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Terrorist Use of Chemical
    & Biological Weapons -
           A Tutorial
Frank W Meissner, MD, MS, FACP, FACC, FCCP, CPHIMS
Terrorist - The Official Definition

FBI Definition - The unlawful use of
force against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government, the
civilian population, or any segment
thereof, in the furtherance of political or
social objectives.”
Why Terrorists Might Use
"Weapons of Mass Destruction"
 Classically, terrorism was the act of making
        Political statement via violence
Political act designed to influence an audience
   Levels of violence carefully calculated
       Draw attention but not so violent as too
                    Alienate supporters
               Trigger overwhelming response
Why Terrorists Might Use
"Weapons of Mass Destruction”
 Classical Terrorists have had substantively
            rational goals, e.g.,
      Attaining national autonomy (Morocco)
 Establish representative government (Palestinians)
       Protest government policies & actions
Why Terrorists Might Use
     "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
      Candidates for use of Chem/Bio weapons
   represent the intersection of three sets of Groups

                           A       B


A - Groups that want to use the agents despite the political risks
B - Groups that can acquire the agent & dissemination technology
C - Groups whose organizational structure allows for covert delivery
Why Terrorists Might Use
  "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - Gaining Attention
                   Bio-weapons ARE
 Factors that heighten FEAR, the Terrorists Goal State
Why Terrorists Might Use
  "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - Economic Damage
       Attack Crop, Livestock, Pharmaceuticals
               Attack Corporate interests
Potentially massive costs of clean up of a Bio-war attack
 Recall that the Soviets lost the Cold War because we
                     outspent them!
  Could non-state Terrorists causes us to outspend our
Why Terrorists Might Use
   "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
   Motivational Factors - Millenarianism
The Millenarian idea- The present age is corrupt & a
  new age will dawn after a cleansing apocalypse
Only a Chosen few (usually selected on the basis of
adherence to doctrine or ritual) will survive the end
         of time and experience paradise
 Prime motivator for some “ Domestic” Terrorists
Why Terrorists Might Use
  "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - Exacting Revenge or
              Creating Chaos
Politically motivated terrorists desire to change societies rather
                       than destroy them
                 Thus avoid killing very large numbers of people
                        Political costs exceed the benefits

Some terrorists wish to annihilate enemies or demolish societal
     Ramzi Yousef, organizer of World Trade Center bombing, claimed he was exacting
                                revenge against the United States
    William Pierce, leader of neo-Nazi organization National Alliance, aims to initiate a

                        worldwide race war & establish an Aryan state
   Leon Czolgosz, assassin who shot President William McKinley was an anarchist, i.e.,

     espoused a political philosophy that believes all forms of governments are oppressive
Why Terrorists Might Use
"Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - Mimicking God
          Create an aura of divine retribution
   Gods 5th plague on the Pharaoh in Exodus was murrain,
    a group of cattle diseases that includes anthrax
   5th chapter of Samuel I, God turned against the
    Philistines and "smote them with emerods"
      • Emerods=Bubo’s a symptom of bubonic plague
Why Terrorists Might Use
   "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - “Copycat” Phenomena
     Increased interest in Chem/Bio-weapons among
    domestic extremists after Aum Shinrikyo incident
 Surge in Anthrax hoaxes after both Aum Shinrikyo &
 Anthrax letters post-9/11
Why Terrorists Might Use
      "Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Motivational Factors - Technical Availability
 Weapons of mass destruction & components are easier to acquire
                since Fall of Soviet Government
 Former Soviet weapons experts may be providing biological
 weapons & expertise to Iran
     Judith Miller and William J. Broad, "Bio-Weapons in Mind, Iranians Lure
      Needy Ex-Soviet Scientists," New York Times, 8 November 1998, A1;
      Miller and Broad, "Germ Weapons: In Soviet Past or in the New Russia's
      Future?" New York Times, 28 December 1998, A1.
 South African biological weapons scientists have offered their
 expertise to Libya
     19James Adams, "Gadaffi Lures South Africa's Top Germ Warfare
      Scientists," Sunday Times, 26 February 1995; Paul Taylor, "Toxic S.
      African Arms Raise Concern; US Wants Assurance `80s Program is
      Dead," Washington Post, 28 February 1995.
Why Terrorists Might Use
"Weapons of Mass Destruction"
In Summary, Postmodern or Super-terrorism
May aim to maximize number of casualties
    Levels of violence carefully calculated
        Reflects a shift in the goal of terrorists
          Maximizing damage to the target
            This can become the end itself

          Is this terrorism?
  Or is it asymmetrical warfare?
What exactly is a War on Terrorism?
Carl Von Clausewitz

     Vom Kriege (On War) - 1832
  “War is Merely The Continuation of
       Policy By Other Means”
Can a state be at war with a non-state
Or are we talking about Police actions?
   Can a War on Terrorism lead to a
             Police State?
Hx of Chemical Warfare

 1000 BC - Chinese used arsenical smokes
 600 BC - Solon of Athens put hellebore roots in
 the drinking water of Kirrha
 Thucydide's History of Peloponnesian War
     429 & 424 BC, Spartans & Allies used noxious smoke
      and flame against Athenian-allied cities
 660 AD Kalinkos invented "Greek Fire”
     Technical innovation extensively used by the Naval Fleet
      of the Byzantine Empire for over 200 years
     Destroyed the naval fleet of Igor, Prince of Keiv, 941 AD
Hx of Chemical Warfare

 15th Century Leonardo da Vinci proposed military
 use of a powder of sulfide of arsenic and verdigris
 1618-48 - Thirty Years War - Toxic smoke
 projectiles designed & used
  1899-1902 - Boer War - British troops fired picric
 acid-filled shells - munitions had little effect on the
 outcome of combat
 1904-1905 - Russo-Japanese War - Japanese
 soldiers threw arsenal rag torches into Russian

November 1914 - Dr. Hans von Tappen -
designed 150-mm howitzer shell containing 7
lb of xylyl bromide and a burster charge for
splinter effect
Operational tests of 18,000 of the shells at
Russian positions near Bolimov - op failure
2° weather conditions
Tested again at Western front at Nieuport -
March 1915 - also abysmal failure

Ypres, Belgium - 22 April 1915- 1st
successful German chemical attack
  Success of the attack was not capitalized upon by
  the Germans
July 1917- Germans introduced
mustard agent
  persistent vesicant that attacked the body
  in places not protected by gas masks
Intra-war period

Italian-Ethiopian War
  3 October 1935 - Benito Mussolini
  -invasion of Ethiopia from Eritrea, an Italian
  colony, and Italian Somaliland
  Italians dropped mustard bombs and
  occasionally sprayed it from airplane tanks
Intra-war period

Japanese Invasion of China - 1937
  By 1939 Japanese were using mustard
  agent & Lewisite
  Very effective against the untrained &
  unequipped Chinese troops
  Chinese reported that their troops retreated
  whenever the Japanese used just smoke,
  thinking it might be a chemical attack

President Roosevelt established a “No-
First-Use” policy
Germans in fact had manufactured & stored
1/4 million tons of chemical agents
Germans developed Nerve Agents Tabun
(GA) & Sarin (GB) production beginning
Korea & Cold War

Continuation of “No-First-Use” Policy
1950 - Full-scale Sarin production
complex @ Edgewood Arsenal
Multiple types of Munitions Developed
Honest John Rocket -
Chem Warhead & Sarin Bomblet

Extensive use of Chemical agents
  “Non-lethal” riot control agents
  “Defoliants” (Agent Orange)
Re-defined chemical weapons to exclude
this category of agents
Yemen Civil War 1962-1970

Yemeni dissidents overthrew monarchy
Royalist forces aided by Saudi Arabia &
Jordan engaged in Civil War
Egyptians supported dissidents
Egyptian Air Force used chemical weapons
  Jan 1967 - Yemeni village of Kitaf
  95% population & all animals in village died within
  10-50 min of attack
  Agent used was mixed mustard & nerve gas
1967 Arab-Israeli War

Both sides were prepared to use
Chemical & Biological agents
Neither side used agents
Probably due to the speed of tactical
1973 Arab-Israeli War

No use of agents
But Israeli captured Arab equipment of
Soviet design/origin demonstrated
sophisticated Chem Defense & Offensive
Sparked renewed interest in Chem Defense
in US Military
Afghanistan War

Extensive use of Chemical weapons by
Soviet’s against Afghanistan civilians &
mujahedeen (Arabic and or Persian
mujm hn, pl. of mujm
     hid                hid, one who
fights in a jihad (Holy War))
Iran-Iraq War
Iraq trained & influenced by Soviet military
advisors used chem agents against Iranian
military forces
Principally used mustard & Tabun delivered
by bomb from aircraft
Also delivered agents by artillery shells &
chemical rocket systems
  Approximately 5% Iranian casualties from chem
Immediately after war used Chem agents
against Kurds
1st Persian Gulf War

Frequent chemical alert alarms - all originally felt
to be false alarms
  4 Mar 91 - Kamisiyah arsenal - US Army 37th
  Engineer Battalion - blew munitions storage bunkers
  Probably Sarin- & Mustard-agent munitions
Wind shift @ start of battle prevented effective
use by Iraqi forces
Speed of advance may also have prevented
effective deployment of chemical agents
Fear of nuclear retaliation
Aum Shinrikyo Attacks
27 June 1994 - Sarin gas used in
subway attack - killing 7 & injuring 500
19 March 1995 - Tokyo attack - killing
12 & injuring 3800
Chemical Agent:
      Definition (FM 8-285)
“A chemical substance…intended for use in
military operations to kill, seriously injure, or
incapacitate humans (or animals) through its
toxicological effects.”
Chemical Agent:
      Definition (FM 8-285)
“A chemical substance…intended for use in military
operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate
humans (or animals) through its toxicological effects.”

Excluded by FM 8-285
     Riot-control agents (CS, CN, DM)
     Chemical herbicides (e.g.. Agent Orange)
     Smoke and flame materials
Excluded Agents: Riot-control Agents

 Irritant agents (lacrimators)
           CS (“tear gas”)
           CN (Mace©)
           CA
           CR

 Vomiting agents
           DM (Adamsite)
           DA
           DC
Riot-control Agents

Local irritants with high safety ratio
Short onset (seconds to minutes)
Short duration (15-30 minutes)
In low concentrations, cause intense pain
and lacrimation (tearing) with (Adamsite only)
or without vomiting
Excluded Agents: Herbicides (Defoliants)

Agent Blue (cacodylic acid)

Agent Orange (1:1 mixture of 2.4.5-T and 2.4-D)
       Contaminant: TCDD (Dioxin)

Agent White (4:1 mixture of 2.4-D and picoram)

Excluded Agents: Smokes
Petroleum oil smokes (fog oil=SGF)
Diesel fuel
RP (RED phosphorus) in butyl rubber
WP (WHITE phosphorus)
Classification of “Official” Chemical Agents

TOXIC AGENTS (producing injury or death)
   LUNG-DAMAGING AGENTS (choking agents)
        Chlorine (CL), phosgene (CG) [smokes] [vesicants]
   “ BLOOD” AGENTS (cyanogens):
        AC and CK
   BLISTER AGENTS (vesicants)
        Mustard (H), Lewisite (L), phosgene oxime (CX), [T-2 mycotoxin]
   NERVE AGENTS (anticholinesterases)
        GA,GB,GD,GF,VX

INCAPACITATING AGENTS (producing temporary effects)
        BZ, Agent 15, [riot-control agents]
Lung-damaging Agents

Chlorine (CL)
Chloropicrin (PS)
Phosgene (CG)
Diphosgene (DP)
[Mustard (HD, H) Lewisite (L)]
[Smokes] [isocyanates] [PFIB] [oxides of
Chemical-agent Damage to Respiratory System

Central effects (in larynx, trachea, and bronchi)
   Mustard (H, HD)
   Lewisite (L)
   [Chlorine (CL)]

Peripheral effects (in small airways and alveoli)
   Phosgene (CG)
   Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB)
   Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
   HC smoke, isocyanates, many others
“Blood” Agents (Cyanogens)

Hydrogen cyanide (AC)

Cyanogen chloride (CK)
Blister Agents (Vesicants)

Sulfur mustard (H, HD)
Nitrogen mustard (HN1, HN2, HN3)
Lewisite = chlorovinyldichloroarsine (L)
Mustard / Lewisite mixtures (HL, HT, TL)
Phosgene oxime (CX)
[Riot-control agents]
[T-2 mycotoxin]
Nerve Agents (Anticholinesterases)
Tabun (GA)
Sarin (GB)
Soman (GD) P


VX         s
           y   Ach                                  Acetylcholine
           t                        Pralidoxime
                Cholinesterase inhibitor
“Official” Chemical Agents: Incapacitating Agents

Purpose: Temporary incapacitation
CNS stimulants
        Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, strychnine, metrazole

CNS depressants
        Barbiturates, opioids, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines

        LSD-25, psilocybin, ibogaine, harmine, MDMA (“ecstasy”), PCP

        Anticholinergic glycolates (BZ, Agent 15)
Physical Forms of Chemical Agents

Dependent on several factors
  Agent volatility (determined by chemical structure)
  Agent-surface interactions

“Nonpersistent” agents (usually gone within 24 hours)
  GA, GB, GD, CL, CG, AC, CK

“Persistent” agents
  VX, L, HL, “thickened” nerve and blister agents (e.g., TGD, THD)
Exposure and Absorption

Exposure (contact with agent) does not necessarily
lead to absorption (penetration of epithelial barriers)

Two types of effects from exposure and absorption:
     (effects are at the site of contact)

     (absorption and subsequent systemic distribution

      produce effects at sites distant from contact site)
Routes of Exposure & Absorption

 Absorption through skin (percutaneous absorption)
 Absorption through lungs (inhalational absorption)
 Absorption through eyes (ocular absorption)
 Absorption through the gut (enteral absorption)
 Absorption by injection (parenteral absorption)
         Intravenous absorption
         Intramuscular absorption
Toxicity (Potency) of Liquid Agents

ED50: Effective Dose for 50% of exposed individuals

ID50: Incapacitating Dose for 50% of exposed individuals

LD50: Lethal Dose for 50% of exposed individuals

ID50 for liquid HD(mustard) : 770 mg for a 70-kg man

LD50 for liquid HD: 3000-7000 mg for a 70-kg man
Toxicity of Vapors or Gases

The Ct concept: Concentration x time
 1 mg / m3 x 8 min = 8 mg-min / m3
 8 mg / m3 x 1 min = 8 mg-min / m3
 4 mg / m3 x 2 min = 8 mg-min / m3
 2 mg / m3 x 4 min = 8 mg-min / m3
Toxicity of Vapors or Gases

ECt50: Effective Ct for 50% of exposed individuals
ICt50: Incapacitating Ct for 50% of exposed
LCt50: Lethal Ct for 50% of exposed individuals

Ct50 assesses external dose, not internal dose
  ICt50 and LCt50 therefore affected by
       Route of exposure
       Respiratory rate and depth, skin moisture, etc.
Toxicity of HD(Mustard) Vapor

 HD vapor in eyes:
   ICt50: 200 mg-min / m3

 Inhaled HD vapor:
   ICt50: 200 mg-min / m3

 HD vapor on skin:
   ICt50: 1000-2000 mg-min / m3
Toxicity of HD (Mustard) Vapor

HD vapor in eyes:
  Permanent injury: > 800 mg-min/ m3

Inhaled HD vapor:
  LCt50: 1000-1500 mg-min / m3

HD vapor on skin:
  LCt50: 10,000 mg-min / m3
Comparative Toxicity -
                CW Agents



(mg-min/m3) 3000


            AGENT CL    CG    AC    H     GB    VX    BZ    CS
                  (L)   (L)   (L)   (L)   (L)   (L)   (E)   (E)
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
  Dual Use Technology & Agents

       Ammonium bifluoride 1341-49-7

Civilian Uses                     CW Agent
Ceramics                          Sarin (GB)
Disinfectant for food equipment   Soman (GD)
Etching glass
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
  Dual Use Technology & Agents

          Diethylphosphite 762-59-2

Civilian Uses                    CW Agent
Organic synthesis                VG
Paint solvent                    Sarin (GB)
Lubricant additive
                                 Soman (GD)
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
  Dual Use Technology & Agents

            Diethylamine 124-40-3

Civilian Uses                  CW Agent
Organic synthesis              Tabun (GA)
Gasoline additive
Missile fuels
Vulcanization of rubber
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
  Dual Use Technology & Agents

         Diethylphosphite 762-59-2

 Civilian Uses                  CW Agent
 Organic synthesis              VG
 Paint solvent                  Sarin (GB)
 Lubricant additive             Soman (GD)
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

                Hydrogen Fluoride

Civilian Uses                        CW Agent
Fluorinating agent chemical reactions Sarin (GB)
Catalyst - alkylation & polymerization Soman (GD)
Additives to liquid rocket fuels
                                       Ethyl sarin (GE)
Uranium refining
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

    Methylphosphonous difluoride 753-59-3

Civilian Uses                  CW Agent
Organic Synthesis              VX
                               Sarin (GB)
                               Soman (GD)
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

       Phosphorous oxychloride 10025-87-3

Civilian Uses                             CW Agent
Organic synthesis                         Tabun (GA)
Gasoline additives
Hydraulic fluids
Dopant for semiconductors grade silicon
Flame retardants
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

         Phosphorous trichloride 7719-12-2

Civilian Uses                     CW Agent
Organic synthesis                 VG
Gasoline additives                Tabun (GA)
Plasticizers                      Sarin (GB)
                                  Soman (GD)
Salt process
Dye stuffs                        GF
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

          Sulfur monochloride 10025-67-9

Civilian Uses                    CW Agent
Organic synthesis                Sulfur Mustard
Sulfur dyes
Rubber vulcanization
Polymerization catalyst
Hardening of soft woods
Precursors to Chemical Weapons -
    Dual Use Technology & Agents

              Thionyl chloride 7719-09-7

Civilian Uses                       CW Agent
Organic synthesis                   Sarin (GB)
Chlorinating agent                  Soman (GD)
Engineering plastics                Sulfur mustard (HD)
                                    Sesqui mustard (Q)
                                    Nitrogen mustard
Chemical Weapons
   Deployment Principles

Critical Variables in Agent Deployment
  Volatility of agent
  Persistence of agent
  Rate of agent contact with target population
  Desired level of geographic coverage
Chemical Weapons
   Deployment Principles - Volatility

Most CW agents liquids
Transformation of liquid to gas
  Add heat to cause enhanced vaporization
  Explosive force - exploding munitions
  Mechanical spray device
Transformation liquid => gas - major
operational problem
  Non-facilitated (room temperature) vaporization
  inadequate to develop LCt50 concentrations
Chemical Weapons
 Deployment Principles - Volatility

Some agents gases under temperate
  Cyanogen chloride
  Hydrogen cyanide
Chemical Weapons
 Deployment Principles - Persistency

More volatile = less persistency
Persistency = length of time agent remains liquid
Persistent by definition > 24 hr in liquid form
Nonpersistent < 24hr in liquid form
Agent persistency - most to least
  Vx - Tabun - Mustard - Lewisite - Sarin - Hydrogen
  Chloride - Cyanogen Chloride - Phosgene - Chlorine
Chemical Weapons
 Deployment Principles - Persistency

Sarin - nonpersistent agent
  Evaporates within 2 hr on sandy soil @ 50° F (10° C)
  Evaporates under 1 hr on sandy soil @ 110° F (43° C)
  On chemical resistant surface 15 min @ 50° F (10° C)
  On chemical resistant surface 12min @ 100° F (43° C)

Vesicant mustard - persistent agent
  Evaporates 100 hr on sandy soil @ 50° F (10° C)
  Evaporates 7 hr on sandy soil @ 110° F (43° C)
  On chemical resistant surface 12 hr @ 50° F (10° C)
  On chemical resistant surface 1 hr @ 100° F (43° C)
Chemical Weapons
  Deployment Principles - Rate of Agent
    Contact With Target Population



    Ct50      3000

(mg-min/m3)   2000


                     CL   CG   AC   H   GB   VX   BZ   CS

                     (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (E) (E)
Chemical Weapons
Deployment Principles - Desired level of
       Geographic Coverage

Quantity of Agent & Method of Delivery



ƒ(                                                          ,   )

         Ct50 3000


                     CL   CG   AC   H   GB   VX   BZ   CS

                     (L) (L)(L)(L)(L) (L)(E) (E)

   Stabilizers -prevent degradation of product
   Thickeners - increase viscosity & persistence of
    liquid agents
   Transformation of bulk munitions payload of
    agent into weaponized form of agent
     • Microscopic droplets (target - respiratory absorption)
     • Liquid spray droplets (target - cutaneous absorption)

   Military grade munitions generate
     • Vapors
         – Aerosol (1-7 microns)
         – Micro-climate height (6-10’)
     • Liquids
         – Coarse spray that coats ground
Likely Terrorist delivery
  systems more primitive
Agricultural sprayers
  Crop dusting aircraft efficient vehicles
  Orchard pesticide sprayer mounted on truck
Atomizers/spray cans
Paint sprayers
Aerosol generators
Methods Of Target Engagement

                          Least Efficient
                          Easiest Technically

  Highly Efficient
  Difficult Technically
Meteorological Effects -
          Weapon Efficiency
  Liquid mustard @ concentration 30 gm/m2
      Persistence several d’s T <50° F (10° C)
      Persistence 1-2 d @ T 80° F (26° C)
  High relative humidity enlarges aerosols
Wind speed & direction
  Affects @risk target population
  High winds disperse aerosols
  Optimal steady wind @ 4 kts/hr
  Light rain disperses & spreads chemical agent
  Heavy rains dilutes & disperses agent
Nature of Buildings & Terrain

Greater turbulence of primary weapons
cloud in woodland & hilly terrain
Urban targets may result in enhanced
persistence of agent by absorption by
porous building materials
Persistence increased 3X by sandy Vs
clay soil
Potential Targets
Point source targets - buildings
  Vulnerability is due to accessibility
  Entry areas for agent - ventilation &
  elevator systems
      Surveillance of roof, mechanical rooms,
       elevator shafts, utility chases
      Improved locking & access systems to these
Agent Indicator Matrix
    To use the agent indicator matrix:
           Put a check in each row where the indicator is present
           At the bottom of the matrix -
                   total all check marks in each column
           Total all marks from each page - The column with the
                   highest % of checks is most probable agent

Unchecked boxes = N/A           A   B   C   D   E
    Cardiovascular                                  A = Nerve agents
Slow heart rate                     X   X   X   X   B= Blister agents
Fast heart rate                     X
     Digestive System                               C= Cyanide
Defecation                          X       X   X   D= Choke agents
Nausea                                      X
                                                    E= Riot Control
Subtotal          (this page)
Agent Indicator Matrix
Unchecked boxes = N/A                A   B   C   D   E
Prostration                              X       X   X
Twitching                                X       X   X
Convulsions                              X       X   X
Coma                                     X       X   X
Bleeding from mouth                      X       X   X
                                                         A = Nerve agents
Coughing                                 X               B= Blister agents
Sneezing                                 X       X
Vomiting                                         X       C= Cyanide
Fasciculations                           X   X   X   X   D= Choke agents
Cyanosis                                 X       X   X
                                                         E= Riot Control
Gray area of dead skin               X       X   X   X
Pain, irritation                     X
Clammy                                   X       X   X
Sweating, localized or generalized       X   X   X   X
Subtotal         (this page)
Agent Indicator Matrix

Unchecked boxes = N/A           A   B   C   D   E
Small pupils                        X   X   X   X
Normal, large pupils
Involuntary closing             X   X       X       A = Nerve agents
Tearing                             X
Burning, irritation             X
                                                    B= Blister agents
Headache, pain around eye           X   X   X   X   C= Cyanide
Dim vision                          X   X   X   X
Blurred vision                      X   X   X   X   D= Choke agents
Burning pain in eyes            X
Redness                             X   X   X
                                                    E= Riot Control
Coughing                            X
Runny nose                          X
Tight chest (short of breath)       X
Burning, irritation in nose     X

Total (this page)
Agent Summary Chart
Agent    Sym onset          Syms               Signs           Decon      Route & Rx

Nerve   Vapor- sec      Muscle            Pinpoint pupils    Rapid       Inhalation &
        Liquid-min/hr   cramps, runny     (miosis)           Disrobing   Dermal
                        nose,difficulty   Fasciculation's    Water &     Atropine 2-6
                        breathing, eye    Sweating           Wash with   mg IV + 2-
                        pains, visual
                                          Hyper-salivation   soap        PAMCL
                        disturbance,                                     600-1800 mg
                        sweating,         Diarrhea           & shampoo
                                                                         IV or 1gm IV
                        diarrhea, LOC,    Seizures                       over 20-30
                        flaccid           Apnea                          min
                        seizures                                         Additional
                                                                         Atropine prn &
                                                                         additional 1
                                                                         gm infusion of
Agent Summary Chart
 Agent     Sym onset        Syms               Signs            Decon      Route & Rx

Cyanide   Secs to      Dizziness,         Nonspecific         Rapid       Oxygen,
          minutes      nausea,            findings -          Disrobing   Amyl nitrate,
                       headache, eye      hyperventilation,               Sodium nitrite
                       irritations, LOC   Convulsions,                    (300 mg IV) &
                                          apnea                           sodium
                                                                          (12.5 gm IV)
Agent Summary Chart
 Agent    Sym onset        Syms               Signs              Decon       Route & Rx

Blister  2-48 hr      Burning,          Skin erythema,         Rapid        Inhalation,
Agents                itching, or red   blistering,            Disrobing,   dermal
(Sulfur               skin, mucosal     conjunctivitis & lid   Flush with   absorption,
Mustard)              irritation        swelling, upper        copious      oral ingestion
                      (tearing,         airway sloughing,      amounts
                      burning,          pulmonary              of water     Thermal burn
                      redness of        edema, marrow                       Rx
                      eyes),            suppression with
                      shortness of      lymphocytopenia                     Supportive
                      breath, N&V                                           care
                                                                            For Lewisite
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent    Sym onset        Syms         Signs    Decon     Route & Rx

Pulmonary 1-24 hr      Dyspnea,       ARDS       None      Inhalation
agents                 chest                     usually
(phosgene)             tightness,                needed    Supportive
                       wheezing,                           care
                       mucosal &
                       dermal                              Specific Rx
                       irritation &                        dependent on
                       redness                             agent
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent       Sym onset       Syms             Signs          Decon      Route & Rx

Ricin         18-24 hr    Ingestion -    ARDS, circulatory   Clothing   Inhalation &
(Castor                   N&V, diarrhea, collapse, shock     removal,   ingestion
bean toxin)               fever,                             water
                          abdominal pain                     rinse      Supportive
                          Inhalation -
                          chest                                         For ingestion
                          tightness,                                    charcoal
                          coughing,                                     lavage
                          nausea, fever
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent     Sym onset        Syms               Signs          Decon      Route & Rx

T-2         2-4 hr      Dermal &          Mucosal             Clothing   Inhalation &
mycotoxin               mucosal           erythema &          removal,   dermal contact
                        irritation;       hemorrhage, red     water
                        blistering,       skin, blistering,   rinse      Supportive
                        necrosis,         tearing,                       care
                        blurred vision,   salivation,
                        N&V &             pulmonary                      For ingestion
                        diarrhea,         edema, seizures,               charcoal
                        ataxia,           & coma                         lavage
                        coughing &                                       Possibly high
                        dyspnea                                          dose steroids
Biological Warfare - History I

  190 BC - Hannibal hurled venomous
   snakes onto enemy ships of King
     Eumenes II of Pergamum @
 400 BC Scythian archers used arrows
     dipped in blood & manure or
        decomposing bodies
Biological Warfare - History II
1340 AD
 Attackers catapulted dead horses & other
 animals at the castle of Thun L'Eveque in
 Hainault (northern France)
      ”The stink & the air were so abominable...they
      could not long endure"
     Negotiated a truce
Biological Warfare - History III
1346 AD
  Tartars siege of Caffa (Port on the Crimean peninsula in the
  Black Sea)
  Tartars suffered an outbreak of plague
  Before abandoning their attack, they sent the infected bodies
  of their comrades by catapult over the walls of the city
  Fleeing residents carried the disease to Italy
  Second major epidemic "Black Death" in Europe
Biological Warfare - History IV
1422 AD
  At Karlstein (in Bohemia)
  Attacking forces launched the decaying cadavers of men
  killed in battle over the castle walls
  They stockpiled animal manure in hope of spreading illness
  The defense held fast, siege was abandoned @ five months
Biological Warfare - History IV

1763 - British Gen Jeffery Amherst
Ft Pitt, Pennsylvania
  Ordered blankets & handkerchiefs
  taken from smallpox patients in the
  fort's infirmary & given to Delaware
  Indians at a peace-making parley
1915 - German covert BioWar operations
Glanders - Disease horses/mules - German
saboteurs used against military horses/mules
1917- Only real success infection - 4,500 mules
Biological Warfare -
 Intra-war & WWII
 Japan’s Unit 731 (1932 - 1945)
 BW research unit - Ping Fan, Manchuria
   3000 scientists & techs occupying >150 bldg
   Possibly 10,000 prisoners died - BW experimentation
   1,000 autopsies on prisoners infected with anthrax
 11 Chinese cities attacked using anthrax,
      cholera, salmonella, shigella, plague
 15 million Plaque infected fleas dropped A/C
   1940 - Chuhsien in Chekiang province - 1st episode of
   plaque ever seen in the province
Post WWII - Accusations

British used BioWeapons in Oman - 1957
Brazilian landowners deliberate infection Amazonian
tribes - 1960’s
China accused US - Cholera epidemic in Hong Kong
Egyptian accusations against US of BioWar in Middle
East, specifically Cholera in Iraq in 1966
Ricin toxin assassinations - 1978
 Successful attack by Bulgarian Agents
     Georgi Markov - Bulgarian dissident in exile
 Unsuccessful attack 10 d’s prior
     Valdimir Kostov - Bulgarian dissident in exile

3 April 1979 - Soviet Institute of
Microbiology & Virology
  Sverdlovsk - accidental release of Anthrax
  66 confirmed deaths
  Animal cases seen > 50-km from the site of

1970's- "Yellow Rain" - T-2 Mycotoxin
Controversial results - government
sponsored research's
Possible use of agents Asia & Afghanistan
1st Desert War

7 August 1995 - Defection of Iraqi General
Hussein Kamal
Iraq had loaded BioWar agents into
  166 Bombs (100 botulinum toxin, 50 anthrax, 16
  25 SCUD/A1 Hussein missile warheads (13
  botulinum toxin, 10 anthrax, 2 aflatoxin)
  122-mm rockets filled with anthrax, botulinum,
  Spray tanks capable of being fitted to
  fighter/bomber aircraft - 2000 L capacity
US Offensive
  Bioweapons Program

April 1942 - creation US top-secret
BioWar program
All offensive programs ended 25
November 1969
  Nixon administration
  Executive order
1972 - US signed Biological Weapons
US Offensive
Bio-weapons Program

Domestic Bioterrorism

  1984 - Rajneesh cult contaminated
salad bars with salmonella - 751 cases
              of infection
    1998 Anthrax spore hoaxes in
  Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis
Anthrax incidents in US – 1992-1999

 Source: Historical Trends Related to Bioterrorism: An Empirical Analysis -Jonathan B.
    Tucker, Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Project, Center for
         Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies
Aum Shinrikyo Attacks
1993- 1995 conducted up to 10
subway attacks
No casualties
  Poor manufacturing technique
  Avirulent strain
9-11 Anthrax attacks
1 week after 9-11
  Tom Brokaw (NBC News) Anthrax tainted letter
  Identical letter to office of New York Times
  Senator Tom Daschle - Washington DC
  December 2001
      18 patients infected
      5 deaths
      Mass disruption
        • Not mass destruction
Advantages - Biological Weapons

Potential deadly/incapacitating effects susceptible
Self-replicating capacity of some bio-agents to
continue to proliferate
Relatively low cost of producing bio-weapon
Insidious symptoms can mimic endemic diseases
Difficulty in immediate detection – bio-weapon use
Sparing of property & physical surroundings
Disadvantages - Biological Weapons
 Bio-war weapon could impact health aggressor forces
 Dependence on prevailing winds & other weather
 conditions for effective dispersion
 Effects of temperature, sunlight, & desiccation on
 survivability of some infectious organisms
 Environmental persistence of some agents (e.g., anthrax
 spores) can make region uninhabitable for long periods
 Possibility of generation of secondary aerosols generated
 by troops moving through area
 Unpredictability of morbidity secondary to biological attack
 Relatively long incubation period of many agents
 Public's aversion to use of biological warfare agents
Biological Weapons
Spontaneous regeneration
 Epidemic organisms
Requirements For Ideal
  Biological Warfare Agent

Availability or ease of production
Incapacitation and lethality
Appropriate particle size in aerosol
Ease of dissemination
Stability after production
Susceptibility and Non-susceptibility of
Target & Attacking Populations
Biological Weapons
   Deployment Principles

4 Components - Biological Warfare Strike
  The Agent
  The Munitions
  Delivery System
  Meteorological Conditions @ Target Area
    Toxin - short incubation period - limited
Bacterial or viral organism with longer incubation
    period - causalities over 100’s of square
     Agent may be Incapacitating Vs Lethal
               Agent characteristics
              Manufacturability (Quantity)
              Stability after manufacture
              Stability during deployment
                 Stability post-release
Physical Attributes of
       Infective Agent

  Simple to produce but difficult to disseminate
Dried Form
  Complex production but readily disseminated
Physical Appearance of
     Selected Agents

Liquid agents
  Derived from fermentation technology,
  tissue culture, & embryonated chicken
  Liquid agents can include bacteria,
  bacterial toxins, viruses and rickettsiae
Physical Appearance of
   Selected Agents
However all have similar physical characteristics
    Viscosity - 5-15 centipoises
    Total solid content of the liquid between 5-20%
This MEANS - liquid is significantly thicker than
water & less thick than light pancake syrup
    Think slightly less viscous than whole milk
Color of liquids vary dramatically
    Bacterial agents & toxins derived from fermentation -
     opaque amber to brown colored
    Egg-derived liquid agents color of egg yolk (if whole egg
     processed) to slightly pink to red (if only embryo has
     been processed)
Dried Agents

If actor is able to produce agents via tissue
culture technology
  Then has technology to produce dried agents
Consistency of bath powder
  Ideal dried agent has free flowing properties
Dried Agents

Color of agent reflects the liquid from which derived
Dried bacterial agents tend to be amber to brown
Viral agents derived from tissue culture off-white
Viral & rickettesia from embroynated chicken eggs either
brown to yellow to pink to red
However, color of powders can easily be altered with dyes
Physics of Primary Aerosol
Aerosol equilibration - time interval between
release & full aerosolization of liquid/powder
Large particles (≥ 15 microns) do not remain in
the air but quickly fall to ground
Within a minute - aerosol comes to equilibrium
with atmosphere
Aerosol is now composed of particles of 1-5
microns - behaves like a gas - Primary Aerosol
Primary Aerosol formation is essential for
efficient release of agent
Physics of Primary Aerosol
Primary Aerosol can traverse heavily forested
areas without degradation
Similarly for a ‘victim’
   Aerosol will permeate the atmosphere about the individual
Few if any particles will stick to person’s clothing or
objects in aerosol path
Infectivity is high since ‘victim” will exchange 10-20 l/min
Conversely encountering a 15-20 micron particles will not
result in high attack rates of illness
Secondary Aerosol

Re-aerosolization of infectious particles
  Fell to ground from primary aerosol
  Forced onto ground by disseminating device
  Deliberately sprayed or layered onto ground
  Generated by people or vehicles stirring up
  In fact are difficult to generate & require extremely
  sophisticated techniques to manufacture into
  agents physical properties
Biological Decay in Aerosols

Aerosol decay occurs through physical decay (fall out
of particles) & biological decay
Respiratory virulence & biological decay most
important factors determining how far downwind
bacterial aerosol will be infective
Biological decay is expressed in terms of % death per
minute of aerosol age & follows a geometric
  ie, Biological decay of 20% per minute implies that total
  viable content of aerosol is halved every 3.5 minutes of age

Sophisticated munitions can result in ‘point-
source’ or ‘line-source’
Beyond capabilities of even most organized
terrorist groups
Terrorists most likely will employ liquid

Crud bomb could disseminate liquid/dry agent
using explosive energy
  Explosion will kill a large percentage of agent
  Gaseous energy best way to generate high agent
  concentrations in aerosol but technically
Terrorist deployments

Liquid agent
  Single-fluid nozzle efficiency - 600 PSI
  Two-fluid nozzle efficiency - 90 PSI
Dried agent - requires high sophistication
  High agent concentration
  Small particle size
  Absence of electrostatic charge

However, payoff is equally high - efficient
dissemination from any number of devices
using little energy
ABC fire extinguisher placed upwind of
intended target or air intake of a building can
produce large number of infections
Delivery Systems

ANYTHING that can cause aerosol
Truck-mounted sprayer
Crop Dusters
2-gallon garden sprayer or fire extinguisher
Meteorological Conditions
Critical For ”Open-air" Targets

 Aerosolized weapon maximum effectiveness @ 3-15 ft
 Thermal inversion represents ideal environment
    Inversion most likely @ night, daybreak, sundown
 Sunlight highly destructive to most BW agents
    Toxins & spores of Bacillus anthracis & Coxiella burnetii
 Wind also important factor for aerosol attack
    Optimal 5-25 mph
    < 5-mph limited spread
    >25-mph aerosol disintegrates
Liquid & Dry agents Can Be Disseminated
    Over Wide Temps & Environments

Many BW experts expect terrorist use
against non-open air targets
  Subway stations
  Interstate tunnels
Alternative Delivery Methods

Oral route - not very efficient - dilution &
diffusion factors + chlorination makes public
water sources poor targets
Contamination of foods & fruits @ point of
manufacture & along distribution pathways
Dermal exposure not effective means of
Vector transmission - logistically difficult to
carry out
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent   Sym onset       Syms                  Signs                   Rx

Anthrax   2-6 d       Inhalation        Inhalation              Mechanical
                      Flu-like          Fever followed by       ventilation
          Range 1 d   syndrome,         ARDS, confusion,        Antibiotic therapy
          to 8 wks    N&V, abd pain,    widened                 CIPRO 400 mg IV Q
                      fever,            mediastinum on          8-12 hr or
                      respiratory       CXR, bloody pleural     Doxycycline 200 mg
                      distress          effusions, atypical     IV initial then 100
                                        pneumonia               mg IV Q 8-12 hr
                      Cutaneous         Cutaneous               PLUS Rifampin 10/
                      Itching papule,   Itching papule, 1-3     mg/kg/d
                      fever             cm painless ulcer
                                        then necrotic center,
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent    Sym onset       Syms               Signs                    Rx

Botulism   12-72 hr    Difficulty      Dilated or un          Mechanical
                       swallowing or   reactive pupils,       ventilation
                       speaking,       drooping eyelids
                       symmetric       (ptosis), doubled
           2 hrs - 8                                          Parental nutrition
                       descending      vision, slurred
           ds          weakness        speech (dysarthria),
                       Respiratory     descending flaccid     Trivalent botulinum
                       dysfunction     paralysis, intact      antitoxin
                       No sensory      mental state
Agent Summary Chart
  Agent   Sym onset        Syms                Signs                    Rx

Plague    1-3 d’s      Sudden onset     Pneumonic -            Streptomycin 30mg/kg/
          by           fever, chills,   Hemoptysis,            d in 2 divided doses X
          inhalation   headache,        radiographic           14 ds
                       myalgia          pneumonia--patchy,     Gentamycin 3-5 mg/kg/
                                        cavities, confluent,   d IV/IM Q8hr
                       Pneumonic -                             TCN 2-4 gm per day,
                       cough, chest                            CIPRO 400 mg IV Q
                       pain, dyspnea,                          12 hr
                       fever            Bubonic - painful,
                                        enlarged lymph
                                        nodes in groin,
                       Bubonic -        axilla,& neck
                       painful lymph
Agent Summary Chart
   Agent       Sym            Syms                Signs                    Rx

Tularemia     2-5 d’s    Fever, cough,     Community-acquired     Streptomycin 30mg/kg/
“Pneumonic”   Range      chest             atypical pneumonia,    d in 2 divided doses X
                         tightness,        Radiographic           14 ds
              1-21 d’s
                         pleuritic pain,   bilateral patchy       Gentamycin 3-5 mg/kg/
                         hemoptysis        pneumonia with hilar   d IV/IM Q8hr
                         (rarely)          adenopathy (TB like    CIPRO 400 mg IV Q
                                           pleural effusions)     12 hr (Change to PO
                                           Diffuse, varied skin   after clinical
                                           rash, may be rapidly   improvement) X 10-14
                                           fatal                  d’s
Agent Summary Chart
   Agent    Sym           Syms                 Signs                     Rx

Smallpox   12-14      High fever &      Maculopapular then      Supportive care
           d’s        myalgia,          vesicular rash - 1st    Vaccinate care-givers
                      itching,          on extremities (face,   Experimental
                      abdominal         arms, palms, soles,
           Range                                                Cidofovir
                      pain, delirium,   oral mucosa), Rash
           7-17 d’s   rash on face,     with hard, firm
                      extremities,      pustules (intradermal
                      hands, feet,      blisters), RASH IS
                      confused with     SYNCHRONOUS on
                      chickenpox        various segments of
                      which has less    body
                      uniform rash
Initial Discovery Procedures
Put on Personal Protective Equipment
  Meissner’s 1st Law of Combat Medicine - Don’t
  Become A Causality Yourself
Stay upwind/stay uphill
If PPE not available maintain distance of 300
feet from scene
If PPE is available maintain distance 75 feet
  Until Agent & concentration determined
Exercise extreme caution IF
  Biological attack
Initial Discovery Procedures

Observe & annotate the following
  Exact location of incident
  Wind direction & weather conditions
  Plume direction if visible (generally not visible)
  Orientation of victims
  Number of victims
  Suggested safe access routes & staging areas
Gross Decontamination Procedures

If vapor attack
  Place outside in breeze
  May only require removal of outer clothing
Liquid contamination
  Remove outer clothing
  Flush victim with water &/or hypochlorite &
Site Set-Up Procedures

3 Zones
  Hot (Exclusion ) Zone
  Warm (Contamination reduction ) Zone
  Cold (Support) Zone
All zones - upwind & uphill from other zones
Hot Zone
Adjacent to incident scene
Rescuer or EOD personnel only in this zone
All personnel in protective gear
Single Entry Control Point (ECP)
Total accountability for personnel in zone
ECP minimum of 25 meters upwind from
Minimal medical treatment
  Hemorrhage control
  Administer antidote
Warm Zone

Upwind & uphill from hot zone
Rescue, medical, & decontamination
personnel in this zone - all in PPE
Entry to Warm Zone from Hot Zone via ECP
Exit is via separate patient transfer point
All personnel entering/exits & all patient exits
must be logged
 Zone is minimum of 15’ (5 m) wide
Warm triage point is where rapid triage of
victims takes place
Warm Zone

Immediate category patients go through liter
Ambulatory victims & warm zone personnel go
through ambulatory decontamination
Patients exit Warm Zone via patient transfer point
No contaminated material enters Cold Zone
Cold Zone

Upwind & uphill from Warm Zone
All personnel have protective equipment @
hand (wind shift or improper decontamination)
Patients enter via patient transfer point & go
through cold triage point
Casualty Decontamination Center

      DUMP 75M

                       2   3        4                6
           POINT                               60M

                       1   3         4
1   TRIAGE                                            5
2   EMT
4   SKIN DECON                   HOT LINE
                                             PREVAILING WINDS
Casualty Decontamination Center

     Arrival         Triage / EMT        Decon           Clean Treatment

                       Triage       Ambulatory Decon
   Arrival                                                 Clean              Clean
                       Station                                              Disposition
   Point                                                 Treatment
   (dirty)                                                                     Area
                                      Litter Decon
 (Dirty dump)

   Disposition          EMT
      Area             Station

                                                                     Evacuate (clean)
 Evacuate (dirty)                            Dirty     Clean
 or return to duty
Agent Removal

Two methods of agent removal
  Physical & Chemical
  Physical Methods
      Simply scraping off visible agent - highly
      Copious flushing with water - problems
       containing waste water & thermal protection
      Absorbent materials such as earth, dry soap
       powder, Fuller’s earth, or flour
      Water/soap mixture can be highly effective
Agent Removal
Chemical methods
   5% chlorine solution for decontamination of
     • 48 ounces (1.4 kg) calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons
       (19 liters) H20
     • If necessary 5% solution can be used for skin,
       however, must rinse off within 10’ of application
   0.5% chlorine solution for decontamination of
    skin or wounds
     • 6 ounces (170 gm) calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons
       (19 liters) H20
Decontamination Equipment

     Chlorox™ bleach 5.25% hypochlorite solution &
      can be used directly from the bottle
     Calcium hypochlorite available as dry
      swimming pool/spa chlorine
     Plastic garbage can (50-60 gallon (190-230 liter)
     Sponges, brushes, & pressurized garden
Care and Decontamination
     of Litter Patients
       Remove gross contamination
   Transfer to decontamination prep litter
   Cut away all clothes & remove personal property
     Transfer to decontamination litter
Decontaminate patient with 0.5% hypochlorite
   Shower with copious amounts of water
     Transfer to patient treatment area
Decontamination Pointers

Contaminated clothing dump @ least 240’
downwind of decontamination station
Rub, Scrub, & Flush
Efficient technique is to use small
commercial above-ground pools
Careful use of chlorine in enclosed spaces
Threat Analysis
Multiple technical drawbacks to CBW
Toxins/pathogens/toxic chemicals need
  Sophisticated handling, storage, delivery
Weaponized shelf life is short unless stored in
controlled environment
Clandestine production is difficult
  Basic techniques for production simple
  Dual use technologies heavily scrutinized
  Use of missiles expensive per pound of
  Climate critical for efficacy
Threat Analysis
              Seaport targets
          Attractive from military standpoint
                Classical ‘Choke Points’
 Majority of combat logistics & troop movements
    still use seaborne lanes of communication
   Disrupt transportation of goods & foodstuffs
         Difficult to control access to seaport
Terrorist does not have to physically penetrate the
              US immigration procedures
     Ability to concentrate large quantities of
                    weaponized agent
            Traditionally has poor security
Threat Analysis
                           Seaport targets
Have sophisticated & criminal elements used to subverting custom &
                        security measures
                                   Drug smugglers
                              Illegal alien transporters
                 Meteorological conditions poor for attack
     Usually have significant winds that preclude adequate aerosol production
                Immersed in the ultimate & universal solvent - H20

          Has large workforce available for effective disaster response

      Has sophisticated machinery available for decontamination procedures

          Large storage facilities ideal for decontamination operations

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Terrorist Use of CBW - A Tutorial

  • 1. Terrorist Use of Chemical & Biological Weapons - A Tutorial Frank W Meissner, MD, MS, FACP, FACC, FCCP, CPHIMS
  • 2. Terrorist - The Official Definition FBI Definition - The unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.”
  • 3. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Classically, terrorism was the act of making Political statement via violence Political act designed to influence an audience Levels of violence carefully calculated Draw attention but not so violent as too  Alienate supporters  Trigger overwhelming response
  • 4. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Classical Terrorists have had substantively rational goals, e.g., Attaining national autonomy (Morocco) Establish representative government (Palestinians) Protest government policies & actions (Weatherman)
  • 5. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Candidates for use of Chem/Bio weapons represent the intersection of three sets of Groups A B C A - Groups that want to use the agents despite the political risks B - Groups that can acquire the agent & dissemination technology C - Groups whose organizational structure allows for covert delivery
  • 6. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Gaining Attention Bio-weapons ARE Mysterious Unfamiliar Indiscriminate Uncontrollable Inequitable Invisible Factors that heighten FEAR, the Terrorists Goal State
  • 7. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Economic Damage Attack Crop, Livestock, Pharmaceuticals Attack Corporate interests Potentially massive costs of clean up of a Bio-war attack Recall that the Soviets lost the Cold War because we outspent them! Could non-state Terrorists causes us to outspend our resources?
  • 8. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Millenarianism The Millenarian idea- The present age is corrupt & a new age will dawn after a cleansing apocalypse Only a Chosen few (usually selected on the basis of adherence to doctrine or ritual) will survive the end of time and experience paradise Prime motivator for some “ Domestic” Terrorists
  • 9. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Exacting Revenge or Creating Chaos Politically motivated terrorists desire to change societies rather than destroy them  Thus avoid killing very large numbers of people  Political costs exceed the benefits Some terrorists wish to annihilate enemies or demolish societal order  Ramzi Yousef, organizer of World Trade Center bombing, claimed he was exacting revenge against the United States  William Pierce, leader of neo-Nazi organization National Alliance, aims to initiate a worldwide race war & establish an Aryan state  Leon Czolgosz, assassin who shot President William McKinley was an anarchist, i.e., espoused a political philosophy that believes all forms of governments are oppressive
  • 10. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Mimicking God Create an aura of divine retribution  Gods 5th plague on the Pharaoh in Exodus was murrain, a group of cattle diseases that includes anthrax  5th chapter of Samuel I, God turned against the Philistines and "smote them with emerods" • Emerods=Bubo’s a symptom of bubonic plague
  • 11. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - “Copycat” Phenomena Increased interest in Chem/Bio-weapons among domestic extremists after Aum Shinrikyo incident Surge in Anthrax hoaxes after both Aum Shinrikyo & Anthrax letters post-9/11
  • 12. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction” Motivational Factors - Technical Availability Weapons of mass destruction & components are easier to acquire since Fall of Soviet Government Former Soviet weapons experts may be providing biological weapons & expertise to Iran  Judith Miller and William J. Broad, "Bio-Weapons in Mind, Iranians Lure Needy Ex-Soviet Scientists," New York Times, 8 November 1998, A1; Miller and Broad, "Germ Weapons: In Soviet Past or in the New Russia's Future?" New York Times, 28 December 1998, A1. South African biological weapons scientists have offered their expertise to Libya  19James Adams, "Gadaffi Lures South Africa's Top Germ Warfare Scientists," Sunday Times, 26 February 1995; Paul Taylor, "Toxic S. African Arms Raise Concern; US Wants Assurance `80s Program is Dead," Washington Post, 28 February 1995.
  • 13. Why Terrorists Might Use "Weapons of Mass Destruction" In Summary, Postmodern or Super-terrorism May aim to maximize number of casualties Levels of violence carefully calculated Reflects a shift in the goal of terrorists Maximizing damage to the target This can become the end itself
  • 14. Questions? Is this terrorism? Or is it asymmetrical warfare? What exactly is a War on Terrorism?
  • 15. Carl Von Clausewitz Vom Kriege (On War) - 1832 “War is Merely The Continuation of Policy By Other Means” Can a state be at war with a non-state actor? Or are we talking about Police actions? Can a War on Terrorism lead to a Police State?
  • 16. Hx of Chemical Warfare Pre-WWI 1000 BC - Chinese used arsenical smokes 600 BC - Solon of Athens put hellebore roots in the drinking water of Kirrha Thucydide's History of Peloponnesian War  429 & 424 BC, Spartans & Allies used noxious smoke and flame against Athenian-allied cities 660 AD Kalinkos invented "Greek Fire”  Technical innovation extensively used by the Naval Fleet of the Byzantine Empire for over 200 years  Destroyed the naval fleet of Igor, Prince of Keiv, 941 AD
  • 17. Hx of Chemical Warfare Pre-WWI 15th Century Leonardo da Vinci proposed military use of a powder of sulfide of arsenic and verdigris 1618-48 - Thirty Years War - Toxic smoke projectiles designed & used 1899-1902 - Boer War - British troops fired picric acid-filled shells - munitions had little effect on the outcome of combat 1904-1905 - Russo-Japanese War - Japanese soldiers threw arsenal rag torches into Russian trenches
  • 18. WWI November 1914 - Dr. Hans von Tappen - designed 150-mm howitzer shell containing 7 lb of xylyl bromide and a burster charge for splinter effect Operational tests of 18,000 of the shells at Russian positions near Bolimov - op failure 2° weather conditions Tested again at Western front at Nieuport - March 1915 - also abysmal failure
  • 19. WWI Ypres, Belgium - 22 April 1915- 1st successful German chemical attack Success of the attack was not capitalized upon by the Germans July 1917- Germans introduced mustard agent persistent vesicant that attacked the body in places not protected by gas masks
  • 20. Intra-war period Italian-Ethiopian War 3 October 1935 - Benito Mussolini -invasion of Ethiopia from Eritrea, an Italian colony, and Italian Somaliland Italians dropped mustard bombs and occasionally sprayed it from airplane tanks
  • 21. Intra-war period Japanese Invasion of China - 1937 By 1939 Japanese were using mustard agent & Lewisite Very effective against the untrained & unequipped Chinese troops Chinese reported that their troops retreated whenever the Japanese used just smoke, thinking it might be a chemical attack
  • 22. WWII President Roosevelt established a “No- First-Use” policy Germans in fact had manufactured & stored 1/4 million tons of chemical agents Germans developed Nerve Agents Tabun (GA) & Sarin (GB) production beginning 1939
  • 23. Korea & Cold War Continuation of “No-First-Use” Policy 1950 - Full-scale Sarin production complex @ Edgewood Arsenal Multiple types of Munitions Developed
  • 24. Honest John Rocket - Chem Warhead & Sarin Bomblet
  • 25. Vietnam Extensive use of Chemical agents “Non-lethal” riot control agents “Defoliants” (Agent Orange) Re-defined chemical weapons to exclude this category of agents
  • 26. Yemen Civil War 1962-1970 Yemeni dissidents overthrew monarchy Royalist forces aided by Saudi Arabia & Jordan engaged in Civil War Egyptians supported dissidents Egyptian Air Force used chemical weapons Jan 1967 - Yemeni village of Kitaf 95% population & all animals in village died within 10-50 min of attack Agent used was mixed mustard & nerve gas
  • 27. 1967 Arab-Israeli War Both sides were prepared to use Chemical & Biological agents Neither side used agents Probably due to the speed of tactical operations
  • 28. 1973 Arab-Israeli War No use of agents But Israeli captured Arab equipment of Soviet design/origin demonstrated sophisticated Chem Defense & Offensive capabilities Sparked renewed interest in Chem Defense in US Military
  • 29. Afghanistan War Extensive use of Chemical weapons by Soviet’s against Afghanistan civilians & mujahedeen (Arabic and or Persian mujm hn, pl. of mujm hid hid, one who fights in a jihad (Holy War))
  • 30. Iran-Iraq War Iraq trained & influenced by Soviet military advisors used chem agents against Iranian military forces Principally used mustard & Tabun delivered by bomb from aircraft Also delivered agents by artillery shells & chemical rocket systems Approximately 5% Iranian casualties from chem attack Immediately after war used Chem agents against Kurds
  • 31. 1st Persian Gulf War Frequent chemical alert alarms - all originally felt to be false alarms 4 Mar 91 - Kamisiyah arsenal - US Army 37th Engineer Battalion - blew munitions storage bunkers Probably Sarin- & Mustard-agent munitions Wind shift @ start of battle prevented effective use by Iraqi forces Speed of advance may also have prevented effective deployment of chemical agents Fear of nuclear retaliation
  • 32. Aum Shinrikyo Attacks 27 June 1994 - Sarin gas used in subway attack - killing 7 & injuring 500 19 March 1995 - Tokyo attack - killing 12 & injuring 3800
  • 33. Chemical Agent: Definition (FM 8-285) “A chemical substance…intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate humans (or animals) through its toxicological effects.”
  • 34. Chemical Agent: Definition (FM 8-285) “A chemical substance…intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate humans (or animals) through its toxicological effects.” Excluded by FM 8-285 Riot-control agents (CS, CN, DM) Chemical herbicides (e.g.. Agent Orange) Smoke and flame materials
  • 35. Excluded Agents: Riot-control Agents Irritant agents (lacrimators)  CS (“tear gas”)  CN (Mace©)  CA  CR Vomiting agents  DM (Adamsite)  DA  DC
  • 36. Riot-control Agents Local irritants with high safety ratio Short onset (seconds to minutes) Short duration (15-30 minutes) In low concentrations, cause intense pain and lacrimation (tearing) with (Adamsite only) or without vomiting
  • 37. Excluded Agents: Herbicides (Defoliants) Agent Blue (cacodylic acid) Agent Orange (1:1 mixture of 2.4.5-T and 2.4-D)  Contaminant: TCDD (Dioxin) Agent White (4:1 mixture of 2.4-D and picoram) Paraquat
  • 38. Excluded Agents: Smokes Petroleum oil smokes (fog oil=SGF) Diesel fuel HC RP (RED phosphorus) in butyl rubber WP (WHITE phosphorus) FS FM
  • 39. Classification of “Official” Chemical Agents TOXIC AGENTS (producing injury or death) LUNG-DAMAGING AGENTS (choking agents)  Chlorine (CL), phosgene (CG) [smokes] [vesicants] “ BLOOD” AGENTS (cyanogens):  AC and CK BLISTER AGENTS (vesicants)  Mustard (H), Lewisite (L), phosgene oxime (CX), [T-2 mycotoxin] NERVE AGENTS (anticholinesterases)  GA,GB,GD,GF,VX INCAPACITATING AGENTS (producing temporary effects)  BZ, Agent 15, [riot-control agents]
  • 40. Lung-damaging Agents Chlorine (CL) Chloropicrin (PS) Phosgene (CG) Diphosgene (DP) [Mustard (HD, H) Lewisite (L)] [Smokes] [isocyanates] [PFIB] [oxides of nitrogen]
  • 41. Chemical-agent Damage to Respiratory System Central effects (in larynx, trachea, and bronchi) predominate Mustard (H, HD) Lewisite (L) [Chlorine (CL)] Peripheral effects (in small airways and alveoli) predominate Phosgene (CG) Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) HC smoke, isocyanates, many others
  • 42. “Blood” Agents (Cyanogens) Hydrogen cyanide (AC) Cyanogen chloride (CK)
  • 43. Blister Agents (Vesicants) Sulfur mustard (H, HD) Nitrogen mustard (HN1, HN2, HN3) Lewisite = chlorovinyldichloroarsine (L) Mustard / Lewisite mixtures (HL, HT, TL) Phosgene oxime (CX) [Riot-control agents] [T-2 mycotoxin]
  • 44. Nerve Agents (Anticholinesterases) Tabun (GA) Sarin (GB) Soman (GD) P Ach-esterase r GF Atropine e VX s y Ach Acetylcholine receptor n a p t Pralidoxime i Cholinesterase inhibitor c
  • 45. “Official” Chemical Agents: Incapacitating Agents Purpose: Temporary incapacitation CNS stimulants  Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, strychnine, metrazole CNS depressants  Barbiturates, opioids, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines Psychedelics  LSD-25, psilocybin, ibogaine, harmine, MDMA (“ecstasy”), PCP Deliriants  Anticholinergic glycolates (BZ, Agent 15)
  • 46. Physical Forms of Chemical Agents Solid Liquid Gas Vapor Aerosol
  • 47. Persistence Dependent on several factors Agent volatility (determined by chemical structure) Temperature Wind Agent-surface interactions “Nonpersistent” agents (usually gone within 24 hours) GA, GB, GD, CL, CG, AC, CK “Persistent” agents VX, L, HL, “thickened” nerve and blister agents (e.g., TGD, THD)
  • 48. Exposure and Absorption Exposure (contact with agent) does not necessarily lead to absorption (penetration of epithelial barriers) Two types of effects from exposure and absorption: Local  (effects are at the site of contact) Systemic  (absorption and subsequent systemic distribution produce effects at sites distant from contact site)
  • 49. Routes of Exposure & Absorption Absorption through skin (percutaneous absorption) Absorption through lungs (inhalational absorption) Absorption through eyes (ocular absorption) Absorption through the gut (enteral absorption) Absorption by injection (parenteral absorption)  Intravenous absorption  Intramuscular absorption
  • 50. Toxicity (Potency) of Liquid Agents ED50: Effective Dose for 50% of exposed individuals ID50: Incapacitating Dose for 50% of exposed individuals LD50: Lethal Dose for 50% of exposed individuals ID50 for liquid HD(mustard) : 770 mg for a 70-kg man LD50 for liquid HD: 3000-7000 mg for a 70-kg man
  • 51. Toxicity of Vapors or Gases The Ct concept: Concentration x time 1 mg / m3 x 8 min = 8 mg-min / m3 8 mg / m3 x 1 min = 8 mg-min / m3 4 mg / m3 x 2 min = 8 mg-min / m3 2 mg / m3 x 4 min = 8 mg-min / m3
  • 52. Toxicity of Vapors or Gases ECt50: Effective Ct for 50% of exposed individuals ICt50: Incapacitating Ct for 50% of exposed individuals LCt50: Lethal Ct for 50% of exposed individuals Ct50 assesses external dose, not internal dose ICt50 and LCt50 therefore affected by  Route of exposure  Respiratory rate and depth, skin moisture, etc.
  • 53. Toxicity of HD(Mustard) Vapor HD vapor in eyes: ICt50: 200 mg-min / m3 Inhaled HD vapor: ICt50: 200 mg-min / m3 HD vapor on skin: ICt50: 1000-2000 mg-min / m3
  • 54. Toxicity of HD (Mustard) Vapor HD vapor in eyes: Permanent injury: > 800 mg-min/ m3 Inhaled HD vapor: LCt50: 1000-1500 mg-min / m3 HD vapor on skin: LCt50: 10,000 mg-min / m3
  • 55. Comparative Toxicity - CW Agents 6000 5000 4000 Ct50 (mg-min/m3) 3000 2000 1000 0 AGENT CL CG AC H GB VX BZ CS (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (E) (E)
  • 56. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Ammonium bifluoride 1341-49-7 Civilian Uses CW Agent Ceramics Sarin (GB) Disinfectant for food equipment Soman (GD) Electroplating GF Etching glass
  • 57. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Diethylphosphite 762-59-2 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis VG Paint solvent Sarin (GB) Lubricant additive Soman (GD) GF
  • 58. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Diethylamine 124-40-3 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis Tabun (GA) Pharmaceuticals Detergents Pesticides Gasoline additive Missile fuels Vulcanization of rubber
  • 59. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Diethylphosphite 762-59-2 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis VG Paint solvent Sarin (GB) Lubricant additive Soman (GD) GF
  • 60. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Hydrogen Fluoride Civilian Uses CW Agent Fluorinating agent chemical reactions Sarin (GB) Catalyst - alkylation & polymerization Soman (GD) Additives to liquid rocket fuels Ethyl sarin (GE) Uranium refining GF
  • 61. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Methylphosphonous difluoride 753-59-3 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic Synthesis VX VM Sarin (GB) Soman (GD) GF
  • 62. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Phosphorous oxychloride 10025-87-3 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis Tabun (GA) Plasticizers Gasoline additives Hydraulic fluids Insecticides Dopant for semiconductors grade silicon Flame retardants
  • 63. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Phosphorous trichloride 7719-12-2 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis VG Insecticides Gasoline additives Tabun (GA) Plasticizers Sarin (GB) Surfactants Soman (GD) Salt process Dye stuffs GF
  • 64. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Sulfur monochloride 10025-67-9 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis Sulfur Mustard Pharmaceuticals (HD) Sulfur dyes Insecticides Rubber vulcanization Polymerization catalyst Hardening of soft woods
  • 65. Precursors to Chemical Weapons - Dual Use Technology & Agents Thionyl chloride 7719-09-7 Civilian Uses CW Agent Organic synthesis Sarin (GB) Chlorinating agent Soman (GD) Catalyst GF Pesticide Engineering plastics Sulfur mustard (HD) Sesqui mustard (Q) Nitrogen mustard (HN-1,HN-2,HN-3)
  • 66. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles Critical Variables in Agent Deployment Volatility of agent Persistence of agent Rate of agent contact with target population Desired level of geographic coverage
  • 67. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Volatility Most CW agents liquids Transformation of liquid to gas Add heat to cause enhanced vaporization Explosive force - exploding munitions Mechanical spray device Transformation liquid => gas - major operational problem Non-facilitated (room temperature) vaporization inadequate to develop LCt50 concentrations
  • 68. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Volatility Some agents gases under temperate conditions Phosgene Cyanogen chloride Hydrogen cyanide
  • 69. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Persistency More volatile = less persistency Persistency = length of time agent remains liquid Persistent by definition > 24 hr in liquid form Nonpersistent < 24hr in liquid form Agent persistency - most to least Vx - Tabun - Mustard - Lewisite - Sarin - Hydrogen Chloride - Cyanogen Chloride - Phosgene - Chlorine
  • 70. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Persistency Sarin - nonpersistent agent Evaporates within 2 hr on sandy soil @ 50° F (10° C) Evaporates under 1 hr on sandy soil @ 110° F (43° C) On chemical resistant surface 15 min @ 50° F (10° C) On chemical resistant surface 12min @ 100° F (43° C) Vesicant mustard - persistent agent Evaporates 100 hr on sandy soil @ 50° F (10° C) Evaporates 7 hr on sandy soil @ 110° F (43° C) On chemical resistant surface 12 hr @ 50° F (10° C) On chemical resistant surface 1 hr @ 100° F (43° C)
  • 71. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Rate of Agent Contact With Target Population 6000 5000 4000 Ct50 3000 (mg-min/m3) 2000 1000 0 CL CG AC H GB VX BZ CS (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (E) (E)
  • 72. Chemical Weapons Deployment Principles - Desired level of Geographic Coverage Quantity of Agent & Method of Delivery 6000 5000 ƒ( , ) 4000 Ct50 3000 2000 (mg-min/m3) 1000 0 CL CG AC H GB VX BZ CS (L) (L)(L)(L)(L) (L)(E) (E)
  • 73. Weaponization  Stabilizers -prevent degradation of product  Thickeners - increase viscosity & persistence of liquid agents  Transformation of bulk munitions payload of agent into weaponized form of agent • Microscopic droplets (target - respiratory absorption) • Liquid spray droplets (target - cutaneous absorption)
  • 74. Weaponization  Military grade munitions generate • Vapors – Aerosol (1-7 microns) – Micro-climate height (6-10’) • Liquids – Coarse spray that coats ground
  • 75. Likely Terrorist delivery systems more primitive Agricultural sprayers Crop dusting aircraft efficient vehicles Orchard pesticide sprayer mounted on truck Atomizers/spray cans Paint sprayers Aerosol generators Fans
  • 76. Methods Of Target Engagement Least Efficient Easiest Technically Highly Efficient Difficult Technically
  • 77. Meteorological Effects - Weapon Efficiency Temperature Liquid mustard @ concentration 30 gm/m2  Persistence several d’s T <50° F (10° C)  Persistence 1-2 d @ T 80° F (26° C) Humidity High relative humidity enlarges aerosols Wind speed & direction Affects @risk target population High winds disperse aerosols Optimal steady wind @ 4 kts/hr Precipitation Light rain disperses & spreads chemical agent Heavy rains dilutes & disperses agent
  • 78. Nature of Buildings & Terrain Greater turbulence of primary weapons cloud in woodland & hilly terrain Urban targets may result in enhanced persistence of agent by absorption by porous building materials Persistence increased 3X by sandy Vs clay soil
  • 79. Potential Targets Point source targets - buildings Vulnerability is due to accessibility Entry areas for agent - ventilation & elevator systems Defenses  Surveillance of roof, mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, utility chases  Improved locking & access systems to these resources
  • 80. Agent Indicator Matrix To use the agent indicator matrix: Put a check in each row where the indicator is present At the bottom of the matrix - total all check marks in each column Total all marks from each page - The column with the highest % of checks is most probable agent Unchecked boxes = N/A A B C D E Cardiovascular A = Nerve agents Slow heart rate X X X X B= Blister agents Fast heart rate X Digestive System C= Cyanide Defecation X X X D= Choke agents Nausea X E= Riot Control Subtotal (this page)
  • 81. Agent Indicator Matrix Unchecked boxes = N/A A B C D E Appearance Prostration X X X Twitching X X X Convulsions X X X Coma X X X Bleeding from mouth X X X A = Nerve agents Coughing X B= Blister agents Sneezing X X Vomiting X C= Cyanide Fasciculations X X X X D= Choke agents Skin Cyanosis X X X E= Riot Control Gray area of dead skin X X X X Pain, irritation X Clammy X X X Sweating, localized or generalized X X X X Subtotal (this page)
  • 82. Agent Indicator Matrix Unchecked boxes = N/A A B C D E Eyes Small pupils X X X X Normal, large pupils Involuntary closing X X X A = Nerve agents Tearing X Burning, irritation X B= Blister agents Headache, pain around eye X X X X C= Cyanide Dim vision X X X X Blurred vision X X X X D= Choke agents Burning pain in eyes X Redness X X X E= Riot Control Respiratory Coughing X Runny nose X Tight chest (short of breath) X Burning, irritation in nose X Total (this page)
  • 83. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx Nerve Vapor- sec Muscle Pinpoint pupils Rapid Inhalation & Liquid-min/hr cramps, runny (miosis) Disrobing Dermal nose,difficulty Fasciculation's Water & Atropine 2-6 breathing, eye Sweating Wash with mg IV + 2- pains, visual Hyper-salivation soap PAMCL disturbance, 600-1800 mg sweating, Diarrhea & shampoo IV or 1gm IV diarrhea, LOC, Seizures over 20-30 flaccid Apnea min paralysis, seizures Additional Atropine prn & additional 1 gm infusion of 2-PAMCL
  • 84. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx Cyanide Secs to Dizziness, Nonspecific Rapid Oxygen, minutes nausea, findings - Disrobing Amyl nitrate, headache, eye hyperventilation, Sodium nitrite irritations, LOC Convulsions, (300 mg IV) & apnea sodium thiosulfate (12.5 gm IV)
  • 85. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx Blister 2-48 hr Burning, Skin erythema, Rapid Inhalation, Agents itching, or red blistering, Disrobing, dermal (Sulfur skin, mucosal conjunctivitis & lid Flush with absorption, Mustard) irritation swelling, upper copious oral ingestion (tearing, airway sloughing, amounts burning, pulmonary of water Thermal burn redness of edema, marrow Rx eyes), suppression with shortness of lymphocytopenia Supportive breath, N&V care For Lewisite BAL
  • 86. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx Pulmonary 1-24 hr Dyspnea, ARDS None Inhalation agents chest usually (phosgene) tightness, needed Supportive wheezing, care mucosal & dermal Specific Rx irritation & dependent on redness agent
  • 87. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx Ricin 18-24 hr Ingestion - ARDS, circulatory Clothing Inhalation & (Castor N&V, diarrhea, collapse, shock removal, ingestion bean toxin) fever, water abdominal pain rinse Supportive care Inhalation - chest For ingestion tightness, charcoal coughing, lavage weakness, nausea, fever
  • 88. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Decon Route & Rx T-2 2-4 hr Dermal & Mucosal Clothing Inhalation & mycotoxin mucosal erythema & removal, dermal contact irritation; hemorrhage, red water blistering, skin, blistering, rinse Supportive necrosis, tearing, care blurred vision, salivation, N&V & pulmonary For ingestion diarrhea, edema, seizures, charcoal ataxia, & coma lavage coughing & Possibly high dyspnea dose steroids
  • 89. Biological Warfare - History I 190 BC - Hannibal hurled venomous snakes onto enemy ships of King Eumenes II of Pergamum @ Eurymedon 400 BC Scythian archers used arrows dipped in blood & manure or decomposing bodies
  • 90. Biological Warfare - History II 1340 AD Attackers catapulted dead horses & other animals at the castle of Thun L'Eveque in Hainault (northern France) Defenders  ”The stink & the air were so abominable...they could not long endure"  Negotiated a truce
  • 91. Biological Warfare - History III 1346 AD Tartars siege of Caffa (Port on the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea) Tartars suffered an outbreak of plague Before abandoning their attack, they sent the infected bodies of their comrades by catapult over the walls of the city Fleeing residents carried the disease to Italy Second major epidemic "Black Death" in Europe
  • 92. Biological Warfare - History IV 1422 AD At Karlstein (in Bohemia) Attacking forces launched the decaying cadavers of men killed in battle over the castle walls They stockpiled animal manure in hope of spreading illness The defense held fast, siege was abandoned @ five months
  • 93. Biological Warfare - History IV 1763 - British Gen Jeffery Amherst Ft Pitt, Pennsylvania Ordered blankets & handkerchiefs taken from smallpox patients in the fort's infirmary & given to Delaware Indians at a peace-making parley
  • 94. WWI 1915 - German covert BioWar operations Glanders - Disease horses/mules - German saboteurs used against military horses/mules 1917- Only real success infection - 4,500 mules Mesopotamia
  • 95. Biological Warfare - Intra-war & WWII Japan’s Unit 731 (1932 - 1945) BW research unit - Ping Fan, Manchuria 3000 scientists & techs occupying >150 bldg Possibly 10,000 prisoners died - BW experimentation 1,000 autopsies on prisoners infected with anthrax 11 Chinese cities attacked using anthrax, cholera, salmonella, shigella, plague 15 million Plaque infected fleas dropped A/C 1940 - Chuhsien in Chekiang province - 1st episode of plaque ever seen in the province
  • 96. Post WWII - Accusations British used BioWeapons in Oman - 1957 Brazilian landowners deliberate infection Amazonian tribes - 1960’s China accused US - Cholera epidemic in Hong Kong 1961 Egyptian accusations against US of BioWar in Middle East, specifically Cholera in Iraq in 1966
  • 97. Post WWII Ricin toxin assassinations - 1978 Successful attack by Bulgarian Agents  Georgi Markov - Bulgarian dissident in exile Unsuccessful attack 10 d’s prior  Valdimir Kostov - Bulgarian dissident in exile
  • 98. Post WWII 3 April 1979 - Soviet Institute of Microbiology & Virology Sverdlovsk - accidental release of Anthrax 66 confirmed deaths Animal cases seen > 50-km from the site of release
  • 99. Post WWII 1970's- "Yellow Rain" - T-2 Mycotoxin Controversial results - government sponsored research's Possible use of agents Asia & Afghanistan
  • 100. 1st Desert War 7 August 1995 - Defection of Iraqi General Hussein Kamal Iraq had loaded BioWar agents into 166 Bombs (100 botulinum toxin, 50 anthrax, 16 aflatoxin) 25 SCUD/A1 Hussein missile warheads (13 botulinum toxin, 10 anthrax, 2 aflatoxin) 122-mm rockets filled with anthrax, botulinum, aflatoxin Spray tanks capable of being fitted to fighter/bomber aircraft - 2000 L capacity
  • 101. US Offensive Bioweapons Program April 1942 - creation US top-secret BioWar program All offensive programs ended 25 November 1969 Nixon administration Executive order 1972 - US signed Biological Weapons Convention
  • 102. US Offensive Bio-weapons Program E-120 Biological Bomblet
  • 103. Domestic Bioterrorism 1984 - Rajneesh cult contaminated salad bars with salmonella - 751 cases of infection 1998 Anthrax spore hoaxes in Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis
  • 104. Anthrax incidents in US – 1992-1999 Source: Historical Trends Related to Bioterrorism: An Empirical Analysis -Jonathan B. Tucker, Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Project, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies
  • 105. Aum Shinrikyo Attacks 1993- 1995 conducted up to 10 subway attacks No casualties Poor manufacturing technique Avirulent strain
  • 106. 9-11 Anthrax attacks 1 week after 9-11 Tom Brokaw (NBC News) Anthrax tainted letter Identical letter to office of New York Times Senator Tom Daschle - Washington DC December 2001  18 patients infected  5 deaths  Mass disruption • Not mass destruction
  • 107. Advantages - Biological Weapons Potential deadly/incapacitating effects susceptible populations Self-replicating capacity of some bio-agents to continue to proliferate Relatively low cost of producing bio-weapon Insidious symptoms can mimic endemic diseases Difficulty in immediate detection – bio-weapon use Sparing of property & physical surroundings
  • 108. Disadvantages - Biological Weapons Bio-war weapon could impact health aggressor forces Dependence on prevailing winds & other weather conditions for effective dispersion Effects of temperature, sunlight, & desiccation on survivability of some infectious organisms Environmental persistence of some agents (e.g., anthrax spores) can make region uninhabitable for long periods Possibility of generation of secondary aerosols generated by troops moving through area Unpredictability of morbidity secondary to biological attack Relatively long incubation period of many agents Public's aversion to use of biological warfare agents Traceable
  • 109. Biological Weapons Properties Toxins Organisms Spontaneous regeneration Epidemic organisms
  • 110. Requirements For Ideal Biological Warfare Agent Availability or ease of production Incapacitation and lethality Appropriate particle size in aerosol Ease of dissemination Stability after production Susceptibility and Non-susceptibility of Target & Attacking Populations
  • 111. Biological Weapons Deployment Principles 4 Components - Biological Warfare Strike The Agent The Munitions Delivery System Meteorological Conditions @ Target Area
  • 112. Agent Toxin - short incubation period - limited effectiveness Bacterial or viral organism with longer incubation period - causalities over 100’s of square kilometers Agent may be Incapacitating Vs Lethal Agent characteristics Infectivity Manufacturability (Quantity) Stability after manufacture Stability during deployment Stability post-release
  • 113. Physical Attributes of Infective Agent Liquids Simple to produce but difficult to disseminate Dried Form Complex production but readily disseminated
  • 114. Physical Appearance of Selected Agents Liquid agents Derived from fermentation technology, tissue culture, & embryonated chicken eggs Liquid agents can include bacteria, bacterial toxins, viruses and rickettsiae
  • 115. Physical Appearance of Selected Agents However all have similar physical characteristics  Viscosity - 5-15 centipoises  Total solid content of the liquid between 5-20% This MEANS - liquid is significantly thicker than water & less thick than light pancake syrup  Think slightly less viscous than whole milk Color of liquids vary dramatically  Bacterial agents & toxins derived from fermentation - opaque amber to brown colored  Egg-derived liquid agents color of egg yolk (if whole egg processed) to slightly pink to red (if only embryo has been processed)
  • 116. Dried Agents If actor is able to produce agents via tissue culture technology Then has technology to produce dried agents Consistency of bath powder Ideal dried agent has free flowing properties
  • 117. Dried Agents Color of agent reflects the liquid from which derived Dried bacterial agents tend to be amber to brown Viral agents derived from tissue culture off-white Viral & rickettesia from embroynated chicken eggs either brown to yellow to pink to red However, color of powders can easily be altered with dyes
  • 118. Physics of Primary Aerosol Aerosol equilibration - time interval between release & full aerosolization of liquid/powder Large particles (≥ 15 microns) do not remain in the air but quickly fall to ground Within a minute - aerosol comes to equilibrium with atmosphere Aerosol is now composed of particles of 1-5 microns - behaves like a gas - Primary Aerosol Primary Aerosol formation is essential for efficient release of agent
  • 119. Physics of Primary Aerosol Primary Aerosol can traverse heavily forested areas without degradation Similarly for a ‘victim’ Aerosol will permeate the atmosphere about the individual Few if any particles will stick to person’s clothing or objects in aerosol path Infectivity is high since ‘victim” will exchange 10-20 l/min Conversely encountering a 15-20 micron particles will not result in high attack rates of illness
  • 120. Secondary Aerosol Re-aerosolization of infectious particles Fell to ground from primary aerosol Forced onto ground by disseminating device Deliberately sprayed or layered onto ground Generated by people or vehicles stirring up particles In fact are difficult to generate & require extremely sophisticated techniques to manufacture into agents physical properties
  • 121. Biological Decay in Aerosols Aerosol decay occurs through physical decay (fall out of particles) & biological decay Respiratory virulence & biological decay most important factors determining how far downwind bacterial aerosol will be infective Biological decay is expressed in terms of % death per minute of aerosol age & follows a geometric progression ie, Biological decay of 20% per minute implies that total viable content of aerosol is halved every 3.5 minutes of age
  • 122. Munitions Sophisticated munitions can result in ‘point- source’ or ‘line-source’ Beyond capabilities of even most organized terrorist groups Terrorists most likely will employ liquid agent
  • 123. Munitions Crud bomb could disseminate liquid/dry agent using explosive energy Explosion will kill a large percentage of agent Gaseous energy best way to generate high agent concentrations in aerosol but technically challenging
  • 124. Terrorist deployments Liquid agent Single-fluid nozzle efficiency - 600 PSI Two-fluid nozzle efficiency - 90 PSI Dried agent - requires high sophistication High agent concentration Small particle size Absence of electrostatic charge
  • 125. Weaponization However, payoff is equally high - efficient dissemination from any number of devices using little energy ABC fire extinguisher placed upwind of intended target or air intake of a building can produce large number of infections
  • 126. Delivery Systems ANYTHING that can cause aerosol Truck-mounted sprayer Crop Dusters 2-gallon garden sprayer or fire extinguisher
  • 127. Meteorological Conditions Critical For ”Open-air" Targets Aerosolized weapon maximum effectiveness @ 3-15 ft Thermal inversion represents ideal environment Inversion most likely @ night, daybreak, sundown Sunlight highly destructive to most BW agents Toxins & spores of Bacillus anthracis & Coxiella burnetii Wind also important factor for aerosol attack Optimal 5-25 mph < 5-mph limited spread >25-mph aerosol disintegrates
  • 128. Liquid & Dry agents Can Be Disseminated Over Wide Temps & Environments Many BW experts expect terrorist use against non-open air targets Buildings Subway stations Interstate tunnels
  • 129. Alternative Delivery Methods Oral route - not very efficient - dilution & diffusion factors + chlorination makes public water sources poor targets Contamination of foods & fruits @ point of manufacture & along distribution pathways Dermal exposure not effective means of dissemination Vector transmission - logistically difficult to carry out
  • 130. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Rx Anthrax 2-6 d Inhalation Inhalation Mechanical Flu-like Fever followed by ventilation Range 1 d syndrome, ARDS, confusion, Antibiotic therapy to 8 wks N&V, abd pain, widened CIPRO 400 mg IV Q fever, mediastinum on 8-12 hr or respiratory CXR, bloody pleural Doxycycline 200 mg distress effusions, atypical IV initial then 100 pneumonia mg IV Q 8-12 hr Cutaneous Cutaneous PLUS Rifampin 10/ Itching papule, Itching papule, 1-3 mg/kg/d fever cm painless ulcer then necrotic center, lymphadenopathy
  • 131. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Rx Botulism 12-72 hr Difficulty Dilated or un Mechanical swallowing or reactive pupils, ventilation speaking, drooping eyelids Range symmetric (ptosis), doubled 2 hrs - 8 Parental nutrition descending vision, slurred ds weakness speech (dysarthria), Respiratory descending flaccid Trivalent botulinum dysfunction paralysis, intact antitoxin No sensory mental state dysfunction
  • 132. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym onset Syms Signs Rx Plague 1-3 d’s Sudden onset Pneumonic - Streptomycin 30mg/kg/ by fever, chills, Hemoptysis, d in 2 divided doses X inhalation headache, radiographic 14 ds myalgia pneumonia--patchy, Gentamycin 3-5 mg/kg/ cavities, confluent, d IV/IM Q8hr consolidation, Pneumonic - TCN 2-4 gm per day, hemoptysis, cough, chest CIPRO 400 mg IV Q cyanosis pain, dyspnea, 12 hr fever Bubonic - painful, enlarged lymph nodes in groin, Bubonic - axilla,& neck painful lymph nodes
  • 133. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym Syms Signs Rx onset Tularemia 2-5 d’s Fever, cough, Community-acquired Streptomycin 30mg/kg/ “Pneumonic” Range chest atypical pneumonia, d in 2 divided doses X tightness, Radiographic 14 ds 1-21 d’s pleuritic pain, bilateral patchy Gentamycin 3-5 mg/kg/ hemoptysis pneumonia with hilar d IV/IM Q8hr (rarely) adenopathy (TB like CIPRO 400 mg IV Q pleural effusions) 12 hr (Change to PO Diffuse, varied skin after clinical rash, may be rapidly improvement) X 10-14 fatal d’s
  • 134. Agent Summary Chart Agent Sym Syms Signs Rx onset Smallpox 12-14 High fever & Maculopapular then Supportive care d’s myalgia, vesicular rash - 1st Vaccinate care-givers itching, on extremities (face, Experimental abdominal arms, palms, soles, Range Cidofovir pain, delirium, oral mucosa), Rash 7-17 d’s rash on face, with hard, firm extremities, pustules (intradermal hands, feet, blisters), RASH IS confused with SYNCHRONOUS on chickenpox various segments of which has less body uniform rash
  • 135. Initial Discovery Procedures Put on Personal Protective Equipment Meissner’s 1st Law of Combat Medicine - Don’t Become A Causality Yourself Stay upwind/stay uphill If PPE not available maintain distance of 300 feet from scene If PPE is available maintain distance 75 feet Until Agent & concentration determined Exercise extreme caution IF Biological attack
  • 136. Initial Discovery Procedures Observe & annotate the following Exact location of incident Wind direction & weather conditions Plume direction if visible (generally not visible) Orientation of victims Number of victims Suggested safe access routes & staging areas
  • 137. Gross Decontamination Procedures If vapor attack Place outside in breeze May only require removal of outer clothing Liquid contamination Remove outer clothing Flush victim with water &/or hypochlorite & water
  • 138. Site Set-Up Procedures 3 Zones Hot (Exclusion ) Zone Warm (Contamination reduction ) Zone Cold (Support) Zone All zones - upwind & uphill from other zones
  • 139. Hot Zone Adjacent to incident scene Rescuer or EOD personnel only in this zone All personnel in protective gear Single Entry Control Point (ECP) Total accountability for personnel in zone ECP minimum of 25 meters upwind from source Minimal medical treatment Airway Hemorrhage control Administer antidote
  • 140. Warm Zone Upwind & uphill from hot zone Rescue, medical, & decontamination personnel in this zone - all in PPE Entry to Warm Zone from Hot Zone via ECP Exit is via separate patient transfer point All personnel entering/exits & all patient exits must be logged Zone is minimum of 15’ (5 m) wide Warm triage point is where rapid triage of victims takes place
  • 141. Warm Zone Immediate category patients go through liter decontamination Ambulatory victims & warm zone personnel go through ambulatory decontamination Patients exit Warm Zone via patient transfer point No contaminated material enters Cold Zone
  • 142. Cold Zone Upwind & uphill from Warm Zone All personnel have protective equipment @ hand (wind shift or improper decontamination) Patients enter via patient transfer point & go through cold triage point
  • 144. Casualty Decontamination Center Arrival Triage / EMT Decon Clean Treatment Triage Ambulatory Decon Arrival Clean Clean Station Disposition Point Treatment (dirty) Area Area Litter Decon (Dirty dump) Dirty Disposition EMT Area Station Evacuate (clean) Evacuate (dirty) Dirty Clean or return to duty
  • 145. Agent Removal Two methods of agent removal Physical & Chemical Physical Methods  Simply scraping off visible agent - highly effective  Copious flushing with water - problems containing waste water & thermal protection  Absorbent materials such as earth, dry soap powder, Fuller’s earth, or flour  Water/soap mixture can be highly effective
  • 146. Agent Removal Chemical methods  5% chlorine solution for decontamination of equipment • 48 ounces (1.4 kg) calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons (19 liters) H20 • If necessary 5% solution can be used for skin, however, must rinse off within 10’ of application  0.5% chlorine solution for decontamination of skin or wounds • 6 ounces (170 gm) calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons (19 liters) H20
  • 147. Decontamination Equipment  Chlorox™ bleach 5.25% hypochlorite solution & can be used directly from the bottle  Calcium hypochlorite available as dry swimming pool/spa chlorine  Plastic garbage can (50-60 gallon (190-230 liter)  Sponges, brushes, & pressurized garden sprayers
  • 148. Care and Decontamination of Litter Patients Remove gross contamination Transfer to decontamination prep litter Cut away all clothes & remove personal property Transfer to decontamination litter Decontaminate patient with 0.5% hypochlorite (blotted) Shower with copious amounts of water Transfer to patient treatment area
  • 149. Decontamination Pointers Contaminated clothing dump @ least 240’ downwind of decontamination station Rub, Scrub, & Flush Efficient technique is to use small commercial above-ground pools Careful use of chlorine in enclosed spaces
  • 150. Threat Analysis Multiple technical drawbacks to CBW Toxins/pathogens/toxic chemicals need Sophisticated handling, storage, delivery Weaponized shelf life is short unless stored in controlled environment Clandestine production is difficult Basic techniques for production simple Dual use technologies heavily scrutinized Use of missiles expensive per pound of payload/lethality Climate critical for efficacy
  • 151. Threat Analysis Seaport targets Attractive from military standpoint Classical ‘Choke Points’ Majority of combat logistics & troop movements still use seaborne lanes of communication Disrupt transportation of goods & foodstuffs Difficult to control access to seaport Terrorist does not have to physically penetrate the US immigration procedures Ability to concentrate large quantities of weaponized agent Traditionally has poor security
  • 152. Threat Analysis Seaport targets Have sophisticated & criminal elements used to subverting custom & security measures  Drug smugglers  Illegal alien transporters Downsides Meteorological conditions poor for attack  Usually have significant winds that preclude adequate aerosol production  Immersed in the ultimate & universal solvent - H20  Has large workforce available for effective disaster response  Has sophisticated machinery available for decontamination procedures  Large storage facilities ideal for decontamination operations