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Designing C++ portable SIMD support
Joel Falcou
CppCon 2016
NumScale in a few words
Our company
French start-up specialized in software performance
We sell C++ libraries to master modern hardware performance
Consulting & training on all things C++ or HPC
NumScale and C++
Member of the ISO C++ French National Body
Enthusiastic user & contributor to OSS projects
Involved in the European C++ community
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What in the world is SIMD ?
Is SIMD that obscure ?
Let’s have a poll
Who needs performances in their daily job ?
3 of 33
Is SIMD that obscure ?
Let’s have a poll
Who needs performances in their daily job ?
Who knows about parallel programming ?
3 of 33
Is SIMD that obscure ?
Let’s have a poll
Who needs performances in their daily job ?
Who knows about parallel programming ?
Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ?
3 of 33
Is SIMD that obscure ?
Let’s have a poll
Who needs performances in their daily job ?
Who knows about parallel programming ?
Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ?
Who uses SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX, VMX or NEON ?
3 of 33
Is SIMD that obscure ?
Let’s have a poll
Who needs performances in their daily job ?
Who knows about parallel programming ?
Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ?
Who uses SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX, VMX or NEON ?
Who has nightmares because of those ?
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What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach
Some workload to process
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What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach
A regular CPU
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What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach
Single Instruction, Single Data processing
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What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach
A SIMD enabled CPU
4 of 33
What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach
Single Instruction, Multiple Data processing
4 of 33
What is SIMD ? - For real
Wide registers store N > 1 values.
Special instructions process those
Code uses a blitter like approach.
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What is SIMD ? - For real
Speed-up of N on cache-hot data
Avoid premature scale-out
Maximize FLOPS/Watts
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1,001 avors of SIMD
Intel x86
MMX 64 bits oat, double
SSE 128 bits oat
SSE2 128 bits int8, int16, int32, int64,
SSE4.1, SSE4.2
AVX 256 bits oat, double
AVX2 256 bits int8, int16, int32, int64
AVX512 512 bits oat, double, int32,
VMX 128 bits int8, int16, int32,
int64, oat
VSX, 128 bits int8, int16, int32,
int64, oat, double
QPX, 512 bits double
VFP 64 bits oat, double
NEON 64 bits et 128 bits double,
oat, int8, int16, int32, int64
6 of 33
The Many Ways to Vectorize
Implicit vectorization
Compiler hints
Explicit vectorization
Langages extensions
SIMD Intrinsics libraries
Vector Intrinsics
Inline Assembly
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The Many Ways to Vectorize
Implicit vectorization
Compiler hints
Explicit vectorization
Langages extensions
SIMD Intrinsics libraries
Vector Intrinsics
Inline Assembly (let’s just say no right now)
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Implicit vectorization
Compile-time analysis of loop nest
May use special hints
Only safe transformations are applied
template <typename T>
void f(T* restrict a, T* restrict b, int size)
#pragma ivdep
for(int i=0;i<size ;++i)
a[i] += b[i];
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Flag loop as must be vectorized
Support for reductions & SIMD functions
User is in charge of checking validity
template <typename T> T f(T* a, T* b, int size)
T res=0;
#pragma omp simd reduction (+:res)
for(int i=0;i<size ;++i)
a[i] += b[i];
res += b[i];
return res;
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SIMD Intrinsics Library
Wrap SIMD computations in a library
Support SIMD idioms with algorithms or other abstractions
Improve portability across compilers
Agner Fog’s x86 library
gSIMD, Cyme
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Explicit usage of intrinsics
return vmul_s32(a0 , a1); // 64-bit
return vmulq_s32(a0 , a1); // 128-bit
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Explicit usage of intrinsics
// SSE4.1
return _mm_mullo_epi32(a0, a1);
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Explicit usage of intrinsics
// SSE2
_mm_setr_epi32 (0xffffffff ,0,0xffffffff ,0)
, _mm_slli_si128(
_mm_mul_epu32( _mm_srli_si128(a0 ,4)
, _mm_srli_si128(a1 ,4)
, _mm_setr_epi32 (0xffffffff ,0,0xffffffff ,0)
, 4
11 of 33
Explicit usage of intrinsics
// Altivec
// reinterpret as u16
short0 = (__vector unsigned short)a0;
short1 = (__vector unsigned short)a1;
// shifting constant
shift = vec_splat_u32 (-16);
sf = vec_rl(a1, shift_);
// Compute high part of the product
high = vec_msum( short0 , (__vector unsigned short)sf
, vec_splat_u32 (0)
// Complete by adding low part of the 16 bits product
return vec_add( vec_sl(high , shift_)
, vec_mulo(short0 , short1)
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Implicit vs Explicit SIMD
Automatic dependency
analysis (e.g. reductions).
Recognises idioms with data
Non-inline functions are
Limited support for
outer-loop vectorisation
Relies on the compiler’s
vectorizable patterns library
No dependency analysis
Recognises idioms without
data dependencies.
Non-inline functions can be
Outer loops can be
May be more cross-compiler
12 of 33
bSIMD and Boost.SIMD†
Boost.SIMD is a candidate for acceptance as a Boost Library
From bSIMD to Boost.SIMD
NumScale closed source software for SIMD programming
Explicit SIMD library
Supports x86, PPC, ARM architectures
Provides domain specic algorithms
Open Source sub-part of bSIMD
Supports x86 and Power6
Provides STD like algorithms
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The Boost.SIMD register abstraction
Usable as a regular Value Type
Wraps a block of contiguous N elements of type T
pack<T> picks the optimal N for current hardware
T is a fundamental type
logical<T> is used to handle boolean
N must be a power of 2.
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The Boost.SIMD register abstraction
Usable as a regular Value Type
Wraps a block of contiguous N elements of type T
pack<T> picks the optimal N for current hardware
What if ?
Let’s have C, the current hardware register size for type T
If N == C, use the native register directly
If N < C, use a scalar array (for now)
If N > C, use an aggregate of 2 x pack<T,N/2>
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Getting data into packs
pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v
pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...)
pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr
pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range
Explicit Memory Load
load<T>(U* ptr [,Offset o] )
load<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,Offset o] )
aligned_load<T>(U* ptr [,int o] )
aligned_load<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,int o] )
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Getting data into packs
pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v
pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...)
pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr
pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range
Misaligned Loads
Load an unaligned address with static misalignment
Optimized to be faster than unaligned load
16 of 33
Getting data into packs
pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v
pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...)
pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr
pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range
Explicit Memory Store
store<T>(U* ptr [,Offset o] )
store<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,Offset o] )
aligned_store<T>(U* ptr [,int o] )
aligned_store<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,int o] )
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Supported operations on pack
Basic Operators
All operators are available with possible scalar mixing
No convertion nor promotion
==, !=, <, <=, >, >= perform SIMD comparisons.
compare_equal, compare_less perform reductive comparisons.
Other properties
Models RandomAccessRange
p[i] return a proxy to access the register internal value
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Selection of available functions
saturated arithmetics
long multiplication
oat/int conversion
round, oor, ceil, trunc
sqrt, cbrt
rounded division and
andnot, ornot
ror, rol
rshr, rshl
comparison to zero
negated comparisons
is_unord, is_nan,
is_odd, is_even
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Selection of available functions
any, all, none
product, dot product
splatted reduction
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{and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2
Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD
Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations
Turn memory access into computations
Support for specic permutations
Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns
Basic permutations
reverse, broadcast
interleave, deinterleave
repeat, slide
runtime lookup
20 of 33
{and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2
Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD
Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations
Turn memory access into computations
Support for specic permutations
Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns
Arbitrary permutation of elements
Optimizable if known at compile-time
Available for one or two parameters
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{and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2
Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD
Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations
Turn memory access into computations
Support for specic permutations
Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns
pack <float ,4> a{1,2,3,4};
pack <float ,4> b{10 ,20 ,30 ,40};
// r1 = [1 1 4 4 ]
auto r1 = shuffle <0,0,3,3>(a);
// r2 = [1 0 0 10 ]
auto r2 = shuffle <0,-1,-1,4>(a,b);
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{and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2
Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD
Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations
Turn memory access into computations
Support for specic permutations
Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns
struct reverse_
template <class I, class C> struct apply
: std:: integral_constant <int ,C::value -I::value -1>;
// res = [4 3 2 1]
pack <float > res = shuffle <reverse_ >(a);
20 of 33
{and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2
Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD
Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations
Turn memory access into computations
Support for specic permutations
Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns
constexpr int mix_half(int i, int c)
return i < c/2 ? i+c : i;
// res = [10 20 3 4]
pack <float > res = shuffle <pattern <mix_half >>(a,b);
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Integration with the Standard Library
Algorithms :
SIMD transform
SIMD reduce
Use generic functor/lambda for mixing scalar/SIMD
Ranges :
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Integration with the Standard Library
std::vector <float , simd::allocator <float > > v(N);
simd:: transform( v.begin(), v.end()
, []( auto const& p)
return p * 2.f;
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Integration with the Standard Library
std::vector <float , simd::allocator <float > > i(N), o(N);
auto x = simd:: reduce(,
, 0.f
auto y = simd:: reduce(,, 0.f
, []( auto&& a,auto&& e){return a+e*e;}
, 0.f, simd::plus
22 of 33
Under the SIMD Hood
Performances !
Basic Functions
Single precision math functions (cycles/values)
Hardware : Core i7 SandyBridge, AVX
Function Range std Scalar SIMD
exp [−10, 10] 46 38 7
log [−10, −10] 42 37 5
asin [−1, 1] 40 35 13
cos [−20π, 20π] 66 47 6
restricted_(cos) [−π/4, π/4] 32 9 1.3
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Julia set generator
Generate a fractal image using the Julia funtion
Largely compute-bound
Challenge : Workload depends on pixel location
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Julia set generator
template <class T> auto julia(T const& a, T const& b)
as_integer_t <T> res {0};
std:: size_t max_iter {0};
T x{0}, y{0};
do {
auto x2 = x * x;
auto y2 = y * y;
auto mask = x2 + y2 < 4;
auto xy = 2 * x * y;
x = x2 - y2 + a;
y = xy + b;
res = if_inc(mask , res);
} while(any(mask) && max_iter ++ < 256);
return res;
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Julia set generator
Timing w/ Boost.SIMD and other solutions
from An Evaluation of current SIMD programming Models for C++ Pohl et al., 2015
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Interaction with Boost.Odeint
Coupled/Uncoupled Roessler system
Written by Mario Mulanski
Showcase effects of both cache and SIMD
Use Boost.ODEINT for the ODE system
Use Boost.SIMD to vectorize the system
Minimal disruption in the code
Global x3 performances gain
See the whole code at https ://
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Interaction with Boost.Odeint
template <class S, class D>
void operator ()(const S &x_, D &dxdt_ , double t) const
auto x = boost ::begin( x_ );
auto dxdt = boost::begin( dxdt_ );
const int N = boost::size(x_);
for( int j=1; j<N/dim -1; ++j )
const int i = j*dim;
dxdt[i] = -1.0*x[i + 1] - x[i + 2] +
m_d * (x[i - dim] + x[i + dim] - 2.0 * x[i]);
dxdt[i + 1] = x[i] + m_a * x[i + 1];
dxdt[i + 2] = m_b + x[i + 2] * (x[i] - m_c);
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Interaction with Boost.Odeint
// Scalar call
using state_type = std::vector <double >;
state_type x(N);
odeint :: runge_kutta4 <state_type > rk4 ;
odeint :: integrate_const(rk4 , roessler , x, 0.0, T , dt);
// Boost.SIMD call
using alloc_t = simd::allocator <double >;
using state_type = vector <pack <double >,alloc_t >;
state_type x ( N/ pack <double >:: static_size );
odeint :: runge_kutta4 < state_type > rk4 ;
odeint :: integrate_const(rk4 , roessler , x, 0.0, T, dt);
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Interaction with Boost.Odeint
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High level SIMD in C++11/14
Designing a C++ library for low level performance primitives is
C++11/14 features play nice with SIMD intrinsics
SIMD specic idioms maps to modern C++ components
To be proposed for review this fall
Find us on https ://
Tests and feedback welcome
31 of 33
This talk would not have been feasible without
The bSIMD team
Lead Developer : Charly Chevalier
Developers : Jean-Thierry Lapresté, Guillaume Quintin
Tests and Doc : Alan Kelly, Kenny Peou
Our supporters
Tim Blenchman, our earliest adopter
Serge Guelton, for integrating Boost.SIMD into pythran
Mario Mulansky, for its work with Boost.SIMD & Boost.Odeint
Sylvain Jubertie,Ian Masliah, for testing Boost.SIMD in clever ways
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Thanks for your attention !

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Designing C++ portable SIMD support

  • 1. Designing C++ portable SIMD support Joel Falcou NumScale CppCon 2016
  • 2. NumScale in a few words Our company French start-up specialized in software performance We sell C++ libraries to master modern hardware performance Consulting & training on all things C++ or HPC NumScale and C++ Member of the ISO C++ French National Body Enthusiastic user & contributor to OSS projects Involved in the European C++ community 1 of 33
  • 3. What in the world is SIMD ?
  • 4. Is SIMD that obscure ? Let’s have a poll Who needs performances in their daily job ? 3 of 33
  • 5. Is SIMD that obscure ? Let’s have a poll Who needs performances in their daily job ? Who knows about parallel programming ? 3 of 33
  • 6. Is SIMD that obscure ? Let’s have a poll Who needs performances in their daily job ? Who knows about parallel programming ? Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ? 3 of 33
  • 7. Is SIMD that obscure ? Let’s have a poll Who needs performances in their daily job ? Who knows about parallel programming ? Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ? Who uses SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX, VMX or NEON ? 3 of 33
  • 8. Is SIMD that obscure ? Let’s have a poll Who needs performances in their daily job ? Who knows about parallel programming ? Who knows about SIMD/multimedia extensions ? Who uses SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX, VMX or NEON ? Who has nightmares because of those ? 3 of 33
  • 9. What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach Some workload to process 4 of 33
  • 10. What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach A regular CPU 4 of 33
  • 11. What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach Single Instruction, Single Data processing 4 of 33
  • 12. What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach A SIMD enabled CPU 4 of 33
  • 13. What is SIMD ? - A french cuisine approach Single Instruction, Multiple Data processing 4 of 33
  • 14. What is SIMD ? - For real Instructions Data Results SISD SIMD Principes Wide registers store N > 1 values. Special instructions process those registers. Code uses a blitter like approach. 5 of 33
  • 15. What is SIMD ? - For real Instructions Data Results SISD SIMD Benets Speed-up of N on cache-hot data Avoid premature scale-out Maximize FLOPS/Watts 5 of 33
  • 16. 1,001 avors of SIMD Intel x86 MMX 64 bits oat, double SSE 128 bits oat SSE2 128 bits int8, int16, int32, int64, double SSE3, SSSE3 SSE4a (AMD) SSE4.1, SSE4.2 AVX 256 bits oat, double AVX2 256 bits int8, int16, int32, int64 FMA3 FMA4, XOP (AMD) AVX512 512 bits oat, double, int32, int64 PowerPC VMX 128 bits int8, int16, int32, int64, oat VSX, 128 bits int8, int16, int32, int64, oat, double QPX, 512 bits double ARM VFP 64 bits oat, double NEON 64 bits et 128 bits double, oat, int8, int16, int32, int64 6 of 33
  • 17. The Many Ways to Vectorize Implicit vectorization Auto-Vectorization Compiler hints Explicit vectorization Langages extensions SIMD Intrinsics libraries Vector Intrinsics Inline Assembly 7 of 33
  • 18. The Many Ways to Vectorize Implicit vectorization Auto-Vectorization Compiler hints Explicit vectorization Langages extensions SIMD Intrinsics libraries Vector Intrinsics Inline Assembly (let’s just say no right now) 7 of 33
  • 19. Implicit vectorization Auto-vectorizer Compile-time analysis of loop nest May use special hints Only safe transformations are applied template <typename T> void f(T* restrict a, T* restrict b, int size) { #pragma ivdep for(int i=0;i<size ;++i) a[i] += b[i]; } 8 of 33
  • 20. OpenMP4 Principle Flag loop as must be vectorized Support for reductions & SIMD functions User is in charge of checking validity template <typename T> T f(T* a, T* b, int size) { T res=0; #pragma omp simd reduction (+:res) for(int i=0;i<size ;++i) { a[i] += b[i]; res += b[i]; } return res; } 9 of 33
  • 21. SIMD Intrinsics Library Principle Wrap SIMD computations in a library Support SIMD idioms with algorithms or other abstractions Improve portability across compilers Examples Agner Fog’s x86 library Vc, NOVA gSIMD, Cyme Boost.SIMD 10 of 33
  • 22. Explicit usage of intrinsics // NEON return vmul_s32(a0 , a1); // 64-bit return vmulq_s32(a0 , a1); // 128-bit 11 of 33
  • 23. Explicit usage of intrinsics // SSE4.1 return _mm_mullo_epi32(a0, a1); 11 of 33
  • 24. Explicit usage of intrinsics // SSE2 return _mm_or_si128( _mm_and_si128( _mm_mul_epu32(a0,a1), _mm_setr_epi32 (0xffffffff ,0,0xffffffff ,0) ) , _mm_slli_si128( _mm_and_si128( _mm_mul_epu32( _mm_srli_si128(a0 ,4) , _mm_srli_si128(a1 ,4) ) , _mm_setr_epi32 (0xffffffff ,0,0xffffffff ,0) ) , 4 ) ); 11 of 33
  • 25. Explicit usage of intrinsics // Altivec // reinterpret as u16 short0 = (__vector unsigned short)a0; short1 = (__vector unsigned short)a1; // shifting constant shift = vec_splat_u32 (-16); sf = vec_rl(a1, shift_); // Compute high part of the product high = vec_msum( short0 , (__vector unsigned short)sf , vec_splat_u32 (0) ); // Complete by adding low part of the 16 bits product return vec_add( vec_sl(high , shift_) , vec_mulo(short0 , short1) ); 11 of 33
  • 26. Implicit vs Explicit SIMD Implicit Automatic dependency analysis (e.g. reductions). Recognises idioms with data dependencies. Non-inline functions are scalar. Limited support for outer-loop vectorisation Relies on the compiler’s vectorizable patterns library Explicit No dependency analysis Recognises idioms without data dependencies. Non-inline functions can be vectorised. Outer loops can be vectorised. May be more cross-compiler portable. 12 of 33
  • 27. bSIMD and Boost.SIMD† † Boost.SIMD is a candidate for acceptance as a Boost Library
  • 28. From bSIMD to Boost.SIMD bSIMD NumScale closed source software for SIMD programming Explicit SIMD library Supports x86, PPC, ARM architectures Provides domain specic algorithms Boost.SIMD Open Source sub-part of bSIMD Supports x86 and Power6 Provides STD like algorithms 14 of 33
  • 29. The Boost.SIMD register abstraction pack<T,N> Usable as a regular Value Type Wraps a block of contiguous N elements of type T pack<T> picks the optimal N for current hardware Constraints T is a fundamental type logical<T> is used to handle boolean N must be a power of 2. 15 of 33
  • 30. The Boost.SIMD register abstraction pack<T,N> Usable as a regular Value Type Wraps a block of contiguous N elements of type T pack<T> picks the optimal N for current hardware What if ? Let’s have C, the current hardware register size for type T If N == C, use the native register directly If N < C, use a scalar array (for now) If N > C, use an aggregate of 2 x pack<T,N/2> 15 of 33
  • 31. Getting data into packs Constructors pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...) pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range Explicit Memory Load load<T>(U* ptr [,Offset o] ) load<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,Offset o] ) aligned_load<T>(U* ptr [,int o] ) aligned_load<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,int o] ) 16 of 33
  • 32. Getting data into packs Constructors pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...) pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range Misaligned Loads aligned_store<T,N>(ptr) Load an unaligned address with static misalignment Optimized to be faster than unaligned load 16 of 33
  • 33. Getting data into packs Constructors pack<T,N> x(U v) : ll x with N v pack<T,N> x(U v...) : ll x with (v0,v1,...) pack<T,N> x(T* ptr) : load N element from aligned memory ptr pack<T,N> x(It b, It e) : load N element from the [b,e[ Range Explicit Memory Store store<T>(U* ptr [,Offset o] ) store<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,Offset o] ) aligned_store<T>(U* ptr [,int o] ) aligned_store<T>(mask_ptr<U> ptr [,int o] ) 16 of 33
  • 34. Supported operations on pack Basic Operators All operators are available with possible scalar mixing No convertion nor promotion Comparisons ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= perform SIMD comparisons. compare_equal, compare_less perform reductive comparisons. Other properties Models RandomAccessRange p[i] return a proxy to access the register internal value 17 of 33
  • 35. Selection of available functions Arithmetic saturated arithmetics long multiplication oat/int conversion round, oor, ceil, trunc sqrt, cbrt hypot average random min/max rounded division and remainder Bitwise select andnot, ornot popcnt ffs ror, rol rshr, rshl twopower IEEE ilogb frexp ldexp next/prev ulpdist exponent/mantissa Predicates comparison to zero negated comparisons is_unord, is_nan, is_invalid is_odd, is_even majority 18 of 33
  • 36. Selection of available functions Reduction any, all, none nbtrue minimum/maximum sum product, dot product SWAR group/split combine/slice splatted reduction cumsum sort shuffle interleaving deinterleaving 19 of 33
  • 37. {and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2 Principles Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations Turn memory access into computations Support for specic permutations Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns Basic permutations reverse, broadcast interleave, deinterleave repeat, slide runtime lookup 20 of 33
  • 38. {and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2 Principles Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations Turn memory access into computations Support for specic permutations Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns Shuffle Arbitrary permutation of elements Optimizable if known at compile-time Available for one or two parameters 20 of 33
  • 39. {and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2 Principles Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations Turn memory access into computations Support for specic permutations Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns pack <float ,4> a{1,2,3,4}; pack <float ,4> b{10 ,20 ,30 ,40}; // r1 = [1 1 4 4 ] auto r1 = shuffle <0,0,3,3>(a); // r2 = [1 0 0 10 ] auto r2 = shuffle <0,-1,-1,4>(a,b); 20 of 33
  • 40. {and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2 Principles Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations Turn memory access into computations Support for specic permutations Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns struct reverse_ { template <class I, class C> struct apply : std:: integral_constant <int ,C::value -I::value -1>; {}; }; // res = [4 3 2 1] pack <float > res = shuffle <reverse_ >(a); 20 of 33
  • 41. {and, Shuffling, Permutation}1,0,2 Principles Data reordering is #1 technique in SIMD Use cases : transpose, AoS/SoA transformations Turn memory access into computations Support for specic permutations Support for arbitrary shuffling patterns constexpr int mix_half(int i, int c) { return i < c/2 ? i+c : i; }; // res = [10 20 3 4] pack <float > res = shuffle <pattern <mix_half >>(a,b); 20 of 33
  • 42. Integration with the Standard Library Algorithms : SIMD transform SIMD reduce Use generic functor/lambda for mixing scalar/SIMD Allocators Ranges : boost::simd::input_range boost::simd::output_range boost::simd::aligned_input_range boost::simd::aligned_output_range boost::simd::segmented_input_range boost::simd::segmented_output_range 21 of 33
  • 43. Integration with the Standard Library std::vector <float , simd::allocator <float > > v(N); simd:: transform( v.begin(), v.end() , []( auto const& p) { return p * 2.f; } ); 22 of 33
  • 44. Integration with the Standard Library std::vector <float , simd::allocator <float > > i(N), o(N); auto x = simd:: reduce(, , 0.f ); auto y = simd:: reduce(,, 0.f , []( auto&& a,auto&& e){return a+e*e;} , 0.f, simd::plus ); 22 of 33
  • 47. Basic Functions Single precision math functions (cycles/values) Hardware : Core i7 SandyBridge, AVX Function Range std Scalar SIMD exp [−10, 10] 46 38 7 log [−10, −10] 42 37 5 asin [−1, 1] 40 35 13 cos [−20π, 20π] 66 47 6 restricted_(cos) [−π/4, π/4] 32 9 1.3 25 of 33
  • 48. Julia set generator Generate a fractal image using the Julia funtion Largely compute-bound Challenge : Workload depends on pixel location 26 of 33
  • 49. Julia set generator template <class T> auto julia(T const& a, T const& b) { as_integer_t <T> res {0}; std:: size_t max_iter {0}; T x{0}, y{0}; do { auto x2 = x * x; auto y2 = y * y; auto mask = x2 + y2 < 4; auto xy = 2 * x * y; x = x2 - y2 + a; y = xy + b; res = if_inc(mask , res); } while(any(mask) && max_iter ++ < 256); return res; } 27 of 33
  • 50. Julia set generator Timing w/ Boost.SIMD and other solutions from An Evaluation of current SIMD programming Models for C++ Pohl et al., 2015 28 of 33
  • 51. Interaction with Boost.Odeint Coupled/Uncoupled Roessler system Written by Mario Mulanski Showcase effects of both cache and SIMD Use Boost.ODEINT for the ODE system Use Boost.SIMD to vectorize the system Results Minimal disruption in the code Global x3 performances gain See the whole code at https :// 29 of 33
  • 52. Interaction with Boost.Odeint template <class S, class D> void operator ()(const S &x_, D &dxdt_ , double t) const { auto x = boost ::begin( x_ ); auto dxdt = boost::begin( dxdt_ ); const int N = boost::size(x_); for( int j=1; j<N/dim -1; ++j ) { const int i = j*dim; dxdt[i] = -1.0*x[i + 1] - x[i + 2] + m_d * (x[i - dim] + x[i + dim] - 2.0 * x[i]); dxdt[i + 1] = x[i] + m_a * x[i + 1]; dxdt[i + 2] = m_b + x[i + 2] * (x[i] - m_c); } } 29 of 33
  • 53. Interaction with Boost.Odeint // Scalar call using state_type = std::vector <double >; state_type x(N); odeint :: runge_kutta4 <state_type > rk4 ; odeint :: integrate_const(rk4 , roessler , x, 0.0, T , dt); // Boost.SIMD call using alloc_t = simd::allocator <double >; using state_type = vector <pack <double >,alloc_t >; state_type x ( N/ pack <double >:: static_size ); odeint :: runge_kutta4 < state_type > rk4 ; odeint :: integrate_const(rk4 , roessler , x, 0.0, T, dt); 29 of 33
  • 56. Conclusion High level SIMD in C++11/14 Designing a C++ library for low level performance primitives is possible C++11/14 features play nice with SIMD intrinsics SIMD specic idioms maps to modern C++ components Boost.SIMD To be proposed for review this fall Find us on https :// Tests and feedback welcome 31 of 33
  • 57. This talk would not have been feasible without The bSIMD team Lead Developer : Charly Chevalier Developers : Jean-Thierry Lapresté, Guillaume Quintin Tests and Doc : Alan Kelly, Kenny Peou Our supporters Tim Blenchman, our earliest adopter Serge Guelton, for integrating Boost.SIMD into pythran Mario Mulansky, for its work with Boost.SIMD & Boost.Odeint Sylvain Jubertie,Ian Masliah, for testing Boost.SIMD in clever ways 32 of 33
  • 58. Thanks for your attention !