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Testing with Style -
Andreas Neumann
Senior Software Engineer Search
▪ Tests are code that test other code
▪ Tests prove or falsify certain assumptions
▪ general structure for tests
▪ Readability is important => doubles as documentation
▪ Examples two main Scala Testing Frameworks: Specs2 ,
▪ Structuring your project : A project Blueprint
▪ Run tests : I have written the code, what now ?
▪ Testing styles : So many to chose from
▪ Test Results : Get and interprete results
Project Structure
▪ Scala/JavaProject:
▪ /src/test
▪ /src/it
▪ Subfolders:
▪ scala : Tests written in Scala
▪ java : Tests written in Java
▪ resources: Files needed for
▪ these folders are not reachable out of main but can use
everything in main
▪ will normally not be included in Artifacts
Structuring Tests
▪ tests can be structured in packages
▪ tests should mimic the main package
▪ to allow for portability there should be 1 .. n test files for 1
implementation file
Running Tests
▪ Tests can be run in many different ways
▪ we will look at
▪ CI
▪ sbt
▪ CI does that for you
▪ runs complete set of tests
▪ run by git push
▪ run by hand
▪ for all Devs
▪ built in support in every major IDE
▪ often through JUnit Integration
▪ can run single files or suites
▪ tad slow, no looping
▪ Run all tests : test
▪ Run all tests in a specific project: <PROJECT>/test
▪ Run only one specific test: testOnly
▪ Run only tests failed before: test-quick
▪ Looping: ~
activator testing_styles/test
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/anneumann/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/anneumann/test-wars/project
[info] Set current project to test-wars (in build file:/Users/anneumann/test-wars/)
[info] PersonFeatureSpec:
[info] As a Developer
[info] I want to have a Person
[info] which can be part of the Test Wars Universe
[info][info] Total for specification PersonSpecMutable
[info] Finished in 56 ms
[info] 7 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 second, 404 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 14
[info] Suites: completed 3, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 14, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 36, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 36, Pending 3
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed Apr 15, 2015 1:03:14 PM
IDE with SBT and CI
What we want to test
can be created without exception
Person default values
is Neutral by default
is no Jedi by default
has default aiming prob of 50%
Person can change sides ad libitum
to the empire
to Rebels
Classic : JUnit like
▪ Looks like normal code
▪ Workhorses
▪ Scalatest : FunSuite
▪ test(„description") { …
▪ assert( cond => Boolean
▪ pro: nothing new to learn,
just functions
▪ con: looks like code, can
get messy
class PersonTestClassic extends FunSuite {

test("Person can be created without exception") {

assert( Person("Nobody").isInstanceOf[Person] == true )


test("Person is Neutral by default") {

assert( person.side == Neutral )


test("Person is no Jedi by default") {

assert( person.isJedi == false )


test("Person has default aiming prob of 50%") {

assert( person.aim == Probability(0.5) )


test("Person can change sides ad libitum to the Empire") {

val anakin = Person("Anakin", isJedi = true)

anakin.side = Empire

assert( anakin.side == Empire )


test("Person can change sides ad libitum to the Rebels") {

val han = Person("Han Solo")

assert( han.side == Neutral )

han.side = Rebels

assert( han.side == Rebels )


def person = Person("Honk")


QA loves this - FeatureSpec
▪ Focus on description
▪ Workhorses
▪ FeatureSpec
▪ Given - When - Then
▪ pro: Focus on Functionality /
▪ con:,mixes description and code,
hard to debug, ordering
class PersonFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen {

info("As a Developer")

info("I want to have a Person")

info("which can be part of the Test Wars Universe")

info("which has defaults and can change sides")

feature("Person") {

scenario("Creating a Person gives Person with defaults") {

Given("a Person created with just the name")

val person = new Person("Honk")

Then("the person should have defaults")

assert(person.isJedi == false)

assert(person.aim == Probability(0.5))



feature("Keep it interesting") {

scenario("A person can change sides") {

Given("Han Solo")

val han = new Person("Han Solo")

assert(han.side == Neutral)

When("han sees the good in the
Rebellion and befriends Luke he changes sides")

han.side = Rebels

Then("Han is part of the Rebellion")

assert(han.side == Rebels)



A little DSL - FlatSpec with Matchers
▪ More like natural language
▪ Workhorses
▪ Scalatest FlatSpec
▪ ShouldMatchers : DSL
▪ pro: more natural, can be
understood by non
programmers,not boolean
▪ con: What is tested
hidden by code
class PersonFlatTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {

"A Person" should "be created without exception" in {

Person("Nobody") shouldBe a [Person]


it should "be Neutral by default" in {

person.side should be(Neutral)


it should "be no Jedi by default" in {

person.isJedi should be(false)


it should ("have default aiming prob of 50%") in {

person.aim should be( Probability(0.5) )


"Person can change sides ad libitum " should "to the Empire" in {

val anakin = Person("Anakin", isJedi = true)

anakin.side = Empire

anakin.side should be( Empire )


it should "to the Rebels" in {

val han = Person("Han Solo")

han.side should be( Neutral )

han.side = Rebels

han.side should be ( Rebels )


def person = Person("Honk")

Another little DSL: Specs2 mutable
▪ like natural language
▪ Workhorses
▪ mutable.Spec
▪ specs2 DSL
▪ pro: natural, can be
understood by non
programmers, not
boolean centric
▪ con: code can hide
class PersonSpecMutable extends Specification {

"A Person" should {

"be created without exception" in {

Person("Nobody") must not throwA(new Exception)



"Person default values" should {

"be Neutral by default" in new TestPerson {

side mustEqual Neutral


"be no Jedi by default" in new TestPerson {

isJedi must beFalse


"have aiming prob of 50% " in new TestPerson {

aim mustEqual Probability(0.5)


"have default chance of evading 50%" in new TestPerson {

evade mustEqual Probability(0.5)



"Person can change sides ad libitum" should {

"to the empire" in {

val anakin = Person("Anakin")

anakin.side mustEqual Neutral

anakin.side = Empire

anakin.side mustEqual Empire


"to Rebels" in {

val han = Person("Han Solo")

han.side mustEqual Neutral

han.side = Rebels

han.side mustEqual Rebels



class TestPerson(name: String = "Honk") extends Person(name) with Scope

Functional Acceptance Style
▪ personal favorite
▪ Worhorses:
▪ Specs2 Specification
▪ String interpolation
▪ DSL with Matchers
▪ pro: clear distinction
code, functional, readable
by no coders ( upper Part )
▪ cons: Learning curve
class PersonSpec extends Specification {def is = s2"""


can be created without exception $create

Person default values

is Neutral by default $defaultSide

is no Jedi by default $isTheForceWithHim

has default aiming prob of 50% $defaultAim

has default chance of evading 50% $defaultEvade

Person can change sides ad libitum

to the empire $becomeEvil

to Rebels $becomeRebel


def create = Person("Nobody") must not throwA(new Exception)

def defaultSide = person.side mustEqual Neutral

def isTheForceWithHim = person.isJedi must beFalse

def defaultAim = person.aim mustEqual Probability(0.5)

def defaultEvade = person.evade mustEqual Probability(0.5)

def becomeEvil = {

val anakin = Person("Anakin")

anakin.side.mustEqual(Neutral).and {

anakin.side = Empire

anakin.side mustEqual Empire



def becomeRebel = {

val anakin = Person("Han Solo")

anakin.side.mustEqual(Neutral).and {

anakin.side = Rebels

anakin.side mustEqual Rebels



def person = Person("Honk")

▪ Test Results need to be readable by humans
▪ Tests Results need to be machine readable !
▪ we will look at
▪ Terminal
▪ JUnit-XML
Test Results: Terminal
▪ for humans
▪ some color support
▪ green, yellow, blue, red
▪ result at the end
> testOnly SpaceShipSpec
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for test-wars/test:testOnly
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 12 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for universe/test:testOnly
[info] SpaceShipSpec
[info] A spaceship
[info] + has shield
[info] + has attack power
[info] + has a aim, which defaults to 50% accuracy
[info] + has a chance to evade, which defaults to 50%
[info] + belongs to a side which by default is Neutral
[info] Spaceship Shield
[info] + a ship with shield left is ok
[info] + a ship with shield below 0 is broken
[info] + ship armor can be changed which affects the isOK state
[info] Spaceship Battle
[info] * a ship can engage another ship will not end in an endless loop PENDING
[info] * it will not engage if it is not Ok PENDING
[info] * after being engaged by another ship it will engage the other ship
[info] it will engage the other ship till one ship is no longer ok PENDING
[info] Total for specification SpaceShipSpec
[info] Finished in 46 ms
[info] 11 examples, 0 failure, 0 error, 3 pending
Test Results: HTML
▪ depends on Testing Framework
▪ may need A LOT OF project configuration
▪ can also be used to create documentation
▪ console-output needs to be readded


(testOptions in Test) ++= Seq(

Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "html"),

Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-h",

Tests Results: Machine Readable
▪ machine readable
▪ used by many CIs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


errors="0" failures="0" hostname="mb0141417118.local" name="person.PersonFlatTest" tests="6" time="0.059"


<property name="jline.esc.timeout" value="0"> </property>

<property name="" value="Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment">



name="sun.boot.library.path" value="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib">


<property name="java.vm.version" value="25.25-b02"> </property>

<property name="" value="DE"> </property>

<property name="gopherProxySet" value="false"> </property>

<property name="java.vm.vendor" value="Oracle Corporation"> </property>

<property name="java.vendor.url" value="">


<property name="path.separator" value=":"> </property>

<property name="" value="Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM">


<property name="file.encoding.pkg" value=""> </property>

<property name="" value="US"> </property>

<property name="" value="SUN_STANDARD"> </property>
Thank YOU for YOUR participation
code can be found at:
More to come, let me know what you want to hear about:
▪ (Mocking, Stubbing and Stabbing)
▪ Tests composability and inheritence
▪ Test Factories
▪ How do I test xy ( JSON, Futures, Web)
▪ Stubs, Mocks and Fixtures *
▪ Integration
▪ Polyglot testing
▪ Write testable code *
▪ Property based Testing (you won’t get away :)
TRIVIA - How is that connected to the talk ?

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Testing with Style @ Holidaycheck

  • 1. Testing with Style - Andreas Neumann Senior Software Engineer Search
  • 3. ‹Nr.› Aims ▪ Tests are code that test other code ▪ Tests prove or falsify certain assumptions ▪ general structure for tests ▪ Readability is important => doubles as documentation ▪ Examples two main Scala Testing Frameworks: Specs2 , ScalaTest
  • 4. ‹Nr.› Contents ▪ Structuring your project : A project Blueprint ▪ Run tests : I have written the code, what now ? ▪ Testing styles : So many to chose from ▪ Test Results : Get and interprete results
  • 6. ‹Nr.› Project Structure ▪ Scala/JavaProject: ▪ /src/test ▪ /src/it ▪ Subfolders: ▪ scala : Tests written in Scala ▪ java : Tests written in Java ▪ resources: Files needed for testing ▪ these folders are not reachable out of main but can use everything in main ▪ will normally not be included in Artifacts
  • 7. ‹Nr.› Structuring Tests ▪ tests can be structured in packages ▪ tests should mimic the main package ▪ to allow for portability there should be 1 .. n test files for 1 implementation file
  • 9. ‹Nr.› Running Tests ▪ Tests can be run in many different ways ▪ we will look at ▪ CI ▪ IDE ▪ sbt
  • 10. ‹Nr.› CI ▪ CI does that for you ▪ runs complete set of tests ▪ run by git push ▪ run by hand ▪ for all Devs
  • 11. ‹Nr.› IDE ▪ built in support in every major IDE ▪ often through JUnit Integration ▪ can run single files or suites ▪ tad slow, no looping
  • 12. ‹Nr.› SBT ▪ Run all tests : test ▪ Run all tests in a specific project: <PROJECT>/test ▪ Run only one specific test: testOnly ▪ Run only tests failed before: test-quick ▪ Looping: ~ activator testing_styles/test Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 [info] Loading global plugins from /Users/anneumann/.sbt/0.13/plugins [info] Loading project definition from /Users/anneumann/test-wars/project [info] Set current project to test-wars (in build file:/Users/anneumann/test-wars/) [info] PersonFeatureSpec: [info] As a Developer [info] I want to have a Person [info] which can be part of the Test Wars Universe [info][info] Total for specification PersonSpecMutable [info] Finished in 56 ms [info] 7 examples, 0 failure, 0 error [info] [info] ScalaTest [info] Run completed in 1 second, 404 milliseconds. [info] Total number of tests run: 14 [info] Suites: completed 3, aborted 0 [info] Tests: succeeded 14, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 [info] All tests passed. [info] Passed: Total 36, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 36, Pending 3 [success] Total time: 2 s, completed Apr 15, 2015 1:03:14 PM
  • 15. ‹Nr.› What we want to test Person can be created without exception Person default values is Neutral by default is no Jedi by default has default aiming prob of 50% Person can change sides ad libitum to the empire to Rebels
  • 16. ‹Nr.› Classic : JUnit like ▪ Looks like normal code ▪ Workhorses ▪ Scalatest : FunSuite ▪ test(„description") { … } ▪ assert( cond => Boolean ) ▪ pro: nothing new to learn, just functions ▪ con: looks like code, can get messy class PersonTestClassic extends FunSuite {
 test("Person can be created without exception") {
 assert( Person("Nobody").isInstanceOf[Person] == true )
 test("Person is Neutral by default") {
 assert( person.side == Neutral )
 test("Person is no Jedi by default") {
 assert( person.isJedi == false )
 test("Person has default aiming prob of 50%") {
 assert( person.aim == Probability(0.5) )
 test("Person can change sides ad libitum to the Empire") {
 val anakin = Person("Anakin", isJedi = true)
 anakin.side = Empire
 assert( anakin.side == Empire )
 test("Person can change sides ad libitum to the Rebels") {
 val han = Person("Han Solo")
 assert( han.side == Neutral )
 han.side = Rebels
 assert( han.side == Rebels )
 def person = Person("Honk")

  • 17. ‹Nr.› QA loves this - FeatureSpec ▪ Focus on description ▪ Workhorses ▪ FeatureSpec ▪ Given - When - Then ▪ pro: Focus on Functionality / Requirements ▪ con:,mixes description and code, hard to debug, ordering class PersonFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen {
 info("As a Developer")
 info("I want to have a Person")
 info("which can be part of the Test Wars Universe")
 info("which has defaults and can change sides")
 feature("Person") {
 scenario("Creating a Person gives Person with defaults") {
 Given("a Person created with just the name")
 val person = new Person("Honk")
 Then("the person should have defaults")
 assert(person.isJedi == false)
 assert(person.aim == Probability(0.5))
 feature("Keep it interesting") {
 scenario("A person can change sides") {
 Given("Han Solo")
 val han = new Person("Han Solo")
 assert(han.side == Neutral)
 When("han sees the good in the Rebellion and befriends Luke he changes sides")
 han.side = Rebels
 Then("Han is part of the Rebellion")
 assert(han.side == Rebels)
  • 18. ‹Nr.› A little DSL - FlatSpec with Matchers ▪ More like natural language ▪ Workhorses ▪ Scalatest FlatSpec ▪ ShouldMatchers : DSL ▪ pro: more natural, can be understood by non programmers,not boolean centric ▪ con: What is tested hidden by code class PersonFlatTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
 "A Person" should "be created without exception" in {
 Person("Nobody") shouldBe a [Person]
 it should "be Neutral by default" in {
 person.side should be(Neutral)
 it should "be no Jedi by default" in {
 person.isJedi should be(false)
 it should ("have default aiming prob of 50%") in {
 person.aim should be( Probability(0.5) )
 "Person can change sides ad libitum " should "to the Empire" in {
 val anakin = Person("Anakin", isJedi = true)
 anakin.side = Empire
 anakin.side should be( Empire )
 it should "to the Rebels" in {
 val han = Person("Han Solo")
 han.side should be( Neutral )
 han.side = Rebels
 han.side should be ( Rebels )
 def person = Person("Honk")
  • 19. ‹Nr.› Another little DSL: Specs2 mutable ▪ like natural language ▪ Workhorses ▪ mutable.Spec ▪ specs2 DSL ▪ pro: natural, can be understood by non programmers, not boolean centric ▪ con: code can hide tests class PersonSpecMutable extends Specification {
 "A Person" should {
 "be created without exception" in {
 Person("Nobody") must not throwA(new Exception)
 "Person default values" should {
 "be Neutral by default" in new TestPerson {
 side mustEqual Neutral
 "be no Jedi by default" in new TestPerson {
 isJedi must beFalse
 "have aiming prob of 50% " in new TestPerson {
 aim mustEqual Probability(0.5)
 "have default chance of evading 50%" in new TestPerson {
 evade mustEqual Probability(0.5)
 "Person can change sides ad libitum" should {
 "to the empire" in {
 val anakin = Person("Anakin")
 anakin.side mustEqual Neutral
 anakin.side = Empire
 anakin.side mustEqual Empire
 "to Rebels" in {
 val han = Person("Han Solo")
 han.side mustEqual Neutral
 han.side = Rebels
 han.side mustEqual Rebels
 class TestPerson(name: String = "Honk") extends Person(name) with Scope
  • 20. ‹Nr.› Functional Acceptance Style ▪ personal favorite ▪ Worhorses: ▪ Specs2 Specification (immutable) ▪ String interpolation ▪ DSL with Matchers ▪ pro: clear distinction requirements/description code, functional, readable by no coders ( upper Part ) ▪ cons: Learning curve class PersonSpec extends Specification {def is = s2"""
 can be created without exception $create
 Person default values
 is Neutral by default $defaultSide
 is no Jedi by default $isTheForceWithHim
 has default aiming prob of 50% $defaultAim
 has default chance of evading 50% $defaultEvade
 Person can change sides ad libitum
 to the empire $becomeEvil
 to Rebels $becomeRebel
 def create = Person("Nobody") must not throwA(new Exception)
 def defaultSide = person.side mustEqual Neutral
 def isTheForceWithHim = person.isJedi must beFalse
 def defaultAim = person.aim mustEqual Probability(0.5)
 def defaultEvade = person.evade mustEqual Probability(0.5)
 def becomeEvil = {
 val anakin = Person("Anakin")
 anakin.side.mustEqual(Neutral).and {
 anakin.side = Empire
 anakin.side mustEqual Empire
 def becomeRebel = {
 val anakin = Person("Han Solo")
 anakin.side.mustEqual(Neutral).and {
 anakin.side = Rebels
 anakin.side mustEqual Rebels
 def person = Person("Honk")
  • 22. ‹Nr.› Test-Results ▪ Test Results need to be readable by humans ▪ Tests Results need to be machine readable ! ▪ we will look at ▪ Terminal ▪ HTML ▪ JUnit-XML
  • 23. ‹Nr.› Test Results: Terminal ▪ for humans ▪ some color support ▪ green, yellow, blue, red ▪ result at the end > testOnly SpaceShipSpec [info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0 [info] No tests to run for test-wars/test:testOnly [info] ScalaTest [info] Run completed in 12 milliseconds. [info] Total number of tests run: 0 [info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0 [info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 [info] No tests were executed. [info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0 [info] No tests to run for universe/test:testOnly [info] SpaceShipSpec [info] A spaceship [info] + has shield [info] + has attack power [info] + has a aim, which defaults to 50% accuracy [info] + has a chance to evade, which defaults to 50% [info] + belongs to a side which by default is Neutral [info] [info] Spaceship Shield [info] + a ship with shield left is ok [info] + a ship with shield below 0 is broken [info] + ship armor can be changed which affects the isOK state [info] [info] Spaceship Battle [info] * a ship can engage another ship will not end in an endless loop PENDING [info] * it will not engage if it is not Ok PENDING [info] * after being engaged by another ship it will engage the other ship [info] it will engage the other ship till one ship is no longer ok PENDING [info] [info] Total for specification SpaceShipSpec [info] Finished in 46 ms [info] 11 examples, 0 failure, 0 error, 3 pending [info]
  • 24. ‹Nr.› Test Results: HTML ▪ depends on Testing Framework ▪ may need A LOT OF project configuration ▪ can also be used to create documentation ▪ console-output needs to be readded 
 (testOptions in Test) ++= Seq(
 Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "html"),
 Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-h", "target/scalatest/html")
  • 25. ‹Nr.› Tests Results: Machine Readable ▪ machine readable ▪ used by many CIs <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 errors="0" failures="0" hostname="mb0141417118.local" name="person.PersonFlatTest" tests="6" time="0.059" timestamp="2015-04-15T13:19:05">
 <property name="jline.esc.timeout" value="0"> </property>
 <property name="" value="Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment">
 name="sun.boot.library.path" value="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib">
 <property name="java.vm.version" value="25.25-b02"> </property>
 <property name="" value="DE"> </property>
 <property name="gopherProxySet" value="false"> </property>
 <property name="java.vm.vendor" value="Oracle Corporation"> </property>
 <property name="java.vendor.url" value="">
 <property name="path.separator" value=":"> </property>
 <property name="" value="Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM">
 <property name="file.encoding.pkg" value=""> </property>
 <property name="" value="US"> </property>
 <property name="" value="SUN_STANDARD"> </property>
  • 26. ‹Nr.› Thank YOU for YOUR participation code can be found at:
  • 27. ‹Nr.› More to come, let me know what you want to hear about: ▪ (Mocking, Stubbing and Stabbing) ▪ Tests composability and inheritence ▪ Test Factories ▪ How do I test xy ( JSON, Futures, Web) ▪ Stubs, Mocks and Fixtures * ▪ Integration ▪ Polyglot testing ▪ Write testable code * ▪ Property based Testing (you won’t get away :)
  • 28. ‹Nr.› TRIVIA - How is that connected to the talk ?