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Surakshit Samudaya II
                              AAN-DIPECHO PROJECT
                                                                                                     SMALL SCALE
                                ADDITIONAL REPORT                                                    MITIGATION

                                                                                                         Date of Starting
                               Small scale mittigation
Type of mitigation work
                                              Location of the mitigation work
                                                          Date of Starting        Date of
 District   VDC/MP/Ward                Tole                                                         Local implementing group
 Sunsari    Narsing 4     Tapara chowk                   24 Jan 2010         26 Feb 2010      Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti, Narsing 4

 Sunsari    Narsing 4     Under the bridge               24 Jan 2010         26 Feb 2010      Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti, Narsing 4
Sunsari     Inruwa 5      Musahari Road side             6 Feb 2010          28 Feb 2010      Musibat Bahas Kendra Bebasthapan Samiti

Sunsari     Inruwa 5      Musahari East side of tole     6 Feb 2010          28 Feb 2010      Musibat Bahas Kendra Bebasthapan Samiti

Sunsari     Inaruwa 6     Khkripatti                     5 Feb 2010          26 March 2010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Inaruwa 6     Khkripatti Community hall      5 Feb 2010          26 March 2010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Inaruwa 6     Khkripatti Eslam tole          21 March            26 March 2010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 8      Bahardar tole                  15 Feb 2010         28 Feb 2010      Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 8      Naya basti                      23 May 2010        15 June2 010     Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 8      Shree Primary school           23 May 2010         19 June 2 010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 8      Ful Primary school             23 May 2010         21 June 2 010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 7      Nahar side                     21 March 2010        25 March 2010   Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 1      Dharebhitta                    11 March 2010       16 March 2010    Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
Sunsari     Babiya 1      Dharebhitta                    28 March 2010       28 May 010       Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti
                                                                                              Musibat Bahas Kendra
Sunsari     Inruwa 5      Musahari Road side             6 Feb 2010          28 Feb 2010
                                                                                              Bebasthapan Samiti

                    • ;d'bfosf] ;+s6fled'vtf ljZn]if0f ug]{ qmddf j:tLdf 8'jfg ;j}eGbf 7'nf] ;d:of xf] eGg] s'/f
                      ;d'bfoaf6 cfPsf] / af9Lsf] ;dodf 6o'j]nx? ;j} 8'Ag] ePsf]]n] kfgL vfg ;d:of x'G5 eGg] s'/f
                      cfPsf] x'gfn] o; lsl;dsf] gd''gf 6o'j]nx? lgdf{0f ug'{ k/]sf] xf] . o; qmddf kl/of]hgfdf ePsf]
                      6o'j]nsf] ;+Vof / /sd k|i6 ?kdf ;d'bfodf ul7t d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltnfO{ :ki6 ?kdf
                      j'emfP kl5 o;sf] nflu d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg cGtu{t /xg] ul/ lgdf{0f ;ldlt u7g ul/of] .

                    • x/]s ;d'bfodf s'g s'g :yfgdf 6o'j]nnfO{ k'g/lgdf{0f u/L gd'gf 6o'j]nsf] ?kdf ljsl;t ug]{
Give a brief          eGg] af/]df Aofks 5nkmn u/L :yfgx? tflsof] . 6o'j]n lgdf{0fsf] nflu :yfg klxrfg kl5
description of
the work done
                      d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldlt / :yfgLo ld:qLx? ;+u jl; tflsPsf] l8hfOgdf :6Ld]6 ug]{ sfd eof] .
                    • aiff{ ofddf laz]if u/]/ h]7, ciff9 >fj0f dlxgfdf cfpg] ;'g;/L vf]nfsf] afl9 af6 ;d'bfodf
                      /x]sf vfg]kfgLsf sn 8'jfgdf kg]{ x'bf ;'/lIft kfgLsf] cefjdf ;d'bfodf emf8fkvfnf h:tf
                      ;?jf /f]ux?sf sf/0f afnaflnsf dlxnf a[4a[4f jl9 k|efljt x'g] u/]sf] .
                    • ;d:osf] kl/rfg eg] ;xeflutf d'ns ;+s6fled'v laZn]if0fsf] ;dodf ;d'bfbfo jf6 ;d'bfosf
                      sn 8'jfg x'g] atfPsf lyP .
                    • :yfgLo ;d'bfo / ld:qL d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldlt j}7s af6 :yflgo :t/df :6Ld]6 tof/ ul/
                      ;ldlt ;+u ;Demf}tf ul/ sfo{ ul/Psf] .
• lgdf{0f gd"gf sn % lkm6 prfO{, % lkm6 nDjfO{ rf}8fO / % lkm6 jflx/ af6 @ lkm6 rf}8f ePsf]
                   l;l9 rl9 ;'/lIft kfgL lkpg ;lsg] 5 .
                 • xf]rf] :yfgdf /x]sf] snx? ;d'bfo :t/jf6 dd{t ;+ef/ tyf ;fg]{ sfd eO{ df6f] eg]{ sfd
                   ;d'bfosf] >d bfg, gub ;xof]u / afls kl/of]hgfsf] tkm{jf6 nufgL u/L lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 .
                 • vf]nfsf] l8ndf j:tL ePsf sf/0f klxnf vf]nf glhssf] j:tL 8'jfgdf kg]{ vt/f ePsf] x'bf ;f]
                   :yfgdf sn lgdf{0f ul/sf] 5 .

                 • Kf|fljlws ?kdf gd'gf 6o'j]n lgdf{0fsf] nflu k|fljlws l8hfOg ul/Psf] xf]Og . ;d'bfosf]
                    ;+s6fled'vtf ljZn]if0fsf] qmddf jiff}{b]lv s'g :yfgdf slt kfgL 8'jfg x'G5 eGg] ;d'bfosf
                    egfO{sf] cfwf/df d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf] lg0f{odf :yfgLo ld:qLx? ;+u jl; of]hgf lgdf{0f
                    ul/Psf] lyof] . o;sf] l8hfOg s:tf] x'g] s'/fsf] lglZrttfsf] nflu l8k]sf] rf}yf]df lgdf{0f ul/Psf]
                    6o'j]ndf ld:qLx?nfO{ e|d0f u/fOPsf] lyof] .
Was there any    • :yfgLo :t/df g} of]hgf tof/ u/L d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldlt / :yflgo ld:qLn] g} ;f] lgdf{0f sfo{
assessment,        ug]{ ePsf]n] ;f]lx ld:qL ;+u j;]/ s] slt nfUg] xf] ;f] sf] :6Ld]6 ul/of] .
design or plan   • ;d'bfodf aiff{ ofddf vfg]kfgLsf sn 8'jfgdf kg]{ ;d:of cfPsf] d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldltdf
made?              cfP kl5 kl/of]hgf jf6 Og?jf, jljof / g/l;+xsf nflu !$ yfg 6o'j]n eO/x]sf]df @ j6f
                   lgdf{0fflwg / jfFsL !@ yfg 6o'j]nsf] lgdf{0f k'/f ePsf] 5 .
                 • ;d'bfodf ePsf] 8'jfgsf] ;dodf kfgL vfg gkfpg] ;d:ofnfO{ go'g ug{sf] nflu o"Pgl8lkaf6
                   ;f]lx l8hfOgsf] cfwf/df yk !$ yfg sn lgdf{0fsf] nflu >f]t pknAw eO{ !$ yfg dB] ( yfg
                   lgdf{0f ;DkGg ePsf] 5 .

                 • laubsf] al9sf] kfgLn] ;d'bfodf slt 8'jfg x'G5 egL 5nkmn u/L ;'dbfo af6 sDj/ sDj/ kfgL
                   sf] ;txn] ;d'bfodf 8'jfg x'g] x'bf o;nfO{ % lkm6 ;DDf cUnf] agfPdf 8'jfgjf6 vfg]kgL sn
If yes, who        ;'/lIft x'g] s'/f cfP kl5 % lkm6 prfOsf] agfpg] of]hgf ;d'bfo :t/df g} tof/ eO{ ;ldlt ;+u
did it and         ;demf}tf eO{ sfd eof] .
when?            • :yfgLo ld:qLn] g} ;f] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ ePsf]n] ;f]lx ld:qL ;+u j;]/ s] slt nfUg] xf] ;f] sf]
                   :6Ld]6 ul/of] .
                 • :6Ld]6 ldlt @)^^÷!)÷!& df ul/Psf] lyof] .
                 • ;Dk'0f{ sfdx? d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf] ;dGjodf :yfgLo lgdf{0f pk ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] 5
Who did the        . of] ;ldltx? d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldtLsf] ;+of]hgdf 6f]ne]nfn] 5gf}6 u/]sf] xf] . oLg} lgdf{0f
construction?      ;ldltsf] cu'jfOdf /]vb]vdf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/]sf] 5 . lgdf{0f sfo{sf] of]hgf 5gf}6 ug{sf] nflu
How was they       d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] a}7s jl; ;+s6fled'v gS;fsf] cfwf/df lgdf{0f :yfg 5gf}6 ePsf] xf]
selected?          .

                 • lgdf{0f sfo{sf] /]vb]v ug]{ . lgdf{0f pk ;ldlt, e08f/g ;ldlt dfkm{t Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf]
Give detail on
                   ;dGjodf ;Dk'0f{ sfdx? ePsf 5g .
involvement      • cfly{s ?kdf Psbd ul/j÷lk5fl8 kfl/Psf kl/jf/sf] dfgL;x?sf] j;f]jf; ePsf] / lbge/L sfd
and                u/]/ j]n'sf vfg' kg]{ kl/l:yltsf] x'bf cfly{s ;xeflutf ;d'bfosf] 5}g . sn lgdf{0fsf] nflu x/]sf
participation      ;d'bfo hf] 6o'j]sf] kfgL k|ToIf ?kdf pkef]u ub{5g pgLx?n] df6f] vGg], 6o'j]ndf df6f] eg]{
                   sfddf >dbfg u/]sf 5g . h;nfO{ 6]jndf b]vfOPsf] 5 .
Give details on                        • lgdf{0f sfdsf] cg'udg / k|flalws ;xof]u ufFp lasf; ;ldlt g/l;+x sf k|flalwsn] lbb} cfpg'
                                         ePsf] 5 . ;fy} ufFp lasf; ;ldlt jf6 lgdf{0f ul/g] lgdf{0fsf sfddf o:tf] k|sf/n] k|sf]kaf6
and                                      jRg] lsl;dsf] ;+/rgfx? agfpg' kg]{df s'/fdf ;sf/fTds x'g'ePsf] 5 .
participation                          • jljof uflj;sf] wf/]leQfdf gd'gf sn lgdf{0f ug]{ sfdsf] nflu uflj;sf] sfo{non] @)))
                                         j/fj/sf] 6o'j]nsf] x]8 pknAw u/fPsf] 5 .

   VDC/war                                                     DIPECHO fund       Government           Local                  Details of kinds of
                                             Tole                                                                 Total       local contribution
         d                                                      Cash       Kind   Cash     Kind   Cash     Kind
                                                              28177                                        1600    29777
Narsing 4                       Tapara chowk                                                                                     Labour +Tubel head

       Narsing 4                Under the bridge              24782                                               26382          Labour+Tubel head

  Inaruwa 5                     Musahari tole Road side       19596                                                21196         Labour +Tubel head

    Inruwa 5                    Musahari East side of tole    19596                                                21196         Labour+Tubel head

  Inaruwa 6                     Khkripatti                     26685                                       1600    28285         Labour+Tubel head

  Inaruwa 6                     Khkripatti Community hall      22250                                       1600    23850         Labour+Tubel head

  Inaruwa 6                     Khkripatti Eslam tole          19435                                       1600    21035         Labour+Tubel head
    Babiya 8                    Bahardar tole                 23652                                                25252         Labour+Tubel head

                                                                                                  190                      Five day labour and cash
    Babiya 8                    Naya basti                    19490                                        1600    22990
                                                                                                   0                       collection+Tubel head
    Babiya 8                    Full Primary school           16225                                        4000    20225   Investment by school
    Babiya 8                    Sahid Primary school             7965                             10000            17965   Investment by school
    Babiya 7                    Nahar side                    21470                                       1600    23070       Labour+Tubel head
    Babiya 1                    Dharebhitta                   23807               2000                    1600    27407       Labour+Tubel head
    Babiya 1                    Dharebhitta                   21015                                       1600    22615       Labour+Tubel head

;lxb :ofd;'Gb/ k|flj / km'n k|fljdf ljBfnon] nufgL u/L ;fem]bf/Ltfdf 6o'j]n lgdf{0f ePsf] . j:tL eGbf s]lx pRrf
efudf ljBfno kl/;/ ePsf]n] j:tLsf] t'ngfdf 6o'j]nsf] prfO{nfO{ xf]rf] jgfOPsf] 5 .
          ;d'bfodf jiff{sf] j]nfdf hj af9L ;d'bfodf cfpF5 . Toltv]/ ;d'bfo leq /x]sf ;j} 6o'j]nx? 8'jfgdf
Give how the mitigation

          kb{5g . 8'jfgsf] ;dodf ;d'bfosf dgL;x?n] ;'4 kfgL vfg gkfPsf] sf/0f 8'jfg kl5 tTsfn
work will benefit the
community at large

          emf8fkvfnf nfUg] u/]sf] jtfpF5g ;d'bfosf dfgL;x? .
          To;f] ePsf] x'gfn] hxfF afSnf] j:tL 5 / jiff{df ;j}eGbf jl9 8'jfg x'g]u/]sf] 5 To; 7fpFx?nfO{
          /f]lh/f]hLsg :yfg 5gf}6 ul/Psf] 5 . o;f] ugf{n] of] pbfx/0f kgL jGb5 / cj km]/L jgfpg] / jGg]
          snx?nfO{ o;sf] l;sf] u/L cGo snx? lgdf{0fsf] k|s[ofdf hfg ;Sof] eg] ;d'bfonfO{ af9Lsf] ;dodf
          dfq geP/ o;sf] ;/;kmfO{sf] sf/0f ;d'bfodf x'g] u/]sf] emf8fkvfnfsf] /f]u sd x'g ;S5 .
                                                                                         hg;+Vof                           Childr    Dalit/     ckf+utf
                                VDC/ward                Tole/location                                             Old >
                                                                                                                           en < 6    Minor
         many are the direct
         beneficiaries of the

                                                                                         dlxnf k"?if      hDdf    60 yrs
         Who are and how

                                                                                                                           years      ity
                                Narsing 4               Tapara chowk                      90      91      181      5        53        181             4
                                Narsing 4               Under the bridge                  39      43       82      2        15         82             2
                                Inaruwa 5               Musahari tole                     80      73      153      2        31        153             1
                                Inaruwa 5               Musahari tole                     99      74      173      3        39        173
Inaruwa 6            Khikripatti                        64        62       126      3         24        -
                    Inaruwa 6            Khikripatti community hall         42        48        90      1         27        -               0
                    Inaruwa 6            Khikripatti Eslam Tole             37        31        68      6         16        4               0

                    Babiya 8             Bahardar Tole                      56        55       111      7         22        52
                    Babiya 7             Nahar Side                         25        16        41      2         7         36              1
                    Babiya 1             Dharebhitta                        21        26        47      -         6         0               1
                    Babiya 1             Dharebhitta                        35        38        73      2         14        0               1
                         Babiya 8        Naya basti                         32        33        65      6         13        65
                         Babiya 8        Full Primary school                32        43        75      0         21        75              1
                         Babiya 8        Sahid Primary school               24        33        57      0         13        57              3
                                  total                                 280      716      678   1394       514        318       42         19
                    o; gd'gf 6o'j]nsf] k|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf 6o'j]nsf] j/Lk/L h:n] lgodLt ?kdf ;f] 6o'j]nsf] kfgL pkof]u ub{5 .
Who are and
how many are
                    k|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf 6o'jn j/Lk/Lsf] dfgLx?nfO{ lnOPsf] 5 eg] ck|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf vf; u/L af6f]df lx8g],
the indirect
beneficiaries of
                    dfgL;x?, xl6ofdf cfpg] dfgL;x?, ljBfnosf afnaflnsfx?, c?sf] v]tdf sfd ug]{ dhb'/x? klg o; 6o'j]sf] ck|ToIf
the work            ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf x]l/Psf] 5 .
                                                  This data sheet has to be given for each of the mitigation work undertaken

                     Employment generated locally by the work (for completed work)
VDC/ward                             Tole/location                   Skilled labour         Unskilled labour      Free labour by people
Narsing 4                            Tapara chowk                          6                      10                       8
Narsing 4                            Under the bridge                      6                      10                       8
Inaruwa 5                            Musahari tole                         6                       9                        8
Inaruwa 5                            Musahari tole                         6                      10                        8
Inaruwa 6                            Khikripatti                           6                      10                        8
Inaruwa 6                            Khikripatti comm..hall                6                      10                        8
Inaruwa 6                            Khikripatti Eslam Tole                6                      10                        8
Babiya 8                             Bahardar Tole                         6                      10                        8
Babiya 7                             Nahar Side                            6                      10                        8
Babiya 1                             Dharebhitta                           6                      10                        8
Babiya 1                             Dharebhitta                           6                      10                        8
Babiya 8                             Naya basti                            6                       8                       5
Babiya 8                             Full Primary school                   6                       8                       0
Babiya 8                             Sahid Primary school                  6                       8                       0
                                                                           66                    109                       88

                   Photos of the mitigation work                                           …yes…
                   Copy of compliance of purchase procedures (work order etc.)             … yes..
                   Break up of the cost of construction with local contribution            …yes..

Contenu connexe


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En vedette (7)

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  • 1. Surakshit Samudaya II AAN-DIPECHO PROJECT SMALL SCALE ADDITIONAL REPORT MITIGATION Date of Starting Small scale mittigation Type of mitigation work Location of the mitigation work Date of Starting Date of District VDC/MP/Ward Tole Local implementing group completion Sunsari Narsing 4 Tapara chowk 24 Jan 2010 26 Feb 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti, Narsing 4 Sunsari Narsing 4 Under the bridge 24 Jan 2010 26 Feb 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti, Narsing 4 Sunsari Inruwa 5 Musahari Road side 6 Feb 2010 28 Feb 2010 Musibat Bahas Kendra Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Inruwa 5 Musahari East side of tole 6 Feb 2010 28 Feb 2010 Musibat Bahas Kendra Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti 5 Feb 2010 26 March 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti Community hall 5 Feb 2010 26 March 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti Eslam tole 21 March 26 March 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 8 Bahardar tole 15 Feb 2010 28 Feb 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 8 Naya basti 23 May 2010 15 June2 010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 8 Shree Primary school 23 May 2010 19 June 2 010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 8 Ful Primary school 23 May 2010 21 June 2 010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 7 Nahar side 21 March 2010 25 March 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 11 March 2010 16 March 2010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Sunsari Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 28 March 2010 28 May 010 Musibat Bebasthapan Samiti Musibat Bahas Kendra Sunsari Inruwa 5 Musahari Road side 6 Feb 2010 28 Feb 2010 Bebasthapan Samiti • ;d'bfosf] ;+s6fled'vtf ljZn]if0f ug]{ qmddf j:tLdf 8'jfg ;j}eGbf 7'nf] ;d:of xf] eGg] s'/f ;d'bfoaf6 cfPsf] / af9Lsf] ;dodf 6o'j]nx? ;j} 8'Ag] ePsf]]n] kfgL vfg ;d:of x'G5 eGg] s'/f cfPsf] x'gfn] o; lsl;dsf] gd''gf 6o'j]nx? lgdf{0f ug'{ k/]sf] xf] . o; qmddf kl/of]hgfdf ePsf] 6o'j]nsf] ;+Vof / /sd k|i6 ?kdf ;d'bfodf ul7t d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltnfO{ :ki6 ?kdf j'emfP kl5 o;sf] nflu d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg cGtu{t /xg] ul/ lgdf{0f ;ldlt u7g ul/of] . • x/]s ;d'bfodf s'g s'g :yfgdf 6o'j]nnfO{ k'g/lgdf{0f u/L gd'gf 6o'j]nsf] ?kdf ljsl;t ug]{ Give a brief eGg] af/]df Aofks 5nkmn u/L :yfgx? tflsof] . 6o'j]n lgdf{0fsf] nflu :yfg klxrfg kl5 description of the work done d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldlt / :yfgLo ld:qLx? ;+u jl; tflsPsf] l8hfOgdf :6Ld]6 ug]{ sfd eof] . • aiff{ ofddf laz]if u/]/ h]7, ciff9 >fj0f dlxgfdf cfpg] ;'g;/L vf]nfsf] afl9 af6 ;d'bfodf /x]sf vfg]kfgLsf sn 8'jfgdf kg]{ x'bf ;'/lIft kfgLsf] cefjdf ;d'bfodf emf8fkvfnf h:tf ;?jf /f]ux?sf sf/0f afnaflnsf dlxnf a[4a[4f jl9 k|efljt x'g] u/]sf] . • ;d:osf] kl/rfg eg] ;xeflutf d'ns ;+s6fled'v laZn]if0fsf] ;dodf ;d'bfbfo jf6 ;d'bfosf sn 8'jfg x'g] atfPsf lyP . • :yfgLo ;d'bfo / ld:qL d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldlt j}7s af6 :yflgo :t/df :6Ld]6 tof/ ul/ ;ldlt ;+u ;Demf}tf ul/ sfo{ ul/Psf] .
  • 2. • lgdf{0f gd"gf sn % lkm6 prfO{, % lkm6 nDjfO{ rf}8fO / % lkm6 jflx/ af6 @ lkm6 rf}8f ePsf] l;l9 rl9 ;'/lIft kfgL lkpg ;lsg] 5 . • xf]rf] :yfgdf /x]sf] snx? ;d'bfo :t/jf6 dd{t ;+ef/ tyf ;fg]{ sfd eO{ df6f] eg]{ sfd ;d'bfosf] >d bfg, gub ;xof]u / afls kl/of]hgfsf] tkm{jf6 nufgL u/L lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 5 . • vf]nfsf] l8ndf j:tL ePsf sf/0f klxnf vf]nf glhssf] j:tL 8'jfgdf kg]{ vt/f ePsf] x'bf ;f] :yfgdf sn lgdf{0f ul/sf] 5 . • Kf|fljlws ?kdf gd'gf 6o'j]n lgdf{0fsf] nflu k|fljlws l8hfOg ul/Psf] xf]Og . ;d'bfosf] ;+s6fled'vtf ljZn]if0fsf] qmddf jiff}{b]lv s'g :yfgdf slt kfgL 8'jfg x'G5 eGg] ;d'bfosf egfO{sf] cfwf/df d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf] lg0f{odf :yfgLo ld:qLx? ;+u jl; of]hgf lgdf{0f ul/Psf] lyof] . o;sf] l8hfOg s:tf] x'g] s'/fsf] lglZrttfsf] nflu l8k]sf] rf}yf]df lgdf{0f ul/Psf] 6o'j]ndf ld:qLx?nfO{ e|d0f u/fOPsf] lyof] . Was there any • :yfgLo :t/df g} of]hgf tof/ u/L d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldlt / :yflgo ld:qLn] g} ;f] lgdf{0f sfo{ assessment, ug]{ ePsf]n] ;f]lx ld:qL ;+u j;]/ s] slt nfUg] xf] ;f] sf] :6Ld]6 ul/of] . technical design or plan • ;d'bfodf aiff{ ofddf vfg]kfgLsf sn 8'jfgdf kg]{ ;d:of cfPsf] d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldltdf made? cfP kl5 kl/of]hgf jf6 Og?jf, jljof / g/l;+xsf nflu !$ yfg 6o'j]n eO/x]sf]df @ j6f lgdf{0fflwg / jfFsL !@ yfg 6o'j]nsf] lgdf{0f k'/f ePsf] 5 . • ;d'bfodf ePsf] 8'jfgsf] ;dodf kfgL vfg gkfpg] ;d:ofnfO{ go'g ug{sf] nflu o"Pgl8lkaf6 ;f]lx l8hfOgsf] cfwf/df yk !$ yfg sn lgdf{0fsf] nflu >f]t pknAw eO{ !$ yfg dB] ( yfg lgdf{0f ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . • laubsf] al9sf] kfgLn] ;d'bfodf slt 8'jfg x'G5 egL 5nkmn u/L ;'dbfo af6 sDj/ sDj/ kfgL sf] ;txn] ;d'bfodf 8'jfg x'g] x'bf o;nfO{ % lkm6 ;DDf cUnf] agfPdf 8'jfgjf6 vfg]kgL sn If yes, who ;'/lIft x'g] s'/f cfP kl5 % lkm6 prfOsf] agfpg] of]hgf ;d'bfo :t/df g} tof/ eO{ ;ldlt ;+u did it and ;demf}tf eO{ sfd eof] . when? • :yfgLo ld:qLn] g} ;f] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ ePsf]n] ;f]lx ld:qL ;+u j;]/ s] slt nfUg] xf] ;f] sf] :6Ld]6 ul/of] . • :6Ld]6 ldlt @)^^÷!)÷!& df ul/Psf] lyof] . • ;Dk'0f{ sfdx? d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf] ;dGjodf :yfgLo lgdf{0f pk ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] 5 Who did the . of] ;ldltx? d'l;jt Aoj:yfkg ;ldtLsf] ;+of]hgdf 6f]ne]nfn] 5gf}6 u/]sf] xf] . oLg} lgdf{0f construction? ;ldltsf] cu'jfOdf /]vb]vdf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/]sf] 5 . lgdf{0f sfo{sf] of]hgf 5gf}6 ug{sf] nflu How was they d'l;jt Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] a}7s jl; ;+s6fled'v gS;fsf] cfwf/df lgdf{0f :yfg 5gf}6 ePsf] xf] selected? . • lgdf{0f sfo{sf] /]vb]v ug]{ . lgdf{0f pk ;ldlt, e08f/g ;ldlt dfkm{t Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] Give detail on community ;dGjodf ;Dk'0f{ sfdx? ePsf 5g . involvement • cfly{s ?kdf Psbd ul/j÷lk5fl8 kfl/Psf kl/jf/sf] dfgL;x?sf] j;f]jf; ePsf] / lbge/L sfd and u/]/ j]n'sf vfg' kg]{ kl/l:yltsf] x'bf cfly{s ;xeflutf ;d'bfosf] 5}g . sn lgdf{0fsf] nflu x/]sf participation ;d'bfo hf] 6o'j]sf] kfgL k|ToIf ?kdf pkef]u ub{5g pgLx?n] df6f] vGg], 6o'j]ndf df6f] eg]{ sfddf >dbfg u/]sf 5g . h;nfO{ 6]jndf b]vfOPsf] 5 .
  • 3. Give details on • lgdf{0f sfdsf] cg'udg / k|flalws ;xof]u ufFp lasf; ;ldlt g/l;+x sf k|flalwsn] lbb} cfpg' government involvement ePsf] 5 . ;fy} ufFp lasf; ;ldlt jf6 lgdf{0f ul/g] lgdf{0fsf sfddf o:tf] k|sf/n] k|sf]kaf6 and jRg] lsl;dsf] ;+/rgfx? agfpg' kg]{df s'/fdf ;sf/fTds x'g'ePsf] 5 . participation • jljof uflj;sf] wf/]leQfdf gd'gf sn lgdf{0f ug]{ sfdsf] nflu uflj;sf] sfo{non] @))) j/fj/sf] 6o'j]nsf] x]8 pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . Resources/expenditure VDC/war DIPECHO fund Government Local Details of kinds of Tole Total local contribution d Cash Kind Cash Kind Cash Kind Cash 28177 1600 29777 Narsing 4 Tapara chowk Labour +Tubel head 1600 Narsing 4 Under the bridge 24782 26382 Labour+Tubel head 1600 Inaruwa 5 Musahari tole Road side 19596 21196 Labour +Tubel head 1600 Inruwa 5 Musahari East side of tole 19596 21196 Labour+Tubel head Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti 26685 1600 28285 Labour+Tubel head Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti Community hall 22250 1600 23850 Labour+Tubel head Inaruwa 6 Khkripatti Eslam tole 19435 1600 21035 Labour+Tubel head 1600 Babiya 8 Bahardar tole 23652 25252 Labour+Tubel head 190 Five day labour and cash Babiya 8 Naya basti 19490 1600 22990 0 collection+Tubel head Babiya 8 Full Primary school 16225 4000 20225 Investment by school Babiya 8 Sahid Primary school 7965 10000 17965 Investment by school Babiya 7 Nahar side 21470 1600 23070 Labour+Tubel head Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 23807 2000 1600 27407 Labour+Tubel head Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 21015 1600 22615 Labour+Tubel head ;lxb :ofd;'Gb/ k|flj / km'n k|fljdf ljBfnon] nufgL u/L ;fem]bf/Ltfdf 6o'j]n lgdf{0f ePsf] . j:tL eGbf s]lx pRrf efudf ljBfno kl/;/ ePsf]n] j:tLsf] t'ngfdf 6o'j]nsf] prfO{nfO{ xf]rf] jgfOPsf] 5 . ;d'bfodf jiff{sf] j]nfdf hj af9L ;d'bfodf cfpF5 . Toltv]/ ;d'bfo leq /x]sf ;j} 6o'j]nx? 8'jfgdf Give how the mitigation kb{5g . 8'jfgsf] ;dodf ;d'bfosf dgL;x?n] ;'4 kfgL vfg gkfPsf] sf/0f 8'jfg kl5 tTsfn work will benefit the community at large emf8fkvfnf nfUg] u/]sf] jtfpF5g ;d'bfosf dfgL;x? . To;f] ePsf] x'gfn] hxfF afSnf] j:tL 5 / jiff{df ;j}eGbf jl9 8'jfg x'g]u/]sf] 5 To; 7fpFx?nfO{ /f]lh/f]hLsg :yfg 5gf}6 ul/Psf] 5 . o;f] ugf{n] of] pbfx/0f kgL jGb5 / cj km]/L jgfpg] / jGg] snx?nfO{ o;sf] l;sf] u/L cGo snx? lgdf{0fsf] k|s[ofdf hfg ;Sof] eg] ;d'bfonfO{ af9Lsf] ;dodf dfq geP/ o;sf] ;/;kmfO{sf] sf/0f ;d'bfodf x'g] u/]sf] emf8fkvfnfsf] /f]u sd x'g ;S5 . hg;+Vof Childr Dalit/ ckf+utf VDC/ward Tole/location Old > en < 6 Minor many are the direct beneficiaries of the dlxnf k"?if hDdf 60 yrs Who are and how years ity Narsing 4 Tapara chowk 90 91 181 5 53 181 4 Narsing 4 Under the bridge 39 43 82 2 15 82 2 Inaruwa 5 Musahari tole 80 73 153 2 31 153 1 Inaruwa 5 Musahari tole 99 74 173 3 39 173
  • 4. Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti 64 62 126 3 24 - 5 Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti community hall 42 48 90 1 27 - 0 Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti Eslam Tole 37 31 68 6 16 4 0 Babiya 8 Bahardar Tole 56 55 111 7 22 52 1 Babiya 7 Nahar Side 25 16 41 2 7 36 1 Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 21 26 47 - 6 0 1 Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 35 38 73 2 14 0 1 Babiya 8 Naya basti 32 33 65 6 13 65 Babiya 8 Full Primary school 32 43 75 0 21 75 1 Babiya 8 Sahid Primary school 24 33 57 0 13 57 3 total 280 716 678 1394 514 318 42 19 o; gd'gf 6o'j]nsf] k|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf 6o'j]nsf] j/Lk/L h:n] lgodLt ?kdf ;f] 6o'j]nsf] kfgL pkof]u ub{5 . Who are and how many are k|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf 6o'jn j/Lk/Lsf] dfgLx?nfO{ lnOPsf] 5 eg] ck|ToIf ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf vf; u/L af6f]df lx8g], ] the indirect beneficiaries of dfgL;x?, xl6ofdf cfpg] dfgL;x?, ljBfnosf afnaflnsfx?, c?sf] v]tdf sfd ug]{ dhb'/x? klg o; 6o'j]sf] ck|ToIf the work ;]jfu|flxsf] ?kdf x]l/Psf] 5 . This data sheet has to be given for each of the mitigation work undertaken Employment generated locally by the work (for completed work) VDC/ward Tole/location Skilled labour Unskilled labour Free labour by people Narsing 4 Tapara chowk 6 10 8 Narsing 4 Under the bridge 6 10 8 Inaruwa 5 Musahari tole 6 9 8 Inaruwa 5 Musahari tole 6 10 8 Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti 6 10 8 Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti comm..hall 6 10 8 Inaruwa 6 Khikripatti Eslam Tole 6 10 8 Babiya 8 Bahardar Tole 6 10 8 Babiya 7 Nahar Side 6 10 8 Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 6 10 8 Babiya 1 Dharebhitta 6 10 8 Babiya 8 Naya basti 6 8 5 Babiya 8 Full Primary school 6 8 0 Babiya 8 Sahid Primary school 6 8 0 66 109 88 ATTACHMENTS: Photos of the mitigation work …yes… Copy of compliance of purchase procedures (work order etc.) … yes.. Break up of the cost of construction with local contribution …yes..