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According  to Indian philosophers, self is
the Purush or Purusha; realization is the
knowledge or the consciousness of this
Purusha within every human being, and it
is the most important aspect of every
seekers of God to attain Mukti
(salvation). For those who believe in
karma samsara, Self Realization is the
only way to liberate themselves from the
cycle of birth and death.
 The  religious life of many Indians is focused on devotion to gods and goddesses
through rituals at homes and in shrines. More philosophically-minded people
ignore these gods altogether and seek Realization of the Self through intense
meditation. Still others focus primarily on fulfilling the social and moral duties
appropriate to their position in life.
 These three approaches are regarded as equally important, and they are
formally recognized as threefold margas (paths) to liberation: bhaktimarga (the
path of devotion), gnanamarga (through the path of knowledge „sankhya‟ or
through philosophy „yoga’ and „meditation’), and karmamarga (the path of works
and actions).
 Those who want to follow the path of devotion are the majority and their aim is
to try and please God through different types of rituals including poojas, offering
special prayers & gifts during festivals, doing dharma, undertaking pilgrimages,
participating in kumba-melas, taking up vows and penances, walking on fire,
offering yagnas, rolling for miles, even sacrificing animals etc.
  Yoga: The goal of Yoga as we have seen is to achieve union with the True self, i.e.
 the little self with the True Self. It is a process of awakening to the preexisting union
 between Aathma (soul) and Brahma (Creator), Jeevathma and Paramathma, or the
 realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakrithi. It is also called
  The author of the yoga system, Shri Patanjali, says that it is a system of moral
 and physical exercises (Yoga Sutra 1:1,2). Patanjali teaches eight steps. 1. Yama
 (moral conduct): fulfilled by noninjury to others, truthfulness, nonstealing,
 continence, and noncovetousness. 2. Niyama (religious observances): prescripts
 are purity of body and mind, contentment in all circumstances, self-discipline, self-
 study (contemplation), and devotion to God and guru. 3. Asana (right posture): the
 spinal column must be held straight, and the body firm in a comfortable position for
 meditation. 4. Pranayama (control of prana): the subtle life currents. 5. Pratyahara
 (withdrawal) of the senses from external objects. 6. Dharana (concentration):
 holding the mind to one thought. 7. Thyana (meditation). 8. Samadhi
 (superconscious experience).
  In the final stages of Samadhi, the yogi is supposed to have attained miraculous
 powers such as raising into the sky, walking on water, conquering lions, leaving his
 body and entering into the dead bodies of any form etc. Through this system of
 yoga and meditation, the soul is expected to merge with the Purusha without the
 grace of God; and it is also believed that, through the individual practice alone one
 can attain divine status.

  Kriya Yoga: Kriya Yoga (union with the Infinite through a certain action or rite) is a technique of
relaxation, meditation and concentration which leads to a personal experience with God. When the inner
peace arrives, one can then feel God‟s overwhelming presence and reach greater clarity. The body and
mind will then be trained and the soul will eventually be liberated and truly freed.
 It is to free man from the effects of karma resulting in everlasting remains. It is done through the
realization of oneself, and thereby realizing God and the love for God. It helps them to recognize the
beauty within, and the magnificence of their spirit. Most of the people seek satisfaction from what they
see, but this provides no relief and the longing continues. But by focusing on the internal, rather than
the external, one can get complete relief from all desires.

 It is also meant to encourage the establishment of individual temples of God in the hearts of men, to
liberate man from his threefold sufferings: physical, mental and spiritual, to promote plain living and
high thinking, to spread the spirit of brotherhood among all people by teaching the eternal basis of their
unity: kinship with God, to demonstrate the superiority of mind over body, of soul over mind, to
overcome evil by good, sorrow by joy, cruelty by kindness, ignorance by wisdom and above all to attain
direct personal experience with God.
 Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve around the six spinal centers (medulla,
cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexus) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of
the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive
spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his spiritual evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one
year of natural spiritual unfoldment.

Hatha    Yoga: The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to locate and
activate the chakras (centers of energy), thereby raising the
kundalini (dominant spiritual power). This in turn is believed
to help remove blockages (diseases) in the mind and body.
 Hatha yoga attempts to balance mind and body via
physical postures and exercises (asanas), controlled
breathing, and calming of the mind through relaxation and
meditation. Asanas teach poise, balance & strength and
were originally (and still) practiced to improve the body‟s
physical health and clear the mind in preparation for
meditation in the pursuit of enlightenment.

 Kundalini   Yoga: The practice of kundalini yoga centers on raising the
kundalini, or dormant psychic energy, through the body‟s seven major
chakras, or centers of consciousness. The seven chakras are: Muladhara
chakra - base of the spine, Svadhishthana chakra - near the genital organs,
Manipura chakra - behind the navel, Anahata chakra - at the heart,
Vishuddha chakra - at the throat, Ajna chakra - behind the point between the
eyebrows (the “third eye”), Sahasrara chakra - the cerebral cortex.
 Each chakra is associated with a different set of psychic powers and
spiritual experiences. For example, accessing the vishuddha chakra in the
throat bestows powers of telepathy and prophecy, while activating the ajna
chakra on the forehead brings universal knowledge. Specific colors and
sounds are also associated with the chakras and used to activate them.
 Transcendental    Meditation: The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique
involves reciting of a mantra through which the mind is brought to the source of
thought, the settled state of the mind - Transcendental Consciousness - pure
consciousness, self-referral consciousness, which is the source of all creative
processes. It is believed that through this technique, the individual‟s awareness
settles down and experiences a unique state of restful alertness. As the body
becomes deeply relaxed, the mind transcends all mental activity to experience the
simplest form of awareness - Transcendental Consciousness, where
consciousness is open to itself. This is the self-referral state of consciousness.
 The Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi claims that
TM is the only way for salvation and it provides heaven in earth. It uses seven
words such as Jagrata centana (walking); swapna cetana (dreaming); sushupti
cetana (sleeping); toorya chetana (transcendental consciousness); tooryateet
cetana (cosmic consciousness); bhagavat centana (God consciousness); and
brahmi cetana (Unity consciousness). Even though the TM organization claims
that their mantras are meaningless sounds with known physiological effects, the
mantras are in fact names of a Hindu deity.
 Katha   Upanishad 65:8 says, Avyaktatuparah purushoyagnatva muchyatae: One
who knows Purusha becomes free and attains immortality. Viveka Chudamani
verse 6 says;
      Vadhanthu shastrani yadhanthu devane, Kurvanthu karmani bajanthu
        Aatmaikayodena vinabpi mukitha, na chityathi bhramma shathanthrashpi.
 Let them quote scriptures and sacrifice to gods; let them observe rituals and
worship devatas (gods); but there is no liberation at all; no, not even in a hundred
lifespan of Brahma put together, until the identity of one‟s self with the Divine Self
is realized. Again verse 56 says:
 “na yogena na sankhyena karmanano na vidhya brahaat maikatva bodena
moksha sidyate naanyata”
 Neither by yoga, nor by knowledge, nor by karma or by learning, but by the
realization of one‟s own identity with God is liberation possible, and by no other
means. Svetaasvatara Upanishad 3:8 says:
        Vedaaha metam purusham manantam Aaditya vamam tamasah-h parastat
        tameva viditvati mutu meti naanyah panthaa vidyate-ayanaaya
 I know the mighty Purusha of the color of the sun beyond the darkness. Only in
knowing Him does one Passover death. There is no other way leading to eternal
 Vedas  begin with the worship of gods of nature, namely;
 1) The terrestrial gods- Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Bruhaspati and Soma (plants).
 2) The atmospheric gods- Indra, Rudra, Maruts, Vayu and Parjanya (storm,
thunder and rain).
 3)  The celestial gods- Dyaus (heaven), Varuna, Ushas & Asvins (twilight
morning stars) and Surya, Mitra, Savitri, Ka, Vishnu (all associated with the sun).
 Actually these gods were the result of man‟s search for the truth, which finally
culminated in the Purusha Prajapathi, the Creator. The Katha Upanishad 3:11 says,
avvyakthath purusha parah purushanna param kinchith sa kastha sa paragathi,
which means that there is none superior to this Purusha and He is the paragathi
(Only way to Moksha).
 The Purusha in the Purusha Sukta of the Rig Veda is called the Param Purusha
that means the one and the only Supreme Being and He is the Lord of immortality.
The 10th mandala of Rig Veda chapter 121 verse 10 says, Prajapathi Lord of life,
Lord of Creatures and Lord of Creation.
  Creation of Man: Genesis 1:27 “God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them”. Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, thou art our
father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand”. Psalm 139:14 “I
will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul
knoweth right well”. God created humans in his own image for His glory and to the praise of His
glorious grace.
 Empowerment of the Soul by Purusha: Genesis 2:7 “The Lord God (Prajapathi Purusha)
formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man
became a living soul”. Many people find it difficult to believe, that human beings were created from
the dust of the ground. However, if we recognize that the modern day wonder machines including
the Super Computers and Nuclear Bombs etc., were made by taking all the raw materials from the
earth only, and that too with the limited wisdom and knowledge of the human beings, then it will
become obvious that the All-knowing and All-powerful Creator can create human beings by taking
the necessary ingredients including the living cells from the ground.
 Since human beings were made out of living things, then what God breathed into Adam‟s
nostrils is His own Spirit, and Adam‟s soul (Aathma) became a living soul (Jeevathma). Job 32:8
But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand. That means the
soul (Aathma) has been endowed with the life and that life (Purusha or Self) is the Holy Spirit (True
Self) of God Himself and this spirit was not given to any other creature. This is what many people
call it as Little Self, Sixth Sense, Clear Conscience or the Still Small Voice etc.
This leads us to the fact that, every human is made up of both physical and spiritual being. The physical being
comprises of the physical body and the life attached with the body, and the spiritual being comprises of the
soul, which is the controlling force behind the body, and a life (self) to sustain that soul. As the physical man
has got a physical heart and brain etc., the spiritual man does not have such heart or brain. However, when we
talk about heart or mind during our religious discourse, we actually refer to the soul, and this soul or the
Aathma is the one, which manipulates our brain.
         Having got the Holy Spirit of God, the soul also has become immortal and cannot be destroyed. Even
many things in this world cannot be destroyed, but can only be changed from one physical state to another.
Hence humans have become altogether powerful beings, physically as well as spiritually. That is why human
beings are sometimes called as saints or little gods.
         In addition, human beings have been endowed with the power to communicate not only with each
other, but also can know and be in communion with the Creator all the time. Each and every word that humans
speak has got a special power behind. Mat 12:37 “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words
thou shalt be condemned”.
         The life in this condition was like a child born into a King‟s family. The King being the all-powerful
Creator of this Universe who is our Heavenly Father, with immeasurable grace, mercy and power, and
everything in His Kingdom was made available to man without asking. It is all the Royal inheritance of the
rightful heir. So God provided man with everything including the host of angels at his service. This Kingdom
is the everlasting Kingdom of God.
 Uniqueness       of Human Beings: It is because of the
empowerment of the soul by God‟s Spirit, humans have become
unique with lots of extraordinary features namely,     a) Physical:-
with distinct individual capacity, power and identity. b)
Intellectual:- bestowed with the wisdom and knowledge to analyze
logically and be creative, and with necessary skills to rule over
the other creatures. c) Spiritual:- In addition to our soul being
made immortal, it has been endowed with a free will. Only
humans build altars and worship God.
 This spirit and soul combination has become an inimitable
dynamic system, and it is this indwelling of the Holy Spirit in
every human soul, helps everyone to seek and search for God
one day or the other, which the other creatures will never do.
 As a result of the above qualities, man became a self-sufficient, self-creative and self-
willed complete individual being. It is because of this free will, not only can he think and
choose, but also can be influenced by other forces as well. When the first man was to
make a choice between God and devil as the guiding force for his soul, he willfully
chooses the devil, as the present day world, because of the influence of the devil, who
had already chosen evil for himself by trying to become like God or equal with God, who
made man also to fall prey to his evil design.
 It was not just a simple disobedience, but it was a deliberate choice of evil over good,
and the evil spirit got embedded onto the human soul affecting the entire human race. In
this condition, the spirit, which is the life force for the soul, lost its sustenance from God
and got suppressed, and the devil took almost full control and authority over the human
soul. This has brought about a sea change in the attitude of man towards God and
ultimately man became an enemy of God.
 Thus humans have been stripped of that honor and glory, privileges and power they
were vested with; and having lost the image of God that was upon them, and that robe of
purity, innocence and righteousness, the rectitude of their nature with which they were
arrayed. Now they were unable to save themselves from the curse of the righteous law
and the fury of vindictive justice.

  Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for
from dust thou art taken, and dust shall thou return”. Eze 18:4 “Behold, all souls are mine; as the
soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die”.
 As a result of these curses and also due to the corruption of the soul, not only our physical
body suffers a simple death but also is afflicted by diseases and deformities, and there is always a
constant struggle raging between the life forces (immune system) which are trying to preserve the
body on the one hand, and the disease forces which are trying to destroy the body on the other
hand. At times the disease forces dominate resulting in sickness with the life forces being
suppressed and vice versa.
 Similarly, there is also a struggle going on in our soul, between the subdued spirit (Self) which
is the life force for our soul and the evil spirit which is the destructive force trying to destroy the
soul. This affects our thoughts and deeds, as it is written, “for I know that nothing good lives in me,
that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but I cannot carry it out” Romans 9:18.
 The evil spirit makes man to do more evil than good, if not all the time, but most of the time.
   That is why God says, “You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out the desires
   of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and has never stood by the truth, since
   there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie he speaks in character, for he is a liar and the
   father of lies” John 8:44.

 All have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. We are full of
envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and cruel. We are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, haughty,
arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, selfish, corrupt, lustful, lust for money, lust for food, lust for
power, with contempt for God, no peace, revelry, strife among ourselves, and among nations.
These are the fruits of the evil spirit, which are exactly opposite to that of the fruits of the Holy
Spirit. Hence the word of God declares that, “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth
good, and sinneth not” Ecc 7:20.
 The effect of all these is the cause for the greatest battle which is now raging in this world
between good and evil, i.e. between the forces of God and the forces of devil, and the victory of
course is foreknown. But the big question is, on which side are we? Everyone in this world, either
knowingly or unknowingly is contributing his money, might, and time for the above cause. Mat 7:20
“Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them”. But if we are indifferent to know or to find out, or
even to spend a minute to think about it, we may have no excuse at all.
 The atmosphere of the world today gives all of us without exception a perverted sense of value
  because of the influence of devil. We tend to get life‟s priorities wrong, since that influence is
  immensely powerful. Faster than ever before in the history of mankind, the world is sinking into
  the gutter of moral decay and corruption. The darkness deepens until the night is black around
  Now the soul which has lost its empowerment by the spirit (self), if not redeemed will have to
spend its eternity in Hell. The Vedas and Upanishads proclaim that the redemption can be obtained
only through Purusha the Prajapathi. In Rig Veda Purusha Sukta ends with the following words:
       tameva vidvaanam amruta iha bhavati, nanyah panthaa ayanaaya vidyate
 (thus one who knows this becomes able to reach the state of deathlessness. There is no other
way).       Bhruhat Aranyaka Upanishad (1.3.28) says, “Asatoma sat gamaya, Tamasoma Jyothir
gamaya, Mruthyoma amrutham gamaya” which means, from untruth lead me to truth, from
darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life.
 Deliverance from untruth, darkness and death is the basic need of every person. The sages in
the past testify that they were living in the shadow of vanity, darkness and death. They were
seeking truth, light and eternal life, knowing fully well that they were mortals and these immortal
gifts were beyond their reach; but they were also aware, that the Prajapathi or the Creator will have
to help them to attain their goal. Katha Upanishad 3:15 says,
     asabtham aspersam aroobam avvyam dhtha arasam nithyam ahandha vachya yath
     anadiyanandham mahatha param durvam nitchaya dhanmruthyu mukthath pramoochyathe,
which means, one can not know God who has no beginning and end, either by sound, or by feel, or
by eyes, or by smell, or by taste but by His grace.
  Viveka Chudamani verse147 says that, “neither weapons, nor wind, nor fire, nor millions of
deeds can help us reach mukti. Only the wonderful sword of knowledge that comes out of
discrimination sharpened by the grace of God can achieve it”. Shankara the ancient sage admitted
that union with God, is attained by the grace of God (Viveka churamani 3).
 Naham vedair na tapasa na danena na ejyaya
          sakya evamvidho drstavan asi mam yatha (Gita 11:53),
 which means, neither by Vedic study, nor by austerities, nor by charities, nor by sacrifices can
one behold Me. Nor by any works that you have done.
 To summarize the whole teachings of Gita, God alone is the only way to attain Mukti. Moksha is
initiated by God (18:66). God calls the sinner to surrender, since He is the refuge (18:62, 72, 73). It is
His grace that salvation is open to men and women regardless of their merits and demerits (11:47,
18:58, and 5:18). The easiest way to find refuge in God is by complete surrender (18:62). A seeker
can be liberated in this lifetime itself (4:21, 23, and 41). Moksha is available even at the dying
moments (8:5, 18:66).
 According to Vedic literatures and Saiva Siddhanta there are four steps to salvation: Salokya
(sa-lokya - the believer is admitted into the sphere of God by faith in the word of God - the
Purusha), Sameepya (the believer comes near to Purusha, the author of salvation), Sa roopya (the
believer is identified with the savior in every aspect) and Sa yoojya (the believer enters into union
with Purusha).
 If  mankind were to have been left to mend themselves with God, none of them would
have ever become eligible to get to Heaven. But God who is the God of love, mercy and
long suffering is not willing to give up, and hence He devised various methods to bring
back the condemned souls to Himself. These methodologies were meant to pave the
way for reconciliation, by atoning the sins of the human beings. This of-course is not
without a price.
 Animal sacrifice: Heb 9:22 Indeed, under the law almost everything is
purified with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of
sins. By transgression, a man forfeits his life to divine justice, and he must die, if God in
His mercy did not provide an alternative. This alternative is the blood of the victim, which
is its life, is shed as a ransom for the life of the sinner.
 This requirement may look strange for many people, but it is the root of all religions.
For Hindus, “Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam” which means, the
redemption is through shedding of blood only. Bakrid is the day of sacrifice for the
atonement of their sins for Muslims. But it was and is being practiced just as a ritual.
Deluge: This was the most painful thing that a loving Father
could have brought upon His own creation. But it was a
righteous judgment upon the ungodly. II Peter 2:5, God did
not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher
of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood
upon the world of the ungodly… God revealed to Noah the
coming judgment Genesis 6:13. Hebrews 11:7 tells us, By
faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet
unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of
his household. By this he condemned the world and became
an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. But the
descendents of Noah did more evil than the previous
generations. That means even this has not remedied the
 Ten  Commandments: It was in this condition that, mankind was
compelled to follow some of the most rigorous rules and regulations,
expecting that the evil spirit could be forced to rescind, but apparently
without success. However, this methodology is still being used by
many religious people in the present world. Even we see people taking
upon themselves different types of penance including self-inflicted
torture for this purpose.
 Neither the evil spirit could be tamed nor could it be abrogated from
the human soul, because, all these commandments were targeted to
discipline the physical being, which obviously had no effect on the
soul or the evil spirit which is in control of the soul. So to lift up the
subdued Holy Spirit in the soul, and to turn them from darkness to
light and from Satan‟s control to God‟s, He had to make a way out, by
that the human race might receive salvation.

 The   Cross: Ultimately this was achieved by the sacrifice of His own Son
Jesus Christ on the cross. Lev 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood;
and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it
is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life”. All sacrifices were
mere shadows of the sacrifice of Christ and looked forward to it. It was a
promise, prophecy and pledge that God would accomplish it with His own
beloved Son.
 Isaiah 53:4-6 “Surely our grieves He Himself bore, and our sorrows He
carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our
iniquities; The chastening for our well being fell upon Him, And by His
scourging we are healed”. All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has
turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on
 Thertiriya Aranyaka 3rd pradatam says, Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna
mavasyam, thud raktham Paramatmane punyadana baliyagam” which means, the
redemption is through shedding of blood only and that-blood has to be through the
sacrifice of God himself. The Purusha Sukta says, there is no other way other than the
sacrifice of Purusha Prajapathi. Purushao vava yagna (Chandokya Upanishad 3.16.1),
God, the Purusha is the sacrifice. Sama Veda Dandiya Mahabhramanam says
“Prajapathi devapyam aathmanam yagnam kruthva prayachita” which means God will
offer himself as a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind. Sathpatha Bhramanam
says “Prajapathi yagnayaga”. It also says: “Yagnova avati tasya cchaya kriyate”,
which means all animal sacrifices are shadows.
 It is the Prajapathi, the creator of the universe (Rig Veda 10.121), the great „I Am‟
(Bruhat aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1) who willed to become a sacrificial body (Br. Ar. Up
1.2.7) to be offered by saints as the sacrifice (Rig Veda 10.121.10). In the Purusha
Sukta, we also read that the God Brahma (Creator) is the sacrifice, who by putting on
both mortality and immortality and becoming incarnate as God-man, would Himself be
the sacrificial animal and offer Himself as a sacrifice to redeem mankind from their
“If you want to be delivered from the sins which you commit
through eyes, mouth, ears and mind, bloodshed is necessary.
That must be the blood of the Holy one. God is our creator. He
is our King. When we were perishing, He came to save us by
offering even his own body on our behalf” (Maha Brahmanam
 Rig Veda specifies the requirements for the sacrificial
animal: It must be without blemish, the thorn of bush must be
placed round its head; It must be bound to a sacrificial post,
Nails must be driven into its four legs till they bleed. The cloth
covering the victim should be divided among the four priests.
None of its bones must be broken. The victim should be given
a drink of Soma juice. After it has been slain, it must be
restored to life again. Its flesh should be eaten.

These    ware clearly fulfilled in the incarnation of Jesus
Christ. He was the sinless God-man (I Pet. 2:22). A crown of
thorns was placed on His head (Mark 15:17). He was tied to
the sacrificial post (Psalm 118:27). He was nailed hands and
feet to the cross (John 19:18). Those who nailed Him to the
cross divided His garments among themselves (Mat.27:35).
Not one of His bones was broken (John 19:36). He was given
vinegar (Soma juice) to drink (Mat. 27:34). He rose again as
death‟s conqueror (Mat. 28:5-6). At the last supper He gave
His disciples that they should eat His flesh and drink His
blood (Mat. 26:26-29).

 Micah   6:6-7 “Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the
high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of
oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin
of my soul?” This is the great question as to a sinner’s relationship with the Holy God.
 God loves the sinner; but He hates the sin. God has sworn that He has no
pleasure in the death of a sinner (Ezek 33:11); yet He has also sworn that the soul
that sinneth, it shall die (Ezek 18:4). Which of the two oaths shall He keep? Shall the
one give way to the other? Can both be kept inviolate?
 Both law and love have triumphed in the reconciliation God has accomplished. The
one has not given way to the other. Never has there been love like this love of God; so
large, so lofty, so intense, so self-sacrificing. Never has law been so pure, so broad, so
glorious and so inexorable.
 John  3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that
whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. 1 John
4:10 “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent His Son
to be the propitiation for our sins”. 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For God has made Jesus to
be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in
 Love has never been more truly love, and law has never been more truly law,
than in this conjunction of the two. God‟s honor has been maintained, yet man‟s
interests have not been sacrificed. God has done it all; and He has done it
effectually and irreversibly. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the
Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Isaiah 45:6 “that people may
know, from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none besides me;
I am the Lord, and there is no other”.
 The consent of parties to the acceptance of this basis is required in court. The
law consents; the Lawgiver consents; Father, Son, and Spirit consent; and man,
the chief party interested, is asked for his consent. If he consents, the whole
matter is settled. The verdict is issued in his favor; and henceforth he can
 Our   Righteousness is nothing but Filthy Rags: Job 15:14-16 “What is
man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he
should be righteous? Behold, He putteth no trust in His saints; yea, the
heavens are not clean in His sight. How much more abominable and filthy is
man, which drinketh iniquity like water?” Isaiah 64:6, “We are all as an unclean
thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”. The sense is, that all our
prayers, sacrifices, alms, praises, were only abominable to the Lord because
of the impurity, imperfection, pride, and vanity that appeared in them.
 Salvation is not found in man-made ceremonies, neither is it obtained
through ordinances or religious sacraments. Instead, “salvation is of the Lord”
Jonah 2:9. Still, multitudes believe that the pursuance of good works or the
following of a prescribed code of ethics automatically earns them the
guarantee of eternal life. Others talk about the benefits of the Golden Rule, the
Sermon on the Mount, or the observance of the Ten Commandments as the
way to prepare one‟s soul for heaven.
 Romans   3:23 declares that, “all have sinned, and come short of the
glory of God”; Hebrews 9:22 “and according to the law almost all
things are purged with the blood, and without shedding of blood
there is no remission”. Romans 5:8 “But God commended his love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”.
 Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of
God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Salvation is by grace
through faith in Jesus Christ alone. God reckons us as righteous by
our faith in Christ”. 1 John 1:7 “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son
cleanses us from all sin”. John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and life;
no one comes to the Father except through me”. Acts 4:12 says,
“Neither, is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name
under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”.
  The Curtain in the temple, which symbolized the dividing wall between the people and
God, was torn into two from top to bottom at the moment Jesus Christ gave up his Ghost
on the cross. This is actually God accepting Christ‟s offering of himself for our sins,
hence, opening the Heaven‟s gate for humans to enter, through his precious and most
valuable sacrificial blood, which was shed on the cross as a ransom for all our sins and
 There is no other way for us to come to God or get to heaven. Because, the only
sacrifice God accepts for our sins is the sacrifice that He has provided, that is the
unblemished sacrifice of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the one and the only
hope for the salvation of mankind. Are we clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus
Christ? 1John 5:11 “And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life; and this
life is in his Son”.
 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
   whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 10:9
   “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your
   heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. Romans 5:1"Being
   justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”.
 Becoming a believer in Jesus Christ is the first and the foremost step in our long
and joyous journey of pilgrimage towards Heaven. The immediate and the most
obvious step in our endeavor is to have the assurance of our faith, i.e. the
experience of being born again. It was told to Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews,
except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. i.e., he was to be
born of water and of the Spirit.
       As we all know that when we were born in to this world, we were born of
blood and water. But here we are required to be born of water and the Holy Spirit.
John 3:6 says, “that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of
the Spirit is Spirit”. Hence It is definitely not the physical rebirth, but it is the
spiritual rebirth, i.e. the soul has to take the rebirth.
       We say that the soul has to take rebirth because, as we have seen already
the spirit which is the life for our soul, is now in a suppressed and dormant
condition. Once that spirit (self) is revived or quickened, then the soul
automatically gets regenerated and comes back to life. The revival of this spirit is
possible only after our sins have been forgiven by God.

  So immediately, after we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and
Savior, we should also confess all our sins and iniquities and ask for
His forgiveness. From this moment onwards, we become His children.
We are once again born into His family. As the newborn babe is
washed by water, and the life in it is revived by the milk, our soul is
“being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the
Word of God, which lives and abides forever” I Peter 1:23.
 That is, as soon as we are born into His Family, we are cleansed by
His precious blood and the water, which He poured out on the cross,
and then the spirit which is in near dead condition or in a state of
hibernation is quickened and renewed through His Life giving Spirit
(Holy Spirit). Tit 3:5 “He saved us, not because of works done by us in
righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of
regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit”.
 Now because the life (Self or Spirit or Purush) for the soul being
revived and quickened, the soul automatically Realizes Self without
going through the torturous route of yoga, meditation, kundalini
raising, karma samsara etc. All our traditions and rituals are also
infructuous. According to Gnan Vidhi teachings, for self realization, a
living enlightened medium in the form of an Avatar (Gnani Purusha) is
required. Jesus Christ is that avatar and through his sacrificial blood
only our soul can become a living soul (Jeevathma) again through the
renewing of our spirit (self). This is how we are able to obtain
Salvation or Mukti or Self Realization etc.
 The symptoms of being born again are the longing of our spiritual
being (self and soul) for the spiritual food, which is the Living Word,
1Peter 2:2 “as newborn babies long for the pure milk of the Word that
you may grow thereby”, and the desire to be in constant communion
with God, by which we should be able to say, “The Cross before me,
and the world behind me”.
   The next stage of our spiritual life is baptism. This is not a new thing for both
Christians as well as Hindus. Large number of Indians every year participate in various
Kumba-melas. By dipping themselves in different rivers they believe that they will be
cleansed of their sins. But for Christians it is considered as fulfilling all righteousness of
God after becoming His children. This baptism by water is only symbolic and it is also
external, but the real baptism is for the soul. John the Baptist replied to all of them, “I am
baptizing you with water, but the one who is stronger than me is coming, and I am not
worthy to untie his sandal straps. It is he who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and
 Baptism by Holy Spirit is a continuous process of strengthening of our spirit by the
Word of God, which in turn rejuvenates our soul, ultimately helping the spiritual being to
grow spiritually and get transformed to the image of Jesus Christ. This process has to
continue as long as we live on this earth. Similarly, the baptism by fire is also a
continuous process of refining or becoming holy by the refining fire from the altar. This is
what is being practiced as walking on fire by devote Hindus hoping to get themselves
cleansed, and it is also believed that, if the fire doesn‟t hurt them, then they are supposed
to be without sin.
   As the spiritual being grows from strength to strength, we are able to recognize God‟s
glory, and be in constant communion with Him and the soul enjoys the heavenly peace and
happiness which the world cannot give. Because of this, the worldly desires, longings and
priorities gets changed automatically. We begin to see the world through the eyes of the Holy
Spirit which has now taken control of our soul and not through the lustful eyes of the devil
which was the root cause of all evil.
 The learned man Saul (later became Paul), of the tribe of Benjamin wished to destroy
Christianity. He was a Hebrew a Pharisee, a legalist, self-righteous and a scrupulous follower
of the law. Act 9:1,2 “And Saul, yet breathing out threatening and slaughter against the
disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and desired of him letters to Damascus to the
synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might
bring them bound unto Jerusalem”.
 On the way when he heard a voice saying unto him, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou
me?” And Saul said, who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, “I am Jesus whom thou
persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks”(Acts 9:4,5). Repenting for his
mistakes Paul says, Phi 3:8 “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the Excellency
of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and
do count them but dung, that I may win Christ”.
   Bruhat Aranyaka Upanishad says, “Vagyo vai Brahma”, the word is Brahma (Creator).
Brahmavindu Upanishad says, ”Shabdo vai Brahma”, the voice is Brahma and
“Shabdaksharam Param Brahma”, the voice and word became absolute God. The Yazur
Veda 32:45,46 says, Poorvam Purusham Jatam, which means in the beginning Purusha
was there. The Bible says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh (Pursha).
 From the Vedas and the Upanishads we can understand that there is only one Purusha
in this Universe. Knowing Purusha as the Self and as the Guru (Master or Rabbi) is
important. The word Guru is composed of two words as Gu and Ru. Gu means darkness
or sin. Ru means destroyer. The following verse from Guru Gita 44 explains the Guru in
this way:
       Gu kaarascandhakaa rohi Ru kaarasteja ueyate Agnanagroaakam brahma
Gurureva na samsaya-h
 This poem emphasis that Guru is God himself. A beautiful poem from Advayataaraka
Upanishad 17,18 goes like this: Guru reva param brahma: Guru Himself is supreme God.
Guru reva paraagathi: Guru Himself is the Supreme way. Guru reva paraavidya: Guru
Himself is the Supreme knowledge. Guru reva praayanam: Guru Himself is the Supreme
journey. Guru reva paraakashta: Guru Himself is the Supreme climax. Guru reva param
dhanam: Guru Himself is the Supreme wealth.

      These qualities and characteristics of a Guru that the ancient sages proclaimed can be
found only in the man God (Purusha) Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.
he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12. Jesus
declares that no one can claim to be a rabbi, spiritual father or a master because all are
equal. We have only one Rabbi, one Father and one Master who is our Messiah Jesus
himself (Mat 23:8-10).
        Yoga has given the sadhus and sanyasis of India a great sense of satisfaction which
comes from rigorous self-imposed discipline and self-denial of the physical body and the
soul. These psychic exercises like kung-fu or karate can give immense physical power in
addition to spiritual powers like working signs and miracles with the help of some unknown
spirits. But unfortunately they are yet to realize the Self which was their primary aim. That is
why Gita 17:6 says,
          karsayantah sarira-stham bhuta-gramam acetasah mam
          chaivantah-sarira-stham thanviddhy asura-niscayan,
with vain conceited move by powerful passion and attachments, they perform various
terrible mortifications contrary to scriptural injunctions. Thus do these senseless men
torture their own bodies and Me dwelling in them. Know such persons to be of demoniac

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Self realization

  • 2. According to Indian philosophers, self is the Purush or Purusha; realization is the knowledge or the consciousness of this Purusha within every human being, and it is the most important aspect of every seekers of God to attain Mukti (salvation). For those who believe in karma samsara, Self Realization is the only way to liberate themselves from the cycle of birth and death.
  • 3. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA  The religious life of many Indians is focused on devotion to gods and goddesses through rituals at homes and in shrines. More philosophically-minded people ignore these gods altogether and seek Realization of the Self through intense meditation. Still others focus primarily on fulfilling the social and moral duties appropriate to their position in life.  These three approaches are regarded as equally important, and they are formally recognized as threefold margas (paths) to liberation: bhaktimarga (the path of devotion), gnanamarga (through the path of knowledge „sankhya‟ or through philosophy „yoga’ and „meditation’), and karmamarga (the path of works and actions).  Those who want to follow the path of devotion are the majority and their aim is to try and please God through different types of rituals including poojas, offering special prayers & gifts during festivals, doing dharma, undertaking pilgrimages, participating in kumba-melas, taking up vows and penances, walking on fire, offering yagnas, rolling for miles, even sacrificing animals etc.
  • 4. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA CONTD.  Yoga: The goal of Yoga as we have seen is to achieve union with the True self, i.e. the little self with the True Self. It is a process of awakening to the preexisting union between Aathma (soul) and Brahma (Creator), Jeevathma and Paramathma, or the realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakrithi. It is also called enlightenment.  The author of the yoga system, Shri Patanjali, says that it is a system of moral and physical exercises (Yoga Sutra 1:1,2). Patanjali teaches eight steps. 1. Yama (moral conduct): fulfilled by noninjury to others, truthfulness, nonstealing, continence, and noncovetousness. 2. Niyama (religious observances): prescripts are purity of body and mind, contentment in all circumstances, self-discipline, self- study (contemplation), and devotion to God and guru. 3. Asana (right posture): the spinal column must be held straight, and the body firm in a comfortable position for meditation. 4. Pranayama (control of prana): the subtle life currents. 5. Pratyahara (withdrawal) of the senses from external objects. 6. Dharana (concentration): holding the mind to one thought. 7. Thyana (meditation). 8. Samadhi (superconscious experience).  In the final stages of Samadhi, the yogi is supposed to have attained miraculous powers such as raising into the sky, walking on water, conquering lions, leaving his body and entering into the dead bodies of any form etc. Through this system of yoga and meditation, the soul is expected to merge with the Purusha without the grace of God; and it is also believed that, through the individual practice alone one can attain divine status.
  • 5. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA CONTD.  Kriya Yoga: Kriya Yoga (union with the Infinite through a certain action or rite) is a technique of relaxation, meditation and concentration which leads to a personal experience with God. When the inner peace arrives, one can then feel God‟s overwhelming presence and reach greater clarity. The body and mind will then be trained and the soul will eventually be liberated and truly freed.  It is to free man from the effects of karma resulting in everlasting remains. It is done through the realization of oneself, and thereby realizing God and the love for God. It helps them to recognize the beauty within, and the magnificence of their spirit. Most of the people seek satisfaction from what they see, but this provides no relief and the longing continues. But by focusing on the internal, rather than the external, one can get complete relief from all desires.  It is also meant to encourage the establishment of individual temples of God in the hearts of men, to liberate man from his threefold sufferings: physical, mental and spiritual, to promote plain living and high thinking, to spread the spirit of brotherhood among all people by teaching the eternal basis of their unity: kinship with God, to demonstrate the superiority of mind over body, of soul over mind, to overcome evil by good, sorrow by joy, cruelty by kindness, ignorance by wisdom and above all to attain direct personal experience with God.  Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve around the six spinal centers (medulla, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexus) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his spiritual evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.
  • 6. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA CONTD. Hatha Yoga: The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to locate and activate the chakras (centers of energy), thereby raising the kundalini (dominant spiritual power). This in turn is believed to help remove blockages (diseases) in the mind and body.  Hatha yoga attempts to balance mind and body via physical postures and exercises (asanas), controlled breathing, and calming of the mind through relaxation and meditation. Asanas teach poise, balance & strength and were originally (and still) practiced to improve the body‟s physical health and clear the mind in preparation for meditation in the pursuit of enlightenment.
  • 7. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA CONTD.  Kundalini Yoga: The practice of kundalini yoga centers on raising the kundalini, or dormant psychic energy, through the body‟s seven major chakras, or centers of consciousness. The seven chakras are: Muladhara chakra - base of the spine, Svadhishthana chakra - near the genital organs, Manipura chakra - behind the navel, Anahata chakra - at the heart, Vishuddha chakra - at the throat, Ajna chakra - behind the point between the eyebrows (the “third eye”), Sahasrara chakra - the cerebral cortex.  Each chakra is associated with a different set of psychic powers and spiritual experiences. For example, accessing the vishuddha chakra in the throat bestows powers of telepathy and prophecy, while activating the ajna chakra on the forehead brings universal knowledge. Specific colors and sounds are also associated with the chakras and used to activate them.
  • 8. MAN MADE MARGAS TO REALIZE PURUSHA CONTD.  Transcendental Meditation: The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique involves reciting of a mantra through which the mind is brought to the source of thought, the settled state of the mind - Transcendental Consciousness - pure consciousness, self-referral consciousness, which is the source of all creative processes. It is believed that through this technique, the individual‟s awareness settles down and experiences a unique state of restful alertness. As the body becomes deeply relaxed, the mind transcends all mental activity to experience the simplest form of awareness - Transcendental Consciousness, where consciousness is open to itself. This is the self-referral state of consciousness.  The Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi claims that TM is the only way for salvation and it provides heaven in earth. It uses seven words such as Jagrata centana (walking); swapna cetana (dreaming); sushupti cetana (sleeping); toorya chetana (transcendental consciousness); tooryateet cetana (cosmic consciousness); bhagavat centana (God consciousness); and brahmi cetana (Unity consciousness). Even though the TM organization claims that their mantras are meaningless sounds with known physiological effects, the mantras are in fact names of a Hindu deity.
  • 9. VEDIC REQUIREMENTS OF SELF REALIZATION  Katha Upanishad 65:8 says, Avyaktatuparah purushoyagnatva muchyatae: One who knows Purusha becomes free and attains immortality. Viveka Chudamani verse 6 says;  Vadhanthu shastrani yadhanthu devane, Kurvanthu karmani bajanthu devata,  Aatmaikayodena vinabpi mukitha, na chityathi bhramma shathanthrashpi.  Let them quote scriptures and sacrifice to gods; let them observe rituals and worship devatas (gods); but there is no liberation at all; no, not even in a hundred lifespan of Brahma put together, until the identity of one‟s self with the Divine Self is realized. Again verse 56 says:  “na yogena na sankhyena karmanano na vidhya brahaat maikatva bodena moksha sidyate naanyata”  Neither by yoga, nor by knowledge, nor by karma or by learning, but by the realization of one‟s own identity with God is liberation possible, and by no other means. Svetaasvatara Upanishad 3:8 says:  Vedaaha metam purusham manantam Aaditya vamam tamasah-h parastat  tameva viditvati mutu meti naanyah panthaa vidyate-ayanaaya  I know the mighty Purusha of the color of the sun beyond the darkness. Only in knowing Him does one Passover death. There is no other way leading to eternal life.
  • 10. VEDIC PURUSHA  Vedas begin with the worship of gods of nature, namely;  1) The terrestrial gods- Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Bruhaspati and Soma (plants).  2) The atmospheric gods- Indra, Rudra, Maruts, Vayu and Parjanya (storm, thunder and rain).  3) The celestial gods- Dyaus (heaven), Varuna, Ushas & Asvins (twilight morning stars) and Surya, Mitra, Savitri, Ka, Vishnu (all associated with the sun).  Actually these gods were the result of man‟s search for the truth, which finally culminated in the Purusha Prajapathi, the Creator. The Katha Upanishad 3:11 says, avvyakthath purusha parah purushanna param kinchith sa kastha sa paragathi, which means that there is none superior to this Purusha and He is the paragathi (Only way to Moksha).  The Purusha in the Purusha Sukta of the Rig Veda is called the Param Purusha that means the one and the only Supreme Being and He is the Lord of immortality. The 10th mandala of Rig Veda chapter 121 verse 10 says, Prajapathi Lord of life, Lord of Creatures and Lord of Creation.
  • 11. BIBLICAL PURUSHA (SELF)  Creation of Man: Genesis 1:27 “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand”. Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well”. God created humans in his own image for His glory and to the praise of His glorious grace.  Empowerment of the Soul by Purusha: Genesis 2:7 “The Lord God (Prajapathi Purusha) formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Many people find it difficult to believe, that human beings were created from the dust of the ground. However, if we recognize that the modern day wonder machines including the Super Computers and Nuclear Bombs etc., were made by taking all the raw materials from the earth only, and that too with the limited wisdom and knowledge of the human beings, then it will become obvious that the All-knowing and All-powerful Creator can create human beings by taking the necessary ingredients including the living cells from the ground.  Since human beings were made out of living things, then what God breathed into Adam‟s nostrils is His own Spirit, and Adam‟s soul (Aathma) became a living soul (Jeevathma). Job 32:8 But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand. That means the soul (Aathma) has been endowed with the life and that life (Purusha or Self) is the Holy Spirit (True Self) of God Himself and this spirit was not given to any other creature. This is what many people call it as Little Self, Sixth Sense, Clear Conscience or the Still Small Voice etc.
  • 12. BIBLICAL PURUSHA (SELF) CONTD. This leads us to the fact that, every human is made up of both physical and spiritual being. The physical being comprises of the physical body and the life attached with the body, and the spiritual being comprises of the soul, which is the controlling force behind the body, and a life (self) to sustain that soul. As the physical man has got a physical heart and brain etc., the spiritual man does not have such heart or brain. However, when we talk about heart or mind during our religious discourse, we actually refer to the soul, and this soul or the Aathma is the one, which manipulates our brain. Having got the Holy Spirit of God, the soul also has become immortal and cannot be destroyed. Even many things in this world cannot be destroyed, but can only be changed from one physical state to another. Hence humans have become altogether powerful beings, physically as well as spiritually. That is why human beings are sometimes called as saints or little gods. In addition, human beings have been endowed with the power to communicate not only with each other, but also can know and be in communion with the Creator all the time. Each and every word that humans speak has got a special power behind. Mat 12:37 “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”. The life in this condition was like a child born into a King‟s family. The King being the all-powerful Creator of this Universe who is our Heavenly Father, with immeasurable grace, mercy and power, and everything in His Kingdom was made available to man without asking. It is all the Royal inheritance of the rightful heir. So God provided man with everything including the host of angels at his service. This Kingdom is the everlasting Kingdom of God.
  • 13. BIBLICAL PURUSHA (SELF) CONTD.  Uniqueness of Human Beings: It is because of the empowerment of the soul by God‟s Spirit, humans have become unique with lots of extraordinary features namely, a) Physical:- with distinct individual capacity, power and identity. b) Intellectual:- bestowed with the wisdom and knowledge to analyze logically and be creative, and with necessary skills to rule over the other creatures. c) Spiritual:- In addition to our soul being made immortal, it has been endowed with a free will. Only humans build altars and worship God.  This spirit and soul combination has become an inimitable dynamic system, and it is this indwelling of the Holy Spirit in every human soul, helps everyone to seek and search for God one day or the other, which the other creatures will never do.
  • 14. LOSS OF SELF (FALL OF MAN)  As a result of the above qualities, man became a self-sufficient, self-creative and self- willed complete individual being. It is because of this free will, not only can he think and choose, but also can be influenced by other forces as well. When the first man was to make a choice between God and devil as the guiding force for his soul, he willfully chooses the devil, as the present day world, because of the influence of the devil, who had already chosen evil for himself by trying to become like God or equal with God, who made man also to fall prey to his evil design.  It was not just a simple disobedience, but it was a deliberate choice of evil over good, and the evil spirit got embedded onto the human soul affecting the entire human race. In this condition, the spirit, which is the life force for the soul, lost its sustenance from God and got suppressed, and the devil took almost full control and authority over the human soul. This has brought about a sea change in the attitude of man towards God and ultimately man became an enemy of God.  Thus humans have been stripped of that honor and glory, privileges and power they were vested with; and having lost the image of God that was upon them, and that robe of purity, innocence and righteousness, the rectitude of their nature with which they were arrayed. Now they were unable to save themselves from the curse of the righteous law and the fury of vindictive justice.
  • 15. LOSS OF SELF (FALL OF MAN) CONTD.  Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for from dust thou art taken, and dust shall thou return”. Eze 18:4 “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die”.  As a result of these curses and also due to the corruption of the soul, not only our physical body suffers a simple death but also is afflicted by diseases and deformities, and there is always a constant struggle raging between the life forces (immune system) which are trying to preserve the body on the one hand, and the disease forces which are trying to destroy the body on the other hand. At times the disease forces dominate resulting in sickness with the life forces being suppressed and vice versa.  Similarly, there is also a struggle going on in our soul, between the subdued spirit (Self) which is the life force for our soul and the evil spirit which is the destructive force trying to destroy the soul. This affects our thoughts and deeds, as it is written, “for I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but I cannot carry it out” Romans 9:18.  The evil spirit makes man to do more evil than good, if not all the time, but most of the time. That is why God says, “You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and has never stood by the truth, since there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie he speaks in character, for he is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44.
  • 16. LOSS OF SELF (FALL OF MAN) CONTD.  All have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. We are full of envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and cruel. We are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, haughty, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, selfish, corrupt, lustful, lust for money, lust for food, lust for power, with contempt for God, no peace, revelry, strife among ourselves, and among nations. These are the fruits of the evil spirit, which are exactly opposite to that of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Hence the word of God declares that, “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” Ecc 7:20.  The effect of all these is the cause for the greatest battle which is now raging in this world between good and evil, i.e. between the forces of God and the forces of devil, and the victory of course is foreknown. But the big question is, on which side are we? Everyone in this world, either knowingly or unknowingly is contributing his money, might, and time for the above cause. Mat 7:20 “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them”. But if we are indifferent to know or to find out, or even to spend a minute to think about it, we may have no excuse at all.  The atmosphere of the world today gives all of us without exception a perverted sense of value because of the influence of devil. We tend to get life‟s priorities wrong, since that influence is immensely powerful. Faster than ever before in the history of mankind, the world is sinking into the gutter of moral decay and corruption. The darkness deepens until the night is black around us.
  • 17. VEDIC REDEMPTION  Now the soul which has lost its empowerment by the spirit (self), if not redeemed will have to spend its eternity in Hell. The Vedas and Upanishads proclaim that the redemption can be obtained only through Purusha the Prajapathi. In Rig Veda Purusha Sukta ends with the following words:  tameva vidvaanam amruta iha bhavati, nanyah panthaa ayanaaya vidyate  (thus one who knows this becomes able to reach the state of deathlessness. There is no other way). Bhruhat Aranyaka Upanishad (1.3.28) says, “Asatoma sat gamaya, Tamasoma Jyothir gamaya, Mruthyoma amrutham gamaya” which means, from untruth lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life.  Deliverance from untruth, darkness and death is the basic need of every person. The sages in the past testify that they were living in the shadow of vanity, darkness and death. They were seeking truth, light and eternal life, knowing fully well that they were mortals and these immortal gifts were beyond their reach; but they were also aware, that the Prajapathi or the Creator will have to help them to attain their goal. Katha Upanishad 3:15 says,  asabtham aspersam aroobam avvyam dhtha arasam nithyam ahandha vachya yath  anadiyanandham mahatha param durvam nitchaya dhanmruthyu mukthath pramoochyathe, which means, one can not know God who has no beginning and end, either by sound, or by feel, or by eyes, or by smell, or by taste but by His grace.
  • 18. VEDIC REDEMPTION CONTD.  Viveka Chudamani verse147 says that, “neither weapons, nor wind, nor fire, nor millions of deeds can help us reach mukti. Only the wonderful sword of knowledge that comes out of discrimination sharpened by the grace of God can achieve it”. Shankara the ancient sage admitted that union with God, is attained by the grace of God (Viveka churamani 3).  Naham vedair na tapasa na danena na ejyaya  sakya evamvidho drstavan asi mam yatha (Gita 11:53),  which means, neither by Vedic study, nor by austerities, nor by charities, nor by sacrifices can one behold Me. Nor by any works that you have done.  To summarize the whole teachings of Gita, God alone is the only way to attain Mukti. Moksha is initiated by God (18:66). God calls the sinner to surrender, since He is the refuge (18:62, 72, 73). It is His grace that salvation is open to men and women regardless of their merits and demerits (11:47, 18:58, and 5:18). The easiest way to find refuge in God is by complete surrender (18:62). A seeker can be liberated in this lifetime itself (4:21, 23, and 41). Moksha is available even at the dying moments (8:5, 18:66).  According to Vedic literatures and Saiva Siddhanta there are four steps to salvation: Salokya (sa-lokya - the believer is admitted into the sphere of God by faith in the word of God - the Purusha), Sameepya (the believer comes near to Purusha, the author of salvation), Sa roopya (the believer is identified with the savior in every aspect) and Sa yoojya (the believer enters into union with Purusha).
  • 19. BIBLICAL PLAN OF REDEMPTION  If mankind were to have been left to mend themselves with God, none of them would have ever become eligible to get to Heaven. But God who is the God of love, mercy and long suffering is not willing to give up, and hence He devised various methods to bring back the condemned souls to Himself. These methodologies were meant to pave the way for reconciliation, by atoning the sins of the human beings. This of-course is not without a price.  Animal sacrifice: Heb 9:22 Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. By transgression, a man forfeits his life to divine justice, and he must die, if God in His mercy did not provide an alternative. This alternative is the blood of the victim, which is its life, is shed as a ransom for the life of the sinner.  This requirement may look strange for many people, but it is the root of all religions. For Hindus, “Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam” which means, the redemption is through shedding of blood only. Bakrid is the day of sacrifice for the atonement of their sins for Muslims. But it was and is being practiced just as a ritual.
  • 20. BIBLICAL PLAN OF REDEMPTION CONTD. Deluge: This was the most painful thing that a loving Father could have brought upon His own creation. But it was a righteous judgment upon the ungodly. II Peter 2:5, God did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly… God revealed to Noah the coming judgment Genesis 6:13. Hebrews 11:7 tells us, By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. But the descendents of Noah did more evil than the previous generations. That means even this has not remedied the situation.
  • 21. BIBLICAL PLAN OF REDEMPTION CONTD.  Ten Commandments: It was in this condition that, mankind was compelled to follow some of the most rigorous rules and regulations, expecting that the evil spirit could be forced to rescind, but apparently without success. However, this methodology is still being used by many religious people in the present world. Even we see people taking upon themselves different types of penance including self-inflicted torture for this purpose.  Neither the evil spirit could be tamed nor could it be abrogated from the human soul, because, all these commandments were targeted to discipline the physical being, which obviously had no effect on the soul or the evil spirit which is in control of the soul. So to lift up the subdued Holy Spirit in the soul, and to turn them from darkness to light and from Satan‟s control to God‟s, He had to make a way out, by that the human race might receive salvation.
  • 22. BIBLICAL PLAN OF REDEMPTION CONTD.  The Cross: Ultimately this was achieved by the sacrifice of His own Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Lev 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life”. All sacrifices were mere shadows of the sacrifice of Christ and looked forward to it. It was a promise, prophecy and pledge that God would accomplish it with His own beloved Son.  Isaiah 53:4-6 “Surely our grieves He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed”. All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.
  • 23. VEDIC REQUIREMENT FOR ATONEMENT  Thertiriya Aranyaka 3rd pradatam says, Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam, thud raktham Paramatmane punyadana baliyagam” which means, the redemption is through shedding of blood only and that-blood has to be through the sacrifice of God himself. The Purusha Sukta says, there is no other way other than the sacrifice of Purusha Prajapathi. Purushao vava yagna (Chandokya Upanishad 3.16.1), God, the Purusha is the sacrifice. Sama Veda Dandiya Mahabhramanam says “Prajapathi devapyam aathmanam yagnam kruthva prayachita” which means God will offer himself as a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind. Sathpatha Bhramanam says “Prajapathi yagnayaga”. It also says: “Yagnova avati tasya cchaya kriyate”, which means all animal sacrifices are shadows.  It is the Prajapathi, the creator of the universe (Rig Veda 10.121), the great „I Am‟ (Bruhat aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1) who willed to become a sacrificial body (Br. Ar. Up 1.2.7) to be offered by saints as the sacrifice (Rig Veda 10.121.10). In the Purusha Sukta, we also read that the God Brahma (Creator) is the sacrifice, who by putting on both mortality and immortality and becoming incarnate as God-man, would Himself be the sacrificial animal and offer Himself as a sacrifice to redeem mankind from their sins.
  • 24. VEDIC REQUIREMENT FOR ATONEMENT CONTD. “If you want to be delivered from the sins which you commit through eyes, mouth, ears and mind, bloodshed is necessary. That must be the blood of the Holy one. God is our creator. He is our King. When we were perishing, He came to save us by offering even his own body on our behalf” (Maha Brahmanam 4.15).  Rig Veda specifies the requirements for the sacrificial animal: It must be without blemish, the thorn of bush must be placed round its head; It must be bound to a sacrificial post, Nails must be driven into its four legs till they bleed. The cloth covering the victim should be divided among the four priests. None of its bones must be broken. The victim should be given a drink of Soma juice. After it has been slain, it must be restored to life again. Its flesh should be eaten.
  • 25. FULFILLMENT OF THESE REQUIREMENTS These ware clearly fulfilled in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He was the sinless God-man (I Pet. 2:22). A crown of thorns was placed on His head (Mark 15:17). He was tied to the sacrificial post (Psalm 118:27). He was nailed hands and feet to the cross (John 19:18). Those who nailed Him to the cross divided His garments among themselves (Mat.27:35). Not one of His bones was broken (John 19:36). He was given vinegar (Soma juice) to drink (Mat. 27:34). He rose again as death‟s conqueror (Mat. 28:5-6). At the last supper He gave His disciples that they should eat His flesh and drink His blood (Mat. 26:26-29).
  • 26. BIBLICAL PROVISION FOR MOKSHA  Micah 6:6-7 “Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” This is the great question as to a sinner’s relationship with the Holy God.  God loves the sinner; but He hates the sin. God has sworn that He has no pleasure in the death of a sinner (Ezek 33:11); yet He has also sworn that the soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezek 18:4). Which of the two oaths shall He keep? Shall the one give way to the other? Can both be kept inviolate?  Both law and love have triumphed in the reconciliation God has accomplished. The one has not given way to the other. Never has there been love like this love of God; so large, so lofty, so intense, so self-sacrificing. Never has law been so pure, so broad, so glorious and so inexorable.
  • 27. BIBLICAL PROVISION FOR MOKSHA CONTD.  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. 1 John 4:10 “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins”. 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For God has made Jesus to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him”.  Love has never been more truly love, and law has never been more truly law, than in this conjunction of the two. God‟s honor has been maintained, yet man‟s interests have not been sacrificed. God has done it all; and He has done it effectually and irreversibly. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Isaiah 45:6 “that people may know, from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other”.  The consent of parties to the acceptance of this basis is required in court. The law consents; the Lawgiver consents; Father, Son, and Spirit consent; and man, the chief party interested, is asked for his consent. If he consents, the whole matter is settled. The verdict is issued in his favor; and henceforth he can
  • 28. BIBLICAL PROVISION FOR MOKSHA CONTD.  Our Righteousness is nothing but Filthy Rags: Job 15:14-16 “What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, He putteth no trust in His saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in His sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?” Isaiah 64:6, “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”. The sense is, that all our prayers, sacrifices, alms, praises, were only abominable to the Lord because of the impurity, imperfection, pride, and vanity that appeared in them.  Salvation is not found in man-made ceremonies, neither is it obtained through ordinances or religious sacraments. Instead, “salvation is of the Lord” Jonah 2:9. Still, multitudes believe that the pursuance of good works or the following of a prescribed code of ethics automatically earns them the guarantee of eternal life. Others talk about the benefits of the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, or the observance of the Ten Commandments as the way to prepare one‟s soul for heaven.
  • 29. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY  Romans 3:23 declares that, “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”; Hebrews 9:22 “and according to the law almost all things are purged with the blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission”. Romans 5:8 “But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”.  Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. God reckons us as righteous by our faith in Christ”. 1 John 1:7 “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin”. John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and life; no one comes to the Father except through me”. Acts 4:12 says, “Neither, is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”.
  • 30. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY CONTD.  The Curtain in the temple, which symbolized the dividing wall between the people and God, was torn into two from top to bottom at the moment Jesus Christ gave up his Ghost on the cross. This is actually God accepting Christ‟s offering of himself for our sins, hence, opening the Heaven‟s gate for humans to enter, through his precious and most valuable sacrificial blood, which was shed on the cross as a ransom for all our sins and iniquities.  There is no other way for us to come to God or get to heaven. Because, the only sacrifice God accepts for our sins is the sacrifice that He has provided, that is the unblemished sacrifice of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the one and the only hope for the salvation of mankind. Are we clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ? 1John 5:11 “And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life; and this life is in his Son”.  John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. Romans 5:1"Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”.
  • 31. BIBLICAL SELF REALIZATION (BEING BORN AGAIN) Becoming a believer in Jesus Christ is the first and the foremost step in our long and joyous journey of pilgrimage towards Heaven. The immediate and the most obvious step in our endeavor is to have the assurance of our faith, i.e. the experience of being born again. It was told to Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. i.e., he was to be born of water and of the Spirit. As we all know that when we were born in to this world, we were born of blood and water. But here we are required to be born of water and the Holy Spirit. John 3:6 says, “that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit”. Hence It is definitely not the physical rebirth, but it is the spiritual rebirth, i.e. the soul has to take the rebirth. We say that the soul has to take rebirth because, as we have seen already the spirit which is the life for our soul, is now in a suppressed and dormant condition. Once that spirit (self) is revived or quickened, then the soul automatically gets regenerated and comes back to life. The revival of this spirit is possible only after our sins have been forgiven by God.
  • 32. BIBLICAL SELF REALIZATION (BEING BORN AGAIN) CONTD.  So immediately, after we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we should also confess all our sins and iniquities and ask for His forgiveness. From this moment onwards, we become His children. We are once again born into His family. As the newborn babe is washed by water, and the life in it is revived by the milk, our soul is “being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever” I Peter 1:23.  That is, as soon as we are born into His Family, we are cleansed by His precious blood and the water, which He poured out on the cross, and then the spirit which is in near dead condition or in a state of hibernation is quickened and renewed through His Life giving Spirit (Holy Spirit). Tit 3:5 “He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit”.
  • 33. BIBLICAL SELF REALIZATION (BEING BORN AGAIN) CONTD.  Now because the life (Self or Spirit or Purush) for the soul being revived and quickened, the soul automatically Realizes Self without going through the torturous route of yoga, meditation, kundalini raising, karma samsara etc. All our traditions and rituals are also infructuous. According to Gnan Vidhi teachings, for self realization, a living enlightened medium in the form of an Avatar (Gnani Purusha) is required. Jesus Christ is that avatar and through his sacrificial blood only our soul can become a living soul (Jeevathma) again through the renewing of our spirit (self). This is how we are able to obtain Salvation or Mukti or Self Realization etc.  The symptoms of being born again are the longing of our spiritual being (self and soul) for the spiritual food, which is the Living Word, 1Peter 2:2 “as newborn babies long for the pure milk of the Word that you may grow thereby”, and the desire to be in constant communion with God, by which we should be able to say, “The Cross before me, and the world behind me”.
  • 34. KUMBAMELA (BAPTISM)  The next stage of our spiritual life is baptism. This is not a new thing for both Christians as well as Hindus. Large number of Indians every year participate in various Kumba-melas. By dipping themselves in different rivers they believe that they will be cleansed of their sins. But for Christians it is considered as fulfilling all righteousness of God after becoming His children. This baptism by water is only symbolic and it is also external, but the real baptism is for the soul. John the Baptist replied to all of them, “I am baptizing you with water, but the one who is stronger than me is coming, and I am not worthy to untie his sandal straps. It is he who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire”.  Baptism by Holy Spirit is a continuous process of strengthening of our spirit by the Word of God, which in turn rejuvenates our soul, ultimately helping the spiritual being to grow spiritually and get transformed to the image of Jesus Christ. This process has to continue as long as we live on this earth. Similarly, the baptism by fire is also a continuous process of refining or becoming holy by the refining fire from the altar. This is what is being practiced as walking on fire by devote Hindus hoping to get themselves cleansed, and it is also believed that, if the fire doesn‟t hurt them, then they are supposed to be without sin.
  • 35. SAUL BECOMES PAUL  As the spiritual being grows from strength to strength, we are able to recognize God‟s glory, and be in constant communion with Him and the soul enjoys the heavenly peace and happiness which the world cannot give. Because of this, the worldly desires, longings and priorities gets changed automatically. We begin to see the world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit which has now taken control of our soul and not through the lustful eyes of the devil which was the root cause of all evil.  The learned man Saul (later became Paul), of the tribe of Benjamin wished to destroy Christianity. He was a Hebrew a Pharisee, a legalist, self-righteous and a scrupulous follower of the law. Act 9:1,2 “And Saul, yet breathing out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem”.  On the way when he heard a voice saying unto him, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” And Saul said, who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks”(Acts 9:4,5). Repenting for his mistakes Paul says, Phi 3:8 “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ”.
  • 36. UNIVERSAL PURUSHA  Bruhat Aranyaka Upanishad says, “Vagyo vai Brahma”, the word is Brahma (Creator). Brahmavindu Upanishad says, ”Shabdo vai Brahma”, the voice is Brahma and “Shabdaksharam Param Brahma”, the voice and word became absolute God. The Yazur Veda 32:45,46 says, Poorvam Purusham Jatam, which means in the beginning Purusha was there. The Bible says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh (Pursha).  From the Vedas and the Upanishads we can understand that there is only one Purusha in this Universe. Knowing Purusha as the Self and as the Guru (Master or Rabbi) is important. The word Guru is composed of two words as Gu and Ru. Gu means darkness or sin. Ru means destroyer. The following verse from Guru Gita 44 explains the Guru in this way:  Gu kaarascandhakaa rohi Ru kaarasteja ueyate Agnanagroaakam brahma Gurureva na samsaya-h  This poem emphasis that Guru is God himself. A beautiful poem from Advayataaraka Upanishad 17,18 goes like this: Guru reva param brahma: Guru Himself is supreme God. Guru reva paraagathi: Guru Himself is the Supreme way. Guru reva paraavidya: Guru Himself is the Supreme knowledge. Guru reva praayanam: Guru Himself is the Supreme journey. Guru reva paraakashta: Guru Himself is the Supreme climax. Guru reva param dhanam: Guru Himself is the Supreme wealth.
  • 37. UNIVERSAL PURUSHA CONTD. These qualities and characteristics of a Guru that the ancient sages proclaimed can be found only in the man God (Purusha) Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12. Jesus declares that no one can claim to be a rabbi, spiritual father or a master because all are equal. We have only one Rabbi, one Father and one Master who is our Messiah Jesus himself (Mat 23:8-10). Yoga has given the sadhus and sanyasis of India a great sense of satisfaction which comes from rigorous self-imposed discipline and self-denial of the physical body and the soul. These psychic exercises like kung-fu or karate can give immense physical power in addition to spiritual powers like working signs and miracles with the help of some unknown spirits. But unfortunately they are yet to realize the Self which was their primary aim. That is why Gita 17:6 says, karsayantah sarira-stham bhuta-gramam acetasah mam chaivantah-sarira-stham thanviddhy asura-niscayan, with vain conceited move by powerful passion and attachments, they perform various terrible mortifications contrary to scriptural injunctions. Thus do these senseless men torture their own bodies and Me dwelling in them. Know such persons to be of demoniac