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The future of food
6 - 7 October 2013
Student Awards
18 participating countries
Belgium,Czech Republic,Denmark,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Italy,Netherlands,Romania,Russia,Serbia,Slovenia,Spain,
Switzerland,Ukraine and United Kingdom
Antonio TAJANI
Vice-president of the European Commission, in charge of Industry and Entrepreneurship
European Commission
“The food industry ranks first in the European manufacturing sector in terms of added
value,employment and raw material usage.It is a pillar of European industry,which is more
resistant to the economic crisis than other industries, and has a massive trade surplus. In
addition, food supply is intimately linked both to European cultures and management of
natural resources. For all these reasons this sector is important to me.
The environmental impact of the food industry is high, hence the importance of an
innovative and ecological policy in this area.Taking into account the elements of sustainable
development in the development of food products has become an environmental
requirement, but also a major challenge for the competitiveness of agribusinesses in future
years. Efficient use of resources is effectively one of the key factors in ensuring sustainable
growth in the “Europe 2020” Strategy. The transition to a more sustainable food industry
sector will require coordinated action at all levels, from global to local.
A project like EcoTroFood involves different domains: eco-innovation, entrepreneurship
and requires taking into account environmental considerations. This is why DG Enterprise
and Industry of the European Commission decided in late 2010, in view of the success
of the young food industry’s innovators competition “Trophélia France”, to expand the
French initiative and give it a European and ecological dimension by incorporating it into
its CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) under the name EcoTroFood. The
ECOTROPHELIA competitions have proven to be true catalysts for the promotion of creativity
and the training of young entrepreneurs with eco-innovative solutions in the food industry.
EcoTroFood also helps to facilitate cooperation between various actors (stakeholders) in
the eco-innovation and the food processing industry through new and better services to
support innovation, to bridge the gap between research and development and marketing
for eco-innovative SMEs. Support for young entrepreneurs and SMEs is a real priority for
me and EcoTroFood is an essential complement to other European initiatives such as the
EU 2020 Innovation Union, the «Small Business Act», the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
and objectives of the European Enterprise Network as well as the activities of «high-level
forum on improving the functioning of the food supply chain.
That is why I am proud of the European Commission’s participation in the EcoTroFood
I wish good luck to all the ECOTROPHELIA participants and I hope they will gain immense
satisfaction, both professionally and gastronomically, from their eco-innovations”.
Antonio TAJANI
Antonio TAJANI
Vice-président de la Commission européenne, chargé de l’industrie et de l’entreprenariat
La Commission européenne
« L’industrie agro-alimentaire occupe le premier rang du secteur manufacturier européen en termes de valeur ajoutée, d’emploi et d’utilisation
de matières premières. C’est un pilier de l’industrie européenne, qui résiste mieux à la crise économique que d’autres industries, et qui dégage
un excédent commercial considérable. Par ailleurs, l’alimentation est intiment liée à la fois aux cultures européennes et à la gestion des
ressources naturelles. Pour toutes ces raisons, c’est un secteur qui me tient à cœur.
L’impact environnemental de l’industrie agroalimentaire est élevé, d’où l’importance d’une politique innovatrice et écologique dans ce secteur.
La prise en compte des éléments de développement durable dans l’élaboration des produits agroalimentaires est devenue une exigence
environnementale, mais aussi un enjeu majeur de la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires pour les années futures. L’utilisation
efficace des ressources est en effet un des facteurs clés pour assurer la croissance durable par la Stratégie Europe 2020. La transition vers un
secteur agro-alimentaire plus durable nécessitera des actions coordonnées à tous les niveaux, du global au local.
C’est pourquoi la DG Entreprises et Industrie de la Commission européenne a décidé fin 2010, vu le succès de la compétition de jeunes
innovateurs de l’agro-alimentaire Trophélia France, d’élargir cette initiative française et d’y donner une dimension européenne et écologique
en l’incorporant dans son programme CIP (Programme-cadre pour la compétitivité et l’innovation), sous le nom EcoTroFood. Les compétitions
ECOTROPHELIA se sont avérées des véritables catalyseurs pour la promotion de la créativité et la formation de jeunes entrepreneurs aux
solutions éco-innovantes dans l’agroalimentaire. EcoTroFood aide également à faciliter la coopération entre les différents intervenants dans
l’éco-innovation et l’industrie de transformation alimentaire, via de nouveaux et meilleurs services de soutien à l’innovation, pour combler le
fossé entre recherche et développement et la commercialisation pour les PME éco-innovantes. Le soutien aux jeunes entrepreneurs et aux
PMEs est une véritable priorité pour moi et EcoTroFood est un complément essentiel à d’autres initiatives européennes comme EU 2020 l’Union
de l’innovation, le «Small Business Act», le Programme Erasmus pour jeunes entrepreneurs et les objectifs du European Enterprise Network
ainsi que les activités du «Forum à haut niveau sur l’amélioration du fonctionnement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire».
C’est pourquoi je suis fier de la participation de la Commission européenne au projet EcoTroFood.
Je souhaite bonne chance à l’ensemble des participants à EcoTrophelia et j’espère qu’ils retireront de leurs éco-innovations une immense
satisfaction tant sur le plan professionnel que gastronomique ».
Student Awards
Chairman European Technology Platform «Food For Life»
Vice-President Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs (Retd.), The Coca-Cola Company
“The availability of qualified and experienced personnel committed to research and innovation is key to its success.
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a competition which not only attracts students from the food sector, but also presents an incubator for
innovative ideas for the food industry. This initiative adheres perfectly to the Lisbon strategy of the European Commission which
aims to boost innovation in order to increase the competitiveness of European industries.
In addition ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is also in agreement with the objectives laid out in the European technology Platform « Food
for Life ». This Platform integrates an educational dimension in order to contribute to the development of skilled contributors in
the food industry sector:
• by encouraging young people to choose a career in the food industry sector ;
• by raising awareness of a culture of innovation.
The availability of qualified personnel sensitive to innovation is a key condition for successful innovation. The involvement of
national food federations under the umbrella of FoodDrinkEurope is a significant and positive sign of their willingness to encourage
development of research and innovation at product and manufacturing process levels”.
Global Head Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, Nestlé SA
“ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE helps to promote innovation and creativity
among students interested in a career in the food industry.The challenge
for students to develop new and interesting products, taking into account
the technical, economic and regulatory parameters, is a formidable
way to introduce them to the practices and endless opportunities of
working in the world of R&D. Students are better prepared for their future
profession, while businesses discover the original ideas and approaches
explored by the students”.
« Si ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE est une compétition qui attire les étudiants du secteur agro-alimentaire, c’est également un
incubateur d’idées innovantes pour le secteur. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de Lisbonne définie
par la Commission européenne, dont l’objectif consiste à promouvoir l’innovation dans le but d’améliorer la compétitivité
des industries européennes.
En outre, ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE répond aux objectifs définis par la Plate-forme technologique européenne « Food for Life » qui prévoit un volet « éducation » visant à
contribuer à renforcer l’attractivité et les compétences du secteur agro-alimentaire :
• en encourageant les jeunes à opter pour une carrière dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire ;
• en encourageant la mise en place d’une culture de l’innovation.
Pour être couronnée de succès, une politique d’innovation implique de disposer de personnels qualifiés sensibilisés à l’importance de l’innovation.
La participation de fédérations nationales du secteur agro-alimentaires à l’initiative FoodDrinkEurope est un signe positif fort traduisant leur volonté de s’investir dans
le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation, tant en ce qui concerne les produits que les méthodes de production ».
« ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE permet de promouvoir l’innovation au sein du secteur agro-
alimentaire par le biais des étudiants. Ces derniers sont incités à développer des produits
innovants qui tiennent compte de paramètres techniques, économiques et réglementaires.
Cet exercice pratique permet une expérience de terrain qui prépare les futurs professionnels
aux contraintes industrielles liées à la recherche et au développement. C’est également
un formidable outil de promotion du potentiel créatif et innovant des métiers du secteur
agro-alimentaire permettant aux entreprises de bénéficier des idées les plus originales des
étudiants ».
Student Awards
Daniele ROSSI
Chairman R&D Group – FoodDrinkEurope
“ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a key competition that attracts not only students to the food sector, but also that
represents a hotbed of eco-innovative ideas for the food industry. This competition aims to encourage SMEs
from the food sector to invest in innovation and to offer them access to excellent food products, pending for
their development.The food industry has to constantly recreate itself: very effective in boosting competitiveness,
innovation is thus a priority for companies.
Genuine hotbed of innovative ideas for the food sector, collective adventure at the crossroads of education,
research and business, ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE has included, since 2011, the
eco-innovation dimension and thus, is answering to a real concern.
Sustainability is a strategic issue for the food industry which has the ambition to become an example of economic
development, environmentally friendly, all over the world”.
Daniele ROSSI - François MARIANI
« ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE est un concours phare qui non seulement attire des étudiants
vers le secteur alimentaire, mais constitue un véritable incubateur d’idées éco-innovantes
pour l’industrie alimentaire. Ce concours vise à encourager les PME du secteur agro-
alimentaire à investir dans l’innovation et à leur offrir un accès à des produits d’excellence en attente de développement. L’industrie agro-
alimentaire doit constamment se réinventer : formidable levier de compétitivité, l’innovation est ainsi une priorité pour les entreprises.
Véritable incubateur d’idées innovantes pour le secteur, aventure collective au carrefour de la formation, de la recherche et de l’entreprise,
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE inclut depuis 2011 la dimension éco innovation et répond ainsi à une préoccupation de terrain.
En effet, la durabilité est un enjeu stratégique pour le secteur agroalimentaire qui a l’ambition de devenir un exemple de développement
économique respectueux de l’environnement pour le monde entier ».
Student Awards
François MARIANI
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vaucluse
“ECOTROPHELIA is a great adventure, an adventure born in Avignon, Provence, in the South of France. The Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of Vaucluse, with its partners and stakeholders in the food industry, launched in 2000 the student food innovation
awards for promoting excellence and innovation in this characteristic sector of our region.
Given the success of this enterprise, ECOTROPHELIA exceeded its national framework and took on a European dimension in 2008.
This success is the result of extensive partnerships at local, national and European levels. The different players in this project have
found a powerful complement to creating a dynamic structure to benefit the entire industry. ECOTROPHELIA is a major European
melting pot of innovation and competitiveness in the food industry.
The European Commission confirmed its support by mandating the CCI of Vaucluse in 2011 to implement a European project to
promote eco-innovation in the food chain: ECOTROFOOD.
This year ECOTROPHELIA Europe sees Universities competing from 18 different countries. This clearly demonstrates how the local
experience of a territory can feed the actions at European level and even become a reference. It is a point of pride for entrepreneurs
in the Vaucluse who have invested their energy in promoting this sector. They are now recognized at the highest level of legitimacy
and relevance for their work.
Yes, entrepreneurs and food industry players in Europe, we have a common goal to build the services of this sector and its
businesses. Because it is our duty to work towards an area where the global competitiveness of European companies is widely
proven and recognized. We must make the most of Europe’s best economical assets.
In this sense of commitment of our Chamber of Commerce and Industry and our partners, I want to thank them sincerely for their
support and loyalty.”
« ECOTROPHELIA est une belle aventure ! Une aventure née à Avignon en Provence, dans le sud de la France. La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie
de Vaucluse, avec ses partenaires et avec les acteurs de la filière professionnelle, a lancé en 2000 les trophées étudiants de l’innovation alimentaire pour
promouvoir l’excellence et l’innovation dans ce secteur d’activité si caractéristique de notre région.
Face au succès de cette entreprise, ECOTROPHELIA a dépassé son cadre national et a pris une dimension européenne dès 2008. Cette réussite est le fruit de
larges partenariats au niveau local, national et européen. Les différents acteurs ont trouvé une belle complémentarité pour créer une dynamique structurante
et bénéfique à toute la filière. ECOTROPHELIA est un rendez-vous européen majeur de l’innovation et de la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires.
La Commission Européenne l’a reconnue en mandatant la CCI de Vaucluse en 2011 pour mettre en œuvre un projet européen de promotion de l’éco-
innovation dans la filière agroalimentaire : ECOTROFOOD.
Cette année, ECOTROPHELIA Europe voit concourir des Universités de 18 pays différents. C’est dire combien l’expérience locale d’un territoire peut nourrir les
actions au niveau européen et même devenir une référence. C’est une fierté pour les entrepreneurs de Vaucluse qui ont déployé leur énergie pour promouvoir
cette filière. Ils voient aujourd’hui reconnus au plus haut niveau la légitimité et l’intérêt de leur action.
Oui, entrepreneurs et acteurs de la filière agroalimentaire d’Europe, nous avons une ambition commune à construire au service de ce secteur et de ses
entreprises. Car il est de notre devoir d’œuvrer en faveur d’un domaine où la compétitivité mondiale des entreprises européennes est très largement avérée
et reconnue. Il faut savoir valoriser au maximum ses meilleurs atouts.
C’est tout le sens de l’engagement de notre Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie et de nos partenaires, que je tiens à remercier pour leur soutien et leur
fidélité. »
Student Awards
16 juni 2013
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Student Awards
Food InnovatIon
Student awardS
Student Awards
SOcrock Italy “Volga” Meat Chips Russia
Name of the product: CRIKIZZProduct marketed by:YNSECT
Country: FranceWebsite:www.ynsect.comContact name: Julie CORTAL
Name of the product: SOcrockProduct marketed by: FRUTELIA & Letellier GmbH
Country: GermanyWebsite: www.frutelia.comContact name: Michela DIONI
Name of the product: Meat chips “Volga”Product marketed by: JSC Family sausagesCountry: Russia
Contact name: Tatiana Giro
Want to impress your friends with a
surprising challenge? Want to stand out
by offering an amazing appetizer? Look no
further - with Crikizz, insects will be part of
your party!
Crikizz have surprised the appetizer world
with a range of mealworm based snacks
and now challenge consumers to enjoy a
unique ingredient: insects.Insects have real known and recognized
potential: in short, they are nutritious and
ecological! But it goes without saying that
the image of this food substance does not
play in its favor. So there is work to be done
to enhance their palatability and it is this
challenge that Crikizz have taken on. In
addition, with their unique manufacturing
process, Crikizz contain far less fat than
usual aperitif nibbles. Combining pleasure
and practicality Crikizz offer a surprising
product for consumers looking for new
Crikizz is marketed by Ynsect, a young
company founded in late 2011 that has
decided to create and sell finished products
prepared with European insects destined
for human and animal consumption.
To position itself as a pioneer in the
industry, the company is studying various
research themes: the nutritional qualities
of each species, studies to improve the
environmental impact of the production of
insects and the use of by-products of the
protein extraction.
SOcrock is a new and sustainable product made
from white sorghum, an old and less demanding
cereal with great potential. With an essential and
natural recipe, SOcrock is a bi-taste snack (half
chocolate, half cereal) crunchy, light, and rich
in fiber, which gratifies without swelling. It is a
handy and fast hunger-cruncher to keep always
in your bag. With an attractive design, it can be
eaten at any time and everywhere. Simple but
not obvious, SOcrock marks a return to origins
with a twist. With only 88 Kcal per bar, it satisfies
your greediness without guilt. But SOcrock is
not only taste and pleasure. Naturalness and
innovation make it an eco-friendly snack: with
nutritional properties similar to corn, sorghum
has lower water requirements and greater
adaptability. In SOcrock, white sorghum is used
in various forms: as blown grains, as syrup and
as fiber. SOcrock’s nutritional added value is
provided by ingredients obtained from what the
food industry considers as byproducts (fiber and
grape seeds). The supply of raw materials and
the finished product are manufactured and made
achievable within a few kilometers. The primary
packaging is fully recyclable, while the secondary
has been replaced by a multipack where more
bars are joined by adhesive side. The impact on
the ecosystem has resulted in an environmental
label, applied to develop customer’s awareness,
encouraging behavioral change in favor of
environment: SOcrock always falls in the best
categories of sustainability.
“An environmentally friendly product, prepared
from pork, lamb, beef”.
Raw meat and specially introduced bacterial
agents, the so-called «starter cultures» Bacto
Flavor ® BFL-FO2 are used to speed up the
process and give the product an attractive color
and natural protection from pathogenic flora.
In addition, the use of starter cultures Bacto
Flavor ® BFL-FO2 produces a product similar
in taste and texture to traditional crisps. Beef
from animals raised on clean feed is used in
the production of Meat Chips. The remoteness
of the natural pastures from industrial sites and
a ban on the use of forage crops that ensures
ecological safety is another important factor in
favor of using beef as raw material. The use of
raw organic beef, bacterial starter cultures Bacto
Flavor ® BFL-FO2, as well as fermentation and
drying, has allowed us to create an ecologically
safe technology for meat chips «Volga».The food product is marketed by the company
«Фамильные sausages» the owner of one of
the largest meat-processing plants in the Volga
region, and of the production of semi-finished
products, with a total production capacity of
over 25 tons per year. «Фамильные sausages»
also has its own logistics center and 7 sales
offices around the Volga region.
Student Awards
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a European competition for creating
innovative food products that puts each participating country’s
shortlisted prize-winners head to head. The ECOTROPHELIA
EUROPE competition originates from the European project called
«European Trophelia Service Platform for Eco-innovation in Food», or
«EcoTroFood» from the European Commission’s Competitiveness and
Innovation Framework Programme (C.I.P). «EcoTroFood» is a Europe-
wide project (2011-2013) that aims to promote eco-innovation in the
food industry.
The ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition is directed at any national
organisation incorporated as a food association or national industry
platform (regardless of the legal structure - association, company...)
recognized by the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Organizing Committee.
The national organiser is hereafter called «the Participant».
Are allowed to participate in the contest:
• National organisations from European Union Member states;
• National organisations from European countries not in the
European Union;
• Non-European national organisations as associated countries,
under the authorization of the Organizing Committee
A student team is made up of at least 2 (two) and no more than 10
(ten) students. Each student must be registered at a European state
controlled or private higher education establishment or science or
business school. Students who are over 35 (thirty five) years old are
not accepted.
Each student team must designate a «Team Manager» who will be
the intermediary between the Organizing Committee and their team.
He/she must be present at the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition.
Organisation, running and supervision of the student team taking part
in the competition is the responsibility of the Participant.
The food product entered in the competition must meet all the criteria
set out in the following official specifications, without the list of
these criteria being drawn up in increasing or decreasing order of
importance, hereafter the «official specifications».
The food product must:
• be fit for human consumption and aimed at consumers;
• be marketable in retail distribution or the restaurant and hotel
• be innovative in one or several aspects compared to food products
already on the market. This innovation can come especially from
the concept,and/or technology,and/or recipe,and/or packaging…;
• take on board eco-innovation, which could mean the basic
ingredients (origin, organic or with low carbon footprint) and/
or packaging (recyclable) and/or manufacturing process (energy
saving, water recycling) and/or distribution-logistics (new channels
or direct consumer sales), making it easier for all businesses in the
food production chain to integrate the environmental dimension;
• stand out for its taste, nutritional or other qualities;
• be reproducible for manufacturing in a production unit based on
technical specifications (ingredients, manufacturing process, cost
price, business investment…);
• conform to relevant regulations (processing, additives and
ingredients, packaging, labelling, advertising standards, food
• be commercially relevant (suitable for a local and/or national and/
or European market and meeting a demand, marketing plan,
packaging, logistics…);
• show global coherence for all the criteria set out above
To choose the competition winners and award prizes accordingly, a
European judging panel will be formed, composed of representative
figures from the food and distribution industry sector, members of the
European Commission, an industrial representative from the national
food industry and appointed by the Participant, as well as specialists
in food innovation.
The European judging panel will assess the students’ presentation in
English and the products’ taste qualities.
During the selection process, each team will present their product in
English, organize a tasting of the product and answer questions from
the judging panel.
Each member of the judging panel will give a score for each project.
The mark for each project is determined by the average of the marks
given to each dossier by the members of the judging panel. The
highest mark will go to the project, which the judging panel thinks
best corresponds to the criteria set out in the specifications.The three
winning projects will be the three that received the top three highest
scores from the judging panel.
Prizes will be awarded in reverse order of scores. If two or more
projects receive the same mark, a second mark will be given after
further discussion of said projects by members of the judging panel.
If the projects concerned receive the same mark again, the best
project will be decided by drawing lots.
Each judging panel member shall be subject to the principle of
impartiality inherent to the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition. The
industrial representative, judging panel member, appointed by each
Participant to represent the national food industry, cannot judge the
product presented by their own country’s national team.
The judging panel’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.The
judging panel members are bound by secrecy.
The minutes of the judging panel’s decisions are held at the
headquarters of the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Organizing Committee.
The deliberation of the results and ranking of the teams will remain
Any confidential information submitted by the teams and identified
as such by said teams as “Confidential,” may not be disclosed or
published without their express permission.
The competition has three (four) prizes:
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Gold Prize: 8000 (eight thousand Euros)
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Silver Prize: 4000 (four thousand Euros)
ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Bronze Prize: 2000 (two thousand Euros)
The judging panel reserves the right to award, without appeal, a
special distinction to a participating team whose file will present a
particular original innovation.
The prizes will be paid by bank transfer to each student in the prize
winning teams, who signed the collective agreement. They will each
receive a sum equivalent to the pro rata amount of the overall prize
Student Awards
Director Raw Materiels
Tiense Suikerraffinaderij - Raffinerie Tirlemontoise
Mr. František SMRŽ
Chief Manager of bakery company,
ZEELANDIA, spol. S r.o
Mr. Jørgen RISUM
Associate Professor (emeritus)
DTU - Technical University of Denmark,
National Food Institute
ANIA, National Association of Food Industries
General Manager / Head of Business,
Ernst Boecker GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Dimitrios LADIKOS
Head of Research and Development YIOTIS SAYIOTIS SA
Member of the Scientific Committee of SEVT, Member of the
Mr. Tamás ÉDER
PR and Corporational Concern Manager, Bonafarm Co.
President, Federation of Hungarian Food Industries
M.Sc. Food Scientist
Federation of Iceland Industries
Mr. Annibale PANCRAZIO
Board Member of Pancrazio SA
Pancrazio SpA - Industrie conserviere alimentary
Dr.Ir. C.D (Kees) DE GOOIJER
Chief Inspiration Officer
Food & Nutrition Delta
Mrs. Daniela CIUCLARU
R&D and QC Manager
Puratos Prod SRL
Mrs. Tatiana GIRO
Head of «Technologies of Meat and Dairy Products»
Saratov State Agrarian University
Mr. Michael KNOWLES
Chairman of the Judging Panel ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE 2013
Chairman European Technology Platform «Food For Life»
Vice-President Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs (Retd.),The Coca-Cola Company
Deputy Head of Unit Food and Healthcare Industries, Biotechnology
DG Enterprise and Industry
Mr. Michel COOMANS
Head of Unit (e.r.)
Food Industry
Dr. Dominique TAEYMANS
Corporate Regulatory & Scientific Affairs International Relations
Mr. Serge GAY
Director SME Relations
Mr. Gerald BÖSE
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Daniele ROSSI
Chairman R&D Group
Mr. Viktor NEDOVIĆ
President of the Serbian Association
of Food Technologists
Coordinator of National Technology
Platform Food for Life Serbia
Mrs. Darja JAMNIK
Head of Commercial Department
Mrs. Virginia GONZÁLEZ
Director Personnel
Deputy Head of Sales
Professor Margaret PATTERSON
President IFST
Institute of Food Science & Technology
Student Awards
Key figures of
the national food
Main figures of the
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
billions €
62 G Euros
18 795
Company export volume:
billions €
25% of Dutch exports
including Agri sector
(hence 125 G Euros)
3424 mio CHF (18%)
Added value:
billions €
8 360
4 326
6 250
8 239
3 373
30 000
Number of
related to the
food industry
120 000 FTE
104 654
141 000
495 000
542 000
350 000
87 674
17 700
405 000
100 000
186 637
1.3 million
73 175
12 885
440 000
36 324 4 mln
400 000
FEVIA is the federation of the food companies in Belgium.FEVIA plays a role of interface between the industrial companies
in the sector and the socio-economic environment in which they carry out their activities. FEVIA concentrates its actions
on three main priority areas:
1) Food Policy
2) Labour Relations
3) The environment and energy
The members of FEVIA include 480 companies of different sizes and 26 associations representing the different sub-
sectors of the food industry.
FEDERATION OF THE FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRIES CR (FFDI) is the a private non-governmental and non-profit body
representing the interests of the Czech Food and Drink Industries at National, European and International level. Members
of the Federation are Branch Associations and individual food companies. FFDI priorities are:
• To help its members to compete effectively and to meet the challenge of the globalisation.
• To contribute to the development of a legislative and economic framework, addressing issues of competitiveness, food
quality and safety, consumer information and respect for the environment.
• To facilitate the food and drink industries to invest more on R&D and innovation.
• To increase consumer confidence by promoting food safety, nutrition information and encouraging the dialogue on diet,
lifestyle and health issues.
• To establish close and fruitful cooperation among all stakeholders.
FFDI is a member of CIAA and one of the founding members of the SPES GEIE (European Economic Interest Grouping
known as “Spread European Safety EEIG). In the framework of the European Technological Platform ‘Food for Life’
(ETP), on 20th March 2006 FFDI established Czech Technological Platform ‘Food for Life’ (CTPP) and is a member of the
network of the National Technology Platforms ‘Food for Life’ (NFTPs).
Federation of the Belgian Food Industry - FEVIA
Address: Kunstlaan 43 - 1040 Brussels
General Phone Number: +32 2 550 17 40
Contact Person: Mrs. Ariane LOUWAEGE, Scientific Mediator European Projects
Potravinȧřskȧ Komora České Republiky - PK ČR
Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic - FFDI
Address: Počernickȧ 96/272 – 108 03 Praha 10 - Malešice
General Phone Number: +420 733 581 302
Website: ;
Contact Person: Ms. Šárka ŠTEJARVOVA, Manager
Student Awards
The National Food Institute, Technical university of Denmark operates within five technical focus areas: Biotechnology,
nutrition, food quality, food safety, food technology and environment & health.
The work comprises aspects from the entire production and distribution chain from primary production over industrial
processing to the preparation in the consumer’s home or industrial kitchens as well as assessment of how foods impact
human health – including pollutants and additives in foods.
The National Food Institute generates new knowledge through research and monitoring, develops research-based
services for public and private enterprises and trains students and researchers within the department’s research focus
The National Food Institute has about 400 employees.
ANIA is the association representing the French Food Industry. First industrial sector in France with a turnover of 160, 9
billion euros in 2012, the food industry is considered as a flagship of our country in the world.
The 13,500 food companies (of which more than 97% are SMEs) employ almost 500,000 workers (first industrial
employer in France).
ANIA represents 22 sub-sectors of the Food industry: processed meat products, dairies, soft drinks, ready to eat meals,
snacks, canned foods…
Its mission is to promote the competitiveness of the food sector.
This is why ANIA’s staff is dealing with all key issues for the food companies: i.e. Food quality and safety, economic
issues, sustainability and innovation…
The last two items are the reason why ECOTROPHELIA is seen as a real opportunity by French food companies.
Danish National Food Institute – Technical University of Denmark - DTU Food
Address: Søltofts Plads, building 227 – 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
General Phone Number: +45 45 88 33 22
Contact Person: Ms. Hanne LØJE, Assistant Professor
Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires – ANIA
Address: 21 rue Leblanc – 75015 Paris
General Phone Number: +33 153 838 600
Website: –
Contact Person : Ms. Françoise GORGA, Innovation Manager
Student Awards
The Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI) is a non-profit, registered association supporting research
projects in all fields of food science, food technology and nutritional science.
Up today the FEI is the sole research association spanning almost all branches and disciplines of the food and drink
industry in Germany.
The FEI organises the competion TROPHELIA Deutschland since 2010 - fourth time in 2013.
The FEI connects economy and science: It coordinates yearly about 100 cooperative research projects, organises
scientific conferences and publishes different media for experts. 60 enterprises, 55 industrial branch associations and
120 research institutes are organised within the Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI).
The financing is provided by private funding (enterprises and industrial associations) and public funding (Federal Ministry
of Economy and Technology).
SEVT is the official body representing the interests of the Hellenic Food and Drink Industries at National, European
and International level. Members of the Federation are Branch Associations and individual food companies. The main
areas of SEVT activities are related to Food Safety and Quality, Nutrition and Diet, Food Law and Administrative Law,
Crisis Management, Communication, European and International Agreements, Industrial Relations and Trade Unions,
Agricultural Policy, Environment and Packaging Directives and Research and Innovation.
SEVT priorities are:
• Improve competitiveness
• Strengthen extroversion
• Investments in research and promotion of innovation
• Food Safety & Quality
• Promotion of balanced diets & healthy lifestyle
• Consumer information
• European co�operation with all stakeholders
SEVT strongly believe that the initiatives promoting research and innovation in the food industry must be a priority not
only for Greece but for all the European countries and that’s why we consider ECOTROPHELIA as an excellent opportunity
for the food industry and Academia as well.
That’s why SEVT considers that Ecotrophelia is an excellent opportunity to:
Promote new innovative ideas that will contribute to the progress of industry,
Encourage and support the new generation in all European countries,
Bridge the gap between research/development and market and
Enable SMEs specially to exploit the opportunities inherent in environmental concerns.
Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V – FEI
Address: Godesberger Allee 142-148, 53175 Bonn
General Phone Number: +49 228 30796990
Contact Person: Mrs. Daniela KINKEL, PR manager
Federation of Hellenic Food Industries - SEVT
Address: 21 Agias Sofias Str. – 154 51 Neo Psychiko, Athens
General Phone Number: +302 106 711 177
Contact Person: Dr. Fotini SALTA, Techno-Scientific Mediator
Student Awards
Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft., situated in Budapest, is one of the most important service providers’ food
companies in Eastern and Central Europe in the areas of consultancy on European market competitiveness development,
training and product development. It is the successor of the Frozen Industry Development and Analytical Institute,
so we have decades of R+D experience in the Hungarian food industry. We have direct access to the most recent
research results and methods through our parent company ( and we traditionally implement our
developments in cooperation with the food industry.
Acting in close cooperation with the industry, academia and national and international research institutes, the Innovation
Center Iceland (ICI) focuses on R&D, technology transfer, education, support for entrepreneurs and SMEs and consulting
in order to increase innovation, productivity and competitiveness. ICI is a key organization for delivering business and
innovation support services and implementing business development initiatives specifically designed for the benefit of
SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovators, with the overall aim of increasing national competitiveness. ICI operates
under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and receives revenue from both the public and private sectors. The
Center currently employs 80 people, including11 outside of the capital area.
Campden BRI Magyaroszág Nonprofit Kft. - CBHU
Address: Haller utca 2, H – 1096 Budapest
General Phone Number: + 36 14 331 470
Website :
Contact Person : Ms. Katalin VIOLA, Development Engineer
Innovation Center Iceland - ICI
Address: Keldnaholti, 112, Reykjavik
General Phone Number: +354 5 229 000
Contact Person: Mrs. Fanney FRISBAEK, Project Manager
Student Awards
FEDERALIMENTARE is the Italian Food & Drink Industry Federation set up in 1982. It is member of Confindustria – the
General Confederation of Italian Industries and member of Food Drink Europe – the Confederation of the EU member’s
food and drink industries. Through its 17 branch Associations it represents each sector of F&D industry:
FEDERALIMENTARE’s mission is to pursue the development and competitiveness of the Italian F&D industry,to consolidate
the activities of Italian companies on international markets, to promote the image of the sector to support quality and
safety of the Italian processed food, to increase the promotion of exports, to develop joint strategies with the agricultural
sector in order to improve the competitiveness of the system at European level, to implement EU and WTO agreements,
to support correct lifestyles and nutritional policies in and to support research and technological innovation.
TKI Agrid&Food plays an important role in drafting and implementing the innovation agenda of the agrifood sector. TKI
outlines the knowledge demand of business, and recommends research themes to the top team. In addition TKI makes
proposals on the distribution of funds. Furthermore TKI coordinates European activities and keeps in close touch with the
eight other top sectors.
Federazione italiana dell’Industria alimentare e delle bevande
Federalimentare Servizi S.r.l
Address: Viale Luigi Pasteur 10 – 00144 Rome - Italy
General Phone Number: +39 06 5 903 857
Contact Person: Mr.Giovanni DELLE DONNE, International Promotion Department
TKI Agri&Food
Address: Nieuwe Kanaal 9a, 6709 PA Wageningen, - 6700 An Wageningen
General Phone Number: +317 487 258
Contact Person: Mr. Kees DE GOOIJER, Managing Director
Student Awards
ASIAR was established on October 2009 as private juridical person that aims to promote the Romanian food industry and
its specialists at national and international level.
ASIAR includes academics, food researchers and specialists from the food industry.
ASIAR represents the specialists from food industry and related industries as well as the ones from research institutes
and universities in their relationship with national and international authorities; has legislatives initiatives; unifies the
professional ideals of its members; defends the interests of its member either individual or group ones; supports food
industry as national economical priority; supports technological transfer from research centers to industry; promotes
the principles of food safety; educates the Romanian consumer on safety and nutritional issues; defends the intellectual
and industrial rights of its members; develops relationships with similar associations.
The Volga region research institute of manufacture and processing of meat-and-milk production (VRIMMP) is working
within the extensive program of development and introduction of the scientifically based system of animal husbandry
and forage production management, improvement of breeding methods and technologies, complex processing of animal
husbandry products for the purpose of obtaining environmentally safe food. The institute is one of the few in Russian
Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ frame where complex researches at the “from field to consumer” chain are conducted.
VRIMMP was awarded gold and silver medals of Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn” numerous times, as
well as gold medal of International Specialized Exhibition “Biotech World 2012”, and obtained three grants of Russian
Foundation for Basic Research.
Romanian Association of Food Industry Professionals - ASIAR
Address: Domneasca 111, Corp F - sala F 206 - 800201 Galati
General Phone Number: +40 336 130 181
Contact Person: Mrs. Anca Ioana NICOLAU, Professor
The Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production of Russian
Academy of Agricultural Sciences - VRIMMP RAAS
Address: Russian Federation, Rokossovskogo st, 6, 400131 Volgograd
General Phone Number: +7 8442 39 10 48
Contact Person: Mr. Ivan GORLOV, Director
Student Awards
The Serbian Association of Food Technologists (SAFT) is nonprofit association of food professionals established in 2009
in Belgrade. The SAFT mission is to establish and maintain a strong network and interconnection between research
institutions and companies, researchers and professionals in the food sector and to support research and technological
innovations. It aims to promote the professional development and educational excellence within the food science and
technology.SAFT is an umbrella organization for the Serbian NationalTechnology Platform“Food for Life”and the Serbian
Regional Section of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group. It provides a framework for co-operation
among national, regional and global professional food societies and their members. SAFT has been the organizer or co-
organizer of several important international and national food events in Serbia, such as the 4th European Workshop on
Food Engineering and Technology (competition for the best European PhD thesis in food engineering and technology) in
May 2010 in Belgrade, the 6th Central European Congress on Food (CEFood) in May 2012 in Novi Sad, the 1st National
Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (competition for the best Serbian PhD thesis in food engineering and
technology) in February 2013 in Belgrade, and nowadays the first national EcoTrophelia competition (18 July 2013,
Belgrade).The Serbian Association of Food Technologists is a collective member of European Federation of Food Science
and Technology (EFFoST).
CCIS-CAFE is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, interest group of legal entities, which carry out lucrative business
activities in the agricultural or food sector or related activities on the market. The Chamber functions in a regional
independent manner and, in view of the number of its members, it is a recognizable and prominent representative
of the agricultural and food sector in Slovenia and abroad. The Chamber has around 300 members. It incorporates,
represents and links the agricultural and food industry in respect to public authorities and European branch associations;
it forms viewpoints and policies towards the social partners and other domestic and foreign associations, it promotes
the development of the sector and knowledge flow, ideas and good Slovenian and European practices in the branch. It
also provides professional help in form of consulting, information, education and training. CCIS-CAFE is actually a multi-
sectorial chamber.
Serbian Association of Food Technologists - SAFT
Address: Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade - Zemun
General Phone Number: +38 1112199711
Contact Person: Mr. Viktor NEDOVIĆ, President of the Serbian Association of Food Technologists - Coordinator
of National Technology Platform Food for Life Serbia
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises - CCIS – CAFE
Address: Dimičeva 13 - SI 1504 – Ljubljana
General Phone Number: +38 615 898 294
Contact Person: Mrs. Petra MEDVED DJURAŠONOVIČ, Senior Consultant
Student Awards
The Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation (FIAB) was created in 1977 to represent –through one organization
with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country. At present, it
encompasses 47 associations.
Its main activity is informing the sector of developments that might affect their performance and representing their
interests before different administrations and decision-making bodies at national, European and international level.
FIAB was one of the leading industry associations to join the Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations (CEOE).
Also, in order to be able to represent the industry’s interests in the EU sphere, FIAB has maintained a permanent
delegation in Brussels since 1983 and has been a full member of EU Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries
(FoodDrinkEurope) since 1986.
Swiss Food Research is the Swiss Association for the promotion of Research and Innovation in the food and food related
sectors. The network of Swiss academic institutions was established in order to enhance the competitiveness of the
Swiss food industry and its suppliers. The food industry is represented by the Federation of the Swiss Food Industries
(FIAL) and the “Kompetenznetzwerk Ernährungswissenschaft”, which are both members of the network. We support
companies in the formulation of project proposals and impart the highest competencies of research institutes within our
network for the most successful execution of the project.We also assist companies in the realization of financial support
from national and European funding sources. Swiss Food Research is running the National Technology Platform “Food for
Life Switzerland” and ensures that the needs of the Swiss food industry and its related sectors can also be considered
in the 7th Research Framework Program of the EU. For this purpose, Swiss Food Research has formulated a “Strategic
Research Agenda 2009-2020”.
Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación Y Bebidas - FIAB
Address: Velásquez, 64-3° - 28001 Madrid
General Phone Number +34 91 411 72 11
Website :
Contact Person: Mr. Federico MORAIS, Technology and Innovation Department Manager
Swiss Food Research
Address: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161 – CH-3097 Liebefeld
General Phone Number: +41 276 068 600
Contact Person: Mr. Jean-Claude VILLETTAZ, Co-Chairman
Student Awards
The Ukrainian National Technological Platform «Agro-Food» is a voluntary union of more than 200 research organizations,
SMEs, NGOs and other stakeholders. It was established in 2012 in order to coordinate, direct and assist efforts of various
stakeholders aimed at bringing more innovations to the Ukrainian food sector. The main tasks of the UNTP «Agro-Food»
are to facilitate knowledge transfer from research institutions to SMEs and to promote participation of Ukrainian partners
in relevant European projects of scientific and technological cooperation.
The Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) is the leading qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and
the only professional body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology. Our members cover all
aspects of food from manufacturing, retailing and R&D to academia and enforcement.We are passionate about engaging
food professionals, recognising standards, growing skills and influencing debate.
Campden BRI
Campden BRI provides technical,legislative and scientific support and research to the food and drinks industry worldwide.
We offer a comprehensive «farm to fork» range of services covering agri-food production,analysis and testing,processing
and manufacturing, safety, training and technical information services. Our members and clients benefit from industry-
leading facilities for analysis, product and process development, and sensory and consumer studies, which include a
specialist brewing and wine division.
Ukrainian National Technology Platform «Agro-Food» - UNTP
Address: Polyarna St., 20 / 307– 04655 Kyiv
General Phone Number: +38 044 2336341
Contact Person: Mr.Pavlo BILAK, Academic Secretary of the UNTP
Institute of Food Science & Technology - IFST
Address: 5 Cambridge Court, 210 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NJ
General Phone Number: +44 207 603 6316
Contact Person: Mrs. Jane EMERY, Deputy Chief Executive
Campden BRI
Address: Station Road, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6LD
General Phone Number: +44 1386 842 000
Contact Person: Mr. Bertrand Emond, Head of Membership and Training
Student Awards
Student Awards
5th to 9th October 2013
With approximately 6,700 suppliers from about 100 countries and ca. 160,000 buyers from 180 countries, the 32nd Anuga (Cologne, 5th to
to 9th October 2013) will again be the global hub for the trade in food and beverages. The world’s leading trade fair will fill the entire Cologne
exhibition centre — a total of 284,000 m² of gross exhibition space in eleven halls, including some with more than one level.
“10 specialized trade shows under one roof” — Anuga sets the standard with this trade fair concept. Based on themes and focal points, the
ten specialized trade shows give a clear structure to the fair and for the attendees. Thus Anuga presents suppliers from all over the world,
ranging from small and midsized companies to market leaders within their respective segment.Anuga is open exclusively to trade visitors from
the food trade and the food service sector.
Anuga’s supporting programme is interesting and informative at the same time. It will kick off with the Anuga Executive Summit, a get-
together for members of the industry and the trade at the highest level. Other events at the fair will include the Frozen Food event, the Meat
Essential get-together for the meat segment, the WellFood Congress and the second European Halal Conference. Again Anuga will stage the
ECOTROPHELIA European Food Innovation Student Awards, which honour the winners in a Europe-wide contest for students for the creation
of new eco-innovative food products.
Avec environ 6.700 fournisseurs venant d’une centaine de pays et (circ.) 160.000 acheteurs de 180 pays, le 32ème Salon Anuga (Cologne, du 5 au 9 Octobre
2013) sera de nouveau la plaque tournante mondiale pour le commerce agroalimentaire. Le salon, qui est le leader mondial, va remplir l’ensemble du centre
des expositions de Cologne - un total de 284.000 m² de surface d’exposition brute dans onze halles, dont certaines avec plus d’un niveau.
«10 salons spécialisés sous un même toit» - l'Anuga met la barre haute avec ce concept d’exposition. Basé sur des thématiques et des points focaux, les dix
salons spécialisés donnent une structure claire à l’exposition ainsi qu’aux participants. Ainsi l'Anuga présente les fournisseurs venus du monde entier, allant
des petites et moyennes entreprises, aux leaders du marché dans leurs secteurs respectifs. L'Anuga est ouvert exclusivement aux visiteurs professionnels
des secteurs des services et du commerce agroalimentaires.
Le programme de l’Anuga est à la fois intéressant et instructif. Il débutera par le sommet « Anuga Executive Summit », un rendez-vous pour les membres de
l’industrie et du commerce au plus haut niveau. D’autres événements à l’exposition comprendront l’événement ‘Aliments Surgelés’, la ‘Viande Essentielle’
rendez-vous pour le secteur de la viande, le congrès ‘Wellfood’ et la deuxième conférence Halal européenne. Encore une fois l'Anuga mettra en scène la
compétition ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE, qui honore les étudiants lauréats pour leur création de nouveaux produits alimentaires éco-innovants.
ECOTROPHELIA, the “Student Food Innovation Awards”, was held for the 14th year in Avignon. Created at the initiative of the CCI Vaucluse,
the awards are organized by 13 higher education institutions, 2 professional branches and 8 Competitiveness Clusters and Technical Centers.
This year, over 130 students participated to introduce more than 20 new products. Besides the ability to show their expertise and know-how,
the trophies are a real opportunity for our young «inventors» because, every year, some of their creations will be mass produced and marketed
in retail.
Since 2008 ECOTROPHELIA also organises a European edition of the competition in which more countries participate each year: 5 years ago
there were 8 countries, in 2011 there were 10 countries, 15 last year and there will be 18 competing countries this year. ECOTROPHELIA
has become a reference in Europe, a major event for innovation and competitiveness. This international recognition means that Avignon has
become the European Capital of food eco-innovation: an eco-friendly food innovation that respects the consumer, the environment and society
in general, pillars of sustainable development. Because we can no longer conceive progress without respecting citizens and the environment,
the entrepreneurs of the CCI Vaucluse continue to support the strategy of synergy between education, research and enterprise embodied by
The success of ECOTROPHELIA Europe is based on a broad partnership and to all those who take part, our warmest thanks!
François MARIANI,
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vaucluse
ECOTROPHELIA, les « Trophées étudiants de l’innovation alimentaire », a été organisé pour la 14ème année à Avignon. Créés à l’initiative de la CCI de Vaucluse,
ces trophées sont organisés par 13 établissements d’enseignement supérieur, 2 branches professionnelles, ainsi que 8 organismes et Centres Techniques.
Cette année encore, plus de 130 étudiants se sont mobilisés pour y présenter plus de 20 nouveaux produits. Outre la capacité à montrer leur expertise et leur
savoir-faire, les trophées sont une véritable mise de pied à l’étrier pour nos jeunes « inventeurs » puisque, comme chaque année, certaines de leurs créations
seront produites en série et mises sur le marché dans les circuits de la distribution.
Depuis 2008, ECOTROPHELIA organise aussi une compétition européenne qui rassemble chaque année plus de pays : 8 il y a 5 ans, 10 en 2011, 15 l’an
passé, ils seront 18 cette année à présenter des concurrents. ECOTROPHELIA est devenu une référence en Europe, un rendez-vous majeur de l’innovation et
de la compétitivité des entreprises. Cette reconnaissance internationale fait d’Avignon la Capitale Européenne de l’éco-innovation alimentaire : une innovation
alimentaire respectueuse du consommateur, de l’environnement et de la société en général, piliers du développement durable. Parce qu’on ne peut plus
concevoir de progrès que dans le respect du citoyen et de l’environnement, les chefs d’Entreprise de la CCI de Vaucluse continuent à soutenir la stratégie de
synergie entre formation, recherche et entreprise incarnée par ECOTROPHELIA Europe.
Le succès d’ECOTROPHELIA Europe repose sur un large partenariat dont nous nous félicitons ! Que toutes celles et tous ceux qui y prennent part en soient
remerciés !
Student Awards
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry supports ECOTROPHELIA Europe and ECOTROPHELIA France, two major student competitions,
highlighting, at both French and European levels:
• Our excellent training for careers in the food sector,
• Our young adults ability for eco-innovation, which participates in developing quality food, accessible to all and environmentally friendly,
• The exceptional variety / diversity of food in France.
These values echo the objectives of public food policy exposed in the National Food Program (PNA). A real social issue, this interdepartmental
programme run by the Ministry of Agriculture aims to facilitate access for all to a good diet by developing in particular a high quality ecofriendly
food supply (whilst respecting the environment).
So naturally an initiative like ECOTROPHELIA, which also contributes to the competitiveness of the agri-business for future years, has its place
in this large collective project, which reminds us that “eating well is everyone’s business.”
Stéphane LE FOLL
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt apporte son soutien à ECOTROPHELIA Europe et ECOTROPHELIA France, deux importants
concours étudiants, mettant en avant, au niveau français et européen :
• l’excellence de nos formations aux métiers de l’alimentation,
• la capacité d’éco-innovation de nos jeunes,qui participe ainsi à développer une alimentation de qualité,accessible à tous et respectueuse de l’environnement,
• la richesse de l’alimentation en France.
Ces valeurs font écho aux objectifs de la politique publique de l’alimentation déclinée dans le Programme National de l’Alimentation (PNA). Véritable enjeu de
société, ce programme interministériel piloté par le ministère chargé de l’agriculture vise à faciliter l’accès à tous à une bonne alimentation en développant
notamment l’offre alimentaire de qualité tout en respectant l’environnement.
Une initiative comme ECOTROPHELIA, qui participe également à la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires pour les années à venir, trouve ainsi
naturellement sa place dans ce grand projet collectif, qui nous rappelle que « bien manger, c’est l’affaire de tous ».
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a land of flavours with rich and varied territories and many products of controlled designation of origin. This
quality is an important issue for our region, for its reputation but also for its economic development. The diversity of our gourmet range is
undoubtedly one of the strengths of our attraction to tourists. In a word, «eating well» is often synonymous with good health.
To combine this expertise with important issues such as higher education, innovation, partnerships, etc… The Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur
region supports ECOTROPHELIA and its international development through ECOTROPHELIA Europe. In addition to these important issues and
their positive effects in terms of employment and economic dynamism, the event has the merit of favouring the creation of food products
that meet the criteria of sustainable development. Along with industry sectors, universities and schools, agriculture and business, the Region
actively encourages eco-innovation.
The involvement of students in science and business higher education working towards new products that meet these requirements is a sign
of hope for the development of quality food. This is an issue of the highest order for our local production and the health of our citizens.
On the occasion of this fifth edition, the Region welcomes the expertise of all participants and wishes them the best of luck.
President of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur est une terre de saveurs dotée de terroirs riches et variés et de nombreux produits d’appellations d’origine contrôlée. Cette
qualité est un enjeu important pour notre région, pour sa notoriété mais également pour son développement économique. La diversité de notre palette
gastronomique est sans conteste l’un des atouts de notre attractivité touristique. Enfin, le «bien-manger» est souvent synonyme de bonne santé.
Pour l’association de ce savoir-faire avec des enjeux aussi importants que l’enseignement supérieur, l’innovation, les partenariats..., la Région Provence-
Alpes-Côte d’Azur soutient ECOTROPHELIA et son développement international à travers ECOTROPHELIA Europe. Outre ces importants enjeux et leurs effets
positifs en termes d’emploi et de dynamisme économique, la manifestation a le mérite de privilégier la création de produits agroalimentaires respectant les
critères du développement durable. Aux côtés des filières du secteur, des universités et des écoles, de l’agriculture et des entreprises, la Région encourage
L’implication des étudiants de formations supérieures scientifiques et commerciales en faveur de produits nouveaux répondant à ces exigences est un gage
d’espoir pour le développement d’une alimentation de qualité. Il s’agit là d’un enjeu de tout premier ordre pour nos productions locales et la santé de nos
A l’occasion de cette 5ème édition, la Région salue le savoir-faire de l’ensemble des participants et leur souhaite bonne chance.
Student Awards
Created in the Vaucluse region, the ECOTROPHELIA competition has quickly grown to a European level with the constant support of the General
Council. It is with great pride that I see today that ECOTROPHELIA meets the challenge of the synergy between academia, research and the
entire food chain.
The loyalty of our engagement with ECOTROPHELIA can be explained naturally: the General Council of Vaucluse has for many years now made
a clear commitment to and given financial support for agriculture, food and wine; the key, emblematic drivers of our department despite their
Vaucluse is a land of culture, of flavours, of food heritage and also a welcoming place of meetings and as such we must be at the heart of the
development of the industry of tomorrow, especially by incorporating the now essential elements of sustainable development.
Along with local producers and players across the whole industry, with the Fruit and Vegetable European Innovation Cluster (Pole TERRALIA)
and the City of Food, we believe that the future of our region lies in research, innovation and the development of know-how.
We therefore hope that this great event and its winners will continue to shine a bright light on the talent and ingenuity of young Europeans in
the service of food innovation.
Claude HAUT
President of the General Council of Vaucluse
The Urban Community of Grand Avignon pursues a policy of ambitious economic development based on the particular clusters, including the
Fruit and Vegetable European Innovation Cluster (Pole TERRALIA), spearheading the agri-food sector in our country.
Grand Avignon in fact brings together all the tools of development of this sector:
• Large Companies: Naturex, McCormick, Liebig
• The competitiveness cluster TERRALIA labelized PRIDES by the PACA Region
• The presence of major research centers: INRA, University of Science
• The presence of numerous professional bodies in the industry: the IFRIA (Training for careers in food), CRITT (Technical Centre PACA), FRIAA
PACA (Regional Federation of Industries Agri-Food)
• Expressions of interest in the national fruit and vegetables sector, in particular the MIFFEL trade fair that takes place in October.
All these players come together today as a booming Technological Pole: The Agroparc, located in the town of Avignon.
Grand Avignon’s support of ECOTROPHELIA is therefore in direct continuity with this policy and enabling our community to be on the side of
innovation and training in the food industry.
Marie-Josée ROIG
President of the Urban Community of Greater Avignon.
Né sur les terres de Vaucluse, le concours ECOTROPHELIA a su rapidement, et avec le soutien constant du Conseil général, se développer pour atteindre
une échelle européenne. C’est donc avec une certaine fierté que je vois aujourd’hui ECOTROPHELIA réussir le pari de la synergie entre le monde de
l’enseignement, les chercheurs et l’ensemble de la filière agro-alimentaire.
La fidélité de notre engagement aux côtés d’ECOTROPHELIA s’explique naturellement : le Conseil général de Vaucluse a fait le choix depuis de nombreuses
années de s’engager clairement et financièrement pour accompagner les secteurs agricoles, viticoles et agro-alimentaires, des moteurs essentiels et
emblématiques de notre département malgré les difficultés.
Le Vaucluse, terre de cultures, de saveurs, de patrimoine agro-alimentaire mais aussi lieu d’accueil et de rencontres, se doit d’être au cœur du développement
de la filière de demain, en intégrant en particulier les éléments de développement durable désormais indispensables.
Aux côtés des producteurs locaux, bien sûr, mais aussi de l’ensemble des acteurs de la filière, du Pôle TERRALIA ou de la Cité de l’Alimentation, nous sommes
convaincus que l’avenir de notre territoire passe par la recherche, l’innovation et la valorisation des savoir-faire.
Souhaitons donc à cette belle manifestation et à ses lauréats de continuer à porter haut et fort le talent et l’ingéniosité de la jeunesse européenne au service
de l’innovation alimentaire.
La Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Avignon poursuit une politique de développement économique ambitieuse s’appuyant notamment sur les pôles
de compétitivité et notamment le Pôle Européen d’Innovation Fruits et Légumes (Pôle TERRALIA), fer de lance du secteur agro-alimentaire sur notre territoire.
Le Grand Avignon regroupe en effet l’ensemble des outils de développement de cette filière :
• Grande Entreprises : Naturex, McCormick, Liebig
• Le Pôle de compétitivité TERRALIA labélisé PRIDES par la Région PACA
• La présence d’importants centres de recherche : INRA, Université des Sciences
• La présence de nombreux organismes professionnels de la filière : l’IFRIA (Formation aux métiers de l’agro-alimentaire), CRITT (Centre technique PACA),
la FRIAA PACA (Fédération régionale des Industries agroalimentaire)
• Des manifestations d’intérêt national dans le secteur des fruits et légumes et en particulier le MIFFEL, salon destiné aux professionnels qui se déroule en
L’ensemble de ces acteurs se regroupe aujourd‘hui sur un Pôle Technologique en pleine expansion : Agroparc, situé sur la commune d’Avignon.
Le soutien du Grand Avignon à ECOTROPHELIA s’inscrit donc dans la continuité directe de cette politique et permet à notre collectivité d’être au côté de
l’innovation et de la formation dans le domaine agroalimentaire.
Student Awards
Nestlé Science & Research
Nestlé, founded in 1866, is the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. With headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, Nestlé
employs over 280,000 people, with factories and operations in almost every country of the world.
With unrivaled research and development capabilities, Nestlé has a rich heritage in food and nutrition science.
Consumer health and wellness was the driving force for Henri Nestlé when he revolutionized infant feeding with Nestlé’s first product, Farine
Lactée. This tradition of consumer-centric innovation continues today, through Nestlé’s dynamic network of Research, Development and
Technology centers worldwide. Comprised of over 5,000 people, the diverse expertise of the Nestlé Research Network provides the foundation
for Nestlé to respond to ever-changing consumer and business needs.
At the heart of this Nestlé Research Network lies the Nestlé Research Center (NRC), based in Lausanne, Switzerland, with additional locations
worldwide.The world’s largest private food and nutrition research institute, the NRC is home to a staff of 700 people, with over 300 researchers
from 50 nationalities, representing a diverse range of scientific competencies. The expertise of NRC scientists is complimented by a wide-
reaching network of external partners such as universities, private research institutes, hospitals and start-up companies.
Nestlé scientists study all aspects of food – from Nutrition & Health and Food Science & Technology, to Pleasure during Consumption and
Quality & Safety – to translate science into products that bring meaningful benefits to consumers everywhere.
Nestlé’s global R&D Network, in addition to its extensive external collaborations, constitutes a robust research potential, second to none among
food companies. Together, the scientific excellence and technical knowledge of Nestlé Science & Research helps fulfill Nestlé’s vision of Good
Food, Good Life for all consumers.
For more information about Nestlé Science & Research, its mission and ongoing research programs, please visit our website at www.research.
Fondé en 1866, Nestlé est le leader mondial dans le domaine de la nutrition, de la santé et du bien-être. La société, dont le siège est situé à Vevey, en Suisse,
compte plus de 280 000 salariés avec des usines et filiales dans presque tous les pays du monde.
Grâce à des compétences inégalées en recherche et développement, Nestlé possède un riche héritage scientifique en matière d’alimentation et de nutrition. La
santé et le bien-être furent les moteurs d’Henri Nestlé lorsqu’il révolutionna l’alimentation des nourrissons avec Farine Lactée, le premier produit Nestlé. Cette
tradition de l’innovation orientée vers le consommateur perdure aujourd’hui encore, grâce à un réseau dynamique de centres de recherche, développement
et technologie s’étendant à travers le monde. Composé de plus de 5 000 personnes, l’éventail de compétences du réseau de recherche de Nestlé lui permet
de répondre aux besoins en constante évolution des consommateurs et des entreprises.
Au cœur de ce réseau se trouve le Centre de Recherche Nestlé (CRN), basé à Lausanne, en Suisse, et possédant divers unités délocalisées dans le monde. Le
CRN, le plus grand institut de recherche nutritionnelle et alimentaire privé au monde, héberge une équipe de 700 personnes, dont plus de 300 chercheurs de
50 nationalités différentes représentant une grande diversité de compétences scientifiques. L’expertise des scientifiques du CRN est complétée par un vaste
réseau de partenaires externes, parmi lesquels des universités, des instituts de recherche privés, des hôpitaux et des start-up.
Les scientifiques de Nestlé étudient tous les aspects de l’alimentation afin que la science se reflète dans les produits qui apporteront des avantages
indubitables aux consommateurs du monde entier. Cela va de la nutrition et la santé aux sciences et technologies de l’alimentation, en passant par le plaisir
éprouvé lors de la consommation, sans oublier la qualité et la sécurité.
Outre son vaste réseau de collaborations externes, le réseau mondial de recherche et de développement de Nestlé constitue un potentiel de recherche solide,
qu’aucune autre société alimentaire n’est en mesure de concurrencer. L’alliance de l’excellence scientifique et du savoir-faire technique de Nestlé Science
& Research contribue à mettre en pratique la vision “Good Food, Good Life” (Manger bien pour vivre mieux) de Nestlé pour tous les consommateurs. Pour
obtenir plus d’informations sur Nestlé Science & Research, sa mission et ses programmes de recherche en cour, consultez le site web à l’adresse www.
“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the
food industry, in particular SMEs and service providers”.
A major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which areA major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which areA major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which are
national student food eco-innovation competitions followed by 3 European competitions, all
integrating sustainable development standards.
The European ECOTROFOOD platform will enable the development and testing of new innovative
practices, support SMEs, and create start-ups. Via public-private partnerships companies will be
helped to meet future requirements in terms of environmental standards at the European level.
Furthermore it will enable SMEs to benefit from the possibilities and opportunities created by
new environmental concepts and create more effective links between research,entrepreneurship
and finance. Another aim is to make qualified young people with an interest in sustainable
development, available to the food industry.
Contact: - -
Student Awards
Belgium is the land of fine beers. Fewer people know that
Belgium is also the land of potato chips. The Belgians are the
world’s record holders for ‘potato chips eating’. Clookies is an
innovative, sustainable and healthy alternative for the colourless
potato chips served in pubs and restaurants as an appetizer,
often with Belgian beers.
Clookies are based on beer spent grain. A by-product is
given new, valuable opportunities. The marked malt flavour
is combined with the savory and spicy taste of coriander and
pepper. With Clookies, being world’s record holder doesn’t
become unhealthy. Full of fibers, low in fat, calories and sodium
you can safely enjoy even more Clookies.
Kleinhoefstraat 4
2440 GEEL
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Rob VAN DEUN : +32 14 562 310
Team Presentation
Annemie BLOMME
BIO jable né plátky (organic apple slices)
Minimally processed fruit
Fresh organic apples from Czech producer, which, thanks to its
processing simplify their consumption, thereby increasing the
intake of fruits across the population especially for children.
The product is organoleptically equivalent to fresh fruit, but it
has increased levels of nutritionally valuable substances, i.e.
vitamin C and calcium. Fresh sliced organic apple is treated so
that it retains its original quality throughout its shelf-life. When
producing this product, no chemical preservatives are used and
is therefore very suitable for children, for whom cut apple is
more acceptable than whole apple.
Technicka 5
166 28 PRAGUE
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Ales RAJCHL : +420 220 443 013
Team Presentation
František KOVAŘÍK
co•quo ( /kəʊˈkuəʊ/ I cook, jeg kokkererer) is the
meeting between a young German gastronome and
a young French landscape architect. They dedicate
their passion to a delicatessen concept to combine
Slow food and New Nordic Cuisine in Copenhagen.
We believe that everyone can get access to the
pleasure of good food in a convenient way and
be responsible of his terroire and food traditions.
Thanks to a glass jar the customer has access to a
visual appealing meal reheatable in five minutes in
a microwave. Our recipes are cooked by real chefs
without additives and based on local and seasonal
On top of a high quality food available anywhere,
anytime we want to involve our customers in a
sustainable and new approach from the farm to the
fork. We apply a pant system to reduce packaging
waste. Further we adapt the trendy concept of food
trucks by distributing our meals on Christiana bikes
which are the symbol of Copenhagen.
For Ecotrophelia Europe we have developed a
full menu which represents Danish Cuisine in a
modern way. The three course menu starts with
“smørrebrød with pickled herring” followed by “cod
in mustard sauce with dill potatoes” and ends with
Rolighedsvej 30
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Michael BOM FRØST : +45 35 33 32 22
Team Presentation
Alexandre FRISTOT
How to combine traditional taste and modern convenience? Ici&Là has
the answer with its range of eco-innovative frozen ready meals: 100%
vegetable patties mainly made from green lentils and rice which may
replace a portion of meat in a main course. They are good and healthy
products: green lentils are rich in iron, proteins and fibers; the cereal-
legume complementation providing all benefits of a balanced meal.
Moreover these patties are gluten free, lactose free, made up of simple
ingredients without preservatives or additives. Deep freezing allows
keeping whole gustative and nutritional values.
Our current main product, Le Pavé du Velay, incorporates the whole
nutritional and gustative qualities of the well known PDO green lentils
from Le Puy en Velay. This particular lentil comes from the upland crops
in the Haute-Loire department in the central eastern France.
It’s from this terroir that this lentil acquires its qualities. This concept is
made to be applied to other traditional lentil through the world.
Our products are environmental friendly. Beyond eco-friendly packaging
and process, green lentil farming is beneficial for crops as a natural
fertilizer and requires no irrigation at all. Moreover it is good additional
income for farmers and favorable for local economies.
Heat up in six minutes in a pan, you can easily savor it. If you are
sensitive to environmental issues, to sustain a local culture while eating
a good and healthy product, Le Pavé du Velay is for you.
23 rue Jean Baldassini
69364 LYON CEDEX 07
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Pascal BOULON : +33 427 858 524
Team Presentation
Angélique RUSCH
Floriane DUBINI
Marianne BORDES
Mélanie CABOUX
Emmanuel BREHIER
BBQuchen is a precooked, cake-like product with a fruity
sauce, which is heated by the warm blaze of a barbecue
before serving. It is offered in innovative and functional
packaging, which can double as an underlay for the grill.
After being grilled BBQuchen has a crispy, golden-brown
crust and a moist middle. The interplay of the sweet, warm
BBQuchen and the slightly sour, cold sauces cause a
pleasant, harmonic taste experience.
Due to its shape it is associated with barbecue and easy
to handle with barbecue-tools. The dough consists of nuts,
eggs, sugar and grated fruits or vegetables. Therefore it
is suitable for vegetarians, and is also free of lactose and
gluten. Through variation of the ingredients many flavours
can be created for suiting the different seasons. Already
developed types of BBQuchen are courgette-coconut
(with pineapple-mint sauce) and poppy seed-mango
(with raspberry-lime sauce) for a summer barbecue, and
a wintery hazelnut-apple-cinnamon (with ginger-orange
sauce) for Christmas markets.
Garbenstr. 21
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Joerg HINRICHS : +49 711 459-23961
Team Presentation
Georg LENZ
Felix WALZ
eviva is an innovative Ready-To-Cook product that combines a
highly nutritious white fish, gilthead sea bream, with the special
aroma of the famous Greek spirits, Ouzo and Tsipouro. The product
name “eviva” is a pun that may guide the consumer to decrypt its
three major properties:
• “e” stresses the ecological aspect: The direct application of Ouzo
and Tsipouro on the surface of the fish fillets may downgrade their
sensory characteristics. Therefore, edible films made from whey
protein (by-product of dairy plants) were used as carriers of the
spirits in order to transfer indirectly and gradually their aroma to the
product, highlighting, in parallel, its ecological character.
• “viva” reveals its nutritional properties: The high amounts of
animal origin proteins and omega 3 unsaturated fats of gilthead
sea bream ranks the product at the top layers of the Mediterranean
diet pyramid.
• “eviva” marks its traditional character: “eviva” in Greek means
“cheers”, stressing by this way on the label the presence of
traditional Greek alcoholic spirits to the product. Moreover, Ouzo
and Tsipouro may also act as natural preservatives, thus prolonging
the shelf-life of the fish fillets.
Overall, “eviva” constitutes a product that can be aligned with the
modern consumer’s culture by fulfilling their demands for easily
prepared meals without chemical preservatives, highly nutritious
and of elevated ecological impact.
Iera odos 75
118 55 ATHENS
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Panagiotis SKANDAMIS : +30 210 529 4684
Team Presentation
Stavros MANIOS
Evanthia MANTHOU
Ifigeneia MAKARITI
Our work is focusing on the commercialization of a novel kind
of health-promoting milling fraction in the form of a ready to use
baking mixture. Antecedent of our project was a funded research
program where a new technology was developed for production
of a novel kind of wheat milling product from industrial wheat bran
fraction. This special product contains higher amount of dietary
fiber and other natural health promoting components than the
traditional flour types have and a lower concentration of digestible
carbohydrate than whole meals. Further advantage of this product
is an economic one. Our goal was to develop marketable products
from this novel type of wheat milling fraction that closely matches
to the new trends in healthy lifestyle. Ready to use flour mixtures
are already available on the market though the variety and the
quantity of health promoting mixtures are limited and due to their
price they are not available for the broader audience. Four types
of baking mixtures were developed to meet diverse customer
expectations. In order to commercialize these products we have
planned the production technology considering food safety and
quality requirements and environmental aspects. A business plan
including the sales, marketing and financial plans was conducted to
lay out commercialization opportunities in Hungary as a first step.
If market acceptance is appropriate and if the new technology is
available then we could achieve an international expansion.
Müegyetem rkp. 3-9.
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Sándor TÖMÖSKÖZI : +36 (1) 463 – 1255
Team Presentation
Tünde Éva GAIZER
Judit NAGY
Hai Shen instant soup offers a delicious and innovative soup mix
giving the health benefits of sea cucumbers in an easy to serve
meal. The soup’s delicious taste and aroma – flavourful with a hint
of the sea, ginger and chili – is inspired by a traditional Chinese
recipe. Sea cucumbers, long highly valued in Asia and the Middle
East for their health-giving properties and thought to be beneficial
for a number of ailments, including the pain of arthritis, wound
healing and immune function, give the soup great nutritional value.
As they say in China: “A sea cucumber a day keeps the doctor
With Hai Shen instant soup, you can treat yourself to a healthy
and easy meal any time of day. Preparing sea cucumber in the
traditional way can take days, but with Hai Shen instant soup it only
takes a few minutes - just place in a cup, add hot water and serve.
The soup’s packaging suggests gift-giving, the purity of Icelandic
sea food and the traditional health-giving properties of sea
cucumbers. The gift packaging is also a reference to the fact that
sea cucumbers are a common gift in China, representing health
and good relations. Inside the stylish package are three bags of
the instant mix.
Hai Shen instant soup is created in an eco-friendly way, using
sea cucumbers, a currently under-exploited resource in Iceland,
packaged in recyclable bags.
Eiriksgata 29
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Gudjon THORKELSSON : +35 45 43 84 08
Team Presentation
Hai Shen
SOcrock is a new and sustainable product made from white
sorghum, an old and less demanding cereal with great potential.
With an essential and natural recipe, SOcrock is a bi-taste snack
(half chocolate, half cereal) crunchy, light, and rich in fiber, which
gratifies without swelling. It is a handy and fast hunger-cruncher to
keep always in your bag. With an attractive design, it can be eaten
at any time and everywhere. Simple, but not obvious, SOcrock
marks a return to origins with a twist. With only 88 Kcal per bar, it
satisfies your craving without guilt. But SOcrock is not only taste
and pleasure. Naturalness and innovation make it an eco-friendly
snack: with nutritional properties similar to corn, sorghum has
lower water requirements and greater adaptability. In SOcrock,
white sorghum is used in various forms: as blown grains, as
syrup and as fiber. SOcrock’s nutritional added value is provided
by ingredients obtained from what the food industry considers as
byproducts (fiber and grape seeds). The supply of raw materials
and the finished product are manufactured and made achievable
within a few kilometers. The primary packaging is fully recyclable,
while the secondary has been replaced by a multipack where more
bars are joined by adhesive side. The impact on the ecosystem has
resulted in an environmental label, applied to develop customers’
awareness, encouraging behavioral change in favor of environment:
SOcrock always falls in the best categories of sustainability.
Via Emilia Parmense, 84
Website :
Contact Person
Ms. Roberta DORDONI : +39 0523 599230
Team Presentation
Michela DIONI
Rebecca RIZZI
Choco-Quino is a chocolate quinoa beverage high in protein
that is produced from only natural and fairtrade ingredients.
The primary ingredients in the drink are water and quinoa.
Quinoa is 100% organic and is being utilised from the protein
waste of a company in Sweden, which uses the starch of the
quinoa grain to produce all natural skin moisturising creams.
The rest of the ingredients are sugar, UTZ-certified cocoa
powder, salt and vanilla extract. The beverage is low in fat
as well as lactose and gluten free and contains all of the
essential amino acids required. The product is UHT (ultra-
high temperature) sterilised and packaged in shelf-stable
Tetra Pak packages. This way of processing reduces the
amount of spoiled product since it substantially increases
the shelf-life, eliminates the need for refrigerated transport
and storage, and makes it safe and convenient. Choco-
Quino can be enjoyed by all ages, especially by children
and lactose-intolerant individuals, as well as vegans who
are looking for a healthy and delicious dairy alternative. Our
product can provide consumers with an enhanced nutritional
benefit since it offers a high proportion of the daily protein
requirement with a low amount of fat and calories.
Droevendaalsesteeg 4
6708 PB
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Ralf HARTEMINK : +31-317-483558
Team Presentation
Joanne Mijung KIM
Over the last years people have turned to the origins, to the product’s taste
and flavor which combines tradition with innovation, less industrialized and
healthy products for the human body and the environment. Our vision is
building the future in which all people will eat healthfully and make them
aware of the impact of their actions on the environment.
This small company adopted the pivot strategy with very high profile
specialists concentrating on premium range customers with the main focus
on distribution in a limited territory (Moldova and South of the country). The
differentiating strategy is based on the innovative product itself, which is
functional both from the taste and health point of view. The differentiator
rests in the added plants: dandelion and chia seeds which give the product
a spectacular and unforgettable taste.
Our values: take care of people, environment protection, accountability,
responsibility, tradition.
To obtain hard cheese rolls with dandelion and chia seeds only organic
materials have been used: cow milk, dandelion, saffron, salt, clot and chia
The use of dandelion and chia seeds for this product results in its increased
nutritional value, improved aesthetics, and beneficial surplus of the
biological active substances.
Hard cheese rolls with dandelion and chia seeds stand out from other
products by its sensorial and nutritional properties, shape and appearance.
Str. Universitatii nr.13
720229 SUCEAVA
Website :
Contact Person
Mrs. Sonia AMARIEI : +40 230 216516
Team Presentation
Raluca Olimpia ZIMBRU
Hard Cheese Rolls with dandelion and chia seedsPRODUCTS
Blancmange - “Sweet Cloud”
The structured dairy and vegetable
The blancmange belongs to dairy
desserts − a soufflé. The product has
a smooth, airy consistency, without
foreign additions, and a milky color.
The sweetness is due to the presence
of stevia extract. Milk-based products
are low-fat cottage cheese - a source of
complete protein and milk stevia extract.
Partially hydrolyzed animal protein
collagen is used as the gelling agent
gelatin. Air consistency is obtained
by homogenization and subsequent
whipping milk and curd mixture stevia
extract with previously dissolved gelatin.
An edible casing of the dessert is the
small basket, baked from short crust or
puff pastry, in which there is also stevia
extract on whey. The dessert is packed
into cardboard boxes.
Pickled phyto cheese - “Stevita”
Natural abomasa cheese
Fresh herbal brine cheese «Stevita»
is developed from normalized cow
milk with added milk extract of stevia.
The technological process is the same
technology as sheep’s cheese. The
product represents portions of cheese
slices weighing 50g in jelly. Features are
the mix structure and the way of storage
in special whey brine which on cooling
becomes a jelly. The marked features
give the cheese a specific sweet taste,
as well as packing in the brine in the
form of jelly has an original appearance
and contribute to a longer shelf life of the
finished product. It is convenient for the
consumer and promotes preservation
of nutrients in the cheese.
Zootechnical lane, house 12
Website :
Contact Person
Mr. Vladimir TRUKHACHEV : +7(8652)35-22-82
Team Presentation
Blancmange - “Sweet Cloud” - Pickled phyto cheese - “Stevita”PRODUCTS
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013
20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013

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20131007 Écotrophélia Europa 2013

  • 1. The future of food ANUGA COLOGNE / GERMANY 6 - 7 October 2013 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION 18 participating countries Belgium,Czech Republic,Denmark,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Italy,Netherlands,Romania,Russia,Serbia,Slovenia,Spain, Switzerland,Ukraine and United Kingdom
  • 2. Antonio TAJANI Vice-president of the European Commission, in charge of Industry and Entrepreneurship European Commission “The food industry ranks first in the European manufacturing sector in terms of added value,employment and raw material usage.It is a pillar of European industry,which is more resistant to the economic crisis than other industries, and has a massive trade surplus. In addition, food supply is intimately linked both to European cultures and management of natural resources. For all these reasons this sector is important to me. The environmental impact of the food industry is high, hence the importance of an innovative and ecological policy in this area.Taking into account the elements of sustainable development in the development of food products has become an environmental requirement, but also a major challenge for the competitiveness of agribusinesses in future years. Efficient use of resources is effectively one of the key factors in ensuring sustainable growth in the “Europe 2020” Strategy. The transition to a more sustainable food industry sector will require coordinated action at all levels, from global to local. A project like EcoTroFood involves different domains: eco-innovation, entrepreneurship and requires taking into account environmental considerations. This is why DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission decided in late 2010, in view of the success of the young food industry’s innovators competition “Trophélia France”, to expand the French initiative and give it a European and ecological dimension by incorporating it into its CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) under the name EcoTroFood. The ECOTROPHELIA competitions have proven to be true catalysts for the promotion of creativity and the training of young entrepreneurs with eco-innovative solutions in the food industry. EcoTroFood also helps to facilitate cooperation between various actors (stakeholders) in the eco-innovation and the food processing industry through new and better services to support innovation, to bridge the gap between research and development and marketing for eco-innovative SMEs. Support for young entrepreneurs and SMEs is a real priority for me and EcoTroFood is an essential complement to other European initiatives such as the EU 2020 Innovation Union, the «Small Business Act», the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and objectives of the European Enterprise Network as well as the activities of «high-level forum on improving the functioning of the food supply chain. That is why I am proud of the European Commission’s participation in the EcoTroFood project. I wish good luck to all the ECOTROPHELIA participants and I hope they will gain immense satisfaction, both professionally and gastronomically, from their eco-innovations”. EDITORIAL Antonio TAJANI Antonio TAJANI Vice-président de la Commission européenne, chargé de l’industrie et de l’entreprenariat La Commission européenne « L’industrie agro-alimentaire occupe le premier rang du secteur manufacturier européen en termes de valeur ajoutée, d’emploi et d’utilisation de matières premières. C’est un pilier de l’industrie européenne, qui résiste mieux à la crise économique que d’autres industries, et qui dégage un excédent commercial considérable. Par ailleurs, l’alimentation est intiment liée à la fois aux cultures européennes et à la gestion des ressources naturelles. Pour toutes ces raisons, c’est un secteur qui me tient à cœur. L’impact environnemental de l’industrie agroalimentaire est élevé, d’où l’importance d’une politique innovatrice et écologique dans ce secteur. La prise en compte des éléments de développement durable dans l’élaboration des produits agroalimentaires est devenue une exigence environnementale, mais aussi un enjeu majeur de la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires pour les années futures. L’utilisation efficace des ressources est en effet un des facteurs clés pour assurer la croissance durable par la Stratégie Europe 2020. La transition vers un secteur agro-alimentaire plus durable nécessitera des actions coordonnées à tous les niveaux, du global au local. UnprojetcommeEcoTroFoodagitsurplusieursleviers:l’éco-innovation,l’espritd’entrepriseetl’intégrationdeconsidérationsenvironnementales. C’est pourquoi la DG Entreprises et Industrie de la Commission européenne a décidé fin 2010, vu le succès de la compétition de jeunes innovateurs de l’agro-alimentaire Trophélia France, d’élargir cette initiative française et d’y donner une dimension européenne et écologique en l’incorporant dans son programme CIP (Programme-cadre pour la compétitivité et l’innovation), sous le nom EcoTroFood. Les compétitions ECOTROPHELIA se sont avérées des véritables catalyseurs pour la promotion de la créativité et la formation de jeunes entrepreneurs aux solutions éco-innovantes dans l’agroalimentaire. EcoTroFood aide également à faciliter la coopération entre les différents intervenants dans l’éco-innovation et l’industrie de transformation alimentaire, via de nouveaux et meilleurs services de soutien à l’innovation, pour combler le fossé entre recherche et développement et la commercialisation pour les PME éco-innovantes. Le soutien aux jeunes entrepreneurs et aux PMEs est une véritable priorité pour moi et EcoTroFood est un complément essentiel à d’autres initiatives européennes comme EU 2020 l’Union de l’innovation, le «Small Business Act», le Programme Erasmus pour jeunes entrepreneurs et les objectifs du European Enterprise Network ainsi que les activités du «Forum à haut niveau sur l’amélioration du fonctionnement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire». C’est pourquoi je suis fier de la participation de la Commission européenne au projet EcoTroFood. Je souhaite bonne chance à l’ensemble des participants à EcoTrophelia et j’espère qu’ils retireront de leurs éco-innovations une immense satisfaction tant sur le plan professionnel que gastronomique ». 3 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION2
  • 3. Michael KNOWLES Chairman European Technology Platform «Food For Life» Vice-President Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs (Retd.), The Coca-Cola Company “The availability of qualified and experienced personnel committed to research and innovation is key to its success. ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a competition which not only attracts students from the food sector, but also presents an incubator for innovative ideas for the food industry. This initiative adheres perfectly to the Lisbon strategy of the European Commission which aims to boost innovation in order to increase the competitiveness of European industries. In addition ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is also in agreement with the objectives laid out in the European technology Platform « Food for Life ». This Platform integrates an educational dimension in order to contribute to the development of skilled contributors in the food industry sector: • by encouraging young people to choose a career in the food industry sector ; • by raising awareness of a culture of innovation. The availability of qualified personnel sensitive to innovation is a key condition for successful innovation. The involvement of national food federations under the umbrella of FoodDrinkEurope is a significant and positive sign of their willingness to encourage development of research and innovation at product and manufacturing process levels”. Peter VAN BLADEREN Global Head Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, Nestlé SA “ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE helps to promote innovation and creativity among students interested in a career in the food industry.The challenge for students to develop new and interesting products, taking into account the technical, economic and regulatory parameters, is a formidable way to introduce them to the practices and endless opportunities of working in the world of R&D. Students are better prepared for their future profession, while businesses discover the original ideas and approaches explored by the students”. INTERVIEWS Michael KNOWLES - Peter VAN BLADEREN « Si ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE est une compétition qui attire les étudiants du secteur agro-alimentaire, c’est également un incubateur d’idées innovantes pour le secteur. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de Lisbonne définie par la Commission européenne, dont l’objectif consiste à promouvoir l’innovation dans le but d’améliorer la compétitivité des industries européennes. En outre, ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE répond aux objectifs définis par la Plate-forme technologique européenne « Food for Life » qui prévoit un volet « éducation » visant à contribuer à renforcer l’attractivité et les compétences du secteur agro-alimentaire : • en encourageant les jeunes à opter pour une carrière dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire ; • en encourageant la mise en place d’une culture de l’innovation. Pour être couronnée de succès, une politique d’innovation implique de disposer de personnels qualifiés sensibilisés à l’importance de l’innovation. La participation de fédérations nationales du secteur agro-alimentaires à l’initiative FoodDrinkEurope est un signe positif fort traduisant leur volonté de s’investir dans le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation, tant en ce qui concerne les produits que les méthodes de production ». « ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE permet de promouvoir l’innovation au sein du secteur agro- alimentaire par le biais des étudiants. Ces derniers sont incités à développer des produits innovants qui tiennent compte de paramètres techniques, économiques et réglementaires. Cet exercice pratique permet une expérience de terrain qui prépare les futurs professionnels aux contraintes industrielles liées à la recherche et au développement. C’est également un formidable outil de promotion du potentiel créatif et innovant des métiers du secteur agro-alimentaire permettant aux entreprises de bénéficier des idées les plus originales des étudiants ». 5 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION4
  • 4. Daniele ROSSI Chairman R&D Group – FoodDrinkEurope “ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a key competition that attracts not only students to the food sector, but also that represents a hotbed of eco-innovative ideas for the food industry. This competition aims to encourage SMEs from the food sector to invest in innovation and to offer them access to excellent food products, pending for their development.The food industry has to constantly recreate itself: very effective in boosting competitiveness, innovation is thus a priority for companies. Genuine hotbed of innovative ideas for the food sector, collective adventure at the crossroads of education, research and business, ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE has included, since 2011, the eco-innovation dimension and thus, is answering to a real concern. Sustainability is a strategic issue for the food industry which has the ambition to become an example of economic development, environmentally friendly, all over the world”. INTERVIEWS Daniele ROSSI - François MARIANI « ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE est un concours phare qui non seulement attire des étudiants vers le secteur alimentaire, mais constitue un véritable incubateur d’idées éco-innovantes pour l’industrie alimentaire. Ce concours vise à encourager les PME du secteur agro- alimentaire à investir dans l’innovation et à leur offrir un accès à des produits d’excellence en attente de développement. L’industrie agro- alimentaire doit constamment se réinventer : formidable levier de compétitivité, l’innovation est ainsi une priorité pour les entreprises. Véritable incubateur d’idées innovantes pour le secteur, aventure collective au carrefour de la formation, de la recherche et de l’entreprise, ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE inclut depuis 2011 la dimension éco innovation et répond ainsi à une préoccupation de terrain. En effet, la durabilité est un enjeu stratégique pour le secteur agroalimentaire qui a l’ambition de devenir un exemple de développement économique respectueux de l’environnement pour le monde entier ». 7 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION6 François MARIANI President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vaucluse “ECOTROPHELIA is a great adventure, an adventure born in Avignon, Provence, in the South of France. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vaucluse, with its partners and stakeholders in the food industry, launched in 2000 the student food innovation awards for promoting excellence and innovation in this characteristic sector of our region. Given the success of this enterprise, ECOTROPHELIA exceeded its national framework and took on a European dimension in 2008. This success is the result of extensive partnerships at local, national and European levels. The different players in this project have found a powerful complement to creating a dynamic structure to benefit the entire industry. ECOTROPHELIA is a major European melting pot of innovation and competitiveness in the food industry. The European Commission confirmed its support by mandating the CCI of Vaucluse in 2011 to implement a European project to promote eco-innovation in the food chain: ECOTROFOOD. This year ECOTROPHELIA Europe sees Universities competing from 18 different countries. This clearly demonstrates how the local experience of a territory can feed the actions at European level and even become a reference. It is a point of pride for entrepreneurs in the Vaucluse who have invested their energy in promoting this sector. They are now recognized at the highest level of legitimacy and relevance for their work. Yes, entrepreneurs and food industry players in Europe, we have a common goal to build the services of this sector and its businesses. Because it is our duty to work towards an area where the global competitiveness of European companies is widely proven and recognized. We must make the most of Europe’s best economical assets. In this sense of commitment of our Chamber of Commerce and Industry and our partners, I want to thank them sincerely for their support and loyalty.” « ECOTROPHELIA est une belle aventure ! Une aventure née à Avignon en Provence, dans le sud de la France. La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Vaucluse, avec ses partenaires et avec les acteurs de la filière professionnelle, a lancé en 2000 les trophées étudiants de l’innovation alimentaire pour promouvoir l’excellence et l’innovation dans ce secteur d’activité si caractéristique de notre région. Face au succès de cette entreprise, ECOTROPHELIA a dépassé son cadre national et a pris une dimension européenne dès 2008. Cette réussite est le fruit de larges partenariats au niveau local, national et européen. Les différents acteurs ont trouvé une belle complémentarité pour créer une dynamique structurante et bénéfique à toute la filière. ECOTROPHELIA est un rendez-vous européen majeur de l’innovation et de la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires. La Commission Européenne l’a reconnue en mandatant la CCI de Vaucluse en 2011 pour mettre en œuvre un projet européen de promotion de l’éco- innovation dans la filière agroalimentaire : ECOTROFOOD. Cette année, ECOTROPHELIA Europe voit concourir des Universités de 18 pays différents. C’est dire combien l’expérience locale d’un territoire peut nourrir les actions au niveau européen et même devenir une référence. C’est une fierté pour les entrepreneurs de Vaucluse qui ont déployé leur énergie pour promouvoir cette filière. Ils voient aujourd’hui reconnus au plus haut niveau la légitimité et l’intérêt de leur action. Oui, entrepreneurs et acteurs de la filière agroalimentaire d’Europe, nous avons une ambition commune à construire au service de ce secteur et de ses entreprises. Car il est de notre devoir d’œuvrer en faveur d’un domaine où la compétitivité mondiale des entreprises européennes est très largement avérée et reconnue. Il faut savoir valoriser au maximum ses meilleurs atouts. C’est tout le sens de l’engagement de notre Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie et de nos partenaires, que je tiens à remercier pour leur soutien et leur fidélité. »
  • 6. P 1 W E E c z D u s v Z Z W v b p R H P v b v V K n p t e + N M 3 r Persberic 16 juni 2013 Wagenin Een studen Ecotrophel competitie zelfontwik De Ecotroph universiteite sleepte het vleesvervan Zes teams Zes teams v Wageningen varieerden v beoordeelde producten. Regionale Het winnend Phinney: ‘Q verwerken v besparen. O voeding.’ Veel creati Kees de Goo niveau van presentaties echnologisc er op de Ne +++ Noot voor d Meer informa 30. Bijgaande echtenvrij w cht 3 ngs stude ntenteam lia gewon e. Deze vin kkelde, op helia is een en. Opdrac Nederlands nger van ge van Van Ha n Universite van bier op e het conce productie de team pr Quinoa kan o voor region Omdat quin iviteit oijer was n de inzendin s zien dat z che haalba ederlandse de redactie atie kunt u v e foto van d worden gebru ententea van Wage nen en ma ndt tijdens quinoa ge jaarlijkse ht is om ee se team de efermentee all Larenste eit presente p basis van ept op duur e resenteerde op veel pla nale markte oa rijk aan amens de T ngen: ‘De t ze nagedac arheid en o opleidingen verkrijgen bij e prijswinna uikt. am wint v eningen Un ag Nederla s de Anuga ebaseerde Europese c en nieuw, d e Europese rde lupine. ein, Has Hog eerden tijde wei tot koe rzaamheid, e een choco atsen in de en, kun je f eiwit is, vo Topsector A teams hadd ht hadden over de ma n rondloopt j Kees de Go aars (v.l.n.r. voorrond niversiteit and verteg a-beurs in e, chocolad competitie t duurzaam v hoofdprijs geschool, H ens deze v ekjes waar maakbaar oladedrank e wereld wo flink op tran ormt het ee Agri & Food den hun con over de du rketing. He t.’ ooijer, direct Mijung Joan de Ecotr t heeft de genwoord n Keulen p dedrank. tussen stud voedingspro in de wach Hogeschool oorronde h in oud broo heid en ver op basis va orden verbo nsportbewe en waardev d juryvoorz ncepten go uurzaamhei et is pracht teur TKI-bur nne, Kim Nic rophelia voorronde igen tijde laats. Het dententeam oduct te ont t met Chef Arnhem-N un concept od verwerkt rkoopbaarh an quinoa. ouwd. Door egingen en vol compon itter. Hij w ed uitgewe dsaspecten ig om te zie eau Agri& Fo colas Tsisios, e van de ns de inte t team wo ms van hoge twikkelen. f Lupin, een Nijmegen en ten. De inz t is. Een ju heid en proe Team capt r te verbou dus op CO nent in de d as tevrede erkt. Ze liet n, maar ook en hoeveel ood, tel: 06 , Randi Phin ernationale on met een escholen en Vorig jaar n n endingen ry efde de tain Randi wen en te 2-uitstoot dagelijkse n met het ten in hun k over de creativiteit 6-51 70 16 ney) mag e n n t 11 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION10 Food InnovatIon Student awardS ecoecoeco innovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovationinnovation 2013 ECOTROPHELIA UK PRESS EXTRACTS EUROPEAN ECOTROPHELIA MEDIA COVERAGE
  • 7. SUCCESS STORIES 13 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION12 CRIKIZZ France SOcrock Italy “Volga” Meat Chips Russia Name of the product: CRIKIZZProduct marketed by:YNSECT Country: FranceWebsite:www.ynsect.comContact name: Julie CORTAL Name of the product: SOcrockProduct marketed by: FRUTELIA & Letellier GmbH Country: GermanyWebsite: www.frutelia.comContact name: Michela DIONI Name of the product: Meat chips “Volga”Product marketed by: JSC Family sausagesCountry: Russia Contact name: Tatiana Giro Want to impress your friends with a surprising challenge? Want to stand out by offering an amazing appetizer? Look no further - with Crikizz, insects will be part of your party! Crikizz have surprised the appetizer world with a range of mealworm based snacks and now challenge consumers to enjoy a unique ingredient: insects.Insects have real known and recognized potential: in short, they are nutritious and ecological! But it goes without saying that the image of this food substance does not play in its favor. So there is work to be done to enhance their palatability and it is this challenge that Crikizz have taken on. In addition, with their unique manufacturing process, Crikizz contain far less fat than usual aperitif nibbles. Combining pleasure and practicality Crikizz offer a surprising product for consumers looking for new sensations. Crikizz is marketed by Ynsect, a young company founded in late 2011 that has decided to create and sell finished products prepared with European insects destined for human and animal consumption. To position itself as a pioneer in the industry, the company is studying various research themes: the nutritional qualities of each species, studies to improve the environmental impact of the production of insects and the use of by-products of the protein extraction. SOcrock is a new and sustainable product made from white sorghum, an old and less demanding cereal with great potential. With an essential and natural recipe, SOcrock is a bi-taste snack (half chocolate, half cereal) crunchy, light, and rich in fiber, which gratifies without swelling. It is a handy and fast hunger-cruncher to keep always in your bag. With an attractive design, it can be eaten at any time and everywhere. Simple but not obvious, SOcrock marks a return to origins with a twist. With only 88 Kcal per bar, it satisfies your greediness without guilt. But SOcrock is not only taste and pleasure. Naturalness and innovation make it an eco-friendly snack: with nutritional properties similar to corn, sorghum has lower water requirements and greater adaptability. In SOcrock, white sorghum is used in various forms: as blown grains, as syrup and as fiber. SOcrock’s nutritional added value is provided by ingredients obtained from what the food industry considers as byproducts (fiber and grape seeds). The supply of raw materials and the finished product are manufactured and made achievable within a few kilometers. The primary packaging is fully recyclable, while the secondary has been replaced by a multipack where more bars are joined by adhesive side. The impact on the ecosystem has resulted in an environmental label, applied to develop customer’s awareness, encouraging behavioral change in favor of environment: SOcrock always falls in the best categories of sustainability. “An environmentally friendly product, prepared from pork, lamb, beef”. Raw meat and specially introduced bacterial agents, the so-called «starter cultures» Bacto Flavor ® BFL-FO2 are used to speed up the process and give the product an attractive color and natural protection from pathogenic flora. In addition, the use of starter cultures Bacto Flavor ® BFL-FO2 produces a product similar in taste and texture to traditional crisps. Beef from animals raised on clean feed is used in the production of Meat Chips. The remoteness of the natural pastures from industrial sites and a ban on the use of forage crops that ensures ecological safety is another important factor in favor of using beef as raw material. The use of raw organic beef, bacterial starter cultures Bacto Flavor ® BFL-FO2, as well as fermentation and drying, has allowed us to create an ecologically safe technology for meat chips «Volga».The food product is marketed by the company «Фамильные sausages» the owner of one of the largest meat-processing plants in the Volga region, and of the production of semi-finished products, with a total production capacity of over 25 tons per year. «Фамильные sausages» also has its own logistics center and 7 sales offices around the Volga region.
  • 8. PRESENTATION OF THE 2013 COMPETITION 15 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION14 ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE 2013 REGULATION EXTRACTS PRINCIPLES OF THE COMPETITION ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE is a European competition for creating innovative food products that puts each participating country’s shortlisted prize-winners head to head. The ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition originates from the European project called «European Trophelia Service Platform for Eco-innovation in Food», or «EcoTroFood» from the European Commission’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (C.I.P). «EcoTroFood» is a Europe- wide project (2011-2013) that aims to promote eco-innovation in the food industry. PARTICIPANTS The ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition is directed at any national organisation incorporated as a food association or national industry platform (regardless of the legal structure - association, company...) recognized by the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Organizing Committee. The national organiser is hereafter called «the Participant». Are allowed to participate in the contest: • National organisations from European Union Member states; • National organisations from European countries not in the European Union; • Non-European national organisations as associated countries, under the authorization of the Organizing Committee HOW THE TEAMS SHOULD BE MADE UP A student team is made up of at least 2 (two) and no more than 10 (ten) students. Each student must be registered at a European state controlled or private higher education establishment or science or business school. Students who are over 35 (thirty five) years old are not accepted. Each student team must designate a «Team Manager» who will be the intermediary between the Organizing Committee and their team. He/she must be present at the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition. Organisation, running and supervision of the student team taking part in the competition is the responsibility of the Participant. SPECIFICATIONS The food product entered in the competition must meet all the criteria set out in the following official specifications, without the list of these criteria being drawn up in increasing or decreasing order of importance, hereafter the «official specifications». The food product must: • be fit for human consumption and aimed at consumers; • be marketable in retail distribution or the restaurant and hotel sectors; • be innovative in one or several aspects compared to food products already on the market. This innovation can come especially from the concept,and/or technology,and/or recipe,and/or packaging…; • take on board eco-innovation, which could mean the basic ingredients (origin, organic or with low carbon footprint) and/ or packaging (recyclable) and/or manufacturing process (energy saving, water recycling) and/or distribution-logistics (new channels or direct consumer sales), making it easier for all businesses in the food production chain to integrate the environmental dimension; • stand out for its taste, nutritional or other qualities; • be reproducible for manufacturing in a production unit based on technical specifications (ingredients, manufacturing process, cost price, business investment…); • conform to relevant regulations (processing, additives and ingredients, packaging, labelling, advertising standards, food safety…); • be commercially relevant (suitable for a local and/or national and/ or European market and meeting a demand, marketing plan, packaging, logistics…); • show global coherence for all the criteria set out above JUDGING PANEL SELECTION PROCEDURES To choose the competition winners and award prizes accordingly, a European judging panel will be formed, composed of representative figures from the food and distribution industry sector, members of the European Commission, an industrial representative from the national food industry and appointed by the Participant, as well as specialists in food innovation. The European judging panel will assess the students’ presentation in English and the products’ taste qualities. During the selection process, each team will present their product in English, organize a tasting of the product and answer questions from the judging panel. Each member of the judging panel will give a score for each project. The mark for each project is determined by the average of the marks given to each dossier by the members of the judging panel. The highest mark will go to the project, which the judging panel thinks best corresponds to the criteria set out in the specifications.The three winning projects will be the three that received the top three highest scores from the judging panel. Prizes will be awarded in reverse order of scores. If two or more projects receive the same mark, a second mark will be given after further discussion of said projects by members of the judging panel. If the projects concerned receive the same mark again, the best project will be decided by drawing lots. Each judging panel member shall be subject to the principle of impartiality inherent to the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE competition. The industrial representative, judging panel member, appointed by each Participant to represent the national food industry, cannot judge the product presented by their own country’s national team. The judging panel’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.The judging panel members are bound by secrecy. The minutes of the judging panel’s decisions are held at the headquarters of the ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Organizing Committee. The deliberation of the results and ranking of the teams will remain confidential. Any confidential information submitted by the teams and identified as such by said teams as “Confidential,” may not be disclosed or published without their express permission. AWARDS The competition has three (four) prizes: ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Gold Prize: 8000 (eight thousand Euros) ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Silver Prize: 4000 (four thousand Euros) ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE Bronze Prize: 2000 (two thousand Euros) The judging panel reserves the right to award, without appeal, a special distinction to a participating team whose file will present a particular original innovation. The prizes will be paid by bank transfer to each student in the prize winning teams, who signed the collective agreement. They will each receive a sum equivalent to the pro rata amount of the overall prize awarded. Thewinnersaccepttheprizesinadvance,whichcannotbeexchanged.
  • 9. JUDGING PANEL 18 NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES 17 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION16 • BELGIUM Mr. Guy PATERNOSTER Director Raw Materiels Tiense Suikerraffinaderij - Raffinerie Tirlemontoise • THE CZECH REPUBLIC Mr. František SMRŽ Chief Manager of bakery company, ZEELANDIA, spol. S r.o • DENMARK Mr. Jørgen RISUM Associate Professor (emeritus) DTU - Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute • FRANCE Mr. Yves BAYON de NOYER Vice-President ANIA, National Association of Food Industries • GERMANY Mr. Georg BOECKER General Manager / Head of Business, Ernst Boecker GmbH & Co. KG • GREECE Dr. Dimitrios LADIKOS Head of Research and Development YIOTIS SAYIOTIS SA Member of the Scientific Committee of SEVT, Member of the ETP Board, GREECE • HUNGARY Mr. Tamás ÉDER PR and Corporational Concern Manager, Bonafarm Co. President, Federation of Hungarian Food Industries • ICELAND Ms. Ragnheidur HEDINSDOTTIR M.Sc. Food Scientist Federation of Iceland Industries • ITALY Mr. Annibale PANCRAZIO Board Member of Pancrazio SA Pancrazio SpA - Industrie conserviere alimentary • THE NETHERLANDS Dr.Ir. C.D (Kees) DE GOOIJER Chief Inspiration Officer Food & Nutrition Delta • ROMANIA Mrs. Daniela CIUCLARU R&D and QC Manager Puratos Prod SRL • RUSSIA Mrs. Tatiana GIRO Head of «Technologies of Meat and Dairy Products» department Saratov State Agrarian University Mr. Michael KNOWLES Chairman of the Judging Panel ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE 2013 Chairman European Technology Platform «Food For Life» Vice-President Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs (Retd.),The Coca-Cola Company FoodDrinkEurope EUROPEAN COMMISSION Mr. Thomas HEYNISCH Deputy Head of Unit Food and Healthcare Industries, Biotechnology DG Enterprise and Industry Mr. Michel COOMANS Head of Unit (e.r.) Food Industry NESTLE Dr. Dominique TAEYMANS Corporate Regulatory & Scientific Affairs International Relations NESTEC Ltd. AUCHAN Mr. Serge GAY Director SME Relations AUCHAN Group ANUGA – KOELNMESSE GmbH Mr. Gerald BÖSE Chief Executive Officer KOELNMESSE FOODDRINKEUROPE Mr. Daniele ROSSI Chairman R&D Group FoodDrinkEurope • SERBIA Mr. Viktor NEDOVIĆ President of the Serbian Association of Food Technologists Coordinator of National Technology Platform Food for Life Serbia • SLOVENIA Mrs. Darja JAMNIK Head of Commercial Department MERCATOR-EMBA D.D • SPAIN Mrs. Virginia GONZÁLEZ Director Personnel GRUPO SIRO • SWITZERLAND TBC • UKRAINE Mr .Iaroslav VERBOVSKYI Deputy Head of Sales PE IMPEXAGRO • UNITED KINGDOM Professor Margaret PATTERSON President IFST Institute of Food Science & Technology 7 OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES
  • 10. FEDERATIONS 18 COMPETING COUNTRIES 19 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION18 BELGIUM CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FRANCE GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY ICELAND ITALY NETHERLANDS ROMANIA RUSSIA SERBIA SLOVENIA SPAIN SWITZERLAND UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM THE EUROPEAN FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRY – KEY FIGURES Key figures of the national food industry Main figures of the sector Belguim Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy The Netherlands Romania Russia Serbia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Turnover: billions € 46.589 11,36 20,13 106,90 151,80 13,00 7.6 1,83 130 62 G Euros 9,80 89.5 5,75 2.01 86,293 18 795 27,60 90 Company export volume: billions € 24.259 16,32 42,90 47;74 3,00 2.2 1,39 24.8 25% of Dutch exports including Agri sector (hence 125 G Euros) 1,28 13 1,243 0.45 22,078 3424 mio CHF (18%) 12,30 14.2 Added value: billions € 6.710 2,898 29,5 32,75 3,30 0,91 24,9 26 0.43 4,70 24.4 Number of companies 8 360 13,500 4 326 6 250 4,000 8 239 3 373 30 000 207 Number of employees related to the food industry 120 000 FTE 104 654 141 000 495 000 542 000 350 000 87 674 17 700 405 000 100 000 186 637 1.3 million 73 175 12 885 440 000 36 324 4 mln 400 000
  • 11. FEDERATION FEDERATION BELGIUM CZECH REPUBLIC FEVIA is the federation of the food companies in Belgium.FEVIA plays a role of interface between the industrial companies in the sector and the socio-economic environment in which they carry out their activities. FEVIA concentrates its actions on three main priority areas: 1) Food Policy 2) Labour Relations 3) The environment and energy The members of FEVIA include 480 companies of different sizes and 26 associations representing the different sub- sectors of the food industry. FEDERATION OF THE FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRIES CR (FFDI) is the a private non-governmental and non-profit body representing the interests of the Czech Food and Drink Industries at National, European and International level. Members of the Federation are Branch Associations and individual food companies. FFDI priorities are: • To help its members to compete effectively and to meet the challenge of the globalisation. • To contribute to the development of a legislative and economic framework, addressing issues of competitiveness, food quality and safety, consumer information and respect for the environment. • To facilitate the food and drink industries to invest more on R&D and innovation. • To increase consumer confidence by promoting food safety, nutrition information and encouraging the dialogue on diet, lifestyle and health issues. • To establish close and fruitful cooperation among all stakeholders. FFDI is a member of CIAA and one of the founding members of the SPES GEIE (European Economic Interest Grouping known as “Spread European Safety EEIG). In the framework of the European Technological Platform ‘Food for Life’ (ETP), on 20th March 2006 FFDI established Czech Technological Platform ‘Food for Life’ (CTPP) and is a member of the network of the National Technology Platforms ‘Food for Life’ (NFTPs). FEDERATION Federation of the Belgian Food Industry - FEVIA Address: Kunstlaan 43 - 1040 Brussels General Phone Number: +32 2 550 17 40 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Ariane LOUWAEGE, Scientific Mediator European Projects FEDERATION Potravinȧřskȧ Komora České Republiky - PK ČR Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic - FFDI Address: Počernickȧ 96/272 – 108 03 Praha 10 - Malešice General Phone Number: +420 733 581 302 Website: ; Contact Person: Ms. Šárka ŠTEJARVOVA, Manager 21 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION20
  • 12. FEDERATION FEDERATION DENMARK FRANCE The National Food Institute, Technical university of Denmark operates within five technical focus areas: Biotechnology, nutrition, food quality, food safety, food technology and environment & health. The work comprises aspects from the entire production and distribution chain from primary production over industrial processing to the preparation in the consumer’s home or industrial kitchens as well as assessment of how foods impact human health – including pollutants and additives in foods. The National Food Institute generates new knowledge through research and monitoring, develops research-based services for public and private enterprises and trains students and researchers within the department’s research focus areas. The National Food Institute has about 400 employees. ANIA is the association representing the French Food Industry. First industrial sector in France with a turnover of 160, 9 billion euros in 2012, the food industry is considered as a flagship of our country in the world. The 13,500 food companies (of which more than 97% are SMEs) employ almost 500,000 workers (first industrial employer in France). ANIA represents 22 sub-sectors of the Food industry: processed meat products, dairies, soft drinks, ready to eat meals, snacks, canned foods… Its mission is to promote the competitiveness of the food sector. This is why ANIA’s staff is dealing with all key issues for the food companies: i.e. Food quality and safety, economic issues, sustainability and innovation… The last two items are the reason why ECOTROPHELIA is seen as a real opportunity by French food companies. FEDERATION Danish National Food Institute – Technical University of Denmark - DTU Food Address: Søltofts Plads, building 227 – 2800 Kgs. Lyngby General Phone Number: +45 45 88 33 22 Website: Contact Person: Ms. Hanne LØJE, Assistant Professor FEDERATION Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires – ANIA Address: 21 rue Leblanc – 75015 Paris General Phone Number: +33 153 838 600 Website: – Contact Person : Ms. Françoise GORGA, Innovation Manager 23 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION22
  • 13. FEDERATION FEDERATION GERMANY GREECE The Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI) is a non-profit, registered association supporting research projects in all fields of food science, food technology and nutritional science. Up today the FEI is the sole research association spanning almost all branches and disciplines of the food and drink industry in Germany. The FEI organises the competion TROPHELIA Deutschland since 2010 - fourth time in 2013. The FEI connects economy and science: It coordinates yearly about 100 cooperative research projects, organises scientific conferences and publishes different media for experts. 60 enterprises, 55 industrial branch associations and 120 research institutes are organised within the Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI). The financing is provided by private funding (enterprises and industrial associations) and public funding (Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology). SEVT is the official body representing the interests of the Hellenic Food and Drink Industries at National, European and International level. Members of the Federation are Branch Associations and individual food companies. The main areas of SEVT activities are related to Food Safety and Quality, Nutrition and Diet, Food Law and Administrative Law, Crisis Management, Communication, European and International Agreements, Industrial Relations and Trade Unions, Agricultural Policy, Environment and Packaging Directives and Research and Innovation. SEVT priorities are: • Improve competitiveness • Strengthen extroversion • Investments in research and promotion of innovation • Food Safety & Quality • Promotion of balanced diets & healthy lifestyle • Consumer information • European co�operation with all stakeholders SEVT strongly believe that the initiatives promoting research and innovation in the food industry must be a priority not only for Greece but for all the European countries and that’s why we consider ECOTROPHELIA as an excellent opportunity for the food industry and Academia as well. That’s why SEVT considers that Ecotrophelia is an excellent opportunity to: Promote new innovative ideas that will contribute to the progress of industry, Encourage and support the new generation in all European countries, Bridge the gap between research/development and market and Enable SMEs specially to exploit the opportunities inherent in environmental concerns. FEDERATION Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V – FEI Address: Godesberger Allee 142-148, 53175 Bonn General Phone Number: +49 228 30796990 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Daniela KINKEL, PR manager FEDERATION Federation of Hellenic Food Industries - SEVT Address: 21 Agias Sofias Str. – 154 51 Neo Psychiko, Athens General Phone Number: +302 106 711 177 Website: Contact Person: Dr. Fotini SALTA, Techno-Scientific Mediator 25 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION24
  • 14. FEDERATION FEDERATION HUNGARY ICELAND Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft., situated in Budapest, is one of the most important service providers’ food companies in Eastern and Central Europe in the areas of consultancy on European market competitiveness development, training and product development. It is the successor of the Frozen Industry Development and Analytical Institute, so we have decades of R+D experience in the Hungarian food industry. We have direct access to the most recent research results and methods through our parent company ( and we traditionally implement our developments in cooperation with the food industry. Acting in close cooperation with the industry, academia and national and international research institutes, the Innovation Center Iceland (ICI) focuses on R&D, technology transfer, education, support for entrepreneurs and SMEs and consulting in order to increase innovation, productivity and competitiveness. ICI is a key organization for delivering business and innovation support services and implementing business development initiatives specifically designed for the benefit of SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovators, with the overall aim of increasing national competitiveness. ICI operates under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and receives revenue from both the public and private sectors. The Center currently employs 80 people, including11 outside of the capital area. FEDERATION Campden BRI Magyaroszág Nonprofit Kft. - CBHU Address: Haller utca 2, H – 1096 Budapest General Phone Number: + 36 14 331 470 Website : Contact Person : Ms. Katalin VIOLA, Development Engineer FEDERATION Innovation Center Iceland - ICI Address: Keldnaholti, 112, Reykjavik General Phone Number: +354 5 229 000 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Fanney FRISBAEK, Project Manager 27 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION26
  • 15. FEDERATION FEDERATION ITALY NETHERLANDS FEDERALIMENTARE is the Italian Food & Drink Industry Federation set up in 1982. It is member of Confindustria – the General Confederation of Italian Industries and member of Food Drink Europe – the Confederation of the EU member’s food and drink industries. Through its 17 branch Associations it represents each sector of F&D industry: FEDERALIMENTARE’s mission is to pursue the development and competitiveness of the Italian F&D industry,to consolidate the activities of Italian companies on international markets, to promote the image of the sector to support quality and safety of the Italian processed food, to increase the promotion of exports, to develop joint strategies with the agricultural sector in order to improve the competitiveness of the system at European level, to implement EU and WTO agreements, to support correct lifestyles and nutritional policies in and to support research and technological innovation. TKI Agrid&Food plays an important role in drafting and implementing the innovation agenda of the agrifood sector. TKI outlines the knowledge demand of business, and recommends research themes to the top team. In addition TKI makes proposals on the distribution of funds. Furthermore TKI coordinates European activities and keeps in close touch with the eight other top sectors. FEDERATION Federazione italiana dell’Industria alimentare e delle bevande Federalimentare Servizi S.r.l Address: Viale Luigi Pasteur 10 – 00144 Rome - Italy General Phone Number: +39 06 5 903 857 Website: Contact Person: Mr.Giovanni DELLE DONNE, International Promotion Department FEDERATION TKI Agri&Food Address: Nieuwe Kanaal 9a, 6709 PA Wageningen, - 6700 An Wageningen General Phone Number: +317 487 258 Website: Contact Person: Mr. Kees DE GOOIJER, Managing Director 29 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION28
  • 16. FEDERATION FEDERATION ROMANIA RUSSIA ASIAR was established on October 2009 as private juridical person that aims to promote the Romanian food industry and its specialists at national and international level. ASIAR includes academics, food researchers and specialists from the food industry. ASIAR represents the specialists from food industry and related industries as well as the ones from research institutes and universities in their relationship with national and international authorities; has legislatives initiatives; unifies the professional ideals of its members; defends the interests of its member either individual or group ones; supports food industry as national economical priority; supports technological transfer from research centers to industry; promotes the principles of food safety; educates the Romanian consumer on safety and nutritional issues; defends the intellectual and industrial rights of its members; develops relationships with similar associations. The Volga region research institute of manufacture and processing of meat-and-milk production (VRIMMP) is working within the extensive program of development and introduction of the scientifically based system of animal husbandry and forage production management, improvement of breeding methods and technologies, complex processing of animal husbandry products for the purpose of obtaining environmentally safe food. The institute is one of the few in Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ frame where complex researches at the “from field to consumer” chain are conducted. VRIMMP was awarded gold and silver medals of Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn” numerous times, as well as gold medal of International Specialized Exhibition “Biotech World 2012”, and obtained three grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. FEDERATION Romanian Association of Food Industry Professionals - ASIAR Address: Domneasca 111, Corp F - sala F 206 - 800201 Galati General Phone Number: +40 336 130 181 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Anca Ioana NICOLAU, Professor FEDERATION The Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences - VRIMMP RAAS Address: Russian Federation, Rokossovskogo st, 6, 400131 Volgograd General Phone Number: +7 8442 39 10 48 Website: Contact Person: Mr. Ivan GORLOV, Director 31 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION30
  • 17. FEDERATION FEDERATION SERBIA SLOVENIA The Serbian Association of Food Technologists (SAFT) is nonprofit association of food professionals established in 2009 in Belgrade. The SAFT mission is to establish and maintain a strong network and interconnection between research institutions and companies, researchers and professionals in the food sector and to support research and technological innovations. It aims to promote the professional development and educational excellence within the food science and technology.SAFT is an umbrella organization for the Serbian NationalTechnology Platform“Food for Life”and the Serbian Regional Section of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group. It provides a framework for co-operation among national, regional and global professional food societies and their members. SAFT has been the organizer or co- organizer of several important international and national food events in Serbia, such as the 4th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (competition for the best European PhD thesis in food engineering and technology) in May 2010 in Belgrade, the 6th Central European Congress on Food (CEFood) in May 2012 in Novi Sad, the 1st National Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (competition for the best Serbian PhD thesis in food engineering and technology) in February 2013 in Belgrade, and nowadays the first national EcoTrophelia competition (18 July 2013, Belgrade).The Serbian Association of Food Technologists is a collective member of European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST). CCIS-CAFE is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, interest group of legal entities, which carry out lucrative business activities in the agricultural or food sector or related activities on the market. The Chamber functions in a regional independent manner and, in view of the number of its members, it is a recognizable and prominent representative of the agricultural and food sector in Slovenia and abroad. The Chamber has around 300 members. It incorporates, represents and links the agricultural and food industry in respect to public authorities and European branch associations; it forms viewpoints and policies towards the social partners and other domestic and foreign associations, it promotes the development of the sector and knowledge flow, ideas and good Slovenian and European practices in the branch. It also provides professional help in form of consulting, information, education and training. CCIS-CAFE is actually a multi- sectorial chamber. FEDERATION Serbian Association of Food Technologists - SAFT Address: Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade - Zemun General Phone Number: +38 1112199711 Website: Contact Person: Mr. Viktor NEDOVIĆ, President of the Serbian Association of Food Technologists - Coordinator of National Technology Platform Food for Life Serbia FEDERATION Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises - CCIS – CAFE Address: Dimičeva 13 - SI 1504 – Ljubljana General Phone Number: +38 615 898 294 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Petra MEDVED DJURAŠONOVIČ, Senior Consultant 33 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION32
  • 18. FEDERATION FEDERATION SPAIN SWITZERLAND The Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation (FIAB) was created in 1977 to represent –through one organization with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country. At present, it encompasses 47 associations. Its main activity is informing the sector of developments that might affect their performance and representing their interests before different administrations and decision-making bodies at national, European and international level. FIAB was one of the leading industry associations to join the Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations (CEOE). Also, in order to be able to represent the industry’s interests in the EU sphere, FIAB has maintained a permanent delegation in Brussels since 1983 and has been a full member of EU Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries (FoodDrinkEurope) since 1986. Swiss Food Research is the Swiss Association for the promotion of Research and Innovation in the food and food related sectors. The network of Swiss academic institutions was established in order to enhance the competitiveness of the Swiss food industry and its suppliers. The food industry is represented by the Federation of the Swiss Food Industries (FIAL) and the “Kompetenznetzwerk Ernährungswissenschaft”, which are both members of the network. We support companies in the formulation of project proposals and impart the highest competencies of research institutes within our network for the most successful execution of the project.We also assist companies in the realization of financial support from national and European funding sources. Swiss Food Research is running the National Technology Platform “Food for Life Switzerland” and ensures that the needs of the Swiss food industry and its related sectors can also be considered in the 7th Research Framework Program of the EU. For this purpose, Swiss Food Research has formulated a “Strategic Research Agenda 2009-2020”. FEDERATION Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación Y Bebidas - FIAB Address: Velásquez, 64-3° - 28001 Madrid General Phone Number +34 91 411 72 11 Website : Contact Person: Mr. Federico MORAIS, Technology and Innovation Department Manager FEDERATION Swiss Food Research Address: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161 – CH-3097 Liebefeld General Phone Number: +41 276 068 600 Website: Contact Person: Mr. Jean-Claude VILLETTAZ, Co-Chairman 35 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION34
  • 19. FEDERATION FEDERATION UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM The Ukrainian National Technological Platform «Agro-Food» is a voluntary union of more than 200 research organizations, SMEs, NGOs and other stakeholders. It was established in 2012 in order to coordinate, direct and assist efforts of various stakeholders aimed at bringing more innovations to the Ukrainian food sector. The main tasks of the UNTP «Agro-Food» are to facilitate knowledge transfer from research institutions to SMEs and to promote participation of Ukrainian partners in relevant European projects of scientific and technological cooperation. IFST The Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) is the leading qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and the only professional body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology. Our members cover all aspects of food from manufacturing, retailing and R&D to academia and enforcement.We are passionate about engaging food professionals, recognising standards, growing skills and influencing debate. Campden BRI Campden BRI provides technical,legislative and scientific support and research to the food and drinks industry worldwide. We offer a comprehensive «farm to fork» range of services covering agri-food production,analysis and testing,processing and manufacturing, safety, training and technical information services. Our members and clients benefit from industry- leading facilities for analysis, product and process development, and sensory and consumer studies, which include a specialist brewing and wine division. FEDERATION Ukrainian National Technology Platform «Agro-Food» - UNTP Address: Polyarna St., 20 / 307– 04655 Kyiv General Phone Number: +38 044 2336341 Website: Contact Person: Mr.Pavlo BILAK, Academic Secretary of the UNTP FEDERATION Institute of Food Science & Technology - IFST Address: 5 Cambridge Court, 210 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NJ General Phone Number: +44 207 603 6316 Website: Contact Person: Mrs. Jane EMERY, Deputy Chief Executive FEDERATION Campden BRI Address: Station Road, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6LD General Phone Number: +44 1386 842 000 Website: Contact Person: Mr. Bertrand Emond, Head of Membership and Training 37 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION36
  • 20. OFFICIAL PARTNER ANUGA OFFICIAL PARTNER CCI VAUCLUSE 39 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION38 ANUGA – Host of ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE 2013 5th to 9th October 2013 With approximately 6,700 suppliers from about 100 countries and ca. 160,000 buyers from 180 countries, the 32nd Anuga (Cologne, 5th to to 9th October 2013) will again be the global hub for the trade in food and beverages. The world’s leading trade fair will fill the entire Cologne exhibition centre — a total of 284,000 m² of gross exhibition space in eleven halls, including some with more than one level. “10 specialized trade shows under one roof” — Anuga sets the standard with this trade fair concept. Based on themes and focal points, the ten specialized trade shows give a clear structure to the fair and for the attendees. Thus Anuga presents suppliers from all over the world, ranging from small and midsized companies to market leaders within their respective segment.Anuga is open exclusively to trade visitors from the food trade and the food service sector. Anuga’s supporting programme is interesting and informative at the same time. It will kick off with the Anuga Executive Summit, a get- together for members of the industry and the trade at the highest level. Other events at the fair will include the Frozen Food event, the Meat Essential get-together for the meat segment, the WellFood Congress and the second European Halal Conference. Again Anuga will stage the ECOTROPHELIA European Food Innovation Student Awards, which honour the winners in a Europe-wide contest for students for the creation of new eco-innovative food products. Avec environ 6.700 fournisseurs venant d’une centaine de pays et (circ.) 160.000 acheteurs de 180 pays, le 32ème Salon Anuga (Cologne, du 5 au 9 Octobre 2013) sera de nouveau la plaque tournante mondiale pour le commerce agroalimentaire. Le salon, qui est le leader mondial, va remplir l’ensemble du centre des expositions de Cologne - un total de 284.000 m² de surface d’exposition brute dans onze halles, dont certaines avec plus d’un niveau. «10 salons spécialisés sous un même toit» - l'Anuga met la barre haute avec ce concept d’exposition. Basé sur des thématiques et des points focaux, les dix salons spécialisés donnent une structure claire à l’exposition ainsi qu’aux participants. Ainsi l'Anuga présente les fournisseurs venus du monde entier, allant des petites et moyennes entreprises, aux leaders du marché dans leurs secteurs respectifs. L'Anuga est ouvert exclusivement aux visiteurs professionnels des secteurs des services et du commerce agroalimentaires. Le programme de l’Anuga est à la fois intéressant et instructif. Il débutera par le sommet « Anuga Executive Summit », un rendez-vous pour les membres de l’industrie et du commerce au plus haut niveau. D’autres événements à l’exposition comprendront l’événement ‘Aliments Surgelés’, la ‘Viande Essentielle’ rendez-vous pour le secteur de la viande, le congrès ‘Wellfood’ et la deuxième conférence Halal européenne. Encore une fois l'Anuga mettra en scène la compétition ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE, qui honore les étudiants lauréats pour leur création de nouveaux produits alimentaires éco-innovants. ECOTROPHELIA, the “Student Food Innovation Awards”, was held for the 14th year in Avignon. Created at the initiative of the CCI Vaucluse, the awards are organized by 13 higher education institutions, 2 professional branches and 8 Competitiveness Clusters and Technical Centers. This year, over 130 students participated to introduce more than 20 new products. Besides the ability to show their expertise and know-how, the trophies are a real opportunity for our young «inventors» because, every year, some of their creations will be mass produced and marketed in retail. Since 2008 ECOTROPHELIA also organises a European edition of the competition in which more countries participate each year: 5 years ago there were 8 countries, in 2011 there were 10 countries, 15 last year and there will be 18 competing countries this year. ECOTROPHELIA has become a reference in Europe, a major event for innovation and competitiveness. This international recognition means that Avignon has become the European Capital of food eco-innovation: an eco-friendly food innovation that respects the consumer, the environment and society in general, pillars of sustainable development. Because we can no longer conceive progress without respecting citizens and the environment, the entrepreneurs of the CCI Vaucluse continue to support the strategy of synergy between education, research and enterprise embodied by ECOTROPHELIA Europe. The success of ECOTROPHELIA Europe is based on a broad partnership and to all those who take part, our warmest thanks! François MARIANI, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vaucluse ECOTROPHELIA, les « Trophées étudiants de l’innovation alimentaire », a été organisé pour la 14ème année à Avignon. Créés à l’initiative de la CCI de Vaucluse, ces trophées sont organisés par 13 établissements d’enseignement supérieur, 2 branches professionnelles, ainsi que 8 organismes et Centres Techniques. Cette année encore, plus de 130 étudiants se sont mobilisés pour y présenter plus de 20 nouveaux produits. Outre la capacité à montrer leur expertise et leur savoir-faire, les trophées sont une véritable mise de pied à l’étrier pour nos jeunes « inventeurs » puisque, comme chaque année, certaines de leurs créations seront produites en série et mises sur le marché dans les circuits de la distribution. Depuis 2008, ECOTROPHELIA organise aussi une compétition européenne qui rassemble chaque année plus de pays : 8 il y a 5 ans, 10 en 2011, 15 l’an passé, ils seront 18 cette année à présenter des concurrents. ECOTROPHELIA est devenu une référence en Europe, un rendez-vous majeur de l’innovation et de la compétitivité des entreprises. Cette reconnaissance internationale fait d’Avignon la Capitale Européenne de l’éco-innovation alimentaire : une innovation alimentaire respectueuse du consommateur, de l’environnement et de la société en général, piliers du développement durable. Parce qu’on ne peut plus concevoir de progrès que dans le respect du citoyen et de l’environnement, les chefs d’Entreprise de la CCI de Vaucluse continuent à soutenir la stratégie de synergie entre formation, recherche et entreprise incarnée par ECOTROPHELIA Europe. Le succès d’ECOTROPHELIA Europe repose sur un large partenariat dont nous nous félicitons ! Que toutes celles et tous ceux qui y prennent part en soient remerciés !
  • 21. OFFICIAL PARTNER REGION PACA 41 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION40 The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry supports ECOTROPHELIA Europe and ECOTROPHELIA France, two major student competitions, highlighting, at both French and European levels: • Our excellent training for careers in the food sector, • Our young adults ability for eco-innovation, which participates in developing quality food, accessible to all and environmentally friendly, • The exceptional variety / diversity of food in France. These values echo the objectives of public food policy exposed in the National Food Program (PNA). A real social issue, this interdepartmental programme run by the Ministry of Agriculture aims to facilitate access for all to a good diet by developing in particular a high quality ecofriendly food supply (whilst respecting the environment). So naturally an initiative like ECOTROPHELIA, which also contributes to the competitiveness of the agri-business for future years, has its place in this large collective project, which reminds us that “eating well is everyone’s business.” Stéphane LE FOLL Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt apporte son soutien à ECOTROPHELIA Europe et ECOTROPHELIA France, deux importants concours étudiants, mettant en avant, au niveau français et européen : • l’excellence de nos formations aux métiers de l’alimentation, • la capacité d’éco-innovation de nos jeunes,qui participe ainsi à développer une alimentation de qualité,accessible à tous et respectueuse de l’environnement, • la richesse de l’alimentation en France. Ces valeurs font écho aux objectifs de la politique publique de l’alimentation déclinée dans le Programme National de l’Alimentation (PNA). Véritable enjeu de société, ce programme interministériel piloté par le ministère chargé de l’agriculture vise à faciliter l’accès à tous à une bonne alimentation en développant notamment l’offre alimentaire de qualité tout en respectant l’environnement. Une initiative comme ECOTROPHELIA, qui participe également à la compétitivité des entreprises agroalimentaires pour les années à venir, trouve ainsi naturellement sa place dans ce grand projet collectif, qui nous rappelle que « bien manger, c’est l’affaire de tous ». Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a land of flavours with rich and varied territories and many products of controlled designation of origin. This quality is an important issue for our region, for its reputation but also for its economic development. The diversity of our gourmet range is undoubtedly one of the strengths of our attraction to tourists. In a word, «eating well» is often synonymous with good health. To combine this expertise with important issues such as higher education, innovation, partnerships, etc… The Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region supports ECOTROPHELIA and its international development through ECOTROPHELIA Europe. In addition to these important issues and their positive effects in terms of employment and economic dynamism, the event has the merit of favouring the creation of food products that meet the criteria of sustainable development. Along with industry sectors, universities and schools, agriculture and business, the Region actively encourages eco-innovation. The involvement of students in science and business higher education working towards new products that meet these requirements is a sign of hope for the development of quality food. This is an issue of the highest order for our local production and the health of our citizens. On the occasion of this fifth edition, the Region welcomes the expertise of all participants and wishes them the best of luck. Michel VAUZELLE President of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur est une terre de saveurs dotée de terroirs riches et variés et de nombreux produits d’appellations d’origine contrôlée. Cette qualité est un enjeu important pour notre région, pour sa notoriété mais également pour son développement économique. La diversité de notre palette gastronomique est sans conteste l’un des atouts de notre attractivité touristique. Enfin, le «bien-manger» est souvent synonyme de bonne santé. Pour l’association de ce savoir-faire avec des enjeux aussi importants que l’enseignement supérieur, l’innovation, les partenariats..., la Région Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur soutient ECOTROPHELIA et son développement international à travers ECOTROPHELIA Europe. Outre ces importants enjeux et leurs effets positifs en termes d’emploi et de dynamisme économique, la manifestation a le mérite de privilégier la création de produits agroalimentaires respectant les critères du développement durable. Aux côtés des filières du secteur, des universités et des écoles, de l’agriculture et des entreprises, la Région encourage l’éco-innovation. L’implication des étudiants de formations supérieures scientifiques et commerciales en faveur de produits nouveaux répondant à ces exigences est un gage d’espoir pour le développement d’une alimentation de qualité. Il s’agit là d’un enjeu de tout premier ordre pour nos productions locales et la santé de nos concitoyens. A l’occasion de cette 5ème édition, la Région salue le savoir-faire de l’ensemble des participants et leur souhaite bonne chance. OFFICIAL PARTNER MINISTERE DE L’AGRICULTURE, DE L’AGROALIMENTAIRE ET DE LA FORET
  • 22. OFFICIAL PARTNER DEPARTEMENT DE VAUCLUSE OFFICIAL PARTNER GRAND AVIGNON 43 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION42 Created in the Vaucluse region, the ECOTROPHELIA competition has quickly grown to a European level with the constant support of the General Council. It is with great pride that I see today that ECOTROPHELIA meets the challenge of the synergy between academia, research and the entire food chain. The loyalty of our engagement with ECOTROPHELIA can be explained naturally: the General Council of Vaucluse has for many years now made a clear commitment to and given financial support for agriculture, food and wine; the key, emblematic drivers of our department despite their difficulties. Vaucluse is a land of culture, of flavours, of food heritage and also a welcoming place of meetings and as such we must be at the heart of the development of the industry of tomorrow, especially by incorporating the now essential elements of sustainable development. Along with local producers and players across the whole industry, with the Fruit and Vegetable European Innovation Cluster (Pole TERRALIA) and the City of Food, we believe that the future of our region lies in research, innovation and the development of know-how. We therefore hope that this great event and its winners will continue to shine a bright light on the talent and ingenuity of young Europeans in the service of food innovation. Claude HAUT Senator, President of the General Council of Vaucluse The Urban Community of Grand Avignon pursues a policy of ambitious economic development based on the particular clusters, including the Fruit and Vegetable European Innovation Cluster (Pole TERRALIA), spearheading the agri-food sector in our country. Grand Avignon in fact brings together all the tools of development of this sector: • Large Companies: Naturex, McCormick, Liebig • The competitiveness cluster TERRALIA labelized PRIDES by the PACA Region • The presence of major research centers: INRA, University of Science • The presence of numerous professional bodies in the industry: the IFRIA (Training for careers in food), CRITT (Technical Centre PACA), FRIAA PACA (Regional Federation of Industries Agri-Food) • Expressions of interest in the national fruit and vegetables sector, in particular the MIFFEL trade fair that takes place in October. All these players come together today as a booming Technological Pole: The Agroparc, located in the town of Avignon. Grand Avignon’s support of ECOTROPHELIA is therefore in direct continuity with this policy and enabling our community to be on the side of innovation and training in the food industry. Marie-Josée ROIG President of the Urban Community of Greater Avignon. Né sur les terres de Vaucluse, le concours ECOTROPHELIA a su rapidement, et avec le soutien constant du Conseil général, se développer pour atteindre une échelle européenne. C’est donc avec une certaine fierté que je vois aujourd’hui ECOTROPHELIA réussir le pari de la synergie entre le monde de l’enseignement, les chercheurs et l’ensemble de la filière agro-alimentaire. La fidélité de notre engagement aux côtés d’ECOTROPHELIA s’explique naturellement : le Conseil général de Vaucluse a fait le choix depuis de nombreuses années de s’engager clairement et financièrement pour accompagner les secteurs agricoles, viticoles et agro-alimentaires, des moteurs essentiels et emblématiques de notre département malgré les difficultés. Le Vaucluse, terre de cultures, de saveurs, de patrimoine agro-alimentaire mais aussi lieu d’accueil et de rencontres, se doit d’être au cœur du développement de la filière de demain, en intégrant en particulier les éléments de développement durable désormais indispensables. Aux côtés des producteurs locaux, bien sûr, mais aussi de l’ensemble des acteurs de la filière, du Pôle TERRALIA ou de la Cité de l’Alimentation, nous sommes convaincus que l’avenir de notre territoire passe par la recherche, l’innovation et la valorisation des savoir-faire. Souhaitons donc à cette belle manifestation et à ses lauréats de continuer à porter haut et fort le talent et l’ingéniosité de la jeunesse européenne au service de l’innovation alimentaire. TEXTE FRANÇAIS La Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Avignon poursuit une politique de développement économique ambitieuse s’appuyant notamment sur les pôles de compétitivité et notamment le Pôle Européen d’Innovation Fruits et Légumes (Pôle TERRALIA), fer de lance du secteur agro-alimentaire sur notre territoire. Le Grand Avignon regroupe en effet l’ensemble des outils de développement de cette filière : • Grande Entreprises : Naturex, McCormick, Liebig • Le Pôle de compétitivité TERRALIA labélisé PRIDES par la Région PACA • La présence d’importants centres de recherche : INRA, Université des Sciences • La présence de nombreux organismes professionnels de la filière : l’IFRIA (Formation aux métiers de l’agro-alimentaire), CRITT (Centre technique PACA), la FRIAA PACA (Fédération régionale des Industries agroalimentaire) • Des manifestations d’intérêt national dans le secteur des fruits et légumes et en particulier le MIFFEL, salon destiné aux professionnels qui se déroule en octobre. L’ensemble de ces acteurs se regroupe aujourd‘hui sur un Pôle Technologique en pleine expansion : Agroparc, situé sur la commune d’Avignon. Le soutien du Grand Avignon à ECOTROPHELIA s’inscrit donc dans la continuité directe de cette politique et permet à notre collectivité d’être au côté de l’innovation et de la formation dans le domaine agroalimentaire.
  • 23. 45 Student Awards 5th editionEUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION44 OFFICIAL PARTNER NESTLE Nestlé Science & Research Nestlé, founded in 1866, is the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. With headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, Nestlé employs over 280,000 people, with factories and operations in almost every country of the world. With unrivaled research and development capabilities, Nestlé has a rich heritage in food and nutrition science. Consumer health and wellness was the driving force for Henri Nestlé when he revolutionized infant feeding with Nestlé’s first product, Farine Lactée. This tradition of consumer-centric innovation continues today, through Nestlé’s dynamic network of Research, Development and Technology centers worldwide. Comprised of over 5,000 people, the diverse expertise of the Nestlé Research Network provides the foundation for Nestlé to respond to ever-changing consumer and business needs. At the heart of this Nestlé Research Network lies the Nestlé Research Center (NRC), based in Lausanne, Switzerland, with additional locations worldwide.The world’s largest private food and nutrition research institute, the NRC is home to a staff of 700 people, with over 300 researchers from 50 nationalities, representing a diverse range of scientific competencies. The expertise of NRC scientists is complimented by a wide- reaching network of external partners such as universities, private research institutes, hospitals and start-up companies. Nestlé scientists study all aspects of food – from Nutrition & Health and Food Science & Technology, to Pleasure during Consumption and Quality & Safety – to translate science into products that bring meaningful benefits to consumers everywhere. Nestlé’s global R&D Network, in addition to its extensive external collaborations, constitutes a robust research potential, second to none among food companies. Together, the scientific excellence and technical knowledge of Nestlé Science & Research helps fulfill Nestlé’s vision of Good Food, Good Life for all consumers. For more information about Nestlé Science & Research, its mission and ongoing research programs, please visit our website at www.research. Fondé en 1866, Nestlé est le leader mondial dans le domaine de la nutrition, de la santé et du bien-être. La société, dont le siège est situé à Vevey, en Suisse, compte plus de 280 000 salariés avec des usines et filiales dans presque tous les pays du monde. Grâce à des compétences inégalées en recherche et développement, Nestlé possède un riche héritage scientifique en matière d’alimentation et de nutrition. La santé et le bien-être furent les moteurs d’Henri Nestlé lorsqu’il révolutionna l’alimentation des nourrissons avec Farine Lactée, le premier produit Nestlé. Cette tradition de l’innovation orientée vers le consommateur perdure aujourd’hui encore, grâce à un réseau dynamique de centres de recherche, développement et technologie s’étendant à travers le monde. Composé de plus de 5 000 personnes, l’éventail de compétences du réseau de recherche de Nestlé lui permet de répondre aux besoins en constante évolution des consommateurs et des entreprises. Au cœur de ce réseau se trouve le Centre de Recherche Nestlé (CRN), basé à Lausanne, en Suisse, et possédant divers unités délocalisées dans le monde. Le CRN, le plus grand institut de recherche nutritionnelle et alimentaire privé au monde, héberge une équipe de 700 personnes, dont plus de 300 chercheurs de 50 nationalités différentes représentant une grande diversité de compétences scientifiques. L’expertise des scientifiques du CRN est complétée par un vaste réseau de partenaires externes, parmi lesquels des universités, des instituts de recherche privés, des hôpitaux et des start-up. Les scientifiques de Nestlé étudient tous les aspects de l’alimentation afin que la science se reflète dans les produits qui apporteront des avantages indubitables aux consommateurs du monde entier. Cela va de la nutrition et la santé aux sciences et technologies de l’alimentation, en passant par le plaisir éprouvé lors de la consommation, sans oublier la qualité et la sécurité. Outre son vaste réseau de collaborations externes, le réseau mondial de recherche et de développement de Nestlé constitue un potentiel de recherche solide, qu’aucune autre société alimentaire n’est en mesure de concurrencer. L’alliance de l’excellence scientifique et du savoir-faire technique de Nestlé Science & Research contribue à mettre en pratique la vision “Good Food, Good Life” (Manger bien pour vivre mieux) de Nestlé pour tous les consommateurs. Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur Nestlé Science & Research, sa mission et ses programmes de recherche en cour, consultez le site web à l’adresse www.
  • 24. ECOTROFOOD “EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the“EcoTroFood aims at improving access to eco-innovation information and knowledge for the food industry, in particular SMEs and service providers”. A major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which areA major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which areA major part of the project consists of organizing “ECOTROPHELIA” competitions which are national student food eco-innovation competitions followed by 3 European competitions, all integrating sustainable development standards. The European ECOTROFOOD platform will enable the development and testing of new innovative practices, support SMEs, and create start-ups. Via public-private partnerships companies will be helped to meet future requirements in terms of environmental standards at the European level. Furthermore it will enable SMEs to benefit from the possibilities and opportunities created by new environmental concepts and create more effective links between research,entrepreneurship and finance. Another aim is to make qualified young people with an interest in sustainable development, available to the food industry. Contact: - - 47 Student Awards EUROPEAN FOOD INNOVATION46 ECO-INNOVATION FOOD PRODUCTS COMPETITION FOOD INDUSTRY SME UNIVERSITIES
  • 25. BELGIUM Clookies Belgium is the land of fine beers. Fewer people know that Belgium is also the land of potato chips. The Belgians are the world’s record holders for ‘potato chips eating’. Clookies is an innovative, sustainable and healthy alternative for the colourless potato chips served in pubs and restaurants as an appetizer, often with Belgian beers. Clookies are based on beer spent grain. A by-product is given new, valuable opportunities. The marked malt flavour is combined with the savory and spicy taste of coriander and pepper. With Clookies, being world’s record holder doesn’t become unhealthy. Full of fibers, low in fat, calories and sodium you can safely enjoy even more Clookies. THOMAS MORE KEMPEN Address Kleinhoefstraat 4 2440 GEEL BELGIUM Website : Contact Person Mr. Rob VAN DEUN : +32 14 562 310 Team Presentation Jurgen CLEIRBAUT Tim VAN ROY Annemie BLOMME Diederik CROONENBORGHS PRODUCTS
  • 26. THE CZECH REPUBLIC BIO jable né plátky (organic apple slices) Minimally processed fruit Fresh organic apples from Czech producer, which, thanks to its processing simplify their consumption, thereby increasing the intake of fruits across the population especially for children. The product is organoleptically equivalent to fresh fruit, but it has increased levels of nutritionally valuable substances, i.e. vitamin C and calcium. Fresh sliced organic apple is treated so that it retains its original quality throughout its shelf-life. When producing this product, no chemical preservatives are used and is therefore very suitable for children, for whom cut apple is more acceptable than whole apple. INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY PRAGUE Address Technicka 5 166 28 PRAGUE CZECH REPUBLIC Website : Contact Person Mr. Ales RAJCHL : +420 220 443 013 Team Presentation František KOVAŘÍK Václav POHŮNEK PRODUCTS
  • 27. DENMARK coquo co•quo ( /kəʊˈkuəʊ/ I cook, jeg kokkererer) is the meeting between a young German gastronome and a young French landscape architect. They dedicate their passion to a delicatessen concept to combine Slow food and New Nordic Cuisine in Copenhagen. We believe that everyone can get access to the pleasure of good food in a convenient way and be responsible of his terroire and food traditions. Thanks to a glass jar the customer has access to a visual appealing meal reheatable in five minutes in a microwave. Our recipes are cooked by real chefs without additives and based on local and seasonal products. On top of a high quality food available anywhere, anytime we want to involve our customers in a sustainable and new approach from the farm to the fork. We apply a pant system to reduce packaging waste. Further we adapt the trendy concept of food trucks by distributing our meals on Christiana bikes which are the symbol of Copenhagen. For Ecotrophelia Europe we have developed a full menu which represents Danish Cuisine in a modern way. The three course menu starts with “smørrebrød with pickled herring” followed by “cod in mustard sauce with dill potatoes” and ends with “chokolademælk”. COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE Address Rolighedsvej 30 DK-1958 FREDERIKSBERG C DENMARK Website : Contact Person Mr. Michael BOM FRØST : +45 35 33 32 22 Team Presentation Alexandre FRISTOT Julius SCHNEIDER PRODUCTS
  • 28. FRANCE Ici&Là How to combine traditional taste and modern convenience? Ici&Là has the answer with its range of eco-innovative frozen ready meals: 100% vegetable patties mainly made from green lentils and rice which may replace a portion of meat in a main course. They are good and healthy products: green lentils are rich in iron, proteins and fibers; the cereal- legume complementation providing all benefits of a balanced meal. Moreover these patties are gluten free, lactose free, made up of simple ingredients without preservatives or additives. Deep freezing allows keeping whole gustative and nutritional values. Our current main product, Le Pavé du Velay, incorporates the whole nutritional and gustative qualities of the well known PDO green lentils from Le Puy en Velay. This particular lentil comes from the upland crops in the Haute-Loire department in the central eastern France. It’s from this terroir that this lentil acquires its qualities. This concept is made to be applied to other traditional lentil through the world. Our products are environmental friendly. Beyond eco-friendly packaging and process, green lentil farming is beneficial for crops as a natural fertilizer and requires no irrigation at all. Moreover it is good additional income for farmers and favorable for local economies. Heat up in six minutes in a pan, you can easily savor it. If you are sensitive to environmental issues, to sustain a local culture while eating a good and healthy product, Le Pavé du Velay is for you. ISARA LYON Address 23 rue Jean Baldassini 69364 LYON CEDEX 07 FRANCE Website : Contact Person Mr. Pascal BOULON : +33 427 858 524 Team Presentation Benoît PLISSON Angélique RUSCH Jordan COLLION Floriane DUBINI Marianne BORDES Kenza BENNIS Mélanie CABOUX Anaïs FLASSAYER Emmanuel BREHIER PRODUCTS
  • 29. GERMANY BBQuchen BBQuchen is a precooked, cake-like product with a fruity sauce, which is heated by the warm blaze of a barbecue before serving. It is offered in innovative and functional packaging, which can double as an underlay for the grill. After being grilled BBQuchen has a crispy, golden-brown crust and a moist middle. The interplay of the sweet, warm BBQuchen and the slightly sour, cold sauces cause a pleasant, harmonic taste experience. Due to its shape it is associated with barbecue and easy to handle with barbecue-tools. The dough consists of nuts, eggs, sugar and grated fruits or vegetables. Therefore it is suitable for vegetarians, and is also free of lactose and gluten. Through variation of the ingredients many flavours can be created for suiting the different seasons. Already developed types of BBQuchen are courgette-coconut (with pineapple-mint sauce) and poppy seed-mango (with raspberry-lime sauce) for a summer barbecue, and a wintery hazelnut-apple-cinnamon (with ginger-orange sauce) for Christmas markets. UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM, INSTITUT FÜR LEBENSMITTELWISSENSCHAFT UND BIO- TECHNOLOGIE Address Garbenstr. 21 70599 STUTTGART GERMANY Website : tut-fuer-lebensmittelwissenschaft-und-biotechnologie1 Contact Person Mr. Joerg HINRICHS : +49 711 459-23961 Team Presentation Georg LENZ Felix WALZ PRODUCTS
  • 30. GREECE eviva eviva is an innovative Ready-To-Cook product that combines a highly nutritious white fish, gilthead sea bream, with the special aroma of the famous Greek spirits, Ouzo and Tsipouro. The product name “eviva” is a pun that may guide the consumer to decrypt its three major properties: • “e” stresses the ecological aspect: The direct application of Ouzo and Tsipouro on the surface of the fish fillets may downgrade their sensory characteristics. Therefore, edible films made from whey protein (by-product of dairy plants) were used as carriers of the spirits in order to transfer indirectly and gradually their aroma to the product, highlighting, in parallel, its ecological character. • “viva” reveals its nutritional properties: The high amounts of animal origin proteins and omega 3 unsaturated fats of gilthead sea bream ranks the product at the top layers of the Mediterranean diet pyramid. • “eviva” marks its traditional character: “eviva” in Greek means “cheers”, stressing by this way on the label the presence of traditional Greek alcoholic spirits to the product. Moreover, Ouzo and Tsipouro may also act as natural preservatives, thus prolonging the shelf-life of the fish fillets. Overall, “eviva” constitutes a product that can be aligned with the modern consumer’s culture by fulfilling their demands for easily prepared meals without chemical preservatives, highly nutritious and of elevated ecological impact. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Address Iera odos 75 118 55 ATHENS GREECE Website : Contact Person Mr. Panagiotis SKANDAMIS : +30 210 529 4684 Team Presentation Stavros MANIOS Evanthia MANTHOU Ifigeneia MAKARITI Evangelia ZILELIDOU Sofia POIMENIDOU PRODUCTS
  • 31. HUNGARY Our work is focusing on the commercialization of a novel kind of health-promoting milling fraction in the form of a ready to use baking mixture. Antecedent of our project was a funded research program where a new technology was developed for production of a novel kind of wheat milling product from industrial wheat bran fraction. This special product contains higher amount of dietary fiber and other natural health promoting components than the traditional flour types have and a lower concentration of digestible carbohydrate than whole meals. Further advantage of this product is an economic one. Our goal was to develop marketable products from this novel type of wheat milling fraction that closely matches to the new trends in healthy lifestyle. Ready to use flour mixtures are already available on the market though the variety and the quantity of health promoting mixtures are limited and due to their price they are not available for the broader audience. Four types of baking mixtures were developed to meet diverse customer expectations. In order to commercialize these products we have planned the production technology considering food safety and quality requirements and environmental aspects. A business plan including the sales, marketing and financial plans was conducted to lay out commercialization opportunities in Hungary as a first step. If market acceptance is appropriate and if the new technology is available then we could achieve an international expansion. BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS Address Müegyetem rkp. 3-9. 1111 BUDAPEST Website : Contact Person Mr. Sándor TÖMÖSKÖZI : +36 (1) 463 – 1255 Team Presentation Tünde Éva GAIZER Judit NAGY Renáta NÉMETH Dóra MOLNÁR GabonART PRODUCTS
  • 32. ICELAND Hai Shen instant soup offers a delicious and innovative soup mix giving the health benefits of sea cucumbers in an easy to serve meal. The soup’s delicious taste and aroma – flavourful with a hint of the sea, ginger and chili – is inspired by a traditional Chinese recipe. Sea cucumbers, long highly valued in Asia and the Middle East for their health-giving properties and thought to be beneficial for a number of ailments, including the pain of arthritis, wound healing and immune function, give the soup great nutritional value. As they say in China: “A sea cucumber a day keeps the doctor away.” With Hai Shen instant soup, you can treat yourself to a healthy and easy meal any time of day. Preparing sea cucumber in the traditional way can take days, but with Hai Shen instant soup it only takes a few minutes - just place in a cup, add hot water and serve. The soup’s packaging suggests gift-giving, the purity of Icelandic sea food and the traditional health-giving properties of sea cucumbers. The gift packaging is also a reference to the fact that sea cucumbers are a common gift in China, representing health and good relations. Inside the stylish package are three bags of the instant mix. Hai Shen instant soup is created in an eco-friendly way, using sea cucumbers, a currently under-exploited resource in Iceland, packaged in recyclable bags. UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Address Eiriksgata 29 105 REYKJAVIK ICELAND Website : health_sciences/faculty_of_food_science_ and_nutrition Contact Person Mr. Gudjon THORKELSSON : +35 45 43 84 08 Team Presentation Berglind Ósk ALFREÐSDÓTTIR Helga FRANKLINSDÓTTIR Sigríður Hulda SIGURÐARDÓTTIR Hai Shen PRODUCTS
  • 33. ITALY SOcrock is a new and sustainable product made from white sorghum, an old and less demanding cereal with great potential. With an essential and natural recipe, SOcrock is a bi-taste snack (half chocolate, half cereal) crunchy, light, and rich in fiber, which gratifies without swelling. It is a handy and fast hunger-cruncher to keep always in your bag. With an attractive design, it can be eaten at any time and everywhere. Simple, but not obvious, SOcrock marks a return to origins with a twist. With only 88 Kcal per bar, it satisfies your craving without guilt. But SOcrock is not only taste and pleasure. Naturalness and innovation make it an eco-friendly snack: with nutritional properties similar to corn, sorghum has lower water requirements and greater adaptability. In SOcrock, white sorghum is used in various forms: as blown grains, as syrup and as fiber. SOcrock’s nutritional added value is provided by ingredients obtained from what the food industry considers as byproducts (fiber and grape seeds). The supply of raw materials and the finished product are manufactured and made achievable within a few kilometers. The primary packaging is fully recyclable, while the secondary has been replaced by a multipack where more bars are joined by adhesive side. The impact on the ecosystem has resulted in an environmental label, applied to develop customers’ awareness, encouraging behavioral change in favor of environment: SOcrock always falls in the best categories of sustainability. UNIVERSITA CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE - FACOLTÀ DI AGRARIA Address Via Emilia Parmense, 84 29122 PIACENZA ITALY Website : Contact Person Ms. Roberta DORDONI : +39 0523 599230 Team Presentation Sara DE CESARE Michela DIONI Tommaso MASTROFILIPPO Davide QUADRELLI Rebecca RIZZI SOcrock PRODUCTS
  • 34. THE NETHERLANDS Choco-Quino is a chocolate quinoa beverage high in protein that is produced from only natural and fairtrade ingredients. The primary ingredients in the drink are water and quinoa. Quinoa is 100% organic and is being utilised from the protein waste of a company in Sweden, which uses the starch of the quinoa grain to produce all natural skin moisturising creams. The rest of the ingredients are sugar, UTZ-certified cocoa powder, salt and vanilla extract. The beverage is low in fat as well as lactose and gluten free and contains all of the essential amino acids required. The product is UHT (ultra- high temperature) sterilised and packaged in shelf-stable Tetra Pak packages. This way of processing reduces the amount of spoiled product since it substantially increases the shelf-life, eliminates the need for refrigerated transport and storage, and makes it safe and convenient. Choco- Quino can be enjoyed by all ages, especially by children and lactose-intolerant individuals, as well as vegans who are looking for a healthy and delicious dairy alternative. Our product can provide consumers with an enhanced nutritional benefit since it offers a high proportion of the daily protein requirement with a low amount of fat and calories. WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY Address Droevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB WAGENINGEN THE NETHERLANDS Website : Contact Person Mr. Ralf HARTEMINK : +31-317-483558 Team Presentation Randi PHINNEY Joanne Mijung KIM Nicolas TSISIOS Choco-Quino PRODUCTS
  • 35. ROMANIA Over the last years people have turned to the origins, to the product’s taste and flavor which combines tradition with innovation, less industrialized and healthy products for the human body and the environment. Our vision is building the future in which all people will eat healthfully and make them aware of the impact of their actions on the environment. This small company adopted the pivot strategy with very high profile specialists concentrating on premium range customers with the main focus on distribution in a limited territory (Moldova and South of the country). The differentiating strategy is based on the innovative product itself, which is functional both from the taste and health point of view. The differentiator rests in the added plants: dandelion and chia seeds which give the product a spectacular and unforgettable taste. Our values: take care of people, environment protection, accountability, responsibility, tradition. To obtain hard cheese rolls with dandelion and chia seeds only organic materials have been used: cow milk, dandelion, saffron, salt, clot and chia seeds. The use of dandelion and chia seeds for this product results in its increased nutritional value, improved aesthetics, and beneficial surplus of the biological active substances. Hard cheese rolls with dandelion and chia seeds stand out from other products by its sensorial and nutritional properties, shape and appearance. UNIVERSITATEA STEFAN CEL MARE Address Str. Universitatii nr.13 720229 SUCEAVA ROMANIA Website : Contact Person Mrs. Sonia AMARIEI : +40 230 216516 Team Presentation Sergiu PADURET Raluca Olimpia ZIMBRU Hard Cheese Rolls with dandelion and chia seedsPRODUCTS
  • 36. RUSSIA Blancmange - “Sweet Cloud” The structured dairy and vegetable dessert The blancmange belongs to dairy desserts − a soufflé. The product has a smooth, airy consistency, without foreign additions, and a milky color. The sweetness is due to the presence of stevia extract. Milk-based products are low-fat cottage cheese - a source of complete protein and milk stevia extract. Partially hydrolyzed animal protein collagen is used as the gelling agent gelatin. Air consistency is obtained by homogenization and subsequent whipping milk and curd mixture stevia extract with previously dissolved gelatin. An edible casing of the dessert is the small basket, baked from short crust or puff pastry, in which there is also stevia extract on whey. The dessert is packed into cardboard boxes. Pickled phyto cheese - “Stevita” Natural abomasa cheese Fresh herbal brine cheese «Stevita» is developed from normalized cow milk with added milk extract of stevia. The technological process is the same technology as sheep’s cheese. The product represents portions of cheese slices weighing 50g in jelly. Features are the mix structure and the way of storage in special whey brine which on cooling becomes a jelly. The marked features give the cheese a specific sweet taste, as well as packing in the brine in the form of jelly has an original appearance and contribute to a longer shelf life of the finished product. It is convenient for the consumer and promotes preservation of nutrients in the cheese. FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION “STAVROPOL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY” Address Zootechnical lane, house 12 355017 STAVROPOL RUSSIA Website : Contact Person Mr. Vladimir TRUKHACHEV : +7(8652)35-22-82 Team Presentation Ruslan OMAROV Anna PUTRINA Galina FONAREVA Blancmange - “Sweet Cloud” - Pickled phyto cheese - “Stevita”PRODUCTS