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Ruby on Rails from a code auditor's
      0x0b4dc0de the RoR way

            9th April 2011
          Hackito Ergo Sum
Meta / Disclaimer
●   It's an attempt to share my experience in reading Ruby on
    Rails code with the aim to find nice¹ bugs
●   You can expect some code and practical examples from
     ●   Redmine
           –   Open Source project management software
     ●   CCCMS
●   I'm not a coder
     ●   Rather, I enjoy reading other people's code
           –   So don't expect a RoR development tutorial

    ¹) as in: security
RoR – WTF?
●   Ruby on Rails
    ●   Blah² from the website:
        –   “Ruby on Rails © is an open-source web framework that's
            optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable
            productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring
            convention over configuration.”
    ●   Current version: 3.0.5
    ●   Model-View-Controller based webapp framework
        written in Ruby
●   Model-View-Controller: a software architecture
    pattern isolating different domains of the
    software into three parts
    ●   Model: handling data of the application as well as
        state changes
    ●   View: user interface elements
    ●   Controller: I/O, application logic calling methods of
        the model and view
RoR – Controller
●   Located in $railsapp/app/controllers
class PostsController < ActionController::Base
1 def show 
2  @post = Post.find(params[:id]) 
3  respond_to do |format| 
4    format.html # show.html.erb 
5    format.xml { render :xml => @post } 
6  end 
7 end 
RoR – Model
●   Located in $railsapp/app/models

    1 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    2   has_many :posts
    3   verifies_presence_of :name
    4   verifies_uniqueness_of :name
    5 end
RoR – View
● Located in $railsapp/app/views
● Typically written in ERB

    ●   Mixture of HTML and Ruby

01 <% if @posts.blank? %>
02   <p>There are no posts yet.</p>
03 <% else %>
04   <ul id="posts">
05   <% @posts.each do |c| %>
06     <li><%= link_to c.title, {:action => 'show', :id =>} =%></li>
07   <% end %>
08   </ul>
09 <% end %>
10 <p><%= link_to "Add new Post", {:action => 'new' }%></p>
Looks shiny, huh?
Reading the code and (ab)using the webapp
RoR – Reading the Code
●   Ruby tends to be easy to read, so does RoR
●   There are at least three layers (MVC)
    ●   All layers have to be covered when reading the
        source code (for finding bugs)
    ●   Additionally, there's libs, helpers, etc.
    ●   There might be checks somewhere you don't
    ●   There might be bugs somewhere you don't expect
RoR – Database
●   Database is configured in
    ●   $railsapp/config/database.yml

●   Migrations are used to describe the database
    tables (in Ruby)
    ●   These are then deployed on the database using
RoR – Migrations
●   Example taken from Redmine
    ●   db/migrate/001_setup.rb
    create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
      t.column "login", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false
      t.column "hashed_password", :string, :limit => 40, :default => "", :null => false
      t.column "firstname", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false
      t.column "lastname", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false
      t.column "mail", :string, :limit => 60, :default => "", :null => false
      t.column "mail_notification", :boolean, :default => true, :null => false
      t.column "admin", :boolean, :default => false, :null => false
RoR - Filters
●   Filter example taken from Redmine
    ●   app/controllers/issues_controller.rb

    1 class UsersController < ApplicationController
    2   layout 'admin'
    4   before_filter :require_admin, :except => :show
RoR – Filters
●   So mainly, there are
    ●   before_filter
    ●   after_filter
    ●   skip_before_filter
    ●   skip_after_filter
    ●   around_filter
RoR – User Input
●   Look for params[:something] in the
    ●   Take a look at the model/migration/DB to know
        which fields you might potentially influence
    ●   Post it like: something=foo
    ●   params[:something][:bar] is posted like
RoR – User Input
●   RoR also takes automagically user input as
    ●   XML
        –   Post with Content-Type text/xml:
    ●   JSON
        –   Post with Content-Type application/json:
Good old friends
The Usual Web Application
●   SQL Injection
●   XSS
●   CSRF
SQL Injection the RoR way
●   Rarely found
    ●   Per se, RoR hides away plain SQL
        –   User.where(:first_name => “Chunky”, :last_name => 

●   Look for the typical concatenation patterns

    1 def sqlinjectme
    2  User.find(:all, :conditions => "id = #{params[:id]}")
    3 end
●   Unfortunately stacked queries do not work
XSS the RoR way
●   In order to find XSS bugs
    ●   Look at the views
        –   <%= @post.title %>
        –   <%= h @post.title %>
    ●   Look at formatters
    ●   Just try to find XSS scripted/manually
Redmine persistent XSS
●   Somewhat hard to spot
    ●   Found it by chance ;)
●   Problem in the syntax highlighter:
    ●   lib/redcloth3.rb
Redmine persistent XSS
1 htmlesc( aftertag, :NoQuotes ) if aftertag && 
  escape_aftertag && !
2 line = "<redpre##{ @pre_list.length }>"
3 first.match(/<#{ OFFTAGS }([^>]*)>/)
4 tag = $1
5 $2.to_s.match(/(class=S+)/i)
6 tag << " #{$1}" if $1
7 @pre_list << "<#{ tag }>#{ aftertag }"
●   There is some RoR magic to

    1 class FooController < ApplicationController
    2   protect_from_forgery :except => :index
To be a bit more specific
Bugs the RoR way
●   Rails has a lot of fancy automagic
    ●   … which might eventually blow up in your face
    ●   “Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a
        programmer. There are three, of course: laziness,
        impatience, and hubris.” – Larry Wall
Automagic – Mass Assignments
●   When there is an assignment like
    ●   user[name] = “Chunky Bacon”
●   This is typically saved with
    ●   1 user = @params[:user]
    ●   2
Automagic – Mass Assignments
●   When there is an assignment like
    ●   user[name] = “Chunky Bacon”
●   This is typically saved with
    ●   1 user = @params[:user]
    ●   2
●   So what if you posted
    ●   user[name]= “Chunky Bacon”
    ●   user[admin]= true
Mass Assignment – CCC Website
●   CCCMS – “feature” allowing regular users
    promoting themselves to admin

    1 def update
    3  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
Mass Assignment – CCC Website
●   CCCMS – patch preventing regular users
    promoting themselves to admin

    1 def update
    2  params[:user].delete(:admin) unless current_user.is_admin?
    3  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
Preventing Mass Assignments
●   To be fixed in the model
●   Example taken from Redmine:

    1 class User < Principal
    2   attr_protected :login, :admin, […] 
Laziness – Infoleaks
●   All those fanciness of RoR doesn't help against
    lazy developers
●   If you're having a second controller accessing a
    model, you have to implement proper filters as
Redmine – Journals Infoleak
● Leaks info about issue descriptions, even if they are not visible
  to the current user
● app/controllers/journals_controller.rb

    1 class JournalsController < ApplicationController
    2   before_filter :find_journal, :only => [:edit]
    3   before_filter :find_issue, :only => [:new]
    4   before_filter :find_optional_project, :only => [:index]
Redmine – Journals Infoleak
● Leaks info about issue descriptions, even if they are not visible
  to the current user
● app/controllers/journals_controller.rb

    1 class JournalsController < ApplicationController
    2   before_filter :find_journal, :only => [:edit]
    3   before_filter :find_issue, :only => [:new]
    4   before_filter :find_optional_project, :only => [:index]
    5   before_filter :authorize, :only => [:new, :edit]
Digging a bit deeper
Digging a bit deeper
●   There is more than just the MVC code
    ●   $railsapp/lib/
    ●   $railsapp/vendor/plugins
    ●   $railsapp/app/helpers

●   There is RoR code itself
Redmine – SCM Adapters
●   app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb

    1 before_filter :find_repository, :except => :edit
    2 def diff
    3   if params[:format] == 'diff'
    4   @diff = @repository.diff(@path, @rev, @rev_to)
    5 def find_repository
    6   @rev = params[:rev].blank? ? @repository.default_branch :  
Redmine – SCM Adapters
●   lib/redmine/scm/adapters/bazaar_adapter.rb

    1  def diff(path, identifier_from, identifier_to=nil)
    2    path ||= ''
    3    if identifier_to
    4      identifier_to = identifier_to.to_i
    5    else
    6      identifier_to = identifier_from.to_i ­ 1
    7    end
    8    cmd = "#{BZR_BIN} diff                           
Redmine – Command Execution
●   http://redminehost/projects/
●   Open Source Rails app
●   Developed by
●   Was suspicious to me due to heavily using send
    statements on user input
●   send(symbol, [args...])
    ●   Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any
        arguments specified.
    ●   Allows private methods to be called

        ¹) sorry had to censor this
send, my new best friend
●   In XXX's controllers I didn't find anything
    directly exploitable :-(
●   But then a search helper lib got my attention:
●   some/lib/path/search.rb:
    01 values.each do |condition, value|

    02   mass_conditions[condition.to_sym] = value

    03   value.delete_if { |v| ignore_value?(v) } if value.is_a?(Array)

    04   next if ignore_value?(value)

    05   @current_scope = @current_scope.send(condition, value)
send, my new best friend
●   How about:
    GET /triggerpath?search[instance_eval]=

●   Or just msfupdate in a couple of days ;-)
Rails itself
●   Of course, there is the RoR code itself
●   Didn't look into it deeply enough (yet)
Security Mechanisms –
                  CSRF Tokens
●   Short recap:
    ●   protect_from_forgery
●   But wait a minute
    ●   Thumbs up to Felix Gröbert (Google Sec. Team)
        –   CVE-2011-0447
        –   Fixed in Rails 3.0.4
Security Mechanisms –
                  CSRF Tokens
●   actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protectio
    1  def verified_request?

    2    !protect_against_forgery? ||request.forgery_whitelisted? ||

    3    form_authenticity_token == params[request_forgery_protection_token]

    4  end

●   actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/request.rb
    5  def forgery_whitelisted?

    6    get? || xhr? || content_mime_type.nil? ||


    7  end
Security Mechanisms – CSRF
●   actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/mime_type.rb

    1  def verify_request?
    2    @@browser_generated_types.include?(to_sym)
    3  end

●   With
    4 @@browser_generated_types = [:html, 
      :url_encoded_form,:multipart_form, :text]
RoR Generic CSRF
 Protection Bypass
RoR Generic CSRF
                   Protection Bypass
●   Post to with flash¹
●   Let redirect via 307 to
●   Supply application/json with proper json params
●   authenticity_token should also be present
    (arbitrary string)
●   Resend popup in Firefox

    ¹) Cross-domain POST header manipulation
Session Cookies
●   Session cookie holds all session information
    ●   Accessed like: session[:user_id]
    ●   _twitter_sess=$base64blob­­$sha1hmac
Session Cookies
●   Can be loaded after base64 decoding with
●   Marshal.load token
●   => {:logged_in_after_phx_default=>false, 
    :created_at=>1293669570258, :in_new_user_flow=>nil, 
    :show_help_link=>nil, :user=>19395266, 
    "flash"=>{}, :id=>"censored", :csrf_id=>"censored"}
Some Thoughts on Session Cookies
●   Looked at the RoR handling of Session
    Cookies → looked fine to me
    ●   Maybe you find something I missed

●   But keep in mind:
    ●   What has been HMACed can't be un-HMACed
What has been HMACed
●   A fictional example of some RoR controller:

    01 def grant_token # called only once for a user
    02   session[:token] = true
    03 end
    04 def invalidate # called in do_the_magic
    05   session[:token] = false
    06 end
    07 def check # check if user has used token
    08   if session[:token] == true
    09     do_the_magic
    10   else
    11     do_not_do the magic
    12   end
    13 end
What has been HMACed
●   The before made example is vulnerable to simple replay
●   Once you have a HMACed session cookie with special
    capabilities in a naïve implementation noone stops you
    from reusing that cookie.
●   Simple experiment:
    ●   Go to and login (without “Remember Me”).
    ●   Save your _twitter_sess cookie
    ●   Logout
    ●   Restore the _twitter_sess cookie
    ●   Be logged in again :-)
Kudos to Jean-Philippe Lang
●   Initial notification of
    ●   Infoleak issue
    ●   Persistent XSS
    ●   Multiple CMD-Exec bugs
    ●   ~ 2:00 PM
●   Respone “I'll fix it and let you know”
    ●   ~ 6:00 PM
●   Response “It's fixed and there will be a new release tomorrow”
    ●   ~ 8:00 PM
●   2h for a complete fix.
●   So in case you use Redmine
    ●   Update at least to version 1.0.5 =)
Thanks for Listening

    Any Questions?
●   astera <3      ●   all @
●   xilef              ●

●   opti
                       ●   Recurity Labs
                       ●   Zynamics (RIP ;-))
●   til
                       ●   Das Labor
●   tina               ●   Timecoderz
                       ●   Dangerous Drums
                       ●   HES-Orga

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HES2011 - joernchen - Ruby on Rails from a Code Auditor Perspective

  • 1. Ruby on Rails from a code auditor's perspective 0x0b4dc0de the RoR way 9th April 2011 Hackito Ergo Sum
  • 2. Meta / Disclaimer ● It's an attempt to share my experience in reading Ruby on Rails code with the aim to find nice¹ bugs ● You can expect some code and practical examples from ● Redmine – Open Source project management software ● CCCMS – ● I'm not a coder ● Rather, I enjoy reading other people's code – So don't expect a RoR development tutorial ¹) as in: security
  • 4. RoR – WTF? ● Ruby on Rails ● Blah² from the website: – “Ruby on Rails © is an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.” ● Current version: 3.0.5 ● Model-View-Controller based webapp framework written in Ruby
  • 5. MVC ● Model-View-Controller: a software architecture pattern isolating different domains of the software into three parts ● Model: handling data of the application as well as state changes ● View: user interface elements ● Controller: I/O, application logic calling methods of the model and view
  • 6. RoR – Controller ● Located in $railsapp/app/controllers class PostsController < ActionController::Base […] 1 def show  2  @post = Post.find(params[:id])  3  respond_to do |format|  4    format.html # show.html.erb  5    format.xml { render :xml => @post }  6  end  7 end  […]
  • 7. RoR – Model ● Located in $railsapp/app/models 1 class User < ActiveRecord::Base 2   has_many :posts 3   verifies_presence_of :name 4   verifies_uniqueness_of :name 5 end
  • 8. RoR – View ● Located in $railsapp/app/views ● Typically written in ERB ● Mixture of HTML and Ruby 01 <% if @posts.blank? %> 02   <p>There are no posts yet.</p> 03 <% else %> 04   <ul id="posts"> 05   <% @posts.each do |c| %> 06     <li><%= link_to c.title, {:action => 'show', :id =>} =%></li> 07   <% end %> 08   </ul> 09 <% end %> 10 <p><%= link_to "Add new Post", {:action => 'new' }%></p>
  • 10. Reading the code and (ab)using the webapp
  • 11. RoR – Reading the Code ● Ruby tends to be easy to read, so does RoR ● There are at least three layers (MVC) ● All layers have to be covered when reading the source code (for finding bugs) ● Additionally, there's libs, helpers, etc. ● There might be checks somewhere you don't expect ● There might be bugs somewhere you don't expect
  • 12. RoR – Database ● Database is configured in ● $railsapp/config/database.yml ● Migrations are used to describe the database tables (in Ruby) ● These are then deployed on the database using rake
  • 13. RoR – Migrations ● Example taken from Redmine ● db/migrate/001_setup.rb create_table "users", :force => true do |t|   t.column "login", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false   t.column "hashed_password", :string, :limit => 40, :default => "", :null => false   t.column "firstname", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false   t.column "lastname", :string, :limit => 30, :default => "", :null => false   t.column "mail", :string, :limit => 60, :default => "", :null => false   t.column "mail_notification", :boolean, :default => true, :null => false   t.column "admin", :boolean, :default => false, :null => false […]  
  • 14. RoR - Filters ● Filter example taken from Redmine ● app/controllers/issues_controller.rb 1 class UsersController < ApplicationController 2   layout 'admin' 3 4   before_filter :require_admin, :except => :show
  • 15. RoR – Filters ● So mainly, there are ● before_filter ● after_filter ● skip_before_filter ● skip_after_filter ● around_filter
  • 16. RoR – User Input ● Look for params[:something] in the controller ● Take a look at the model/migration/DB to know which fields you might potentially influence ● Post it like: something=foo ● params[:something][:bar] is posted like something[bar]=foo
  • 17. RoR – User Input ● RoR also takes automagically user input as ● XML – Post with Content-Type text/xml: <user>   <firstname>chunky</firstname> </user> ● JSON – Post with Content-Type application/json: {     User:{         lastname:'bacon'     } }
  • 18.
  • 20. The Usual Web Application Suspects ● SQL Injection ● XSS ● CSRF
  • 21. SQL Injection the RoR way ● Rarely found ● Per se, RoR hides away plain SQL – User.where(:first_name => “Chunky”, :last_name =>  “Bacon”) ● Look for the typical concatenation patterns 1 def sqlinjectme 2  User.find(:all, :conditions => "id = #{params[:id]}") 3 end ● Unfortunately stacked queries do not work
  • 22. XSS the RoR way ● In order to find XSS bugs ● Look at the views – <%= @post.title %> vs. – <%= h @post.title %> ● Look at formatters ● Just try to find XSS scripted/manually
  • 23. Redmine persistent XSS ● Somewhat hard to spot ● Found it by chance ;) ● Problem in the syntax highlighter: ● lib/redcloth3.rb
  • 25. CSRF ● There is some RoR magic to protect_from_forgery: 1 class FooController < ApplicationController 2   protect_from_forgery :except => :index   
  • 26. To be a bit more specific
  • 27. Bugs the RoR way ● Rails has a lot of fancy automagic ● … which might eventually blow up in your face ● “Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.” – Larry Wall
  • 28. Automagic – Mass Assignments ● When there is an assignment like ● user[name] = “Chunky Bacon” ● This is typically saved with ● 1 user = @params[:user] ● 2
  • 29. Automagic – Mass Assignments ● When there is an assignment like ● user[name] = “Chunky Bacon” ● This is typically saved with ● 1 user = @params[:user] ● 2 ● So what if you posted ● user[name]= “Chunky Bacon” ● user[admin]= true
  • 30. Mass Assignment – CCC Website ● CCCMS – “feature” allowing regular users promoting themselves to admin 1 def update 2   3  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) […] 
  • 31. Mass Assignment – CCC Website ● CCCMS – patch preventing regular users promoting themselves to admin 1 def update 2  params[:user].delete(:admin) unless current_user.is_admin? 3  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) […] 
  • 32. Preventing Mass Assignments ● To be fixed in the model ● Example taken from Redmine: 1 class User < Principal […] 2   attr_protected :login, :admin, […] 
  • 33. Laziness – Infoleaks ● All those fanciness of RoR doesn't help against lazy developers ● If you're having a second controller accessing a model, you have to implement proper filters as well
  • 34. Redmine – Journals Infoleak ● Leaks info about issue descriptions, even if they are not visible to the current user ● app/controllers/journals_controller.rb 1 class JournalsController < ApplicationController 2   before_filter :find_journal, :only => [:edit] 3   before_filter :find_issue, :only => [:new] 4   before_filter :find_optional_project, :only => [:index] 5 […]
  • 35. Redmine – Journals Infoleak ● Leaks info about issue descriptions, even if they are not visible to the current user ● app/controllers/journals_controller.rb 1 class JournalsController < ApplicationController 2   before_filter :find_journal, :only => [:edit] 3   before_filter :find_issue, :only => [:new] 4   before_filter :find_optional_project, :only => [:index] 5   before_filter :authorize, :only => [:new, :edit] […]
  • 36. Digging a bit deeper
  • 37. Digging a bit deeper ● There is more than just the MVC code ● $railsapp/lib/ ● $railsapp/vendor/plugins ● $railsapp/app/helpers ● There is RoR code itself
  • 38. Redmine – SCM Adapters ● app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb 1 before_filter :find_repository, :except => :edit […]   2 def diff 3   if params[:format] == 'diff' 4   @diff = @repository.diff(@path, @rev, @rev_to) […] 5 def find_repository […] 6   @rev = params[:rev].blank? ? @repository.default_branch :       params[:rev].strip
  • 39. Redmine – SCM Adapters ● lib/redmine/scm/adapters/bazaar_adapter.rb 1  def diff(path, identifier_from, identifier_to=nil) 2    path ||= '' 3    if identifier_to 4      identifier_to = identifier_to.to_i 5    else 6      identifier_to = identifier_from.to_i ­ 1 7    end 8    cmd = "#{BZR_BIN} diff                                 ­r#{identifier_to}..#{identifier_from}          #{target(path)}"
  • 40. Redmine – Command Execution ● http://redminehost/projects/ $project/repository/diff/?rev=`cmd`
  • 41. XXX¹ ● Open Source Rails app ● Developed by ● Was suspicious to me due to heavily using send statements on user input ● send(symbol, [args...]) ● Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any arguments specified. ● Allows private methods to be called ¹) sorry had to censor this
  • 42. send, my new best friend ● In XXX's controllers I didn't find anything directly exploitable :-( ● But then a search helper lib got my attention: ● some/lib/path/search.rb: 01 values.each do |condition, value| 02   mass_conditions[condition.to_sym] = value 03   value.delete_if { |v| ignore_value?(v) } if value.is_a?(Array) 04   next if ignore_value?(value) 05   @current_scope = @current_scope.send(condition, value)
  • 43. send, my new best friend ● How about: GET /triggerpath?search[instance_eval]= %60touch%20%2ftmp%2fcommand_exec%60  HTTP/1.1 ● Or just msfupdate in a couple of days ;-)
  • 44. Rails itself ● Of course, there is the RoR code itself ● Didn't look into it deeply enough (yet)
  • 45. Security Mechanisms – CSRF Tokens ● Short recap: ● protect_from_forgery ● But wait a minute ● Thumbs up to Felix Gröbert (Google Sec. Team) – CVE-2011-0447 – Fixed in Rails 3.0.4
  • 46. Security Mechanisms – CSRF Tokens ● actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protectio n.rb 1  def verified_request? 2    !protect_against_forgery? ||request.forgery_whitelisted? || 3    form_authenticity_token == params[request_forgery_protection_token] 4  end ● actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/request.rb 5  def forgery_whitelisted? 6    get? || xhr? || content_mime_type.nil? ||      !content_mime_type.verify_request? 7  end
  • 47. Security Mechanisms – CSRF Tokens ● actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/mime_type.rb 1  def verify_request? 2    @@browser_generated_types.include?(to_sym) 3  end ● With 4 @@browser_generated_types = [:html,    :url_encoded_form,:multipart_form, :text]
  • 48. RoR Generic CSRF Protection Bypass
  • 49. RoR Generic CSRF Protection Bypass ● Post to with flash¹ ● Let redirect via 307 to ● Supply application/json with proper json params ● authenticity_token should also be present (arbitrary string) ● Resend popup in Firefox ¹) Cross-domain POST header manipulation details:
  • 50. Session Cookies ● Session cookie holds all session information ● Accessed like: session[:user_id] ● _twitter_sess=$base64blob­­$sha1hmac
  • 51. Session Cookies ● Can be loaded after base64 decoding with ● Marshal.load token ● => {:logged_in_after_phx_default=>false,  :created_at=>1293669570258, :in_new_user_flow=>nil,  :show_help_link=>nil, :user=>19395266,  :password_token=>"censored",  "show_discoverability_for_joernchen"=>nil,  "flash"=>{}, :id=>"censored", :csrf_id=>"censored"}
  • 52. Some Thoughts on Session Cookies ● Looked at the RoR handling of Session Cookies → looked fine to me ● Maybe you find something I missed ● But keep in mind: ● What has been HMACed can't be un-HMACed
  • 53. What has been HMACed ● A fictional example of some RoR controller: 01 def grant_token # called only once for a user 02   session[:token] = true 03 end 04 def invalidate # called in do_the_magic 05   session[:token] = false 06 end 07 def check # check if user has used token 08   if session[:token] == true 09     do_the_magic 10   else 11     do_not_do the magic 12   end 13 end
  • 54. What has been HMACed ● The before made example is vulnerable to simple replay attacks ● Once you have a HMACed session cookie with special capabilities in a naïve implementation noone stops you from reusing that cookie. ● Simple experiment: ● Go to and login (without “Remember Me”). ● Save your _twitter_sess cookie ● Logout ● Restore the _twitter_sess cookie ● Be logged in again :-)
  • 55. Outro
  • 56. Kudos to Jean-Philippe Lang ● Initial notification of ● Infoleak issue ● Persistent XSS ● Multiple CMD-Exec bugs ● ~ 2:00 PM ● Respone “I'll fix it and let you know” ● ~ 6:00 PM ● Response “It's fixed and there will be a new release tomorrow” ● ~ 8:00 PM ● 2h for a complete fix. ● So in case you use Redmine ● Update at least to version 1.0.5 =)
  • 57. Thanks for Listening Any Questions?
  • 58. Cheers ● astera <3 ● all @ ● xilef ● ● opti ● Recurity Labs ● Zynamics (RIP ;-)) ● til ● Das Labor ● tina ● Timecoderz ● Dangerous Drums ● HES-Orga