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Precise IOL power calculation is essential for optimal 
benefits of implant 
surgery. Prior to1975, IOL power was calculated on the 
basis of clinical history, i.e. 
pre-operative refractive error prior to development of 
cataract. This led to errors in 
over 50% of cases. However, a number of formulae are 
now available to accurately 
calculate the IOL power required in a patient. All these 
formulae are based on an 
accurate measurement of the corneal power and the 
axial length. 
The original formulae were developed prior to 1980. 
They include the 
theoretical formulae and regression formulae. The 
commonly used formulae are the 
regression formulae, of which the most popular one is 
the SRK formula described by 
Sanders D, Retzlaff J. and Kraff M. The formula is based 
on the following equation:
P = A – BL - CK 
where P is the implant power for emmetropia, L the 
axial length in millimeters, and K 
the average keratometric reading in diopters. A, Band C 
are constants. The value of 
B is 2.5 and that of C is 0.9 
Thus P = A - 2. 5L - 0.9K 
The constant A varies with the implant design and the 
manufacturer. Be sure 
of the constant value of the IOL you are using while 
making the calculations. The 
SRK formula has been found to be reasonably accurate 
for eyes with axial lengths 
between 22mm and 24.5mm. These eyes constitute 
approximately 75% of cases, 
while 14% of cases have axial lengths greater than 24.5 
mm, and 10% have axial 
lengths less than 22mm. The modified formulae were 
developed to correct for errors 
in these formulae occurring in long and short eyes. 
It is for such 'too long' and 'too short' eyeballs that SRK 
II formula was
introduced. The SRK II formula is a modification of the 
original SRK formula with the 
addition of a correction factor that increases the lens 
power in short eyes and 
decreases it in long eyes.22 
The suggested method of modification of SRK to SRK II 
is shown below: 
L (mm) Add to 'A' constant 
Less than 20.00 + 3 
20.00 - 20.99 + 2 
21.00 - 21.99 + 1 
Greater than 24.50 -0.5 
Modern formulae for emmetropia: 
These formulae are more complex than the original 
and the modified 
formulae. The most striking difference is the manner in 
which the estimated anterior 
chamber depth (ACD) value is calculated. The ACD 
value is a constant value in the 
original formulae. It varies with the axial length in the 
modified formulae (decreases
in the shorter eye and increases in the longer eye). In 
the modern formulae, ACD 
value varies not only with axial length, but also with 
corneal curvature (being more 
with steeper cornea and deep AC and vice versa). The 
commonly used modern 
formulae are the Holladay formula, the SRK-T formula 
and the Hoffer-Q formula. 
Manual keratometry is the most commonly used 
method to measure corneal 
curvature. It is fast, easy and is very accurate in most 
cases. Keratometry should be 
done before axial length measurement, and for both 
eyes. Remember to calibrate 
the eyepiece for your refraction before recording 
measurements. The procedure of 
keratometry using the common Bausch and Lomb 
keratometer is given here. The 
patient is seated behind the keratometer, with the chin 
well positioned in the chin rest 
and the head resting on the head band. The 
keratometer is directed towards the eye
to be examined and the other eye is occluded. The 
keratometer is focused on the 
central portion of the cornea using the focusing knobs. 
The instrument is now rotated 
to align the (-) signs in the same vertical meridian and 
the (+) signs in the same 
horizontal meridian. This will determine the axis of the 
pre-existing astigmatism. The 
left drum is rotated to superimpose the (+) signs and 
the horizontal measurement is 
read out. The right drum is now rotated to 
superimpose the (-) signs and the vertical 
measurement reading is recorded. The Javal-Shiötz 
keratometer utilizes two mires to 
achieve the end point. IOL power calculation formulae 
use the average corneal23 
power, K = average of the horizontal and the vertical 
readings. It is important to 
remember that the keratometer has to be calibrated 
every 6 months. 
It is advisable to repeat measurement if the - 
a. Average keratometry (K) in either eye is less than 40 
D or greater than 47 D.
b. Difference in K between the two eyes is greater than 
1 D. 
c. Corneal cylinder does not correlate well with the 
refractive cylinder. 
In certain situations, like irregular corneal contour or 
previous refractive surgery, or 
when the surgeon wants to better evaluate the 
astigmatism, corneal topography may 
be utilized. 
The measurement of the axial length is best done with 
A-scan ultrasonography. It 
can be performed by an immersion technique or a 
contact technique. The machine 
should have a screen showing the spikes for ensuring 
correct measurement. Always 
take measurement for both eyes. 
With the contact technique, a drop of local anesthetic 
is instilled into each eye. 
The patient is examined in the seated position. The 
probe is positioned in front of the
eye and the patient is asked to fixate on the red light in 
the probe. The probe is then 
brought forward to gently touch the cornea. Particular 
attention and care must be 
taken to ensure that the probe is not indenting the 
cornea. The probe is moved 
slightly up and down or to the side to optimize the 
echospikes displayed on the 
machine. Either the operator or the machine selects 
the optimum pattern and the 
reading is obtained. 
The immersion technique is 
performed with the patient in the 
supine position. Topical anesthetic is 
instilled and a proper scleral shell is 
chosen. The 20 mm shell fits most 
eyes. The flared edges of the scleral 
shell are placed between the lids and Good A-scan. 
Echos from left to right : cornea, 
anterior lens capsule, posterior lens capsule, 
retina, sclera, orbital fat24
the cup is filled with fluid, preferably gonioscopic 
solution. The ultrasound probe is 
immersed in the solution but kept 5-10 mm away from 
the cornea. The patient is 
asked to look with the fellow eye at a fixation point on 
the ceiling. The probe is then 
gently moved till it is aligned with the optical axis of 
the eye and the a-scan 
echogram on the panel is adequate. The reading is 
then taken. 
The contact technique usually yields shorter 
measurement than the 
immersion technique for various reasons. Most 
modern biometers calculate the axial 
length based on separate sound velocities for different 
eye components (cornea, 
anterior chamber, lens, vitreous cavity). 
It is recommended that measurements be repeated if 
the - 
a. Measured axial length is less than 22.0 mm or more 
than 25.0mm 
b. Difference between the two eyes is more than 
c. Axial length value seems wrong when compared with 
All measurements should be repeated if following 
a. Calculated emmetropic implant power is more than 
3D from the average for the 
specific lens style used. 
b. Difference in emmetropic implant power between 
the two eyes is more than 1D. 
A new device, the IOL Master, yields accurate axial 
length measurements using 
optical coherence techniques. 
The A constant 
Formulae in use currently utilize constants, which are 
based on various 
factors that affect the refractive state of the eye post-operatively. 
The Binkhorst and 
the Hoffer formulae use the post-operative AC depth, 
the SRK II and SRK-T 
formulae use the A-constant and the Holladay formula 
uses the S-factor.
The A- constant encompasses multiple variables 
including the implant 
manufacturer, implant style, surgeon’s technique, 
implant placement within the eye, 
and measuring equipment. Because of its simplicity, 
the A constant has become the 
value by which an implant is characterized. The most 
common A constants used are-25 
! Anterior chamber lenses - 115.0-115.3 
! Posterior chamber lenses in the sulcus - 115.9-117.2 
! Posterior chamber lenses in the bag - 117.5-118.8 
In most cases the power of the IOL for emmetropia 
varies in a 1:1 relationship 
with the A constant. 
The S-factor used in the Holladay formula is the 
distance between the iris 
plane and the IOL optic plane. The S-factor should be 
personalized by solving the 
formula in reverse. A change in the true post-operative 
AC depth will affect the 
refractive status of the eye. A change in 1 mm causes a 
1.5 D change in the final
refraction. Hence, these constants must be 
personalized to accommodate any 
consistent shift that might affect IOL power calculation. 
Each constant has to be back 
calculated for at least 20 cases, with care to ensure 
that the same person takes the 
Intumescent cataracts will yield a 0.15 mm longer axial 
length resulting in a 
+0.4 -+0.5 hyperopia postoperatively. For aphakic eyes 
being planned for ACIOL or 
scleral fixated IOL, the appropriate A constant must be 
used and the mode of the 
machine changed to compensate for the change in 
speed of the sound waves. In 
eyes with silicone filled vitreous, the sensitivity of the 
system should be increased 
to visualize the retinal echospike and the components 
of the eye must be measured 
separately to reach an accurate result. The usage of a 
standard sound velocity can
lead to an error of upto 8 mm in such eyes. Usually a 
factor of 0.72 gives a rough 
estimate of the IOL power. It is better to refer the 
patient to a centre capable of 
separate measurements for more accurate 
After corneal refractive surgery, the K reading may not 
truly reflect the 
corneal power. Hence the refractive history method or 
the contact lens method must 
be used to obtain corrected K value. In eyes with high 
myopia, a B-scan 
examination is recommended to rule out a posterior 
staphyloma or other retinal 
pathologies. Identification of the posterior pole may be 
difficult. The problems are 
compounded in unilateral cases. While selecting the 
IOL power for a myope several 
factors are to be kept in mind. The surgeon should aim 
for a -0.50 D to -1.00 D26 
postoperative refraction as most sedentary elderly will 
prefer being near sighted. In
the presence of monocular cataract in a myopic eye 
when the other eye is 
emmetropic, emmetropia should be aimed for if the 
myopia was induced by the 
cataract. However, if the patient has been functioning 
with monocular vision using 
the emmetropic eye for distance and the myopic eye 
for near, it is better to leave the 
operative eye myopic. In patients with hypermetropia 
the aim should be to achieve 
emmetropia. Here, the use of linear formulae can 
result in large errors in IOL power 
calculation in small eyes. In children, it is wise practice 
to remove the cataract and 
use contact lens correction if the surgery is being 
performed within the first two years 
of life, because growth of the eye will result in a large 
myopic shift if IOL has been 
implanted with intraoperative K and axial length 
measurements. When surgery is 
being performed after the age of two years, a myopic 
shift of 4-6 D is expected
depending upon the age. Undercorrecting the IOL 
power by around 3 D partially 
compensates for this. A greater undercorrection can 
lead to anisometropia and 
difficulty in amblyopia correction. Residual myopia in 
adulthood can easily be 
corrected by spectacles, contact lenses or refractive 
surgery. As expected, biometry 
in children is difficult and may require general 
Postoperative refraction (R) for a given IOL power (I) 
can be 
computed as given below: 
• For P less than 14.00 R = P-I 
• For P greater than 14.00 R = (P-I)/1.25 
To calculate the IOL power which would produce a 
given refraction: 
• For P less than 14.00 I = P-R 
• For P greater than 14.00 I = P - (R x 1.25) 
Choice of IOL Power 
The following factors should be considered:-
• The refraction and presence/absence of cataract in 
the fellow eye. 
• Relevance of emmetropia, isometropia & iseikonia. 
• Lifestyle of patient: active patients prefer near 
emmetropia; sedentary patients 
may prefer myopia. 
• Hedging: it has been found from experience that it is 
preferable to hedge 
towards myopia.27 
It is important to remember that a myopic patient 
would be very unhappy if he 
is made hypermetropic. Also, the final refraction 
results may be +/- 1D either way 
from the calculated power. 
A variety of design features incorporated in modern 
IOLs make them very 
safe and reduce adverse phenomena and late 
complications after cataract surgery. 
The modern modified C-loop design ensures 
maintenance of centration and the
square edge design significantly retards the 
opacification of the posterior capsule. 
Plate haptic lens manufacturing has improved and now 
lenses with a very good 
surface can be fashioned. Various modifications of the 
edge have been tried to 
reduce glare and improve contrast sensitivity. A recent 
development has been the 
introduction of multi-focal lenses which are designed 
to give three zones (distance, 
intermediate and near) of clear vision. Still in the 
research stage are accommodative 
lenses which mimic the change in refractive status of 
the natural lens with 
IOL materials Advantages Disadvantages 
PMMA High optical quality 
Large optical centre 
Proven biocompatibility 
Possibility of surface 
Good laser resistance 
Large incision wound 
Not autoclavable 
Mild foreign body 
Soft acrylic Foldable 
Controlled unfolding 
Good laser resistance 
Good biocompatibility 
Good optical quality 
Limited experience 
Possible damage during 
Sticky surface can 
adhere to instruments 
Hydrogel Good laser resistance 
Good biocompatibility 
Good optical quality 
Easy handling 
Lack of long term
Silicone Good biocompatibility 
Less CME 
Irreversible adherence to 
silicone oil 
Can tear 
Slippery when wet 
Limited control during 
IOL calculation using the SRK II formula 
The SRK II formula is based on the SRK I formula: 
SRK I: P = A - 0.9 K - 2.5 L (1) 
P : IOL power for emmetropia 
K : corneal refractive power (K-reading) 
L : axial length 
A : A-constant 
Adjusting the A-constant to different axial length ranges, the SRK II formula is 
SRK II: P = A1 - 0.9 K - 2.5 L (2) 
The difference between SRK I and SRK II is given by the A1 constant. A1 is 
related to the A-constant A according to 
A1 = A + 3 for L < 20 
A1 = A + 2 for 20 < = L < 21 
A1 = A + 1 for 21 < = L < 22 
A1 = A for 22 < = L < 24.5
A1 = A - 0.5 for 24.5 < = L 
Whereas SRK I and II only give the IOL power for emmetropia, another SRK 
formula has to be used to derive the power I necessary to produce a desired postop 
refraction R : 
I = P - cr R (3) 
P is again given by SRK II (2), and cr is another empirical constant defined as 
cr = 1 für P < = 14 
cr = 1.25 für P > 14 
?Long term discolorationChoosing the Proper Formula 
for Accurate IOL Calculations 
Accurate and reproducible axial length (AL) measurements are only the first step to IOL power 
selection. IOL calculation formulas have now become the limiting factor to achieving predictable 
postoperative outcomes. We have quite a menu of formulas to choose from, but how do we choose 
the right one? 
First, we must understand how these formulas have evolved. The original formulas were 
mathematical-regression formulas. The most well known of the first-generation formulas are the SRK I 
by Sanders, Retzlaff and Kraff and the Binkhorst II. 
The SRK I is well known for its simplicity and ease of use where P = A – 0.9K – 2.5L. 
P = the IOL power for emmetropia 
K = the corneal refractive power 
L = the axial length 
A = the A-constant 
This formula works well for average ALs but is less accurate for long and short eyes. 
To increase predictability, the SRK II formula emerged as a second-generation formula, where P = 
A1 – 0.9K – 2.5L. The A constant was then modified into 6 subtypes based on AL. This resulted in: 
A1 =(A–0.5) for axial lengths greater than 24.5 
A1 =A for axial lengths between 22 and 24.5 
A1 =(A+1) for axial lengths between 21 and 22 
A1 =(A+2) for axial lengths between 20 and 21 
and A1 =(A+3) for axial lengths less than 20 
Predictability improved markedly, but spectacle correction was still necessary. 
The Holladay I, Hoffer Q and the SRK/T emerged as the third-generation formulas. These 
formulas were a merger of the linear regression methods with theoretical eye models. This
allowed for greater accuracy, but the reliance on theoretical assumptions led to the differences 
between the three Since 1975, IOL power has been calculated using accurate 
measurement of an eye’s corneal power and axial length (AL). Prior to 
that, the power of the IOL was calculated using clinical history alone—in 
other words, the preoperative refractive error prior to cataract 
The earliest IOL power calculation formulas, in the late 1970s and early 
1980s, were either theoretical or regression formulas. Regression formulas 
topped surgeons’ preferences, and one of the most successful was the SRK 
formula devised by Donald R. Sanders, PhD, MD; John A. Retzlaff, MD; 
and Manus C. Kraff, MD.1 ,2 
The SRK formula uses the following equation to calculate IOL power: P = 
A – BL - CK, where P is the implant power for emmetropia; L is the axial 
length (mm); K is the average keratometry (D); and A, B, and C are 
constants. The values of B and C are 2.5 and 0.9, respectively, and the 
value of A varies with the IOL design and the manufacturer. With this 
information, the formula can be written as follows: P = A – 2.5L - 0.9K. 
Over the years, surgeons discovered that the SRK formula is best used in 
eyes with average AL, between 22.00 and 24.50 mm; a subsequent 
formula, the SRK II, was developed for use in long and short eyes.3 In this 
formula, a correction factor was added to increase the lens power in short 
eyes and decrease it in long eyes: P = A1 – 0.9K -2.5L. For eyes with AL of 
less than 20.00 mm, a numerical value of 3.00 is added to the A constant; 
a numerical value of 2.00 is added if the AL measures between 20.00 and 
20.99, a numerical value of 1.00 if the measurement is between 21.00 and 
21.99, and -0.50 if the AL is greater than 24.50 mm.
Even more customized formulas are required today to calculate anterior 
chamber depth (ACD) based on AL and corneal curvature. The SRK/T (T for 
theoretical) is one such formula, representing a combination of linear 
regression method with a theoretical eye model.4 Based on the nonlinear 
terms of the theoretical formulas, the SRK/T also incorporates empirical 
regression methodology for optimization, resulting in greater accuracy. The 
SRK/T and other third-generation formulas work best for near-schematic eye 
measurements; specifically, the SRK/T is best for eyes longer than 26.00 mm. 
With this generation, which used an iterative process on five data sets 
consisting of 1,677 procedures, the SRK/T formula optimizes the prediction of 
postoperative ACD, retinal thickness AL correction, and corneal refractive 
index. It can be calculated using the same A constants used with the original 
SRK formula or with ACD estimates.4 This calculation, however, does not 
account for effective lens positionIntraocular Lens Power Calculation After 
Corneal Refractive Surgery 
Vahid Feiz 
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An increasing number of patients undergo corneal surgical procedures to decrease 
dependence on glasses or contact lense. These procedures alter corneal effective power. 
Excimer laser keratectomy has quickly become the modality of choice for corneal refractive 
surgery, replacing older incisional surgeries such as radial keratotomy (RK).1,2 
As surgeons gain experience with cataract extraction in postrefractive surgery patients, they 
are finding that standard intraocular lens (IOL) formulas and keratometry can lead to 
“refractive surprises.” The most common observation is underestimation of IOL power and 
unexpected hyperopia after cataract surgery in patients who have undergone corneal 
refractive surgery for correction myopia, regardless of the procedure.3–11 Moreover, these 
refractive surprises seem to be directly related to the amount of keratectomy performed. 
Clinically, this means that greater refractive corrections correlate with greater errors of IOL 
Experience with IOL power determination after corneal surgery to correct hyperopia remains 
limited. A few reported cases of cataract surgery after hexagonal keratectomy (now 
abandoned) resulted in myopic surprises.15 As procedures like hyperopic LASIK/PRK have 
gained wider acceptance, surgeons can expect to encounter different refractive surprises after 
cataract surgery in this population.
IOL power determination IOL power calculation relies on three measurements: axial length, 
corneal power and anterior chamber depth, which are not independently measured. An error 
in any of these three parameters can lead to a possible refractive surprise. 
Historically, axial length measurements have been the source of most refractive surprises, 
although refinements in biometry techniques and instruments have decreased these 
errors.16,17 Assuming accurate biometry, axial length measurements are unlikely to contribute 
significantly to IOL power errors after corneal refractive surgery. Two studies analyzing axial 
length before and after RK and excimer keratectomy found no significant differences.18,19 
Effective lens position (ELP) or anterior chamber depth affects post-cataract surgery 
refraction so that a greater myopic shift is observed with more anterior IOL position. Anterior 
chamber depth cannot be independently measured because even after in-the-bag implantation, 
it is hard to predict the exact distance between the cornea and the IOL. If corneal surgery 
significantly changes anterior chamber depth and therefore the ELP, the result can effectively 
change post-cataract surgery refraction. Several investigators have looked at anterior chamber 
depth after refractive surgery. One study reported a small forward shift of the posterior 
cornea after myopic LASIK. This observation, however, has not been confirmed in a similar 
study.20,21 These changes, even if real, appear too small to account for changes in refraction 
and therefore probably do not significantly contribute to IOL power errors after myopic 
Corneal power calculations rely on determining the radius of curvature of the anterior cornea 
in meters (r), which is converted into a diopteric power (P) using an index of refraction (n) 
utilizing the following formula. 
Radius of curvature is measured by manual keratometry, automated keratometry or 
topography. Two assumptions regarding topography or keratometry are that: (1) the cornea is 
a true spherical surface and (2) the power of the cornea's para-central 3–4 mm is not 
significantly different from that of the central cornea. These assumptions are clinically 
acceptable in most normal eyes. In reality, however, the cornea is a prolate, aspheric 
refractive media with progressive flattening toward the periphery. 
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Considering that different types of refractive surgery fundamentally alter corneal shape and 
power, the usual assumptions no longer apply and may be the sources of error in determining 
corneal power. In this review of possible error sources, we have divided corneal refractive 
surgery into RK and excimer keratectomy (PRK, LASIK, LASEK). 
RK steepens the peripheral cornea and flattens the central cornea, resulting in a hyperopic 
shift and a proportionally greater flattening of the cornea in the center compared with the 
paracentral cornea.22 This creates an abrupt change from treated to untreated cornea. Because 
keratometry and topography units measure radius of curvature in the cornea's para-central 3– 
4 mm, the measured diopteric power is significantly steeper than the central cornea. The 
measured zone also increases in size further from the central cornea as the cornea becomes 
flatter, resulting in overestimation of cornea power.23,24 
Myopic excimer keratectomy 
The ability of large optical zones to decrease post-operative glare and halos has become 
evident with increased LASIK and PRK experience, and optical zones >5−6 mm are now 
considered routine. As a result, the para-central radius of curvature would be expected to 
closely approximate central corneal curvature. In clinical experience, however, when the 
radius of curvature is converted to diopteric power, this calculated value overestimates 
central corneal power.4–12 This occurs for two main reasons: 
First, after excimer keratectomy, the anterior corneal surface changes but the posterior 
corneal surface remains unaltered. Sonergo-Krone et al. found small changes in the posterior 
corneal power after LASIK but large changes in the anterior–posterior power 
ratio.25 Changing the anterior–posterior power alters the cornea's effective refractive index in 
direct relation to the amount of keratectomy. In the original Gullstrand model, for every 9% 
change in ratio, the effective corneal power is changed by 0.5 diopters.26 
The second factor is the variation in corneal refractive index of the different layers of the 
cornea. This was shown by Patel et al., who found the index of refraction to be slightly 
different in different layers.27Because excimer laser selectively removes anterior stromal 
layers and leaves the posterior stroma intact, it changes the cornea's total refractive index. 
Removing more tissue is also expected to produce a greater change in the refractive index. 
This is supported by the observed correlation between depth of ablation and error in IOL 
power after myopic PRK.12,28 
Hyperopic excimer keratectomy 
Little, if any, experience with cataract surgery after hyperopic excimer keratectomy has been 
reported. Because these treatments cause steepening of the central cornea with large optical 
zones, para-central radius of curvature, measured by manual keratometry or topography, 
should be a fairly accurate estimation of central curvature. As in myopic treatments, the 
anterior–posterior corneal power ratio is expected to change, although in the opposite 
direction. Therefore, using the standard refractive index would theoretically underestimate 
corneal power and result in unexpected myopia after IOL implantation. 
In our center, we analyzed eight eyes after hyperopic LASIK, using pre-LASIK keratometry 
and amount of hyperopic treatment to predict a fictitious post-LASIK IOL power. In each 
case, the predicted IOL power was lower than the IOL power determined by standard post-
LASIK keratometry.13 Despite a lack of actual implantation, this study indicated that using 
post-hyperopic LASIK standard keratometry could theoretically result in IOL power 
overestimation and unexpected myopia. 
Manual keratometry after myopic L ASIK, PRK and RK overestimates corneal power and 
underestimates IOL power. The causes differ for RK and LASIK/PRK. In LASIK/PRK, error 
is directly proportional to the amount of keratectomy. Manual keratometry after hyperopic L 
ASIK and PRK theoretically underestimates corneal power and results in IOL power 
overestimation, also in direct proportion to the amount of correction. 
Go to: 
Several methods can improve IOL power accuracy after corneal refractive surgey. No single 
approach has been studied in a large sample, and some are based purely on theory. Most 
cases also require knowledge of pre-refractive surgery data that may not be available to 
cataract surgeons. Proposed methods include use of topography to measure central corneal 
power, advanced IOL calculation formulas, contact lens over-refraction, clinical history, 
nomogram-based adjustment, corneal power determination by directly determining posterior 
curvature and intentional overcorrection targeting for myopia. 
Topography-measured corneal power has been suggested to improve central corneal power 
measurements in post-refractive surgery eyes. Hussein et al. developed the topography 
method to calculate the corneal power within the pupil.28 The study showed that the average 
central power differed from standard keratometry in post-refractive surgery eyes having small 
optical zones and large attempted corrections. Theoretically, this method offers advantages in 
eyes with small optical zones. 
By contrast, Seitz et al. found manual keratometry to be superior to topography-derived 
values in post-myopic PRK eyes.12,29 
In summary, using topography to determine central corneal power may be beneficial after RK 
with small optical zones. However, topography has not been found to be superior to standard 
keratometry in post-PRK/LASIK corneas, and its reliability and accuracy have not been 
Using advanced formulas 
Modern theoretic optical formulas (Holladay, Hoffer Q, SRK-T) may offer improved 
accuracy of IOL power determination in post-refractive surgery eyes. Koch et al.4 found the 
Binkhorst and Holladay formulas to be superior to SRK II in post-RK eyes. Odenthal et
al. noted that using the Hoffer Q formula after myopic LASIK decreased, but did not 
eliminate, IOL power underestimation.30 
Another popular formula proposed by Aramberri, know as the double K method, utilizes pre-refractive 
surgey Ks to estimate an ELP and post-refractive surgery Ks are used to determine 
IOL power taking into account the ELP.31 
A number of other formulas have been proposed by other authors. Some include Haigis-L, 
Latkany formula, etc. A review of all these is beyond the scope of this article. 
Although these studies offer no clear-cut conclusions regarding the accuracy of different 
modern theoretic formulas, their use is probably advantageous in post-refractive surgery eyes. 
Contact lens over-refraction 
This method uses a hard contact lens of known power and base curve to determine true 
corneal power. After patients have undergone refraction, a plano hard contact lens is placed 
on the eye and over-refraction is performed. If no difference exists between refractions, 
corneal power is the same as the contact lens base curve. If over-refraction is more myopic 
than refraction without the contact lens, the lens is steeper than the cornea. The change in 
refraction is subtracted from the contact lens base curve to yield corneal power. If over-refraction 
is more hyperopic than the contact lens refraction, the cornea is steeper than the 
lens. Change in refraction is added to the contact lens base curve to calculate corneal power. 
Contact lens-derived corneal powers have been shown to correlate well with manual 
keratometry in normal corneas when visual acuity is better than 20/70.32 Once the visual 
acuity is lower than 20/70, which may be the case in many patients with cataract, the 
correlation is poor. The accuracy of this technique is not established in post-refractive surgery 
Clinical history 
Originally proposed by Holladay to determine corneal power after RK, this method was 
advocated by Hoffer for use in post LASIK/PRK eyes.33,34 Using this method requires 
knowledge of keratometry prior to refractive surgery as well as induced refractive change 
before the development of cataract. These values are used to determine a calculated corneal 
power as follows: 
For post-myopic (post-RK/myopic excimer) procedures: Corneal diopteric power = pre-refractive 
surgery Ks – change in SE. 
For post-hyperopic (post-hyperopic excimer) procedures: Corneal diopteric power = pre-refractive 
surgery Ks + change in SE. 
The major shortcomings of this approach are that accuracy and reliability have not been 
established in large series and that it requires knowledge of keratometry values prior to 
refractive surgery, which cataract surgeons may not have. Its major flaw, however, is
assuming a one-to-one relation between corneal diopteric power and refraction (i.e., if 
corneal power changes by one diopter, refraction changes by one diopter). Studies by Patel et 
al. and Hugger et al. analyzed changes in refraction and corneal power after refractive 
surgery in a large sample.35,36 Both studies found less change in corneal power than in 
refraction and concluded that this was due to a change in the cornea's effective refractive 
index. This indicates that the clinical history method reduces IOL power errors but the degree 
of accuracy is not yet established. 
Nomogram-based correction 
By analyzing eyes after myopic and hyperopic LASIK, we developed a theoretic nomogram 
to correct IOL power after these procedures.13 The nomogram is based on four established 
clinical premises: 
1. IOL power after myopic corneal surgery has to be higher than before surgery. 
2. IOL power after hyperopic corneal surgery is expected to be lower than before 
3. To maintain emmetropia, the difference between IOL powers before and after 
refractive surgery must compensate for refraction changes. 
4. For every diopter of change in IOL power, refraction at the spectacle plane with a 
vertex distance of 12.5 mm changes by only 0.67 diopters.37 
These formulas allowed the development of a nomogram to adjust IOL power based on post- 
LASIK standard keratometry [Tables [Tables11 and and2]2] and eliminated the need for pre- 
LASIK keratometry. Compared with the clinical history method, this nomogram gave a 
higher IOL power after myopic LASIK and lower IOL power after hyperopic LASIK. 
Table 1 
Nomogram for intraocular lens (IOL) power adjustment for emmetropia after myopic LASIK 
This nomogram has been tested and appears to be reliable in a limited number of 
studies.13 Further prospective data of this method's accuracy are currently being collected. 
Optical formula corneal power calculations 
Using Gaussian optics, the cornea's true power can theoretically be determined regardless of 
previous surgical procedures. Thisapproach considers the cornea to have two refractive 
surfaces, anterior and posterior. The theoretic power of the cornea is calculated using corneal
thickness and refractive indexes of air, cornea and aqueous humor through a series of 
Hamed et al. used this method to look at 100 post-myopic LASIK eyes. The authors used a 
mathematical optical formula to directly calculate corneal refractive power.38 
Good theoretical correlation was noted between this calculated corneal power and the clinical 
history method. To our knowledge, no actual IOL implantations based on this formula have 
been performed. 
Direct corneal power measurements 
The major shortcoming with all the above-mentioned techniques is the need to know the pre-refractive 
surgery values, such as refraction and keratometry. An ideal method would 
determine corneal power accurately without these values. True corneal power could be 
determined regardless of the refractive status if anterior and posterior corneal curvatures 
could be directly measured. However, direct measurement of the posterior curvature was not 
possible until recently. 
Introduction of slit-beam scanning combined with placido-disk topography Orbscan allows 
posterior power measurements. 
This technology also allows analysis of central optical zones as small as 1–2 mm.39 
Sonego-Krone et al. as well as Seitz et al. used this technology for post-myopic LASIK, 
comparing refractive changes at the corneal level induced by LASIK with Orbscan-measured 
central total powers within the central 2-mm zone.25,40 They found a good correlation between 
expected central diopteric power and measured values, and recommended using central 2-mm 
power measured by Orbscan for IOL power determination after myopic LASIK. Qazi et 
al. also used a similar method for post-myopic LASIK patients with good results.41 
Although a promising technology, the accuracy and applicability of these power 
measurements have not been established clinically. 
Go to: 
When regular keratometry is performed after myopic refractive surgery, selective choice of 
an IOL to target myopia when other data are not available may reduce refractive surprises. In 
analyzing eyes undergoing cataract surgery after RK, Chen et al. found that selecting an IOL 
targeting –1.50 in post-RK eyes reduced the frequency of post-cataract hyperopia by 60%. 
Some initial hyperopia immediately after cataract surgery also regresses over several weeks, 
possibly because of inherent instability of the post-RK cornea.42–44 
Go to: 
Current methods of IOL power determination after corneal refractive surgery are limited by a 
lack of actual clinical experience on a large scale and by the theoretic nature of all the 
calculation methods. However, based on accumulated clinical experience, several useful 
guidelines can be followed. 
In addition to the recommendations below, refractive surgeons should consider providing 
patients with pre-refractive surgery keratometry and refraction and having them keep these 
records for possible cataract surgery in the future. 
1. If only pre-and post-corneal surgery refraction are available, use post-refractive 
surgery keratometry and axial length and adjust IOL power using a theoretic 
nomogram [Tables [Tables11 and and22]. 
Table 2 
Nomogram for IOL power adjustment for emmetropia after hyperopic LASIK 
2. If pre-refractive surgery keratometry values and refraction are available, predict IOL 
power theoretically using clinical history or nomogram-based methods. If using the 
clinical history method, determine changes in spherical equivalent at the spectacle 
plane rather than the corneal level. 
3. If data are not available and patients have visual acuity >20/70, consider the contact 
lens method. 
4. If data are not available and patients have visual acuity <20/70, consider targeting 
−1.50 to −2.00 for post-myopic refractive surgery patients and +1.00 for post-hyperopic 
refractive surgery patients. 
5. Some hyperopia in the immediate post-cataract surgery can regress in RK patients, so 
delay intervention through lens exchange or further refractive surgery until the 
refraction is stable. 
6. Inform patients who have had previous corneal refractive surgery of limitations in 
accurate IOL power calculations. As part of their informed consent for cataract 
surgery, specifically discuss the possible need for corrective refractive aids, repeat 
corneal refractive surgery or IOL exchange. 
Go to: 
Source of Support: Nil 
Conflict of Interest: None declared. 
formulas. These formulas work best near schematic eye measurements and are based on central 
corneal power and AL. 
Over time, it became apparent that the Hoffer Q formula was best for eyes shorter than 22 mm, the 
Holladay I formula performed best with eyes between 24 mm and 26 mm and the SRK/T formula was 
best for eyes longer than 26 mm. The assumption that the anterior chamber depth (ACD) was a 
proportion of the AL and not a true measurement, led to IOL surprises with post -refractive patients. 
This is because the third-generation formulas do not account for effective lens position. 
Adjusting the Formulas 
All three formulas allowed for optimization by adjusting a factor of 
the formula. This factor is called the "Surgeon Factor" for the 
Holladay I formula, the "ACD" for the Hoffer Q formula and the "A 
Constant" for the SRK/T formula. Advances in computer technology 
allow for the quick optimization of these formulas for a surgeon's 
patient population. Most immersion ultrasound systems and the 
IOLMaster allow for optimization after approximately 25 cases. 
On the surface, optimization of one's cases sounds ideal, but one has to remember "garbage in 
equals garbage out." To correctly optimize any of the formulas, no complicated cases should be 
entered. Ideally, you should leave out any cases that have concurrent limbal relaxing or astigmatic 
incisions. This basic optimization will provide you with excellent results the majority of the time. 
Optimization brings any of the three formulas to your population average. For example, if your patient 
population was primarily small hyperopic eyes, you would expect that the Hoffer Q would be the ideal 
formula. After optimization of the Holladay and SRK/T formulas for the same population, the results 
would be extremely similar to the Hoffer Q. The downside of the optimization in this scenario would be 
that the three optimized formulas for the small AL population would not be as accurate as the 
unoptimized SRK/T formula when dealing with large ALs. So, effectively, optimization raises or lowers 
the curve but does not affect its shape. Ideally, one would have separate optimizations for separate 
AL subgroups. 
The Haigis Formula 
In 1991, the Haigis formula evolved as one of two fourth-generation formulas in order to overcome 
these shortcomings. The Haigis formula does not depend on assumptions for the ACD and requires 
real measurement of it. In addition, the Haigis formula does not have just one "a Constant" but three 
(a0, a1, a2) derived by multi-variable regression analysis. 
a0 constant moves the power prediction curve up or down 
a1 constant is tied to the measured anterior chamber depth 
a2 constant is tied to the measured axial length
By using three adjustable constants, the surgeon can not only raise or lower the prediction curve, but 
also adjust its shape. This allows for optimization over a larger range of ALs. This also requires a 
much larger number of cases for optimization – 200 eyes. A note of caution: Most built-in optimization 
programs in immersion units and the IOLMaster only optimize a0, making it effectively a third-generation 
formula. These units usually allow for manual adjustment of a0, a1 and a2. The optimization 
of all three constants can be performed on an Excel spreadsheet easily found on the Internet. 
The inclusion of measured ACD into the Haigis formula has allowed for potentially increased 
accuracy. On my Accusonic A-Scan, I always use the Haigis formula because I know that my ACD 
measurements are precise. The optically-measured ACD on the IOLMaster is usually very accurate, 
but a little less reproducible. Therefore, I use an optimized third-generation formula on my IOLMaster. 
The Holladay II Formula 
The Holladay II formula, derived in 1998, is the other fourth-generation formula. It attempts to be a 
predictable formula for AL axial lengths by incorporating as much measured information as possible. It 
requires seven different variables to be measured (white to white, corneal diameter, ACD, lens 
thickness, patient's age, preop Rx and axial length). This information effectively works as a pattern-recognition 
system. This formula has also been found to be highly accurate for a large variety of 
patient eyes. 
The use of immersion A-scan or the IOLMaster has become the standard of care in cataract surgery, 
and so has the use of third-generation formulas. In order to make the leap into refractive cataract 
surgery and lens exchange optimization, adoption of third-generation formulas is necessary, and use 
of fourth-generation formulas is preferable. The time spent optimizing your formula of choice will be 
well spent and leads to happy patients and fewer surprises. 
Farrell Tyson, M.D., practices refractive cataract and glaucoma surgery in Cape Coral, Fla. He 
obtained his biomedical engineering degree from Johns Hopkins University and completed his 
ophthalmology residency at the Storm Eye Institute in Charleston, S.C.

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  • 1. IOL : POWER CALCULATION & SELECTION Precise IOL power calculation is essential for optimal benefits of implant surgery. Prior to1975, IOL power was calculated on the basis of clinical history, i.e. pre-operative refractive error prior to development of cataract. This led to errors in over 50% of cases. However, a number of formulae are now available to accurately calculate the IOL power required in a patient. All these formulae are based on an accurate measurement of the corneal power and the axial length. FORMULAE IN USE The original formulae were developed prior to 1980. They include the theoretical formulae and regression formulae. The commonly used formulae are the regression formulae, of which the most popular one is the SRK formula described by Sanders D, Retzlaff J. and Kraff M. The formula is based on the following equation:
  • 2. P = A – BL - CK where P is the implant power for emmetropia, L the axial length in millimeters, and K the average keratometric reading in diopters. A, Band C are constants. The value of B is 2.5 and that of C is 0.9 Thus P = A - 2. 5L - 0.9K The constant A varies with the implant design and the manufacturer. Be sure of the constant value of the IOL you are using while making the calculations. The SRK formula has been found to be reasonably accurate for eyes with axial lengths between 22mm and 24.5mm. These eyes constitute approximately 75% of cases, while 14% of cases have axial lengths greater than 24.5 mm, and 10% have axial lengths less than 22mm. The modified formulae were developed to correct for errors in these formulae occurring in long and short eyes. It is for such 'too long' and 'too short' eyeballs that SRK II formula was
  • 3. introduced. The SRK II formula is a modification of the original SRK formula with the addition of a correction factor that increases the lens power in short eyes and decreases it in long eyes.22 The suggested method of modification of SRK to SRK II is shown below: L (mm) Add to 'A' constant Less than 20.00 + 3 20.00 - 20.99 + 2 21.00 - 21.99 + 1 Greater than 24.50 -0.5 Modern formulae for emmetropia: These formulae are more complex than the original and the modified formulae. The most striking difference is the manner in which the estimated anterior chamber depth (ACD) value is calculated. The ACD value is a constant value in the original formulae. It varies with the axial length in the modified formulae (decreases
  • 4. in the shorter eye and increases in the longer eye). In the modern formulae, ACD value varies not only with axial length, but also with corneal curvature (being more with steeper cornea and deep AC and vice versa). The commonly used modern formulae are the Holladay formula, the SRK-T formula and the Hoffer-Q formula. KERATOMETRY Manual keratometry is the most commonly used method to measure corneal curvature. It is fast, easy and is very accurate in most cases. Keratometry should be done before axial length measurement, and for both eyes. Remember to calibrate the eyepiece for your refraction before recording measurements. The procedure of keratometry using the common Bausch and Lomb keratometer is given here. The patient is seated behind the keratometer, with the chin well positioned in the chin rest and the head resting on the head band. The keratometer is directed towards the eye
  • 5. to be examined and the other eye is occluded. The keratometer is focused on the central portion of the cornea using the focusing knobs. The instrument is now rotated to align the (-) signs in the same vertical meridian and the (+) signs in the same horizontal meridian. This will determine the axis of the pre-existing astigmatism. The left drum is rotated to superimpose the (+) signs and the horizontal measurement is read out. The right drum is now rotated to superimpose the (-) signs and the vertical measurement reading is recorded. The Javal-Shiötz keratometer utilizes two mires to achieve the end point. IOL power calculation formulae use the average corneal23 power, K = average of the horizontal and the vertical readings. It is important to remember that the keratometer has to be calibrated every 6 months. It is advisable to repeat measurement if the - a. Average keratometry (K) in either eye is less than 40 D or greater than 47 D.
  • 6. b. Difference in K between the two eyes is greater than 1 D. c. Corneal cylinder does not correlate well with the refractive cylinder. In certain situations, like irregular corneal contour or previous refractive surgery, or when the surgeon wants to better evaluate the astigmatism, corneal topography may be utilized. AXIAL LENGTH MEASUREMENTS The measurement of the axial length is best done with A-scan ultrasonography. It can be performed by an immersion technique or a contact technique. The machine should have a screen showing the spikes for ensuring correct measurement. Always take measurement for both eyes. Technique With the contact technique, a drop of local anesthetic is instilled into each eye. The patient is examined in the seated position. The probe is positioned in front of the
  • 7. eye and the patient is asked to fixate on the red light in the probe. The probe is then brought forward to gently touch the cornea. Particular attention and care must be taken to ensure that the probe is not indenting the cornea. The probe is moved slightly up and down or to the side to optimize the echospikes displayed on the machine. Either the operator or the machine selects the optimum pattern and the reading is obtained. The immersion technique is performed with the patient in the supine position. Topical anesthetic is instilled and a proper scleral shell is chosen. The 20 mm shell fits most eyes. The flared edges of the scleral shell are placed between the lids and Good A-scan. Echos from left to right : cornea, anterior lens capsule, posterior lens capsule, retina, sclera, orbital fat24
  • 8. the cup is filled with fluid, preferably gonioscopic solution. The ultrasound probe is immersed in the solution but kept 5-10 mm away from the cornea. The patient is asked to look with the fellow eye at a fixation point on the ceiling. The probe is then gently moved till it is aligned with the optical axis of the eye and the a-scan echogram on the panel is adequate. The reading is then taken. The contact technique usually yields shorter measurement than the immersion technique for various reasons. Most modern biometers calculate the axial length based on separate sound velocities for different eye components (cornea, anterior chamber, lens, vitreous cavity). It is recommended that measurements be repeated if the - a. Measured axial length is less than 22.0 mm or more than 25.0mm b. Difference between the two eyes is more than 0.5mm.
  • 9. c. Axial length value seems wrong when compared with refraction. All measurements should be repeated if following exist: a. Calculated emmetropic implant power is more than 3D from the average for the specific lens style used. b. Difference in emmetropic implant power between the two eyes is more than 1D. A new device, the IOL Master, yields accurate axial length measurements using optical coherence techniques. The A constant Formulae in use currently utilize constants, which are based on various factors that affect the refractive state of the eye post-operatively. The Binkhorst and the Hoffer formulae use the post-operative AC depth, the SRK II and SRK-T formulae use the A-constant and the Holladay formula uses the S-factor.
  • 10. The A- constant encompasses multiple variables including the implant manufacturer, implant style, surgeon’s technique, implant placement within the eye, and measuring equipment. Because of its simplicity, the A constant has become the value by which an implant is characterized. The most common A constants used are-25 ! Anterior chamber lenses - 115.0-115.3 ! Posterior chamber lenses in the sulcus - 115.9-117.2 ! Posterior chamber lenses in the bag - 117.5-118.8 In most cases the power of the IOL for emmetropia varies in a 1:1 relationship with the A constant. The S-factor used in the Holladay formula is the distance between the iris plane and the IOL optic plane. The S-factor should be personalized by solving the formula in reverse. A change in the true post-operative AC depth will affect the refractive status of the eye. A change in 1 mm causes a 1.5 D change in the final
  • 11. refraction. Hence, these constants must be personalized to accommodate any consistent shift that might affect IOL power calculation. Each constant has to be back calculated for at least 20 cases, with care to ensure that the same person takes the measurements. SPECIAL CASES Intumescent cataracts will yield a 0.15 mm longer axial length resulting in a +0.4 -+0.5 hyperopia postoperatively. For aphakic eyes being planned for ACIOL or scleral fixated IOL, the appropriate A constant must be used and the mode of the machine changed to compensate for the change in speed of the sound waves. In eyes with silicone filled vitreous, the sensitivity of the system should be increased to visualize the retinal echospike and the components of the eye must be measured separately to reach an accurate result. The usage of a standard sound velocity can
  • 12. lead to an error of upto 8 mm in such eyes. Usually a factor of 0.72 gives a rough estimate of the IOL power. It is better to refer the patient to a centre capable of separate measurements for more accurate assessment. After corneal refractive surgery, the K reading may not truly reflect the corneal power. Hence the refractive history method or the contact lens method must be used to obtain corrected K value. In eyes with high myopia, a B-scan examination is recommended to rule out a posterior staphyloma or other retinal pathologies. Identification of the posterior pole may be difficult. The problems are compounded in unilateral cases. While selecting the IOL power for a myope several factors are to be kept in mind. The surgeon should aim for a -0.50 D to -1.00 D26 postoperative refraction as most sedentary elderly will prefer being near sighted. In
  • 13. the presence of monocular cataract in a myopic eye when the other eye is emmetropic, emmetropia should be aimed for if the myopia was induced by the cataract. However, if the patient has been functioning with monocular vision using the emmetropic eye for distance and the myopic eye for near, it is better to leave the operative eye myopic. In patients with hypermetropia the aim should be to achieve emmetropia. Here, the use of linear formulae can result in large errors in IOL power calculation in small eyes. In children, it is wise practice to remove the cataract and use contact lens correction if the surgery is being performed within the first two years of life, because growth of the eye will result in a large myopic shift if IOL has been implanted with intraoperative K and axial length measurements. When surgery is being performed after the age of two years, a myopic shift of 4-6 D is expected
  • 14. depending upon the age. Undercorrecting the IOL power by around 3 D partially compensates for this. A greater undercorrection can lead to anisometropia and difficulty in amblyopia correction. Residual myopia in adulthood can easily be corrected by spectacles, contact lenses or refractive surgery. As expected, biometry in children is difficult and may require general anesthesia. Postoperative refraction (R) for a given IOL power (I) can be computed as given below: • For P less than 14.00 R = P-I • For P greater than 14.00 R = (P-I)/1.25 To calculate the IOL power which would produce a given refraction: • For P less than 14.00 I = P-R • For P greater than 14.00 I = P - (R x 1.25) Choice of IOL Power The following factors should be considered:-
  • 15. • The refraction and presence/absence of cataract in the fellow eye. • Relevance of emmetropia, isometropia & iseikonia. • Lifestyle of patient: active patients prefer near emmetropia; sedentary patients may prefer myopia. • Hedging: it has been found from experience that it is preferable to hedge towards myopia.27 It is important to remember that a myopic patient would be very unhappy if he is made hypermetropic. Also, the final refraction results may be +/- 1D either way from the calculated power. IOL DESIGN FEATURES: A variety of design features incorporated in modern IOLs make them very safe and reduce adverse phenomena and late complications after cataract surgery. The modern modified C-loop design ensures maintenance of centration and the
  • 16. square edge design significantly retards the opacification of the posterior capsule. Plate haptic lens manufacturing has improved and now lenses with a very good surface can be fashioned. Various modifications of the edge have been tried to reduce glare and improve contrast sensitivity. A recent development has been the introduction of multi-focal lenses which are designed to give three zones (distance, intermediate and near) of clear vision. Still in the research stage are accommodative lenses which mimic the change in refractive status of the natural lens with accommodation. IOL MATERIALS: IOL materials Advantages Disadvantages PMMA High optical quality Large optical centre Proven biocompatibility Possibility of surface modification
  • 17. Good laser resistance Large incision wound Not autoclavable Mild foreign body reaction Soft acrylic Foldable Controlled unfolding Good laser resistance Good biocompatibility Good optical quality Limited experience Possible damage during implantation Sticky surface can adhere to instruments Hydrogel Good laser resistance Good biocompatibility Good optical quality Easy handling Lack of long term
  • 18. experience Silicone Good biocompatibility Less CME Irreversible adherence to silicone oil Can tear Slippery when wet Limited control during implantation IOL calculation using the SRK II formula The SRK II formula is based on the SRK I formula: SRK I: P = A - 0.9 K - 2.5 L (1) where: P : IOL power for emmetropia K : corneal refractive power (K-reading) L : axial length A : A-constant Adjusting the A-constant to different axial length ranges, the SRK II formula is obtained: SRK II: P = A1 - 0.9 K - 2.5 L (2) The difference between SRK I and SRK II is given by the A1 constant. A1 is related to the A-constant A according to A1 = A + 3 for L < 20 A1 = A + 2 for 20 < = L < 21 A1 = A + 1 for 21 < = L < 22 A1 = A for 22 < = L < 24.5
  • 19. A1 = A - 0.5 for 24.5 < = L Whereas SRK I and II only give the IOL power for emmetropia, another SRK formula has to be used to derive the power I necessary to produce a desired postop refraction R : I = P - cr R (3) P is again given by SRK II (2), and cr is another empirical constant defined as cr = 1 für P < = 14 cr = 1.25 für P > 14 ?Long term discolorationChoosing the Proper Formula for Accurate IOL Calculations BY FARRELL "TOBY" TYSON, M.D. Accurate and reproducible axial length (AL) measurements are only the first step to IOL power selection. IOL calculation formulas have now become the limiting factor to achieving predictable postoperative outcomes. We have quite a menu of formulas to choose from, but how do we choose the right one? First, we must understand how these formulas have evolved. The original formulas were mathematical-regression formulas. The most well known of the first-generation formulas are the SRK I by Sanders, Retzlaff and Kraff and the Binkhorst II. The SRK I is well known for its simplicity and ease of use where P = A – 0.9K – 2.5L. P = the IOL power for emmetropia K = the corneal refractive power L = the axial length A = the A-constant This formula works well for average ALs but is less accurate for long and short eyes. To increase predictability, the SRK II formula emerged as a second-generation formula, where P = A1 – 0.9K – 2.5L. The A constant was then modified into 6 subtypes based on AL. This resulted in: A1 =(A–0.5) for axial lengths greater than 24.5 A1 =A for axial lengths between 22 and 24.5 A1 =(A+1) for axial lengths between 21 and 22 A1 =(A+2) for axial lengths between 20 and 21 and A1 =(A+3) for axial lengths less than 20 Predictability improved markedly, but spectacle correction was still necessary. The Holladay I, Hoffer Q and the SRK/T emerged as the third-generation formulas. These formulas were a merger of the linear regression methods with theoretical eye models. This
  • 20. allowed for greater accuracy, but the reliance on theoretical assumptions led to the differences between the three Since 1975, IOL power has been calculated using accurate measurement of an eye’s corneal power and axial length (AL). Prior to that, the power of the IOL was calculated using clinical history alone—in other words, the preoperative refractive error prior to cataract development. The earliest IOL power calculation formulas, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, were either theoretical or regression formulas. Regression formulas topped surgeons’ preferences, and one of the most successful was the SRK formula devised by Donald R. Sanders, PhD, MD; John A. Retzlaff, MD; and Manus C. Kraff, MD.1 ,2 The SRK formula uses the following equation to calculate IOL power: P = A – BL - CK, where P is the implant power for emmetropia; L is the axial length (mm); K is the average keratometry (D); and A, B, and C are constants. The values of B and C are 2.5 and 0.9, respectively, and the value of A varies with the IOL design and the manufacturer. With this information, the formula can be written as follows: P = A – 2.5L - 0.9K. Over the years, surgeons discovered that the SRK formula is best used in eyes with average AL, between 22.00 and 24.50 mm; a subsequent formula, the SRK II, was developed for use in long and short eyes.3 In this formula, a correction factor was added to increase the lens power in short eyes and decrease it in long eyes: P = A1 – 0.9K -2.5L. For eyes with AL of less than 20.00 mm, a numerical value of 3.00 is added to the A constant; a numerical value of 2.00 is added if the AL measures between 20.00 and 20.99, a numerical value of 1.00 if the measurement is between 21.00 and 21.99, and -0.50 if the AL is greater than 24.50 mm.
  • 21. Even more customized formulas are required today to calculate anterior chamber depth (ACD) based on AL and corneal curvature. The SRK/T (T for theoretical) is one such formula, representing a combination of linear regression method with a theoretical eye model.4 Based on the nonlinear terms of the theoretical formulas, the SRK/T also incorporates empirical regression methodology for optimization, resulting in greater accuracy. The SRK/T and other third-generation formulas work best for near-schematic eye measurements; specifically, the SRK/T is best for eyes longer than 26.00 mm. With this generation, which used an iterative process on five data sets consisting of 1,677 procedures, the SRK/T formula optimizes the prediction of postoperative ACD, retinal thickness AL correction, and corneal refractive index. It can be calculated using the same A constants used with the original SRK formula or with ACD estimates.4 This calculation, however, does not account for effective lens positionIntraocular Lens Power Calculation After Corneal Refractive Surgery Vahid Feiz Author information ► Copyright and License information ► Abstract Go to: INTRODUCTION An increasing number of patients undergo corneal surgical procedures to decrease dependence on glasses or contact lense. These procedures alter corneal effective power. Excimer laser keratectomy has quickly become the modality of choice for corneal refractive surgery, replacing older incisional surgeries such as radial keratotomy (RK).1,2 As surgeons gain experience with cataract extraction in postrefractive surgery patients, they are finding that standard intraocular lens (IOL) formulas and keratometry can lead to “refractive surprises.” The most common observation is underestimation of IOL power and unexpected hyperopia after cataract surgery in patients who have undergone corneal refractive surgery for correction myopia, regardless of the procedure.3–11 Moreover, these refractive surprises seem to be directly related to the amount of keratectomy performed. Clinically, this means that greater refractive corrections correlate with greater errors of IOL power.12–14 Experience with IOL power determination after corneal surgery to correct hyperopia remains limited. A few reported cases of cataract surgery after hexagonal keratectomy (now abandoned) resulted in myopic surprises.15 As procedures like hyperopic LASIK/PRK have gained wider acceptance, surgeons can expect to encounter different refractive surprises after cataract surgery in this population.
  • 22. IOL power determination IOL power calculation relies on three measurements: axial length, corneal power and anterior chamber depth, which are not independently measured. An error in any of these three parameters can lead to a possible refractive surprise. Historically, axial length measurements have been the source of most refractive surprises, although refinements in biometry techniques and instruments have decreased these errors.16,17 Assuming accurate biometry, axial length measurements are unlikely to contribute significantly to IOL power errors after corneal refractive surgery. Two studies analyzing axial length before and after RK and excimer keratectomy found no significant differences.18,19 Effective lens position (ELP) or anterior chamber depth affects post-cataract surgery refraction so that a greater myopic shift is observed with more anterior IOL position. Anterior chamber depth cannot be independently measured because even after in-the-bag implantation, it is hard to predict the exact distance between the cornea and the IOL. If corneal surgery significantly changes anterior chamber depth and therefore the ELP, the result can effectively change post-cataract surgery refraction. Several investigators have looked at anterior chamber depth after refractive surgery. One study reported a small forward shift of the posterior cornea after myopic LASIK. This observation, however, has not been confirmed in a similar study.20,21 These changes, even if real, appear too small to account for changes in refraction and therefore probably do not significantly contribute to IOL power errors after myopic treatments. Corneal power calculations rely on determining the radius of curvature of the anterior cornea in meters (r), which is converted into a diopteric power (P) using an index of refraction (n) utilizing the following formula. P=(n−1)/r Radius of curvature is measured by manual keratometry, automated keratometry or topography. Two assumptions regarding topography or keratometry are that: (1) the cornea is a true spherical surface and (2) the power of the cornea's para-central 3–4 mm is not significantly different from that of the central cornea. These assumptions are clinically acceptable in most normal eyes. In reality, however, the cornea is a prolate, aspheric refractive media with progressive flattening toward the periphery. Go to: SOURCES OF ERROR IN CORNEAL POWER DETERMINATION Considering that different types of refractive surgery fundamentally alter corneal shape and power, the usual assumptions no longer apply and may be the sources of error in determining corneal power. In this review of possible error sources, we have divided corneal refractive surgery into RK and excimer keratectomy (PRK, LASIK, LASEK). RK
  • 23. RK steepens the peripheral cornea and flattens the central cornea, resulting in a hyperopic shift and a proportionally greater flattening of the cornea in the center compared with the paracentral cornea.22 This creates an abrupt change from treated to untreated cornea. Because keratometry and topography units measure radius of curvature in the cornea's para-central 3– 4 mm, the measured diopteric power is significantly steeper than the central cornea. The measured zone also increases in size further from the central cornea as the cornea becomes flatter, resulting in overestimation of cornea power.23,24 Myopic excimer keratectomy The ability of large optical zones to decrease post-operative glare and halos has become evident with increased LASIK and PRK experience, and optical zones >5−6 mm are now considered routine. As a result, the para-central radius of curvature would be expected to closely approximate central corneal curvature. In clinical experience, however, when the radius of curvature is converted to diopteric power, this calculated value overestimates central corneal power.4–12 This occurs for two main reasons: First, after excimer keratectomy, the anterior corneal surface changes but the posterior corneal surface remains unaltered. Sonergo-Krone et al. found small changes in the posterior corneal power after LASIK but large changes in the anterior–posterior power ratio.25 Changing the anterior–posterior power alters the cornea's effective refractive index in direct relation to the amount of keratectomy. In the original Gullstrand model, for every 9% change in ratio, the effective corneal power is changed by 0.5 diopters.26 The second factor is the variation in corneal refractive index of the different layers of the cornea. This was shown by Patel et al., who found the index of refraction to be slightly different in different layers.27Because excimer laser selectively removes anterior stromal layers and leaves the posterior stroma intact, it changes the cornea's total refractive index. Removing more tissue is also expected to produce a greater change in the refractive index. This is supported by the observed correlation between depth of ablation and error in IOL power after myopic PRK.12,28 Hyperopic excimer keratectomy Little, if any, experience with cataract surgery after hyperopic excimer keratectomy has been reported. Because these treatments cause steepening of the central cornea with large optical zones, para-central radius of curvature, measured by manual keratometry or topography, should be a fairly accurate estimation of central curvature. As in myopic treatments, the anterior–posterior corneal power ratio is expected to change, although in the opposite direction. Therefore, using the standard refractive index would theoretically underestimate corneal power and result in unexpected myopia after IOL implantation. In our center, we analyzed eight eyes after hyperopic LASIK, using pre-LASIK keratometry and amount of hyperopic treatment to predict a fictitious post-LASIK IOL power. In each case, the predicted IOL power was lower than the IOL power determined by standard post-
  • 24. LASIK keratometry.13 Despite a lack of actual implantation, this study indicated that using post-hyperopic LASIK standard keratometry could theoretically result in IOL power overestimation and unexpected myopia. Summary Manual keratometry after myopic L ASIK, PRK and RK overestimates corneal power and underestimates IOL power. The causes differ for RK and LASIK/PRK. In LASIK/PRK, error is directly proportional to the amount of keratectomy. Manual keratometry after hyperopic L ASIK and PRK theoretically underestimates corneal power and results in IOL power overestimation, also in direct proportion to the amount of correction. Go to: METHODS TO IMPROVE IOL POWER DETERMINATION Several methods can improve IOL power accuracy after corneal refractive surgey. No single approach has been studied in a large sample, and some are based purely on theory. Most cases also require knowledge of pre-refractive surgery data that may not be available to cataract surgeons. Proposed methods include use of topography to measure central corneal power, advanced IOL calculation formulas, contact lens over-refraction, clinical history, nomogram-based adjustment, corneal power determination by directly determining posterior curvature and intentional overcorrection targeting for myopia. Topography Topography-measured corneal power has been suggested to improve central corneal power measurements in post-refractive surgery eyes. Hussein et al. developed the topography method to calculate the corneal power within the pupil.28 The study showed that the average central power differed from standard keratometry in post-refractive surgery eyes having small optical zones and large attempted corrections. Theoretically, this method offers advantages in eyes with small optical zones. By contrast, Seitz et al. found manual keratometry to be superior to topography-derived values in post-myopic PRK eyes.12,29 In summary, using topography to determine central corneal power may be beneficial after RK with small optical zones. However, topography has not been found to be superior to standard keratometry in post-PRK/LASIK corneas, and its reliability and accuracy have not been verified. Using advanced formulas Modern theoretic optical formulas (Holladay, Hoffer Q, SRK-T) may offer improved accuracy of IOL power determination in post-refractive surgery eyes. Koch et al.4 found the Binkhorst and Holladay formulas to be superior to SRK II in post-RK eyes. Odenthal et
  • 25. al. noted that using the Hoffer Q formula after myopic LASIK decreased, but did not eliminate, IOL power underestimation.30 Another popular formula proposed by Aramberri, know as the double K method, utilizes pre-refractive surgey Ks to estimate an ELP and post-refractive surgery Ks are used to determine IOL power taking into account the ELP.31 A number of other formulas have been proposed by other authors. Some include Haigis-L, Latkany formula, etc. A review of all these is beyond the scope of this article. Although these studies offer no clear-cut conclusions regarding the accuracy of different modern theoretic formulas, their use is probably advantageous in post-refractive surgery eyes. Contact lens over-refraction This method uses a hard contact lens of known power and base curve to determine true corneal power. After patients have undergone refraction, a plano hard contact lens is placed on the eye and over-refraction is performed. If no difference exists between refractions, corneal power is the same as the contact lens base curve. If over-refraction is more myopic than refraction without the contact lens, the lens is steeper than the cornea. The change in refraction is subtracted from the contact lens base curve to yield corneal power. If over-refraction is more hyperopic than the contact lens refraction, the cornea is steeper than the lens. Change in refraction is added to the contact lens base curve to calculate corneal power. Contact lens-derived corneal powers have been shown to correlate well with manual keratometry in normal corneas when visual acuity is better than 20/70.32 Once the visual acuity is lower than 20/70, which may be the case in many patients with cataract, the correlation is poor. The accuracy of this technique is not established in post-refractive surgery eyes. Clinical history Originally proposed by Holladay to determine corneal power after RK, this method was advocated by Hoffer for use in post LASIK/PRK eyes.33,34 Using this method requires knowledge of keratometry prior to refractive surgery as well as induced refractive change before the development of cataract. These values are used to determine a calculated corneal power as follows: For post-myopic (post-RK/myopic excimer) procedures: Corneal diopteric power = pre-refractive surgery Ks – change in SE. For post-hyperopic (post-hyperopic excimer) procedures: Corneal diopteric power = pre-refractive surgery Ks + change in SE. The major shortcomings of this approach are that accuracy and reliability have not been established in large series and that it requires knowledge of keratometry values prior to refractive surgery, which cataract surgeons may not have. Its major flaw, however, is
  • 26. assuming a one-to-one relation between corneal diopteric power and refraction (i.e., if corneal power changes by one diopter, refraction changes by one diopter). Studies by Patel et al. and Hugger et al. analyzed changes in refraction and corneal power after refractive surgery in a large sample.35,36 Both studies found less change in corneal power than in refraction and concluded that this was due to a change in the cornea's effective refractive index. This indicates that the clinical history method reduces IOL power errors but the degree of accuracy is not yet established. Nomogram-based correction By analyzing eyes after myopic and hyperopic LASIK, we developed a theoretic nomogram to correct IOL power after these procedures.13 The nomogram is based on four established clinical premises: 1. IOL power after myopic corneal surgery has to be higher than before surgery. 2. IOL power after hyperopic corneal surgery is expected to be lower than before surgery. 3. To maintain emmetropia, the difference between IOL powers before and after refractive surgery must compensate for refraction changes. 4. For every diopter of change in IOL power, refraction at the spectacle plane with a vertex distance of 12.5 mm changes by only 0.67 diopters.37 These formulas allowed the development of a nomogram to adjust IOL power based on post- LASIK standard keratometry [Tables [Tables11 and and2]2] and eliminated the need for pre- LASIK keratometry. Compared with the clinical history method, this nomogram gave a higher IOL power after myopic LASIK and lower IOL power after hyperopic LASIK. Table 1 Nomogram for intraocular lens (IOL) power adjustment for emmetropia after myopic LASIK This nomogram has been tested and appears to be reliable in a limited number of studies.13 Further prospective data of this method's accuracy are currently being collected. Optical formula corneal power calculations Using Gaussian optics, the cornea's true power can theoretically be determined regardless of previous surgical procedures. Thisapproach considers the cornea to have two refractive surfaces, anterior and posterior. The theoretic power of the cornea is calculated using corneal
  • 27. thickness and refractive indexes of air, cornea and aqueous humor through a series of formulas. Hamed et al. used this method to look at 100 post-myopic LASIK eyes. The authors used a mathematical optical formula to directly calculate corneal refractive power.38 Good theoretical correlation was noted between this calculated corneal power and the clinical history method. To our knowledge, no actual IOL implantations based on this formula have been performed. Direct corneal power measurements The major shortcoming with all the above-mentioned techniques is the need to know the pre-refractive surgery values, such as refraction and keratometry. An ideal method would determine corneal power accurately without these values. True corneal power could be determined regardless of the refractive status if anterior and posterior corneal curvatures could be directly measured. However, direct measurement of the posterior curvature was not possible until recently. Introduction of slit-beam scanning combined with placido-disk topography Orbscan allows posterior power measurements. This technology also allows analysis of central optical zones as small as 1–2 mm.39 Sonego-Krone et al. as well as Seitz et al. used this technology for post-myopic LASIK, comparing refractive changes at the corneal level induced by LASIK with Orbscan-measured central total powers within the central 2-mm zone.25,40 They found a good correlation between expected central diopteric power and measured values, and recommended using central 2-mm power measured by Orbscan for IOL power determination after myopic LASIK. Qazi et al. also used a similar method for post-myopic LASIK patients with good results.41 Although a promising technology, the accuracy and applicability of these power measurements have not been established clinically. Go to: TARGETING MYOPIA When regular keratometry is performed after myopic refractive surgery, selective choice of an IOL to target myopia when other data are not available may reduce refractive surprises. In analyzing eyes undergoing cataract surgery after RK, Chen et al. found that selecting an IOL targeting –1.50 in post-RK eyes reduced the frequency of post-cataract hyperopia by 60%. Some initial hyperopia immediately after cataract surgery also regresses over several weeks, possibly because of inherent instability of the post-RK cornea.42–44 Go to: CONCLUSION
  • 28. Current methods of IOL power determination after corneal refractive surgery are limited by a lack of actual clinical experience on a large scale and by the theoretic nature of all the calculation methods. However, based on accumulated clinical experience, several useful guidelines can be followed. In addition to the recommendations below, refractive surgeons should consider providing patients with pre-refractive surgery keratometry and refraction and having them keep these records for possible cataract surgery in the future. 1. If only pre-and post-corneal surgery refraction are available, use post-refractive surgery keratometry and axial length and adjust IOL power using a theoretic nomogram [Tables [Tables11 and and22]. Table 2 Nomogram for IOL power adjustment for emmetropia after hyperopic LASIK 2. If pre-refractive surgery keratometry values and refraction are available, predict IOL power theoretically using clinical history or nomogram-based methods. If using the clinical history method, determine changes in spherical equivalent at the spectacle plane rather than the corneal level. 3. If data are not available and patients have visual acuity >20/70, consider the contact lens method. 4. If data are not available and patients have visual acuity <20/70, consider targeting −1.50 to −2.00 for post-myopic refractive surgery patients and +1.00 for post-hyperopic refractive surgery patients. 5. Some hyperopia in the immediate post-cataract surgery can regress in RK patients, so delay intervention through lens exchange or further refractive surgery until the refraction is stable. 6. Inform patients who have had previous corneal refractive surgery of limitations in accurate IOL power calculations. As part of their informed consent for cataract surgery, specifically discuss the possible need for corrective refractive aids, repeat corneal refractive surgery or IOL exchange. Go to: Footnotes
  • 29. Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None declared. formulas. These formulas work best near schematic eye measurements and are based on central corneal power and AL. Over time, it became apparent that the Hoffer Q formula was best for eyes shorter than 22 mm, the Holladay I formula performed best with eyes between 24 mm and 26 mm and the SRK/T formula was best for eyes longer than 26 mm. The assumption that the anterior chamber depth (ACD) was a proportion of the AL and not a true measurement, led to IOL surprises with post -refractive patients. This is because the third-generation formulas do not account for effective lens position. Adjusting the Formulas All three formulas allowed for optimization by adjusting a factor of the formula. This factor is called the "Surgeon Factor" for the Holladay I formula, the "ACD" for the Hoffer Q formula and the "A Constant" for the SRK/T formula. Advances in computer technology allow for the quick optimization of these formulas for a surgeon's patient population. Most immersion ultrasound systems and the IOLMaster allow for optimization after approximately 25 cases. On the surface, optimization of one's cases sounds ideal, but one has to remember "garbage in equals garbage out." To correctly optimize any of the formulas, no complicated cases should be entered. Ideally, you should leave out any cases that have concurrent limbal relaxing or astigmatic incisions. This basic optimization will provide you with excellent results the majority of the time. Optimization brings any of the three formulas to your population average. For example, if your patient population was primarily small hyperopic eyes, you would expect that the Hoffer Q would be the ideal formula. After optimization of the Holladay and SRK/T formulas for the same population, the results would be extremely similar to the Hoffer Q. The downside of the optimization in this scenario would be that the three optimized formulas for the small AL population would not be as accurate as the unoptimized SRK/T formula when dealing with large ALs. So, effectively, optimization raises or lowers the curve but does not affect its shape. Ideally, one would have separate optimizations for separate AL subgroups. The Haigis Formula In 1991, the Haigis formula evolved as one of two fourth-generation formulas in order to overcome these shortcomings. The Haigis formula does not depend on assumptions for the ACD and requires real measurement of it. In addition, the Haigis formula does not have just one "a Constant" but three (a0, a1, a2) derived by multi-variable regression analysis. a0 constant moves the power prediction curve up or down a1 constant is tied to the measured anterior chamber depth a2 constant is tied to the measured axial length
  • 30. By using three adjustable constants, the surgeon can not only raise or lower the prediction curve, but also adjust its shape. This allows for optimization over a larger range of ALs. This also requires a much larger number of cases for optimization – 200 eyes. A note of caution: Most built-in optimization programs in immersion units and the IOLMaster only optimize a0, making it effectively a third-generation formula. These units usually allow for manual adjustment of a0, a1 and a2. The optimization of all three constants can be performed on an Excel spreadsheet easily found on the Internet. The inclusion of measured ACD into the Haigis formula has allowed for potentially increased accuracy. On my Accusonic A-Scan, I always use the Haigis formula because I know that my ACD measurements are precise. The optically-measured ACD on the IOLMaster is usually very accurate, but a little less reproducible. Therefore, I use an optimized third-generation formula on my IOLMaster. The Holladay II Formula The Holladay II formula, derived in 1998, is the other fourth-generation formula. It attempts to be a predictable formula for AL axial lengths by incorporating as much measured information as possible. It requires seven different variables to be measured (white to white, corneal diameter, ACD, lens thickness, patient's age, preop Rx and axial length). This information effectively works as a pattern-recognition system. This formula has also been found to be highly accurate for a large variety of patient eyes. The use of immersion A-scan or the IOLMaster has become the standard of care in cataract surgery, and so has the use of third-generation formulas. In order to make the leap into refractive cataract surgery and lens exchange optimization, adoption of third-generation formulas is necessary, and use of fourth-generation formulas is preferable. The time spent optimizing your formula of choice will be well spent and leads to happy patients and fewer surprises. Farrell Tyson, M.D., practices refractive cataract and glaucoma surgery in Cape Coral, Fla. He obtained his biomedical engineering degree from Johns Hopkins University and completed his ophthalmology residency at the Storm Eye Institute in Charleston, S.C.