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Design beyond the
     glowing rectangle.
     What does the internet of things mean for UX designers?

     Claire Rowland & Chris Browne
     April 2011

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Cześć :)

     Claire Rowland                                             Chris Browne
     Head of Research                                           Technical Design Lead

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Cheshcht :)

Hello, we are ... from Fjord in London. Thanks for having us!
rough slide

  A bit about Fjord...
      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
 We’re a digital service design agency.

 That means we design user experiences for services that are used on more than one platform - often mobile, tablets like the iPad,
 digital TV as well as web.
A 3 year EU project across
      16 partners & 7 countries

      Investigating user-centred
      design of interconnected
      embedded objects

      Fjord’s role covers
      developing design,
      concepting and research
      methods, running trials

      We’re currently at the
      stage of identifying
      challenges and generating
      initial concepts

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
All of our client work to date has been around designing for things with screens. But we’re now working on an EU funded research
project that has given us the opportunity to think beyond the screen.

 Although we are working with the above partners, this presentation represents Fjord’s view.

The rest of this talk is a quick tour of some of the issues we’ve been thinking about on this project.

 We’re at an early stage and this is a massive area of ongoing research, but we are starting to propose some challenges and
 suggestions as to how we might overcome them
“Today’s multimedia machine
     makes the computer screen into
     a demanding focus of attention
     rather than allowing it to fade
     into the background.”
     Mark Weiser

Sunday, 10 April 2011

In 1991, Mark Weiser (the ‘father of ubiquitous computing’) said...
“I hope we don’t end
  up in a world filled
  solely with

  Timo Arnall

                                           image - The Onion

Sunday, 10 April 2011
...20 years later, we’ve not really solved this, have we?

Our day to day lives involve many interactions with objects, but most of our interactions with computing still happen through the
abstracted world of what Timo Arnall calls ‘slick, glowing rectangles’.
UX is
     beyond the

Sunday, 10 April 2011
However, we’re starting to see digital dissolve more into the physical world.

Of course, people like Weiser have been talking about this for a long time now.

But things are now starting to happen in the mainstream, here and now, which pose new challenges for UX.

 We think that in the next couple of years, UX designers are going to have the opportunity to design things that involve not just
 screens, but services and physical objects for the world around them.
We thought it was going to be like this...

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

 A lot of the classic ubicomp (ubiquitous computing) research has been focused on trying to understand the ‘bigger picture’ such as
 smart environments and homes.

 There’s been lots of promise in this but very few good examples have made it out of research and into the mainstream.
rough slide

     But it’s actually more like this...

                                             When your shipment is vital,
                                             know it’s vital signs.

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

 ‘The internet of things’: everyday objects becoming interconnected and increasingly able to sense their environment.

 Currently 98% of all processors are in embedded devices, not multi-purpose computers.... and they are becoming increasingly

An example of this is Fedex Senseaware: sensors track the location, temperature of packages and whether they have been opened.
For example, if temperature sensitive medical supplies are in danger of being destroyed en route, the package can be returned and a
new one sent out, saving vital time.
rough slide

      ...and this

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

 Everyday objects getting smarter

 This is RTMM: real time medication monitoring - made by Evalan, one of our partners on Smarcos...

 ...a smart pill bottle that knows when the user has taken their pills and can share this data with the user’s doctor or family. It can also
 remind the user to take them, via SMS or phone call

However many of these smart objects are still closed and proprietary systems.
Why should UX designers care?

                                         because lots of other things are coming

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Who works on PC apps/websites?
It’s not just PCs...

                                                 because lots of other things are coming

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Who works on mobile, interactive TV... tablet?
It’s everything

                                                                                              because lots of other things are coming

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Screen based media aren’t going away. But lots of other types of object are becoming connected and will be forming part of digital
     services and the experiences we design.

Some of them will be objects we interact with directly.

They might take lots of forms, and some of them won’t have screens.

Some of these objects will just talk to other objects, but will provide data that’s used by things we do interact with.

Real (and perhaps crazy) examples of these that someone somewhere has made include dog tags that tweet, connected umbrellas,
     coffee machines smart home heating and lighting systems.

We’re still experimenting with what can be done here and some of the examples might seem flippant.

The point is that objects that were not connected can now be connected, and even if we’re not designing those objects, they can have
     an impact on what we do.

For example, right now, you might design websites that sell washing machines. Sooner or later, you may have sensor data from
     those machines that enables much better after sales service.. how does that change the service you provide? Or you may work
     for an environmental organisation. What difference would widespread live pollution data make to you?

These are examples of ways in which connected devices enable more complex services, which will make designing those services more
    complex, and, we would say, more exciting.

Either way, IA has a lot to offer in terms of both top down experience design and bottom up information sensemaking.
Devices are becoming connected
     faster than people

     New Verizon and AT&T subscriptions
     May - August 2010
     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

By way of evidence...

As of February 2011, both these networks now have more machine subscribers than human subscribers.

That’s currently things like e readers, vehicle tracking systems and alarm monitoring services.
22 billion devices connected
      by 2020?

                                                                                            ... or 50 billion?
      IMS Research, Ericsson
      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
... that’s TVs, cars, mobiles and lots and lots of other random things.

This is actually a conservative estimate - Ericsson predict 50 billion connected devices.
300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
     IP addresses

      "If the earth were made entirely out of 1 cubic millimetre grains of
      sand, then you could give a unique [IPv6] address to each grain in 300
      million planets the size of the earth"
     image by Flickr user !iLauriin

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

New standard of IPv6 will provide over 300 sextillion (that’s 300 billion billion billions) IP addresses, is currently being
implemented, which will allow every single object you can think of to have an internet connection.
What does
     this mean for

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Over the next couple of years, this stuff is due to hit the mainstream and will affect the work UX designers do on an increasing basis

Here’s what we think this might mean for design...
Give a digital service a physical form

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

We can give digital services a physical embodiment.

A simple example is London’s Oyster card - a passive RFID chip embedded in a plastic card, linked up to a service which allows you
to charge it up with credit.

The card itself is just an identifier, it has no intrinsic value. You wave it over readers and credit is deducted from your account, which
lives remotely in a database.

But in users’ minds, the card *is* the service.
Give a physical product a digital form

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

Another way to approach design is enhancing existing products with digital services.

“Webkinz are toy stuffed animals that were originally released by the Canadian Ganz company on April 29, 2005. The toys are
similar to many other small plush toys, however, each Webkinz toy has an attached tag with a unique "Secret Code" printed on it that
allows access to the "Webkinz World" website. On Webkinz World, the Secret Code allows the user to own a virtual versionof the pet
for online play for a limited time (one year).” -
Click to edit Master text styles

                                                                          Live data
                                                                          enables smarter

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
We design for and with live data to enrich our services.

“SFpark works by collecting and distributing real-time information about where parking is available so drivers can quickly find open
To help achieve the right level of parking availability, SFpark will periodically adjust meter pricing up and down to match demand.
Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and garages, reducing demand in overused areas. With
SFpark, real-time data and demand-responsive pricing work together to readjust parking patterns in the City so that parking is easier
to find.”
Key design

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Here are a few of the key challenges we think UX designers will have to be prepared for, and some suggested ways to do things

We’re just working this stuff out ourselves... these are some of the issues we hope to be able to research over the next couple of years.

These touch on bigger issues - they’re important for this but each is a huge topic in its own right
     Device - service
     relationship gets
     more complex.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Classic usability tends to focus on one user using one device and one service to do one task at a time.

That’s increasingly not what’s actually going on. Our relationship with devices and services is getting more complicated.

It’s really important to think not just about device, but service design: how your user experience works across multiple devices. The
      device is no longer the unit of experience... the service is.

As embedded components come online, digital services will have to cope with increasing complexity in several ways...
One device, multiple services


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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Some objects will be touchpoints or data sources for multiple services.

Mobiles will play a huge role in this.

- Apps are a way to access different services

- NFC, beginning to appear in phones, enables multiple types of payment service. One interaction could take money from your credit
    card, bank account, Paypal... how do you make sure it’s the one you intended to use?
How do you know which service
     you’re using?

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
But there will be others which may not have screens to show us what they are up to.

For example, in New Songdo, a Korean ubiquitous city in development, there is a student smartcard that can be used to get into
     school, pay for food, as a library card, and as a bus pass (which can be used to notify students’ parents that the student is on the
     bus and expected home soon- no more secretly sloping off to hang out with friends after school).

Although it’s a simple object, and not even terribly smart, it’s a good example of an object with dynamic functionality, dependent on

Users have to use context of use to infer what it’s doing, and what information it is exchanging, every time it’s swiped.
Service coherence across multiple devices

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Individual services are being delivered across multiple devices

Service coherence is a key part of UX- the service being in sync between multiple devices.

Facebook notifications are a current example of this working badly.

BBC used to talk about PC web as second screen for iPlayer, then mobile as third screen, but is now talking about creating
    orchestrated media - a synchronised iPlayer experience across all screens at once.

This would allow users to start an interaction on one device and continue it on another without losing their place in the task, and
     deliver different and complementary experiences across different devices.
Multiple devices, one service experience

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Non screened device example... Ford Sync: an in car connectivity system that enables the car to be used as a controller for the phone,
    so users can control the phone’s music player with the car’s voice recognition system, and more.
     Services become

Sunday, 10 April 2011
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Sunday, 10 April 2011
For a while now, we’ve been seeing a trend for services to integrate with other services for the bits those services already do well,
     such as 1Password, which integrates with Dropbox for synchronisation across devices.
Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Services can be used to integrate objects, too. Withings, the WiFi body scale shown in our video, shares data with a variety of
     different fitness and weight loss services, such as RunKeeper, Lose It!, Daily Burn.
     New platforms for

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Data overload

Sunday, 10 April 2011

More and more data is being produced in both the physical and digital space, and can be shared in near real time.

How do we as designers leverage this huge amount of increasing complex data to help enrich the services we design, and aid us in
designing new forms of services?

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

The traditional web 2.0 way of leveraging this data would be that of aggregation.

Example: Flipboard, which aggregate various web feeds such as news sites RSS, Twitter, Facebook etc into a magazine format.
Organic platforms: user driven


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Sunday, 10 April 2011

This aggregation is also happening on an organic level, as in the example of the pdxboom hashtag.

Just after 8 PM on Sunday, March 28th 2010, a deafening BOOM was heard throughout SE Portland. Quickly the twitter community
had adopted the hash tag #pdxboom. In less than 30mins there was a google map displaying where individuals heard the bang and
how loud it was. This quickly began to show a pattern and allowed the police to establish the source and cause (it was a pipebomb).

Granted it wasn’t the most scientific approach and there are other established platforms such as Ushahidi that would have been
better suited. Instead a new platform was created around this individual event in almost real time.
Organic platforms: corporate data


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Sunday, 10 April 2011

The previous example shows these platforms being formed by the community/users but they can also be created out of leveraging
existing data beyond its intended purpose.

This was shown recently after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Honda opened up their traffic data service and plotted the data
onto a public Google map. This information showed in near real time the conditions of the roads and which roads were passable and
which ones were not.

This is a service that you wouldn’t have expected from Honda as it leveraged a Honda asset beyond its intended purpose.

Physical platforms

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

We can also leverage hardware beyond its intended use, as it becomes more connected and its data more accessible.

If you were designing a wireless security system for a home, the same sensors used for the security system could be used as a health
system for the elderly e.g pick up on if the person has fallen over or has an unusual behaviour/movement pattern (key in diagnosing
the early signs of dementia). do we need to start thinking about designing ‘apps for you house’?
Software changes the purpose of

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

We can agree to hardware for one reason but it can be used in other ways.

“ in Wellington, for example, we were told that the surveillance cameras that voters approved to help manage traffic congestion had
been repurposed for crime prevention, without a corresponding degree of public consultation.
Let the image stream coming off of them be provided with a facial-recognition algorithm, and you’ve got an entirely different kind of
system on your hands, with entirely different potentials and vastly expanded implications. Yet the cameras, domed or otherwise, look
no different from one day to the next.” Adam Greenfield

As both designers and users we need to be aware of how data is and also could be used in the future, and ensure that the right
safeguards are in place and their is transparency in the service of how data is collected and used.
     Ensuring users
     retain control of
     their data.

Sunday, 10 April 2011
“There’s a fine line between
     pervasive computing and
     invasive computing.”
     Victor Rozek

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Privacy management is much more than a bunch of tick boxes and security settings. It incorporates less tangible elements such as
'appropriate use' and a user’s ‘comfort level’ etc.

Many people already find managing privacy too difficult on Facebook and share things with people they didn’t mean to share them
with. It’s going to get a lot more complicated.
Passive vs active control

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Passive vs active - person to service can be active.|| service to service is going to be passive ||

Google Latitude didn’t take off partly because users didn’t always want passively to share their location. On Foursquare, which
requires active check in, you can simply choose not to check in. But active controls won’t scale up to really complex services or
services that talk to each other.

We can design individual services that use a user’s data ‘appropriately’. However, gaps between individual services can form where
personal data may be leaked.

With more objects becoming connected and sharing what’s deemed 'appropriate' data dependent on their service, the potential for
gaps that can leak personal data increases, especially when data we share with one service ends up being used by another service.
How do you know where your data is going to end up? How can service designers design for transparency - so that users can see
when their data is being shared, and where it will end up?
When aggregated, data can get creepier

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
“Creepy is an application that allows you to gather geolocation related information about users from social networking platforms and image
hosting services. The information is presented in a map inside the application where all the retrieved data is shown accompanied with relevant
information (i.e. what was posted from that specific location) to provide context to the presentation.”

Information that seemed innocent when shared can be aggregated to build up a scarily detailed picture of someone’s daily life.

Will we see the emergence of privacy brokers to help us manage our data in the face of all this complexity?

If brokers do emerge, what kind of organisations would we trust enough to manage this? Some have suggested the mobile
operators... Also, what degree of control would we be happy to hand over to them?
The benefits can outweigh the risks

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
...there’s huge potential in all the data that can be gathered and mined... to deliver new types of service and create better user

... but we need to do more work to understand how to help people manage this.
     become tangible.

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Thinking is physical

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Cognitive scientists now talk about ‘embodied cognition’*: the idea that the way we think is shaped by, and inseparable from, our
physical experiences of interacting with the world. (Dourish, McCullough)

For example, the idea that up is good and down is bad is rooted in your physical experience of living with gravity. “I’m feeling down
today” is bad. Up (and fast) is good... “I’m feeling upbeat”. We say someone is ‘boiling over with rage‘ or ‘steam is coming out of their
ears’: understanding anger through containment of liquids. These are English language examples, but the principles seem to be

Cognitive scientists would argue that this perception of up and down is a very fundamental basic level category or building block of
thought used to make sense of other, more abstract things.

Embodied interaction seeks to make physical designs make sense to us through harnessing the way we understand the world through
physical experience. At the moment, much tangible interaction work is happening in R&D labs...
Physical interactions can
     convey information

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
MIT’s information design ecology unit’s Proverbial Wallet aims to ‘unabstract virtual assets’ and provide a tangible link to virtual
money. Connects to phone via Bluetooth, and then to your online banking service.

It has an interface through physical actuators, but no screen.

It gets fatter or thinner depending on how much money you have in the bank - direct physical representation of a metaphor (fat

The hinge resistance increases when you have less money, making it harder to open. This is a nice example of encouraging positive
behaviour without controlling the user. [metaphor of good angel?]

The wallet buzzes when your bank processes a transaction, creating a conscious connection between handing over your credit card
and the money actually leaving your account. This is a nice example of seamful design... communicating interconnections between
services back to the user.
Physical interactions can enable
        product design


     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
This is a prototype phone-shaped box by the tangible design researcher Fabian Hemmert at Deutsche Telekom labs.

It has an actuated back plate (controlled by servo motors) which can be tilted. so it can be thin in your pocket, but tapered
downwards when held in the hand.
this can also be used to convey contextual information: for example to make the phone thick or thin on one side when reading an
ebook to indicate how much has been read and is still to be read. the shape of the phone can also be used to indicate direction when
providing navigation...

There’s a lot we can do with tangible design to convey information without screens. As digital designers who’ve only worked with
screens, we should start to think about these new interaction channels and how they can help us reclaim digital interactions into the
real world.

Also, physical things are fun :)
     What happens
     when it all goes

Sunday, 10 April 2011

When interconnected services go wrong, they will go very wrong. will go badly wrong

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Technology is not reliable... we were trying to share files with a ubicomp researcher over Bluetooth the other day and we couldn’t
even get that working or figure out why it wasn’t working.

Imagine that scaled up to a smarthome consisting of hundreds or thousands of connected objects...

A friend’s Danish friend lives in a smarthome with a system to decides when you could or could not open windows. it broke.

Thankfully, there was an override.

Then the override failed, and the house took over, opening and closing windows on its own. No-one could figure out how to fix it.

So the more interconnected things are, the harder it is to know which bit’s gone wrong. and the harder it is for the system to give
useful information on overcoming errors.

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
If technology becomes a part of your everyday life, reliability is critical.

“A place where one can solve one’s worries” – a Korean euphemism for toilet

In Korea, there are toilets with sensors for female hormones and the signs of diabetes.

Right now, they don’t seem to include a pregnancy test but it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine.

Home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate.

Should you decide to test yourself once in that year, there’s only a 1 in 100 chance you’ll get a false positive.

If you’re tested 1000 times a year by a smart toilet, your toilet will wrongly congratulate you almost once a month.

You’d stop taking it seriously, wouldn’t you?

How much trust would you place in these things? How dependent will we become along them?
     Digital business
     models hit the real

Sunday, 10 April 2011

As the boundaries between the physical and digital world blur, we’ll see digital business models starting to appear in the physical

Some of these may be more or less acceptable to users...
Closer relationships with customers

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Sunday, 10 April 2011

People will pay more for a cheap toy if a digital service is added.

Engagement models last longer - longer engagement with product and customer

Ability to upsell over time, and have a closer direct relationship with the customer
Freemium objects
                                                                       Fridge will open
                                                                      after this message
                                                                     from our sponsors!

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Rethink how we own objects

Freemium services - get basic service free with ads, pay for ad free. Will we see this extended to everyday objects? Will Tesco
provide fridges free to anyone willing to share all their food consumption data, buy food from Tesco, and watch adverts on a regular
Be an individual, not a demographic

      image: kihonmedia/

      Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Pay for what you’re using/what you need, e.g. sensors in cars enable drivers to pay car insurance based on how they actually drive,
not on how the average person of their demographic drives.
     User research

Sunday, 10 April 2011

There are two big challenges here...

Understanding needs for things people are not yet familiar with

Prototyping and testing complex systems
Emergent behaviour and expectations



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Sunday, 10 April 2011
We recently interviewed some designers of smart objects as part of our project, about their methods. Numbers were small, but
tendency was to feel that insight research was difficult to do before prototyping.

We often can’t predict the changing behaviours and attitudes that will emerge from new technology until people actually have it.

Putting washing machines in homes, plus bathrooms, changed ideas of acceptable hygiene - expectations of cleanliness rose.

People didn’t used to get mobiles for social reasons, they claimed it was for emergencies, but once they had them they quickly adapt
to using them for social reasons. (e.g. Edwards and Grinter).

But observing current tasks can help us undersatnd cultural values, may not always help generate detailed requirements for highly
novel systems, and you certainly can’t ask people what they want from something totally new.

But there may be methods we can use...
Participatory design/enactment

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Participatory drama methods can be used to help shape designs... for example giving users scenarios to imagine novel interactions
with an everyday object, invent interactions with an ambiguous object, or a wand that allows them to imbue other objects with
magical powers. Also bodystorming - acting as if the product existed.

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Prototyping is an important part of exploration in tangible design. Need early stage iteration as it’s hard to change complex systems!
but hard to create real enough experiences.

Getting into hardware is a little daunting but there are ways to get feedback before going that far.

You *can* use paper models to mock up and get feedback on quick ideas/key interactions, wizard of oz style. Also useful for

You can also use video to mock up things that don’t yet exist to get feedback... this Microsoft Office 2019 one is for marketing but
you can make versions in ways that support concept testing.

Need to work closely with technologists... helps for designers to get some understanding of tech, and for developers to move closer to
understanding user needs.

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Testing methods are geared towards one user, one task, one(ish) devices, that the user is highly focused on. We don’t even have a
good definition of usability for more ambient interactions.

With testing, ecological validity is an issue: you can do very controlled simulations in the lab which are good for key interactions, but
when you’re designing something to work in an environment context of use is really important.

Need to study usage over time as well - services are dynamic, and people may react differently to things once they become normal
than they will to novel technology.

So context, and time are important.

One solution to this is the paratype: a modified diary method (Abowd, 05).

This involves a simulated interaction with a certain technological artifact within a specific setting of real social action, and
documenting the effects of this combination.

- focuses on the social - samples experience using a simulation in real social contexts, e.g. personal audio loop - memory device -
allowed them to study 3rd party reactions to the context.

There’s more work to do to develop methods here, but academic ubicomp literature is trying to tackle this issue.
How can UX
     people get

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Everything we’ve talked about is happening now, somewhere.

We think this is about to affect the work that many of us do, even if just in small ways.

We’d like to suggest a few ways in which UX designers can start to think about this.
Look for potential in existing projects...

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Look for potential in other projects by thinking of the ecosystem beyond your service and how this might be leveraged to extend or
    enrich your service

When everything around you has the potential to be hardware and run software, the challenge lies in looking for the relationships
   between objects and services that provide real value to the user experience.

A simple example is to start with mobile. Mobile phones are essentially sensor platforms - many of them have GPs that tells them
     where they are, motion sensors that tell them when they are moving, and some have compasses so they know which way they are
     facing. They also know what time it is, and can take pictures with the camera. If you’re delivering something on a mobile, even
     if it’s a website, you can usually access this data from the phone. How can you use that to make the service better?
Anthropomorphise objects

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
A possible starter for creating design briefs...

Use objects as a basis for concepting... if they could tell a story, what would it be?

what personality would they have?
what emotions would they feel?
what information would they know, or share?
how would they talk to us?
how could they have good manners? (i.e. some rules for interaction)
Learn some hardware prototyping

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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Learn some hardware prototyping...
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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Be open to other skillsets. service design, interaction and product design will have to work together to address new challenges

We’ll be doing a lot more work in this area over the next couple of years and would love to connect with anyone else who’s interested.
Some reading...

        Mike Kuniavsky: “Smart Things: Ubiquitous Computing User Experience Design”

        Timo Arnall: “Designing for an internet of things”

        ReadWriteWeb: Internet of Things:

        Adam Greenfield: “Everyware: the dawning age of ubiquitous computing”

        Bruce Sterling: “Shaping Things”

        BERG London:

     Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential

Sunday, 10 April 2011
Thank you.
     @fjord / @clurr
     Thanks also to Alex von Feldmann, Dom Quigley, Ann Light, Alfred Lui,
     Ji-Hye Park, Sam Crosland, Martin Charlier, Helen Le Voi

     PS: we’re hiring in London

Sunday, 10 April 2011

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H7149 Final Essays From Creativefionaoriordan
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young People
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young PeopleDigital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young People
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young PeopleTim Davies
People.NET - made in the cloud
People.NET - made in the cloudPeople.NET - made in the cloud
People.NET - made in the cloudXiaolin Lu
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...Romeo Kienzler
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup Culture
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup CultureThe Birth of Design Thinking and Startup Culture
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup CultureHolonomics
Education in the age of access
Education in the age of accessEducation in the age of access
Education in the age of accessCORE Education
Elearning New Trends
Elearning New TrendsElearning New Trends
Elearning New TrendsHeba Farghaly
Fallon Brainfood: Virtuality
Fallon Brainfood: VirtualityFallon Brainfood: Virtuality
Fallon Brainfood: VirtualityAki Spicer
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012James Parton
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning Workshop
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning WorkshopGMU/DAU Mobile Learning Workshop
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning WorkshopJudy Brown
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentation
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentationFluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentation
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentationFluxx
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...Kaliya "Identity Woman" Young
Computer applications in_modern_day_society
Computer applications in_modern_day_societyComputer applications in_modern_day_society
Computer applications in_modern_day_societyRevi Shahini
SMX Landing Page Optimization
SMX Landing Page OptimizationSMX Landing Page Optimization
SMX Landing Page OptimizationDatalicious
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the World
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the WorldFjord @ Next 11: The System is the World
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the WorldFjord
Fin project dec 10.2
Fin project dec 10.2Fin project dec 10.2
Fin project dec 10.2Hits_13

Tendances (20)

Dave Kellogg at London Online 2010
Dave Kellogg at London Online 2010Dave Kellogg at London Online 2010
Dave Kellogg at London Online 2010
New Interactions
New InteractionsNew Interactions
New Interactions
Ceps task force on copyright in the eu digital single market 14 nov 2012
Ceps task force on copyright in the eu digital single market 14 nov 2012Ceps task force on copyright in the eu digital single market 14 nov 2012
Ceps task force on copyright in the eu digital single market 14 nov 2012
H7149 Final Essays From Creative
H7149 Final Essays From CreativeH7149 Final Essays From Creative
H7149 Final Essays From Creative
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young People
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young PeopleDigital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young People
Digital Futures - Trends in Technology and Work with Young People
People.NET - made in the cloud
People.NET - made in the cloudPeople.NET - made in the cloud
People.NET - made in the cloud
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...
IBM Watson for Ecosystem Program - You as ISV / Startup can enhance/build app...
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup Culture
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup CultureThe Birth of Design Thinking and Startup Culture
The Birth of Design Thinking and Startup Culture
Education in the age of access
Education in the age of accessEducation in the age of access
Education in the age of access
Elearning New Trends
Elearning New TrendsElearning New Trends
Elearning New Trends
Fallon Brainfood: Virtuality
Fallon Brainfood: VirtualityFallon Brainfood: Virtuality
Fallon Brainfood: Virtuality
Where IT's At 2012
Where IT's At 2012Where IT's At 2012
Where IT's At 2012
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012
James Parton, Twilio, Mashery Business of APIs London 2012
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning Workshop
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning WorkshopGMU/DAU Mobile Learning Workshop
GMU/DAU Mobile Learning Workshop
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentation
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentationFluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentation
Fluxx-Don't be a (big) data hater event-181012-main presentation
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...
Internet Identity Workshop 10 - Introduction to the User-Centric Identity Com...
Computer applications in_modern_day_society
Computer applications in_modern_day_societyComputer applications in_modern_day_society
Computer applications in_modern_day_society
SMX Landing Page Optimization
SMX Landing Page OptimizationSMX Landing Page Optimization
SMX Landing Page Optimization
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the World
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the WorldFjord @ Next 11: The System is the World
Fjord @ Next 11: The System is the World
Fin project dec 10.2
Fin project dec 10.2Fin project dec 10.2
Fin project dec 10.2

Similaire à Design beyond the glowing rectangle

Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangle
Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangleFjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangle
Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangleFjord
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010Claire Rowland
SMARCOS FJORD Presentation EUROIA2011Smarcos Eu
Designing for an internet of things
Designing for an internet of thingsDesigning for an internet of things
Designing for an internet of thingsTimo Arnall
Service design for the cloud of diverse devices
Service design for the cloud of diverse devicesService design for the cloud of diverse devices
Service design for the cloud of diverse devicesClaire Rowland
Users becoming-designers-begona pino
Users becoming-designers-begona pinoUsers becoming-designers-begona pino
Users becoming-designers-begona pinoBegoña Pino
Building web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen worldBuilding web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen worldAussie
The web in the world
The web in the worldThe web in the world
The web in the worldTimo Arnall
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014 A Design Journey /// Naba 2014
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014 Leandro Agro'
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...FIAT/IFTA
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Things
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-ThingsTowards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Things
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Thingstrappenl
Augmented Reality possibilities
Augmented Reality possibilitiesAugmented Reality possibilities
Augmented Reality possibilitiesElisa Aunola
Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
Mobile, Mobile, MobileMobile, Mobile, Mobile
Mobile, Mobile, MobilePaul Golding
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...Michael Harries
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected products
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected productsUX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected products
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected productsClaire Rowland
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_optMícheál Ó Foghlú
Consumer Electronic Show 2014 Ogilvy London Labs Report
Consumer Electronic Show  2014 Ogilvy London Labs ReportConsumer Electronic Show  2014 Ogilvy London Labs Report
Consumer Electronic Show 2014 Ogilvy London Labs ReportPrayukth K V
CES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UK
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CES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UKOgilvyOne Worldwide
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend Report
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend ReportCES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend Report
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend ReportWill Harvey

Similaire à Design beyond the glowing rectangle (20)

Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangle
Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangleFjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangle
Fjord @ EURO IA 2010 - Design beyond the glowing rectangle
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010
Design beyond the glowing rectangle - EuroIA2010
Designing for an internet of things
Designing for an internet of thingsDesigning for an internet of things
Designing for an internet of things
Service design for the cloud of diverse devices
Service design for the cloud of diverse devicesService design for the cloud of diverse devices
Service design for the cloud of diverse devices
Users becoming-designers-begona pino
Users becoming-designers-begona pinoUsers becoming-designers-begona pino
Users becoming-designers-begona pino
Building web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen worldBuilding web apps for a multiscreen world
Building web apps for a multiscreen world
The web in the world
The web in the worldThe web in the world
The web in the world
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014 A Design Journey /// Naba 2014
A Design Journey /// Naba 2014
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...
Changing sceneries changing roles part 6 - METADATA AS THE CORNERSTONE OF DIG...
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Things
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-ThingsTowards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Things
Towards user-created applications on the Internet-of-Things
Augmented Reality possibilities
Augmented Reality possibilitiesAugmented Reality possibilities
Augmented Reality possibilities
Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
Mobile, Mobile, MobileMobile, Mobile, Mobile
Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
14 Web tech trends 2014
14 Web tech trends 201414 Web tech trends 2014
14 Web tech trends 2014
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...
The Audioverse In Your Pocket - Invited Talk at ABC Radio National - Harries ...
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected products
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected productsUX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected products
UX Day Mannheim: UX for systems of connected products
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt
20140514 internet ofthings_feedhenry_opt
Consumer Electronic Show 2014 Ogilvy London Labs Report
Consumer Electronic Show  2014 Ogilvy London Labs ReportConsumer Electronic Show  2014 Ogilvy London Labs Report
Consumer Electronic Show 2014 Ogilvy London Labs Report
CES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UK
CES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UKCES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UK
CES 2014 report from OgilvyOne UK
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend Report
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend ReportCES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend Report
CES 2014 - Ogilvy Labs Trend Report

Plus de Claire Rowland

UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI: Key quest...
UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI:  Key quest...UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI:  Key quest...
UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI: Key quest...Claire Rowland
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16Claire Rowland
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?Claire Rowland
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshop
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshopThe network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshop
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshopClaire Rowland
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016Claire Rowland
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX
Interusability: designing a coherent system UXInterusability: designing a coherent system UX
Interusability: designing a coherent system UXClaire Rowland
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15Claire Rowland
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...Claire Rowland
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshop
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshopUXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshop
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshopClaire Rowland
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UX
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UXInterusability: Designing a Coherent System UX
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UXClaire Rowland
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505Claire Rowland
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market - IoT 14
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market -  IoT 14Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market -  IoT 14
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market - IoT 14Claire Rowland
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su..."Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...Claire Rowland
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...Claire Rowland
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paper
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paperFjord: Digital Nomads white paper
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paperClaire Rowland
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10Claire Rowland
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slides
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slidesOver the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slides
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slidesClaire Rowland

Plus de Claire Rowland (17)

UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI: Key quest...
UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI:  Key quest...UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI:  Key quest...
UX Scotland 2018: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI: Key quest...
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16
UX for Connected Products: EuroIA16
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?
Design for failure in the IoT: what could possibly go wrong?
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshop
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshopThe network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshop
The network as a design material: Interaction 16 workshop
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016
Direct manipulation is broken: O'Reilly Design Conference Jan 2016
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX
Interusability: designing a coherent system UXInterusability: designing a coherent system UX
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15
Interusability: designing a coherent system UX: NUX 23.10.15
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...
Over the Air 15: Experience design for the IoT: system UX & interusability 15...
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshop
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshopUXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshop
UXLx 2015: 'Designing Connected Products workshop
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UX
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UXInterusability: Designing a Coherent System UX
Interusability: Designing a Coherent System UX
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505
UX for the internet of things: ThingsCon 150505
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market - IoT 14
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market -  IoT 14Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market -  IoT 14
Getting the IoT into Tesco: Internet of things UX for the mass market - IoT 14
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su..."Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...
"Siri, did I leave the oven on?" UX for the connected home (updated for IA Su...
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...
(now an old version) The Web and Beyond: "Siri, did I leave the oven on?" Mun...
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paper
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paperFjord: Digital Nomads white paper
Fjord: Digital Nomads white paper
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10
Psychology Of Creativity - London IA 30.03.10
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slides
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slidesOver the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slides
Over the Air: Inspiration/Outspiration panel slides


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Design beyond the glowing rectangle

  • 1. Design beyond the glowing rectangle. What does the internet of things mean for UX designers? Claire Rowland & Chris Browne April 2011 Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 2. Cześć :) Claire Rowland Chris Browne Head of Research Technical Design Lead Sunday, 10 April 2011 Cheshcht :) Hello, we are ... from Fjord in London. Thanks for having us!
  • 3. rough slide A bit about Fjord... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We’re a digital service design agency. That means we design user experiences for services that are used on more than one platform - often mobile, tablets like the iPad, digital TV as well as web.
  • 4. A 3 year EU project across 16 partners & 7 countries Investigating user-centred design of interconnected embedded objects Fjord’s role covers developing design, concepting and research methods, running trials We’re currently at the stage of identifying challenges and generating initial concepts Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 All of our client work to date has been around designing for things with screens. But we’re now working on an EU funded research project that has given us the opportunity to think beyond the screen. Although we are working with the above partners, this presentation represents Fjord’s view. The rest of this talk is a quick tour of some of the issues we’ve been thinking about on this project. We’re at an early stage and this is a massive area of ongoing research, but we are starting to propose some challenges and suggestions as to how we might overcome them
  • 5. “Today’s multimedia machine makes the computer screen into a demanding focus of attention rather than allowing it to fade into the background.” Mark Weiser Sunday, 10 April 2011 In 1991, Mark Weiser (the ‘father of ubiquitous computing’) said...
  • 6. “I hope we don’t end up in a world filled solely with slick, glowing rectangles” Timo Arnall image - The Onion Sunday, 10 April 2011 ...20 years later, we’ve not really solved this, have we? Our day to day lives involve many interactions with objects, but most of our interactions with computing still happen through the abstracted world of what Timo Arnall calls ‘slick, glowing rectangles’.
  • 7. UX is moving beyond the screen. Sunday, 10 April 2011 However, we’re starting to see digital dissolve more into the physical world. Of course, people like Weiser have been talking about this for a long time now. But things are now starting to happen in the mainstream, here and now, which pose new challenges for UX. We think that in the next couple of years, UX designers are going to have the opportunity to design things that involve not just screens, but services and physical objects for the world around them.
  • 8. We thought it was going to be like this... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 A lot of the classic ubicomp (ubiquitous computing) research has been focused on trying to understand the ‘bigger picture’ such as smart environments and homes. There’s been lots of promise in this but very few good examples have made it out of research and into the mainstream.
  • 9. rough slide But it’s actually more like this... When your shipment is vital, know it’s vital signs. Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 ‘The internet of things’: everyday objects becoming interconnected and increasingly able to sense their environment. Currently 98% of all processors are in embedded devices, not multi-purpose computers.... and they are becoming increasingly connected. An example of this is Fedex Senseaware: sensors track the location, temperature of packages and whether they have been opened. For example, if temperature sensitive medical supplies are in danger of being destroyed en route, the package can be returned and a new one sent out, saving vital time.
  • 10. rough slide ...and this Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Everyday objects getting smarter This is RTMM: real time medication monitoring - made by Evalan, one of our partners on Smarcos... ...a smart pill bottle that knows when the user has taken their pills and can share this data with the user’s doctor or family. It can also remind the user to take them, via SMS or phone call However many of these smart objects are still closed and proprietary systems.
  • 11. Why should UX designers care? because lots of other things are coming online... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Who works on PC apps/websites?
  • 12. It’s not just PCs... because lots of other things are coming online... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Who works on mobile, interactive TV... tablet?
  • 13. It’s everything because lots of other things are coming online... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Screen based media aren’t going away. But lots of other types of object are becoming connected and will be forming part of digital services and the experiences we design. Some of them will be objects we interact with directly. They might take lots of forms, and some of them won’t have screens. Some of these objects will just talk to other objects, but will provide data that’s used by things we do interact with. Real (and perhaps crazy) examples of these that someone somewhere has made include dog tags that tweet, connected umbrellas, coffee machines smart home heating and lighting systems. We’re still experimenting with what can be done here and some of the examples might seem flippant. The point is that objects that were not connected can now be connected, and even if we’re not designing those objects, they can have an impact on what we do. For example, right now, you might design websites that sell washing machines. Sooner or later, you may have sensor data from those machines that enables much better after sales service.. how does that change the service you provide? Or you may work for an environmental organisation. What difference would widespread live pollution data make to you? These are examples of ways in which connected devices enable more complex services, which will make designing those services more complex, and, we would say, more exciting. Either way, IA has a lot to offer in terms of both top down experience design and bottom up information sensemaking.
  • 14. Devices are becoming connected faster than people New Verizon and AT&T subscriptions May - August 2010 Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 By way of evidence... As of February 2011, both these networks now have more machine subscribers than human subscribers. That’s currently things like e readers, vehicle tracking systems and alarm monitoring services.
  • 15. 22 billion devices connected by 2020? ... or 50 billion? IMS Research, Ericsson Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 ... that’s TVs, cars, mobiles and lots and lots of other random things. This is actually a conservative estimate - Ericsson predict 50 billion connected devices.
  • 16. 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 IP addresses "If the earth were made entirely out of 1 cubic millimetre grains of sand, then you could give a unique [IPv6] address to each grain in 300 million planets the size of the earth" Wikipedia image by Flickr user !iLauriin Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 New standard of IPv6 will provide over 300 sextillion (that’s 300 billion billion billions) IP addresses, is currently being implemented, which will allow every single object you can think of to have an internet connection.
  • 17. What does this mean for design? Sunday, 10 April 2011 Over the next couple of years, this stuff is due to hit the mainstream and will affect the work UX designers do on an increasing basis Here’s what we think this might mean for design...
  • 18. Give a digital service a physical form Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We can give digital services a physical embodiment. A simple example is London’s Oyster card - a passive RFID chip embedded in a plastic card, linked up to a service which allows you to charge it up with credit. The card itself is just an identifier, it has no intrinsic value. You wave it over readers and credit is deducted from your account, which lives remotely in a database. But in users’ minds, the card *is* the service.
  • 19. Give a physical product a digital form Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Another way to approach design is enhancing existing products with digital services. “Webkinz are toy stuffed animals that were originally released by the Canadian Ganz company on April 29, 2005. The toys are similar to many other small plush toys, however, each Webkinz toy has an attached tag with a unique "Secret Code" printed on it that allows access to the "Webkinz World" website. On Webkinz World, the Secret Code allows the user to own a virtual versionof the pet for online play for a limited time (one year).” -
  • 20. Click to edit Master text styles Live data enables smarter services. Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We design for and with live data to enrich our services. “SFpark works by collecting and distributing real-time information about where parking is available so drivers can quickly find open spaces. To help achieve the right level of parking availability, SFpark will periodically adjust meter pricing up and down to match demand. Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and garages, reducing demand in overused areas. With SFpark, real-time data and demand-responsive pricing work together to readjust parking patterns in the City so that parking is easier to find.”
  • 21. Key design challenges. Sunday, 10 April 2011 Here are a few of the key challenges we think UX designers will have to be prepared for, and some suggested ways to do things differently. We’re just working this stuff out ourselves... these are some of the issues we hope to be able to research over the next couple of years. These touch on bigger issues - they’re important for this but each is a huge topic in its own right
  • 22. 1. Device - service relationship gets more complex. Sunday, 10 April 2011 Classic usability tends to focus on one user using one device and one service to do one task at a time. That’s increasingly not what’s actually going on. Our relationship with devices and services is getting more complicated. It’s really important to think not just about device, but service design: how your user experience works across multiple devices. The device is no longer the unit of experience... the service is. As embedded components come online, digital services will have to cope with increasing complexity in several ways...
  • 23. One device, multiple services image: Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Some objects will be touchpoints or data sources for multiple services. Mobiles will play a huge role in this. - Apps are a way to access different services - NFC, beginning to appear in phones, enables multiple types of payment service. One interaction could take money from your credit card, bank account, Paypal... how do you make sure it’s the one you intended to use?
  • 24. How do you know which service you’re using? Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 But there will be others which may not have screens to show us what they are up to. For example, in New Songdo, a Korean ubiquitous city in development, there is a student smartcard that can be used to get into school, pay for food, as a library card, and as a bus pass (which can be used to notify students’ parents that the student is on the bus and expected home soon- no more secretly sloping off to hang out with friends after school). Although it’s a simple object, and not even terribly smart, it’s a good example of an object with dynamic functionality, dependent on context. Users have to use context of use to infer what it’s doing, and what information it is exchanging, every time it’s swiped.
  • 25. Service coherence across multiple devices Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Individual services are being delivered across multiple devices Service coherence is a key part of UX- the service being in sync between multiple devices. Facebook notifications are a current example of this working badly. BBC used to talk about PC web as second screen for iPlayer, then mobile as third screen, but is now talking about creating orchestrated media - a synchronised iPlayer experience across all screens at once. This would allow users to start an interaction on one device and continue it on another without losing their place in the task, and deliver different and complementary experiences across different devices.
  • 26. Multiple devices, one service experience Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Non screened device example... Ford Sync: an in car connectivity system that enables the car to be used as a controller for the phone, so users can control the phone’s music player with the car’s voice recognition system, and more.
  • 27. 2. Services become interoperable. Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 28. Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 For a while now, we’ve been seeing a trend for services to integrate with other services for the bits those services already do well, such as 1Password, which integrates with Dropbox for synchronisation across devices.
  • 29. Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Services can be used to integrate objects, too. Withings, the WiFi body scale shown in our video, shares data with a variety of different fitness and weight loss services, such as RunKeeper, Lose It!, Daily Burn.
  • 30. 3. New platforms for services. Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 31. Data overload Sunday, 10 April 2011 More and more data is being produced in both the physical and digital space, and can be shared in near real time. How do we as designers leverage this huge amount of increasing complex data to help enrich the services we design, and aid us in designing new forms of services?
  • 32. Aggregation Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 The traditional web 2.0 way of leveraging this data would be that of aggregation. Example: Flipboard, which aggregate various web feeds such as news sites RSS, Twitter, Facebook etc into a magazine format.
  • 33. Organic platforms: user driven Text Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 This aggregation is also happening on an organic level, as in the example of the pdxboom hashtag. Just after 8 PM on Sunday, March 28th 2010, a deafening BOOM was heard throughout SE Portland. Quickly the twitter community had adopted the hash tag #pdxboom. In less than 30mins there was a google map displaying where individuals heard the bang and how loud it was. This quickly began to show a pattern and allowed the police to establish the source and cause (it was a pipebomb). Granted it wasn’t the most scientific approach and there are other established platforms such as Ushahidi that would have been better suited. Instead a new platform was created around this individual event in almost real time.
  • 34. Organic platforms: corporate data Text Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 The previous example shows these platforms being formed by the community/users but they can also be created out of leveraging existing data beyond its intended purpose. This was shown recently after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Honda opened up their traffic data service and plotted the data onto a public Google map. This information showed in near real time the conditions of the roads and which roads were passable and which ones were not. This is a service that you wouldn’t have expected from Honda as it leveraged a Honda asset beyond its intended purpose. ---
  • 35. Physical platforms Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We can also leverage hardware beyond its intended use, as it becomes more connected and its data more accessible. If you were designing a wireless security system for a home, the same sensors used for the security system could be used as a health system for the elderly e.g pick up on if the person has fallen over or has an unusual behaviour/movement pattern (key in diagnosing the early signs of dementia). do we need to start thinking about designing ‘apps for you house’?
  • 36. Software changes the purpose of hardware Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We can agree to hardware for one reason but it can be used in other ways. “ in Wellington, for example, we were told that the surveillance cameras that voters approved to help manage traffic congestion had been repurposed for crime prevention, without a corresponding degree of public consultation. Let the image stream coming off of them be provided with a facial-recognition algorithm, and you’ve got an entirely different kind of system on your hands, with entirely different potentials and vastly expanded implications. Yet the cameras, domed or otherwise, look no different from one day to the next.” Adam Greenfield As both designers and users we need to be aware of how data is and also could be used in the future, and ensure that the right safeguards are in place and their is transparency in the service of how data is collected and used.
  • 37. 4. Ensuring users retain control of their data. Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 38. “There’s a fine line between pervasive computing and invasive computing.” Victor Rozek Sunday, 10 April 2011 Privacy management is much more than a bunch of tick boxes and security settings. It incorporates less tangible elements such as 'appropriate use' and a user’s ‘comfort level’ etc. Many people already find managing privacy too difficult on Facebook and share things with people they didn’t mean to share them with. It’s going to get a lot more complicated.
  • 39. Passive vs active control Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Passive vs active - person to service can be active.|| service to service is going to be passive || Google Latitude didn’t take off partly because users didn’t always want passively to share their location. On Foursquare, which requires active check in, you can simply choose not to check in. But active controls won’t scale up to really complex services or services that talk to each other. We can design individual services that use a user’s data ‘appropriately’. However, gaps between individual services can form where personal data may be leaked. With more objects becoming connected and sharing what’s deemed 'appropriate' data dependent on their service, the potential for gaps that can leak personal data increases, especially when data we share with one service ends up being used by another service. How do you know where your data is going to end up? How can service designers design for transparency - so that users can see when their data is being shared, and where it will end up?
  • 40. When aggregated, data can get creepier Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 “Creepy is an application that allows you to gather geolocation related information about users from social networking platforms and image hosting services. The information is presented in a map inside the application where all the retrieved data is shown accompanied with relevant information (i.e. what was posted from that specific location) to provide context to the presentation.” Information that seemed innocent when shared can be aggregated to build up a scarily detailed picture of someone’s daily life. Will we see the emergence of privacy brokers to help us manage our data in the face of all this complexity? If brokers do emerge, what kind of organisations would we trust enough to manage this? Some have suggested the mobile operators... Also, what degree of control would we be happy to hand over to them?
  • 41. The benefits can outweigh the risks Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 ...there’s huge potential in all the data that can be gathered and mined... to deliver new types of service and create better user experiences. ... but we need to do more work to understand how to help people manage this.
  • 42. 5. Interactions become tangible. Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 43. Thinking is physical Sunday, 10 April 2011 Cognitive scientists now talk about ‘embodied cognition’*: the idea that the way we think is shaped by, and inseparable from, our physical experiences of interacting with the world. (Dourish, McCullough) For example, the idea that up is good and down is bad is rooted in your physical experience of living with gravity. “I’m feeling down today” is bad. Up (and fast) is good... “I’m feeling upbeat”. We say someone is ‘boiling over with rage‘ or ‘steam is coming out of their ears’: understanding anger through containment of liquids. These are English language examples, but the principles seem to be universal. Cognitive scientists would argue that this perception of up and down is a very fundamental basic level category or building block of thought used to make sense of other, more abstract things. Embodied interaction seeks to make physical designs make sense to us through harnessing the way we understand the world through physical experience. At the moment, much tangible interaction work is happening in R&D labs...
  • 44. Physical interactions can convey information Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 MIT’s information design ecology unit’s Proverbial Wallet aims to ‘unabstract virtual assets’ and provide a tangible link to virtual money. Connects to phone via Bluetooth, and then to your online banking service. It has an interface through physical actuators, but no screen. It gets fatter or thinner depending on how much money you have in the bank - direct physical representation of a metaphor (fat wallet). The hinge resistance increases when you have less money, making it harder to open. This is a nice example of encouraging positive behaviour without controlling the user. [metaphor of good angel?] The wallet buzzes when your bank processes a transaction, creating a conscious connection between handing over your credit card and the money actually leaving your account. This is a nice example of seamful design... communicating interconnections between services back to the user.
  • 45. Physical interactions can enable product design image: Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 This is a prototype phone-shaped box by the tangible design researcher Fabian Hemmert at Deutsche Telekom labs. It has an actuated back plate (controlled by servo motors) which can be tilted. so it can be thin in your pocket, but tapered downwards when held in the hand. this can also be used to convey contextual information: for example to make the phone thick or thin on one side when reading an ebook to indicate how much has been read and is still to be read. the shape of the phone can also be used to indicate direction when providing navigation... There’s a lot we can do with tangible design to convey information without screens. As digital designers who’ve only worked with screens, we should start to think about these new interaction channels and how they can help us reclaim digital interactions into the real world. Also, physical things are fun :)
  • 46. 6. What happens when it all goes wrong? Sunday, 10 April 2011 When interconnected services go wrong, they will go very wrong.
  • 47. will go badly wrong Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Technology is not reliable... we were trying to share files with a ubicomp researcher over Bluetooth the other day and we couldn’t even get that working or figure out why it wasn’t working. Imagine that scaled up to a smarthome consisting of hundreds or thousands of connected objects... A friend’s Danish friend lives in a smarthome with a system to decides when you could or could not open windows. it broke. Thankfully, there was an override. Then the override failed, and the house took over, opening and closing windows on its own. No-one could figure out how to fix it. So the more interconnected things are, the harder it is to know which bit’s gone wrong. and the harder it is for the system to give useful information on overcoming errors.
  • 48. congratulations! Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 If technology becomes a part of your everyday life, reliability is critical. “A place where one can solve one’s worries” – a Korean euphemism for toilet In Korea, there are toilets with sensors for female hormones and the signs of diabetes. Right now, they don’t seem to include a pregnancy test but it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine. Home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. Should you decide to test yourself once in that year, there’s only a 1 in 100 chance you’ll get a false positive. If you’re tested 1000 times a year by a smart toilet, your toilet will wrongly congratulate you almost once a month. You’d stop taking it seriously, wouldn’t you? How much trust would you place in these things? How dependent will we become along them?
  • 49. 7. Digital business models hit the real world. Sunday, 10 April 2011 As the boundaries between the physical and digital world blur, we’ll see digital business models starting to appear in the physical world. Some of these may be more or less acceptable to users...
  • 50. Closer relationships with customers Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 People will pay more for a cheap toy if a digital service is added. Engagement models last longer - longer engagement with product and customer Ability to upsell over time, and have a closer direct relationship with the customer
  • 51. Freemium objects Fridge will open after this message from our sponsors! Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Rethink how we own objects Freemium services - get basic service free with ads, pay for ad free. Will we see this extended to everyday objects? Will Tesco provide fridges free to anyone willing to share all their food consumption data, buy food from Tesco, and watch adverts on a regular basis?
  • 52. Be an individual, not a demographic image: kihonmedia/ Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Pay for what you’re using/what you need, e.g. sensors in cars enable drivers to pay car insurance based on how they actually drive, not on how the average person of their demographic drives.
  • 53. 8. User research methods. Sunday, 10 April 2011 There are two big challenges here... Understanding needs for things people are not yet familiar with Prototyping and testing complex systems
  • 54. Emergent behaviour and expectations image: image: Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 We recently interviewed some designers of smart objects as part of our project, about their methods. Numbers were small, but tendency was to feel that insight research was difficult to do before prototyping. We often can’t predict the changing behaviours and attitudes that will emerge from new technology until people actually have it. Putting washing machines in homes, plus bathrooms, changed ideas of acceptable hygiene - expectations of cleanliness rose. People didn’t used to get mobiles for social reasons, they claimed it was for emergencies, but once they had them they quickly adapt to using them for social reasons. (e.g. Edwards and Grinter). But observing current tasks can help us undersatnd cultural values, may not always help generate detailed requirements for highly novel systems, and you certainly can’t ask people what they want from something totally new. But there may be methods we can use...
  • 55. Participatory design/enactment Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Participatory drama methods can be used to help shape designs... for example giving users scenarios to imagine novel interactions with an everyday object, invent interactions with an ambiguous object, or a wand that allows them to imbue other objects with magical powers. Also bodystorming - acting as if the product existed.
  • 56. Prototyping Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Prototyping is an important part of exploration in tangible design. Need early stage iteration as it’s hard to change complex systems! but hard to create real enough experiences. Getting into hardware is a little daunting but there are ways to get feedback before going that far. You *can* use paper models to mock up and get feedback on quick ideas/key interactions, wizard of oz style. Also useful for concepting. You can also use video to mock up things that don’t yet exist to get feedback... this Microsoft Office 2019 one is for marketing but you can make versions in ways that support concept testing. Need to work closely with technologists... helps for designers to get some understanding of tech, and for developers to move closer to understanding user needs.
  • 57. Testing Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Testing methods are geared towards one user, one task, one(ish) devices, that the user is highly focused on. We don’t even have a good definition of usability for more ambient interactions. With testing, ecological validity is an issue: you can do very controlled simulations in the lab which are good for key interactions, but when you’re designing something to work in an environment context of use is really important. Need to study usage over time as well - services are dynamic, and people may react differently to things once they become normal than they will to novel technology. So context, and time are important. One solution to this is the paratype: a modified diary method (Abowd, 05). This involves a simulated interaction with a certain technological artifact within a specific setting of real social action, and documenting the effects of this combination. - focuses on the social - samples experience using a simulation in real social contexts, e.g. personal audio loop - memory device - allowed them to study 3rd party reactions to the context. There’s more work to do to develop methods here, but academic ubicomp literature is trying to tackle this issue.
  • 58. How can UX people get started? Sunday, 10 April 2011 Everything we’ve talked about is happening now, somewhere. We think this is about to affect the work that many of us do, even if just in small ways. We’d like to suggest a few ways in which UX designers can start to think about this.
  • 59. Look for potential in existing projects... Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Look for potential in other projects by thinking of the ecosystem beyond your service and how this might be leveraged to extend or enrich your service When everything around you has the potential to be hardware and run software, the challenge lies in looking for the relationships between objects and services that provide real value to the user experience. A simple example is to start with mobile. Mobile phones are essentially sensor platforms - many of them have GPs that tells them where they are, motion sensors that tell them when they are moving, and some have compasses so they know which way they are facing. They also know what time it is, and can take pictures with the camera. If you’re delivering something on a mobile, even if it’s a website, you can usually access this data from the phone. How can you use that to make the service better?
  • 60. Anthropomorphise objects Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 A possible starter for creating design briefs... Use objects as a basis for concepting... if they could tell a story, what would it be? what personality would they have? what emotions would they feel? what information would they know, or share? how would they talk to us? how could they have good manners? (i.e. some rules for interaction)
  • 61. Learn some hardware prototyping Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Learn some hardware prototyping...
  • 62. Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011 Be open to other skillsets. service design, interaction and product design will have to work together to address new challenges We’ll be doing a lot more work in this area over the next couple of years and would love to connect with anyone else who’s interested.
  • 63. Some reading... Mike Kuniavsky: “Smart Things: Ubiquitous Computing User Experience Design” Timo Arnall: “Designing for an internet of things” ( ReadWriteWeb: Internet of Things: Adam Greenfield: “Everyware: the dawning age of ubiquitous computing” Bruce Sterling: “Shaping Things” BERG London: Slide © Fjord 2010 | Confidential Sunday, 10 April 2011
  • 64. Thank you. @fjord / @clurr Thanks also to Alex von Feldmann, Dom Quigley, Ann Light, Alfred Lui, Ji-Hye Park, Sam Crosland, Martin Charlier, Helen Le Voi PS: we’re hiring in London Sunday, 10 April 2011

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. \n
  2. Cheshcht :)\n\nHello, we are ... from Fjord in London. Thanks for having us!\n\n\n\n
  3. We’re a digital service design agency.\n \n That means we design user experiences for services that are used on more than one platform - often mobile, tablets like the iPad, digital TV as well as web.\n \n \n
  4. All of our client work to date has been around designing for things with screens. But we’re now working on an EU funded research project that has given us the opportunity to think beyond the screen.\n\nFirst, a video we are producing as part of a project we’re working on. This is a little rough...\n\n---\n\nThe rest of this talk is a quick tour of some of the issues we’ve been thinking about on this project.\n\n\n\n
  5. \nIn 1991, Mark Weiser (the ‘father of ubiquitous computing’) said...\n\n\n
  6. ...20 years later, we’ve not really solved this, have we? \n\nOur day to day lives involve many interactions with objects, but most of our interactions with computing still happen through the abstracted world of what Timo Arnall calls ‘slick, glowing rectangles’.\n\n
  7. However, we’re starting to see digital dissolve more into the physical world.\n\nOf course, people like Weiser have been talking about this for a long time now.\n\nBut things are now starting to happen in the mainstream, here and now, which pose new challenges for UX.\n \n We think that in the next couple of years, UX designers are going to have the opportunity to design things that involve not just screens, but services and physical objects for the world around them.\n\n\n\n
  8. \n A lot of the classic ubicomp (ubiquitous computing) research has been focused on trying to understand the ‘bigger picture’ such as smart environments and homes. \n \n There’s been lots of promise in this but very few good examples have made it out of research and into the mainstream. \n \n \n
  9. \n ‘The internet of things’: everyday objects becoming interconnected and increasingly able to sense their environment.\n \n Currently 98% of all processors are in embedded devices, not multi-purpose computers.... and they are becoming increasingly connected. \n \nAn example of this is Fedex Senseaware: sensors track the location, temperature of packages and whether they have been opened. For example, if temperature sensitive medical supplies are in danger of being destroyed en route, the package can be returned and a new one sent out, saving vital time.\n\n\n \n \n \n
  10. \n Everyday objects getting smarter\n \n This is RTMM: real time medication monitoring - made by Evalan, one of our partners on Smarcos...\n \n ...a smart pill bottle that knows when the user has taken their pills and can share this data with the user’s doctor or family. It can also remind the user to take them, via SMS or phone call\n \nHowever many of these smart objects are still closed and proprietary systems. \n \n
  11. Who works on PC apps/websites?\n\n\n
  12. Who works on mobile, interactive TV... tablet?\n\n\n\n
  13. Screen based media aren’t going away. But lots of other types of object are becoming connected and will be forming part of digital services and the experiences we design. \n\nSome of them will be objects we interact with directly. \n\nThey might take lots of forms, and some of them won’t have screens.\n\nSome of these objects will just talk to other objects, but will provide data that’s used by things we do interact with.\n\nReal (and perhaps crazy) examples of these that someone somewhere has made include dog tags that tweet, connected umbrellas, coffee machines smart home heating and lighting systems.\n\nWe’re still experimenting with what can be done here and some of the examples might seem flippant.\n\nThe point is that objects that were not connected can now be connected, and even if we’re not designing those objects, they can have an impact on what we do.\n\nFor example, right now, you might design websites that sell washing machines. Sooner or later, you may have sensor data from those machines that enables much better after sales service.. how does that change the service you provide? Or you may work for an environmental organisation. What difference would widespread live pollution data make to you?\n\nThese are examples of ways in which connected devices enable more complex services, which will make designing those services more complex, and, we would say, more exciting. \n\nEither way, IA has a lot to offer in terms of both top down experience design and bottom up information sensemaking.\n\n\n
  14. \nBy way of evidence... \n\nAs of February 2011, both these networks now have more machine subscribers than human subscribers.\n \nThat’s currently things like e readers, vehicle tracking systems and alarm monitoring services.\n\n\n\n\n
  15. ... that’s TVs, cars, mobiles and lots and lots of other random things. \n\nThis is actually a conservative estimate - Ericsson predict 50 billion connected devices.\n\n \n\n\n
  16. \nNew standard of IPv6 will provide over 300 sextillion (that’s 300 billion billion billions) IP addresses, is currently being implemented, which will allow every single object you can think of to have an internet connection.\n\n\n
  17. Over the next couple of years, this stuff is due to hit the mainstream and will affect the work UX designers do on an increasing basis\n\nHere’s what we think this might mean for design...\n
  18. \nWe can give digital services a physical embodiment.\n\nA simple example is London’s Oyster card - a passive RFID chip embedded in a plastic card, linked up to a service which allows you to charge it up with credit.\n\nThe card itself is just an identifier, it has no intrinsic value. You wave it over readers and credit is deducted from your account, which lives remotely in a database.\n\nBut in users’ minds, the card *is* the service.\n\n\n\n\n
  19. \nAnother way to approach design is enhancing existing products with digital services.\n\n“Webkinz are toy stuffed animals that were originally released by the Canadian Ganz company on April 29, 2005. The toys are similar to many other small plush toys, however, each Webkinz toy has an attached tag with a unique "Secret Code" printed on it that allows access to the "Webkinz World" website. On Webkinz World, the Secret Code allows the user to own a virtual versionof the pet for online play for a limited time (one year).” -\n\n\n
  20. We design for and with live data to enrich our services.\n\n“SFpark works by collecting and distributing real-time information about where parking is available so drivers can quickly find open spaces.\nTo help achieve the right level of parking availability, SFpark will periodically adjust meter pricing up and down to match demand. Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and garages, reducing demand in overused areas. With SFpark, real-time data and demand-responsive pricing work together to readjust parking patterns in the City so that parking is easier to find.”\n\n\n\n
  21. Here are a few of the key challenges we think UX designers will have to be prepared for, and some suggested ways to do things differently. \n\nWe’re just working this stuff out ourselves... these are some of the issues we hope to be able to research over the next couple of years.\n\nThese touch on bigger issues - they’re important for this but each is a huge topic in its own right\n
  22. \nClassic usability tends to focus on one user using one device and one service to do one task at a time.\n\nThat’s increasingly not what’s actually going on. Our relationship with devices and services is getting more complicated. \n\nIt’s really important to think not just about device, but service design: how your user experience works across multiple devices. The device is no longer the unit of experience... the service is. \n\n\nAs embedded components come online, digital services will have to cope with increasing complexity in several ways...\n\n\n
  23. Some objects will be touchpoints or data sources for multiple services. \n\nMobiles will play a huge role in this. \n\n- Apps are a way to access different services\n\n- NFC, beginning to appear in phones, enables multiple types of payment service. One interaction could take money from your credit card, bank account, Paypal... how do you make sure it’s the one you intended to use?\n\n\n
  24. But there will be others which may not have screens to show us what they are up to. \n\nFor example, in New Songdo, a Korean ubiquitous city in development, there is a student smartcard that can be used to get into school, pay for food, as a library card, and as a bus pass (which can be used to notify students’ parents that the student is on the bus and expected home soon- no more secretly sloping off to hang out with friends after school).\n\nAlthough it’s a simple object, and not even terribly smart, it’s a good example of an object with dynamic functionality, dependent on context. \n\nUsers have to use context of use to infer what it’s doing, and what information it is exchanging, every time it’s swiped.\n\n\n\n\n
  25. Individual services are being delivered across multiple devices\n\nService coherence is a key part of UX- the service being in sync between multiple devices.\n\nFacebook notifications are a current example of this working badly.\n\nBBC used to talk about PC web as second screen for iPlayer, then mobile as third screen, but is now talking about creating orchestrated media - a synchronised iPlayer experience across all screens at once.\n\nThis would allow users to start an interaction on one device and continue it on another without losing their place in the task, and deliver different and complementary experiences across different devices. \n\n\n\n
  26. Non screened device example... Ford Sync: an in car connectivity system that enables the car to be used as a controller for the phone, so users can control the phone’s music player with the car’s voice recognition system, and more.\n\n\n\n\n
  27. \n\n\n
  28. For a while now, we’ve been seeing a trend for services to integrate with other services for the bits those services already do well, such as 1Password, which integrates with Dropbox for synchronisation across devices.\n
  29. Services can be used to integrate objects, too. Withings, the WiFi body scale shown in our video, shares data with a variety of different fitness and weight loss services, such as RunKeeper, Lose It!, Daily Burn.\n\n\n\n\n
  30. \n
  31. \nMore and more data is being produced in both the physical and digital space, and can be shared in near real time. \n\nHow do we as designers leverage this huge amount of increasing complex data to help enrich the services we design, and aid us in designing new forms of services?\n\n\n
  32. \nThe traditional web 2.0 way of leveraging this data would be that of aggregation.\n\nExample: Flipboard, which aggregate various web feeds such as news sites RSS, Twitter, Facebook etc into a magazine format. \n\n
  33. \nThis aggregation is also happening on an organic level, as in the example of the pdxboom hashtag.\n\nJust after 8 PM on Sunday, March 28th 2010, a deafening BOOM was heard throughout SE Portland. Quickly the twitter community had adopted the hash tag #pdxboom. In less than 30mins there was a google map displaying where individuals heard the bang and how loud it was. This quickly began to show a pattern and allowed the police to establish the source and cause (it was a pipebomb).\n\nGranted it wasn’t the most scientific approach and there are other established platforms such as Ushahidi that would have been better suited. Instead a new platform was created around this individual event in almost real time. \n\n
  34. \nThe previous example shows these platforms being formed by the community/users but they can also be created out of leveraging existing data beyond its intended purpose. \n\nThis was shown recently after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Honda opened up their traffic data service and plotted the data onto a public Google map. This information showed in near real time the conditions of the roads and which roads were passable and which ones were not. \n\nThis is a service that you wouldn’t have expected from Honda as it leveraged a Honda asset beyond its intended purpose. \n\n---\n\n
  35. \nWe can also leverage hardware beyond its intended use, as it becomes more connected and its data more accessible.\n\nIf you were designing a wireless security system for a home, the same sensors used for the security system could be used as a health system for the elderly e.g pick up on if the person has fallen over or has an unusual behaviour/movement pattern (key in diagnosing the early signs of dementia). do we need to start thinking about designing ‘apps for you house’?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
  36. \nWe can agree to hardware for one reason but it can be used in other ways.\n\n“ in Wellington, for example, we were told that the surveillance cameras that voters approved to help manage traffic congestion had been repurposed for crime prevention, without a corresponding degree of public consultation.\nLet the image stream coming off of them be provided with a facial-recognition algorithm, and you’ve got an entirely different kind of system on your hands, with entirely different potentials and vastly expanded implications. Yet the cameras, domed or otherwise, look no different from one day to the next.” Adam Greenfield\nAs both designers and users we need to be aware of how data is and also could be used in the future, and ensure that the right safeguards are in place and their is transparency in the service of how data is collected and used. \n\n\n\n\n
  37. \n
  38. \nPrivacy management is much more than a bunch of tick boxes and security settings. It incorporates less tangible elements such as 'appropriate use' and a user’s ‘comfort level’ etc. \n\nMany people already find managing privacy too difficult on Facebook and share things with people they didn’t mean to share them with. It’s going to get a lot more complicated.\n\n\n
  39. Passive vs active - person to service can be active.|| service to service is going to be passive || \n\nGoogle Latitude didn’t take off partly because users didn’t always want passively to share their location. On Foursquare, which requires active check in, you can simply choose not to check in. But active controls won’t scale up to really complex services or services that talk to each other.\n\nWe can design individual services that use a user’s data ‘appropriately’. However, gaps between individual services can form where personal data may be leaked. \n\nWith more objects becoming connected and sharing what’s deemed 'appropriate' data dependent on their service, the potential for gaps that can leak personal data increases, especially when data we share with one service ends up being used by another service. How do you know where your data is going to end up? How can service designers design for transparency - so that users can see when their data is being shared, and where it will end up?\n\n\n
  40. “Creepy is an application that allows you to gather geolocation related information about users from social networking platforms and image hosting services. The information is presented in a map inside the application where all the retrieved data is shown accompanied with relevant information (i.e. what was posted from that specific location) to provide context to the presentation.”\n\nInformation that seemed innocent when shared can be aggregated to build up a scarily detailed picture of someone’s daily life.\n\nWill we see the emergence of privacy brokers to help us manage our data in the face of all this complexity?\n\n\nIf brokers do emerge, what kind of organisations would we trust enough to manage this? Some have suggested the mobile operators... Also, what degree of control would we be happy to hand over to them?\n\n
  41. ...there’s huge potential in all the data that can be gathered and mined... to deliver new types of service and create better user experiences.\n\n... but we need to do more work to understand how to help people manage this.\n
  42. \n\n\n
  43. Cognitive scientists now talk about ‘embodied cognition’*: the idea that the way we think is shaped by, and inseparable from, our physical experiences of interacting with the world. (Dourish, McCullough)\n\nFor example, the idea that up is good and down is bad is rooted in your physical experience of living with gravity. “I’m feeling down today” is bad. Up (and fast) is good... “I’m feeling upbeat”. We say someone is ‘boiling over with rage‘ or ‘steam is coming out of their ears’: understanding anger through containment of liquids. These are English language examples, but the principles seem to be universal.\n\nCognitive scientists would argue that this perception of up and down is a very fundamental basic level category or building block of thought used to make sense of other, more abstract things.\n\nEmbodied interaction seeks to make physical designs make sense to us through harnessing the way we understand the world through physical experience. At the moment, much tangible interaction work is happening in R&D labs...\n\n\n
  44. MIT’s information design ecology unit’s Proverbial Wallet aims to ‘unabstract virtual assets’ and provide a tangible link to virtual money. Connects to phone via Bluetooth, and then to your online banking service.\n\nIt has an interface through physical actuators, but no screen.\n\nIt gets fatter or thinner depending on how much money you have in the bank - direct physical representation of a metaphor (fat wallet).\n\nThe hinge resistance increases when you have less money, making it harder to open. This is a nice example of encouraging positive behaviour without controlling the user. [metaphor of good angel?]\n\nThe wallet buzzes when your bank processes a transaction, creating a conscious connection between handing over your credit card and the money actually leaving your account. This is a nice example of seamful design... communicating interconnections between services back to the user.\n\n\n\n\n
  45. This is a prototype phone-shaped box by the tangible design researcher Fabian Hemmert at Deutsche Telekom labs.\n\nIt has an actuated back plate (controlled by servo motors) which can be tilted. so it can be thin in your pocket, but tapered downwards when held in the hand.\nthis can also be used to convey contextual information: for example to make the phone thick or thin on one side when reading an ebook to indicate how much has been read and is still to be read. the shape of the phone can also be used to indicate direction when providing navigation...\n\n\n\nThere’s a lot we can do with tangible design to convey information without screens. As digital designers who’ve only worked with screens, we should start to think about these new interaction channels and how they can help us reclaim digital interactions into the real world. \n\nAlso, physical things are fun :)\n\n\n
  46. \nWhen interconnected services go wrong, they will go very wrong.\n\n
  47. Technology is not reliable... we were trying to share files with a ubicomp researcher over Bluetooth the other day and we couldn’t even get that working or figure out why it wasn’t working.\n\nImagine that scaled up to a smarthome consisting of hundreds or thousands of connected objects...\n\nA friend’s Danish friend lives in a smarthome with a system to decides when you could or could not open windows. it broke.\n\nThankfully, there was an override.\n\nThen the override failed, and the house took over, opening and closing windows on its own. No-one could figure out how to fix it.\n\nSo the more interconnected things are, the harder it is to know which bit’s gone wrong. and the harder it is for the system to give useful information on overcoming errors.\n\n\n
  48. If technology becomes a part of your everyday life, reliability is critical.\n\n“A place where one can solve one’s worries” – a Korean euphemism for toilet\n\nIn Korea, there are toilets with sensors for female hormones and the signs of diabetes.\n\nRight now, they don’t seem to include a pregnancy test but it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine.\n\nHome pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. \n\nShould you decide to test yourself once in that year, there’s only a 1 in 100 chance you’ll get a false positive.\n\nIf you’re tested 1000 times a year by a smart toilet, your toilet will wrongly congratulate you almost once a month.\n\nYou’d stop taking it seriously, wouldn’t you?\n\nHow much trust would you place in these things? How dependent will we become along them?\n\n\n
  49. \nAs the boundaries between the physical and digital world blur, we’ll see digital business models starting to appear in the physical world. \n\nSome of these may be more or less acceptable to users...\n
  50. \nPeople will pay more for a cheap toy if a digital service is added.\n\nEngagement models last longer - longer engagement with product and customer\n\nAbility to upsell over time, and have a closer direct relationship with the customer\n\n\n
  51. \nRethink how we own objects\n\nFreemium services - get basic service free with ads, pay for ad free. Will we see this extended to everyday objects? Will Tesco provide fridges free to anyone willing to share all their food consumption data, buy food from Tesco, and watch adverts on a regular basis?\n
  52. Pay for what you’re using/what you need, e.g. sensors in cars enable drivers to pay car insurance based on how they actually drive, not on how the average person of their demographic drives.\n\n\n\n
  53. \nThere are two big challenges here...\n\nUnderstanding needs for things people are not yet familiar with\n\nPrototyping and testing complex systems\n\n\n\n
  54. We recently interviewed some designers of smart objects as part of our project, about their methods. Numbers were small, but tendency was to feel that insight research was difficult to do before prototyping.\n\nWe often can’t predict the changing behaviours and attitudes that will emerge from new technology until people actually have it.\n\nPutting washing machines in homes, plus bathrooms, changed ideas of acceptable hygiene - expectations of cleanliness rose.\n\nPeople didn’t used to get mobiles for social reasons, they claimed it was for emergencies, but once they had them they quickly adapt to using them for social reasons. (e.g. Edwards and Grinter).\n\nBut observing current tasks can help us undersatnd cultural values, may not always help generate detailed requirements for highly novel systems, and you certainly can’t ask people what they want from something totally new.\n\nBut there may be methods we can use...\n\n\n
  55. Participatory drama methods can be used to help shape designs... for example giving users scenarios to imagine novel interactions with an everyday object, invent interactions with an ambiguous object, or a wand that allows them to imbue other objects with magical powers. Also bodystorming - acting as if the product existed.\n\n\n
  56. Prototyping is an important part of exploration in tangible design. Need early stage iteration as it’s hard to change complex systems! but hard to create real enough experiences.\n\nGetting into hardware is a little daunting but there are ways to get feedback before going that far.\n\nYou *can* use paper models to mock up and get feedback on quick ideas/key interactions, wizard of oz style. Also useful for concepting.\n\nYou can also use video to mock up things that don’t yet exist to get feedback... this Microsoft Office 2019 one is for marketing but you can make versions in ways that support concept testing.\n\nNeed to work closely with technologists... helps for designers to get some understanding of tech, and for developers to move closer to understanding user needs.\n
  57. Testing methods are geared towards one user, one task, one(ish) devices, that the user is highly focused on. We don’t even have a good definition of usability for more ambient interactions.\n\nWith testing, ecological validity is an issue: you can do very controlled simulations in the lab which are good for key interactions, but when you’re designing something to work in an environment context of use is really important. \n\nNeed to study usage over time as well - services are dynamic, and people may react differently to things once they become normal than they will to novel technology.\n\nSo context, and time are important. \n\nOne solution to this is the paratype: a modified diary method (Abowd, 05). \n\nThis involves a simulated interaction with a certain technological artifact within a specific setting of real social action, and documenting the effects of this combination.\n\n - focuses on the social - samples experience using a simulation in real social contexts, e.g. personal audio loop - memory device - allowed them to study 3rd party reactions to the context.\n\nThere’s more work to do to develop methods here, but academic ubicomp literature is trying to tackle this issue.\n\n\n\n\n
  58. Everything we’ve talked about is happening now, somewhere. \n \n We think this is about to affect the work that many of us do, even if just in small ways. \n \n We’d like to suggest a few ways in which UX designers can start to think about this.\n \n \n
  59. Look for potential in other projects by thinking of the ecosystem beyond your service and how this might be leveraged to extend or enrich your service\n \n When everything around you has the potential to be hardware and run software, the challenge lies in looking for the relationships between objects and services that provide real value to the user experience.\n \n A simple example is to start with mobile. Mobile phones are essentially sensor platforms - many of them have GPs that tells them where they are, motion sensors that tell them when they are moving, and some have compasses so they know which way they are facing. They also know what time it is, and can take pictures with the camera. If you’re delivering something on a mobile, even if it’s a website, you can usually access this data from the phone. How can you use that to make the service better?\n \n \n\n
  60. A possible starter for creating design briefs...\n \n Use objects as a basis for concepting... if they could tell a story, what would it be? \n \n what personality would they have?\n what emotions would they feel?\n what information would they know, or share?\n how would they talk to us?\n how could they have good manners? (i.e. some rules for interaction)\n \n \n
  61. Learn some hardware prototyping... \n \n \n \n
  62. Be open to other skillsets. service design, interaction and product design will have to work together to address new challenges\n \n We’ll be doing a lot more work in this area over the next couple of years and would love to connect with anyone else who’s interested.\n\n
  63. \n
  64. \n