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T u s c a n y , located in the heart of Italy, is one of
the Italian regions that attracts the highest number
   of tourists thanks to its extraordinary landscape
 and climate, excellent accomodation facilities and
  the great variety of scenic, artistic, historical and
                  cultural attractions.
With its famous cities of art, such
as Florence, Pisa, Volterra, San
 Gimignano, Siena and Lucca,
 Tuscany’s economy is centred
 around the service industry, of
   which tourism is the most
The region is a popular
 destination for both foreign
 and Italian tourists and it is
 responsible for more than
  one tenth of Italy’s total
   arrivals of tourists, with
tourism industry accounting
 for about 12 % o f t h e
   r e g io n ’ s G D P
 (Gross Domestic Product)
         (Istat 2010).
Tuscany benefits greatly both from the high
 percentage of Italian tourists who visit the region,
making Tuscany the most visited region in Italy and
 from the high percentage of foreign visitors, who
           come to Tuscany on holiday.

                           About 4 2 m i l l i o n
                        t o u r i s t s visit Tuscany
                          every year. The region
                           accounts for 12.3% of
                            arrivals of Italian and
                          foreign tourists and the
                           percentage of foreign
                           tourists is even higher
According to these figures,
    Tuscany is the second
region in Italy, after Veneto,
   as far as the number of
    tourists is concerned.
Tuscany is very popular with
 G e r m a n , A u s t r ia n
 and S w i s s tourists who
       make up 40% of
 international visitors, but it
  also attracts tourists from
       t h e U S A and
  C a n a d a (13%), t h e
       U K (7%), t h e
  N e t h e r l a n d s (7%),
       F r a n c e (7%),
B e l g i u m (7%), J a p a n
 (6%), S p a i n , C h i n a ,
  I n d i a , R u s s i a and
            B r a z il.
Most tourists are between t h e a g e s o f 2 4
a n d 4 4 and 39% of them book their holidays on the
  Internet. Some tourists book their holidays in travel
 Visitors come to Italy by plane, train, car and ship as it
                 is shown in this chart.
  The chart shows that in 2010 most tourists came to
Tuscany bay car or by plane. A small number of visitors
                 came by train or ship.

In Tuscany the
 favourite tourist
destinations are
   s e a s id e
     (3 9 %),
  m o u n t a in
    a n d h ill
r e s o r t s , but
  more than one
  third of foreign
     visitors are
  attracted by its
   c it ie s o f
    a rt, s p a
r e s o r t s and
       rura l
    a re a s .
The region has about
        13 , 0 0 0
a c c o m o d a t io n
 f a c i l i t i e s : there
    are 3,000 hotels
       (22%); 4,000
  farmhouses (33%),
    and 8,000 tourist
accomodations (45%)
     such as Bed &
   Breakfasts, Guest
  Houses (40%) and
      camping sites
accounts for 10.5% of
all the facilities in Italy.
Tuscany accounts
    for 42 million
presences per day
       in tourist
    (48% foreign
 tourists) and more
than one quarter of
       them are
   concentrated in
    F lo r e n c e
(27%), L i v o r n o
   G ro s s e to
  (18%) and t h e
     Tu s c a n
A r c h ip e la g o
 (7%), V e r s i l i a
Most tourist (68%)
prefer staying in
h o t e l s , while
32% of tourists
stay in other types
of tourist
such as y o u t h
h o s t e ls ,
c a m p in g
s it e s ,
fa rm ho u s e s
, v illa s , B e d
a nd
B re a k fa s ts ,
a p a rtme nts ,
G ue s t
This chart shows that foreign tourists spend about 88.00
 euros a day in the accomodation facilities in Tuscany.
Tourism is an important economic activity in Tuscany. As well as its
 direct e c o n o m i c i m p a c t , this industry has significant
 i n d i r e c t a n d d i r e c t i m p a c t s as shown in this chart.
D ir e c t T o u r is m
c o n t r ib u t io n              In d ir e c t        In d u c e d
                                   T o u r is m         c o n t r ib
C o m m o d it ie s                c o n t r ib u t i   u t io n
-A c c o m o d a t io n                                                  To ta l
                                   on                   (s pe ndi
-T r a n s p o r t a t io n                                              T o u r is m
                                                        ng of
-E n t e r t a in m e n t                                                c o n t r ib u
                                   -T o u r i s m       d ir e c t
-A t t r a c t io n s                                                    t io n
                                   in v e s t m e n t
                                   s p e n d in g
                                                        a nd              
In d u s t r ie s                                       in d ir e c t    -T o G D P
-H o t e ls & C a t e r in g                            e m p lo y        
-R e t a il                                                              -T o
-T r a n s p o r t a t io n
                                   G o ve rnme nt       ees)
                                   c o lle c t iv e                      e m p lo y m e
s e r v ic e s                                                           nt
-B u s in e s s s e r v ic e s
                                   t o u r is m         -F o o d
                                   s p e n d in g       a nd
                                                        b e ve ra g
S ourc e s of
                                   -I m p a c t o f     es
s p e n d in g  
                                   purc ha s e s        -
-R e s id e n t s ’
                                   fr o m               R e c re a ti
d o m e s t ic t o u r is m
                                   s u p p lie r s      on
s p e n d in g
-B u s in e s s e s ’                                   -C lo t h in g
d o m e s t ic t r a v e l                              -H o u s in g
s p e n d in g                                          -
V is it o r e x p o r t s                               Hous e hol
-In d iv id u a l                                       d goods
g o v e r n m e n t t o u r is m
s p e n d in g
In Tuscany the B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t s ( T o u r i s m )
accounts for 2 6 . 2 % o f I t a l y ’ s B a l a n c e o f
P a y m e n t s ( T o u r i s m ) (2010)
Tourism in San
           In 2 0 10 13,034 tourists stayed in
           one of the tourist accomodations in
           San Miniato for at least one night; 9%
           more in 2009.
           3 7 , 8 0 8 t o u r is t s
           ( 17 , 2 4 3 , 0 0 0 I t a l i a n
           t o u r is t s a n d 2 0 , 5 6 5
           f o r e ig n t o u r is t s ) v is it e d
           S a n M i n i a t o in 2010.
           Most of them came to San Miniato on
           buisiness , because the town is
           located in the tanning and leather
           manufacturing district of Santa
           Croce sull’Arno, an area famous all
           over the world for its tanneries and
           leather goods.
San Miniato attracts many tourists
also because it is situated in the
heart of Tuscany. From this area
visitors can easily reach the main
Tuscan cities of art such as:
Florence, Pisa, Lucca and Siena
also thanks to its central location
and its good road and railway
The town has a lot of attractions and
offers high-quality tourist facilities and
accomodations. Tourists can stay in
h o t e ls ,   G ues t       Hous es ,
v illa s , B e d & B r e a k f a s t s ,
a p a rtme nts ,        fa rm h o u s e s
o r fa rm       h o lid a y h o u s e s ,
which are immersed in the beautiful
countryside and offer the possibility of
Tourists come to San Miniato not only for its ancient
churches, museums, monuments and historical sites but
also because the town offers a great deal of events during
the year such as “P r i m a d e l T e a t r o ” (an
international theatre festival), “T h e W h i t e T r u f f l e
E x h i b i t i o n ” ,which has attracted about 80,000 tourists
this year, and “L a L u n a è A z z u r r a ” (a European
Puppet Theatre Festival For Children) .
The town is also
famous because it is
located on the famous
“V i a
F r a n c i g e n a ”,
which was the main
connecting route
between Northen
Europe and Rome in
the Middle Ages.
6,727 Italian tourists came to San Miniato in 2008, 7,515 Italian
       tourists came in 2009 and 7 , 9 9 9 I t a l i a n t o u r i s t s
c a m e i n 2 0 10 . As for foreign tourists, 3,951 tourists came in
 2008 and 4,442 tourists came in 2009 and 5 , 0 3 5 t o u r i s t s
                                              c a10,678 n 2 0 and.
                                                   m e i Italian 10
                                                       foreign tourists
                                                  visited San Miniato
                                                      in 2008, 11,938
                                                   Italian and foreign
                                                   tourists visited the
                                                   town in 2009, and
                                                            13 , 0 3 4
                                                     It a lia n a n d
                                                           f o r e ig n
                                                          t o u r is t s
                                                     v is it e d t h e
                                                           t o w n in
                                                              2 0 10 .
It a lia n t o u r is t s

                 Arrivals   Arrivals   Arrivals
  P e r io d      2008       2009       2010
Fe brua r             390        380         415
y                     292        433         335
Ma rc h               587        528         341
A p r il              576        659         717
May                   821        755         835
J une                 572        920         707
J u ly                779        816        1088
S ept s t
A u g ue m b          798        597         726
er                    577        659         714
Nc t em r
O o vo b eb           419        606         800
e r c e mb            556        700         743
er                    360        463         578
To ta l             6,727      7,516        7999
F o r e ig n t o u r is t s

                   Arrivals    Arrivals    Arrivals
  P e r io d        2008        2009        2010
J a nua ry                51         180          83
Fe brua ry                59          55          78
Ma rc h                  174         140         140
A p r il                 218         387         320
May                      553         468         491
J une                    322         478         545
J u ly                   685         748        1073
A u g ue m b
S ept s t                623         766         725
er                       635         494         591
O o vo b eb
Nc t em r                361         417         573
e r c e mb
De                       229         203         295
er                        41          86         121
To ta l                 3951        4422        5035
It a lia n a n d F o r e ig n t o u r is t s

                  Arrivals     Arrivals        Arrivals
   P e r io d      2008         2009            2010
J a nua ry              441          560             498
Fe brua ry              351          488             413
Ma rc h                 761          668             481
A p r il                794         1046            1037
May                    1374         1223            1326
J une                   894         1398            1252
J u ly                 1464         1564            2161
A u g ue m b
S ept s t              1421         1363            1451
er                     1212         1153            1305
O o vo b eb e
Nc t em r               780         1023            1373
r e c e mbe
D                       785          903            1038
r                       401          549             699
To ta l               10678        11938           13034
These charts show the number of italian and foreign tourists
   who stayed in hotels and other tourist accomodations in San
                         Miniato in 2010

Arrivals= People who stayed in tourist
Presences= the number of nights spent
in tourist accomodations
These charts show the number of
Italian and foreign tourists who
stayed in hotels and other tourist
accomodations in San Miniato in 2010
These charts show the number
of Italian and foreign tourist s
who stayed in other tourist
accomodations in San Miniato in
A great number of
     tourists who come to
     San Miniato are from
       Germany, Austria,
          Belgium, the
      Luxembourg, Russia,
      East Europe, France,
      Spain, Portugal, the
     USA, Canada, the UK,
     Malta, Ireland, Africa,
    Switzerland and Japan.
Italy: 4,687

      Germany: 1,498

     Austria: 214

The UK and Ireland: 706

      France: 1,171

Belgium and Luxembourg: 486

     Scandinavia: 436
                                                          Africa: 21
                                  Japan: 21

   Spain and Portugal: 614                           The Netherlands: 519
                               Switzerland: 128
                                                          The USA: 285
     Canada: 113
                        Eastern Europe and Russia: 975
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Turismo power point

  • 1. Tourism in Tuscany
  • 2. T u s c a n y , located in the heart of Italy, is one of the Italian regions that attracts the highest number of tourists thanks to its extraordinary landscape and climate, excellent accomodation facilities and the great variety of scenic, artistic, historical and cultural attractions.
  • 3. With its famous cities of art, such as Florence, Pisa, Volterra, San Gimignano, Siena and Lucca, Tuscany’s economy is centred around the service industry, of which tourism is the most important.
  • 4. The region is a popular destination for both foreign and Italian tourists and it is responsible for more than one tenth of Italy’s total arrivals of tourists, with tourism industry accounting for about 12 % o f t h e r e g io n ’ s G D P (Gross Domestic Product) (Istat 2010).
  • 5. Tuscany benefits greatly both from the high percentage of Italian tourists who visit the region, making Tuscany the most visited region in Italy and from the high percentage of foreign visitors, who come to Tuscany on holiday. About 4 2 m i l l i o n t o u r i s t s visit Tuscany every year. The region accounts for 12.3% of arrivals of Italian and foreign tourists and the percentage of foreign tourists is even higher (14.8%).
  • 6. According to these figures, Tuscany is the second region in Italy, after Veneto, as far as the number of tourists is concerned. Tuscany is very popular with G e r m a n , A u s t r ia n and S w i s s tourists who make up 40% of international visitors, but it also attracts tourists from t h e U S A and C a n a d a (13%), t h e U K (7%), t h e N e t h e r l a n d s (7%), F r a n c e (7%), B e l g i u m (7%), J a p a n (6%), S p a i n , C h i n a , I n d i a , R u s s i a and B r a z il.
  • 7.
  • 8. Most tourists are between t h e a g e s o f 2 4 a n d 4 4 and 39% of them book their holidays on the Internet. Some tourists book their holidays in travel agencies. Visitors come to Italy by plane, train, car and ship as it is shown in this chart. The chart shows that in 2010 most tourists came to Tuscany bay car or by plane. A small number of visitors came by train or ship. .
  • 9. In Tuscany the favourite tourist destinations are s e a s id e (3 9 %), m o u n t a in a n d h ill r e s o r t s , but more than one third of foreign visitors are attracted by its c it ie s o f a rt, s p a r e s o r t s and rura l a re a s .
  • 10. The region has about 13 , 0 0 0 a c c o m o d a t io n f a c i l i t i e s : there are 3,000 hotels (22%); 4,000 farmhouses (33%), and 8,000 tourist accomodations (45%) such as Bed & Breakfasts, Guest Houses (40%) and camping sites (3%).Tuscany accounts for 10.5% of all the facilities in Italy.
  • 11. Tuscany accounts for 42 million presences per day in tourist accomodations (48% foreign tourists) and more than one quarter of them are concentrated in F lo r e n c e (27%), L i v o r n o (18%), G ro s s e to (18%) and t h e Tu s c a n A r c h ip e la g o (7%), V e r s i l i a
  • 12. Most tourist (68%) prefer staying in h o t e l s , while 32% of tourists stay in other types of tourist accomodations such as y o u t h h o s t e ls , c a m p in g s it e s , fa rm ho u s e s , v illa s , B e d a nd B re a k fa s ts , a p a rtme nts , G ue s t
  • 13. This chart shows that foreign tourists spend about 88.00 euros a day in the accomodation facilities in Tuscany.
  • 14. Tourism is an important economic activity in Tuscany. As well as its direct e c o n o m i c i m p a c t , this industry has significant i n d i r e c t a n d d i r e c t i m p a c t s as shown in this chart. D ir e c t T o u r is m c o n t r ib u t io n In d ir e c t In d u c e d   T o u r is m c o n t r ib C o m m o d it ie s   c o n t r ib u t i u t io n -A c c o m o d a t io n To ta l on (s pe ndi -T r a n s p o r t a t io n T o u r is m   ng of -E n t e r t a in m e n t c o n t r ib u -T o u r i s m d ir e c t -A t t r a c t io n s t io n in v e s t m e n t   s p e n d in g a nd   In d u s t r ie s   in d ir e c t -T o G D P   -H o t e ls & C a t e r in g e m p lo y   - -R e t a il -T o -T r a n s p o r t a t io n G o ve rnme nt ees) c o lle c t iv e   e m p lo y m e s e r v ic e s nt -B u s in e s s s e r v ic e s t o u r is m -F o o d s p e n d in g a nd     b e ve ra g S ourc e s of -I m p a c t o f es s p e n d in g   purc ha s e s - -R e s id e n t s ’ fr o m R e c re a ti d o m e s t ic t o u r is m s u p p lie r s on s p e n d in g -B u s in e s s e s ’ -C lo t h in g d o m e s t ic t r a v e l -H o u s in g s p e n d in g - V is it o r e x p o r t s Hous e hol -In d iv id u a l d goods g o v e r n m e n t t o u r is m s p e n d in g
  • 15. In Tuscany the B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t s ( T o u r i s m ) accounts for 2 6 . 2 % o f I t a l y ’ s B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t s ( T o u r i s m ) (2010)
  • 16. Tourism in San Miniato In 2 0 10 13,034 tourists stayed in one of the tourist accomodations in San Miniato for at least one night; 9% more in 2009. 3 7 , 8 0 8 t o u r is t s ( 17 , 2 4 3 , 0 0 0 I t a l i a n t o u r is t s a n d 2 0 , 5 6 5 f o r e ig n t o u r is t s ) v is it e d S a n M i n i a t o in 2010. Most of them came to San Miniato on buisiness , because the town is located in the tanning and leather manufacturing district of Santa Croce sull’Arno, an area famous all over the world for its tanneries and leather goods.
  • 17. San Miniato attracts many tourists also because it is situated in the heart of Tuscany. From this area visitors can easily reach the main Tuscan cities of art such as: Florence, Pisa, Lucca and Siena also thanks to its central location and its good road and railway network.
  • 18. The town has a lot of attractions and offers high-quality tourist facilities and accomodations. Tourists can stay in h o t e ls , G ues t Hous es , v illa s , B e d & B r e a k f a s t s , a p a rtme nts , fa rm h o u s e s o r fa rm h o lid a y h o u s e s , which are immersed in the beautiful countryside and offer the possibility of excursions.
  • 19. Tourists come to San Miniato not only for its ancient churches, museums, monuments and historical sites but also because the town offers a great deal of events during the year such as “P r i m a d e l T e a t r o ” (an international theatre festival), “T h e W h i t e T r u f f l e E x h i b i t i o n ” ,which has attracted about 80,000 tourists this year, and “L a L u n a è A z z u r r a ” (a European Puppet Theatre Festival For Children) .
  • 20. The town is also famous because it is located on the famous “V i a F r a n c i g e n a ”, which was the main connecting route between Northen Europe and Rome in the Middle Ages.
  • 21. 6,727 Italian tourists came to San Miniato in 2008, 7,515 Italian tourists came in 2009 and 7 , 9 9 9 I t a l i a n t o u r i s t s c a m e i n 2 0 10 . As for foreign tourists, 3,951 tourists came in 2008 and 4,442 tourists came in 2009 and 5 , 0 3 5 t o u r i s t s c a10,678 n 2 0 and. m e i Italian 10 foreign tourists visited San Miniato in 2008, 11,938 Italian and foreign tourists visited the town in 2009, and 13 , 0 3 4 It a lia n a n d f o r e ig n t o u r is t s v is it e d t h e t o w n in 2 0 10 .
  • 22. It a lia n t o u r is t s Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals P e r io d 2008 2009 2010 Fe brua r 390 380 415 y 292 433 335 Ma rc h 587 528 341 A p r il 576 659 717 May 821 755 835 J une 572 920 707 J u ly 779 816 1088 S ept s t A u g ue m b 798 597 726 er 577 659 714 Nc t em r O o vo b eb 419 606 800 De e r c e mb 556 700 743 er 360 463 578 To ta l 6,727 7,516 7999
  • 23. F o r e ig n t o u r is t s Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals P e r io d 2008 2009 2010 J a nua ry 51 180 83 Fe brua ry 59 55 78 Ma rc h 174 140 140 A p r il 218 387 320 May 553 468 491 J une 322 478 545 J u ly 685 748 1073 A u g ue m b S ept s t 623 766 725 er 635 494 591 O o vo b eb Nc t em r 361 417 573 e r c e mb De 229 203 295 er 41 86 121 To ta l 3951 4422 5035
  • 24. It a lia n a n d F o r e ig n t o u r is t s Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals P e r io d 2008 2009 2010 J a nua ry 441 560 498 Fe brua ry 351 488 413 Ma rc h 761 668 481 A p r il 794 1046 1037 May 1374 1223 1326 J une 894 1398 1252 J u ly 1464 1564 2161 A u g ue m b S ept s t 1421 1363 1451 er 1212 1153 1305 O o vo b eb e Nc t em r 780 1023 1373 r e c e mbe D 785 903 1038 r 401 549 699 To ta l 10678 11938 13034
  • 25. These charts show the number of italian and foreign tourists who stayed in hotels and other tourist accomodations in San Miniato in 2010 Arrivals= People who stayed in tourist accomodations Presences= the number of nights spent in tourist accomodations
  • 26. These charts show the number of Italian and foreign tourists who stayed in hotels and other tourist accomodations in San Miniato in 2010
  • 27. These charts show the number of Italian and foreign tourist s who stayed in other tourist accomodations in San Miniato in 2010
  • 28. A great number of tourists who come to San Miniato are from Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Russia, East Europe, France, Spain, Portugal, the USA, Canada, the UK, Malta, Ireland, Africa, Switzerland and Japan.  
  • 29. Italy: 4,687 Germany: 1,498 Austria: 214 The UK and Ireland: 706 France: 1,171 Belgium and Luxembourg: 486 Scandinavia: 436 Africa: 21 Japan: 21 Spain and Portugal: 614 The Netherlands: 519 Switzerland: 128 The USA: 285 Canada: 113 Eastern Europe and Russia: 975