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pg proctab
Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

           Mark Wong

        LinuxFest Northwest 2009

         April 25 - 26, 2009
Slides available on slideshare
What is pg proctab?

  Collection of 4 C stored functions:
        pg proctab

        pg cputime

        pg loadavg

        pg memusage

  Download it from:
  Change it:
  git clone git://
What can do you with pg proctab?

        Query operating system process table

        Query operating system statistics
              Processor time

              Memory usage

              Load averages

  Don’t forget you can query the PostgreSQL system catalog tables
  for database statistics, i.e. pg stat activity,
  pg stat all tables, pg stat all indexes
pg cputime() Example

  FROM pg_cputime();

    user | nice | system |       idle    | iowait
   681317 | 109924 | 395481 | 1466101128 | 462661
  (1 row)
pg cputime() Column Description

  From Linux kernel source code at
  user: normal processes executing in user mode
  nice: niced processes executing in user mode
  system: processes executing in kernel mode
  idle: twiddling thumbs
  iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
pg loadavg() Example

  FROM pg_loadavg();

   load1 | load5 | load15 | last_pid
    0.99 | 0.78 |    0.67 |    27719
  (1 row)
pg loadavg() Column Description

  load1: load average of last minute
  load5: load average of last 5 minutes
  load15: load average of last 15 minutes
  last pid: last pid running
pg memusage() Example

  FROM pg_memusage();

   memused | memfree | memshared | membuffers | memcached | swapused | swapfree | swapcached
   3809140 | 224084 |          0|       60656 |   2389700 |       76 | 8385844 |           0
  (1 row)
pg memusage() Column Description

  Paraphrased from Linux kernel source code at
  memused: Total physical RAM used
  memfree: Total physical RAM not used
  memshared: Not used, always 0. (I don’t remember why. . . )
  membuffers: Temporary storage for raw disk blocks
  memcached: In-memory cache for files read from disk
  swapused: Total swap space used
  swapfree: Memory evicted from RAM that is now temporary on
  swapcached: Memory that was swapped out, now swapped in but
  still in swap
pg proctab() Partial Column Description

   Everything from the operating system such as /proc/<pid>/stat,
   /proc/<pid>/io and /proc/<pid>/cmdline as well as data
   from PostgreSQL system catalog such as pg stat activity table
   are available but we’ll only cover some of the fields here:

         comm - filename of the executable

         fullcomm (/proc/<pid>/cmdline)



         utime - user mode jiffies

         stime - kernel mode jiffies

pg proctab() Partial Column Description (cont.)

          vsize - virtual memory size

          rss - resident set memory size

          syscr - number of read I/O operations

          syscw - number of write I/O operations

          reads - number of bytes which this process really did cause to
          be fetched from the storage layer
          writes - number of bytes which this process really did cause to
          be sent from the storage layer
          cwrites - number of bytes which this process caused to not
          happen, by truncating pagecache
pg proctab() Example 1

  SELECT datname, procpid, usesysid, usename, uid, username
  FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab()
  WHERE procpid = pid;

   datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | uid | username
   markwkm |   27801 |       10 | markwkm | 500 | markwkm
   dbt3    |   27787 |    16770 | postgres | 500 | markwkm
  (2 rows)
pg proctab() Example 2

  SELECT datname, procpid, processor, state, fullcomm
  FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab()
  WHERE procpid = pid;

   datname | procpid | processor | state |                 fullcomm
   markwkm |   27801 |         0|R       | postgres: markwkm markwkm [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29325 |         3|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29327 |         0|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29333 |         3|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29328 |         2|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29329 |         0|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29324 |         3|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29331 |         0|R       | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   27787 |         1|S       | postgres: postgres dbt3 [local] idle
  (9 rows)
__      __     /                    
         / ~~~/  . o O | Let’s try something |
   ,----(      oo    )   | more useful.         |
  /      __      __/                        /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-quot;
__      __      /                     
         / ~~~/  . o O | Collecting statitiscs |
   ,----(      oo    )   | from a query.          |
  /      __      __/                          /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-quot;
The following examples are in the pg proctab contrib directory.
Identify yourself.

   FROM pg_backend_pid();

   (1 row)

   Note: The following series of SQL statements are made from the
   same psql session. Otherwise the pg backend pid will change. This
   is important because stats are collected in the operating system by
   process ID (pid).
Take a snapshot before the running the query

   i ps_procstat-snap.sql


   (1 row)

Execute the query

   Don’t focus too much on the actual query, the idea is that is you
   want to collect statistics for a single query:
   SELECT   nation,
            Sum(amount) AS sum_profit
   FROM     (SELECT n_name                                                          AS nation,
                    Extract(YEAR FROM o_orderdate)                                  AS o_year,
                    l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amount
             FROM   part,
             WHERE s_suppkey = l_suppkey
             AND ps_suppkey = l_suppkey
             AND ps_partkey = l_partkey
             AND p_partkey = l_partkey
             AND o_orderkey = l_orderkey
             AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey
             AND p_name LIKE ’%white%’) AS profit
   GROUP BY nation,
   ORDER BY nation,
            o_year DESC;
Take a snapshot after the running the query

   i ps_procstat-snap.sql


   (1 row)

Calculate Processor Utilization

   $ ./ 4590 1 2
   Processor Utilization = 1.00 %

   Example (partial):
   SELECT stime, utime, stime + utime AS total,
          extract(epoch FROM time)
   FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b
   WHERE pid = ${PID}
     AND a.snap = b.snap
     AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}

   TIMEDIFF=‘echo quot;scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}quot; | bc -l‘

   U=‘echo quot;scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100quot; | bc -l‘
Calculate Disk Utilization

   $ ./ 4590 1 2
   Reads = 276981
   Writes = 63803
   Reads (Bytes) = 2164604928
   Writes (Bytes) = 508166144
   Cancelled (Bytes) = 36880384

   SELECT syscr, syscw, reads, writes, cwrites
   FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b
   WHERE pid = ${PID}
     AND a.snap = b.snap
     AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}
__      __     /                
         / ~~~/  . o O | Creating Custom |
   ,----(      oo    )   | Reports!         |
  /      __      __/                    /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-quot;
Another example from pg proctab contrib

   $ ./ 4590 1 2

             __      __      /                      
            / ~~~/  . o O | Warning! Too much data |
      ,----(      oo    )   | to fit on the screen! |
     /      __      __/                           /
    /|          ( |(
   ^    /___ / |
      |__|   |__|-quot;
Creating Reports: Section 1

   Database       : dbt3
   Snapshot Start : 2009-04-18 00:43:56.716034-07
   Snapshot End   : 2009-04-18 00:45:17.031167-07

   Database Statistics
   Commits     :0
   Rollbacks   :2
   Blocks Read : 213295
   Blocks Hit : 1679509
Creating Reports: Section 2
   Table Statistics
   ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- --------
   Schema.Relation                            Seq Scan Seq Tup Read Idx Scan Idx Tup Fetch N Tup Ins N Tup Up
   ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- --------
   information_schema.sql_features                   0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_implementation_info        0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_languages                  0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_packages                   0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_parts                      0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_sizing                     0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles            0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_aggregate                           0            0        2             2         0
   pg_catalog.pg_am                                  1            1        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_amop                                0            0       19            46         0
   pg_catalog.pg_amproc                              0            0       11            11         0
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef                             0            0        1             2         0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute                           0            0      137           331         0
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members                        0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid                              3            2        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast                                0            0      160            51         0
   pg_catalog.pg_class                               3          747      101            88         0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_conversion                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_database                            5           12        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_depend                              0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_description                         0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_index                               2          200       39            50         0

Creating Reports: Section 2 - Falling off the right side...

         N Tup Upd

         N Tup Del

         Last Vacuum

         Last Autovacuum

         Last Analyze

         Last Autoanalyze
Creating Reports: Section 3
   Index Statistics
   ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------------
   Schema.Relation.Index                                        Idx Scan Idx Tup Read Idx Tup Fetch
   ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------------
   pg_catalog.pg_aggregate.pg_aggregate_fnoid_index                    2            2             2
   pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_name_index                                   0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_oid_index                                    0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opc_strat_index                         12           36            36
   pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opr_opc_index                            7           10            10
   pg_catalog.pg_amproc.pg_amproc_opc_proc_index                      11           11            11
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index                1            2             2
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_oid_index                          0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index             0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index           137          331           331
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_member_role_index        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_role_member_index        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_oid_index                            0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_rolname_index                        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum.pg_autovacuum_vacrelid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_oid_index                                0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_source_target_index                    160           51            51
   pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_oid_index                             71           71            71
   pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_relname_nsp_index                     30           17            17
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index            0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conrelid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_contypid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_oid_index                    0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_conversion.pg_conversion_default_index                0            0             0

What else can we do with pg proctab?

   Enable pg top to monitor remote databases by providing access to
   the database system’s operating system process table.
pg top
__      __
         / ~~~/  . o O ( Thank you! )
   ,----(      oo    )
  /      __      __/
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-quot;

  Haley Jane Wakenshaw

            __      __
           / ~~~/ 
     ,----(      oo    )
    /      __      __/
   /|          ( |(
  ^    /___ / |
     |__|   |__|-quot;

   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
   Unported License. To view a copy of this license, (a) visit; or, (b)
   send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San
   Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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Access PostgreSQL System Stats with pg_proctab

  • 1. pg proctab Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL Mark Wong LinuxFest Northwest 2009 April 25 - 26, 2009
  • 2. Slides available on slideshare
  • 3. What is pg proctab? Collection of 4 C stored functions: pg proctab ◮ pg cputime ◮ pg loadavg ◮ pg memusage ◮ Download it from: Change it: git clone git://
  • 4. What can do you with pg proctab? Query operating system process table ◮ Query operating system statistics ◮ Processor time ◮ Memory usage ◮ Load averages ◮ Don’t forget you can query the PostgreSQL system catalog tables for database statistics, i.e. pg stat activity, pg stat all tables, pg stat all indexes
  • 5. pg cputime() Example SELECT * FROM pg_cputime(); user | nice | system | idle | iowait --------+--------+--------+------------+-------- 681317 | 109924 | 395481 | 1466101128 | 462661 (1 row)
  • 6. pg cputime() Column Description From Linux kernel source code at Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt: user: normal processes executing in user mode nice: niced processes executing in user mode system: processes executing in kernel mode idle: twiddling thumbs iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
  • 7. pg loadavg() Example SELECT * FROM pg_loadavg(); load1 | load5 | load15 | last_pid -------+-------+--------+---------- 0.99 | 0.78 | 0.67 | 27719 (1 row)
  • 8. pg loadavg() Column Description load1: load average of last minute load5: load average of last 5 minutes load15: load average of last 15 minutes last pid: last pid running
  • 9. pg memusage() Example SELECT * FROM pg_memusage(); memused | memfree | memshared | membuffers | memcached | swapused | swapfree | swapcached ---------+---------+-----------+------------+-----------+----------+----------+------------ 3809140 | 224084 | 0| 60656 | 2389700 | 76 | 8385844 | 0 (1 row)
  • 10. pg memusage() Column Description Paraphrased from Linux kernel source code at Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt: memused: Total physical RAM used memfree: Total physical RAM not used memshared: Not used, always 0. (I don’t remember why. . . ) membuffers: Temporary storage for raw disk blocks memcached: In-memory cache for files read from disk swapused: Total swap space used swapfree: Memory evicted from RAM that is now temporary on disk swapcached: Memory that was swapped out, now swapped in but still in swap
  • 11. pg proctab() Partial Column Description Everything from the operating system such as /proc/<pid>/stat, /proc/<pid>/io and /proc/<pid>/cmdline as well as data from PostgreSQL system catalog such as pg stat activity table are available but we’ll only cover some of the fields here: Informative: pid ◮ comm - filename of the executable ◮ fullcomm (/proc/<pid>/cmdline) ◮ uid ◮ username ◮ Processor: utime - user mode jiffies ◮ stime - kernel mode jiffies ◮ ...
  • 12. pg proctab() Partial Column Description (cont.) Memory: vsize - virtual memory size ◮ rss - resident set memory size ◮ I/O: syscr - number of read I/O operations ◮ syscw - number of write I/O operations ◮ reads - number of bytes which this process really did cause to ◮ be fetched from the storage layer writes - number of bytes which this process really did cause to ◮ be sent from the storage layer cwrites - number of bytes which this process caused to not ◮ happen, by truncating pagecache
  • 13. pg proctab() Example 1 SELECT datname, procpid, usesysid, usename, uid, username FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab() WHERE procpid = pid; datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | uid | username ---------+---------+----------+----------+-----+---------- markwkm | 27801 | 10 | markwkm | 500 | markwkm dbt3 | 27787 | 16770 | postgres | 500 | markwkm (2 rows)
  • 14. pg proctab() Example 2 SELECT datname, procpid, processor, state, fullcomm FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab() WHERE procpid = pid; datname | procpid | processor | state | fullcomm ---------+---------+-----------+-------+------------------------------------------ markwkm | 27801 | 0|R | postgres: markwkm markwkm [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29325 | 3|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29327 | 0|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29333 | 3|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29328 | 2|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29329 | 0|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29324 | 3|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29331 | 0|R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 27787 | 1|S | postgres: postgres dbt3 [local] idle (9 rows)
  • 15. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Let’s try something | ,----( oo ) | more useful. | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 16. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Collecting statitiscs | ,----( oo ) | from a query. | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 17. The following examples are in the pg proctab contrib directory.
  • 18. Identify yourself. SELECT * FROM pg_backend_pid(); pg_backend_pid ---------------- 4509 (1 row) Note: The following series of SQL statements are made from the same psql session. Otherwise the pg backend pid will change. This is important because stats are collected in the operating system by process ID (pid).
  • 19. Take a snapshot before the running the query i ps_procstat-snap.sql BEGIN ps_snap_stats --------------- 1 (1 row) COMMIT
  • 20. Execute the query Don’t focus too much on the actual query, the idea is that is you want to collect statistics for a single query: SELECT nation, o_year, Sum(amount) AS sum_profit FROM (SELECT n_name AS nation, Extract(YEAR FROM o_orderdate) AS o_year, l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amount FROM part, supplier, lineitem, partsupp, orders, nation WHERE s_suppkey = l_suppkey AND ps_suppkey = l_suppkey AND ps_partkey = l_partkey AND p_partkey = l_partkey AND o_orderkey = l_orderkey AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey AND p_name LIKE ’%white%’) AS profit GROUP BY nation, o_year ORDER BY nation, o_year DESC;
  • 21. Take a snapshot after the running the query i ps_procstat-snap.sql BEGIN ps_snap_stats --------------- 2 (1 row) COMMIT
  • 22. Calculate Processor Utilization $ ./ 4590 1 2 Processor Utilization = 1.00 % Example (partial): SELECT stime, utime, stime + utime AS total, extract(epoch FROM time) FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b WHERE pid = ${PID} AND a.snap = b.snap AND a.snap = ${SNAP1} TIMEDIFF=‘echo quot;scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}quot; | bc -l‘ U=‘echo quot;scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100quot; | bc -l‘
  • 23. Calculate Disk Utilization $ ./ 4590 1 2 Reads = 276981 Writes = 63803 Reads (Bytes) = 2164604928 Writes (Bytes) = 508166144 Cancelled (Bytes) = 36880384 SELECT syscr, syscw, reads, writes, cwrites FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b WHERE pid = ${PID} AND a.snap = b.snap AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}
  • 24. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Creating Custom | ,----( oo ) | Reports! | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 25. Another example from pg proctab contrib $ ./ 4590 1 2 __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Warning! Too much data | ,----( oo ) | to fit on the screen! | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 26. Creating Reports: Section 1 Database : dbt3 Snapshot Start : 2009-04-18 00:43:56.716034-07 Snapshot End : 2009-04-18 00:45:17.031167-07 ------------------- Database Statistics ------------------- Commits :0 Rollbacks :2 Blocks Read : 213295 Blocks Hit : 1679509
  • 27. Creating Reports: Section 2 ================ Table Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- -------- Schema.Relation Seq Scan Seq Tup Read Idx Scan Idx Tup Fetch N Tup Ins N Tup Up ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- -------- information_schema.sql_features 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_implementation_info 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_languages 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_packages 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_parts 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_sizing 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_aggregate 0 0 2 2 0 pg_catalog.pg_am 1 1 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_amop 0 0 19 46 0 pg_catalog.pg_amproc 0 0 11 11 0 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef 0 0 1 2 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute 0 0 137 331 0 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid 3 2 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast 0 0 160 51 0 pg_catalog.pg_class 3 747 101 88 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_conversion 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_database 5 12 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_depend 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_description 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_index 2 200 39 50 0 ...
  • 28. Creating Reports: Section 2 - Falling off the right side... N Tup Upd ◮ N Tup Del ◮ Last Vacuum ◮ Last Autovacuum ◮ Last Analyze ◮ Last Autoanalyze ◮
  • 29. Creating Reports: Section 3 ================ Index Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------- Schema.Relation.Index Idx Scan Idx Tup Read Idx Tup Fetch ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------- pg_catalog.pg_aggregate.pg_aggregate_fnoid_index 2 2 2 pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_name_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opc_strat_index 12 36 36 pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opr_opc_index 7 10 10 pg_catalog.pg_amproc.pg_amproc_opc_proc_index 11 11 11 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index 1 2 2 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 137 331 331 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_member_role_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_role_member_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_rolname_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum.pg_autovacuum_vacrelid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_source_target_index 160 51 51 pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_oid_index 71 71 71 pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_relname_nsp_index 30 17 17 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conrelid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_contypid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_conversion.pg_conversion_default_index 0 0 0 ...
  • 30. What else can we do with pg proctab? Enable pg top to monitor remote databases by providing access to the database system’s operating system process table.
  • 32. __ __ / ~~~/ . o O ( Thank you! ) ,----( oo ) / __ __/ /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 33. Acknowledgements Haley Jane Wakenshaw __ __ / ~~~/ ,----( oo ) / __ __/ /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-quot;
  • 34. License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, (a) visit; or, (b) send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.