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Programming is Fun
     An introduction to Python

Indian Linux Users Group Coimbatore

         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Our Inspiration

   Kenneth Gonsalves (1953-2012)

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

      Learn art of computer programming with one of the easiest
      programming language in the world.
      Get ready to enjoy the joy of programming in Python.

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

      This is a hands on training program.
      No theory included in the slides; it may discussed whenever
      and wherever it is required.
      Be patient,listen, practice and ask questions
      Do not hesitate to experiment
      Our volunteers are here to help you in practising
      Be courageous enough to try
      We are leaning Python not rocket science
      Be simple and think in a simplistic way

  Are You Ready !

                           ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Why Python

        Used almost everywhere
        Filled with spices to write effective programs

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   Already installed in GNU/Linux systems
   If you are using M$ Windows download Python from
   If you are downloading Python for Windows remember to
   download Python 2.7 only.

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Interactive Interpreter

  ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   Contains REPL

                   ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

              ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Hello World!!

   Why Hello World
   Writing ’Hello World’ program is the ritual to please the
   programming gods to be a good programmer!!

     >>> print "Hello World"
     Hello world

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Let’s Jump to Programming

                    ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Programming Practice - 1

   Create a file
   type print ”Hello World”
   Listen to the screen for instructions.
   In-case of any issues just raise your hand our volunteers will be
   there to help you.

                             ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Programming Practice - 1

   Run the program


                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Time to make your hands dirty

   Make sure that you have understood the first step.
   In-case of trouble we can practice it for couple of minutes.

                             ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     age = 33                    #   Integer
     avg = 33.35                 #   Float
     name = "linux"              #   String
     bool = True                 #   Boolean
     another = "44"              #   String

                      ILUG-CBE       Programming is Fun
Variables - naming

      use lowercase
      use underscore between words my age
      do not start with numbers
      do not use built-ins
      do not use keywords

                             ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global
   not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def
   finally in print

                             ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Time to make your hands dirty

                     ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Everything is an object
       Everything in python is an object
   An object has
       identity (id)
       type (type)
       value (mutable or immutable)

     >>> age = 33
     >>> type(age)
     <type ’int’>
     >>> id(age)
     >>> age 34
     >>> id(age)

                           ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     >>> age = 33
     >>> str(age)
     >>> float(age)
     >>> long(age)
     >>> int(age)

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Time for some maths

   + , - , * , ** (power),% (modulo), // (floor division), < (less than)
   > greater than, <=, >=, ==

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
It is maths time now

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     >>> name = ’linux’
     >>> address = "Coimbatore 1st street"
     >>> description = """ We are teaching python to
     young chaps"""
     >>> with_new = "this sentence have one n new line"

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     >>>   name = "linux"
     >>>   nameu = name.upper()
     >>>   namel = nameu.lower()
     >>>   namel.find(’l’)
     >>>   ",".join(name)
     >>>   name.startswith(’l’)
     >>>   name.endswith(’x’)
     >>>   namet = name.title()
     >>>   wspace = "     with space "
     >>>   stripped = wspace.strip()

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Playing with String

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     Single line comments starts with #
     Multi-line comments should be with in ””” ”””

    >>> avg = 45.34 #float
    >>> name = "ilug-cbe" """ This is a
    multiline comment """

                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

    >>> t = True
    >>> f = Flase

    >>> n = None

                    ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   equality,greater,less,is, is not ...
   ==, ! =, >, >=, <, <=, is, is not

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     >>>   1 == 1
     >>>   1 >= 0
     >>>   0 <= 1
     >>>   0 != 1
     >>>   "Rajani" is "rajani"
     >>>   "Vijay" is not "Rajani"
     >>>   name = None
     >>>   if name is not None:
     ...       #do something

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Boolean operators

   Used to combine conditional logic

                           ILUG-CBE    Programming is Fun
if ...

         if mark > 60 and mark < 100:
           print "First Class"
         elif mark < 60:
           print "Second Class Only :-("
           print "Ooops !!!!"

                           ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
if ... elif time

                   ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

  List is an ordered collection of objects.

    names = ["rms","linus","guido","larry"]
    marks = [45,50,60,80,90]
    mixed = ["linux",12,12.35,90L]

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Sequences - list

     names = []
     print names
     print names
     numbers = [6,9,2,3,1,8,4]
     print len(numbers)
     print numbers.sort()
     print numbers.reverse()
     another = [9,3,6]
     print numbers
     print numbers

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Sequences - list

     print   numbers[0]
     print   numbers[-1]
     print   numbers[2:-2]
     print   numbers[:-2]
     print   numbers[2:]
     print   numbers[:]

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Sequences -tuple

   Tuple is like list only. But tuple is immutable

     nums = (1,2,3,4)
     print nums
     print len(nums)
     print nums[0]
     print nums[-1]

                             ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Sequences range

    nums = range(20)
    print nums
    selected = range(20,60)
    print selected
    jump2 = range(10,100,2)
    print jump2

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Let’s do some sequencing

                     ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     names = ["linus","rms","guido","larry"]
     for name in names:
       print "hello %s" %(name)

     for num in range(10,20,2):
       print num

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     for i in range(len(names)):
       print i,names[i]

     for i,v in enumerate(names):
       print i,v

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Iteration break,continue and pass

     for name in names:
       print name
       if name == "guido":

     for name in names:
       print name
       if name == "linus":

     for name in names:
       print name
       if name == "rms":

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Iteration - while

     my_number = 10

     while my_number < 20:
        print my_number
        my_number += 2

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Let’s Iterate

                ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   Also called as hash, hashmap or associative array

     address = {"name":"ILUG-CBE","houseno":"Nil",
     "street":"any whare","city":"Coimbatore"}
     print address

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     address["state"] = "tamilnadu"
     address["web"] = ""

     print address

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     print address.has_key("country")

     print address.get("phone","No Phone Number Provided")

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun


     print address

     print address.keys()

     print address.values()

     print address.items()

     del address["country"]

     print address

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Let’s practice Dictionaries

                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def say_hai():
       print "hello"


                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def add_two(num):
       return num + 2

     res = add_two(4)

     print res

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def add(a,b):
       adds two numbers
       return a + b

     res = add_two(4,5)

     print res

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def demo(*args):
       *args demo
       for arg in args:
         print i * 2


                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def demo(num,*args):
       *args demo
       for arg in args:
         print i * num


                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def demo(num,*args):
       *args demo
       mul = []
       for arg in args:
         mul.append(i * num)

      return sum(mul)

     res = demo(2,2,3,4,5,6)

     print res

                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def marker(roll_no,details):
       if details[’marks’] > 60:
         print "Roll no %d %s" %(roll_no, "First Class")

     marker(12,marks = 62)

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

     def mulbythree(num,three=3):
       default argument example
       return num * three

     res = mulbythree(43)
     print res

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Be functional now

                    ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Tricks 1

     nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
     mulbt = [num * 2 for num in nums]

     print nums
     print mulbt

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Tricks - 2

     nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
     mulbt = [num * 2 for num in nums if num / 2 != 0]

     print nums
     print mulbt

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Tricks - 3

     nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
     numtuple = tuple(nums)

     print type(nums)
     print type(numtuple)

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Tricks - 4

     print "ILUGCBE".lower().upper().title()

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
User input

     name = raw_input("Tell your name: ")

     print name

     age = int(raw_input("Tell your age: "))

     print age

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Tricks time

              ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

    product = lambda x,y : x * y

    res = product(12,13)
    print res

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

    dbtnt = lambda x : x * 2 if x % 2 == 0 else x

    res = dbtnt(12)
    print res

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

    bors = lambda x: x > 100 and ’big’ or ’small’

    for i in (1, 10, 99, 100, 101, 110):
        print i, ’is’, f(i)

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Object Oriented Programming - basics

     class MyClass:
         This is my class
         def __init__(self):

         def say_hai(self):
             print "Hai"

      obj = MyClass()

                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Object Oriented Programming - basics

     class MyClass(object):
         This is my class
         def __init__(self):

         def say_hai(self):
             print "Hai"

      obj = MyClass()

                        ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Object Oriented Programming - basics

     class Student:
         Student class

         def __init__(self):
    = "My College"

         def greet(self,name):
             Function to greet student
             print "Hello %s from %s" %(name,

      student = Student()
                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Object Oriented Programming - inheritance

     class BeStudent:
         def __init__(self):
             self.class = "BE First Year"

         def greet(self,name):
             print "Hello %s from %s %s class" %(name,

      student = BeStudent()
      student.greet("Jaganadh G")

                      ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Object Oriented Time

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
File I/O - read file

     input = open("file.txt",’r’)
     contents =

     print contents

     input = open("file.txt",’r’)
     contents = input.readlines()

     print contents

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
File I/O - write to file

     names = ["linus","rms","larry","guido"]
     output = open("out_file.txt",’w’)
     for name in names:

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
File I/O - write to file

     names = ["linus","rms","larry","guido"]
     output = open("out_file.txt",’a’)
     for name in names:

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Let’s play with files

                       ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

   Standard Libraries
   Python comes with batteries included. Lots of useful libraries are
   there in the language. Let’s see some of these libraries now

      import math
      print math.pi
      print math.sqrt(10)
      print math.factorial(10)
      print math.sin(10)
      print math.pow(10,2)
      print math.log(10)
      print math.log(10,2)
      print math.log10(10)
      print math.exp(10)

                            ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Batteries - sys

    import sys
    print sys.platform

    afl = sys.argv[1]

    print sys.version
    print sys.maxint
    print sys.maxsize

                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Batteries - os

    import os
    print os.curdir()
    print os.getlogin()
    print os.getcwd()

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Batteries - time,random

    import time
    print time.ctime()
    print time.gmtime()

    import random
    print random.random()
    print random.choice([1,2,3,4,5,6])

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Battery Recharge

                   ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Question Time

                ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

      Jaganadh G @jaganadhg
      Biju B @bijubk
      Satheesh Kumar D
      Sreejith S @tweet2sree
      Rajith Ravi @chelakkandupoda

                          ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun
Contact US


                         ILUG-CBE   Programming is Fun

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Intro to Python Programming with ILUG-CBE

  • 1. Programming is Fun An introduction to Python Indian Linux Users Group Coimbatore ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 2. Our Inspiration Kenneth Gonsalves (1953-2012) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 3. About ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 4. Purpose Learn art of computer programming with one of the easiest programming language in the world. Get ready to enjoy the joy of programming in Python. ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 5. Warning This is a hands on training program. No theory included in the slides; it may discussed whenever and wherever it is required. Be patient,listen, practice and ask questions Do not hesitate to experiment Our volunteers are here to help you in practising Be courageous enough to try We are leaning Python not rocket science Be simple and think in a simplistic way Are You Ready ! ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 6. Why Python Why Used almost everywhere Fun Concise Simple Powerful Filled with spices to write effective programs ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 7. Installation Already installed in GNU/Linux systems If you are using M$ Windows download Python from If you are downloading Python for Windows remember to download Python 2.7 only. ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 8. Interactive Interpreter ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 9. Interpreter Contains REPL Read Evaluate Print Loop ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 10. Interpreter ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 11. Hello World!! Why Hello World Writing ’Hello World’ program is the ritual to please the programming gods to be a good programmer!! >>> print "Hello World" Hello world ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 12. Let’s Jump to Programming ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 13. Programming Practice - 1 Create a file type print ”Hello World” Listen to the screen for instructions. In-case of any issues just raise your hand our volunteers will be there to help you. ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 14. Programming Practice - 1 Run the program $python ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 15. Time to make your hands dirty Note Make sure that you have understood the first step. In-case of trouble we can practice it for couple of minutes. ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 16. Variables age = 33 # Integer avg = 33.35 # Float name = "linux" # String bool = True # Boolean another = "44" # String ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 17. Variables - naming use lowercase use underscore between words my age do not start with numbers do not use built-ins do not use keywords ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 18. Reserved and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 19. Time to make your hands dirty ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 20. Everything is an object Everything in python is an object An object has identity (id) type (type) value (mutable or immutable) >>> age = 33 >>> type(age) <type ’int’> >>> id(age) 167263248 >>> age 34 >>> id(age) 167263236 ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 21. Casting >>> age = 33 >>> str(age) ’33’ >>> float(age) 33.0 >>> long(age) 33L >>> int(age) 33 ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 22. Time for some maths + , - , * , ** (power),% (modulo), // (floor division), < (less than) > greater than, <=, >=, == ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 23. It is maths time now ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 24. String >>> name = ’linux’ >>> address = "Coimbatore 1st street" >>> description = """ We are teaching python to young chaps""" >>> with_new = "this sentence have one n new line" ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 25. String >>> name = "linux" >>> nameu = name.upper() >>> namel = nameu.lower() >>> namel.find(’l’) >>> ",".join(name) >>> name.startswith(’l’) >>> name.endswith(’x’) >>> namet = name.title() >>> wspace = " with space " >>> stripped = wspace.strip() ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 26. Playing with String ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 27. Comments Single line comments starts with # Multi-line comments should be with in ””” ””” >>> avg = 45.34 #float >>> name = "ilug-cbe" """ This is a multiline comment """ ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 28. Boolean >>> t = True >>> f = Flase >>> n = None ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 29. Conditionals equality,greater,less,is, is not ... ==, ! =, >, >=, <, <=, is, is not ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 30. Conditionals >>> 1 == 1 >>> 1 >= 0 >>> 0 <= 1 >>> 0 != 1 >>> "Rajani" is "rajani" >>> "Vijay" is not "Rajani" >>> name = None >>> if name is not None: ... #do something ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 31. Boolean operators Used to combine conditional logic and or not ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 32. if ... if mark > 60 and mark < 100: print "First Class" elif mark < 60: print "Second Class Only :-(" else: print "Ooops !!!!" ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 33. if ... elif time ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 34. Sequences list List is an ordered collection of objects. names = ["rms","linus","guido","larry"] marks = [45,50,60,80,90] mixed = ["linux",12,12.35,90L] ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 35. Sequences - list names = [] print names names.append("linus") print names numbers = [6,9,2,3,1,8,4] print len(numbers) print numbers.sort() print numbers.reverse() another = [9,3,6] numbers.extend(another) print numbers numbers.insert(0,20) print numbers ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 36. Sequences - list print numbers[0] print numbers[-1] print numbers[2:-2] print numbers[:-2] print numbers[2:] print numbers[:] ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 37. Sequences -tuple tuple Tuple is like list only. But tuple is immutable nums = (1,2,3,4) print nums print len(nums) print nums[0] print nums[-1] ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 38. Sequences range nums = range(20) print nums selected = range(20,60) print selected jump2 = range(10,100,2) print jump2 ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 39. Let’s do some sequencing ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 40. Iteration names = ["linus","rms","guido","larry"] for name in names: print "hello %s" %(name) for num in range(10,20,2): print num ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 41. Iteration for i in range(len(names)): print i,names[i] for i,v in enumerate(names): print i,v ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 42. Iteration break,continue and pass for name in names: print name if name == "guido": break for name in names: print name if name == "linus": continue for name in names: print name if name == "rms": pass ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 43. Iteration - while my_number = 10 while my_number < 20: print my_number my_number += 2 ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 44. Let’s Iterate ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 45. Dictionaries Also called as hash, hashmap or associative array address = {"name":"ILUG-CBE","houseno":"Nil", "street":"any whare","city":"Coimbatore"} print address ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 46. Dictionaries address["state"] = "tamilnadu" address["web"] = "" print address ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 47. Dictionaries print address.has_key("country") print address.get("phone","No Phone Number Provided") ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 48. Dictionaries address.setdefault("country","India") print address print address.keys() print address.values() print address.items() del address["country"] print address ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 49. Let’s practice Dictionaries ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 50. Functions def say_hai(): print "hello" say_hai() ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 51. Functions def add_two(num): return num + 2 res = add_two(4) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 52. Functions def add(a,b): """ adds two numbers """ return a + b res = add_two(4,5) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 53. Functions def demo(*args): """ *args demo """ for arg in args: print i * 2 demo(1,2,3,4,5,6) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 54. Functions def demo(num,*args): """ *args demo """ for arg in args: print i * num demo(1,2,3,4,5,6) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 55. Functions def demo(num,*args): """ *args demo """ mul = [] for arg in args: mul.append(i * num) return sum(mul) res = demo(2,2,3,4,5,6) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 56. Functions def marker(roll_no,details): if details[’marks’] > 60: print "Roll no %d %s" %(roll_no, "First Class") marker(12,marks = 62) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 57. Functions def mulbythree(num,three=3): """ default argument example """ return num * three res = mulbythree(43) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 58. Be functional now ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 59. Tricks 1 nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] mulbt = [num * 2 for num in nums] print nums print mulbt ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 60. Tricks - 2 nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] mulbt = [num * 2 for num in nums if num / 2 != 0] print nums print mulbt ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 61. Tricks - 3 nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] numtuple = tuple(nums) print type(nums) print type(numtuple) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 62. Tricks - 4 print "ILUGCBE".lower().upper().title() ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 63. User input name = raw_input("Tell your name: ") print name age = int(raw_input("Tell your age: ")) print age ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 64. Tricks time ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 65. Lambda product = lambda x,y : x * y res = product(12,13) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 66. Lambda dbtnt = lambda x : x * 2 if x % 2 == 0 else x res = dbtnt(12) print res ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 67. Lambda bors = lambda x: x > 100 and ’big’ or ’small’ for i in (1, 10, 99, 100, 101, 110): print i, ’is’, f(i) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 68. Object Oriented Programming - basics class MyClass: """ This is my class """ def __init__(self): #nothing def say_hai(self): print "Hai" obj = MyClass() obj.say_hai() ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 69. Object Oriented Programming - basics class MyClass(object): """ This is my class """ def __init__(self): #nothing def say_hai(self): print "Hai" obj = MyClass() obj.say_hai() ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 70. Object Oriented Programming - basics class Student: """ Student class """ def __init__(self): = "My College" def greet(self,name): """ Function to greet student """ print "Hello %s from %s" %(name, student = Student() student.greet("Jaganadh") ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 71. Object Oriented Programming - inheritance class BeStudent: def __init__(self): Student.__init__(self) self.class = "BE First Year" def greet(self,name): print "Hello %s from %s %s class" %(name,,self.class) student = BeStudent() student.greet("Jaganadh G") ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 72. Object Oriented Time ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 73. File I/O - read file input = open("file.txt",’r’) contents = input.close() print contents input = open("file.txt",’r’) contents = input.readlines() input.close() print contents ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 74. File I/O - write to file names = ["linus","rms","larry","guido"] output = open("out_file.txt",’w’) for name in names: output.write(name) output.write("n") ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 75. File I/O - write to file names = ["linus","rms","larry","guido"] output = open("out_file.txt",’a’) for name in names: output.write(name) output.write("n") ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 76. Let’s play with files ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 77. Batteries Standard Libraries Python comes with batteries included. Lots of useful libraries are there in the language. Let’s see some of these libraries now import math print math.pi print math.sqrt(10) print math.factorial(10) print math.sin(10) print math.pow(10,2) print math.log(10) print math.log(10,2) print math.log10(10) print math.exp(10) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 78. Batteries - sys import sys print sys.platform afl = sys.argv[1] print sys.version print sys.maxint print sys.maxsize ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 79. Batteries - os import os print os.curdir() print os.getlogin() print os.getcwd() print ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 80. Batteries - time,random import time print time.ctime() print time.gmtime() import random print random.random() print random.choice([1,2,3,4,5,6]) ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 81. Battery Recharge ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 82. Question Time ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 83. Contributors Jaganadh G @jaganadhg Biju B @bijubk Satheesh Kumar D Sreejith S @tweet2sree Rajith Ravi @chelakkandupoda ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun
  • 84. Contact US Web mail ILUG-CBE Programming is Fun