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Hazards and Disposal
        • Asbestos ( /æsˈb     ɛstəs/
          or /æzˈb  ɛstəs/; from
          Greek ἄσβεστος,
          "unquenchable" or
          "inextinguishable") is a set
          of six naturally occurring
          silicate minerals used
          commercially for their
          desirable physical
        • They all have in common
          their eponymous,
          asbestiform habit, long,
          (1:20) thin fibrous crystals
Asbestos in Nature intro2
    Fibrous In-organic natural
    mineral found in
    abundance in the earth            O2
    Mined for centuries
    Deposits around the          H

Occurs in fire , primary and
  metamorphic rocks                          Mg
Varies in chemical and
  physical characteristics

Asbestos ….. in buildings!? intro3
Building materials are presumed to contain
 asbestos if installed before 1980, unless
 testing has proven otherwise
1-Chrysotile, white asbestos-         OH O Si Mg
Member of Serpentine Group : Fibers are usually curly bundled and twisted
95% of world’s asbestos.
Hydrophilic ; can absorb water thus wetted to minimize fiber release.
Most flexible of all asbestos fibres and Less hazardous
Withstand the fiercest heat
Soft and flexible; spun and woven as easily as cotton.
Resistance to alkaline attack ; reinforcing material in asbestos-cement building products.
Banned in UK 1999.
Absorbs organic materials such as resins and polymers
Used to strengthen particulates such as cement.

2-Amosite, brown asbestos-                    OH        O Si Fe

Member of the Amphibole group.
 Amosite is usually mined in South Africa.
Used in automobile industry clutch – brake pads
Harsh, spiky fibres have good tensile strength and resistance to heat.
In buildings, amosite was used for anti-condensation and acoustic purposes.
On structural steel, it was used for fire protection.
Between the 1920s and the late 1960s amosite was used in preformed thermal insulation, pipes,
slabs and moulded pipe fitting covers.
 In the UK amosite was also used widely in the manufacture of insulation boards. The import of
amosite was banned as of 1 January 1986 by The Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations 1985
3- Crocidolite, blue asbestos-
   OH O Si         Fe    Fe Na
Needlelike fibres straight and brittle
 5 – 6 % of world’s asbestos.
Member of the Amphibole group.
The needle like fibres are strongest
High resistance to acids.
Use in yarn and rope lagging from 1880s-1960s
Thermal insulation 1920s-1950s.
High bulk volume
Sprayed insulation; a product frst manufactured
in USA in 1931
 Most lethal
Strict guidelines since 1969.
The "import, supply and use of crude, fibre,
flake, powder or waste was banned after
Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations of 1985
Friable Vs. Non-Friable Asbestos1

Friable asbestos
Crumbled, pulverized
or powdered by hand

If friable ACM
material is damaged or
 it presents inhalation

 Asbestos fibres are
more easily released
into the air.

Sprayed fireproofing
on structural
steelwork, or thermal
insulation on pipes.
Friable Vs Non-Friable Asbestos2

Non- Friable asbestos
  Asbestos fibres are bound or locked into the product matrix
  Fibres are not readily released.
  Risk for fibre release only when it is subject to significant abrasion through
  activities such as sanding or cutting with electric power tools.
  Vinyl asbestos floor tiles, acoustic ceiling tiles, and asbestos cement
Asbestos around the world

Asbestos is produced in 25 countries mainly Canada Australia
South Africa Eastern Europe Countries,China and Japan
Rise and Fall of Asbestos1
   Asbestos Production     1950

           70s             1960

Rise and Fall of Asbestos2



3                          3 million tons
                           5 million tons


       1970s       1990s
Uses of Asbestos1
1.   Thermal System Insulation : to prevent heat
     loss/transfer in pipes, boilers, chilled water
     condensation tanks, heat
     exchangers, HVAC’s, process equipment, etc.

2.   Surfacing Materials : sprayed or troweled on surfaces
     such as walls and ceilings for acoustical or decorative
     purposes, fireproofing, textured purposes, textured
     plastics, etc.

3.   Miscellaneous Materials : non-friable materials such as
     cement products, roofing, floor tiles, outdoor
     siding, gaskets, and fabrics, brake linings
Uses of Asbestos2
          Mixing with other material such •
          as cement increases durability
          and strength •
          Was used in cooking hardware •
          High resistance to flames •
          Can be moulded to any shape or •
          form according to consumer
          3000 uses for asbestos •
Uses of Asbestos3
            Asbesto conc ranges from        •
Tiles         1%-100% in commercial
                   Asbestos is used in      •
            buildings , roofs, insulation
             units piping netoworksand
                    ventilation systems
                       Asbestos cement      •

Uses of Asbestos4

               Asbestos tile

                               Fire proof door

Uses of Asbestos5

 Lavatory unit     -
                                                                            Roof made of white asbestos

                              Heating unit made of white and brown
                                   asbestos at ratio of    -

                                                                                  roof made of brown asbestos
Roof made of white asbestos

                                        viinyl floor with bitumen sealant
                                            with 1-5% white asbestos
A typical asbestos infested
Asbestos Hazards1
Asbestos waste is highly hazardous .
Hazardous characteristics are due to type of metals and physical properties of
  the asbestos fibres
Health effects increase factors : exposure timing – length of fibers – number of
  fibres – strenght of fibers
Asbestos Hazards2
          Asbestos diseases are more prone to
             workers on-site and can cause death at
             higher rate than any other WORK
             RELATED ILLNESS

          USEPA classifies asbestos as

          Strict enforcement measures against
              asbestos removal and disposal works by
              USEPA and ILO

          15-60 years for first symptoms to develop

          If inhaled ONCE asbestos fibres will cause

      US Federal Government Agency
   Recommendations on Exposure Limits
• On July 12, 1989, EPA established a ban
  on new uses of asbestos

• NIOSH has recommended that 0.1
  Fiber/cubic centimeter (fiber >5µm long)
  /400 liter is carcinogen.

      Inhalation at home or
      workplace air
      environment 0.5
      Asbestos is classified
      as carcinogenic by
Exposure 3

       WHO studies have
       not shown link
       between cancer and
       Debate if asbestos
       fibers present in
       potable water
       Does / Does Not
       present hazard
Exposure 4

Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)

No exposure limit
in homes and
Exposure 5
Time-Weighted Average (TWA)
0.1 of asbestos fibers/1 cm3 of air in 8
hours of exposure

Short term Excursion Limit
0.10.1 of asbestos fibers/1 cm3 of air in
30 minutes average of exposure
Exposure 6
•   Miners of asbestos
•   Shipyard workers
•   Power plant workers
•   Brake lining workers
•   Pipe fitters
•   Insulators
•   Boiler makers and repairers
•   Maintenance workers
•   Workers in the production of fire bricks, fire-retardants
    paints, asbestos cement, and other asbestos-containing
• Fibers come from naturally occurring sources of asbestos
• Wearing down or distance of manufactured products including
  insulation, automotive brakes and clutches, ceiling and floor
  tiles, dry wall, roof shingles and cement
Asbestos Diseases 1
Asbestos Diseases 2

• Scarring of lung
  tissue reducing
  ability to take oxygen.
• Dose related disease
  ;repeated regular
• Debilitating disease
  and can be fatal.
• Latency period 10-20
Asbestos Diseases 3

 Lung Cancer
• Asbestos fibers are breathed
  in, and trapped in lungs.
• Levels of fibers in lung tissue
  build up over time
• Cause lung cancer after years of
• Lung cancer is usually fatal.
• Latency period 20 years
Asbestos Diseases 4

• Rare but deadliest
• Cancer of pleural lining of lung/peritoneal
  lining of chest cavity.
• Not dose related
• Even single exposure may cause disease.
• Even people who have only indirect contact
  with asbestos get it,
• Also called “bystander’s” disease.
• Latency period 20 to 30years .
Asbestos Diseases 5

                     Medicine ?!
• No cure for Asbestos related diseases

• Is there a safe exposure?
• No exposure to asbestos is a ”safe exposure”.
• Something that can neither be seen, smelled, felt and long time
  later that can kill you is something to think about seriously.

• Create Asbestos free environment.
Asbestos Ban1

Protocol No. 162 , 1986 in ILO’s 92nd
Ban of asbestos in any shape or form
Resolution concerning Asbestos ILO General
Conference 2006
Asbestos including chrysotile, are classified as
known human carcinogens by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer
Asbestos Ban2
Asbestos Ban3
Asbestos Ban4

• Asbestos phase-out
• Other eco-friendly alternative material
  such as Rockwool or recycled sludges
• Still used in India and China
           Regulatory agencies

OSHA Occupational Safety &
Health Association

USEPA United States
Environmental Protection

ILO International Labor
Arab Countries

•   Banned my most Arab countries
•   Phase-out plans
•   Surveys and studies
•   Ministries of Environment
US International Programme for
        Chemical Safety
100, 000 workers die yearly by exposure to asbestos,

Workers face serious risks from asbestos exposure ; Asbestos
Removal, demolition, building maintenance, ship breaking and waste
handling activities,

Three decades of efforts and alternatives for a ban on manufacture
and use of asbestos and asbestos-containing products

Objective of Promotional Framework for Occupational safety and
health Convention 2006 is to prevent occupational injuries, diseases
and deaths.
Asbestos Removal 1
• Environmental criteria in specs of
  demolition contracts
• Providing technical requirements to
  construction contractors after progress of
• Deficiencies on-site
Asbestos Removal 2


USEPA 40 CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix A
for sampling and analyzing air samples-
transmission            Electron
Microscopy (TEM) 29 CFR 1910.1001, Appendix
A & B: OSHA Reference method for sampling and
analyzing air samples
USEPA 40 CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E
for bulk samples- method-
1: Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) USEPA 40
CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E for bulk
samples- method-
2: X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) 29 CFR
1910.1001, Appendix J (method ID-191): OSHA
Reference method for sampling and analyzing bulk
Asbestos Removal 3

Asbestos disposal
requirements for active
and inactive disposal
sites under NESHAPs
(40 CFR Part
61, subpart M)
• The demolition work of Asbestos Containing
  Material (ACM ) is a very specialized task
• Experience in handling hazardous ACM
• Many contractors have no experience in handling
  Asbestos and have not completed similar projects .
Basic Requirements
        Asbestos Removal Works 1

– Area barricading –
– Concrete barrier, warning tapes and warning signs
– Tarpaulin or plastic material woven sheet upto height of building
  to be demolished.
Basic Requirements
         Asbestos Removal Works 2
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Respirator Masks –
Workers should use air supplied breathing masks only.
Workers should not use reusable or disposal respirators.
Basic Requirements
      Asbestos Removal Works 3
Special Safety Signage
Basic Requirements
      Asbestos Removal Works 4
Basic Requirements
       Asbestos Removal Works 5
Wetting of ACM – Contractor should wet all
friable ACM
Basic Requirements
        Asbestos Removal Works 6
Packaging of ACM
Proper packaging ,sealing and encapsulation of friable ACM

Basic Requirements
       Asbestos Removal Works 7
Handy Tools

Transport of Asbestos


Special sealed trucks designed and
equipped and licensed for safe transfer of
Improper Handling of Asbestos
Correct way of handling asbestos
• Detailed engineering design drawings for asbestos site landfill
• Reference to USEPA guidelines related to asbestos disposal
  requirements for active and inactive disposal sites under NESHAPs
  (40 CFR Part 61, subpart M) and specifies general requirements for
  solid waste disposal under RCRA (40 CFR Part 257).
• Advance EPA notification of the intended disposal site is required by
• Methodology submitted by contractors should meet required
  standards set by USEPA for asbestos
Safe Disposal in Double Lined Landfill
Asbestos closed landfill
General Concerns
• Concerns about asbestos removal or dumping
• Implementing governmental circular instructions
• Asbestos phase-out plans
• Safe removal and disposal of asbestos material
  by qualified licensed contractors with hi-level of
  expertise and professionalism
• Apply high engineering standards when dealing
  with asbestos
Special Concerns
Destruction of infrastructure release of asbestos.
Bombs/missiles        asbestos fibers are freed/inhaled with dust.
Apartment and office buildings in Lebanon use asbestos for heat insulation.
Most buildings erected or restored post-war
Western companies have been forced to pay tens of billions of dollars to ex-
employees who worked with asbestos.
Study on incidence of pleural mesothelioma and its relationship with the
        occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos in Chekka region

1991-2000, 22 cases of malignant
mesothelioma were diagnosed at Hôtel-Dieu
de France Hospital.

The relationship between pleural
mesothelioma and a construciton company
with the related occupational and
environmental risk in Chekka region is

The assessment of the incidence needs a
national cancer registry.

Despite the protective measures taken by the
government since 1996, an increase in the
incidence is suspected in the coming ten
years because of the long latency period of
the disease.
•   Fifteen among these 18 patients (83%) had a positive exposure history
•   Occupational exposure in 11 cases
•   Bystander exposure in 4 cases.
•   The tumor was attributable to Company X in 12 cases among the exposed
    15 (80%).
•   Mean latency period between exposition and diagnosis was 29 years.

• 15 patients died from the progression of their disease after a
    median survival of 8 months.






     Statistics are from, 2001 Asbestos Study by
     Kattan J, Faraj H, Ghosn M, Chahine G, Assaf E, Abadjian G, Khoury F.
Asbestos Deaths
•Malcolm McLaren, former manager of New York
Dolls and Sex Pistols, died on 8 April 2010.
•Billy Vaughn, American bandleader, died in 1991.      •US Congressman Bruce Vento died of mesothelioma in
•Hamilton Jordan, Chief of Staff for U.S. President
                                                       •Rock and roll musician and songwriter Warren Zevon,
Jimmy Carter and lifelong cancer activist, died in     after a long period of untreated illness and pain, was
2008.                                                  diagnosed with inoperable mesothelioma in the fall of
•Richard J. Herrnstein, psychologist and co-author     2002. died in 2003.
of The Bell Curve, died in 1994.                       •Christie Hennessy, the influential Irish singer-songwriter,
•Australian anti-racism activist Bob Bellear died in   died of mesothelioma in 2007,
                                                       •Bob Miner, one of the founders of Software
                                                       Development Labs, the forerunner of Oracle Corporation,
•British science fiction writer Michael G. Coney,      died of mesothelioma in 1994.
responsible for nearly 100 works, also died in         •Scottish Labour MP John William MacDougall died of
2005.                                                  mesothelioma on August 13, 2008, after fighting the
•American film and television actor Paul Gleason,      disease for two years.[45]
perhaps best known for his portrayal of Principal      •Australian journalist and news presenter Peter Leonard
                                                       of Canberra succumbed to the condition on September
Richard Vernon in the 1985 film The Breakfast
                                                       23, 2008.
Club, died in 2006.                                    •Terrence McCann, Olympic gold medalist and longtime
•Mickie Most, an English record producer, died of      Executive Director of Toastmasters, died of
mesothelioma in 2003.                                  mesothelioma on June 7, 2006, at his home in Dana
•Paul Rudolph, American architect, died in 1997.       Point, California.
•Bernie Banton, an Australian workers' rights          •Merlin Olsen, Pro Football Hall of Famer and television
                                                       actor, died on March 10, 2010, from mesothelioma that
                                                       had been diagnosed in 2009.
•Actor Steve McQueen was diagnosed with
peritoneal mesothelioma on December 22, 1979.
•   Special study to survey ACM
•   Professional contractors with qualifications,experience
•   Skilled ,trained and equipped personnel
•   High HSE standards
•   Error will result in release of airborne carcinogenic
    asbestos fibres
•   Set of rules/regulations
•   Procedures for all types of asbestos works
•   Contractor qualification requirements .
•   Written and approved Scope Of Work for asbestos
    demolition (even for 1 m2)

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Asbestos 2012 Slideshow

  • 2. ASBESTOS Intro1 • Asbestos ( /æsˈb ɛstəs/ or /æzˈb ɛstəs/; from Greek ἄσβεστος, "unquenchable" or "inextinguishable") is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals used commercially for their desirable physical properties • They all have in common their eponymous, asbestiform habit, long, (1:20) thin fibrous crystals
  • 3. Asbestos in Nature intro2 Fibrous In-organic natural mineral found in abundance in the earth O2 Silica Mined for centuries Deposits around the H world Occurs in fire , primary and metamorphic rocks Mg Fe Varies in chemical and physical characteristics Na ,
  • 4. Asbestos ….. in buildings!? intro3 Building materials are presumed to contain asbestos if installed before 1980, unless testing has proven otherwise
  • 5. TYPES OF ASBESTOS1 1-Chrysotile, white asbestos- OH O Si Mg Member of Serpentine Group : Fibers are usually curly bundled and twisted 95% of world’s asbestos. Hydrophilic ; can absorb water thus wetted to minimize fiber release. Most flexible of all asbestos fibres and Less hazardous Withstand the fiercest heat Soft and flexible; spun and woven as easily as cotton. Resistance to alkaline attack ; reinforcing material in asbestos-cement building products. Banned in UK 1999. Absorbs organic materials such as resins and polymers Used to strengthen particulates such as cement. -
  • 6. TYPES OF ASBESTOS2 2-Amosite, brown asbestos- OH O Si Fe Member of the Amphibole group. Amosite is usually mined in South Africa. Used in automobile industry clutch – brake pads Harsh, spiky fibres have good tensile strength and resistance to heat. In buildings, amosite was used for anti-condensation and acoustic purposes. On structural steel, it was used for fire protection. Between the 1920s and the late 1960s amosite was used in preformed thermal insulation, pipes, slabs and moulded pipe fitting covers. In the UK amosite was also used widely in the manufacture of insulation boards. The import of amosite was banned as of 1 January 1986 by The Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations 1985
  • 7. TYPES OF ASBESTOS3 3- Crocidolite, blue asbestos- OH O Si Fe Fe Na Needlelike fibres straight and brittle 5 – 6 % of world’s asbestos. Member of the Amphibole group. The needle like fibres are strongest High resistance to acids. Use in yarn and rope lagging from 1880s-1960s Thermal insulation 1920s-1950s. High bulk volume Sprayed insulation; a product frst manufactured in USA in 1931 Most lethal Strict guidelines since 1969. The "import, supply and use of crude, fibre, flake, powder or waste was banned after Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations of 1985
  • 8. Friable Vs. Non-Friable Asbestos1 Friable asbestos Crumbled, pulverized or powdered by hand pressure. If friable ACM asbestos-containing material is damaged or disturbed, it presents inhalation risk. Asbestos fibres are more easily released into the air. Sprayed fireproofing on structural steelwork, or thermal insulation on pipes.
  • 9. Friable Vs Non-Friable Asbestos2 Non- Friable asbestos Asbestos fibres are bound or locked into the product matrix Fibres are not readily released. Risk for fibre release only when it is subject to significant abrasion through activities such as sanding or cutting with electric power tools. Vinyl asbestos floor tiles, acoustic ceiling tiles, and asbestos cement products.
  • 10. Asbestos around the world Asbestos is produced in 25 countries mainly Canada Australia South Africa Eastern Europe Countries,China and Japan
  • 11. Rise and Fall of Asbestos1 Asbestos Production 1950 70s 1960 1970 50s 60s
  • 12. Rise and Fall of Asbestos2 6 5 4 3 3 million tons 5 million tons 2 1 0 1970s 1990s
  • 13. Uses of Asbestos1 1. Thermal System Insulation : to prevent heat loss/transfer in pipes, boilers, chilled water condensation tanks, heat exchangers, HVAC’s, process equipment, etc. 2. Surfacing Materials : sprayed or troweled on surfaces such as walls and ceilings for acoustical or decorative purposes, fireproofing, textured purposes, textured plastics, etc. 3. Miscellaneous Materials : non-friable materials such as cement products, roofing, floor tiles, outdoor siding, gaskets, and fabrics, brake linings
  • 14. Uses of Asbestos2 Mixing with other material such • as cement increases durability and strength • Was used in cooking hardware • High resistance to flames • Can be moulded to any shape or • form according to consumer needs 3000 uses for asbestos •
  • 15. Uses of Asbestos3 Asbesto conc ranges from • Tiles 1%-100% in commercial material Asbestos is used in • buildings , roofs, insulation units piping netoworksand ventilation systems Asbestos cement • crayons
  • 16. Uses of Asbestos4 Asbestos tile Fire proof door brakes
  • 17. Uses of Asbestos5 Lavatory unit - Roof made of white asbestos Heating unit made of white and brown asbestos at ratio of - roof made of brown asbestos - Roof made of white asbestos viinyl floor with bitumen sealant with 1-5% white asbestos
  • 18. A typical asbestos infested building
  • 19. Asbestos Hazards1 Asbestos waste is highly hazardous . Hazardous characteristics are due to type of metals and physical properties of the asbestos fibres Health effects increase factors : exposure timing – length of fibers – number of fibres – strenght of fibers
  • 20. Asbestos Hazards2 Asbestos diseases are more prone to workers on-site and can cause death at higher rate than any other WORK RELATED ILLNESS USEPA classifies asbestos as HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT HAP Strict enforcement measures against asbestos removal and disposal works by USEPA and ILO 15-60 years for first symptoms to develop If inhaled ONCE asbestos fibres will cause asbestosis
  • 21. Exposure1 US Federal Government Agency Recommendations on Exposure Limits • On July 12, 1989, EPA established a ban on new uses of asbestos • NIOSH has recommended that 0.1 Fiber/cubic centimeter (fiber >5µm long) /400 liter is carcinogen.
  • 22. Exposure2 1-Air Inhalation at home or workplace workplace air environment 0.5 fiber/cm3 Asbestos is classified as carcinogenic by WHO
  • 23. Exposure 3 2-Water WHO studies have not shown link between cancer and swallowing Debate if asbestos fibers present in potable water Does / Does Not present hazard
  • 24. Exposure 4 Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) No exposure limit in homes and offices
  • 25. Exposure 5 Time-Weighted Average (TWA) 0.1 of asbestos fibers/1 cm3 of air in 8 hours of exposure Short term Excursion Limit 0.10.1 of asbestos fibers/1 cm3 of air in 30 minutes average of exposure
  • 26. Exposure 6 • Miners of asbestos • Shipyard workers • Power plant workers • Brake lining workers • Pipe fitters • Insulators • Boiler makers and repairers • Maintenance workers • Workers in the production of fire bricks, fire-retardants paints, asbestos cement, and other asbestos-containing products
  • 27. Exposure7 • Fibers come from naturally occurring sources of asbestos • Wearing down or distance of manufactured products including insulation, automotive brakes and clutches, ceiling and floor tiles, dry wall, roof shingles and cement
  • 29. Asbestos Diseases 2 Asbestosis • Scarring of lung tissue reducing ability to take oxygen. • Dose related disease ;repeated regular exposures. • Debilitating disease and can be fatal. • Latency period 10-20 years
  • 30. Asbestos Diseases 3 Lung Cancer • Asbestos fibers are breathed in, and trapped in lungs. • Levels of fibers in lung tissue build up over time • Cause lung cancer after years of exposure. • Lung cancer is usually fatal. • Latency period 20 years
  • 31. Asbestos Diseases 4 Mesothelioma • Rare but deadliest • Cancer of pleural lining of lung/peritoneal lining of chest cavity. • Not dose related • Even single exposure may cause disease. • Even people who have only indirect contact with asbestos get it, • Also called “bystander’s” disease. • Latency period 20 to 30years .
  • 32. Asbestos Diseases 5 Medicine ?! • No cure for Asbestos related diseases • Is there a safe exposure? • No exposure to asbestos is a ”safe exposure”. • Something that can neither be seen, smelled, felt and long time later that can kill you is something to think about seriously. • Be SAFE. Be PROTECTED • Create Asbestos free environment.
  • 33. Asbestos Ban1 Protocol No. 162 , 1986 in ILO’s 92nd Ban of asbestos in any shape or form Resolution concerning Asbestos ILO General Conference 2006 Asbestos including chrysotile, are classified as known human carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
  • 36. Asbestos Ban4 • Asbestos phase-out • Other eco-friendly alternative material such as Rockwool or recycled sludges • Still used in India and China
  • 37. Asbestos Regulatory agencies OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Association USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ILO International Labor Organization
  • 38. Arab Countries • Banned my most Arab countries • Phase-out plans • Surveys and studies • Ministries of Environment
  • 39. US International Programme for Chemical Safety 100, 000 workers die yearly by exposure to asbestos, Workers face serious risks from asbestos exposure ; Asbestos Removal, demolition, building maintenance, ship breaking and waste handling activities, Three decades of efforts and alternatives for a ban on manufacture and use of asbestos and asbestos-containing products Objective of Promotional Framework for Occupational safety and health Convention 2006 is to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths.
  • 40. Asbestos Removal 1 • Environmental criteria in specs of demolition contracts • Providing technical requirements to construction contractors after progress of works • Deficiencies on-site
  • 41. Asbestos Removal 2 Detection POLARIZED LIGHT MICROSCOPY USEPA 40 CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix A for sampling and analyzing air samples- transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 29 CFR 1910.1001, Appendix A & B: OSHA Reference method for sampling and analyzing air samples USEPA 40 CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E for bulk samples- method- 1: Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) USEPA 40 CFR part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E for bulk samples- method- 2: X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) 29 CFR 1910.1001, Appendix J (method ID-191): OSHA Reference method for sampling and analyzing bulk samples
  • 42. Asbestos Removal 3 Asbestos disposal requirements for active and inactive disposal sites under NESHAPs (40 CFR Part 61, subpart M)
  • 43. • The demolition work of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM ) is a very specialized task • Experience in handling hazardous ACM • Many contractors have no experience in handling Asbestos and have not completed similar projects .
  • 44. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 1 – Area barricading – – Concrete barrier, warning tapes and warning signs – Tarpaulin or plastic material woven sheet upto height of building to be demolished.
  • 45. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 2 PPE Personal Protective Equipment Respirator Masks – Workers should use air supplied breathing masks only. Workers should not use reusable or disposal respirators.
  • 46. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 3 Special Safety Signage
  • 47. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 4 Training
  • 48. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 5 Wetting of ACM – Contractor should wet all friable ACM
  • 49. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 6 Packaging of ACM Proper packaging ,sealing and encapsulation of friable ACM .
  • 50. Basic Requirements Asbestos Removal Works 7 Handy Tools .
  • 51. Transport of Asbestos ASBESTOS WASTE TRANSPORT Special sealed trucks designed and equipped and licensed for safe transfer of asbestos
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Correct way of handling asbestos
  • 58. Disposal • Detailed engineering design drawings for asbestos site landfill • Reference to USEPA guidelines related to asbestos disposal requirements for active and inactive disposal sites under NESHAPs (40 CFR Part 61, subpart M) and specifies general requirements for solid waste disposal under RCRA (40 CFR Part 257). • Advance EPA notification of the intended disposal site is required by NESHAP. • Methodology submitted by contractors should meet required standards set by USEPA for asbestos demolition,removal,transport,handling,landfilling
  • 59.
  • 60. Safe Disposal in Double Lined Landfill
  • 61.
  • 63. General Concerns • Concerns about asbestos removal or dumping activities • Implementing governmental circular instructions • Asbestos phase-out plans • Safe removal and disposal of asbestos material by qualified licensed contractors with hi-level of expertise and professionalism • Apply high engineering standards when dealing with asbestos
  • 64. Special Concerns Destruction of infrastructure release of asbestos. Bombs/missiles asbestos fibers are freed/inhaled with dust. Apartment and office buildings in Lebanon use asbestos for heat insulation. Most buildings erected or restored post-war Western companies have been forced to pay tens of billions of dollars to ex- employees who worked with asbestos. EIA by MOE
  • 65. Study on incidence of pleural mesothelioma and its relationship with the occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos in Chekka region 1991-2000, 22 cases of malignant mesothelioma were diagnosed at Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital. The relationship between pleural mesothelioma and a construciton company with the related occupational and environmental risk in Chekka region is obvious. The assessment of the incidence needs a national cancer registry. Despite the protective measures taken by the government since 1996, an increase in the incidence is suspected in the coming ten years because of the long latency period of the disease.
  • 66. Results • Fifteen among these 18 patients (83%) had a positive exposure history • Occupational exposure in 11 cases • Bystander exposure in 4 cases. • The tumor was attributable to Company X in 12 cases among the exposed 15 (80%). • Mean latency period between exposition and diagnosis was 29 years. • 15 patients died from the progression of their disease after a median survival of 8 months.
  • 67. 25 20 15 10 5 0 Statistics are from, 2001 Asbestos Study by Kattan J, Faraj H, Ghosn M, Chahine G, Assaf E, Abadjian G, Khoury F.
  • 68. Asbestos Deaths •Malcolm McLaren, former manager of New York Dolls and Sex Pistols, died on 8 April 2010. •Billy Vaughn, American bandleader, died in 1991. •US Congressman Bruce Vento died of mesothelioma in 2000.. •Hamilton Jordan, Chief of Staff for U.S. President •Rock and roll musician and songwriter Warren Zevon, Jimmy Carter and lifelong cancer activist, died in after a long period of untreated illness and pain, was 2008. diagnosed with inoperable mesothelioma in the fall of •Richard J. Herrnstein, psychologist and co-author 2002. died in 2003. of The Bell Curve, died in 1994. •Christie Hennessy, the influential Irish singer-songwriter, •Australian anti-racism activist Bob Bellear died in died of mesothelioma in 2007, •Bob Miner, one of the founders of Software 2005. Development Labs, the forerunner of Oracle Corporation, •British science fiction writer Michael G. Coney, died of mesothelioma in 1994. responsible for nearly 100 works, also died in •Scottish Labour MP John William MacDougall died of 2005. mesothelioma on August 13, 2008, after fighting the •American film and television actor Paul Gleason, disease for two years.[45] perhaps best known for his portrayal of Principal •Australian journalist and news presenter Peter Leonard of Canberra succumbed to the condition on September Richard Vernon in the 1985 film The Breakfast 23, 2008. Club, died in 2006. •Terrence McCann, Olympic gold medalist and longtime •Mickie Most, an English record producer, died of Executive Director of Toastmasters, died of mesothelioma in 2003. mesothelioma on June 7, 2006, at his home in Dana •Paul Rudolph, American architect, died in 1997. Point, California. •Bernie Banton, an Australian workers' rights •Merlin Olsen, Pro Football Hall of Famer and television actor, died on March 10, 2010, from mesothelioma that activist, had been diagnosed in 2009. •Actor Steve McQueen was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma on December 22, 1979.
  • 72. PUBLIC AWARENESS • Special study to survey ACM • Professional contractors with qualifications,experience • Skilled ,trained and equipped personnel • High HSE standards • Error will result in release of airborne carcinogenic asbestos fibres • Set of rules/regulations • Procedures for all types of asbestos works • Contractor qualification requirements . • Written and approved Scope Of Work for asbestos demolition (even for 1 m2)