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                         The Antioxidant Benefits of
                     Oral Carotenoids for Protecting
                       the Skin Against Photoaging
                                                Pierfrancesco Morganti, PhD
     Professor of Applied Cosmetic Dermatology, /I University of Naples,
               Visiting Professor of China Medical University Shenyang,
                          R&D Director, Mavi Sud S.r.I., Aprilia (LT), Italy

Summary                                                                        185
9.1 The Protective Role of Carotenoids                                         186
9.2 Bioavailability                                                            188
9.3 Biological Activities                                                      189
9.4 Carotenoidsand Skin Aging                                                  191
9.5 Concluding Remarks                                                         196
References                                                                     196


Carotenoids, group of morethan 600 naturalmolecules,arefat-soluble
pigmentsresponsiblefor the yellow color of com, the orangecolor of

  Aaron Tabor and RobertM. Blair (eds.), Nutritional Cosmetics:Beautyfrom Within,
                     185-198,© 2009 William Andrew Inc.


pumpkins, the red color of tomatoes, and the green color of many

There are two commonly acceptedclassesof carotenoids:(a) carotens,
composed only carbonandhydrogen,and(b) oxycarotenoids,
           of                                                composed
of carbon,hydrogen,andoxygen.All of thesecompounds    havean identical
backbone  structureandtheir chemicalandbiochemicalactivitiesarerelated
to their uniquestructure,consistingof an extendedsystemof conjugated
doublebonds.Although the color of fruits and vegetables important,the
primary role of carotenoids natureis to protectfrom ultraviolet rays the
chlorophyll found in plant leaves. Carotenoidsalso help chlorophyll to
absorblight energy.

In fact, they act like excellentantioxidantsby quenchingsinglet oxygen,
reactiveoxygenspecies, ndthe free radicalsthat areby-productsof meta-
bolic processes vegetableand humancells or environmentalpollutants.
However, the hydrophilic propertiesof oxycarotenoids,like lutein and
zeaxantin,allow themto reactwith singletoxygengenerated the water
phasemore efficiently than nonpolar.Both carotenoidsandoxycarotenoids
seemcapableof preventingUV-inducedDNA damage, rotectingboththe
humaneyesand skin againstphotoaging.

In this chapterwe try to review the distribution and potential protective
activity of carotenoidsand oxycarotenoidsin the human body and to
explorenew potentialstrategies explainthe causallink betweenoxidative
stressand skin aging.

9.1 The Protective Role of Carotenoids

Nutrition playsan importantrole in the treatment f many diseases, an
                                                 o                 and
appropriate selectionof nutrientscontributesto the preventionof disorders
such ashyperlipidermia,hypertension, r vitamin deficiency[1,2]. Within
this context,carotenoidsare amongthe compoundsthat have attracteda
greatdeal of attention[3].

They are a classof linearall-trans (E) form C40 polyenesfound in plants,
algae, and somebacteriaand fungi. The numberof naturally occurring
carotenoidsreportedcontinuesto rise and has now reachedabout 750
(Fig. 9.1). Although animals and humans cannot biosynthesizethem

Figure 9.1 Structure of some common carotenoids in the human diet.

de novo, carotenoids often present,sometimes high concentrations,
                     are                        in
in animal tissue.Animals obtainthesecompounds  from diet or perhaps,n
some cases,from associated   micro-organisms, ut they may modify the
structure of the ingestedcarotenoidsto produce new metabolites[4].
Chemically,typical carotenoidpigmentsare tetraterpenoids, consistingof
eight 5-carbonisoprenoidunits.

Carotenoids, esponsible the yellow color of corn, the orangecolor
               r            for
of pumpkins,and the red color of tomatoes,have the primary role to
protect the chlorophyll found in plant leaves.As is common knowl-
edge,chlorophyll is the primary sourceof energygenerationin plants.
However,you might not be awareof the fact that chlorophyll is suscep-
tible to damagecausedby exposureto excessive       amountsof light, par-
ticularly ultravioletrays. Carotenoids, articularlylutein and zeaxanthin,
are presentin the chloroplaststo help protectthe chlorophyll from such
damage.Additionally, carotenoidshelp chlorophyll to collect light

Moreover, it has been shown that thesepigmentsprotectphotosynthetic
organismsagainstpotentiallylethal photosensitization meansof endo-
genousphotosyntheticpigments [5,6]. Therefore,carotenoidpigments

Figure 9.2 Structure of the xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin.

may havea protectiverole not only in plantsbut in humansas well. There
are two known classes carotenoids:

      • carotens, omposed only carbonand hydrogen,including,
                 c                   of
        a-carotene,~ - c a r o t e n e , and lycopene
      • xanthophylls,composedof carbon, hydrogen,and oxygen,
        including lutein, zeaxanthin,and ~ - c r y p t o x a n t h i n

Because hundreds naturalcarotenoids
         the            of                   containone of severalcenters
or axes of chirality, they can also occur in various optical isomers.Such
configurationalchangesmay have a significanteffect on the physicaland
biochemicalpropertiesof the molecules.Hydrocarboncarotenoids,as in
carotens,are apolarlipophylic moleculesand are not solublein waterbut
are readily solublein organicsolventsand, to someextent,in fats and oils.
The presence a hydroxy group, as in xanthophylls,gives the molecules
somepolarity, but such compoundsare still predominantlyhydrophobic
(Fig. 9.2).

9.2 Bioavailability

Because their hydrophobicity,carotenoidsare not solublein the aque-
ous environmentof the gastrointestinal ract. They need to be dissolved!
carriedin lipid + bile salt systemsto be absorbedat the enterocytebrush
border. It is importantto remember,in fact, that the uptakeof all carote-
noids from diet is influencedby many variablessuch as: (a) the stateof
the food (raw, cooked,and/orprocessed); b) the presence
                                          (               and efficiency
of digestive enzymesand other endogenousdigestives; and (c) the
compositionof a meal (presenceof fibers, fat, and its physical form).

Moreover,the location and the physicalform of all the carotenoids(in
additionto age,gender,smokingstatus,and alcohol composition)influ-
encetheir bioavailability andtheir consequent absorption.T hus,absorp-
tion of carotenoids and xanthophyllsis enhanced their transferto the
lipid phaseduring cooking in the presence oil and by disruption of
the cellular matrix during mastication[7,8]. Absorbedby the mucusof
the small intestine, they are transportedthrough the enterocyteand
hepatocyte, and incorporated into chylomicrons. Finally, they are
releasedinto the systemiccirculation carriedby high- and low-density
lipoproteins. It was recently shown that the bioavailability of purified
lutein diet supplements nearlydoublethat of lutein takenby vegetable
sources[9-1 I].

9.3 Biological Activities

The chemicalandbiochemicalactivities of carotenoids     arerelatedto their
unique structure,consistingof an extendedsystemof conjugateddouble
bonds.A numberof biological effects thereforehave been attributedto
carotenoids,ncluding antioxidantactivity,influenceon theimmunesystem,
control of cell growth and differentiation, and stimulatoryeffects on gap
junctional communications. owever,recent attemptsat dietary manipu-
lation appearto be promising in terms of providing protection against
certain solar-inducedeffects presentin photoagedskin. Carotenoidsare
powerful singlet-oxygenquenchers     andexhibit additional antioxidantpro-
perties.In fact, their conjugatedpolyenebackbone    hasthe ability to delo-
calize a charge or an unpaired electron [12]. These physical chemical
propertiesconferthe ability to act asan antioxidantand to terminatefree
radical reactionsin vitro with the productionof resonance-stabilized   free
radical structures.Termination may be a result of (a) adduct formation,
wherethe free radicaljoins onto the polyenechainto producea lessreac-
tive free radical; (b) electrontransferfrom the carotenoidto the free radi-
cal to producea less reactivechargedcarotenoidradical; or (c) donation
of a hydrogenmoleculeto the free radical to producea stablecarotenoid
radical [13]. However, oxygen speciesthat are efficiently scavenged      by
carotenoidsare 102 and peroxyl radicals,and physical quenchingseems
to be the major pathwayinvolved in the deactivationof 102.

Moreover, it has been shown that a combination of carotenoidsplus
vitamins E and C are more effective than ~ - c a r o t e n e alone [14-16] and
may increasesuperficial skin lipids (Fig. 9.3), skin hydration (Fig. 9.4),

Figure 9.3 Percent increase in superficial skin lipids after dietary
supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants.

Figure 9.4 Percent increase in skin hydration after dietary
supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants.

Figure 9.5 Percent increase in skin pigmentation after dietary
supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other

and skin pigmentationof dryness-prone       skin (Fig. 9.5), also decreasing
oxidative stressat the level of blood serum (Fig. 9.6). Thesemixtures,in
fact, are able to inhibit the formation of thiobarbituricacid reactivecom-
poundsmoreeffectively than single components       when they areusedat the
samemolar level. Such a synergisticantioxidanteffect seemsto be more
pronouncedwhen either lycopeneor lutein are presentin the mixture.
Thesedata indicatethat doselevels of carotenoids      may be importantand
may have differential effects as well. The higher protectionprovided by
mixturesmay be relatedto the specific positioningof differentcarotenoids
in the cell membrane   (Fig. 9.7).

9.4 Carotenoids and Skin Aging

Skin aging is a complex biological processthat is influenced by both
intrinsic and extrinsic factors that lead to a progressiveloss of the skin's
flexibility and youthful appearance.Natural aging is acceleratedby
environmentalfactors and by sun exposurein particular. Macroscopic

Figure 9.6 Oxidative stress level in blood serum after dietary
supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants.

Figure 9.7 Schematic representation of the positioning of carotenoids in
the cell membrane.

changes(skin wrinkling, rough skin texture,and irregular pigmentation)
andmicroscopicchanges(degradation extracellularmatrix molecules
and DNA damage)are the hallmark of photoagingattributed to both
UVB and UVA rays [17,18]. All of theseprocesses involved in the
9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITSOFORAL CAROTENOIDS,MORGANTI                                   193

initiation andprogression skin cancers. hereis alsoevidenceindicating
                        of              T
thatprolongedUV exposure   depletesthe serumandskin of both carotenoids
and xanthophy [19-21].

The protectiveeffectsare thoughtto be relatedto the antioxidantproper-
ties of carotenoids. uring ultraviolet (UV) irradiation,skin is exposedto
photo-oxidativedamageinducedby the formation of reactiveoxygenand
nitrogen species(ROS and RNS). This damageaffects cellular lipids,
proteins,and DNA, and is considered be involved in the formation of
erythema,prematureaging of the skin, photodermatoses, skin cancer.
Carotenoids efficient scavengers f ROS and RNS [22].
             are                     o

Whatis importantto underlineis the necessity control the baselinecaro-
tenoidconcentration healthysubjectsparticipatingin a diet supplement
study. In fact, carotenoiddepletionstudiesmay provide a clearpicture of
whetherand when they are importantantioxidants.This is because                       almost
all the conflicting information on the antioxidantactivity of carotenoids
has been obtainedby administeringcarotenoidsupplementsto already
well-fed individuals. Our double-blindplacebo-controlled                    trial involving
the useof lutein/zeaxanthin                  takenorally and at the sametime appliedtopi-
cally hasyieldedinterestingresultson differentcontrolledparameters                     [23]
such as skin hydration (Fig. 9.8), superficial skin lipids (Fig. 9.9), skin
elasticity (Fig. 9.10), and lipid peroxidation(Fig. 9.11). Test subjectsfol-
lowed a 6-day rotationalbalancedMediterranean                      diet containingno more
than0.5 mg. of ~ - c a r o t e n e / d a y .    As a consequence,   15daysbeforestarting,
the level of ~ - c a r o t e n e in the bloodserumwasmedially0.35 ± 0.6IlmoIlL,
whereas during the supplementationperiod plasma levels increased
medially to 2.3 ± 1.7 umol/L.

What were the unexpectedresults?Xanthophylls and carotensseem to
have not only an interesting moisturizing activity but also a combined
metabolicroute, and the two influenceeachother.Thus, playing a specific
role asa photoprotective agentthanksto its ability to screenout damaging
blue and UV light from the sun, lutein/zeaxanthinhas four primary

      I. to quenchthe triplet stateof photosensitizer oleculesand
         the singletstateof molecularoxygen
      2. to act asan antioxidantagainstoxygenand nitrogenreactive

Figure 9.8 Percent increase in skin hydration after treatment with topical
lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.

Figure 9.9 Percent increase in superficial skin lipids after treatment with
topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.

Figure 9.10 Change in skin elasticity (relative elastic retraction) after
treatment with topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.

Figure 9.11 Change in skin lipid peroxidation after treatment with topical
lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.

      3. to absorbblue wavelengthlight, which is currentlyconsidered
         muchmore detrimentalthan UV rays
      4. to maintainthe moistureactivity at the level of the human
         horny layer'slipid lamellae

It thereforeappearsthat thesexanthophyllsplayaspecific role as photo-
protectiveagentscapableof reducinginflammatoryROS-mediates,     modu-
lating skin hydration,decreasing
                               skin aging, and, therefore,improving the
quality of our life.

9.5 Concluding Remarks

The large group of plant carotenoidspresentin the Mediterraneandiet
attracts major interest becauseof their potential antiaging and other
beneficialproperties,presumablybasedon their function as natural anti-
oxidants. Carotenoidsare compoundsof particular interest becauseof
their extensiveuse in dietary supplements. heir regular, long-termcon-
sumptionmay improveantioxidantdefencein vivo and thus help to lower
risks associatedwith diseases caused oxidativedamage.

However, more information on the photoagingactivity of these natural
compoundsis neededin order to understand     how they act on the various
target tissues. Systematic pharmacokineticand dose-response      studies
are required to determinethe different bioavailability of the individual
carotenoidsand xanthophills, and to estimatethe amountsin diet that
are likely to induce biological effects. Finally, more long-term carote-
noid depletion chemical trials with well-characterized  diet supplements
are necessaryin order to confirm their beneficial antiaging effects in

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Cosmetics0290 09

  • 1. 9 The Antioxidant Benefits of Oral Carotenoids for Protecting the Skin Against Photoaging Pierfrancesco Morganti, PhD Professor of Applied Cosmetic Dermatology, /I University of Naples, Visiting Professor of China Medical University Shenyang, R&D Director, Mavi Sud S.r.I., Aprilia (LT), Italy Summary 185 9.1 The Protective Role of Carotenoids 186 9.2 Bioavailability 188 9.3 Biological Activities 189 9.4 Carotenoidsand Skin Aging 191 9.5 Concluding Remarks 196 References 196 Summary Carotenoids, group of morethan 600 naturalmolecules,arefat-soluble a pigmentsresponsiblefor the yellow color of com, the orangecolor of Aaron Tabor and RobertM. Blair (eds.), Nutritional Cosmetics:Beautyfrom Within, 185-198,© 2009 William Andrew Inc. 185
  • 2. 186 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS pumpkins, the red color of tomatoes, and the green color of many vegetables. There are two commonly acceptedclassesof carotenoids:(a) carotens, composed only carbonandhydrogen,and(b) oxycarotenoids, of composed of carbon,hydrogen,andoxygen.All of thesecompounds havean identical backbone structureandtheir chemicalandbiochemicalactivitiesarerelated to their uniquestructure,consistingof an extendedsystemof conjugated doublebonds.Although the color of fruits and vegetables important,the is primary role of carotenoids natureis to protectfrom ultraviolet rays the in chlorophyll found in plant leaves. Carotenoidsalso help chlorophyll to absorblight energy. In fact, they act like excellentantioxidantsby quenchingsinglet oxygen, reactiveoxygenspecies, ndthe free radicalsthat areby-productsof meta- a bolic processes vegetableand humancells or environmentalpollutants. in However, the hydrophilic propertiesof oxycarotenoids,like lutein and zeaxantin,allow themto reactwith singletoxygengenerated the water in phasemore efficiently than nonpolar.Both carotenoidsandoxycarotenoids seemcapableof preventingUV-inducedDNA damage, rotectingboththe p humaneyesand skin againstphotoaging. In this chapterwe try to review the distribution and potential protective activity of carotenoidsand oxycarotenoidsin the human body and to explorenew potentialstrategies explainthe causallink betweenoxidative to stressand skin aging. 9.1 The Protective Role of Carotenoids Nutrition playsan importantrole in the treatment f many diseases, an o and appropriate selectionof nutrientscontributesto the preventionof disorders such ashyperlipidermia,hypertension, r vitamin deficiency[1,2]. Within o this context,carotenoidsare amongthe compoundsthat have attracteda greatdeal of attention[3]. They are a classof linearall-trans (E) form C40 polyenesfound in plants, algae, and somebacteriaand fungi. The numberof naturally occurring carotenoidsreportedcontinuesto rise and has now reachedabout 750 (Fig. 9.1). Although animals and humans cannot biosynthesizethem
  • 3. 9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS OF ORAL CAROTENOIDS,MORGANTI 187 Figure 9.1 Structure of some common carotenoids in the human diet. de novo, carotenoids often present,sometimes high concentrations, are in in animal tissue.Animals obtainthesecompounds from diet or perhaps,n i some cases,from associated micro-organisms, ut they may modify the b structure of the ingestedcarotenoidsto produce new metabolites[4]. Chemically,typical carotenoidpigmentsare tetraterpenoids, consistingof eight 5-carbonisoprenoidunits. Carotenoids, esponsible the yellow color of corn, the orangecolor r for of pumpkins,and the red color of tomatoes,have the primary role to protect the chlorophyll found in plant leaves.As is common knowl- edge,chlorophyll is the primary sourceof energygenerationin plants. However,you might not be awareof the fact that chlorophyll is suscep- tible to damagecausedby exposureto excessive amountsof light, par- ticularly ultravioletrays. Carotenoids, articularlylutein and zeaxanthin, p are presentin the chloroplaststo help protectthe chlorophyll from such damage.Additionally, carotenoidshelp chlorophyll to collect light energy. Moreover, it has been shown that thesepigmentsprotectphotosynthetic organismsagainstpotentiallylethal photosensitization meansof endo- by genousphotosyntheticpigments [5,6]. Therefore,carotenoidpigments
  • 4. 188 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS Figure 9.2 Structure of the xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin. may havea protectiverole not only in plantsbut in humansas well. There are two known classes carotenoids: of • carotens, omposed only carbonand hydrogen,including, c of a-carotene,~ - c a r o t e n e , and lycopene • xanthophylls,composedof carbon, hydrogen,and oxygen, including lutein, zeaxanthin,and ~ - c r y p t o x a n t h i n Because hundreds naturalcarotenoids the of containone of severalcenters or axes of chirality, they can also occur in various optical isomers.Such configurationalchangesmay have a significanteffect on the physicaland biochemicalpropertiesof the molecules.Hydrocarboncarotenoids,as in carotens,are apolarlipophylic moleculesand are not solublein waterbut are readily solublein organicsolventsand, to someextent,in fats and oils. The presence a hydroxy group, as in xanthophylls,gives the molecules of somepolarity, but such compoundsare still predominantlyhydrophobic (Fig. 9.2). 9.2 Bioavailability Because their hydrophobicity,carotenoidsare not solublein the aque- of ous environmentof the gastrointestinal ract. They need to be dissolved! t carriedin lipid + bile salt systemsto be absorbedat the enterocytebrush border. It is importantto remember,in fact, that the uptakeof all carote- noids from diet is influencedby many variablessuch as: (a) the stateof the food (raw, cooked,and/orprocessed); b) the presence ( and efficiency of digestive enzymesand other endogenousdigestives; and (c) the compositionof a meal (presenceof fibers, fat, and its physical form).
  • 5. 9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS OF ORAL CAROTENOIDS,MORGANTI 189 Moreover,the location and the physicalform of all the carotenoids(in additionto age,gender,smokingstatus,and alcohol composition)influ- encetheir bioavailability andtheir consequent absorption.T hus,absorp- tion of carotenoids and xanthophyllsis enhanced their transferto the by lipid phaseduring cooking in the presence oil and by disruption of of the cellular matrix during mastication[7,8]. Absorbedby the mucusof the small intestine, they are transportedthrough the enterocyteand hepatocyte, and incorporated into chylomicrons. Finally, they are releasedinto the systemiccirculation carriedby high- and low-density lipoproteins. It was recently shown that the bioavailability of purified lutein diet supplements nearlydoublethat of lutein takenby vegetable i sources[9-1 I]. 9.3 Biological Activities The chemicalandbiochemicalactivities of carotenoids arerelatedto their unique structure,consistingof an extendedsystemof conjugateddouble bonds.A numberof biological effects thereforehave been attributedto carotenoids,ncluding antioxidantactivity,influenceon theimmunesystem, i control of cell growth and differentiation, and stimulatoryeffects on gap junctional communications. owever,recent attemptsat dietary manipu- H lation appearto be promising in terms of providing protection against certain solar-inducedeffects presentin photoagedskin. Carotenoidsare powerful singlet-oxygenquenchers andexhibit additional antioxidantpro- perties.In fact, their conjugatedpolyenebackbone hasthe ability to delo- calize a charge or an unpaired electron [12]. These physical chemical propertiesconferthe ability to act asan antioxidantand to terminatefree radical reactionsin vitro with the productionof resonance-stabilized free radical structures.Termination may be a result of (a) adduct formation, wherethe free radicaljoins onto the polyenechainto producea lessreac- tive free radical; (b) electrontransferfrom the carotenoidto the free radi- cal to producea less reactivechargedcarotenoidradical; or (c) donation of a hydrogenmoleculeto the free radical to producea stablecarotenoid radical [13]. However, oxygen speciesthat are efficiently scavenged by carotenoidsare 102 and peroxyl radicals,and physical quenchingseems to be the major pathwayinvolved in the deactivationof 102. Moreover, it has been shown that a combination of carotenoidsplus vitamins E and C are more effective than ~ - c a r o t e n e alone [14-16] and may increasesuperficial skin lipids (Fig. 9.3), skin hydration (Fig. 9.4),
  • 6. 190 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS Figure 9.3 Percent increase in superficial skin lipids after dietary supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants. Figure 9.4 Percent increase in skin hydration after dietary supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants.
  • 7. 9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS OF ORAL CAROTENOIDS,MORGANTI 191 Figure 9.5 Percent increase in skin pigmentation after dietary supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants. and skin pigmentationof dryness-prone skin (Fig. 9.5), also decreasing oxidative stressat the level of blood serum (Fig. 9.6). Thesemixtures,in fact, are able to inhibit the formation of thiobarbituricacid reactivecom- poundsmoreeffectively than single components when they areusedat the samemolar level. Such a synergisticantioxidanteffect seemsto be more pronouncedwhen either lycopeneor lutein are presentin the mixture. Thesedata indicatethat doselevels of carotenoids may be importantand may have differential effects as well. The higher protectionprovided by mixturesmay be relatedto the specific positioningof differentcarotenoids in the cell membrane (Fig. 9.7). 9.4 Carotenoids and Skin Aging Skin aging is a complex biological processthat is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that lead to a progressiveloss of the skin's flexibility and youthful appearance.Natural aging is acceleratedby environmentalfactors and by sun exposurein particular. Macroscopic
  • 8. 192 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS Figure 9.6 Oxidative stress level in blood serum after dietary supplementation with carotenoids or carotenoids plus other antioxidants. Figure 9.7 Schematic representation of the positioning of carotenoids in the cell membrane. changes(skin wrinkling, rough skin texture,and irregular pigmentation) andmicroscopicchanges(degradation extracellularmatrix molecules of and DNA damage)are the hallmark of photoagingattributed to both UVB and UVA rays [17,18]. All of theseprocesses involved in the are
  • 9. 9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITSOFORAL CAROTENOIDS,MORGANTI 193 initiation andprogression skin cancers. hereis alsoevidenceindicating of T thatprolongedUV exposure depletesthe serumandskin of both carotenoids and xanthophy [19-21]. lis The protectiveeffectsare thoughtto be relatedto the antioxidantproper- ties of carotenoids. uring ultraviolet (UV) irradiation,skin is exposedto D photo-oxidativedamageinducedby the formation of reactiveoxygenand nitrogen species(ROS and RNS). This damageaffects cellular lipids, proteins,and DNA, and is considered be involved in the formation of to erythema,prematureaging of the skin, photodermatoses, skin cancer. and Carotenoids efficient scavengers f ROS and RNS [22]. are o Whatis importantto underlineis the necessity control the baselinecaro- to tenoidconcentration healthysubjectsparticipatingin a diet supplement in study. In fact, carotenoiddepletionstudiesmay provide a clearpicture of whetherand when they are importantantioxidants.This is because almost all the conflicting information on the antioxidantactivity of carotenoids has been obtainedby administeringcarotenoidsupplementsto already well-fed individuals. Our double-blindplacebo-controlled trial involving the useof lutein/zeaxanthin takenorally and at the sametime appliedtopi- cally hasyieldedinterestingresultson differentcontrolledparameters [23] such as skin hydration (Fig. 9.8), superficial skin lipids (Fig. 9.9), skin elasticity (Fig. 9.10), and lipid peroxidation(Fig. 9.11). Test subjectsfol- lowed a 6-day rotationalbalancedMediterranean diet containingno more than0.5 mg. of ~ - c a r o t e n e / d a y . As a consequence, 15daysbeforestarting, the level of ~ - c a r o t e n e in the bloodserumwasmedially0.35 ± 0.6IlmoIlL, whereas during the supplementationperiod plasma levels increased medially to 2.3 ± 1.7 umol/L. What were the unexpectedresults?Xanthophylls and carotensseem to have not only an interesting moisturizing activity but also a combined metabolicroute, and the two influenceeachother.Thus, playing a specific role asa photoprotective agentthanksto its ability to screenout damaging blue and UV light from the sun, lutein/zeaxanthinhas four primary functions: I. to quenchthe triplet stateof photosensitizer oleculesand m the singletstateof molecularoxygen 2. to act asan antioxidantagainstoxygenand nitrogenreactive species
  • 10. 194 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS Figure 9.8 Percent increase in skin hydration after treatment with topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein. Figure 9.9 Percent increase in superficial skin lipids after treatment with topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.
  • 11. 9: ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS OF ORAL CAROTENOIDS, MORGANTI 195 Figure 9.10 Change in skin elasticity (relative elastic retraction) after treatment with topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein. Figure 9.11 Change in skin lipid peroxidation after treatment with topical lutein, oral lutein, or oral + topical lutein.
  • 12. 196 PROTECTYOUR SKIN WITH NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS 3. to absorbblue wavelengthlight, which is currentlyconsidered muchmore detrimentalthan UV rays 4. to maintainthe moistureactivity at the level of the human horny layer'slipid lamellae It thereforeappearsthat thesexanthophyllsplayaspecific role as photo- protectiveagentscapableof reducinginflammatoryROS-mediates, modu- lating skin hydration,decreasing skin aging, and, therefore,improving the quality of our life. 9.5 Concluding Remarks The large group of plant carotenoidspresentin the Mediterraneandiet attracts major interest becauseof their potential antiaging and other beneficialproperties,presumablybasedon their function as natural anti- oxidants. Carotenoidsare compoundsof particular interest becauseof their extensiveuse in dietary supplements. heir regular, long-termcon- T sumptionmay improveantioxidantdefencein vivo and thus help to lower risks associatedwith diseases caused oxidativedamage. by However, more information on the photoagingactivity of these natural compoundsis neededin order to understand how they act on the various target tissues. Systematic pharmacokineticand dose-response studies are required to determinethe different bioavailability of the individual carotenoidsand xanthophills, and to estimatethe amountsin diet that are likely to induce biological effects. Finally, more long-term carote- noid depletion chemical trials with well-characterized diet supplements are necessaryin order to confirm their beneficial antiaging effects in humans. References 1. HaslerClvl. (1998) Functionalfood: their role in disease preventionand healthpromotion.FoodTechnoI52(11):63-70. 2. Boelsma HendriksHF,RozaL. (2001)Nutritionalskincare:healtheffects E, of micronutrientsandfatty acids.Am J Clin Nutr 73(5): 853-864. 3. HeinrichV, WielnschM, TronnierH. (1998)Photoprotection from ingested carotenoids. osmetToilet 113:61-70. C 4. BrittonG, Liacen-Jensen ,Pfander (eds.)(2004)CarotenoidsHandbook. S H Birkhauser erlag, Basel. V
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