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© 1991 S. Karger AO, Basel
                                                                                                                      0008-6568/9110252-0123 s 2.75/0
              Cafies Res 1991 ;25: 123-129

              R.M. Duckworth,        S.N. Morgan'
          Unilever Dental Research, Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory, Bebington, UK

          Key Words. Dentifrice              Fluoride·   Kinetics·   Monofluorophosphate,         Oral f1uoride retention·     Reservoir·
        S,divary clcara ncc

       Abstract. Fluoride is the only extensively clinically proven means of reducing dental cáries. Despire a !arge
  bodyof epidemiological      data on the effectiveness of t1uoride, delivered in the form of dentifrices, mouthrinses,
  drinking water, etc., the precise mode of action of fluoride is not completeIy understood.             The purpose of this
  p.lperis to report an investigation    ofthe link between oral f1uoride levels and applied f1uoride dose from denti-
  rriCt:~, Hum an sulivary fluoride clearance      studies and equilibrium      baseline studies 01' fluoride in saliva and
  plaquc have been carried out with denti~'rices whicl: con~ained 1,0?O, I ,50? ~nd 2,5?0 ug fluo~ide per gram as
, sodium monofluorophosphate,         After a single brushing with a fluonde dentifrice, salivary fluonde decreased 111
  111'0 distinct phases: an initial rapid phase which lasted for 40-80 min, depending          on the individual,    and a sec-
  ond slaw phase !asting for severa! hours. The Jatter phase is be!ieved to be due to fluoride released from an ora!
  Ouoride reservo ir. During regular repeated use ofthe test dentifrices, the equilibrium         baseline f1uoride concen-
   ralion, attained in both saliva and plaque between one application and the next,increased              significant!y  com-
  pared with placebo values. Such e!evated baseline fluoride concentrations                also increased    with increasing
  Na:FP03 content 01' the dentifrices. The presentwork             supports the concept that labile f1uoride, stored in an
  oral [luoride reservoir at the time oftreatment      application,    may maintain a prolonged protective effect against
    dental caries.

       Many countries have experienced             dramatic reduc-             et aI., 1986; Goorhuis        and Purdell-Lewis,      1986;
         /'             .                                         ,
    lions in caries prcvalence ave r the past 15 years or so.                  Schâfer, 1989]. Saliva is supersaturated   with respect to
    "fhese reductions have often been related to lhe regu-                     the hydroxyapaÚte    of tooth ename! and is a source of
    lar use        ar
                  flu(ji'i~·e (entífI'ices    [Murra}   and Rugg-              c~lciu;n-and  phClSpnat     ·OU~ (o tbe_re     ir õ(
    Gunn, 1982~ Matthtilet;·                   enson er ai., 985;              enarnel lesions.
    Rolla and @gaatd,. i987}, the niajol'ity af which con-                         Certain authors have suggested that fluoride, even
    !aio sodium tiidtiôfluotophos            hate and/or    .!odium            at low concentrations,      Ís necessary in the oral fluids to
    nuori as the s0utces of uQÜde.                                             õbtain rnaximum         carie's inhibition     and have con-
       Despite the large arnount of epidemiological             data           e udedth<rt     continuous     or frequent elevation of the
    on the anticaries effectiveness        of fluoride, the precise
    mode of action of fluoride is not completely under-
                                                                               flu;ride concentratiõOin
                                                                                                               the orãIfluid;
                                                                                                                 -      --
                                                                               y"'antageous [Fejerskov et al., 1981; Ekstrand
                                                                                                                                --      ---;
                                                                                                                                         et aI.,
    stood. There is 3ubstantial evidcnce that the presence                     1986; Featherstone      et al., 1986}. The retention offluo-
I   of fluorÍde ili the í1l'outh encourages the remíneraliza-                  ride in the mouth after application        of dentalprodUcts

    t~ar1         I lesiens   [Gelharc.! and Arends, 1984; Mell-               sucl;aSdentífr~          and ~OUthwashes         may be asso-
    berg et al., 198$,          19S6; COrprOJ1 et al., 1986: de Kloet          çjl!kd wíth an oral fluoride reservoir. Such a reservo ir
                                                                               ma serve as a store for fluoride which reIeases its
    J  We thank DI'. P.T. Whittall for assistance with cornputer pro-          co teIl!..s into saliva gradually and thereby potentially
                                                                               rnaintains a degres of protection         against caries for a

                                                                                                            .    ,


·-         124                                                                                                                                                                                      DuckworthiMorg~


                                                                                                                                                                                     --------                             --,~!
                60    l                                                                                               buffer      using
                                                                                                                      1987J. Saliva samples
                                                                                                                                               previously         described
                                                                                                                                                                                    procedures        [Duckworth
                                                                                                                                                                             witl in 3 h after dentifrice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        apPhc". "
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                al ' '~

                                                                                        Uo                            tion v:ere either treated with perchloric  ~cid 01 incubated   at 37 C ~l.·,.
                                                                                                                      overnight morder     to ensure that any FPO'i ions were hydrolyzed Ia ffii
                                                                               o:>      li>
                                                                                                        •             F- before fluoride analysis,                       A feasibility study confírmed   thlj I"'
                4-0                                                                                                   known arnounts of Na1FP03                         added to whole saliva were COl1venl'd . 'p
                                                                                                                      completely          to   r by lhe      latter procedure           (fig. I).                                       "

                30                                                                                                            Oral Clearance Studies                                                                                  '11
                                                                                                                           7-10 adult subjects               used a non-fluoride              dentifrice      at home fOral
                                                                                                                      least     10 days        prior     to, and      during,        lhe experimental            period         For
                                                                                                                      each test, lhe subjects               brushed         with     1,5 g test dcntifrice           for I mio
          o                                                                                                           spat out lhe dentifrice/saliva                      slurry,    and then rinsed            their    mOUt~
          E                                                                                                           for 5 s with             10 ml distilled              water    twice.      Mixed      saliva       samplc" .
                                                                                                                      (> 0.8 ml) were collected                   both bcfore         dcntifricc        application        and a;       t
                                                                                                                      regular       intervals          Cor several          hours     afterwards,          At least       2 day! ~

         ti::    O    +--------.--------.-------r-----r-----,                                                         elapsed between applications                        er
                                                                                                                                                           each test ?entifrice.                              Subjecis       welt       ~l
                      O             5               10               15                 20                  25        asked not to drink tCJ 01' cal during iest pcriods,                                                               ~
                      Time, h                                                                                                                                                                                                           '"1
                                                                                                                              Equilibrium Study
                Fig. 1. Break down of FPO~' to F" in hurnan                          whole     saliva     incu-           The protocol             was similar          to that of a previous              study      involving
         bated        at 37°e. Nominal          initial   FPO~- concentration                 52.6 umol/I             mouthwashes              [Duckworth           et al., 1987J. Briefly,          7 adults      used a nOno
         (I pprn F). Symbols             refer to different    experiments.                                           fluoride       dentifrice         for at least 2 weeks            prior      to the use of the teM
                                                                                                                      dentifrices.        The subjects           then brushed         with each test dentifrice             daily
                                                                                                                      for about        4 weeks.          Samples        of saliva       and      plaque      were       collected
                                                                                                                      once      per week,         at least    18 h after the last brushing. The subjccls
      prolonged     period. Fluoride       which is present in the                                                    were not exposed                 to any other high-fluoride  dose during the study,

     íii'Oiith in a labile form during a cariogenic challenge
                                                                                                                              Curve Fiuing
      is JikeJy to be the most bcneficial.                                                                                  Both individual              and mean oral fluoride clearance curves wcrc
          The work reported here seeks to determine whether                                                           fitted by computer                (SAS PROC NLlN) using a non-lincar      regres.
      the amount of l1uoride retained in the mouth is suffi-                                                          sion procedure            [Marquardt,           1963] to the biexponential                function

      cient to maintain a significantly        elevated level of fluo-
                                                                                                                          F,    =   A exp (-at) + B exp (-~t)
      ride between 01 e application          of a dentifrice and the
      next. Oral fluoride studies have most often involved                                                            where      F,   is the salivary            fluoride      concentration         at time t, and A, e,
      measurements       ofthe fluoride content ofwhole-mouth                                                         B, and ~ are model parameters.                           In approximation            A and B are lhe
                                                                                                                      zero time intercepts,               and     a and      ~ the slopes,       of lhe first and second
      (rnixed) saliva and of plaque. In this work two types
                                                                                                                      clearance       phases of clearance               curves       respectively.        Equation        I is lhe
      of measurements        have been rnade to investigate           the                                             solution       for lhe so-called            two-compartment                open     pharmacokinclic
      concentration      of fluoride itUilli..Y.:J bét;ecn    b[1lshing~                                              model       originally           applíed      to lhe analysis           of drug       clcurance        Crorn

       ~               -  -
     ~it l-dentifoF-'. Oral clearance             studies have moni-
      tored the decrssse in fluoride concentration with time
                                                                                                                      blood [Wagner, 1975J, Arcas under each clearance
                                                                                                                      ues) were calculated using the equation
                                                                                                                                                                                                           curve (AUC vaI.

      after a single dentifrice       application,      whilst equilib-
      rium studies have monitored           changes in the baseline                                                       AUC =           S    F, dt    = A/a      + B/~                                                         (2)
      fluoride concentration       during regular, repeated use of
      dentifrices.   The dentifrices       used in the studies re-                                                        The half-lives of each clearance phase were calculated    using the
      ported here contained sodium monofluorophosphate                                                                respective expressions tl/2 (I) = 0.693/a, and tl/2 (2) = 0.693/p.      !
       ~                                                               .

      as the fluoride some.

                 Materials arid Mefhods
                                                                                                                          Salivary Fluoride Clearance
                The test dentifrices          contained       1,000, 1,500, and 2,500 Ilg fluo-
                                                                                                                          The shape of salivary fluoride clearance curves was
         ride per gram as Na)"POj                in an alumina         base and were identical                   to
         formulations           tesred    iü a 3-yeàl' caries       clinical   trial [Stephen           et al.,
                                                                                                                      similar after a single brushing with any of the denti.
          1988], Fluoride          conteuts     of saliva     and     plaque         were     rneasured          by   frices tested. Typical mean data for 10 subjects who
         means         01' a fluoride    lon: speciíic electrode        in the presence           ofTISAB             had used a dentifrice containing 1,500 ug fluoride per
              livaFluoride from Dentifrices                                                                                                                          125

                    r:lm as Na2FPO, are shown in figure 2. Total ionic                   200    J _"-----',r
              , ~uoride co~centration       .(F- +, FPO~- íons) is plot~ed on
                  .dogarithmlc scale against time and decreased m two                    100 ~
'o               dlstinct phases. During the first phase, which !asted
                  for 40-80 min depending on the individual, the mean
                 i,;livary fluoride concentration        decreased      rapidly                1              A
                 ~r(11!1a. 200 to ca. 4 umol/L During the second phase,
                 lhe salivary fluoride concentration          decreased     rela-
  I        'Ii'ely slowly and reached 0.95 umol/I after 3 h. As
        ,:1 part of the dose-response study mentioned below, 7
           I    5ubjects used the same dentifrice and the average
        I,      Ouoride concentration         during the second c1earance
                p ase decreased to 0.58 umol/I after 6 h.                                 1.0
             ! The comparison             in figure 2 between the mean
                                                                                         0,5 --fl----~                '----,---------;,,-----~
       ! ' e~perimental data points and the curve derived using                                 o                50           100         150                       200
       ; quation 1 indicates that the chosen pharmacokinetic                                    Time, min

        i       modelis appropriate.       The quality of fit was excellent
                                                                                         Fig. 2. Mean salivary fluoride clearance curve after use of 1,500
                (r'" 0.999) and values of r2> 0.99 were consistently                 flg F/g NazFPOJ dentifrice (n = 10). O = Experimental data (bars
                observed for the individual c1earance data.                          = SD); -    = computer-fitted  model curve.
                     Results for à dose-response study in which 7 sub-
                jects used each dentifrice are summarized in table I in
                                                                                        Table 1. Dependence of clearance curve parameters                        on the
               ~ermsofthe model pararneters AUC and B. These pa-
                                                                                     Na2FP03 content of dentifrices (mean ± SD; n = 7)
                   meters are measures of the overall amount of fluo-
                ride in the mouth and the amount of fluoride asso-                   Na2FPO,        ParameterB        AUC                   t,12(1)       t,nC2)
               ~iated with the second c1earance phase respectively.                  (F, ug /g)     (F, umcl/I)"      (mmol F/I- min)"      rnin          min
                Linear regression       analysis showed the increase            in
                                                                                     1,000          1.48 (+    0.73) ]1.9J (+ 0.36)         9.1 ±2.2      244.9± 84.3
               b'oth parameters with increasing Na2FP03 content of
                                                                                                         (-    0.47)       (- 0.30)
               dentifrices to be highly significant        on an individual                         1.88 (+    0.85) 2.22 (+ 0,42)          9.0±2,4
                                                                                     1,500                                                                 197.2±50,0
               basis (p<O.OOOi) The rnean AUC and B values for                                           (-    0.57)       (_. 0.35)
               lhe dentifrice with a fluoride content of 2,500 ~tg/g                 2,500          3.03 (+    1,43) 3.87 (+ 0.73)          6.5 ± 2-8      141.9 ± 34.8
               IVere    significantly  difTerent from corresponding          val-                        (-    0.98)       (- 0.61)
               ues for the 1,000- and 1,500-flg F/g dentifrices
                                                                                     a   Values are antilogs of logarithmic mean values ofthc individual
               (P<0.02; analysis of variance). Furthermore,             the ma-
                                                                                     data. The 2,500-).1g/g values are significantly different from lhe
               ;ority of individual       AUC (6/7) and B (517) values               values connected by lhe bar (p < 0.02; analysis ofvariance).
              ~verehígher after use of the 1,500 ug FI g dentifrice                  --------------
               than after use of the dentifrice with a fluoride content
               ,11'1,000 !lg/g. efes'p'ife the rrtean difference being not
               statistically significànt. AO mean B values were signif-              oride derttifrices relative to a non-F control dentifrice.
               icantly above the mean baseline fluoride concentra-                   Figure         3 shows that the rnean             salivary       fluoride     con-
               [iOIlof 0.46 !J.l1101/1 rneasured in saliva sarnples taken            centration increased steadily to a plateau after about 2
               before dentifrice application.         The mean half-lives of         weeks of daily brushing with the dentífrice containing
               each cleurance phase are also listed in table l. The                  1,000 ug fluoride per gramo This pattern was repeated
               value of t 1/2 (2) for the 2,500-flg fluoride group was sig-          with each dentifrice tested. When brushing with a flu-
               nificantly less than the corresponding            value for lhe       oride dentifrice stopped, the baseline salivary f1uoride
               grOUPusing a dentifrice with a Iluoride content 01'                   concentration returned to its original value which had
              !,OOO!J.g/g (p < 0.05).                                                been attained using the non-fluoride controI denti-
                                                                                     frice. Table 2 summarizes    the mean equilibrium    pla-
      ::í     Equilibrium Study                                                      teau values obtained for each test dentifrice    in both
      i       The baseline salivar)'           fluoride concentration   in-          saliva and plaque. Both saliva and plaque fluoride
            creased mark edly during          regular, repeated use of flu-          values incrcased with increasing Na2FP03 content of
r                                                                                                                                                                                       'l

         [26                                                                                                                                                  Duckworlh/Morg·    !lI

              12l                                                                                                the dentifrices. As reported previously [Duckworth tl ',,~
                                                                                                                 al., 1989], linear regression analysis of the individua;j
                                                                                                                 plaque fluoride data gave a statistically            significan;

        o     '°1                                      I                                                         correlation    coefficient of 0.433 (p < 0.025; F test). 10
                                                                                                                 contrast to the plaque results, it can be seen from,!
                                                                                                                 table 2 that the mean equilibrium         saliva íluoride COr,.
         E 0.8
         a,                                                                                                      centration    tended to plateau at high fluoride dose.

                                                                                                                 Nevertheless,     regression     analysis of the individual      ~i'
         :n                                                                                                      data indicated       a highly significant        dose-respo-g, )
        ~ 0.6
        lf)                                                                                                      correlation    (p < 0.001). Furthermore,       all mean ,salival
                                                                                                                 fluoride values for the Na2FP03 dentifrices were sigo             t; ,
                                                                                                                 nificantly higher than the corresponding           mean value I'
                                                                                                                 for the non-fluoride      control dentifrice (p < 0.01; anat. ,I
                                                                                                                 ysis of variance), and the saliva fluoride values for lhe 'i
                    ------------,.-----------,,-----------,                                                      dentifrices containing      1,500 and 2,500 ug fluoride per .!I,
                    o                         50                                100                       150
                                                                                                                 gram were significantly       higher than the values for the li
                    Time, days
                                                                                                                 dentifrice    with a fluoride       content     of 1,000 llg/g I>,i
               Fig. 3. Me~n equilibriurn             salivary        fluoride     concentration,        mea-     (p < 0.05; analysis ofvariance),                                 ~
        sured at least 18 h after last brushing, during                         daily use of Na2FPOJ
        dentifrices (bárs = 50). O = Placebo; À.                                = 1,000    ug F/g;                                                                                 i
        1,500 ug F/g;. = 2,500 ug F/g.
                                                                                                                    Discussion                                                     I
                                                                                                                     The salivary fluoride c1earance studies have shoWn
                                                                                                        than one process is in~olv.ed in fluoride re.I.,
                                                                                                                 tention 10 the mouth after application of a f1uoride ~, .
                                                                                                                 dentifrice.   Figure 2 indicates that cIearance            curves ~l'
                                                                                                                 were consistent with a two-compartrnent             open pha-,        i
                                                                                                                 macokinetic model, This model assumes three firs], i
                                                                                                                 order rate constants       which correspond       to processes t
                                                                                                                 for the elimination      of a therapeutic    agent from one .
                                                          (4)                                                    compartment      and for the uptake of the agent to, and .:
                                                                                                                 release from, a second compartment           [Wagner, 1975].           t
                                                                                                                     Following this model, a possible representation             of     I
                                                      Gut       E-f.{6[X.fL                                      the fate of fluoride in the mouth during and after ap-                 i
                                                                                                                 plication of a fluoride-containing        dentifrice is given
               Fig. 4. The Iate lir       fluoride    during         and after dentifrice          applica-
                                                                                                                 in figure 4. Five stages are identified: (1) during brush.
        tion. For further         expi:'üiatiaii   Sei: Disctrssion,
                                                                                                                 ing the dentifrice     becomes mixed with saliva in the
                                                                                                                 rnouth; (2) fluoride species are taken up by the oral f
               Table 2. Equilrbr1um    oral fluoride conéentl'âtiOrls                          during     tlre   tissues; (3) after 30-60 s a major fraction of the ap. )
        use ofNa1FPOJ      deritifrices (ntean ± SD; n •• 7)                                                     plíed fluoride is lost from the mouth when the bulk of '
                                                                                                                 the saliva/ dentifrice slurry is spat out and the mouth
        Na,FP03                              Saliva fluoride                          Plaque   fluoride
                                                                                                                 is rinsed with water; (4) the remaining              fluoride is
        (F, ,)                         umcl/!                                   ng/rng   wet weight
                                                                                                                 mostJy lost from the mouth by swallowing or is taken
                o                            OA3±o-.05                                1.46±0.27                  up by the oral tissues, and (5) as the salivary f1uoride
         1,000                               Ct15±O.06                                1.76 ± 0.55                concentration     decreases with time, the release 01' fluo.
         1.500                               O',8'4±O.05 },                           L93 ±O.57                  ride frorn the oral tissues is increasingly     favoured.
         2,500                               0.8'1 tO,09         .                    2.36:1: 1.20
                                                                                                                     The above scheme is probably broadly applicabls                '
                                                                                                                 to topically applied therapeutic      agents and, for exam-
               Saliva    values     c6tiiktte'd      by   the bar        are not signiflcaruly            dif-
                                                                                                                 ple, is similar to models considered for the oral dispo-
                                                                                                                 sition of antíplaque      agents [Gilbert et aI., 1987; van

rn               liva F!uoride from Dentifrices                                                                                                    127
:-..       ~    ----
~t             derOuderaa and Cummins,              1989]. For completeness,          centrations      which increased with the Na2FP03 COI1-
II     'I lht: distribution         of any ingested agent via the systemic            tent of dentifrices        for up to 2 h after application.
t      "   I   blood circulation should also be included [Ekstrand                    Qualitatively     similar findings were also reported by
1              c!al., 1986; van der Ouderaa and Cummins, 1989].                       Finidori and Lamendin [1980]. Bruun et al, [1987] fit-
1                  The sequ~r           fluoride uptake and release repre.-           ted cIearance curves obtained during the first 30 min
               ,.t1~        stages 2 a nd 5 can be viewed as the storage              after dentifrice     application     using the Weibull func-
               ~ase            O(]1uoride        (or monofluorophosphate)             tion. The present analysis appears to be generally ap-
               ir;-anatural        oral 'reserv()ir~ Thus, the initial rapid          plicable for a longer time period, up to 6 h in this
I !        I
               j;!il in saliv-aryfluoride~centration            IS most "i1<eTy       work, and is also more informative            about the mecha-
               clearance of fluoride frorn the mouth by swallowing                    nisms involved in oral fluoride retention.
               iísâ resilTt of Ifiecontiiiiious flow of saliva (stage 4).                 The present study has involved fluoride-containing
               T~d~tive                    y slow, clearance      phase is be-        dentifrices.     However, it would be expected that the
               I~e            dUe to fluo ri de, retained in the oral reser-          mode! should be applicable to salivary fluoride clear-
               ~pred~antl~in                        dentifrice    a   lication,      ance following the use of other topical fluoridé treat-
               ~sequently                   rel~~ed into the saliva (stage           ments. For example,           there have been a number of
               ') .                                                                   studies of fluoride clearance after use of NaF rnouth-
               ."Although     the above interpretation        may be simplis-         rinses [Aasenden et aI., 1968; Heintze and Petersson,
               tíc, the model clearly provides         an excellent represen-          1979; Bruun et aI., 1982; Zero et aI., 1988; Duckworth
               tation of the observed         salivary     fluoride    clearance      and Jones,        1989b]. The last mentioned             workers
               behaviour within the experimental             error of the mea-        showed that equation I could be applied to such clear-
               surernents. ln aIl robabilit          the o'       eservo·· C_Q -      ance curves.
               sists of a number of microreservoirs,           e.g., plaque, the          The two-phaseclearance           behaviour observed here .
               ~es           of gums, tongue, and cheeks, and stagna-                 is similar to the salivary clearance of the antiplaque
               tion zones between the teeth, under the tongue, and in                 agent tricIosan        reported    by Gilbert and Williams
               lhe buccaI sulcus. Recent in vitro work indicated that                 [1987]. These authors estimated            the half-lives of the
               lhe soft tissues might be the major reservoir for fluo-                first and second phases to be 27 and 145 min respec-
               rrde [Duckworth and Jones, 1989a], as has been sug-                    tively. The corresponding           mean half-lives obtained
               ges ted for the antiplaque      agent triclosan [Gilbert and           here fo-;--fluoride       are 8 and 195 min res ectively.
               Williarns 1987]. Some authors have postulated                  that    SfeeOrly et a!. [1985] also found two-phase saliv~ry
               lhe orally retained fluoride is stored ln the form of                  cIearance curves for sucrose and glucose. However, it
               (alclUm fluoride or calcium-fluoride-like                 material     should be noted that the initial phase described here
               ~n              et a!., 1981; R611a, 1988].                            most probably corresponds            to the second phase de-
                  The contribution        to whole saliva fluoride           from     scribed by the above authors. This phase is also the
               ductal saliva after a single dentifrice application             will   unstimulated       saliva cIearance      phase for sugar mo-
               be smai1. We estimate [Duckworth             et al., unpubl. ob-       delled by Dawes [1983].
               servatioh1 the arnount (lf íluoride ingested at the time                   The equilibrium       baseline fluoride levels attained in
               of dentifdce' application to be less than 10% of the ap-               the above clearance studies were very low « 1 umol
               plied dose, •.e., <0.225 mg frorn 1.5 g of a dentifrice                 F/I); in qualitativo agreement with Duckworth et al.
               contaif}írig 1,500 !-lg F/g. Oliveby et al. [1989} ob-                 [1987] who noted that the natural f1uoríde content of
               served that the maximurn           elevation     of the fluoride       the drinking water in this region is relatively low (1.4 . r
               concentration measured in unstimulated               whole saliva       umol/I), Of crucial importance            for the oral fluoride   - '/
                                                                                                   -"-                                                   i/
               50 min after ingestion of I mg fluoride was approxi-                    reservoir concept, however, is the observation           that the
               mately 0.8 urriol/I above the corresponding baseline                   baseline leve! itself was elevated during regular use of
               vaiue. Th:Ís elevation decreased to 0.24 urnol/I after                 nuoride dentifrices. 1n these studies fluoride ~ure-
               120min. Thus the contribution to the data of figure 2                  ments were made on samples of saliva and plaque col-
               is unlikely to be more than 0.2 and 0.05 umol/I at 50                   lected approximately         18 h after a dentifrice applica-
               and 120 rnin respectively.                                             tion. The elevatíon in saliva is unlikely to have been
                  The salivary       fluoride    clearance       behaviour     ob-     caused by systemic fluoride.            Ingram    and Morgan
               served here is similar to the results reported by Bruun                 [1987] found that the f1uoride concentration               in pa-
               et aI. [1984] who foundelevated          salivary fluoride con-        rotid saliva was approximately             80% of the value in
__________                   .                           .                              .                                     D_u_c_k_W.~

 whole saliva from subjects who had used a non-fluo-                       becomes 01' key importance     if it can be shown thar l~
ride dentifrice      regularly for 1 month. However, the                   observed low fluo ri de concentrations     can maintain 11
former concentration           did not change after repeated               protective effect against dental caries. This aspecj i"
daily use of a topical mouthrinse                 which contained          bethesu~ectofasubsequentpaper.                           •
 1,000 ug F/g, unlike the whole-saliva               fluoride value
[Ingram and Morgan, unpubl. observationJ.
     The relationship       between increasing           plaque flu-           Ref'erences
oride content and increasing applied dose is similar
to that previously         observed      for NaF mouthwashes               Aasenden R, Brudevold F, Richardson 13:Clearance 01' Ouori~~
[Duckworth       et al., 1987J. Birkeland [1972J and Main-                     from the mouth after ropical treatment 01' lhe use of a Ouorid.
waring [1976J also recorded increases in the plaque                            rnouthrinse, Arch Oral 13iol 1968; I3:625-636.                  .
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Oral fluoride retention after uso of fluoride dentifrices

  • 1. © 1991 S. Karger AO, Basel 0008-6568/9110252-0123 s 2.75/0 Cafies Res 1991 ;25: 123-129 R.M. Duckworth, S.N. Morgan' Unilever Dental Research, Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory, Bebington, UK Key Words. Dentifrice Fluoride· Kinetics· Monofluorophosphate, Oral f1uoride retention· Reservoir· S,divary clcara ncc Abstract. Fluoride is the only extensively clinically proven means of reducing dental cáries. Despire a !arge bodyof epidemiological data on the effectiveness of t1uoride, delivered in the form of dentifrices, mouthrinses, drinking water, etc., the precise mode of action of fluoride is not completeIy understood. The purpose of this p.lperis to report an investigation ofthe link between oral f1uoride levels and applied f1uoride dose from denti- rriCt:~, Hum an sulivary fluoride clearance studies and equilibrium baseline studies 01' fluoride in saliva and plaquc have been carried out with denti~'rices whicl: con~ained 1,0?O, I ,50? ~nd 2,5?0 ug fluo~ide per gram as , sodium monofluorophosphate, After a single brushing with a fluonde dentifrice, salivary fluonde decreased 111 111'0 distinct phases: an initial rapid phase which lasted for 40-80 min, depending on the individual, and a sec- ond slaw phase !asting for severa! hours. The Jatter phase is be!ieved to be due to fluoride released from an ora! Ouoride reservo ir. During regular repeated use ofthe test dentifrices, the equilibrium baseline f1uoride concen- ralion, attained in both saliva and plaque between one application and the next,increased significant!y com- pared with placebo values. Such e!evated baseline fluoride concentrations also increased with increasing Na:FP03 content 01' the dentifrices. The presentwork supports the concept that labile f1uoride, stored in an oral [luoride reservoir at the time oftreatment application, may maintain a prolonged protective effect against dental caries. Many countries have experienced dramatic reduc- et aI., 1986; Goorhuis and Purdell-Lewis, 1986; /' . , lions in caries prcvalence ave r the past 15 years or so. Schâfer, 1989]. Saliva is supersaturated with respect to "fhese reductions have often been related to lhe regu- the hydroxyapaÚte of tooth ename! and is a source of lar use ar flu(ji'i~·e (entífI'ices [Murra} and Rugg- c~lciu;n-and phClSpnat ·OU~ (o tbe_re ir õ( Gunn, 1982~ Matthtilet;· enson er ai., 985; enarnel lesions. Rolla and @gaatd,. i987}, the niajol'ity af which con- Certain authors have suggested that fluoride, even !aio sodium tiidtiôfluotophos hate and/or .!odium at low concentrations, Ís necessary in the oral fluids to nuori as the s0utces of uQÜde. õbtain rnaximum carie's inhibition and have con- Despite the large arnount of epidemiological data e udedth<rt continuous or frequent elevation of the on the anticaries effectiveness of fluoride, the precise mode of action of fluoride is not completely under- --- flu;ride concentratiõOin ~ the orãIfluid; - -- y"'antageous [Fejerskov et al., 1981; Ekstrand wouTclbeãd': -- ---; et aI., stood. There is 3ubstantial evidcnce that the presence 1986; Featherstone et al., 1986}. The retention offluo- I of fluorÍde ili the í1l'outh encourages the remíneraliza- ride in the mouth after application of dentalprodUcts I t~ar1 I lesiens [Gelharc.! and Arends, 1984; Mell- sucl;aSdentífr~ and ~OUthwashes may be asso- berg et al., 198$, 19S6; COrprOJ1 et al., 1986: de Kloet çjl!kd wíth an oral fluoride reservoir. Such a reservo ir ma serve as a store for fluoride which reIeases its J We thank DI'. P.T. Whittall for assistance with cornputer pro- co teIl!..s into saliva gradually and thereby potentially gramming. ,---. rnaintains a degres of protection against caries for a - :.~ ,.. .. . , . .i ;
  • 2. ·- 124 DuckworthiMorg~ I ~' '.~I -------- --,~! ~ 60 l buffer using 1987J. Saliva samples previously described collected procedures [Duckworth witl in 3 h after dentifrice et apPhc". " ~I~ al ' '~ Uo tion v:ere either treated with perchloric ~cid 01 incubated at 37 C ~l.·,. 50 overnight morder to ensure that any FPO'i ions were hydrolyzed Ia ffii o:> li> • F- before fluoride analysis, A feasibility study confírmed thlj I"' 4-0 known arnounts of Na1FP03 added to whole saliva were COl1venl'd . 'p completely to r by lhe latter procedure (fig. I). " ~' 30 Oral Clearance Studies '11 7-10 adult subjects used a non-fluoride dentifrice at home fOral least 10 days prior to, and during, lhe experimental period For each test, lhe subjects brushed with 1,5 g test dcntifrice for I mio o spat out lhe dentifrice/saliva slurry, and then rinsed their mOUt~ E for 5 s with 10 ml distilled water twice. Mixed saliva samplc" . =:: li. 10 (> 0.8 ml) were collected both bcfore dcntifricc application and a; t regular intervals Cor several hours afterwards, At least 2 day! ~ "' Q, ti:: O +--------.--------.-------r-----r-----, elapsed between applications er each test ?entifrice. Subjecis welt ~l O 5 10 15 20 25 asked not to drink tCJ 01' cal during iest pcriods, ~ Time, h '"1 , R Equilibrium Study Fig. 1. Break down of FPO~' to F" in hurnan whole saliva incu- The protocol was similar to that of a previous study involving bated at 37°e. Nominal initial FPO~- concentration 52.6 umol/I mouthwashes [Duckworth et al., 1987J. Briefly, 7 adults used a nOno (I pprn F). Symbols refer to different experiments. fluoride dentifrice for at least 2 weeks prior to the use of the teM dentifrices. The subjects then brushed with each test dentifrice daily for about 4 weeks. Samples of saliva and plaque were collected once per week, at least 18 h after the last brushing. The subjccls prolonged period. Fluoride which is present in the were not exposed to any other high-fluoride dose during the study, íii'Oiith in a labile form during a cariogenic challenge Curve Fiuing is JikeJy to be the most bcneficial. Both individual and mean oral fluoride clearance curves wcrc The work reported here seeks to determine whether fitted by computer (SAS PROC NLlN) using a non-lincar regres. the amount of l1uoride retained in the mouth is suffi- sion procedure [Marquardt, 1963] to the biexponential function cient to maintain a significantly elevated level of fluo- F, = A exp (-at) + B exp (-~t) ride between 01 e application of a dentifrice and the next. Oral fluoride studies have most often involved where F, is the salivary fluoride concentration at time t, and A, e, measurements ofthe fluoride content ofwhole-mouth B, and ~ are model parameters. In approximation A and B are lhe zero time intercepts, and a and ~ the slopes, of lhe first and second (rnixed) saliva and of plaque. In this work two types clearance phases of clearance curves respectively. Equation I is lhe of measurements have been rnade to investigate the solution for lhe so-called two-compartment open pharmacokinclic concentration of fluoride itUilli..Y.:J bét;ecn b[1lshing~ model originally applíed to lhe analysis of drug clcurance Crorn ~ - - ~it l-dentifoF-'. Oral clearance studies have moni- tored the decrssse in fluoride concentration with time blood [Wagner, 1975J, Arcas under each clearance ues) were calculated using the equation curve (AUC vaI. after a single dentifrice application, whilst equilib- rium studies have monitored changes in the baseline AUC = S F, dt = A/a + B/~ (2) o fluoride concentration during regular, repeated use of dentifrices. The dentifrices used in the studies re- The half-lives of each clearance phase were calculated using the ported here contained sodium monofluorophosphate respective expressions tl/2 (I) = 0.693/a, and tl/2 (2) = 0.693/p. ! ~ . as the fluoride some. Results Materials arid Mefhods Salivary Fluoride Clearance The test dentifrices contained 1,000, 1,500, and 2,500 Ilg fluo- The shape of salivary fluoride clearance curves was ride per gram as Na)"POj in an alumina base and were identical to formulations tesred iü a 3-yeàl' caries clinical trial [Stephen et al., similar after a single brushing with any of the denti. 1988], Fluoride conteuts of saliva and plaque were rneasured by frices tested. Typical mean data for 10 subjects who means 01' a fluoride lon: speciíic electrode in the presence ofTISAB had used a dentifrice containing 1,500 ug fluoride per
  • 3. ... livaFluoride from Dentifrices 125 :;..-- .., r:lm as Na2FPO, are shown in figure 2. Total ionic 200 J _"-----',r , ~uoride co~centration .(F- +, FPO~- íons) is plot~ed on .dogarithmlc scale against time and decreased m two 100 ~ 'o dlstinct phases. During the first phase, which !asted for 40-80 min depending on the individual, the mean i,;livary fluoride concentration decreased rapidly 1 A ~r(11!1a. 200 to ca. 4 umol/L During the second phase, c lhe salivary fluoride concentration decreased rela- I 'Ii'ely slowly and reached 0.95 umol/I after 3 h. As ,:1 part of the dose-response study mentioned below, 7 I 5ubjects used the same dentifrice and the average I, Ouoride concentration during the second c1earance p ase decreased to 0.58 umol/I after 6 h. 1.0 ! The comparison in figure 2 between the mean 0,5 --fl----~ '----,---------;,,-----~ ! ' e~perimental data points and the curve derived using o 50 100 150 200 ; quation 1 indicates that the chosen pharmacokinetic Time, min i modelis appropriate. The quality of fit was excellent Fig. 2. Mean salivary fluoride clearance curve after use of 1,500 (r'" 0.999) and values of r2> 0.99 were consistently flg F/g NazFPOJ dentifrice (n = 10). O = Experimental data (bars observed for the individual c1earance data. = SD); - = computer-fitted model curve. Results for à dose-response study in which 7 sub- jects used each dentifrice are summarized in table I in Table 1. Dependence of clearance curve parameters on the ~ermsofthe model pararneters AUC and B. These pa- Na2FP03 content of dentifrices (mean ± SD; n = 7) meters are measures of the overall amount of fluo- ride in the mouth and the amount of fluoride asso- Na2FPO, ParameterB AUC t,12(1) t,nC2) ~iated with the second c1earance phase respectively. (F, ug /g) (F, umcl/I)" (mmol F/I- min)" rnin min Linear regression analysis showed the increase in 1,000 1.48 (+ 0.73) ]1.9J (+ 0.36) 9.1 ±2.2 244.9± 84.3 b'oth parameters with increasing Na2FP03 content of (- 0.47) (- 0.30) dentifrices to be highly significant on an individual 1.88 (+ 0.85) 2.22 (+ 0,42) 9.0±2,4 1,500 197.2±50,0 basis (p<O.OOOi) The rnean AUC and B values for (- 0.57) (_. 0.35) lhe dentifrice with a fluoride content of 2,500 ~tg/g 2,500 3.03 (+ 1,43) 3.87 (+ 0.73) 6.5 ± 2-8 141.9 ± 34.8 IVere significantly difTerent from corresponding val- (- 0.98) (- 0.61) ues for the 1,000- and 1,500-flg F/g dentifrices a Values are antilogs of logarithmic mean values ofthc individual (P<0.02; analysis of variance). Furthermore, the ma- data. The 2,500-).1g/g values are significantly different from lhe ;ority of individual AUC (6/7) and B (517) values values connected by lhe bar (p < 0.02; analysis ofvariance). ~verehígher after use of the 1,500 ug FI g dentifrice -------------- than after use of the dentifrice with a fluoride content ,11'1,000 !lg/g. efes'p'ife the rrtean difference being not statistically significànt. AO mean B values were signif- oride derttifrices relative to a non-F control dentifrice. icantly above the mean baseline fluoride concentra- Figure 3 shows that the rnean salivary fluoride con- [iOIlof 0.46 !J.l1101/1 rneasured in saliva sarnples taken centration increased steadily to a plateau after about 2 before dentifrice application. The mean half-lives of weeks of daily brushing with the dentífrice containing each cleurance phase are also listed in table l. The 1,000 ug fluoride per gramo This pattern was repeated value of t 1/2 (2) for the 2,500-flg fluoride group was sig- with each dentifrice tested. When brushing with a flu- nificantly less than the corresponding value for lhe oride dentifrice stopped, the baseline salivary f1uoride grOUPusing a dentifrice with a Iluoride content 01' concentration returned to its original value which had !,OOO!J.g/g (p < 0.05). been attained using the non-fluoride controI denti- frice. Table 2 summarizes the mean equilibrium pla- ::í Equilibrium Study teau values obtained for each test dentifrice in both i The baseline salivar)' fluoride concentration in- saliva and plaque. Both saliva and plaque fluoride creased mark edly during regular, repeated use of flu- values incrcased with increasing Na2FP03 content of
  • 4. r 'l i [26 Duckworlh/Morg· !lI ~1;' ~! ~ 12l the dentifrices. As reported previously [Duckworth tl ',,~ al., 1989], linear regression analysis of the individua;j plaque fluoride data gave a statistically significan; o '°1 I correlation coefficient of 0.433 (p < 0.025; F test). 10 contrast to the plaque results, it can be seen from,! table 2 that the mean equilibrium saliva íluoride COr,. E 0.8 a, centration tended to plateau at high fluoride dose. LL' '" Nevertheless, regression analysis of the individual ~i' :n data indicated a highly significant dose-respo-g, ) ~ 0.6 '" lf) correlation (p < 0.001). Furthermore, all mean ,salival fluoride values for the Na2FP03 dentifrices were sigo t; , nificantly higher than the corresponding mean value I' for the non-fluoride control dentifrice (p < 0.01; anat. ,I ysis of variance), and the saliva fluoride values for lhe 'i ------------,.-----------,,-----------, dentifrices containing 1,500 and 2,500 ug fluoride per .!I, o 50 100 150 gram were significantly higher than the values for the li Time, days dentifrice with a fluoride content of 1,000 llg/g I>,i Fig. 3. Me~n equilibriurn salivary fluoride concentration, mea- (p < 0.05; analysis ofvariance), ~ sured at least 18 h after last brushing, during daily use of Na2FPOJ dentifrices (bárs = 50). O = Placebo; À. = 1,000 ug F/g; i 1,500 ug F/g;. = 2,500 ug F/g. Discussion I The salivary fluoride c1earance studies have shoWn than one process is in~olv.ed in fluoride re.I., "I tention 10 the mouth after application of a f1uoride ~, . dentifrice. Figure 2 indicates that cIearance curves ~l' were consistent with a two-compartrnent open pha-, i macokinetic model, This model assumes three firs], i order rate constants which correspond to processes t for the elimination of a therapeutic agent from one . (4) compartment and for the uptake of the agent to, and .: release from, a second compartment [Wagner, 1975]. t Following this model, a possible representation of I Gut E-f.{6[X.fL the fate of fluoride in the mouth during and after ap- i plication of a fluoride-containing dentifrice is given Fig. 4. The Iate lir fluoride during and after dentifrice applica- in figure 4. Five stages are identified: (1) during brush. tion. For further expi:'üiatiaii Sei: Disctrssion, ing the dentifrice becomes mixed with saliva in the rnouth; (2) fluoride species are taken up by the oral f Table 2. Equilrbr1um oral fluoride conéentl'âtiOrls during tlre tissues; (3) after 30-60 s a major fraction of the ap. ) use ofNa1FPOJ deritifrices (ntean ± SD; n •• 7) plíed fluoride is lost from the mouth when the bulk of ' the saliva/ dentifrice slurry is spat out and the mouth Na,FP03 Saliva fluoride Plaque fluoride is rinsed with water; (4) the remaining fluoride is (F, ,) umcl/! ng/rng wet weight mostJy lost from the mouth by swallowing or is taken o OA3±o-.05 1.46±0.27 up by the oral tissues, and (5) as the salivary f1uoride 1,000 Ct15±O.06 1.76 ± 0.55 concentration decreases with time, the release 01' fluo. 1.500 O',8'4±O.05 }, L93 ±O.57 ride frorn the oral tissues is increasingly favoured. 2,500 0.8'1 tO,09 . 2.36:1: 1.20 The above scheme is probably broadly applicabls ' to topically applied therapeutic agents and, for exam- Saliva values c6tiiktte'd by the bar are not signiflcaruly dif- ple, is similar to models considered for the oral dispo- ferenl. sition of antíplaque agents [Gilbert et aI., 1987; van t
  • 5. rn liva F!uoride from Dentifrices 127 :-.. ~ ---- ~t derOuderaa and Cummins, 1989]. For completeness, centrations which increased with the Na2FP03 COI1- II 'I lht: distribution of any ingested agent via the systemic tent of dentifrices for up to 2 h after application. t " I blood circulation should also be included [Ekstrand Qualitatively similar findings were also reported by 1 c!al., 1986; van der Ouderaa and Cummins, 1989]. Finidori and Lamendin [1980]. Bruun et al, [1987] fit- 1 The sequ~r fluoride uptake and release repre.- ted cIearance curves obtained during the first 30 min ,.t1~ stages 2 a nd 5 can be viewed as the storage after dentifrice application using the Weibull func- ~ase O(]1uoride (or monofluorophosphate) tion. The present analysis appears to be generally ap- ir;-anatural oral 'reserv()ir~ Thus, the initial rapid plicable for a longer time period, up to 6 h in this I ! I j;!il in saliv-aryfluoride~centration IS most "i1<eTy work, and is also more informative about the mecha- clearance of fluoride frorn the mouth by swallowing nisms involved in oral fluoride retention. iísâ resilTt of Ifiecontiiiiious flow of saliva (stage 4). The present study has involved fluoride-containing T~d~tive y slow, clearance phase is be- dentifrices. However, it would be expected that the I~e dUe to fluo ri de, retained in the oral reser- mode! should be applicable to salivary fluoride clear- ~pred~antl~in dentifrice a lication, ance following the use of other topical fluoridé treat- ~sequently rel~~ed into the saliva (stage ments. For example, there have been a number of ') . studies of fluoride clearance after use of NaF rnouth- ."Although the above interpretation may be simplis- rinses [Aasenden et aI., 1968; Heintze and Petersson, tíc, the model clearly provides an excellent represen- 1979; Bruun et aI., 1982; Zero et aI., 1988; Duckworth tation of the observed salivary fluoride clearance and Jones, 1989b]. The last mentioned workers behaviour within the experimental error of the mea- showed that equation I could be applied to such clear- surernents. ln aIl robabilit the o' eservo·· C_Q - ance curves. sists of a number of microreservoirs, e.g., plaque, the The two-phaseclearance behaviour observed here . ~es of gums, tongue, and cheeks, and stagna- is similar to the salivary clearance of the antiplaque tion zones between the teeth, under the tongue, and in agent tricIosan reported by Gilbert and Williams lhe buccaI sulcus. Recent in vitro work indicated that [1987]. These authors estimated the half-lives of the lhe soft tissues might be the major reservoir for fluo- first and second phases to be 27 and 145 min respec- rrde [Duckworth and Jones, 1989a], as has been sug- tively. The corresponding mean half-lives obtained ges ted for the antiplaque agent triclosan [Gilbert and here fo-;--fluoride are 8 and 195 min res ectively. Williarns 1987]. Some authors have postulated that SfeeOrly et a!. [1985] also found two-phase saliv~ry lhe orally retained fluoride is stored ln the form of cIearance curves for sucrose and glucose. However, it (alclUm fluoride or calcium-fluoride-like material should be noted that the initial phase described here ~n et a!., 1981; R611a, 1988]. most probably corresponds to the second phase de- The contribution to whole saliva fluoride from scribed by the above authors. This phase is also the ductal saliva after a single dentifrice application will unstimulated saliva cIearance phase for sugar mo- be smai1. We estimate [Duckworth et al., unpubl. ob- delled by Dawes [1983]. servatioh1 the arnount (lf íluoride ingested at the time The equilibrium baseline fluoride levels attained in of dentifdce' application to be less than 10% of the ap- the above clearance studies were very low « 1 umol plied dose, •.e., <0.225 mg frorn 1.5 g of a dentifrice F/I); in qualitativo agreement with Duckworth et al. contaif}írig 1,500 !-lg F/g. Oliveby et al. [1989} ob- [1987] who noted that the natural f1uoríde content of served that the maximurn elevation of the fluoride the drinking water in this region is relatively low (1.4 . r concentration measured in unstimulated whole saliva umol/I), Of crucial importance for the oral fluoride - '/ -"- i/ 50 min after ingestion of I mg fluoride was approxi- reservoir concept, however, is the observation that the mately 0.8 urriol/I above the corresponding baseline baseline leve! itself was elevated during regular use of vaiue. Th:Ís elevation decreased to 0.24 urnol/I after nuoride dentifrices. 1n these studies fluoride ~ure- 120min. Thus the contribution to the data of figure 2 ments were made on samples of saliva and plaque col- is unlikely to be more than 0.2 and 0.05 umol/I at 50 lected approximately 18 h after a dentifrice applica- and 120 rnin respectively. tion. The elevatíon in saliva is unlikely to have been The salivary fluoride clearance behaviour ob- caused by systemic fluoride. Ingram and Morgan served here is similar to the results reported by Bruun [1987] found that the f1uoride concentration in pa- et aI. [1984] who foundelevated salivary fluoride con- rotid saliva was approximately 80% of the value in
  • 6. I __________ . . . D_u_c_k_W.~ whole saliva from subjects who had used a non-fluo- becomes 01' key importance if it can be shown thar l~ ride dentifrice regularly for 1 month. However, the observed low fluo ri de concentrations can maintain 11 former concentration did not change after repeated protective effect against dental caries. This aspecj i" daily use of a topical mouthrinse which contained bethesu~ectofasubsequentpaper. • 1,000 ug F/g, unlike the whole-saliva fluoride value [Ingram and Morgan, unpubl. observationJ. The relationship between increasing plaque flu- Ref'erences oride content and increasing applied dose is similar to that previously observed for NaF mouthwashes Aasenden R, Brudevold F, Richardson 13:Clearance 01' Ouori~~ [Duckworth et al., 1987J. Birkeland [1972J and Main- from the mouth after ropical treatment 01' lhe use of a Ouorid. waring [1976J also recorded increases in the plaque rnouthrinse, Arch Oral 13iol 1968; I3:625-636. . Birkeland JM: Fluoride content of dental plaque after brushin ' lluoride concentration after regular use of dentifrices with a fluoride denlifrice. Scand.J Dent Res 1972;80:80-81. ! ê~taining 1,000 ll.g F/g, as NaF andNa2FPO,,;:;; Bruun C, Givskov H, Thylstrup A: Whole saliva fluoride afttt spectively, reI ative to non-fluoride controls. toothbrusbing with NaF and MFP dentifrices with different r 'The mean equilibrium saliva f1uoride -concentra- concentrations, Caries Res 1984:282-288. tions measured in the present dentifrice study are Bruun C, Larnbrou D, Larsen MJ, Fejerskov O, Thylstrup A: Fluo. ride in mixed human saliva after different topical fluoride lreai. lower than those reported in a previous mouthwash ments and possible relation to caries inhibition. Communit study [Duckworth et al., 1987]. This difference is con- Dent Oral EpidemioI1982;10:124-129. . sistent with the corresponding plaque f1uoride data. Bruun C, Qvist V, Thylstrup A: Effect of flavour and detergent 00 Duckworth et al. [1989] suggested that the accumula- fluoride availability in whole saliva after use of NaF and MFP tion of lower levels of fluoride in p!aque during regu- dentifrices. Caries Res 1987;21 :427-434. Corpron RE, More FJ, Clark JW: In vivo remineralisation of artifi. lar dentifrice use than during regular mouthwash use cial enamel lesions by a fluoride dentifrice 01' mouthrinse. could have been because of either the different modes Caries Res 1986;20:48-55. of application 01' interactions of lluoride with other Dawes C: Avrnathematical model of salivar)' c1earance of su ar formulation components in the dentifrices. Either ar Irorn the oral cavity. Caries Res 1983; 17:321-334. both 01' these possibilities could be responsible for the Duckworth RM, Jones S: On the interaction between f1uorine spe. cies and oral soft tissue. J Dent Res I989a;68:560. ' lower equilibrium saliva fluoride concentrations Duckworth RM, Jorres S: On the relationship betwecn salivar found in lhe current dentifrice study. fluoride c1earance and the rate of salivary Ilow, Caries Re's The tendency of the saliva fluoride concentration 1989b;23:43 7-438. . during the equilibrium study to plateau at high ap- Duckworth RM, Morgan SN, Burchell CK: Fluoride in plaque foi. ~ plied fluoride dose was not observed with the corre- lowing use 01' dentifrices containing sodium moncfluorophs., phate. J Dent Res 1989;68: 130-133, sponding plaque lluoride concentrations nor with the Duckworth RM, Morgan SN, Murray AM: Fluoride in saliva <Ind saliva lluoride concentration observed in the previous plaque following use of fluoride-containing mouthwashes. J mouthwash study. The reason for this behaviour is Dent Res 1987;66:1730-1734. not understood. 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