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A Geographic Profile of
Chapter 9
Sub-Saharan Africa
9.1 Area and Population

   Second largest land area of all the major world regions
       Covers 17.4 million square miles (2x size of U.S.)
   Population of 749 million (2007)
       Overpopulated in areas, yet much of region
        is sparsely populated
       Average population density is slightly more
        than that of the U.S.
       Rate of population increase is 2.5% per year
   Preference for Large Families
       Extra hands to perform work
       Ability for parents to be looked after when old/sick
       In the case of girls, to receive “bride wealth”
       Large families convey status
   Birth rates have been dropping in every
    country in region over the past two decades
Comparison in Area and Latitude
 Sub-Saharan Africa vs. Conterminous U.S.
Population Distribution
Population Cartogram
Homes Elevated to Minimize Risk of Flooding
9.1.1 Africa’s Population Prospects

   Africa has the world’s youngest population
       43% of the region’s people are under 15 years of age
   Malthusian Scenario
       1 Percent Gap
           Population has had growth rate of about 3% since 1960s
           Food production has grown at only about 2% annually
           This is the only world region where per capita food production
            is declining
       Possibly a Malthusian “check” to population growth
9.2 Physical Geography & Human Adaptations

   The Landscapes of Africa
   Africa’s Biomes and Climates
   Living off the Land
   Africa’s Wildlife
9.2.1 The Landscapes of Africa

   Most of Africa is a vast plateau, or series of plateaus
       Typical elevation of more than 1,000 feet, though in
        places elevation rises to 5,000 feet and higher
   The character of African rivers
       Rapids and waterfalls block navigation a short
        distance inland
          Great potential for hydroelectric energy
       Africa’s discontinuous inland waterways are
        interconnected by railroads and highways
Africa’s High Volcanic Mountains
9.2.2 Africa’s Biomes and Climates

   Equator bisects Africa, so about two-thirds of the region lies
    in the low latitudes, having tropical climates
   Biomes of Sub-Saharan Africa
      Tropical Rain Forest
      Savanna
      Steppe
      Desert
      Mediterranean
      Humid Subtropical
      Marine West Coast

   Precipitation in region is high, but unevenly distributed
   Drought is a persistent problem
Climates of Sub-Saharan Africa
Biomes of Sub-Saharan Africa
9.2.3 Living off the Land

   Most productive lands are on river plains, in volcanic regions,
    and in some grassland areas of tropical steppes
   To support growing populations, fallow periods have been
    shortened, and the lands pressed to yield more crops
   Sub-Saharan Africa’s soils favor subsistence agriculture and
     Half of the region’s population practices these livelihoods
Land Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mother and Child in Zimbabwe
Zebu Cattle in Madagascar
9.2.4 Africa’s Wildlife

   Africa has the planet’s most spectacular and
    numerous populations of large mammals
       Tropical grasslands and open forests
           Habitats of large herbivorous animals
                 Elephant, Buffalo, Zebra, Giraffe, and many species of Antelope
           Carnivorous and scavenging animals
                 Lion, Leopard, and Hyena
       Tropical rain forests
           Abundant species of insects, birds, and monkeys
       Streams and rivers draining the forests and wetter savannas
           Hippopotamus, crocodile, and a great variety of fish
   Home to some of the world’s most extraordinary
    and successfully managed national parks
       International tourism to these parks is a major source
        of revenue
Daggers as Dress Accessory in Yemen
9.3 Cultural and Historical Geographies

   African continent was the original home of humankind
   After 5000 B.C.E., indigenous people were responsible for
    agricultural innovation in four culture hearths:
     Ethiopian Plateau

     West African Savanna

     West African Forest

     Forest-Savanna Boundary of West Central Africa

   Domestication of important crops
     Millet, sorghum, yams, cowpeas, okra,
      watermelons, coffee, and cotton
9.3.1 The Languages of Africa

   Peoples of this region speak more than 1,000 languages,
    which generally belong to one of four broad language
     Niger-Congo

     Afro-Asiatic

     Nilo-Saharan

     Khoisan

   The African Union, the continent’s supranational
    organization, uses 6 official languages
     English, French, Portuguese, Spanish,
      Swahili, and Arabic
Languages of Sub-Saharan Africa
9.3.2 Africa’s Belief Systems

   Spiritualism is extremely strong, but spiritual affiliations and
    practices are more interwoven and flexible than in most
    other world regions
       Not uncommon for family members to follow different faiths, or for
        an individual to change religious beliefs and practices in the course
        of a lifetime
   Dominant Religions of Africa
       Islam
       Christianity
       Indigenous African Religions (Animism)
Religions of Sub-Saharan Africa
9.3.3 The Origins and Impacts of Slavery

   Over a period of 12 centuries, as many as 25 million people
    from sub-Saharan Africa were forced to become slaves,
    exported as merchandise from their homelands
   The trade began in the 7th century, with Arab merchants
    using trans-Saharan camel caravan routes to exchange
   Slave traffic
       Provided motivation for European commerce along African coasts
       Largest slave traffic was the European controlled slave trade
       Transatlantic slave trade peaked between 1700 and 1870
           80% of an estimated 10 million slaves made the crossing
           More than 10 million others probably died
   Slavery has not yet died out in the region
       Enslavement of children persists in West Africa
Slave Export Trade Routes
9.3.4 The Impact of Colonialism

   European colonialism began to overshadow and inhibit the
    growth of indigenous African civilizations in 16th C.
   Portugal was earliest colonial power to build an African
   Conference of Berlin in 1884-1885
       European powers carved up Africa
       Modern national boundaries do not correspond with ethnic
           Nigeria as the “Mistake of 1914”
   European colonization had both positive and negative
    impacts on the region
   Most countries still have important links with their
    former colonial powers
Colonial Rule in 1914
9.4 Economic Geography

   Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by great poverty
       25 of the world’s 30 poorest countries are located there
       All economies except South Africa’s are underindustrialized
   Africa’s place in the commercial world is mainly that of a
    producer of primary products
       Cash Crops
       Raw Materials
   Social and structural problems contribute to the region’s
       Most African societies lack a substantial middle class
        and the prospect of upward economic mobility
Coffee as Kenya’s Cash Crop
9.4.1 Agriculture

   Per capita food output in most of Sub-Saharan Africa has
    declined or remained flat since independence
       Malnutrition afflicts almost half the region’s children
       Rapid population growth and drought are responsible
       Many regimes have invested more in their militaries than in
        getting food to their citizens
       Governmental preference for cash crops over subsistence food
   Export Crops
       Grown on small farms rather than on plantations / estates
       Most valuable export crops are:
           Coffee, Cacao, Cotton, Peanuts & Oil Palm Products
       Secondary Cash Crops
           Sisal, Pyrethrum, Tea, Tobacco, Rubber, Pineapples, Bananas,
            Cloves, Vanilla, Cane Sugar & Cashews
9.4.2 Mineral Resources

   Notable Mineral Exports
     Precious metals and precious stones

     Iron alloys

     Copper

     Phosphate

     Uranium

     Petroleum

     High-grade iron ore

   Destined principally for Europe, the U.S., and China
   Mining has attracted far more investment capital to Africa
    than any other economic activity
Minerals, Oil Pipelines and Transportation Links
9.4.3 Africa’s Fragile Infrastructure

   Poor Transportation Hindering Development
       Few countries can afford to build extensive new road or rail
        networks, and much of colonial infrastructure has deteriorated
       Contributes to famine, with the inability to transport crop
        surpluses to parts with chronic food shortages
       Contributes to high costs of agricultural inputs (i.e., fertilizers)
   Bridging the Digital Divide
       Critical shortage of telephone, fax, e-mail, and other
        communication technologies
       Internet Cafés
       Mobile Phones
Ferries for River Crossings Without Bridges
9.4.4 Africa in World Markets & Economics

   Commodities boom brought annual economic
    growth rates of about 5% to 16 Sub-Saharan
    African countries
   Many countries outside the region have effectively
    closed their doors to African imports
       Subsidies, high tariffs, and/or low quotas imposed on
        agricultural products or manufactured goods
   Africa’s Debt
       Forgiveness of $40 billion of debt by G-8
       China’s engagement with the region
           Pledge of $20 billion in infrastructure and trade financing
9.4.5 A Legacy of Failed States

   Failed-State Syndrome
     Pernicious process of economic and political decay that is
      eating away at some African countries
     Some countries are little more than “shell states”

     9 of world’s 15 most corrupt countries are in this region

     Donor Democracy
         Leaders make just enough concessions to win
          outside aid without instituting real reform
9.5 Geopolitical Issues

   Sub-Saharan Africa is often judged as marginal in
    world affairs, but the region deserves and is
    receiving increased international attention
       Humanitarian problems
       Global implications of its public health and environmental
       Problems in the management of Africa’s natural resource
        wealth, its oil reserves, and concerns over terrorism
       Terrorism Hot Spots
           Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Niger, Chad, and Mali
       HIV/AIDS
           Link between U.S. and Africa via air traffic routes
           Potential AIDS-related political instability or civil wars
9.6.1 The Sahel

   The Sahel
     Extends eastward from the Cape Verde Islands to the Atlantic shore
      nations of Mauritania, Senegal, and the Gambia, and inland to Mali,
      Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, and South Sudan
     Ecosystems of Sahel have high resilience to cope with droughts
       Desertification is the destruction of that resilience
           It is an unnatural, human-induced condition
           It has afflicted the Sahel greatly since the late 1960s
           Successful changes have been made to reverse desertification
            (1977 United Nations plan)
9.6.2 West Africa

   West Africa
       Extends from Guinea-Bissau to Nigeria, comprised of nine countries
        making up about 800,000 square miles
       Nigeria is the spatial, demographic, political, and economic giant
         Africa’s largest oil producer, ranks 10 th in world’s proven reserves

   Most oil production is concentrated in the Niger River Delta
       Home to 12 million mostly Christian people of many ethnic groups
       They have derived few benefits, and have suffered greatly from oil
        development in their homeland
         Oil spills have tainted croplands and water, and flaring off natural gas
          has polluted their air and caused acid
         Very little of the oil revenue returns to the area
         Living conditions, educational opportunities, and medical care are poor

       Natives becoming more militant in defending their rights to oil revenue
         This militancy has sent shockwaves through the world economy
         Cuts down on oil production, resulting in shortages on world markets
9.6.3 East Africa

   East Africa is made up of 5 countries:
      Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
      Subregion is roughly the size of Texas
      Population (143 million) nearly half of the U.S.
   Rwanda and Burundi have had tragic disputes
    between their majority and minority populations
      Hutu (Bahutu) make up about 85% of the
       population in Burundi and 90% in Rwanda
         This majority was poorer and often treated unfairly by wealthier minority
      Tutsi (Watusi) make up most of the remainder of the two populations
         This is the wealthier minority
      The Hutu and Tutsi speak the same language and share a common culture;
       their only difference is their level of wealth
      Violent clashes between these two groups have resulted in genocide
       unchecked by outside influences
   Rwanda now has a national unity plan aimed at reconciling Hutus and Tutsis
   Burundi now rotates its presidency between Hutus and Tutsis for power sharing
9.6.4 West Central Africa

   West Central Africa is
    comprised of seven
       Cameroon
       Gabon
       Central African Republic
       Congo Republic
       Democratic Republic of Congo
       São Tomé and Príncipe
       Equatorial Guinea
9.6.5           Colonialism & Modern Struggles
                in the Congo Basin

   The Congo Basin was a virtual possession of Belgium during last
    quarter of the 19th century
       Exploited by King Leopold II (rubber, ivory, tropical products)
       Formally annexed by Belgium in 1908
       Took the name Zaire (meaning “river”) in 1971
       Following the overthrow of the government in 1997, the country was
        renamed Democratic Republic of Congo
   Trouble in region has had ties to events in neighboring East Africa
       Unrest in the region led to “Africa’s First World War”
           This dispute involved 9 countries and 20 rebel movements
           It resulted in more than 5 million deaths
           Most of these deaths were a result of starvation, disease, or
            widespread massacres of ethnic groups
       Since 1998, most fighting has been over control of areas rich in minerals
       Peace has been negotiated, but war could easily break out again
9.6.6 The Horn of Africa

                  Comprised of a great volcanic plateau that
                   rises steeply from the desert and protects
                   the African continent from the Indian Ocean
                  Extreme NE section of Sub-Saharan Africa
                   includes 4 countries:
                      Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti
                      Ethiopia is the country with the most
                       ethnic / cultural diversity
                          Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity
                          Cultural / historical links with Egypt,
                           Fertile Crescent & Arabia
                          Before Marxist coup in 1970s, Ethiopian
                           rulers were always Christian
                          “The Galápagos Islands of Religion”
                           because it has long served as an isolated
                           refuge for unique religious groups,
                           including Falashas (Ethiopian Jews) and
9.6.7 Southern Africa   (former colonial statuses in parentheses)

                             Zambezi River Basin
                                 Angola    (Portuguese Colony)
                                 Mozambique       (Portuguese)
                                 Zimbabwe      (British Colony)
                                 Zambia    (British Colony)
                                 Malawi   (British Colony)
                             Still further south are the
                              following five countries:
                                 South Africa
                                 Botswana (British Colony)
                                 Swaziland     (British Colony)
                                 Lesotho    (British Colony)
                                 Namibia    (German Colony)
9.6.8 South Africa

   Has a very Europeanized cultural landscape, but this does not reflect
    the racial background of the majority of the population
       Blacks (79%), Whites (10%), Mixed Origin (9%), Asians (2%)
       Economic gulf separates impoverished black Africans from wealthy whites
       Racial segregation characterized South Africa from 1652 onward
   Apartheid (Afrikaners put into place in 1948)
       A law that imposed racially based restrictions and prohibitions on everyone,
        but weighed heaviest on black Africans and denied them political power
       Many blacks transferred to “homelands
       Black unrest became so widespread and violent
        that government declared a state of emergency
       Most of fighting took place between rival factions:
          African National Congress (ANC)
           led by Nelson Mandel
          Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)
           led by Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi
       During Nelson Mandela’s presidency (1994-1999),
        South African apartheid laws became null and void
9.6.9 The Indian Ocean Islands

   Indian Ocean Islands
       Madagascar, The Comoro Islands, Reunion, Mauritius & The Seychelles
       African, Asian, Arab, European & Polynesian ethnic and cultural influences
       Home to many endemic species of plants and animals
       Theory of Island Biogeography
           The number of species found on an individual island correlates with the
            island’s area, with a 10-fold increase in area normally resulting in a
            doubling of the number of species
   Madagascar
       4th largest island in the world
       1,000 miles long / 350 miles wide
       21 million inhabitants
       Distinctive flora and fauna
           Deforestation has reached 90%
           Theory of island biogeography
            suggests that half of the island’s
            species have become extinct

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Ch 9

  • 1. A Geographic Profile of SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Chapter 9
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  • 5. 9.1 Area and Population  Second largest land area of all the major world regions  Covers 17.4 million square miles (2x size of U.S.)  Population of 749 million (2007)  Overpopulated in areas, yet much of region is sparsely populated  Average population density is slightly more than that of the U.S.  Rate of population increase is 2.5% per year  Preference for Large Families  Extra hands to perform work  Ability for parents to be looked after when old/sick  In the case of girls, to receive “bride wealth”  Large families convey status  Birth rates have been dropping in every country in region over the past two decades
  • 6. Comparison in Area and Latitude Sub-Saharan Africa vs. Conterminous U.S.
  • 9. Homes Elevated to Minimize Risk of Flooding
  • 10. 9.1.1 Africa’s Population Prospects  Africa has the world’s youngest population  43% of the region’s people are under 15 years of age  Malthusian Scenario  1 Percent Gap  Population has had growth rate of about 3% since 1960s  Food production has grown at only about 2% annually  This is the only world region where per capita food production is declining  HIV/AIDS  Possibly a Malthusian “check” to population growth
  • 11. 9.2 Physical Geography & Human Adaptations  The Landscapes of Africa  Africa’s Biomes and Climates  Living off the Land  Africa’s Wildlife
  • 12. 9.2.1 The Landscapes of Africa  Most of Africa is a vast plateau, or series of plateaus  Typical elevation of more than 1,000 feet, though in places elevation rises to 5,000 feet and higher  The character of African rivers  Rapids and waterfalls block navigation a short distance inland  Great potential for hydroelectric energy  Africa’s discontinuous inland waterways are interconnected by railroads and highways
  • 14. 9.2.2 Africa’s Biomes and Climates  Equator bisects Africa, so about two-thirds of the region lies in the low latitudes, having tropical climates  Biomes of Sub-Saharan Africa  Tropical Rain Forest  Savanna  Steppe  Desert  Mediterranean  Humid Subtropical  Marine West Coast  Precipitation in region is high, but unevenly distributed  Drought is a persistent problem
  • 17. 9.2.3 Living off the Land  Most productive lands are on river plains, in volcanic regions, and in some grassland areas of tropical steppes  To support growing populations, fallow periods have been shortened, and the lands pressed to yield more crops  Sub-Saharan Africa’s soils favor subsistence agriculture and pastoralism  Half of the region’s population practices these livelihoods
  • 18. Land Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 19. Mother and Child in Zimbabwe
  • 20. Zebu Cattle in Madagascar
  • 21. 9.2.4 Africa’s Wildlife  Africa has the planet’s most spectacular and numerous populations of large mammals  Tropical grasslands and open forests  Habitats of large herbivorous animals  Elephant, Buffalo, Zebra, Giraffe, and many species of Antelope  Carnivorous and scavenging animals  Lion, Leopard, and Hyena  Tropical rain forests  Abundant species of insects, birds, and monkeys  Streams and rivers draining the forests and wetter savannas  Hippopotamus, crocodile, and a great variety of fish  Home to some of the world’s most extraordinary and successfully managed national parks  International tourism to these parks is a major source of revenue
  • 22. Daggers as Dress Accessory in Yemen
  • 23. 9.3 Cultural and Historical Geographies  African continent was the original home of humankind  After 5000 B.C.E., indigenous people were responsible for agricultural innovation in four culture hearths:  Ethiopian Plateau  West African Savanna  West African Forest  Forest-Savanna Boundary of West Central Africa  Domestication of important crops  Millet, sorghum, yams, cowpeas, okra, watermelons, coffee, and cotton
  • 24. 9.3.1 The Languages of Africa  Peoples of this region speak more than 1,000 languages, which generally belong to one of four broad language groups:  Niger-Congo  Afro-Asiatic  Nilo-Saharan  Khoisan  The African Union, the continent’s supranational organization, uses 6 official languages  English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, and Arabic
  • 26. 9.3.2 Africa’s Belief Systems  Spiritualism is extremely strong, but spiritual affiliations and practices are more interwoven and flexible than in most other world regions  Not uncommon for family members to follow different faiths, or for an individual to change religious beliefs and practices in the course of a lifetime  Dominant Religions of Africa  Islam  Christianity  Indigenous African Religions (Animism)
  • 28. 9.3.3 The Origins and Impacts of Slavery  Over a period of 12 centuries, as many as 25 million people from sub-Saharan Africa were forced to become slaves, exported as merchandise from their homelands  The trade began in the 7th century, with Arab merchants using trans-Saharan camel caravan routes to exchange goods  Slave traffic  Provided motivation for European commerce along African coasts  Largest slave traffic was the European controlled slave trade  Transatlantic slave trade peaked between 1700 and 1870  80% of an estimated 10 million slaves made the crossing  More than 10 million others probably died  Slavery has not yet died out in the region  Enslavement of children persists in West Africa
  • 30. 9.3.4 The Impact of Colonialism  European colonialism began to overshadow and inhibit the growth of indigenous African civilizations in 16th C.  Portugal was earliest colonial power to build an African empire  Conference of Berlin in 1884-1885  European powers carved up Africa  Modern national boundaries do not correspond with ethnic boundaries  Nigeria as the “Mistake of 1914”  European colonization had both positive and negative impacts on the region  Most countries still have important links with their former colonial powers
  • 32. 9.4 Economic Geography  Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by great poverty  25 of the world’s 30 poorest countries are located there  All economies except South Africa’s are underindustrialized  Africa’s place in the commercial world is mainly that of a producer of primary products  Cash Crops  Raw Materials  Social and structural problems contribute to the region’s underdevelopment  Most African societies lack a substantial middle class and the prospect of upward economic mobility
  • 33. Coffee as Kenya’s Cash Crop
  • 34. 9.4.1 Agriculture  Per capita food output in most of Sub-Saharan Africa has declined or remained flat since independence  Malnutrition afflicts almost half the region’s children  Rapid population growth and drought are responsible  Many regimes have invested more in their militaries than in getting food to their citizens  Governmental preference for cash crops over subsistence food crops  Export Crops  Grown on small farms rather than on plantations / estates  Most valuable export crops are:  Coffee, Cacao, Cotton, Peanuts & Oil Palm Products  Secondary Cash Crops  Sisal, Pyrethrum, Tea, Tobacco, Rubber, Pineapples, Bananas, Cloves, Vanilla, Cane Sugar & Cashews
  • 35. 9.4.2 Mineral Resources  Notable Mineral Exports  Precious metals and precious stones  Iron alloys  Copper  Phosphate  Uranium  Petroleum  High-grade iron ore  Destined principally for Europe, the U.S., and China  Mining has attracted far more investment capital to Africa than any other economic activity
  • 36. Minerals, Oil Pipelines and Transportation Links
  • 37. 9.4.3 Africa’s Fragile Infrastructure  Poor Transportation Hindering Development  Few countries can afford to build extensive new road or rail networks, and much of colonial infrastructure has deteriorated  Contributes to famine, with the inability to transport crop surpluses to parts with chronic food shortages  Contributes to high costs of agricultural inputs (i.e., fertilizers)  Bridging the Digital Divide  Critical shortage of telephone, fax, e-mail, and other communication technologies  Internet Cafés  Mobile Phones
  • 38. Ferries for River Crossings Without Bridges
  • 39. 9.4.4 Africa in World Markets & Economics  Commodities boom brought annual economic growth rates of about 5% to 16 Sub-Saharan African countries  Many countries outside the region have effectively closed their doors to African imports  Subsidies, high tariffs, and/or low quotas imposed on agricultural products or manufactured goods  Africa’s Debt  Forgiveness of $40 billion of debt by G-8  China’s engagement with the region  Pledge of $20 billion in infrastructure and trade financing
  • 40. 9.4.5 A Legacy of Failed States  Failed-State Syndrome  Pernicious process of economic and political decay that is eating away at some African countries  Some countries are little more than “shell states”  9 of world’s 15 most corrupt countries are in this region  Donor Democracy  Leaders make just enough concessions to win outside aid without instituting real reform
  • 41. 9.5 Geopolitical Issues  Sub-Saharan Africa is often judged as marginal in world affairs, but the region deserves and is receiving increased international attention  Humanitarian problems  Global implications of its public health and environmental situations  Problems in the management of Africa’s natural resource wealth, its oil reserves, and concerns over terrorism  Terrorism Hot Spots  Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Niger, Chad, and Mali  HIV/AIDS  Link between U.S. and Africa via air traffic routes  Potential AIDS-related political instability or civil wars
  • 42. 9.6.1 The Sahel  The Sahel  Extends eastward from the Cape Verde Islands to the Atlantic shore nations of Mauritania, Senegal, and the Gambia, and inland to Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, and South Sudan  Ecosystems of Sahel have high resilience to cope with droughts  Desertification is the destruction of that resilience  It is an unnatural, human-induced condition  It has afflicted the Sahel greatly since the late 1960s  Successful changes have been made to reverse desertification (1977 United Nations plan)
  • 43. 9.6.2 West Africa  West Africa  Extends from Guinea-Bissau to Nigeria, comprised of nine countries making up about 800,000 square miles  Nigeria is the spatial, demographic, political, and economic giant  Africa’s largest oil producer, ranks 10 th in world’s proven reserves  Most oil production is concentrated in the Niger River Delta  Home to 12 million mostly Christian people of many ethnic groups  They have derived few benefits, and have suffered greatly from oil development in their homeland  Oil spills have tainted croplands and water, and flaring off natural gas has polluted their air and caused acid  Very little of the oil revenue returns to the area  Living conditions, educational opportunities, and medical care are poor  Natives becoming more militant in defending their rights to oil revenue  This militancy has sent shockwaves through the world economy  Cuts down on oil production, resulting in shortages on world markets
  • 44. 9.6.3 East Africa  East Africa is made up of 5 countries:  Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi  Subregion is roughly the size of Texas  Population (143 million) nearly half of the U.S.  Rwanda and Burundi have had tragic disputes between their majority and minority populations  Hutu (Bahutu) make up about 85% of the population in Burundi and 90% in Rwanda  This majority was poorer and often treated unfairly by wealthier minority  Tutsi (Watusi) make up most of the remainder of the two populations  This is the wealthier minority  The Hutu and Tutsi speak the same language and share a common culture; their only difference is their level of wealth  Violent clashes between these two groups have resulted in genocide unchecked by outside influences  Rwanda now has a national unity plan aimed at reconciling Hutus and Tutsis  Burundi now rotates its presidency between Hutus and Tutsis for power sharing
  • 45. 9.6.4 West Central Africa  West Central Africa is comprised of seven countries:  Cameroon  Gabon  Central African Republic  Congo Republic  Democratic Republic of Congo  São Tomé and Príncipe  Equatorial Guinea
  • 46. 9.6.5 Colonialism & Modern Struggles in the Congo Basin  The Congo Basin was a virtual possession of Belgium during last quarter of the 19th century  Exploited by King Leopold II (rubber, ivory, tropical products)  Formally annexed by Belgium in 1908  Took the name Zaire (meaning “river”) in 1971  Following the overthrow of the government in 1997, the country was renamed Democratic Republic of Congo  Trouble in region has had ties to events in neighboring East Africa  Unrest in the region led to “Africa’s First World War”  This dispute involved 9 countries and 20 rebel movements  It resulted in more than 5 million deaths  Most of these deaths were a result of starvation, disease, or widespread massacres of ethnic groups  Since 1998, most fighting has been over control of areas rich in minerals  Peace has been negotiated, but war could easily break out again
  • 47. 9.6.6 The Horn of Africa  Comprised of a great volcanic plateau that rises steeply from the desert and protects the African continent from the Indian Ocean  Extreme NE section of Sub-Saharan Africa includes 4 countries:  Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti  Ethiopia is the country with the most ethnic / cultural diversity  Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity  Cultural / historical links with Egypt, Fertile Crescent & Arabia  Before Marxist coup in 1970s, Ethiopian rulers were always Christian  “The Galápagos Islands of Religion” because it has long served as an isolated refuge for unique religious groups, including Falashas (Ethiopian Jews) and Rastafarians
  • 48. 9.6.7 Southern Africa (former colonial statuses in parentheses)  Zambezi River Basin  Angola (Portuguese Colony)  Mozambique (Portuguese)  Zimbabwe (British Colony)  Zambia (British Colony)  Malawi (British Colony)  Still further south are the following five countries:  South Africa  Botswana (British Colony)  Swaziland (British Colony)  Lesotho (British Colony)  Namibia (German Colony)
  • 49. 9.6.8 South Africa  Has a very Europeanized cultural landscape, but this does not reflect the racial background of the majority of the population  Blacks (79%), Whites (10%), Mixed Origin (9%), Asians (2%)  Economic gulf separates impoverished black Africans from wealthy whites  Racial segregation characterized South Africa from 1652 onward  Apartheid (Afrikaners put into place in 1948)  A law that imposed racially based restrictions and prohibitions on everyone, but weighed heaviest on black Africans and denied them political power  Many blacks transferred to “homelands  Black unrest became so widespread and violent that government declared a state of emergency  Most of fighting took place between rival factions:  African National Congress (ANC) led by Nelson Mandel  Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) led by Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi  During Nelson Mandela’s presidency (1994-1999), South African apartheid laws became null and void
  • 50. 9.6.9 The Indian Ocean Islands  Indian Ocean Islands  Madagascar, The Comoro Islands, Reunion, Mauritius & The Seychelles  African, Asian, Arab, European & Polynesian ethnic and cultural influences  Home to many endemic species of plants and animals  Theory of Island Biogeography  The number of species found on an individual island correlates with the island’s area, with a 10-fold increase in area normally resulting in a doubling of the number of species  Madagascar  4th largest island in the world  1,000 miles long / 350 miles wide  21 million inhabitants  Distinctive flora and fauna  Deforestation has reached 90%  Theory of island biogeography suggests that half of the island’s species have become extinct