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   Is the use of instruments during an operation
    to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities

   Is a stressful, complex event

   The branch of medicine concerned with
    diseases and trauma requiring operative
   Surgical procedures are named according to
    (1) the involved body organ, part, or location
    and (2) the suffix that describes what is done
    during the procedure

   Physicians who perform surgery include
    surgeons or other physicians trained to do
    certain surgical procedures
   -ectomy - Removal by cutting

   -orrhaphy - Suture of or repair

   -oscopy - Looking into

   -ostomy - Formation of a permanent artificial
   -otomy - Incision or cutting into

   -plasty - Formation or repair

   Emergent - Patient requires immediate
    attention; disorder may be life threatening;
    immediately without delay to maintain life or
    organ, remove damage, stop bleeding

   Urgent/ Imperative - Patient requires prompt
    attention; within 24 – 30/48 hours
   Required/ Planned - Patient needs to have
    surgery; plan within a few weeks or months

   Elective - Patient should have surgery;
    failure to have surgery not catastrophic;
    planned/scheduled    with    no     time

   Optional - Decision rests with patient; at the
    preference of patient

   Aesthetic -    Requested    by   patient   for

   Diagnostic       -    To     obtain   tissue
    samples, make an incision, or use a scope to
    make a diagnosis

   Exploratory - Confirmation or measurement
    of extent of condition
   Preventive    - Removal of tissue before it
    causes a problem

   Curative (Ablative) - Removal of diseased or
    abnormal tissue

   Reconstructive - Correction of defects of body

   Palliative - Alleviation of symptoms without
    curing disease
   Major - Extensive surgery that involves
    serious risk and complications, as it involves
    major organ

   High risk, extensive, prolonged, large amount
    of blood loss, vital organs may be handled or
    removed, great risk of complications
   Minor - Involves minimal complications &
    blood loss

   Generally not prolonged, leads to few serious
    complications, involves less risk
   Prevent splashing of liquids in the sterile fields

   Place wet objects on sterile, water-
    impermeable surfaces, such as sterile basin

   Rationale: microorganisms travel more easily
    through moist environment. When sterile
    surface becomes moist, microorganisms from
    the unsterile surface may be transmitted into
    the sterile surface

   Ensure that it is labeled as sterile

   Always check the integrity of the packaging

   Always verify the expiration date on the

   Whenever in doubt of the sterility of an
    object, consider it unsterile
   Rationale: commercially prepared products
    are labeled as sterile on their packaging;
    special indicators are used to show that
    objects have completed their sterilization
    process;       packages      that      are
    torn, punctured, or moist are considered

   Rationale: objects that are out of the line of
    vision may be inadvertently contaminated

   Rationale: anything considered unsterile
    may transfer microorganisms to the sterile
    object it touches

   Waist level is the limit of good visual field.
    Maximum visibility of all sterile objects
    prevents inadvertent contamination

   Close doors

   Unfold drapes or wrappers properly

   Do not sneeze, cough, or talk excessively
    over the sterile field
   Do not reach across sterile fields

   Move around a sterile field to reach for an
    object, if necessary

   Rationale: microorganisms cannot be
    completely excluded from the air;
    overreaching across sterile fields will render
    sterile objects unsterile

   Rationale: once protective wrapping have
    been removed, the article is being
    contaminated by air so, it must be discarded
    or sterilized before it is used; liquids opened
    during the procedure that remain in the
    container are also considered contaminated

   Rationale: if a “scrubbed” person punctures
    the gloves or is contaminated by touching an
    unsterile object, he or she must change the
    contaminated articles; if a “scrubbed” person
    leaves the area of the sterile field, he or she
    must go through the procedure of
    rescrubbing, gowning, and gloving

   A     collective  and    individual  “sterile
    conscience” is the best method of enhancing
    sterile technique

   Rationale: staff members must rely on one
    another to maintain sterile technique;
    periodic review of procedures and infection
    control    surveillance   reports enhance
    everyone’s sterile technique

   rupture of an organ

     impairment to the
      flow of vital fluids
      blood, urine, CSF,

   wearing off of a
    surface or

   abnormal new
   Stress response is elicited

   Defense against infection is lowered

   Vascular system is disrupted

   Organ functions are disturbed

   Body image may be disturbed

   Lifestyles may change

   Optimal nutrition is an essential factor in
    promoting healing an resisting infection and
    other surgical complications

   obesity,        undernutrition,      weight
    loss, malnutrition, deficiencies in specific
    nutrients, metabolic abnormalities, and the
    effects of medication on nutrition
   Nutritional needs may be measured
    through BMI and waist circumference

   Nutritional deficiency should be corrected
    before surgery

   Nutrients important for wound healing are:
    protein, arginine, carbohydrates and
    fats, water, vitamin C, vitamin B
    complex,      vitamin      A,      vitamin
    K, magnesium, copper, zinc

   The person with a history of chronic
    alcoholism often suffers from malnutrition
    and other systemic problems that increase
    surgical risk

   very young

   very old

 Respiratory
 Renal/urinary

 Cardiovascular

 Endocrine

 Hepatic

   A medication history is obtained from each
    patient because of the possible effects of
    medications on the patient’s perioperative
    course, including the possibility of drug

   Document all medications
   Stop aspirin 7-10 days before surgery

   Currently it is recommended that the use of
    herbal products be discontinued 2 to 3 weeks
    before surgery

 Nature of condition
 Location of the condition

 Magnitude and urgency of the surgical
 Mental attitude of the person toward surgery

 Caliber of the professional staff and health
  care facilities

   Also known as the circulator

   manages the OR and protects the patient’s
    safety and health by monitoring the
    activities of the surgical team, checking the
    OR conditions, and continually assessing
    the patient for signs of injury and
    implementing appropriate interventions
   verifying   consent,      coordinating     the
    team, and ensuring cleanliness, proper
    temperature, humidity, lighting, safe function
    of equipment, and the availability of
    supplies and materials

   Monitors aseptic practices to avoid breaks
    in technique

   “surgical or pre-procedure pause” or time-

   Performs a surgical hand scrub

   Setting up the sterile tables

   Prepares sutures, ligatures, and special
   Assists the surgeon and the surgical
    assistants during the procedure by
    anticipating the instruments and supplies
    that will be required

   As the surgical incision is closed, the scrub
    person and the circulator count all
    needles, sponges, and instruments
   Standards call for all sponges to be visible
    on x-ray and for sponge counts to take
    place at the beginning of surgery and twice
    at the end

   Tissue specimens obtained during surgery
    are labeled by the scrub person and sent to
    the laboratory by the circulator

   Performs the surgical procedure and heads
    the surgical team

   An anesthesiologist is a physician
    specifically trained in the art and science of

   An anesthetist is a qualified health care
    professional who administers anesthetics
   They     assess     the    patient   before
    surgery,             selects             the
    anesthesia, administers it, intubates the
    patient if necessary, manages any
    technical problems related to the
    administration of the anesthetic agent, and
    supervises     the    patient’s    condition
    throughout the surgical procedure
   Known for its stark appearance and cool

   Access is limited to authorized personnel

   The OR must be situated in a location that is
    central to all supporting services

   The OR must have a specific air filtration
    devices to screen out contaminating
    particles, dust, and pollutants
   the unrestricted zone (street clothes are
    allowed); the semi restricted zone (attire
    consists of scrub clothes and caps); and the
    restricted zone (scrub clothes, shoe
    covers, caps, and masks are worn)

   Shirts and waist drawstrings should be
    tucked inside the pants
   Wet or soiled garments should be changed

   Masks are worn at all times at the restricted

   Upper respiratory tract infections and skin
    infections in staff and patients are sources
    of pathogens and must be reported
   Extends from the time the client is a admitted
    in the surgical unit, to the time he/she is
    physically, psychosocially, spiritually, and
    legally for the surgical procedure, until he is
    transported into the operating room

   Begins when the decision to proceed with
    surgical intervention is made and ends with
    the transfer of the patient onto the OR table
   involves establishing a baseline evaluation of
    the patient before surgery by carrying out a
    preoperative interview

   ensuring that necessary tests have been or
    will be performed

   arranging appropriate consultations; and
    providing education about recovery from
    anesthesia and postoperative care
   On the day of surgery, patient teaching is
    reviewed, the patient’s identity and surgical
    site are verified, informed consent is
    confirmed, and an IV infusion is started

   Assessing and correcting physiologic and
    psychologic problems that might increase
    surgical risk

   Giving the person and significant others
    complete     learning/teaching guidelines
    regarding surgery
   Instructing and demonstrating exercises that
    will benefit the person during post operative

   Planning for discharge and any projected
    changes in lifestyle due to surgery

 Age
 Presence of pain

 Nutritional status

 Fluid and electrolyte balance

 Infection

 Cardiovascular function
 Pulmonary function
 Renal function

 Gastrointestinal function

 Liver function

 Endocrine function

 Hematologic function

 Use of medication

 Presence of trauma

   Causes of fears of the preoperative clients
     Fear of the unknown
     Fear of anesthesia, vulnerability while
     Fear of pain

     Fear of death

     Fear of disturbance of body image

     Worries – loss of finances, employment, social
      and family roles
   Manifestations of fears
     Anxiousness

     Bewilderment

     Anger

     Tendency    to exaggerate
     Sad, evasive, tearful, clinging

     Inability to concentrate

     Short attention span

     Failure to carry out simple directions

     Dazed

   Explore client’s feelings

   Assist client to identify coping strategies that
    he or she has previously used to decrease

   Allow client to       speak    openly     about
   Give accurate information regarding surgery

   Give empathetic support

   Consider the person’s religious preferences
    and arrange visit by priest/minister as

   Music therapy

   necessary before non emergent surgery can
    be performed

   permission obtained from a patient to
    perform a specific test or procedure

   to ensure that the client understands the
    nature of the treatment including the potential
    complications and disfigurement (explained
    by AMD)

   to indicate that the client’s decision was
    made without pressure
   to protect the client against unauthorized

   to protect the surgeon and hospital against
    legal actions by a client who claims that an
    unauthorized procedure was performed

   any       surgical       procedure     where
    scalpel, scissors, or sutures may be used

   any invasive procedure such as surgical
    incision, a biopsy, a cystoscopy, or
   a nonsurgical procedure, such as an
    arteriography, that carries more than slight
    risk to the patient

   procedures involving radiation

   procedures    requiring    sedation   and/or

   written permission is best and is legally

   signature is obtained with the client’s
    complete understanding of what is to occur
     adultssign their own operative permit
     obtained before sedation
   secured without pressure or duress

   a witness is desirable – nurse physicians or
    authorized persons

   in an emergency, permission via telephone or
    telefax is acceptable
   for minor (below
    18), unconscious, psychologically
    incapacitated, permission is required from
    responsible family member (parent/legal

   explanation of procedure and its risks

   description of benefits and its alternatives

   an offer to answer questions about procedure
   instructions that the patient may withdraw

   a statement informing the patient if the
    protocol differs from customary procedure

   Before Surgery
     Correct   any dietary deficiencies

     Reduce    an obese person’s weight

     Correct   fluid and electrolyte imbalances

     Restore  adequate blood volume with blood
 Treat   chronic diseases

 Halt   or treat any infectious process

 Treat
      an alcoholic person with vitamin
 supplementation, IVF’s or oral fluids if

   Deep breathing exercises
     Practice
             in the same position client would
      assume in bed after surgery

     Allow hands in a loose fist position to rest lightly
      on the front of the lower ribs with your finger tips
      against lower chest to feel the movement
 Breathe
        out gently and fully as the ribs sink
 down and inward toward midline

 Take a deep breath your nose and mouth,
 letting the abdomen rise as the lungs fill with air

 Hold   this breath for a count of five

 Exhale
       and let out all the air through your nose
 and mouth
 Repeat this exercise 15 times with a short rest
 after each group of five

 Practice   twice daily preoperatively
   Incentive spirometry

     Let   client sit upright, at 45 degrees minimum

     Take two normal breaths. Place mouthpiece of
      spirometer in mouth

     Inhale  until target, designated by spirometer
      light or rising ball, is reached, and hold breath
      for 3 to 5 seconds
 Exhale   completely

 Perform   10 sets of breaths each hour
   Coughing exercises

     Have   client sit up and lean forward

     Show   client how to splint incision with hands,
      pillow, or blanket

     Have  client inhale and exhale deeply three
      times through mouth
 Have client take in deep breath and cough out
 the breath forcefully with three short coughs
 using diaphragmatic muscles. Take in quick
 deep breath through mouth, cough deeply, and
 deep breathe
   Turning exercises

     Turnon your side with the uppermost leg flexed
      most and supported on a pillow

     Grasp   the side rail as an aid to maneuver to the

     Practice diaphragmatic breathing and coughing
      while on your side
   Foot and leg exercises
     Lie   in a semi-Fowler’s position

     Bend  your knee and raise your foot – hold it a
      few seconds, then extend the leg and lower it to
      the bed

     Do    this five times with each leg

     Then trace circles with the feet by bending them
      down, in toward each other, up, and then out

   Preparing the skin
     Have    full bath to reduce microorganisms in the

   Preparing the GI tract
     NPO;    cleansing enema as required

   Preparing for anesthesia
     Avoidalcohol and cigarette smoking for at least
      24 hours before surgery
   Promoting rest and sleep
     Administer   sedatives as ordered

   Early morning care
     Awaken  one hour before preoperative

     Morning    bath, mouth wash

     Provide    clean gown

     Remove     hairpins, braid long hairs, cover hair
      with cap
 Remove dentures, foreign materials (chewing
 gum), colored nail polish, hearing aid, contact

 Take
     baseline vital signs before preoperative

 Check   ID band and skin preparation

 Check  for special orders – enema, GI tube
 insertion, IV line
 Check   NPO

 Have   client void before preoperative medication

 Continue   to support emotionally

 Accomplish    “preoperative care checklist”

   Goals:

     To   facilitate the administration of any anesthetic

     Tominimize respiratory tract secretions and
      changes in heart rate

     To   relax the client and reduce anxiety
   Narcotics
     Morphine   sulfate

     Fentanyl   (Sublimaze)

     Meperidine   (Demerol)

     Analgesia;   enhancement of postoperative pain
   Antianxiety and sedative hypnotics
     Diazepam   (Valium)
     Hydroxyzine hcl (Vistaril)

     Lorazepam (Ativan)

     Midazolam (Versed)

     Phenobarnital sodium

     Sedation; anxiety reduction
   Anticholinergic

     Atropine   sulfate

     Scopolamine    hydrobromide

     Secretion   reduction
   Antiemetic

     Ondansetron   (Zofran)

     Metoclopramide   (Reglan)

     Promethazine   hcl (Phenergan)

     Control nausea and vomiting; may be effective
     into the postoperative period
   H2 antagonist

     Cimetidine   (Tagamet)

     Ranitidine   (Zantac)

     Famotidine    (Pepcid)

     Reduction of acidic gastric secretions in case
     aspiration occurs
   Antibiotic

     Cefazolin    (Ancef)

     Ampicillin   (Omnipen

     Prevention    of postoperative infection
   Begins when the client is transferred onto
    the OR table and ends with admission to the

   Extends from the time the client is admitted
    to the operating room, to the time of
    administration of anesthesia, surgical
    procedure is done, until he/she is
    transported to the recovery room/PACU
   Nursing activities include: providing safety,
    maintaining an aseptic environment, ensure
    proper functioning of equipment, providing
    the surgeon with specific instruments and
    supplies for the surgical field, and proper

   H – homeostasis

   A – asepsis

   S – safe administration of anesthesia

   H – hemostasis

   Dorsal Recumbent – hernia repair,
    mastectomy, bowel resection

   Trendelenburg – lower abdomen, pelvic
   Lithotomy – vaginal repairs, D and C, rectal

   Prone – spinal surgeries, laminectomy

   Lateral – kidney, chest, hip surgeries
   Explain purpose of position

   Avoid undue exposure

   Strap the person to prevent falls

   Maintain adequate respiratory and
    circulatory function

   Maintain good body alignment

   General
     Anesthesia  is a state of narcosis, analgesia,
     relaxation, and reflex loss

     Clients
           under general anesthesia are not
     arousable, not even to painful stimuli

     Produces   amnesia

     Can   be administered through IV or inhalation
 Gasanesthetics are administered by inhalation
 and are always combined with oxygen

 Nitrous
        oxide is the most commonly used gas
 anesthetic agent

 When inhaled, the anesthetics enter the blood
 through the pulmonary capillaries and act on
 cerebral centers to produce loss of
 consciousness and sensation

 General   anesthesia consists of four stages
   Stage I (beginning anesthesia)
     extends  from the administration of anesthesia to
      the time of loss of consciousness

     The  client may have a ringing, roaring or
      buzzing in the ears, and although still conscious,
      may sense an inability to move the extremities

     During   this stage, noises are exaggerated

     Duringthis stage, noises are exaggerated.
      Unnecessary noises and motions are avoided
   Stage II (excitement/delirium)
     extends   from the time of loss of consciousness
      to the time of loss of lid reflex

     Itmay be characterized by shouting, struggling,
      talking, singing, laughing, or crying of the client
      but often avoided if anesthetic is administered
      smoothly and quickly

     Assist anesthesiologist/ anesthetist if needed to
      restrain client. Client should not be touched
      except for purposes of restraint.
   Stage III (surgical anesthesia)
     extends  from the loss of lid reflex to the loss of
      most reflexes. Surgical procedure is started

   Stage IV (medullary depression)
     it
       is characterized by respiratory/cardiac
      depression or arrest. It is due to overdose of
      anesthesia. Resuscitation must be done
   Regional
     Reduce  all painful sensations in one region of
      the body without inducing unconsciousness

     Topical,   local infiltration, epidural, spinal

     Client receiving regional anesthesia is awake
      and aware of his/her surroundings unless
      medications are given to produce mild sedation
      or to relieve anxiety
 Nurse
      must avoid careless conversation,
 unnecessary noise, and unpleasant odors

 Diagnosis  must not be stated allowed if the
 client is not to know it at this time

A  postdural puncture headache may occur after
 spinal and epidural blocks caused by leakage of
 CSF. Small-gauge spinal needle (less than
 gauge 25) helps prevent headaches. Position
 the client flat and force fluids to relieve
 headache. A blood patch treatment can be done
 if headache continues

   After surgery client is stabilized for transfer

   After local anesthesia, the client may return
    directly to a nursing unit

   After general and spinal anesthesia, the
    client goes to the PACU or in some cases,
    the intensive care unit
   SAFETY is always a priority at this time!

   Never leave client alone

   Ensure patent airways and prevent falls an

   Continuous monitoring of client
   Extends from the time the client is admitted
    to the recovery room, to the time he is
    transported back into the surgical unit,
    discharged from the hospital, until the follow-
    up care

   Begins when the client is admitted to the
    PACU or a nursing unit and ends with the
    client’s postoperative evaluation in the
    physician’s office
   Maintain adequate body system functions

   Restore homeostasis

   Alleviate pain and discomfort

   Prevent postoperative complications

   Ensure adequate discharge planning and

   Goal is to promote safe recovery from

   Administer oxygen by nasal cannula or mask
    as ordered

   Continuous monitoring is done for ECG,
    pulse oximetry, and BP measurements
   Assess surgical site and dressing

   Check for patency of catheter, drains and

   Measure body temperature

   Provide warming blanket
   Control shivering by administering
    Meperidine (Demerol) when anesthesia is
    the cause

   Provide supplemental oxygen during

   Perform hand washing between clients

   VS taking every 5 to 15 minutes

   Avoid exposure

   Avoid rough handling

   Avoid hurried movement and rapid changes
   Assessment
     Appraise    air exchange status and note skin color

     Verify   identity, operative procedure, surgeon

     Assess    neurologic status

     Determine    VS

     Perform    safety checks
   Ensure maintenance of patent airway and
    adequate respiratory function
     Lateral   position with neck extended

     Keep   airway in place until fully awake

     Suction   secretions

     Encourage    deep breathing

     Administer   humidified oxygen as ordered

   Parameters for Discharge from Recovery
     Activity:   able to obey commands

     Respiration:   easy, noiseless breathing

     Circulation:   BP is within +/-20 mmHg of the
      preop level
 Consciousness:   responsive

 Color:   pinkish skin and mucus membrane

   2-3 days after surgery (discharge

     Self-care  activities
     Activity limitation

     Diet and medications

     Complications

     Referrals, follow-up check up
   Postoperative discomforts
     Nausea   and vomiting

     Restlessness   & sleeplessness

     Thirst

     Constipation

     Pain

   Response of the body to a decrease in the
    circulating blood volume, which results to
    poor tissue perfusion and inadequate tissue

   Copious escape of blood from the blood
     Capillary  – slow, generalized oozing
     Venous – dark in color and bubble out

     Arterial – spurts and is bright red in color
   Manifestations
     Apprehension,   restlessness, thirst, cold, moist,
      pale skin

     Deep   rapid respiration, low body temperature

     Low   blood pressure, low hemoglobin

     Circumoral   pallor

     Progressive   weakness
   Management
     Administer     Vitamin K as ordered

     Pressure      dressings

     Blood    transfusion

     IV   fluids
   Often occurs after operations on the lower
    abdomen or during the course of septic
    conditions as rupture ulcer or peritonitis

   Causes
     Injury– damage to vein
     Hemorrhage

     Prolonged immobility

     Obesity/ debilitation
   Manifestations
     Pain

     Redness

     Swelling

     Heat/warmth

     Positive   Homan’s sign
   Nursing Interventions (prevention)
     Hydrate
            adequately to prevent

     Encourage   leg exercises and ambulate early

     Avoid any restricting devices that can constrict
      and impair circulation

     Prevent  use of bed rolls or dangling over the side
      of the bed with pressure on popliteal area
   Nursing Interventions (Active)
     Bed rest, elevate the affected leg with pillow

     Wear  antiembolic support hose from the toes to
      the groin

     Avoid   massage on the calf of the leg

     Initiate   anticoagulant therapy as ordered

 Atelectasis
 Bronchitis

 Bronchopneumonia

 Lobar pneumonia

 Pleurisy
   Nursing Interventions

     Reinforce   deep breathing, coughing, and turning

     Encourage    early ambulation

     Incentive   spirometry

   Loop of intestine may kink due to inflamatory

   Manifestations
     Intermittent,   sharp, colicky abdominal pains

     Nausea   and vomiting
 Abdominal   distention

 Diarrhea(incomplete
                   obstruction), no bowel
 movement (complete)

 Return   flow of enema is clear
   Nursing Interventions
     NGT   insertion

     Administer   electrolyte/ IV as ordered

     Prepare   for possible surgical intervention
   Causes
     Staphylococcus       aureus

     Escherichia   coli

     Proteus   vulgaris

     Pseudomonas      aeruginosa

     Anaerobic   bacteria
   Clinical manifestations
     Redness,    swelling, pain, warmth

     Pus    or other discharge on the wound

     Foul   smell from the wound

     Elevated   temperature; chills

     Tender   lymph nodes
   Rule of thumb:
     Fever    within first 24 hours – pulmonary infection

     Within   48 hours – urinary tract infection

     Within   72 hours – wound infection
   Preventive interventions
     Strict   aseptic technique

     Wound     care

     Keep     unit clean

     Antibiotic   therapy as ordered

   Hemorrhage

   Wound dehiscence – disruption in the
    coaptation of wound edges (wound

   Wound evisceration – dehiscence   +
    outpouching of abdominal organs
   Nursing interventions
     Apply   abdominal binders

     Encourage    proper nutrition (high protein, vitamin

     Stay   with client, have someone call for the doctor

     Keep    in bed rest

     Supine    or Semi-Fowler’s position, bend knees to
   Cover exposed intestine with sterile, moist
    saline dressing

   Reassure, keep him/her quiet and relaxed

   Prepare for surgery and repair of wound

Contenu connexe


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Ppt. perioperative nursing

  • 2. SURGERY  Is the use of instruments during an operation to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities  Is a stressful, complex event  The branch of medicine concerned with diseases and trauma requiring operative procedures
  • 3. Surgical procedures are named according to (1) the involved body organ, part, or location and (2) the suffix that describes what is done during the procedure  Physicians who perform surgery include surgeons or other physicians trained to do certain surgical procedures
  • 4. SURGICAL PROCEDURE SUFFIXES  -ectomy - Removal by cutting  -orrhaphy - Suture of or repair  -oscopy - Looking into  -ostomy - Formation of a permanent artificial opening
  • 5. -otomy - Incision or cutting into  -plasty - Formation or repair
  • 7. ACCORDING TO URGENCY  Emergent - Patient requires immediate attention; disorder may be life threatening; immediately without delay to maintain life or organ, remove damage, stop bleeding  Urgent/ Imperative - Patient requires prompt attention; within 24 – 30/48 hours
  • 8. Required/ Planned - Patient needs to have surgery; plan within a few weeks or months  Elective - Patient should have surgery; failure to have surgery not catastrophic; planned/scheduled with no time requirements  Optional - Decision rests with patient; at the preference of patient
  • 9. ACCORDING TO PURPOSE  Aesthetic - Requested by patient for improvement  Diagnostic - To obtain tissue samples, make an incision, or use a scope to make a diagnosis  Exploratory - Confirmation or measurement of extent of condition
  • 10. Preventive - Removal of tissue before it causes a problem  Curative (Ablative) - Removal of diseased or abnormal tissue  Reconstructive - Correction of defects of body parts  Palliative - Alleviation of symptoms without curing disease
  • 11. ACCORDING TO EXTENT  Major - Extensive surgery that involves serious risk and complications, as it involves major organ  High risk, extensive, prolonged, large amount of blood loss, vital organs may be handled or removed, great risk of complications
  • 12. Minor - Involves minimal complications & blood loss  Generally not prolonged, leads to few serious complications, involves less risk
  • 14. MOISTURE CAUSES CONTAMINATION  Prevent splashing of liquids in the sterile fields  Place wet objects on sterile, water- impermeable surfaces, such as sterile basin  Rationale: microorganisms travel more easily through moist environment. When sterile surface becomes moist, microorganisms from the unsterile surface may be transmitted into the sterile surface
  • 15. NEVER ASSUME THAT AN OBJECT IS STERILE  Ensure that it is labeled as sterile  Always check the integrity of the packaging  Always verify the expiration date on the package  Whenever in doubt of the sterility of an object, consider it unsterile
  • 16. Rationale: commercially prepared products are labeled as sterile on their packaging; special indicators are used to show that objects have completed their sterilization process; packages that are torn, punctured, or moist are considered unsterile
  • 17. ALWAYS FACE THE STERILE FIELD  Rationale: objects that are out of the line of vision may be inadvertently contaminated
  • 18. STERILE ARTICLES MAY TOUCH ONLY STERILE ARTICLES OR SURFACES IF THEY ARE TO MAINTAIN THEIR STERILITY  Rationale: anything considered unsterile may transfer microorganisms to the sterile object it touches
  • 19. STERILE EQUIPMENT OR AREAS MUST BE KEPT ABOVE THE WAIST AND ON TOP OF THE STERILE FIELD  Waist level is the limit of good visual field. Maximum visibility of all sterile objects prevents inadvertent contamination
  • 20. PREVENT UNNECESSARY TRAFFIC AND AIR CURRENTS AROUND THE STERILE AREA  Close doors  Unfold drapes or wrappers properly  Do not sneeze, cough, or talk excessively over the sterile field
  • 21. Do not reach across sterile fields  Move around a sterile field to reach for an object, if necessary  Rationale: microorganisms cannot be completely excluded from the air; overreaching across sterile fields will render sterile objects unsterile
  • 22. OPEN, UNUSED STERILE ARTICLES ARE NO LONGER STERILE AFTER THE PROCEDURE  Rationale: once protective wrapping have been removed, the article is being contaminated by air so, it must be discarded or sterilized before it is used; liquids opened during the procedure that remain in the container are also considered contaminated
  • 23. A PERSON WHO IS CONSIDERED STERILE WHO BECOMES CONTAMINATED MUST REESTABLISH STERILITY  Rationale: if a “scrubbed” person punctures the gloves or is contaminated by touching an unsterile object, he or she must change the contaminated articles; if a “scrubbed” person leaves the area of the sterile field, he or she must go through the procedure of rescrubbing, gowning, and gloving
  • 24. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE IS A TEAM EFFORT  A collective and individual “sterile conscience” is the best method of enhancing sterile technique  Rationale: staff members must rely on one another to maintain sterile technique; periodic review of procedures and infection control surveillance reports enhance everyone’s sterile technique
  • 26. P – PERFORATION  rupture of an organ
  • 27. O – OBSTRUCTION  impairment to the flow of vital fluids e.g. blood, urine, CSF, bile
  • 28. E – EROSION  wearing off of a surface or membrane
  • 29. T – TUMORS  abnormal new growths
  • 31. Stress response is elicited  Defense against infection is lowered  Vascular system is disrupted  Organ functions are disturbed  Body image may be disturbed  Lifestyles may change
  • 33. NUTRITIONAL AND FLUID STATUS  Optimal nutrition is an essential factor in promoting healing an resisting infection and other surgical complications  obesity, undernutrition, weight loss, malnutrition, deficiencies in specific nutrients, metabolic abnormalities, and the effects of medication on nutrition
  • 34. Nutritional needs may be measured through BMI and waist circumference  Nutritional deficiency should be corrected before surgery  Nutrients important for wound healing are: protein, arginine, carbohydrates and fats, water, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, vitamin K, magnesium, copper, zinc
  • 35. DRUG OR ALCOHOL USE  The person with a history of chronic alcoholism often suffers from malnutrition and other systemic problems that increase surgical risk
  • 36. AGE  very young  very old
  • 37. PRESENCE OF DISEASE/S  Respiratory  Renal/urinary  Cardiovascular  Endocrine  Hepatic
  • 38. CONCURRENT OR PRIOR PHARMACOTHERAPY  A medication history is obtained from each patient because of the possible effects of medications on the patient’s perioperative course, including the possibility of drug interactions  Document all medications
  • 39. Stop aspirin 7-10 days before surgery  Currently it is recommended that the use of herbal products be discontinued 2 to 3 weeks before surgery
  • 40. OTHER SURGICAL RISK FACTORS  Nature of condition  Location of the condition  Magnitude and urgency of the surgical procedure  Mental attitude of the person toward surgery  Caliber of the professional staff and health care facilities
  • 42. THE CIRCULATING NURSE  Also known as the circulator  manages the OR and protects the patient’s safety and health by monitoring the activities of the surgical team, checking the OR conditions, and continually assessing the patient for signs of injury and implementing appropriate interventions
  • 43. verifying consent, coordinating the team, and ensuring cleanliness, proper temperature, humidity, lighting, safe function of equipment, and the availability of supplies and materials  Monitors aseptic practices to avoid breaks in technique  “surgical or pre-procedure pause” or time- out”
  • 44. THE SCRUB ROLE  Performs a surgical hand scrub  Setting up the sterile tables  Prepares sutures, ligatures, and special equipment
  • 45. Assists the surgeon and the surgical assistants during the procedure by anticipating the instruments and supplies that will be required  As the surgical incision is closed, the scrub person and the circulator count all needles, sponges, and instruments
  • 46. Standards call for all sponges to be visible on x-ray and for sponge counts to take place at the beginning of surgery and twice at the end  Tissue specimens obtained during surgery are labeled by the scrub person and sent to the laboratory by the circulator
  • 47. THE SURGEON  Performs the surgical procedure and heads the surgical team
  • 48. THE ANESTHESIOLOGIST AND ANESTHETIST  An anesthesiologist is a physician specifically trained in the art and science of anesthesiology  An anesthetist is a qualified health care professional who administers anesthetics
  • 49. They assess the patient before surgery, selects the anesthesia, administers it, intubates the patient if necessary, manages any technical problems related to the administration of the anesthetic agent, and supervises the patient’s condition throughout the surgical procedure
  • 51. Known for its stark appearance and cool temperature  Access is limited to authorized personnel  The OR must be situated in a location that is central to all supporting services  The OR must have a specific air filtration devices to screen out contaminating particles, dust, and pollutants
  • 52. the unrestricted zone (street clothes are allowed); the semi restricted zone (attire consists of scrub clothes and caps); and the restricted zone (scrub clothes, shoe covers, caps, and masks are worn)  Shirts and waist drawstrings should be tucked inside the pants
  • 53. Wet or soiled garments should be changed  Masks are worn at all times at the restricted zone  Upper respiratory tract infections and skin infections in staff and patients are sources of pathogens and must be reported
  • 55. Extends from the time the client is a admitted in the surgical unit, to the time he/she is prepared physically, psychosocially, spiritually, and legally for the surgical procedure, until he is transported into the operating room  Begins when the decision to proceed with surgical intervention is made and ends with the transfer of the patient onto the OR table
  • 56. involves establishing a baseline evaluation of the patient before surgery by carrying out a preoperative interview  ensuring that necessary tests have been or will be performed  arranging appropriate consultations; and providing education about recovery from anesthesia and postoperative care
  • 57. On the day of surgery, patient teaching is reviewed, the patient’s identity and surgical site are verified, informed consent is confirmed, and an IV infusion is started
  • 58. GOALS  Assessing and correcting physiologic and psychologic problems that might increase surgical risk  Giving the person and significant others complete learning/teaching guidelines regarding surgery
  • 59. Instructing and demonstrating exercises that will benefit the person during post operative period  Planning for discharge and any projected changes in lifestyle due to surgery
  • 60. PHYSIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT OF THE CLIENT UNDERGOING SURGERY  Age  Presence of pain  Nutritional status  Fluid and electrolyte balance  Infection  Cardiovascular function
  • 61.  Pulmonary function  Renal function  Gastrointestinal function  Liver function  Endocrine function  Hematologic function  Use of medication  Presence of trauma
  • 62. PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT AND CARE  Causes of fears of the preoperative clients  Fear of the unknown  Fear of anesthesia, vulnerability while unconscious  Fear of pain  Fear of death  Fear of disturbance of body image  Worries – loss of finances, employment, social and family roles
  • 63. Manifestations of fears  Anxiousness  Bewilderment  Anger  Tendency to exaggerate  Sad, evasive, tearful, clinging  Inability to concentrate  Short attention span  Failure to carry out simple directions  Dazed
  • 64. NURSING INTERVENTIONS TO MINIMIZE ANXIETY  Explore client’s feelings  Assist client to identify coping strategies that he or she has previously used to decrease fear  Allow client to speak openly about fears/concerns
  • 65. Give accurate information regarding surgery  Give empathetic support  Consider the person’s religious preferences and arrange visit by priest/minister as desired  Music therapy
  • 66. INFORMED CONSENT (OPERATIVE PERMIT/SURGICAL CONSENT)  necessary before non emergent surgery can be performed  permission obtained from a patient to perform a specific test or procedure
  • 67. PURPOSES:  to ensure that the client understands the nature of the treatment including the potential complications and disfigurement (explained by AMD)  to indicate that the client’s decision was made without pressure
  • 68. to protect the client against unauthorized procedure  to protect the surgeon and hospital against legal actions by a client who claims that an unauthorized procedure was performed
  • 69. CIRCUMSTANCES REQUIRING A PERMIT:  any surgical procedure where scalpel, scissors, or sutures may be used  any invasive procedure such as surgical incision, a biopsy, a cystoscopy, or paracentesis
  • 70. a nonsurgical procedure, such as an arteriography, that carries more than slight risk to the patient  procedures involving radiation  procedures requiring sedation and/or anesthesia
  • 71. REQUISITES FOR VALIDITY OF INFORMED CONSENT  written permission is best and is legally acceptable  signature is obtained with the client’s complete understanding of what is to occur  adultssign their own operative permit  obtained before sedation
  • 72. secured without pressure or duress  a witness is desirable – nurse physicians or authorized persons  in an emergency, permission via telephone or telefax is acceptable
  • 73. for minor (below 18), unconscious, psychologically incapacitated, permission is required from responsible family member (parent/legal guardian)
  • 74. INFORMED CONSENT SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING:  explanation of procedure and its risks  description of benefits and its alternatives  an offer to answer questions about procedure
  • 75. instructions that the patient may withdraw consent  a statement informing the patient if the protocol differs from customary procedure
  • 76. PHYSICAL PREPARATION  Before Surgery  Correct any dietary deficiencies  Reduce an obese person’s weight  Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances  Restore adequate blood volume with blood transfusion
  • 77.  Treat chronic diseases  Halt or treat any infectious process  Treat an alcoholic person with vitamin supplementation, IVF’s or oral fluids if dehydrated
  • 78. TEACHING PREOPERATIVE EXERCISES  Deep breathing exercises  Practice in the same position client would assume in bed after surgery  Allow hands in a loose fist position to rest lightly on the front of the lower ribs with your finger tips against lower chest to feel the movement
  • 79.  Breathe out gently and fully as the ribs sink down and inward toward midline  Take a deep breath your nose and mouth, letting the abdomen rise as the lungs fill with air  Hold this breath for a count of five  Exhale and let out all the air through your nose and mouth
  • 80.  Repeat this exercise 15 times with a short rest after each group of five  Practice twice daily preoperatively
  • 81. Incentive spirometry  Let client sit upright, at 45 degrees minimum  Take two normal breaths. Place mouthpiece of spirometer in mouth  Inhale until target, designated by spirometer light or rising ball, is reached, and hold breath for 3 to 5 seconds
  • 82.  Exhale completely  Perform 10 sets of breaths each hour
  • 83. Coughing exercises  Have client sit up and lean forward  Show client how to splint incision with hands, pillow, or blanket  Have client inhale and exhale deeply three times through mouth
  • 84.  Have client take in deep breath and cough out the breath forcefully with three short coughs using diaphragmatic muscles. Take in quick deep breath through mouth, cough deeply, and deep breathe
  • 85. Turning exercises  Turnon your side with the uppermost leg flexed most and supported on a pillow  Grasp the side rail as an aid to maneuver to the side  Practice diaphragmatic breathing and coughing while on your side
  • 86. Foot and leg exercises  Lie in a semi-Fowler’s position  Bend your knee and raise your foot – hold it a few seconds, then extend the leg and lower it to the bed  Do this five times with each leg  Then trace circles with the feet by bending them down, in toward each other, up, and then out
  • 87. PREPARING THE PERSON BEFORE SURGERY  Preparing the skin  Have full bath to reduce microorganisms in the skin  Preparing the GI tract  NPO; cleansing enema as required  Preparing for anesthesia  Avoidalcohol and cigarette smoking for at least 24 hours before surgery
  • 88. Promoting rest and sleep  Administer sedatives as ordered
  • 89. PREPARING THE PERSON ON THE DAY OF SURGERY  Early morning care  Awaken one hour before preoperative medications  Morning bath, mouth wash  Provide clean gown  Remove hairpins, braid long hairs, cover hair with cap
  • 90.  Remove dentures, foreign materials (chewing gum), colored nail polish, hearing aid, contact lens  Take baseline vital signs before preoperative medication  Check ID band and skin preparation  Check for special orders – enema, GI tube insertion, IV line
  • 91.  Check NPO  Have client void before preoperative medication  Continue to support emotionally  Accomplish “preoperative care checklist”
  • 92. PREOPERATIVE MEDICATIONS/ PREANESTHETIC DRUGS  Goals:  To facilitate the administration of any anesthetic  Tominimize respiratory tract secretions and changes in heart rate  To relax the client and reduce anxiety
  • 93. Narcotics  Morphine sulfate  Fentanyl (Sublimaze)  Meperidine (Demerol)  Analgesia; enhancement of postoperative pain relief
  • 94. Antianxiety and sedative hypnotics  Diazepam (Valium)  Hydroxyzine hcl (Vistaril)  Lorazepam (Ativan)  Midazolam (Versed)  Phenobarnital sodium  Sedation; anxiety reduction
  • 95. Anticholinergic  Atropine sulfate  Scopolamine hydrobromide  Secretion reduction
  • 96. Antiemetic  Ondansetron (Zofran)  Metoclopramide (Reglan)  Promethazine hcl (Phenergan)  Control nausea and vomiting; may be effective into the postoperative period
  • 97. H2 antagonist  Cimetidine (Tagamet)  Ranitidine (Zantac)  Famotidine (Pepcid)  Reduction of acidic gastric secretions in case aspiration occurs
  • 98. Antibiotic  Cefazolin (Ancef)  Ampicillin (Omnipen  Prevention of postoperative infection
  • 100. Begins when the client is transferred onto the OR table and ends with admission to the PACU  Extends from the time the client is admitted to the operating room, to the time of administration of anesthesia, surgical procedure is done, until he/she is transported to the recovery room/PACU
  • 101. Nursing activities include: providing safety, maintaining an aseptic environment, ensure proper functioning of equipment, providing the surgeon with specific instruments and supplies for the surgical field, and proper documentation
  • 102. GOALS OF CARE (HASH)  H – homeostasis  A – asepsis  S – safe administration of anesthesia  H – hemostasis
  • 103. POSITIONS DURING SURGERY  Dorsal Recumbent – hernia repair, mastectomy, bowel resection  Trendelenburg – lower abdomen, pelvic surgeries
  • 104. Lithotomy – vaginal repairs, D and C, rectal surgery  Prone – spinal surgeries, laminectomy  Lateral – kidney, chest, hip surgeries
  • 105. Explain purpose of position  Avoid undue exposure  Strap the person to prevent falls  Maintain adequate respiratory and circulatory function  Maintain good body alignment
  • 106. TYPES OF ANESTHESIA  General  Anesthesia is a state of narcosis, analgesia, relaxation, and reflex loss  Clients under general anesthesia are not arousable, not even to painful stimuli  Produces amnesia  Can be administered through IV or inhalation
  • 107.  Gasanesthetics are administered by inhalation and are always combined with oxygen  Nitrous oxide is the most commonly used gas anesthetic agent  When inhaled, the anesthetics enter the blood through the pulmonary capillaries and act on cerebral centers to produce loss of consciousness and sensation  General anesthesia consists of four stages
  • 108. Stage I (beginning anesthesia)  extends from the administration of anesthesia to the time of loss of consciousness  The client may have a ringing, roaring or buzzing in the ears, and although still conscious, may sense an inability to move the extremities easily  During this stage, noises are exaggerated  Duringthis stage, noises are exaggerated. Unnecessary noises and motions are avoided
  • 109. Stage II (excitement/delirium)  extends from the time of loss of consciousness to the time of loss of lid reflex  Itmay be characterized by shouting, struggling, talking, singing, laughing, or crying of the client but often avoided if anesthetic is administered smoothly and quickly  Assist anesthesiologist/ anesthetist if needed to restrain client. Client should not be touched except for purposes of restraint.
  • 110. Stage III (surgical anesthesia)  extends from the loss of lid reflex to the loss of most reflexes. Surgical procedure is started  Stage IV (medullary depression)  it is characterized by respiratory/cardiac depression or arrest. It is due to overdose of anesthesia. Resuscitation must be done
  • 111. Regional  Reduce all painful sensations in one region of the body without inducing unconsciousness  Topical, local infiltration, epidural, spinal  Client receiving regional anesthesia is awake and aware of his/her surroundings unless medications are given to produce mild sedation or to relieve anxiety
  • 112.  Nurse must avoid careless conversation, unnecessary noise, and unpleasant odors  Diagnosis must not be stated allowed if the client is not to know it at this time A postdural puncture headache may occur after spinal and epidural blocks caused by leakage of CSF. Small-gauge spinal needle (less than gauge 25) helps prevent headaches. Position the client flat and force fluids to relieve headache. A blood patch treatment can be done if headache continues
  • 113. TRANSFER FROM SURGERY  After surgery client is stabilized for transfer  After local anesthesia, the client may return directly to a nursing unit  After general and spinal anesthesia, the client goes to the PACU or in some cases, the intensive care unit
  • 114. SAFETY is always a priority at this time!  Never leave client alone  Ensure patent airways and prevent falls an injury  Continuous monitoring of client
  • 116. Extends from the time the client is admitted to the recovery room, to the time he is transported back into the surgical unit, discharged from the hospital, until the follow- up care  Begins when the client is admitted to the PACU or a nursing unit and ends with the client’s postoperative evaluation in the physician’s office
  • 117. GOALS:  Maintain adequate body system functions  Restore homeostasis  Alleviate pain and discomfort  Prevent postoperative complications  Ensure adequate discharge planning and teaching
  • 118. ADMISSION TO PACU  Goal is to promote safe recovery from anesthesia  Administer oxygen by nasal cannula or mask as ordered  Continuous monitoring is done for ECG, pulse oximetry, and BP measurements
  • 119. Assess surgical site and dressing  Check for patency of catheter, drains and tubes  Measure body temperature  Provide warming blanket
  • 120. Control shivering by administering Meperidine (Demerol) when anesthesia is the cause  Provide supplemental oxygen during shivering  Perform hand washing between clients  VS taking every 5 to 15 minutes
  • 121. GENERAL INTERVENTIONS  Avoid exposure  Avoid rough handling  Avoid hurried movement and rapid changes
  • 122. Assessment  Appraise air exchange status and note skin color  Verify identity, operative procedure, surgeon  Assess neurologic status  Determine VS  Perform safety checks
  • 123. Ensure maintenance of patent airway and adequate respiratory function  Lateral position with neck extended  Keep airway in place until fully awake  Suction secretions  Encourage deep breathing  Administer humidified oxygen as ordered
  • 124. TRANSFER FROM RECOVERY ROOM TO SURGICAL UNIT  Parameters for Discharge from Recovery Room  Activity: able to obey commands  Respiration: easy, noiseless breathing  Circulation: BP is within +/-20 mmHg of the preop level
  • 125.  Consciousness: responsive  Color: pinkish skin and mucus membrane
  • 126. NURSING CARE OF CLIENT DURING THE EXTENDED POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD  2-3 days after surgery (discharge planning/teaching)  Self-care activities  Activity limitation  Diet and medications  Complications  Referrals, follow-up check up
  • 127. Postoperative discomforts  Nausea and vomiting  Restlessness & sleeplessness  Thirst  Constipation  Pain
  • 129. SHOCK  Response of the body to a decrease in the circulating blood volume, which results to poor tissue perfusion and inadequate tissue oxygenation
  • 130. HEMORRHAGE  Copious escape of blood from the blood vessel  Capillary – slow, generalized oozing  Venous – dark in color and bubble out  Arterial – spurts and is bright red in color
  • 131. Manifestations  Apprehension, restlessness, thirst, cold, moist, pale skin  Deep rapid respiration, low body temperature  Low blood pressure, low hemoglobin  Circumoral pallor  Progressive weakness
  • 132. Management  Administer Vitamin K as ordered  Pressure dressings  Blood transfusion  IV fluids
  • 133. FEMORAL PHLEBITIS/ DEEP THROMBOPHLEBITIS  Often occurs after operations on the lower abdomen or during the course of septic conditions as rupture ulcer or peritonitis  Causes  Injury– damage to vein  Hemorrhage  Prolonged immobility  Obesity/ debilitation
  • 134. Manifestations  Pain  Redness  Swelling  Heat/warmth  Positive Homan’s sign
  • 135. Nursing Interventions (prevention)  Hydrate adequately to prevent hemoconcentration  Encourage leg exercises and ambulate early  Avoid any restricting devices that can constrict and impair circulation  Prevent use of bed rolls or dangling over the side of the bed with pressure on popliteal area
  • 136. Nursing Interventions (Active)  Bed rest, elevate the affected leg with pillow support  Wear antiembolic support hose from the toes to the groin  Avoid massage on the calf of the leg  Initiate anticoagulant therapy as ordered
  • 137. PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS  Atelectasis  Bronchitis  Bronchopneumonia  Lobar pneumonia  Pleurisy
  • 138. Nursing Interventions  Reinforce deep breathing, coughing, and turning exercises  Encourage early ambulation  Incentive spirometry
  • 139. INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION  Loop of intestine may kink due to inflamatory adhesions  Manifestations  Intermittent, sharp, colicky abdominal pains  Nausea and vomiting
  • 140.  Abdominal distention  Diarrhea(incomplete obstruction), no bowel movement (complete)  Return flow of enema is clear
  • 141. Nursing Interventions  NGT insertion  Administer electrolyte/ IV as ordered  Prepare for possible surgical intervention
  • 142. WOUND INFECTIONS  Causes  Staphylococcus aureus  Escherichia coli  Proteus vulgaris  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  Anaerobic bacteria
  • 143. Clinical manifestations  Redness, swelling, pain, warmth  Pus or other discharge on the wound  Foul smell from the wound  Elevated temperature; chills  Tender lymph nodes
  • 144. Rule of thumb:  Fever within first 24 hours – pulmonary infection  Within 48 hours – urinary tract infection  Within 72 hours – wound infection
  • 145. Preventive interventions  Strict aseptic technique  Wound care  Keep unit clean  Antibiotic therapy as ordered
  • 146. WOUND COMPLICATIONS  Hemorrhage  Wound dehiscence – disruption in the coaptation of wound edges (wound breakdown)  Wound evisceration – dehiscence + outpouching of abdominal organs
  • 147. Nursing interventions  Apply abdominal binders  Encourage proper nutrition (high protein, vitamin C)  Stay with client, have someone call for the doctor  Keep in bed rest  Supine or Semi-Fowler’s position, bend knees to relieve
  • 148. Cover exposed intestine with sterile, moist saline dressing  Reassure, keep him/her quiet and relaxed  Prepare for surgery and repair of wound