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This research is basically about to plan for facilities compliance OSHA's Ergonomic
regulation in the manufactwing industry. This report contains of five chapters;
introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and data analysis. This
research is based on the OSHA need's and fiom the law which been approve in 1994.
In methodology, this research is done by evaluating three aspects which are indoor
air quality, sound level and illumination. The equipments that will be used are sound
level and light meter and indoor air quality monitor. In data collection, comparison
will be made between data and standard data for all fields. Besides that, some
suggestions also have been given to solve all disadvantages in each line.

Secara asasnya, kajian ini adalah mengenai perancangan perlaksanaan peraturan-
peraturan ergonomik dalam Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan (OSHA)
dalam industri pembuatan. Laporan ini mengandungi lima bab penting iaitu
pengenalan, kajian ilmiah, kaedah, pengumpulan data dan penganalisisan data.
Kajian ini berdasarkan keperluan yang dikehendaki OSHA yang dikuatkuasakan
pada 1994 dan undang-undang lain. Bahagian kaedah menerangkan aspek-aspek
yang dinilai seperti kualiti udara dalam bangunan, kadar kebisingan dan
pencahayaan. Alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan semua bacaan ialah
pengukur kebisingan, pengukur pencahayaan dan pengukur kualiti udara dalam
bangunan. Dalam bahagian penganalisisan data, perbandingan akan dibuat antara
data yang diperoleh dengan nilai piawai untuk setiap bidang. Selain itu, cadangan
untuk memperbaik kelemahan-kelemahan turut dinyatakan dalam bahagian ini.

1.0 Introduction

       Nowadays, people can see safety and health aspect play a major role in all
industries. Company cannot afford to lose much more skilful worker in they have.
When they lose some experienced worker, they will suffer some decreasing of
productivity because they will use new worker and in the same time they need to
train them. In the other hand, they must pay some compensation to the worker due to
the accident.

       By referring to this condition, in 1994, Parliament of Malaysia has agreed to
establish an act which know as Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. This act is
established to create a safety and comfortable working area in industry.

       In this act, there is something that can help all workers prevent themselves
fiom hazard which is ergonomic factor. Ergonomic is defined by Karapetrovic
(1999); information about human behaviour, limitation, abilities and other human
characteristic to the design of system for efficient , safe, comfortable and effective
human use.

       This project or research is to evaluate and improving for facilities compliance
with OSHA's ergonomic regulations in manufacturing industry. This chapter will
discuss about the objectives of the research, scope of the project, problem statement,
important of the study and outline of the study.
1.1 Problem Statement

       OSHA's Ergonomic Regulation is needed to be understood by al industries
due to many reasons. It is related fbr many safety and health issues in working area.
Nowadays, many industries have applied these regulations but not all the workers
know about the existence of it. Basically workers cannot understand the act stated
and level of implementation among workers is low. Most of workers ignore safety
procedures which been ruled by company due to lack of knowledge. This research
tries to understand and identifl the level of implementation in one of manufacturing
industry and how to simplify it so that it can be understood by all workers. Besides
that, this research also tries to discover relation with safety and health issues in the
industry and how it relate in increasing the productivity in the industry.

1.2 Objectives

       The objectives of this research are:

            i. To understand OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations in manufacturing
           ii. To construct OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations Assessment Guide.
          iii. To evaluate and implement OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations in
               manufacturing industry.
          iv. To analyse the efficiency and benefit of implementations.

1 3 Scope of the Research

       This project is to define the OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations and a case study
selected for implementation and analyse in the manufacturing industry. This study
has been done in Ingress Precision Sdn. Bhd. (IPSB) which is situated in Nilai,
Negeri Sembilan. This factory is one of the vendors for PROTON and PERODUA
which they supply door sash and moulding parts. This research has covered only in
sash manufacturing. This research will base on sound or noise level, indoor air
quality and illumination.

1.4 Important of the Research

        This research is very important to survey the need of OSHA's Ergonomic
Regulations in industry. This research also can help the industry which applies
OHSAS 18000's certificate which is related to safety and health in the working area.
But the most important of this research, people could see how they can avoid
accident in industry and all the elements that can make accident occur. Besides that,
people can see some benefit of implementation in the industry whether in
productivity or the efficiency of the worker.

1.5 Outlined of the Research

       This report consists of five chapters which are introduction, literature review,
methodology, data collection and data analysis. In the introduction, it is discuss on
overview of the research, problem statement, scope of the research and important of
the report.

       In the literature review, it explains on previous research which related to the
research to be done and the hypothesis of the all study.

       In the methodology, all the method to accomplish the research will state. All
the experimental and analytical method will describe in this part.

       In data collection, it will discuss how to setup the experiment, the data that
need to collect and the result prediction of the research.
                        LITERATURE REVIEW

21 Overview of the Research

        In creating a safety and healthy working area, there are many aspects that
company must consider. In ergonomic study, there some factors that contributes to
accidents which are personnel characteristic, job characteristic, equipment and tools,
physical environment and social environment. (Wickens et al, 2004)

        In personnel characteristic, there are some factors that must be considered
whch are age and gender, job experience and stress, fatigue, drugs and alcohol.
From the research, people fiom 15 to 24 years old, have highest rates in accident.
The primary reasons is people who get older become more conservative and their
estimation to accident become more conservative. For job experience, high
percentage of accidents occur to the worker who has been work fio first three month
with peak about two or three month. In this case, experience worker can identify the
hazard easily compare to the new worker. Workers who works in stress and fatigue
will have decrement in performance an expose them to injury. For the person who
taking alcohol or drug before works, he will lose much of their attention and
awareness for their work. This also exposes them to the accident. (Wickens et al,
Many characteristics of the job or task that can cause difficulties for the
operator. Some oh these include high physical workload, high mental workload and
other stress including factor such as vigilance task that lower physical arousal level.
(Wickens et al, 2004)

       Many of the hazards associated with the workplace are localized in the tools
or equipment use by the employees, and as a consequence, much of the safety
analysis performed in an industrial environment focuses on hazard inherent in the
equipment itself Accidents cause by equipment normally due to control and display,
electrical, mechanical, pressure and toxic hazard. Good control and display are
desirable to detect any hazard at the equipment. Electric hazard occur due to electric
shock in a sudden and accidental stimulation of the body's nervous system by an
electric current. Mechanical hazard occur can come fiom many source such as
rotating equipment, open-generate power presses and power hammer. There are
some accidents due to mechanical hazard such as cutting or tearing of skin, muscle
or bones, shearing, crushing, breaking and straining. The entire mechanical hazard
could be reduced by applying guard at the potential area. Toxic and pressure hazard
can cause from altitude change, heat, pressurize gas and many more. It can cause
vessel to rupture. (Wickens et al, 2004)

       In physical environment, elements that can cause accident are illumination,
noise and vibration, temperature and humidity, fire hazard, radiation hazard, fall and
exits and emergency evacuation. Lighting most directly affects safety by making its
relatively easy or difficult to perform task. Illumination is important for safety
include direct and indirect glare and light or dark adaptation. Noise and vibration can
cause us to deaf and cannot hear any sound signal to avoid hazard. Working
condition with too high or low temperature can expose body to serious safety hazards
either directly by impacting body health or indirectly impairing operator
performance. Fire hazard come Erom combination of three elements: fhel, oxidizer
and source of ignition. Fire hazard can burn anythmg close to it. Certain
combinations of the neutrons and protons can results unstable atoms, which try to
become stable by giving off excess energy in the form of particles wave (radiation).
The examples of elements that can produce radiation are X-ray, gamma ray and
thermal neutron. Biological effects of radiation can occur in a one-time acute
exposure or fiom chronic long-term exposure. Falls can be cause by falling due to
slippery, fall from one floor to another, falling from a structural support or walkway,
fill from building and hll fiom ladder. Exits and emergency evacuation poles or area
which is also can cause hazard. When there are any accidents occur in the building,
and no emergency door, it can cause much more danger. (Wickens et al ,2004)

        Social environment can cause accident. This is due to other work that we
cannot see during doing other work and lack of human awareness. (Wickens et al,

        From the entire causes which been stated above, this research will focus on
the physical environment aspects at three elements which are illumination, noise and
indoor air quality. All this elements must be related and based on OSHA's
ergonomic regulations.

        Occupational Safety is a branch of Occupational Safety and Health that is
concerned with the physical environment of the workplace and the wellbeing of the
worker. Its aim is to create a conducive environment through safe work practices,
procedures and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management systems to
ensure the protection of workers while doing their job tasks. The Occupational
Safety Division of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
division is currently involved in several consultation projects and in-house training
for various sectors like manuficturing, transport, construction and agriculture.
(WHO/ILO, 1950)

        Occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree
of physical, mental and social well being of workers in all occupations, the
prevention among workers of departures fiom health caused by their working
conditions, the protection of workers in their employment fiom risks resulting fiom
factors adverse to health, the placing and maintenance of the workers in an
occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological equipment.
(ILO/WHO, 1950)
December 1,1992 marked a new era in d ~ promotion of Occupational Safety
and Health in Malaysia. On this day the National Instihtte of Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH) was launched, after careful preparation and commitment from
all parties to improve the safety and health of workers at the workplace in Malaysia.
In the words of the Minister of Human Resources, Malaysia, NTOSH would be a
"critical catalyst" in the promotion of occupational safely and health that would also
serve as the "backbone" to create a "self-regulating occupational safety and health
culture" in Malaysia.

       NIOSH was established as a Company Limited by Guarantee, under the
Malaysian Companies Act, 1965. As a company, NIOSH is expected to operate
efficiently and with minimal administrative bureaucracy. The NOSH Board of
Directors comprises of 15 Board members, ten of which are appointed by the
Government wllile the remaining are elected by NIOSH members during the Annual
General Meeting (AGM). This makes NIOSH different from similar institutions in
other countries. NIOSH was set up with a Rhll million Launching G m ~ from the
Government and a further W 5 0 million Endowment Fund (RM40 million from the
Social Security Organization (SOCSO) of Malaysia and a fiuther RM 10 million
fiom the Malaysian Government), which will be invested, and the rehun of
investment will be used to partly finance the operation of NIOSH. (NIOSH, 2002)

       The definition of ergonomic base on NIOSH, 2002:

        The science on how tofit the task and working environment to the worker
using scientrfic data

       Wilson 1995 defined ergonomic as "thepractice of learning about human
characteristic and then using that understanding to improvepeople 's interaction
with the things they use and the environments in which they do so."
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Table 2.2: OSHA's regulations (Continue)

                            1. Employer should assess the
                            risk arising from the indoor air
                            quality at the place of work to the
                            health of his employee.

                            2. An employer should ensure
                            that his employee or any other
                            occupants at the place of work
                            are not exposed to any of the
                            contaminants listed in table 1
                            exceeding the corresponding
                            maximum limits.
                            3. The assessment should be
                            carried out during normal
                            business activity and must take
                            into consideration the following.
                                    Source of indoor air          Code of Practice On
                                    contaminants.                 Indoor Air Quality
                                    Employee's exposure to
                                    environmental tobacco         Refer to Checklist of
                                    smoke                         Ergonomic Evaluation
                                    Employee's exposure to
                                    air contaminants, either
                                    fi-om indoor or outdoor
                                    The prescribed activities.
                                    The      adequacy       of
                                    mechanical ventilation at
                                    the work place of work.
                                    The necessity to monitor
                                    an employee's exposure;
                                    The necessary actions to
                                    be taken to improve the
                                    indoor air quality at the
                                    work place of work.
Table 2.2: OSHA's regulations (Continue)

                            I . Seseorang tidaklah boleh
                            dihhendaki atau dibenarkan
                            beketja &lam        mana-mana
                            bangunan kilang jika daya
                            memasukan cahaya semulajadi
                            kurang dari sepuluh peratus
                            daripada      kelusan    lantai
                            bangunan itu.

                            2. Semua tingkap dan tingkap
                            bumbung hendaklah:
                            ( ditempat dan dijarakkan
                            sedernikian supqa hadaan
                            cahcrya matahari di tempat kerja
                            sama cerah pada keseluruhan
                            kuwasan kerja.
                                                               Factory and
                            (I!, sentiasu dibersihk-an pada
                                                               Machinew Act 967,
                            pennukaan-permukaan luar don
                                                               Extech Instrument
                            dalamnya dan sentiasa bebas
       LIGHTING             dan'pada apa-apa halangan.
                                                            Refer to Checklist o f
                            3' Da'am tiaP-tiaP bahagian
                                                            Ergonomic Evaluation
                            bangunan, keamatan penyinaran
                            tidak boleh kurang daripada dua
                            kakr dian sekaki diukur pada
                            dataran mengufik setinggi tiga
                            kaki dari aras lantai atau aras
                            kerja dan tidak kurang daM'pada
                            lima batang dian sekaki pada
                            mana-mana tempat di mana
                            kerja sebenamya dilakukan.

                            4. Keamatan penyinaran diukur
                            pada aras lantai ddam mana-
                            mana kilang di mana seseorang
                            lalu lalang tidak boleh kumng
                            daripada setengah batang dian
23 Previous Research

       Table below tells about some study which been made by other person which
quite significant with this research.

Table 2.3: Summary of Previous Research



(Diley and Kliner, 1996)            The research is all about up and down on the job could
                                    cause an accident. It also t l about the right that
                                    workers have in OSHA also the liability that safety
                                    officer must cany on. It also tells about employees
                                    duties under OSHA. Besides that, the management
                                    should create safety culture in the working area.
(Kearney, 1995)                     This research is about to plan facilities compliance with
                                    OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations and it is more about
                                    worker's compensation. It also tell about the relation
                                    between OSHA and ergonomic. It also brief about how
                                    to plan compliance and the person involved.
(Govindaraju,       Pennathur, This journal is about how to improve the quality of
Mital, 2000)                        manufacturing based on case study that they give. The
                                    case study related more on ergonomic.
(Hartford, 2001)                    This study is more about to understand the needs of
                                    OSHA and how OSHA can help employer and
                                    employees to create safe working area.
(Robert,1999)                       This journal tells about the history of OSHA It also
                                    tells about six OSHA elements and alternative policy
2 3 Summary

       By studying all the source that collected, OSHA is an act that need to be obey
due to it policy to create safe working area and could help company to increasing
productivity and working efficiency. Failure to obey this law can cause the company
will charge in the court. This act also has regulations related to ergonomic which
help worker work safely and help company to create safety area although there are
many job and heavy machines around them.

3.1 Overall Research Methods

       To accomplish this research, all the methods to get the data and to analyse
must be setup in proper way. In this chapter, al the methods from getting the title
until the conclusion will be discussed.

       First, the title had been gathered from the lecturer and the lecturer w l assign
as the supervisor to guide this research. After getting the title, lecturer had brief the
title and how the research will be done and the goal of the research.

       Then, the research had been started by searching for the journals and books
which related to the study. All this sources is usefbl as guideline to the research and
to get more information about this title. It also useful to understand the title and the
research needs to accomplish the research.

       Besides searching all the data by using book and journal, the data also had
been gathered in short course which been held in Ingress Precision Sdn. Bhd.(IPSB)
in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. This course was held for the staffs as preparation for audit
from SIRIM to evaluate the company for IS0 14000 and OHSAS 18000 certificates.

       After getting all the sources, the research had start with writing the
introduction of the research. In introduction, all about the project will be discussed
and we can see the scope of the research. The research is continued with literature
review. This is to review all the previous research and the delinition of the research.

        Then the methods to get the data will be discussed in methodology chapter.
Here the method on how to get the data will be explained. Data needed are sound
level, illumination and indoor air quality. Sound level will be collected using sound
level meter. Data will be gathered fiom three different spot at the line. Then, the data
will be checked and got the average. From this data, comparison with standard of
sound level will be making by comparing data with standard in Machinery and
Factory act. Illumination will be collected using light meter. Same as sound level,
data collected in 3 different spot. After get the data and average of data, comparison
will be made with three standards which are Company standard, light meter standard
and Machinery and Factory act standard. Indoor air quality will be collected using
indoor air quality monitor. The monitor will be placed at centre of the line. Data that
monitor collected are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, humidity, volatile organic
compound and temperature. Standard that used to compare with data collected is
Code of Practice Indoor Air Quality by Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia. After
that, it will continue with data collection. For indoor air quality, data will take only
once in one line. Sound level and illumination data will be collected three times fi-om
different spot. For sound level, data can be collected at the machines that can give
high level of sound. For illumination, data can be gathered at the machine at the
place operator done his work.

       Data analysis study shows us the result of the research and the status of the
study. From data analysis, data can be compared and the graph of each section of
research can be look. In data analysis, the effect of the result also can be highlighted.
Discussion will be focused on obstacle during doing the research and how to
implement OSHA's ergonomic regulation and the right way to do it. Conclusion is
summarized of the research and what expectation of the result gathered.
            tions                               Data 1                   Referent

                                                                         Factory and
                                               Average Sound
   Sound Level        Sound Level Meter                               Machinery Act

                                                  Average           Extech Instrument
   Illumination           Light Meter
                                              Illumination level          Standard

                                              Level of Carbon        .
                                              Dioxide, Carbon
                       Indoor A r Quality
                               i                                     Code of Practice
Indoor Ar Quality
        i                                      Monoxide and
                            Monitor                                 Indoor Air Quality
                                              Volatile Organic

3.2 Experimental Methods.

       In this research, three data has been collected. Here, all the method to run this
research has been shown. All data will be recorded in the table. All tables consist of
minimum and maximum value and average. For illumination and noise level, the
table consist of three reading. For indoor air quality table, it has five readings which
are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, humidity, volatile organic compounds and
temperature. After getting all average data, the data has been compared with standard
data to state the status. From the status of the data, the recommendation will be made
and done.
3.2.1 Noise or Sound Level

       To get this data, equipment that been used is sound level meter to measure
the noise level. This experiment covers only in 16 lines. Each line, three reading has
been taken and the average reading has been calculated. This equipment measures
the minimum and maximum reading for each time. This measurement gives reading
in decibel (dB) unit. After get all the average reading, the data has been compared
with Permissible Exposure Limits which consist in Factories and Machinery Act and
Regulation. Refer to Appendix A.

3.22 Illumination

       To get this data, illumination meter has been used to get illumination level.
This equipment use lux as the unit. To use the equipment, it must be switched on and
set the equipment to read data fiom fluorescent bulb. It gives minimum, maximum
and average reading. Here, take three reading has been taken and get the average
data. After a l the data collected, it has been compared with Extech Instrument
Standard. Refer to Appendix A.

3 2 3 Indoor Air Quality

       To fulfil this experiment, indoor air quality monitor equipment has been used.
To use it, make sure it has been calibrate in the place with good air quality such as
recreational forest. It can measure carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, humidity
temperature and other gas or particle level in certain area. It gives minimum and
maximum value for each reading. Refer to Appendix A.
3 3 OHSAS 18000 COURSE

        This certificate is to recognize a company afford to follow the rules and
               which contain in OHSAS 18000 needs. All the company which want this
certificate, they need to apply from SIRIM or other body. They must follow all the
procedures that contained in it terms and conditions. All the workers must attend
OHSAS training which conducted by outside consultant or by certified safety officer.
This is one of the terms that they must obey. In OHSAS 18000 there are many
aspects that they need to follow. The company need to identifjr the entire hazard in
their compound and hazard source. The entire hazard area must be labelled with
special signage. They also need to occupy they plant with accident report form. This
is to record all the accident which been occurred in the plant. In this course, there are
some explanations that relate to this research. It talks about sound level, illumination
and indoor air quality which need to be obeyed by the company which want the

3.4 Limitation

        There is a limitation that which been faced during conducting these
experiments. First of all, to collect data, the data before machine starting operations
is needed. This is to seek the situation or condition without operation and to detect
any out source. For example, the sound level of the machine before and during
operation is different. Before operation, the sound is may be low, but the sound of
the surrounding is needed to check whether it contributes to the increasing of sound
level. Here the difficulty to get data without machines operate is impossible because
the production is continuous 24 hours a day.
                          DATA COLLECTION

4.1 Setting up Data Collection

       To set up data collection, first, review of the factory must be considered. In
IPSB, there are 17 lines with variety of machine are existence. The machines that
place in IPSB are press machine, roll forming machine, plasma welding, machine,
metal saw cutting machine, bending machine, stretch bending machine, rotary
bending machine, oil press machine, drilling machine, overhead crane and antirust

       This factory has two companies and IPSB is selected. This is the border of
the study. The equipments that will use are sound level meter, illumination meter and
indoor air quality monitor. Thls company is chosen due to product that it produce
which is more complex with use of many heavy machines and more danger.

4.2 Table for Data Collection

       To collect all the data, three tables has been setup. These tables are used to
collect reading for three experiments which are sound level, illumination level and
indoor air quality.

       For these three tables they have column for lines, reading, maximum and
minimum value and average. These tables consist of 17 production lines in IPSB.
Each table will have three columns for reading at each line. Each line has three
reading. Average value fio each line will be calculated by adding those three value
and divide the total value with three. Below is the sample of the equation:

               Average = (reading1 + reading2 + reading 3 1

       After getting all the average of each reading, the value will be compared with
the standard data. Here, the status of each line will be recognized. Here the company
can setup the countermeasure to overcome any problem for each line. Table which
been constructed can be referred to Appendix A.

       After knowing the status of each line, the experiment will continue to identi@
the critical area and need to by modi@ due to OSHA need. Below are standards that
will be used to compare al data.

Table 4.1: Standard for Sound Level (Factory And Machinery Act 1967)

                   Duration         sure
                    Permi8          .aY

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OSHA Ergonomic Regulations Research

  • 1.
  • 2. ABSTRACT This research is basically about to plan for facilities compliance OSHA's Ergonomic regulation in the manufactwing industry. This report contains of five chapters; introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and data analysis. This research is based on the OSHA need's and fiom the law which been approve in 1994. In methodology, this research is done by evaluating three aspects which are indoor air quality, sound level and illumination. The equipments that will be used are sound level and light meter and indoor air quality monitor. In data collection, comparison will be made between data and standard data for all fields. Besides that, some suggestions also have been given to solve all disadvantages in each line.
  • 3. ABSTRAK Secara asasnya, kajian ini adalah mengenai perancangan perlaksanaan peraturan- peraturan ergonomik dalam Akta Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan (OSHA) dalam industri pembuatan. Laporan ini mengandungi lima bab penting iaitu pengenalan, kajian ilmiah, kaedah, pengumpulan data dan penganalisisan data. Kajian ini berdasarkan keperluan yang dikehendaki OSHA yang dikuatkuasakan pada 1994 dan undang-undang lain. Bahagian kaedah menerangkan aspek-aspek yang dinilai seperti kualiti udara dalam bangunan, kadar kebisingan dan pencahayaan. Alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan semua bacaan ialah pengukur kebisingan, pengukur pencahayaan dan pengukur kualiti udara dalam bangunan. Dalam bahagian penganalisisan data, perbandingan akan dibuat antara data yang diperoleh dengan nilai piawai untuk setiap bidang. Selain itu, cadangan untuk memperbaik kelemahan-kelemahan turut dinyatakan dalam bahagian ini.
  • 4. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Nowadays, people can see safety and health aspect play a major role in all industries. Company cannot afford to lose much more skilful worker in they have. When they lose some experienced worker, they will suffer some decreasing of productivity because they will use new worker and in the same time they need to train them. In the other hand, they must pay some compensation to the worker due to the accident. By referring to this condition, in 1994, Parliament of Malaysia has agreed to establish an act which know as Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. This act is established to create a safety and comfortable working area in industry. In this act, there is something that can help all workers prevent themselves fiom hazard which is ergonomic factor. Ergonomic is defined by Karapetrovic (1999); information about human behaviour, limitation, abilities and other human characteristic to the design of system for efficient , safe, comfortable and effective human use. This project or research is to evaluate and improving for facilities compliance with OSHA's ergonomic regulations in manufacturing industry. This chapter will discuss about the objectives of the research, scope of the project, problem statement, important of the study and outline of the study.
  • 5. 1.1 Problem Statement OSHA's Ergonomic Regulation is needed to be understood by al industries l due to many reasons. It is related fbr many safety and health issues in working area. Nowadays, many industries have applied these regulations but not all the workers know about the existence of it. Basically workers cannot understand the act stated and level of implementation among workers is low. Most of workers ignore safety procedures which been ruled by company due to lack of knowledge. This research tries to understand and identifl the level of implementation in one of manufacturing industry and how to simplify it so that it can be understood by all workers. Besides that, this research also tries to discover relation with safety and health issues in the industry and how it relate in increasing the productivity in the industry. 1.2 Objectives The objectives of this research are: i. To understand OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations in manufacturing industry. ii. To construct OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations Assessment Guide. iii. To evaluate and implement OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations in manufacturing industry. iv. To analyse the efficiency and benefit of implementations. 1 3 Scope of the Research This project is to define the OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations and a case study selected for implementation and analyse in the manufacturing industry. This study has been done in Ingress Precision Sdn. Bhd. (IPSB) which is situated in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. This factory is one of the vendors for PROTON and PERODUA
  • 6. which they supply door sash and moulding parts. This research has covered only in sash manufacturing. This research will base on sound or noise level, indoor air quality and illumination. 1.4 Important of the Research This research is very important to survey the need of OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations in industry. This research also can help the industry which applies OHSAS 18000's certificate which is related to safety and health in the working area. But the most important of this research, people could see how they can avoid accident in industry and all the elements that can make accident occur. Besides that, people can see some benefit of implementation in the industry whether in productivity or the efficiency of the worker. 1.5 Outlined of the Research This report consists of five chapters which are introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and data analysis. In the introduction, it is discuss on overview of the research, problem statement, scope of the research and important of the report. In the literature review, it explains on previous research which related to the research to be done and the hypothesis of the all study. In the methodology, all the method to accomplish the research will state. All the experimental and analytical method will describe in this part. In data collection, it will discuss how to setup the experiment, the data that need to collect and the result prediction of the research.
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  • 8. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 21 Overview of the Research . In creating a safety and healthy working area, there are many aspects that company must consider. In ergonomic study, there some factors that contributes to accidents which are personnel characteristic, job characteristic, equipment and tools, physical environment and social environment. (Wickens et al, 2004) In personnel characteristic, there are some factors that must be considered whch are age and gender, job experience and stress, fatigue, drugs and alcohol. From the research, people fiom 15 to 24 years old, have highest rates in accident. The primary reasons is people who get older become more conservative and their estimation to accident become more conservative. For job experience, high percentage of accidents occur to the worker who has been work fio first three month with peak about two or three month. In this case, experience worker can identify the hazard easily compare to the new worker. Workers who works in stress and fatigue will have decrement in performance an expose them to injury. For the person who taking alcohol or drug before works, he will lose much of their attention and awareness for their work. This also exposes them to the accident. (Wickens et al, 2004)
  • 9. Many characteristics of the job or task that can cause difficulties for the operator. Some oh these include high physical workload, high mental workload and other stress including factor such as vigilance task that lower physical arousal level. (Wickens et al, 2004) Many of the hazards associated with the workplace are localized in the tools or equipment use by the employees, and as a consequence, much of the safety analysis performed in an industrial environment focuses on hazard inherent in the equipment itself Accidents cause by equipment normally due to control and display, electrical, mechanical, pressure and toxic hazard. Good control and display are desirable to detect any hazard at the equipment. Electric hazard occur due to electric shock in a sudden and accidental stimulation of the body's nervous system by an electric current. Mechanical hazard occur can come fiom many source such as rotating equipment, open-generate power presses and power hammer. There are some accidents due to mechanical hazard such as cutting or tearing of skin, muscle or bones, shearing, crushing, breaking and straining. The entire mechanical hazard could be reduced by applying guard at the potential area. Toxic and pressure hazard can cause from altitude change, heat, pressurize gas and many more. It can cause vessel to rupture. (Wickens et al, 2004) In physical environment, elements that can cause accident are illumination, noise and vibration, temperature and humidity, fire hazard, radiation hazard, fall and exits and emergency evacuation. Lighting most directly affects safety by making its relatively easy or difficult to perform task. Illumination is important for safety include direct and indirect glare and light or dark adaptation. Noise and vibration can cause us to deaf and cannot hear any sound signal to avoid hazard. Working condition with too high or low temperature can expose body to serious safety hazards either directly by impacting body health or indirectly impairing operator performance. Fire hazard come Erom combination of three elements: fhel, oxidizer and source of ignition. Fire hazard can burn anythmg close to it. Certain combinations of the neutrons and protons can results unstable atoms, which try to become stable by giving off excess energy in the form of particles wave (radiation). The examples of elements that can produce radiation are X-ray, gamma ray and
  • 10. thermal neutron. Biological effects of radiation can occur in a one-time acute exposure or fiom chronic long-term exposure. Falls can be cause by falling due to slippery, fall from one floor to another, falling from a structural support or walkway, fill from building and hll fiom ladder. Exits and emergency evacuation poles or area which is also can cause hazard. When there are any accidents occur in the building, and no emergency door, it can cause much more danger. (Wickens et al ,2004) Social environment can cause accident. This is due to other work that we cannot see during doing other work and lack of human awareness. (Wickens et al, 2004) From the entire causes which been stated above, this research will focus on the physical environment aspects at three elements which are illumination, noise and indoor air quality. All this elements must be related and based on OSHA's ergonomic regulations. Occupational Safety is a branch of Occupational Safety and Health that is concerned with the physical environment of the workplace and the wellbeing of the worker. Its aim is to create a conducive environment through safe work practices, procedures and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management systems to ensure the protection of workers while doing their job tasks. The Occupational Safety Division of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) division is currently involved in several consultation projects and in-house training for various sectors like manuficturing, transport, construction and agriculture. (WHO/ILO, 1950) Occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well being of workers in all occupations, the prevention among workers of departures fiom health caused by their working conditions, the protection of workers in their employment fiom risks resulting fiom factors adverse to health, the placing and maintenance of the workers in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological equipment. (ILO/WHO, 1950)
  • 11. December 1,1992 marked a new era in d ~ promotion of Occupational Safety e and Health in Malaysia. On this day the National Instihtte of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was launched, after careful preparation and commitment from all parties to improve the safety and health of workers at the workplace in Malaysia. In the words of the Minister of Human Resources, Malaysia, NTOSH would be a "critical catalyst" in the promotion of occupational safely and health that would also serve as the "backbone" to create a "self-regulating occupational safety and health culture" in Malaysia. NIOSH was established as a Company Limited by Guarantee, under the Malaysian Companies Act, 1965. As a company, NIOSH is expected to operate efficiently and with minimal administrative bureaucracy. The NOSH Board of Directors comprises of 15 Board members, ten of which are appointed by the Government wllile the remaining are elected by NIOSH members during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). This makes NIOSH different from similar institutions in other countries. NIOSH was set up with a Rhll million Launching G m ~ from the t Government and a further W 5 0 million Endowment Fund (RM40 million from the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) of Malaysia and a fiuther RM 10 million fiom the Malaysian Government), which will be invested, and the rehun of investment will be used to partly finance the operation of NIOSH. (NIOSH, 2002) The definition of ergonomic base on NIOSH, 2002: The science on how tofit the task and working environment to the worker using scientrfic data Wilson 1995 defined ergonomic as "thepractice of learning about human characteristic and then using that understanding to improvepeople 's interaction with the things they use and the environments in which they do so."
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  • 14. Q4 9, "- g +l 06; O 8 .a 3 a ! ! 2 8 0 '0- ts-2 a d ew, 9.g $$.Bz $ 8 3"z" a 2 8 t42-d * M* 3.1 g.9 0 *9 W 8s ao gg 51 .g 5 8 g~ om 8: a 5 a" s $ 8%3.s 5 2 a m + 3 a , q s 3 ,, 0 UJ * /2 a,. 0 0 Z i 1 .s 8 s &lox ECIW 9 8 07x - A Y g . o%~ m 4 . 6 3.g -0 g a~ 0, 6 g z" -325 zO .a g e .e C-g0 C E 2 his$ rC;Sa a d > 2 s 3 I cd 3 0 V)
  • 15. Table 2.2: OSHA's regulations (Continue) 1. Employer should assess the risk arising from the indoor air quality at the place of work to the health of his employee. 2. An employer should ensure that his employee or any other occupants at the place of work are not exposed to any of the contaminants listed in table 1 exceeding the corresponding maximum limits. 3. The assessment should be carried out during normal business activity and must take into consideration the following. Source of indoor air Code of Practice On contaminants. Indoor Air Quality INDOOR AIR QUALITY Employee's exposure to environmental tobacco Refer to Checklist of smoke Ergonomic Evaluation Employee's exposure to air contaminants, either fi-om indoor or outdoor source. The prescribed activities. The adequacy of mechanical ventilation at the work place of work. The necessity to monitor an employee's exposure; and The necessary actions to be taken to improve the indoor air quality at the work place of work.
  • 16. Table 2.2: OSHA's regulations (Continue) I . Seseorang tidaklah boleh dihhendaki atau dibenarkan beketja &lam mana-mana bangunan kilang jika daya memasukan cahaya semulajadi kurang dari sepuluh peratus daripada kelusan lantai bangunan itu. 2. Semua tingkap dan tingkap bumbung hendaklah: ( ditempat dan dijarakkan ) sedernikian supqa hadaan cahcrya matahari di tempat kerja sama cerah pada keseluruhan kuwasan kerja. Factory and (I!, sentiasu dibersihk-an pada Machinew Act 967, pennukaan-permukaan luar don Extech Instrument dalamnya dan sentiasa bebas Standard LIGHTING dan'pada apa-apa halangan. Refer to Checklist o f 3' Da'am tiaP-tiaP bahagian Ergonomic Evaluation bangunan, keamatan penyinaran tidak boleh kurang daripada dua kakr dian sekaki diukur pada dataran mengufik setinggi tiga kaki dari aras lantai atau aras kerja dan tidak kurang daM'pada lima batang dian sekaki pada mana-mana tempat di mana kerja sebenamya dilakukan. 4. Keamatan penyinaran diukur pada aras lantai ddam mana- mana kilang di mana seseorang lalu lalang tidak boleh kumng daripada setengah batang dian sekaki.
  • 17. 23 Previous Research Table below tells about some study which been made by other person which quite significant with this research. Table 2.3: Summary of Previous Research I Descri (Diley and Kliner, 1996) The research is all about up and down on the job could cause an accident. It also t l about the right that ak workers have in OSHA also the liability that safety officer must cany on. It also tells about employees duties under OSHA. Besides that, the management should create safety culture in the working area. (Kearney, 1995) This research is about to plan facilities compliance with OSHA's Ergonomic Regulations and it is more about worker's compensation. It also tell about the relation between OSHA and ergonomic. It also brief about how to plan compliance and the person involved. (Govindaraju, Pennathur, This journal is about how to improve the quality of Mital, 2000) manufacturing based on case study that they give. The case study related more on ergonomic. (Hartford, 2001) This study is more about to understand the needs of OSHA and how OSHA can help employer and employees to create safe working area. (Robert,1999) This journal tells about the history of OSHA It also tells about six OSHA elements and alternative policy
  • 18. 2 3 Summary By studying all the source that collected, OSHA is an act that need to be obey due to it policy to create safe working area and could help company to increasing productivity and working efficiency. Failure to obey this law can cause the company will charge in the court. This act also has regulations related to ergonomic which help worker work safely and help company to create safety area although there are many job and heavy machines around them.
  • 19. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Overall Research Methods To accomplish this research, all the methods to get the data and to analyse must be setup in proper way. In this chapter, al the methods from getting the title l until the conclusion will be discussed. First, the title had been gathered from the lecturer and the lecturer w l assign il as the supervisor to guide this research. After getting the title, lecturer had brief the title and how the research will be done and the goal of the research. Then, the research had been started by searching for the journals and books which related to the study. All this sources is usefbl as guideline to the research and to get more information about this title. It also useful to understand the title and the research needs to accomplish the research. Besides searching all the data by using book and journal, the data also had been gathered in short course which been held in Ingress Precision Sdn. Bhd.(IPSB) in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. This course was held for the staffs as preparation for audit from SIRIM to evaluate the company for IS0 14000 and OHSAS 18000 certificates. After getting all the sources, the research had start with writing the introduction of the research. In introduction, all about the project will be discussed
  • 20. and we can see the scope of the research. The research is continued with literature review. This is to review all the previous research and the delinition of the research. Then the methods to get the data will be discussed in methodology chapter. Here the method on how to get the data will be explained. Data needed are sound level, illumination and indoor air quality. Sound level will be collected using sound level meter. Data will be gathered fiom three different spot at the line. Then, the data will be checked and got the average. From this data, comparison with standard of sound level will be making by comparing data with standard in Machinery and Factory act. Illumination will be collected using light meter. Same as sound level, data collected in 3 different spot. After get the data and average of data, comparison will be made with three standards which are Company standard, light meter standard and Machinery and Factory act standard. Indoor air quality will be collected using indoor air quality monitor. The monitor will be placed at centre of the line. Data that monitor collected are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, humidity, volatile organic compound and temperature. Standard that used to compare with data collected is Code of Practice Indoor Air Quality by Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia. After that, it will continue with data collection. For indoor air quality, data will take only once in one line. Sound level and illumination data will be collected three times fi-om different spot. For sound level, data can be collected at the machines that can give high level of sound. For illumination, data can be gathered at the machine at the place operator done his work. Data analysis study shows us the result of the research and the status of the study. From data analysis, data can be compared and the graph of each section of research can be look. In data analysis, the effect of the result also can be highlighted. Discussion will be focused on obstacle during doing the research and how to implement OSHA's ergonomic regulation and the right way to do it. Conclusion is summarized of the research and what expectation of the result gathered.
  • 21.
  • 22. Measurinl tions Data 1 Referent Equipmen -- Factory and Average Sound Sound Level Sound Level Meter Machinery Act Level 1967 Average Extech Instrument Illumination Light Meter Illumination level Standard Level of Carbon . Dioxide, Carbon Indoor A r Quality i Code of Practice Indoor Ar Quality i Monoxide and Monitor Indoor Air Quality Volatile Organic compound 3.2 Experimental Methods. In this research, three data has been collected. Here, all the method to run this research has been shown. All data will be recorded in the table. All tables consist of minimum and maximum value and average. For illumination and noise level, the table consist of three reading. For indoor air quality table, it has five readings which are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, humidity, volatile organic compounds and temperature. After getting all average data, the data has been compared with standard data to state the status. From the status of the data, the recommendation will be made and done.
  • 23. 3.2.1 Noise or Sound Level To get this data, equipment that been used is sound level meter to measure the noise level. This experiment covers only in 16 lines. Each line, three reading has been taken and the average reading has been calculated. This equipment measures the minimum and maximum reading for each time. This measurement gives reading in decibel (dB) unit. After get all the average reading, the data has been compared with Permissible Exposure Limits which consist in Factories and Machinery Act and Regulation. Refer to Appendix A. 3.22 Illumination To get this data, illumination meter has been used to get illumination level. This equipment use lux as the unit. To use the equipment, it must be switched on and set the equipment to read data fiom fluorescent bulb. It gives minimum, maximum and average reading. Here, take three reading has been taken and get the average data. After a l the data collected, it has been compared with Extech Instrument l Standard. Refer to Appendix A. 3 2 3 Indoor Air Quality To fulfil this experiment, indoor air quality monitor equipment has been used. To use it, make sure it has been calibrate in the place with good air quality such as recreational forest. It can measure carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, humidity temperature and other gas or particle level in certain area. It gives minimum and maximum value for each reading. Refer to Appendix A.
  • 24. 3 3 OHSAS 18000 COURSE This certificate is to recognize a company afford to follow the rules and which contain in OHSAS 18000 needs. All the company which want this certificate, they need to apply from SIRIM or other body. They must follow all the procedures that contained in it terms and conditions. All the workers must attend OHSAS training which conducted by outside consultant or by certified safety officer. This is one of the terms that they must obey. In OHSAS 18000 there are many aspects that they need to follow. The company need to identifjr the entire hazard in their compound and hazard source. The entire hazard area must be labelled with special signage. They also need to occupy they plant with accident report form. This is to record all the accident which been occurred in the plant. In this course, there are some explanations that relate to this research. It talks about sound level, illumination and indoor air quality which need to be obeyed by the company which want the certificate. 3.4 Limitation There is a limitation that which been faced during conducting these experiments. First of all, to collect data, the data before machine starting operations is needed. This is to seek the situation or condition without operation and to detect any out source. For example, the sound level of the machine before and during operation is different. Before operation, the sound is may be low, but the sound of the surrounding is needed to check whether it contributes to the increasing of sound level. Here the difficulty to get data without machines operate is impossible because the production is continuous 24 hours a day.
  • 25. CHAPTER 4 DATA COLLECTION 4.1 Setting up Data Collection To set up data collection, first, review of the factory must be considered. In IPSB, there are 17 lines with variety of machine are existence. The machines that place in IPSB are press machine, roll forming machine, plasma welding, machine, metal saw cutting machine, bending machine, stretch bending machine, rotary bending machine, oil press machine, drilling machine, overhead crane and antirust machine. This factory has two companies and IPSB is selected. This is the border of the study. The equipments that will use are sound level meter, illumination meter and indoor air quality monitor. Thls company is chosen due to product that it produce which is more complex with use of many heavy machines and more danger. 4.2 Table for Data Collection To collect all the data, three tables has been setup. These tables are used to collect reading for three experiments which are sound level, illumination level and indoor air quality. For these three tables they have column for lines, reading, maximum and minimum value and average. These tables consist of 17 production lines in IPSB.
  • 26. Each table will have three columns for reading at each line. Each line has three reading. Average value fio each line will be calculated by adding those three value and divide the total value with three. Below is the sample of the equation: Average = (reading1 + reading2 + reading 3 1 3 After getting all the average of each reading, the value will be compared with the standard data. Here, the status of each line will be recognized. Here the company can setup the countermeasure to overcome any problem for each line. Table which been constructed can be referred to Appendix A. After knowing the status of each line, the experiment will continue to identi@ the critical area and need to by modi@ due to OSHA need. Below are standards that will be used to compare al data. l Table 4.1: Standard for Sound Level (Factory And Machinery Act 1967) Duration sure Permi8 .aY (hour: