can enhance employees’ ab ility to
learn b y as much as 40 % 17. NTT Data
has successfully used gamifi cation to
b uild critical leadership sk ills among its
employees. The company developed
the “Ignite L eadership” game to enab le
employees to experience a variety of
leadership scenarios. The game offers
employees the opportunity to learn more
ab out new management sub ject areas
and the role they aspire for. It allows them
to collab orate online with their peers,
get instant feedb ack and b e recognized
for their game — all the while increasing
their visib ility as potential leaders. The

results from the “Ignite L eadership”
game have b een impressive. The game
led to a 50 % increase in the numb er of
employees tak ing up team leadership
roles, compared to traditional training and
coaching methods18.
In the next section, we look at the b arriers
impacting HR’s ab ility to digitally transform

The use of g
ues can enhance
ability to
learn by as much as 4 % .

What Is Holding Back Digital In HR?
Digitization in HR is b eing held b ack b y
infrastructure constraints, perception
issues and inadeq uate use of data in
decision mak ing.

Current HR IT Systems Do
N ot Support the Latest
Digital Technologies

are often not regarded as strategic and
have b een the target of cost reductions.
A d d it ionally, s en io r man agement
concerns regarding the impact of social
media on company b randing are also

7 % of org
ations in
our survey stated that
they face integ
issues with their ex
HR I system s.

HR processes in most organizations have
traditionally b een supported b y multiple
systems. These include E RP systems
as well as legacy custom-b uilt systems.
These systems are not interoperab le
and do not function seamlessly. Close to
70 % of organizations in our survey stated
that they face integration issues with
their existing HR IT systems (see F igure
4). Such fragmented systems prevent
HR from rolling out organization-wide
initiatives. A dditionally, 44% of companies
said that their HR IT systems are not
compatib le with the latest technologies
such as W eb 2.0 tools and devices such
as smartphones.

stalling social media adoption. A lmost
30 % of HR executives say getting b uyin from senior management for social
initiatives is a major hurdle as senior
management is concerned ab out the
manner in which employees will represent
the company on social platforms20 .

Senior Management
Perceptions Curtail
Digitization Efforts

Lack of Data-Driven
Insights Impede HR’s Ability
to Take Informed Decisions

The HR function has traditionally b een
viewed as a cost center. In fact, only ab out
half of all respondents in a 20 12 survey of
HR executives agreed that HR is seen as
a profi t driver in their organizations. The
perception was found to b e particularly
pronounced in North A merica where only
23% of organizations consider HR to b e a
profi t driver19. Conseq uently, HR initiatives

HR functions own vast amounts of
data b ut few organizations utilize this
data to track the effectiveness of their
HR programs, measure employee
engagement, or plan work force needs. In
a recent survey of U S employers on their
return on investment strategies, over 56%
mentioned that they lack any measure of
talent investment returns21. Disconnected


systems and silo-ed data sources create
challenges in data collection, which in turn
limits the use of data b y HR. The lack of
data-driven insights impacts HR’s ab ility
to tak e informed decisions on strategic
issues. F or instance, most HR functions
have visib ility into attendance records
b ut few have comprehensive data on
competency sk ill gaps. Such gaps in data
impair HR’s ab ility to accurately identify
and prioritize investment areas for hiring
and sk ill development.
HR will need to develop strategies that
clearly address these challenges in order
to attract, retain and engage talent in a
digital world.

Over 5 % of US
loyers mentioned that
they lack any measure of
talent investment returns.
Figure 4: Satisfaction with Existing HR IT Systems

P le a s e ra te y o u r H R s y s te m b a s e d o n th e fo llo w in g c rite ria
Supports an effective execution and automation of
administrative and transactional HR work

Provides Manager and Employee access
to self service







Supports end-to-end processes (minimal integration
issues between multiple systems)

Has the abilities to increase employee
experience using web 2.0/digital tools






Has integrated and web based features for HR
work for employees and potential employees

Has embedded tools to connect to latest
technology (smartphones etc)







Number of

= 109


Not sufficiently

Not at all

Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013

The Road Ahead
W e recommend four k ey actions that HR
leaders must tak e in order to ensure that
their digitization efforts are successful and
deliver maximum b enefi ts.

Build Top-Management
Consensus to Drive
Digitization across HR
The success of a large-scale digitization
effort depends on top- management
support. Top- management resistance
towards digitization in HR is often link ed
with a lack of understanding of the
b usiness b enefi ts of digitization. To b uild
top-management consensus, HR should
develop a clear vision for digitization that
tak es a long-term, holistic view of talent
acq uisition and engagement. The vision
should b e clearly aligned with the overall
b usiness goals of the organization so
that HR is positioned for a more strategic
role — that of a profi t driver rather than
an administrative cost center. The vision
should b e b ack ed b y a strong b usiness

case for technology investments. A s part
of the vision, HR must also lay down clear
guidelines for the use of social media b y
employees, to ensure that the employer
b rand is not negatively impacted b y the
information shared b y employees on
external media.

many of these req uirements as cloudb ased platforms are easily scalab le and
upgradab le, can b e managed centrally,
and implemented at lower costs than a
full-scale legacy upgrade.

Upgrade to a Flexible,
Interoperable IT

HR should develop a clear
vision for dig ation
that takes a long
term ,
holistic view of
talent acq
uisition and
eng ement.

In order to roll out initiatives that cut across
departments and geographies, HR will
need IT systems that are interoperab le.
Since the current HR IT landscape in most
organizations consists of fragmented,
localized systems that do not support
end-to-end process integration, this
means HR will need to graduate to a more
fl exib le IT architecture. A dditionally, HR IT
systems will need to support mob ile and
social media integration and at the same
time, b e fl exib le enough to accommodate
future advancements in technology. The
shift to a cloud-b ased model can address

Figure 5: Roadmap for Digitization of HR

Build Top-Management Consensus
Develop a vision
Build a business case
Define guidelines for social
media usage

Top-management support
Establishes HR as a
strategic partner

Use Data to Drive Decision Making
Consolidate data across
Invest on analytics tools
and skills
Establish metrics

Unified view of employee data
Investment prioritization
Targeted programs

Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis


Upgrade HR IT Systems
Adopt a flexible, interoperable
IT architecture
Establish support for mobile
and social media integration

Process integration
Faster rollout of initiatives
Simplified management

Deliver a Seamless Multichannel Presence
Create multiple channels
Deliver a personalized experience
Nurture online presence

Deeper engagement
Stronger employer brand
Deliver a Seamless
Multichannel Experience

Use Data to Drive Decision

HR should use social and mob ile
platforms to b uild stronger relationships
with employees as well as prospects. F or
the user, the experience of interacting with
HR should b e seamless across channels.
Mob ile web sites and applications should
b e designed such that they are easy to
use and simplify the applicant’s access
to information. HR should also aim to
personalize the experience b ased on
the user’s profi le. Building a digital HR
strategy will need to b e an ongoing
process for organizations. HR will need to
continuously monitor digital channels to
ensure that it is listening and responding
to the needs of its target audience. In a
competitive mark etplace, it is steps lik e
these that will differentiate an organization
and enab le it to attract and retain the b est

A shift to a data-driven approach to
decision mak ing is a crucial element of
digitization that HR needs to address.
Data should b e used across all HR
processes — including recruitment,
lear ning and development, and
performance management. A s a fi rst
step, HR should develop a unifi ed view of
all employee data. To do so, HR will need
to consolidate data that currently resides in
multiple systems spread across b usiness
units and geographies into a centralized
repository. The next step should b e to
invest in analytics tools and sk ill sets so
that the data can b e utilized effectively.
F inally, HR should estab lish metrics and
K PIs that will enab le it to determine the
effectiveness of its initiatives. These steps
will enab le HR to prioritize its investments
and develop targeted programs.

By not digitizing fast enough,
organizations risk b eing left out in the race
to attract and retain the b est talent. Digital
technologies offer a host of innovative
ways to enhance employee experience
and organizations that have realized this,
have reaped rich rewards. F or the others,
it is time to tak e swift action towards
envisioning, defi ning and implementing
a comprehensive digital HR strategy.

A shift to a datadriven
approach to decision
makingis a crucial
element of dig ation of


Jobvite, “2012 Social Job Seeker Survey”, September 2012


Talent HQ, “20 Mobile Recruiting Insights #mrec13”, September 2013


Talent HQ, “45 Mobile Recruiting Tips and Trends From #mrec”, September 2013


TechCrunch, “With 40% Of Traffic From Outside The U.S., Glassdoor Raises $20M Series D To Expand Internationally”,
October 2012


LinkedIn, “Inside HMV’s Twitter Disaster: What went wrong (and how to keep your company safe)”, February 2013


Two Four Seven, “HMV tweets their own sacking”, January 2013


Forbes, “2013: The Year of Social HR”, January 2013


Talent HQ, “20 Mobile Recruiting Insights #mrec13”, September 2013


LinkedIn Talent blog, “Three Days, Three Key Themes: My Review of Talent Connect 2012”, October 2012

10 Slideshare, “Making the Quantum Leap: UPS Social Media Recruitment ROI 2012”, January 2012
11 Slideshare, “UPS Jobs Mobile Case Study at MREC 2013”, September 2013
12 LinkedIn, “People Management: Data And Analytics Will Change It Forever”, November 2013
13 Globoforce, “2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report”, 2012
14 Globoforce, “2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report”, 2012
15 Slideshare, “State of Employer Brand”, October 2012
16 Mind Jumpers, “How to use Social Media for Employer Branding and Recruitment”, July 2012
17 Business Insider, “‘Gamification’ Techniques Increase Your Employees’ Ability To Learn By 40%”, September 2013
18 Forbes, “Gamification In Leadership Development: How Companies Use Gaming To Build Their Leader Pipeline”, September
19 Oxford Economics, “The Digital Transformation of People Management”, March 2012
20 Oxford Economics, “The Digital Transformation of People Management”, March 2012
21, “Survey: Most Employers Lack RTI Figures on Talent”, March 2013
Barbara Spitzer
Senior Vice President, North A merica

Anna Karin Vernet
Director, Sweden/F inland

Carin Soderstrom
Managing Consultant, Sweden

Roopa Nambiar
Manager, Digital Transformation
Research Institute

Digital Transformation
Research Institute

The authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Jerome Buvat, Subrahmanyam KVJ and Ashish Bisht from the
Digital Transformation Research Institute and Anna Eriksson and Liselotte Fors from Capgemini Consulting Sweden.

For more information contact:
North A merica
Barbara Spitzer

F rance
Stephan Paolini

Carlos Garcia Santos

A rgentina
Alejandro Roberto Giuliodori

Julien Bourdiniere

Sweden/F inland
Anna Karin Vernet

A ustria
Ingrid Berndt

G ermany/ Switzerland
Imke Keicher

The Netherlands
Jan Brouwer

A ustralia
Sheila Mistry

Laars Fossli

U nited K ingdom
Anne Gauton

Peter Speleers

Jorge Martins

About Capgemini and the
Collaborative Business Experience
Capgemini Consulting is the global strategy and transformation
consulting organization of the Capgemini Group, specializing
in advising and supporting enterprises in significant
transformation, from innovative strategy to execution and with
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creating significant disruptions and opportunities, our global
team of over 3,600 talented individuals work with leading
companies and governments to master Digital Transformation,
drawing on our understanding of the digital economy and
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Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology
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Using Digital Tools to Unlock HR’s True Potential

  • 1. Using Digital Tools to Unlock HR’s True Potential
  • 2. Talent Has Gone Digital,But N ot HR The Human Resource (HR) function is at the center of sweeping changes. Digital technologies are radically impacting the manner in which employees and prospects connect and communicate with organizations. Barring a few exceptions, however, HR functions in most organizations continue to stay rooted in traditional modes of engagement. Mobile devices now account for over a billion job searches. Job Seekers are Rapidly Graduating to Mobile and Social Platforms J ob seek ers are increasingly using digital channels and devices to search for job s. In a survey of over 90 0 job seek ers in A merica, 52% mentioned that they use F aceb ook , 38% use L ink edIn and 34% use Twitter to fi nd job s1. A dditionally, mob ile devices account for over a b illion job searches per month 2 . A n organization’s presence across digital channels now has a strong impact on job seek er preferences. F or instance, 40 % of job seek ers ab andon a non-mob ile friendly job application process3. 2 7 % of leaders in HR 5 and talent manag ement believe their companies are behind the curve in the use of internal and ex ternal social networkingtechnolog ies. Employees are Using Digital to Record Workplace Impressions Digital is changing the way employees interact with employers. Increasingly, employees are using social platforms such as Twitter and G lassdoor to express opinions on work place issues. G lassdoor, for instance, has more than 3 million pieces of content contrib uted b y employees, on more than 20 0 ,0 0 0 companies across 190 countries 4. G iven their reach, these platforms can signifi cantly impact employer b randing. F or instance, employees at HMV pub licly tweeted their angst on b eing fi red through the company’s offi cial Twitter account, which had a following of over 70 ,0 0 0 5. The fi rst tweet went viral with over 1,30 0 retweets in 30 minutes. The incident was a major pub lic relations disaster for the company6. But HR is Still Lagging in the Use of Digital The use of digital in HR is lagging on many fronts. 75% of leaders in HR and talent management b elieve their companies are b ehind the curve in the use of internal and external social network ing technologies7. O nly 26 of F ortune 50 0 companies offer a mob ile optimized job application process8. A nd only 26% of talent acq uisition leaders feel that their organization uses work force analytics well during the hiring process9. W e decided to explore the current state of digitization in HR in more detail, to understand the use of digital in k ey HR processes. In Spring 20 13, Capgemini Consulting conducted its annual survey of 130 HR executives – the G lob al HR Barometer survey. The survey revealed that the overall digital maturity level of HR processes is low. O nly few organizations have estab lished b est-in-class digital processes to interact with current and potential employees. Only 6 of org % aniz ations use social recruitingas a way to interact with potential candidates and streng then the emp loyer brand.
  • 3. F or instance, nearly 75% of organizations in our survey primarily still rely on traditional recruitment and b randing techniq ues such as posting advertisements on traditional career web sites. O nly 6% of organizations can b e classifi ed as digitally advanced, using social recruiting as a way to interact with potential candidates and strengthen the employer b rand (see F igure 1). 8 % of org 0 aniz ations still rely on oneway communication tools for Learningand Development. O ther HR processes also showed similarly low levels of digitization. F or instance, 80 % of organizations rely on one-way communication tools, such as face-toface classroom training and web inars, for L earning and Development. O nly a minority of 5% use socially interactive platforms that enab le employees to share experiences and learn from each other (see F igure 2). Recruiting and retaining talent in a competitive mark etplace is a concern for nearly 70 % of organizations. O ur survey revealed that organizations that lag in the adoption of digital are also more lik ely to face challenges in recruiting and retaining talent. In this paper, we explore the transformational impact of digital on HR and how organizations should approach the digitization of their HR function. Figure 1: Use of Social Media in Employer Branding and Recruitment What best describes how you are using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube) in your employer branding and recruitment processes? Beginner 43% Conservative Has started to be visible in social media. Majority of employee marketing and recruitment ads are posted on websites and traditional career sites. Limited use of social media. Use online recruitment tool that is integrated with HR system. 31% Fashionista 20% Digirati Using social recruiting techniques, with customized approaches based on the uniqueness of each platform, in all our employer branding and recruitment campaigns and as a way to interact with potential candidates. Using social recruiting and branding techniques based on same logic as internal tools for communication and development as way to interact and strengthen our brand. 6% Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013 Figure 2: Use of Digital Tools in Learning and Development What best describes how you are using web 2.0/ digital platform in learning and development? Beginner Conservative Mainly use face-to-face classroom training for learning and development. Complement face-to-face classroom training with e-learning tools and webinar sessions. 18% 59% Fashionista Using several learning platforms with social features for peer learning and collaborative learning platforms with a broad access to interactive and social tools. Digirati 18% 5% Using e-learning modules with social features based on peer learning and collaborative learning platforms with features to share information and stories and learn from each other’s experiences. Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013 3
  • 4. Digital Offers Innovative Ways to Attract,Retain and Engage Talent Figure 3: Impact of Digital on HR Processes Lea rni ng & Re cru i Real-Time Insights and Accuracy or m 4 Increased Visibility and Brand Strength nd an ra ce U PS is a shining example of digital’s potential to attract talent. In 20 0 9, U PS cut b ack on traditional recruitment channels and instead b egan developing digital channels for recruitment. The company posted job recruitment videos online, which attracted 1.5 million views without any paid media support10 . Since then, U PS’s digital recruitment strategy has delivered impressive results. The company has seen the numb er of hires through its mob ile and social recruitment channels increase from 19 to nearly 15,0 0 0 in just 3 years11. Digital also enhances the effi ciency of recruitment processes. F or instance, the use of work force analytics enab led a b ank to cut staff costs in one area b y half. The b ank analyzed the performance of staff and found that candidates from lower rank ed universities outperformed top-university candidates, who typically draw higher salaries. A s a result, the b ank was ab le to b etter target its recruitment efforts and reduce recruitment costs12. Enhanced Learning Outcomes an M Digital Technologies Help Organizations Close the Talent Gap Faster Increased Speed and Efficiency of Recruitment Impact of Digital in HR P erf UPS has seen the number of hires throug its mobile h and social recruitment channels increase from 1 9 to nearly 1 , 0 in just 3 50 0 years. nt me lop ve De t en tm in g Digital can potentially revolutionize the manner in which HR processes are currently run. W e investigated the impact of digital on k ey HR processes (see F igure 3). ag em ent Em y plo er B Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis 7 % of HR professionals 8 feel that crowdsourced recog nition data is an important source of information for performance reviews. Crowdsourcing Enhances the Accuracy of Performance Assessments Research indicates that 45% of HR leaders b elieve annual performance reviews are not an accurate appraisal of an employee’s work . A dditionally, 42% b elieve that employees are not rewarded fairly for their job performance13. A s such, there is a strong need for organizations to overhaul existing performance management processes and align them more closely with employee aspirations and entitlements. Performance management b ased on data gathered from internal social platforms injects multiple sources of feedb ack into the review process and enab les feedb ack to b e recorded continuously. Conseq uently, it offers richer insights into an employee’s performance, which in turn enab les a fairer appraisal. In fact, in a recent survey of more than 80 0 HR professionals, 78% said that crowdsourced recognition data is an important source of information for performance reviews14.
  • 5. 8 % of talent acq 3 uisition leaders ag that an ree org aniz ation’ emp s loyer brand has a sig nificant impact on its ability to hire g reat talent. Employer Branding Receives a Shot in the Arm with Social Media A strong employer b rand plays a critical role in attracting and retaining talent in a competitive mark etplace. In a survey of talent acq uisition leaders 83% agreed that an organization’s employer b rand has a signifi cant impact on its ab ility to hire great talent15. O rganizations that have adopted digital for employer b randing have seen strong results. F or instance, Novo Nordisk adopted a social mediafocused employer b randing strategy to attract new applicants, especially those of international origin, to its G raduate Program — a rotational program for new recruits. Current and former graduates from the G raduate Program were encouraged to share their experiences on the company-owned b log and Twitter accounts. The initiative saw the numb er of applicants for the G raduate Program rise threefold, from 1,250 in 20 0 8 to 3,50 0 in 20 11 and drew candidates from over 92 countries16. Gamification Boosts Employee Learning and Development The effective use of digital platforms can dramatically improve learning outcomes. Research shows that the use of gamifi cation techniq ues, for instance, can enhance employees’ ab ility to learn b y as much as 40 % 17. NTT Data has successfully used gamifi cation to b uild critical leadership sk ills among its employees. The company developed the “Ignite L eadership” game to enab le employees to experience a variety of leadership scenarios. The game offers employees the opportunity to learn more ab out new management sub ject areas and the role they aspire for. It allows them to collab orate online with their peers, get instant feedb ack and b e recognized for their game — all the while increasing their visib ility as potential leaders. The results from the “Ignite L eadership” game have b een impressive. The game led to a 50 % increase in the numb er of employees tak ing up team leadership roles, compared to traditional training and coaching methods18. In the next section, we look at the b arriers impacting HR’s ab ility to digitally transform processes. The use of g amification techniq ues can enhance emp loyees’ ability to learn by as much as 4 % . 0 5
  • 6. What Is Holding Back Digital In HR? Digitization in HR is b eing held b ack b y infrastructure constraints, perception issues and inadeq uate use of data in decision mak ing. Current HR IT Systems Do N ot Support the Latest Digital Technologies are often not regarded as strategic and have b een the target of cost reductions. A d d it ionally, s en io r man agement concerns regarding the impact of social media on company b randing are also 7 % of org 0 aniz ations in our survey stated that they face integ ration issues with their ex isting HR I system s. T HR processes in most organizations have traditionally b een supported b y multiple systems. These include E RP systems as well as legacy custom-b uilt systems. These systems are not interoperab le and do not function seamlessly. Close to 70 % of organizations in our survey stated that they face integration issues with their existing HR IT systems (see F igure 4). Such fragmented systems prevent HR from rolling out organization-wide initiatives. A dditionally, 44% of companies said that their HR IT systems are not compatib le with the latest technologies such as W eb 2.0 tools and devices such as smartphones. stalling social media adoption. A lmost 30 % of HR executives say getting b uyin from senior management for social initiatives is a major hurdle as senior management is concerned ab out the manner in which employees will represent the company on social platforms20 . Senior Management Perceptions Curtail Digitization Efforts Lack of Data-Driven Insights Impede HR’s Ability to Take Informed Decisions The HR function has traditionally b een viewed as a cost center. In fact, only ab out half of all respondents in a 20 12 survey of HR executives agreed that HR is seen as a profi t driver in their organizations. The perception was found to b e particularly pronounced in North A merica where only 23% of organizations consider HR to b e a profi t driver19. Conseq uently, HR initiatives HR functions own vast amounts of data b ut few organizations utilize this data to track the effectiveness of their HR programs, measure employee engagement, or plan work force needs. In a recent survey of U S employers on their return on investment strategies, over 56% mentioned that they lack any measure of talent investment returns21. Disconnected 6 systems and silo-ed data sources create challenges in data collection, which in turn limits the use of data b y HR. The lack of data-driven insights impacts HR’s ab ility to tak e informed decisions on strategic issues. F or instance, most HR functions have visib ility into attendance records b ut few have comprehensive data on competency sk ill gaps. Such gaps in data impair HR’s ab ility to accurately identify and prioritize investment areas for hiring and sk ill development. HR will need to develop strategies that clearly address these challenges in order to attract, retain and engage talent in a digital world. Over 5 % of US 6 emp loyers mentioned that they lack any measure of talent investment returns.
  • 7. Figure 4: Satisfaction with Existing HR IT Systems P le a s e ra te y o u r H R s y s te m b a s e d o n th e fo llo w in g c rite ria Supports an effective execution and automation of administrative and transactional HR work Provides Manager and Employee access to self service 43% 45% 50% 38% 7% 17% Supports end-to-end processes (minimal integration issues between multiple systems) Has the abilities to increase employee experience using web 2.0/digital tools 22% 31% 46% 51% 32% 18% Has integrated and web based features for HR work for employees and potential employees Has embedded tools to connect to latest technology (smartphones etc) 13% 24% 43% 49% 44% 27% Number of respondents = 109 Sufficiently Not sufficiently Not at all Source: Capgemini Consulting HR Barometer Survey 2013 7
  • 8. The Road Ahead W e recommend four k ey actions that HR leaders must tak e in order to ensure that their digitization efforts are successful and deliver maximum b enefi ts. Build Top-Management Consensus to Drive Digitization across HR Processes The success of a large-scale digitization effort depends on top- management support. Top- management resistance towards digitization in HR is often link ed with a lack of understanding of the b usiness b enefi ts of digitization. To b uild top-management consensus, HR should develop a clear vision for digitization that tak es a long-term, holistic view of talent acq uisition and engagement. The vision should b e clearly aligned with the overall b usiness goals of the organization so that HR is positioned for a more strategic role — that of a profi t driver rather than an administrative cost center. The vision should b e b ack ed b y a strong b usiness case for technology investments. A s part of the vision, HR must also lay down clear guidelines for the use of social media b y employees, to ensure that the employer b rand is not negatively impacted b y the information shared b y employees on external media. many of these req uirements as cloudb ased platforms are easily scalab le and upgradab le, can b e managed centrally, and implemented at lower costs than a full-scale legacy upgrade. Upgrade to a Flexible, Interoperable IT Architecture HR should develop a clear vision for dig ation itiz that takes a long term , holistic view of talent acq uisition and eng ement. ag In order to roll out initiatives that cut across departments and geographies, HR will need IT systems that are interoperab le. Since the current HR IT landscape in most organizations consists of fragmented, localized systems that do not support end-to-end process integration, this means HR will need to graduate to a more fl exib le IT architecture. A dditionally, HR IT systems will need to support mob ile and social media integration and at the same time, b e fl exib le enough to accommodate future advancements in technology. The shift to a cloud-b ased model can address Figure 5: Roadmap for Digitization of HR Build Top-Management Consensus Activities: Develop a vision Build a business case Define guidelines for social media usage Benefits: Top-management support Establishes HR as a strategic partner Use Data to Drive Decision Making Activities: Consolidate data across systems Invest on analytics tools and skills Establish metrics Benefits: Unified view of employee data Investment prioritization Targeted programs Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis 8 Upgrade HR IT Systems Activities: Adopt a flexible, interoperable IT architecture Establish support for mobile and social media integration Benefits: Process integration Faster rollout of initiatives Simplified management Deliver a Seamless Multichannel Presence Activities: Create multiple channels Deliver a personalized experience Nurture online presence Benefits: Deeper engagement Stronger employer brand
  • 9. Deliver a Seamless Multichannel Experience Use Data to Drive Decision Making HR should use social and mob ile platforms to b uild stronger relationships with employees as well as prospects. F or the user, the experience of interacting with HR should b e seamless across channels. Mob ile web sites and applications should b e designed such that they are easy to use and simplify the applicant’s access to information. HR should also aim to personalize the experience b ased on the user’s profi le. Building a digital HR strategy will need to b e an ongoing process for organizations. HR will need to continuously monitor digital channels to ensure that it is listening and responding to the needs of its target audience. In a competitive mark etplace, it is steps lik e these that will differentiate an organization and enab le it to attract and retain the b est talent. A shift to a data-driven approach to decision mak ing is a crucial element of digitization that HR needs to address. Data should b e used across all HR processes — including recruitment, lear ning and development, and performance management. A s a fi rst step, HR should develop a unifi ed view of all employee data. To do so, HR will need to consolidate data that currently resides in multiple systems spread across b usiness units and geographies into a centralized repository. The next step should b e to invest in analytics tools and sk ill sets so that the data can b e utilized effectively. F inally, HR should estab lish metrics and K PIs that will enab le it to determine the effectiveness of its initiatives. These steps will enab le HR to prioritize its investments and develop targeted programs. By not digitizing fast enough, organizations risk b eing left out in the race to attract and retain the b est talent. Digital technologies offer a host of innovative ways to enhance employee experience and organizations that have realized this, have reaped rich rewards. F or the others, it is time to tak e swift action towards envisioning, defi ning and implementing a comprehensive digital HR strategy. A shift to a datadriven approach to decision makingis a crucial element of dig ation of itiz HR. 9
  • 10. References 1 Jobvite, “2012 Social Job Seeker Survey”, September 2012 2 Talent HQ, “20 Mobile Recruiting Insights #mrec13”, September 2013 3 Talent HQ, “45 Mobile Recruiting Tips and Trends From #mrec”, September 2013 4 TechCrunch, “With 40% Of Traffic From Outside The U.S., Glassdoor Raises $20M Series D To Expand Internationally”, October 2012 5 LinkedIn, “Inside HMV’s Twitter Disaster: What went wrong (and how to keep your company safe)”, February 2013 6 Two Four Seven, “HMV tweets their own sacking”, January 2013 7 Forbes, “2013: The Year of Social HR”, January 2013 8 Talent HQ, “20 Mobile Recruiting Insights #mrec13”, September 2013 9 LinkedIn Talent blog, “Three Days, Three Key Themes: My Review of Talent Connect 2012”, October 2012 10 Slideshare, “Making the Quantum Leap: UPS Social Media Recruitment ROI 2012”, January 2012 11 Slideshare, “UPS Jobs Mobile Case Study at MREC 2013”, September 2013 12 LinkedIn, “People Management: Data And Analytics Will Change It Forever”, November 2013 13 Globoforce, “2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report”, 2012 14 Globoforce, “2012 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report”, 2012 15 Slideshare, “State of Employer Brand”, October 2012 16 Mind Jumpers, “How to use Social Media for Employer Branding and Recruitment”, July 2012 17 Business Insider, “‘Gamification’ Techniques Increase Your Employees’ Ability To Learn By 40%”, September 2013 18 Forbes, “Gamification In Leadership Development: How Companies Use Gaming To Build Their Leader Pipeline”, September 2013 19 Oxford Economics, “The Digital Transformation of People Management”, March 2012 20 Oxford Economics, “The Digital Transformation of People Management”, March 2012 21, “Survey: Most Employers Lack RTI Figures on Talent”, March 2013
  • 11. Authors Barbara Spitzer Senior Vice President, North A merica Anna Karin Vernet Director, Sweden/F inland Carin Soderstrom Managing Consultant, Sweden Roopa Nambiar Manager, Digital Transformation Research Institute Digital Transformation Research Institute The authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Jerome Buvat, Subrahmanyam KVJ and Ashish Bisht from the Digital Transformation Research Institute and Anna Eriksson and Liselotte Fors from Capgemini Consulting Sweden. For more information contact: North A merica Barbara Spitzer F rance Stephan Paolini Spain Carlos Garcia Santos A rgentina Alejandro Roberto Giuliodori Alejandro-Roberto.Giuliodori@ China Julien Bourdiniere Sweden/F inland Anna Karin Vernet A ustria Ingrid Berndt G ermany/ Switzerland Imke Keicher The Netherlands Jan Brouwer A ustralia Sheila Mistry Norway Laars Fossli U nited K ingdom Anne Gauton Belgium Peter Speleers Portugal Jorge Martins About Capgemini and the Collaborative Business Experience Capgemini Consulting is the global strategy and transformation consulting organization of the Capgemini Group, specializing in advising and supporting enterprises in significant transformation, from innovative strategy to execution and with an unstinting focus on results. With the new digital economy creating significant disruptions and opportunities, our global team of over 3,600 talented individuals work with leading companies and governments to master Digital Transformation, drawing on our understanding of the digital economy and our leadership in business transformation and organizational change. With more than 130,000 people in 44 countries, Capgemini is one of the world’ foremost providers of consulting, s technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2012 global revenues of EUR 10.3 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM , and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. Learn more about us at Find out more at: http: / / Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transf ormation consulting brand ofCapgemini Group.The inf ormation contained in this document is proprietary. © 2013 Capgemini.All rights reserved.