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Getting Started with the Talis Platform ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Platform Overview
Software as a Service Multi-Tenant Data Storage Service
Unstructured Data Storage e.g. binary files, including images, documents, etc
Structured Data Storage RDF metadata
Access Control All data is open (to read) by default Configurable access options
Full-Text Searching  and Querying
Standards Compliance RDF, SPARQL, HTTP
Platform Architecture Web API Metabox Contentbox
REST, RDF Authentication & Authorization Content Negotiation Core Concepts aka “The Science Bit”
REST Re presentational  S tate  T ransfer Correct Use of HTTP
Resource-Centric API Everything has a unique URI
Interact with resources using HTTP GET  = read PUT = write POST = update/modify DELETE = delete
Use HTTP Response Codes 200 = OK 201 = Created (new resource) 202 = Accepted (for processing) 400 = Bad Request 500 = Server Error
Mime Types Used to identifiy content & meaning of request and response body
Content  Negotiation Majority of services support multiple output options, list varies by resource Accept  header output  parameter
Our Service Checklist ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Authentication HTTP Digest Authentication
Authentication Example
Authorization By default stores are world-readable, Store owner writable Customisable roles and privileges per-Store
Review of the RDF Model
Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Canaveral
Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Canaveral Subject Predicate Object
<>   <>  <>.
space: spacecraft/apollo-11   space: launchsite  space: launchsite/capecanaveral.
space:spacecraft/apollo-11  space:launchsite space:launchsite/capecanaveral. space:spacecraft/apollo-11  rdfs:label   “Apollo 11” . space:launchsite/capecanaveral  rdfs:label   “Cape Canaveral” .
Benefits of RDF?
Good for Semi-structured Data “Schema-Free” Very Flexible
Extensible New properties New resources New types of resource New statements
Encourages Convergence Reuse of vocabularies (i.e. properties) Reuse of identifiers (i.e. talk about the same things)
Simplifies Data Integration and Aggregation Shared identifiers Common data model Common query language Common data formats
Several Different Ways to Serialize RDF Optimized for different purposes
Turtle Simple to read and hand-author Used in SPARQL query language
@prefix rdf: <> @prefix space: <>  @ @prefix dc: <> <>  rdf:type  <>;  dc:description  &quot;Apollo 11 was…”; space:agency  &quot;United States&quot; .
RDF/XML Best for data interchange Harder to read
<rdf:RDF xmlns:j.0=&quot;“ xmlns:rdf=&quot;;  xmlns:space=&quot;;  xmlns:dc=&quot;;  xml:base=&quot;;> <rdf:Description  rdf:about=&quot;/spacecraft/1969-059A&quot;>  <dc:description>Apollo 11 was…</dc:description>  <rdf:type  rdf:resource=&quot;;/>  <space:agency>United States</space:agency> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
The Content Box Managing unstructured, binary data
Store any stream of binary data Images, documents, Javascript, etc
Full HTTP Caching Support ETags Efficient retrieval Conditional updates
Server or Client Assignment of Identifiers Provides full control over how URIs assigned
ContentBox URLs ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Adding Content
Deleting Content
Metadata for Contentbox Resources Minimum is URI and ETag Extract height & width of images … more metadata extraction in future
The Meta Box Managing structured metadata
Full RDF Data Storage Create, read, update, delete RDF resources Query RDF data
Configurable Full Text Indexing of RDF Indexes updated whenever new metadata added
Versioned and Un-Versioned Updates By submitting data to separate resources Maintain audit trail
Can be Divided into Sub-Graphs Separate access control options
Metabox URLs ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Storing RDF POST  application/rdf+xml Changes saved immediately Search indexing asynchronous
Triples are  Merged  into Store Can catch out the unwary Updates happen through separate mechanism
Retrieving Metadata /meta?about=…URI… Can select RDF serialization
Updating Resources POST  application/vnd.talis.changeset+xml
ChangeSets Vocabulary that specifies removals/additions to an RDF graph
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Versioned Updates POST to  /meta/changesets Apply update and stores changeset for later retrieval
Batch Updates Combine several changesets into single POST Linked together to define ordering
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;;  xmlns:cs=&quot;;> <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot;;> <cs:subjectOfChange  rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <cs:changeReason>More accurate launch time</cs:changeReason> < cs:precedingChangeset  rdf:resource=&quot; &quot;/> <!– changes --> </cs:ChangeSet> <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot; &quot;> <cs:subjectOfChange  rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <cs: precedingChangeset  rdf:resource=&quot; &quot;/> <!– changes --> </cs:ChangeSet>  <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot; &quot;> <cs:subjectOfChange  rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <!– changes --> ... </cs:ChangeSet>  </rdf:RDF>
Data Extraction & Exploration with SPARQL
SPARQL RDF query language; HTTP protocol; Results format 4 different forms of query
ASK Test whether the graph contains some data of interest
#Was there a launch on 16 th  July 1969? PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> ASK WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. }
<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?> <sparql  xmlns=&quot;;> <head> </head> <boolean>true</boolean> </sparql>
DESCRIBE Generate an RDF description of a resource(s)
#Describe launch(es) that occurred on 16 th  July 1969 PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> DESCRIBE ?launch WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. }
#Describe spacecraft launched on 16 th  July 1969 PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> DESCRIBE ?spacecraft WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch. }
CONSTRUCT Create a custom RDF graph based on query criteria
PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX foaf: <> CONSTRUCT { ?spacecraft foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass.  } WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch; foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass.  }
SELECT SQL style result set retrieval
PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?name ?agency ?mass WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch; foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass.  }
…as XML <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?> <sparql  xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns=&quot;; > <head> <variable name=&quot;name&quot;/> <variable name=&quot;agency&quot;/> <variable name=&quot;mass&quot;/> </head> <results> <result> <binding name=&quot;name&quot;> <literal>Apollo 11 Command and Service Module (CSM)</literal> </binding> <binding name=&quot;agency&quot;> <literal>United States</literal> </binding> <binding name=&quot;mass&quot;> <literal>28801.0</literal> </binding> </result> <!– more results --> </results> </sparql>
…as JSON {  &quot;head&quot;: {  &quot;vars&quot;: [ &quot;name&quot; , &quot;agency&quot; , &quot;mass&quot; ]  } ,  &quot;results&quot;: {  &quot;bindings&quot;: [  {  &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 Command and Service Module (CSM)&quot; } ,  &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } ,  &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;28801.0&quot; }  } ,  {  &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 SIVB&quot; } ,  &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } ,  &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;13300.0&quot; }  } ,  {  &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 Lunar Module / EASEP&quot; } ,  &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } ,  &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;15065.0&quot; }  }  ]  } }
Tour of Extra Features Searching, browsing, augmentation
Searching Full text index over RDF literals Configurable indexing options
/items?query=[query] &max=[10] &offset=[0] &sort=[comma-separated fieldnames] &xsl=[XSLT stylesheet] &content-type=[mimetype for XSLT results]
Query Syntax ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Query Results RSS 1.0 feed OpenSearch extensions (paging, relevance) Full description of each resource
<rdf:RDF xmlns=&quot;;  xmlns:foaf=&quot;;  xmlns:relevance=&quot;;  xmlns:rdf=&quot;;  xmlns:os=&quot;;  xmlns:ns.1=&quot;;> <channel rdf:about=“…&quot;> <title>lunar</title> <link>…</link> <description>Results of a search for lunar on space</description> <items> <rdf:Seq rdf:about=&quot;urn:uuid:eae4ead8-ca6a-4b12-b714-fe631d38e447&quot;> <rdf:li resource=&quot;; /> </rdf:Seq> </items> < os:startIndex >0</ os:startIndex > < os:itemsPerPage >10</ os:itemsPerPage > < os:totalResults >118</ os:totalResults > </channel> <item rdf:about=&quot;;> <title>Item</title> <link></link> < relevance:score >1.0</ relevance:score > <foaf:name>Lunar-A</foaf:name> <space:mass>520.0</space:mass> <space:internationalDesignator>LUNAR-A</space:internationalDesignator> </item> </rdf:RDF>
Facetted Search Similar to Amazon product search, etc Group search results by specific fields
/services/facet?query=[query] &fields=[comma-separated fieldnames]   &top=[10] &format=[xml|html]
<facet-results xmlns=&quot;;> <head> <query>name:luna*</query> <fields>agency</fields> <top>10</top> <output>xml</output> </head>  <fields>  <field name=&quot;agency&quot;>   <term value=&quot;U.S.S.R&quot;    number=&quot;25&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot;  search-uri=“…&quot;/>   <term value=&quot;United States&quot;    number=&quot;9&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/>   <term value=&quot;Japan&quot;    number=&quot;1&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/>   <term value=&quot;India&quot;    number=&quot;1&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/> </field> </fields> </facet-results>
Augmentation Annotate an RSS 1.0 feed against a store Automatically add a description of each referenced resource
Store Administration Job Control, Store Configuration
Field Predicate Map Associate a short name to a RDF property Properties in field predicate map are indexed for searching Short name used in query syntax, sort order, etc
<rdf:RDF  xmlns:rdf=&quot;;  xmlns:rdfs=&quot;;  xmlns:bf=&quot;;  xmlns:frm=&quot;“ xml:base=“”> <bf:FieldPredicateMap rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/fpmaps/default&quot;> <frm:mappedDatatypeProperty> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/fpmaps/default#agency&quot;> <frm:property rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <frm:name>agency</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </frm:mappedDatatypeProperty> </bf:FieldPredicateMap> </rdf:RDF>
Query Profile Assign weightings to fields for searching
<rdf:RDF  xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:rdfs=&quot;; xmlns:bf=&quot;; xmlns:frm=&quot;“ xml:base=“”> <bf:QueryProfile rdf:about=&quot;&quot;> <bf:fieldWeight> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/queryprofiles/default#name&quot;> <bf:weight>10.0</bf:weight> <frm:name>name</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </bf:fieldWeight> <bf:fieldWeight> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/queryprofiles/default#agency&quot;> <bf:weight>5.0</bf:weight> <frm:name>agency</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </bf:fieldWeight> </bf:QueryProfile> </rdf:RDF>
Job Control Reindex, Reset, Snapshot, Restore POST Job Request to  /jobs
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:rdfs=&quot;; xmlns:bf=&quot;;>  <bf:JobRequest> <rdfs:label>Reset the data in my store</rdfs:label> <bf:jobType rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <bf:startTime>2008-12-01T15:10:00Z</bf:startTime> </bf:JobRequest> </rdf:RDF>
Jobs Each job is a resource, with a URI GET to monitor status, DELETE to remove
Summing Up Summary, Additional Resources
The Talis Platform… ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Additional Resources ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Client Libraries (in various states of development) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
shared innovation

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Plus de Leigh Dodds

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The RDF Report Card: Beyond the Triple Count
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Kasabi Linked Data Marketplace
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Creating APIs over RDF
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Challenges & Opportunities for Linked Data
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Plus de Leigh Dodds (20)

Being a data magpie
Being a data magpieBeing a data magpie
Being a data magpie
How you (yes, you!) can contribute to open data
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Accessible Bath Training
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Accessible Bath
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Accessible Bath
Cheap bots done quick lightning talk
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Cheap bots done quick lightning talk
Open data in bath
Open data in bathOpen data in bath
Open data in bath
Bath: Hacked Learning Night: Introduction to CartoDB
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Bath: Hacked Learning Night: Introduction to CartoDB
Dungeons and Dragons and Data
Dungeons and Dragons and DataDungeons and Dragons and Data
Dungeons and Dragons and Data
Love the Environment Pre-Meetup
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Love the Environment Pre-Meetup
Introduction to Open Data & Bath: Hacked
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Oil and Water: When Data Licences Don't Mix
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Linked Data Patterns
Linked Data PatternsLinked Data Patterns
Linked Data Patterns
Layered Data: An Example
Layered Data: An ExampleLayered Data: An Example
Layered Data: An Example
Linked Data: turning the web into a context graph
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Linked Data: turning the web into a context graph
The RDF Report Card: Beyond the Triple Count
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Kasabi Linked Data Marketplace
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Creating APIs over RDF
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Challenges & Opportunities for Linked Data
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Getting Started With The Talis Platform

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. Software as a Service Multi-Tenant Data Storage Service
  • 5. Unstructured Data Storage e.g. binary files, including images, documents, etc
  • 6. Structured Data Storage RDF metadata
  • 7. Access Control All data is open (to read) by default Configurable access options
  • 8. Full-Text Searching and Querying
  • 10. Platform Architecture Web API Metabox Contentbox
  • 11. REST, RDF Authentication & Authorization Content Negotiation Core Concepts aka “The Science Bit”
  • 12. REST Re presentational S tate T ransfer Correct Use of HTTP
  • 14. Interact with resources using HTTP GET = read PUT = write POST = update/modify DELETE = delete
  • 15. Use HTTP Response Codes 200 = OK 201 = Created (new resource) 202 = Accepted (for processing) 400 = Bad Request 500 = Server Error
  • 16. Mime Types Used to identifiy content & meaning of request and response body
  • 17. Content Negotiation Majority of services support multiple output options, list varies by resource Accept header output parameter
  • 18.
  • 19. Authentication HTTP Digest Authentication
  • 21. Authorization By default stores are world-readable, Store owner writable Customisable roles and privileges per-Store
  • 22. Review of the RDF Model
  • 23. Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Canaveral
  • 24. Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Canaveral Subject Predicate Object
  • 25. <> <> <>.
  • 26. space: spacecraft/apollo-11 space: launchsite space: launchsite/capecanaveral.
  • 27. space:spacecraft/apollo-11 space:launchsite space:launchsite/capecanaveral. space:spacecraft/apollo-11 rdfs:label “Apollo 11” . space:launchsite/capecanaveral rdfs:label “Cape Canaveral” .
  • 28.  
  • 29.  
  • 31. Good for Semi-structured Data “Schema-Free” Very Flexible
  • 32. Extensible New properties New resources New types of resource New statements
  • 33. Encourages Convergence Reuse of vocabularies (i.e. properties) Reuse of identifiers (i.e. talk about the same things)
  • 34. Simplifies Data Integration and Aggregation Shared identifiers Common data model Common query language Common data formats
  • 35. Several Different Ways to Serialize RDF Optimized for different purposes
  • 36. Turtle Simple to read and hand-author Used in SPARQL query language
  • 37. @prefix rdf: <> @prefix space: <> @ @prefix dc: <> <> rdf:type <>; dc:description &quot;Apollo 11 was…”; space:agency &quot;United States&quot; .
  • 38. RDF/XML Best for data interchange Harder to read
  • 39. <rdf:RDF xmlns:j.0=&quot;“ xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:space=&quot;; xmlns:dc=&quot;; xml:base=&quot;;> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/spacecraft/1969-059A&quot;> <dc:description>Apollo 11 was…</dc:description> <rdf:type rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <space:agency>United States</space:agency> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
  • 40. The Content Box Managing unstructured, binary data
  • 41. Store any stream of binary data Images, documents, Javascript, etc
  • 42. Full HTTP Caching Support ETags Efficient retrieval Conditional updates
  • 43. Server or Client Assignment of Identifiers Provides full control over how URIs assigned
  • 44.
  • 47. Metadata for Contentbox Resources Minimum is URI and ETag Extract height & width of images … more metadata extraction in future
  • 48. The Meta Box Managing structured metadata
  • 49. Full RDF Data Storage Create, read, update, delete RDF resources Query RDF data
  • 50. Configurable Full Text Indexing of RDF Indexes updated whenever new metadata added
  • 51. Versioned and Un-Versioned Updates By submitting data to separate resources Maintain audit trail
  • 52. Can be Divided into Sub-Graphs Separate access control options
  • 53.
  • 54. Storing RDF POST application/rdf+xml Changes saved immediately Search indexing asynchronous
  • 55. Triples are Merged into Store Can catch out the unwary Updates happen through separate mechanism
  • 56. Retrieving Metadata /meta?about=…URI… Can select RDF serialization
  • 57. Updating Resources POST application/vnd.talis.changeset+xml
  • 58. ChangeSets Vocabulary that specifies removals/additions to an RDF graph
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. Versioned Updates POST to /meta/changesets Apply update and stores changeset for later retrieval
  • 63. Batch Updates Combine several changesets into single POST Linked together to define ordering
  • 64. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:cs=&quot;;> <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot;;> <cs:subjectOfChange rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <cs:changeReason>More accurate launch time</cs:changeReason> < cs:precedingChangeset rdf:resource=&quot; &quot;/> <!– changes --> </cs:ChangeSet> <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot; &quot;> <cs:subjectOfChange rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <cs: precedingChangeset rdf:resource=&quot; &quot;/> <!– changes --> </cs:ChangeSet> <cs:ChangeSet rdf:about=&quot; &quot;> <cs:subjectOfChange rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <!– changes --> ... </cs:ChangeSet> </rdf:RDF>
  • 65. Data Extraction & Exploration with SPARQL
  • 66. SPARQL RDF query language; HTTP protocol; Results format 4 different forms of query
  • 67. ASK Test whether the graph contains some data of interest
  • 68. #Was there a launch on 16 th July 1969? PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> ASK WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. }
  • 69. <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?> <sparql xmlns=&quot;;> <head> </head> <boolean>true</boolean> </sparql>
  • 70. DESCRIBE Generate an RDF description of a resource(s)
  • 71. #Describe launch(es) that occurred on 16 th July 1969 PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> DESCRIBE ?launch WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. }
  • 72. #Describe spacecraft launched on 16 th July 1969 PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> DESCRIBE ?spacecraft WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch. }
  • 73. CONSTRUCT Create a custom RDF graph based on query criteria
  • 74. PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX foaf: <> CONSTRUCT { ?spacecraft foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass. } WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch; foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass. }
  • 75. SELECT SQL style result set retrieval
  • 76. PREFIX space: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?name ?agency ?mass WHERE { ?launch space:launched &quot;1969-07-16&quot;^^xsd:date. ?spacecraft space:launch ?launch; foaf:name ?name; space:agency ?agency; space:mass ?mass. }
  • 77. …as XML <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?> <sparql xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns=&quot;; > <head> <variable name=&quot;name&quot;/> <variable name=&quot;agency&quot;/> <variable name=&quot;mass&quot;/> </head> <results> <result> <binding name=&quot;name&quot;> <literal>Apollo 11 Command and Service Module (CSM)</literal> </binding> <binding name=&quot;agency&quot;> <literal>United States</literal> </binding> <binding name=&quot;mass&quot;> <literal>28801.0</literal> </binding> </result> <!– more results --> </results> </sparql>
  • 78. …as JSON { &quot;head&quot;: { &quot;vars&quot;: [ &quot;name&quot; , &quot;agency&quot; , &quot;mass&quot; ] } , &quot;results&quot;: { &quot;bindings&quot;: [ { &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 Command and Service Module (CSM)&quot; } , &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } , &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;28801.0&quot; } } , { &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 SIVB&quot; } , &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } , &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;13300.0&quot; } } , { &quot;name&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Apollo 11 Lunar Module / EASEP&quot; } , &quot;agency&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;United States&quot; } , &quot;mass&quot;: { &quot;type&quot;: &quot;literal&quot; , &quot;value&quot;: &quot;15065.0&quot; } } ] } }
  • 79. Tour of Extra Features Searching, browsing, augmentation
  • 80. Searching Full text index over RDF literals Configurable indexing options
  • 81. /items?query=[query] &max=[10] &offset=[0] &sort=[comma-separated fieldnames] &xsl=[XSLT stylesheet] &content-type=[mimetype for XSLT results]
  • 82.
  • 83. Query Results RSS 1.0 feed OpenSearch extensions (paging, relevance) Full description of each resource
  • 84. <rdf:RDF xmlns=&quot;; xmlns:foaf=&quot;; xmlns:relevance=&quot;; xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:os=&quot;; xmlns:ns.1=&quot;;> <channel rdf:about=“…&quot;> <title>lunar</title> <link>…</link> <description>Results of a search for lunar on space</description> <items> <rdf:Seq rdf:about=&quot;urn:uuid:eae4ead8-ca6a-4b12-b714-fe631d38e447&quot;> <rdf:li resource=&quot;; /> </rdf:Seq> </items> < os:startIndex >0</ os:startIndex > < os:itemsPerPage >10</ os:itemsPerPage > < os:totalResults >118</ os:totalResults > </channel> <item rdf:about=&quot;;> <title>Item</title> <link></link> < relevance:score >1.0</ relevance:score > <foaf:name>Lunar-A</foaf:name> <space:mass>520.0</space:mass> <space:internationalDesignator>LUNAR-A</space:internationalDesignator> </item> </rdf:RDF>
  • 85. Facetted Search Similar to Amazon product search, etc Group search results by specific fields
  • 87. <facet-results xmlns=&quot;;> <head> <query>name:luna*</query> <fields>agency</fields> <top>10</top> <output>xml</output> </head> <fields> <field name=&quot;agency&quot;> <term value=&quot;U.S.S.R&quot; number=&quot;25&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/> <term value=&quot;United States&quot; number=&quot;9&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/> <term value=&quot;Japan&quot; number=&quot;1&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/> <term value=&quot;India&quot; number=&quot;1&quot; facet-uri=“…&quot; search-uri=“…&quot;/> </field> </fields> </facet-results>
  • 88. Augmentation Annotate an RSS 1.0 feed against a store Automatically add a description of each referenced resource
  • 89. Store Administration Job Control, Store Configuration
  • 90. Field Predicate Map Associate a short name to a RDF property Properties in field predicate map are indexed for searching Short name used in query syntax, sort order, etc
  • 91. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:rdfs=&quot;; xmlns:bf=&quot;; xmlns:frm=&quot;“ xml:base=“”> <bf:FieldPredicateMap rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/fpmaps/default&quot;> <frm:mappedDatatypeProperty> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/fpmaps/default#agency&quot;> <frm:property rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <frm:name>agency</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </frm:mappedDatatypeProperty> </bf:FieldPredicateMap> </rdf:RDF>
  • 92. Query Profile Assign weightings to fields for searching
  • 93. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:rdfs=&quot;; xmlns:bf=&quot;; xmlns:frm=&quot;“ xml:base=“”> <bf:QueryProfile rdf:about=&quot;&quot;> <bf:fieldWeight> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/queryprofiles/default#name&quot;> <bf:weight>10.0</bf:weight> <frm:name>name</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </bf:fieldWeight> <bf:fieldWeight> <rdf:Description rdf:about=&quot;/indexes/default/queryprofiles/default#agency&quot;> <bf:weight>5.0</bf:weight> <frm:name>agency</frm:name> </rdf:Description> </bf:fieldWeight> </bf:QueryProfile> </rdf:RDF>
  • 94. Job Control Reindex, Reset, Snapshot, Restore POST Job Request to /jobs
  • 95. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=&quot;; xmlns:rdfs=&quot;; xmlns:bf=&quot;;> <bf:JobRequest> <rdfs:label>Reset the data in my store</rdfs:label> <bf:jobType rdf:resource=&quot;;/> <bf:startTime>2008-12-01T15:10:00Z</bf:startTime> </bf:JobRequest> </rdf:RDF>
  • 96. Jobs Each job is a resource, with a URI GET to monitor status, DELETE to remove
  • 97. Summing Up Summary, Additional Resources
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100.