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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

                             /*Loading .sh (Shell Script) */
while [ $i -le $3 ]
    echo -n quot;$1quot;
    sleep $2
    i=`expr $i + 1`

    putChar _ 0 80
    echo -e quot;nquot;
    echo quot; !!! Loading System Detailsquot;
    echo -ne quot;nttit may take few seconds quot;
    sleep 1
    putChar '.' 0.25 20
    putChar '.' 0 20
    putChar _ 0 80
    sleep 1

    echo -ne quot;nnnt--> Checking system details quot;
    putChar '.' 0.5 8
    echo -e quot;nntt-- Machine (hardware) type   : `uname -m`quot;

                                      Page 54
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
 sleep 2
 echo -e quot;tt-- Machine's network hostname : `uname -n`quot;
 sleep 1
 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system release        : `uname -r`quot;
 sleep 0.5
 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system name           : `uname -s`quot;
 sleep 0.5
 echo -e quot;tt-- Host processor type        : `uname -p`quot;
 sleep 0.25
 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system version        : `uname -v`quot;

 sleep 1
 echo -ne quot;nnt--> Checking for root user privilege quot;
 putChar '.' 0.5 6
 sleep 1
 if [ quot;`whoami`quot; != quot;rootquot; ]
  echo -e quot;nntt-- Sorry this software has to be run by root user....nnquot;
  sleep 2
  echo -e quot;nttAborting.......quot;;
  sleep 5
  echo -e quot;nntt-- found root user privileges !quot;
  sleep 1
  echo -ne quot;nntttttttt   quot;
  putChar '->' 0.25 5

                                       Page 55
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
  sleep 1
  echo -e quot;nquot;

                              /* Builder.c [C source File] */

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void printChar(char c, int count) {
 int i;
 for(i=0; i<count; i++)
  printf(quot;%cquot;, c);
} // end printChar

 void bu()
  system(quot;sh built.shquot;);
void Builder() {
 char ans, dirName[260];
 char dir,command[260];
 FILE *fp = fopen(quot;SourceDirquot;, quot;rquot;);
 fscanf(fp, quot;%squot;, dirName);

                                       Page 56
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
 printf(quot;Enter the Dir. Name Default is '%s' is it o.k (y/n): quot;, dirName);
 scanf(quot; %cquot;, &dir);
 if(dir == 'y') {
  printf(quot;Ensure that U have copied the source files..quot;);
  printf(quot;Shall I Proceed...(y/n): quot;);
  scanf(quot; %cquot;, &ans);
  if(ans == 'y') {
 //     system(quot;cp -rf /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-4.EL/arch/i386/defconfig /usr/src/linux-
      printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with cleaning...quot;);
      system(quot;sleep 40quot;);
      printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with kernel image creation...quot;);
      /* system(quot;make bzImage &> /dev/zeroquot;);*/
      system(quot;sleep 60quot;);
      printChar('*', 79);
      printChar('*', 79);

                                      Page 57
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
   printChar('*', 79);
   //strcpy(command,quot;cp /Project/ntfssupportedkernel arch/i386/boot/bzImagequot;);
      printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;);
 } else {
  printf(quot;Enter the directory Name: quot;);
  scanf(quot;%squot;, dirName);
  printf(quot;Ensure that U have copied the source files..quot;);
  printf(quot;Shall I Proceed...(y/n): quot;);
  scanf(quot; %cquot;, &ans);
  printf(quot;ans is %cnquot;, ans);
  if(ans == 'y') {
      system(quot;make dep &> /dev/zeroquot;);
   // system(quot;make dep | tee .o; ./.squot;);
      printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with cleaning...quot;);
      system(quot;sleep 60quot;);
      printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with kernel image creation...quot;);

                                     Page 58
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
      //system(quot;sleep 60quot;);
      printChar('*', 79);
      printChar('*', 79);
      printf(quot;Process Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;);
} // end Builder
int main() {
} // end main

/* Dir Handler.c [C source File] */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void PrintDir(char *dirName, int depth) {
 DIR *dp;
 struct dirent *entry;
 struct stat statbuf;
     if((dp = opendir(dirName)) == NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr, quot;Cann't open Directory: %snquot;, dirName);

                                      Page 59
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
     lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf);
     if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
      /* ignore . and .. */
  if(strcmp(quot;.quot;, entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp(quot;..quot;, entry->d_name)==0)
      printf(quot;%s/nquot;, entry->d_name);
     } // end if
 } // end while
} // end PrintDir
void DirHandler() {
 FILE *fp = fopen(quot;SourceDirquot;, quot;wquot;);
 char dirName[81];
 char command[200];
 char cmd[250];
 char srcName[260], destName[260];
 char pro;
 char defDir[] = quot;/usr/src/quot;;
 char srcRel[50], destRel[50];
 printf(quot;Enter the Dir To be scanned: quot;);
 scanf(quot;%squot;, dirName);
 PrintDir(dirName, 0);
 printf(quot;nn... That's all folks...nquot;);
 printf(quot;The default dir is '%s' Shall I proceed? (y/n): quot;, defDir);
 scanf(quot; %cquot;, &pro);
 if(pro == 'n') {

                                       Page 60
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
  printf(quot;Enter the Directory U want to be backed up: quot;);
  scanf(quot;%squot;, srcName);
  printf(quot;Now Enter the Directory name U want the sources to be in: quot;);
  scanf(quot;%squot;, destName);
  strcat(command, quot;cp -r quot;);
  strcat(command, srcName);
  strcat(command, quot; quot;);
  strcat(command, destName);
  cmd[0] = '0';
  strcat(cmd, command);
  printf(quot;n Command %squot;,cmd);
  printf(quot;nPress any key to go ahead with backup....quot;);
  printf(quot;This process may take several minutes... pls. wait....quot;);
  /* getchar();
  printf(quot;n Command %s quot;, command);*/
  printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;);
 } else {
  printf(quot;Enter the Directory U want to be backed up: quot;);
  scanf(quot;%squot;, srcRel);
  strcpy(srcName, defDir);
  strcat(srcName, srcRel);
  printf(quot;Now Enter the Directory name U want the sources to be in: quot;);
  scanf(quot;%squot;, destRel);

                                    Page 61
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
        strcpy(destName, defDir);
        strcat(destName, destRel);

        strcat(command, quot;cp -r quot;);
        strcat(command, srcName);
        strcat(command, quot; quot;);
        strcat(command, destName);
        printf(quot;nPress any key to go ahead with backup....quot;);
        printf(quot;This process may take several minutes... pls. wait....quot;);
        printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;);
    fprintf(fp, quot;%squot;, destName);
    } // end DirHandler

int main() {

                           /* MemberAdderGUI (Server Side) */

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
import java.awt.event.*;

public class MemberAdderGUI extends JFrame
    ServerSocket serverSocket;
    int DEFAULT_PORT=111;
    int port;
    Vector membersList;
    JFrame frame;
    TextField tfStatus;
    Container c;
    JPanel pnlPortInfo;
    JTextField jtfPort;
    JButton btnAction;
    java.awt.List lstMembers;
    String strBtnCaption = quot;quot;;
    Thread memberAdder;

public MemberAdderGUI(String title)
     membersList = new Vector();
     frame = this;
     c = getContentPane();
     strBtnCaption = quot;Startquot;;
     pnlPortInfo = new JPanel();
     pnlPortInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
     pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Westquot;, new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;));

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, jtfPort = new JTextField(7));
     pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Eastquot;, btnAction = new JButton(strBtnCaption));
     btnAction.addActionListener(new Axn());
     c.add(quot;Northquot;, pnlPortInfo);
     c.add(quot;Centerquot;, lstMembers = new java.awt.List(7));
     c.add(quot;Southquot;, tfStatus = new TextField());
     setSize(300, 300);
     setLocation(70, 70);

 public MemberAdderGUI(int port)
     this.port = port;
     membersList = new Vector();
class MemberAdder implements Runnable
    public void run()
         serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
         System.out.println(quot;Member Adder started and 'quot; + port + quot;'..!!quot;);
         Socket clientSocket = null;


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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
             clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
             System.out.println(quot;Connected to machine: quot; + clientSocket);
             String ipAddress = clientSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
     catch(Exception e)
    } // end run
 } // end MemberAdder
 public void addMember(String ipAddress)
         tfStatus.setText(quot;Added 'quot; + ipAddress + quot;' Successfully!!quot;);
         System.out.println(quot;quot;quot; + ipAddress + quot;quot; has been added already!!!quot;);
         tfStatus.setText(quot;quot;quot; + ipAddress + quot;quot; has been added already!!!quot;);

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
 public void printMembers()
     System.out.println(quot;nnList of Available members is..nquot;);
     Enumeration list = membersList.elements();
     System.out.println(quot;-----------------------that's all-----------------------quot;);

 class Axn implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
         String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand();
                 strBtnCaption = quot;Stopquot;;
                     port = DEFAULT_PORT;


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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
            port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText());
        if(memberAdder == null)
            memberAdder = new Thread(new MemberAdder());
            memberAdder = null;

    else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;))
        strBtnCaption = quot;Startquot;;
        serverSocket = null;
   catch(Exception e)
       System.out.println(quot;MemberAdderGUI: Axn: quot; + e);
   } // end try-catch

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
        } // end action
    } // end Axn

public static void main(String [] args)
        new MemberAdderGUI(quot;Member Listquot;);
} // end MemberAdderGUI

                           /* AddMeAsMemberGUI (Client Side)*/

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class AddMeAsMemberGUI extends JFrame
            String host;
            int port;
            JTextField jtfHost, jtfPort;
            JPanel pnlHostInfo, pnl1, pnl2, pnlActions;
            JFrame frame;
            Container c;
            JButton btnRegister, btnClose;
            public AddMeAsMemberGUI(String title)

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
               c = getContentPane();
               frame = this;
               pnlHostInfo = new JPanel();
               pnlHostInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
               pnl1 = new JPanel();
               pnl1.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
               pnl1.add(jtfHost = new JTextField(15));
               pnl1.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(15));
               pnl2 = new JPanel();
               pnl2.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
               pnl2.add(new JLabel(quot;Host: quot;));
               pnl2.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;));
               pnlActions = new JPanel();
               pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
               pnlActions.add(btnRegister = new JButton(quot;Registerquot;));
               btnRegister.addActionListener(new Axn());
               pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
               btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
               pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnl1);
               pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Westquot;, pnl2);
               pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
               c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlHostInfo);
               setSize(200, 110);
               setLocation(80, 80);
         } // end cons

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

 class AddMe implements Runnable
             public void run() {
                        Socket clientSocket = new Socket(host, port);
         catch(Exception e)
                        System.out.println(quot;AddMe: Axn: quot; + e);
     } // end run
 } // end AddMe

 public class Axn implements ActionListener
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand();
                          host = jtfHost.getText();
                          port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText());
                          new Thread(new AddMe()).start();
                       else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Closequot;))

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
        } // end Axn

    public static void main(String [] args)
          new AddMeAsMemberGUI(quot;Add Me As MEMBERquot;);
} // end AddMeAsMemberGUI

                          /* LookUp Server GUI (Server Side) */

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class LookUpServerGUI extends JFrame
    ServerSocket serverSok;
    JButton btnStart, btnStop;
    JTextField jtfPort;
    JPanel pnlActions, pnlPortInfo;
    boolean stopServer;
    Thread lookupSvr;
    Container c;

                                          Page 71
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

 public LookUpServerGUI(String title)
     c = getContentPane();
     pnlPortInfo = new JPanel();
     pnlPortInfo.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
     pnlPortInfo.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;));
     pnlPortInfo.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(4));
     pnlActions = new JPanel();
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
     pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;));
     btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn());
     c.add(quot;Northquot;, pnlPortInfo);
     c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlActions);
     setSize(100, 100);
     setLocation(70, 70);
 } // end cons

 class LookupServer implements Runnable
     public void run()

                                     Page 72
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
               int port;
            stopServer = false;
            String strPort = jtfPort.getText();
                port = Integer.parseInt(strPort);
                port = 1234;

    If (serverSok == null)
           serverSok = new ServerSocket(port);
        ; // do NOTHING
    while(stopServer == false)
        System.out.println(quot; 'quot; + port + quot;'quot;);
        Socket clientSok = serverSok.accept();
        System.out.println(quot;Connected to: quot; + clientSok);
        PrintWriter toClient = new PrintWriter(clientSok.getOutputStream(), true);

                                           Page 73
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
         } // end while
        catch(Exception e)
            System.out.println(quot;LookupServer: quot; + e);
    } // end run

    public class Axn implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
         String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand();
                if(lookupSvr == null)
                    lookupSvr = new Thread(new LookupServer());
                    System.out.println(quot;Already Running!!!!quot;);

                                              Page 74
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

         else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Stopquot;))
             stopServer = true;
             serverSok = null;
             lookupSvr = null;
         } // end if
     catch(Exception e)
     } // end try-catch
    } // end action
 } // end Axn

 public static void main(String [] args)
    new LookUpServerGUI(quot;Lookup Serverquot;);
} // end LookUpServerGUI

                                   /* LookUpClientGUI */

                                         Page 75
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class LookUpClientGUI extends JFrame
    String host;
    int port;
    JTextField jtfHost, jtfPort;
    JPanel pnlHostInfo, pnl1, pnlActions;
    JFrame frame;
    Container c;
    TextField tfStatus;
    JButton btnLookup, btnClose;

    public LookUpClientGUI(String title)
        c = getContentPane();
        frame = this;
        pnlHostInfo = new JPanel();
        pnlHostInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        pnl1 = new JPanel();
        pnl1.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
        pnl1.add(new JLabel(quot;Host: quot;));
        pnl1.add(jtfHost = new JTextField(15));

                                          Page 76
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     pnl1.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;));
     pnl1.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(15));

     pnlActions = new JPanel();
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
     pnlActions.add(btnLookup = new JButton(quot;Lookupquot;));
     btnLookup.addActionListener(new Axn());
     pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
     btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
     pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnl1);
     pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
     c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlHostInfo);
     c.add(quot;Southquot;, tfStatus = new TextField());
     setSize(200, 135);
     setLocation(70, 70);
 } // end cons

 public class Axn implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
         String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand();
             host = jtfHost.getText();
             port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText());

                                           Page 77
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
              new Thread(new LookupClient()).start();
          else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Closequot;))
 } // end Axn
  public void run()
           Socket clientSok = new Socket(host, port);
           BufferedReader fromServer = new BufferedReader(new
           String answer = fromServer.readLine();
           System.out.println(quot;The Server is active...quot;);
           tfStatus.setText(quot;The Server is ACTIVE...quot;);
  catch(Exception e)
          System.out.println(quot;Exception has come the server seems to be NOT
          tfStatus.setText(quot;server seems to be NOT ACTIVE..quot;);
  } // end try-catch

                                         Page 78
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
    } // end run
    } // end LookupClient

public static void main(String [] args)
        new LookUpClientGUI(quot;Lookup Clientquot;);
} // end LookUpClientGUI

                                   /* DNSmain (Server Side) */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class DNSmain extends JFrame
               JMenuBar mbar;
               JMenu mnuDNS, mnuHelp;
               JMenuItem jmi;
               JFrame frame;
               Container c;
               JDesktopPane jdp;

           public DNSmain(String title)
                              frame = this;

                                              Page 79
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                         c = getContentPane();
                         jdp = new JDesktopPane();
                         mbar = new JMenuBar();
                         mnuDNS = new JMenu(quot;DNSquot;);
                         jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Control Panelquot;, 'C');
                         jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                         jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;IPv6 Addressquot;, 'I');
                         jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                         jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;IPv4 Addressquot;, 'A');
                         jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                         jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Exitquot;, 'X');
                         jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                         mnuHelp = new JMenu(quot;Helpquot;);

                                       Page 80
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                           jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Contentsquot;, 'C');
                           jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                           jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Search...quot;, 'S');
                           jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                            jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Aboutquot;, 'A');
                            jmi.addActionListener(new Axn());
                            addWindowListener(new WinLstner());
                            setLocation(50, 50);
                            setSize(600, 500);
       } // end cons

 class Axn implements ActionListener

                                        Page 81
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
      String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand();
          int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, quot;Do you Really want
to quit?quot;,
                      quot;Quitting?quot;, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
          if(result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
   else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Control Panelquot;))
            JInternalFrame jif = new DNSpanelIF(quot;DNS panelquot;);
   else if(cmdString.equals(quot;IPv6 Addressquot;))
           JInternalFrame jif = new Ipv6RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv6 DNS Recordsquot;);
      else if(cmdString.equals(quot;IPv4 Addressquot;))
           JInternalFrame jif = new Ipv4RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv4 DNS Recordsquot;);
  } // end action

                                     Page 82
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
    } // end Axn

    class WinLstner extends WindowAdapter
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
           int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, quot;Do you Really want
to quit?quot;,
                      quot;Quitting?quot;, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
           if(result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
    } // end WinLstner

    public static void main(String [] args)
     new DNSmain(quot;IPv6 ready DNSquot;);
} // end main
} // end DNSmain

                                     /* DNShandler */

public class DNShandler
            public void startDNS()

                                        Page 83
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                               Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
                               Process p = r.exec(quot;service named startquot;);
                               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
                               String line = quot;quot;;
                               while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                         catch(Exception e)
                               System.out.println(quot;startDNS:: quot; + e);

         public void stopDNS()
                               Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
                               Process p = r.exec(quot;service named stopquot;);
                               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
                               String line = quot;quot;;
                               while((line = br.readLine()) != null)

                                        Page 84
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                         catch(Exception e)
                               System.out.println(quot;stopDNS:: quot; + e);

           public void reloadDNS()
                               Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
                               Process p = r.exec(quot;service named reloadquot;);
                               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
                               String line = quot;quot;;
                               while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                         catch(Exception e)
                               System.out.println(quot;reloadDNS:: quot; + e);

public static void main(String [] args)
               new DNShandler().reloadDNS();

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Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
    } // end main
} // end DNShandler

                              /* DNS Panel (Server side) */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class DNSpanel extends JFrame
    JPanel pnlActions;
    JButton btnStart, btnStop, btnRestart, btnClose;
    JFrame frame;
    Container c;
    public DNSpanel(String title)
        c = getContentPane();
        frame = this;
        pnlActions = new JPanel();
        pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
        pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;));
        pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;));
        pnlActions.add(btnRestart = new JButton(quot;Restartquot;));
        pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
        btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn());
        btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn());

                                       Page 86
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
    btnRestart.addActionListener(new Axn());
    btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
    setLocation(70, 70);
    setSize(200, 100);
 } // end DNspanel

 class Axn implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
        String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand();
                new DNShandler().startDNS();
        else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;))
                new DNShandler().stopDNS();
            else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Restartquot;))
                 new DNShandler().reloadDNS();
            else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Closequot;))

                                       Page 87
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
        } // end action
    } // end Axn

    public static void main(String [] args)
         new DNSpanel(quot;DNS panelquot;);
    } // end main
} // end DNSpanel

                          /* DNS panel IF (Internal Frame) */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class DNSpanelIF extends JInternalFrame
    JPanel pnlActions;
    JButton btnStart, btnStop, btnRestart, btnClose;
    JInternalFrame frame;
    Container c;
    public DNSpanelIF(String title)
         c = getContentPane();
         frame = this;
         pnlActions = new JPanel();

                                       Page 88
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
     pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnRestart = new JButton(quot;Restartquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
     btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnRestart.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
     setLocation(70, 70);
     setSize(200, 100);
 } // end DNspanel

 class Axn implements ActionListener
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
         String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand();
             new DNShandler().startDNS();

                                   Page 89
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
         else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;))
                 new DNShandler().stopDNS();
             else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Restartquot;))
                 new DNShandler().reloadDNS();
       else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Closequot;))
    } // end action
 } // end Axn

 public static void main(String [] args)
      new DNSpanelIF(quot;DNS panelquot;);
 } // end main
} // end DNSpanelIF

                                    /* Ipv4RecordAdder */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

                                         Page 90
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

public class Ipv4RecordAdder extends JFrame
    String zoneFileName;
    String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY
    JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress;
    JButton btnAdd, btnClose;
    JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter;
    JFrame frame;
    Container c;
    public Ipv4RecordAdder(String title)
     frame = this;
     c = getContentPane();
     pnlCenter = new JPanel();
     pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField());
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField());
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv4 Address: quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField());
     pnlActions = new JPanel();
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
     pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
     btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn());

                                    Page 91
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
    btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
    c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter);
    c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
    setLocation(70, 70);
    setSize(280, 150);
 } // end cons

 class Axn implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
        String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand();
                String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText();
              String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;;
              String hostName = jtfHostName.getText();
              String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText();
              PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new
              FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true));
              zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;tINtAtquot; + ipAddress);
              System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;);

              // Clear the TextFields

                                          Page 92
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
            else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;))
       catch(Exception e)
                System.out.println(quot;Ipv4 Add: quot; + e);
        } // end try-catch
      } // end action
 } // end Axn

 public static void main(String [] args)
    new Ipv4RecordAdder(quot;IPv4 Record Adder..quot;);
 } // end main
} // end Ipv4RecordAdder

                        /* Ipv4RecordAdderIF (Internal Frame) */

import java.awt.*;

                                         Page 93
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Ipv4RecordAdderIF extends JInternalFrame
    String zoneFileName;
    String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY
    JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress;
    JButton btnAdd, btnClose;
    JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter;
    JInternalFrame frame;
    Container c;

    public Ipv4RecordAdderIF(String title)
        frame = this;
        c = getContentPane();
        pnlCenter = new JPanel();
        pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
        pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;));
        pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField());
        pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;));
        pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField());
        pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv4 Address: quot;));
        pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField());
        pnlActions = new JPanel();
        pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));

                                       Page 94
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
        pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;));
        pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
        btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn());
        btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
        c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter);
        c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
        setLocation(70, 70);
        setSize(280, 150);
    } // end cons

class Axn implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
         String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand();
              String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText();
              String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;;
              String hostName = jtfHostName.getText();

                                         Page 95
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
             String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText();
             PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new
             FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true));
             zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;tINtAtquot; + ipAddress);
             System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;);

             // Clear the TextFields
         else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;))
     catch(Exception e)
             System.out.println(quot;Ipv4 Add: quot; + e);
      } // end try-catch
     } // end action
 } // end Axn
 public static void main(String [] args)
             new Ipv4RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv4 Record Adder..quot;);
 } // end main
} // end Ipv4RecordAdderIF

                                          Page 96
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

                                   /* Ipv6RecordAdder */

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Ipv6RecordAdder extends JFrame
    String zoneFileName;
    String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY
    JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress;
    J Button btnAdd, btnClose;
    JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter;
    JFrame frame;
    Container c;

    public Ipv6RecordAdder(String title)
     frame = this;
     c = getContentPane();
     pnlCenter = new JPanel();
     pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField());

                                        Page 97
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField());
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv6 Address: quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField());
     pnlActions = new JPanel();
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
     pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
     btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
     c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter);
     c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
     setLocation(70, 70);
     setSize(280, 150);
 } // end cons

 class Axn implements ActionListener
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
          String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand();
                  String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText();

                                          Page 98
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
              String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;;
              String hostName = jtfHostName.getText();
              String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText();
              PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new
FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true));
              zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;ttINtAAAAtquot; + ipAddress);
              System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;);

             // Clear the TextFields
      else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;))
     catch(Exception e)
          System.out.println(quot;Ipv6 Add: quot; + e);
     } // end try-catch
     } // end action
 } // end Axn

 public static void main(String [] args)

                                         Page 99
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     new Ipv6RecordAdder(quot;IPv6 Record Adder..quot;);
    } // end main
} // end Ipv6RecordAdder

                     /* Ipv6RecordAdderIF (Internal Frame) */
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Ipv6RecordAdderIF extends JInternalFrame
    String zoneFileName;
    String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY
    JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress;
    JButton btnAdd, btnClose;
    JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter;
    JInternalFrame frame;
    Container c;

    public Ipv6RecordAdderIF(String title)
     frame = this;
     c = getContentPane();
     pnlCenter = new JPanel();
     pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));

                                    Page 100
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField());
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField());
     pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv6 Address: quot;));
     pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField());

     pnlActions = new JPanel();
     pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
     pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;));
     pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;));
     btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn());
     btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn());
     c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter);
     c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions);
     setLocation(70, 70);
     setSize(280, 150);
 } // end cons

 class Axn implements ActionListener
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

                                    Page 101
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
      String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand();
              String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText();
              String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;;
              String hostName = jtfHostName.getText();
              String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText();
              PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new
              FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true));
              zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;ttINtAAAAtquot; + ipAddress);
              System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;);

              // Clear the TextFields

      else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;))
      catch(Exception e)

                                         Page 102
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
         System.out.println(quot;Ipv6 Add: quot; + e);
     } // end try-catch
     } // end action
    } // end Axn

    public static void main(String [] args)
     new Ipv6RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv6 Record Adder..quot;);
    } // end main
} // end Ipv6RecordAdderIF

                              /* Address Handler (Server Side) */

public class AddressHandler
            public AddressHandler()
                                 at());         ServerSocket sok = new
                                 System.out.println(quot;Server Ready!!!quot;);
                                 Socket client = sok.accept();

                                          Page 103
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                                 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
                                 String line = br.readLine();
                                 System.out.println(quot;Client has sent...quot; + line);
                         catch(Exception e)
                         } // end try-catch
         } // end cons
    public static void main(String [] args)
         new AddressHandler();

                                    /* Client (Client Side) */

public class Client
         public Client(String host, int port)

                                          Page 104
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server
                           Socket sok = new Socket(host, port);
                           System.out.print(quot;Enter some text: quot;);
                           String line = new BufferedReader(new
                           PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sok.getOutputStream());
                       catch(Exception e)
                                } // end try-catch
                } // end cons
    public static void main(String [] args)
            new Client(args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1]));

                                          Page 105
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

              /* A Typical view of Named.conf Configuration file */

## named.conf - configuration for bind
# Generated automatically by redhat-config-bind, alchemist et al.
# Any changes not supported by redhat-config-bind should be put
# in /etc/named.custom
controls {
      inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };
include quot;/etc/named.customquot;;
include quot;/etc/rndc.keyquot;;
#options {
#      listen-on-v6 { any; };
zone quot;localhostquot; {
       type master;
       file quot;localhost.zonequot;;
zone quot;mahendra.comquot; {
       type master;
       file quot;;;

                                    Page 106
Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

          /* A Typical view of Configuration file */

$TTL 86400
@       IN     SOA localhost. root.localhost (
                      5 ; serial
                      28800 ; refresh
                      7200 ; retry
                      604800 ; expire
                      86400 ; ttl

        IN     NS     localhost.
sky     IN     MX 1 
sky     IN     A          IN      CNAME
host1                 IN      AAAA          fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0
redhat1               IN      AAAA          fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0
penguin               IN      AAAA          fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0
node 2                IN      A   
node 1                IN      A   

                                        Page 107

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Build a Linux IPv6 DNS Server

  • 1. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server /*Loading .sh (Shell Script) */ putChar() { i=1 while [ $i -le $3 ] do echo -n quot;$1quot; sleep $2 i=`expr $i + 1` done } clear echo putChar _ 0 80 echo -e quot;nquot; echo quot; !!! Loading System Detailsquot; echo -ne quot;nttit may take few seconds quot; sleep 1 putChar '.' 0.25 20 putChar '.' 0 20 putChar _ 0 80 sleep 1 echo -ne quot;nnnt--> Checking system details quot; putChar '.' 0.5 8 echo -e quot;nntt-- Machine (hardware) type : `uname -m`quot; Page 54
  • 2. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server sleep 2 echo -e quot;tt-- Machine's network hostname : `uname -n`quot; sleep 1 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system release : `uname -r`quot; sleep 0.5 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system name : `uname -s`quot; sleep 0.5 echo -e quot;tt-- Host processor type : `uname -p`quot; sleep 0.25 echo -e quot;tt-- Operating system version : `uname -v`quot; sleep 1 echo -ne quot;nnt--> Checking for root user privilege quot; putChar '.' 0.5 6 sleep 1 if [ quot;`whoami`quot; != quot;rootquot; ] then echo -e quot;nntt-- Sorry this software has to be run by root user....nnquot; sleep 2 echo -e quot;nttAborting.......quot;; sleep 5 exit else sh echo -e quot;nntt-- found root user privileges !quot; sleep 1 echo -ne quot;nntttttttt quot; putChar '->' 0.25 5 Page 55
  • 3. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server sleep 1 echo -e quot;nquot; fi /* Builder.c [C source File] */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> void printChar(char c, int count) { int i; for(i=0; i<count; i++) printf(quot;%cquot;, c); printf(quot;nquot;); } // end printChar void bu() { system(quot;sh built.shquot;); } void Builder() { char ans, dirName[260]; char dir,command[260]; FILE *fp = fopen(quot;SourceDirquot;, quot;rquot;); fscanf(fp, quot;%squot;, dirName); Page 56
  • 4. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server fclose(fp); printf(quot;Enter the Dir. Name Default is '%s' is it o.k (y/n): quot;, dirName); scanf(quot; %cquot;, &dir); if(dir == 'y') { printf(quot;Ensure that U have copied the source files..quot;); printf(quot;Shall I Proceed...(y/n): quot;); scanf(quot; %cquot;, &ans); if(ans == 'y') { chdir(dirName); // system(quot;cp -rf /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-4.EL/arch/i386/defconfig /usr/src/linux- 2.4.21-4.EL/arch/i386/defconfig.orgquot;); printChar('/',79); printChar('/',79); printf(quot;nquot;); printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with cleaning...quot;); getchar(); getchar(); printChar('/',79); printChar('/',79); system(quot;sleep 40quot;); printf(quot;nquot;); printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with kernel image creation...quot;); getchar(); /* system(quot;make bzImage &> /dev/zeroquot;);*/ bu(); system(quot;sleep 60quot;); printChar('*', 79); printChar('*', 79); Page 57
  • 5. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server printChar('*', 79); //strcpy(command,quot;cp /Project/ntfssupportedkernel arch/i386/boot/bzImagequot;); //system(command); printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;); } } else { printf(quot;Enter the directory Name: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, dirName); printf(quot;Ensure that U have copied the source files..quot;); printf(quot;Shall I Proceed...(y/n): quot;); scanf(quot; %cquot;, &ans); printf(quot;ans is %cnquot;, ans); if(ans == 'y') { chdir(dirName); system(quot;make dep &> /dev/zeroquot;); // system(quot;make dep | tee .o; ./.squot;); printChar('/',79); printChar('/',79); printf(quot;nquot;); printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with cleaning...quot;); getchar(); getchar(); system(quot;sleep 60quot;); printChar('/',79); printChar('/',79); printf(quot;nquot;); printf(quot;Press Any key to proceed with kernel image creation...quot;); getchar(); Page 58
  • 6. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server printChar('/',79); printChar('/',79); printf(quot;nquot;); //system(quot;sleep 60quot;); printChar('*', 79); system(command); printChar('*', 79); printf(quot;Process Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;); } } } // end Builder int main() { Builder(); } // end main /* Dir Handler.c [C source File] */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> void PrintDir(char *dirName, int depth) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; struct stat statbuf; if((dp = opendir(dirName)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, quot;Cann't open Directory: %snquot;, dirName); return; Page 59
  • 7. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } chdir(dirName); while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf); if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { /* ignore . and .. */ if(strcmp(quot;.quot;, entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp(quot;..quot;, entry->d_name)==0) continue; printf(quot;%s/nquot;, entry->d_name); } // end if } // end while } // end PrintDir void DirHandler() { FILE *fp = fopen(quot;SourceDirquot;, quot;wquot;); char dirName[81]; char command[200]; char cmd[250]; char srcName[260], destName[260]; char pro; char defDir[] = quot;/usr/src/quot;; char srcRel[50], destRel[50]; printf(quot;Enter the Dir To be scanned: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, dirName); PrintDir(dirName, 0); printf(quot;nn... That's all folks...nquot;); printf(quot;The default dir is '%s' Shall I proceed? (y/n): quot;, defDir); scanf(quot; %cquot;, &pro); if(pro == 'n') { Page 60
  • 8. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server printf(quot;Enter the Directory U want to be backed up: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, srcName); printf(quot;Now Enter the Directory name U want the sources to be in: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, destName); command[0]='0'; strcat(command, quot;cp -r quot;); strcat(command, srcName); strcat(command, quot; quot;); strcat(command, destName); cmd[0] = '0'; strcat(cmd, command); printf(quot;n Command %squot;,cmd); printf(quot;nPress any key to go ahead with backup....quot;); printf(quot;This process may take several minutes... pls. wait....quot;); /* getchar(); getchar(); printf(quot;n Command %s quot;, command);*/ getchar(); system(command); printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;); } else { printf(quot;Enter the Directory U want to be backed up: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, srcRel); srcName[0]='0'; strcpy(srcName, defDir); strcat(srcName, srcRel); printf(quot;Now Enter the Directory name U want the sources to be in: quot;); scanf(quot;%squot;, destRel); Page 61
  • 9. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server strcpy(destName, defDir); strcat(destName, destRel); command[0]='0'; strcat(command, quot;cp -r quot;); strcat(command, srcName); strcat(command, quot; quot;); strcat(command, destName); printf(quot;nPress any key to go ahead with backup....quot;); printf(quot;This process may take several minutes... pls. wait....quot;); getchar(); getchar(); system(command); printf(quot;nProcess Completed Successfully!!!nnquot;); } fprintf(fp, quot;%squot;, destName); fclose(fp); } // end DirHandler int main() { DirHandler(); } /* MemberAdderGUI (Server Side) */ import*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; Page 62
  • 10. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server import java.awt.event.*; public class MemberAdderGUI extends JFrame { ServerSocket serverSocket; int DEFAULT_PORT=111; int port; Vector membersList; JFrame frame; TextField tfStatus; Container c; JPanel pnlPortInfo; JTextField jtfPort; JButton btnAction; java.awt.List lstMembers; String strBtnCaption = quot;quot;; Thread memberAdder; public MemberAdderGUI(String title) { super(title); membersList = new Vector(); frame = this; c = getContentPane(); strBtnCaption = quot;Startquot;; pnlPortInfo = new JPanel(); pnlPortInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Westquot;, new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;)); Page 63
  • 11. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, jtfPort = new JTextField(7)); pnlPortInfo.add(quot;Eastquot;, btnAction = new JButton(strBtnCaption)); btnAction.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Northquot;, pnlPortInfo); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, lstMembers = new java.awt.List(7)); c.add(quot;Southquot;, tfStatus = new TextField()); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setSize(300, 300); setLocation(70, 70); setVisible(true); } public MemberAdderGUI(int port) { this.port = port; membersList = new Vector(); } class MemberAdder implements Runnable { public void run() { try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port); System.out.println(quot;Member Adder started and 'quot; + port + quot;'..!!quot;); Socket clientSocket = null; while(true) Page 64
  • 12. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); System.out.println(quot;Connected to machine: quot; + clientSocket); String ipAddress = clientSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); clientSocket.close(); addMember(ipAddress); printMembers(); } } catch(Exception e) { } } // end run } // end MemberAdder public void addMember(String ipAddress) { if(!membersList.contains(ipAddress)) { membersList.add(ipAddress); lstMembers.add(ipAddress); tfStatus.setText(quot;Added 'quot; + ipAddress + quot;' Successfully!!quot;); } else { System.out.println(quot;quot;quot; + ipAddress + quot;quot; has been added already!!!quot;); tfStatus.setText(quot;quot;quot; + ipAddress + quot;quot; has been added already!!!quot;); } } Page 65
  • 13. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server public void printMembers() { System.out.println(quot;nnList of Available members is..nquot;); Enumeration list = membersList.elements(); while(list.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println((String)list.nextElement()); } System.out.println(quot;-----------------------that's all-----------------------quot;); } class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(strCommand.equals(quot;Startquot;)) { strBtnCaption = quot;Stopquot;; btnAction.setText(strBtnCaption); if(jtfPort.getText().equals(quot;quot;)) { port = DEFAULT_PORT; } else Page 66
  • 14. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server { port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText()); } if(memberAdder == null) { memberAdder = new Thread(new MemberAdder()); memberAdder.start(); } else { memberAdder = null; System.gc(); } } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;)) { strBtnCaption = quot;Startquot;; btnAction.setText(strBtnCaption); serverSocket.close(); serverSocket = null; System.gc(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;MemberAdderGUI: Axn: quot; + e); } // end try-catch Page 67
  • 15. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new MemberAdderGUI(quot;Member Listquot;); } } // end MemberAdderGUI /* AddMeAsMemberGUI (Client Side)*/ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class AddMeAsMemberGUI extends JFrame { String host; int port; JTextField jtfHost, jtfPort; JPanel pnlHostInfo, pnl1, pnl2, pnlActions; JFrame frame; Container c; JButton btnRegister, btnClose; public AddMeAsMemberGUI(String title) { Page 68
  • 16. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server c = getContentPane(); setTitle(title); frame = this; pnlHostInfo = new JPanel(); pnlHostInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnl1 = new JPanel(); pnl1.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); pnl1.add(jtfHost = new JTextField(15)); pnl1.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(15)); pnl2 = new JPanel(); pnl2.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); pnl2.add(new JLabel(quot;Host: quot;)); pnl2.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;)); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnRegister = new JButton(quot;Registerquot;)); btnRegister.addActionListener(new Axn()); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnl1); pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Westquot;, pnl2); pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlHostInfo); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setSize(200, 110); setLocation(80, 80); setVisible(true); } // end cons Page 69
  • 17. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server class AddMe implements Runnable { public void run() { try { Socket clientSocket = new Socket(host, port); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;AddMe: Axn: quot; + e); } } // end run } // end AddMe public class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand(); if(strCmd.equals(quot;Registerquot;)) { host = jtfHost.getText(); port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText()); new Thread(new AddMe()).start(); } else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { Page 70
  • 18. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server frame.dispose(); } } } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new AddMeAsMemberGUI(quot;Add Me As MEMBERquot;); } } // end AddMeAsMemberGUI /* LookUp Server GUI (Server Side) */ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class LookUpServerGUI extends JFrame { ServerSocket serverSok; JButton btnStart, btnStop; JTextField jtfPort; JPanel pnlActions, pnlPortInfo; boolean stopServer; Thread lookupSvr; Container c; Page 71
  • 19. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server public LookUpServerGUI(String title) { super(title); c = getContentPane(); pnlPortInfo = new JPanel(); pnlPortInfo.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlPortInfo.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;)); pnlPortInfo.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(4)); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;)); btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Northquot;, pnlPortInfo); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlActions); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setSize(100, 100); setLocation(70, 70); setVisible(true); } // end cons class LookupServer implements Runnable { public void run() { try Page 72
  • 20. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server { int port; stopServer = false; String strPort = jtfPort.getText(); if(!strPort.equals(quot;quot;)) { port = Integer.parseInt(strPort); } else { port = 1234; } If (serverSok == null) { serverSok = new ServerSocket(port); } else { ; // do NOTHING } while(stopServer == false) { System.out.println(quot; 'quot; + port + quot;'quot;); Socket clientSok = serverSok.accept(); System.out.println(quot;Connected to: quot; + clientSok); PrintWriter toClient = new PrintWriter(clientSok.getOutputStream(), true); toClient.println(quot;Activequot;); Page 73
  • 21. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server toClient.flush(); clientSok.close(); } // end while } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;LookupServer: quot; + e); } } // end run } public class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(strCmd.equals(quot;Startquot;)) { if(lookupSvr == null) { lookupSvr = new Thread(new LookupServer()); lookupSvr.start(); } else { System.out.println(quot;Already Running!!!!quot;); Page 74
  • 22. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } } else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Stopquot;)) { stopServer = true; serverSok.close(); serverSok = null; lookupSvr = null; System.gc(); System.out.println(quot;Stopped!!quot;); } // end if } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // end try-catch } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new LookUpServerGUI(quot;Lookup Serverquot;); } } // end LookUpServerGUI /* LookUpClientGUI */ Page 75
  • 23. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class LookUpClientGUI extends JFrame { String host; int port; JTextField jtfHost, jtfPort; JPanel pnlHostInfo, pnl1, pnlActions; JFrame frame; Container c; TextField tfStatus; JButton btnLookup, btnClose; public LookUpClientGUI(String title) { c = getContentPane(); setTitle(title); frame = this; pnlHostInfo = new JPanel(); pnlHostInfo.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnl1 = new JPanel(); pnl1.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); pnl1.add(new JLabel(quot;Host: quot;)); pnl1.add(jtfHost = new JTextField(15)); Page 76
  • 24. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnl1.add(new JLabel(quot;Port: quot;)); pnl1.add(jtfPort = new JTextField(15)); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnLookup = new JButton(quot;Lookupquot;)); btnLookup.addActionListener(new Axn()); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnl1); pnlHostInfo.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlHostInfo); c.add(quot;Southquot;, tfStatus = new TextField()); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setSize(200, 135); setLocation(70, 70); setVisible(true); } // end cons public class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCmd = ae.getActionCommand(); if(strCmd.equals(quot;Lookupquot;)) { host = jtfHost.getText(); port = Integer.parseInt(jtfPort.getText()); Page 77
  • 25. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server new Thread(new LookupClient()).start(); } else if(strCmd.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } } // end Axn public void run() { try { Socket clientSok = new Socket(host, port); BufferedReader fromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSok.getInputStream())); String answer = fromServer.readLine(); if(answer.equals(quot;Activequot;)) { System.out.println(quot;The Server is active...quot;); tfStatus.setText(quot;The Server is ACTIVE...quot;); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;Exception has come the server seems to be NOT ACTIVE..quot;); tfStatus.setText(quot;server seems to be NOT ACTIVE..quot;); } // end try-catch Page 78
  • 26. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } // end run } // end LookupClient public static void main(String [] args) { new LookUpClientGUI(quot;Lookup Clientquot;); } } // end LookUpClientGUI /* DNSmain (Server Side) */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DNSmain extends JFrame { JMenuBar mbar; JMenu mnuDNS, mnuHelp; JMenuItem jmi; JFrame frame; Container c; JDesktopPane jdp; public DNSmain(String title) { super(title); frame = this; Page 79
  • 27. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server c = getContentPane(); jdp = new JDesktopPane(); c.add(jdp); mbar = new JMenuBar(); mnuDNS = new JMenu(quot;DNSquot;); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Control Panelquot;, 'C'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('C', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuDNS.add(jmi); mnuDNS.addSeparator(); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;IPv6 Addressquot;, 'I'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('I', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuDNS.add(jmi); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;IPv4 Addressquot;, 'A'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('A', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuDNS.add(jmi); mnuDNS.addSeparator(); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Exitquot;, 'X'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('X', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuDNS.add(jmi); mnuHelp = new JMenu(quot;Helpquot;); Page 80
  • 28. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Contentsquot;, 'C'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('C', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuHelp.add(jmi); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Search...quot;, 'S'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('S', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuHelp.add(jmi); mnuHelp.addSeparator(); jmi = new JMenuItem(quot;Aboutquot;, 'A'); jmi.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('A', java.awt.event.InputEvent.ALT_MASK)); jmi.addActionListener(new Axn()); mnuHelp.add(jmi); mbar.add(mnuDNS); mbar.add(mnuHelp); setJMenuBar(mbar); setDefaultCloseOperation(0); addWindowListener(new WinLstner()); setLocation(50, 50); setSize(600, 500); setVisible(true); } // end cons class Axn implements ActionListener { Page 81
  • 29. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand(); if(cmdString.equals(quot;Exitquot;)) { int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, quot;Do you Really want to quit?quot;, quot;Quitting?quot;, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if(result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) frame.dispose(); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Control Panelquot;)) { JInternalFrame jif = new DNSpanelIF(quot;DNS panelquot;); jdp.add(jif); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;IPv6 Addressquot;)) { JInternalFrame jif = new Ipv6RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv6 DNS Recordsquot;); jdp.add(jif); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;IPv4 Addressquot;)) { JInternalFrame jif = new Ipv4RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv4 DNS Recordsquot;); jdp.add(jif); } } // end action Page 82
  • 30. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } // end Axn class WinLstner extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, quot;Do you Really want to quit?quot;, quot;Quitting?quot;, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if(result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) frame.dispose(); } } // end WinLstner public static void main(String [] args) { new DNSmain(quot;IPv6 ready DNSquot;); } // end main } // end DNSmain /* DNShandler */ import*; public class DNShandler { public void startDNS() { Page 83
  • 31. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server try { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p = r.exec(quot;service named startquot;); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = quot;quot;; while((line = br.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(line); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;startDNS:: quot; + e); } } public void stopDNS() { try { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p = r.exec(quot;service named stopquot;); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = quot;quot;; while((line = br.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(line); } Page 84
  • 32. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;stopDNS:: quot; + e); } } public void reloadDNS() { try { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p = r.exec(quot;service named reloadquot;); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = quot;quot;; while((line = br.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(line); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;reloadDNS:: quot; + e); } } public static void main(String [] args) { new DNShandler().reloadDNS(); Page 85
  • 33. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } // end main } // end DNShandler /* DNS Panel (Server side) */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DNSpanel extends JFrame { JPanel pnlActions; JButton btnStart, btnStop, btnRestart, btnClose; JFrame frame; Container c; public DNSpanel(String title) { super(title); c = getContentPane(); frame = this; pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnRestart = new JButton(quot;Restartquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn()); Page 86
  • 34. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server btnRestart.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(pnlActions); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(200, 100); setVisible(true); } // end DNspanel class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand(); if(strCommand.equals(quot;Startquot;)) { new DNShandler().startDNS(); } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;)) { new DNShandler().stopDNS(); } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Restartquot;)) { new DNShandler().reloadDNS(); } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); Page 87
  • 35. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server } } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new DNSpanel(quot;DNS panelquot;); } // end main } // end DNSpanel /* DNS panel IF (Internal Frame) */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DNSpanelIF extends JInternalFrame { JPanel pnlActions; JButton btnStart, btnStop, btnRestart, btnClose; JInternalFrame frame; Container c; public DNSpanelIF(String title) { super(title); c = getContentPane(); frame = this; pnlActions = new JPanel(); Page 88
  • 36. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnStart = new JButton(quot;Startquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnStop = new JButton(quot;Stopquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnRestart = new JButton(quot;Restartquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnStart.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnStop.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnRestart.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(pnlActions); setClosable(true); setResizable(true); setMaximizable(true); setIconifiable(true); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(200, 100); setVisible(true); } // end DNspanel class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String strCommand = ae.getActionCommand(); if(strCommand.equals(quot;Startquot;)) { new DNShandler().startDNS(); } Page 89
  • 37. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Stopquot;)) { new DNShandler().stopDNS(); } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Restartquot;)) { new DNShandler().reloadDNS(); } else if(strCommand.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new DNSpanelIF(quot;DNS panelquot;); } // end main } // end DNSpanelIF /* Ipv4RecordAdder */ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; Page 90
  • 38. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server public class Ipv4RecordAdder extends JFrame { String zoneFileName; String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress; JButton btnAdd, btnClose; JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter; JFrame frame; Container c; public Ipv4RecordAdder(String title) { super(title); frame = this; c = getContentPane(); pnlCenter = new JPanel(); pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv4 Address: quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField()); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn()); Page 91
  • 39. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter); c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); setDefaultCloseOperation(1); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(280, 150); setVisible(true); } // end cons class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(cmdString.equals(quot;Addquot;)) { String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText(); String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;; String hostName = jtfHostName.getText(); String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText(); PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true)); zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;tINtAtquot; + ipAddress); System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;); // Clear the TextFields Page 92
  • 40. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server jtfDomainName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfHostName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfAddress.setText(quot;quot;); zoneFile.close(); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;Ipv4 Add: quot; + e); } // end try-catch } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new Ipv4RecordAdder(quot;IPv4 Record Adder..quot;); } // end main } // end Ipv4RecordAdder /* Ipv4RecordAdderIF (Internal Frame) */ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; Page 93
  • 41. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Ipv4RecordAdderIF extends JInternalFrame { String zoneFileName; String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress; JButton btnAdd, btnClose; JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter; JInternalFrame frame; Container c; public Ipv4RecordAdderIF(String title) { super(title); frame = this; c = getContentPane(); pnlCenter = new JPanel(); pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv4 Address: quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField()); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); Page 94
  • 42. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter); c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); setDefaultCloseOperation(1); setClosable(true); setResizable(true); setMaximizable(true); setIconifiable(true); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(280, 150); setVisible(true); } // end cons class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(cmdString.equals(quot;Addquot;)) { String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText(); String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;; String hostName = jtfHostName.getText(); Page 95
  • 43. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText(); PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true)); zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;tINtAtquot; + ipAddress); System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;); // Clear the TextFields jtfDomainName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfHostName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfAddress.setText(quot;quot;); zoneFile.close(); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;Ipv4 Add: quot; + e); } // end try-catch } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new Ipv4RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv4 Record Adder..quot;); } // end main } // end Ipv4RecordAdderIF Page 96
  • 44. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server /* Ipv6RecordAdder */ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Ipv6RecordAdder extends JFrame { String zoneFileName; String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress; J Button btnAdd, btnClose; JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter; JFrame frame; Container c; public Ipv6RecordAdder(String title) { super(title); frame = this; c = getContentPane(); pnlCenter = new JPanel(); pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField()); Page 97
  • 45. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv6 Address: quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField()); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter); c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); setDefaultCloseOperation(1); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(280, 150); setVisible(true); } // end cons class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(cmdString.equals(quot;Addquot;)) { String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText(); Page 98
  • 46. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;; String hostName = jtfHostName.getText(); String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText(); PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true)); zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;ttINtAAAAtquot; + ipAddress); System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;); // Clear the TextFields jtfDomainName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfHostName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfAddress.setText(quot;quot;); zoneFile.close(); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(quot;Ipv6 Add: quot; + e); } // end try-catch } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { Page 99
  • 47. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server new Ipv6RecordAdder(quot;IPv6 Record Adder..quot;); } // end main } // end Ipv6RecordAdder /* Ipv6RecordAdderIF (Internal Frame) */ import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Ipv6RecordAdderIF extends JInternalFrame { String zoneFileName; String dnsDirectory = quot;/var/named/quot;; // DEFAULT DIRECTORY JTextField jtfDomainName, jtfHostName, jtfAddress; JButton btnAdd, btnClose; JPanel pnlActions, pnlCenter; JInternalFrame frame; Container c; public Ipv6RecordAdderIF(String title) { super(title); frame = this; c = getContentPane(); pnlCenter = new JPanel(); pnlCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); Page 100
  • 48. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Domain Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfDomainName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;Host Name : quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfHostName = new JTextField()); pnlCenter.add(new JLabel(quot;IPv6 Address: quot;)); pnlCenter.add(jtfAddress = new JTextField()); pnlActions = new JPanel(); pnlActions.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); pnlActions.add(btnAdd = new JButton(quot;Addquot;)); pnlActions.add(btnClose = new JButton(quot;Closequot;)); btnAdd.addActionListener(new Axn()); btnClose.addActionListener(new Axn()); c.add(quot;Centerquot;, pnlCenter); c.add(quot;Southquot;, pnlActions); setClosable(true); setResizable(true); setMaximizable(true); setIconifiable(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(1); setLocation(70, 70); setSize(280, 150); setVisible(true); } // end cons class Axn implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) Page 101
  • 49. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server { String cmdString = ae.getActionCommand(); try { if(cmdString.equals(quot;Addquot;)) { String domainName = jtfDomainName.getText(); String zoneFileName = dnsDirectory + domainName + quot;.zonequot;; String hostName = jtfHostName.getText(); String ipAddress = jtfAddress.getText(); PrintWriter zoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(zoneFileName, true)); zoneFile.println(hostName + quot;ttINtAAAAtquot; + ipAddress); System.out.println(quot;Record Added Successfully!!!!quot;); // Clear the TextFields jtfDomainName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfHostName.setText(quot;quot;); jtfAddress.setText(quot;quot;); zoneFile.close(); } else if(cmdString.equals(quot;Closequot;)) { frame.dispose(); } } catch(Exception e) Page 102
  • 50. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server { System.out.println(quot;Ipv6 Add: quot; + e); } // end try-catch } // end action } // end Axn public static void main(String [] args) { new Ipv6RecordAdderIF(quot;IPv6 Record Adder..quot;); } // end main } // end Ipv6RecordAdderIF /* Address Handler (Server Side) */ import*; import*; public class AddressHandler { public AddressHandler() { try { // System.out.println(Inet6Address().numericToTextForm at()); ServerSocket sok = new ServerSocket(2995); System.out.println(quot;Server Ready!!!quot;); Socket client = sok.accept(); Page 103
  • 51. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server System.out.println(client); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); String line = br.readLine(); System.out.println(quot;Client has sent...quot; + line); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // end try-catch } // end cons public static void main(String [] args) { new AddressHandler(); } } /* Client (Client Side) */ import*; import*; public class Client { public Client(String host, int port) { try { System.out.println(Inet6Address().numericToTextFormat()); Page 104
  • 52. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server Socket sok = new Socket(host, port); System.out.print(quot;Enter some text: quot;); String line = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sok.getOutputStream()); out.println(line); out.flush(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // end try-catch } // end cons public static void main(String [] args) { new Client(args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1])); } } Page 105
  • 53. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server /* A Typical view of Named.conf Configuration file */ ## named.conf - configuration for bind # # Generated automatically by redhat-config-bind, alchemist et al. # Any changes not supported by redhat-config-bind should be put # in /etc/named.custom # controls { inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; }; }; include quot;/etc/named.customquot;; include quot;/etc/rndc.keyquot;; #options { # listen-on-v6 { any; }; #}; zone quot;localhostquot; { type master; file quot;localhost.zonequot;; }; zone quot;mahendra.comquot; { type master; file quot;;; }; Page 106
  • 54. Building a Linux IPv6 DNS Server /* A Typical view of Configuration file */ $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost ( 5 ; serial 28800 ; refresh 7200 ; retry 604800 ; expire 86400 ; ttl ) IN NS localhost. sky IN MX 1 sky IN A IN CNAME host1 IN AAAA fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0 redhat1 IN AAAA fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0 penguin IN AAAA fe80::200:1cff:fe81:e1d0 node 2 IN A node 1 IN A Page 107