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Market Research on Blood Donation
Research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to
increase our understanding of the phenomenon under study. It is the function of
the researcher to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon and to
communicate that understanding to others.
Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating, hypothesis or
suggested solution, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, research conclusion
and testing of hypothesis.
According to Philip Kotler: “Research is a systematic problem analysis, model
building and fact finding for the purpose of improved decision making.”
Research is thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making
for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation,
comparison and experiments. In short, the research for knowledge through
objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.
The purpose of research is to discover answer to questions through the application of
scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find the truth which is hidden and
which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own specific
purpose, we may think of research objectives as following.
To gain familiarity with phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it.
To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a
To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else.
To test hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables.
1) Primary research objective:
 To find out the demographic profile of the blood donor.
 Identify mind sate of Donor and Non-Donor about Blood Donation, Blood Bank and
its fiction.
 Evaluate work of Blood bank according to different criteria of marketing aspects.
Market Research on Blood Donation
2) Secondary research objective:
This shows how blood bank works efficiently without problems. For that we arrange survey for
healthy and mature population of Ahmedabad to identify strength and short coming of Blood
Knowledge about a subject may generate a number of questions. It then becomes
necessary to ask whether these questions can be answered through one study or if
more than one study needed. Additional research questions can be developed, but
several basic principles should be taken into consideration.
All questions, primary and secondary, should be developed at the beginning and
planning stages of a study. Any additional questions should never compromise the
primary question because it is the primary research question that forms the basis of
the hypothesis and study objectives. It must be kept in mind that within the scope of
one study, the presence of a number of research questions will affect and potentially
increase the complexity of both the study design and subsequent statistical analyses,
not to mention the actual feasibility of answering every question.
A sensible strategy is to establish a single primary research question around which to
focus the study plan. In a study, the primary research question should be clearly
stated at the end of the introduction of the grant proposal, and it usually specifies the
population to be studied, the intervention to be implemented and other
circumstantial factors.
Generally we can use questionnaire for asking questions related to our research.
Here three main aspects of a questionnaire which is necessary to follow for better
result of research.
1. General form: The questions are presented in questionnaire with exactly the same
wording and in the same order to all respondents. The form of the question may be
either closed (i.e., of the type ‘yes’ or ‘no’) or open (i.e., inviting free response) but
should be stated in advance and not constructed during questioning.
Market Research on Blood Donation
2. Question sequence: In order to make the questionnaire effective and ensure quality
to the reply received, a researcher should pay attention to the question-sequence in
preparing the questionnaire. A proper sequence of questions reduces the chances of
individual questions being misunderstood. The following type of questions should
generally be avoided as opening questions:
1) Questions that effect on the memory of the respondent;
2) Questions of a personal character;
3) Questions related to personal wealth, etc.
3. Question formulation and wording: The researcher should note that each question
must be very clear for any sort of misunderstanding can do irreparable harm to a
survey. In general, all questions should meet the following standards:
1) Should be easily understood;
2) Should be simple;
3) Should be concrete and should conform as much as possible to the respondent’s
way of thinking.
The researcher can gather the primary data, secondary data or both. What data
sources are to be used is depend upon research subject.
Primary data are freshly gathered data for a specific purpose or for a specific
research project.
Secondary data are that were collected for another purpose and already exist
Importance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A research can be conducted
without secondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least
reliable and may have biases because secondary data has already been manipulated
by human beings.
Market Research on Blood Donation
In statistical surveys it is necessary to get information from primary sources and
work on primary data: for example, the statistical records of female population in a
country cannot be based on newspaper, magazine and other printed sources.
One such source is old and secondly they contain limited information as well as they
can be misleading and biased.
For collecting primary data we arrange survey of 500 Healthy population of
Ahmedabad, it conduct thought Questionnaire contain relative question for both
Donor and Non-Donor.
Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there. Sometimes it is
difficult to obtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary
sources is easier and possible.
Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to confine the
research on secondary data.
Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not willing to reveal it
in such case too secondary data can suffice: for example, if the research is on the
psychology of transsexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second
they may not be willing to give information you want for your research, so you can
collect data from books or other published sources.
As we know secondary data is good startup of Research. We collect basic
information about Blood Donation, Blood Bank, it’s History, Marketing elements,
What is Research and it’s procedure etc. from some Book and online websites
 Kotler, Armstrong, Agnihotri and Haque (2010), Principles of Marketing, 13th
person Education
 Ravi Shankar, (2006), Service Marketing, Excel Book
Market Research on Blood Donation
Researcher must determine the exact information needed, develop a plan for
gathering it efficiently, and present the plan to execute it. The research plan outlines
sources of existing data and spell out the specific research an approach contact
methods, sampling plan, and instruments that researcher will use to gather new data.
“The Systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of Data
relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.”
Research approach includes followings:
1. Observation,
2. Survey,
3. Focus groups,
4. Behavioral data and
5. Experiments.
1. OBSERVATION: Observational research generally useful in rural area where you or
researcher doesn’t know their target population. In this method firstly the
researcher observed their targeted population and based on that observation he
may present the result.
2. SURVEY: Survey is best suited for descriptive research. Researcher undertakes
survey to learn about people’s knowledge, beliefs, preference and satisfaction. It
requires development of survey instruments, usually questionnaires which the
respondents are asked to fill up.
3. FOCUS GROUP: In focus group the researcher gather 6 to 10 people who are
invited to spend a few hours with a specialized moderator in order to discuss a
subject of research. The moderator needs to be objectives, skilled and knowledge in
group dynamics. Participants are normally offered some gifts or incentives for
attending the meetings.
4. BEHAVIOURAL DATA: In behavioral data the researcher get result based on
people’s behavior. Firstly researcher analysis the behavior of targeted people and
then makes result after interpretation.
Market Research on Blood Donation
5. EXPERIMENTS: The most scientifically valid research is experimental research. The
purpose of this result is to capture the cause and effect relationship. To the extent
that might explain the result, research and researcher can have confidence in the
In our case we can use simply Survey Research the factors which affect
positively and negatively blood donation by descriptive research.
We can easily learn people’s knowledge, beliefs, preferences, etc. by
survey we can stated some factors as under.
Now researcher must decide how to contact the subjects:
1. Mail questionnaire;
2. Telephone interview;
3. Seasonal interview and
4. Online interview.
1) MAIL QUESTIONNAIRE: It is the best way to reach people who wouldn’t give
personal interviews or whose responses might be biased or distorted by the
interviewers. But in this method the response rate is low or slow.
2) TELEPHONE INTERVIEW: It is the best method for gathering information through
quickly and the interviewer is also able to clarify question if respondents don’t
understand them.
3) SEASONAL INTERVIEW: It is the most versatile method for research. The
interviewer can ask more questions and reward additional observation about the
respondent, such as dress and body language. However this meth is most
expensive and subject to interviewer bias and requires more administrative
planning and supervision.
Market Research on Blood Donation
4) ONLINE INTERVIEW: there are so many ways to do research on internet. A
company can make questionnaire and put it on its website. Inviting people can
give the interview by fulfilling this questionnaire.
We will use personal interview for this survey. We students meet
respondent personally to get information.
 A sample is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to
gain information about the whole. When dealing with people, it can be defined as
a set of respondent selected from a larger population for the purpose of a survey.
 A population is a group of individuals, persons, objects, or items from which are
taken for measurement.
 Sampling is the act, process, or technique of selecting a suitable sample, or a
representative’spart of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or
characteristicof the whole population.
Purpose of sampling
To draw conclusions about populations from samples, we must use inferential statistics
which enables us to determine a population`s characteristics by directly observing only a sample of
the population. We obtain a sample rather than a complete enumeration (a census) of the
population for many reasons. Obviously, it is cheaper to observe a part rather than the whole, but
we should prepare ourselves to cope with the dangers of using samples. Some procedures are
better than others but all may yield samples that are inaccurate and unreliable. Minimization of
dangers is possible but some potential error is the price we must pay for the convenience
and savings that the sampleprovides.
1.Sampling Unit:It refers to the Best source from given population by which we can
gather the information.
We will select Sample unit as Adult and healthy population of Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Market Research on Blood Donation
2.Sampling Size:As we know large population give reliable results, but it’s not
necessary or possible to sample the entire target population to achieve reliable results.
We may be interested in surveying the people who are living in cities from the total
number of people who don’t donate blood due to fear.
The sample size for our Survey is 500 respondents
3.Sampling Procedure: There are basically two types of sampling procedures:
i. Probability Sampling: It allows the confidence limits to be calculated for sampling
error & makes the sample more representatives.
Simple Random sampling
Stratified sampling
Systematic sampling
Cluster/Area sampling
ii. Non Probability Sampling: When the cost or time to use probability sampling is
too high, marketing researchers will take this method.
Convenience sampling
Judgmental sampling
Quota sampling
We have use convenience sampling for the survey
Research instrument
Marketing researchers have a choice of three main research instruments in collecting
primary data:
1. Questionnaires
2. Qualitative measure
3. Technological devices.
1. Questionnaires: It consists of a set of questions presented to respondents.
Because of its flexibility, it’s by far the most common instrument used to collect
primary data. Researchers need to carefully develop, test & debug questionnaires
before administrating them on a large scale. For example the form, wording a
sequence of questions. There are basically two types of questions.
Market Research on Blood Donation
A) Closed end questions: which specify all possible answers& provide answers that
are easier to interpret & tabulate question with possible answer which is yes or no.
For Example we can ask the following questions:
1) Do you donate the blood?
a) Yes b) No
2) What are the reasons of donating the blood?
a) Social responsibility.
b) Special benefits.
c) a & b.
d) None of above.
B) Open-end questions: Which allow respondents to answer in their own words &
often renewal more about how people think? They are especially useful in
exploratory research, where the researcher is looking for insight in to how people
think rather than measuring how many people think rather than measuring how
many people think a certain way.
For example we can ask the following questions:
Have you donated blood ever? Explain your own view about blood
What is the importance of blood donation?
What is the social factors affecting blood donation?
We use Questionnaires which consist of set of Question regarding blood
donation presented to respondents. Because of its flexibility, it is by far the most
common instrument used to collect primary data.
2. Qualitative measures: Some time market prefers more qualitative methods for
gaining consumer opinion. It is making because or consumer action doesn’t always
match their answer to survey questions. It is a relatively unstructured
measurement approaches that permit a range of possible response.
3. Technological devices: These are occasionally useful in marketing research.
Galvanometers. Can measure the interest or emotions aroused by exposure to a
specific ad or picture. Eye cameras study respondents’ eye movements to see
where their eyes land first, how long they finger on a given item and so on.
Market Research on Blood Donation
Sample Profile
Sample Profile Shows brief information about the sample that use in this survey. It
provide General information like Gender, Age, Blood Group, Weight, Marital Status, Education
qualification, Occupation, Monthly income, Blood Donated or not. This all information are
mention in sample profile with respective figure and percentage.
Category Criteria No. %
Male 316 63%
Female 184 37%
Age [in year]
18 to 23 148 30%
23 to 28 111 22%
28 to 33 85 17%
33 to 38 39 8%
38 to 43 51 10%
43 to 48 29 6%
48 to 53 30 6%
53 and above 7 1%
Blood Group
85 17%
145 29%
150 30%
45 9%
Not Known 14 3%
16 3%
19 4%
15 3%
11 2%
weight [in KG]
Below 50 28 6%
55 to 60 183 36%
60 to 65 140 28%
65 to 70 76 15%
70 to 75 51 10%
75 to 80 19 4%
Above 80 3 1%
Market Research on Blood Donation
Category Criteria No. %
Marital Status
Married 287 57%
Unmarried 213 43%
Education qualification
Below 10th
71 14%
10th t0 12th
105 21%
Bachelor's 235 47%
Master's 75 15%
Other 14 3%
Student 165 33%
House wife 88 17%
Service 88 17%
Business 83 16%
Professional 53 11%
Retired 3 1%
Other 20 4%
Monthly income [in Rss.]
Below 10000 107 21%
10000 to 20000 152 30%
20000 to 30000 112 22%
30000 to 40000 73 15%
40000 to 50000 42 8%
50000 and above 14 3%
Donated Blood
Yes 215 43%
Not Known 285 57%
Market Research on Blood Donation
General Information
Gender Ratio
This analysis provides how many Male and Female are there in this sample for
Marketing Research about Blood Donation.
This show in our sample there are 316 Male and 184 Female, which are
respectively 63% and 37% of total sample size.
Age [in Year]
Age is very important element in the
survey like Blood Donation, because nobody can
donate blood below age of 18th
and above the age
of 58. For the convenience we divide this rage in
group of 5 year interval like 18 to 23, 23 to 28 so on
up to 53 and above.
Male 316 63%
Female 184 37%
Age No. %
18 to 23 148 30%
23 to 28 111 22%
28 to 33 85 17%
33 to 38 39 8%
38 to 43 51 10%
43 to 48 29 6%
48 to 53 30 6%
53 and above 7 1%
Gender Ratio
Market Research on Blood Donation
This shows there are maximum number of subject are in the age of 18 to 23
with 148 number and approximately 30%. Then Group 23 to 28 with 111 number and
22% and so on with Group 28 to 33, 38 to 43, 33 to 38, 48 to 53, 43 to 48 and 53 and
above respectively rank 1st
to 8th
. 69% of total sample belong to age between 18 to 33
and remaining 31% between 33 and above age.
Blood Group
6% 1%
Age Ratio
18 to 23 23 to 28 28 to 33
33 to 38 38 to 43 43 to 48
48 to 53 53 and above
3% 2% 3%
Blood Group
Blood Group
Not Known
Market Research on Blood Donation
Blood Group is show mixture of Blood Component. There are basically eight
Blood Group A, B, O, AB both + (positive) and – (Negative). Number of donor and there
Blood Group is shown in following Table and pi chart.
Information revealed in above result that there are maximum number of
subject belong in Blood Group o+ and b+ with 30% and 29% respectively of total
sample size. Positive Blood Group [a, b, o, ab] cover 85% of whole sample size, and
remaining 15% cover by Negative Blood Group [a, b, o, ab].
Weight [in KG]
Blood Donor has to minimum weight of 50 KG to Donate Blood, otherwise
person not eligible to Donate. Information given below shows that weight and their
number of subject. Here weights are dividing in Group of 5 KG like below 50, 55 to 60,
and 60 to 65, up to 75 to 80 and 80 and above.
weight [in KG] Below 50 55 to 60 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 75 75 to 80 Above 80
No. 28 183 140 76 51 19 3
% 6% 36% 28% 15% 10% 4% 1%
No. %
85 17%
145 29%
150 30%
45 9%
16 3%
19 4%
15 3%
11 2%
Not Known 14 3%
Market Research on Blood Donation
79% of total sample size is cover in weight range 55 to 70 KG and remaining
21% in the weight below 50, 75 to 80 and above 80 KG. Most of sample 36% is belong
to range 55 to 60 KG, then 28% in 60 to 65 KG.
Marital Status
Marital Status can be describe in two broad category 1st
is Married and 2nd
Unmarried. But some exemption like divorce, widow etc. are there but for better result
we take 2 broad categories in our survey.
Below 50 55 to 60 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 75 75 to 80 Above 80
Weight [in KG]
Marital Status
Married Unmarried
Market Research on Blood Donation
Information about Marital Status shows that 287 number 57% of total sample
size is married and remaining 213 number 43% sample are Unmarried.
Education Qualification
Education Qualification is important for Blood Donation Research because it
can affect mind sate of person to donate or not to donate Blood and Blood Donation is
required or not. We classify education qualification like below 10th
std., 10th
to 12th
std., Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and other. Chart given below shows criteria
and associate number with it.
Married 287 57%
Unmarried 213 43%
No. %
Below 10th 71 14%
10th t0 12th 105 21%
Bachelor's 235 47%
Master's 75 15%
Other 14 3%
Below 10th 10th t0 12th Bachelor's Master's Other
Market Research on Blood Donation
It shows 14% of sample gets education below 10th
std, 21% get 10th
to 12th
47% have bachelor’s degree, 15% have master’s degree and 3% have other education
qualification. 68% of total sample get education between 10th
std. to bachelor’s
degree. And remaining 32% get other criteria education shows in figure.
Occupation indicates personality about person and their lifestyle. Data given below
shows the respective occupation [student, House wife, Service, Business, Professional,
Retired, Other] and associate number of person.
Occupation Student House wife service Business Professional Retired Other
No. 165 88 88 83 53 3 20
% 33% 17% 17% 16% 11% 1% 4%
In our sample 33% is student as data indicate, most of sample, 83% are
associate with occupation like Student, House wife, Service and Business. And other
17% are associate with professional, Retired and Other Occupation. There are same
number 17% of sample are House Wife and Service person. Very few 3% are retired
88 88 83
Market Research on Blood Donation
Monthly family income level [in Rs.]
Monthly family income indicates personality about person and their lifestyle.
Income can be any number from 0 to infinite number; here we group it in Below
10,000, 10,000 to 20,000, up to 50,000 and above. Chart given below shows respective
income of Group and associate numberof persons.
Conclusion from above mention data is that most of the person 88% in sample
has Monthly family income up to 40,000 Rs. And remaining 12% have income from
40,000 to 50,000 and above. In the given class 10,000 to 20,000 Rs. Cover 30% of
sample which is highest in given income Group, and very less 3% of sample have
income between 50,000 and above Rs. In month.
Monthly income [in Rs.] No. %
Below 10000 107 21%
10000 to 20000 152 30%
20000 to 30000 112 22%
30000 to 40000 73 15%
40000 to 50000 42 8%
50000 and above 14 3%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Below 10000
10000 to 20000
20000 to 30000
30000 to 40000
40000 to 50000
50000 and above
Monthly family income level [in Rs.]
Market Research on Blood Donation
Have you ever Donated Blood?
It is most important Question that you have Donated Blood or not? It give
information about number of person donate Blood or not. On this basis we have to ask
other Question related to their category like donated and not donated.
It shows that only 43% of sample Donate Blood in past and 57% are not donate. This
Blood Donor can donate blood one or more time. On this bases other analysis can be
do with other question.
Blood Donor and Non-donor
Donor Non-donor
Market Research on Blood Donation
Analysis for Donor
Comparison of Blood Donate or Not Donate With Gender
We can compare Blood Donor / non Donor with Gender, to identify how many
male or female donate or not donate blood in past. We are comparing male and
female separately as follows.
Gender Donate Not donate Total
Male 158 158 316
Female 57 127 184
Total 215 285 500
As per data given above we can indicate that in Female only 31% are Blood
Donor and remaining 69% are Non Donor. In Male category 50% are Donor and 50%
are Non Donor. We can say that in compare to male, female donor is less in number by
46% because total donor is 215 so Male Donor id 73% in Donor Sample and 27% in
How many Female
Donated Blood?
How many Male
Donated Blood?
Market Research on Blood Donation
Relate Occupation with Blood Donate or not
Donor can active in some work it call occupation that can affect their thinking,
other activity, life style etc. so, it can also affect with Blood Donate or not that can
identify with following data.
Only 24% of student Donate Blood and remaining are not, Out of 88 House
wife 35% Donate Blood. Most of Business men,61% Donate Blood and 100% of Retires
Donated in past. There is not large Difference in other Occupation relate with Blood
50 51
Student House Wife Service Business Professional Retired Other
Yes No
Occupation Yes % No % Total
Student 40 24% 125 76% 165
House Wife 31 35% 57 65% 88
Service 50 57% 38 44% 88
Business 51 61% 32 39% 83
Professional 29 55% 24 45% 53
Retired 3 100% 0 0% 3
Other 11 55% 9 45% 20
Total 215 285 500
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many times Donor Donated Blood?
Donor can Donate Blood maximum 4 times in year and can also one time, we
have to consider all Donor Who donate Blood even one time. We Create Group of 1
time, 2 – 4 times, 4 – 10 times and Regular Donor. By the help of this we find following
number of donor with respective category.
Times of Blood
Number %
1 time 108 50%
2 to 4 times 69 32%
4 to 10 times 26 12%
Regular Donor 12 6%
Total 215 100%
There are 215 persons who donate Blood even one time. As data shown
below 50% of Donor sample Donated Blood for 1 time, 32% for 2 to 4 time, 12% for 4
to 10 time and only 6% are regular Donor who Donate Blood regularly in year for 1 to 4
time, because healthy person can donate Blood in every 3 month.
Times of Blood Donate
1 time
2 to 4 times
4 to 10 times
Regular Donor
Market Research on Blood Donation
Compare Gender with Times of Blood Donate
On the bases of information available about gender and how many time Donor
Donate Blood, we can compare Gender and Times of Blood Donate. Here we can
identify Male and Female with times of Blood Donate as we mention in Above. Means
we can see how many males donate Blood for 1 time, 2 to 4 times 4 to 10 times and
regular donor, and same can do for Female category also.
As data given above 46% of total male Donor donated Blood For 1 time and
the same is 61% for female Donor. Means there are more female donor who donate
for one time. 1 time donor is totally 108 so 68% of it is male and remaining is female.
32% of Both Male and Female total Donor donated blood for 2 to 4 times. In
the category of 2 to 4 time donate there are 69 donor out of this 74% are male and
remaining are female. 14% and 7% of total male and female total Blood Donor donate
for 4 to 10 time. There is 8% regular donor in male donor category and nuns of Female
are Regular Donor. So we can say that male Donate more Blood then Female.
1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular
Compare Gender With Times of Blood Donate
Male Female
Times Male % Female % Total
1 time 73 46% 35 61% 108
2-4 times 51 32% 18 32% 69
4-10 times 22 14% 4 7% 26
Regular 12 8% 0 0% 12
Total 158 100% 57 100% 215
Market Research on Blood Donation
How often regular Donor Donated Blood in a year
Healthy mane can donate Blood every 3 month and Female every 4 month.
Here in our sample there is no Female regular donor so, this analysis can consider only
for Male regular Donor.
59% of regular Donor Donated Blood for 2 times it Covers large percent of
regular Donor. None of Regular Donor was Donate for 4 times in a year. We can say
that regular Donor prefer to donate 2 to 3 times in a year to Donate Blood rather than
1 or 4 times.
Times [In a
No. %
1 time 1 8%
2 times 7 59%
3 times 4 33%
4 times 0 0%
How many time Regular Donor
Donate in a year
1 time
2 times
3 times
4 times
Market Research on Blood Donation
What motivates donor to donate Blood?
Donor can motivated by several factor to donate Blood. We can arrange
common factor for survey and identify relative frequency of Donor.
Table shows factor of motivations and associate frequency with it. It shows
most of donor 29% Donate for Emergency requirement for relative or Friend. And very
less 9% people and 7% motivated by some special events of life and others factors.
73% means large Donor size is motivated by first 4 factors to Donate Blood.
9% 7%
Motivation Factor which motivates Donors
Emergency requirement for
relative or Friend
To Stay fit physically
When motivated by Blood
Bank staff
Urge to help others
Motivated by Reference
Some special events of life
Factor No. of Donor %
Emergency requirement for relative or Friend 63 29%
To Stay fit physically 29 13%
When motivated by Blood Bank staff 28 13%
Urge to help others 36 18%
Motivated by Reference group [Friend, Family, Relatives] 23 11%
Some special events of life 20 9%
Others 16 7%
Total 215 100%
Market Research on Blood Donation
Where donor generally prefer to Donate Blood?
Donors can Donate Blood in Blood Bank, Blood Camp and Blood Mobile Vane.
But more than one time Donor can donate in two or three place so, we provide rank
for each one for more than one time donor like; Rank the following as per your
preference. H- for Highly preferred, M- for moderately preferred, L- for not much preferred.
Preference High % Moderately % Lower %
With Blood Bank 121 57% 48 37% 18 13%
With Blood Camp 54 25% 43 34% 52 38%
With Blood Mobile Vane 39 18% 37 29% 66 49%
Total 214 100% 128 100% 136 100%
In Highly prefer Blood Bank is at top with 57% preference out of 214 vote,
then Blood Camp with 25% vote and at last Blood Mobile Vane. In Moderately category
Blood Bank at top with 37% of vote out of 128, Blood Camp in 2nd
place with 34%, at
last Blood Mobile Vane with 29%. In lower prefer 49% vote cover by Blood Mobile
Vane, then Blood camp and at last Blood Bank.
On this Bases we can say that Donor prefer Blood Bank at 1st
instance to
donate than Blood Camp and at last Blood Mobile Vane to Donate Blood.
39 37
High Mioderately Lower
Donor's Preference Where to donate
With Blood Bank With Blood Camp With Blood Mobile Vane
Market Research on Blood Donation
Prefer Blood Bank by Donor
In Ahmedabad there are many Blood Bank to Donate Blood like; Prathama
Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross these are two most known Blood Bank but other
BankHospital are available for the same like; Civil Hospital, V.S. Hospital, General
Hospital etc.
Most of Donor 53% prefers to Donate in Prathama Blood Bank, then 29%
prefer to Donate in Indian Red Cross, 10% of Donor Donate in different- different Blood
Bank so not sure about their preference and remaining 10% prefer to donate in other
Bank. As we mention above Prathama Blood Bank and Indian Red Cross are to major
bank in Ahmedabad so 82% of total Donor Donate in these two Banks.
8% 10%
Prefered Blood Bank of Donor to
Indian Red Cross
Can't Say
Blood Bank Donors %
Prathama 114 53%
Indian Red Cross 62 29%
Can't Say 18 8%
Others 21 10%
Total 215 100%
Market Research on Blood Donation
Comparison of Blood Bank and number of Donation
As we mention above in Ahmedabad there are many Blood Bank to Donate
Blood like; Prathama Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross these are two most known Blood
Bank but other BankHospital are available for the same like; Civil Hospital, V.S.
Hospital, General Hospital etc. we can compare Blood Bank with frequency of Blood
Donate by Blood Donor.
Blood Bank 1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular Total
Prathama 47 43 17 7 114
Indian Red Cross 33 19 5 5 62
Can't Say 9 6 3 0 18
Others 19 1 1 0 21
Total 108 69 26 12 215
Table shown above indicates that 1 time Blood Donation Prathama Blood
Bank is having highest vote, than 2nd
number is Indian Red Cross. This Rank same for all
Category Shown in table. This analysis give information with relative number
associated with Blood Bank.
0 0
Prathama Indian Red Cross Can't Say Others
Comparison of Blood Bank and number of
1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular
Market Research on Blood Donation
Rate Donor’s Preferred Blood Bank on following
Donor prefers their respective Blood bank where they usually Donate Blood,
now we can assess that Blood bank with general parameters related to Blood Donation
and its Marketing. Following tables and bar char provide information about vote of
particular parameters.
Below average
parameters Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor
Blood Collecting Procedure 78 93 39 5 0
Hygiene 58 87 60 8 2
Convenience of location 40 96 59 18 2
Incentives to donate [Gift] 46 82 51 26 10
Co-operative & Experience staff 46 84 65 15 5
Brochures, other literature 60 82 37 18 18
Promotional activity 33 105 54 12 11
Ambience management 76 73 53 12 1
Delivery of blood report 46 89 69 8 3
Post donation care 71 91 43 9 1
Refreshment 73 104 28 9 1
Market Research on Blood Donation
This Chart and table mention that
1) Blood Collecting Procedure: get 93 votes in Good category and 78 in Excellent so,
most of Donor consider it is Good or Excellent.
2) Hygiene:get 87 and 60 votes in Good and Neutral category and 58 in the Excellent.
And remaining 10 in below average and poor. So we can say that Donor consider it
as Good, Neutral and Excellent in descending order.
3) Convenience of location: 45% Donor consider it as Good, 27% as Neutral, 19% as
Excellent and remaining it Below Average or poor.
4) Incentives to donate [Gift]: 38% consider it as Good, 24% Donor vote as Neutral,
21% as Excellent, 12% as Below avg. and remaining as poor.
5) Co-operative & Experience staff: highly voted as Good, then Neutral, then Excellent.
But 10% of Donor considers it as not satisfactory.
6) Brochures, other literature: 66% Donor consider it as Good or Excellent, and other
17% fall it in Neutral. And other 16% votes as below avg. or poor.
7) Promotional activity: mostly 49% consider it as Good, 25% as Neutral.
8) Ambience management: most of 70% of total donor Sample consider it as Excellent
or Good.
9) Delivery of blood report: 41% of Donor voted it as Good and 32% as Neutral.
10) Post donation care: 75% of total Donor provides rank of Good. 25% for other
mention category.
11) Refreshment: 48% consider it as Good one, 34% for Excellent and very few
consider it as poor.
We can also apply Statistical tool like Weighted Average to find what Exact is rate
[Excellent, Good, Neutral, below average, Poor]. For that we provide Weights like 5 for
Excellent, 4 for Good 3 for Neutral, 2 for Below Avg. and 1 for poor.
Market Research on Blood Donation
Weighted Average of Blood Bank Parameters
parameters Weighted Average
Blood Collecting Procedure 4.13
Hygiene 3.89
Convenience of location 3.71
Incentives to donate [Gift] 3.59
Co-operative & Experience staff 3.7
Brochures, other literature 3.69
Promotional activity 3.64
Ambience management 3.98
Delivery of blood report 3.78
Post donation care 4.03
Refreshment 4.11
Here Weighed average range from 1 to 5 it shows the parameters is Excellent,
Good, Neutral, Below Average and Poor. The fraction shows Composition of tow
criteria like Blood Collecting Procedure shows 4.13 as Weighed Average in mean it
consider Between Excellent and Good but .13 shows is more toward Good then
Excellent, this formation is applicable to all 11 parameters.
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many Donors face problem to get Blood?
It shows how many Blood Donor face any Problem to get Blood as patient or
relative of patient. Relative frequency and Problem criteria given below.
It shows that only 10% of total number 215 of Donor faces any Problem to get
Blood as patient or relative of patient. And 90% not face any problem.
How many Donors face problem to
get Blood?
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many Male/Female face any problem to get the Blood?
We can compare to criteria gender any face any problem to get Blood as patient
or relative of patient. By this we can know that how many male and female face
problem to get Blood. This two gender criteria can resulted in separate way.
This data indicate that out of 158 Male only 12% face any problem to get
Blood, and out of 57 Female Blood Donor only 7% face any problem to get Blood. And
other not face any problem to get Blood.
Male Female
How many Male/Female Face any
problem to get the Blood?
Face Any Problem to get the Blood
Gender Yes % No % Total
Male 19 12% 139 88% 158
Female 4 7% 53 93% 57
Market Research on Blood Donation
Compare Blood Bank with Donor's Problem
Donors problem to get Blood have high connection with Blood Bank. So we
can compare this to criteria. To identify conclusion study Following data.
Face Any Problem to get the Blood
Blood Bank Yes % No % Total
Prathama 10 9% 104 81% 114
Indian Red Cross 11 18% 51 82% 62
Can't Say 3 17% 15 83% 18
Others 4 19% 17 81% 21
Out of 114 totals Donor of Prathama Blood Bank only 9% face any problem to
get Blood. Indian Red Cross contain 62 Donor 18% faces any problem. 18 Donor is not
sure about their prefer Blood Bank out of that 17% face any problem and who donate
in other Blood Bank out of that 19% face problem to get Blood.
10 11
3 4
15 17
Prathama Indian Red
Can't Say Others
Compare Blood Bank with Donor's
Yes No
Market Research on Blood Donation
Overall Experience of Blood Donor
These criteria describe overall Blood Donation Experience of Blood Donor for
Donation Blood. We defined that Experience in 5 category as we take in rate
parameters of preferred Blood Bank.
51% Blood Donor get Good Experience for overall Blood Donor. 24% get Excellent
Experience for same. Weighted Average for this is 3.94 it shows Most of Donor get
Experience between Good and Neutral but more towards Good.
2% 1%
Over all Experience of Blood Donor
Below Average
Overall Experience
Criteria NO. %
Excellent 51 24%
Good 109 51%
Neutral 48 22%
Below Average 5 2%
Poor 2 1%
Total 215 100%
Market Research on Blood Donation
Compare Overall Experience with Gender
Two category of Gender Male or Female can compare with overall Experience of
Blood Donation. It helps to derive conclusion about male or female separately.
Gender Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Total
Male 40 75 34 7 2 158
Female 11 30 14 2 0 57
There are 158 Male Blood Donor out of that 25% get Excellent Experience,
47% Good, 22% Neutral, 4% Below average and remaining 1% get poor Experience.
Total Female Blood Donor is 57 out of that 19% get Excellent, 53% get Good, 25% get
Neutral and remaining 3% get Below average overall Blood Donation Experience.
Male Female
Compare Overall Experience with Gender
Below Average
Market Research on Blood Donation
Compare overall Experience with Blood Bank
We can compare Blood Bank with Overall Blood Donation Experience because this
are two factor is highly related for Blood Donation.
Blood Bank Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Total
Prathama 24 65 24 1 0 114
Indian Red Cross 21 28 12 1 0 62
Can't Say 5 10 3 0 0 18
Others 1 6 9 3 2 21
Total 51 109 48 5 2 215
We can compare separate Blood Bank as Follows
Weighted Average of overall Blood
Donation Experience of Prathama
Blood Bank Donor is 3.98so, Donor
get Experience Between Good and
Neutral but more towards Good.
Prathama Indian Red
Can't Say Others
Compare overall Experience with Blood Bank
Below Average
1% 0%
Prathama Blood Bank
Below Average
Market Research on Blood Donation
Donors of India Red Cross are 62 in
number. And their Weighted Average
of overall Blood Donation Experience is
4.11 so, we can say that Donor get
Experience Between Excellent and
18 Blood Donor are not sure about
where they generally donate. 4.11 is
their Weighted Average of overall
Experience of Blood Donation.
There are 21 Donor who donated in
other Blood Bank and Their Weighted
average of overall Experience is 3.05 so,
their Experience is between Neutral and
Below Average.
2% 0%
Indian Red Cross
Below Average
Can't Say
Below Average
14% 9%
Below Average
Market Research on Blood Donation
Analysis for Non-Donor
Reasons for not donating Blood
There are 215 Blood Donor in our Sample But there are also 285 Non-donor.
This Non-donor not donates Blood because of their own mind sate and understanding
about Blood Donation. The following information shows general factor that affect Non-
donor and their relative frequency.
Same number 22% Non-donor affect by Not physically fit and Lack of
Motivation, 13% and 11% respectively by Fear of the prick and fear of some infection /
disease, 12% not donating because of other reason, same number of 10% are not
donating because of Lack of trust for Blood Bank and Lack of time.
Reasons for Not donating Blood
Fear of the prick
fear of some infection / disease
Not physically fit
Lack of Motivation
Lack of trust for Blood Bank
Lack of time
Reason Donors %
Fear of the prick 37 13%
fear of some infection / disease 30 11%
Not physically fit 62 22%
Lack of Motivation 62 22%
Lack of trust for Blood Bank 30 10%
Lack of time 30 10%
Others 34 12%
total 285 100%
Market Research on Blood Donation
Relate Gender with Reason for Not Donating
There are several reason that can affect mind sate of Non-donor to not
Donating, that can be have Connection with Gender that we can find with comparison
of this two Criteria.
Reason Male % Female % Total
Fear of the prick 11 30% 26 70% 37
Fear of some infection / disease 22 73% 8 27% 30
Not physically Fit 28 45% 34 55% 62
Lack of motivation 35 56% 27 44% 62
Lack of trust for Blood Bank 16 53% 14 47% 30
Lack of time 21 70% 9 30% 30
Other 25 74% 9 26% 34
Total 158 100% 127 100% 285
There are to unexpected Difference in 3 Reason between male and female.
70% out of total number belong to Fear of the prick id Female. 73% of total 30 who not
donate because of Fear of some infection / disease are male. Male category covers
70% related with Lack of time so, male not Donate because of lack of time and Female
not Donate because of Fear of the prick.
Fear of the
Fear of
infection /
Lack of
Lack of
trust for
Lack of
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many Non-donors think Blood Donation is required?
There are many Non-donors who think Blood Donation is required. We can
identify relative frequency of Non-donor who think it is required and not required.
Out of total Non-donor 79% think that Blood Donation is required, only 8% think
that Blood Donation is Not required, and other 13% not Say Exactly it is required or
Blood Donation is Required?
Not required
Can't Say
Blood Donation is Required? Numbers %
Required 225 79%
Not required1 22 8%
Can't Say 38 13%
Total 285 100%
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many Male and Female think Blood Donation is required or
Male of Female is two categoriesGender so, we can compare this are two
category with their thinking about Blood Donation. Following information is shows
associate number of Non-donor and their mind sate.
Blood Donation is required or not
Gender Yes No Can't Say Total
Male 127 13 18 158
Female 98 9 20 127
There are totally 158 Non-donor out of that 80% think that Blood Donation is
required, 12% not sure about that if it nessasary or not and remaining 8% think that it
is not required. In Female category 77% are think Blood Donation is required, 16% not
sure about ant dicison and remaining 7% think that it is not nessasory.
Can't Say
Can't Say
Market Research on Blood Donation
Donors engage in any charity / social work / philanthropic activity?
Blood Donation is one way of Social contribution of social person towards their
Society, there are many other social activity are available other than Blood Donation
like; Voluntary work, Financial Donation, Donation of Human Body Components etc.
person can also active in any of this activity that can effect decision of person to
donate or not donate Blood.
Chart given above show that out of 285 Non-donor 23% are engage in other
any charity / social work / philanthropic activity and any other 77% not engage in any
such activity.
Do you Engage In Other Socilal Activity?
Market Research on Blood Donation
Comparison of Gender with Engagement of Non-donor in Social
Male or female have Different mind sate that can affect their engagement any
other social activity. We can define this Difference by comparing following information.
Engage in any Social Activity
Gender Yes No Total
Male 32 126 158
Female 33 94 127
There are total 158 Male Non-donor out of that 20% Engage in any other
social activity and remaining are not. And out of 127 Female Non-donor 26% are
Engage in same. We can say that Female are more active in other Philanthropic activity
then male.
There may be son reason affect Male or Female to active in this type of work
like, Male face Shortage of time because of their respective field of work, where most
of house wife are free and have require time to contribute in that.
Market Research on Blood Donation
How many Donor Will be Donate Blood in future
In the Sample of Non-donor many of them wish to Donate in future, because
change in perception about Blood Donation and associate organization. So by any
other reason Non-donor may be donating Blood in future. Table and Chart represent
this information.
There are totally 285 Non-donor include male and female out of that 79% say
that they will be Donate Blood in future and remaining 21% are wish to Donate in
future. This 21% people can affect by unfavorable words about Blood Donation from
relative or reference group or may not like to donate because of other reason.
Would you want to donate
Blood, may be, in future?
Market Research on Blood Donation
Comparison between Gender and wish to Donate in future
Non-donors wish to donate or not in future can compare with gender’s
category Male and Female to identify and relation between them is existing or not.
That can possible with the help of following data.
There are 285 Non-donor it include 158 male and 127 female. 84% of total
Male Non-donor says that they will be donate Blood in future and remaining 16% not
ready for same. 45% are Female in Non-donor sample out of that 78% may be Donate
Blood in future but still 26% are not wish to Donate in future.
There are large number of Female Compare with male not Wish to Donate in
future, that resulting because of their weak physical fitness or may be most of Woman
have fear from prick.
Will you Donate Blood in future
Gender Yes No Total
Male 132 26 158
Female 94 33 127
Total 226 59 285
Market Research on Blood Donation
Finding of The Market survey
What is brief interpretation derive from conducted research can be
indicate by Major finding of research. We conclude our research as under.
General Finding
 There are 63% male and 37% Female in our Sample.
 Most of subject of Sample are belong to age Group 18 to 33 year which are 69% of
total sample.
 85% of Sample have Positive Blood Group, 3% not know there Blood group and
other have Negative group.
 79% of Sample has weight 55 to 70 KG.
 There are 57% of Sample is Married.
 In our sample 47% possess Bachelor’s degree, 21% get education between 10th
 33% of sample is Student.
 73% of Sample has family income in arrange of 30,000 and Below.
 43% out of sample of 500 People of Ahmedabad Donated Blood in Past.
Finding for Donor
 Out of 316 Male 50% are Donor and same number are Non-Donor.
 Out of 184 Female 31% is Blood Donor.
 Out of 215 Blood Donor 50% are 1 time Donor, 32% is 2 to 4 times, 12% is 4 to 10
times, 6% is Regular Blood Donor.
 158 are Male Blood Donor, 46% of it is one time Donor and 8% is Regular Donor.
 57 are Female Blood Donor, 61% of it is one time Donor and there is no regular
Female Blood Donor.
 Male Donate more Blood compare with Female.
Market Research on Blood Donation
 Out of total Regular Blood Donor 59% Donate 2 times in year.
 Most of Donor, 29% is motivated by Emergency requirement for relative or Friend,
18% by Urge to help others.
 Blood bank is highly preferred by Blood Donor to Donate, then Blood Camp if
prefer and at last Blood Mobile Vane is less preferred. We can say that Donor
Donate Blood In place where large Donor is available like; Blood Bank and Blood
 Population of Ahmedabad Highly prefers Prathama Blood Bank to Donate Blood.
 Indian Red Cross contain more one time Donor when we compare their % with
associate number of Donor and Prathama contain more 2 to 4time Donor in
comparison of %.
 Refreshment is highly voted in between Excellent and Good with weighted average
of 4.11, other parameters possesses less weighted average then it.
 10% out of total Blood Donor face any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative
of patient.
 Out of 158 Male Donor 12% find any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative of
patient. And out of 57 Female Donor only 7% find problem for same.
 Donor faces Problem to get Blood mostly from other Blood Bank not From
Prathama and Indian Red Cross.
 Weighted average for overall Experience is 3.94. Out of 5.
 47% of Male Donor gets Good overall Blood Donation Experience. 53% of Female
Donor get same Experience.
 Out of 114 Prathama Bank Donor 99% get more than Neutral Experience. 98% of
total Donor of Indian Red Cross gets same Experience. Donor who gets Experience
more than Neutral is 76%.
Market Research on Blood Donation
Finding for Non-Donor
 There are 285 Non-Donor in our sample out of that 44% not Donate because of
Lack of Motivation and Not physically fit in half of number.
 Out of total Non-Donor 79% say that Blood Donation is required.
 158 Male Donor are there, 80% of that is said Blood Donation is required and 77%
of Female Non-Donor says same.
 23% of Non-Donor engages in other any charity / social work / philanthropic
 Out of total Male Non-Donor 20% and out of Total Female Non-Donor 26% engage
in other any charity / social work / philanthropic activity.
 79% of 285 Non-Donor say that they will be Donate Blood in future.
 16% and 26% of total Male and Female Non-Donor respectively say that they will
not be Donate Blood in future.
Market Research on Blood Donation
Limitation of the survey
 One of major limitation is that our research conduct in Ahmedabad and not
visit distant are like Bapunaga, Druma, Chankheda etc.
 Some donors who donatefor monetary reward not provide true information.
 Female Donor hesitated to true provide information.
 Some Donor donate in long past so, they provide information arbitrary.
 We arrange this survey in 1 to 2 month that can be better finding if it
Continuous or Repetitive.
Market Research on Blood Donation
 There is only 31% of Female Donor out of 184 Female samples, so great
motivation for Women is required.
 There are only 6% regular Donor so, separate facility provide to them to
encourage them.
 Only 13% of Donor motivated by Blood Bank staffso improve that one.
 Prathama and Indian red cross provide Blood Mobile Vane but Donor Blood
Bank and Blood Camp to donatethen Mobile vane so, improve Mobile vane
 Most of Donor prefers Prathama and Indian red cross to donate and only 10%
donate in other so improve functionality of other Blood Bank.
 Weighted average of Incentives to donate [Gift] is 3.59 out of 5 which is lowest
in given 11 parameters so provide Good reward for Donor.
 Weighted average of Promotional activity is 3.64 out of 5 which is second last
in given 11 parameters so efficient promotion for Blood Donation is needed.
 Most of Donor, who face problem to get Blood from other Bank so, provides
priority to Blood Donor to give Blood.
 Very Small number of Student donates blood, so Blood Bank has to arrange to
motivate youth of College.
Market Research on Blood Donation
General Information
Gender: Male  Female
Age [in years]: 18 to 23  23 to 28  28 to 33 33 to 38
 38 to 43  43 to 48  48 to 53  53 and above
Blood Group:
Weight [in KG]: Below 50  55 – 60  60 – 65  65 – 70
 70 – 75  75 – 80  Above 80
Marital Status: Married  Unmarried
Education Qualification: Below 10th
std.  10th
to 12th
 Bachelor’s degree  Master’s degree
 Other
Occupation: Student  House wife  Service
 Business  Professional  Retired
 Other
Monthly Income level [in Rs.]:  Below 10,000  10,000 to 20,000
 20,000 to 30,000  30,000 to 40,000
 40,000 to 50,000  50,000 and above
Have you ever donated Blood?  Yes  No
{If yes, go to section A, otherwise section B.}
Section: A
1) How many times haveyou Donated Blood?
 1time  2–4 time  4-10 time  Regular Donor
If Regular Donor, How often in a year?
Market Research on Blood Donation
2) What motivates you to Donate Blood?
 Emergency requirement for Relative or Friend
 When motivated by Blood Bank staff
 To stay fit physically
 Urge to help others
 Some special events of life
 Motivated by Reference group (Friend, Family, Relatives)
 Others
3) Where do you generally prefer to donate?
{Rank the following as per your preference. H- for Highly preferred, M- for moderately
preferred, L- for not much preferred}
 With Blood Bank
 With Blood camp
 With Blood Mobile vane
4) Which Blood Bank do you generally prefer to donate?
     Can’t say
5) Rate Your Preferred Blood Bank on following parameters.
Parameters Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor
Blood collecting procedure
Convenience of location
Incentive to donate (gift)
Co-operative & Experience staff
Brochures, other literature
Promotional activity
Ambience management
Delivery of blood report
Post donation care
6) Did you ever experience any problem as a patient or as a relative of a
patient to get the Blood?
 No Yes:- Please specify
Market Research on Blood Donation
7) Rate your overall experience about Blood Donation.
Excellent  Good  Neutral  Below average Poor
Section: B
1) What are the reasons for not Donating Blood?
 Fear of the prick  Fear of some infection / disease
 Not physically Fit  Lack of motivation
 Lack of trust for Blood Bank  Lack of time
 Other Please specify:-
2) Do you think Blood Donation is required?
 Yes  No  Can’t say
3) Do you engage in any charity / social work / philanthropic activity?
 Yes  No
4) Would you want to donate Blood, may be, in future?
 Yes  No 
---------- THANK YOU ----------
Market Research on Blood Donation
This Project Basically introduces reader about Market Research on
Blood Donation. We conduct survey of 500 Healthy population of
Ahmedabad. By This survey we find Donor and Non-Donor mind sate about
Blood Donation, Blood Bank and Blood Donation procedure, it also provide
suggestion and introduce limitation of Blood bank to improve overall
Experience of Blood Donation.
First of all we indicate what Research Objective is and Question, how to
collect primary data and which research plan is follow for it. After collecting
that data we have to convert it information we have to analysis and
interpret that data. Then what is final understanding is mention under
Finding of market survey. Every survey have some limitation regarding
Scope, Geographical area, time are mention in limitation of our survey.
Interpretation derive by it can suggest some steps and activity to improve
Experience and Performance of that Industry.

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Blood Donation marketing

  • 1. Market Research on Blood Donation 1 INTRODUCTION Research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding of the phenomenon under study. It is the function of the researcher to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon and to communicate that understanding to others. Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating, hypothesis or suggested solution, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, research conclusion and testing of hypothesis. According to Philip Kotler: “Research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purpose of improved decision making.” Research is thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiments. In short, the research for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of research is to discover answer to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own specific purpose, we may think of research objectives as following. To gain familiarity with phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. To test hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables. 1) Primary research objective:  To find out the demographic profile of the blood donor.  Identify mind sate of Donor and Non-Donor about Blood Donation, Blood Bank and its fiction.  Evaluate work of Blood bank according to different criteria of marketing aspects.
  • 2. Market Research on Blood Donation 2 2) Secondary research objective: This shows how blood bank works efficiently without problems. For that we arrange survey for healthy and mature population of Ahmedabad to identify strength and short coming of Blood Bankandit’sFaction. QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT Knowledge about a subject may generate a number of questions. It then becomes necessary to ask whether these questions can be answered through one study or if more than one study needed. Additional research questions can be developed, but several basic principles should be taken into consideration. All questions, primary and secondary, should be developed at the beginning and planning stages of a study. Any additional questions should never compromise the primary question because it is the primary research question that forms the basis of the hypothesis and study objectives. It must be kept in mind that within the scope of one study, the presence of a number of research questions will affect and potentially increase the complexity of both the study design and subsequent statistical analyses, not to mention the actual feasibility of answering every question. A sensible strategy is to establish a single primary research question around which to focus the study plan. In a study, the primary research question should be clearly stated at the end of the introduction of the grant proposal, and it usually specifies the population to be studied, the intervention to be implemented and other circumstantial factors. Generally we can use questionnaire for asking questions related to our research. Here three main aspects of a questionnaire which is necessary to follow for better result of research. 1. General form: The questions are presented in questionnaire with exactly the same wording and in the same order to all respondents. The form of the question may be either closed (i.e., of the type ‘yes’ or ‘no’) or open (i.e., inviting free response) but should be stated in advance and not constructed during questioning.
  • 3. Market Research on Blood Donation 3 2. Question sequence: In order to make the questionnaire effective and ensure quality to the reply received, a researcher should pay attention to the question-sequence in preparing the questionnaire. A proper sequence of questions reduces the chances of individual questions being misunderstood. The following type of questions should generally be avoided as opening questions: 1) Questions that effect on the memory of the respondent; 2) Questions of a personal character; 3) Questions related to personal wealth, etc. 3. Question formulation and wording: The researcher should note that each question must be very clear for any sort of misunderstanding can do irreparable harm to a survey. In general, all questions should meet the following standards: 1) Should be easily understood; 2) Should be simple; 3) Should be concrete and should conform as much as possible to the respondent’s way of thinking. PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION The researcher can gather the primary data, secondary data or both. What data sources are to be used is depend upon research subject. Primary data are freshly gathered data for a specific purpose or for a specific research project. Secondary data are that were collected for another purpose and already exist some-where. IMPORTANCE OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Importance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A research can be conducted without secondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least reliable and may have biases because secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings.
  • 4. Market Research on Blood Donation 4 In statistical surveys it is necessary to get information from primary sources and work on primary data: for example, the statistical records of female population in a country cannot be based on newspaper, magazine and other printed sources. One such source is old and secondly they contain limited information as well as they can be misleading and biased. For collecting primary data we arrange survey of 500 Healthy population of Ahmedabad, it conduct thought Questionnaire contain relative question for both Donor and Non-Donor. IMPORTANCE OF SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there. Sometimes it is difficult to obtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary sources is easier and possible. Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to confine the research on secondary data. Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not willing to reveal it in such case too secondary data can suffice: for example, if the research is on the psychology of transsexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second they may not be willing to give information you want for your research, so you can collect data from books or other published sources. As we know secondary data is good startup of Research. We collect basic information about Blood Donation, Blood Bank, it’s History, Marketing elements, What is Research and it’s procedure etc. from some Book and online websites like. Books  Kotler, Armstrong, Agnihotri and Haque (2010), Principles of Marketing, 13th Edition, person Education  Ravi Shankar, (2006), Service Marketing, Excel Book Websites      
  • 5. Market Research on Blood Donation 5 RESEARCH PLAN Researcher must determine the exact information needed, develop a plan for gathering it efficiently, and present the plan to execute it. The research plan outlines sources of existing data and spell out the specific research an approach contact methods, sampling plan, and instruments that researcher will use to gather new data. “The Systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of Data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.” RESEARCH APPROACH Research approach includes followings: 1. Observation, 2. Survey, 3. Focus groups, 4. Behavioral data and 5. Experiments. 1. OBSERVATION: Observational research generally useful in rural area where you or researcher doesn’t know their target population. In this method firstly the researcher observed their targeted population and based on that observation he may present the result. 2. SURVEY: Survey is best suited for descriptive research. Researcher undertakes survey to learn about people’s knowledge, beliefs, preference and satisfaction. It requires development of survey instruments, usually questionnaires which the respondents are asked to fill up. 3. FOCUS GROUP: In focus group the researcher gather 6 to 10 people who are invited to spend a few hours with a specialized moderator in order to discuss a subject of research. The moderator needs to be objectives, skilled and knowledge in group dynamics. Participants are normally offered some gifts or incentives for attending the meetings. 4. BEHAVIOURAL DATA: In behavioral data the researcher get result based on people’s behavior. Firstly researcher analysis the behavior of targeted people and then makes result after interpretation.
  • 6. Market Research on Blood Donation 6 5. EXPERIMENTS: The most scientifically valid research is experimental research. The purpose of this result is to capture the cause and effect relationship. To the extent that might explain the result, research and researcher can have confidence in the conclusions. In our case we can use simply Survey Research the factors which affect positively and negatively blood donation by descriptive research. We can easily learn people’s knowledge, beliefs, preferences, etc. by survey we can stated some factors as under. CONTACT METHOD Now researcher must decide how to contact the subjects: 1. Mail questionnaire; 2. Telephone interview; 3. Seasonal interview and 4. Online interview. 1) MAIL QUESTIONNAIRE: It is the best way to reach people who wouldn’t give personal interviews or whose responses might be biased or distorted by the interviewers. But in this method the response rate is low or slow. 2) TELEPHONE INTERVIEW: It is the best method for gathering information through quickly and the interviewer is also able to clarify question if respondents don’t understand them. 3) SEASONAL INTERVIEW: It is the most versatile method for research. The interviewer can ask more questions and reward additional observation about the respondent, such as dress and body language. However this meth is most expensive and subject to interviewer bias and requires more administrative planning and supervision.
  • 7. Market Research on Blood Donation 7 4) ONLINE INTERVIEW: there are so many ways to do research on internet. A company can make questionnaire and put it on its website. Inviting people can give the interview by fulfilling this questionnaire. We will use personal interview for this survey. We students meet respondent personally to get information. SAMPLING PLAN  A sample is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole. When dealing with people, it can be defined as a set of respondent selected from a larger population for the purpose of a survey.  A population is a group of individuals, persons, objects, or items from which are taken for measurement.  Sampling is the act, process, or technique of selecting a suitable sample, or a representative’spart of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or characteristicof the whole population. Purpose of sampling To draw conclusions about populations from samples, we must use inferential statistics which enables us to determine a population`s characteristics by directly observing only a sample of the population. We obtain a sample rather than a complete enumeration (a census) of the population for many reasons. Obviously, it is cheaper to observe a part rather than the whole, but we should prepare ourselves to cope with the dangers of using samples. Some procedures are better than others but all may yield samples that are inaccurate and unreliable. Minimization of dangers is possible but some potential error is the price we must pay for the convenience and savings that the sampleprovides. 1. SAMPLE UNIT 2. SAMPLE SIZE AND 3. SAMPLING PROCEDURE 1.Sampling Unit:It refers to the Best source from given population by which we can gather the information. We will select Sample unit as Adult and healthy population of Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • 8. Market Research on Blood Donation 8 2.Sampling Size:As we know large population give reliable results, but it’s not necessary or possible to sample the entire target population to achieve reliable results. We may be interested in surveying the people who are living in cities from the total number of people who don’t donate blood due to fear. The sample size for our Survey is 500 respondents 3.Sampling Procedure: There are basically two types of sampling procedures: i. Probability Sampling: It allows the confidence limits to be calculated for sampling error & makes the sample more representatives. Simple Random sampling Stratified sampling Systematic sampling Cluster/Area sampling ii. Non Probability Sampling: When the cost or time to use probability sampling is too high, marketing researchers will take this method. Convenience sampling Judgmental sampling Quota sampling We have use convenience sampling for the survey Research instrument Marketing researchers have a choice of three main research instruments in collecting primary data: 1. Questionnaires 2. Qualitative measure 3. Technological devices. 1. Questionnaires: It consists of a set of questions presented to respondents. Because of its flexibility, it’s by far the most common instrument used to collect primary data. Researchers need to carefully develop, test & debug questionnaires before administrating them on a large scale. For example the form, wording a sequence of questions. There are basically two types of questions.
  • 9. Market Research on Blood Donation 9 A) Closed end questions: which specify all possible answers& provide answers that are easier to interpret & tabulate question with possible answer which is yes or no. For Example we can ask the following questions: 1) Do you donate the blood? a) Yes b) No 2) What are the reasons of donating the blood? a) Social responsibility. b) Special benefits. c) a & b. d) None of above. B) Open-end questions: Which allow respondents to answer in their own words & often renewal more about how people think? They are especially useful in exploratory research, where the researcher is looking for insight in to how people think rather than measuring how many people think rather than measuring how many people think a certain way. For example we can ask the following questions: Have you donated blood ever? Explain your own view about blood donation. What is the importance of blood donation? What is the social factors affecting blood donation? We use Questionnaires which consist of set of Question regarding blood donation presented to respondents. Because of its flexibility, it is by far the most common instrument used to collect primary data. 2. Qualitative measures: Some time market prefers more qualitative methods for gaining consumer opinion. It is making because or consumer action doesn’t always match their answer to survey questions. It is a relatively unstructured measurement approaches that permit a range of possible response. 3. Technological devices: These are occasionally useful in marketing research. Galvanometers. Can measure the interest or emotions aroused by exposure to a specific ad or picture. Eye cameras study respondents’ eye movements to see where their eyes land first, how long they finger on a given item and so on.
  • 10. Market Research on Blood Donation 10 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Sample Profile Sample Profile Shows brief information about the sample that use in this survey. It provide General information like Gender, Age, Blood Group, Weight, Marital Status, Education qualification, Occupation, Monthly income, Blood Donated or not. This all information are mention in sample profile with respective figure and percentage. Category Criteria No. % Gender Male 316 63% Female 184 37% Age [in year] 18 to 23 148 30% 23 to 28 111 22% 28 to 33 85 17% 33 to 38 39 8% 38 to 43 51 10% 43 to 48 29 6% 48 to 53 30 6% 53 and above 7 1% Blood Group A+tive 85 17% B+tive 145 29% O+tive 150 30% Ab+tive 45 9% Not Known 14 3% A-tive 16 3% B-tive 19 4% O-tive 15 3% AB-tive 11 2% weight [in KG] Below 50 28 6% 55 to 60 183 36% 60 to 65 140 28% 65 to 70 76 15% 70 to 75 51 10% 75 to 80 19 4% Above 80 3 1%
  • 11. Market Research on Blood Donation 11 Category Criteria No. % Marital Status Married 287 57% Unmarried 213 43% Education qualification Below 10th 71 14% 10th t0 12th 105 21% Bachelor's 235 47% Master's 75 15% Other 14 3% Occupation Student 165 33% House wife 88 17% Service 88 17% Business 83 16% Professional 53 11% Retired 3 1% Other 20 4% Monthly income [in Rss.] Below 10000 107 21% 10000 to 20000 152 30% 20000 to 30000 112 22% 30000 to 40000 73 15% 40000 to 50000 42 8% 50000 and above 14 3% Donated Blood Yes 215 43% Not Known 285 57%
  • 12. Market Research on Blood Donation 12 General Information Gender Ratio This analysis provides how many Male and Female are there in this sample for Marketing Research about Blood Donation. This show in our sample there are 316 Male and 184 Female, which are respectively 63% and 37% of total sample size. Age [in Year] Age is very important element in the survey like Blood Donation, because nobody can donate blood below age of 18th and above the age of 58. For the convenience we divide this rage in group of 5 year interval like 18 to 23, 23 to 28 so on up to 53 and above. Gender Male 316 63% Female 184 37% Age No. % 18 to 23 148 30% 23 to 28 111 22% 28 to 33 85 17% 33 to 38 39 8% 38 to 43 51 10% 43 to 48 29 6% 48 to 53 30 6% 53 and above 7 1% 63% 37% Gender Ratio Male Female
  • 13. Market Research on Blood Donation 13 This shows there are maximum number of subject are in the age of 18 to 23 with 148 number and approximately 30%. Then Group 23 to 28 with 111 number and 22% and so on with Group 28 to 33, 38 to 43, 33 to 38, 48 to 53, 43 to 48 and 53 and above respectively rank 1st to 8th . 69% of total sample belong to age between 18 to 33 and remaining 31% between 33 and above age. Blood Group 30% 22%17% 8% 10% 6% 6% 1% Age Ratio 18 to 23 23 to 28 28 to 33 33 to 38 38 to 43 43 to 48 48 to 53 53 and above 0% 17% 29% 30% 9% 3% 4% 3% 2% 3% Blood Group Blood Group a+ b+ O+ ab+ a- b- o- ab- Not Known
  • 14. Market Research on Blood Donation 14 Blood Group is show mixture of Blood Component. There are basically eight Blood Group A, B, O, AB both + (positive) and – (Negative). Number of donor and there Blood Group is shown in following Table and pi chart. Information revealed in above result that there are maximum number of subject belong in Blood Group o+ and b+ with 30% and 29% respectively of total sample size. Positive Blood Group [a, b, o, ab] cover 85% of whole sample size, and remaining 15% cover by Negative Blood Group [a, b, o, ab]. Weight [in KG] Blood Donor has to minimum weight of 50 KG to Donate Blood, otherwise person not eligible to Donate. Information given below shows that weight and their number of subject. Here weights are dividing in Group of 5 KG like below 50, 55 to 60, and 60 to 65, up to 75 to 80 and 80 and above. weight [in KG] Below 50 55 to 60 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 75 75 to 80 Above 80 No. 28 183 140 76 51 19 3 % 6% 36% 28% 15% 10% 4% 1% Blood Group No. % A+tiv 85 17% B+tiv 145 29% O+tiv 150 30% Ab+tiv 45 9% A-tiv 16 3% B-tiv 19 4% O-tiv 15 3% Ab-tiv 11 2% Not Known 14 3%
  • 15. Market Research on Blood Donation 15 79% of total sample size is cover in weight range 55 to 70 KG and remaining 21% in the weight below 50, 75 to 80 and above 80 KG. Most of sample 36% is belong to range 55 to 60 KG, then 28% in 60 to 65 KG. Marital Status Marital Status can be describe in two broad category 1st is Married and 2nd is Unmarried. But some exemption like divorce, widow etc. are there but for better result we take 2 broad categories in our survey. 28 183 140 76 51 19 3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Below 50 55 to 60 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 75 75 to 80 Above 80 Weight [in KG] 57% 43% Marital Status Married Unmarried
  • 16. Market Research on Blood Donation 16 Information about Marital Status shows that 287 number 57% of total sample size is married and remaining 213 number 43% sample are Unmarried. Education Qualification Education Qualification is important for Blood Donation Research because it can affect mind sate of person to donate or not to donate Blood and Blood Donation is required or not. We classify education qualification like below 10th std., 10th to 12th std., Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and other. Chart given below shows criteria and associate number with it. Marital Status Married 287 57% Unmarried 213 43% Education qualification No. % Below 10th 71 14% 10th t0 12th 105 21% Bachelor's 235 47% Master's 75 15% Other 14 3% 71 105 235 75 14 0 50 100 150 200 250 Below 10th 10th t0 12th Bachelor's Master's Other
  • 17. Market Research on Blood Donation 17 It shows 14% of sample gets education below 10th std, 21% get 10th to 12th std, 47% have bachelor’s degree, 15% have master’s degree and 3% have other education qualification. 68% of total sample get education between 10th std. to bachelor’s degree. And remaining 32% get other criteria education shows in figure. Occupation Occupation indicates personality about person and their lifestyle. Data given below shows the respective occupation [student, House wife, Service, Business, Professional, Retired, Other] and associate number of person. Occupation Student House wife service Business Professional Retired Other No. 165 88 88 83 53 3 20 % 33% 17% 17% 16% 11% 1% 4% In our sample 33% is student as data indicate, most of sample, 83% are associate with occupation like Student, House wife, Service and Business. And other 17% are associate with professional, Retired and Other Occupation. There are same number 17% of sample are House Wife and Service person. Very few 3% are retired persons. 165 88 88 83 53 3 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Occupation
  • 18. Market Research on Blood Donation 18 Monthly family income level [in Rs.] Monthly family income indicates personality about person and their lifestyle. Income can be any number from 0 to infinite number; here we group it in Below 10,000, 10,000 to 20,000, up to 50,000 and above. Chart given below shows respective income of Group and associate numberof persons. Conclusion from above mention data is that most of the person 88% in sample has Monthly family income up to 40,000 Rs. And remaining 12% have income from 40,000 to 50,000 and above. In the given class 10,000 to 20,000 Rs. Cover 30% of sample which is highest in given income Group, and very less 3% of sample have income between 50,000 and above Rs. In month. Monthly income [in Rs.] No. % Below 10000 107 21% 10000 to 20000 152 30% 20000 to 30000 112 22% 30000 to 40000 73 15% 40000 to 50000 42 8% 50000 and above 14 3% 107 152 112 73 42 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Below 10000 10000 to 20000 20000 to 30000 30000 to 40000 40000 to 50000 50000 and above Monthly family income level [in Rs.]
  • 19. Market Research on Blood Donation 19 Have you ever Donated Blood? It is most important Question that you have Donated Blood or not? It give information about number of person donate Blood or not. On this basis we have to ask other Question related to their category like donated and not donated. It shows that only 43% of sample Donate Blood in past and 57% are not donate. This Blood Donor can donate blood one or more time. On this bases other analysis can be do with other question. 43% 57% Blood Donor and Non-donor Donor Non-donor
  • 20. Market Research on Blood Donation 20 Analysis for Donor Comparison of Blood Donate or Not Donate With Gender We can compare Blood Donor / non Donor with Gender, to identify how many male or female donate or not donate blood in past. We are comparing male and female separately as follows. Gender Donate Not donate Total Male 158 158 316 Female 57 127 184 Total 215 285 500 As per data given above we can indicate that in Female only 31% are Blood Donor and remaining 69% are Non Donor. In Male category 50% are Donor and 50% are Non Donor. We can say that in compare to male, female donor is less in number by 46% because total donor is 215 so Male Donor id 73% in Donor Sample and 27% in same. 31% 69% How many Female Donated Blood? Donate Not donate 50%50% How many Male Donated Blood? Donate Not donate
  • 21. Market Research on Blood Donation 21 Relate Occupation with Blood Donate or not Donor can active in some work it call occupation that can affect their thinking, other activity, life style etc. so, it can also affect with Blood Donate or not that can identify with following data. Only 24% of student Donate Blood and remaining are not, Out of 88 House wife 35% Donate Blood. Most of Business men,61% Donate Blood and 100% of Retires Donated in past. There is not large Difference in other Occupation relate with Blood Donation. 40 31 50 51 29 3 11 125 57 38 32 24 0 9 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Student House Wife Service Business Professional Retired Other Yes No Occupation Yes % No % Total Student 40 24% 125 76% 165 House Wife 31 35% 57 65% 88 Service 50 57% 38 44% 88 Business 51 61% 32 39% 83 Professional 29 55% 24 45% 53 Retired 3 100% 0 0% 3 Other 11 55% 9 45% 20 Total 215 285 500
  • 22. Market Research on Blood Donation 22 How many times Donor Donated Blood? Donor can Donate Blood maximum 4 times in year and can also one time, we have to consider all Donor Who donate Blood even one time. We Create Group of 1 time, 2 – 4 times, 4 – 10 times and Regular Donor. By the help of this we find following number of donor with respective category. Times of Blood Donate Number % 1 time 108 50% 2 to 4 times 69 32% 4 to 10 times 26 12% Regular Donor 12 6% Total 215 100% There are 215 persons who donate Blood even one time. As data shown below 50% of Donor sample Donated Blood for 1 time, 32% for 2 to 4 time, 12% for 4 to 10 time and only 6% are regular Donor who Donate Blood regularly in year for 1 to 4 time, because healthy person can donate Blood in every 3 month. 50% 32% 12% 6% Times of Blood Donate 1 time 2 to 4 times 4 to 10 times Regular Donor
  • 23. Market Research on Blood Donation 23 Compare Gender with Times of Blood Donate On the bases of information available about gender and how many time Donor Donate Blood, we can compare Gender and Times of Blood Donate. Here we can identify Male and Female with times of Blood Donate as we mention in Above. Means we can see how many males donate Blood for 1 time, 2 to 4 times 4 to 10 times and regular donor, and same can do for Female category also. As data given above 46% of total male Donor donated Blood For 1 time and the same is 61% for female Donor. Means there are more female donor who donate for one time. 1 time donor is totally 108 so 68% of it is male and remaining is female. 32% of Both Male and Female total Donor donated blood for 2 to 4 times. In the category of 2 to 4 time donate there are 69 donor out of this 74% are male and remaining are female. 14% and 7% of total male and female total Blood Donor donate for 4 to 10 time. There is 8% regular donor in male donor category and nuns of Female are Regular Donor. So we can say that male Donate more Blood then Female. 73 51 22 12 35 18 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular Compare Gender With Times of Blood Donate Male Female Times Male % Female % Total 1 time 73 46% 35 61% 108 2-4 times 51 32% 18 32% 69 4-10 times 22 14% 4 7% 26 Regular 12 8% 0 0% 12 Total 158 100% 57 100% 215
  • 24. Market Research on Blood Donation 24 How often regular Donor Donated Blood in a year Healthy mane can donate Blood every 3 month and Female every 4 month. Here in our sample there is no Female regular donor so, this analysis can consider only for Male regular Donor. 59% of regular Donor Donated Blood for 2 times it Covers large percent of regular Donor. None of Regular Donor was Donate for 4 times in a year. We can say that regular Donor prefer to donate 2 to 3 times in a year to Donate Blood rather than 1 or 4 times. Times [In a Year] No. % 1 time 1 8% 2 times 7 59% 3 times 4 33% 4 times 0 0% 8% 59% 33% 0% How many time Regular Donor Donate in a year 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times
  • 25. Market Research on Blood Donation 25 What motivates donor to donate Blood? Donor can motivated by several factor to donate Blood. We can arrange common factor for survey and identify relative frequency of Donor. Table shows factor of motivations and associate frequency with it. It shows most of donor 29% Donate for Emergency requirement for relative or Friend. And very less 9% people and 7% motivated by some special events of life and others factors. 73% means large Donor size is motivated by first 4 factors to Donate Blood. 29% 14% 13% 17% 11% 9% 7% Motivation Factor which motivates Donors Emergency requirement for relative or Friend To Stay fit physically When motivated by Blood Bank staff Urge to help others Motivated by Reference group Some special events of life Others Factor No. of Donor % Emergency requirement for relative or Friend 63 29% To Stay fit physically 29 13% When motivated by Blood Bank staff 28 13% Urge to help others 36 18% Motivated by Reference group [Friend, Family, Relatives] 23 11% Some special events of life 20 9% Others 16 7% Total 215 100%
  • 26. Market Research on Blood Donation 26 Where donor generally prefer to Donate Blood? Donors can Donate Blood in Blood Bank, Blood Camp and Blood Mobile Vane. But more than one time Donor can donate in two or three place so, we provide rank for each one for more than one time donor like; Rank the following as per your preference. H- for Highly preferred, M- for moderately preferred, L- for not much preferred. Preference High % Moderately % Lower % With Blood Bank 121 57% 48 37% 18 13% With Blood Camp 54 25% 43 34% 52 38% With Blood Mobile Vane 39 18% 37 29% 66 49% Total 214 100% 128 100% 136 100% In Highly prefer Blood Bank is at top with 57% preference out of 214 vote, then Blood Camp with 25% vote and at last Blood Mobile Vane. In Moderately category Blood Bank at top with 37% of vote out of 128, Blood Camp in 2nd place with 34%, at last Blood Mobile Vane with 29%. In lower prefer 49% vote cover by Blood Mobile Vane, then Blood camp and at last Blood Bank. On this Bases we can say that Donor prefer Blood Bank at 1st instance to donate than Blood Camp and at last Blood Mobile Vane to Donate Blood. 121 48 18 54 43 52 39 37 66 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 High Mioderately Lower Donor's Preference Where to donate With Blood Bank With Blood Camp With Blood Mobile Vane
  • 27. Market Research on Blood Donation 27 Prefer Blood Bank by Donor In Ahmedabad there are many Blood Bank to Donate Blood like; Prathama Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross these are two most known Blood Bank but other BankHospital are available for the same like; Civil Hospital, V.S. Hospital, General Hospital etc. Most of Donor 53% prefers to Donate in Prathama Blood Bank, then 29% prefer to Donate in Indian Red Cross, 10% of Donor Donate in different- different Blood Bank so not sure about their preference and remaining 10% prefer to donate in other Bank. As we mention above Prathama Blood Bank and Indian Red Cross are to major bank in Ahmedabad so 82% of total Donor Donate in these two Banks. 53% 29% 8% 10% Prefered Blood Bank of Donor to Donate Prathama Indian Red Cross Can't Say Others Blood Bank Donors % Prathama 114 53% Indian Red Cross 62 29% Can't Say 18 8% Others 21 10% Total 215 100%
  • 28. Market Research on Blood Donation 28 Comparison of Blood Bank and number of Donation As we mention above in Ahmedabad there are many Blood Bank to Donate Blood like; Prathama Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross these are two most known Blood Bank but other BankHospital are available for the same like; Civil Hospital, V.S. Hospital, General Hospital etc. we can compare Blood Bank with frequency of Blood Donate by Blood Donor. Blood Bank 1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular Total Prathama 47 43 17 7 114 Indian Red Cross 33 19 5 5 62 Can't Say 9 6 3 0 18 Others 19 1 1 0 21 Total 108 69 26 12 215 Table shown above indicates that 1 time Blood Donation Prathama Blood Bank is having highest vote, than 2nd number is Indian Red Cross. This Rank same for all Category Shown in table. This analysis give information with relative number associated with Blood Bank. 47 33 9 19 43 19 6 1 17 5 3 1 7 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Prathama Indian Red Cross Can't Say Others Comparison of Blood Bank and number of Donation 1 time 2-4 times 4-10 times Regular
  • 29. Market Research on Blood Donation 29 Rate Donor’s Preferred Blood Bank on following parameters Donor prefers their respective Blood bank where they usually Donate Blood, now we can assess that Blood bank with general parameters related to Blood Donation and its Marketing. Following tables and bar char provide information about vote of particular parameters. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor parameters Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor Blood Collecting Procedure 78 93 39 5 0 Hygiene 58 87 60 8 2 Convenience of location 40 96 59 18 2 Incentives to donate [Gift] 46 82 51 26 10 Co-operative & Experience staff 46 84 65 15 5 Brochures, other literature 60 82 37 18 18 Promotional activity 33 105 54 12 11 Ambience management 76 73 53 12 1 Delivery of blood report 46 89 69 8 3 Post donation care 71 91 43 9 1 Refreshment 73 104 28 9 1
  • 30. Market Research on Blood Donation 30 This Chart and table mention that 1) Blood Collecting Procedure: get 93 votes in Good category and 78 in Excellent so, most of Donor consider it is Good or Excellent. 2) Hygiene:get 87 and 60 votes in Good and Neutral category and 58 in the Excellent. And remaining 10 in below average and poor. So we can say that Donor consider it as Good, Neutral and Excellent in descending order. 3) Convenience of location: 45% Donor consider it as Good, 27% as Neutral, 19% as Excellent and remaining it Below Average or poor. 4) Incentives to donate [Gift]: 38% consider it as Good, 24% Donor vote as Neutral, 21% as Excellent, 12% as Below avg. and remaining as poor. 5) Co-operative & Experience staff: highly voted as Good, then Neutral, then Excellent. But 10% of Donor considers it as not satisfactory. 6) Brochures, other literature: 66% Donor consider it as Good or Excellent, and other 17% fall it in Neutral. And other 16% votes as below avg. or poor. 7) Promotional activity: mostly 49% consider it as Good, 25% as Neutral. 8) Ambience management: most of 70% of total donor Sample consider it as Excellent or Good. 9) Delivery of blood report: 41% of Donor voted it as Good and 32% as Neutral. 10) Post donation care: 75% of total Donor provides rank of Good. 25% for other mention category. 11) Refreshment: 48% consider it as Good one, 34% for Excellent and very few consider it as poor. We can also apply Statistical tool like Weighted Average to find what Exact is rate [Excellent, Good, Neutral, below average, Poor]. For that we provide Weights like 5 for Excellent, 4 for Good 3 for Neutral, 2 for Below Avg. and 1 for poor.
  • 31. Market Research on Blood Donation 31 Weighted Average of Blood Bank Parameters parameters Weighted Average Blood Collecting Procedure 4.13 Hygiene 3.89 Convenience of location 3.71 Incentives to donate [Gift] 3.59 Co-operative & Experience staff 3.7 Brochures, other literature 3.69 Promotional activity 3.64 Ambience management 3.98 Delivery of blood report 3.78 Post donation care 4.03 Refreshment 4.11 Here Weighed average range from 1 to 5 it shows the parameters is Excellent, Good, Neutral, Below Average and Poor. The fraction shows Composition of tow criteria like Blood Collecting Procedure shows 4.13 as Weighed Average in mean it consider Between Excellent and Good but .13 shows is more toward Good then Excellent, this formation is applicable to all 11 parameters. 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2
  • 32. Market Research on Blood Donation 32 How many Donors face problem to get Blood? It shows how many Blood Donor face any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative of patient. Relative frequency and Problem criteria given below. It shows that only 10% of total number 215 of Donor faces any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative of patient. And 90% not face any problem. 90% 10% How many Donors face problem to get Blood? Yes No
  • 33. Market Research on Blood Donation 33 How many Male/Female face any problem to get the Blood? We can compare to criteria gender any face any problem to get Blood as patient or relative of patient. By this we can know that how many male and female face problem to get Blood. This two gender criteria can resulted in separate way. This data indicate that out of 158 Male only 12% face any problem to get Blood, and out of 57 Female Blood Donor only 7% face any problem to get Blood. And other not face any problem to get Blood. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Male Female How many Male/Female Face any problem to get the Blood? No Yes Face Any Problem to get the Blood Gender Yes % No % Total Male 19 12% 139 88% 158 Female 4 7% 53 93% 57
  • 34. Market Research on Blood Donation 34 Compare Blood Bank with Donor's Problem Donors problem to get Blood have high connection with Blood Bank. So we can compare this to criteria. To identify conclusion study Following data. Face Any Problem to get the Blood Blood Bank Yes % No % Total Prathama 10 9% 104 81% 114 Indian Red Cross 11 18% 51 82% 62 Can't Say 3 17% 15 83% 18 Others 4 19% 17 81% 21 Out of 114 totals Donor of Prathama Blood Bank only 9% face any problem to get Blood. Indian Red Cross contain 62 Donor 18% faces any problem. 18 Donor is not sure about their prefer Blood Bank out of that 17% face any problem and who donate in other Blood Bank out of that 19% face problem to get Blood. 10 11 3 4 104 51 15 17 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Prathama Indian Red Cross Can't Say Others Compare Blood Bank with Donor's Problem Yes No
  • 35. Market Research on Blood Donation 35 Overall Experience of Blood Donor These criteria describe overall Blood Donation Experience of Blood Donor for Donation Blood. We defined that Experience in 5 category as we take in rate parameters of preferred Blood Bank. 51% Blood Donor get Good Experience for overall Blood Donor. 24% get Excellent Experience for same. Weighted Average for this is 3.94 it shows Most of Donor get Experience between Good and Neutral but more towards Good. 24% 51% 22% 2% 1% Over all Experience of Blood Donor Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Overall Experience Criteria NO. % Excellent 51 24% Good 109 51% Neutral 48 22% Below Average 5 2% Poor 2 1% Total 215 100%
  • 36. Market Research on Blood Donation 36 Compare Overall Experience with Gender Two category of Gender Male or Female can compare with overall Experience of Blood Donation. It helps to derive conclusion about male or female separately. Gender Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Total Male 40 75 34 7 2 158 Female 11 30 14 2 0 57 There are 158 Male Blood Donor out of that 25% get Excellent Experience, 47% Good, 22% Neutral, 4% Below average and remaining 1% get poor Experience. Total Female Blood Donor is 57 out of that 19% get Excellent, 53% get Good, 25% get Neutral and remaining 3% get Below average overall Blood Donation Experience. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Male Female Compare Overall Experience with Gender Poor Below Average Neutral Good Excellent
  • 37. Market Research on Blood Donation 37 Compare overall Experience with Blood Bank We can compare Blood Bank with Overall Blood Donation Experience because this are two factor is highly related for Blood Donation. Blood Bank Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Total Prathama 24 65 24 1 0 114 Indian Red Cross 21 28 12 1 0 62 Can't Say 5 10 3 0 0 18 Others 1 6 9 3 2 21 Total 51 109 48 5 2 215 We can compare separate Blood Bank as Follows Weighted Average of overall Blood Donation Experience of Prathama Blood Bank Donor is 3.98so, Donor get Experience Between Good and Neutral but more towards Good. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Prathama Indian Red Cross Can't Say Others Compare overall Experience with Blood Bank Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor 21% 57% 21% 1% 0% Prathama Blood Bank Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor
  • 38. Market Research on Blood Donation 38 Donors of India Red Cross are 62 in number. And their Weighted Average of overall Blood Donation Experience is 4.11 so, we can say that Donor get Experience Between Excellent and Good. 18 Blood Donor are not sure about where they generally donate. 4.11 is their Weighted Average of overall Experience of Blood Donation. There are 21 Donor who donated in other Blood Bank and Their Weighted average of overall Experience is 3.05 so, their Experience is between Neutral and Below Average. 34% 45% 19% 2% 0% Indian Red Cross Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor 28% 55% 17% Can't Say Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor 5% 29% 43% 14% 9% Others Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor
  • 39. Market Research on Blood Donation 39 Analysis for Non-Donor Reasons for not donating Blood There are 215 Blood Donor in our Sample But there are also 285 Non-donor. This Non-donor not donates Blood because of their own mind sate and understanding about Blood Donation. The following information shows general factor that affect Non- donor and their relative frequency. Same number 22% Non-donor affect by Not physically fit and Lack of Motivation, 13% and 11% respectively by Fear of the prick and fear of some infection / disease, 12% not donating because of other reason, same number of 10% are not donating because of Lack of trust for Blood Bank and Lack of time. 13% 10% 22% 22% 10% 11% 12% Reasons for Not donating Blood Fear of the prick fear of some infection / disease Not physically fit Lack of Motivation Lack of trust for Blood Bank Lack of time Others Reason Donors % Fear of the prick 37 13% fear of some infection / disease 30 11% Not physically fit 62 22% Lack of Motivation 62 22% Lack of trust for Blood Bank 30 10% Lack of time 30 10% Others 34 12% total 285 100%
  • 40. Market Research on Blood Donation 40 Relate Gender with Reason for Not Donating There are several reason that can affect mind sate of Non-donor to not Donating, that can be have Connection with Gender that we can find with comparison of this two Criteria. Reason Male % Female % Total Fear of the prick 11 30% 26 70% 37 Fear of some infection / disease 22 73% 8 27% 30 Not physically Fit 28 45% 34 55% 62 Lack of motivation 35 56% 27 44% 62 Lack of trust for Blood Bank 16 53% 14 47% 30 Lack of time 21 70% 9 30% 30 Other 25 74% 9 26% 34 Total 158 100% 127 100% 285 There are to unexpected Difference in 3 Reason between male and female. 70% out of total number belong to Fear of the prick id Female. 73% of total 30 who not donate because of Fear of some infection / disease are male. Male category covers 70% related with Lack of time so, male not Donate because of lack of time and Female not Donate because of Fear of the prick. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Fear of the prick Fear of some infection / disease Not physically Fit Lack of motivation Lack of trust for Blood Bank Lack of time Other Male Female
  • 41. Market Research on Blood Donation 41 How many Non-donors think Blood Donation is required? There are many Non-donors who think Blood Donation is required. We can identify relative frequency of Non-donor who think it is required and not required. Out of total Non-donor 79% think that Blood Donation is required, only 8% think that Blood Donation is Not required, and other 13% not Say Exactly it is required or not. 79% 8% 13% Blood Donation is Required? Required Not required Can't Say Blood Donation is Required? Numbers % Required 225 79% Not required1 22 8% Can't Say 38 13% Total 285 100%
  • 42. Market Research on Blood Donation 42 How many Male and Female think Blood Donation is required or not? Male of Female is two categoriesGender so, we can compare this are two category with their thinking about Blood Donation. Following information is shows associate number of Non-donor and their mind sate. Blood Donation is required or not Gender Yes No Can't Say Total Male 127 13 18 158 Female 98 9 20 127 There are totally 158 Non-donor out of that 80% think that Blood Donation is required, 12% not sure about that if it nessasary or not and remaining 8% think that it is not required. In Female category 77% are think Blood Donation is required, 16% not sure about ant dicison and remaining 7% think that it is not nessasory. 80% 8% 12% Male Yes No Can't Say 77% 7% 16% Female Yes No Can't Say
  • 43. Market Research on Blood Donation 43 Donors engage in any charity / social work / philanthropic activity? Blood Donation is one way of Social contribution of social person towards their Society, there are many other social activity are available other than Blood Donation like; Voluntary work, Financial Donation, Donation of Human Body Components etc. person can also active in any of this activity that can effect decision of person to donate or not donate Blood. Chart given above show that out of 285 Non-donor 23% are engage in other any charity / social work / philanthropic activity and any other 77% not engage in any such activity. 23% 77% Do you Engage In Other Socilal Activity? Yes No
  • 44. Market Research on Blood Donation 44 Comparison of Gender with Engagement of Non-donor in Social Activity Male or female have Different mind sate that can affect their engagement any other social activity. We can define this Difference by comparing following information. Engage in any Social Activity Gender Yes No Total Male 32 126 158 Female 33 94 127 There are total 158 Male Non-donor out of that 20% Engage in any other social activity and remaining are not. And out of 127 Female Non-donor 26% are Engage in same. We can say that Female are more active in other Philanthropic activity then male. There may be son reason affect Male or Female to active in this type of work like, Male face Shortage of time because of their respective field of work, where most of house wife are free and have require time to contribute in that. 20% 80% Male Yes No 26% 74% Female Yes No
  • 45. Market Research on Blood Donation 45 How many Donor Will be Donate Blood in future In the Sample of Non-donor many of them wish to Donate in future, because change in perception about Blood Donation and associate organization. So by any other reason Non-donor may be donating Blood in future. Table and Chart represent this information. There are totally 285 Non-donor include male and female out of that 79% say that they will be Donate Blood in future and remaining 21% are wish to Donate in future. This 21% people can affect by unfavorable words about Blood Donation from relative or reference group or may not like to donate because of other reason. 79% 21% Would you want to donate Blood, may be, in future? Yes No
  • 46. Market Research on Blood Donation 46 Comparison between Gender and wish to Donate in future Non-donors wish to donate or not in future can compare with gender’s category Male and Female to identify and relation between them is existing or not. That can possible with the help of following data. There are 285 Non-donor it include 158 male and 127 female. 84% of total Male Non-donor says that they will be donate Blood in future and remaining 16% not ready for same. 45% are Female in Non-donor sample out of that 78% may be Donate Blood in future but still 26% are not wish to Donate in future. There are large number of Female Compare with male not Wish to Donate in future, that resulting because of their weak physical fitness or may be most of Woman have fear from prick. 84% 16% Male Yes No 74% 26% Female Yes No Will you Donate Blood in future Gender Yes No Total Male 132 26 158 Female 94 33 127 Total 226 59 285
  • 47. Market Research on Blood Donation 47 Finding of The Market survey What is brief interpretation derive from conducted research can be indicate by Major finding of research. We conclude our research as under. General Finding  There are 63% male and 37% Female in our Sample.  Most of subject of Sample are belong to age Group 18 to 33 year which are 69% of total sample.  85% of Sample have Positive Blood Group, 3% not know there Blood group and other have Negative group.  79% of Sample has weight 55 to 70 KG.  There are 57% of Sample is Married.  In our sample 47% possess Bachelor’s degree, 21% get education between 10th to 12th STD.  33% of sample is Student.  73% of Sample has family income in arrange of 30,000 and Below.  43% out of sample of 500 People of Ahmedabad Donated Blood in Past. Finding for Donor  Out of 316 Male 50% are Donor and same number are Non-Donor.  Out of 184 Female 31% is Blood Donor.  Out of 215 Blood Donor 50% are 1 time Donor, 32% is 2 to 4 times, 12% is 4 to 10 times, 6% is Regular Blood Donor.  158 are Male Blood Donor, 46% of it is one time Donor and 8% is Regular Donor.  57 are Female Blood Donor, 61% of it is one time Donor and there is no regular Female Blood Donor.  Male Donate more Blood compare with Female.
  • 48. Market Research on Blood Donation 48  Out of total Regular Blood Donor 59% Donate 2 times in year.  Most of Donor, 29% is motivated by Emergency requirement for relative or Friend, 18% by Urge to help others.  Blood bank is highly preferred by Blood Donor to Donate, then Blood Camp if prefer and at last Blood Mobile Vane is less preferred. We can say that Donor Donate Blood In place where large Donor is available like; Blood Bank and Blood Camp.  Population of Ahmedabad Highly prefers Prathama Blood Bank to Donate Blood.  Indian Red Cross contain more one time Donor when we compare their % with associate number of Donor and Prathama contain more 2 to 4time Donor in comparison of %.  Refreshment is highly voted in between Excellent and Good with weighted average of 4.11, other parameters possesses less weighted average then it.  10% out of total Blood Donor face any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative of patient.  Out of 158 Male Donor 12% find any Problem to get Blood as patient or relative of patient. And out of 57 Female Donor only 7% find problem for same.  Donor faces Problem to get Blood mostly from other Blood Bank not From Prathama and Indian Red Cross.  Weighted average for overall Experience is 3.94. Out of 5.  47% of Male Donor gets Good overall Blood Donation Experience. 53% of Female Donor get same Experience.  Out of 114 Prathama Bank Donor 99% get more than Neutral Experience. 98% of total Donor of Indian Red Cross gets same Experience. Donor who gets Experience more than Neutral is 76%.
  • 49. Market Research on Blood Donation 49 Finding for Non-Donor  There are 285 Non-Donor in our sample out of that 44% not Donate because of Lack of Motivation and Not physically fit in half of number.  Out of total Non-Donor 79% say that Blood Donation is required.  158 Male Donor are there, 80% of that is said Blood Donation is required and 77% of Female Non-Donor says same.  23% of Non-Donor engages in other any charity / social work / philanthropic activity.  Out of total Male Non-Donor 20% and out of Total Female Non-Donor 26% engage in other any charity / social work / philanthropic activity.  79% of 285 Non-Donor say that they will be Donate Blood in future.  16% and 26% of total Male and Female Non-Donor respectively say that they will not be Donate Blood in future.
  • 50. Market Research on Blood Donation 50 Limitation of the survey  One of major limitation is that our research conduct in Ahmedabad and not visit distant are like Bapunaga, Druma, Chankheda etc.  Some donors who donatefor monetary reward not provide true information.  Female Donor hesitated to true provide information.  Some Donor donate in long past so, they provide information arbitrary.  We arrange this survey in 1 to 2 month that can be better finding if it Continuous or Repetitive.
  • 51. Market Research on Blood Donation 51 Suggestions  There is only 31% of Female Donor out of 184 Female samples, so great motivation for Women is required.  There are only 6% regular Donor so, separate facility provide to them to encourage them.  Only 13% of Donor motivated by Blood Bank staffso improve that one.  Prathama and Indian red cross provide Blood Mobile Vane but Donor Blood Bank and Blood Camp to donatethen Mobile vane so, improve Mobile vane functionality.  Most of Donor prefers Prathama and Indian red cross to donate and only 10% donate in other so improve functionality of other Blood Bank.  Weighted average of Incentives to donate [Gift] is 3.59 out of 5 which is lowest in given 11 parameters so provide Good reward for Donor.  Weighted average of Promotional activity is 3.64 out of 5 which is second last in given 11 parameters so efficient promotion for Blood Donation is needed.  Most of Donor, who face problem to get Blood from other Bank so, provides priority to Blood Donor to give Blood.  Very Small number of Student donates blood, so Blood Bank has to arrange to motivate youth of College.
  • 52. Market Research on Blood Donation 52 QUESTIONNAIRE ON BLOOD DONATION General Information Name: Location: Gender: Male  Female Age [in years]: 18 to 23  23 to 28  28 to 33 33 to 38  38 to 43  43 to 48  48 to 53  53 and above Blood Group: Weight [in KG]: Below 50  55 – 60  60 – 65  65 – 70  70 – 75  75 – 80  Above 80 Marital Status: Married  Unmarried Education Qualification: Below 10th std.  10th to 12th std.  Bachelor’s degree  Master’s degree  Other Occupation: Student  House wife  Service  Business  Professional  Retired  Other Monthly Income level [in Rs.]:  Below 10,000  10,000 to 20,000  20,000 to 30,000  30,000 to 40,000  40,000 to 50,000  50,000 and above Have you ever donated Blood?  Yes  No {If yes, go to section A, otherwise section B.} Section: A 1) How many times haveyou Donated Blood?  1time  2–4 time  4-10 time  Regular Donor If Regular Donor, How often in a year?
  • 53. Market Research on Blood Donation 53 2) What motivates you to Donate Blood?  Emergency requirement for Relative or Friend  When motivated by Blood Bank staff  To stay fit physically  Urge to help others  Some special events of life  Motivated by Reference group (Friend, Family, Relatives)  Others 3) Where do you generally prefer to donate? {Rank the following as per your preference. H- for Highly preferred, M- for moderately preferred, L- for not much preferred}  With Blood Bank  With Blood camp  With Blood Mobile vane 4) Which Blood Bank do you generally prefer to donate?      Can’t say 5) Rate Your Preferred Blood Bank on following parameters. Parameters Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor Blood collecting procedure Hygiene Convenience of location Incentive to donate (gift) Co-operative & Experience staff Brochures, other literature Promotional activity Ambience management Delivery of blood report Post donation care Refreshment 6) Did you ever experience any problem as a patient or as a relative of a patient to get the Blood?  No Yes:- Please specify
  • 54. Market Research on Blood Donation 54 7) Rate your overall experience about Blood Donation. Excellent  Good  Neutral  Below average Poor Section: B 1) What are the reasons for not Donating Blood?  Fear of the prick  Fear of some infection / disease  Not physically Fit  Lack of motivation  Lack of trust for Blood Bank  Lack of time  Other Please specify:- 2) Do you think Blood Donation is required?  Yes  No  Can’t say 3) Do you engage in any charity / social work / philanthropic activity?  Yes  No 4) Would you want to donate Blood, may be, in future?  Yes  No  ---------- THANK YOU ----------
  • 55. Market Research on Blood Donation 55 CONCLUSION This Project Basically introduces reader about Market Research on Blood Donation. We conduct survey of 500 Healthy population of Ahmedabad. By This survey we find Donor and Non-Donor mind sate about Blood Donation, Blood Bank and Blood Donation procedure, it also provide suggestion and introduce limitation of Blood bank to improve overall Experience of Blood Donation. First of all we indicate what Research Objective is and Question, how to collect primary data and which research plan is follow for it. After collecting that data we have to convert it information we have to analysis and interpret that data. Then what is final understanding is mention under Finding of market survey. Every survey have some limitation regarding Scope, Geographical area, time are mention in limitation of our survey. Interpretation derive by it can suggest some steps and activity to improve Experience and Performance of that Industry. THANK YOU