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Bipolar Disorder

Presentor – Kapil S. Kulkarni
           Moderator – Dr. J.P. Rawat
What is Bipolar Disorder?
It is a mood disorder characterized by one or
more episodes of mania or hypomania
often with a history of one or more major depressive episodes.

Mood episodes: Manic, Depressed, or Mixed
Correct diagnosis and treatment are essential as early as
possible in the course of the illness to prevent complications
.and maximize response to treatment
Bipolar I disorder is characterized by one or more
manic or mixed mood episodes

Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or more major
.depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode

Hypomania is an abnormally and persistently elevated,
expansive, or irritable mood, but not of sufficient severity to
cause significant impairment in social or occupational function
.and does not require hospitalization
   The lifetime prevalence of bipolar I disorder is estimated to
    be between 0.3% and 2.4%.

   The lifetime prevalence of bipolar II disorder ranges from
    0.2% to 5%.

   Bipolar I disorder affects men and women equally.
   Bipolar II seems to be more common in women.

   Rapid cycling and mixed mania occur more often in women.
   The mean age of onset of bipolar disorder is 20 yrs.

   Although onset may occur in early childhood to the mid-40s.

   If the onset of symptoms occurs after 60 years of age, then its
    probably secondary to medical causes.

   The most common comorbid conditions include anxiety,
    substance abuse, and eating disorder.
   The precise etiology of bipolar disorder is unknown.
       -Genetically based
       -Environmental factors
  The lifetime risk of bipolar disorder in relatives
 of a bipolar patient is 40% to 70% for a monozygotic twin and
 5% to 10% for another first-degree relative.

 Dizygotic twins have 20% to 25% chances and children of
 parent with bipolar disorder have 50% risk.

 HPA axis dysfunction due to environmental stress.

 NA, DA, 5HT and Glutamate are implicated.
   The pathophysiology of bipolar disorder has been poorly
   Imbalance of cholinergic and catecholaminergic neuronal
   Bipolar disorder is also related to inositol disterbance.
Abnormal “programmed cell death”
Studies in animal have shown that antidepressent, lithium and
 valproate indirectly regulate factors involved in cell survival.
 (BDNF, Bcl2 etc)

 Older hypothesis, same as in epilepsy, states that genetically
 predisposed persons experience minor neurological insult
 ( Due to excess of glucocorticoids, other acute or chronic
 stressors, drug abuse)
 These eventually result in mania.
 After first episode, sufficient neuronal damage persists which
 allow recurrence with or without minor environmental or
 behavioral stressors.

This view also provides explanation to why anticonvulsants are
 useful in BMD.
• Expansive/ eleted mood
• Irritable mood           Mania
 Excess happiness

• Sad/ low mood
• Hopelessness             Depression
• Suicidality
• Agitation
• Impulsivity
• Aggression
• Rapid, pressured speech
• Decreased need for sleep (Insomnia)   Mania
• Hyper sexuality
• Increased physical energy
• Inflated self-esteem
• Grandiosity
Clinical Presentation
1.   Lack of energy
2.   Excessive lethargy
3.   Lack of initiative
4.   Hopelessness         Depression
5.   Helplessness
6.   Worthlessness
7.   Suicidal tendancy
3-Thought Processes

Flight of ideas (FOI)
Easy distractibility
Delusions of grandeosity   Mania
Ideas of reference
Clinical Presentation
   Suicidal ideations
   Negative thoughts
   Lack of initiative      Depression
   Ideas of hopelessness
   Nihilistic delusion
   Lab test to rule out other medical disorder.

   A mood disorder questionnaire. (YMRS, HDRS)
   Bipolar I disorder (periods of major depressive, manic, and/or
    mixed episodes)
   Bipolar II disorder (periods of major depression and
   Cyclothymic disorder (periods of hypomanic episodes and
    depressive episodes)
   Bipolar disorder, NOS
   Bipolar I disorder diagnosis require one episode of
    mania, for at least 1 week or longer with elevated,
    expansive, or irritable mood , decreased
    need for sleep, excessive energy.

   If Bipolar disorder 1 diagnosed as MDD and the patient is
    treated by antidepressant this can precipitate mania or
    induce rapid cycling of mania.
   The distinguishing feature of bipolar II disorder is
    depression with past hypomanic episodes.
   Cyclothymic disorder is a chronic mood disturbance generally
    lasting at least 2 year.(1 year in children and adolescents)
   Characterized by mood swings including periods of
    hypomania and depressive symptoms.
   Hypomanic symptoms (grandiosity, decreased need for sleep,
    pressure of speech, flight of ideas, distractibility)
   Patients with bipolar disorder have a high risk of suicide.
>= 2-week period of either depressed mood or loss of
  interest, associated with at least 5 of the following
•Depressed/sad mood
• Decreased interest and pleasure in normal activities
• Decreased appetite, weight loss
• Insomnia or hypersomnia
• Psychomotor retardation or agitation
• Decreased energy or fatigue
• Feeling of guilt or worthlessness
• Impaired concentration and decision making
• Suicidal thoughts or attempts
>= 1-week period of abnormal and persistent elevated mood
 (expansive or irritable), associated with at least 3 of the
 following symptoms (four if the mood is only irritable):

• Inflated self-esteem (grandiosity)
• Decreased need for sleep(insomnia)
• Increased talking (pressure of speech)
• Racing thoughts (flight of ideas)
• Distractible (poor attention)
• Increased activity (either socially, at work, or sexually) or increased motor
   activity or agitation
• Excessive involvement in activities that are pleasurable but have a high
risk for serious consequences (buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, poor
judgment in business ventures)
At least 4 days of abnormal and persistent elevated mood
  (expansive or irritable); associated with at least 3 of the
  following symptoms (four if the mood is only irritable):

• Inflated self-esteem (grandiosity)
• Decreased need for sleep
• Increased talking (pressure of speech)
• Racing thoughts (flight of ideas)
• Increased activity (either socially, at work, or sexually) or increased motor
   activity or agitation.
• Excessive involvement in activities that are pleasurable but have a high risk
   for serious consequences (buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, poor
   judgment in business ventures)
   Criteria for both a major depressive episode and manic
    episode (except for duration) occur nearly every day for
    at least a 1-week period.
   Greater than 3 major depressive or manic episodes
    (manic, mixed, or hypomanic) in 12 months.
• Personality disorders
• Alcohol and substance abuse or dependence
• Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder,
• Obsessive compulsive

• Eating disorders

Medical comorbidities include:
• Migraine
• Multiple sclerosis
• Cushing’s syndrome
• Brain tumor
• Head trauma
• Reduce the symptoms of mania
• Reduce the symptoms of bipolar depression
• Prevent the recurrence of a manic or depressive episode
• Avoid or minimize adverse treatment effects
• Promote treatment adherence
• Improve quality of life
   Mood stabilizing agents are the cornerstone of
   Complete assessment and careful diagnosis to rule out
    non-psychiatric causes.
   Treatment is lifelong.
   Interpersonal, family and group therapy.
   Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).
   Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
   Psychoeducation.
Mood-stabilizing drugs are the usual first-choice treatments and
 include lithium, divalproate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine.

   Atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine are also approved for
    treatment of acute mania
   Lithium, lamotrigine, olanzapine, and aripiprazole are approved for
    maintenance therapy.
   Benzodiazepines are used adjunctively for mania.
   Antidepressants may be used for bipolar depression, but usually
    along with a mood-stabilizing agent to prevent a mood switch to
   Mood-stabilizing drugs are considered the primary
    pharmacotherapy for relapse prevention.
Maintenance Therapy
First,   2 or 3 drug combination
      Lithium or valproate +benzodiazepine for short term     t
 treatment of agitation or insomnia
      If psychosis is present consider atypical antipsychotic w
 with above
      Alternative, carbamazepine…….no response or tolerate c
  consider oxcarbazepine

Second if inadequate response ……then use 3 drugs               c
       Lithium +Anticonvulsant +Atypical antipsychotic
      Anticonvulsant +Anticonvulsant +atypical antipsychotic
Third if still inadequate response ……ECT
   First initiate and/or optimize-
         Mood stabilizing medication (lithium ,DVP, or            a
    carbamazepine) c
           Consider adding BZD for short term of          g       g
    agitation or insomnia .
         Alternative Carbamazepine……if no response consider           a

   Second if response is inadequate to above medication ….           T
         Then consider2 drug combination
            Lithium +Anticonvulsant or atypical antipsychotic
            Anticonvulsant + Anticonvulsant or atypical       a   n
First - Mood stabilizing medication( lithium or lamotrigine)

Alternative - Anticonvulsant (valproate ,carbamazepine or      o
               oxcarbazepine )
First   2 or 3 drug combination
     - Lithium or Lamotrigine +antidepressant
     - Lithium + Lamotrigine
     If psychosis is present …..add on antipsychotic
     Alternative anticonvulsant : valproate ,Carbamazepine or   o
Second     if inadequate response …consider adding on atypical      a
 antipsychotic (Quetiapine )
Third    if inadequate response …….3 drug combination
        Lamotrigine + Anticonvulsant +Antidepressant
        Llamotrigine + Lithium +Antidepressant
Forth      if response is inadequate …….ECT
   A first-line agent (Still Gold standard for BMD despite of
    side effect profile)

   Mechanism of action :
    Not well understood

          -Altered ion transport (Na, K, Ca, Mg)
          -Increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF),
          -Inhibition of second messenger systems (adenyl        y
        cyclase, ITP, Protein kinase C, Ca, Protein G)
Dosing and monitoring:
    900- 1800 mg /day in acute phases
    600- 900 mg /day in maintenance phase

   Has a narrow therapeutic index , periodic monitoring is

   Serum lithium concentration of 0.6 to 1.4 mMol/L.

 Half life is 18-24 hrs.
 Not protein bound.
 Bioavailability not affected by food.
 98% drug is excreted unchanged in urine.
Adverse Effects
   Common : GIT upset, Tremor, and Polyuria, Polydipsia

   Nephrogenic : Lithium-induced Diabetes Insipidus (when urine
    volume exceed 3 L / day)
   Hypothyroidism
   Poor concentration, Acneiform rash, Alopecia, Worsening of Psoriasis,
    Weight gain ,Metallic taste, and Glucose dysfunction.
   Benign Leukocytosis
   Acute lithium toxicity …… serum concentration over 2 mEq/L
Acute Lithium Toxicity

  Early signs- (1.5-2.0 mMol/L)- Tremulousness, anorexia,
  nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration
  Further (>2.0mMol/L)- Neurological menifestations-
  Restlessness, muscle fasciculation, hypertonia, ataxia,
  Dysarthria, drowsiness, delirium.
  Cardiac problems- Hypotension, arrythmias, collapse.
  If levels too high (>2.5mMol/L)- Coma, seizure or
  permanent neurological damage
   Lithium dosage should be reduced by 33% to 50% when used
    with thiazide
   Acute lithium toxicity …

        -Discontinue lithium
        -IV fluid to correct electrolyte imbalance
Tremor ……………………Beta blockers
Lithium induced DI …….HCTZ, Amiloride
Hypothyroidism ………...Levothyroxine
GI upset ………………….Take medication in divided doses
                     with food.
Drug Interactions

Lithium levels are increased by- ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS, SSRIs,
                              Antiepileptics, Thiazide
                              diuretics, CCB, methyldopa,
Lithium levels are decreased by- Theophylline, CPZ, Antacids,
   Mechanism of action :
           - Modulates voltage sensetive Na ion transport
           - Enhance activity of GABA
           -Enhance BDNF
   Dosing and monitoring :
           500 – 1000 mg /day
           The dosage is then titrated according to response,
      o       tolerability, and serum concentration.
           Valproate is preferred over lithium for mixed        I
    episodes and rapid cycling.
Adverse Effects

Loss of appetite, Nausea, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Tremor, and
Drowsiness ,Weight gain, Alopecia.
Hair loss can be minimized by supplementation with a vitamin containing
selenium and zinc.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Drug is usually stopped if the platelet count<100,000/mm3.

Hepatic toxicity and pancreatitis.
Drug interaction :

   It is a weak inhibitor of some of the drug by metabolizing liver
   The risk of a dangerous rash due to lamotrigine is increased when
    given concurrently with divalproex.
   When divalproex is added to lamotrigine, the lamotrigine dosage
    should be reduced by 50%.
   Levels of valproate are decreased by- CBZ, Phenytoin,
                                         Rifampicin, Topiramate
   Levels increased by- CPZ, Clarithromycin, TCA and fluoxetine.
   Use as mood stabilizing
   Mechanism of action
      -Block Na, Ca ion channels
      -Inhibit repetitive neuronal excitation
Dosing and monitoring :
        400-600 mg /day
Adverse effect :
Drowsiness, Dizziness, Ataxia, Lethargy, and Confusion.
Aplastic anemia
Agranulocytosis ……rare but life threatening.
Hyponatremia, exfoliative dermatitis.
Drug interactions

    Carbamazepine induces the hepatic metabolism of many drugs
    (Antiepileptic, antipsychotics, some antidepressants, oral
     contraceptives,…) ….need dose adjustment
    Carbamazepine is also an autoinducer.

    Carbamazepine can be slowed by enzyme-inhibiting drugs
     (antidepressants,macrolide ,azole antifungal )
   Effective for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder
   More effective for depression relapse prevention than for mania

    Dosing and Monitoring
   25 mg daily for the first 1 to 2 weeks, then titrate according to
    response upto 200 to 400 mg per day.
Adverse Effects :

   Maculopapular rash…..10% of patient
   Some rashes can progress to life-threatening Stevens-Johnson
   Dizziness, drowsiness, headache, blurred vision and nausea .

Drug Interactions:

     DVP……..downward adjustment
     Carbamazepine …..upward adjustment
   Used as adjunctive therapy, especially during acute
    mania episodes, to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
Atypical antipsychotics act as mood stabilizers.

They are used either alone or with combination with mood
 stabilizers in resistant cases.
Should be combined with a mood-stabilizing drug to reduce the risk of
  mood switch to hypomania or mania.

TCA and SNRI…..switch mood to mania or hypomania

SSRI are used.

Bupropion …..the least one precipitate mania
The key issue is the relative risk of teratogenicity with drug use
  during pregnancy versus risk of bipolar relapse without
  treatment with consequent potential harm to both the pregnant
  patient and the fetus.
Judgment depends on
        -history of the patient
        -whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned.
Lithium can cause “ floppy baby” syndrome, Ebestein anomaly.

During first trimester
VPA and Carbamazepine …..neural tube defect (spinal bifida )
Carbamazepine can cause …..fetal vitamin K deficiency
Lamotrigine ……… with cleft palate
Depression & bipolar disorder

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Depression & bipolar disorder

  • 1. Bipolar Disorder Depression& Presentor – Kapil S. Kulkarni Moderator – Dr. J.P. Rawat
  • 2. What is Bipolar Disorder? It is a mood disorder characterized by one or more episodes of mania or hypomania often with a history of one or more major depressive episodes. Mood episodes: Manic, Depressed, or Mixed
  • 3. Correct diagnosis and treatment are essential as early as possible in the course of the illness to prevent complications .and maximize response to treatment
  • 5. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by one or more manic or mixed mood episodes Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or more major .depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode Hypomania is an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, but not of sufficient severity to cause significant impairment in social or occupational function .and does not require hospitalization
  • 6. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar I disorder is estimated to be between 0.3% and 2.4%.  The lifetime prevalence of bipolar II disorder ranges from 0.2% to 5%.  Bipolar I disorder affects men and women equally.  Bipolar II seems to be more common in women.  Rapid cycling and mixed mania occur more often in women.
  • 7. The mean age of onset of bipolar disorder is 20 yrs.  Although onset may occur in early childhood to the mid-40s.  If the onset of symptoms occurs after 60 years of age, then its probably secondary to medical causes.  The most common comorbid conditions include anxiety, substance abuse, and eating disorder. .
  • 8. The precise etiology of bipolar disorder is unknown. -Genetically based -Environmental factors -Neurotransmitters
  • 9. Genetic The lifetime risk of bipolar disorder in relatives of a bipolar patient is 40% to 70% for a monozygotic twin and 5% to 10% for another first-degree relative. Dizygotic twins have 20% to 25% chances and children of parent with bipolar disorder have 50% risk. Environmental HPA axis dysfunction due to environmental stress. Neurotransmitters NA, DA, 5HT and Glutamate are implicated.
  • 11. Neurochemical  The pathophysiology of bipolar disorder has been poorly understood.  Imbalance of cholinergic and catecholaminergic neuronal activity  Bipolar disorder is also related to inositol disterbance.
  • 12. Theories Abnormal “programmed cell death” Studies in animal have shown that antidepressent, lithium and valproate indirectly regulate factors involved in cell survival. (BDNF, Bcl2 etc) “Kindling” Older hypothesis, same as in epilepsy, states that genetically predisposed persons experience minor neurological insult ( Due to excess of glucocorticoids, other acute or chronic stressors, drug abuse)
  • 13. Theories These eventually result in mania. After first episode, sufficient neuronal damage persists which allow recurrence with or without minor environmental or behavioral stressors. This view also provides explanation to why anticonvulsants are useful in BMD.
  • 15. Symptoms 1-Mood • Expansive/ eleted mood • Irritable mood Mania  Excess happiness • Sad/ low mood • Hopelessness Depression • Suicidality
  • 16. 2-Physical/Behavioral: • Agitation • Impulsivity • Aggression • Rapid, pressured speech • Decreased need for sleep (Insomnia) Mania • Hyper sexuality • Increased physical energy • Inflated self-esteem • Grandiosity
  • 17. Clinical Presentation 1. Lack of energy 2. Excessive lethargy 3. Lack of initiative 4. Hopelessness Depression 5. Helplessness 6. Worthlessness 7. Suicidal tendancy
  • 18. 3-Thought Processes Flight of ideas (FOI) Easy distractibility Delusions of grandeosity Mania Ideas of reference
  • 19. Clinical Presentation  Suicidal ideations  Negative thoughts  Lack of initiative Depression  Ideas of hopelessness  Nihilistic delusion
  • 20. Lab test to rule out other medical disorder.  A mood disorder questionnaire. (YMRS, HDRS)
  • 21. Bipolar I disorder (periods of major depressive, manic, and/or mixed episodes)  Bipolar II disorder (periods of major depression and hypomania)  Cyclothymic disorder (periods of hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes)  Bipolar disorder, NOS
  • 22. Bipolar I disorder diagnosis require one episode of mania, for at least 1 week or longer with elevated, expansive, or irritable mood , decreased need for sleep, excessive energy.  If Bipolar disorder 1 diagnosed as MDD and the patient is treated by antidepressant this can precipitate mania or induce rapid cycling of mania.
  • 23. The distinguishing feature of bipolar II disorder is depression with past hypomanic episodes.
  • 24. Cyclothymic disorder is a chronic mood disturbance generally lasting at least 2 year.(1 year in children and adolescents)  Characterized by mood swings including periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms.  Hypomanic symptoms (grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, distractibility)
  • 25. Patients with bipolar disorder have a high risk of suicide.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. >= 2-week period of either depressed mood or loss of interest, associated with at least 5 of the following symptoms: •Depressed/sad mood • Decreased interest and pleasure in normal activities • Decreased appetite, weight loss • Insomnia or hypersomnia • Psychomotor retardation or agitation • Decreased energy or fatigue • Feeling of guilt or worthlessness • Impaired concentration and decision making • Suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • 31. >= 1-week period of abnormal and persistent elevated mood (expansive or irritable), associated with at least 3 of the following symptoms (four if the mood is only irritable): • Inflated self-esteem (grandiosity) • Decreased need for sleep(insomnia) • Increased talking (pressure of speech) • Racing thoughts (flight of ideas) • Distractible (poor attention) • Increased activity (either socially, at work, or sexually) or increased motor activity or agitation • Excessive involvement in activities that are pleasurable but have a high risk for serious consequences (buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, poor judgment in business ventures)
  • 32. At least 4 days of abnormal and persistent elevated mood (expansive or irritable); associated with at least 3 of the following symptoms (four if the mood is only irritable): • Inflated self-esteem (grandiosity) • Decreased need for sleep • Increased talking (pressure of speech) • Racing thoughts (flight of ideas) • Increased activity (either socially, at work, or sexually) or increased motor activity or agitation. • Excessive involvement in activities that are pleasurable but have a high risk for serious consequences (buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, poor judgment in business ventures)
  • 33. Criteria for both a major depressive episode and manic episode (except for duration) occur nearly every day for at least a 1-week period.
  • 34. Greater than 3 major depressive or manic episodes (manic, mixed, or hypomanic) in 12 months.
  • 35. • Personality disorders • Alcohol and substance abuse or dependence • Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, • Obsessive compulsive • Eating disorders Medical comorbidities include: • Migraine • Multiple sclerosis • Cushing’s syndrome • Brain tumor • Head trauma
  • 36.
  • 37. • Reduce the symptoms of mania • Reduce the symptoms of bipolar depression • Prevent the recurrence of a manic or depressive episode • Avoid or minimize adverse treatment effects • Promote treatment adherence • Improve quality of life
  • 38. Mood stabilizing agents are the cornerstone of treatment.  Complete assessment and careful diagnosis to rule out non-psychiatric causes.  Treatment is lifelong.
  • 39. Interpersonal, family and group therapy.  Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).  Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).  Psychoeducation.
  • 40.
  • 41. Mood-stabilizing drugs are the usual first-choice treatments and include lithium, divalproate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine.  Atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine are also approved for treatment of acute mania  Lithium, lamotrigine, olanzapine, and aripiprazole are approved for maintenance therapy.  Benzodiazepines are used adjunctively for mania.  Antidepressants may be used for bipolar depression, but usually along with a mood-stabilizing agent to prevent a mood switch to mania  Mood-stabilizing drugs are considered the primary pharmacotherapy for relapse prevention.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 46. First, 2 or 3 drug combination Lithium or valproate +benzodiazepine for short term t treatment of agitation or insomnia If psychosis is present consider atypical antipsychotic w with above Alternative, carbamazepine…….no response or tolerate c consider oxcarbazepine Second if inadequate response ……then use 3 drugs c combination Lithium +Anticonvulsant +Atypical antipsychotic Anticonvulsant +Anticonvulsant +atypical antipsychotic Third if still inadequate response ……ECT
  • 47. Hypomania  First initiate and/or optimize- Mood stabilizing medication (lithium ,DVP, or a carbamazepine) c Consider adding BZD for short term of g g agitation or insomnia . Alternative Carbamazepine……if no response consider a antipsychotic  Second if response is inadequate to above medication …. T Then consider2 drug combination Lithium +Anticonvulsant or atypical antipsychotic Anticonvulsant + Anticonvulsant or atypical a n antipsychotic
  • 48. First - Mood stabilizing medication( lithium or lamotrigine) Alternative - Anticonvulsant (valproate ,carbamazepine or o oxcarbazepine )
  • 49. First 2 or 3 drug combination - Lithium or Lamotrigine +antidepressant - Lithium + Lamotrigine If psychosis is present …..add on antipsychotic Alternative anticonvulsant : valproate ,Carbamazepine or o oxcarbazepine Second if inadequate response …consider adding on atypical a antipsychotic (Quetiapine ) Third if inadequate response …….3 drug combination Lamotrigine + Anticonvulsant +Antidepressant Llamotrigine + Lithium +Antidepressant Forth if response is inadequate …….ECT
  • 50.
  • 51. A first-line agent (Still Gold standard for BMD despite of side effect profile)  Mechanism of action : Not well understood -Altered ion transport (Na, K, Ca, Mg) -Increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), -Inhibition of second messenger systems (adenyl y cyclase, ITP, Protein kinase C, Ca, Protein G)
  • 52. Dosing and monitoring: 900- 1800 mg /day in acute phases 600- 900 mg /day in maintenance phase  Has a narrow therapeutic index , periodic monitoring is recommended.  Serum lithium concentration of 0.6 to 1.4 mMol/L.
  • 53. Pharmacokinetics Half life is 18-24 hrs. Not protein bound. Bioavailability not affected by food. 98% drug is excreted unchanged in urine.
  • 54. Adverse Effects  Common : GIT upset, Tremor, and Polyuria, Polydipsia  Nephrogenic : Lithium-induced Diabetes Insipidus (when urine volume exceed 3 L / day)  Hypothyroidism  Poor concentration, Acneiform rash, Alopecia, Worsening of Psoriasis, Weight gain ,Metallic taste, and Glucose dysfunction.  Benign Leukocytosis  Acute lithium toxicity …… serum concentration over 2 mEq/L
  • 55. Acute Lithium Toxicity Early signs- (1.5-2.0 mMol/L)- Tremulousness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration Further (>2.0mMol/L)- Neurological menifestations- Restlessness, muscle fasciculation, hypertonia, ataxia, Dysarthria, drowsiness, delirium. Cardiac problems- Hypotension, arrythmias, collapse. If levels too high (>2.5mMol/L)- Coma, seizure or permanent neurological damage
  • 56. Lithium dosage should be reduced by 33% to 50% when used with thiazide  Acute lithium toxicity … -Discontinue lithium -IV fluid to correct electrolyte imbalance -Hemodialysis Tremor ……………………Beta blockers Lithium induced DI …….HCTZ, Amiloride Hypothyroidism ………...Levothyroxine GI upset ………………….Take medication in divided doses with food.
  • 57. Drug Interactions Lithium levels are increased by- ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS, SSRIs, Antiepileptics, Thiazide diuretics, CCB, methyldopa, Tetracyclines. Lithium levels are decreased by- Theophylline, CPZ, Antacids, Bicarbonates.
  • 58. Mechanism of action : Uncertain - Modulates voltage sensetive Na ion transport - Enhance activity of GABA -Enhance BDNF  Dosing and monitoring : 500 – 1000 mg /day The dosage is then titrated according to response, o tolerability, and serum concentration. Valproate is preferred over lithium for mixed I episodes and rapid cycling.
  • 59. Adverse Effects Loss of appetite, Nausea, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Tremor, and Drowsiness ,Weight gain, Alopecia. Hair loss can be minimized by supplementation with a vitamin containing selenium and zinc. Polycystic ovarian syndrome Thrombocytopenia Drug is usually stopped if the platelet count<100,000/mm3. Rare Hepatic toxicity and pancreatitis.
  • 60. Drug interaction :  It is a weak inhibitor of some of the drug by metabolizing liver enzymes.  The risk of a dangerous rash due to lamotrigine is increased when given concurrently with divalproex.  When divalproex is added to lamotrigine, the lamotrigine dosage should be reduced by 50%.  Levels of valproate are decreased by- CBZ, Phenytoin, Rifampicin, Topiramate  Levels increased by- CPZ, Clarithromycin, TCA and fluoxetine.
  • 61. Use as mood stabilizing  Mechanism of action -Block Na, Ca ion channels -Inhibit repetitive neuronal excitation Dosing and monitoring : 400-600 mg /day Adverse effect : Drowsiness, Dizziness, Ataxia, Lethargy, and Confusion. Aplastic anemia Agranulocytosis ……rare but life threatening. Hyponatremia, exfoliative dermatitis.
  • 62. Drug interactions  Carbamazepine induces the hepatic metabolism of many drugs (Antiepileptic, antipsychotics, some antidepressants, oral contraceptives,…) ….need dose adjustment Carbamazepine is also an autoinducer.  Carbamazepine can be slowed by enzyme-inhibiting drugs (antidepressants,macrolide ,azole antifungal )
  • 63. Effective for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder  More effective for depression relapse prevention than for mania relapse. Dosing and Monitoring  25 mg daily for the first 1 to 2 weeks, then titrate according to response upto 200 to 400 mg per day.
  • 64. Adverse Effects :  Maculopapular rash…..10% of patient  Some rashes can progress to life-threatening Stevens-Johnson syndrome  Dizziness, drowsiness, headache, blurred vision and nausea . Drug Interactions: DVP……..downward adjustment Carbamazepine …..upward adjustment
  • 65. Used as adjunctive therapy, especially during acute mania episodes, to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
  • 66. Atypical antipsychotics act as mood stabilizers. They are used either alone or with combination with mood stabilizers in resistant cases.
  • 67. Should be combined with a mood-stabilizing drug to reduce the risk of mood switch to hypomania or mania. TCA and SNRI…..switch mood to mania or hypomania SSRI are used. Bupropion …..the least one precipitate mania
  • 68. The key issue is the relative risk of teratogenicity with drug use during pregnancy versus risk of bipolar relapse without treatment with consequent potential harm to both the pregnant patient and the fetus. Judgment depends on -history of the patient -whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned. Lithium can cause “ floppy baby” syndrome, Ebestein anomaly. During first trimester VPA and Carbamazepine …..neural tube defect (spinal bifida ) Carbamazepine can cause …..fetal vitamin K deficiency Lamotrigine ……… with cleft palate