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The Glass Class: Mirror API
July 7th – 11th 2014
Mark Billinghurst, Gun Lee
University of Canterbury
An Introduction to
Glassware Development
Mirror API
using Java Servlet
Gun Lee
* Images in the slides are from variety of sources,
including and
Glassware Development
 Mirror API
 Server programming, online/web application
 Static cards / timeline management
 Android programming, Java (+ C/C++)
 Live cards & Immersions
Mirror API
 Java servlet, PHP, Go,
Python, Ruby, .NET
 Timeline based apps
 Static cards
- Text, HTML, media attachment (image & video)
- Standard and custom menu items
 Manage timeline
- Subscribe to timeline notifications
- Sharing with contacts
- Location based services
Mirror API based Web App
3. Insert a static card
User sees the card
Glassware Web app
Develop with Mirror API
 Prepare a web server
 https callback required for OAuth 2.0
 Minimum storage for credentials
 Create a Google APIs Console project
 Enable Mirror API and get Client ID & secret
 Create a web application
 Java servlet, PHP, Go, Python, Ruby, .NET
 Implement OAuth 2.0 authorization
 Use Mirror API to make REST API calls
- Wrapper classes/methods provided
Google App Engine
 Free web server space!
 You can skip this step if you have another server
 Upgrade to paid service based on storage and traffic
 Python, Java, PHP, Go
 Cloud Storage
 Easy integration with Google APIs
Google APIs Console
 Login with your own Google account
 Create a New Project
 The Project ID becomes your URL
Google APIs Console
 In the project’s APIs & auth section,
enable Google Mirror API
Google APIs Console
 APIs & auth > Credentials > OAuth: Create
New Client ID
 Choose "Web Application"
 Type in your website and OAuth callback
Google APIs Console
 Note both Client ID and Client secret
Google APIs Console
 APIs & auth > Consent screen
 Fill in the Product Name and Homepage URL
 This information is shown when users
authorizing your web app
Live Demo
- Setup Google App Engine
- Setup Google APIs Console
Dev. Env. Setup
 ADT Bundle (Eclipse + Andriod SDK)
 GAE plugin for Eclipse
- Google App Engine Tools for Android
- Google Plugin for Eclipse
- SDK > Google App Engine Java SDK
 Sign in on Eclipse GAE plugin
 Use the Google account that will host your
web app on GAE
Create a Web App for GAE
 File > New > (Other > Google > )
Web Application Project
 Fill in the Project name and Java package
namespace to use
 Check on option Use Google App Engine
 Uncheck option Use Google Web Toolkit
 Select option Use App Id then click Browse
button to choose your app id
 Check on Generate project sample code
 Click Finish
Anatomy of a Web App Project
 Web App Project
 src (source folder)
- Java classes organized in namespaces
 war (web application archive)
- WEB-INF (settings and JAR libraries)
• appengine-web.xml
• web.xml
• lib
- index.html
- favicon.ico
Deploying to GAE
 Right click on the Project
 Google > Deploy to App Engine
 Uncheck option Launch app in browser ...
 Click Deploy
 Open your GAE site on a browser
Live Demo
- Creating a new Web App project
- Anatomy of a Web App project
- Deploy to GAE
Adding Mirror API library
 Right click on the Project
 Google > Add Google APIs
 Choose Google Mirror API
 Click Finish
Authorization with OAuth 2.0
 Authorizing your web app to access timeline on user’s
Google account
Programming Google Glass - The Mirror API by Eric Redmond
Authorization with OAuth 2.0
 Enable HTTP sessions on GAE
 Force https access only
 Filter out inappropriate access
 Implement OAuth 2.0 callback servlets
 Code from Quick Start sample project
 Add a new servlet to logout
Enable sessions on GAE
 war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
<appengine-web-app ...>
Force https access only
 war/WEB-INF/web.xml
<web-app ...>
<!-- force https only -->
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
Define Auth Filters
 war/WEB-INF/web.xml
<web-app ...>
<!-- filters -->
Define Auth Servlet
 war/WEB-INF/web.xml
<webapp ...>
Add Java classes for Auth
 Create package in
the src folder
 Right click on src folder > New > Package
 Copy Java classes for Auth
 Drag and drop the following .java files into the
created package
Add Java classes for Auth
 In
 Fill in your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET
strings you’ve noted from Google APIs
Console’s credential section
public static String CLIENT_ID =
public static String CLIENT_SECRET = "lo9hajhpQFneXP5K8YR0gEVK";
Add a New Servlet for Logout
 Add LogoutServlet class
 Right click on your app package in src folder
 New > Class
 Name: LogoutServlet
 Superclass: javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Add a New Servlet for Logout
 Implement LogoutServlet class
 Open
 Source > Override/Implement Methods ...
 Check on doGet(…) the click OK
 Call AuthUtil.clearUserId(req) in the method
// log out
// print out results on the web browser
resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
"<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=/index.html"></head> " +
"<body>Good bye!<br></body></html>" );
Add a New Servlet for Logout
 Add servelt tag to war/WEB-INF/web.xml
<webapp ...>
Add a New Servlet for Logout
 Add a link to the LogoutServlet in
<a href="logout">Logout</a>
Live Demo
- Enable HTTP sessions on GAE
- Filter out inappropriate access
- Implement OAuth 2.0 callback
- Add logout servlet
Get Access to Mirror API
 In HelloWorldServlet class
 Add method getMirror(req)
private Mirror getMirror(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
// get credential
Credential credential = AuthUtil.getCredential(req);
// build access to Mirror API
return new Mirror.Builder( new UrlFetchTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(), credential)
.setApplicationName("Hello Glass!")
Insert a Card to Timeline
 In HelloWorldServlet class
 Add code in doGet(...) method
// get access to Mirror API
Mirror mirror = getMirror(req);
// get access to the timeline
Timeline timeline = mirror.timeline();
// create a timeline item (card)
TimelineItem timelineItem = new TimelineItem()
.setText( "Hello World!" )
.setDisplayTime(new DateTime(new Date()))
.setNotification(new NotificationConfig().setLevel("DEFAULT"));
// insert the card into the timeline
Insert a Card to Timeline
 In HelloWorldServlet class
 Modify code in doGet(...) method for richer
response on the web browser
// print out results on the web browser
resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
"<html><head>“ +
"<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="3;url=/index.html">" +
"</head> " +
"<body>A card is inserted to your timeline.<br></body></html>" );
Live Demo
- Access to Mirror API
- Insert a Card into Timeline
HTML in a Card
 Follows CSS for the Glass UI
String html = "<article><section><p class="text-auto-size">" +
"<em class="yellow">Hello World!</em><br>" +
"Welcome to the <strong class="blue">Glass Class</strong> at HIT Lab NZ." +
Google Mirror API Playground
 To try it with your Glass
 Go to Google API console
- Login and open your project
 Create a new Client ID with the following URL
 Use the generated Client ID to authorize
access on the Playground site
Multiple Pages in a Card
 Auto paginate
 Manually paginate
 Multiple articles
<article class="auto-paginate">
Very long article ...
<article class="cover-only">
<p class="text-auto-size">This is the cover
This is second page.
Third page.
Grouping Multiple Cards
 Bundle – a set of cards grouped under a
cover card (or the latest card)
timelineItem.setBundleId( “UniqueBundleID” )
timelineItem.setIsBundleCover( true );
Built-in Actions with Menu
List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>();
menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("READ_ALOUD"));
timelineItem.setSpeakableText("Hello World!");
menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("TOGGLE_PINNED"));
menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("DELETE"));
Live Demo
- Cards with HTML
- Add Menu Items
Say hello to me
 Add web form in index.html
 Override doPost(...) method and get
parameter from the request
<form action="helloworld" method="post">
Hello <input type="text" name="custom_name" value="World"> !
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
String custom_name = req.getParameter("custom_name");
String message = "Hello " + custom_name = "!";
Image attachment
 Adding static resources to the server
 Edit war/WEB-INF/web.xml
 Add a folder named static under the war
folder and add image files in it
<web-app ...>
<include path="/static/*" />
Image attachment
 Attached image will be used as the
background of the card
 In low-level HTTP Multipart attachment
// get an image to use with the card
URL url = new URL("");
InputStreamContent attachment =
new InputStreamContent("image/jpeg", url.openStream());
// insert the card into the timeline
timeline.insert(timelineItem, attachment).execute();
Live Demo
- Input from web forms
- Image attachment
Managing Timeline Items
 List
 Delete
// request for list of the timeline items
Mirror.Timeline.List listRequest = timeline.list();
TimelineListResponse listResponse = listRequest.execute();
// retrieve results
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = listResponse.getItems();
Update Pinned Timeline Item
 Simulating Live Cards with Mirror API
 Ask the user to pin the item
 Update the item regularly
TimelineItem timelineItem = getSavedTimelineItem();
// If a saved item exists, isn't deleted, and is pinned
if (timelineItem != null
&& !(timelineItem.getIsDeleted() != null && timelineItem.getIsDeleted()) &&
(timelineItem.getIsPinned() != null && timelineItem.getIsPinned()))
// update the pinned item
timelineItem.setHtml( new_html );
timeline.update( timelineItem.getId(), timelineItem ).execute();
} else {
// create a new one and save the id for latter use
Live Demo
- List Timeline Items
- Delete Timeline Items
 Get latest known location
 Draw maps in your card
Location location = mirror.locations().get("latest").execute();
double latitude = location.getLatitude();
double longitude = location.getLongitude();
<img src="glass://map?w=240&h=360&marker=0;42.369590,-71.107132"
height="360" width="240">
<div class="text-auto-size">
<p>Map shown on the left</p>
Navigate Menu Item
 Set Location to the timeline item and add the
NAVIGATE menu item
new Location()
.setLatitude( -43.522087 )
.setLongitude( 172.582823 )
.setAddress("University of Canterbury, Ilam, Christchurch")
.setDisplayName("HIT Lab NZ") );
// add menu items with built-in actions
List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>();
menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("NAVIGATE"));
// insert the card to the timeline
Live Demo
- Locate My Glass
- Add a Navigation Card
 Mirror API (server) calls back your web app with
notification POST
 Your web app can subscribe to
 Location updates
 Timeline updates
- Share, reply, delete, custom menu item, launch with voice
 Your web app must respond with a 200 OK
HTTP status code if no error occurred.
 If not, Mirror API might resend notifications.
 Add subscription to the mirror api
 Better check if already subscribing
Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
subscription.setCollection("locations"); // or "timeline"
subscription.setUserToken( AuthUtil.getUserId(req) );
 Add subscription to the mirror api
// find subscription to delete
SubscriptionsListResponse subslist_resp =
List<Subscription> subsclist = subslist_resp.getItems();
String subscription_id_to_delete = null;
for (Subscription subsc : subsclist) {
if (subsc.getId().equals("locations")) { // or “timeline"
subscription_id_to_delete = subsc.getId();
// delete the subscription
Handle Notification Callback
 Create a callback Servlet that
 handles notification POST
 responds with a 200 OK HTTP status code
 Make sure your callback Servlet URL is
not filtered in
 Use the user ID provided by
notification.getUserToken() to call Mirror
APIs subsequently
Handle Notification Callback
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
// Respond with OK and status 200 to prevent redelivery
Writer writer = resp.getWriter();
// extract notification object
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
Notification notification =
jsonFactory.fromInputStream(req.getInputStream(), Notification.class);
// Figure out the impacted user and get their credentials for API calls
String userId = notification.getUserToken();
Credential credential = AuthUtil.getCredential(userId);
Mirror mirror = new Mirror.Builder(new UrlFetchTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(), credential)
.setApplicationName("Hello World")
if (notification.getCollection().equals("locations")) { // or “timeline“
Handle Notification Callback
 Handling location updates
 Handling timeline updates
 User action type
// get notified location
Location location = mirror.locations().get(notification.getItemId()).execute();
// Get the timeline item which triggered notification
TimelineItem notifiedItem = mirror.timeline().get(notification.getItemId()).execute();
if(notification.getUserActions().contains(new UserAction().setType("REPLY")))
String message = "Hello " + notifiedItem.getText() + "!";
Live Demo
- Subscribe to Location Updates
- Subscribe to Timeline Updates:
 LAUNCH and SHARE user actions need
contact of your web app
Contact helloWorldContact = new Contact();
helloWorldContact.setDisplayName("Hello World");
ArrayList<String> imageUrlList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Command> commandList = new ArrayList<Command>();
commandList.add(new Command().setType("POST_AN_UPDATE")); // TAKE_A_NOTE
Live Demo
- Subscribe to LAUNCH
- CUSTOM menu item
- Subscribe to SHARE
More Tips
 Templates
 Scheduled jobs on server
 CRON settings on GAE
 Programming Google Glass - The Mirror API
 By Eric Redmond
 Quick Start Samples
Sample Code Online
 Mirror-QuickStartSample-Java-GAE
 Mirror0-HelloGlass
 Mirror1-HelloWorld
More Information
 Website
 Gun Lee
 Mark Billinghurst

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The Glass Class - Tutorial 2 - Mirror API

  • 1. The Glass Class: Mirror API July 7th – 11th 2014 Mark Billinghurst, Gun Lee HIT Lab NZ University of Canterbury
  • 2. An Introduction to Glassware Development Mirror API using Java Servlet Gun Lee * Images in the slides are from variety of sources, including and
  • 3. Glassware Development  Mirror API  Server programming, online/web application  Static cards / timeline management  GDK  Android programming, Java (+ C/C++)  Live cards & Immersions 
  • 4. Mirror API  REST API  Java servlet, PHP, Go, Python, Ruby, .NET  Timeline based apps  Static cards - Text, HTML, media attachment (image & video) - Standard and custom menu items  Manage timeline - Subscribe to timeline notifications - Sharing with contacts - Location based services
  • 5. Mirror API based Web App 3. Insert a static card User sees the card Glassware Web app
  • 6. Develop with Mirror API  Prepare a web server  https callback required for OAuth 2.0  Minimum storage for credentials  Create a Google APIs Console project  Enable Mirror API and get Client ID & secret  Create a web application  Java servlet, PHP, Go, Python, Ruby, .NET  Implement OAuth 2.0 authorization  Use Mirror API to make REST API calls - Wrapper classes/methods provided
  • 7. Google App Engine  Free web server space!  You can skip this step if you have another server  Upgrade to paid service based on storage and traffic needed   Python, Java, PHP, Go  Cloud Storage  Easy integration with Google APIs
  • 8. Google APIs Console   Login with your own Google account  Create a New Project  The Project ID becomes your URL -
  • 9. Google APIs Console  In the project’s APIs & auth section, enable Google Mirror API
  • 10. Google APIs Console  APIs & auth > Credentials > OAuth: Create New Client ID  Choose "Web Application"  Type in your website and OAuth callback address  
  • 11. Google APIs Console  Note both Client ID and Client secret
  • 12. Google APIs Console  APIs & auth > Consent screen  Fill in the Product Name and Homepage URL  This information is shown when users authorizing your web app
  • 13. Live Demo - Setup Google App Engine - Setup Google APIs Console
  • 14. Dev. Env. Setup  ADT Bundle (Eclipse + Andriod SDK)   GAE plugin for Eclipse  - Google App Engine Tools for Android - Google Plugin for Eclipse - SDK > Google App Engine Java SDK  Sign in on Eclipse GAE plugin  Use the Google account that will host your web app on GAE
  • 15. Create a Web App for GAE  File > New > (Other > Google > ) Web Application Project  Fill in the Project name and Java package namespace to use  Check on option Use Google App Engine  Uncheck option Use Google Web Toolkit  Select option Use App Id then click Browse button to choose your app id  Check on Generate project sample code  Click Finish
  • 16. Anatomy of a Web App Project  Web App Project  src (source folder) - Java classes organized in namespaces  war (web application archive) - WEB-INF (settings and JAR libraries) • appengine-web.xml • web.xml • lib - index.html - favicon.ico
  • 17. Deploying to GAE  Right click on the Project  Google > Deploy to App Engine  Uncheck option Launch app in browser ...  Click Deploy  Open your GAE site on a browser 
  • 18. Live Demo - Creating a new Web App project - Anatomy of a Web App project - Deploy to GAE
  • 19. Adding Mirror API library  Right click on the Project  Google > Add Google APIs  Choose Google Mirror API  Click Finish
  • 20. Authorization with OAuth 2.0  Authorizing your web app to access timeline on user’s Google account Programming Google Glass - The Mirror API by Eric Redmond
  • 21. Authorization with OAuth 2.0  Enable HTTP sessions on GAE  Force https access only  Filter out inappropriate access  Implement OAuth 2.0 callback servlets  Code from Quick Start sample project - /quickstart/index  Add a new servlet to logout
  • 22. Enable sessions on GAE  war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml <appengine-web-app ...> ... <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> </appengine-web-app>
  • 23. Force https access only  war/WEB-INF/web.xml <web-app ...> ... <!-- force https only --> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <user-data-constraint> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint> ... </web-app>
  • 24. Define Auth Filters  war/WEB-INF/web.xml <web-app ...> ... <!-- filters --> <filter> <filter-name>authFilter</filter-name> <filter-class></filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>authFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter> <filter-name>reauthFilter</filter-name> <filter-class></filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>reauthFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> </web-app>
  • 25. Define Auth Servlet  war/WEB-INF/web.xml <webapp ...> … <servlet> <servlet-name>oauth2callback</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>oauth2callback</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/oauth2callback</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> ... </webapp>
  • 26. Add Java classes for Auth  Create package in the src folder  Right click on src folder > New > Package  Copy Java classes for Auth  Drag and drop the following .java files into the created package ,,,,,
  • 27. Add Java classes for Auth  In  Fill in your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET strings you’ve noted from Google APIs Console’s credential section public static String CLIENT_ID = ""; public static String CLIENT_SECRET = "lo9hajhpQFneXP5K8YR0gEVK";
  • 28. Add a New Servlet for Logout  Add LogoutServlet class  Right click on your app package in src folder  New > Class  Name: LogoutServlet  Superclass: javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
  • 29. Add a New Servlet for Logout  Implement LogoutServlet class  Open  Source > Override/Implement Methods ...  Check on doGet(…) the click OK  Call AuthUtil.clearUserId(req) in the method // log out AuthUtil.clearUserId(req); // print out results on the web browser resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); resp.getWriter().println( "<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=/index.html"></head> " + "<body>Good bye!<br></body></html>" );
  • 30. Add a New Servlet for Logout  Add servelt tag to war/WEB-INF/web.xml <webapp ...> … <servlet> <servlet-name>Logout</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.hitlabnz.hw.LogoutServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Logout</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/logout</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> ... </webapp>
  • 31. Add a New Servlet for Logout  Add a link to the LogoutServlet in index.html <a href="logout">Logout</a>
  • 32. Live Demo - Enable HTTP sessions on GAE - Filter out inappropriate access - Implement OAuth 2.0 callback - Add logout servlet
  • 33. Get Access to Mirror API  In HelloWorldServlet class  Add method getMirror(req) private Mirror getMirror(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { // get credential Credential credential = AuthUtil.getCredential(req); // build access to Mirror API return new Mirror.Builder( new UrlFetchTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential) .setApplicationName("Hello Glass!") .build(); }
  • 34. Insert a Card to Timeline  In HelloWorldServlet class  Add code in doGet(...) method // get access to Mirror API Mirror mirror = getMirror(req); // get access to the timeline Timeline timeline = mirror.timeline(); // create a timeline item (card) TimelineItem timelineItem = new TimelineItem() .setText( "Hello World!" ) .setDisplayTime(new DateTime(new Date())) .setNotification(new NotificationConfig().setLevel("DEFAULT")); // insert the card into the timeline timeline.insert(timelineItem).execute();
  • 35. Insert a Card to Timeline  In HelloWorldServlet class  Modify code in doGet(...) method for richer response on the web browser // print out results on the web browser resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); resp.getWriter().println( "<html><head>“ + "<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="3;url=/index.html">" + "</head> " + "<body>A card is inserted to your timeline.<br></body></html>" );
  • 36. Live Demo - Access to Mirror API - Insert a Card into Timeline
  • 37. HTML in a Card  Follows CSS for the Glass UI  String html = "<article><section><p class="text-auto-size">" + "<em class="yellow">Hello World!</em><br>" + "Welcome to the <strong class="blue">Glass Class</strong> at HIT Lab NZ." + "</p></section></article>"; timelineItem.setHtml(html);
  • 38. Google Mirror API Playground  downloads/playground  To try it with your Glass  Go to Google API console - - Login and open your project  Create a new Client ID with the following URL -  Use the generated Client ID to authorize access on the Playground site
  • 39. Multiple Pages in a Card  Auto paginate  Manually paginate  Multiple articles <article class="auto-paginate"> Very long article ... </article> <article class="cover-only"> <section> <p class="text-auto-size">This is the cover page.</p> </section> </article> <article> <section> This is second page. </section> </article> <article> <section> Third page. </section></article>
  • 40. Grouping Multiple Cards  Bundle – a set of cards grouped under a cover card (or the latest card) timelineItem.setBundleId( “UniqueBundleID” ) timelineItem.setIsBundleCover( true );
  • 41. Built-in Actions with Menu  READ_ALOUD, DELETE, OPEN_URI, PLAY_VIDEO, TOGGLE_PINNED, VOICE_CALL, NAVIGATE, REPLY, SHARE List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("READ_ALOUD")); timelineItem.setSpeakableText("Hello World!"); menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("TOGGLE_PINNED")); menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("DELETE")); timelineItem.setMenuItems(menuItemList);
  • 42. Live Demo - Cards with HTML - Add Menu Items
  • 43. Say hello to me  Add web form in index.html  Override doPost(...) method and get parameter from the request <form action="helloworld" method="post"> Hello <input type="text" name="custom_name" value="World"> ! <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> String custom_name = req.getParameter("custom_name"); String message = "Hello " + custom_name = "!";
  • 44. Image attachment  Adding static resources to the server  Edit war/WEB-INF/web.xml  Add a folder named static under the war folder and add image files in it <web-app ...> ... <static-files> <include path="/static/*" /> </static-files> ... </web-app>
  • 45. Image attachment  Attached image will be used as the background of the card  In low-level HTTP Multipart attachment // get an image to use with the card URL url = new URL(""); InputStreamContent attachment = new InputStreamContent("image/jpeg", url.openStream()); // insert the card into the timeline timeline.insert(timelineItem, attachment).execute();
  • 46. Live Demo - Input from web forms - Image attachment
  • 47. Managing Timeline Items  List  Delete // request for list of the timeline items Mirror.Timeline.List listRequest = timeline.list(); listRequest.setMaxResults(5L); TimelineListResponse listResponse = listRequest.execute(); // retrieve results List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = listResponse.getItems(); mirror.timeline().delete(deleteItemId).execute();
  • 48. Update Pinned Timeline Item  Simulating Live Cards with Mirror API  Ask the user to pin the item  Update the item regularly TimelineItem timelineItem = getSavedTimelineItem(); // If a saved item exists, isn't deleted, and is pinned if (timelineItem != null && !(timelineItem.getIsDeleted() != null && timelineItem.getIsDeleted()) && (timelineItem.getIsPinned() != null && timelineItem.getIsPinned())) { // update the pinned item timelineItem.setHtml( new_html ); timeline.update( timelineItem.getId(), timelineItem ).execute(); } else { // create a new one and save the id for latter use }
  • 49. Live Demo - List Timeline Items - Delete Timeline Items
  • 50. Location  Get latest known location  Draw maps in your card Location location = mirror.locations().get("latest").execute(); double latitude = location.getLatitude(); double longitude = location.getLongitude(); <article> <figure> <img src="glass://map?w=240&h=360&marker=0;42.369590,-71.107132" height="360" width="240"> </figure> <section> <div class="text-auto-size"> <p>Map shown on the left</p> </div> </section> </article>
  • 51. Navigate Menu Item  Set Location to the timeline item and add the NAVIGATE menu item ... timelineItem.setLocation( new Location() .setLatitude( -43.522087 ) .setLongitude( 172.582823 ) .setAddress("University of Canterbury, Ilam, Christchurch") .setDisplayName("HIT Lab NZ") ); // add menu items with built-in actions List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); menuItemList.add(new MenuItem().setAction("NAVIGATE")); timelineItem.setMenuItems(menuItemList); // insert the card to the timeline timeline.insert(timelineItem).execute();
  • 52. Live Demo - Locate My Glass - Add a Navigation Card
  • 53. Subscriptions  Mirror API (server) calls back your web app with notification POST  Your web app can subscribe to  Location updates  Timeline updates - Share, reply, delete, custom menu item, launch with voice  Your web app must respond with a 200 OK HTTP status code if no error occurred.  If not, Mirror API might resend notifications.
  • 54. Subscribe  Add subscription to the mirror api  Better check if already subscribing Subscription subscription = new Subscription(); subscription.setCollection("locations"); // or "timeline" subscription.setCallbackUrl("https://your_web_app/notification"); subscription.setUserToken( AuthUtil.getUserId(req) ); mirror.subscriptions().insert(subscription).execute();
  • 55. Unsubscribe  Add subscription to the mirror api // find subscription to delete SubscriptionsListResponse subslist_resp = mirror.subscriptions().list().execute(); List<Subscription> subsclist = subslist_resp.getItems(); String subscription_id_to_delete = null; for (Subscription subsc : subsclist) { if (subsc.getId().equals("locations")) { // or “timeline" subscription_id_to_delete = subsc.getId(); break; } } // delete the subscription mirror.subscriptions().delete(subscription_id_to_delete).execute();
  • 56. Handle Notification Callback  Create a callback Servlet that  handles notification POST  responds with a 200 OK HTTP status code  Make sure your callback Servlet URL is not filtered in  Use the user ID provided by notification.getUserToken() to call Mirror APIs subsequently
  • 57. Handle Notification Callback protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { // Respond with OK and status 200 to prevent redelivery resp.setContentType("text/html"); Writer writer = resp.getWriter(); writer.append("OK"); writer.close(); // extract notification object JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory(); Notification notification = jsonFactory.fromInputStream(req.getInputStream(), Notification.class); // Figure out the impacted user and get their credentials for API calls String userId = notification.getUserToken(); Credential credential = AuthUtil.getCredential(userId); Mirror mirror = new Mirror.Builder(new UrlFetchTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential) .setApplicationName("Hello World") .build(); if (notification.getCollection().equals("locations")) { // or “timeline“ ...
  • 58. Handle Notification Callback  Handling location updates  Handling timeline updates  User action type - REPLY, DELETE, CUSTOM, LAUNCH, SHARE // get notified location Location location = mirror.locations().get(notification.getItemId()).execute(); location.getLatitude(); location.getLongitude(); ... // Get the timeline item which triggered notification TimelineItem notifiedItem = mirror.timeline().get(notification.getItemId()).execute(); if(notification.getUserActions().contains(new UserAction().setType("REPLY"))) { String message = "Hello " + notifiedItem.getText() + "!"; ...
  • 59. Live Demo - Subscribe to Location Updates - Subscribe to Timeline Updates: REPLY
  • 60. Contact  LAUNCH and SHARE user actions need contact of your web app Contact helloWorldContact = new Contact(); helloWorldContact.setId("org.hitlabnz.helloworld"); helloWorldContact.setDisplayName("Hello World"); ArrayList<String> imageUrlList = new ArrayList<String>(); imageUrlList.add(""); helloWorldContact.setImageUrls(imageUrlList); ArrayList<Command> commandList = new ArrayList<Command>(); commandList.add(new Command().setType("POST_AN_UPDATE")); // TAKE_A_NOTE helloWorldContact.setAcceptCommands(commandList);
  • 62. DIY - CUSTOM menu item - Subscribe to SHARE
  • 63. More Tips  Templates  JSP   Scheduled jobs on server  CRON settings on GAE  Programming Google Glass - The Mirror API  By Eric Redmond   Quick Start Samples  dex
  • 64. Sample Code Online  Mirror-QuickStartSample-Java-GAE   Mirror0-HelloGlass   Mirror1-HelloWorld 
  • 65. More Information  Website     Gun Lee   Mark Billinghurst 