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Extending CMS Made Simple
              Presented by
    Jeff Bosch and Samuel Goldstein
Jeff Bosch
●   Core Development Team member
●   B.S. in Computer Science
●   Started A & J Progamming in 2007 for
    custom web programming and
Samuel Goldstein
●   Core Development Team member since 2004
●   Principal at 1969 Communications
●   Background
    ●   Programming since 1980, starting with TRS-80
    ●   Aerospace in the '90s
    ●   Dot-com roller coaster
●   Hey! Buy my book!
    ●   CMS Made Simple Developer's Cookbook from Packt Publishing
OK, enough of that
●   Why extend CMS Made Simple?
    ●   Add functionality
    ●   Make things easier for your clients
    ●   More money for you
    ●   Fame, fortune, glory
Ways to Extend CMSMS
●   Core, core modules, and Smarty
●   User-Defined Tags
●   Tags (a.k.a. Plugins)
●   Modules
How do I decide on an
●   There is not always an “absolute best”
●   Don't neglect non-technical
    considerations (e.g., your specific users)
●   The following chart may also help

                                              Smarty   Tag   UDT   Module
No installation required                        √             √
Multiple actions                                             √*      √
Create databases / preferences                               √*      √
Act as Smarty modifier                                  √
Help displayed in Admin area                            √            √
Admin panel                                                          √
Post on Developer's Forge, share via Module                          √
Localization/Translation                                             √
Let's get started!
●   Build a Google Site Map using Core and
    Core Modules
    ●   We'll use Menu Manager in a hidden page
    ●   We'll create a custom Menu Manager
    ●   And a mod_rewrite trick
Menu Manager Template

<?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-­‐8"?>
<urlset  xmlns="hRp://">
{if  $count  >  0}
{foreach  from=$nodelist  item=node}
Calling the Template
●   Create page named “sitemap”
●   Set alias to “sitemap” too
●   Uncheck “Show in Menu”
●   Insert tag into your page content:
{menu  template='sitemap'  show_all='1'  collapse='0'}
Add an .htaccess file

<IfModule  mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine  on
#Sub-­‐dir  e.g:  /cmsms
RewriteBase  /
RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-­‐f  [NC]
RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-­‐d  [NC]
RewriteRule  ^sitemap.xml$  index.php?page=sitemap&showtemplate=false  [L]
Test it!
●   Go to
<?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-­‐8"?>
<urlset  xmlns="hRp://">
OK, how about a Tag?
●   Only tags can serve as Smarty modifiers
●   Here's a tag that vigorously defends our
    intellectual property!
●   Appends a ® symbol to every instance of
    “CMS Made Simple” in page content.

funcQon  smarty_cms_posPilter_registeredtrademarker($tpl_output,  &$smarty)
    global  $gCms;
    $result  =  explode(':',  $smarty-­‐>_current_file);

     if  (count($result)  >  0)
            if  ($result[0]  ==  'content')
            $tpl_output  =  str_replace('CMS  Made  Simple','CMS  Made  Simple®',  $tpl_output);
     return  $tpl_output;
Using the Filter
●   Save your filter in the plugins directory
●   In the Admin, be sure to clear your
●   View your site.
You® filte®ed ®esults
OK, how about a UDT?
●   UDTs can do all sorts of things:
    ●   Talk to the database
    ●   Talk to modules
    ●   Deal with events
    ●   Interact with Smarty
●   Let's try a few of those things!
UDT “pagecounter”
global  $gCms;

$db  =  $gCms-­‐>GetDb();

$count  =  $db-­‐>GetOne('select  count(*)  from  '.cms_db_prefi x().'content  where  acQve=1');

$smarty  =  $gCms-­‐>GetSmarty();
$smarty-­‐>assign('page_count','Total  pages:  '.$count);
Then, add a content page
●   Set the title and menu text
●   In the content, call the UDT with

●   And output the Smarty variable with
Viewing your page
Exercise I
●   What approach would you use to implement each
    of the following?
    ●   Convert your page content into Pirate Speak
    ●   A form for users to submit movie reviews, with an
        Admin panel allowing the site maintainer to approve
        or reject reviews for display
    ●   Putting the title of the most-recently added page into
        a Smarty variable
Exercise I, cont.
●   Display a special image file only on the site's
    home page
●   Display the Admin account email address on a
    page (but obscured to prevent spammers
    from harvesting it)
●   Display a poll, and show the results after the
    user votes
●   Display links to all pages that are below the
    current page in the site hierarchy
Exercise II
●   Create a UDT for changing site layout
    ●   Set a variable which can be used to change
        the stylesheet classes of the site.
    ●   For simplicity, call January-March “winter,”
        April-June “spring,” July-September
        “summer,” and October-December
Exercise II, cont. UDT
global  $gCms;

$month  =  date('n');  //  returns  month  as  number  between  1  and  12,  inclusive
$smarty  =  $gCms-­‐>GetSmarty();

if  ($month  <  4)
       $season  =  'winter';
else  if  ($month  <  7)
       $season  =  'spring';
else  if  ($month  <  10)
       $season  =  'summer';
       $season  =  'autumn';

$smarty-­‐>assign('season',  $season);
Exercise II, cont. Template.
<!DOCTYPE  html  PUBLIC  "-­‐//W3C//DTD  XHTML  1.0  TransiQ onal//EN"  
"hRp://­‐transiQ onal.dtd">
<html  xmlns="hRp://"  xml:lang="en"  >
<Qtle>{sitename}  -­‐  {Qtle}</Qtle>
<div  id="header"><h1  class=”{$season}”>{sitename}</h1></div>
<div  id="menu">{menu}</div>
<div  id="content"  class=”{$season}”>
Exercise II, cont. CSS
.winter  {background-­‐color:  #bfc4ff;}
.spring  {background-­‐color:  #bfffce;}
.summer  {background-­‐color:  #fffabf;}
.autumn  {background-­‐color:  #ffcabf;}

#header  h1.summer  {background:  url(/uploads/images/beach.jpg);}
Hour II
How's my timing?
Getting Started with Modules
●   For the 1.x series, several ways to get
    ●   From scratch
    ●   Skeleton module
    ●   Module Maker
    ●   MCFactory
    ●   etc
Skeleton Module
●   Download from Forge or Module
●   Has simple functionality
    ●   install/upgrade
    ●   admin panel
    ●   database routines
    ●   form API calls
Skeleton Module, cont.
●   Once you've installed, edit the files to
    adapt to your own purposes
●   Well commented
●   Somewhat dated: last updated for CMS
    MS 1.6.5
●   Still has correct structure, but may lack
    more recent improvements and features
Structure of a 1.x module
●   Modules extend the CMSModule class
●   Magic of OO:
    ●   Automatically inherits a lot of functionality
        (e.g., Database and Form APIs, Smarty,
        Translation, etc)
    ●   Most methods already inherit acceptable
Minimal 1.x Module
●   File lives in
●   Filename is module_name.module.php
●   Module class must match file name
●   Need to implement 3 methods:
    ●   GetName
    ●   DoAction
    ●   IsPluginModule
Minimal 1.x module, cont.
●   GetName simply returns module name;
    must match class and filename
●   IsPluginModule returns boolean.
●   DoAction is, unsurprisingly, where the
    real action takes place
●   Called with a few parameters:
    ●   $action, “reason for calling.” Two built-in:
        “default” and “defaultadmin”
    ●   $id, a prefix for use in forms
    ●   $params, a hash of parameters
    ●   $returnid, reference to the page containing
        the tag
Other important methods
●   Install, upgrade, uninstall. These methods
    called as expected, and allow for
●   SetParameters. Sets up parameter
    filtering, URL routes,
●   Lang. Translates strings.
Minimal 1.x module, cont.
●   For performance reasons, methods are
    split out into multiple files
●   String translations are stored in external
●   Templates may be stored as files or in the
Layout on filesystem
Enough Abstraction!
●   We will create a basic module that
    demonstrates core APIs
●   “Quotations Module” requirements:
    ●   Presents form to user, handles input safely
    ●   Displays random quotation to user
    ●   Allows admin to delete records
Step 1. Preparation
●   Create directories
    ●   $CMS_ROOT/modules/Quotations
    ●   Quotations/templates
    ●   Quotations/lang
●   Create base files:
    ●   Quotations.module.php
    ●   lang/en_US.php
class  QuotaQons  extends  CMSModule
       funcQon  GetName()
            return  'QuotaQons';
       funcQon  GetFriendlyName()
            return  $this-­‐>Lang('friendlyname');

      funcQon  IsPluginModule()
           return  true;

      funcQon  GetVersion()
           return  '0.1';
$lang['friendlyname']='QuotaQon  Module';
Database Schema
●   We'll probably need
    ●   Unique ID
    ●   Quotation text
    ●   Quotation author
    ●   Submission date
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

$db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb();
$dict  =  NewDataDicQonary(  $db  );

    quotaQon_id  I  KEY,
    quotaQon  X,
    author  C(80),
    submit_date  DT

$sqlarray  =  $dict-­‐>CreateTableSQL(  cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQons",$fields);

Install it
Consider parameters
●   Form will submit quotation and author
●   Viewing will require quotation_id
●   Module will also be a plugin module, so
    we want to give it its own tag {quotation}
●   Let's create SetParameters method
funcQon  SetParameters()
    $this-­‐>CreateParameter('quotaQon_id','null',$this-­‐>Lang('help_quotaQ on_id'));
    $this-­‐>SetParameterType('quotaQon_id',  CLEAN_INT);

funcQon  GetHelp()
    return  $this-­‐>Lang('help');
Viewing Module Help
OK, let's get serious.
●   Need to create the form
●   Need to handle the inputs
●   This will be the module's default action
●   Create action.default.php
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

$smarty-­‐>assign('form_start',$this-­‐>CreateFormStart($id,  'default',  $returnid));

$smarty-­‐>assign('input_author',$this-­‐>CreateInputTextWithLabel($id,  'author',
    isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  10,  80,  '',


$smarty-­‐>assign('input_quotaQon',$this-­‐>CreateTextArea(false,  $id,

$smarty-­‐>assign('submit',$this-­‐>CreateInputSubmit($id,  'submit',  $this-­‐>Lang('submit')));

echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('user_form.tpl');
<div  class="quotaQon_form">
      <div>{$Qtle_quotaQon}<br  />{$input_quotaQon}</div>
Add the tag to a page
View the page
Update our lang file
$lang['friendlyname']='QuotaQon  Module';

$lang['Qtle_author']='QuotaQon  Author';

$lang['help_quotaQon_id']='ID  for  a  specific  quotaQon';
$lang['help_author']='QuotaQon  author';
$lang['help_quotaQon']='QuotaQon  text';
$lang['help']='This  module  is  for  the  presentaQon  of  quotaQons.';
And check again
Input validation
Added to top of action.default.php
if  (isset($params['submit']))
        if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on']))
               $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds'));

Added to user_form.tpl
     {if  isset($message)  &&  $message!=''}<div  class="error">{$message}</div>{/if}
Try an empty submit
Store to database
if  (isset($params['submit']))
        if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on']))
               $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds'));
               $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb();
               $quotaQon_id  =  $db-­‐>GenID(cms_db_prefix().  'module_quotaQon_seq');
               $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('insert  into  '.cms_db_prefi x().
                       'module_quotaQons  (quotaQon_id,author,quotaQon,submiRed_date)  values  (?,?,?,NOW())',
               if  ($res  ===  false)
Test it – add a quotation
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

$row  =  array();
$res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefix().
      'module_quotaQons  order  by  rand()  limit  1');

if  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow())
echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('display_quotaQ on.tpl');
Add the tag to page template
●   Find a convenient spot
●   Add the tag:
{QuotaQons  acQon='display'}
Try it!
2.0 Module API
2.0  Module  Extensions:

    create_table($table,  $fields)
    create_index($table,  $name,  $field)

     get($preference_name,  $default_value  =  '')
     set($preference_name,  $value)
     remove($preference_name  =  '')

    get_list($template_type  =  '')
    get($template_type,  $template_name)
    set($template_type,  $template_name,  $content,  $default  =  null)
    delete($template_type  =  '',  $template_name  =  '')
    process_from_data(  $data  )
    process_from_database($template_type,  $template_name  =  '',  $id  =  '',  $return_id  =  '',  
$designaQon  =  '',  $cache_id  =  '')
    process($template_name,  $id  =  '',  $return_id  =  '',  $designaQ on  =  '',  $cache_id  =  '')
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

$this-­‐>Database-­‐>create_table('module_quotaQ ons',  "
     quotaQon_id  I  KEY  AUTO,
     language  C(8),
     quotaQon  X,
     author  C(80),
     submiRer  C(80),
     submit_date  DT

$this-­‐>Database-­‐>create_index('module_quotaQ ons','Author',  'author');

$this-­‐>Template-­‐>set('summary',  'Default  Template',  $this-­‐>Template-­‐


$this-­‐>Permission-­‐>create('Manage  QuotaQons'  );

2.0 Module API
2.0 Module Extensions (Group 2)

   create($permission_name, $extra_attr = '', $hierarchical = false, $table = '')
   check($permission_name, $extra_attr = '', $hierarchical = false, $table = '')
   remove($permission_name, $extra_attr = '')

   form_start($params = array(), $check_keys = false)
   form_end input_text input_hidden input_checkbox input_submit
   input_select           input_options input_textarea

     link   content_linkreturn_link
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

>form_start(array('acQon'=>'default','return_id'=>$returnid))  );

      isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  'size'=>10,'maxlength=>80,  
'lable'=>'Qtle_author'))  );


$smarty-­‐>assign('submit',$this-­‐>Form-­‐>input_submit('name'=>  'submit',  'value'=>'submit')));

echo  $this-­‐>Template-­‐> process_from_database ('summary');
2.0 Smarty Tags
{has_permission  perm="Modify  Templates"}

    {tab_content  name='users'}
        {tab_header  name='users'}

Blocks:  2.0 Module Smarty Tags

2.0 Module Form
{mod_validaQon_errors  for=$blog_post}

{mod_form  acQon=$form_acQon}
         {mod_label  name="blog_post[Qtle]"}Title{/mod_label}:<br  />
         {mod_textbox  name="blog_post[Qtle]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>Qtle  size="40"}
         {mod_label  name="blog_post[content]"}Post{/mod_label}:<br  />
         {mod_textarea  name="blog_post[content]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>content  cols="40"  
rows="10"  wysiwyg=true}
              {foreach  from=$categories  item='one_category'}
                   {assign  var=category_id  value=$one_category-­‐>id}
                   {assign  var=category_name  value=$one_category-­‐>name}
                   {mod_checkbox  name="blog_post[category][$category_id]"  
selected=$blog_post-­‐>in_category($category_id)}  {$category_name}<br  />
         {mod_label  name="blog_post[status]"}{tr}Status{/tr}{/mod_label}:<br  />
         {mod_dropdown  name="blog_post[status]"  items=$cms_mapi_module-­‐>get_statuses()  
2.0 Module Form (Part 2)
        {mod_label  name='post_date_Month'}{tr}Post  Date{/tr}{/mod_label}:<br  />
        {html_select_date  prefix=$post_date_prefix  Qme=$blog_post-­‐>post_date-­‐
>Qmestamp()  start_year=2000  end_year=2020}  {html_select_Q me  prefix=$post_date_prefix  
        {mod_hidden  name="blog_post[author_id]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>author_id}
        {mod_submit  name="submitpost"  value='Submit'  translate=true}  
        {if  $blog_post-­‐>id  gt  0}
               {mod_hidden  name="blog_post_id"  value=$blog_post-­‐>id}
               {mod_submit  name="cancelpost"  value='Cancel'  translate=true}  
        {mod_submit  name="submitpublish"  value='Publish'  translate=true}

OK, let's add an admin panel
●   First, we need to add a permission to
    control access
●   This should be done in the installer
●   Steps:
    ●   Change installer
    ●   Bump the module version number
    ●   Create the upgrade method
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;
$db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb();
$dict  =  NewDataDicQonary(  $db  );

    quotaQon_id  I  KEY,
    language  C(8),
    quotaQon  X,
    author  C(80),
    submiRer  C(80),
    submit_date  DT

$sqlarray  =  $dict-­‐>CreateTableSQL(  cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQons",$fields);

$this-­‐>CreatePermission('Manage  QuotaQons',  'Manage  QuotaQons');
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;

     case  "0.1":
           $this-­‐>CreatePermission('Manage  QuotaQons',  'Manage  QuotaQons');

$this-­‐>Audit(  0,  $this-­‐>Lang('friendlyname'),  $this-­‐>Lang('upgraded',$this-­‐>GetVersion()));

Added to lang file:
$lang['upgraded']='Upgraded  to  version  %s';
Perform the upgrade
Now implement admin panel
●   Add method to main module:
     function HasAdmin()
         return ($this->CheckPermission('Manage Quotations'));
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;
if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQons'))  exit;

$rows  =  array();
$res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefix().'module_quotaQons  order  by  submit_date  
while  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow())
      $row['edit']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_edit',  '',
            $this-­‐>Lang('edit'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id']));
      $row['delete']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_delete',  '',
            $this-­‐>Lang('delete'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id']));
echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('admin_display_list.tpl');
{if  isset($message)  &&  $message!=''}<div  class="pagewarning">{$message}</div>{/if}
{foreach  from=$quotaQons  item=q}
Admin View
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;
if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQons'))  exit;

if  (isset($params['quotaQon_id']))
        $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb();
        $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('delete  from  '.cms_db_prefi x().
              'module_quotaQons  where  quotaQon_id=?',
        $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('quotaQ on_deleted'));
echo  $this-­‐>DoAcQon('defaultadmin',  $id,  $params,  $returnid);
Delete Quotation
Be kind to users

●   Add some safety – modify default admin
    link to delete
$row['delete']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_delete',  '',
    $this-­‐>Lang('delete'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id']),

●   And add to language file
$lang['really_delete']='Really  delete  this  quotaQon  by  %s?';
That's better
Let admin edit quotations
●   We can re-use the form template
●   Just need to create the admin-side logic
●   Note that the logic is not identical, since
    we'll be updating the database rather than
    adding a new record
if  (!isset($gCms))  exit;
if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQ ons'))  exit;
$db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb();

if  (isset($params['submit']))
         if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on']))
                $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds'));
                $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('update  '.cms_db_prefi x().'module_quotaQons  set  author=?,quotaQon=?  where  quotaQon_id=?',
                        array($params['author'],$params['quotaQ on'],$params['quotaQon_id']));
                if  ($res  ===  false)
                        $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('quotaQ on_edited'));
                return  $this-­‐>DoAcQon('defaultadmin',  $id,  $params,  $returnid);
action.admin_edit.php, cont
     $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefi x().'module_quotaQons  where  quotaQon_id=?',
     if  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow())
$smarty-­‐>assign('form_start',$this-­‐>CreateFormStart($id,  'admin_edit',  $returnid));

$smarty-­‐>assign('input_author',$this-­‐>CreateInputTextWithLabel($id,  'author',
     isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  10,  80,  '',


$smarty-­‐>assign('input_quotaQ on',$this-­‐>CreateTextArea(false,  $id,
     isset($params['quotaQon'])?html_enQty_decode($params['quotaQ on'],ENT_QUOTES):'',  'quotaQ on'));

$smarty-­‐>assign('submit', $this-­‐>CreateInputHidden($id,'quotaQ on_id',$params['quotaQ on_id']).
     $this-­‐>CreateInputSubmit($id,  'submit',  $this-­‐>Lang('submit')));

echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('user_form.tpl');
And edited
action.defaultadmin.php 2.0
if  (!isset($gCms))  die("Can't  call  acQons  directly!");

if  (  !$this-­‐>Permission-­‐>check('Modify  Site  Preferences')  )

if  (isset($params['submitprefs'])  )
        if(  !CmsAcl::check_core_permission('Modify  Site  Preferences',  $user)  )
                   die('permission  denied');

     $password_minlength  =  (int)coalesce_key($params,'password_minlength',6);
$smarty-­‐>assign('groups',cms_orm('CmsGroup')-­‐>fi nd_all());
$smarty-­‐>assign('users',cms_orm('CmsUser')-­‐>fi nd_all());

$smarty-­‐>assign('acQve_tab_for_modules',                  coalesce_key($params,'selected_tab','users'));

echo  $this-­‐>Template-­‐>process('defaultadmin.tpl',$id,$return_id);
defaultadmin.tpl 2.0
{has_permission  perm="Modify  Templates"}
     <div  style="text-­‐align:  right;  width:  80%;"><a  href="listmodtemplates.php"  

     {has_permission  perm='Modify  Users'}
          {tab_content  name='users'}
               {tab_header  name='users'}{tr}users{/tr}{/tab_header}
               {mod_template  template='users_tab.tpl'}

     {has_permission  perm='Modify  Site  Preferences'}
          {tab_content  name='prefs'}
               {tab_header  name='prefs'}{tr}preferences{/tr}{/tab_header}
               {mod_template  template='prefs_tab.tpl'}

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Extending CMS Made Simple

  • 1. Extending CMS Made Simple Presented by Jeff Bosch and Samuel Goldstein
  • 2. Jeff Bosch ● Core Development Team member ● B.S. in Computer Science ● Started A & J Progamming in 2007 for custom web programming and implementation
  • 3. Samuel Goldstein ● Core Development Team member since 2004 ● Principal at 1969 Communications ● Background ● Programming since 1980, starting with TRS-80 ● Aerospace in the '90s ● Dot-com roller coaster ● Hey! Buy my book! ● CMS Made Simple Developer's Cookbook from Packt Publishing
  • 4. OK, enough of that ● Why extend CMS Made Simple? ● Add functionality ● Make things easier for your clients ● More money for you ● Fame, fortune, glory
  • 5. Ways to Extend CMSMS ● Core, core modules, and Smarty ● User-Defined Tags ● Tags (a.k.a. Plugins) ● Modules
  • 6. How do I decide on an approach? ● There is not always an “absolute best” approach ● Don't neglect non-technical considerations (e.g., your specific users) ● The following chart may also help
  • 7. Approaches Smarty Tag UDT Module No installation required √ √ Multiple actions √* √ Create databases / preferences √* √ Act as Smarty modifier √ Help displayed in Admin area √ √ Admin panel √ Post on Developer's Forge, share via Module √ Manager Localization/Translation √
  • 8. Let's get started! ● Build a Google Site Map using Core and Core Modules ● We'll use Menu Manager in a hidden page ● We'll create a custom Menu Manager template ● And a mod_rewrite trick
  • 9. Menu Manager Template <?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-­‐8"?> <urlset  xmlns="hRp://"> {if  $count  >  0} {foreach  from=$nodelist  item=node}  <url>        <loc>{$node-­‐>url|escape:'html'}</loc>        <lastmod>{$node-­‐>modified|date_format:'%Y-­‐%m-­‐%dT%T-­‐08:00'}</lastmod>    </url> {/foreach} {/if} </urlset>
  • 10. Calling the Template ● Create page named “sitemap” ● Set alias to “sitemap” too ● Uncheck “Show in Menu” ● Insert tag into your page content: {menu  template='sitemap'  show_all='1'  collapse='0'}
  • 11. Add an .htaccess file <IfModule  mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine  on #Sub-­‐dir  e.g:  /cmsms RewriteBase  / RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-­‐f  [NC] RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-­‐d  [NC] RewriteRule  ^sitemap.xml$  index.php?page=sitemap&showtemplate=false  [L] </IfModule>
  • 12. Test it! ● Go to <?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-­‐8"?> <urlset  xmlns="hRp://">    <url>        <loc>hRp://cms_book.viajante/</loc>        <lastmod>2009-­‐05-­‐13T10:12:18-­‐08:00</lastmod>    </url>    <url>        <loc>hRp://cms_book.viajante/index.php?page=how-­‐cmsms-­‐works</loc>        <lastmod>2009-­‐05-­‐12T20:11:52-­‐08:00</lastmod>    </url>  … </urlset>
  • 13. OK, how about a Tag? ● Only tags can serve as Smarty modifiers ● Here's a tag that vigorously defends our intellectual property! ● Appends a ® symbol to every instance of “CMS Made Simple” in page content.
  • 14. postfilter.registeredtrademarker.php <?php funcQon  smarty_cms_posPilter_registeredtrademarker($tpl_output,  &$smarty) { global  $gCms; $result  =  explode(':',  $smarty-­‐>_current_file); if  (count($result)  >  0) { if  ($result[0]  ==  'content') { $tpl_output  =  str_replace('CMS  Made  Simple','CMS  Made  Simple®',  $tpl_output); } } return  $tpl_output; } ?>
  • 15. Using the Filter ● Save your filter in the plugins directory ● In the Admin, be sure to clear your cache! ● View your site.
  • 17. OK, how about a UDT? ● UDTs can do all sorts of things: ● Talk to the database ● Talk to modules ● Deal with events ● Interact with Smarty ● Let's try a few of those things!
  • 18. UDT “pagecounter” global  $gCms; $db  =  $gCms-­‐>GetDb(); $count  =  $db-­‐>GetOne('select  count(*)  from  '.cms_db_prefi x().'content  where  acQve=1'); $smarty  =  $gCms-­‐>GetSmarty(); $smarty-­‐>assign('page_count','Total  pages:  '.$count);
  • 19. Then, add a content page ● Set the title and menu text ● In the content, call the UDT with {pagecounter} ● And output the Smarty variable with {$page_count}
  • 21. Exercise I ● What approach would you use to implement each of the following? ● Convert your page content into Pirate Speak ● A form for users to submit movie reviews, with an Admin panel allowing the site maintainer to approve or reject reviews for display ● Putting the title of the most-recently added page into a Smarty variable
  • 22. Exercise I, cont. ● Display a special image file only on the site's home page ● Display the Admin account email address on a page (but obscured to prevent spammers from harvesting it) ● Display a poll, and show the results after the user votes ● Display links to all pages that are below the current page in the site hierarchy
  • 23. Exercise II ● Create a UDT for changing site layout seasonally. ● Set a variable which can be used to change the stylesheet classes of the site. ● For simplicity, call January-March “winter,” April-June “spring,” July-September “summer,” and October-December “autumn.”
  • 24. Exercise II, cont. UDT global  $gCms; $month  =  date('n');  //  returns  month  as  number  between  1  and  12,  inclusive $smarty  =  $gCms-­‐>GetSmarty(); if  ($month  <  4) $season  =  'winter'; else  if  ($month  <  7) $season  =  'spring'; else  if  ($month  <  10) $season  =  'summer'; else $season  =  'autumn'; $smarty-­‐>assign('season',  $season);
  • 25. Exercise II, cont. Template. {process_pagedata} <!DOCTYPE  html  PUBLIC  "-­‐//W3C//DTD  XHTML  1.0  TransiQ onal//EN"   "hRp://­‐transiQ onal.dtd"> <html  xmlns="hRp://"  xml:lang="en"  > <head> <Qtle>{sitename}  -­‐  {Qtle}</Qtle> {metadata} {cms_stylesheet} {season} </head> <body> <div  id="header"><h1  class=”{$season}”>{sitename}</h1></div> <div  id="menu">{menu}</div> <div  id="content"  class=”{$season}”>    <h1>{Qtle}</h1>    {content} </div> </body> </html>
  • 26. Exercise II, cont. CSS .winter  {background-­‐color:  #bfc4ff;} .spring  {background-­‐color:  #bfffce;} .summer  {background-­‐color:  #fffabf;} .autumn  {background-­‐color:  #ffcabf;} #header  h1.summer  {background:  url(/uploads/images/beach.jpg);}
  • 27. Hour II How's my timing?
  • 28. Getting Started with Modules ● For the 1.x series, several ways to get started ● From scratch ● Skeleton module ● Module Maker ● MCFactory ● etc
  • 29. Skeleton Module ● Download from Forge or Module Manager ● Has simple functionality ● install/upgrade ● admin panel ● database routines ● form API calls
  • 30. Skeleton Module, cont. ● Once you've installed, edit the files to adapt to your own purposes ● Well commented ● Somewhat dated: last updated for CMS MS 1.6.5 ● Still has correct structure, but may lack more recent improvements and features
  • 31. Structure of a 1.x module ● Modules extend the CMSModule class ● Magic of OO: ● Automatically inherits a lot of functionality (e.g., Database and Form APIs, Smarty, Translation, etc) ● Most methods already inherit acceptable defaults
  • 32. Minimal 1.x Module ● File lives in $CMS_ROOT/modules/module_name ● Filename is module_name.module.php ● Module class must match file name ● Need to implement 3 methods: ● GetName ● DoAction ● IsPluginModule
  • 33. Minimal 1.x module, cont. ● GetName simply returns module name; must match class and filename ● IsPluginModule returns boolean. ● DoAction is, unsurprisingly, where the real action takes place
  • 34. DoAction ● Called with a few parameters: ● $action, “reason for calling.” Two built-in: “default” and “defaultadmin” ● $id, a prefix for use in forms ● $params, a hash of parameters ● $returnid, reference to the page containing the tag
  • 35. Other important methods ● Install, upgrade, uninstall. These methods called as expected, and allow for housekeeping ● SetParameters. Sets up parameter filtering, URL routes, ● Lang. Translates strings.
  • 36. Minimal 1.x module, cont. ● For performance reasons, methods are split out into multiple files ● String translations are stored in external files ● Templates may be stored as files or in the database
  • 38. Enough Abstraction! ● We will create a basic module that demonstrates core APIs ● “Quotations Module” requirements: ● Presents form to user, handles input safely ● Displays random quotation to user ● Allows admin to delete records
  • 39. Step 1. Preparation ● Create directories ● $CMS_ROOT/modules/Quotations ● Quotations/templates ● Quotations/lang ● Create base files: ● Quotations.module.php ● lang/en_US.php
  • 40. Quotations.module.php <?php class  QuotaQons  extends  CMSModule { funcQon  GetName() { return  'QuotaQons'; } funcQon  GetFriendlyName() { return  $this-­‐>Lang('friendlyname'); } funcQon  IsPluginModule() { return  true; } funcQon  GetVersion() { return  '0.1'; } } ?>
  • 42. Database Schema ● We'll probably need ● Unique ID ● Quotation text ● Quotation author ● Submission date
  • 43. method.install.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb(); $dict  =  NewDataDicQonary(  $db  ); $fields=" quotaQon_id  I  KEY, quotaQon  X, author  C(80), submit_date  DT "; $sqlarray  =  $dict-­‐>CreateTableSQL(  cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQons",$fields); $dict-­‐>ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $db-­‐>CreateSequence(cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQon_seq"); ?>
  • 45. Consider parameters ● Form will submit quotation and author ● Viewing will require quotation_id ● Module will also be a plugin module, so we want to give it its own tag {quotation} ● Let's create SetParameters method
  • 46. SetParameters() funcQon  SetParameters() { $this-­‐>RegisterModulePlugin(); $this-­‐>RestrictUnknownParams(); $this-­‐>CreateParameter('quotaQon_id','null',$this-­‐>Lang('help_quotaQ on_id')); $this-­‐>SetParameterType('quotaQon_id',  CLEAN_INT); $this-­‐>CreateParameter('author','anonymous',$this-­‐>Lang('help_author')); $this-­‐>SetParameterType('author',CLEAN_STRING); $this-­‐>CreateParameter('quotaQon','',$this-­‐>Lang('help_quotaQon')); $this-­‐>SetParameterType('quotaQon',CLEAN_STRING); $this-­‐>CreateParameter('submit'); $this-­‐>SetParameterType('submit',CLEAN_STRING); } funcQon  GetHelp() { return  $this-­‐>Lang('help'); }
  • 48. OK, let's get serious. ● Need to create the form ● Need to handle the inputs ● This will be the module's default action ● Create action.default.php
  • 49. action.default.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $smarty-­‐>assign('form_start',$this-­‐>CreateFormStart($id,  'default',  $returnid)); $smarty-­‐>assign('input_author',$this-­‐>CreateInputTextWithLabel($id,  'author', isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  10,  80,  '', $this-­‐>Lang('Qtle_author'))); $smarty-­‐>assign('Qtle_quotaQon',$this-­‐>Lang('Qtle_quotaQon')); $smarty-­‐>assign('input_quotaQon',$this-­‐>CreateTextArea(false,  $id, isset($params['quotaQon'])?html_enQty_decode($params['quotaQon'],ENT_QUOTES):'',   'quotaQon')); $smarty-­‐>assign('submit',$this-­‐>CreateInputSubmit($id,  'submit',  $this-­‐>Lang('submit'))); echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('user_form.tpl'); ?>
  • 50. user_form.tpl <div  class="quotaQon_form"> {$form_start} <div>{$input_author}</div> <div>{$Qtle_quotaQon}<br  />{$input_quotaQon}</div> <div>{$submit}</div> </form> </div>
  • 51. Add the tag to a page
  • 53. Update our lang file <?php $lang['friendlyname']='QuotaQon  Module'; $lang['Qtle_author']='QuotaQon  Author'; $lang['Qtle_quotaQon']='QuotaQon'; $lang['submit']='Submit'; $lang['help_quotaQon_id']='ID  for  a  specific  quotaQon'; $lang['help_author']='QuotaQon  author'; $lang['help_quotaQon']='QuotaQon  text'; $lang['help']='This  module  is  for  the  presentaQon  of  quotaQons.'; ?>
  • 55. Input validation Added to top of action.default.php if  (isset($params['submit'])) { if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on'])) { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds')); } } Added to user_form.tpl {if  isset($message)  &&  $message!=''}<div  class="error">{$message}</div>{/if}
  • 56. Try an empty submit
  • 57. Store to database if  (isset($params['submit'])) { if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on'])) { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds')); } else { $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb(); $quotaQon_id  =  $db-­‐>GenID(cms_db_prefix().  'module_quotaQon_seq'); $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('insert  into  '.cms_db_prefi x(). 'module_quotaQons  (quotaQon_id,author,quotaQon,submiRed_date)  values  (?,?,?,NOW())', array($quotaQon_id,$params['author'],$params['quotaQon'])); if  ($res  ===  false) { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('db_error',$db-­‐>ErrorMsg())); } else { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('added')); } } }
  • 58. Test it – add a quotation
  • 59. action.display.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $db=$this-­‐>GetDb(); $row  =  array(); $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefix(). 'module_quotaQons  order  by  rand()  limit  1'); if  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow()) { $smarty-­‐>assign('quotaQon',$row); } echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('display_quotaQ on.tpl'); ?>
  • 60. display_quotation.tpl <dl> <dd>{$quotaQon.quotaQon}</dd> <dt>{$}</dt> </dl>
  • 61. Add the tag to page template ● Find a convenient spot ● Add the tag: {QuotaQons  acQon='display'}
  • 63. 2.0 Module API 2.0  Module  Extensions: Database: create_table($table,  $fields) create_index($table,  $name,  $field) drop_table($table) Preference:   get($preference_name,  $default_value  =  '') set($preference_name,  $value) remove($preference_name  =  '') Template:   get_list($template_type  =  '') get($template_type,  $template_name) get_from_file($template_name) set($template_type,  $template_name,  $content,  $default  =  null) delete($template_type  =  '',  $template_name  =  '') process_from_data(  $data  ) process_from_database($template_type,  $template_name  =  '',  $id  =  '',  $return_id  =  '',   $designaQon  =  '',  $cache_id  =  '') process($template_name,  $id  =  '',  $return_id  =  '',  $designaQ on  =  '',  $cache_id  =  '')
  • 64. method.install.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $this-­‐>Database-­‐>create_table('module_quotaQ ons',  " quotaQon_id  I  KEY  AUTO, language  C(8), quotaQon  X, author  C(80), submiRer  C(80), submit_date  DT "); $this-­‐>Database-­‐>create_index('module_quotaQ ons','Author',  'author'); $this-­‐>Template-­‐>set('summary',  'Default  Template',  $this-­‐>Template-­‐ >get_from_file('orig_default_summary')); $this-­‐>Preference-­‐>set('sort_by','author'); $this-­‐>Permission-­‐>create('Manage  QuotaQons'  ); ?>
  • 65. 2.0 Module API 2.0 Module Extensions (Group 2) Permission: create($permission_name, $extra_attr = '', $hierarchical = false, $table = '') check($permission_name, $extra_attr = '', $hierarchical = false, $table = '') remove($permission_name, $extra_attr = '') Form: form_start($params = array(), $check_keys = false) form_end input_text input_hidden input_checkbox input_submit input_select input_options input_textarea Redirect: module_url Url: link content_linkreturn_link
  • 66. action.default.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $smarty-­‐>assign('form_start',$this-­‐>Form-­‐ >form_start(array('acQon'=>'default','return_id'=>$returnid))  ); $smarty-­‐>assign('input_author',$this-­‐>Form-­‐>input_text(array('id'=>$id,'name'=>   'author','value'=> isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  'size'=>10,'maxlength=>80,   'lable'=>'Qtle_author'))  ); $smarty-­‐>assign('Qtle_quotaQon',$this-­‐>Lang('Qtle_quotaQon')); $smarty-­‐>assign('submit',$this-­‐>Form-­‐>input_submit('name'=>  'submit',  'value'=>'submit'))); echo  $this-­‐>Template-­‐> process_from_database ('summary'); ?>
  • 67. 2.0 Smarty Tags {has_permission  perm="Modify  Templates"} {/has_permission} {tabs} {tab_content  name='users'} {tab_header  name='users'} {/tab_header} {/tab_content} {/tabs} {tr}users{/tr}
  • 68. Blocks: 2.0 Module Smarty Tags {mod_form}{/mod_form} {mod_formrow}{/mod_formrow} {mod_label}{/mod_label} {mod_select}{/mod_select} FuncQons: {mod_checkbox} {mod_dropdown} {mod_helptext} {mod_hidden} {mod_lang} {mod_link} {mod_opQons} {mod_password} {mod_submit} {mod_template} {mod_textarea} {mod_textbox} {mod_validaQon_errors}
  • 69. 2.0 Module Form {mod_validaQon_errors  for=$blog_post} {mod_form  acQon=$form_acQon} {mod_label  name="blog_post[Qtle]"}Title{/mod_label}:<br  /> {mod_textbox  name="blog_post[Qtle]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>Qtle  size="40"} {mod_label  name="blog_post[content]"}Post{/mod_label}:<br  /> {mod_textarea  name="blog_post[content]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>content  cols="40"   rows="10"  wysiwyg=true} <legend>{tr}Categories{/tr}</legend> {foreach  from=$categories  item='one_category'} {assign  var=category_id  value=$one_category-­‐>id} {assign  var=category_name  value=$one_category-­‐>name} {mod_checkbox  name="blog_post[category][$category_id]"   selected=$blog_post-­‐>in_category($category_id)}  {$category_name}<br  /> {/foreach} {mod_label  name="blog_post[status]"}{tr}Status{/tr}{/mod_label}:<br  /> {mod_dropdown  name="blog_post[status]"  items=$cms_mapi_module-­‐>get_statuses()   selected_value=$blog_post-­‐>status}
  • 70. 2.0 Module Form (Part 2) {mod_label  name='post_date_Month'}{tr}Post  Date{/tr}{/mod_label}:<br  /> {html_select_date  prefix=$post_date_prefix  Qme=$blog_post-­‐>post_date-­‐ >Qmestamp()  start_year=2000  end_year=2020}  {html_select_Q me  prefix=$post_date_prefix   Qme=$blog_post-­‐>post_date-­‐>Qmestamp()} {mod_hidden  name="blog_post[author_id]"  value=$blog_post-­‐>author_id} {mod_submit  name="submitpost"  value='Submit'  translate=true}   {if  $blog_post-­‐>id  gt  0} {mod_hidden  name="blog_post_id"  value=$blog_post-­‐>id} {mod_submit  name="cancelpost"  value='Cancel'  translate=true}   {/if} {mod_submit  name="submitpublish"  value='Publish'  translate=true} {/mod_form}
  • 71. OK, let's add an admin panel ● First, we need to add a permission to control access ● This should be done in the installer ● Steps: ● Change installer ● Bump the module version number ● Create the upgrade method
  • 72. method.install.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb(); $dict  =  NewDataDicQonary(  $db  ); $fields=" quotaQon_id  I  KEY, language  C(8), quotaQon  X, author  C(80), submiRer  C(80), submit_date  DT "; $sqlarray  =  $dict-­‐>CreateTableSQL(  cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQons",$fields); $dict-­‐>ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $db-­‐>CreateSequence(cms_db_prefix()."module_quotaQon_seq"); $this-­‐>CreatePermission('Manage  QuotaQons',  'Manage  QuotaQons'); ?>
  • 73. method.upgrade.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; switch($old_version) { case  "0.1": $this-­‐>CreatePermission('Manage  QuotaQons',  'Manage  QuotaQons'); } $this-­‐>Audit(  0,  $this-­‐>Lang('friendlyname'),  $this-­‐>Lang('upgraded',$this-­‐>GetVersion())); ?> Added to lang file: $lang['upgraded']='Upgraded  to  version  %s';
  • 75. Now implement admin panel 1.x ● Add method to main module: function HasAdmin() { return ($this->CheckPermission('Manage Quotations')); }
  • 76. action.defaultadmin.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQons'))  exit; $db=$this-­‐>GetDb(); $rows  =  array(); $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefix().'module_quotaQons  order  by  submit_date   desc'); while  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow()) { $row['edit']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_edit',  '', $this-­‐>Lang('edit'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id'])); $row['delete']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_delete',  '', $this-­‐>Lang('delete'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id'])); array_push($rows,$row); } $smarty-­‐>assign('quotaQons',$rows); echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('admin_display_list.tpl'); ?>
  • 77. admin_display_list.tpl {if  isset($message)  &&  $message!=''}<div  class="pagewarning">{$message}</div>{/if} <table> {foreach  from=$quotaQons  item=q} <tr> <td>{$q.quotaQon_id}</td> <td>{$q.quotaQon|truncate:80}</td> <td>{$}</td> <td>{$q.edit}</td> <td>{$q.delete}</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table>
  • 79. action.admin_delete.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQons'))  exit; if  (isset($params['quotaQon_id'])) { $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb(); $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('delete  from  '.cms_db_prefi x(). 'module_quotaQons  where  quotaQon_id=?', array($params['quotaQon_id'])); $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('quotaQ on_deleted')); } echo  $this-­‐>DoAcQon('defaultadmin',  $id,  $params,  $returnid); ?>
  • 81. Be kind to users ● Add some safety – modify default admin link to delete $row['delete']  =  $this-­‐>CreateLink($id,  'admin_delete',  '', $this-­‐>Lang('delete'),  array('quotaQon_id'=>$row['quotaQon_id']), $this-­‐>Lang('really_delete',$row['author'])); ● And add to language file $lang['really_delete']='Really  delete  this  quotaQon  by  %s?';
  • 83. Let admin edit quotations ● We can re-use the form template ● Just need to create the admin-side logic ● Note that the logic is not identical, since we'll be updating the database rather than adding a new record
  • 84. action.admin_edit.php <?php if  (!isset($gCms))  exit; if  (!$this-­‐>CheckPermission('Manage  QuotaQ ons'))  exit; $db  =  $this-­‐>GetDb(); if  (isset($params['submit'])) { if  (empty($params['author'])  ||  empty($params['quotaQ on'])) { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('error_empty_fi elds')); } else { $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('update  '.cms_db_prefi x().'module_quotaQons  set  author=?,quotaQon=?  where  quotaQon_id=?', array($params['author'],$params['quotaQ on'],$params['quotaQon_id'])); if  ($res  ===  false) { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('db_error',$db-­‐>ErrorMsg())); } else { $smarty-­‐>assign('message',$this-­‐>Lang('quotaQ on_edited')); } return  $this-­‐>DoAcQon('defaultadmin',  $id,  $params,  $returnid); } } else
  • 85. action.admin_edit.php, cont { $res  =  $db-­‐>Execute('select  *  from  '.cms_db_prefi x().'module_quotaQons  where  quotaQon_id=?', array($params['quotaQon_id'])); if  ($res  &&  $row=$res-­‐>FetchRow()) { $params['author']=$row['author']; $params['quotaQon']=$row['quotaQon']; } } $smarty-­‐>assign('form_start',$this-­‐>CreateFormStart($id,  'admin_edit',  $returnid)); $smarty-­‐>assign('input_author',$this-­‐>CreateInputTextWithLabel($id,  'author', isset($params['author'])?$params['author']:'',  10,  80,  '', $this-­‐>Lang('Qtle_author'))); $smarty-­‐>assign('Qtle_quotaQon',$this-­‐>Lang('Qtle_quotaQon')); $smarty-­‐>assign('input_quotaQ on',$this-­‐>CreateTextArea(false,  $id, isset($params['quotaQon'])?html_enQty_decode($params['quotaQ on'],ENT_QUOTES):'',  'quotaQ on')); $smarty-­‐>assign('submit', $this-­‐>CreateInputHidden($id,'quotaQ on_id',$params['quotaQ on_id']). $this-­‐>CreateInputSubmit($id,  'submit',  $this-­‐>Lang('submit'))); echo  $this-­‐>ProcessTemplate('user_form.tpl'); ?>
  • 88. action.defaultadmin.php 2.0 if  (!isset($gCms))  die("Can't  call  acQons  directly!"); if  (  !$this-­‐>Permission-­‐>check('Modify  Site  Preferences')  ) CmsResponse::redirect('index.php?'.CMS_SECURE_PARAM_NAME.'='. $_SESSION[CMS_USER_KEY]); if  (isset($params['submitprefs'])  ) { if(  !CmsAcl::check_core_permission('Modify  Site  Preferences',  $user)  ) die('permission  denied'); $password_minlength  =  (int)coalesce_key($params,'password_minlength',6); $this-­‐>Preference-­‐>set('password_minlength',$password_minlength); } $smarty-­‐>assign('groups',cms_orm('CmsGroup')-­‐>fi nd_all()); $smarty-­‐>assign('users',cms_orm('CmsUser')-­‐>fi nd_all()); $smarty-­‐>assign('acQve_tab_for_modules',    coalesce_key($params,'selected_tab','users')); $smarty-­‐>assign('form_acQon','defaultadmin'); echo  $this-­‐>Template-­‐>process('defaultadmin.tpl',$id,$return_id);
  • 89. defaultadmin.tpl 2.0 {has_permission  perm="Modify  Templates"} <div  style="text-­‐align:  right;  width:  80%;"><a  href="listmodtemplates.php"   Qtle="{tr}modify_templates{/tr}">{tr}modify_templates{/tr}</a></div><br/> {/has_permission} {tabs} {has_permission  perm='Modify  Users'} {tab_content  name='users'} {tab_header  name='users'}{tr}users{/tr}{/tab_header} {mod_template  template='users_tab.tpl'} {/tab_content} {/has_permission} {has_permission  perm='Modify  Site  Preferences'} {tab_content  name='prefs'} {tab_header  name='prefs'}{tr}preferences{/tr}{/tab_header} {mod_template  template='prefs_tab.tpl'} {/tab_content} {/has_permission} {/tabs}