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Créer un serveur noSQL
en une heure
Bases noSQL
Bibliothèques utilisées
Présentation AngstromDB
Étude de code
Benchmark & évolutions
Créer un serveur noSQL
Base noSQL
Aller plus loin
Scalabilité horizontale
Haute disponibilité
Big Data
Modèle relationnel
Transactions ACID
Principe général
Types de bases noSQL
Clé-valeur Document Colonne Graph
Tokyo Tyrant
Hadoop / Hbase
de programmation
Le successeur de ZeroMQ
Bibliothèque réseau avec des
Gestion de files de messages
Protocole spécifique
14 langages supportés
Redéfinition des concepts réseau
Méthodes de transport
Inter-threads inproc
Inter-processus ipc
Inter-machines tcp
Découplage du sens de connexion
Découplage du sens de connexion
Socket multi-connexion
port A
port B
Connexion REQ/REP
Connexion REQ/REP
Connexion PUSH/PULL
Connexion PUSH/PULL
Connexion PUB/SUB
Connexion PUB/SUB
Client Client
Stockage paires clé-valeur multivaluées
Persistance sur disque, mapping RAM
Transactionnel (1 thread d'écriture)
Au cœur de OpenLDAP
LMDB (LightningDB)
ops / sec.
HyperDex : LMDB vs LevelDB
Serveur paires clé-valeur
Codé en C
Basé sur des bibliothèques reconnues
Protocole binaire
Aucun contrôle d'erreur
Implémentation naïve
API très simple
Ajout ou mise-à-jour de clé
Retourne une valeur
Efface une clé
Protocole : DELETE
cmd taille
1 1 1 à 255 octets
Réponse 1
Protocole : GET
cmd taille
1 1 1 à 255 octets
Réponse 1
statut taille
1 4 0 à 4 GO
Protocole : PUT
cmd taille clé clé
1 1 1 à 255 octets
Réponse 1
taille données données
4 0 à 4 GO
Thread principal
Attend les nouvelles connexions
Threads de communication
Un thread par client connecté
Thread d'écriture
Pas d'écriture concurrente
Thread principal
Threads de communication
Étude de code ↩
↪ /tree/master/src
* db Pointer to the database environment.
* socket Socket descriptor for incoming connections.
* threads_socket Nanomsg socket for threads communication.
* writer_tid ID of the writer thread.
* comm_threads Array of communication threads.
typedef struct angstrom_s {
MDB_env *db;
int socket;
int threads_socket;
pthread_t writer_tid;
struct comm_thread_s *comm_threads;
} angstrom_t;
* tid Thread's identifier.
* angstrom Pointer to the server's structure.
* client_sock Socket used to communicate with the client.
* writer_sock Nanomsg socket to send data to the writer. */
typedef struct comm_thread_s {
pthread_t tid;
angstrom_t *angstrom;
int client_sock;
int writer_sock;
} comm_thread_t;
int main() {
angstrom_t *angstrom;
int i;
// server init
angstrom = calloc(1, sizeof(angstrom_t));
angstrom->socket = angstrom->threads_socket = -1;
angstrom->comm_threads = calloc(NBR_THREADS,
// open the database
angstrom->db = database_open(DEFAULT_DB_PATH,
// create the nanomsg socket for threads communication
angstrom->threads_socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
nn_bind(angstrom->threads_socket, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET);
// create the writer thread
pthread_create(&angstrom->writer_tid, NULL,
thread_writer_loop, angstrom);
int main() {
angstrom_t *angstrom;
int i;
// server init
angstrom = calloc(1, sizeof(angstrom_t));
angstrom->socket = angstrom->threads_socket = -1;
angstrom->comm_threads = calloc(NBR_THREADS,
// open the database
angstrom->db = database_open(DEFAULT_DB_PATH,
// create the nanomsg socket for threads communication
angstrom->threads_socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
nn_bind(angstrom->threads_socket, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET);
// create the writer thread
pthread_create(&angstrom->writer_tid, NULL,
thread_writer_loop, angstrom);
// create communication threads
for (i = 0; i < NBR_THREADS; i++) {
comm_thread_t *thread = &(angstrom->comm_threads[i]);
thread->client_sock = -1;
thread->angstrom = angstrom;
pthread_create(&thread->tid, 0, thread_comm_loop,
// create listening socket
angstrom->socket = _create_listening_socket(DEFAULT_PORT);
// server loop
return (0);
MDB_env *database_open(const char *path, size_t mapsize,
unsigned int nbr_threads) {
MDB_env *env = NULL;
mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, mapsize);
mdb_env_set_maxreaders(env, nbr_threads);
mdb_env_open(env, path, 0, 0664);
return (env);
static int _create_listening_socket(unsigned short port) {
int sock;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
unsigned int addr_size;
const int on = 1;
// create the socket
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// some options
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&on,
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void*)&on,
// binding to any interface
addr_size = sizeof(addr);
bzero(&addr, addr_size);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, addr_size);
listen(sock, SOMAXCONN);
return (sock);
Nouvelle connexion
static void _main_thread_loop(angstrom_t *angstrom) {
int fd;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
unsigned int addr_size;
const int on = 1;
addr_size = sizeof(addr);
for (; ; ) {
bzero(&addr, addr_size);
// accept a new connection
if ((fd = accept(angstrom->socket,
(struct sockaddr*)&addr,
&addr_size)) < 0) {
continue ;
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void*)&on,
// send the file descriptor number to comm threads
nn_send(angstrom->threads_socket, &fd, sizeof(fd), 0);
Nouvelle connexion
void *thread_comm_loop(void *param) {
comm_thread_t *thread = param;
int in_sock;
// opening a connection to the writer thread
thread->writer_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
nn_connect(thread->writer_sock, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET);
// opening a connection to the main thread
in_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL);
nn_connect(in_sock, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET);
// loop to process new connections
for (; ; ) {
// waiting for a new connection to handle
nn_recv(in_sock, &thread->client_sock, sizeof(int), 0);
// process connection
return (NULL);
Nouvelle connexion
void *thread_comm_loop(void *param) {
comm_thread_t *thread = param;
int in_sock;
// opening a connection to the writer thread
thread->writer_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
nn_connect(thread->writer_sock, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET);
// opening a connection to the main thread
in_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL);
nn_connect(in_sock, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET);
// loop to process new connections
for (; ; ) {
// waiting for a new connection to handle
nn_recv(in_sock, &thread->client_sock, sizeof(int), 0);
// process connection
return (NULL);
Nouvelle connexion
static void _process_connection(comm_thread_t *thread) {
uint8_t cmd;
// loop on incoming requests
for (; ; ) {
// read command byte
if (read(thread->client_sock, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) <= 0) {
// interpret command
switch (cmd) {
Lecture de données
void command_get(comm_thread_t *thread) {
uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK;
uint32_t value_size;
MDB_val key, value;
// read key length
read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size));
// read key data
key.mv_data = malloc(key_size);
read(thread->client_sock, key.mv_data, key_size);
// get data
key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size;
database_get(thread->angstrom->db, &key, &value);
// send response to the client
write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response));
value_size = htonl((uint32_t)value.mv_size);
write(thread->client_sock, &value_size, sizeof(value_size));
if (value_size)
write(thread->client_sock, value.mv_data, value.mv_size);
Lecture de données
void database_get(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key, MDB_val *value) {
MDB_dbi dbi;
MDB_txn *txn;
// transaction init
mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
// open database in read-write mode
mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi);
// get data
if (mdb_get(txn, dbi, key, value))
bzero(value, sizeof(*value));
// end of transaction
// close database
mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi);
Thread d'écriture
* type Type of action (WRITE_PUT, WRITE_DEL).
* key Size and content of the key.
* value Size and content of the value.
typedef struct writer_msg_s {
enum {
} type;
MDB_val key;
MDB_val value;
} writer_msg_t;
Thread d'écriture
void *thread_writer_loop(void *param) {
angstrom_t *angstrom = param;
int socket;
// create the nanomsg socket for threads communication
socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL);
nn_bind(socket, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET);
// loop to process new connections
for (; ; ) {
writer_msg_t *msg;
// waiting for a new connection to handle
if (nn_recv(socket, &msg, sizeof(writer_msg_t*), 0) < 0)
// processing
switch (msg->type) {
database_put(angstrom->db, &msg->key, &msg->value);
database_del(angstrom->db, &msg->key);
Thread d'écriture
void *thread_writer_loop(void *param) {
angstrom_t *angstrom = param;
int socket;
// create the nanomsg socket for threads communication
socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL);
nn_bind(socket, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET);
// loop to process new connections
for (; ; ) {
writer_msg_t *msg;
// waiting for a new connection to handle
if (nn_recv(socket, &msg, sizeof(writer_msg_t*), 0) < 0)
// processing
switch (msg->type) {
database_put(angstrom->db, &msg->key, &msg->value);
database_del(angstrom->db, &msg->key);
Thread d'écriture
// free data
if (msg->key.mv_data)
if (msg->value.mv_data)
return (NULL);
Effacement de clé
void command_delete(comm_thread_t *thread) {
uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK;
void *key;
writer_msg_t *msg;
// read key length
read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size));
// read key data
key = malloc(key_size);
read(thread->client_sock, key, key_size);
// create message
msg = calloc(1, sizeof(writer_msg_t));
msg->type = WRITE_DEL;
msg->key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size;
msg->key.mv_data = key;
// send the message to the writer thread
nn_send(thread->writer_sock, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
// send response to the client
write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response));
Effacement de clé
void database_del(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key) {
MDB_dbi dbi;
MDB_txn *txn;
// transaction init
mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, 0, &txn);
// open database in read-write mode
mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi);
// delete key
mdb_del(txn, dbi, key, NULL);
// close database
mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi);
// transaction commit
Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé
void command_put(comm_thread_t *thread) {
uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK;
void *key, *value = NULL;
uint32_t value_size;
writer_msg_t *msg;
// read key length
read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size));
// read key data
key = malloc(key_size);
read(thread->client_sock, key, key_size);
// read value length
read(thread->client_sock, &value_size, sizeof(value_size));
value_size = ntohl(value_size);
if (value_size > 0) {
// read value data
value = malloc(value_size);
read(thread->client_sock, value, value_size);
Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé
// create message
msg = malloc(sizeof(writer_msg_t));
msg->type = WRITE_PUT;
msg->key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size;
msg->key.mv_data = key;
msg->value.mv_size = (size_t)value_size;
msg->value.mv_data = value;
// send the message to the writer thread
nn_send(thread->writer_sock, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
// send response to the client
write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response));
Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé
void database_put(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key, MDB_val *value) {
MDB_dbi dbi;
MDB_txn *txn;
// transaction init
mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, 0, &txn);
// open database in read-write mode
mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi);
// put data
mdb_put(txn, dbi, key, value, 0);
// close database
mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi);
// transaction commit
Language files comment code
C 7 132 212
C Header 1 111 55
make 1 13 27
SUM: 9 256 294
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 0.17 (2.06)
Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 6,753
Base Écritures Lectures
AngstromDB 22 ms 55 ms
Couchbase 25 ms 22 ms
Redis 29 ms 30 ms
MongoDB 39 ms 27 ms
45 écritures / lectures séquentielles de données représentatives
Réduire les appels systèmes !
Bufferiser les lectures réseau
Regrouper les écritures réseau
Facile à tester (sendmsg vs write)
Pour commencer
Base Écritures Lectures
AngstromDB 22 ms 55 ms
AngstromDB 22 ms 26 ms
Couchbase 25 ms 22 ms
Redis 29 ms 30 ms
MongoDB 39 ms 27 ms
Compression à la volée (Zippy)
Sérialisation de données (MsgPack)
Transactions en lecture
… Mono-processus asynchrone ?
Pour aller plus loin

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Créer une base NoSQL en 1 heure

  • 1. Créer un serveur noSQL en une heure
  • 2. Bases noSQL Bibliothèques utilisées Présentation AngstromDB Étude de code Benchmark & évolutions Créer un serveur noSQL
  • 4. Aller plus loin Scalabilité horizontale Haute disponibilité Big Data S'affranchir Modèle relationnel Transactions ACID Principe général
  • 5. Types de bases noSQL Clé-valeur Document Colonne Graph Dynamo Riak Redis Voldemort Tokyo Tyrant MemcacheDB FoundationDB MongoDB CouchDB CouchBase HyperDex RethinkDB Cassandra Hadoop / Hbase Accumulo Neo4J Allegro Virtuoso InfoGrid
  • 7. Le successeur de ZeroMQ Bibliothèque réseau avec des super-pouvoirs Nanomsg
  • 8. Gestion de files de messages Protocole spécifique 14 langages supportés Redéfinition des concepts réseau Nanomsg
  • 9. Méthodes de transport Inter-threads inproc Inter-processus ipc Inter-machines tcp
  • 10. Découplage du sens de connexion ServeurClient
  • 11. Découplage du sens de connexion ServeurClient
  • 24. Stockage paires clé-valeur multivaluées Persistance sur disque, mapping RAM Transactionnel (1 thread d'écriture) Au cœur de OpenLDAP LMDB (LightningDB)
  • 27. Serveur paires clé-valeur Codé en C Basé sur des bibliothèques reconnues Protocole binaire Aucun contrôle d'erreur Implémentation naïve
  • 28. API très simple PUT Ajout ou mise-à-jour de clé GET Retourne une valeur DELETE Efface une clé
  • 29. Protocole : DELETE 2 cmd taille clé clé 1 1 1 à 255 octets Requête Réponse 1 statut 1
  • 30. Protocole : GET 3 cmd taille clé clé 1 1 1 à 255 octets Requête Réponse 1 statut taille données données 1 4 0 à 4 GO
  • 31. Protocole : PUT 1 cmd taille clé clé 1 1 1 à 255 octets Requête Réponse 1 statut taille données données 1 4 0 à 4 GO
  • 32. Multi-threadé Thread principal Attend les nouvelles connexions Threads de communication Un thread par client connecté Thread d'écriture Pas d'écriture concurrente
  • 33. Thread principal Threads de communication LMDB Thread d'écriture
  • 36. Démarrage /* * db Pointer to the database environment. * socket Socket descriptor for incoming connections. * threads_socket Nanomsg socket for threads communication. * writer_tid ID of the writer thread. * comm_threads Array of communication threads. */ typedef struct angstrom_s { MDB_env *db; int socket; int threads_socket; pthread_t writer_tid; struct comm_thread_s *comm_threads; } angstrom_t; /* * tid Thread's identifier. * angstrom Pointer to the server's structure. * client_sock Socket used to communicate with the client. * writer_sock Nanomsg socket to send data to the writer. */ typedef struct comm_thread_s { pthread_t tid; angstrom_t *angstrom; int client_sock; int writer_sock; } comm_thread_t; angstrom.h
  • 37. Démarrage int main() { angstrom_t *angstrom; int i; // server init angstrom = calloc(1, sizeof(angstrom_t)); angstrom->socket = angstrom->threads_socket = -1; angstrom->comm_threads = calloc(NBR_THREADS, sizeof(comm_thread_t)); // open the database angstrom->db = database_open(DEFAULT_DB_PATH, DEFAULT_MAPSIZE, NBR_THREADS); // create the nanomsg socket for threads communication angstrom->threads_socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH); nn_bind(angstrom->threads_socket, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET); // create the writer thread pthread_create(&angstrom->writer_tid, NULL, thread_writer_loop, angstrom); main.c
  • 38. Démarrage int main() { angstrom_t *angstrom; int i; // server init angstrom = calloc(1, sizeof(angstrom_t)); angstrom->socket = angstrom->threads_socket = -1; angstrom->comm_threads = calloc(NBR_THREADS, sizeof(comm_thread_t)); // open the database angstrom->db = database_open(DEFAULT_DB_PATH, DEFAULT_MAPSIZE, NBR_THREADS); // create the nanomsg socket for threads communication angstrom->threads_socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH); nn_bind(angstrom->threads_socket, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET); // create the writer thread pthread_create(&angstrom->writer_tid, NULL, thread_writer_loop, angstrom); main.c "inproc://threads_socket"
  • 39. Démarrage // create communication threads for (i = 0; i < NBR_THREADS; i++) { comm_thread_t *thread = &(angstrom->comm_threads[i]); thread->client_sock = -1; thread->angstrom = angstrom; pthread_create(&thread->tid, 0, thread_comm_loop, thread); pthread_detach(thread->tid); } // create listening socket angstrom->socket = _create_listening_socket(DEFAULT_PORT); // server loop _main_thread_loop(angstrom); return (0); } main.c
  • 40. Démarrage MDB_env *database_open(const char *path, size_t mapsize, unsigned int nbr_threads) { MDB_env *env = NULL; mdb_env_create(&env); mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, mapsize); mdb_env_set_maxreaders(env, nbr_threads); mdb_env_open(env, path, 0, 0664); return (env); } database.c
  • 41. Démarrage static int _create_listening_socket(unsigned short port) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in addr; unsigned int addr_size; const int on = 1; // create the socket sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // some options setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&on, sizeof(on)); setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void*)&on, sizeof(on)); // binding to any interface addr_size = sizeof(addr); bzero(&addr, addr_size); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, addr_size); listen(sock, SOMAXCONN); return (sock); } main.c
  • 42. Nouvelle connexion static void _main_thread_loop(angstrom_t *angstrom) { int fd; struct sockaddr_in addr; unsigned int addr_size; const int on = 1; addr_size = sizeof(addr); for (; ; ) { bzero(&addr, addr_size); // accept a new connection if ((fd = accept(angstrom->socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_size)) < 0) { continue ; } setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void*)&on, sizeof(on)); // send the file descriptor number to comm threads nn_send(angstrom->threads_socket, &fd, sizeof(fd), 0); } } main.c
  • 43. Nouvelle connexion void *thread_comm_loop(void *param) { comm_thread_t *thread = param; int in_sock; // opening a connection to the writer thread thread->writer_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH); nn_connect(thread->writer_sock, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET); // opening a connection to the main thread in_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL); nn_connect(in_sock, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET); // loop to process new connections for (; ; ) { // waiting for a new connection to handle nn_recv(in_sock, &thread->client_sock, sizeof(int), 0); // process connection _process_connection(thread); } return (NULL); } thread_com munication.c
  • 44. Nouvelle connexion void *thread_comm_loop(void *param) { comm_thread_t *thread = param; int in_sock; // opening a connection to the writer thread thread->writer_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH); nn_connect(thread->writer_sock, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET); // opening a connection to the main thread in_sock = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL); nn_connect(in_sock, ENDPOINT_THREADS_SOCKET); // loop to process new connections for (; ; ) { // waiting for a new connection to handle nn_recv(in_sock, &thread->client_sock, sizeof(int), 0); // process connection _process_connection(thread); } return (NULL); } thread_com munication.c "inproc://writer_socket" "inproc://threads_socket"
  • 45. Nouvelle connexion static void _process_connection(comm_thread_t *thread) { uint8_t cmd; // loop on incoming requests for (; ; ) { // read command byte if (read(thread->client_sock, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) <= 0) { close(thread->client_sock); break; } // interpret command switch (cmd) { case PROTO_PUT: command_put(thread); break; case PROTO_DELETE: command_del(thread); break; case PROTO_GET: command_get(thread); break; } } } thread_com munication.c
  • 46. Lecture de données void command_get(comm_thread_t *thread) { uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK; uint32_t value_size; MDB_val key, value; // read key length read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); // read key data key.mv_data = malloc(key_size); read(thread->client_sock, key.mv_data, key_size); // get data key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size; database_get(thread->angstrom->db, &key, &value); // send response to the client write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response)); value_size = htonl((uint32_t)value.mv_size); write(thread->client_sock, &value_size, sizeof(value_size)); if (value_size) write(thread->client_sock, value.mv_data, value.mv_size); } command_ get.c
  • 47. Lecture de données void database_get(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key, MDB_val *value) { MDB_dbi dbi; MDB_txn *txn; // transaction init mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn); // open database in read-write mode mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi); // get data if (mdb_get(txn, dbi, key, value)) bzero(value, sizeof(*value)); // end of transaction mdb_txn_abort(txn); // close database mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi); } database.c
  • 48. Thread d'écriture /* * type Type of action (WRITE_PUT, WRITE_DEL). * key Size and content of the key. * value Size and content of the value. */ typedef struct writer_msg_s { enum { WRITE_PUT, WRITE_DEL } type; MDB_val key; MDB_val value; } writer_msg_t; angstrom.h
  • 49. Thread d'écriture void *thread_writer_loop(void *param) { angstrom_t *angstrom = param; int socket; // create the nanomsg socket for threads communication socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL); nn_bind(socket, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET); // loop to process new connections for (; ; ) { writer_msg_t *msg; // waiting for a new connection to handle if (nn_recv(socket, &msg, sizeof(writer_msg_t*), 0) < 0) continue; // processing switch (msg->type) { case WRITE_PUT: database_put(angstrom->db, &msg->key, &msg->value); break; case WRITE_DEL: database_del(angstrom->db, &msg->key); break; } thread_ writer.c
  • 50. Thread d'écriture void *thread_writer_loop(void *param) { angstrom_t *angstrom = param; int socket; // create the nanomsg socket for threads communication socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL); nn_bind(socket, ENDPOINT_WRITER_SOCKET); // loop to process new connections for (; ; ) { writer_msg_t *msg; // waiting for a new connection to handle if (nn_recv(socket, &msg, sizeof(writer_msg_t*), 0) < 0) continue; // processing switch (msg->type) { case WRITE_PUT: database_put(angstrom->db, &msg->key, &msg->value); break; case WRITE_DEL: database_del(angstrom->db, &msg->key); break; } thread_ writer.c "inproc://writer_socket"
  • 51. Thread d'écriture // free data if (msg->key.mv_data) free(msg->key.mv_data); if (msg->value.mv_data) free(msg->value.mv_data); free(msg); } return (NULL); } thread_ writer.c
  • 52. Effacement de clé void command_delete(comm_thread_t *thread) { uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK; void *key; writer_msg_t *msg; // read key length read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); // read key data key = malloc(key_size); read(thread->client_sock, key, key_size); // create message msg = calloc(1, sizeof(writer_msg_t)); msg->type = WRITE_DEL; msg->key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size; msg->key.mv_data = key; // send the message to the writer thread nn_send(thread->writer_sock, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); // send response to the client write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response)); } command_ delete.c
  • 53. Effacement de clé void database_del(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key) { MDB_dbi dbi; MDB_txn *txn; // transaction init mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, 0, &txn); // open database in read-write mode mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi); // delete key mdb_del(txn, dbi, key, NULL); // close database mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi); // transaction commit mdb_txn_commit(txn); } database.c
  • 54. Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé void command_put(comm_thread_t *thread) { uint8_t key_size, response = PROTO_OK; void *key, *value = NULL; uint32_t value_size; writer_msg_t *msg; // read key length read(thread->client_sock, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); // read key data key = malloc(key_size); read(thread->client_sock, key, key_size); // read value length read(thread->client_sock, &value_size, sizeof(value_size)); value_size = ntohl(value_size); if (value_size > 0) { // read value data value = malloc(value_size); read(thread->client_sock, value, value_size); } command_ put.c
  • 55. Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé // create message msg = malloc(sizeof(writer_msg_t)); msg->type = WRITE_PUT; msg->key.mv_size = (size_t)key_size; msg->key.mv_data = key; msg->value.mv_size = (size_t)value_size; msg->value.mv_data = value; // send the message to the writer thread nn_send(thread->writer_sock, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); // send response to the client write(thread->client_sock, &response, sizeof(response)); } command_ put.c
  • 56. Ajout / mise-à-jour de clé void database_put(MDB_env *db, MDB_val *key, MDB_val *value) { MDB_dbi dbi; MDB_txn *txn; // transaction init mdb_txn_begin(db, NULL, 0, &txn); // open database in read-write mode mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi); // put data mdb_put(txn, dbi, key, value, 0); // close database mdb_dbi_close(db, dbi); // transaction commit mdb_txn_commit(txn); } database.c
  • 57.
  • 58. cloc Language files comment code ------------------------------------------------- C 7 132 212 C Header 1 111 55 make 1 13 27 ------------------------------------------------- SUM: 9 256 294 sloccount Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 0.17 (2.06) Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 6,753
  • 59. Benchmark Base Écritures Lectures AngstromDB 22 ms 55 ms Couchbase 25 ms 22 ms Redis 29 ms 30 ms MongoDB 39 ms 27 ms 45 écritures / lectures séquentielles de données représentatives
  • 61. Réduire les appels systèmes ! Bufferiser les lectures réseau Regrouper les écritures réseau Facile à tester (sendmsg vs write) Pour commencer
  • 62. Benchmark Base Écritures Lectures AngstromDB 22 ms 55 ms AngstromDB 22 ms 26 ms Couchbase 25 ms 22 ms Redis 29 ms 30 ms MongoDB 39 ms 27 ms
  • 63. Compression à la volée (Zippy) Sérialisation de données (MsgPack) Transactions en lecture … Mono-processus asynchrone ? Pour aller plus loin