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Puppet for
    ZendCon - October 2011
    Santa Clara - United States
Who am I?

   Joshua Thijssen
   Senior Software Engineer @ Enrise (Netherlands)

   Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java,
   and system & DB admin.

   Twitter: @jaytaph
The question of the day
The question of the day

  What is puppet and why should I care?
Why use puppet?

 “People are finally figuring out puppet
 and how it gets you to the pub by 4pm.

 Note that I’ve been at this pub since
                                 - Jorge Castro
Why use puppet?
What is puppet?

     Puppet is a (not necessarily the)
    solution for the following problem:

 How do we setup, manage, synchronize,
  and upgrade our internal and external
What is puppet?

   But isn’t that a sysadmin problem??
What is puppet?

                  Short answer:
What is puppet?

                  Short answer:

How do we manage our infrastructure?
How do we manage our infrastructure?

 ‣ Solution 1: We don’t,
How do we manage our infrastructure?

 ‣ Solution 1: We don’t,
 ‣ Solution 2: We outsource,
How do we manage our infrastructure?

 ‣ Solution 1: We don’t,
 ‣ Solution 2: We outsource,
 ‣ Solution 3: We automate the process.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)
How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)

 ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often
   than not. Especially inside small
   development companies.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)

 ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often
   than not. Especially inside small
   development companies.
 ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy
   with development to do sysadmin.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)

 ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often
   than not. Especially inside small
   development companies.
 ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy
   with development to do sysadmin.
 ‣ We only act on escalation
How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)

 ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often
   than not. Especially inside small
   development companies.
 ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy
   with development to do sysadmin.
 ‣ We only act on escalation
 ‣ reactive, not proactive
How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)
How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)

 ‣ Expensive $LA’s.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)

 ‣ Expensive $LA’s.
 ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like
   your development systems and
How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)

 ‣ Expensive $LA’s.
 ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like
   your development systems and
 ‣ Fight between stability and agility.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)

 ‣ Expensive $LA’s.
 ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like
   your development systems and
 ‣ Fight between stability and agility.
 ‣ Does your hosting company decide
   on whether you can use PHP5.3???
How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)
How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)

 ‣ We are in charge.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)

 ‣ We are in charge.
 ‣ Dedicated package repositories,
   tools, etc,..
How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)

 ‣ We are in charge.
 ‣ Dedicated package repositories,
   tools, etc,..
 ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet.
How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)

 ‣ We are in charge.
 ‣ Dedicated package repositories,
   tools, etc,..
 ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet.
 ‣ It’s actually not that hard.
What is puppet?

  ‣ Open source configuration
    management tool.
  ‣ Written in Ruby
  ‣ Open source
  ‣ Commercial version available
    (puppet enterprise)
What is puppet?

             ‣ Don’t tell HOW to do stuff.
             ‣ Tell WHAT to do.

¹ It’s not actually true, but good enough for now...
Architectural overview
Architectural overview

Architectural overview

         Puppet CA


Architectural overview

         Puppet CA


     Puppet          Puppet            Puppet
     Agent           Agent             Agent
Puppet structure

  ‣ Puppet master (puppetmasterd)
  ‣ Puppet cert (puppetca)
  ‣ Puppet agent (puppetd)
  ‣ Facter
Puppet master (puppetmasterd)

  ‣ Central server
  ‣ File & configuration server
  ‣ REST over HTTPS interface
Puppet cert (puppet CA)

 ‣ Certificate signing server
 ‣ Creates, signs, checks x509 certificates
 ‣ So you don’t have to worry about it
Puppet cert (puppet CA)

Check all systems that have connected to our CA server

root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list --all
+ puppetmaster.noxlogic.local
Puppet cert (puppet CA)

                   Let’s sign our first node

root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --sign puppetnode1.noxlogic.local

root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list --all
+ puppetmaster.noxlogic.local
+ puppetnode1.noxlogic.local
Puppet agent (puppetd)

  ‣ Runs on every node that will be
    managed by puppet.
  ‣ Calls the puppet master every 30
    minutes with system information.
  ‣ Receives and executes a catalog.

   ‣ Runs on nodes to gather system
   ‣ Returns $variables to be used in
Facter (1)

[root@puppetnode1 ~]# facter --puppet
architecture => x86_64
fqdn => puppetnode1.noxlogic.local
interfaces => eth1,eth2,lo
ipaddress_eth1 =>
ipaddress_eth2 =>
kernel => Linux
kernelmajversion => 2.6
operatingsystem => CentOS
operatingsystemrelease => 6.0
processor0 => Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU             T7500   @ 2.20GHz
puppetversion => 2.6.9

‣ A simple list with info (also useable in your own tools)
Facter (2)

      ‣ You can add your own facts:
         ‣ project name
         ‣ master / slave database server
         ‣ zend server
         ‣ directadmin / plesk

‣ Very simple to add new facts (in ruby, that is)
Facter (3)


      Facter.add(“Zendserver”) do
        confine :kernel => :linux
        setcode do
          if FileTest.exists?(“/usr/local/zend/bin”)

‣ Crude, but effective enough for us
How does it work

                    Check cert

   Master           Return facts     Client
                   Returns catalog
Puppet manifests

  ‣ Manifests are puppet definitions
  ‣ <filename>.pp
  ‣ Puppet DSL
  ‣ De-cla-ra-tive language
  ‣ Version your manifests! (git/svn)
Puppet manifests

   package { “mc” :
     ensure => present,

   file { “/home/jaytaph/secret-ingredient.txt” :
     ensure => present,
     mode => 0600,
     user => ‘jaytaph’,
     group => ‘noxlogic’,
     source => “puppet:///secret.txt”,
Puppet manifests

      package { “httpd” :
        ensure => present,

      service { “httpd”:
        running => true,
        enable => true,
        require => Package[“httpd”],

‣ Spot the problem....
Puppet manifests

     Centos / Redhat
     service: httpd
     package: httpd
     config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
     vhosts: /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf

     Debian / Ubuntu
     service: apache2
     package: apache2
     config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
     vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-available

‣ Different distributions, different names
Puppet manifests

      service { “apache”:
        case $operatingsystem {
          centos, redhat { $apache = “httpd” }
          debian, ubuntu { $apache = “apache2” }
          default : { fail(‘I don’t know this OS/distro’) }

         name => $apache,
         running => true,

‣ $operatingsystem is a FACT
Puppet manifests

  node default {
    $def_packages = [ “mc”, “strace”, “sysstat” ]
    package { $def_packages :
      ensure => latest,

‣ “Main” manifest
Puppet manifests

   node ‘web.noxlogic.local’ {
     package { “httpd” :
       ensure => latest,
   node ‘db.noxlogic.local’ {
     package { “mysql-server” :
       ensure => installed,

‣ Defining nodes
Puppet manifests

 node basenode {
   user { “jaytaph” :
     ensure => present,
     gid => 1000,
     uid => 1000,
     home => “/home/jaytaph”,
     shell => “/bin/sh”,
     password => “supersecrethashedpassword”,

 node *.noxlogic.local inherits basenode {
Puppet manifests
Puppet manifests

   class webserver {
     service { “apache”:
       ensure => running,
       require => Package[“httpd”],
    package { “apache” :
       ensure => installed,

Puppet manifests

   class webserver {
     service { “apache”:
       ensure => running,
       require => Package[“httpd”],
    package { “apache” :
       ensure => installed,
       file { “vhost_$hostname” :
         path => “/etc/httpd/conf/10-vhost.conf”,
         content => template(“vhost.template.erb”),
         notify => Service[“httpd”],
Puppet manifests

       <virtualHost <%= ipaddress %>:80>
         ServerName <%= webserver_name %>
         ServerAlias <%= webserver_alias %>
         DocumentRoot <%= webserver_docroot %>

‣ ERB Templates can use custom variables and facts
Puppet manifests

 node “web01.noxlogic.local” inherits base {
   $webserver_name = “web01.noxlogic.local”
   $webserver_alias = “www.noxlogic.local”
   $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web01”
   import webserver
 node “web02.noxlogic.local” inherits base {
   $webserver_name = “web02.noxlogic.local”
   $webserver_alias = “crm.noxlogic.local”
   $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web02”
   import webserver
What can puppet manage

     ‣ Almost everything.
     ‣ standard 48 different resource types
     ‣ Ranging from “file” to “cron” to
       “ssh_key” to “user” to “selinux”.
     ‣ Can control your Cisco routers and
       windows machines too (sortakinda)

Puppet modules

  ‣ A puppet module is a collection of
    resources, classes, templates.
  ‣ Used for easy distribution and
  ‣ Self-contained, run out-of-the-box
Puppet modules

  ‣ puppetforge / github
  ‣ Create your own (and share!).
  ‣ Use the ones from puppet
    enterprise edition.
  ‣ Use the standard layout / best
Puppet modules
    │ ├──init.pp
    │ └──foo.pp
    │ ├──puppet/
    │ │ ├──parser/
    │ │ │ └──functions/
    │ │ ├──provider/
    │ │ └──type/
    │ └──facter/
    │ ├──init.pp
    │ └──foo.pp
Puppet modules
 class ntp::install {
         ensure => latest
 class ntp::config {
         require => Class["ntp::install"],
         notify => Class["ntp::service"],
         owner    => "root",
         group    => "root",
         mode     => 644
              source => "puppet:///ntp/ntp.conf";
              source => "puppet:///ntp/step-tickers";
 class ntp::service {
         ensure => running,
         enable => true,
         require => Class["ntp::config"],
 class ntp {
     include ntp::install, ntp::config, ntp::service
Test your modules

  ‣ (Unit)test your modules
  ‣ Test them with:
    puppet apply --noop
  ‣ More advanced testing: cucumber /
    cucumber-puppet (BDD)
External Node Configuration (1)

  ‣ Split modules and nodes
  ‣ Nodes should be classes - params
    only (best case scenario?)
  ‣ Nodes can be configured through
External Node Configuration (2)

 - base
 puppetserver: puppet.enrise.local
External Node Configuration (2)

 - base
 puppetserver: puppet.enrise.local

                         node node1.enrise.local {
                           $puppetserver = ‘puppet.enrise.local’
                           include base
External Node Configuration (3)

Puppet doesn’t care how you create YAML files.
    ‣ Ruby, PHP, Python, Perl, Pony,
    ‣ Use a database backend.
    ‣ Or use LDAP instead of YAML.
Confusing puppet things
Confusing puppet things

 ‣ Puppet went from v0.25 to v2.6.
 ‣ REST interface since 2.6. XMLRPC
   before that.
 ‣ One binary to rule them all (puppet).
 ‣ Puppet v2.7 switched from GPLv2 to
   apache2.0 license.
Confusing puppet things

 ‣ --test does not mean dry-run!
   (--noop does).
 ‣ It’s not object oriented. (puppet
   class != php class)
 ‣ It’s a declarative language.
Puppet dashboard
Live demo | MCollective?

‣ Puppet agent “calls” the master every 30
‣ But what about realtime command & control?
‣ “Puppet kick”... (meh)
‣ MCollective (Marionette Collective)

     ‣ Which systems running a database
       and have 16GB or less?
     ‣ Which systems are using <50% of
       available memory?
     ‣ Restart all apache services in
       timezone GMT+5.

‣ How do we handle large number of nodes?

      Client           Middleware          Node

        Client             ACTIVEMQ


‣ Middleware takes care of distribution,
‣ queued, broadcast etc..

      ‣ The collective

$ mc-facts operatingsystem
Report for fact: operatingsystem

     CentOS         found 3 times
     Debian         found 14 times
     Solaris        found 4 times

$ mc-facts -W operatingsystem=Centos operatingsystemrelease
Report for fact: operatingsystemrelease

     6.0           found 1 times
     5.6           found 2 times

‣ Filter out nodes based on facts
MCollective - cool stuff

   ‣ Display all running processes
   ‣ Run or deploy software
   ‣ Restart services
   ‣ Start puppet agent
   ‣ Upgrade your systems


           Let’s recap
Recap (1)

 ‣ Configuration management tool.
 ‣ Focusses on “what” instead of “how”.
 ‣ Scales from 1 to 100K+ systems.
 ‣ Uses descriptive manifests.
 ‣ Can use external node configurations.
Recap (2)

 ‣ Useful for sysadmins and developers.
 ‣ Keeps your infrastructure in sync.
 ‣ Keeps your infrastructure versioned.
 ‣ MCollective controls your hosts
   based on facts, not names.
Any questions?

Contenu connexe


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En vedette

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Sed & awk the dynamic duo
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En vedette (18)

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Workshop unittesting
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Moved 301
Moved 301Moved 301
Moved 301
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Unix command-line tools
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Similaire à Puppet for dummies - PHPBenelux UG edition

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Similaire à Puppet for dummies - PHPBenelux UG edition (20)

Puppet for Sys Admins
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Getting started with puppet and vagrant (1)
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Puppet Primer, Robbie Jerrom, Solution Architect VMware
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Puppet for dummies - PHPBenelux UG edition

  • 1. Puppet for Dummies ZendCon - October 2011 Santa Clara - United States
  • 2. Who am I? Joshua Thijssen Senior Software Engineer @ Enrise (Netherlands) Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java, and system & DB admin. Blog: Email: Twitter: @jaytaph
  • 3. The question of the day
  • 4. The question of the day What is puppet and why should I care?
  • 5. Why use puppet? “People are finally figuring out puppet and how it gets you to the pub by 4pm. Note that I’ve been at this pub since 2pm.” - Jorge Castro
  • 7. What is puppet? Puppet is a (not necessarily the) solution for the following problem: How do we setup, manage, synchronize, and upgrade our internal and external infrastructure?
  • 8. What is puppet? But isn’t that a sysadmin problem??
  • 9. What is puppet? Short answer:
  • 10. What is puppet? Short answer: NO
  • 11. How do we manage our infrastructure?
  • 12. How do we manage our infrastructure? ‣ Solution 1: We don’t,
  • 13. How do we manage our infrastructure? ‣ Solution 1: We don’t, ‣ Solution 2: We outsource,
  • 14. How do we manage our infrastructure? ‣ Solution 1: We don’t, ‣ Solution 2: We outsource, ‣ Solution 3: We automate the process.
  • 15. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1)
  • 16. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies.
  • 17. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin.
  • 18. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ‣ We only act on escalation
  • 19. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ‣ We only act on escalation ‣ reactive, not proactive
  • 20. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2)
  • 21. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s.
  • 22. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s. ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure?
  • 23. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s. ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure? ‣ Fight between stability and agility.
  • 24. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s. ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure? ‣ Fight between stability and agility. ‣ Does your hosting company decide on whether you can use PHP5.3???
  • 25. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3)
  • 26. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are in charge.
  • 27. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are in charge. ‣ Dedicated package repositories, tools, etc,..
  • 28. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are in charge. ‣ Dedicated package repositories, tools, etc,.. ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet.
  • 29. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are in charge. ‣ Dedicated package repositories, tools, etc,.. ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet. ‣ It’s actually not that hard.
  • 30. What is puppet? ‣ Open source configuration management tool. ‣ Written in Ruby ‣ Open source ‣ Commercial version available (puppet enterprise)
  • 31. What is puppet? ¹ ‣ Don’t tell HOW to do stuff. ‣ Tell WHAT to do. ¹ It’s not actually true, but good enough for now...
  • 34. Architectural overview Puppet Puppet CA Master https Puppet Agent
  • 35. Architectural overview Puppet Puppet CA Master https Puppet Puppet Puppet Agent Agent Agent
  • 36. Puppet structure ‣ Puppet master (puppetmasterd) ‣ Puppet cert (puppetca) ‣ Puppet agent (puppetd) ‣ Facter
  • 37. Puppet master (puppetmasterd) ‣ Central server ‣ File & configuration server ‣ REST over HTTPS interface
  • 38. Puppet cert (puppet CA) ‣ Certificate signing server ‣ Creates, signs, checks x509 certificates ‣ So you don’t have to worry about it
  • 39. Puppet cert (puppet CA) Check all systems that have connected to our CA server root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list --all + puppetmaster.noxlogic.local (74:A7:C8:27:72:0D:C1:DD:B8:71:0D:4F:37:69:3D:0C) puppetnode1.noxlogic.local (09:9D:1E:01:D0:A7:BA:FB:8C:F4:2D:96:78:34:54:44)
  • 40. Puppet cert (puppet CA) Let’s sign our first node root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --sign puppetnode1.noxlogic.local .... root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list --all + puppetmaster.noxlogic.local (74:A7:C8:27:72:0D:C1:DD:B8:71:0D:4F:37:69:3D:0C) + puppetnode1.noxlogic.local (CC:50:49:98:1D:F9:06:36:0E:6E:31:F5:27:D8:50:D8)
  • 41. Puppet agent (puppetd) ‣ Runs on every node that will be managed by puppet. ‣ Calls the puppet master every 30 minutes with system information. ‣ Receives and executes a catalog.
  • 42. Facter ‣ Runs on nodes to gather system information. ‣ Returns $variables to be used in configuration.
  • 43. Facter (1) [root@puppetnode1 ~]# facter --puppet architecture => x86_64 fqdn => puppetnode1.noxlogic.local interfaces => eth1,eth2,lo ipaddress_eth1 => ipaddress_eth2 => kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 operatingsystem => CentOS operatingsystemrelease => 6.0 processor0 => Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz puppetversion => 2.6.9 ‣ A simple list with info (also useable in your own tools)
  • 44. Facter (2) ‣ You can add your own facts: ‣ project name ‣ master / slave database server ‣ zend server ‣ directadmin / plesk ‣ Very simple to add new facts (in ruby, that is)
  • 45. Facter (3) zendstudio.rb: Facter.add(“Zendserver”) do confine :kernel => :linux setcode do if FileTest.exists?(“/usr/local/zend/bin”) “true” else “false” end end end ‣ Crude, but effective enough for us
  • 46. How does it work Check cert Master Return facts Client Returns catalog
  • 47. Puppet manifests ‣ Manifests are puppet definitions ‣ <filename>.pp ‣ Puppet DSL ‣ De-cla-ra-tive language ‣ Version your manifests! (git/svn)
  • 48. Puppet manifests package { “mc” : ensure => present, } file { “/home/jaytaph/secret-ingredient.txt” : ensure => present, mode => 0600, user => ‘jaytaph’, group => ‘noxlogic’, source => “puppet:///secret.txt”, }
  • 49. Puppet manifests package { “httpd” : ensure => present, } service { “httpd”: running => true, enable => true, require => Package[“httpd”], } ‣ Spot the problem....
  • 50. Puppet manifests Centos / Redhat service: httpd package: httpd config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf Debian / Ubuntu service: apache2 package: apache2 config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-available ‣ Different distributions, different names
  • 51. Puppet manifests service { “apache”: case $operatingsystem { centos, redhat { $apache = “httpd” } debian, ubuntu { $apache = “apache2” } default : { fail(‘I don’t know this OS/distro’) } } name => $apache, running => true, } ‣ $operatingsystem is a FACT
  • 52. Puppet manifests /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp: node default { $def_packages = [ “mc”, “strace”, “sysstat” ] package { $def_packages : ensure => latest, } } ‣ “Main” manifest
  • 53. Puppet manifests node ‘web.noxlogic.local’ { package { “httpd” : ensure => latest, } } node ‘db.noxlogic.local’ { package { “mysql-server” : ensure => installed, } } ‣ Defining nodes
  • 54. Puppet manifests node basenode { user { “jaytaph” : ensure => present, gid => 1000, uid => 1000, home => “/home/jaytaph”, shell => “/bin/sh”, password => “supersecrethashedpassword”, } } node *.noxlogic.local inherits basenode { ... }
  • 56. Puppet manifests class webserver { service { “apache”: ensure => running, require => Package[“httpd”], } package { “apache” : ensure => installed, } }
  • 57. Puppet manifests class webserver { service { “apache”: ensure => running, require => Package[“httpd”], } package { “apache” : ensure => installed, } file { “vhost_$hostname” : path => “/etc/httpd/conf/10-vhost.conf”, content => template(“vhost.template.erb”), notify => Service[“httpd”], } }
  • 58. Puppet manifests vhost.template.erb <virtualHost <%= ipaddress %>:80> ServerName <%= webserver_name %> ServerAlias <%= webserver_alias %> DocumentRoot <%= webserver_docroot %> </virtualHost> ‣ ERB Templates can use custom variables and facts
  • 59. Puppet manifests node “web01.noxlogic.local” inherits base { $webserver_name = “web01.noxlogic.local” $webserver_alias = “www.noxlogic.local” $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web01” import webserver } node “web02.noxlogic.local” inherits base { $webserver_name = “web02.noxlogic.local” $webserver_alias = “crm.noxlogic.local” $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web02” import webserver }
  • 60. What can puppet manage ‣ Almost everything. ‣ standard 48 different resource types ‣ Ranging from “file” to “cron” to “ssh_key” to “user” to “selinux”. ‣ Can control your Cisco routers and windows machines too (sortakinda) ‣
  • 61. Puppet modules ‣ A puppet module is a collection of resources, classes, templates. ‣ Used for easy distribution and code-reuse. ‣ Self-contained, run out-of-the-box
  • 62. Puppet modules ‣ puppetforge / github ‣ Create your own (and share!). ‣ Use the ones from puppet enterprise edition. ‣ Use the standard layout / best practices
  • 63. Puppet modules MODULE_PATH/ └──downcased_module_name/ ├──files/ ├──manifests/ │ ├──init.pp │ └──foo.pp ├──lib/ │ ├──puppet/ │ │ ├──parser/ │ │ │ └──functions/ │ │ ├──provider/ │ │ └──type/ │ └──facter/ ├──templates/ ├──tests │ ├──init.pp │ └──foo.pp └──README
  • 64. Puppet modules class ntp::install { package{"ntpd": ensure => latest } } class ntp::config { File{ require => Class["ntp::install"], notify => Class["ntp::service"], owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644 } file{"/etc/ntp.conf": source => "puppet:///ntp/ntp.conf"; "/etc/ntp/step-tickers": source => "puppet:///ntp/step-tickers"; } } class ntp::service { service{"ntp": ensure => running, enable => true, require => Class["ntp::config"], } } class ntp { include ntp::install, ntp::config, ntp::service }
  • 65. Test your modules ‣ (Unit)test your modules ‣ Test them with: puppet apply --noop ‣ More advanced testing: cucumber / cucumber-puppet (BDD)
  • 66. External Node Configuration (1) ‣ Split modules and nodes ‣ Nodes should be classes - params only (best case scenario?) ‣ Nodes can be configured through YAML
  • 67. External Node Configuration (2) node1.enrise.local.yaml --- classes: - base parameters: puppetserver: puppet.enrise.local
  • 68. External Node Configuration (2) node1.enrise.local.yaml --- classes: - base parameters: puppetserver: puppet.enrise.local node node1.enrise.local { $puppetserver = ‘puppet.enrise.local’ include base }
  • 69. External Node Configuration (3) Puppet doesn’t care how you create YAML files. ‣ Ruby, PHP, Python, Perl, Pony, shellscript. ‣ REST, SOAP, XMLRPC. ‣ Use a database backend. ‣ Or use LDAP instead of YAML.
  • 71. Confusing puppet things ‣ Puppet went from v0.25 to v2.6. ‣ REST interface since 2.6. XMLRPC before that. ‣ One binary to rule them all (puppet). ‣ Puppet v2.7 switched from GPLv2 to apache2.0 license.
  • 72. Confusing puppet things ‣ --test does not mean dry-run! (--noop does). ‣ It’s not object oriented. (puppet class != php class) ‣ It’s a declarative language.
  • 74. Live demo | MCollective?
  • 75. MCollective ‣ Puppet agent “calls” the master every 30 minutes. ‣ But what about realtime command & control? ‣ “Puppet kick”... (meh) ‣ MCollective (Marionette Collective)
  • 76. MCollective ‣ Which systems running a database and have 16GB or less? ‣ Which systems are using <50% of available memory? ‣ Restart all apache services in timezone GMT+5. ‣ How do we handle large number of nodes?
  • 77. MCollective Client Middleware Node MCollective Server MCollective Client ACTIVEMQ Server MCollective Server Collective ‣ Middleware takes care of distribution, ‣ queued, broadcast etc..
  • 78. MCollective ‣ The collective
  • 79. MCollective $ mc-facts operatingsystem Report for fact: operatingsystem CentOS found 3 times Debian found 14 times Solaris found 4 times $ mc-facts -W operatingsystem=Centos operatingsystemrelease Report for fact: operatingsystemrelease 6.0 found 1 times 5.6 found 2 times ‣ Filter out nodes based on facts
  • 80. MCollective - cool stuff ‣ Display all running processes ‣ Run or deploy software ‣ Restart services ‣ Start puppet agent ‣ Upgrade your systems
  • 81. Recap -ETOOMUCHINFO Let’s recap
  • 82. Recap (1) ‣ Configuration management tool. ‣ Focusses on “what” instead of “how”. ‣ Scales from 1 to 100K+ systems. ‣ Uses descriptive manifests. ‣ Can use external node configurations.
  • 83. Recap (2) ‣ Useful for sysadmins and developers. ‣ Keeps your infrastructure in sync. ‣ Keeps your infrastructure versioned. ‣ MCollective controls your hosts based on facts, not names.

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