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MySQL Overview 

  a quick look at the general aspects of the most
  popular open source database

Marco Tusa
MySQL Team Leader
16 September 2011
Why Companies Trust Pythian
     • Recognized Leader:
     •    Global industry-leader in remote database administration services and consulting for Oracle,
          Oracle Applications, MySQL and SQL Server

     •    Work with over 150 multinational companies such as, Fox Interactive media, and
          MDS Inc. to help manage their complex IT deployments

     • Expertise:
     •    One of the world’s largest concentrations of dedicated, full-time DBA expertise.

     • Global Reach & Scalability:
     •    24/7/365 global remote support for DBA and consulting, systems administration, special
          projects or emergency response

22                                              © 2010/2011 Pythian
Why Companies Trust Pythian
     • Recognized Leader:
         •  Global industry-leader in remote database administration services
            and consulting for Oracle, Oracle Applications, MySQL and SQL Server
         •  Work with over 150 multinational companies such as Toyota, Fox
            Interactive media, and MDS Inc. to help manage their complex IT
     • Expertise:
         •  One of the world’s largest concentrations of dedicated, full-time DBA
     • Global Reach & Scalability:
         •  24/7/365 global remote support for DBA and consulting, systems
            administration, special projects or emergency response

32                                  © 2010/2011 Pythian
Who I am
    •  Currently:   Team Lead at The Pythian Group for MySQL database
    •  Manager    Professional Service South EMEA at MySQL/SUN/Oracle
    •  In   MySQL before the SUN gets on us
    •  Leadingthe team responsible for Oracle & MySQL DBs service in
      support to technical systems, at Food and Agriculture Organization
      of United Nations (FAO of UN)
    •  Leading developer & system administrator teams in FAO managing
      the Intranet/Internet infrastructure.
    •  Working(a lot) in developing countries like (Ethiopia, Senegal,
      Ghana, Egypt …)
    •  My   Profile

4                                   © 2010/2011 Pythian
What is MySQL? 

     • MySQL is a database management system
     • MySQL is a relational database management system
     • MySQL software is Open Source.
     • MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems.
     • The official way to pronounce “MySQL” is “My Ess Que
       Ell” (not “my sequel”)

 5                            © 2010/2011 Pythian
Who is using MySQL

     List of customer from MySQL official presentation

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Main insight on MySQL 1/2

     • Written in C and C++.
     • Works on many different platforms:
       •     FreeBSD 5.x.
       •     HP-UX 11.x.
       •     Linux.
       •     Mac OS X.
       •     Solaris 2.8 on SPARC and x86
       •     Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and
            Windows Server 2008.

 7                                 © 2010/2011 Pythian
Main insight on MySQL 2/2

     • Uses multi-layered server design with independent
     • Designed to be fully multi-threaded using kernel threads,
       to easily use multiple CPUs if they are available.
     • Provides transactional and non-transactional storage
     • Designed to make it relatively easy to add other storage
       engines. This is useful if you want to provide an SQL
       interface for an in-house database.
     • Uses a very fast thread-based memory allocation system.
     • Full Localization support

 8                                 © 2010/2011 Pythian
What Standards MySQL Follows?

     • Supports the full ANSI/ISO SQL standard, but with some
       flexibility (SQL-92=1992 Release; SQL:1999=1999 Release; SQL:2003=2003
       Release; SQL:2008= 2008 Release).
     • ODBC levels 0 to 3.51.
     • MySQL can adapt its behavior using SQL Modes like:
        •    ANSI (SET GLOBAL sql_mode='ANSI';)
        •    Oracle
        •    Custom …
     • MySQL DATA is structured on the file system by directory
       and subdirectory (symbolic links widely used)

 9                                  © 2010/2011 Pythian
Installing MySQL in 4 easy steps

     Installing MySQL is a simple operation:
     1.  ownload software from site like (

     2.  xpand it in /usr/local/mysql (and set all grants for mysql user)
     3.  opy one of the pre-configured my.cnf (from support-files
      directory) to /etc/my.cnf; copy from same source
      mysql.server file to /etc/init.d/mysql
     4.  tart mysql /etc/init.d/mysql start

     You can have MySQL running in 30 minutes.

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MySQL Architecture 1/2
     MySQL is composed of two main layers

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MySQL Architecture 2/2

     • MySQL Layer (Parser; Optimizer; Query cache; threads
       handling )
     •  Storage engines:
       •    MyISAM ( no ACID)
       •    Innodb (ACID)
       •    Cluster (ACID)
       •    Archive (only archive and append)
       •    Memory (Main engine for in memory operations)
       •    Blackhole (it is exactly what the name indicate)
       •    .. many others

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MySQL Storage engine more details 1/2
     They have different advantages / trade-offs - know when to
      use them.
     1.  yISAM
       •    No transaction handling; no isolation level; no data buffered (only index); full Table
            lock; no foreign key;

       •    Fully file base; minimal overhead in write; very fast in reading; Btree index; Full text
            search; Geospatial support; 256TB Storage limit;

     2. nnoDB
       •    No full text (5.6 will); no Geospatial support; no cluster support; 64TB Storage limit;

       •    Full ACID; possible to modify the Isolation level; data is buffered; Write lock by ROW;
            Foreign-key support; automatic recovery from redo log in case of crash; Btree index;
            Clustered table; different file format (internal); data compression.

     3.  emory
       •    No transaction; no version control; no Geospatial support; no foreign-key; full Table

       •    Data cached in memory; Btree index; Hash index; Storage limit is the available RAM.

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MySQL Storage engine more details 2/2
     1.  MySQL Cluster
       •    No geospatial support; no foreign-key; no “Temporary” tables; partition only by
            [LINEAR] KEY; only the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported; no partial roll-
            back (full or nothing); a Select on Blob or Text fields will create a READ LOCK on the
            table to guarantee consistency.

       •    Fully ACID; share nothing architecture; single point of failure; write scale by node-
            group; thread requests parallelization; and a lot more …

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MySQL Logs 1/2
     What they are and how MySQL uses them.
     • General Log
        •    each SQL statement received from clients; connection/disconnection as well

        •    Write intensive to be used ONLY for checking issues

     • Binary log
        •    Contains the statements “events” that modify data structure and datasets

        •    Point in time recovery; Replication; Backup; can be (statement/mixed/row)

     • Relay log
        •    Is the local copy of the Slave; contains the same information of the Binlogs

     • Slow log
     • The Error Log
        •    Self explanatory in the latest MySQL can write to syslog

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MySQL Logs 2/2

     What they are and how MySQL uses them.
     • Slow log
       •    Information related to SLOW QUERY

       •    Could be write intensive; long time and no index usage configurable

       •    Crucial for SQL review

     • The Error Log
       •    If not specify --log-error errors are written to stderr

       •    Warnings are written as well (log_warnings) to disable

       •    From MySQL 5.1 can also write to syslog

 1                                         © 2010/2011 Pythian
MySQL Replication

     Replication topology, and when to use what.
     • Master -> Slave

     • Master <> Master

     • Master -> Multi slave

     • MySQL replication pro and cons
       •    Single thread
       •    Parallel replication

       •    Asynchronous
 1                                 © 2010/2011 Pythian
Scaling with MySQL
     •  caling for reads
        •    Add slave(s) but … keep in mind
              PT = (ND + QT) * NL
             PT = Propagation Time   ND = Network time delay   QT = Query Execution Time   NL = Number of Level

     •  caling for writes
        •    Sharding or MySQL Cluster
     •  caling out vs. scaling up
        •    Partition
        •    Spread the load in smaller chunk
     •  sing the right approach
        •    Database dimension
        •    Activity (r/w)
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Partitioning 1/2
      Use Partition to organize data
      Max number of partition per table !1024!
      Types of partitioning
     •  ANGE
        •     Numeric range like (store Id; Year) less then “value”

     •  IST
        •     Declared list of value (matching one in the list)

     •  OLUMNS
        •     RANGE: List of a single column value or more (partition definition value list)
              evaluation left->right
        •     LIST: Declared list of value coming from one or more columns


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Partitioning 2/2
      Types of partitioning (cont.)
     •  ASH
        •    Calculate an hash value on the given value (also expression)
             then equally distribute the data
     •  EY
        •    Calculate an hash value on Primary/Unique

     •  ubpartitioning
        •    Works for LIST and RANGE Partitioned tables
        •    Subpartition only by HASH or KEY

     Partition cannot be done on table with:                Full Text index ; Spatial

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MySQL programming 2/2
     A few point about performance
     •  Not as good you would expect

     •  Optimize IF

     •  Recursive VS not recursive
        calculating Fibonacci numbers

 2                                      © 2010/2011 Pythian
MySQL programming
      Using stored procedure (code for performance on prime
     numbers)                                              CREATE PROCEDURE sp_nprimes(p_num int)
   ( p_num NUMBER)                                         BEGIN
   IS                                                          DECLARE i INT;
     i INT;                                                    DECLARE j INT;
     j INT;                                                    DECLARE nprimes INT;
     nprimes INT;                                              DECLARE isprime INT;
     isprime INT;
BEGIN                                                             SET i=2;
     i:=2;                                                        SET nprimes=0;
     <<main_loop>>                                                main_loop:
     WHILE (i<p_num) LOOP                                         WHILE (i<p_num) do
           isprime:=1;                                                SET isprime=1;
           j:=2;                                                      SET j=2;
           <<divisor_loop>>                                           divisor_loop:
           WHILE (j<i) LOOP                                           WHILE (j<i) DO
                 IF (MOD(i,j)=0) THEN                                     IF (MOD(i,j)=0) THEN
                      isprime:=0;                                              SET isprime=0;
                      EXIT divisor_loop;                                       LEAVE divisor_loop;
                 END IF;                                                  END IF;
                 j:=j+1;                                                  SET j=j+1;
           END LOOP ;                                                 END WHILE ;
           IF (isprime=1) THEN                                        IF (isprime=1) THEN
                 nprimes:=nprimes+1;                                       SET nprimes=nprimes+1;
           END IF;                                                     END IF;
           i:=i+1;                                                     SET i=i+1;
     END LOOP;                                                    END WHILE;
     dbms_output.put_line(nprimes||' prime numbers                SELECT CONCAT(nprimes,' prime numbers less
     less than '||p_num);                                         than ',p_num);
END;                                                       END;

 2                                                   © 2010/2011 Pythian
MySQL programming
     Using Store procedure (code for Fibonacci test)
                                       Not Recursive
                                                 CREATE PROCEDURE nonrec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib INT)
CREATE PROCEDURE rec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib       BEGIN
    INT)                                           DECLARE m INT default 0;
BEGIN                                              DECLARE k INT DEFAULT 1;
  DECLARE n_1 INT;                                 DECLARE i INT;
  DECLARE n_2 INT;                                 DECLARE tmp INT;

  IF (n=0) THEN                                    SET m=0;
    SET out_fib=0;                                 SET k=1;
  ELSEIF (n=1) then                                SET i=1;
    SET out_fib=1;
  ELSE                                             WHILE (i<=n) DO
    CALL rec_fib(n-1,n_1);                           SET tmp=m+k;
    CALL rec_fib(n-2,n_2);                           SET m=k;
    SET out_fib=(n_1 + n_2);                         SET k=tmp;
  END IF;                                            SET i=i+1;
END                                                END WHILE;
                                                   SET out_fib=m;

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MySQL programming 1/2
     •  Using Store procedure
       • Programming is real at a basic level; no packages etc…
       • Triggers and function could leads to unexpected results by Storage
     •  Real status about store procedure
       • Triggers; Functions; Store procedure
       • Using   SELECT INTO is fine for single-row queries; CURSORS; Unbound result set (return
        result set to calling application); Non SELECT actions (update, insert, delete); Internal
        CALL to other Store Procedure; few info about performance

       •  Error handling available from 5.5 onwards with SIGNAL and RESIGNAL

 2                                          © 2010/2011 Pythian
MySQL HA solution
       How many nines do you need?
       9 0. 0 0 0 % (36 days) MySQL Replication
       9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD
       9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage
       9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage
       9 9. 9 0 0 % (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD and Replication
       9 9. 9 0 0 % (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage and
       9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster
       9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster & Replication
       9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition
     [Time is possible outage per year]

 2                                        © 2010/2011 Pythian
MySQL Backup
     •  Logical MySQL Backup
       •  mysqldump
       •  export
     •  Physical MySQL backup
       •  LVM Snapshot
       •  ZFS snapshot
       •  File copy
     •  Hot Backup (xtrabackup)
     •  Incremental backup
       –  Xtrabackup
       –  binlogs
 2                              © 2010/2011 Pythian
Managing MySQL
     MySQL tools
     •  lient application
        •  Non GUI
             •  mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Tool

             •  mysqladmin — Client for Administering a MySQL Server

             •  mysqlcheck — A Table Maintenance Program

             •  mysqldump — A Database Backup Program

             •  mysqlimport — A Data Import Program

             •  mysqlshow — Display Database, Table, and Column Information

     •  UI
        •  Workbench; Navicat; SQLyog … Google

 2                                     © 2010/2011 Pythian
Managing MySQL
     Administration tools
       •  Non GUI
             •    innochecksum — Offline InnoDB File Checksum Utility

             •    myisam_ftdump — Display Full-Text Index information

             •    myisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility

             •    myisampack — Generate Compressed, Read-Only MyISAM Tables

             •    mysqlaccess — Client for Checking Access Privileges

             •    mysqlbinlog — Utility for Processing Binary Log Files

             •    mysqldumpslow — Summarize Slow Query Log Files

             •    mysqlhotcopy — A Database Backup Program (Archive MyISAM)

             •    perror — Explain Error Codes

 2                                         © 2010/2011 Pythian
Monitoring MySQL Status
     •  MySQL enterprise monitor
     •  Historical monitor
       •    Cacti
       •    MONyog

     •  Live monitoring
            •  What we do at Pythian
                 Avail software for monitoring of paging/alerts and daily
                  pro-active checks
            •  Scripts
            •  Nagios plugin
            •  Issue is: define the correct parameters to monitor

 2                                 © 2010/2011 Pythian
Use the right tool for the right use
     What MySQL is good for
     •  TLP
     •  mall/mid size datasets (per instance) say less then 10Tb
     •  pplications using many simultaneous connections

     What is better to avoid
     •  ata warehouse
     •  pplications requiring heavy usage of Stored Procedure
     •  pplications requiring Hierarchical query (connect by prior etc.)
     •  atasets that could not scale by SHARD

 3                                © 2010/2011 Pythian
Q & A

                           Thank you!

     Interested in joining our elite team of trusted database expert?
     Pythian is hiring.

     More details at:

 3                                 © 2010/2011 Pythian

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MySQL Quick Overview

  • 1. MySQL Overview 
 a quick look at the general aspects of the most popular open source database Marco Tusa MySQL Team Leader 16 September 2011
  • 2. Why Companies Trust Pythian • Recognized Leader: •  Global industry-leader in remote database administration services and consulting for Oracle, Oracle Applications, MySQL and SQL Server •  Work with over 150 multinational companies such as, Fox Interactive media, and MDS Inc. to help manage their complex IT deployments • Expertise: •  One of the world’s largest concentrations of dedicated, full-time DBA expertise. • Global Reach & Scalability: •  24/7/365 global remote support for DBA and consulting, systems administration, special projects or emergency response 22 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 3. Why Companies Trust Pythian • Recognized Leader: •  Global industry-leader in remote database administration services and consulting for Oracle, Oracle Applications, MySQL and SQL Server •  Work with over 150 multinational companies such as Toyota, Fox Interactive media, and MDS Inc. to help manage their complex IT deployments • Expertise: •  One of the world’s largest concentrations of dedicated, full-time DBA expertise. • Global Reach & Scalability: •  24/7/365 global remote support for DBA and consulting, systems administration, special projects or emergency response 32 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 4. Who I am •  Currently: Team Lead at The Pythian Group for MySQL database support •  Manager Professional Service South EMEA at MySQL/SUN/Oracle •  In MySQL before the SUN gets on us •  Leadingthe team responsible for Oracle & MySQL DBs service in support to technical systems, at Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO of UN) •  Leading developer & system administrator teams in FAO managing the Intranet/Internet infrastructure. •  Working(a lot) in developing countries like (Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana, Egypt …) •  My Profile 3 4 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 5. What is MySQL? • MySQL is a database management system • MySQL is a relational database management system • MySQL software is Open Source. • MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems. • The official way to pronounce “MySQL” is “My Ess Que Ell” (not “my sequel”) 20 5 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 6. Who is using MySQL List of customer from MySQL official presentation 20 6 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 7. Main insight on MySQL 1/2 • Written in C and C++. • Works on many different platforms: •  FreeBSD 5.x. •  HP-UX 11.x. •  Linux. •  Mac OS X. •  Solaris 2.8 on SPARC and x86 •  Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. 20 7 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 8. Main insight on MySQL 2/2 • Uses multi-layered server design with independent modules. • Designed to be fully multi-threaded using kernel threads, to easily use multiple CPUs if they are available. • Provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines. • Designed to make it relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is useful if you want to provide an SQL interface for an in-house database. • Uses a very fast thread-based memory allocation system. • Full Localization support 20 8 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 9. What Standards MySQL Follows? • Supports the full ANSI/ISO SQL standard, but with some flexibility (SQL-92=1992 Release; SQL:1999=1999 Release; SQL:2003=2003 Release; SQL:2008= 2008 Release). • ODBC levels 0 to 3.51. • MySQL can adapt its behavior using SQL Modes like: •  ANSI (SET GLOBAL sql_mode='ANSI';) •  Oracle •  Custom … • MySQL DATA is structured on the file system by directory and subdirectory (symbolic links widely used) 20 9 © 2010/2011 Pythian
  • 10. Installing MySQL in 4 easy steps Installing MySQL is a simple operation: 1.  ownload software from site like ( D Downloads/MySQL-5.5/mysql-5.5.15-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz/from/http:// 2.  xpand it in /usr/local/mysql (and set all grants for mysql user) E 3.  opy one of the pre-configured my.cnf (from support-files C directory) to /etc/my.cnf; copy from same source mysql.server file to /etc/init.d/mysql 4.  tart mysql /etc/init.d/mysql start S You can have MySQL running in 30 minutes. 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 0
  • 11. MySQL Architecture 1/2 MySQL is composed of two main layers 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 1
  • 12. MySQL Architecture 2/2 • MySQL Layer (Parser; Optimizer; Query cache; threads handling ) •  Storage engines: •  MyISAM ( no ACID) •  Innodb (ACID) •  Cluster (ACID) •  Archive (only archive and append) •  Memory (Main engine for in memory operations) •  Blackhole (it is exactly what the name indicate) •  .. many others 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 2
  • 13. MySQL Storage engine more details 1/2 They have different advantages / trade-offs - know when to use them. 1.  yISAM M •  No transaction handling; no isolation level; no data buffered (only index); full Table lock; no foreign key; •  Fully file base; minimal overhead in write; very fast in reading; Btree index; Full text search; Geospatial support; 256TB Storage limit; 2. nnoDB I •  No full text (5.6 will); no Geospatial support; no cluster support; 64TB Storage limit; •  Full ACID; possible to modify the Isolation level; data is buffered; Write lock by ROW; Foreign-key support; automatic recovery from redo log in case of crash; Btree index; Clustered table; different file format (internal); data compression. 3.  emory M •  No transaction; no version control; no Geospatial support; no foreign-key; full Table lock; •  Data cached in memory; Btree index; Hash index; Storage limit is the available RAM. 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 3
  • 14. MySQL Storage engine more details 2/2 1.  MySQL Cluster •  No geospatial support; no foreign-key; no “Temporary” tables; partition only by [LINEAR] KEY; only the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported; no partial roll- back (full or nothing); a Select on Blob or Text fields will create a READ LOCK on the table to guarantee consistency. •  Fully ACID; share nothing architecture; single point of failure; write scale by node- group; thread requests parallelization; and a lot more … 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 4
  • 15. MySQL Logs 1/2 What they are and how MySQL uses them. • General Log •  each SQL statement received from clients; connection/disconnection as well •  Write intensive to be used ONLY for checking issues • Binary log •  Contains the statements “events” that modify data structure and datasets •  Point in time recovery; Replication; Backup; can be (statement/mixed/row) • Relay log •  Is the local copy of the Slave; contains the same information of the Binlogs • Slow log • The Error Log •  Self explanatory in the latest MySQL can write to syslog 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 5
  • 16. MySQL Logs 2/2 What they are and how MySQL uses them. • Slow log •  Information related to SLOW QUERY •  Could be write intensive; long time and no index usage configurable •  Crucial for SQL review • The Error Log •  If not specify --log-error errors are written to stderr •  Warnings are written as well (log_warnings) to disable •  From MySQL 5.1 can also write to syslog 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 6
  • 17. MySQL Replication Replication topology, and when to use what. • Master -> Slave • Master <> Master • Master -> Multi slave • MySQL replication pro and cons •  Single thread •  Parallel replication 20 •  Asynchronous 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 7
  • 18. Scaling with MySQL Replication. •  caling for reads S •  Add slave(s) but … keep in mind PT = (ND + QT) * NL PT = Propagation Time ND = Network time delay QT = Query Execution Time NL = Number of Level •  caling for writes S •  Sharding or MySQL Cluster •  caling out vs. scaling up S •  Partition •  Spread the load in smaller chunk •  sing the right approach U •  Database dimension •  Activity (r/w) 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 8
  • 19. Partitioning 1/2 Use Partition to organize data Max number of partition per table !1024! Types of partitioning •  ANGE R •  Numeric range like (store Id; Year) less then “value” •  IST L •  Declared list of value (matching one in the list) •  OLUMNS C •  RANGE: List of a single column value or more (partition definition value list) evaluation left->right •  LIST: Declared list of value coming from one or more columns •  No DECIMAL, FLOAT,TIMESTAMP,TEXT,BLOB 20 1 © 2010/2011 Pythian 9
  • 20. Partitioning 2/2 Types of partitioning (cont.) •  ASH H •  Calculate an hash value on the given value (also expression) then equally distribute the data •  EY K •  Calculate an hash value on Primary/Unique •  ubpartitioning S •  Works for LIST and RANGE Partitioned tables •  Subpartition only by HASH or KEY Partition cannot be done on table with: Full Text index ; Spatial columns 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 0
  • 21. MySQL programming 2/2 A few point about performance •  Not as good you would expect •  Optimize IF •  Recursive VS not recursive calculating Fibonacci numbers 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 1
  • 22. MySQL programming Using stored procedure (code for performance on prime numbers) CREATE PROCEDURE sp_nprimes(p_num int) PROCEDURE N_PRIMES ( p_num NUMBER) BEGIN IS DECLARE i INT; i INT; DECLARE j INT; j INT; DECLARE nprimes INT; nprimes INT; DECLARE isprime INT; isprime INT; BEGIN SET i=2; i:=2; SET nprimes=0; nprimes:=0; <<main_loop>> main_loop: WHILE (i<p_num) LOOP WHILE (i<p_num) do isprime:=1; SET isprime=1; j:=2; SET j=2; <<divisor_loop>> divisor_loop: WHILE (j<i) LOOP WHILE (j<i) DO IF (MOD(i,j)=0) THEN IF (MOD(i,j)=0) THEN isprime:=0; SET isprime=0; EXIT divisor_loop; LEAVE divisor_loop; END IF; END IF; j:=j+1; SET j=j+1; END LOOP ; END WHILE ; IF (isprime=1) THEN IF (isprime=1) THEN nprimes:=nprimes+1; SET nprimes=nprimes+1; END IF; END IF; i:=i+1; SET i=i+1; END LOOP; END WHILE; dbms_output.put_line(nprimes||' prime numbers SELECT CONCAT(nprimes,' prime numbers less less than '||p_num); than ',p_num); END; END; 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 2
  • 23. MySQL programming Using Store procedure (code for Fibonacci test) Recursive Not Recursive CREATE PROCEDURE nonrec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib INT) CREATE PROCEDURE rec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib BEGIN INT) DECLARE m INT default 0; BEGIN DECLARE k INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE n_1 INT; DECLARE i INT; DECLARE n_2 INT; DECLARE tmp INT; IF (n=0) THEN SET m=0; SET out_fib=0; SET k=1; ELSEIF (n=1) then SET i=1; SET out_fib=1; ELSE WHILE (i<=n) DO CALL rec_fib(n-1,n_1); SET tmp=m+k; CALL rec_fib(n-2,n_2); SET m=k; SET out_fib=(n_1 + n_2); SET k=tmp; END IF; SET i=i+1; END END WHILE; SET out_fib=m; END 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 3
  • 24. MySQL programming 1/2 •  Using Store procedure • Programming is real at a basic level; no packages etc… • Triggers and function could leads to unexpected results by Storage engine •  Real status about store procedure • Triggers; Functions; Store procedure • Using SELECT INTO is fine for single-row queries; CURSORS; Unbound result set (return result set to calling application); Non SELECT actions (update, insert, delete); Internal CALL to other Store Procedure; few info about performance •  Error handling available from 5.5 onwards with SIGNAL and RESIGNAL 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 4
  • 25. MySQL HA solution How many nines do you need? 9 0. 0 0 0 % (36 days) MySQL Replication 9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD 9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage (Active/Passive) 9 9. 0 0 0 % (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage (Active/Active) 9 9. 9 0 0 % (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD and Replication 9 9. 9 0 0 % (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage and Replication 9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster 9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster & Replication 9 9. 9 9 9 % (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition [Time is possible outage per year] 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 5
  • 26. MySQL Backup •  Logical MySQL Backup •  mysqldump •  export •  Physical MySQL backup •  LVM Snapshot •  ZFS snapshot •  File copy •  Hot Backup (xtrabackup) •  Incremental backup –  Xtrabackup –  binlogs 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 6
  • 27. Managing MySQL MySQL tools •  lient application C •  Non GUI •  mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Tool •  mysqladmin — Client for Administering a MySQL Server •  mysqlcheck — A Table Maintenance Program •  mysqldump — A Database Backup Program •  mysqlimport — A Data Import Program •  mysqlshow — Display Database, Table, and Column Information •  UI G •  Workbench; Navicat; SQLyog … Google 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 7
  • 28. Managing MySQL Administration tools •  Non GUI •  innochecksum — Offline InnoDB File Checksum Utility •  myisam_ftdump — Display Full-Text Index information •  myisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility •  myisampack — Generate Compressed, Read-Only MyISAM Tables •  mysqlaccess — Client for Checking Access Privileges •  mysqlbinlog — Utility for Processing Binary Log Files •  mysqldumpslow — Summarize Slow Query Log Files •  mysqlhotcopy — A Database Backup Program (Archive MyISAM) •  perror — Explain Error Codes 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 8
  • 29. Monitoring MySQL Status •  MySQL enterprise monitor •  Historical monitor •  Cacti •  MONyog •  Live monitoring •  What we do at Pythian   Avail software for monitoring of paging/alerts and daily pro-active checks •  Scripts •  Nagios plugin •  Issue is: define the correct parameters to monitor 20 2 © 2010/2011 Pythian 9
  • 30. Use the right tool for the right use What MySQL is good for •  TLP O •  mall/mid size datasets (per instance) say less then 10Tb S •  pplications using many simultaneous connections A What is better to avoid •  ata warehouse D •  pplications requiring heavy usage of Stored Procedure A •  pplications requiring Hierarchical query (connect by prior etc.) A •  atasets that could not scale by SHARD D 20 3 © 2010/2011 Pythian 0
  • 31. Q & A Thank you! Interested in joining our elite team of trusted database expert? Pythian is hiring. More details at: listings/ 20 3 © 2010/2011 Pythian 1