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Ensuring the
   Alignment of
             wit h
Learning Outcomes

   Working Smarter not Harder
        Dr. Michele Pinnock
From which angle are we viewing the
• Are your learning outcomes attainable?
• What are we valuing process or product?
• Are you compromising the validity and
  reliability of the assessment
• Is your expert knowledge; prior learning
  experience [when I was in College] syndrome;
  your knowledge of the standards and
  expectations of the real world all clouding
  your role as assessor?
• Students complain that they are being over-
• Students complain about not receiving
  meaningful feedback
• Teachers complain about the ‘ marking’; we
  continue to over-assess and overworked
Valuing vs Crediting
• What are you valuing and what is being
  credited by your course?
• Are we valuing high order thinking?
• We say we value completing assignments of
  time but do we credit such?
How valid are our assessments?
• Are we testing what we say we would test?
• Is our test mirroring the emphasis of our instruction?
• Are we asking enough questions to make informed
  judgments about student performance?
• Are we able to accurately predict future
  performance of our students accurately?

     What are we prepared to do about this
The Message from the Assessment
• Assessment sends clear messages to students
  regarding what is valued in a course.
• Students who perceive that the assessment will test
  memorization are more likely to adopt surface
  approach to learning (Scouller, 1998)

• Ensure that the message from assessment is in
  accordance with what is valued by the lecturer and
  the course.
Owning Intended Learning
• We must clearly communicate to our students
  the intended learning outcomes so they can
  own them and take responsibility for
  achieving them
• Students are rarely concerned about learning
  outcomes they are interested in what is being
  valued by the assessment.
• Assessment defines what students regard as
  important, how they spend their time and
  how they come to see themselves as students
  and then as graduates.
• Students take their cues from what is assessed
  rather than from what lecturers assert is
                            George Brown et al ,
How do we get students to learn what we
       intend for them to learn?
• Constructive Alignment is the answer.

Constructive Alignment
• This is a conscious effort to provide the
  learner with a clearly specified goal, a well
  designed learning activity or activities that are
  appropriate for the task, and well designed
  assessment criteria for giving feedback to the
Aligning learning outcomes, learning and
 teaching activities and the assessment.

                Adapted from Biggs(1999) p 27
Constructive Alignment
• Encourages clarity in the design of the
• Ensures that both students and teachers are
  cognizant of what is being valued and the
  weighting being ascribed to such
• Offers transparency in the links between
  learning and assessment.
• Encourages institutions to strive towards
  quality assurance and enhancement.
Think about Assessment at the beginning
         of the Learning Process
According to Biggs(1995) in aligned courses,
• objectives are usually clear, functioning at the
  high order level;
• teaching methods usually elicit from students
  those learning activities that are likely to
  achieve those objectives; and
• our assessment confirms that students are in
  fact learning what our objectives say they
  should learn (p.11)
Unaligned Course
        Teacher                              Student
- explain
- relate
- prove                                  "Dealing with the test"
- apply

                    - memorize
                    - describe
Aligned Course
             Teacher                      Student
- explain
- relate
- prove
- apply

                - explain
                - relate
                - prove
                - apply
Assessment influences Learning
• Assessment methods and requirements probably
  have a greater influence on how and what students
  learn than any other single factor (Boud,1995).
• How we go about assessing students can make
  significant impact on how well they achieve in their
• Poor assessment design will lead students to ascribe
  to behaviours that are counter-productive to
Steps Towards
            Constructive Alignment
Consider assessment at the beginning of the course
• Teachers need to be clear on attainment targets
   for their learners
• Understand, explore the assessment possibilities
   for measuring these targets and then selecting the
   most relevant
• Understand the process that will cause students to
   attain these targets
Designing Intended Learning Outcomes
• Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes
  (SOLO) Taxonomy helps to map levels of
  understanding that can be built into the
  intended learning outcomes and to create the
  assessment rubrics.
Valuing competences
         [ Competence := knowledge + capacity to act upon it ]
                    Have the student do something,
                    and then measure product and/or process

Objective !

To learn to:
  analyze systems for...
  explain cause/effects...
  prove properties of...
  compare methods of...

          'SOLO' = Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome
SOLO 5                           to generalize
         "extended abstract"
                                 to hypothesize
                                 to theorize

SOLO 4                          to relate
                                to compare
                                to analyze

SOLO 3                          to classify
                                to combine

                                to enumerate


SOLO 2                           to identify
         "uni-structural"        to do procedure
                                 to recite

SOLO 1    "pre-structural"      no understanding
                                irrelevant information
                                misses point
Graphic Illustration Legend

                                                  immediately relevant aspects – given!

                                                  related or hypothetical – not given!
                                                x irrellevant or inappropriate
                                                R student response

•   to theorize                                  x
                                                 x          R'
•   to generalize             extended
•   to hypothesize            abstract
•   to predict                                                                     SOLO 5
•   to analyze                                   x
•   to relate
                              relational                    R
•   to compare
•   to explain causes                                                              SOLO 4
•   to describe
•   to combine                                              R1
                             multi structural               R2                         R
•   to classify                                             R3

•   to perform algorithm                                                           SOLO 3
•   to do simple procedure
•   to define
                             uni structural                 R
•   to identify
•   to recite                                                                      SOLO 2
Designing Student Activities
• It is imperative that congruence exists
  between the
   – intended learning outcomes;
   – the learning activities and
   – the assessment task
• If we value level 2 & 3 of the SOLO - Surface
  Understanding will be attained
• Valuing level 4 & 5 will result in Deep
SOLO (verbs)
SOLO 5                       to theorize            to apply theory (to 'distant' problems)
                             to hypothesize         to put-into-perspective
     "extended abstract"     to generalize          to reflect
                             to critize             to judge
                             to predict             to discuss

SOLO 4                      to analyze                 to apply theory (to 'near' problems)
                            to argue                   to reason about (reach conclusion)
     "relational"           to relate                  to explain (cause-effect)
                            to compare                 to explain (similarities-differences)
                            to integrate               to explain (strengths-weaknesses)

SOLO 2+3                     to describe
                             to structure
                                                    to enumerate
                                                    to paraphrase
    "multi structural"       at collate             to do simple procedure
           &                 to combine             to define
    "uni structural"         to classify            to identify / name
                             to perform algorithm   to recite
Technical Quality of Assessment Items
• Cognitive complexity- learners engaged in ample
    range of intellectual activity
• Content Quality- questions should permit learners
    to demonstrate their understanding on matter
    deemed important by experts
•   Accurately reflect the emphasis placed on
    important aspects of instruction
•   Transfer and generalizability
•   Language appropriateness
•   Fairness
•   Reliability
Copied from

Recall          Objective test items such as fill-in-the-blank, matching, labeling, or
Recognize       multiple-choice questions that require students to:
Identify        •recall or recognize terms, facts, and concepts
Interpret       Activities such as papers, exams, problem sets, class discussions,
Exemplify       or concept maps that require students to:
Classify        •summarize readings, films, or speeches
Summarize       •compare and contrast two or more theories, events, or processes
Infer           •classify or categorize cases, elements, or events using established
Compare         criteria
Explain         •paraphrase documents or speeches
                •find or identify examples or illustrations of a concept or principle
Apply           Activities such as problem sets, performances, labs, prototyping,
Execute         or simulations that require students to:
Implement       •use procedures to solve or complete familiar or unfamiliar tasks
                •determine which procedure(s) are most appropriate for a given
Analyze              Activities such as case studies, critiques, labs, papers, projects,
Differentiate        debates, or concept maps that require students to:
Organize             •discriminate or select relevant and irrelevant parts
Attribute            •determine how elements function together
                     •determine bias, values, or underlying intent in presented material
Evaluate             Activities such as journals, diaries, critiques, problem sets,
Check                product reviews, or studies that require students to:
Critique             •test, monitor, judge, or critique readings, performances, or
Assess               products against established criteria or standards

Create               Activities such as research projects, musical compositions,
Generate             performances, essays, business plans, website designs, or set
Plan                 designs that require students to:
Produce              •make, build, design or generate something new
           This table does not list all possible examples of appropriate assessments. 
Authentic Assessment
• Authentic assessments require students to be
  effective performers with acquired knowledge.
• Traditional tests tend to reveal only whether the
  student can recognize, recall or "plug in" what was
  learned most times out of context.
• Authentic assessments present the student with the
  full array of tasks that mirror the priorities and
  challenges found in reality.
Assessing Learning in the Information Era
• With this information age – students need to learn
  how not just to access, but evaluate and use
  appropriate information to solve real
• Let’s get them to make value judgments about the
  validity and reliability of the information
• Remember that student learning does not just
  depend on what we teach
• Spend more time and resources on assessment-
"The Learning Pyramid"
                           passive                                                             retention rate

                                     Lecture                                                               5%

                                     Reading                                                             10%
              ga of l
            en leve

                                Audiovisual                                                              20%

                              Demonstration                                                              30%

                             Discussion group                                                            50%

                             Practice by doing                                                           75%

student                       Teaching others                                                            80%
                                                 [Kilde: NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Bethel, Maine]
Biggs (2003) Concept Map showing relationships within the Curriculum Design Process.
• Incidental learning outcomes need to be
  identified and if of value incorporated as
  intended learning outcomes for the next
  course offering
• Constructive alignment cannot be achieved or
  maintained in an institutional system that
  does not allow frequent review and
  modification by teachers
Putting it all Together
There are four stages in a constructively aligned curriculum
  (Biggs & Tang, 2007, pp. 54-55).

1. Describe the intended learning outcomes in the form of a
   verb (learning activity), its object (the content), and specify
   the context and a standard the students are to attain.
2. Create a learning environment using teaching/learning
   activities that address that verb and therefore are likely to
   bring about the intended outcomes.
3. Use assessment tasks that also contain that verb, thus
   enabling you to judge with the help of rubrics if and how well
   students’ performances meet the criteria.
4. Transform these judgments into standard grading criteria.
Examine carefully
                       Goals/ Rationale
                         of your course

                          the goals into
                        learning outcomes

Choose carefully the                        Choose carefully the
    Assessment                               forms of teaching
   That measures                               That focus on
  these Outcomes                              these outcomes
Do we possess a vision of Evaluation
Unless the purpose is perceived to be significant, the
  procedures are clearly understood, and the results
  are perceived to be useful and relevant, the
  individuals whose performances are being assessed
  will not do their best and will not facilitate the
  assessment process.
Learners can resist even high stake test if they are
  deemed meaningless and unmanageable.
• Achieves specific goals or purposes that are
  significant to all especially students
• Clear procedure, criteria, rubrics that are
  understood by ALL stakeholders
• Produce results that provide clear directions
  for improved learning and instruction
Manageable Assessment
Describes assessment that provides useful
  information on performance given time and
  other resources.
• Planning and organizing the assessment
• Collecting / analyzing assessment data
• Recording and communicating the results of
  the assessment to stakeholders
Aligning Coursework
• Coursework as grades or part of the learning
• Are we engaged in formative assessment?
Proportions of Formative Assessment in

    No        Token    Moderate   Near-Total
 Formative  Formative  Formative  Formative
assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment

      Class Activities      Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
• Ongoing
• Aids learning
   – Teachers feed information back to students in ways that
     enable the student to learn better, or
   – Students can engage in a similar, self-reflective process.
• Helps students understand the rules of the game
• Helps in the continuous monitoring of the quality of
  the work as both students and teacher strive
  towards attaining desired learning outcomes
Formative Assessment
• Aids instruction – using evidence of student’s
  mastery status to make adjustments to
  instruction if the evidence suggests these
  adjustments are warranted
Formative assessment make teachers
  teach better and learners learn better

Formative assessment represents
  evidence-based instructional decision
Steps for Establishing Formative Assessment
        That Solicits Classroom Climate Shifts

1.    Distribute classroom climate guidelines
2.    Seek trust constantly and nurture it seriously
3.    Model and reinforce appropriate conduct
4.    Solicit students’ advice on classroom climate
5.    Assess students’ relevant affective status
Concerns/ Dissonance
• Formative assessment though it elicits deeper
  understanding among learners it will not
  necessarily improve student’s scores on the
  standardized examinations
How well do teachers manage
            assessment ?
• Many assessment procedures are labour
  intensive and time consuming on the part of
• Teachers spend 15 -20 minutes outside of
  school grading essay assignments.
                            Swain & Swain (1999)
The accuracy of a test to test what it is suppose
  to test.
• Number of items
• The types of items
• The time allotted for the completion of the
• Quality of task instructions
• The weighing of each assessment in relation
  to the course objective and the course in its
This speaks to the consistency of the assessment
   in determining student performance.
If assessment is not reliable then decisions made
   based on such will lead to problems.
Issues associated with some
      frequently used test formats
• Deciding on group members
• Assessing the input of each members
     process vs. product
• Assessing whether all members possess the
  knowledge/ skill/ attitude being examined
Formative assessment aids learning by generating
  feedback information that is of benefit to students
  and to teachers.
Feedback on performance, in class or on assignments,
  enables students
• to restructure their understanding /skills and
• build more powerful ideas and capabilities.
Conditions necessary for students
    to benefit from feedback
According to Sadler (1989):
a) possess a concept of the goal/standard or reference
   level being aimed for
b) compare the actual (or current) level of performance
   with that goal or standard
c) engage in appropriate action which leads to some
   closure of the gap
Issues with Feedback
• Students not clear on learning outcomes
• Students not sure what standards/
  expectations look like
• Students not sure about what is actually
  necessary to help students close the gap.
Example of a comment -‘this essay is not
  sufficiently analytical’)
Good feedback practice:
1. Facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning.
2. Encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning.
3. Helps clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, expected
4. Provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired
5. Delivers high quality information to students about their learning.
6. Encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem .
7. Provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the
FEEDBACK now Feed-forward
• Feedback is the most significant factor in student
• For feedback to be effective students must be able to
  apply the comments they receive to improve their
  chances of success with the following assessment
• High level of feedback results in high quality student
  outcomes and so expectations are achieved
• Comparing students is not of importance
  because our objectives/ criterion are written
  in terms of individual mastery of a course
• Forms of feedback- checklists/ rubrics/ codes/
  regular conferencing
• How can we get students to read the feedback
  and do something with it, react to it, respond
  to it, use it as a feed-forward – something that
  will make the next assignment better.
• We need to design ways of giving feedback
  much faster, maybe emailing
  Checklists     Rating Scales    Rubrics

• Tools used to measure performance on
Rubrics are a scoring scale consisting of
 a set of criteria that describe what expectations are
  being assessed/evaluated and
 descriptions of levels of quality used to evaluate
  students work or to guide students to desired
  performance levels.
• Communicate expectations and aid instruction
• Indicates quality and quantity of student
• Should be given with the assessment task
• allow students the ability to assess their own
Sample of a Maths Rubric
           4                       3                       2                       1

Demonstrates a
                          Demonstrates an        Demonstrates a          Demonstrates little
                          understanding of       partial understanding   understanding of the
understanding of the
                          the main concepts.     of the main concepts.   main concepts.
main concepts.
Very capably and          Performs               With some               Uses and performs
independently selects     algorithms             assistance, performs    simple algorithms
the most efficient        accurately and is      algorithms with some    with some accuracy
algorithm and             usually accurate.      accuracy present.       present. Assistance
solutions are accurate.                                                  is usually required.
Independently applies     Applies the steps of   Some effectiveness      Often forgets the
the steps required with   a problem and is       is evident when         steps in a problem,
a very high degree of     usually accurate.      following and           some accuracy noted
accuracy.                                        applying the steps of   some of the time.
                                                 a problem.
Thorough analysis of      Analysis of the        Analyzes the problem    Very little evidence of
the problem with          problem is evident,    with some success,      analysis. Some
accurate solutions.       considerable           accuracy needs to       educated guesses.
                          accuracy.              improve.                Accuracy is weak.
Assessment Instruments
List of


Written Papers

                        present   Comment
Give encouragement X
Respect others          √
Stays on task           X
Uses quiet voice                  Was sick
Participates actively   X
Stays in group          √
Using examples of assessment strategies
  differentiate between
• Traditional vs Alternative Assessment
• Paper & pencil vs performance Assessment
• Objective vs Subjective
• Process vs Product
• Authentic Assessment
Selecting Assessment Strategies
• Ensure that the strategy does mirror the objectives
• Are competencies and skills being adequately
• At the tertiary level we rely heavily on three main
  assessment strategies – class presentations, essays
  and examination. Recently group work has been
  added to the list
Alternate Assessment
• Portfolios where a complexity of meaningful tasks
  geared towards enhancing learning are included.
  Please note that for portfolios assessment is the
  secondary purpose
• Simulations;
• Work experience
• Projects – Product? Process? Or both product and
• Debates
• Displays
• Concern – external examiners – need to
  validate grades and thus need proof of

• design your assessment framework prior
  to the course; videotape; and even invite
  them to play a passive role while you
Designing Assessments that
       Capture Student Interest and
             Promote Learning
•   Using the Document Camera
•   Discussion Board
•   Weblogs
•   Chatrooms
•   Making movies/digital stories
•   Podcasts
Consider all the factors prior to…
• Emailing of assignments- implications- who
  will print; format etc
• Digital form of assignment – copy and paste
• Availability of resources/ materials
• Guarding against plagiarism
Enhancing Reliability ..
• Frequency and duration of assignments
• More assessment tasks lead to increase in reliability
  – greater consistency
• More and thus shorter assessment items – students
  will get more guidance on their performance which
  often leads to less anxiety HOWEVER In the real world
  students will have to face problems that are
  multifaceted and so the assessment would not be
  accurately measuring their ability to solve such
• Sometimes in a bid to ensuring reliability validity is
• Using more than one scorer increases reliability
• Defining marking scheme
Good Assessment Principles
• Use a range of assessment tasks to ensure balance of
  coverage and depth
• Validity achieved when assessment items measure
  the kind of knowledge desired – Relevance
• Emphasis of instruction is in tandem with the
  emphasis of assessment - Balance
• Assessment tasks are pitched at the levels outlined in
  the learning outcomes
Evaluation as a Tool for
      Empowering our Students
• Ensure that all students have an equal
  opportunity to achieve to the best of their
  – Consider the Learner - Test Anxiety; workload
  – Assessment of, as and for Learning
Integrating Assessment
• Look at the assessment
• How do assessment pieces relate to other pieces
  over the semester
• Are students being asked to do a similar piece of
  work in another course – integration within
  disciplines (departments) and with other disciplines
• Look at the weightings
• Who will be marking – set your schedule
• What type of feedback will be given and when
Managing the measures
• Using excel
Online Assessment

Moving Forward…
• Constructive alignment cannot be achieved or
  maintained f we are not actively engaged in
  systematic and frequent reviews and modification of
  course and programme offerings
• We need to ensure that we use a modest number of
  extraordinarily important curricular aims
• We must be committed to analyzing and compiling
  reports for each outcome / course
• Let’s stop marking
• Let’s move towards ensuring that there is a
  seamless transition between assessment and
• Ensure that assessment is a meaningfully
  integrated into the learning process
• Let’s ensure that opportunities for meaningful
  and timely feedback is intertwined with
Let’s Work Smarter not Harder
• I thank you
• Biggs, J. (1999). Teaching for Quality Learning at University,
  (SRHE and Open University Press, Buckingham)
• Biggs, J. (2003). Aligning Teaching and Assessment to
  Curriculum Objectives, (Imaginative Curriculum Project, LTSN
  Generic Centre)
• Biggs, J and Tang C. (2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at
  University, (McGraw-Hill and Open University Press,
• Sadler, D. (1989) Formative assessment and the design of
  instructional systems Instructional Science 18, 119-144.
Aligning Intended Learning Outcomes, Teaching, and Assessment Tasks

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Similaire à Tcj ensuring the alignment of assessment with learning outcomes

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Tcj ensuring the alignment of assessment with learning outcomes

  • 1. Ensuring the Alignment of Assessment wit h Learning Outcomes Working Smarter not Harder Dr. Michele Pinnock
  • 2.
  • 3. From which angle are we viewing the outcome? • Are your learning outcomes attainable? • What are we valuing process or product? • Are you compromising the validity and reliability of the assessment • Is your expert knowledge; prior learning experience [when I was in College] syndrome; your knowledge of the standards and expectations of the real world all clouding your role as assessor?
  • 4. CONCERNS • Students complain that they are being over- assessed • Students complain about not receiving meaningful feedback • Teachers complain about the ‘ marking’; we continue to over-assess and overworked ourselves
  • 5. Valuing vs Crediting • What are you valuing and what is being credited by your course? • Are we valuing high order thinking? • We say we value completing assignments of time but do we credit such?
  • 6. How valid are our assessments? • Are we testing what we say we would test? • Is our test mirroring the emphasis of our instruction? • Are we asking enough questions to make informed judgments about student performance? • Are we able to accurately predict future performance of our students accurately? What are we prepared to do about this situation?
  • 7. The Message from the Assessment • Assessment sends clear messages to students regarding what is valued in a course. • Students who perceive that the assessment will test memorization are more likely to adopt surface approach to learning (Scouller, 1998) • Ensure that the message from assessment is in accordance with what is valued by the lecturer and the course.
  • 8. Owning Intended Learning Outcomes • We must clearly communicate to our students the intended learning outcomes so they can own them and take responsibility for achieving them • Students are rarely concerned about learning outcomes they are interested in what is being valued by the assessment.
  • 9. • Assessment defines what students regard as important, how they spend their time and how they come to see themselves as students and then as graduates. • Students take their cues from what is assessed rather than from what lecturers assert is important George Brown et al ,
  • 10. How do we get students to learn what we intend for them to learn? • Constructive Alignment is the answer. ?
  • 11. Constructive Alignment • This is a conscious effort to provide the learner with a clearly specified goal, a well designed learning activity or activities that are appropriate for the task, and well designed assessment criteria for giving feedback to the learner.
  • 12. Aligning learning outcomes, learning and teaching activities and the assessment. Adapted from Biggs(1999) p 27
  • 13. Constructive Alignment • Encourages clarity in the design of the curriculum, • Ensures that both students and teachers are cognizant of what is being valued and the weighting being ascribed to such • Offers transparency in the links between learning and assessment. • Encourages institutions to strive towards quality assurance and enhancement.
  • 14. Think about Assessment at the beginning of the Learning Process According to Biggs(1995) in aligned courses, • objectives are usually clear, functioning at the high order level; • teaching methods usually elicit from students those learning activities that are likely to achieve those objectives; and • our assessment confirms that students are in fact learning what our objectives say they should learn (p.11)
  • 15. Unaligned Course Teacher Student Intentions Activity e.g. - explain - relate - prove "Dealing with the test" - apply Exam Assessment e.g. - memorize - describe
  • 16. Aligned Course Teacher Student Intentions Activity e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply Exam e.g. Assessment - explain - relate - prove - apply
  • 17. Assessment influences Learning • Assessment methods and requirements probably have a greater influence on how and what students learn than any other single factor (Boud,1995). • How we go about assessing students can make significant impact on how well they achieve in their studies • Poor assessment design will lead students to ascribe to behaviours that are counter-productive to learning
  • 18. Steps Towards Constructive Alignment Consider assessment at the beginning of the course • Teachers need to be clear on attainment targets for their learners • Understand, explore the assessment possibilities for measuring these targets and then selecting the most relevant • Understand the process that will cause students to attain these targets
  • 19. Designing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) • Bloom’s Taxonomy • Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) Taxonomy helps to map levels of understanding that can be built into the intended learning outcomes and to create the assessment rubrics.
  • 20. Valuing competences [ Competence := knowledge + capacity to act upon it ] Have the student do something, and then measure product and/or process Objective ! To learn to: analyze systems for... explain cause/effects... prove properties of...  compare methods of... ... 'SOLO' = Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome
  • 21. 'SOLO' SOLO 5  to generalize "extended abstract"  to hypothesize  to theorize (qualitative levels) depth SOLO 4  to relate "relational"  to compare  to analyze SOLO 3  to classify "multi-structural"  to combine (quantitative  to enumerate surface levels) SOLO 2  to identify "uni-structural"  to do procedure  to recite SOLO 1 "pre-structural"  no understanding  irrelevant information  misses point
  • 22. Graphic Illustration Legend immediately relevant aspects – given! SOLO related or hypothetical – not given! x irrellevant or inappropriate R student response • to theorize x x R' • to generalize extended R • to hypothesize abstract R'' • to predict SOLO 5 • to analyze x x • to relate relational R • to compare • to explain causes SOLO 4 • to describe • to combine R1 multi structural R2 R • to classify R3 • to perform algorithm SOLO 3 • to do simple procedure • to define uni structural R • to identify • to recite SOLO 2 X R
  • 23. Designing Student Activities • It is imperative that congruence exists between the – intended learning outcomes; – the learning activities and – the assessment task • If we value level 2 & 3 of the SOLO - Surface Understanding will be attained • Valuing level 4 & 5 will result in Deep Understanding
  • 24. SOLO (verbs) SOLO 5 to theorize to apply theory (to 'distant' problems) to hypothesize to put-into-perspective "extended abstract" to generalize to reflect to critize to judge to predict to discuss SOLO 4 to analyze to apply theory (to 'near' problems) to argue to reason about (reach conclusion) "relational" to relate to explain (cause-effect) to compare to explain (similarities-differences) to integrate to explain (strengths-weaknesses) SOLO 2+3 to describe to structure to enumerate to paraphrase "multi structural" at collate to do simple procedure & to combine to define "uni structural" to classify to identify / name to perform algorithm to recite
  • 25. Technical Quality of Assessment Items • Cognitive complexity- learners engaged in ample range of intellectual activity • Content Quality- questions should permit learners to demonstrate their understanding on matter deemed important by experts • Accurately reflect the emphasis placed on important aspects of instruction • Transfer and generalizability • Language appropriateness • Fairness • Reliability
  • 26. Copied from TYPE OF LEARNING OBJECTIVE EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENTS Recall Objective test items such as fill-in-the-blank, matching, labeling, or Recognize multiple-choice questions that require students to: Identify •recall or recognize terms, facts, and concepts Interpret Activities such as papers, exams, problem sets, class discussions, Exemplify or concept maps that require students to: Classify •summarize readings, films, or speeches Summarize •compare and contrast two or more theories, events, or processes Infer •classify or categorize cases, elements, or events using established Compare criteria Explain •paraphrase documents or speeches •find or identify examples or illustrations of a concept or principle Apply Activities such as problem sets, performances, labs, prototyping, Execute or simulations that require students to: Implement •use procedures to solve or complete familiar or unfamiliar tasks •determine which procedure(s) are most appropriate for a given task
  • 27. TYPE OF LEARNING OBJECTIVE EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENTS Analyze Activities such as case studies, critiques, labs, papers, projects, Differentiate debates, or concept maps that require students to: Organize •discriminate or select relevant and irrelevant parts Attribute •determine how elements function together •determine bias, values, or underlying intent in presented material Evaluate Activities such as journals, diaries, critiques, problem sets, Check product reviews, or studies that require students to: Critique •test, monitor, judge, or critique readings, performances, or Assess products against established criteria or standards Create Activities such as research projects, musical compositions, Generate performances, essays, business plans, website designs, or set Plan designs that require students to: Produce •make, build, design or generate something new Design This table does not list all possible examples of appropriate assessments. 
  • 28. Authentic Assessment • Authentic assessments require students to be effective performers with acquired knowledge. • Traditional tests tend to reveal only whether the student can recognize, recall or "plug in" what was learned most times out of context. • Authentic assessments present the student with the full array of tasks that mirror the priorities and challenges found in reality.
  • 29. Assessing Learning in the Information Era • With this information age – students need to learn how not just to access, but evaluate and use appropriate information to solve real problems/issues • Let’s get them to make value judgments about the validity and reliability of the information • Remember that student learning does not just depend on what we teach • Spend more time and resources on assessment-
  • 30. "The Learning Pyramid" Average passive retention rate Lecture 5% Reading 10% nt ga of l me en leve Audiovisual 20% ge Demonstration 30% Discussion group 50% Practice by doing 75% active student Teaching others 80% [Kilde: NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Bethel, Maine]
  • 31. Biggs (2003) Concept Map showing relationships within the Curriculum Design Process.
  • 32. Concerns • Incidental learning outcomes need to be identified and if of value incorporated as intended learning outcomes for the next course offering • Constructive alignment cannot be achieved or maintained in an institutional system that does not allow frequent review and modification by teachers
  • 33. Putting it all Together There are four stages in a constructively aligned curriculum (Biggs & Tang, 2007, pp. 54-55). 1. Describe the intended learning outcomes in the form of a verb (learning activity), its object (the content), and specify the context and a standard the students are to attain. 2. Create a learning environment using teaching/learning activities that address that verb and therefore are likely to bring about the intended outcomes. 3. Use assessment tasks that also contain that verb, thus enabling you to judge with the help of rubrics if and how well students’ performances meet the criteria. 4. Transform these judgments into standard grading criteria.
  • 34. Examine carefully Goals/ Rationale of your course Operationalize the goals into intended learning outcomes (ILO) Choose carefully the Choose carefully the Assessment forms of teaching That measures That focus on these Outcomes these outcomes
  • 35. Do we possess a vision of Evaluation Unless the purpose is perceived to be significant, the procedures are clearly understood, and the results are perceived to be useful and relevant, the individuals whose performances are being assessed will not do their best and will not facilitate the assessment process. Learners can resist even high stake test if they are deemed meaningless and unmanageable.
  • 36. MEANINGFUL ASSESSMENT • Achieves specific goals or purposes that are significant to all especially students • Clear procedure, criteria, rubrics that are understood by ALL stakeholders • Produce results that provide clear directions for improved learning and instruction
  • 37. Manageable Assessment Describes assessment that provides useful information on performance given time and other resources. • Planning and organizing the assessment • Collecting / analyzing assessment data • Recording and communicating the results of the assessment to stakeholders
  • 38. Aligning Coursework • Coursework as grades or part of the learning process? • Are we engaged in formative assessment?
  • 39. Proportions of Formative Assessment in Classrooms No Token Moderate Near-Total Formative Formative Formative Formative assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Class Activities Formative Assessment
  • 40. Formative Assessment • Ongoing • Aids learning – Teachers feed information back to students in ways that enable the student to learn better, or – Students can engage in a similar, self-reflective process. • Helps students understand the rules of the game • Helps in the continuous monitoring of the quality of the work as both students and teacher strive towards attaining desired learning outcomes
  • 41. Formative Assessment • Aids instruction – using evidence of student’s mastery status to make adjustments to instruction if the evidence suggests these adjustments are warranted
  • 42. Formative assessment make teachers teach better and learners learn better Formative assessment represents evidence-based instructional decision making
  • 43. Steps for Establishing Formative Assessment That Solicits Classroom Climate Shifts 1. Distribute classroom climate guidelines 2. Seek trust constantly and nurture it seriously 3. Model and reinforce appropriate conduct 4. Solicit students’ advice on classroom climate 5. Assess students’ relevant affective status
  • 44. Concerns/ Dissonance • Formative assessment though it elicits deeper understanding among learners it will not necessarily improve student’s scores on the standardized examinations
  • 45. How well do teachers manage assessment ? • Many assessment procedures are labour intensive and time consuming on the part of teachers • Teachers spend 15 -20 minutes outside of school grading essay assignments. Swain & Swain (1999)
  • 46. VALIDITY The accuracy of a test to test what it is suppose to test. • Number of items • The types of items • The time allotted for the completion of the assessment • Quality of task instructions • The weighing of each assessment in relation to the course objective and the course in its entirety
  • 47. RELIABILITY This speaks to the consistency of the assessment in determining student performance. If assessment is not reliable then decisions made based on such will lead to problems.
  • 48. Issues associated with some frequently used test formats GROUP ASSESSMENT • Deciding on group members • Assessing the input of each members process vs. product • Assessing whether all members possess the knowledge/ skill/ attitude being examined
  • 49. Formative assessment aids learning by generating feedback information that is of benefit to students and to teachers. Feedback on performance, in class or on assignments, enables students • to restructure their understanding /skills and • build more powerful ideas and capabilities.
  • 50. Conditions necessary for students to benefit from feedback According to Sadler (1989): a) possess a concept of the goal/standard or reference level being aimed for b) compare the actual (or current) level of performance with that goal or standard c) engage in appropriate action which leads to some closure of the gap
  • 51. Issues with Feedback • Students not clear on learning outcomes • Students not sure what standards/ expectations look like • Students not sure about what is actually necessary to help students close the gap. Example of a comment -‘this essay is not sufficiently analytical’)
  • 52.
  • 53. Good feedback practice: 1. Facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning. 2. Encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning. 3. Helps clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, expected standards). 4. Provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance. 5. Delivers high quality information to students about their learning. 6. Encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem . 7. Provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the teaching.
  • 54. FEEDBACK now Feed-forward • Feedback is the most significant factor in student progress • For feedback to be effective students must be able to apply the comments they receive to improve their chances of success with the following assessment • High level of feedback results in high quality student outcomes and so expectations are achieved
  • 55. Feedback • Comparing students is not of importance because our objectives/ criterion are written in terms of individual mastery of a course • Forms of feedback- checklists/ rubrics/ codes/ regular conferencing
  • 56. feedback • How can we get students to read the feedback and do something with it, react to it, respond to it, use it as a feed-forward – something that will make the next assignment better. • We need to design ways of giving feedback much faster, maybe emailing
  • 57. ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Checklists Rating Scales Rubrics • Tools used to measure performance on assessments.
  • 58. RUBRICS Rubrics are a scoring scale consisting of  a set of criteria that describe what expectations are being assessed/evaluated and  descriptions of levels of quality used to evaluate students work or to guide students to desired performance levels.
  • 59. Rubrics • Communicate expectations and aid instruction • Indicates quality and quantity of student learning • Should be given with the assessment task • allow students the ability to assess their own work
  • 60. Sample of a Maths Rubric 4 3 2 1 Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates little thorough understanding of partial understanding understanding of the understanding of the the main concepts. of the main concepts. main concepts. main concepts. Very capably and Performs With some Uses and performs independently selects algorithms assistance, performs simple algorithms the most efficient accurately and is algorithms with some with some accuracy algorithm and usually accurate. accuracy present. present. Assistance solutions are accurate. is usually required. Independently applies Applies the steps of Some effectiveness Often forgets the the steps required with a problem and is is evident when steps in a problem, a very high degree of usually accurate. following and some accuracy noted accuracy. applying the steps of some of the time. a problem. Thorough analysis of Analysis of the Analyzes the problem Very little evidence of the problem with problem is evident, with some success, analysis. Some accurate solutions. considerable accuracy needs to educated guesses. accuracy. improve. Accuracy is weak.
  • 61. Assessment Instruments List of A s som/s e s s samplerubrics.htm m e n t t o o l s Written Papers
  • 62. CHECKLIST present Comment Give encouragement X Respect others √ Stays on task X Uses quiet voice Was sick Participates actively X Stays in group √
  • 63. Activity Using examples of assessment strategies differentiate between • Traditional vs Alternative Assessment • Paper & pencil vs performance Assessment • Objective vs Subjective • Process vs Product • Authentic Assessment
  • 64. Selecting Assessment Strategies • Ensure that the strategy does mirror the objectives • Are competencies and skills being adequately measured? • At the tertiary level we rely heavily on three main assessment strategies – class presentations, essays and examination. Recently group work has been added to the list
  • 65. Alternate Assessment • Portfolios where a complexity of meaningful tasks geared towards enhancing learning are included. Please note that for portfolios assessment is the secondary purpose • Simulations; • Work experience • Projects – Product? Process? Or both product and process • Debates • Displays
  • 66. • Concern – external examiners – need to validate grades and thus need proof of assessment. Answer • design your assessment framework prior to the course; videotape; and even invite them to play a passive role while you assess
  • 67. Designing Assessments that Capture Student Interest and Promote Learning • Using the Document Camera • Discussion Board • Weblogs • Chatrooms • Making movies/digital stories • Podcasts
  • 68. Consider all the factors prior to… • Emailing of assignments- implications- who will print; format etc • Digital form of assignment – copy and paste etc • Availability of resources/ materials • Guarding against plagiarism
  • 69. Enhancing Reliability .. • Frequency and duration of assignments • More assessment tasks lead to increase in reliability – greater consistency • More and thus shorter assessment items – students will get more guidance on their performance which often leads to less anxiety HOWEVER In the real world students will have to face problems that are multifaceted and so the assessment would not be accurately measuring their ability to solve such problems • Sometimes in a bid to ensuring reliability validity is sacrificed • Using more than one scorer increases reliability • Defining marking scheme
  • 70. Good Assessment Principles • Use a range of assessment tasks to ensure balance of coverage and depth • Validity achieved when assessment items measure the kind of knowledge desired – Relevance • Emphasis of instruction is in tandem with the emphasis of assessment - Balance • Assessment tasks are pitched at the levels outlined in the learning outcomes
  • 71. Evaluation as a Tool for Empowering our Students • Ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability – Consider the Learner - Test Anxiety; workload – Assessment of, as and for Learning
  • 72. Integrating Assessment • Look at the assessment • How do assessment pieces relate to other pieces over the semester • Are students being asked to do a similar piece of work in another course – integration within disciplines (departments) and with other disciplines (departments) • Look at the weightings • Who will be marking – set your schedule • What type of feedback will be given and when
  • 74. Online Assessment • • _mgr_ov.jsp? pl=cm&cl=cm_ov&qsts=1345707814404
  • 75. Moving Forward… • Constructive alignment cannot be achieved or maintained f we are not actively engaged in systematic and frequent reviews and modification of course and programme offerings • We need to ensure that we use a modest number of extraordinarily important curricular aims • We must be committed to analyzing and compiling reports for each outcome / course
  • 76. Conclusion • Let’s stop marking • Let’s move towards ensuring that there is a seamless transition between assessment and learning • Ensure that assessment is a meaningfully integrated into the learning process • Let’s ensure that opportunities for meaningful and timely feedback is intertwined with instruction
  • 77. Let’s Work Smarter not Harder • I thank you
  • 78. References • Biggs, J. (1999). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, (SRHE and Open University Press, Buckingham) • Biggs, J. (2003). Aligning Teaching and Assessment to Curriculum Objectives, (Imaginative Curriculum Project, LTSN Generic Centre) • Biggs, J and Tang C. (2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, (McGraw-Hill and Open University Press, Maidenhead) • Sadler, D. (1989) Formative assessment and the design of instructional systems Instructional Science 18, 119-144.
  • 79. Aligning Intended Learning Outcomes, Teaching, and Assessment Tasks