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Nurfarhana binti Lazim
Nazihah bt Mohamad
Siti Aisyah binti Mat Jusoh
Noor Azira binti Sharif
Siti Hamidah binti Mahbud
• the second largest organ and the largest gland
• predominantly occupies the right
hypochondrium but the left lobe extends to
the epigastrium
• shape: prism or wedge
• is pinkish brown in color, with a soft
consistency, and is highly vascular and easily
• covered by peritoneum with the exception
of the ‘bare area’.
• the upper surface of the liver is percussed
at the level of the fifth intercostal space
• the anterior surface is separated from the
inferior (visceral) surface by a sharp
anterior (inferior) border that is clinically



divided by

ligament (ant)


Fossa for gall

Fossa for IVC
• The liver has a unique dual blood supply
(about 1500 mL/min) both from the proper
hepatic artery (20-40%) and from the portal
vein (60-80%)
• formed of hexagonal lobules with a central
vein in the center and portal triad at the
• plates are separated by blood sinusoids
lined by endothelium and contain VonKupffor cells.
• hepatocytes at the periphery of the lobules
facing portal tracts are called the limiting





Middle &

Veins of
Physiology of the liver
synthesis and storage

• the liver is the principal site of synthesis of all circullating protein apart
from γ-globulin which are produced in the reticulo endothelial system.
• the liver receives amino acid from the intestine and muscles and, by
controlling the rate of gluconeogenesis and transamination, regulate

levels in the plasma.
•Plasma cotains 60-80 g/L of protein, mainly in the form of albumin,
globulin and fibrinogen
• albumin has a half life of 16-24 days, and 10-12 g are synthetized daily.
• its main function are:
- to maintain the intravascular oncotic ( colloid osmotic) pressure
- to transport water- insoluble substances such as
*fatty acid
• reduced synthesis of albumin over prolonged periods
 hypoalbuminaemia ( in chronic liver disease and
•Hypoalbuminaemia also found in :
- hypercatabolic states ( trauma with sepsis)
- diseases where there is an excessive loss ( nephrotic syndrome,
protein losing enteropathy )
• transport or carrier proteins such as transferrin and caeruloplasmin, acute
phase and other proteins such as:
- α1- antitrypsin
- α- fetoprotein
are also produced in liver.
• the liver also synthesized all factors involved in coagulation ( apart from
one-third of factor VII ) that is :
- fibrinogen
- prothrombin
- factors V,VII,IX,X and XII
- protein C and S
- antithrombin
- complement system
• the liver stores:
- large amounts of vitamins, particularly A, D and B12
- lesser amounts of others vitamin K and folate
- also minerals ( iron in ferritinhaemosiderin and copper
Degradation (nitrogen excretion)

This is the
major pathway
for the
elimination of

Failure of this
process occurs in
severe liver
Major function of the liver :
- Glucose homeostasis
- Maintenance of blood sugar

Liver stores – 80 g of glycogen

Immediate fasting state

Prolonged starvation

• blood glucose mantained by
glycogenolysis or by gluconeogenesis

Ketone bodies and fatty acids

• source of gluconeogenesis
- lactate
- pyruvate
- amino acids from muscle (mainly
alanine and glutamine)
- glycerol from lipolysis of fat stores
Fats are insoluble in water and are transported in the plasma as
protein lipid complexes ( lipo proteins)
The liver has a major role in the metabolism of lipoproteins
It synthesizes :
• IDLs
• LDLs
• triglycerides ( mainly of dietary origin)
• Cholesterol ( dietary origin )
• Bile secretion and bile acid metabolism
bile consist of water , electrolytesbile acids, cholesterol,phospholipids and
conjugated bilirubin

• bilirubin metabolism
Bilirubin is produced mainly from the breakdown of mature red cells in the
kuffer cells of the liner and in the reticuloendothelial system
•The liver catabolizes hormones such as:
- insulin
- glucagon
- oestrogens
- growth hormone
- glucocorticoids
- parathyroid homones
• it is the major site for the metabolism of drugs and alcohol
The liver act as ‘sieve’ for the bacterial and other antigens carried to it via
the portal tract from the gastrointestinal tract

- kuffer cell ( macrophage, sp. Memb. Receptor for
degrade without ab )
- the reticulo endothelial sys.  tissue repair
- T and B lymphocyte interaction
- cytotoxic activity in disease processes

ligands ag
Liver Cirrhosis
• Consequence of chronic liver disease
characterized by replacement of liver tissue by
diffuse hepatic fibrosis, scar tissue and
regenerative nodules

• The liver architecture is diffusely abnormal and
this interferes with liver blood flow and function
• Occur at any age, has significant morbidity and is
an important cause of hepatic death
• According to World Health Organization (WHO) every year 34 million people are infected by Hepatitis C. About 150 million
people are chronically infected and at risk of developing liver
cirrhosis and/or liver cancer. And more than 350,000 people
die every year from Hepatitis C-related liver disease.
• In Malaysia, according to the Malaysian Liver Foundation
(MLF), an estimated 2.5 million people suffer from chronic
Hepatitis, and this doesn’t include other serious liver afflicted
diseases such as Jaundice, Alcoholic liver disease (ALD),
Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and Liver Cirrhosis
brought about by toxins from everyday products and alcohol
• Indian had a high prevalence of alcoholassociated chronic liver disease
• Hepatitis B was the predominant etiology
in Malay and Chinese compared to Indians
• Hepatitis C cirrhosis was highest in Malay
University of Malaya Medical Centre(2006)
• Cardinal features of cirrhosis:
– an increase in fibrous tissue
– progressive and widespread death of liver cells
– inflammation leading to loss of the normal liver
• Following liver injury, stellate cells in space of
Disse are activated by cytokines and their
receptors, reactive oxygen intermediates and
other paracrine and autocrine signals produced
by Kupffer cell, activated platelets and
• This transform stellate cell into myofibroblast-like
cell, capable of producing collagen, proinflammatory cytokines and other mediators
which promote hepatocyte damage and cause
tissue fibrosis
• The progression of liver injury to cirrhosis may
occur over weeks to years
• Destruction of liver architecture causes
distortion and loss of normal hepatic
vasculature with the development of
portosystemic vascular shunts and the
formation of nodules
• It evolves slowly over years to decades and
normally continues to progress even after
removal of the aetiological agent
• Can be classified histologically into two
– Micronodular cirrhosis
– Macronodular cirrhosis
Micronodular cirrhosis

characterised by small nodules about <3mm in diameter and seen in
alcoholic or biliary tract disease
Macronodular cirrhosis

characterised by larger nodules of various sizes and normal acini may be seen
within larger nodules, areas of previous collapse of the liver architecture are
evidenced by larger fibrous scars. This types often seen following chronic viral



• Biliary cirrhosis: primary or
• Autoimmune hepatitis
• Hereditary Haemochromatosis
• Hepatic venous congestion
• Budd Chiari Syndrome
• Wilson’s Disease
• Drugs
• Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Galactosemia
• Glycogen storage disease
• Veno-occlusive disease
• Idiopathic (Cryptogenic)

Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
 Long-term heavy drinking of alcohol
– Estimated that the development of cirrhosis requires, on
average, the ingestion of 80 grams of ethanol daily for 10
to 20 years

– This corresponds to approximately one liter of wine,
eight standard sized beers, or one half pint of hard liquor
each day
– Chronic consumption of alcohol  secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL6 and IL8),
oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and acetaldehyde
toxicity  inflammation, apoptosis and eventually
fibrosis of liver cells
– females are twice as susceptible to alcohol-related liver
disease, with shorter durations and doses of chronic
Chronic viral hepatitis type B, C
and D
o Infection with the hepatitis C virus causes
inflammation of the liver and a variable
grade of damage to the organ that over
several decades can lead to cirrhosis  the
most common reason for liver transplant
– Hepatitis D is dependent on the presence of
hepatitis B and accelerates cirrhosis in coinfection
• Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
– fat builds up in the liver and eventually causes scar
– associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition,
obesity, coronary artery disease, and treatment with
corticosteroid medications

• Primary biliary cirrhosis
– more common in women
– an autoimmune disease of the liver
– slow progressive destruction of the small bile ducts of
the liver, with the intralobular ducts (Canals of
Hering) affected early in the disease. When these
ducts are damaged, bile builds up in the liver
(cholestasis) and over time damages the tissue
• Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis
– uncommon condition that results in the body's
immune system attacking and destroying liver
– abnormal immune response results in
inflammation of the liver

• Haemochromatosis
– too much iron is absorbed by the body and the
excess is deposited in the liver and cause liver to
enlarge and becomes damaged,
– Causes: hereditary haemochromatosis(HHC), a
genetic disorder, and transfusional iron overload,
which can result from repeated blood transfusion.
• Wilson’s disease
– an autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which
copper accumulates in tissues; this manifests as
neurological or psychiatric symptoms and liver
– When the amount of copper in the liver
overwhelms the proteins that normally bind it, it
causes oxidative damage through a process
known as Fenton chemistry; this damage
eventually leads to chronic active
hepatitis, fibrosis (deposition of connective tissue)
and cirrhosis
• Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
– Alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) is a protein produced by the
liver that protects the lungs
– a genetic disorder that causes defective production
of alpha 1-antitrypsin(A1AT), leading to decreased A1AT
activity in the blood and lungs, and deposition of
excessive abnormal A1AT protein in liver cells.
– Because A1AT is expressed in the liver, certain mutations
in the gene encoding the protein can cause misfolding
and impaired secretion, which can lead to liver cirrhosis

• Galactosaemia
– the enzymes needed for further metabolism of galactose
are severely diminished or missing entirely, leading to
toxic levels of galactose 1-phosphate in various tissues
resulting in hepatomegaly and cirrhosis
Symptom of liver disease
Signs of chronic liver disease
Complication of cirrhosis
Symptoms Acute
liver disease


Symptoms chronic liver disease

right hypochondrial pain
abdominal distension
ankle swelling
haematemesis and melaena
breast swelling (gynaecomastia), loss of libido and
• confusion and drowsiness
Signs of chronic liver disease

Siti hamidah bt mahbud
To assess severity
Liver function test.
Serum albumin and prothrombin time
(marker for synthetic function of liver)
•the outlook is poor with an albumin level below
28 g/L.
•prothrombin time ^ = ^ severity of the liver
Liver biochemistry.
Aminotransferases (ALT and AST) – present in
hepatocytes and leak to blood when cell damage.
• AST(mitochondrial enzyme: present in heart
,muscle ,kidney & brain)= ^ in hepatic necrosis, MI,
muscle injury, congestive cardiac failure.
• ALT (cytosomal enzyme: present in liver) = ^ in
lever disease.

Alkaline phosphate (ALP) –present in canalicular &
sinusoidal membranes of the liver, bone, intestine,
• ^ in cholestasis, may also ^ in metastases to liver
and cirrhosis
can be normal, depending on the severity of
cirrhosis. In most cases there is at least a slight
elevation in the serum ALP and serum

Bilirubin = ^ in liver disease
Serum electrolytes.
low sodium indicates severe liver disease due
to a defect in free water clearance or to excess
diuretic therapy.
Serum creatinine.
An elevated concentration > 130 μmol/L is a
marker of worse prognosis.
Type of cirrhosis
This can be determined by:
■ viral markers
■ serum autoantibodies
Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) = primary
biliary cirrhosis
■ serum immunoglobulins
^ igM = primary biliary cirrhosis.
■ iron indices and ferritin
■ copper & α1-antitrypsin

Serum copper and serum α1-antitrypsin
should always be measured in young
 Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and
ferritin should be measured to exclude
hereditary haemochromatosis; genetic
markers are also available
Ultrasound examination.
can demonstrate changes in size and shape of
the liver. Fatty change and fibrosis produce a
diffuse increased echogenicity. In established
cirrhosis there may be marginal nodularity of
the liver surface and distortion of the arterial
vascular architecture.
CT scan
CT scan showing an
irregular lobulated
liver. There
is splenomegaly and
enlargement of
collateral vessels
beneath the anterior
abdominal wall
(arrows) as a result of
portal hypertension.
performed for the detection and Treatment of
varices, and portal hypertensive gastropathy..
MRI scan.
This is useful in the diagnosis of benign tumours
such as haemangiomas.
Liver biopsy
necessary to confirm the severity and type of
liver disease.
Complication & effect of cirrhosis
• Portal hypertension and
• Ascites
• Portosystemic

• Hepatorenal syndrome
• Hepatocellular
• Bacteraemias,
• Malnutrition
Portal hypertension

Elevation of hepatic venous pressure
gradient to > 5mm Hg.
• It is caused by combination of 2
simultaneously occuring hemodynamic
processes :
1. Increased intrahepatic resistance to passage
of blood flow through liver
2. Increased splanchnic blood flow secondary
to vasodilation
Portal hypertension
• Accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal
• Most common complication of cirrhosis
• Two-year survival of patients with ascites is
approximately 50 percent
• Assessment of ascites
– Grading
• Grade 1 — mild;
Detectable only by US
• Grade 2 — moderate;
Moderate symmetrical
distension of the
• Grade 3 — large or gross
asites with marked
abdominal distension

• Therapy: diuretics
Portosystemic encephalopathy
• Toxic substances (ammonia) bypass the liver
via collaterals and gain access to the brain
• Symptoms: lethargy
mild confusion
reversal of sleep pattern
Hapatorenal syndrome
• acute renal failure coupled with advanced hepatic
disease (due to cirrhosis or less often metastatic tumor or
severe alcoholic hepatitis)

• characterized by:

benign urine sediment
very low rate of sodium excretion
progressive rise in the plasma creatinine concentration
Hepatorenal syndrome
• Reduction in GFR often clinically masked
• Prognosis is poor unless hepatic function
• Nephrotoxic agents and overdiuresis can
precipitate HRS
Management of cirrhosis
• Treatment options for cirrhosis depend on the
cause and the level of liver damage. The goals
of treatment are to prevent further liver
damage and reduce complications.
• When cirrhosis cannot be treated, the liver
will not be able to work and a liver transplant
may be needed
way to manage cirrhosis
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle (eat a healthy diet
and exercise regularly)
• Limit salt in your diet to prevent or reduce fluid
build up
• Avoid raw shellfish
• Stop drinking alcohol
• Talk to your doctor about hepatitis A and
hepatitis B vaccinations
• Do not share needles, razors, toothbrushes or
other personal items with others
• Kumar & Clarks; Clinical Medicine; 7th Edition
1. Cirrhosis: Diagnosis, Management, and
Prevention ; American family physician
By : S. PAUL STARR, MD, and DANIEL RAINES, MD, Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center School of Medicine at New Orleans, New Orleans,

2. Cirrhosis ; American liver foundation

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  • 1. MED STUDENT OF UniSZA CIRRHOSIS Nurfarhana binti Lazim Nazihah bt Mohamad Siti Aisyah binti Mat Jusoh Noor Azira binti Sharif Siti Hamidah binti Mahbud
  • 2.
  • 3. LIVER • the second largest organ and the largest gland • predominantly occupies the right hypochondrium but the left lobe extends to the epigastrium • shape: prism or wedge • is pinkish brown in color, with a soft consistency, and is highly vascular and easily friable
  • 4.
  • 5. • covered by peritoneum with the exception of the ‘bare area’. • the upper surface of the liver is percussed at the level of the fifth intercostal space • the anterior surface is separated from the inferior (visceral) surface by a sharp anterior (inferior) border that is clinically palpable.
  • 7. • The liver has a unique dual blood supply (about 1500 mL/min) both from the proper hepatic artery (20-40%) and from the portal vein (60-80%)
  • 8.
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  • 11.
  • 12. • formed of hexagonal lobules with a central vein in the center and portal triad at the corners. • plates are separated by blood sinusoids lined by endothelium and contain VonKupffor cells. • hepatocytes at the periphery of the lobules facing portal tracts are called the limiting plates.
  • 13.
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  • 15.
  • 17. Physiology of the liver FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER
  • 18. PROTEIN METABOLISM synthesis and storage • the liver is the principal site of synthesis of all circullating protein apart from γ-globulin which are produced in the reticulo endothelial system. • the liver receives amino acid from the intestine and muscles and, by controlling the rate of gluconeogenesis and transamination, regulate levels in the plasma. •Plasma cotains 60-80 g/L of protein, mainly in the form of albumin, globulin and fibrinogen
  • 19. • albumin has a half life of 16-24 days, and 10-12 g are synthetized daily. • its main function are: - to maintain the intravascular oncotic ( colloid osmotic) pressure - to transport water- insoluble substances such as *bilirubin, *hormones *fatty acid *drugs • reduced synthesis of albumin over prolonged periods  hypoalbuminaemia ( in chronic liver disease and malnutrition) •Hypoalbuminaemia also found in : - hypercatabolic states ( trauma with sepsis) - diseases where there is an excessive loss ( nephrotic syndrome, protein losing enteropathy )
  • 20. • transport or carrier proteins such as transferrin and caeruloplasmin, acute phase and other proteins such as: - α1- antitrypsin - α- fetoprotein are also produced in liver. • the liver also synthesized all factors involved in coagulation ( apart from one-third of factor VII ) that is : - fibrinogen - prothrombin - factors V,VII,IX,X and XII - protein C and S - antithrombin - complement system • the liver stores: - large amounts of vitamins, particularly A, D and B12 - lesser amounts of others vitamin K and folate - also minerals ( iron in ferritinhaemosiderin and copper
  • 21. Degradation (nitrogen excretion) This is the major pathway for the elimination of nitrogenous waste Failure of this process occurs in severe liver disease
  • 22. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM Major function of the liver : - Glucose homeostasis - Maintenance of blood sugar Liver stores – 80 g of glycogen Immediate fasting state Prolonged starvation • blood glucose mantained by glycogenolysis or by gluconeogenesis Ketone bodies and fatty acids • source of gluconeogenesis - lactate - pyruvate - amino acids from muscle (mainly alanine and glutamine) - glycerol from lipolysis of fat stores
  • 23. LIPID METABOLISM Fats are insoluble in water and are transported in the plasma as protein lipid complexes ( lipo proteins) The liver has a major role in the metabolism of lipoproteins It synthesizes : •VLDLs •HDLs •LCAT • IDLs • LDLs • triglycerides ( mainly of dietary origin) • Cholesterol ( dietary origin )
  • 24. FORMATION OF BILE • Bile secretion and bile acid metabolism bile consist of water , electrolytesbile acids, cholesterol,phospholipids and conjugated bilirubin • bilirubin metabolism Bilirubin is produced mainly from the breakdown of mature red cells in the kuffer cells of the liner and in the reticuloendothelial system
  • 25. HORMONE AND DRUG INACTIVATION •The liver catabolizes hormones such as: - insulin - glucagon - oestrogens - growth hormone - glucocorticoids - parathyroid homones • it is the major site for the metabolism of drugs and alcohol
  • 26. IMMUNOLOGICAL FUNCTION The liver act as ‘sieve’ for the bacterial and other antigens carried to it via the portal tract from the gastrointestinal tract - kuffer cell ( macrophage, sp. Memb. Receptor for degrade without ab ) - the reticulo endothelial sys.  tissue repair - T and B lymphocyte interaction - cytotoxic activity in disease processes ligands ag
  • 27. Liver Cirrhosis BY: SITI AISYAH MAT JUSOH
  • 28. cirrhosis • Consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by diffuse hepatic fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules • The liver architecture is diffusely abnormal and this interferes with liver blood flow and function • Occur at any age, has significant morbidity and is an important cause of hepatic death
  • 29.
  • 30. Epidemiology • According to World Health Organization (WHO) every year 34 million people are infected by Hepatitis C. About 150 million people are chronically infected and at risk of developing liver cirrhosis and/or liver cancer. And more than 350,000 people die every year from Hepatitis C-related liver disease. • In Malaysia, according to the Malaysian Liver Foundation (MLF), an estimated 2.5 million people suffer from chronic Hepatitis, and this doesn’t include other serious liver afflicted diseases such as Jaundice, Alcoholic liver disease (ALD), Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and Liver Cirrhosis brought about by toxins from everyday products and alcohol consumption.
  • 31. • Indian had a high prevalence of alcoholassociated chronic liver disease • Hepatitis B was the predominant etiology in Malay and Chinese compared to Indians • Hepatitis C cirrhosis was highest in Malay University of Malaya Medical Centre(2006)
  • 32. pathogenesis • Cardinal features of cirrhosis: – an increase in fibrous tissue – progressive and widespread death of liver cells – inflammation leading to loss of the normal liver architecture
  • 33.
  • 34. • Following liver injury, stellate cells in space of Disse are activated by cytokines and their receptors, reactive oxygen intermediates and other paracrine and autocrine signals produced by Kupffer cell, activated platelets and hepatocytes • This transform stellate cell into myofibroblast-like cell, capable of producing collagen, proinflammatory cytokines and other mediators which promote hepatocyte damage and cause tissue fibrosis • The progression of liver injury to cirrhosis may occur over weeks to years
  • 35. • Destruction of liver architecture causes distortion and loss of normal hepatic vasculature with the development of portosystemic vascular shunts and the formation of nodules • It evolves slowly over years to decades and normally continues to progress even after removal of the aetiological agent
  • 36. • Can be classified histologically into two types: – Micronodular cirrhosis – Macronodular cirrhosis
  • 37. Micronodular cirrhosis characterised by small nodules about <3mm in diameter and seen in alcoholic or biliary tract disease
  • 38. Macronodular cirrhosis characterised by larger nodules of various sizes and normal acini may be seen within larger nodules, areas of previous collapse of the liver architecture are evidenced by larger fibrous scars. This types often seen following chronic viral hepatitis
  • 39. Etiology Common Others • • • • • Biliary cirrhosis: primary or secondary • Autoimmune hepatitis • Hereditary Haemochromatosis • Hepatic venous congestion • Budd Chiari Syndrome • Wilson’s Disease • Drugs • Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency • Cystic Fibrosis • Galactosemia • Glycogen storage disease • Veno-occlusive disease • Idiopathic (Cryptogenic) Alcohol Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • 40.  Long-term heavy drinking of alcohol – Estimated that the development of cirrhosis requires, on average, the ingestion of 80 grams of ethanol daily for 10 to 20 years – This corresponds to approximately one liter of wine, eight standard sized beers, or one half pint of hard liquor each day – Chronic consumption of alcohol  secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL6 and IL8), oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and acetaldehyde toxicity  inflammation, apoptosis and eventually fibrosis of liver cells – females are twice as susceptible to alcohol-related liver disease, with shorter durations and doses of chronic consumption
  • 41. Chronic viral hepatitis type B, C and D o Infection with the hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver and a variable grade of damage to the organ that over several decades can lead to cirrhosis  the most common reason for liver transplant – Hepatitis D is dependent on the presence of hepatitis B and accelerates cirrhosis in coinfection
  • 42. • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis – fat builds up in the liver and eventually causes scar tissue – associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition, obesity, coronary artery disease, and treatment with corticosteroid medications • Primary biliary cirrhosis – more common in women – an autoimmune disease of the liver – slow progressive destruction of the small bile ducts of the liver, with the intralobular ducts (Canals of Hering) affected early in the disease. When these ducts are damaged, bile builds up in the liver (cholestasis) and over time damages the tissue
  • 43. • Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis – uncommon condition that results in the body's immune system attacking and destroying liver cells. – abnormal immune response results in inflammation of the liver • Haemochromatosis – too much iron is absorbed by the body and the excess is deposited in the liver and cause liver to enlarge and becomes damaged, – Causes: hereditary haemochromatosis(HHC), a genetic disorder, and transfusional iron overload, which can result from repeated blood transfusion.
  • 44. • Wilson’s disease – an autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in tissues; this manifests as neurological or psychiatric symptoms and liver disease – When the amount of copper in the liver overwhelms the proteins that normally bind it, it causes oxidative damage through a process known as Fenton chemistry; this damage eventually leads to chronic active hepatitis, fibrosis (deposition of connective tissue) and cirrhosis
  • 45. • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency – Alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) is a protein produced by the liver that protects the lungs – a genetic disorder that causes defective production of alpha 1-antitrypsin(A1AT), leading to decreased A1AT activity in the blood and lungs, and deposition of excessive abnormal A1AT protein in liver cells. – Because A1AT is expressed in the liver, certain mutations in the gene encoding the protein can cause misfolding and impaired secretion, which can lead to liver cirrhosis • Galactosaemia – the enzymes needed for further metabolism of galactose are severely diminished or missing entirely, leading to toxic levels of galactose 1-phosphate in various tissues resulting in hepatomegaly and cirrhosis
  • 46. Symptom of liver disease Signs of chronic liver disease Complication of cirrhosis
  • 47.
  • 49. Symptoms chronic liver disease • • • • • • right hypochondrial pain abdominal distension ankle swelling haematemesis and melaena pruritus breast swelling (gynaecomastia), loss of libido and amenorrhoea • confusion and drowsiness
  • 50. Signs of chronic liver disease
  • 51. INVESTIGATION OF CIRRHOSIS Siti hamidah bt mahbud
  • 52. To assess severity Liver function test. Serum albumin and prothrombin time (marker for synthetic function of liver) •the outlook is poor with an albumin level below 28 g/L. •prothrombin time ^ = ^ severity of the liver disease
  • 53.
  • 54. Liver biochemistry. Aminotransferases (ALT and AST) – present in hepatocytes and leak to blood when cell damage. • AST(mitochondrial enzyme: present in heart ,muscle ,kidney & brain)= ^ in hepatic necrosis, MI, muscle injury, congestive cardiac failure. • ALT (cytosomal enzyme: present in liver) = ^ in lever disease. Alkaline phosphate (ALP) –present in canalicular & sinusoidal membranes of the liver, bone, intestine, placenta. • ^ in cholestasis, may also ^ in metastases to liver and cirrhosis
  • 55. can be normal, depending on the severity of cirrhosis. In most cases there is at least a slight elevation in the serum ALP and serum aminotransferases. Bilirubin = ^ in liver disease
  • 56. Serum electrolytes. low sodium indicates severe liver disease due to a defect in free water clearance or to excess diuretic therapy. Serum creatinine. An elevated concentration > 130 μmol/L is a marker of worse prognosis.
  • 57. Type of cirrhosis This can be determined by: ■ viral markers ■ serum autoantibodies Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) = primary biliary cirrhosis ■ serum immunoglobulins ^ igM = primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • 58. ■ iron indices and ferritin ■ copper & α1-antitrypsin Serum copper and serum α1-antitrypsin should always be measured in young cirrhotics.  Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and ferritin should be measured to exclude hereditary haemochromatosis; genetic markers are also available
  • 59. Imaging Ultrasound examination. can demonstrate changes in size and shape of the liver. Fatty change and fibrosis produce a diffuse increased echogenicity. In established cirrhosis there may be marginal nodularity of the liver surface and distortion of the arterial vascular architecture.
  • 60. CT scan CT scan showing an irregular lobulated liver. There is splenomegaly and enlargement of collateral vessels beneath the anterior abdominal wall (arrows) as a result of portal hypertension.
  • 61. Endoscopy performed for the detection and Treatment of varices, and portal hypertensive gastropathy.. MRI scan. This is useful in the diagnosis of benign tumours such as haemangiomas. Liver biopsy necessary to confirm the severity and type of liver disease.
  • 62. Complication & effect of cirrhosis • Portal hypertension and gastrointestinal haemorrhage • Ascites • Portosystemic encephalopathy • Hepatorenal syndrome • Hepatocellular carcinoma • Bacteraemias, infections • Malnutrition
  • 63. Portal hypertension • Elevation of hepatic venous pressure gradient to > 5mm Hg. • It is caused by combination of 2 simultaneously occuring hemodynamic processes : 1. Increased intrahepatic resistance to passage of blood flow through liver 2. Increased splanchnic blood flow secondary to vasodilation
  • 65.
  • 66. Ascitis • Accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity • Most common complication of cirrhosis • Two-year survival of patients with ascites is approximately 50 percent
  • 67. Ascitis • Assessment of ascites – Grading • Grade 1 — mild; Detectable only by US • Grade 2 — moderate; Moderate symmetrical distension of the abdomen • Grade 3 — large or gross asites with marked abdominal distension • Therapy: diuretics paracentesis
  • 68. Portosystemic encephalopathy • Toxic substances (ammonia) bypass the liver via collaterals and gain access to the brain • Symptoms: lethargy mild confusion anorexia reversal of sleep pattern disorientation coma
  • 69. Hapatorenal syndrome • acute renal failure coupled with advanced hepatic disease (due to cirrhosis or less often metastatic tumor or severe alcoholic hepatitis) • characterized by: – – – – Oliguria benign urine sediment very low rate of sodium excretion progressive rise in the plasma creatinine concentration
  • 70. Hepatorenal syndrome • Reduction in GFR often clinically masked • Prognosis is poor unless hepatic function improves • Nephrotoxic agents and overdiuresis can precipitate HRS
  • 72. • Treatment options for cirrhosis depend on the cause and the level of liver damage. The goals of treatment are to prevent further liver damage and reduce complications. • When cirrhosis cannot be treated, the liver will not be able to work and a liver transplant may be needed
  • 73.
  • 74. way to manage cirrhosis • Maintain a healthy lifestyle (eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly) • Limit salt in your diet to prevent or reduce fluid build up • Avoid raw shellfish • Stop drinking alcohol • Talk to your doctor about hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccinations • Do not share needles, razors, toothbrushes or other personal items with others
  • 75. REFERENCES BOOK • Kumar & Clarks; Clinical Medicine; 7th Edition WEB 1. Cirrhosis: Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention ; American family physician By : S. PAUL STARR, MD, and DANIEL RAINES, MD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine at New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana 2. Cirrhosis ; American liver foundation

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. nitrogenous wastesevere liver disease
  2. Glycogenolysisgluconeogenesis
  3. Chronic liver disease in the clinical context is a disease process of the liver that involves a process of progressive destruction and regeneration of the liver parenchyma leading to fibrosis andcirrhosis.
  4. at the University of Malaya Medical Centre.2006
  5. Indeed, patients with hepatitis C may have chronic hepatitis for as long as 40 years before progressing to cirrhosis
  6. Portosystemic vascular shunts are anomalous (abnormal) blood vessels that shunt blood away from the liver. This diversion of blood leads to liver failure and the collection of toxins in the blood, which most frequently cause behavioral changes, seizures or coma.
  7. Gallstones and CholecystitisCholedocholithiasischolangitis
  8. females are twice as susceptible to alcohol-related liver disease, and may develop alcoholic liver disease with shorter durations and doses of chronic consumption. The lesser amount of alcohol dehydrogenase secreted in the gut, higher proportion of body fat in women, and changes in fat absorption due to the menstrual cycle may explain this phenomenon
  9.  inflammation of the liver with concurrent fataccumulation in liver
  10.  It protects tissues from enzymes of inflammatory cells