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Salvatore came into the room and gave a low whistle. “hubba-hubba”

Tamara patted her hair, Salvador’s admiration still brought a wide smile to her
face. “You noticed my new hairdo.”

“What? Ah no, I was looking at that model on the cover, what a stunner!”

“Salvatore Mobacy! Just you wait!”
“You toad, get back here!”

“Got to catch me first!”

Tamara chased him around the living room couch, both laughing until the
wail of a baby brought them back to what was happening around them.
“Romero nearly toppled into the fireplace”
said Joanne.

“Is he hurt? I’d only just set him down with a
new toy a couple of minutes before!”

Tamara rubbed the tired spot between her
eyes; taking care of one newly mobile baby
was hectic enough, but two were driving her
to distraction. Luckily it was nearly summer
and the fire place had been cold for some
time, but he still could have hurt himself. She
looked over at her other son who was still
happily banging away on the toy xylophone.
Even if Riccardo was fairly placed, Romero
made up for it in spadefuls. If this was what
he was like as a baby what would he be like
as a toddler?

Joanne cuddled the crying baby in her arms.
“No, he only hurt his pride.”
Joanne took Romero back to the rug.

“You’re quite the rough and tumble little man aren’t you?”

“I’d rather have less of the rough and less of the tumble mum.”

“It’s all part of having boys; why Salvatore...”

“Mamma please” said Salvatore cutting her off. “I’m sure Tam doesn’t want to
hear another one of those stories.”
“Oh I don’t know about that“said Tamara with a wicked grin. “Tell away mum, the
more embarrassing the better.”

Salvatore groaned as his mother lunched into another one of her tales about his
clumsy childhood antics. Just when he wanted Romero to be a distraction the boy
decided to sit still.

“Well instead of landing on his feet, he flew off the end of the banister and...”
What’s that
dear? You’d like
a pot plant for

                   “Look he’s trying to stand!” yelled Salvatore.

                   “And” said his mother glancing at the still sitting baby and giving
                   Salvatore the stink eye “He landed in this very large pot plant we had.
                   Well it all went flying; the pot, the dirt, Salvatore and all.” The two
                   women laughed together and laughed some more at Salvador’s face.

                   I’m the heir here, how about a bit of respect?! >grumble, grumble<
But respect would have to wait, as
Romero bored with sitting on the
rug, was quickly crawling towards
the fireplace again.

“What we need is a playpen” said

“Playpens” dismissed Joanne,
“Those don’t allow freedom of
expression.” She scooped the baby
up high into the air making him
laugh. “And you have so much to
express, don’t you little man?”
Romero gurgled and grabbed a
handful of his grandmother’s hair.

“I think I could handle a little less
expression as well” said Tamara
What you need is a good holiday. Did you
find a place yet?”

“Yes I forgot to tell you. I found a family
resort on the Gold Coast with babysitting and
a kid’s club.”

“That’s great, did you book?” asked

“Well no because although they have enough
rooms, they weren’t altogether, so I thought I
should ask your parents first.”

“Oh don’t worry about that” said Joanne
“Take what you can get.”

“Okay, I will” smiled Tamara. She watched
Joanne play with Romero so thankful to have
her help.
The next day was Christmas Eve and the house was a hive of activity.

The next day was Christmas Eve and the house was a hive of activity.

  Before lunch, Tamara and the two girls finished decorating the house.
Joanne baked the traditional Italian Christmas cake.
Salvatore mowed and trimmed the garden. Tamara said he just wanted to play on the new ride-on mower.
Alice cleaned the house from top to bottom without a break...

Or so she would have everyone believe.
Luigi sewed teddy bears...
In the afternoon, Tamara wrapped presents.
Joanne baked gingerbread with the girls.
I’m traumatized
                                                                                          for life!

Alice cleaned some more, grumbling about flour and crumbs.
                                                             Sticking her head into places that she said no
                                                             servo or even a sim should ever go.
Salvatore put up the outside decorations and took the twins for a walk.
While Luigi sewed even more teddy bears.

Before going to work as a criminal mastermind- as you do.
You better not
Joanne looked around at all the family gathered around the table on Christmas day. She was
very pleased that everyone had said they would come, some now and some for dinner. They
had all worn green or red just as she had asked for too.

The adults were seated in the kitchen with the little ones, while the older four children had
the dining room all to themselves.

 The family might consist of some cutthroat gangsters, but when the matriarch said dinner,
they all came.
“I would like to propose a toast to the two very fine
ladies who provided this wonderful meal; Mamma
and Tamara.”

“Here, here”
“Also for family; may we always be close, but may
our enemies be closer!”

“Oh Luigi.”
There were chuckles of agreement around the table and
everyone drank the toasts.
Although given their expressions, sim wine
must be pretty bad plonk.
Want food!

Okay already, don’t get your nappy in a knot.
Sarbello and his older brother Braulio are a right
pair of little gangsters.
“Did you all bring your swimwear? It’s a lovely day “said Joanne.
I heard it
was going to
“Hail even.”

“Oh I hope not” said Alisa looking worried. “The kids are
looking forward to using the pool.”

Joanne looked around at each of the family members, be they related or married in she considered each one to be a part of
her family.

 Luigi seemed calm and happy today which she was very thankful for. Everyone had been primed to say nothing about the
teddy bear gifts, apart from thank you of course.

She looked with some concern over her glass at Salvatore. He seemed serious and lost in thought, hardly saying a word
over lunch. She hoped he wasn’t brooding over his father.

 She smiled when she looked at Tamara. She was a sweet happy girl, and although she had a lazy streak she had made her
son very happy, and that was worth more than anything.
She had to stifle a laugh when she looked over at her niece. Phebe marched to
                    her own beat, just like her mother Ray-Ray.

There is a pie      Her dear sister in law and long time friend Ray-Ray was always so lively and
eating contest on   bubbly. No need to worry for conversation flowing when she was around.
Saturday Phebe...
                    I’m sure Ray-Ray is impressed with the speed her daughter can eat at.
Vincent, Luigi’s older brother sat at the far end with his usual worried expression. The man always
seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Some might think he was only concerned
for the family business, but she knew he was worried about Luigi’s health as much as she was. It was
a good thing he was married to Ray-Ray.

Their son Bernardo was somewhat a chip off his father. Not that they seemed to realize this, but he
also often had a pensive expression. Unlike his father though he would try to divert people’s
attention away from his nervousness with a joke or some kind of silly talk. The poor boy was well
known for putting his foot into things.
Next around the table was her son in law Yoosung, or Yo-Yo
as everyone called him. She didn’t know him very well
which was something she decided she must rectify as he
was after all married to her daughter. He had always
seemed like a very easy-going amicable kind of man.
Then there was.... oh dear Alisa was looking like a thunder storm;
Probably because of Yo-Yo’s and Phebe’s flying food.

Alisa was quite particular when it came to good manners. It must be
hard to be married to not only a messy man, but to have three messy
sons. She hoped her little granddaughter Francesca might be feminine
and tidy like her daughter.
She had to agree it wasn’t an overly pleasant sight.
Bout time

Over in the corner her grandson Sarbello had stopped his
tantrum to eat, and his little sister Francesca at only a day old
slept peacefully through it all.
After lunch most people went to dance by the pool.

Vincent looked at the grey sky and drops falling near his feet.
“This weather doesn’t look good. I think Berni was right.”

“Don’t worry Vincent, I believe a simself has been called to sort out
this little bit of rain. Let’s dance!”
Vincent you cracked a smile!
After a long dance, there was nothing like a nice soak in the hot tub.

Vincent surprised everyone by riding the dance sphere.
And was that laughter they
could hear?
The kids had fun sliding and playing Marco Polo for most of the afternoon.
About the time some had to leave more began to arrive.

    “Take care brother.”

“   “I will, don’t you worry about me. Enjoy your new teddy bear!”

    “Right... I will!”

    “Do you think uncle Luigi’s really gone coo-coo?”

    “Talking about that in front of him might not be such a good idea Berni!”
“Merry Christmas Angel! It’s so lovely that you could make it.”

“Hello Joanne.”

“Where is Ashley? And oh you’re not wearing green or red like
I said for the photographs.”
“I knew everyone would be wearing red, and since when have you seen me
wearing green? Ashley had to work”



“Perhaps he should get another job.”

“Oh he’ll be getting another job alright.”
“You can borrow something of mine.”

“Don’t worry about it, black always looks good.
So where is everyone?”
“I have this lovely green dress that you could borrow, I think it’s slim enough” said
Joanne trying to measure Angel’s waist with her hands.

”Joanne! Are you out of your plumbob mind!”


“I agreed to come for dinner, not join the chorus line of Jingle All The Way!”

Angel waved her off and went to the bathroom.
There were more family members to
welcome with Lottie’s family arriving
only a couple of minutes later.

“Hi mum.”

“Hi Mrs. Mobacy, uh I mean mamma.”

“Lottie, Brandon! Leo! Oh no, not you
too. You didn’t wear green or red

“Sure I did mum, I wore my red Vans.”

“That wasn’t exactly what I meant....
But how this grandson of mine? Let me
“Getting bigger all the time.”

“Who’s a big boy then?” said Joanne wiggling her
fingers at the baby.

Leo kicked his legs and gurgled at his grandmother.
“Want a hold Mamma?”

“Oh yes.”

“Well at least I’m not the only one not dressed like a Christmas tree” said Angel
Walking by. Then she paused, “Might want to check what that husband of yours is
doing Lottie.” Angel narrowed her eyes and glared at Brendon. “Do it again and I
might just kick your ass Brendon” she added before heading off for the pool.
                      times, so

“What the heck?” Said Lottie whirling around.

“Nothing! I didn’t do anything... really.”

“You heart farted my aunt didn’t you?!”

Seeing they really only had eyes for each other,
they soon made up and went outside to dance.
Angelo and Sadie arrived slightly late due to a certain person’s arrival that very morning.

“Meet your newest great nephew Joanne. We named him Abramo.”

“Hello little one. Aww he’s so precious Sadie. I’m so glad you two finally decided to get married and have a family.
You won’t be sorry you did.”

“I’m not even sure how it happened actually...”

Strange that... I have to blame my addiction to giving every couple-even those that don’t normally get played, at
least one child. So yes they are married and now have their one and only child. Population control, I don’t haz it.
So new in fact he hasn’t even got a crib at home yet.

    Abramo Mobacy, skin 1 (the dominant Maxis match
“   one that I must change in simpe on everybody)
    brown eyes and black hair.
Unfortunately even having a simself change the weather didn’t keep the rain
away for good, so everyone ended up back inside.

“Hey everyone, look at what I can do!” called out Rosa.

For being such a shy little girl, Rosa did like to show off to her family members.
“That’s really clever Rosa” cheered Berni.

Unfortunately everyone else was too busy gossiping,
chatting or dancing to notice.
So why aren’t
               I’ll make you green      you green and
Snowmen        and warty if you don’t   warty?
marshmallows   quit it with these
anyone?        questions Berni!
Soon it was time for two identical chocolate
cakes to celebrate the birthday of Romero and

“I don’t think we can wait any longer

“You’re right. Cake time everyone!”
                                     caaake, caaake

The cake is in
here Angelo...   Soon everyone was gathered around- or mostly.
“The Tonster is here!” said Tony with a flourish at the doorway. If it was one thing Tony liked it was to be noticed.

“I’m so sorry we’re late” said Amber quietly.

“You nearly missed the toss” said Salvatore looking pointedly at his brother.

“I knew you would wait.”

“Actually we weren’t.”
“Never mind” said Joanne
“They are here now.”

Salvatore and Tamara held
the babies a short distance
away from the flickering
candles as everyone sang
happy birthday.
With a quick toss and sparkle two giggling little boys sat on the floor.

Riccardo 6/6/2/10/10                              Romero 1/7/9/8/9
Last to arrive once it got dark was Nic’s family.

“Nick, Vicki, you’re looking very...”

“Pale?” helped Luigi.

“No, no I was going to say elegant.”
“That’s alright Joanne, I am looking pale, I decided to become a vampire like Nic.”

“How are you finding that?”

“Very hard to find a lipstick”

“How about a drink Nic?”

“Now you’re talking my language Luigi, lead on.”
“Hi Luisa! Do you want to come and play with my new doll’s set? It has a bed
and a pram and everything!”

“Ugg! You have got to be kidding me! “

“Oh” said Rosa deflated and suddenly feeling shy.
“Don’t you have anything fun?”


“I’ve heard you have a secret passage way, now that I would like to see!”

“We’re not allowed to go in there.”

“Why ever not? I bet it’s really exciting and spooky!”

“Well...” The last thing Rosa wanted to say was her Papa had shown it to her once
and it was indeed rather spooky and not something she wanted to see again.
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them!”

    “We could get into trouble.”

    “Phhht, they’re all way too busy talking to notice us. I really want to see the
    secret passage way, I’ll be your bestest friend if you do...”
    “I... I don’t know.”

    “You’re no fun at all Rosa!”
“Did I hear someone wanted some fun?” asked Vicki. “Let’s dance!”

Rosa gave a sigh of relief, now she wouldn’t have to talk about the
passageway and her cousin couldn’t sneak off. She gave Luisa a big smile
trying to make up for things, but her cousin ignored her. It made Rosa feel
sad that Luisa thought she was no fun. She did try hard, but it seemed other
kids just had an easier time making friends then she did.
“Hey Luisa is it? I’m your second cousin Angelo; having fun?”

“Yeah dancing is okay. My cousins are kind of lame though.”

“I think you will find them lots of fun if you get to know them.”

“Mm maybe.” Luisa glanced over to see her cousins were now playing a
clapping game. Dolls and clapping games were not her idea of fun.
“Their place is always... ohww where did that wall come from?”
“Massimo don’t touch!”called Amber leaping up from the couch.

“It’s okay” said Tamara looking over as she danced with Salvatore.
“They are all safe, well chewed toddler toys.”
“Why don’t you go and dance with Nonie darling.”

“okay Mamma”

“There is nothing in there he could hurt” said Tamara. She had
noticed the poor kid didn’t seem to be allowed to touch anything.
“I’m more concerned with what could hurt him; small children can pick up
germs so easily. Have you sterilized them?

“What? No, but my kids aren’t sick.”

“The whole box would be teaming with germs!”
Tamara gave her a look “You’re pulling my chain right?”

“I am most certainly not. I don’t pull chains, whatever that means. “

“So basically you think my house is filthy and my kids are disease
carrying rodents or something, I think I should be insulted right now”
“I didn’t say that. I’m sorry I don’t mean to insult you, I’m
sure you do your best, but Massimo cannot get sick!”

“You do realize kids need to be exposed to some dirt and
germs, right?”

“Not on my watch he won’t! I think it’s time we left.”
Tamara watched her go. Alisa was right, Amber
needed help. If she continued like that she’d end
up in the nut house.
Next up is Joanne’s family Christmas Album.

Romero and Riccardo
just before their
Here we all are. Luigi, me, Tamara holding Riccardo,
Salvatore holding Romero, with Ariana and Rosa at
the front.

                                                       to buy
                                                       outfits next
Tony, Amber and
Massimo, all
looking very
purple, Brandon
and little Leo.
Here he is trying so
hard to sit up! Leo is
just the cutest thing
On the left is Yo-Yo    On the right is Alisa
holing Sarbello with    holding Francesca with
Braulio at the front.   Adriano standing in
Francesca is such a
little doll.
Ray-Ray and Vincent
with Berni and Phebe.
Angelo, Sadie and
their new little son
So precious!
Last but not least is
                                                     Nic, Vicki,
Angel’s family.
                                                     Mario and

                        Merry Christmas Everybody!

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The Mobacy chapter 21

  • 1.
  • 2. Salvatore came into the room and gave a low whistle. “hubba-hubba” Tamara patted her hair, Salvador’s admiration still brought a wide smile to her face. “You noticed my new hairdo.” “What? Ah no, I was looking at that model on the cover, what a stunner!” “Salvatore Mobacy! Just you wait!”
  • 3. “You toad, get back here!” “Got to catch me first!” Tamara chased him around the living room couch, both laughing until the wail of a baby brought them back to what was happening around them.
  • 4. “Romero nearly toppled into the fireplace” said Joanne. “Is he hurt? I’d only just set him down with a new toy a couple of minutes before!” Tamara rubbed the tired spot between her eyes; taking care of one newly mobile baby was hectic enough, but two were driving her to distraction. Luckily it was nearly summer and the fire place had been cold for some time, but he still could have hurt himself. She looked over at her other son who was still happily banging away on the toy xylophone. Even if Riccardo was fairly placed, Romero made up for it in spadefuls. If this was what he was like as a baby what would he be like as a toddler? Joanne cuddled the crying baby in her arms. “No, he only hurt his pride.”
  • 5. Joanne took Romero back to the rug. “You’re quite the rough and tumble little man aren’t you?” “I’d rather have less of the rough and less of the tumble mum.” “It’s all part of having boys; why Salvatore...” “Mamma please” said Salvatore cutting her off. “I’m sure Tam doesn’t want to hear another one of those stories.”
  • 6. “Oh I don’t know about that“said Tamara with a wicked grin. “Tell away mum, the more embarrassing the better.” Salvatore groaned as his mother lunched into another one of her tales about his clumsy childhood antics. Just when he wanted Romero to be a distraction the boy decided to sit still. “Well instead of landing on his feet, he flew off the end of the banister and...”
  • 7. What’s that dear? You’d like a pot plant for Christmas? “Look he’s trying to stand!” yelled Salvatore. “And” said his mother glancing at the still sitting baby and giving Salvatore the stink eye “He landed in this very large pot plant we had. Well it all went flying; the pot, the dirt, Salvatore and all.” The two women laughed together and laughed some more at Salvador’s face. I’m the heir here, how about a bit of respect?! >grumble, grumble<
  • 8. But respect would have to wait, as Romero bored with sitting on the rug, was quickly crawling towards the fireplace again. “What we need is a playpen” said Salvatore. “Playpens” dismissed Joanne, “Those don’t allow freedom of expression.” She scooped the baby up high into the air making him laugh. “And you have so much to express, don’t you little man?” Romero gurgled and grabbed a handful of his grandmother’s hair. “I think I could handle a little less expression as well” said Tamara dryly.
  • 9. What you need is a good holiday. Did you find a place yet?” “Yes I forgot to tell you. I found a family resort on the Gold Coast with babysitting and a kid’s club.” “That’s great, did you book?” asked Salvatore. “Well no because although they have enough rooms, they weren’t altogether, so I thought I should ask your parents first.” “Oh don’t worry about that” said Joanne “Take what you can get.” “Okay, I will” smiled Tamara. She watched Joanne play with Romero so thankful to have her help.
  • 10. The next day was Christmas Eve and the house was a hive of activity. The next day was Christmas Eve and the house was a hive of activity. Before lunch, Tamara and the two girls finished decorating the house.
  • 11. Joanne baked the traditional Italian Christmas cake.
  • 12. Salvatore mowed and trimmed the garden. Tamara said he just wanted to play on the new ride-on mower.
  • 13. Alice cleaned the house from top to bottom without a break... Or so she would have everyone believe.
  • 14. Luigi sewed teddy bears...
  • 15. In the afternoon, Tamara wrapped presents.
  • 16. Joanne baked gingerbread with the girls.
  • 17. I’m traumatized for life! >beep< Alice cleaned some more, grumbling about flour and crumbs. Sticking her head into places that she said no servo or even a sim should ever go.
  • 18. Salvatore put up the outside decorations and took the twins for a walk.
  • 19. While Luigi sewed even more teddy bears. Before going to work as a criminal mastermind- as you do.
  • 21. Joanne looked around at all the family gathered around the table on Christmas day. She was very pleased that everyone had said they would come, some now and some for dinner. They had all worn green or red just as she had asked for too. The adults were seated in the kitchen with the little ones, while the older four children had the dining room all to themselves. The family might consist of some cutthroat gangsters, but when the matriarch said dinner, they all came.
  • 22. “I would like to propose a toast to the two very fine ladies who provided this wonderful meal; Mamma and Tamara.” “Here, here”
  • 23. “Also for family; may we always be close, but may our enemies be closer!” “Oh Luigi.”
  • 24. There were chuckles of agreement around the table and everyone drank the toasts.
  • 25. Although given their expressions, sim wine must be pretty bad plonk.
  • 26. Want food! Now! Okay already, don’t get your nappy in a knot. Sarbello and his older brother Braulio are a right pair of little gangsters.
  • 27. “Did you all bring your swimwear? It’s a lovely day “said Joanne.
  • 28. I heard it was going to rain
  • 29. “Hail even.” “Oh I hope not” said Alisa looking worried. “The kids are looking forward to using the pool.”
  • 30. Only kidding! >crickets<
  • 31. Joanne looked around at each of the family members, be they related or married in she considered each one to be a part of her family. Luigi seemed calm and happy today which she was very thankful for. Everyone had been primed to say nothing about the teddy bear gifts, apart from thank you of course. She looked with some concern over her glass at Salvatore. He seemed serious and lost in thought, hardly saying a word over lunch. She hoped he wasn’t brooding over his father. She smiled when she looked at Tamara. She was a sweet happy girl, and although she had a lazy streak she had made her son very happy, and that was worth more than anything.
  • 32. She had to stifle a laugh when she looked over at her niece. Phebe marched to her own beat, just like her mother Ray-Ray. There is a pie Her dear sister in law and long time friend Ray-Ray was always so lively and eating contest on bubbly. No need to worry for conversation flowing when she was around. Saturday Phebe... I’m sure Ray-Ray is impressed with the speed her daughter can eat at.
  • 33. Vincent, Luigi’s older brother sat at the far end with his usual worried expression. The man always seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Some might think he was only concerned for the family business, but she knew he was worried about Luigi’s health as much as she was. It was a good thing he was married to Ray-Ray. Their son Bernardo was somewhat a chip off his father. Not that they seemed to realize this, but he also often had a pensive expression. Unlike his father though he would try to divert people’s attention away from his nervousness with a joke or some kind of silly talk. The poor boy was well known for putting his foot into things.
  • 34. Next around the table was her son in law Yoosung, or Yo-Yo as everyone called him. She didn’t know him very well which was something she decided she must rectify as he was after all married to her daughter. He had always seemed like a very easy-going amicable kind of man.
  • 35. Then there was.... oh dear Alisa was looking like a thunder storm; Probably because of Yo-Yo’s and Phebe’s flying food. Alisa was quite particular when it came to good manners. It must be hard to be married to not only a messy man, but to have three messy sons. She hoped her little granddaughter Francesca might be feminine and tidy like her daughter.
  • 36. She had to agree it wasn’t an overly pleasant sight.
  • 37. Bout time woman Over in the corner her grandson Sarbello had stopped his tantrum to eat, and his little sister Francesca at only a day old slept peacefully through it all.
  • 38. After lunch most people went to dance by the pool. Vincent looked at the grey sky and drops falling near his feet.
  • 39. “This weather doesn’t look good. I think Berni was right.” “Don’t worry Vincent, I believe a simself has been called to sort out this little bit of rain. Let’s dance!”
  • 41.
  • 42. After a long dance, there was nothing like a nice soak in the hot tub. Vincent surprised everyone by riding the dance sphere.
  • 43. And was that laughter they could hear?
  • 44. The kids had fun sliding and playing Marco Polo for most of the afternoon.
  • 46.
  • 47. About the time some had to leave more began to arrive. “Take care brother.” “ “I will, don’t you worry about me. Enjoy your new teddy bear!” “Right... I will!” “Do you think uncle Luigi’s really gone coo-coo?” “Talking about that in front of him might not be such a good idea Berni!”
  • 48. “Merry Christmas Angel! It’s so lovely that you could make it.” “Hello Joanne.” “Where is Ashley? And oh you’re not wearing green or red like I said for the photographs.”
  • 49. “I knew everyone would be wearing red, and since when have you seen me wearing green? Ashley had to work” “Again?” “Again.” “Perhaps he should get another job.” “Oh he’ll be getting another job alright.”
  • 50. “You can borrow something of mine.” “Don’t worry about it, black always looks good. So where is everyone?”
  • 51. “I have this lovely green dress that you could borrow, I think it’s slim enough” said Joanne trying to measure Angel’s waist with her hands. ”Joanne! Are you out of your plumbob mind!” “But...” “I agreed to come for dinner, not join the chorus line of Jingle All The Way!” Angel waved her off and went to the bathroom.
  • 52. There were more family members to welcome with Lottie’s family arriving only a couple of minutes later. “Hi mum.” “Hi Mrs. Mobacy, uh I mean mamma.” “Lottie, Brandon! Leo! Oh no, not you too. You didn’t wear green or red either.” “Sure I did mum, I wore my red Vans.” “That wasn’t exactly what I meant.... But how this grandson of mine? Let me look.”
  • 53. “Getting bigger all the time.” “Who’s a big boy then?” said Joanne wiggling her fingers at the baby. Leo kicked his legs and gurgled at his grandmother.
  • 54. “Want a hold Mamma?” “Oh yes.” “Well at least I’m not the only one not dressed like a Christmas tree” said Angel Walking by. Then she paused, “Might want to check what that husband of yours is doing Lottie.” Angel narrowed her eyes and glared at Brendon. “Do it again and I might just kick your ass Brendon” she added before heading off for the pool.
  • 55. Family times, so fun “What the heck?” Said Lottie whirling around. “Nothing! I didn’t do anything... really.” “You heart farted my aunt didn’t you?!” “Um...maybe?”
  • 56. Seeing they really only had eyes for each other, they soon made up and went outside to dance.
  • 57. Angelo and Sadie arrived slightly late due to a certain person’s arrival that very morning. “Meet your newest great nephew Joanne. We named him Abramo.” “Hello little one. Aww he’s so precious Sadie. I’m so glad you two finally decided to get married and have a family. You won’t be sorry you did.” “I’m not even sure how it happened actually...” Strange that... I have to blame my addiction to giving every couple-even those that don’t normally get played, at least one child. So yes they are married and now have their one and only child. Population control, I don’t haz it.
  • 58. So new in fact he hasn’t even got a crib at home yet. Abramo Mobacy, skin 1 (the dominant Maxis match “ one that I must change in simpe on everybody) brown eyes and black hair.
  • 59. Unfortunately even having a simself change the weather didn’t keep the rain away for good, so everyone ended up back inside. “Hey everyone, look at what I can do!” called out Rosa. For being such a shy little girl, Rosa did like to show off to her family members.
  • 60. “That’s really clever Rosa” cheered Berni. Unfortunately everyone else was too busy gossiping, chatting or dancing to notice.
  • 61. So why aren’t I’ll make you green you green and Snowmen and warty if you don’t warty? marshmallows quit it with these anyone? questions Berni!
  • 62.
  • 63. Soon it was time for two identical chocolate cakes to celebrate the birthday of Romero and Riccardo. “I don’t think we can wait any longer Salvatore.” “You’re right. Cake time everyone!”
  • 64. Caaake, caaake, caaake The cake is in here Angelo... Soon everyone was gathered around- or mostly.
  • 65. “The Tonster is here!” said Tony with a flourish at the doorway. If it was one thing Tony liked it was to be noticed. “I’m so sorry we’re late” said Amber quietly. “You nearly missed the toss” said Salvatore looking pointedly at his brother. “I knew you would wait.” “Actually we weren’t.”
  • 66. “Never mind” said Joanne “They are here now.” Salvatore and Tamara held the babies a short distance away from the flickering candles as everyone sang happy birthday.
  • 67. With a quick toss and sparkle two giggling little boys sat on the floor. Riccardo 6/6/2/10/10 Romero 1/7/9/8/9
  • 68. Last to arrive once it got dark was Nic’s family. “Nick, Vicki, you’re looking very...” “Pale?” helped Luigi. “No, no I was going to say elegant.”
  • 69. “That’s alright Joanne, I am looking pale, I decided to become a vampire like Nic.” “How are you finding that?” “Very hard to find a lipstick” “How about a drink Nic?” “Now you’re talking my language Luigi, lead on.”
  • 70. “Hi Luisa! Do you want to come and play with my new doll’s set? It has a bed and a pram and everything!” “Ugg! You have got to be kidding me! “ “Oh” said Rosa deflated and suddenly feeling shy.
  • 71. “Don’t you have anything fun?” “Umm.” “I’ve heard you have a secret passage way, now that I would like to see!” “We’re not allowed to go in there.” “Why ever not? I bet it’s really exciting and spooky!” “Well...” The last thing Rosa wanted to say was her Papa had shown it to her once and it was indeed rather spooky and not something she wanted to see again.
  • 72. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them!” “We could get into trouble.” “Phhht, they’re all way too busy talking to notice us. I really want to see the secret passage way, I’ll be your bestest friend if you do...” “ “I... I don’t know.” “You’re no fun at all Rosa!” “
  • 73. “Did I hear someone wanted some fun?” asked Vicki. “Let’s dance!” Rosa gave a sigh of relief, now she wouldn’t have to talk about the passageway and her cousin couldn’t sneak off. She gave Luisa a big smile trying to make up for things, but her cousin ignored her. It made Rosa feel sad that Luisa thought she was no fun. She did try hard, but it seemed other kids just had an easier time making friends then she did.
  • 74. “Hey Luisa is it? I’m your second cousin Angelo; having fun?” “Yeah dancing is okay. My cousins are kind of lame though.” “I think you will find them lots of fun if you get to know them.” “Mm maybe.” Luisa glanced over to see her cousins were now playing a clapping game. Dolls and clapping games were not her idea of fun.
  • 75. “Their place is always... ohww where did that wall come from?”
  • 76. “Massimo don’t touch!”called Amber leaping up from the couch. “It’s okay” said Tamara looking over as she danced with Salvatore. “They are all safe, well chewed toddler toys.”
  • 77. “Why don’t you go and dance with Nonie darling.” “okay Mamma” “There is nothing in there he could hurt” said Tamara. She had noticed the poor kid didn’t seem to be allowed to touch anything.
  • 78. “I’m more concerned with what could hurt him; small children can pick up germs so easily. Have you sterilized them? “What? No, but my kids aren’t sick.” “The whole box would be teaming with germs!”
  • 79. Tamara gave her a look “You’re pulling my chain right?” “I am most certainly not. I don’t pull chains, whatever that means. “ “So basically you think my house is filthy and my kids are disease carrying rodents or something, I think I should be insulted right now”
  • 80. “I didn’t say that. I’m sorry I don’t mean to insult you, I’m sure you do your best, but Massimo cannot get sick!” “You do realize kids need to be exposed to some dirt and germs, right?” “Not on my watch he won’t! I think it’s time we left.”
  • 81. Tamara watched her go. Alisa was right, Amber needed help. If she continued like that she’d end up in the nut house.
  • 82. Next up is Joanne’s family Christmas Album. Romero and Riccardo just before their birthday.
  • 83. Here we all are. Luigi, me, Tamara holding Riccardo, Salvatore holding Romero, with Ariana and Rosa at the front. Remember to buy toddler outfits next year!
  • 84. Tony, Amber and Massimo, all looking very smart.
  • 86. Here he is trying so hard to sit up! Leo is just the cutest thing ever.
  • 87. On the left is Yo-Yo On the right is Alisa holing Sarbello with holding Francesca with Braulio at the front. Adriano standing in front.
  • 88. Francesca is such a little doll.
  • 89. Ray-Ray and Vincent with Berni and Phebe.
  • 90. Angelo, Sadie and their new little son Abramo.
  • 92. Last but not least is Nic, Vicki, Angel’s family. Mario and Luisa. Merry Christmas Everybody!