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Academic Word List

An Introduction to the                                    to recognise other family members such as
                                                          maximised when you encounter them in your
Academic Word List                                        reading. These words are closely related and the
                                                          meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When
Averil Coxhead, Massey University, New Zealand            you are looking for words in this dictionary, think
                                                          about other word family members too.
 What is the Academic Word List?                          Finally, there are some academic words that
                                                          do not have a word family. These words occur
The Academic Word List (AWL) is a list of 570             on their own and do not have any inflections.
word families that are commonly found in                  Examples include nonetheless, so-called and
academic texts. This list was selected by                 behalf.
examining a large corpus (or collection) of
written academic texts and selecting the
words that occurred:                                      Why is the AWL important?
 1 In texts from all four academic faculty                The AWL is intended as a reference for students
   sections: Arts, Commerce, Law and Science.             who are studying or preparing to study at a
                                                          tertiary level in English. As a university lecturer,
 2 Over 100 times in the corpus overall.
                                                          I was aware of the difficulties that students had
 3 At least 10 times in each academic                     in mastering the vocabulary necessary for written
   faculty section.                                       assignments. The AWL does not include ‘content’
 4 Outside the 2000 most frequent words                   vocabulary for particular subjects which students
   on Michael West’s General Service List                 obviously need to learn as well. The AWL focuses
   (GSL). The GSL includes everyday words                 instead on the non-subject-specific vocabulary
   such as I, house and do.                               that students of any discipline will need to master
                                                          in order to produce coherently-structured written
These principles ensured that only words that             assignments.
occurred reasonably frequently in a variety of
study areas were selected.                                The AWL covers up to 10% of the vocabulary
                                                          covered in written academic texts. This means
The AWL targets vocabulary that occurs most               that, on average, one word in 10 in an academic
often in written academic texts. These words              textbook is in the AWL. Look at the following
also occur in newspapers but not as often as they         extract from an academic text:
do in textbooks. The AWL words appear even
less in fiction. If your focus is learning academic         EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
vocabulary, you need to make sure you read
academic textbooks so that you encounter these              Environmental issues are truly global.
words in context.                                           Many of the problems, like the releasing
                                                            of CFCs into the atmosphere, have global
                                                            effects and require global action. Some
 How is the AWL organized?                                  problems link to the exploitation of global
The AWL is organized into Word Families.                    commons – the resources shared by the
Word families are made up of the ‘parent word’              international community such
and ‘family members’. Take for example the word             as ocean beds and the atmosphere.
maximise. Its family members include inflections            Sometimes small local problems, such
of the verb such as maximised,                              as poisonous gases leaking from landfills
maximises and maximising as well as the noun                and water pollution, are multiplied so
maximum. The word family also includes the                  many times in any local contexts that
British spelling of the noun maximisation, as well          they become major world hazards. The
as maximization, the US spelling.                           environment is a global concern requiring
                                                            global policies.
If you learn the verb maximise, you will be able
Academic Word List                                    2

The highlighted words are all on the AWL.                 phrases that are highlighted. These show you the
This sample illustrates clearly that the AWL              key grammatical patterns and collocations for
can help with decisions about which words are             that word. Collocations are words that commonly
important for you to learn if you are studying in         occur together or near each other in a text, for
an English-speaking country.                              example ‘effect on’. Collocations and phrases
                                                          are important because they help with fluency
                                                          in writing and indicate that you are working at a
How can the AWL help me with
                                                          higher level with academic vocabulary than just
my academic studies?                                      using a word from your own language and its
Knowledge of academic vocabulary is vital for             translation. The collocations in the following text
students studying at an English-speaking                  have been highlighted in blue.
university, particularly for reading and writing.
                                                             DECLINING BIODIVERSITY
If you compare estimates of how many words a
native English speaker might know by the age of             Whatever the effects on this planet’s
18 (approximately 18,000 to 20,000 words) and               climate, rain-forest clearance has another
how many a learner who has had two or three                 undeniable impact. The disappearance of
hours of schooling in English over                          rain forests is a major factor eroding the
several years (roughly 2000 to 3000 words                   earth’s biodiversity, or, more simply
depending on the language background of the                 causing many thousands of species of plant
                                                            and animal life to disappear forever. While
student), this gap is enormous. In order to read
                                                            rain forests account for just seven percent of
and write successfully you need to be able to
                                                            the earth’s surface, they are home to almost
recognize as many words as possible in your
                                                            half of this planet’s living species. Estimates
textbooks and use as many as possible in your
                                                            of the total number of species of animals
essays. The bigger your vocabulary, the more you            and plants range from 1.5 million to as high
will be able to cope with the high reading and              as 30 million. Researchers, in fact, have
writing demands of your studies.                            identified more than 1,000 species of ants
Academic writing tends to be quite formal in                alone (Wilson, 1991).
style. The vocabulary items that you use in your
writing can affect the level of formality. Writers        What strategies can I use to help
need to know whether a word can be used in a
                                                          learn the AWL words?
particular situation. Take for example consequent.
This is marked as formal. You would probably              Remember that building your vocabulary takes
not choose to use this word when speaking with            time. You are not likely to learn everything you
friends but you should use it in written English to       need to know about a word the very first time you
take your language to a higher level of formality.        see it. And don’t expect to remember everything
The AWL will help you to focus on issues of               about a word after looking it up in a dictionary
formality. Look out for the formal label in this          once. Try some of these ideas to help you with
dictionary.                                               vocabulary building:
Remember that the AWL covers approximately                •	Make the most of the information given in
10% of all vocabulary in a piece of academic                 this dictionary to build up your knowledge of a
writing. You should aim to have roughly the                  word. Look at the bold phrases highlighted in
same percentage in your own academic writing                 the entry. These show important grammatical
too. If you go to the AWL highlighter website                patterns and collocations. Learn these rather
by Sandra Haywood (http:/   /www.nottingham.                 than the word in isolation. you            •	Even if you think you already ‘know’ a word,
can copy and paste your text into it and it will             look it up in the dictionary to see if there is any
highlight the AWL words for you. This will enable            additional information that you don’t know.
you to see how many AWL words you are using
overall and whether you repeat the same words             •	Research has shown that repetition helps
many times in your writing.                                  people to remember things. Make sure you
                                                             build repetition into your learning. You could
When looking up words from the AWL in this                   do this through using word cards to test
dictionary you should also focus on the bold                 yourself or by keeping a vocabulary notebook.
3                                             Academic Word List

•	Studying words ‘actively’ will help your                How is the AWL shown in this dictionary?
  learning. People do learn words through
                                                         The words on the AWL are marked with                        AC   in this
  reading but the chances of remembering
  vocabulary is higher when you focus on the
  words and make a conscious effort to learn             The AWL does not include the 2000 most
  them.                                                  frequent words used in general everyday English.
•	Look out for common collocations, phrases              In this dictionary, however, the 3000 most frequent
  and grammatical patterns of words when you             words in written English are also marked with W1
                                                         W2 and W3 and the 3000 most frequent words in
  are reading academic texts.
                                                         spoken English are marked with S1 S2 and S3 .
•	Work with the AWL alongside you when you
                                                         In some cases, these overlap with the AWL.
  are writing. Try to use words from the list that
  are relevant to your writing.                          Averil Coxhead is a lecturer in English for Academic Purposes
                                                         at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. She
                                                         compiled the AWL in 2000. For further information on the AWL go to
                                                         Averil’s website at
                                                         Acknowledgement: Extracts on the subject of European environmental policy
                                                         and declining biodiversity are reproduced with permission from Sociology:
                                                         A Global Introduction, third edition, by John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer,
                                                         ©Pearson Education Limited 2005.

Academic Word List
The following is a list of the words from the Academic Word List that are highlighted in this dictionary.
Words shown in bold are one of the ‘parent words’.

abandon 1 v                adjacent adj                  analogy n                              assist 1 v
abandoned adj              adjust v                      analyse v                              assistance n
abnormal adj               adjustment n                  analysis n                             assume v
abstract 1 adj             administration n              analyst n                              assuming conj
abstract 2 n               administrative adj            analytical adj                         assumption n
abstract 3 v               adult 1 n                     analyze v                              assurance n
abstraction n              adult 2 adj                   annual 1 adj                           assure v
academic1 adj              advocacy n                    anticipate v                           attach v
academic 2 n               advocate 1 v                  anticipation n                         attachment n
academy n                  advocate 2 n                  apparent adj                           attain v
access 1 n                 affect v                      append v                               attainment n
access 2 v                 aggregate 1 n                 appendix n                             attitude n
accessible adj             aggregate 2 adj               appreciable adj                        attributable adj
accommodate v              aggregate 3 v                 appreciate v                           attribute 1 v
accommodation n            aid 1 n                       appreciation n                         attribute 2 n
accompaniment n            aid 2 v                       approach 1 v                           author 1 n
accompany v                albeit conj                   approach 2 n                           author 2 v
accumulate v               allocate v                    appropriate 1 adj                      authoritative adj
accuracy n                 allocation n                  approximate 1 adj                      authority n
accurate adj               alter v                       approximate 2 v                        authorship n
achieve v                  alteration n                  approximation n                        automate v
achievement n              alternate 1 adj               arbitrary adj                          automated adj
acknowledge v              alternate 2 v                 area n                                 automatic 1 adj
acknowledgement n          alternative 1 adj             aspect n                               automatically adv
acquire v                  alternative 2 n               assemble v                             automation n
acquisition n              ambiguity n                   assembly n                             available adj
adapt v                    ambiguous adj                 assess v                               aware adj
adaptable adj              amend v                       assessment n                           awareness n
adaptation n               amendment n                   assign v
adequate adj               analogous adj                 assignment n
Academic Word List                       4

behalf n             comment 1 n             conflict 2 v           contribute v
beneficial adj       comment 2 v             conform v              contribution n
beneficiary n        commentary n            conformation n         contributor n
benefit 1 n          commentator n           conformist adj         controversial adj
benefit 2 v          commission 1 n          conformity n           controversy n
bias 1 n             commission 2 v          consensus n            convene v
bias 2 v             commit v                consent 1 n            convention n
biased adj           commitment n            consent 2 v            conventional adj
bond 1 n             committed adj           consequence n          converse 3 adj
bond 2 v             commodity n             consequent adj         conversely adv
brevity n            communicable adj        consequently adv       conversion n
brief 1 adj          communicate v           considerable adj       convert 1 v
brief 2 n            communication n         considerably adv       convertible 1 adj
brief 3 v            communicative adj       consist v              convince v
briefing n           community n             consistency n          convinced adj
briefly adv          compatibility n         consistent adj         convincing adj
bulk 1 n             compatible 1 adj        constancy n            cooperate v
bulky adj            compensate v            constant 1 adj         cooperation n
                     compensation n          constant 2 n           cooperative 1 adj
capability n         compensatory adj        constantly adv         coordinate 1 v
capable adj          compilation n           constituency n         coordinate 2 n
capacity n           compile v               constituent 1 n        coordinate 3 adj
category n           complement 1 n          constituent 2 adj      coordination n
cease 1 v            complement 2 v          constitute v           coordinator n
challenge 1 n        complementary adj       constitution n         core 1 n
challenge 2 v        complex 1 adj           constitutional 1 adj   core 2 adj
challenging adj      complex 2 n             constrain v            core 3 v
channel 1 n          complexity n            constrained adj        corporate adj
channel 2 v          component 1 n           constraint n           corporation n
chapter n            component 2 adj         construct 1 v          correspond v
chart 1 n            compound 1 n            construct 2 n          correspondence n
chart 2 v            compound 2 v            construction n         corresponding adj
chemical 1 n         compound 3 adj          constructive adj       couple 1 n
chemical 2 adj       comprehensive adj       consult v              couple 2 v
circumstance n       comprise v              consultancy n          create v
citation n           computation n           consultant n           creation n
cite v               compute v               consultation n         creative 1 adj
civil adj            computer n              consultative adj       creativity n
clarification n      computing n             consume v              creator n
clarify v            conceivable adj         consumer n             credit 1 n
clarity n            conceive v              consumption n          credit 2 v
classic 1 adj        concentrate 1 v         contact 1 n            creditor n
classic 2 n          concentration n         contact 2 v            criterion n
classical adj        concept n               contact 3 adj          crucial adj
clause n             conception n            contemporary 1 adj     cultural adj
code 1 n             conceptual adj          contemporary 2 n       culturally adv
code 2 v             conclude v              context n              culture 1 n
coded adj            concluding adj          contextual adj         currency n
coding n             conclusion n            contextualize v        cycle 1 n
coherence n          conclusive adj          contract 1 n           cycle 2 v
coherent adj         concurrent adj          contract 2 v           cyclic adj
coincide v           conduct 1 v             contractor n
coincidence n        conduct 2 n             contradict v           data n
coincident adj       confer v                contradiction n        debatable adj
coincidental adj     conference n            contradictory adj      debate 1 n
collapse 1 v         confine v               contrary 1 n           debate 2 v
collapse 2 n         confined adj            contrary 2 adj         decade n
colleague n          confirm v               contrast 1 n           decline 1 n
commence v           confirmation n          contrast 2 v           decline 2 v
commencement n       conflict 1 n            contrasting adj        deduce v
5                          Academic Word List

deduction n            distribution n         enormity n           export 1 n
define v               distributive adj       enormous adj         export 2 v
definite adj           diverse adj            enormously adv       exporter n
definitely adv         diversify v            ensure v             expose v
definition n           diversity n            entity n             exposed adj
definitive adj         document 1 n           environment n        exposure n
demonstrable adj       document 2 v           environmental adj    external adj
demonstrate v          documentation n        environmentalist n   externalize v
demonstration n        domain n               equate v             extract 1 v
demonstrative adj      domestic 1 adj         equation n           extract 2 n
demonstrator n         domesticate v          equip v              extraction n
denial n               domesticated adj       equipment n
denote v               dominance n            equivalent 1 adj     facilitate v
deny v                 dominant 1 adj         equivalent 2 n       facilitator n
depress v              dominate v             erode v              facility n
depression n           draft 1 n              erosion n            factor 1 n
derivation n           draft 2 v              erroneous adj        factor 2 v
derivative 1 n         draft 3 adj            error n              feature 1 n
derivative 2 adj       drama n                establish v          feature 2 v
derive v               dramatic adj           established adj      federal adj
design 1 n             dramatist n            establishment n      federation n
design 2 v             dramatize v            estate n             fee n
designer 1 n           duration n             estimate 1 n         file 1 n
despite prep           dynamic 1 adj          estimate 2 v         file 2 v
detect v               dynamic 2 n            estimation n         filing n
detection n                                   ethic n              final 1 adj
detective n            economic adj           ethical adj          final 2 n
detector n             economical adj         ethnic 1 adj         finality n
deviate 1 v            economically adv       ethnic 2 n           finalize v
deviation n            economics n            evaluate v           finally adv
device n               economist n            evaluation n         finance 1 n
devote v               economy 1 n            eventual adj         finance 2 v
devoted adj            edit v                 eventuality n        financial adj
devotion n             edition n              eventually adv       financier n
differentiate v        editor n               evidence 1 n         finite adj
dimension n            editorial 1 adj        evident adj          flexibility n
diminish v             editorial 2 n          evidential adj       flexible adj
diminution n           element n              evidently adv        fluctuate v
discrete adj           eliminate v            evolution n          fluctuation n
discretion n           elimination n          evolutionary adj     focus 1 v
discretionary adj      emerge v               evolve v             focus 2 n
discriminate v         emergence n            exceed v             focussed adj
discrimination n       emergent adj           exclude v            format 1 n
disestablish v         emerging adj           excluding prep       format 2 v
displace v             emphasis n             exclusion n          formula n
displacement n         emphasize v            exclusive 1 adj      formulate v
display 1 n            emphatic adj           exclusively adv      forthcoming adj
display 2 v            empirical adj          exhibit 1 v          found 2 v
disposable adj         empiricism n           exhibit 2 n          foundation n
disposal n             enable v               exhibition n         founder 1 n
dispose v              enabling adj           expand v             founding n
disproportion n        encounter 1 v          expansion n          framework n
disproportionate adj   encounter 2 n          expansionism n       function 1 n
dissimilar adj         energetic adj          expansive adj        function 2 v
distinct adj           energy n               expert 1 n           functional adj
distinction n          enforce v              expert 2 adj         fund 1 n
distinctive adj        enforced adj           expertise n          fund 2 v
distinctly adv         enforcement n          explicit adj         fundamental adj
distort v              enhance v              exploit 1 v          fundamentally adv
distribute v           enhanced adj           exploitation n       funding n
Academic Word List                       6

furthermore adv      inadequacy n            injury n                investigate v
                     inadequate adj          innovate v              investigation n
gender n             inappropriate adj       innovation n            investigative adj
generate v           incapable adj           innovative adj          investigator n
generation n         incapacitate v          innovator n             investment n
globalization n      incentive n             input 1 n               investor n
globe n              incidence n             input 2 v               invisible adj
goal n               incident n              insecure adj            invoke v
grade 1 n            incidentally adv        insert 1 v              involve v
grade 2 v            inclination n           insertion n             involvement n
graded adj           incline 1 v             insight n               irrational adj
grant 1 v            incline 2 n             insightful adj          irrelevance n
grant 2 n            incoherent adj          insignificant adj       irrelevant adj
guarantee 1 v        income n                inspect v               irreversible adj
guarantee 2 n        incompatible adj        inspection n            isolate v
guideline n          inconceivable adj       inspector n             isolated adj
                     inconclusive adj        instability n           isolation n
hence adv            inconsistency n         instance 1 n            isolationism n
hierarchical adj     inconsistent adj        instance 2 v            issue 1 n
hierarchy n          incorporate v           institute 1 n           issue 2 v
highlight 1 v        incorporated adj        institute 2 v           item n
hypothesis n         indefinite adj          institution n
hypothesize v        indefinitely adv        institutional adj       job n
hypothetical adj     index 1 n               institutionalized adj   journal n
                     index 2 v               instruct v              justifiable adj
identical adj        indicate v              instruction n           justification n
identifiable adj     indication n            instructive adj         justified adj
identification n     indicative 1 n          instructor n            justify v
identify v           indicative 2 adj        insufficient adj
identity n           indicator n             integral adj            label 1 n
ideological adj      indiscretion n          integrate v             label 2 v
ideology n           indistinct adj          integrated adj          labor n
ignorance n          individual 1 adj        integration n           labored adj
ignorant adj         individual 2 n          integrity n             labour 1 n
ignore v             individualism n         intelligence n          labour 2 v
illegal 1 adj        individualist n         intelligent adj         laboured adj
illogical adj        individuality n         intense adj             layer 1 n
illustrate v         individually adv        intensify v             layer 2 v
illustration n       induce v                intensity n             lecture 1 n
illustrative adj     induction n             intensive adj           lecture 2 v
image n              inevitability n         interact v              lecturer n
imagery n            inevitable adj          interaction n           legal adj
immature adj         inevitably adv          interactive adj         legality n
immigrant n          infer v                 intermediate 1 adj      legally adv
immigrate v          inference n             internal adj            legislate v
immigration n        infinite adj            internalize v           legislation n
impact 1 n           infinitely adv          interpret v             legislative adj
impact 2 v           inflexible adj          interpretation n        legislator n
implement 1 v        infrastructure n        interpretative adj      legislature n
implement 2 n        inherent adj            interpretive adj        levy 1 v
implicate v          inhibit v               interval n              levy 2 n
implication n        inhibition n            intervene v             liberal 1 adj
implicit adj         initial 1 adj           intervening adj         liberal 2 n
imply v              initially adv           intervention n          liberalism n
impose v             initiate 1 v            intrinsic adj           liberalize v
imposition n         initiation n            invalidate v            liberally adv
imprecise adj        initiative n            invalidity n            liberate v
inaccessible adj     initiator n             invariable adj          liberated adj
inaccuracy n         injure v                invariably adv          licence n
inaccurate adj       injured adj             invest v                license v
7                      Academic Word List

licensed adj       motivation n           overestimate 2 n    precise adj
likewise adv       motive 1 n             overlap 1 v         precisely adv
link 1 v           motive 2 adj           overlap 2 n         precision 1 n
link 2 n           mutual adj             overseas 1 adv      precision 2 adj
linkage n          mutually adv           overseas 2 adj      predict v
locate v                                                      predictable adj
location n         negate v               panel n             prediction n
logic n            negative 1 adj         paradigm n          predominance n
logical adj        negative 2 n           paragraph n         predominant adj
logician n         network 1 n            parallel 1 n        predominantly adv
                   network 2 v            parallel 2 adj      predominate v
maintain v         networking n           parallel 3 v        preliminary 1 adj
maintenance n      neutral 1 adj          parameter n         preliminary 2 n
major 1 adj        neutrality n           participant n       presumably adv
majority n         neutralize v           participate v       presume v
manipulate v       nevertheless adv       participation n     presumption n
manipulative adj   nonconformist n        participatory adj   previous adj
manual 1 adj       nonetheless adv        partner 1 n         previously adv
manual 2 n         norm n                 partnership n       primacy n
margin n           normal 1 adj           passive 1 adj       primarily adv
marginal adj       normal 2 n             passive 2 n         primary 1 adj
marginally adv     normality n            perceive v          prime 1 adj
maturation n       normalize v            percent 1 adj       principal 1 adj
mature 1 adj       normally adv           percent 2 n         principally adv
mature 2 v         notion n               percentage n        principle n
maturity n         notwithstanding prep   perception n        principled adj
maximize v         nuclear adj            period 1 n          prior 1 adj
maximum 1 adj                             periodic adj        prioritize v
maximum 2 n        objective 1 n          periodical n        priority 1 n
mechanism n        objective 2 adj        persist v           procedural adj
media n            objectively adv        persistence n       procedure n
mediate v          obtain v               persistent adj      proceed v
medical 1 adj      obtainable adj         perspective n       proceeding n
medium 1 adj       obvious adj            phase 1 n           proceeds n
medium 2 n         obviously adv          phase 2 v           process 1 n
mental adj         occupancy n            phenomenal adj      process 2 v
mentality n        occupant n             phenomenon n        processed adj
method n           occupation n           philosopher n       professional 1 adj
methodical adj     occupational adj       philosophical adj   professional 2 n
methodology n      occupier n             philosophize v      professionalism n
migrant n          occupy v               philosophy n        professionally adv
migrate v          occur v                physical 1 adj      prohibit v
migration n        occurrence n           physically adv      prohibition n
migratory adj      odd adj                plus 1 prep         prohibitive adj
military 1 adj     odds n                 plus 2 n            project 1 n
military 2 n       offset 1 v             plus 3 adj          project 2 v
minimal adj        ongoing adj            policy n            projection n
minimize v         option n               portion 1 n         promote v
minimum 1 adj      optional adj           pose 1 v            promoter n
minimum 2 n        orient 1 v             pose 2 n            promotion n
ministerial adj    orientate v            positive 1 adj      proportion 1 n
ministry n         orientated adj         positively adv      proportional adj
minor 1 adj        orientation n          potential 1 adj     proportionate adj
minority n         oriented adj           potential 2 n       prospect 1 n
misinterpret v     outcome n              potentially adv     prospective adj
mode n             output 1 n             practitioner n      protocol n
modification n     output 2 v             precede v           psychological adj
modify v           overall 1 adj          precedence n        psychologist n
monitor 1 v        overall 2 adv          precedent n         psychology n
motivated adj      overestimate 1 v       preceding adj       publication n
Academic Word List                         8

publish v            relevant adj              revolutionize v     stable 1 adj
publisher n          reliable adj              rigid adj           statistic n
publishing n         reliance n                role n              statistician n
purchase 1 v         reliant adj               route 1 n           status n
purchase 2 n         relocate v                route 2 v           straightforward adj
pursue v             reluctance n                                  strategic adj
pursuit n            reluctant adj             scenario n          strategist n
                     rely v                    schedule 1 n        strategy n
qualitative adj      removable adj             schedule 2 v        stress 1 n
quotation n          removal n                 schematic adj       stress 2 v
quote 1 v            remove 1 v                scheme 1 n          stressed adj
quote 2 n            remove 2 n                scheme 2 v          stressful adj
                     require v                 scope 1 n           structural adj
radical 1 adj        requirement n             section 1 n         structure 1 n
radical 2 n          reschedule v              section 2 v         structure 2 v
random adj           research 1 n              sector n            structured adj
range 1 n            research 2 v              secure 1 adj        style 1 n
range 2 v            reside v                  secure 2 v          style 2 v
ratio n              residence n               securely adv        styling n
rational adj         resident 1 n              security n          stylish adj
rationalism n        resident 2 adj            seek v              stylized adj
rationalize v        residential adj           select 1 v          submission n
react v              resolution n              select 2 adj        submit v
reaction n           resolve 1 v               selection n         subordinate 1 adj
reactionary 1 adj    resolve 2 n               selective adj       subordinate 2 n
reactionary 2 n      resource 1 n              selector n          subordinate 3 v
reactivate v         resource 2 v              sequence n          subsequent adj
reactive adj         resourceful adj           sequencing n        subsequently adv
reactor n            respond v                 sequential adj      subsidiary 2 adj
readjust v           respondent n              series n            subsidize v
reassess v           response n                sex 1 n             subsidy n
reconstruct v        responsive adj            sexism n            substitute 1 n
reconstruction n     restoration n             sexual adj          substitute 2 v
recover v            restore v                 sexuality n         substitution n
recovery n           restored adj              shift 1 v           succession n
recreate v           restrain v                shift 2 n           successive adj
redistribute v       restraint n               significant adj     successor n
redistribution n     restrict v                significantly adv   sufficiency n
refine v             restricted adj            signify v           sufficient adj
refined adj          restriction n             similar adj         sum 1 n
refinement n         restrictive adj           similarity n        sum 2 v
regime n             restructure v             similarly adv       summarize v
region n             retain v                  simulate v          summary 1 n
regional adj         retainer n                simulated adj       summary 2 adj
register 1 n         retention n               simulation n        summation n
register 2 v         retentive adj             site 1 n            supplement 1 n
registration n       reveal v                  sole 1 adj          supplement 2 v
regulate v           revealing adj             solely adv          supplementary adj
regulation 1 n       revelation n              somewhat adv        survey 1 n
regulator n          revenue n                 source 1 n          survey 2 v
regulatory adj       reversal n                source 2 v          survival n
reinforce v          reverse 1 v               specific 1 adj      survive v
reinforcement n      reverse 2 n               specific 2 n        survivor n
reinvest v           reverse 3 adj             specifically adv    suspend v
reject 1 v           reversible adj            specification n     suspension n
rejection n          revise v                  specify v           sustain v
relax v              revision n                sphere n            sustainable adj
relaxation n         revolution n              spherical adj       sustained adj
release 1 v          revolutionary 1 adj       stability n         sustenance n
release 2 n          revolutionary 2 n         stabilize v         symbol n
9                     Academic Word List

symbolic adj        ultimate 1 adj             valid adj
symbolism n         ultimately adv             validate v
symbolize v         unaccompanied adj          variable 1 adj
                    unaffected adj             variable 2 n
tape 1 n            unaided adj                variance n
tape 2 v            unalterable adj            variant n
target 1 n          unambiguous adj            variation n
target 2 v          unanticipated adj          varied adj
task 1 n            unapproachable adj         vary v
task 2 v            unattached adj             vehicle n
team 1 n            unattainable adj           version n
team 2 v            unavailable adj            via prep
technical adj       unaware adj                violate v
technically adv     unbiased adj               violation n
technique n         uncharted adj              virtual adj
technological adj   unconstitutional adj       virtually adv
technology n        unconventional adj         visibility n
temporary adj       undeniable adj             visible adj
tense 1 adj         underestimate 1 v          visibly adv
tension n           underestimate 2 n          vision n
terminal 1 adj      undergo v                  visual 1 adj
terminal 2 n        underlie v                 visualize v
terminate v         underlying adj             visually adv
termination n       undertake v                volume n
text 1 n            undertaking n              voluntarily adv
textual adj         underwent v                voluntary 1 adj
thematic adj        undiminished adj           volunteer 1 n
theme n             uneconomical adj           volunteer 2 v
theoretical adj     unethical adj
theoretically adv   unfounded adj              welfare n
theorist n          unification n              whereas conj
theory n            unified adj                whereby adv
thereby adv         uniform 2 adj              widespread adj
thesis n            uniformity n
topic n             unify v
topical adj         unique adj
trace 1 v           unjustified adj
trace 2 n           unlicensed adj
tracing n           unobtainable adj
tradition n         unparalleled adj
traditional adj     unprecedented adj
traditionalist n    unpredictable adj
transfer 1 v        unprincipled adj
transfer 2 n        unpublished adj
transference n      unregulated adj
transform v         unreliable adj
transformation n    unresolved adj
transit n           unresponsive adj
transition n        unrestrained adj
transitional adj    unrestricted adj
transitory adj      unscheduled adj
transmission n      unspecified adj
transmit v          unstable adj
transport 1 n       unstressed adj
transport 2 v       unstructured adj
transportation n    unsustainable adj
transporter n       utility n
trend n             utilize v
trigger 1 n
trigger 2 v

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  • 1. 1 Academic Word List An Introduction to the to recognise other family members such as maximised when you encounter them in your Academic Word List reading. These words are closely related and the meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When Averil Coxhead, Massey University, New Zealand you are looking for words in this dictionary, think about other word family members too. What is the Academic Word List? Finally, there are some academic words that do not have a word family. These words occur The Academic Word List (AWL) is a list of 570 on their own and do not have any inflections. word families that are commonly found in Examples include nonetheless, so-called and academic texts. This list was selected by behalf. examining a large corpus (or collection) of written academic texts and selecting the words that occurred: Why is the AWL important? 1 In texts from all four academic faculty The AWL is intended as a reference for students sections: Arts, Commerce, Law and Science. who are studying or preparing to study at a tertiary level in English. As a university lecturer, 2 Over 100 times in the corpus overall. I was aware of the difficulties that students had 3 At least 10 times in each academic in mastering the vocabulary necessary for written faculty section. assignments. The AWL does not include ‘content’ 4 Outside the 2000 most frequent words vocabulary for particular subjects which students on Michael West’s General Service List obviously need to learn as well. The AWL focuses (GSL). The GSL includes everyday words instead on the non-subject-specific vocabulary such as I, house and do. that students of any discipline will need to master in order to produce coherently-structured written These principles ensured that only words that assignments. occurred reasonably frequently in a variety of study areas were selected. The AWL covers up to 10% of the vocabulary covered in written academic texts. This means The AWL targets vocabulary that occurs most that, on average, one word in 10 in an academic often in written academic texts. These words textbook is in the AWL. Look at the following also occur in newspapers but not as often as they extract from an academic text: do in textbooks. The AWL words appear even less in fiction. If your focus is learning academic EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY vocabulary, you need to make sure you read academic textbooks so that you encounter these Environmental issues are truly global. words in context. Many of the problems, like the releasing of CFCs into the atmosphere, have global effects and require global action. Some How is the AWL organized? problems link to the exploitation of global The AWL is organized into Word Families. commons – the resources shared by the Word families are made up of the ‘parent word’ international community such and ‘family members’. Take for example the word as ocean beds and the atmosphere. maximise. Its family members include inflections Sometimes small local problems, such of the verb such as maximised, as poisonous gases leaking from landfills maximises and maximising as well as the noun and water pollution, are multiplied so maximum. The word family also includes the many times in any local contexts that British spelling of the noun maximisation, as well they become major world hazards. The as maximization, the US spelling. environment is a global concern requiring global policies. If you learn the verb maximise, you will be able
  • 2. Academic Word List 2 The highlighted words are all on the AWL. phrases that are highlighted. These show you the This sample illustrates clearly that the AWL key grammatical patterns and collocations for can help with decisions about which words are that word. Collocations are words that commonly important for you to learn if you are studying in occur together or near each other in a text, for an English-speaking country. example ‘effect on’. Collocations and phrases are important because they help with fluency in writing and indicate that you are working at a How can the AWL help me with higher level with academic vocabulary than just my academic studies? using a word from your own language and its Knowledge of academic vocabulary is vital for translation. The collocations in the following text students studying at an English-speaking have been highlighted in blue. university, particularly for reading and writing. DECLINING BIODIVERSITY If you compare estimates of how many words a native English speaker might know by the age of Whatever the effects on this planet’s 18 (approximately 18,000 to 20,000 words) and climate, rain-forest clearance has another how many a learner who has had two or three undeniable impact. The disappearance of hours of schooling in English over rain forests is a major factor eroding the several years (roughly 2000 to 3000 words earth’s biodiversity, or, more simply depending on the language background of the causing many thousands of species of plant and animal life to disappear forever. While student), this gap is enormous. In order to read rain forests account for just seven percent of and write successfully you need to be able to the earth’s surface, they are home to almost recognize as many words as possible in your half of this planet’s living species. Estimates textbooks and use as many as possible in your of the total number of species of animals essays. The bigger your vocabulary, the more you and plants range from 1.5 million to as high will be able to cope with the high reading and as 30 million. Researchers, in fact, have writing demands of your studies. identified more than 1,000 species of ants Academic writing tends to be quite formal in alone (Wilson, 1991). style. The vocabulary items that you use in your writing can affect the level of formality. Writers What strategies can I use to help need to know whether a word can be used in a learn the AWL words? particular situation. Take for example consequent. This is marked as formal. You would probably Remember that building your vocabulary takes not choose to use this word when speaking with time. You are not likely to learn everything you friends but you should use it in written English to need to know about a word the very first time you take your language to a higher level of formality. see it. And don’t expect to remember everything The AWL will help you to focus on issues of about a word after looking it up in a dictionary formality. Look out for the formal label in this once. Try some of these ideas to help you with dictionary. vocabulary building: Remember that the AWL covers approximately • Make the most of the information given in 10% of all vocabulary in a piece of academic this dictionary to build up your knowledge of a writing. You should aim to have roughly the word. Look at the bold phrases highlighted in same percentage in your own academic writing the entry. These show important grammatical too. If you go to the AWL highlighter website patterns and collocations. Learn these rather by Sandra Haywood (http:/ /www.nottingham. than the word in isolation. you • Even if you think you already ‘know’ a word, can copy and paste your text into it and it will look it up in the dictionary to see if there is any highlight the AWL words for you. This will enable additional information that you don’t know. you to see how many AWL words you are using overall and whether you repeat the same words • Research has shown that repetition helps many times in your writing. people to remember things. Make sure you build repetition into your learning. You could When looking up words from the AWL in this do this through using word cards to test dictionary you should also focus on the bold yourself or by keeping a vocabulary notebook.
  • 3. 3 Academic Word List • Studying words ‘actively’ will help your How is the AWL shown in this dictionary? learning. People do learn words through The words on the AWL are marked with AC in this reading but the chances of remembering dictionary. vocabulary is higher when you focus on the words and make a conscious effort to learn The AWL does not include the 2000 most them. frequent words used in general everyday English. • Look out for common collocations, phrases In this dictionary, however, the 3000 most frequent and grammatical patterns of words when you words in written English are also marked with W1 W2 and W3 and the 3000 most frequent words in are reading academic texts. spoken English are marked with S1 S2 and S3 . • Work with the AWL alongside you when you In some cases, these overlap with the AWL. are writing. Try to use words from the list that are relevant to your writing. Averil Coxhead is a lecturer in English for Academic Purposes at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. She compiled the AWL in 2000. For further information on the AWL go to Averil’s website at index.shtml. Acknowledgement: Extracts on the subject of European environmental policy and declining biodiversity are reproduced with permission from Sociology: A Global Introduction, third edition, by John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer, ©Pearson Education Limited 2005. Academic Word List The following is a list of the words from the Academic Word List that are highlighted in this dictionary. Words shown in bold are one of the ‘parent words’. abandon 1 v adjacent adj analogy n assist 1 v abandoned adj adjust v analyse v assistance n abnormal adj adjustment n analysis n assume v abstract 1 adj administration n analyst n assuming conj abstract 2 n administrative adj analytical adj assumption n abstract 3 v adult 1 n analyze v assurance n abstraction n adult 2 adj annual 1 adj assure v academic1 adj advocacy n anticipate v attach v academic 2 n advocate 1 v anticipation n attachment n academy n advocate 2 n apparent adj attain v access 1 n affect v append v attainment n access 2 v aggregate 1 n appendix n attitude n accessible adj aggregate 2 adj appreciable adj attributable adj accommodate v aggregate 3 v appreciate v attribute 1 v accommodation n aid 1 n appreciation n attribute 2 n accompaniment n aid 2 v approach 1 v author 1 n accompany v albeit conj approach 2 n author 2 v accumulate v allocate v appropriate 1 adj authoritative adj accuracy n allocation n approximate 1 adj authority n accurate adj alter v approximate 2 v authorship n achieve v alteration n approximation n automate v achievement n alternate 1 adj arbitrary adj automated adj acknowledge v alternate 2 v area n automatic 1 adj acknowledgement n alternative 1 adj aspect n automatically adv acquire v alternative 2 n assemble v automation n acquisition n ambiguity n assembly n available adj adapt v ambiguous adj assess v aware adj adaptable adj amend v assessment n awareness n adaptation n amendment n assign v adequate adj analogous adj assignment n
  • 4. Academic Word List 4 behalf n comment 1 n conflict 2 v contribute v beneficial adj comment 2 v conform v contribution n beneficiary n commentary n conformation n contributor n benefit 1 n commentator n conformist adj controversial adj benefit 2 v commission 1 n conformity n controversy n bias 1 n commission 2 v consensus n convene v bias 2 v commit v consent 1 n convention n biased adj commitment n consent 2 v conventional adj bond 1 n committed adj consequence n converse 3 adj bond 2 v commodity n consequent adj conversely adv brevity n communicable adj consequently adv conversion n brief 1 adj communicate v considerable adj convert 1 v brief 2 n communication n considerably adv convertible 1 adj brief 3 v communicative adj consist v convince v briefing n community n consistency n convinced adj briefly adv compatibility n consistent adj convincing adj bulk 1 n compatible 1 adj constancy n cooperate v bulky adj compensate v constant 1 adj cooperation n compensation n constant 2 n cooperative 1 adj capability n compensatory adj constantly adv coordinate 1 v capable adj compilation n constituency n coordinate 2 n capacity n compile v constituent 1 n coordinate 3 adj category n complement 1 n constituent 2 adj coordination n cease 1 v complement 2 v constitute v coordinator n challenge 1 n complementary adj constitution n core 1 n challenge 2 v complex 1 adj constitutional 1 adj core 2 adj challenging adj complex 2 n constrain v core 3 v channel 1 n complexity n constrained adj corporate adj channel 2 v component 1 n constraint n corporation n chapter n component 2 adj construct 1 v correspond v chart 1 n compound 1 n construct 2 n correspondence n chart 2 v compound 2 v construction n corresponding adj chemical 1 n compound 3 adj constructive adj couple 1 n chemical 2 adj comprehensive adj consult v couple 2 v circumstance n comprise v consultancy n create v citation n computation n consultant n creation n cite v compute v consultation n creative 1 adj civil adj computer n consultative adj creativity n clarification n computing n consume v creator n clarify v conceivable adj consumer n credit 1 n clarity n conceive v consumption n credit 2 v classic 1 adj concentrate 1 v contact 1 n creditor n classic 2 n concentration n contact 2 v criterion n classical adj concept n contact 3 adj crucial adj clause n conception n contemporary 1 adj cultural adj code 1 n conceptual adj contemporary 2 n culturally adv code 2 v conclude v context n culture 1 n coded adj concluding adj contextual adj currency n coding n conclusion n contextualize v cycle 1 n coherence n conclusive adj contract 1 n cycle 2 v coherent adj concurrent adj contract 2 v cyclic adj coincide v conduct 1 v contractor n coincidence n conduct 2 n contradict v data n coincident adj confer v contradiction n debatable adj coincidental adj conference n contradictory adj debate 1 n collapse 1 v confine v contrary 1 n debate 2 v collapse 2 n confined adj contrary 2 adj decade n colleague n confirm v contrast 1 n decline 1 n commence v confirmation n contrast 2 v decline 2 v commencement n conflict 1 n contrasting adj deduce v
  • 5. 5 Academic Word List deduction n distribution n enormity n export 1 n define v distributive adj enormous adj export 2 v definite adj diverse adj enormously adv exporter n definitely adv diversify v ensure v expose v definition n diversity n entity n exposed adj definitive adj document 1 n environment n exposure n demonstrable adj document 2 v environmental adj external adj demonstrate v documentation n environmentalist n externalize v demonstration n domain n equate v extract 1 v demonstrative adj domestic 1 adj equation n extract 2 n demonstrator n domesticate v equip v extraction n denial n domesticated adj equipment n denote v dominance n equivalent 1 adj facilitate v deny v dominant 1 adj equivalent 2 n facilitator n depress v dominate v erode v facility n depression n draft 1 n erosion n factor 1 n derivation n draft 2 v erroneous adj factor 2 v derivative 1 n draft 3 adj error n feature 1 n derivative 2 adj drama n establish v feature 2 v derive v dramatic adj established adj federal adj design 1 n dramatist n establishment n federation n design 2 v dramatize v estate n fee n designer 1 n duration n estimate 1 n file 1 n despite prep dynamic 1 adj estimate 2 v file 2 v detect v dynamic 2 n estimation n filing n detection n ethic n final 1 adj detective n economic adj ethical adj final 2 n detector n economical adj ethnic 1 adj finality n deviate 1 v economically adv ethnic 2 n finalize v deviation n economics n evaluate v finally adv device n economist n evaluation n finance 1 n devote v economy 1 n eventual adj finance 2 v devoted adj edit v eventuality n financial adj devotion n edition n eventually adv financier n differentiate v editor n evidence 1 n finite adj dimension n editorial 1 adj evident adj flexibility n diminish v editorial 2 n evidential adj flexible adj diminution n element n evidently adv fluctuate v discrete adj eliminate v evolution n fluctuation n discretion n elimination n evolutionary adj focus 1 v discretionary adj emerge v evolve v focus 2 n discriminate v emergence n exceed v focussed adj discrimination n emergent adj exclude v format 1 n disestablish v emerging adj excluding prep format 2 v displace v emphasis n exclusion n formula n displacement n emphasize v exclusive 1 adj formulate v display 1 n emphatic adj exclusively adv forthcoming adj display 2 v empirical adj exhibit 1 v found 2 v disposable adj empiricism n exhibit 2 n foundation n disposal n enable v exhibition n founder 1 n dispose v enabling adj expand v founding n disproportion n encounter 1 v expansion n framework n disproportionate adj encounter 2 n expansionism n function 1 n dissimilar adj energetic adj expansive adj function 2 v distinct adj energy n expert 1 n functional adj distinction n enforce v expert 2 adj fund 1 n distinctive adj enforced adj expertise n fund 2 v distinctly adv enforcement n explicit adj fundamental adj distort v enhance v exploit 1 v fundamentally adv distribute v enhanced adj exploitation n funding n
  • 6. Academic Word List 6 furthermore adv inadequacy n injury n investigate v inadequate adj innovate v investigation n gender n inappropriate adj innovation n investigative adj generate v incapable adj innovative adj investigator n generation n incapacitate v innovator n investment n globalization n incentive n input 1 n investor n globe n incidence n input 2 v invisible adj goal n incident n insecure adj invoke v grade 1 n incidentally adv insert 1 v involve v grade 2 v inclination n insertion n involvement n graded adj incline 1 v insight n irrational adj grant 1 v incline 2 n insightful adj irrelevance n grant 2 n incoherent adj insignificant adj irrelevant adj guarantee 1 v income n inspect v irreversible adj guarantee 2 n incompatible adj inspection n isolate v guideline n inconceivable adj inspector n isolated adj inconclusive adj instability n isolation n hence adv inconsistency n instance 1 n isolationism n hierarchical adj inconsistent adj instance 2 v issue 1 n hierarchy n incorporate v institute 1 n issue 2 v highlight 1 v incorporated adj institute 2 v item n hypothesis n indefinite adj institution n hypothesize v indefinitely adv institutional adj job n hypothetical adj index 1 n institutionalized adj journal n index 2 v instruct v justifiable adj identical adj indicate v instruction n justification n identifiable adj indication n instructive adj justified adj identification n indicative 1 n instructor n justify v identify v indicative 2 adj insufficient adj identity n indicator n integral adj label 1 n ideological adj indiscretion n integrate v label 2 v ideology n indistinct adj integrated adj labor n ignorance n individual 1 adj integration n labored adj ignorant adj individual 2 n integrity n labour 1 n ignore v individualism n intelligence n labour 2 v illegal 1 adj individualist n intelligent adj laboured adj illogical adj individuality n intense adj layer 1 n illustrate v individually adv intensify v layer 2 v illustration n induce v intensity n lecture 1 n illustrative adj induction n intensive adj lecture 2 v image n inevitability n interact v lecturer n imagery n inevitable adj interaction n legal adj immature adj inevitably adv interactive adj legality n immigrant n infer v intermediate 1 adj legally adv immigrate v inference n internal adj legislate v immigration n infinite adj internalize v legislation n impact 1 n infinitely adv interpret v legislative adj impact 2 v inflexible adj interpretation n legislator n implement 1 v infrastructure n interpretative adj legislature n implement 2 n inherent adj interpretive adj levy 1 v implicate v inhibit v interval n levy 2 n implication n inhibition n intervene v liberal 1 adj implicit adj initial 1 adj intervening adj liberal 2 n imply v initially adv intervention n liberalism n impose v initiate 1 v intrinsic adj liberalize v imposition n initiation n invalidate v liberally adv imprecise adj initiative n invalidity n liberate v inaccessible adj initiator n invariable adj liberated adj inaccuracy n injure v invariably adv licence n inaccurate adj injured adj invest v license v
  • 7. 7 Academic Word List licensed adj motivation n overestimate 2 n precise adj likewise adv motive 1 n overlap 1 v precisely adv link 1 v motive 2 adj overlap 2 n precision 1 n link 2 n mutual adj overseas 1 adv precision 2 adj linkage n mutually adv overseas 2 adj predict v locate v predictable adj location n negate v panel n prediction n logic n negative 1 adj paradigm n predominance n logical adj negative 2 n paragraph n predominant adj logician n network 1 n parallel 1 n predominantly adv network 2 v parallel 2 adj predominate v maintain v networking n parallel 3 v preliminary 1 adj maintenance n neutral 1 adj parameter n preliminary 2 n major 1 adj neutrality n participant n presumably adv majority n neutralize v participate v presume v manipulate v nevertheless adv participation n presumption n manipulative adj nonconformist n participatory adj previous adj manual 1 adj nonetheless adv partner 1 n previously adv manual 2 n norm n partnership n primacy n margin n normal 1 adj passive 1 adj primarily adv marginal adj normal 2 n passive 2 n primary 1 adj marginally adv normality n perceive v prime 1 adj maturation n normalize v percent 1 adj principal 1 adj mature 1 adj normally adv percent 2 n principally adv mature 2 v notion n percentage n principle n maturity n notwithstanding prep perception n principled adj maximize v nuclear adj period 1 n prior 1 adj maximum 1 adj periodic adj prioritize v maximum 2 n objective 1 n periodical n priority 1 n mechanism n objective 2 adj persist v procedural adj media n objectively adv persistence n procedure n mediate v obtain v persistent adj proceed v medical 1 adj obtainable adj perspective n proceeding n medium 1 adj obvious adj phase 1 n proceeds n medium 2 n obviously adv phase 2 v process 1 n mental adj occupancy n phenomenal adj process 2 v mentality n occupant n phenomenon n processed adj method n occupation n philosopher n professional 1 adj methodical adj occupational adj philosophical adj professional 2 n methodology n occupier n philosophize v professionalism n migrant n occupy v philosophy n professionally adv migrate v occur v physical 1 adj prohibit v migration n occurrence n physically adv prohibition n migratory adj odd adj plus 1 prep prohibitive adj military 1 adj odds n plus 2 n project 1 n military 2 n offset 1 v plus 3 adj project 2 v minimal adj ongoing adj policy n projection n minimize v option n portion 1 n promote v minimum 1 adj optional adj pose 1 v promoter n minimum 2 n orient 1 v pose 2 n promotion n ministerial adj orientate v positive 1 adj proportion 1 n ministry n orientated adj positively adv proportional adj minor 1 adj orientation n potential 1 adj proportionate adj minority n oriented adj potential 2 n prospect 1 n misinterpret v outcome n potentially adv prospective adj mode n output 1 n practitioner n protocol n modification n output 2 v precede v psychological adj modify v overall 1 adj precedence n psychologist n monitor 1 v overall 2 adv precedent n psychology n motivated adj overestimate 1 v preceding adj publication n
  • 8. Academic Word List 8 publish v relevant adj revolutionize v stable 1 adj publisher n reliable adj rigid adj statistic n publishing n reliance n role n statistician n purchase 1 v reliant adj route 1 n status n purchase 2 n relocate v route 2 v straightforward adj pursue v reluctance n strategic adj pursuit n reluctant adj scenario n strategist n rely v schedule 1 n strategy n qualitative adj removable adj schedule 2 v stress 1 n quotation n removal n schematic adj stress 2 v quote 1 v remove 1 v scheme 1 n stressed adj quote 2 n remove 2 n scheme 2 v stressful adj require v scope 1 n structural adj radical 1 adj requirement n section 1 n structure 1 n radical 2 n reschedule v section 2 v structure 2 v random adj research 1 n sector n structured adj range 1 n research 2 v secure 1 adj style 1 n range 2 v reside v secure 2 v style 2 v ratio n residence n securely adv styling n rational adj resident 1 n security n stylish adj rationalism n resident 2 adj seek v stylized adj rationalize v residential adj select 1 v submission n react v resolution n select 2 adj submit v reaction n resolve 1 v selection n subordinate 1 adj reactionary 1 adj resolve 2 n selective adj subordinate 2 n reactionary 2 n resource 1 n selector n subordinate 3 v reactivate v resource 2 v sequence n subsequent adj reactive adj resourceful adj sequencing n subsequently adv reactor n respond v sequential adj subsidiary 2 adj readjust v respondent n series n subsidize v reassess v response n sex 1 n subsidy n reconstruct v responsive adj sexism n substitute 1 n reconstruction n restoration n sexual adj substitute 2 v recover v restore v sexuality n substitution n recovery n restored adj shift 1 v succession n recreate v restrain v shift 2 n successive adj redistribute v restraint n significant adj successor n redistribution n restrict v significantly adv sufficiency n refine v restricted adj signify v sufficient adj refined adj restriction n similar adj sum 1 n refinement n restrictive adj similarity n sum 2 v regime n restructure v similarly adv summarize v region n retain v simulate v summary 1 n regional adj retainer n simulated adj summary 2 adj register 1 n retention n simulation n summation n register 2 v retentive adj site 1 n supplement 1 n registration n reveal v sole 1 adj supplement 2 v regulate v revealing adj solely adv supplementary adj regulation 1 n revelation n somewhat adv survey 1 n regulator n revenue n source 1 n survey 2 v regulatory adj reversal n source 2 v survival n reinforce v reverse 1 v specific 1 adj survive v reinforcement n reverse 2 n specific 2 n survivor n reinvest v reverse 3 adj specifically adv suspend v reject 1 v reversible adj specification n suspension n rejection n revise v specify v sustain v relax v revision n sphere n sustainable adj relaxation n revolution n spherical adj sustained adj release 1 v revolutionary 1 adj stability n sustenance n release 2 n revolutionary 2 n stabilize v symbol n
  • 9. 9 Academic Word List symbolic adj ultimate 1 adj valid adj symbolism n ultimately adv validate v symbolize v unaccompanied adj variable 1 adj unaffected adj variable 2 n tape 1 n unaided adj variance n tape 2 v unalterable adj variant n target 1 n unambiguous adj variation n target 2 v unanticipated adj varied adj task 1 n unapproachable adj vary v task 2 v unattached adj vehicle n team 1 n unattainable adj version n team 2 v unavailable adj via prep technical adj unaware adj violate v technically adv unbiased adj violation n technique n uncharted adj virtual adj technological adj unconstitutional adj virtually adv technology n unconventional adj visibility n temporary adj undeniable adj visible adj tense 1 adj underestimate 1 v visibly adv tension n underestimate 2 n vision n terminal 1 adj undergo v visual 1 adj terminal 2 n underlie v visualize v terminate v underlying adj visually adv termination n undertake v volume n text 1 n undertaking n voluntarily adv textual adj underwent v voluntary 1 adj thematic adj undiminished adj volunteer 1 n theme n uneconomical adj volunteer 2 v theoretical adj unethical adj theoretically adv unfounded adj welfare n theorist n unification n whereas conj theory n unified adj whereby adv thereby adv uniform 2 adj widespread adj thesis n uniformity n topic n unify v topical adj unique adj trace 1 v unjustified adj trace 2 n unlicensed adj tracing n unobtainable adj tradition n unparalleled adj traditional adj unprecedented adj traditionalist n unpredictable adj transfer 1 v unprincipled adj transfer 2 n unpublished adj transference n unregulated adj transform v unreliable adj transformation n unresolved adj transit n unresponsive adj transition n unrestrained adj transitional adj unrestricted adj transitory adj unscheduled adj transmission n unspecified adj transmit v unstable adj transport 1 n unstressed adj transport 2 v unstructured adj transportation n unsustainable adj transporter n utility n trend n utilize v trigger 1 n trigger 2 v