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Dr Rajesh Jhorawat
Nephrology, SMS
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In 1808, Willan- distinguished purpura caused by
infections from non-infectious purpura
Henoch and his teacher, Schönlein, described a
broad spectrum of signs and symptoms that
were associated with purpura, and with small
vessel vasculitis
In 1866, Kussmaul and Maier described
“periarteritis nodosa” later changed to
“polyarteritis nodosa”
In 1936, Friedrich Wegener, a German
pathologist, described three patients with
necrotizing granuloma




In 1954, Goodman and Churg wrote a
detailed description of “Wegener´s
granulomatosis” (WG)
In 1970s, Fauci and Wolff introduced
treatment with cyclophosphamide and
corticosteroids for WG
In 1985, DeRemee published a report on the
benefits of using cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim/
sulfamethoxazole) in WG
In 1985, Van der Woude et al who reported
autoantibodies(ANCA) sensitive and specific
for the WG

•ANCA testing not
•PAN and MPA put

1990- American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) Classification Criteria

1994- Chapel Hill Consensus Conference (CHCC)

•Size of blood vessel (tissue
•PAN and MPA seperated
•ANCA suggested

European Medicines
Agency developed a stepwise
lgorithm for vasculitis in 2007

•Lanham crietria for
•CHCC defination

CHCC definitions were
revised in 2012
Large vessels are the aorta and its major branches
and the
analogous veins.

Medium vessels are the main visceral arteries and
veins and their initial branches

Small vessels are intraparenchymal arteries,
arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
ANCA-associated Vasculitis




Antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)–
associated vasculitis (AAV) is a group of
multisystem diseases
Characterized by a pauci-immune small-vessel
vasculitis with presence of circulating
Annual incidence of 20 per million
Outcomes are often poor with a mortality of 25%
at 5 years.
Renal involvement is frequently seen and is
strongly associated with outcomes
ANCA-associated Vasculitis


But newer insights for classification have
emerged from large cohort and genetic studies
esp. with two recent studies
Mahr et al
Lyons et al.
ANCA and other antibodies



Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies
(ANCA) are a group of antibodies that react
with cytoplasmic antigens in human
These antibodies originally reported in 1964
and the first report linking these antibodies to
disease was in 1982(Davies et al)
About 90% of patients with small-vessel
vasculitis or pauci-immune NCGN have ANCA



The major autoantigens of ANCA are MPO
and PR3.
MPO-ANCA is the predominant serotype in
MPA patients, whereas PR3-ANCA is usually
found in GPA.
True dual positivity is rare and raises suspicion
of a drug-induced vasculitis.
Methods of


Indirect Fluorescent Assay (IFA)


In the immunofluorescent test for ANCA, several
patterns of cellular staining may be seen
Two major patterns of staining have been
described and well characterized when ethanolfixed neutrophils are used in the
immunofluorescent ANCA test


Cytoplasmic pattern called C-ANCA, are usually
directed against a serine protease, Proteinase 3
Perinuclear pattern called P-ANCA, are usually
due to antibodies directed against myeloperoxidase









•Selected cohorts studied
•Disease extent and activity at the time of
serum sampling
•Criteria used for setting the diagnoses
•Way positive cutoff values for the assays
used have been set


Most experts on vasculitis agree that the level
of PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA is higher in
active and/or extensive phase of the disease
PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA have some
influence on the development of clinical
 Renal

and respiratory involvement in PR3-ANCA
 Renal limited involvement is more often in MPOANCA

Patients positive for PR3-ANCA suffered more
frequent relapses than those positive for MPOANCA.
AAV- other Autoantibodies

These different autoantibodies are likely to reflect mechanisms operating in
the inflammatory events and may even be part of an orchestrated attack
on the endothelium and basement membrane
Anti–endothelial cell
antibodies (AECA)





Directed to small vessel
Idiopathic AAV and in
drug-induced vasculitis
Increase level is
observed in relapse
Induce adhesion
molecule expression
and increased cytokine
Don‟t cross react and
fluctuate independently
with ANCA

Antibodies to Glomerular
Basement Membrane( AntiGBM)



Autoantibodies to the
a3-domain of type IV
Observed cooccurrance with
ANCAs (esp. with
co-occurrence with
ANCAs influence



Anti–b2-glycoprotein 1,
anticardiolipin, or the
lupus anticoagulant
With ACA more
extensive and more
severe disease
In Drug-induced
antibodies of the IgM



Basic leasion- segmental fibrinoid necrosis,
often accompanied by leukocyte infiltration
and leukocytoclasia (leukocyte fragmentation)
Patients with pauci-immune small-vessel
vasculitis also may have renal arteritis, most
often affecting interlobular arteries and
medullary angiitis affecting the vasa recta
The medullary angiitis may be severe enough
to cause papillary necrosis
Clinical Manifestations(AAV)



Without therapy, ANCA vasculitis with GN is
associated with very poor outcomes
Treatment with corticosteroids and
cyclophosphamide has dramatically improved
the short- and long-term outcomes of ANCA
vasculitis associated with systemic disease.
Treatment with immunosuppressive therapy is
therefore considered indicated in all cases of
ANCA vasculitis and GN
Induction trials in AAV


Rare possible exception relates to patients
with severe kidney-limited disease, in the
absence of extrarenal manifestations of smallvessel vasculitis
Patients with severe pauci-immune NCGN
requiring dialysis,

of Tx
Evidence- study-1
Study 2
Maintenance Therapy
Transplantation in AAV
Future option in AAV


An increased prevalence of thromboembolic
disease occurs in AAV, and autoantibodies
have now been described to plasminogen and
tissue plasminogen activator in the sera of one
quarter of PR3-ANCA-positive AAV patients.
The presence of antiplasminogen antibodies
correlated with venous thrombosis and with
the severity of renal vasculitis




Evidence for a genetic contribution in AAV has
been increasing with familial associations and
study of candidate genes, especiallyHLA
DPB1*0401in European GPA patients.
Associations with HLA-DP, SERPINA1, and
PRTN3 were identified for GPA. SERPINA1
encodes for a-1 antitrypsin and PRTN3 encodes
for PR3.
An association with HLA-DQ was identified for
Interestingly, the genetics were more strongly
associated with ANCA specificity (MPO-/PR3ANCA) than clinical diagnosis (MPA/GPA).




Associations with environmental factors, such
as air pollutants, infections, and drugs, have
also been associated.
Silica is a well-known air pollutant contributing
to many autoimmune diseases including AAV.
Peptides from Staphylococcus aureus have
strong homology with peptides from
complementary PR3, and Staphylococcus
aureus infection has been associated with
initiation and relapse of GPA
The anti-hLAMP-2 antibody also has 100%
homology to FimH in Gram-negative bacteria.



In 2011, a Japanese group revealed that MPOANCA– activated glomerular endothelial cells
directly in a murine model. They identified a
new target antigen of MPO-ANCA, moesin, on
the glomerular endothelium.
Moesin has partial amino-acid sequence
homology with an epitope of MPO-ANCA
They found a high prevalence of anti-moesin
antibodies in MPA patients


Cocaine use has caused several vasculitis
syndromes including AAV, recently associated
with contamination of cocaine by levamisole.
Propylthiouracil (PTU) is the most frequent
cause of drug-induced AAV (especially MPA)
The finding of multiple autoantibodies is more
common in drug-induced than primary AAV,
suggesting a dysregulation of self-tolerance.



AAV often affects the kidneys and is the most
common cause of rapidly progressive
Renal involvement is an important predictor of
increased mortality risk and morbidity in AAV,
and renal biopsy aids in both diagnosis and
An outcome-based classification of ANCAassociated glomerulonephritis histology has
been developed to formalize the predictive
value of the renal biopsy.



A validation study with 100 renal biopsies from AAV
patients revealed that the classification was an
independent predictor for estimated GFR after 1 year
and 5 years.
Although the „Focal‟ class showed good preservation
of renal function and the „Crescentic‟ class a good
chance for renal recovery, the „Mixed‟ and „Sclerotic‟
classes had, respectively, intermediate and high risks
of progression to end-stage renal disease.
T-cell tubulitis was an independent predictor for
estimated GFR after 12 months and tubular atrophy
was an independent predictor for estimated GFR after
12 months and 24 months.


Another recent topic in histopathology is the
involvement of the complement system,
especially the alternative pathway.
Xinget al.,detected components of the
alternative pathway, factor B, factor P, C3d,
and membrane-attack complex, in glomeruli
and small blood vessels in kidney biopsy
specimens from AAV patients



The current treatment for AAV has been
optimized by randomized controlled trials
performed over the last 20 years
It is not curative but aims to control disease
activity in a 3- to 6-month induction phase of
high-dose glucocorticoid and daily oral or
intravenous-pulsed cyclophosphamide that is
effective in 80–90%.
Despite maintenance therapy of low-dose
glucocorticoid and azathioprine or
methotrexate, at least 10% of patients relapse
each year
Induction trials




A rationale for B cell–targeted therapy in AAV has emerged
from the presence of B cells at sites of inflammation,
correlation of B-cell activation with disease activity in GPA,
the efficacy of cyclophosphamide, which is a relatively B cell–
specific immunosuppressant, and the contribution of ANCA to
the pathogenesis.
Several case series and small prospective studies highlighted
the efficacy of the anti-CD20 B cell–depleting monoclonal
antibody, rituximab in refractory AAV.
Subsequently, two randomized trials evaluated rituximab for
remission induction in new and relapsing patients.
Both the RAVE and RITUXVAS trials found similar remission
rates for newly diagnosed patients between rituximab- and
cyclophosphamide-based regimens when combined with
high-dose glucocorticoid.


The RAVE trial also demonstrated superiority
of rituximab for the subgroup treated for
relapsing disease. However, no differences in
safety were observed between the treatment
groups, suggesting that glucocorticoid rather
than cyclophosphamide is the major treatmentrelated cause of toxicity in AAV.
Rituximab is now indicated for relapsing AAV
and newly diagnosed AAV when
cyclophosphamide avoidance is desirable.


The pathogenicity of ANCA has contributed to
a therapeutic rationale for plasma exchange in
A metaanalysis of plasma exchange trials
suggests a beneficial effect on the risk for endstage renal disease but no effect on mortality


Current practice recommends plasma
exchangefor those with severe renal disease
or alveolar hemorrhage, although the evidence
base in the latter indication is weak.
The PEXIVAS trial is examining the effect of
plasma exchange on patients with a GFR
below 50 ml/min or with severe alveolar
Maintenance therapy



Following control of features of vasculitis activity,
the maintenance therapy aims to prevent
vasculitis returning.
The WEGENT trial aimed to demonstrate the
superiority of methotrexate over azathioprine, but
adverse event rates were similar and relapse
rates at 36 months were 50 and 47%,
The IMPROVE trial found mycophenolate mofetil
was less effective compared with azathioprine for
prevention of relapse, 55% vs. 38% after 39
months, with similar adverse event rates.
Maintenance Trials

Consequently, azathioprine or methotrexate,
with or without low-dose glucocorticoid, is the
preferred maintenance agents.

Recently, Smith et al. published a retrospective
study, which revealed that a 2-year fixed
interval routine rituximab therapy reduced
relapse rate in relapsing AAV patients treated
with rituximab.

This subject will be further studied in the
ongoing RITAZAREM trial




EGPA has been excluded from most AAV trials.
Recently, a French group examined the response
to glucocorticoids in nonsevere EGPA and
glucocorticoids, as well as cyclophosphamide in
severe EGPA.
Relapse rates in nonsevere EGPA are high if
treated with glucocorticoids alone and studies of
combinations with other immunosuppressants are
Similarly, only anecdotal data exist for the role of
rituximab in EGPA.
Two, small, open-label studies of an
antiinterleukin-5 antibody, mepolizumab, have
reported goodeffects in EGPA



Long-term outcome studies by the European
Vasculitis Society cohort with 535 AAV patients
with a median of 5.2-year follow-up reported
cumulative survival rates at 1 and 5 years of 88
and 78%, respectively.
Frequent causes of death within the first year
were infection (48%) and active vasculitis (19%),
and those after 1 year were cardiovascular
disease (26%), malignancy (22%), and infection
In the same cohort, 38% of 535 patients
experienced a relapse, and the relapse was more




As to malignancy, only the risk of nonmelanoma
skin cancer was increased in this cohort
The low increases in cancer risk compared with
previous studies might reflect short follow-up or
lower exposure to cyclophosphamide in current
The French Vasculitis Study Group also showed
similar results in their study for urotoxic adverse
events .The risk of bladder cancer in AAV was low
in an intravenous-pulsed cyclophosphamide group
and a group diagnosed after 1998.
Longer follow-up is necessary because of the late
development of malignancy.
Newer Therapeutic Agents



The proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib has
demonstrated a stronger effect on autoantibody
production than cyclophosphamide in
experimental models.
The immunosuppressive agent gusperimus
proved efficacy in controlling disease activity in
two nonrandomized trials of refractory or relapsing
The anti-CD52 pan lymphocyte–depleting
antibody, alemtuzumab, has led to sustained
treatment-free remissions in AAV, but it is strongly
immunosuppressive and is associated with severe
adverse events in the elderly and those with renal




The classification of vasculitis has been further
revised and new genetic associations are likely to
drive more changes in how vasculitis is subgrouped.
The discovery of newer autoantibodies raises the
potential for newer biomarkers of clinical utility, as well
as inspiring pathogenetic studies.
Rituximab is now firmly established in the treatment of
ANCA vasculitis, and further innovations permitting
reduced immunosuppressive and glucocorticoid
exposure are in development.
Much of the recent progress has developed from the
creation of international collaborative networks
permitting consensus approaches and large-scale
clinical studies.

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Renal vasculitis

  • 2. Land mark steps..     In 1808, Willan- distinguished purpura caused by infections from non-infectious purpura Henoch and his teacher, Schönlein, described a broad spectrum of signs and symptoms that were associated with purpura, and with small vessel vasculitis In 1866, Kussmaul and Maier described “periarteritis nodosa” later changed to “polyarteritis nodosa” In 1936, Friedrich Wegener, a German pathologist, described three patients with necrotizing granuloma
  • 3.     In 1954, Goodman and Churg wrote a detailed description of “Wegener´s granulomatosis” (WG) In 1970s, Fauci and Wolff introduced treatment with cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids for WG In 1985, DeRemee published a report on the benefits of using cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole) in WG In 1985, Van der Woude et al who reported autoantibodies(ANCA) sensitive and specific for the WG
  • 5. •ANCA testing not included •PAN and MPA put togather CLASSIFICATION OF VASCULITIS 1990- American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Classification Criteria 1994- Chapel Hill Consensus Conference (CHCC) •Size of blood vessel (tissue Bx) •PAN and MPA seperated •ANCA suggested •AAV- WG, CSS, MPA European Medicines Agency developed a stepwise lgorithm for vasculitis in 2007 •ACR •Lanham crietria for CSS •ANCA •CHCC defination CHCC definitions were revised in 2012
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  • 8. Large vessels are the aorta and its major branches and the analogous veins. Medium vessels are the main visceral arteries and veins and their initial branches Small vessels are intraparenchymal arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
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  • 10. ANCA-associated Vasculitis (AAV)      Antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)– associated vasculitis (AAV) is a group of multisystem diseases Characterized by a pauci-immune small-vessel vasculitis with presence of circulating autoantibodies Annual incidence of 20 per million Outcomes are often poor with a mortality of 25% at 5 years. Renal involvement is frequently seen and is strongly associated with outcomes
  • 12.    But newer insights for classification have emerged from large cohort and genetic studies esp. with two recent studies Mahr et al Lyons et al.
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  • 17. ANCA and other antibodies    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) are a group of antibodies that react with cytoplasmic antigens in human neutrophils These antibodies originally reported in 1964 and the first report linking these antibodies to disease was in 1982(Davies et al) About 90% of patients with small-vessel vasculitis or pauci-immune NCGN have ANCA
  • 18.    The major autoantigens of ANCA are MPO and PR3. MPO-ANCA is the predominant serotype in MPA patients, whereas PR3-ANCA is usually found in GPA. True dual positivity is rare and raises suspicion of a drug-induced vasculitis.
  • 20. Indirect Fluorescent Assay (IFA)   In the immunofluorescent test for ANCA, several patterns of cellular staining may be seen Two major patterns of staining have been described and well characterized when ethanolfixed neutrophils are used in the immunofluorescent ANCA test 1. 2. Cytoplasmic pattern called C-ANCA, are usually directed against a serine protease, Proteinase 3 (PR3) Perinuclear pattern called P-ANCA, are usually due to antibodies directed against myeloperoxidase (MPO)
  • 23. •Selected cohorts studied •Disease extent and activity at the time of serum sampling •Criteria used for setting the diagnoses •Way positive cutoff values for the assays used have been set
  • 24. ANCA TESTING- CLINICAL USE DIAGNOSIS, PROGNOSIS, AND FOLLOWUP   Most experts on vasculitis agree that the level of PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA is higher in active and/or extensive phase of the disease PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA have some influence on the development of clinical features.  Renal and respiratory involvement in PR3-ANCA  Renal limited involvement is more often in MPOANCA  Patients positive for PR3-ANCA suffered more frequent relapses than those positive for MPOANCA.
  • 25. AAV- other Autoantibodies These different autoantibodies are likely to reflect mechanisms operating in the inflammatory events and may even be part of an orchestrated attack on the endothelium and basement membrane
  • 26. Anti–endothelial cell antibodies (AECA)      Directed to small vessel ECs Idiopathic AAV and in drug-induced vasculitis Increase level is observed in relapse Induce adhesion molecule expression and increased cytokine secretion Don‟t cross react and fluctuate independently with ANCA Antibodies to Glomerular Basement Membrane( AntiGBM)    Autoantibodies to the a3-domain of type IV collagen Observed cooccurrance with ANCAs (esp. with anti-MPO) co-occurrence with ANCAs influence outcome
  • 27. Antiphospholipid Autoantibodies     Rare Anti–b2-glycoprotein 1, anticardiolipin, or the lupus anticoagulant With ACA more extensive and more severe disease In Drug-induced vasculitis, antiphospholipid antibodies of the IgM class
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  • 30. Pathology    Basic leasion- segmental fibrinoid necrosis, often accompanied by leukocyte infiltration and leukocytoclasia (leukocyte fragmentation) Patients with pauci-immune small-vessel vasculitis also may have renal arteritis, most often affecting interlobular arteries and medullary angiitis affecting the vasa recta The medullary angiitis may be severe enough to cause papillary necrosis
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  • 34. Treatment    Without therapy, ANCA vasculitis with GN is associated with very poor outcomes Treatment with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide has dramatically improved the short- and long-term outcomes of ANCA vasculitis associated with systemic disease. Treatment with immunosuppressive therapy is therefore considered indicated in all cases of ANCA vasculitis and GN
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  • 38.   Rare possible exception relates to patients with severe kidney-limited disease, in the absence of extrarenal manifestations of smallvessel vasculitis OR Patients with severe pauci-immune NCGN requiring dialysis,
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  • 56.   An increased prevalence of thromboembolic disease occurs in AAV, and autoantibodies have now been described to plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator in the sera of one quarter of PR3-ANCA-positive AAV patients. The presence of antiplasminogen antibodies correlated with venous thrombosis and with the severity of renal vasculitis
  • 57. GENETICS AND THE ENVIRONMENT     Evidence for a genetic contribution in AAV has been increasing with familial associations and study of candidate genes, especiallyHLA DPB1*0401in European GPA patients. Associations with HLA-DP, SERPINA1, and PRTN3 were identified for GPA. SERPINA1 encodes for a-1 antitrypsin and PRTN3 encodes for PR3. An association with HLA-DQ was identified for MPA. Interestingly, the genetics were more strongly associated with ANCA specificity (MPO-/PR3ANCA) than clinical diagnosis (MPA/GPA).
  • 58.     Associations with environmental factors, such as air pollutants, infections, and drugs, have also been associated. Silica is a well-known air pollutant contributing to many autoimmune diseases including AAV. Peptides from Staphylococcus aureus have strong homology with peptides from complementary PR3, and Staphylococcus aureus infection has been associated with initiation and relapse of GPA The anti-hLAMP-2 antibody also has 100% homology to FimH in Gram-negative bacteria.
  • 59.    In 2011, a Japanese group revealed that MPOANCA– activated glomerular endothelial cells directly in a murine model. They identified a new target antigen of MPO-ANCA, moesin, on the glomerular endothelium. Moesin has partial amino-acid sequence homology with an epitope of MPO-ANCA They found a high prevalence of anti-moesin antibodies in MPA patients
  • 60.   Cocaine use has caused several vasculitis syndromes including AAV, recently associated with contamination of cocaine by levamisole. Propylthiouracil (PTU) is the most frequent cause of drug-induced AAV (especially MPA) The finding of multiple autoantibodies is more common in drug-induced than primary AAV, suggesting a dysregulation of self-tolerance.
  • 61. HISTOPATHOLOGY    AAV often affects the kidneys and is the most common cause of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Renal involvement is an important predictor of increased mortality risk and morbidity in AAV, and renal biopsy aids in both diagnosis and prognosis. An outcome-based classification of ANCAassociated glomerulonephritis histology has been developed to formalize the predictive value of the renal biopsy.
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  • 63.    A validation study with 100 renal biopsies from AAV patients revealed that the classification was an independent predictor for estimated GFR after 1 year and 5 years. Although the „Focal‟ class showed good preservation of renal function and the „Crescentic‟ class a good chance for renal recovery, the „Mixed‟ and „Sclerotic‟ classes had, respectively, intermediate and high risks of progression to end-stage renal disease. T-cell tubulitis was an independent predictor for estimated GFR after 12 months and tubular atrophy was an independent predictor for estimated GFR after 12 months and 24 months.
  • 64.   Another recent topic in histopathology is the involvement of the complement system, especially the alternative pathway. Xinget al.,detected components of the alternative pathway, factor B, factor P, C3d, and membrane-attack complex, in glomeruli and small blood vessels in kidney biopsy specimens from AAV patients
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  • 66. Treatment    The current treatment for AAV has been optimized by randomized controlled trials performed over the last 20 years It is not curative but aims to control disease activity in a 3- to 6-month induction phase of high-dose glucocorticoid and daily oral or intravenous-pulsed cyclophosphamide that is effective in 80–90%. Despite maintenance therapy of low-dose glucocorticoid and azathioprine or methotrexate, at least 10% of patients relapse each year
  • 68.     A rationale for B cell–targeted therapy in AAV has emerged from the presence of B cells at sites of inflammation, correlation of B-cell activation with disease activity in GPA, the efficacy of cyclophosphamide, which is a relatively B cell– specific immunosuppressant, and the contribution of ANCA to the pathogenesis. Several case series and small prospective studies highlighted the efficacy of the anti-CD20 B cell–depleting monoclonal antibody, rituximab in refractory AAV. Subsequently, two randomized trials evaluated rituximab for remission induction in new and relapsing patients. Both the RAVE and RITUXVAS trials found similar remission rates for newly diagnosed patients between rituximab- and cyclophosphamide-based regimens when combined with high-dose glucocorticoid.
  • 69.   The RAVE trial also demonstrated superiority of rituximab for the subgroup treated for relapsing disease. However, no differences in safety were observed between the treatment groups, suggesting that glucocorticoid rather than cyclophosphamide is the major treatmentrelated cause of toxicity in AAV. Rituximab is now indicated for relapsing AAV and newly diagnosed AAV when cyclophosphamide avoidance is desirable.
  • 70.   The pathogenicity of ANCA has contributed to a therapeutic rationale for plasma exchange in AAV A metaanalysis of plasma exchange trials suggests a beneficial effect on the risk for endstage renal disease but no effect on mortality
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  • 74.   Current practice recommends plasma exchangefor those with severe renal disease or alveolar hemorrhage, although the evidence base in the latter indication is weak. The PEXIVAS trial is examining the effect of plasma exchange on patients with a GFR below 50 ml/min or with severe alveolar hemorrhage
  • 75. Maintenance therapy    Following control of features of vasculitis activity, the maintenance therapy aims to prevent vasculitis returning. The WEGENT trial aimed to demonstrate the superiority of methotrexate over azathioprine, but adverse event rates were similar and relapse rates at 36 months were 50 and 47%, respectively. The IMPROVE trial found mycophenolate mofetil was less effective compared with azathioprine for prevention of relapse, 55% vs. 38% after 39 months, with similar adverse event rates.
  • 77.  Consequently, azathioprine or methotrexate, with or without low-dose glucocorticoid, is the preferred maintenance agents.
  • 78.  Recently, Smith et al. published a retrospective study, which revealed that a 2-year fixed interval routine rituximab therapy reduced relapse rate in relapsing AAV patients treated with rituximab.
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  • 80.  This subject will be further studied in the ongoing RITAZAREM trial
  • 81. EGPA      EGPA has been excluded from most AAV trials. Recently, a French group examined the response to glucocorticoids in nonsevere EGPA and glucocorticoids, as well as cyclophosphamide in severe EGPA. Relapse rates in nonsevere EGPA are high if treated with glucocorticoids alone and studies of combinations with other immunosuppressants are needed. Similarly, only anecdotal data exist for the role of rituximab in EGPA. Two, small, open-label studies of an antiinterleukin-5 antibody, mepolizumab, have reported goodeffects in EGPA
  • 82. OUTCOME    Long-term outcome studies by the European Vasculitis Society cohort with 535 AAV patients with a median of 5.2-year follow-up reported cumulative survival rates at 1 and 5 years of 88 and 78%, respectively. Frequent causes of death within the first year were infection (48%) and active vasculitis (19%), and those after 1 year were cardiovascular disease (26%), malignancy (22%), and infection (20%). In the same cohort, 38% of 535 patients experienced a relapse, and the relapse was more
  • 83.     As to malignancy, only the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer was increased in this cohort The low increases in cancer risk compared with previous studies might reflect short follow-up or lower exposure to cyclophosphamide in current protocols. The French Vasculitis Study Group also showed similar results in their study for urotoxic adverse events .The risk of bladder cancer in AAV was low in an intravenous-pulsed cyclophosphamide group and a group diagnosed after 1998. Longer follow-up is necessary because of the late development of malignancy.
  • 84. Newer Therapeutic Agents    The proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib has demonstrated a stronger effect on autoantibody production than cyclophosphamide in experimental models. The immunosuppressive agent gusperimus proved efficacy in controlling disease activity in two nonrandomized trials of refractory or relapsing GPA. The anti-CD52 pan lymphocyte–depleting antibody, alemtuzumab, has led to sustained treatment-free remissions in AAV, but it is strongly immunosuppressive and is associated with severe adverse events in the elderly and those with renal
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  • 86. CONCLUSIONS     The classification of vasculitis has been further revised and new genetic associations are likely to drive more changes in how vasculitis is subgrouped. The discovery of newer autoantibodies raises the potential for newer biomarkers of clinical utility, as well as inspiring pathogenetic studies. Rituximab is now firmly established in the treatment of ANCA vasculitis, and further innovations permitting reduced immunosuppressive and glucocorticoid exposure are in development. Much of the recent progress has developed from the creation of international collaborative networks permitting consensus approaches and large-scale clinical studies.