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Iterative Methods for Network Alignment

                                                                       David F. Gleich
                                                                    Computer Science
                                                                     Purdue University
                                                                    Arif Khan, Alex Pothen !
                                                        Purdue University, Computer Science
Work supported by DOE CSCAPES Institute grant (DE-
FC02-08ER25864), NSF CAREER grant 1149756-CCF,                  Mahantesh Halappanavar!
and the Center for Adaptive Super Computing Software        Pacific Northwest National Labs
Multithreaded Architectures (CASS-MT) at PNNL.                Mohsen Bayati, Amin Saberi!
Stanford’s CADS grant from the Library of Congress.
PNNL is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute under
                                                                           Stanford University
contract DE-AC06-76RL01830
                                               Ying Wang Google

Network alignment"
What is the best way of matching "
graph A to B?


                t                   u

        A                           B

the    Figure 2. The NetworkBLAST local network alignment algorithm. Given two input
s) or
         Network alignment"
         networks, a network alignment graph is constructed. Nodes in this graph correspond
         to pairs of sequence-similar proteins, one from each species, and edges correspond to
         conserved interactions. A search algorithm identifies highly similar subnetworks that

         follow a prespecified interaction pattern. Adapted from Sharan and Ideker.30
n the

d as
   ap-           From Sharan and Ideker, Modeling cellular machinery through biological
rked             network comparison. Nat. Biotechnol. 24, 4 (Apr. 2006), 427–433. 
 , we            
         Figure 3. Performance comparison of computational approaches.

Gleich (Purdue)   Network alignment"
d F. Gleich (Purdue)
                             Motivation                  DavidINFORMS (Purdue)
                                                               F. Gleich Seminar

                                                       Network alignment
                                                                                   8 / 40        Motivation              INFORMS Semin

                                                                                                                     INFORMS Sem
H/Wikipedia: Simple alignment fa
mm                     40   60                80       100 mm                120 40              60           80     100

                             40                         6040                                80
                                    r                                                        s

60                                                              60

80  40                                             t            80
                                          A                       L                          B
     A                  LCSH                   297,266 vertices, 248,230 edges
     B                  Wikipedia              205,948 vertices, 382,353 edges
     L                  links                  4,971,629 edges

Sometimes small procedure on the labels of the two
he size of these datasets is reported in Table 6.5. For this a
ome from a text-matching
      becomes big …
                            Table 6.5
 size of non-Web datasets. The product graph is never formed explicitly

           Dataset                      Size         Nonzeros
           LCSH-2                    59,849            227,464
           WC-3                      70,509            403,960
           Product graph      4,219,893,141    91,886,357,440

 periment, we do not investigate all the issues involved in using
      … Ananth has some better techniques to work with these large problems …
 d problem and focus on the performance of the inner-outer al
 nking context. Without any parameter optimization (i.e., usi
 ), the inner-outer scheme shows a significant performance adv
d in Table 6.6.

Network alignment"
What is the best way of matching "
graph A to B using only edges in L?


                t                  u

        A           L              B

Network alignment"
Matching? 1-1 relationship"
Best? highest weight and overlap

                    Overlap         s

                t                       u

        A                L              B

Network alignment"
… is NP-hard"
… has no approximation algorithm
r               Overlap         s           •    Computer Vision
                                            •    Ontology matching
                                            •    Database matching
                          wtu               •    Bioinformatics
            t                       u

    A                L              B

objective = α matching + βoverlap

Network alignment"
via mathematical programming

                                                maximize       ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx
                                                subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1}
    r               Overlap

                                                 Let xi be an indicator over edges in L
                t                       u        If A is the node-edge incidence matrix
                                                 for L, then x is a 1-1 matching
        A                L              B

    Find a 1-1 matching between vertices
    with as many overlaps as possible.

Network alignment"
via mathematical programming

                                                maximize       ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx
                                                subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1}
    r               Overlap

                                                 Let xi be an indicator over edges in L
                t                       u        Let Sij = 1 when xi and xj overlap, then
                                                 xTSx is twice the overlapped count.
        A                L              B

    Find a 1-1 matching between vertices
    with as many overlaps as possible.

Our contributions
A new belief propagation method (Bayati et al. 2009, 2013)"
Outperformed state-of-the-art PageRank and optimization-
based heuristic methods

High performance C++ implementations (Khan et al. 2012)"
40 times faster (C++ ~ 3, complexity ~ 2, threading ~ 8)"
5 million edge alignments ~ 10 sec"

Iterative methods "
    for network alignment
Each iteration involves
                                     Let x[i] be the score for
Matrix-vector-ish computations       each pair-wise match in L
with a sparse matrix, e.g. sparse
matrix vector products in a semi-    for i=1 to ...
ring, dot-products, axpy, etc. 
       update x[i] to y[i]
Bipartite max-weight matching          compute a
using a different weight vector at       max-weight match
                                         with y
each iteration
                                       update y[i] to x[i]
"                                        (using match in MR)
No “convergence” "
100-1000 iterations

Open question 1!

Any sort of property of "
these methods beyond ... 
(i) Principled derivation and "
(ii) “David and Ananth say they work”?

David F. Gleich (Purdue)        Algorithms                      INFORMS Seminar   25 / 40

 Belief propagation methods
Belief propagation: Our algorithm
          mm                    40   60                 80        100              120
Summary                                    History
 …   Construct a probability                      …   BP used for computing
     model where the most
          40                                          marginal probabilities and
     likely state is the solution!                    maximum aposterori
 …   Locally update information                       probability
 …   Like a generalized dynamic                   …   Wildly successful at solving
         60                                           satisfiability problems
                                                  …   Convergent algorithm for
 …   It works                                         max-weight matching

 …   Most likely, it won’t

                                                                        Bayati et al. 2005;
David F. Gleich (Purdue)                     Algorithms                              INFORM

      Belief propagation for
   The neighbor operation used to define the left-hand vector x@fi is implicitly defined b
           NetAlign factor graph: Loopy BP
   the set of variables used on the right-hand side of the equation. In words, the functio
      network alignment
   node fi (gi0 ) enforces the matching constraint at i (i0 )
   Another type of function nodes check the validity of squares. For each square ii0 ⇤ j
   define a function node hii0 jj 0 : {0, 1}40|+|S| ! R: 60
                                                     |EL                             80                100
                                           1 xii0 jj 0 = xii0 xjj 0 Functions
               hii0 jj 0 x@hii0 jj0 =                                        for all (ii0 , jj 0 ) 2 VS .
                            A          B 0 otherwise                         ƒ1
                                                       11 0
   In other words, 1 ii0 jj 0 40
                         h                                                   ƒ2
                                   guarantees that xii0 jj 0 = 1 if and only if xii0 = xjj 0 = 1.
                                           10          12 0

  The edges of the factor graph are simply0 connecting each g0               function node to the variab
nodes it acts on. For example each fi is connected to all variable nodes ii0 2 EL and eac
                         2                 20 0 0                              0
                                0     0
hii0 jj 0 is connected to ii , jj and ii jj in EL      23 0 [ V . Thereforeg2 factor graph is bipartit
  Figure 3 shows an example of a graph pair A, B and their factor-graph representation a
described above.                  60       30
                                                 110 220
  Now define the following probability distribution                           h110 220
                          2                                                        3
                            n                 m
                        1 4Y                 Y               Y                             T         T
      p(xL , xS ) =               fi (x@fi )     gj (x@gj )        hijrs (x@hijrs )5 e↵w xL + 2 1|S| xS    (4
                        Z i=1
                                 80          j=1           ijrs2VS

where Z is just a normalization term to make p(xL , xS ) a probability distribution. I

             Note It’s pretty hairy to put all the stuff I should put here on a single slide. Most of it is in the pap
particular,  The rest is just “turning the crank” with standard tricks in BP algorithms.
                            2                                                               3
Algorithms                                INFORMS Seminar   26 / 40

                      M !j { = s} =
             i              Mj0 ! { = s}
60               80                    100              120
                      j0 2{N(   )j}

      variable tells function j what it thinks
      about being in state s. This is just the
      product of what all the other functions tell
       about being in state s.

             i        Mj! {            = s} = m xim m
ns                                        y:all possible choices

                                           for variables 0 2N(j)
variable tells function j what it thinks
      about being in state s. This is just the
      product of what all the other functions tell
       about being in state s.

            i       Mj! {     = s} = m xim m
 ns                                 y:all possible choices
                                     for variables 0 2N(j)
                       2                               3
es          j                  Y
                       6                     0          7
                       4ƒj (y)   M 0 !j {        = y 0 }5
                            0 2{N(j)   }

      function j tells variable what it thinks
      about being in state s. This means that we
l     have to locally maxamize ƒj among all
      possible choices. Note y = s always (too
      cumbersome to include in notation.)

Belief propagation for
   network alignment
    For t         1, the messages in iteration t are obtained from the messages in
iteration t       1 recursively. In particular for all ii 0 2 EL
                          ✓              h                i ◆+
   (t)                             (t 1)
  mii 0 !fi = ↵wii 0          max mki 0 !g 0
                               k 6=i                  i

                                                               X                 ✓                                           ◆
                                                                                                           (t 1)
                                                       +                   min           , max(0,       + mjj 0 !h 0        ) . (1)
                                                                                     2              2             ii jj   0
                                                           ii 0 jj 0 2VS

The update rule for mii 0 !g 0 is similar, and

                              ✓               h                i ◆+         ✓            h          i ◆+
   (t)                                 (t 1)                                  (t 1)
  mii 0 !h 0 0 = ↵wii 0           max mki 0 !g 0                   max mik 0 !fi
          ii jj                        k6=i               i        k 0 6=i 0
                                                          X       ✓                               ◆
                                                                                    (t 1)
                                                  +           min        , max(0, mkk 0 !h 0 0 + ) . (2)
                                                          0 0
                                                                    2                     ii kk 2
                                                          kk 6=jj
                                                      ii 0 kk 0 2VS
Synthetic evaluation of
       network alignment



                                    fraction correct


                                                       0.2   BP
      10              15       20                        0          5           10              15       20
degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)                                     expected degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)
Open question 2!

When could we hope to solve such
synthetic problems in asymptotic

Does it work?
                LCSH – Library of Congress subject headings
 Network Alignment                                                                                        :25
                   Rameau – French National Library subject headings
Table IV. The alignment results for LCSH and Rameau. The first set of results shows the statistics of the known
                     Manually matched
alignment and the results from the max-weight matching algorithm. Next we show results from our algorithms for
three objective parameters. The columns are: objective parameters, algorithms, matching weight, matching edge
overlap, time, total correct, recall, precision, and matching triangle overlap.
   Obj.           Alg.       Weight      Overlap    Time (s)    Correct    Rec.        Prec.       Triangles
                  Sol.       36332.42    39847      —           57645      100%        100%        2073
                  MWM        93279.0     16990      29.6        29098      50.5%       23.3%       350
   ↵ = 1,   =1   BP"
                  MP         84622.0     46400      23522.0     32585      56.5%       27.6%       1515
                  MP++       85810.1     46942      27115.6     32857      57.0%       27.4%       1548
                  MR         87588.6     48367      33366.9     33225      57.6%       27.0%       1617
   ↵ = 1,   =2   BP"
                  MP         81752.6     46569      23427.1     31724      55.0%       27.6%       1483
                  MP++       84615.7     46656      26673.1     31952      55.4%       26.7%       1531
                  MR         85438.4     48934      56961.6     32303      56.0%       26.3%       1604
   ↵ = 0,   =1   BP"
                  MP         60617.9     45247      14284.8     24794      43.0%       23.2%       1467
                  MP++       60502.8     41592      13979.5     24498      42.5%       23.0%       1484
         65994.2     46163      10384.4     25455      44.2%       21.5%       1602

 protein-protein interaction networks and ontologies. In the future, we envision applications
 of these techniques in mapping large social network structure.
Open question 3!

How can we evaluate alignments? "
What are possible null-models? 

David F. Gleich (Purdue)           Results                     INFORMS Seminar   35 / 40

Matching results: A little too hot!
        mm                    40     60
                                   LCSH     WC     80         100               120
  Science fiction television series          Science fiction television programs
                       Turing test          Turing test
                Machine learning            Machine learning
                         Hot tubs           Hot dog



Higher-order "
    }     This proposal is for match-
    network alignment
 using tensor
          ing triangles
  k in                             0
          j       Triangle          j
g this        i

            A          L              B
        If xi , xj , and xk are
  algo- indicators associated with

volves the edges (i, i0 ), (j, j 0 ), and
Network alignment"
          A            L      B
     This proposal is for programming
       via mathematical match-
     ing triangles using tensor
n                                             maximize   ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx
      j           Triangle   j0               subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1}
s             i
                              k   0
                                      i   0

          A            L      B
     If xi , xj , and xk are
 -   indicators1-1 matching between vertices with
         Find a associated with
s    theas many overlaps0 ), and
          edges (i, i0 ), (j, j as possible.

o    (k, k 0 ), then we want to
Triangle alignment"
           A            L      B
     This proposal is for programming
       via mathematical match-
     ing triangles using tensor
n                                                    ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx
       j           Triangle   j0         maximize    +    Tijk xi xj xk
s              i
                                    i0                  ijk
                                         subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1}
           A            L      B
     If xi , xj , and xk are
 -   indicators1-1 matching between vertices with
         Find a associated with
s         edges (i, i0 ), (j, j and triangles as possible.
     theas many overlaps0 ), and

o    (k, k 0 ), then we want to
Tensor eigenvalues"
            A             L              B
     This proposal is for match-
       and a power method
     ing triangles using tensor
     methods:                                                      P
                                 maximize                              ijk   Tijk xi xj xk
n                                                   subject to kxk2 = 1
       j            Triangle            j0
s               i
                                                            ]i = ⇢ · (
                                                                        Tijk xj xk + xi )
 -                                                                   jk
                                                       where 𝜌 ensures the 2-norm
g                                                        SSHOPM method due to "
            A             L              B                  Kolda and Mayo
     IfHuman,protein interaction networks 48,228 triangles
          xi xj , and xk are
 -   indicatorsinteraction networks with triangles 
       Yeast protein
                       associated nonzeros
       The tensor T has ~100,000,000,000
s    the 
We work with it i0 ), (j, j 0 ), and
            edges (i, implicitly

o    (k, k 0 ), then we want to
Synthetic evaluation of
                         network alignment



                                                                   fraction correct
fraction correct

                   0.6                                                                0.6


                   0.2   Eigen                                                              MR
                         Teigen                                                       0.2   BP
                    0                                                                       BPSC
                     0          5           10              15     20
                             expected degree of noise in L (p n)                            IsoRank
      10              15                               20                               0          5           10              15       20
degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)                                                                    expected degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)
Open question 4!

When do we need triangles?

Iterative methods for network alignment

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Iterative methods for network alignment

  • 1. Iterative Methods for Network Alignment David F. Gleich Computer Science Purdue University with Arif Khan, Alex Pothen ! Purdue University, Computer Science Work supported by DOE CSCAPES Institute grant (DE- FC02-08ER25864), NSF CAREER grant 1149756-CCF, Mahantesh Halappanavar! and the Center for Adaptive Super Computing Software Pacific Northwest National Labs Multithreaded Architectures (CASS-MT) at PNNL. Mohsen Bayati, Amin Saberi! Stanford’s CADS grant from the Library of Congress. PNNL is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute under Stanford University contract DE-AC06-76RL01830 Ying Wang Google 1
  • 2. Network alignment" What is the best way of matching " graph A to B? w v s r t u A B 2
  • 3. the Figure 2. The NetworkBLAST local network alignment algorithm. Given two input s) or odes lem Network alignment" networks, a network alignment graph is constructed. Nodes in this graph correspond to pairs of sequence-similar proteins, one from each species, and edges correspond to conserved interactions. A search algorithm identifies highly similar subnetworks that follow a prespecified interaction pattern. Adapted from Sharan and Ideker.30 n the ent; nied ped lem net- one one plest ying eins ome the be- d as aph ever, ap- From Sharan and Ideker, Modeling cellular machinery through biological rked network comparison. Nat. Biotechnol. 24, 4 (Apr. 2006), 427–433. , we Figure 3. Performance comparison of computational approaches. 3 mon-
  • 4. Gleich (Purdue) Network alignment" d F. Gleich (Purdue) Motivation DavidINFORMS (Purdue) F. Gleich Seminar Network alignment 8 / 40 Motivation INFORMS Semin INFORMS Sem H/Wikipedia: Simple alignment fa mm 40 60 80 100 mm 120 40 60 80 100 mm 40 40 6040 80 j 100 r s 60 60 t 80 40 t 80 A L B A LCSH 297,266 vertices, 248,230 edges B Wikipedia 205,948 vertices, 382,353 edges L links 4,971,629 edges 60 4
  • 5. Sometimes small procedure on the labels of the two data he size of these datasets is reported in Table 6.5. For this a ome from a text-matching becomes big … Table 6.5 size of non-Web datasets. The product graph is never formed explicitly Dataset Size Nonzeros LCSH-2 59,849 227,464 WC-3 70,509 403,960 Product graph 4,219,893,141 91,886,357,440 periment, we do not investigate all the issues involved in using … Ananth has some better techniques to work with these large problems … d problem and focus on the performance of the inner-outer al nking context. Without any parameter optimization (i.e., usi ), the inner-outer scheme shows a significant performance adv d in Table 6.6. 5
  • 6. Network alignment" What is the best way of matching " graph A to B using only edges in L? w v s r wtu t u A L B 6
  • 7. Network alignment" Matching? 1-1 relationship" Best? highest weight and overlap w v Overlap s r wtu t u A L B 7
  • 8. Network alignment" … is NP-hard" … has no approximation algorithm w v r Overlap s •  Computer Vision •  Ontology matching •  Database matching wtu •  Bioinformatics t u A L B objective = α matching + βoverlap 8
  • 9. Network alignment" via mathematical programming maximize ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx w v s subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1} r Overlap Let xi be an indicator over edges in L wtu t u If A is the node-edge incidence matrix for L, then x is a 1-1 matching A L B Find a 1-1 matching between vertices with as many overlaps as possible. 9
  • 10. Network alignment" via mathematical programming maximize ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx w v s subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1} r Overlap Let xi be an indicator over edges in L wtu t u Let Sij = 1 when xi and xj overlap, then xTSx is twice the overlapped count. A L B Find a 1-1 matching between vertices with as many overlaps as possible. 10
  • 11. Our contributions A new belief propagation method (Bayati et al. 2009, 2013)" Outperformed state-of-the-art PageRank and optimization- based heuristic methods High performance C++ implementations (Khan et al. 2012)" 40 times faster (C++ ~ 3, complexity ~ 2, threading ~ 8)" 5 million edge alignments ~ 10 sec" 11
  • 12.
  • 13. Iterative methods " for network alignment Each iteration involves Let x[i] be the score for Matrix-vector-ish computations each pair-wise match in L with a sparse matrix, e.g. sparse matrix vector products in a semi- for i=1 to ... ring, dot-products, axpy, etc. update x[i] to y[i] Bipartite max-weight matching compute a using a different weight vector at max-weight match with y each iteration update y[i] to x[i] " (using match in MR) No “convergence” " 100-1000 iterations 13
  • 14. Open question 1! Any sort of property of " these methods beyond ... (i) Principled derivation and " (ii) “David and Ananth say they work”? 14
  • 15. David F. Gleich (Purdue) Algorithms INFORMS Seminar 25 / 40 Belief propagation methods Belief propagation: Our algorithm mm 40 60 80 100 120 Summary History … Construct a probability … BP used for computing model where the most 40 marginal probabilities and likely state is the solution! maximum aposterori … Locally update information probability … Like a generalized dynamic … Wildly successful at solving program 60 satisfiability problems … Convergent algorithm for … It works max-weight matching … Most likely, it won’t 80 converge 15 Bayati et al. 2005;
  • 16. David F. Gleich (Purdue) Algorithms INFORM Belief propagation for The neighbor operation used to define the left-hand vector x@fi is implicitly defined b NetAlign factor graph: Loopy BP the set of variables used on the right-hand side of the equation. In words, the functio network alignment node fi (gi0 ) enforces the matching constraint at i (i0 ) Another type of function nodes check the validity of squares. For each square ii0 ⇤ j mm define a function node hii0 jj 0 : {0, 1}40|+|S| ! R: 60 |EL 80 100 ( 1 xii0 jj 0 = xii0 xjj 0 Functions Variables hii0 jj 0 x@hii0 jj0 = for all (ii0 , jj 0 ) 2 VS . A B 0 otherwise ƒ1 11 0 In other words, 1 ii0 jj 0 40 h ƒ2 guarantees that xii0 jj 0 = 1 if and only if xii0 = xjj 0 = 1. 10 12 0 The edges of the factor graph are simply0 connecting each g0 function node to the variab 1 22 nodes it acts on. For example each fi is connected to all variable nodes ii0 2 EL and eac 2 20 0 0 0 0 0 hii0 jj 0 is connected to ii , jj and ii jj in EL 23 0 [ V . Thereforeg2 factor graph is bipartit the S g0 Figure 3 shows an example of a graph pair A, B and their factor-graph representation a 3 described above. 60 30 110 220 Now define the following probability distribution h110 220 2 3 n m 1 4Y Y Y T T p(xL , xS ) = fi (x@fi ) gj (x@gj ) hijrs (x@hijrs )5 e↵w xL + 2 1|S| xS (4 Z i=1 80 j=1 ijrs2VS where Z is just a normalization term to make p(xL , xS ) a probability distribution. I 16 Note It’s pretty hairy to put all the stuff I should put here on a single slide. Most of it is in the pap particular, The rest is just “turning the crank” with standard tricks in BP algorithms. 2 3
  • 17. Algorithms INFORMS Seminar 26 / 40 M !j { = s} = Y i Mj0 ! { = s} 60 80 100 120 j0 2{N( )j} j variable tells function j what it thinks about being in state s. This is just the product of what all the other functions tell about being in state s. i Mj! { = s} = m xim m ns y:all possible choices 17 for variables 0 2N(j)
  • 18. variable tells function j what it thinks about being in state s. This is just the product of what all the other functions tell about being in state s. i Mj! { = s} = m xim m ns y:all possible choices for variables 0 2N(j) 2 3 es j Y 6 0 7 4ƒj (y) M 0 !j { = y 0 }5 0 2{N(j) } function j tells variable what it thinks about being in state s. This means that we l have to locally maxamize ƒj among all possible choices. Note y = s always (too cumbersome to include in notation.) 18
  • 19. Belief propagation for network alignment For t 1, the messages in iteration t are obtained from the messages in iteration t 1 recursively. In particular for all ii 0 2 EL ✓ h i ◆+ (t) (t 1) mii 0 !fi = ↵wii 0 max mki 0 !g 0 k 6=i i X ✓ ◆ (t 1) + min , max(0, + mjj 0 !h 0 ) . (1) 2 2 ii jj 0 ii 0 jj 0 2VS (t) The update rule for mii 0 !g 0 is similar, and i ✓ h i ◆+ ✓ h i ◆+ (t) (t 1) (t 1) mii 0 !h 0 0 = ↵wii 0 max mki 0 !g 0 max mik 0 !fi ii jj k6=i i k 0 6=i 0 X ✓ ◆ (t 1) + min , max(0, mkk 0 !h 0 0 + ) . (2) 0 0 2 ii kk 2 kk 6=jj ii 0 kk 0 2VS
  • 20. Synthetic evaluation of network alignment 1 0.8 fraction correct 0.6 0.4 MR 0.2 BP BPSC IsoRank 0 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n) expected degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)
  • 21. Open question 2! When could we hope to solve such synthetic problems in asymptotic regimes? 21
  • 22. Does it work? LCSH – Library of Congress subject headings Network Alignment :25 Rameau – French National Library subject headings Table IV. The alignment results for LCSH and Rameau. The first set of results shows the statistics of the known Manually matched alignment and the results from the max-weight matching algorithm. Next we show results from our algorithms for three objective parameters. The columns are: objective parameters, algorithms, matching weight, matching edge overlap, time, total correct, recall, precision, and matching triangle overlap. Obj. Alg. Weight Overlap Time (s) Correct Rec. Prec. Triangles Sol. 36332.42 39847 — 57645 100% 100% 2073 MWM 93279.0 16990 29.6 29098 50.5% 23.3% 350 ↵ = 1, =1 BP" MP 84622.0 46400 23522.0 32585 56.5% 27.6% 1515 BP++" MP++ 85810.1 46942 27115.6 32857 57.0% 27.4% 1548 MR MR 87588.6 48367 33366.9 33225 57.6% 27.0% 1617 ↵ = 1, =2 BP" MP 81752.6 46569 23427.1 31724 55.0% 27.6% 1483 BP++" MP++ 84615.7 46656 26673.1 31952 55.4% 26.7% 1531 MR MR 85438.4 48934 56961.6 32303 56.0% 26.3% 1604 ↵ = 0, =1 BP" MP 60617.9 45247 14284.8 24794 43.0% 23.2% 1467 BP++" MP++ 60502.8 41592 13979.5 24498 42.5% 23.0% 1484 MR MR 65994.2 46163 10384.4 25455 44.2% 21.5% 1602 22 protein-protein interaction networks and ontologies. In the future, we envision applications of these techniques in mapping large social network structure.
  • 23. Open question 3! How can we evaluate alignments? " What are possible null-models? 23
  • 24. David F. Gleich (Purdue) Results INFORMS Seminar 35 / 40 Matching results: A little too hot! mm 40 60 LCSH WC 80 100 120 Science fiction television series Science fiction television programs Turing test Turing test Machine learning Machine learning Hot tubs Hot dog 40 60 80 24
  • 25. Higher-order " } This proposal is for match- network alignment using tensor ing triangles methods: k in 0 j Triangle j g this i k i 0 0 k euris- using A L B istics If xi , xj , and xk are algo- indicators associated with 25 volves the edges (i, i0 ), (j, j 0 ), and
  • 26. Network alignment" A L B This proposal is for programming via mathematical match- ing triangles using tensor methods: n maximize ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx j Triangle j0 subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1} s i k 0 i 0 k - g A L B s If xi , xj , and xk are - indicators1-1 matching between vertices with Find a associated with s theas many overlaps0 ), and edges (i, i0 ), (j, j as possible. 26 o (k, k 0 ), then we want to
  • 27. Triangle alignment" A L B This proposal is for programming via mathematical match- ing triangles using tensor methods: n ↵wT x + 2 xT Sx X j Triangle j0 maximize + Tijk xi xj xk s i k0 i0 ijk k subject to Ax  e, xi 2 {0, 1} - g A L B s If xi , xj , and xk are - indicators1-1 matching between vertices with Find a associated with s edges (i, i0 ), (j, j and triangles as possible. theas many overlaps0 ), and 27 o (k, k 0 ), then we want to
  • 28. Tensor eigenvalues" A L B This proposal is for match- and a power method ing triangles using tensor methods: P maximize ijk Tijk xi xj xk n subject to kxk2 = 1 j Triangle j0 s i k0 i0 [x(next) ]i = ⇢ · ( X Tijk xj xk + xi ) k - jk where 𝜌 ensures the 2-norm g SSHOPM method due to " A L B Kolda and Mayo s IfHuman,protein interaction networks 48,228 triangles xi xj , and xk are - indicatorsinteraction networks with triangles Yeast protein associated nonzeros 257,978 The tensor T has ~100,000,000,000 s the We work with it i0 ), (j, j 0 ), and edges (i, implicitly 28 o (k, k 0 ), then we want to
  • 29. Synthetic evaluation of network alignment 1 1 0.8 0.8 fraction correct fraction correct 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 Eigen MR Teigen 0.2 BP Iso 0 BPSC 0 5 10 15 20 expected degree of noise in L (p n) IsoRank 0 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n) expected degree of noise in L (p ⋅ n)
  • 30. Open question 4! When do we need triangles? 30