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TI1220 2012-2013
Concepts of Programming Languages
Eelco Visser / TU Delft
Lecture 9: Parsing & Interpretation
Syntax and Semantics
Names, Bindings, and Scopes
Data Types
Functional Programming
First-class Functions
Traits & Type Parameterization
Parsing and Interpretation
Data Abstraction / Modular Programming
Functional Programming Redux
Concurrent Programming
Domain-Specific Languages
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Basics of
eval(parse(exp)) == value
Syntax + Semantics
“The syntax of a programming language is
the form of its expressions, statements,
and program units.”
Sebesta Ch3
let y = 3
in (let inc = fun(x){ x + y }
in (let y = 11
in (inc 2)))
let g = fun(f){ f(3) }
in (let h = fun(x){ x + 5 }
in (g h))
Example Language
Exp = Exp '+' Exp1 // addition
| Exp1
Exp1 = Exp1 Exp0 // function application
| Exp0
Exp0 = '(' Exp ') // parentheses
| 'fun' '(' ident ')' '{' // function literal
| 'let' ident '=' Exp // let binding
'in' Exp0
| ident // identifier
| number // number
Context-free Grammar
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp
case class App(funExpr: Exp, arg: Exp) extends Exp
case class Fun(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Exp
case class Let(name: Symbol, bound: Exp, body: Exp) extends Exp
case class Id(name: Symbol) extends Exp
case class Num(n: Int) extends Exp
Exp = Exp '+' Exp1
| Exp1
Exp1 = Exp1 Exp0
| Exp0
Exp0 = '(' Exp ')
| 'fun' '(' ident ')' '{'
| 'let' ident '=' Exp
'in' Exp0
| ident
| number
From Concrete to
Abstract Syntax
Sentence AST
1 + 2 Add(Num(1),Num(2))
foo bar baz App(App(Id('foo), Id('bar)), Id('baz))
fun(foo){ bar baz } Fun('foo, App(Id('bar), Id('baz)))
fun(x){ x + 1 } Fun('x, Add(Id('x), Num(1)))
let inc = fun(x){
x + 1
in (inc 3)
Fun('x, Add(Id('x), Num(1))),
App(Id('inc), Num(3)))
From Concrete to
Abstract Syntax
def parse(text: String): Exp
Approaches to constructing parsers
★ roll your own (recursive descent)
★ parser generator
★ parser combinators
Parser Combinators
Arithmetic Expressions
(1 + 4) * 7 / 34 - 3
expr ::= term { "+" term | "-" term }.
term ::= factor {"*" factor | "/" factor }.
factor ::= floatingPointNumber | "(" expr ")".
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[Any] = term~rep("+"~term | "-"~term)
def term: Parser[Any] = factor~rep("*"~factor | "/"~factor)
def factor: Parser[Any] = floatingPointNumber | "("~expr~")"
expr ::= term { "+" term | "-" term }.
term ::= factor {"*" factor | "/" factor }.
factor ::= floatingPointNumber | "(" expr ")".
Parser combinators
★ Sequential composition: p ~ q
★ Repetition: rep( p )
★ Alternative: p | q
Full API:
(1 + 4) * 7
[[1.12] parsed:
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp
case class Op(op: String, e: Exp) extends Exp
case class OpList(e: Exp, es: List[Exp]) extends Exp
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[Exp] =
term ~ rep( "+" ~> term ^^ { case e => Op("+", e) } ) ^^
{ case e~es => OpList(e, es) }
def term: Parser[Exp] =
factor ~ rep( "*" ~> factor ^^ { case e => Op("*", e) } ) ^^
{ case e~es => OpList(e, es) }
def factor: Parser[Exp] =
floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } |
"(" ~> expr <~ ")"
object ParseExpr extends Arith {
def parse(exp: String): Exp =
parseAll(expr, exp).get
Constructing ASTs
(1 + 3)
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp
case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[Exp] =
expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term
def term: Parser[Exp] =
term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor
def factor: Parser[Exp] =
floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } |
"(" ~> expr <~ ")"
(1 + 3)
Binary Productions
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp
case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr: Parser[Exp] =
expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term
def term: Parser[Exp] =
term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor
def factor: Parser[Exp] =
floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } |
"(" ~> expr <~ ")"
(1 + 3)
Status: RunningFailure
Test score: 0/-1
Binary Productions
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp
case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
lazy val expr: PackratParser[Exp] =
expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term
lazy val term: PackratParser[Exp] =
factor ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor
lazy val factor: PackratParser[Exp] =
floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } |
"(" ~> expr <~ ")"
(1 + 4) * 7
Packrat Parser
"address book": {
"name": "John Smith",
"address": {
"street": "10 Market Street",
"city" : "San Francisco, CA",
"zip" : 94111
"phone numbers": [
"408 3384238",
"408 1116892"
address book -> Map(
name -> John Smith,
address -> Map(
street -> 10 Market Street,
city -> San Francisco, CA,
zip -> 94111),
phone numbers ->
List(408 3384238, 408 1116892)
Parsing JSON
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class JSON1 extends JavaTokenParsers {
def obj: Parser[Map[String, Any]] =
"{" ~> repsep(member, ",") <~ "}" ^^ (Map() ++ _)
def arr: Parser[List[Any]] =
"[" ~> repsep(value, ",") <~ "]"
def member: Parser[(String, Any)] =
stringLiteral ~ ":" ~ value ^^
{ case name ~ ":" ~ value => (name, value) }
def value: Parser[Any] = (
| arr
| stringLiteral
| floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toDouble)
| "null" ^^ (x => null)
| "true" ^^ (x => true)
| "false" ^^ (x => false))
JSON Parser
Parser Combinators
✦ "..." literal
✦ "...".r regular expression
✦ P~Q sequential composition
✦ P <~ Q, P ~> Q sequential composition; keep left/right only
✦ P | Q alternative
✦ opt(P) option
✦ rep(P) repetition
✦ repsep(P, Q) interleaved repetition
✦ P ˆˆ f result conversion
Example Language
object ExpParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
lazy val exp: PackratParser[Exp] =
(exp <~ "+") ~ exp1 ^^ { case lhs~rhs => Add(lhs, rhs) } |
lazy val exp1: PackratParser[Exp] =
(exp1 ~ exp0) ^^ { case lhs~rhs => App(lhs, rhs) } |
lazy val exp0: PackratParser[Exp] =
number | identifier | function | letBinding |
"(" ~> exp <~ ")"
// ...
def parse(text: String) = parseAll(exp, text)
def number: PackratParser[Exp] =
wholeNumber ^^ { x => Num(x.toInt) }
def function: PackratParser[Exp] =
("fun" ~ "(") ~> ident ~ ((")" ~ "{") ~> (exp <~ "}")) ^^
{ case x~e => Fun(Symbol(x), e) }
Function Literal
def letBinding: PackratParser[Exp] =
(("let" ~> ident) ~ ("=" ~> exp)) ~ ("in" ~> exp0) ^^
{ case x~e1~e2 => Let(Symbol(x), e1, e2) }
Let Binding
Reserved Words
def identifier: PackratParser[Exp] =
not(reserved) ~> ident ^^ { x => Id(Symbol(x)) }
def reserved: PackratParser[String] =
"letb".r | "inb".r | "funb".r
Implementing Parser
package scala.util.parsing.combinator
trait Parsers {
type Parser[T] = Input => ParseResult[T]
type Input = Reader[Elem]
type Elem
// definition of parser combinators
Parser Trait
sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T]
case class Success[T](result: T, in: Input)
extends ParseResult[T]
case class Failure(msg: String, in: Input)
extends ParseResult[Nothing]
Parse Result
abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T])
{ p =>
// An unspecified method that defines
// the behavior of this parser.
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[T]
def ~ // ...
def | // ...
// ...
def elem(kind: String, p: Elem => Boolean) =
new Parser[Elem] {
def apply(in: Input) =
if (p(in.first)) Success(in.first,
else Failure(kind + " expected", in)
Single Element Parser
abstract class Parser[+T] //...
{ p =>
def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]) = new Parser[T~U] {
def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match {
case Success(x, in1) =>
q(in1) match {
case Success(y, in2) => Success(new ~(x, y), in2)
case failure => failure
case failure => failure
Sequential Composition
def | (q: => Parser[T]) = new Parser[T] {
def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match {
case s1 @ Success(_, _) => s1
case failure => q(in)
Alternative Composition
def ^^ [U](f: T => U): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match {
case Success(x, in1) => Success(f(x), in1)
case failure => failure
Result Conversion
Chapter 33: more combinators
“The semantics of a programming language
is the meaning of its expressions,
statements, and program units.”
Sebesta Ch3
Static Semantics: (context-senstive)
restriction of the set of valid programs
Dynamic Semantics: run-time
behaviour of a program
def eval(exp: Exp): Value
dynamic behaviour of Exp programs
def testCalc {
expect(numV(48)) {
42 + 2 + 4
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Num(n: Int) extends Exp
case class Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp
sealed abstract class Value
case class numV(n: Int) extends Value
def plus(l: Value, r: Value) = l match {
case numV(n) => r match {
case numV(m) => numV(n + m)
case _ => sys.error("Cannot add non-number")
def eval(exp: Exp): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l), eval(r))
Let Bindingdef testLet {
expect(numV(42)) {
let x = 40
in (x + 2)
def testLetShadow {
expect(numV(?)) {
let x = 40
in (let y = 4
in (let x = 3 in (x + y)))
sealed abstract class Env
case class mtEnv() extends Env
case class bind(boundName: Symbol, boundValue: Value, rest: Env)
extends Env
def lookup(name: Symbol, env: Env): Value = env match {
case mtEnv() =>
sys.error("Lookup of " + name + " in empty environment")
case bind(boundName, boundValue, rest) =>
if(boundName == name) boundValue else lookup(name, rest)
def eval(exp: Exp): Value = eval(exp, mtEnv())
def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env))
case Id(name) => lookup(name, env)
case Let(name, e1, e2) =>
eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env))
Evaluating Let Bindings
def testFun1 {
expect(numV(5)) {
let inc = fun(x){ x + 1 }
in (inc 4)
def testFun2 {
expect(numV(5)) {
let y = 3
in (let inc = fun(x){ x + y }
in (let y = 11 in (inc 2)))
sealed abstract class Value
case class numV(n: Int) extends Value
case class funV(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Value
def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env))
case Id(name) => lookup(name, env)
case Let(name, e1, e2) =>
eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env))
case Fun(name, body) => funV(name, body)
case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match {
case funV(name, body) =>
eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env))
case _ => sys.error("Function expected")
sealed abstract class Value
case class numV(n: Int) extends Value
case class funV(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Value
def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env))
case Id(name) => lookup(name, env)
case Let(name, e1, e2) =>
eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env))
case Fun(name, body) => funV(name, body)
case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match {
case funV(name, body) =>
eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env))
case _ => sys.error("Function expected")
FunctionsDynamic Scoping
sealed abstract class Value
case class numV(n: Int) extends Value
case class closureV(param: Symbol, body: Exp, env: Env)
extends Value
def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match {
case Num(v) => numV(v)
case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env))
case Id(name) => lookup(name, env)
case Let(name, e1, e2) =>
eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env))
case Fun(name, body) => closureV(name, body, env)
case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match {
case closureV(name, body, env2) =>
eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env2))
case _ => sys.error("Closure expected")
Functions with Closures
Reading & Programming in Week 9
Sebesta Chapter 4: Lexical and Syntactic Analysis
Scala Chapter 33: Combinator Parsing
Week 10: Components
Graded Assignment 2: (deadline 14 May 2013, 23:59)
Graded Assignment 3: (deadline 31 May 2013, 23:59)

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Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory ManagementEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | InterpretersCompiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | InterpretersEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code GenerationCompiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code GenerationEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual MachinesCompiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual MachinesEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone FrameworksCompiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone FrameworksEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow AnalysisCompiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow AnalysisEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type ConstraintsCompiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type ConstraintsEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type CheckingCompiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type CheckingEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static AnalysisCompiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static AnalysisEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingCompiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing Eelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor Services
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor ServicesCompiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor Services
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor ServicesEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax Definition
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax DefinitionCompiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax Definition
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax DefinitionEelco Visser

Plus de Eelco Visser (20)

CS4200 2019 | Lecture 4 | Syntactic Services
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CS4200 2019 | Lecture 3 | Parsing
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A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation Rules
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A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation Rules
Declarative Type System Specification with Statix
Declarative Type System Specification with StatixDeclarative Type System Specification with Statix
Declarative Type System Specification with Statix
Compiler Construction | Lecture 17 | Beyond Compiler Construction
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Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | InterpretersCompiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code GenerationCompiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual MachinesCompiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone FrameworksCompiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow AnalysisCompiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type ConstraintsCompiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type CheckingCompiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static AnalysisCompiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingCompiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing
Compiler Construction | Lecture 4 | Parsing
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor Services
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor ServicesCompiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor Services
Compiler Construction | Lecture 3 | Syntactic Editor Services
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax Definition
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax DefinitionCompiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax Definition
Compiler Construction | Lecture 2 | Declarative Syntax Definition

TI1220 Lecture 9: Parsing & interpretation

  • 1. TI1220 2012-2013 Concepts of Programming Languages Eelco Visser / TU Delft Lecture 9: Parsing & Interpretation
  • 2. Syntax and Semantics Names, Bindings, and Scopes Storage Data Types Functional Programming First-class Functions Polymorphism Traits & Type Parameterization Parsing and Interpretation Data Abstraction / Modular Programming Functional Programming Redux Concurrency Concurrent Programming Domain-Specific Languages Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Basics of Scala JavaScript C
  • 5. “The syntax of a programming language is the form of its expressions, statements, and program units.” Sebesta Ch3
  • 6. let y = 3 in (let inc = fun(x){ x + y } in (let y = 11 in (inc 2))) let g = fun(f){ f(3) } in (let h = fun(x){ x + 5 } in (g h)) Example Language
  • 7. Exp = Exp '+' Exp1 // addition | Exp1 Exp1 = Exp1 Exp0 // function application | Exp0 Exp0 = '(' Exp ') // parentheses | 'fun' '(' ident ')' '{' // function literal Exp '}' | 'let' ident '=' Exp // let binding 'in' Exp0 | ident // identifier | number // number Context-free Grammar
  • 8. sealed abstract class Exp case class Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp case class App(funExpr: Exp, arg: Exp) extends Exp case class Fun(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Exp case class Let(name: Symbol, bound: Exp, body: Exp) extends Exp case class Id(name: Symbol) extends Exp case class Num(n: Int) extends Exp Exp = Exp '+' Exp1 | Exp1 Exp1 = Exp1 Exp0 | Exp0 Exp0 = '(' Exp ') | 'fun' '(' ident ')' '{' Exp '}' | 'let' ident '=' Exp 'in' Exp0 | ident | number From Concrete to Abstract Syntax
  • 9. Sentence AST 1 + 2 Add(Num(1),Num(2)) foo bar baz App(App(Id('foo), Id('bar)), Id('baz)) fun(foo){ bar baz } Fun('foo, App(Id('bar), Id('baz))) fun(x){ x + 1 } Fun('x, Add(Id('x), Num(1))) let inc = fun(x){ x + 1 } in (inc 3) Let('inc, Fun('x, Add(Id('x), Num(1))), App(Id('inc), Num(3))) From Concrete to Abstract Syntax
  • 11. Approaches to constructing parsers ★ roll your own (recursive descent) ★ parser generator ★ parser combinators
  • 13. Arithmetic Expressions (1 + 4) * 7 / 34 - 3 expr ::= term { "+" term | "-" term }. term ::= factor {"*" factor | "/" factor }. factor ::= floatingPointNumber | "(" expr ")".
  • 14. import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers { def expr: Parser[Any] = term~rep("+"~term | "-"~term) def term: Parser[Any] = factor~rep("*"~factor | "/"~factor) def factor: Parser[Any] = floatingPointNumber | "("~expr~")" } expr ::= term { "+" term | "-" term }. term ::= factor {"*" factor | "/" factor }. factor ::= floatingPointNumber | "(" expr ")". Parser combinators ★ Sequential composition: p ~ q ★ Repetition: rep( p ) ★ Alternative: p | q Full API:
  • 15. (1 + 4) * 7 [[1.12] parsed: (((((~((1~List())~List((+~(4~List())))))~))~List((*~7)))~List())]
  • 16. sealed abstract class Exp case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp case class Op(op: String, e: Exp) extends Exp case class OpList(e: Exp, es: List[Exp]) extends Exp import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers { def expr: Parser[Exp] = term ~ rep( "+" ~> term ^^ { case e => Op("+", e) } ) ^^ { case e~es => OpList(e, es) } def term: Parser[Exp] = factor ~ rep( "*" ~> factor ^^ { case e => Op("*", e) } ) ^^ { case e~es => OpList(e, es) } def factor: Parser[Exp] = floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" } object ParseExpr extends Arith { def parse(exp: String): Exp = parseAll(expr, exp).get } Constructing ASTs
  • 18. sealed abstract class Exp case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers { def expr: Parser[Exp] = expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term def term: Parser[Exp] = term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor def factor: Parser[Exp] = floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" } (1 + 3) Binary Productions
  • 19. sealed abstract class Exp case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers { def expr: Parser[Exp] = expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term def term: Parser[Exp] = term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor def factor: Parser[Exp] = floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" } (1 + 3) Status: RunningFailure Test score: 0/-1 Binary Productions
  • 20. sealed abstract class Exp case class Num(n: Double) extends Exp case class BinOp(op: String, l: Exp, r: Exp) extends Exp import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class Arith extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers { lazy val expr: PackratParser[Exp] = expr ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("+", e, t) } | term lazy val term: PackratParser[Exp] = factor ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case e~t => BinOp("*", e, t) } | factor lazy val factor: PackratParser[Exp] = floatingPointNumber ^^ { case n => Num(n.toDouble) } | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" } (1 + 4) * 7 BinOp(*, BinOp(+,Num(1.0),Num(4.0)), Num(7.0)) Packrat Parser
  • 21. { "address book": { "name": "John Smith", "address": { "street": "10 Market Street", "city" : "San Francisco, CA", "zip" : 94111 }, "phone numbers": [ "408 3384238", "408 1116892" ] } } Map( address book -> Map( name -> John Smith, address -> Map( street -> 10 Market Street, city -> San Francisco, CA, zip -> 94111), phone numbers -> List(408 3384238, 408 1116892) ) ) Parsing JSON
  • 22. import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ class JSON1 extends JavaTokenParsers { def obj: Parser[Map[String, Any]] = "{" ~> repsep(member, ",") <~ "}" ^^ (Map() ++ _) def arr: Parser[List[Any]] = "[" ~> repsep(value, ",") <~ "]" def member: Parser[(String, Any)] = stringLiteral ~ ":" ~ value ^^ { case name ~ ":" ~ value => (name, value) } def value: Parser[Any] = ( obj | arr | stringLiteral | floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toDouble) | "null" ^^ (x => null) | "true" ^^ (x => true) | "false" ^^ (x => false)) } JSON Parser
  • 23. Parser Combinators ✦ "..." literal ✦ "...".r regular expression ✦ P~Q sequential composition ✦ P <~ Q, P ~> Q sequential composition; keep left/right only ✦ P | Q alternative ✦ opt(P) option ✦ rep(P) repetition ✦ repsep(P, Q) interleaved repetition ✦ P ˆˆ f result conversion
  • 25. object ExpParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers { lazy val exp: PackratParser[Exp] = (exp <~ "+") ~ exp1 ^^ { case lhs~rhs => Add(lhs, rhs) } | exp1 lazy val exp1: PackratParser[Exp] = (exp1 ~ exp0) ^^ { case lhs~rhs => App(lhs, rhs) } | exp0 lazy val exp0: PackratParser[Exp] = number | identifier | function | letBinding | "(" ~> exp <~ ")" // ... def parse(text: String) = parseAll(exp, text) }
  • 26. def number: PackratParser[Exp] = wholeNumber ^^ { x => Num(x.toInt) } Numbers
  • 27. def function: PackratParser[Exp] = ("fun" ~ "(") ~> ident ~ ((")" ~ "{") ~> (exp <~ "}")) ^^ { case x~e => Fun(Symbol(x), e) } Function Literal
  • 28. def letBinding: PackratParser[Exp] = (("let" ~> ident) ~ ("=" ~> exp)) ~ ("in" ~> exp0) ^^ { case x~e1~e2 => Let(Symbol(x), e1, e2) } Let Binding Exercise
  • 29. Reserved Words def identifier: PackratParser[Exp] = not(reserved) ~> ident ^^ { x => Id(Symbol(x)) } def reserved: PackratParser[String] = "letb".r | "inb".r | "funb".r
  • 31. package scala.util.parsing.combinator trait Parsers { type Parser[T] = Input => ParseResult[T] type Input = Reader[Elem] type Elem // definition of parser combinators } Parser Trait
  • 32. sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] case class Success[T](result: T, in: Input) extends ParseResult[T] case class Failure(msg: String, in: Input) extends ParseResult[Nothing] Parse Result
  • 33. abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) { p => // An unspecified method that defines // the behavior of this parser. def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[T] def ~ // ... def | // ... // ... } Parser
  • 34. def elem(kind: String, p: Elem => Boolean) = new Parser[Elem] { def apply(in: Input) = if (p(in.first)) Success(in.first, else Failure(kind + " expected", in) } Single Element Parser
  • 35. abstract class Parser[+T] //... { p => //... def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]) = new Parser[T~U] { def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match { case Success(x, in1) => q(in1) match { case Success(y, in2) => Success(new ~(x, y), in2) case failure => failure } case failure => failure } } Sequential Composition
  • 36. def | (q: => Parser[T]) = new Parser[T] { def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match { case s1 @ Success(_, _) => s1 case failure => q(in) } } Alternative Composition
  • 37. def ^^ [U](f: T => U): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match { case Success(x, in1) => Success(f(x), in1) case failure => failure } } Result Conversion
  • 38. Chapter 33: more combinators
  • 40. “The semantics of a programming language is the meaning of its expressions, statements, and program units.” Sebesta Ch3
  • 41. Static Semantics: (context-senstive) restriction of the set of valid programs Dynamic Semantics: run-time behaviour of a program
  • 42. def eval(exp: Exp): Value dynamic behaviour of Exp programs
  • 43. Calculator def testCalc { expect(numV(48)) { eval(parse(""" 42 + 2 + 4 """)) } }
  • 44. sealed abstract class Exp case class Num(n: Int) extends Exp case class Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends Exp sealed abstract class Value case class numV(n: Int) extends Value def plus(l: Value, r: Value) = l match { case numV(n) => r match { case numV(m) => numV(n + m) case _ => sys.error("Cannot add non-number") } } def eval(exp: Exp): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l), eval(r)) } Calculator
  • 45. Let Bindingdef testLet { expect(numV(42)) { eval(parse(""" let x = 40 in (x + 2) """)) } } def testLetShadow { expect(numV(?)) { eval(parse(""" let x = 40 in (let y = 4 in (let x = 3 in (x + y))) """)) } }
  • 46. sealed abstract class Env case class mtEnv() extends Env case class bind(boundName: Symbol, boundValue: Value, rest: Env) extends Env def lookup(name: Symbol, env: Env): Value = env match { case mtEnv() => sys.error("Lookup of " + name + " in empty environment") case bind(boundName, boundValue, rest) => if(boundName == name) boundValue else lookup(name, rest) } Environment
  • 47. def eval(exp: Exp): Value = eval(exp, mtEnv()) def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) case Id(name) => lookup(name, env) case Let(name, e1, e2) => eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env)) } Evaluating Let Bindings
  • 48. def testFun1 { expect(numV(5)) { eval(parse(""" let inc = fun(x){ x + 1 } in (inc 4) """)) } } def testFun2 { expect(numV(5)) { eval(parse(""" let y = 3 in (let inc = fun(x){ x + y } in (let y = 11 in (inc 2))) """)) } } Functions
  • 49. sealed abstract class Value case class numV(n: Int) extends Value case class funV(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Value def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) case Id(name) => lookup(name, env) case Let(name, e1, e2) => eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env)) case Fun(name, body) => funV(name, body) case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match { case funV(name, body) => eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env)) case _ => sys.error("Function expected") } } Functions
  • 50. sealed abstract class Value case class numV(n: Int) extends Value case class funV(param: Symbol, body: Exp) extends Value def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) case Id(name) => lookup(name, env) case Let(name, e1, e2) => eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env)) case Fun(name, body) => funV(name, body) case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match { case funV(name, body) => eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env)) case _ => sys.error("Function expected") } } FunctionsDynamic Scoping
  • 51. sealed abstract class Value case class numV(n: Int) extends Value case class closureV(param: Symbol, body: Exp, env: Env) extends Value def eval(exp: Exp, env: Env): Value = exp match { case Num(v) => numV(v) case Add(l, r) => plus(eval(l, env), eval(r, env)) case Id(name) => lookup(name, env) case Let(name, e1, e2) => eval(e2, bind(name, eval(e1, env), env)) case Fun(name, body) => closureV(name, body, env) case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun, env) match { case closureV(name, body, env2) => eval(body, bind(name, eval(arg, env), env2)) case _ => sys.error("Closure expected") } } Functions with Closures
  • 52. Reading & Programming in Week 9 Reading Sebesta Chapter 4: Lexical and Syntactic Analysis Scala Chapter 33: Combinator Parsing Week 10: Components WebLab: Graded Assignment 2: (deadline 14 May 2013, 23:59) Graded Assignment 3: (deadline 31 May 2013, 23:59)