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change and innovation practices

Agile Leadership Practices
Management 3.0 is a workshop,
a course, a couple of books, and a
collection of concrete practices,
to inspire managers and team
members, who face the challenge of
transforming their organizations to
be more innovative, with a higher
productivity. We achieve this by
providing guidance and practices,
and by applying new thinking
to the craft, art, and science of
management and leadership.

The Management 3.0 workout practices aim at leaders and
knowledge workers who are trying to be more agile and lean in their
approach to management. The courses and workshops typically
draw a mix of team leaders, development managers, IT directors,
agile coaches, HR managers, project managers, scrum masters,
product owners, and creative workers.

The team loved the game today, and are thinking
of reorganizing themselves into more stable
teams rather than product teams. Next week
we’re doing an exercise to prioritize everyone’s
hardware requests. If it goes well, we’ll be
creating our new company compensation system
as a team. It feels good! Thank you!
Paul Klipp, President of Lunar Logic in Krakow, Poland

Courses & Tutorials
Whether it’s a standard two-day course, a custom eight-hour
workshop, a four-hour tutorial, or a brief 1-hour talk, all Management
3.0 events are designed to make a lasting impression.

Management 3.0 has 8 major topics, which are
continually refined and supplemented. The most
important goal for Management 3.0 events is for
people to take action to improve their organizations.
All events adhere to the following principles: theory
and practice in small chunks; clear and effective
visuals; inspiring stories and metaphors; fun games
and exercises; focused group discussions; and
concrete practices with tangible results.

Just the right amount of theory vs. exercises, general
experience vs. each participant’s experience, oneway teaching vs. two-way sharing/feedback.
Claudia Daniela Hosu, ScrumMaster
at Small Footprint, Romania

Ideas for Top Management &
Human Resources
Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while your best employees are
quitting their jobs. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can we implement a balanced scorecard that doesn’t
treat creative employees like factory workers


Can we evaluate performance without destroying people’s
motivation with annual appraisals


Can we share the company’s
profits without resorting to a
traditional bonus system?


Can we define inspiring
goals without the rigidness of
management by objectives?


I had so many takeaways, almost everything. I
would say: complex systems discussion, a lot
of metaphors, 7 levels of authority, discussions
of challenges, loved all the stories. Great great
great course!
Tali Goshen, VP of Human Resources
at superDimension, Israel

Inspiration for Agile Coaches &
Scrum Masters
Can we assist human resources in implementing
better job titles and career ladders


Can we help team leaders and development managers to find a new definition for their roles


The games & exercises were great!
In particular, I liked the Metrics
Matrix, Champfrogs, Delegation
Poker, and Meddlers. I also liked
the Change management 3.0
Module & the change exercise - it
really brought everything together
into 4 aspects of change that’s spot
on with the type of work I do with
clients & teams.
Susan Gibson,
Agile Coach at LeanDog, USA

Can we convince top management that the
individual performance system has to be changed


Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while the happiness of your teams
drops below zero. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can we motivate team
members so that they better
adopt agile and lean practices


Advice for Project Managers &
Product Owners
Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while the delivery cycle of the
product grinds to a halt. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can we help the organization be more innovative
while at the same time keeping up performance


I have gained some more
tools and been reminded
about some of the existing
tools in my little toolkit
which needed sharpening.

Can we balance new
product development
with maintenance, and
speed with quality

Kasper Jørgensen,
Project Manager at
CIPM, Denmark

Can we scale our
product to multiple
teams across different
geographical locations


Can we assist team members to deliver products continuously, while not increasing our technical debt



Practices for Line Managers &
Team Leaders
Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while your team members leave all
difficult problems for you to solve. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can we delegate work to self-organizing teams while
still maintaining a sense of control


Can we motivate team
members to develop
products that by their nature
are not very exciting


Can we create clear roles and team boundaries, with inspiring values and a clear goal

It has the right
mix of examples,
theory, and games.
Convincing and
Sergiu Gavrila,
Team Leader at
itdesign GmbH,

Can we help people to develop themselves and have
them aim for continuous improvement


Practices for Creatives &
Knowledge Workers

Can I help my co-workers to take
responsibility and hold them
accountable for their work


Lots of ideas to try with my team to get to know
them better and improve our work.
Mattia Battiston, Software Developer, Italy

Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences
from innovative organizations with modern management and
leadership practices. Don’t wait while the organization is slowly but
steadily destroying itself. Join a Management 3.0 event now!

Can I help our old-fashioned managers to introduce
some 21st century leadership practices


Can I somehow keep my motivation and
sanity in our dysfunctional organization


Can I introduce some
innovative practices that will
be accepted by the non-agile
part of the organization


Storytelling and Visualization
The human brain is perfectly equipped to deal with stories and visuals. That’s why we designed the
Management 3.0 materials with visualization in mind, and it is why all Management 3.0 facilitators are fine

With the help of sticky notes, markers, flip charts, and whiteboards
the facilitators welcome participants to visualize their management
& leadership problems, and to share their stories and solutions with
each other in engaging ways.

I liked the mix of play and listen. I liked that every
topic started with storytelling.
Christoph Oberle,
Management Consultant, Germany

Addressing Problems,
Discussing Solutions
In our courses and workshops the facilitators invite participants to
share their biggest challenges in management & leadership. The
problems are sorted and prioritized, and they are turned into a
backlog of discussion items.

Very involving and with a very flexible agenda.
The result was that we did some very concrete
problem solving, including making use of the
participants’ varied experience.
Signe Bramming Andersen,
Manager at DONG Energy, Denmark

All problems are unique. And yet, similar challenges have all been
faced before in one way or another. Assisted by all participants the
facilitator attempts to find solutions, practices, suggestions, and
references for all prioritized problems.

Learning by Playing,
Practicing by Exercising
Each of the Management 3.0 topics includes at least one game
or exercise. In groups of three to seven people the attendees run
simulations of real-world management issues. Sometimes the
participants play as different line managers against each other.
Sometimes they act together as one team leader, sharing their ideas
while working on a problem.

I especially liked the delegation cards and the
motivation exercise, plus some of the stories.
Pia Andersson, Manager Strategy
and Projects at Hi3G, Sweden
Every exercise is debriefed afterward, so that people can discuss
their findings, internalize what they learned, and bring up questions
and insights to be addressed by the whole group.

Learn About
Agile Management
Agile management is the generic term for
leadership and governance of creative teams
in a way that is consistent with agile and lean
thinking. You will be acquainted with common
methods, principles, and challenges in agile
transformations around the world, and the
necessity of management in agile organizations.

I liked the mix of hands on,
presentation, and discussion.
Mimi McGinty, Sr. Project Manager
at Grange Insurance, Columbus, USA

Learn About
Complexity Thinking
Systems thinking and complexity science are the cornerstones of the agile mindset.
You will learn what complexity theory is, how to think in terms of systems, and how to
spot the difference between complex and complicated. The principles of complexity
thinking will enable you to create your own agile leadership practices.

The best feature, one
that I have never seen in
such courses, but always
wanted, is the list of
books worth reading. It
makes the course only a
starting point, for your
own exploration on each
Łukasz Nalepa,
Scrum Master/
Software Engineer
at CUBE-CR, Poland

Learn How to
Energize People
How can we keep or increase motivation and passion


Intrinsic motivation is the reason people get out of bed
in the morning. Since people are the most important
parts of an organization, managers must do all they
can to keep people active, creative, and motivated.
You will learn about the difference between extrinsic
vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires,
and common techniques for understanding what is
important to the people in your teams, such as oneon-one meetings, personal assessments, the 12 most
important questions, and 360 degree evaluations.

How can we
compensate people
in a fair way

How can we keep or increase
engagement and energy

How can we get the manager
closer to the team

I liked the happiness door, the kudo
cards, the games, and the takeaways.
It is a well-structured training.
Laure Pain,
Agile Coach at Amadeus, France


Learn How to
Empower Teams

How can we improve teamwork and interaction


Self-organization can offer many answers when it comes to good
management. Teams are able to self-organize, but this requires
empowerment, authorization, and trust from management. You
will learn how to make self-organization work, how to distribute
authorization in an organization, the challenges of empowerment, how
to grow relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributed
control, such as the 7 levels of delegation, and delegation boards.

How can we get teams to take ownership and


Having experienced the games
was quite useful to realize that
they work. They are all good
exercises to play with my teams.
Alejandro Scandroli,
Developer and Founder at
Amneris Web Solutions, Spain

How can we empower a self-organizing team

How can we get
management to
trust the team



Learn How to
Align Constraints
Goal setting is important, since self-organization can lead to anything. Therefore it’s
necessary to protect people and shared resources, and to give people a clear purpose
and defined goals. You will learn when to manage and when to lead, how to use different
criteria to create useful goals, about the challenges around management by objectives,
and about potential negative effects of self-organization.

How can we align teams with product owners and management


How can we get one team
to focus on one goal


How can we align teams with
the goal of the company

How can we
make sure there
is leadership


Clear and well-articulated theory. Great ability
to both get the audience involved and inspired
to participate, and to provide answers and useful
discussions on the many questions that emerged.
Morten Salling Amstrup, Solution
Consultant at Arla Foods, Denmark

Learn How to
Develop Competence
How can we develop people’s competences and skills


Competence development is key when it comes to doing a good job. Teams are only
able to achieve their goals if team members are capable enough, and managers must
therefore contribute to the development of competence. You will learn how and when to
apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a
complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics.

How can we increase
and measure quality


The interactive exercises were very
good and brought up interesting
communication and interaction,
and definitively can be used as a
takeaways to try to implement in
one’s own environment.
Elina Razdobarina,
Independent Consultant,
San Francisco, USA

How can we improve estimates
and meet expectations

How can we do our jobs
effectively and maximize



Learn How to
Grow Structure

How can we be Agile in a geographically distributed

Organizational structures significantly impact how an
organization works. Many teams operate within the context of
a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider
structures that enhance communication. You will learn how
to grow an organizational structure as a fractal, about
balancing specialization and generalization, about
choosing between functional and cross-functional
teams, about informal leadership and widening job
titles, and about treating teams as value units in a
value network.

How can we work with multiple
projects and product owners



How can we adapt organizational structures to Agile

How can we deal with
dependencies between teams


The examples from real life, and the
exercises, were all really good and
made it interesting all the way.
Erik Svensson, Project Manager
at Ericsson, Sweden


Learn How to
Improve Everything
How can we get management and
business to become Agile

How can we change the
organization’s culture



How can we be Agile when the
environment is non-Agile

How can we help people learn
and improve themselves


Change management is one of the things people in all kinds of
organizations struggle with most. People, teams, and organizations
need to improve continuously, in order to defer failure for as long
as possible. In practice this means that managers and leaders
must act as change agents, trying to change the social complex
systems around them. You will learn about the four facets of change
management, which address the system, the individuals, the
interactions, and the boundary of the system.

Great course! One of the best I’ve done
Damian Fasciani,
Technology Services
Manager, REA Group, Melbourne, Australia

Moving Motivators
Do you need to make a decision but are you unsure about the effects
on people’s motivation? Do you want to know what motivates your
colleagues? Are you hiring a new team member and do you want to
know what makes her tick? Play Moving Motivators!

My team will be using
the Moving Motivators
exercise, a problem wall
and a happiness index. The
biggest takeaway was to
try many different things,
tweak, and try more.
Andrew Brown, Sr.
IT Project Manager at
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, USA

The games were very valuable.
Robie Wood, Project Management
Consultant at showVALUE LLC,
Washington DC, USA

Delegation Poker
Delegation often comes down to “Either I do it, or you do it”. But in
truth there are 7 levels of delegation. Use Delegation Poker to make
clear who’s responsible for what and on what level.

The exercises were very
enlightening, whether in
sharing my own experiences
or listening to others - it
certainly caused me to
pause and reflect upon my
own “style” and recognize
opportunities for growth.
David Soule,
Section Manager at
Erie Insurance Group, USA

A very popular exercise is the
Meddlers game (named after a
well-known German board game).
The exercise allows players to
visualize and discuss organizational
structures, in a way that matches the
concept of value networks.

What I appreciate the most
about the facilitator is that
he does not offer simple trite
answers that might work in
very specific organizations.
Rather, he gives his students
the tools or frameworks to
help them arrive at their
own solutions.
Mike Evans,
Iteration Manager
at Nationwide, USA

Kudo Cards
There are many wrong ways to reward employees. A simple but
effective approach is the use of kudo cards, which enables people to
give each other small tokens of appreciation.

It is very refreshing to see that Management 3.0 is considerably more oriented toward
empowering the team and making it happy, as opposed to traditional management that
was focusing on performance.
Luc Duplessis, Agile Product Owner at Accedian Networks, Montréal, Canada

Statistics and Numbers
There have been 175 Management 3.0 courses between March 2011 and June
2013, which is an average of 6 courses per month. In the first six months of 2013
there were 55 courses, or an average of 9 courses per month.

“This was one of the best courses I’ve ever attended!”
Robert Misch, Agile Coach at
GmbH, Germany

In total, the course has been
organized in 78 different cities
in 35 countries on 4 continents
by 32 licensed facilitators. More
than 600 participants attended
the courses in the first six months
of 2013, which is an average of
11 people per course. Overall
an estimated number of 2,000
people attended a Management
3.0 course since our kick-off in

Evaluations and Ratings
An amazing 48% of our Management 3.0 courses receive an average rating of 9
(out of 10) or higher from the participating groups, while 85% of the courses have
been rewarded with an average group rating of 8 or higher.
The participants rate the course individually with a 9 or
10 in 62% of the cases. Our Net Promoter Score is: 56%

I consider two days as a wellbalanced choice and the pace
during the two days was just right.
Robert Sundin,
Manager at Com Hem AB,

Management 3.0
Agile management is an often overlooked part of Agile. Managers need to learn what their
new role is in software development organizations in the 21st century, and how to get the
best out of Agile. This book will help them.

How to Change the world
“How do I deal with my crappy organization? I like my work but I don’t like what our
management is doing. How do I deal with it?” Well, it’s take it, leave it, or change it…
This booklet for those who choose option 3.

Mangement Workout
Management Workout will be a book with actionable management advice.
Practical things that people can do next Monday morning, in order to grow an
organization that is innovative and healthy.

A fad you say? Management 3.0 is far from it. It’s a fact that more
and more organizations are moving towards agile methodologies.
This demands a new way of thinking for leaders. Whilst many
have developed a new mindset and practice it, Management
3.0 gives concrete tools, names, metaphors, and much much
more that add to a leader’s tool belt. I highly recommend the
workshops to experience it live!
Matthew Aldridge at, Germany
The goal of Management 3.0 is to help you grow and transform organizations
into becoming great places to work. ”But, I’m not a manager”, you say? So
what? We believe that management is not only the managers’ responsibility.
It is everyone’s job! Therefore, Management 3.0 is not only about what
managers can do, but also about what you can do.


change and innovation practices

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Management 3.0 - Brochure

  • 1. MANAGEMENT 3.0 change and innovation practices
  • 2. introduction Agile Leadership Practices Management 3.0 is a workshop, a course, a couple of books, and a collection of concrete practices, to inspire managers and team members, who face the challenge of transforming their organizations to be more innovative, with a higher productivity. We achieve this by providing guidance and practices, and by applying new thinking to the craft, art, and science of management and leadership.
  • 3. introduction The Management 3.0 workout practices aim at leaders and knowledge workers who are trying to be more agile and lean in their approach to management. The courses and workshops typically draw a mix of team leaders, development managers, IT directors, agile coaches, HR managers, project managers, scrum masters, product owners, and creative workers. The team loved the game today, and are thinking of reorganizing themselves into more stable teams rather than product teams. Next week we’re doing an exercise to prioritize everyone’s hardware requests. If it goes well, we’ll be creating our new company compensation system as a team. It feels good! Thank you! Paul Klipp, President of Lunar Logic in Krakow, Poland
  • 4. introduction Workshops, Courses & Tutorials Whether it’s a standard two-day course, a custom eight-hour workshop, a four-hour tutorial, or a brief 1-hour talk, all Management 3.0 events are designed to make a lasting impression. Management 3.0 has 8 major topics, which are continually refined and supplemented. The most important goal for Management 3.0 events is for people to take action to improve their organizations. All events adhere to the following principles: theory and practice in small chunks; clear and effective visuals; inspiring stories and metaphors; fun games and exercises; focused group discussions; and concrete practices with tangible results.
  • 5. introduction Just the right amount of theory vs. exercises, general experience vs. each participant’s experience, oneway teaching vs. two-way sharing/feedback. Claudia Daniela Hosu, ScrumMaster at Small Footprint, Romania
  • 6. audience Ideas for Top Management & Human Resources Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while your best employees are quitting their jobs. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can we implement a balanced scorecard that doesn’t treat creative employees like factory workers ? Can we evaluate performance without destroying people’s motivation with annual appraisals ?
  • 7. audience Can we share the company’s profits without resorting to a traditional bonus system? ? Can we define inspiring goals without the rigidness of management by objectives? ? I had so many takeaways, almost everything. I would say: complex systems discussion, a lot of metaphors, 7 levels of authority, discussions of challenges, loved all the stories. Great great great course! Tali Goshen, VP of Human Resources at superDimension, Israel
  • 8. audience Inspiration for Agile Coaches & Scrum Masters Can we assist human resources in implementing better job titles and career ladders ? Can we help team leaders and development managers to find a new definition for their roles ?
  • 9. audience The games & exercises were great! In particular, I liked the Metrics Matrix, Champfrogs, Delegation Poker, and Meddlers. I also liked the Change management 3.0 Module & the change exercise - it really brought everything together into 4 aspects of change that’s spot on with the type of work I do with clients & teams. Susan Gibson, Agile Coach at LeanDog, USA Can we convince top management that the individual performance system has to be changed ? Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while the happiness of your teams drops below zero. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Quote Can we motivate team members so that they better adopt agile and lean practices ?
  • 10. audience Advice for Project Managers & Product Owners Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while the delivery cycle of the product grinds to a halt. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can we help the organization be more innovative while at the same time keeping up performance ?
  • 11. audience I have gained some more tools and been reminded about some of the existing tools in my little toolkit which needed sharpening. Can we balance new product development with maintenance, and speed with quality Kasper Jørgensen, Project Manager at CIPM, Denmark Can we scale our product to multiple teams across different geographical locations ? Can we assist team members to deliver products continuously, while not increasing our technical debt ? ?
  • 12. audience Practices for Line Managers & Team Leaders Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while your team members leave all difficult problems for you to solve. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can we delegate work to self-organizing teams while still maintaining a sense of control ? Can we motivate team members to develop products that by their nature are not very exciting ?
  • 13. audience Can we create clear roles and team boundaries, with inspiring values and a clear goal ? It has the right mix of examples, theory, and games. Convincing and authentic. Sergiu Gavrila, Team Leader at itdesign GmbH, Germany Can we help people to develop themselves and have them aim for continuous improvement ?
  • 14. audience Practices for Creatives & Knowledge Workers Can I help my co-workers to take responsibility and hold them accountable for their work ? Lots of ideas to try with my team to get to know them better and improve our work. Mattia Battiston, Software Developer, Italy Our workshops and courses are created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices. Don’t wait while the organization is slowly but steadily destroying itself. Join a Management 3.0 event now! Can I help our old-fashioned managers to introduce some 21st century leadership practices ?
  • 15. audience Can I somehow keep my motivation and sanity in our dysfunctional organization ? Can I introduce some innovative practices that will be accepted by the non-agile part of the organization ?
  • 16. facilitation Storytelling and Visualization The human brain is perfectly equipped to deal with stories and visuals. That’s why we designed the Management 3.0 materials with visualization in mind, and it is why all Management 3.0 facilitators are fine storytellers. With the help of sticky notes, markers, flip charts, and whiteboards the facilitators welcome participants to visualize their management & leadership problems, and to share their stories and solutions with each other in engaging ways.
  • 17. facilitation I liked the mix of play and listen. I liked that every topic started with storytelling. Christoph Oberle, Management Consultant, Germany
  • 18. facilitation Addressing Problems, Discussing Solutions In our courses and workshops the facilitators invite participants to share their biggest challenges in management & leadership. The problems are sorted and prioritized, and they are turned into a backlog of discussion items. Very involving and with a very flexible agenda. The result was that we did some very concrete problem solving, including making use of the participants’ varied experience. Signe Bramming Andersen, Manager at DONG Energy, Denmark All problems are unique. And yet, similar challenges have all been faced before in one way or another. Assisted by all participants the facilitator attempts to find solutions, practices, suggestions, and references for all prioritized problems.
  • 20. facilitation Learning by Playing, Practicing by Exercising Each of the Management 3.0 topics includes at least one game or exercise. In groups of three to seven people the attendees run simulations of real-world management issues. Sometimes the participants play as different line managers against each other. Sometimes they act together as one team leader, sharing their ideas while working on a problem. I especially liked the delegation cards and the motivation exercise, plus some of the stories. Pia Andersson, Manager Strategy and Projects at Hi3G, Sweden Every exercise is debriefed afterward, so that people can discuss their findings, internalize what they learned, and bring up questions and insights to be addressed by the whole group.
  • 22. topic Learn About Agile Management Agile management is the generic term for leadership and governance of creative teams in a way that is consistent with agile and lean thinking. You will be acquainted with common methods, principles, and challenges in agile transformations around the world, and the necessity of management in agile organizations.
  • 23. topic I liked the mix of hands on, presentation, and discussion. Mimi McGinty, Sr. Project Manager at Grange Insurance, Columbus, USA
  • 24. topic Learn About Complexity Thinking Systems thinking and complexity science are the cornerstones of the agile mindset. You will learn what complexity theory is, how to think in terms of systems, and how to spot the difference between complex and complicated. The principles of complexity thinking will enable you to create your own agile leadership practices. The best feature, one that I have never seen in such courses, but always wanted, is the list of books worth reading. It makes the course only a starting point, for your own exploration on each topic. Łukasz Nalepa, Scrum Master/ Software Engineer at CUBE-CR, Poland
  • 26. topic Learn How to Energize People How can we keep or increase motivation and passion ? Intrinsic motivation is the reason people get out of bed in the morning. Since people are the most important parts of an organization, managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated. You will learn about the difference between extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires, and common techniques for understanding what is important to the people in your teams, such as oneon-one meetings, personal assessments, the 12 most important questions, and 360 degree evaluations. How can we compensate people in a fair way ? How can we keep or increase engagement and energy ?
  • 27. topic How can we get the manager closer to the team I liked the happiness door, the kudo cards, the games, and the takeaways. It is a well-structured training. Laure Pain, Agile Coach at Amadeus, France ?
  • 28. topic Learn How to Empower Teams How can we improve teamwork and interaction ? Self-organization can offer many answers when it comes to good management. Teams are able to self-organize, but this requires empowerment, authorization, and trust from management. You will learn how to make self-organization work, how to distribute authorization in an organization, the challenges of empowerment, how to grow relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributed control, such as the 7 levels of delegation, and delegation boards. How can we get teams to take ownership and responsibility ? Having experienced the games was quite useful to realize that they work. They are all good exercises to play with my teams. Alejandro Scandroli, Developer and Founder at Amneris Web Solutions, Spain
  • 29. topic How can we empower a self-organizing team How can we get management to trust the team ? ?
  • 30. topic Learn How to Align Constraints Goal setting is important, since self-organization can lead to anything. Therefore it’s necessary to protect people and shared resources, and to give people a clear purpose and defined goals. You will learn when to manage and when to lead, how to use different criteria to create useful goals, about the challenges around management by objectives, and about potential negative effects of self-organization. How can we align teams with product owners and management ? How can we get one team to focus on one goal ?
  • 31. topic How can we align teams with the goal of the company How can we make sure there is leadership ? ? Clear and well-articulated theory. Great ability to both get the audience involved and inspired to participate, and to provide answers and useful discussions on the many questions that emerged. Morten Salling Amstrup, Solution Consultant at Arla Foods, Denmark
  • 32. topic Learn How to Develop Competence How can we develop people’s competences and skills ? Competence development is key when it comes to doing a good job. Teams are only able to achieve their goals if team members are capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence. You will learn how and when to apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics.
  • 33. topic How can we increase and measure quality ? The interactive exercises were very good and brought up interesting communication and interaction, and definitively can be used as a takeaways to try to implement in one’s own environment. Elina Razdobarina, Independent Consultant, San Francisco, USA How can we improve estimates and meet expectations How can we do our jobs effectively and maximize productivity ? ?
  • 34. topic Learn How to Grow Structure How can we be Agile in a geographically distributed organization Organizational structures significantly impact how an organization works. Many teams operate within the context of a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider structures that enhance communication. You will learn how to grow an organizational structure as a fractal, about balancing specialization and generalization, about choosing between functional and cross-functional teams, about informal leadership and widening job titles, and about treating teams as value units in a value network. How can we work with multiple projects and product owners ? ?
  • 35. topic How can we adapt organizational structures to Agile How can we deal with dependencies between teams ? The examples from real life, and the exercises, were all really good and made it interesting all the way. Erik Svensson, Project Manager at Ericsson, Sweden ?
  • 36. topic Learn How to Improve Everything How can we get management and business to become Agile How can we change the organization’s culture ? ? How can we be Agile when the environment is non-Agile How can we help people learn and improve themselves ? ?
  • 37. topic Change management is one of the things people in all kinds of organizations struggle with most. People, teams, and organizations need to improve continuously, in order to defer failure for as long as possible. In practice this means that managers and leaders must act as change agents, trying to change the social complex systems around them. You will learn about the four facets of change management, which address the system, the individuals, the interactions, and the boundary of the system. Great course! One of the best I’ve done Damian Fasciani, Technology Services Manager, REA Group, Melbourne, Australia
  • 38. exercise Moving Motivators Do you need to make a decision but are you unsure about the effects on people’s motivation? Do you want to know what motivates your colleagues? Are you hiring a new team member and do you want to know what makes her tick? Play Moving Motivators! My team will be using the Moving Motivators exercise, a problem wall and a happiness index. The biggest takeaway was to try many different things, tweak, and try more. Andrew Brown, Sr. IT Project Manager at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA The games were very valuable. Robie Wood, Project Management Consultant at showVALUE LLC, Washington DC, USA
  • 40. exercise Delegation Poker Delegation often comes down to “Either I do it, or you do it”. But in truth there are 7 levels of delegation. Use Delegation Poker to make clear who’s responsible for what and on what level.
  • 41. exercise The exercises were very enlightening, whether in sharing my own experiences or listening to others - it certainly caused me to pause and reflect upon my own “style” and recognize opportunities for growth. David Soule, Section Manager at Erie Insurance Group, USA
  • 42. exercise Meddlers A very popular exercise is the Meddlers game (named after a well-known German board game). The exercise allows players to visualize and discuss organizational structures, in a way that matches the concept of value networks.
  • 43. exercise What I appreciate the most about the facilitator is that he does not offer simple trite answers that might work in very specific organizations. Rather, he gives his students the tools or frameworks to help them arrive at their own solutions. Mike Evans, Iteration Manager at Nationwide, USA
  • 44. exercise Kudo Cards There are many wrong ways to reward employees. A simple but effective approach is the use of kudo cards, which enables people to give each other small tokens of appreciation. It is very refreshing to see that Management 3.0 is considerably more oriented toward empowering the team and making it happy, as opposed to traditional management that was focusing on performance. Luc Duplessis, Agile Product Owner at Accedian Networks, Montréal, Canada
  • 46. conclusion Statistics and Numbers There have been 175 Management 3.0 courses between March 2011 and June 2013, which is an average of 6 courses per month. In the first six months of 2013 there were 55 courses, or an average of 9 courses per month.
  • 47. conclusion “This was one of the best courses I’ve ever attended!” Robert Misch, Agile Coach at GmbH, Germany In total, the course has been organized in 78 different cities in 35 countries on 4 continents by 32 licensed facilitators. More than 600 participants attended the courses in the first six months of 2013, which is an average of 11 people per course. Overall an estimated number of 2,000 people attended a Management 3.0 course since our kick-off in 2011.
  • 48. conclusion Evaluations and Ratings An amazing 48% of our Management 3.0 courses receive an average rating of 9 (out of 10) or higher from the participating groups, while 85% of the courses have been rewarded with an average group rating of 8 or higher. The participants rate the course individually with a 9 or 10 in 62% of the cases. Our Net Promoter Score is: 56%
  • 49. conclusion I consider two days as a wellbalanced choice and the pace during the two days was just right. Robert Sundin, Manager at Com Hem AB, Sweden
  • 50. conclusion Management 3.0 Agile management is an often overlooked part of Agile. Managers need to learn what their new role is in software development organizations in the 21st century, and how to get the best out of Agile. This book will help them. How to Change the world “How do I deal with my crappy organization? I like my work but I don’t like what our management is doing. How do I deal with it?” Well, it’s take it, leave it, or change it… This booklet for those who choose option 3.
  • 51. conclusion Mangement Workout Management Workout will be a book with actionable management advice. Practical things that people can do next Monday morning, in order to grow an organization that is innovative and healthy. A fad you say? Management 3.0 is far from it. It’s a fact that more and more organizations are moving towards agile methodologies. This demands a new way of thinking for leaders. Whilst many have developed a new mindset and practice it, Management 3.0 gives concrete tools, names, metaphors, and much much more that add to a leader’s tool belt. I highly recommend the workshops to experience it live! Matthew Aldridge at, Germany
  • 52. The goal of Management 3.0 is to help you grow and transform organizations into becoming great places to work. ”But, I’m not a manager”, you say? So what? We believe that management is not only the managers’ responsibility. It is everyone’s job! Therefore, Management 3.0 is not only about what managers can do, but also about what you can do. MANAGEMENT 3.0 change and innovation practices