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NodeJS: the good parts?
A skeptic’s view
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal

How a grumpy, gray-haired
server-side Java developer
discovered an appreciation
for NodeJS and JavaScript
About Chris
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

About Chris

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Overview of NodeJS
JavaScript: Warts and all
The Reactor pattern: an event-driven architecture
NodeJS: There is a module for that
Building a front-end server with NodeJS

What’s NodeJS?

Designed for DIRTy apps
Growing rapidly

NodeJS Hello World

Load a module
request handler

$ node app.js
$ curl http://localhost:1337

No complex configuration: simple! @crichardson




Dynamic and weakly-typed
Types are associated with values - not variables
Define new program elements at runtime
Weakly typed:
Leave out arguments to methods
Read non-existent object properties
Add new properties by simply setting them
JavaScript is object-oriented
> var fred = {name: “Fred”, gender: “Male”};
> console.log("reading age=" + fred.age);
reading age=undefined
> fred.age = 99;
> fred
{ name: 'Fred',
gender: 'Male',
age: 99 }
> delete fred.age
> fred
{ name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male' }

Unordered key-value pairs
Keys = properties
Add property

Delete property

JavaScript is a prototypal





Chris __proto__


object specific

Prototypal code

Not defined

$ node
> var person = { sayHello: function () { console.log("Hello " +; }};
> var chris = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Chris"}});
> var sarah = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Sarah"}});
> chris.sayHello();
Hello Chris
create using
> sarah.sayHello();
Hello Sarah
> chris.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello mate: " +; };
> chris.sayHello();
Hello mate: Chris
JavaScript is Functional
function makeGenerator(nextFunction) {

Return a function

var value = 0;
return function() {
var current = value;
value = nextFunction(value);
return current;

Pass function as an

var inc = makeGenerator(function (x) {return x + 1; });
> inc()
> inc()

But JavaScript was created
in a hurry
The ‘Java...’ name creates expectations that it can’t satisfy
Fake classes: Hides prototypes BUT still seems weird
global namespace
scope of vars is confusing
Missing return statement = confusion
‘function’ is really verbose
‘this’ is dynamically scoped
Unexpected implicit conversions: 99 == “99”!
truthy and falsy values
52-bit ints
Dynamic + weakly-typed (+ event-driven)
misspelt property names
lots of time spent in the abyss
Essential: Use IDE integrated
with JSLint/JSHint + tests
Prototypal languages have
benefits BUT
Developers really like classes
JavaScript prototypes lack the powerful features from
the Self language
e.g. Multiple (and dynamic) inheritance
Verbose function syntax
> var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
> numbers.filter(function (n) { return n % 2 == 0; } ).map(function (n) { return n * n; })
[ 4, 16 ]

Prelude> let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
Prelude> map (n -> n * n) (filter (n -> mod n 2 == 0) numbers)

scala> val numbers = 1..5
scala> numbers filter { _ % 2 == 0} map { n => n * n }
Vector(4, 16)

Verbose DSLs
describe('SomeEntity', function () {
beforeEach(function () { ... some initialization ... });


it('should do something', function () {

class SomeScalaTest ...{


before { ... some initialization ... }
it should "do something" in {
someExpression should be(someValue)

JavaScript is the language
of the web

“You have to use the programming
language you have, not the one that you
might want”
It works but the result is
lost opportunities
impeded progress
Martin Fowler once said:
"...I'm one of those who despairs that a
language with such deep flaws plays such an
important role in computation. Still the
consequence of this is that we must take
javascript seriously as a first-class language
and concentrate on how to limit the damage
its flaws cause. ...."
Use just the good parts


Use a language that
compiles to JavaScript
Classes and interfaces (dynamic structural typing)
Typed parameters and fields
Class-based OO
Optional static typing
Bidirectional binding with DOM elements
Less backwards compatibility with JavaScript
Also has it’s own VM

CoffeeScript Hello World
Classes :-)

http = require('http')


class HttpRequestHandler
constructor: (@message) ->

Bound method

handle: (req, res) =>
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
res.end(@message + 'n')

handler = new HttpRequestHandler "Hi There from CoffeeScript"
server = http.createServer(handler.handle)
server.listen(1338, '')
console.log('Server running at')
No escaping JavaScript


About the Reactor pattern
Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995
Pattern for writing scalable servers
Alternative to thread-per-connection model
Single threaded event loop dispatches events on
handles (e.g. sockets, file descriptors) to event handlers

Reactor pattern structure

Initiation Dispatcher

for each h in handlers
end loop

Event Handler

Synchronous Event


Separation of concerns - event handlers separated
from low-level mechanism
More efficient - no thread context switching
Simplified concurrency - single threaded = no
possibility of concurrent access to shared state

Non-pre-emptive - handlers must not take a long time
Difficult to understand and debug:
Inverted flow of control
Can’t single step through code easily
Limited stack traces
No stack-based context, e.g. thread locals, exception handlers
How to enforce try {} finally {} behavior?

NodeJS app = layers of event

Application code



DB driver


One time

Basic networking/file-system/etc.
NodeJS event loop
Async code = callback hell
Sequential: A



Scatter/Gather: A and B


Code quickly becomes very messy

Messy callback code
The result of
getProductDetails = (productId, callback) ->
productId = req.params.productId
result = {productId: productId}

Propagate error

makeCallbackFor = (key) ->
(error, x) ->
if error
result[key] = x
if (result.productInfo and result.recommendations and
callback(undefined, result)

Update result


getProductInfo(productId, makeCallbackFor('productInfo'))
getRecommendations(productId, makeCallbackFor('recommendations'))


Simplifying code with
Promises (a.k.a. Futures)
Functions return a promise - no callback parameter
A promise represents an eventual outcome
Use a library of functions for transforming and
composing promises
Promises/A+ specification -
when.js (part of cujo.js by SpringSource) is a popular

Crockford’s RQ library is another option
Simpler promise-based code
class ProductDetailsService
getProductDetails: (productId) ->
makeProductDetails =
(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) ->
productId: productId
productDetails: productInfo.entity
recommendations: recommendations.entity
reviews: reviews.entity
responses = [getProductInfo(productId),
all(responses) spread(makeProductDetails)
Not bad but lacks Scala’s
syntactic sugar
class ProductDetailsService .... {
def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = {
for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <getProductInfo(productId) zip
getProductInfo(productId) zip
getRecommendations(productId) zip
getRecommendations(productId) zip
ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)
Long running computations
Long running computation

blocks event loop for

other requests
Need to run outside of main event loop
Community: web workers threads
Built-in: NodeJS child processes

Using child processes
var child = require('child_process').fork('child.js');
function sayHelloToChild() {
child.send({hello: "child"});

Create child process

Send message to child

setTimeout(sayHelloToChild, 1000);
child.on('message', function(m) {
console.log('parent received:', m);
function kill() {
setTimeout(kill, 2000);

process.on('message', function (m) {
console.log("child received message=", m);
process.send({ihateyou: "you ruined my life"})

Modern multi-core machines
vs. single-threaded runtime
Many components of many applications
Don’t need the scalability of the Reactor pattern
Request-level thread-based parallelism works fine
There are other concurrency options
Actors, Software transactional memory, ...
Go goroutines, Erlang processes, ...
Imposing a single-threaded complexity tax on the
entire application is questionable



Core built-in modules
Basic networking
Thousands of community
developed modules

web frameworks, SQL/NoSQL
database drivers, messaging, utilities...
What’s a module?
One or more JavaScript files

exports.sayHello = function () {

Optional native code:
Compiled during installation
JavaScript != systems programming language
Package.json - metadata including dependencies

Easy to install
$ npm install package-name --save

Easy to use
Core module OR
Path to file OR
module in node_modules
Module’s exports

var http = require(“http”)
var server = http.createServer...

Developing with NodeJS
Application code
Your modules
Community modules
Core modules
There is a module for that...
Modules + glue code
rapid/easy application development
... BUT
Variable quality
Multiple incomplete/competing modules, e.g. MySQL
drivers without connection pooling!
Often abandoned
No notion of a Maven-style local repository/cache =
repeated downloads

To summarize

Flawed and

Rich but
variable quality


Scalable yet
costly and

Reactor pattern

How will future history view




Overview of NodeJS
JavaScript: Warts and all
The Reactor pattern: an event-driven architecture
NodeJS: There is a module for that
Building a front-end server with NodeJS

So why care about
Easy to write scalable network services
Easy to push events to the browser
Easy to get (small) stuff done

It has a role to play in modern
application architecture
Evolving from a monolithic

Product Info

... to a micro-service architecture
product info application

Product Info

recommendations application
Store front application



reviews application


orders application


Presentation layer evolution....







...Presentation layer evolution


Web application



HTML 5/JavaScript
IOS/Android clients



Directly connecting the front-end to the backend
Chatty API


Product Info






Traditional web



Browser/Native App

Web unfriendly

NodeJS as an API gateway
Single entry point




HTML 5 - JavaScript

Product Info






Native App







Optimized Client
specific APIs


Serving static content with
the Express web framework
var express = require('express')
, http = require('http')
, app = express()
, server = http.createServer(app)

From public
sub directory

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
RESTful web services

Proxying to backend server
express = require('express')
request = require('request')

Returns a request handler
that proxies to baseUrl

app = express.createServer()
proxyToBackend = (baseUrl) ->
(req, res) ->
callback = (error, response, body) -> console.log("error=", error)
originRequest = request(baseUrl + req.url, callback)
app.get('/productinfo/*', proxyToBackend('http://productinfo....'))
app.get('/recommendations/*', proxyToBackend(''http://recommendations...'))
app.get('/reviews/*', proxyToBackend('http://reviews...'))
Implementing coarsegrained mobile API
var express = require('express'),
app.get('/productdetails/:productId', function (req, res) {
getProductDetails(req.params. productId).then(
function (productDetails) {

Delivering events to the

@crichardson server-side
var express = require('express')
, http = require('http')
, amqp = require(‘amqp’)

var amqpCon = amqp.createConnection(...);


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
function amqpMessageHandler(message, headers, deliveryInfo) {
var m = JSON.parse(;
socket.emit(‘tick’, m);
amqpCon.queue(“”, {},
function(queue) {
queue.bind(“myExchange”, “”);
Subscribe to
AMQP queue

@crichardson - client side
The event is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script>
<script src="/clock.js"></script>

Bind to model

Connect to

var socket = io.connect(location.hostname);
function ClockModel() {
self.ticker = ko.observable(1);
socket.on('tick', function (data) {
ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel());

to tick event

NodeJS is also great for writing
backend micro-services
“Network elements”
Simply ‘route, filter and transform packets’
Have minimal business logic

NodeJS-powered home security
FTP Server
Log file

FTP Server
Upload directory



SQS Queue


JavaScript is a very flawed language
The asynchronous model is often unnecessary; very
constraining; and adds complexity

BUT despite those problems

Today, NodeJS is remarkably useful for building networkfocussed components



Contenu connexe


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Plus de Chris Richardson

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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)

  • 1. NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson @crichardson
  • 2. Presentation goal How a grumpy, gray-haired server-side Java developer discovered an appreciation for NodeJS and JavaScript @crichardson
  • 4. About Chris LispWorks 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Z80 RPG 3 BCPL Pascal 6502 C Assembler Basic @crichardson
  • 5. EJB 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 C++ @crichardson
  • 6. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 @crichardson
  • 7. About Chris ? 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 @crichardson
  • 8. Agenda Overview of NodeJS JavaScript: Warts and all The Reactor pattern: an event-driven architecture NodeJS: There is a module for that Building a front-end server with NodeJS @crichardson
  • 9. What’s NodeJS? Designed for DIRTy apps @crichardson
  • 11. NodeJS Hello World app.js Load a module request handler $ node app.js $ curl http://localhost:1337 No complex configuration: simple! @crichardson
  • 14. Dynamic and weakly-typed Dynamic: Types are associated with values - not variables Define new program elements at runtime Weakly typed: Leave out arguments to methods Read non-existent object properties Add new properties by simply setting them @crichardson
  • 15. JavaScript is object-oriented > var fred = {name: “Fred”, gender: “Male”}; undefined > “Fred” > console.log("reading age=" + fred.age); reading age=undefined undefined > fred.age = 99; 99 > fred { name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male', age: 99 } > delete fred.age true > fred { name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male' } Unordered key-value pairs Keys = properties Add property Delete property @crichardson
  • 16. JavaScript is a prototypal language Person __proto__ sayHello ... Prototype function ... inherited Chris __proto__ name nickname “Chris” “CER” overrides object specific @crichardson
  • 17. Prototypal code Not defined here $ node > var person = { sayHello: function () { console.log("Hello " +; }}; [Function] > var chris = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Chris"}}); undefined > var sarah = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Sarah"}}); undefined > chris.sayHello(); Hello Chris create using undefined properties > sarah.sayHello(); prototype Hello Sarah undefined > chris.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello mate: " +; }; [Function] > chris.sayHello(); Hello mate: Chris undefined @crichardson
  • 18. JavaScript is Functional function makeGenerator(nextFunction) { Return a function closure var value = 0; return function() { var current = value; value = nextFunction(value); return current; }; Pass function as an argument } var inc = makeGenerator(function (x) {return x + 1; }); > inc() 0 > inc() 1 @crichardson
  • 19. But JavaScript was created in a hurry The ‘Java...’ name creates expectations that it can’t satisfy Fake classes: Hides prototypes BUT still seems weird global namespace scope of vars is confusing Missing return statement = confusion ‘function’ is really verbose ‘this’ is dynamically scoped Unexpected implicit conversions: 99 == “99”! truthy and falsy values 52-bit ints @crichardson
  • 20. Dynamic + weakly-typed (+ event-driven) code + misspelt property names lots of time spent in the abyss Essential: Use IDE integrated with JSLint/JSHint + tests
  • 21. Prototypal languages have benefits BUT Developers really like classes JavaScript prototypes lack the powerful features from the Self language e.g. Multiple (and dynamic) inheritance @crichardson
  • 22. Verbose function syntax > var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5] > numbers.filter(function (n) { return n % 2 == 0; } ).map(function (n) { return n * n; }) [ 4, 16 ] > Versus Prelude> let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5] Prelude> map (n -> n * n) (filter (n -> mod n 2 == 0) numbers) [4,16] Or scala> val numbers = 1..5 scala> numbers filter { _ % 2 == 0} map { n => n * n } Vector(4, 16) @crichardson
  • 23. Verbose DSLs describe('SomeEntity', function () { beforeEach(function () { ... some initialization ... }); Jasmine it('should do something', function () { ... expect(someExpression).toBe(someValue); }); }); Versus class SomeScalaTest ...{ Scalatest before { ... some initialization ... } it should "do something" in { ... someExpression should be(someValue) } @crichardson
  • 24. JavaScript is the language of the web “You have to use the programming language you have, not the one that you might want” @crichardson
  • 25. It works but the result is lost opportunities and impeded progress @crichardson
  • 26. Martin Fowler once said: "...I'm one of those who despairs that a language with such deep flaws plays such an important role in computation. Still the consequence of this is that we must take javascript seriously as a first-class language and concentrate on how to limit the damage its flaws cause. ...." @crichardson
  • 27. Use just the good parts Douglas Crockford @crichardson
  • 28. Use a language that compiles to JavaScript TypeScript Classes and interfaces (dynamic structural typing) Typed parameters and fields Dart Class-based OO Optional static typing Bidirectional binding with DOM elements Less backwards compatibility with JavaScript Also has it’s own VM @crichardson
  • 29. CoffeeScript Hello World Classes :-) http = require('http') Concise class HttpRequestHandler constructor: (@message) -> Bound method handle: (req, res) => res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) res.end(@message + 'n') handler = new HttpRequestHandler "Hi There from CoffeeScript" server = http.createServer(handler.handle) server.listen(1338, '') console.log('Server running at') @crichardson
  • 32. About the Reactor pattern Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995 Pattern for writing scalable servers Alternative to thread-per-connection model Single threaded event loop dispatches events on handles (e.g. sockets, file descriptors) to event handlers @crichardson
  • 33. Reactor pattern structure Application register_handler(h1) register_handler(h2) handle_events() Initiation Dispatcher handle_events() handlers register_handler(h) uses select(handlers) for each h in handlers h.handle_event(type) end loop Event Handler handle_event(type) get_handle() owns Synchronous Event Demultiplexer select() notifies handle @crichardson
  • 34. Benefits Separation of concerns - event handlers separated from low-level mechanism More efficient - no thread context switching Simplified concurrency - single threaded = no possibility of concurrent access to shared state @crichardson
  • 35. Drawbacks Non-pre-emptive - handlers must not take a long time Difficult to understand and debug: Inverted flow of control Can’t single step through code easily Limited stack traces No stack-based context, e.g. thread locals, exception handlers How to enforce try {} finally {} behavior? @crichardson
  • 36. NodeJS app = layers of event handlers Recurring events from Event Emitters Application code Event listener HTTP Callback function DB driver ... One time events: async operation completion Basic networking/file-system/etc. NodeJS event loop @crichardson
  • 37. Async code = callback hell Scenarios: Sequential: A B C Scatter/Gather: A and B C Code quickly becomes very messy @crichardson
  • 38. Messy callback code The result of getProductDetails getProductDetails = (productId, callback) -> productId = req.params.productId result = {productId: productId} Propagate error makeCallbackFor = (key) -> (error, x) -> if error callback(error) else result[key] = x if (result.productInfo and result.recommendations and callback(undefined, result) Update result Gather getProductInfo(productId, makeCallbackFor('productInfo')) getRecommendations(productId, makeCallbackFor('recommendations')) getReviews(makeCallbackFor('reviews')) Scatter @crichardson
  • 39. Simplifying code with Promises (a.k.a. Futures) Functions return a promise - no callback parameter A promise represents an eventual outcome Use a library of functions for transforming and composing promises Promises/A+ specification - when.js (part of cujo.js by SpringSource) is a popular implementation Crockford’s RQ library is another option @crichardson
  • 40. Simpler promise-based code class ProductDetailsService getProductDetails: (productId) -> makeProductDetails = (productInfo, recommendations, reviews) -> productId: productId productDetails: productInfo.entity recommendations: recommendations.entity reviews: reviews.entity responses = [getProductInfo(productId), getRecommendations(productId), getReviews(productId)] getReviews(productId)] all(responses).spread(makeProductDetails) all(responses) spread(makeProductDetails) @crichardson
  • 41. Not bad but lacks Scala’s syntactic sugar class ProductDetailsService .... { def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = { for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <getProductInfo(productId) zip getProductInfo(productId) zip getRecommendations(productId) zip getRecommendations(productId) zip getReviews(productId) getReviews(productId)) yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) } } @crichardson
  • 42. Long running computations Long running computation blocks event loop for other requests Need to run outside of main event loop Options: Community: web workers threads Built-in: NodeJS child processes @crichardson
  • 43. Using child processes parent.js var child = require('child_process').fork('child.js'); function sayHelloToChild() { child.send({hello: "child"}); } Create child process Send message to child setTimeout(sayHelloToChild, 1000); child.on('message', function(m) { console.log('parent received:', m); }); function kill() { child.kill(); } setTimeout(kill, 2000); child.js process.on('message', function (m) { console.log("child received message=", m); process.send({ihateyou: "you ruined my life"}) }); @crichardson
  • 44. Modern multi-core machines vs. single-threaded runtime Many components of many applications Don’t need the scalability of the Reactor pattern Request-level thread-based parallelism works fine There are other concurrency options Actors, Software transactional memory, ... Go goroutines, Erlang processes, ... Imposing a single-threaded complexity tax on the entire application is questionable @crichardson
  • 46. Core built-in modules Basic networking HTTP(S) Filesystem Events Timers ...
  • 47. Thousands of community developed modules web frameworks, SQL/NoSQL database drivers, messaging, utilities... @crichardson
  • 48. What’s a module? foo.js One or more JavaScript files exports.sayHello = function () { console.log(“Hello”); } Optional native code: Compiled during installation JavaScript != systems programming language Package.json - metadata including dependencies @crichardson
  • 49. Easy to install $ npm install package-name --save @crichardson
  • 50. Easy to use Core module OR Path to file OR module in node_modules Module’s exports var http = require(“http”) var server = http.createServer... @crichardson
  • 51. Developing with NodeJS modules Application code Your modules Community modules Core modules @crichardson
  • 52. There is a module for that... Modules + glue code = rapid/easy application development AWESOME!... @crichardson
  • 53. ... BUT Variable quality Multiple incomplete/competing modules, e.g. MySQL drivers without connection pooling! Often abandoned No notion of a Maven-style local repository/cache = repeated downloads ... @crichardson
  • 54. To summarize Flawed and misunderstood JavaScript Rich but variable quality NodeJS Modules Scalable yet costly and often unnecessary Reactor pattern @crichardson
  • 55. How will future history view NodeJS? C++ ? EJB @crichardson
  • 56. Agenda Overview of NodeJS JavaScript: Warts and all The Reactor pattern: an event-driven architecture NodeJS: There is a module for that Building a front-end server with NodeJS @crichardson
  • 57. So why care about NodeJS? Easy to write scalable network services Easy to push events to the browser Easy to get (small) stuff done It has a role to play in modern application architecture @crichardson
  • 58. Evolving from a monolithic architecture.... WAR StoreFrontUI Product Info Service Recommendation Service Review Service Order Service @crichardson
  • 59. ... to a micro-service architecture product info application Product Info Service recommendations application Store front application StoreFrontUI Recommendation Service reviews application Review Service orders application Order Service @crichardson
  • 60. Presentation layer evolution.... WAR StoreFrontUI HTML / HTTP View Controller Browser + JavaScript Model @crichardson
  • 61. ...Presentation layer evolution Browser View Web application Static content Controller JSON-REST Model HTML 5/JavaScript IOS/Android clients Events RESTful Endpoints Event publisher @crichardson
  • 62. Directly connecting the front-end to the backend Chatty API View REST Product Info service REST Recommendation Service AMQP Controller Review service Model Traditional web application View Controller Model Browser/Native App Web unfriendly protocols @crichardson
  • 63. NodeJS as an API gateway Single entry point Browser View Controller NodeJS Model HTML 5 - JavaScript Product Info service REST Recommendation Service AMQP Review service REST proxy Native App View API Gateway REST Controller Model Event publishing Optimized Client specific APIs Protocol translation @crichardson
  • 64. Serving static content with the Express web framework var express = require('express') , http = require('http') , app = express() , server = http.createServer(app) ; From public sub directory app.configure(function(){ ... app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); }); server.listen(8081); @crichardson
  • 66. Proxying to backend server express = require('express') request = require('request') Returns a request handler that proxies to baseUrl app = express.createServer() proxyToBackend = (baseUrl) -> (req, res) -> callback = (error, response, body) -> console.log("error=", error) originRequest = request(baseUrl + req.url, callback) req.pipe(originRequest) originRequest.pipe(res) app.get('/productinfo/*', proxyToBackend('http://productinfo....')) app.get('/recommendations/*', proxyToBackend(''http://recommendations...')) app.get('/reviews/*', proxyToBackend('http://reviews...')) @crichardson
  • 67. Implementing coarsegrained mobile API var express = require('express'), ...; app.get('/productdetails/:productId', function (req, res) { getProductDetails(req.params. productId).then( function (productDetails) { res.json(productDetails); } }); @crichardson
  • 68. Delivering events to the browser @crichardson
  • 69. server-side var express = require('express') , http = require('http') , amqp = require(‘amqp’) ....; server.listen(8081); ... var amqpCon = amqp.createConnection(...); Handle connection io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { function amqpMessageHandler(message, headers, deliveryInfo) { Republish var m = JSON.parse(; socket.emit(‘tick’, m); as }; event amqpCon.queue(“”, {}, function(queue) { queue.bind(“myExchange”, “”); queue.subscribe(amqpMessageHandler); Subscribe to }); }); AMQP queue @crichardson
  • 70. - client side <html> <body> The event is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span> <script src="/"></script> <script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script> <script src="/clock.js"></script> </body> </html> Bind to model Connect to clock.js var socket = io.connect(location.hostname); function ClockModel() { self.ticker = ko.observable(1); socket.on('tick', function (data) { self.ticker(data); }); }; ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel()); Subscribe to tick event Update model @crichardson
  • 71. NodeJS is also great for writing backend micro-services “Network elements” Simply ‘route, filter and transform packets’ Have minimal business logic @crichardson
  • 72. NodeJS-powered home security FTP Server Log file FTP Server Upload directory Upload2S3 S3 SQS Queue UploadQueue Processor DynamoDB @crichardson
  • 73. Summary JavaScript is a very flawed language The asynchronous model is often unnecessary; very constraining; and adds complexity BUT despite those problems Today, NodeJS is remarkably useful for building networkfocussed components @crichardson