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Groovy/Grails DevJam
Act I
“When you program in Groovy, in many ways
 you’re writing a special kind of Java.”

                               -Dierk König
                            Groovy in Action
hugobook:groovy mjhugo$ groovyc
usage: groovyc [options] <source-files>
    --encoding <encoding>   Specify the encoding of the user class files.
 -F <flag>
 -J <property=value>
 -d                         Specify where to place generated class files.
 -e,--exception             Print stack trace on error.
 -h,--help                  Print a synopsis of standard options.
 -j,--jointCompilation      Attach javac compiler to compile .java files.
 -v,--version               Print the version.

getters and setters
1    package;
3    public class SimpleBook {
4        private String title;
5        private String authorName;
7        public String getTitle() {
8            return title;
9        }
11       public void setTitle(String title) {
12           this.title = title;
13       }
15       public String getAuthorName() {
16           return authorName;
17       }
19       public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
20           this.authorName = authorName;
21       }
22   }
1   package com.piragua.groovy
3   class SimpleBook {
4       String title
5       String authorName
6   }
javap -private SimpleBook

Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot;
public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... {

    private java.lang.String title;
    private java.lang.String author;

    public java.lang.String getTitle();
    public void setTitle(java.lang.String);

    public java.lang.String getAuthor();
    public void setAuthor(java.lang.String);


javap -private SimpleBook

Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot;
public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... {

    private java.lang.String title;
    private java.lang.String author;

    public java.lang.String getTitle();
    public void setTitle(java.lang.String);

    public java.lang.String getAuthor();
    public void setAuthor(java.lang.String);


1    package;                                                                     1    package com.piragua.groovy
2                                                                                                  2
3    import java.util.Date;                                                                        3    class Book {
4    import java.util.List;                                                                        4        String title
5                                                                                                  5        String authorName
6    public class Book {                                                                           6        Integer numberOfPages
7        private String title;                                                                     7        String subTitle
8        private String authorName;                                                                8        List chapters
9        private Integer numberOfPages;                                                            9        Date publishDate
10       private String subTitle;                                                                  10       String publisher
11       private List<Chapter> chapters;                                                           11
12       private Date publishDate;                                                                 12       String toString() {
13       private String publisher;                                                                 13           title?.toUpperCase()
14                                                                                                 14       }
15       public String getPublisher() {                                                            15
16           return publisher;                                                                     16       String displayString() {
17       }                                                                                         17           quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;
18                                                                                                 18       }
19       public void setPublisher(String publisher) {                                              19
20           this.publisher = publisher;                                                           20       Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) {
21       }                                                                                         21           // finding the first item that matches criteria
22                                                                                                 22           chapters?.find({it?.title == title})
23       public Date getPublishDate() {                                                            23       }
24           return publishDate;                                                                   24   }
25       }
27       public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) {
28           this.publishDate = publishDate;
29       }
31       public List getChapters() {
32           return chapters;
33       }
35       public void setChapters(List chapters) {
36           this.chapters = chapters;
37       }
39       public String getTitle() {
40           return title;
41       }
43       public void setTitle(String title) {
44           this.title = title;
45       }
47       public String getAuthorName() {
48           return authorName;
49       }
51       public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
52           this.authorName = authorName;
53       }
55       public Integer getNumberOfPages() {
56           return numberOfPages;
57       }
59       public void setNumberOfPages(Integer numberOfPages) {
60           this.numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
61       }
63       public String getSubTitle() {
64           return subTitle;
65       }
67       public void setSubTitle(String subTitle) {
68           this.subTitle = subTitle;
69       }
71       public String toString() {
72           String upperCaseTitle = null;
73           if (title != null) {
74               upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase();
75           }
76           return upperCaseTitle;
77       }
79       public String displayString() {
80           return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;
81       }
83       public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
84           Chapter foundChapter = null;
86           if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
87               for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
88                   if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
89                           chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
90                       foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
91                       break;
92                   }
93               }
94           }
95           return foundChapter;
96       }
97   }
constructor convenience
1    package;
3    import junit.framework.TestCase;
5    import java.util.ArrayList;
6    import java.util.Date;
8    public class BookTest extends TestCase {
9        Book book;
10       Chapter chapter;
12      public void setUp() {
13          book = new Book();
14          book.setNumberOfPages(300);
15          book.setAuthorName(quot;Mike Hugoquot;);
16          book.setTitle(quot;Groovy Jamquot;);
17          book.setSubTitle(quot;Jamminquot;);
18          book.setPublisher(quot;Piragua Pressquot;);
19          book.setPublishDate(new Date());
20      }
1    package com.piragua.groovy
3    public class BookTest extends GroovyTestCase {
4        Book book
5        Chapter grails, groovy, why
7       void setUp() {
8         book = new Book(title: quot;Groovy Jamquot;, subTitle:quot;Jamminquot;,
9            authorName: quot;Mike Hugoquot;, numberOfPages: 300,
10           publishDate:new Date(), publisher: quot;Piragua Pressquot;)
11      }
null safe dereferencing
32   public String toString() {
33       String upperCaseTitle = null;
34       if (title != null){
35           upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase();
36       }
37       return upperCaseTitle;
38   }
String toString(){
// more complex
String toString(){
groovy strings
// Java Example

public String displayString() {
    return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; +
        authorName + quot;, (quot; +
        numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;
// Java Example

public String displayString() {
    return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; +
        authorName + quot;, (quot; +
        numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;
String displayString() {
    quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;
String multiLineDisplayString() {

by ${authorName}
(${numberOfPages} pages)quot;quot;quot;

11 private List<Chapter> chapters;
55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
56     Chapter foundChapter = null;
58     if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
59         for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
60             if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
61                     chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
62                 foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
63                 break;
64             }
65         }
66     }
67     return foundChapter;
68 }
11 private List<Chapter> chapters;
55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
56     Chapter foundChapter = null;
58     if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
59         for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
60             if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
61                     chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
62                 foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
63                 break;
64             }
65         }
66     }
67     return foundChapter;
68 }
8     List chapters
17    Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) {
18        // finding the first item that matches criteria
19        chapters?.find({it?.title == title})
20    }
8     List chapters
22    List findChaptersByTitleStartingWith(String searchKeyword) {
23        // finding all matching items
24        chapters?.findAll({it?.title?.startsWith(searchKeyword)})
25    }
8     List chapters
27    void printChapterTitles() {
28        // iterating over a list
29        chapters.each {chapter ->
30            println chapter?.title
31        }
32    }
duck typing
1    package;
3    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
4    import javax.servlet.http.*;
5    import;
7    public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
9        @Override
10       protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
11                             HttpServletResponse response)
12               throws ServletException, IOException {
14           String username = request.getParameter(quot;usernamequot;);
15           if (username != null) {
16               HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
17               session.setAttribute(quot;loggedInUserquot;, username);
18           }
20       }
21   }
1    package com.piragua.groovy
3    import javax.servlet.http.*
4    import
6    public class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase {
8     Map params
9     Map session
11     def request
13     protected void setUp() {
14       params = [:]
15       session = [:]
16       def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }]
18        request = [
19          getParameter: {param -> return params[param]},
20          getSession: {createNew -> return mockSession as HttpSession}]
21    }
23   void testDoGetFoundUser() {
24       params.username = 'mike'
25       new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest,
26               [:] as HttpServletResponse)
27       assertEquals(params.username, session.loggedInUser)
28   }
30   void testDoGetNoUser() {
31       params.username = null
32       new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest,
33              [:] as HttpServletResponse)
34       assertNull(session.loggedInUser)
35   }
If we had more time...
•   file handling

•   really easy regular expressions

•   groovy truth

•   case / switch

•   closures

•   meta programming
Act II
Web MVC Framework
grails create-app devjam
mysql> describe event;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> describe event;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> describe event;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

           class Customer {
           ! Address address

class Customer {
! static hasMany = [incidents:Incident]

    Customer               Incident
class Customer {
! static hasMany = [products:Product]

class Product {
    static hasMany = [customers:Customer]
    static belongsTo = Customer //Customer owns the relationship

      Customer                                   Product

 name of application

  name of controller

   name of action
Data Binding
Dependency Injection
If we had more time...
•   testing

•   tag libraries

•   services

•   plugins

•   content negotiation
Learning Curve





      * data for this chart is completely fabricated
Learning Curve





      * data for this chart is completely fabricated
+   +
1    package com.piragua.groovy
3    import javax.servlet.http.*
4    import
6    class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase {
8     Map params
9     Map session
11     def request
13     protected void setUp() {
14       params = [:]
15       session = [:]
16       def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }]
200,000       1 Million    $250/month
 users    page views/month     VPS
XYZ Thing
Thank You
Groovy/Grails DevJam
3 things to talk about tonight:
-Brief overview of Groovy
-High level Grails (and Live Coding!)
-Thumbs up and Thumbs Down:
! -When should you choose to use Groovy/Grails in existing or
greenfield project
! -Where it has worked (and why) and where it has failed (and why)
Act I

What is Groovy? - ask the audience...possible answers:
- “Very pleasing; wonderful.”
- agile language
- scripting language for the JVM
- dynamically typed language
- build tool
- runtime tool for the JVM
- high level language for the JVM that compiles to byte code
- open source java language
“When you program in Groovy, in many ways
                     you’re writing a special kind of Java.”

                                                   -Dierk König
                                                Groovy in Action

Groovy is all of those things, but most of all I like this definition.
What is Groovy? - answer by Dierk König, Groovy committer and
author of “Groovy in Action”
- dynamic language for the JVM

In fact, most of the time you can take .java file and rename
it .groovy and it will compile and run
Groovy and Java work seamlessly together

-your java classes can reference groovy classes and groovy
classes can reference java classes
hugobook:groovy mjhugo$ groovyc
                usage: groovyc [options] <source-files>
                    --encoding <encoding>   Specify the encoding of the user class files.
                 -F <flag>
                 -J <property=value>
                 -d                         Specify where to place generated class files.
                 -e,--exception             Print stack trace on error.
                 -h,--help                  Print a synopsis of standard options.
                 -j,--jointCompilation      Attach javac compiler to compile .java files.
                 -v,--version               Print the version.

This is because of something unique to groovy - the Groovy Joint
- you can compile .groovy and .java files at the same time
allowing that seamless interaction
What this means is if you’re already using Java, it works with
everything you already have
- IDEs
- Open Source Frameworks
- Application Servers, etc.


For me, it comes down to the 80/20 rule.
Groovy gives me the ability to write concise code thatquot;s straight to the point of
what Iquot;m trying to do. I donquot;t have to include “ceremony” - code that doesnquot;t
relate to the task at hand (Stuart Halloway,
2008/4/1/ending-legacy-code-in-our-lifetime) and can focus directly on the goal
my code is trying to achieve.

getters and setters

Getters and Setters Example
Standard stuff - create some properties and have your IDE of choice generate the
getters and setters
but WHY generate them? they add so much noise to your code...
1    package;
                 3    public class SimpleBook {
                 4        private String title;
                 5        private String authorName;
                 7        public String getTitle() {
                 8            return title;
                 9        }
                 11       public void setTitle(String title) {
                 12           this.title = title;
                 13       }
                 15       public String getAuthorName() {
                 16           return authorName;
                 17       }
                 19       public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
                 20           this.authorName = authorName;
                 21       }
                 22   }

Java example: two properties, 15 lines of code for getters/

Now, letquot;s look at the same class in Groovy...
1   package com.piragua.groovy
                    3   class SimpleBook {
                    4       String title
                    5       String authorName
                    6   }

Same class, 0 lines of code for getters/setters

Also notice that the attributes and the class are not scoped - thatquot;s
because Groovy provides sensible defaults for these -

Lets take a look at a snippet of the byte code as shown by javap
javap -private SimpleBook

                   Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot;
                   public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... {

                       private java.lang.String title;
                       private java.lang.String author;

                       public java.lang.String getTitle();
                       public void setTitle(java.lang.String);

                       public java.lang.String getAuthor();
                       public void setAuthor(java.lang.String);



- getters and setters are provided automatically
! - You can add your own getters and setters to define custom
behavior - but how often do you really do this?
javap -private SimpleBook

                     Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot;
                     public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... {

                         private java.lang.String title;
                         private java.lang.String author;

                         public java.lang.String getTitle();
                         public void setTitle(java.lang.String);

                         public java.lang.String getAuthor();
                         public void setAuthor(java.lang.String);



- no need to define class as public - thatquot;s the default
- attributes are private by default
- methods are public by default
1    package;                                                                     1    package com.piragua.groovy
                      2                                                                                                  2
                      3    import java.util.Date;                                                                        3    class Book {
                      4    import java.util.List;                                                                        4        String title
                      5                                                                                                  5        String authorName
                      6    public class Book {                                                                           6        Integer numberOfPages
                      7        private String title;                                                                     7        String subTitle
                      8        private String authorName;                                                                8        List chapters
                      9        private Integer numberOfPages;                                                            9        Date publishDate
                      10       private String subTitle;                                                                  10       String publisher
                      11       private List<Chapter> chapters;                                                           11
                      12       private Date publishDate;                                                                 12       String toString() {
                      13       private String publisher;                                                                 13           title?.toUpperCase()
                      14                                                                                                 14       }
                      15       public String getPublisher() {                                                            15
                      16           return publisher;                                                                     16       String displayString() {
                      17       }                                                                                         17           quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;
                      18                                                                                                 18       }
                      19       public void setPublisher(String publisher) {                                              19
                      20           this.publisher = publisher;                                                           20       Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) {
                      21       }                                                                                         21           // finding the first item that matches criteria
                      22                                                                                                 22           chapters?.find({it?.title == title})
                      23       public Date getPublishDate() {                                                            23       }
                      24           return publishDate;                                                                   24   }
                      25       }
                      27       public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) {
                      28           this.publishDate = publishDate;
                      29       }
                      31       public List getChapters() {
                      32           return chapters;
                      33       }
                      35       public void setChapters(List chapters) {
                      36           this.chapters = chapters;
                      37       }
                      39       public String getTitle() {
                      40           return title;
                      41       }
                      43       public void setTitle(String title) {
                      44           this.title = title;
                      45       }
                      47       public String getAuthorName() {
                      48           return authorName;
                      49       }
                      51       public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
                      52           this.authorName = authorName;
                      53       }
                      55       public Integer getNumberOfPages() {
                      56           return numberOfPages;
                      57       }
                      59       public void setNumberOfPages(Integer numberOfPages) {
                      60           this.numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
                      61       }
                      63       public String getSubTitle() {
                      64           return subTitle;
                      65       }
                      67       public void setSubTitle(String subTitle) {
                      68           this.subTitle = subTitle;
                      69       }
                      71       public String toString() {
                      72           String upperCaseTitle = null;
                      73           if (title != null) {
                      74               upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase();
                      75           }
                      76           return upperCaseTitle;
                      77       }
                      79       public String displayString() {
                      80           return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;
                      81       }
                      83       public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
                      84           Chapter foundChapter = null;
                      86           if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
                      87               for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
                      88                   if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
                      89                           chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
                      90                       foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
                      91                       break;
                      92                   }
                      93               }
                      94           }
                      95           return foundChapter;
                      96       }
                      97   }

This is the same class - on the left is Java (97 lines of code), on the right is
Groovy (24 lines of code).
6 pt font
Each class has 7 attributes and three methods.

When you go to maintain the Book class, which file would you rather work
constructor convenience
1    package;
                     3    import junit.framework.TestCase;
                     5    import java.util.ArrayList;
                     6    import java.util.Date;
                     8    public class BookTest extends TestCase {
                     9        Book book;
                     10       Chapter chapter;
                     12      public void setUp() {
                     13          book = new Book();
                     14          book.setNumberOfPages(300);
                     15          book.setAuthorName(quot;Mike Hugoquot;);
                     16          book.setTitle(quot;Groovy Jamquot;);
                     17          book.setSubTitle(quot;Jamminquot;);
                     18          book.setPublisher(quot;Piragua Pressquot;);
                     19          book.setPublishDate(new Date());
                     20      }

Constructor Shortcut
Happens all the time in unit testing, but also sometimes in real code for
setting defaults
New up an object, then call all the setters to populate some values
1    package com.piragua.groovy
                   3    public class BookTest extends GroovyTestCase {
                   4        Book book
                   5        Chapter grails, groovy, why
                   7       void setUp() {
                   8         book = new Book(title: quot;Groovy Jamquot;, subTitle:quot;Jamminquot;,
                   9            authorName: quot;Mike Hugoquot;, numberOfPages: 300,
                   10           publishDate:new Date(), publisher: quot;Piragua Pressquot;)
                   11      }

In groovy, you can use named parameters in the constructor to build
- can happen in any order
- can pass all, some, or none of the attributes to the constructor
- itquot;s descriptive - you know whatquot;s being set because it says it right
here (e.g. title: “groovy jam”)...if you created a java constructor how
would you remember which order to pass the parameters?
null safe dereferencing
32   public String toString() {
                  33       String upperCaseTitle = null;
                  34       if (title != null){
                  35           upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase();
                  36       }
                  37       return upperCaseTitle;
                  38   }

In Java, you often have times where you check to see if something
is null before performing an action on it
String toString(){

In Groovy, you can use the ? operator to safely traverse the tree of an object
// more complex
                       String toString(){

If any of the attributes in this example are null, groovy will stop at that point
and return null
groovy strings
// Java Example

                  public String displayString() {
                      return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; +
                          authorName + quot;, (quot; +
                          numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;


String concatenation is evil
So is using string buffer
// Java Example

                  public String displayString() {
                      return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; +
                          authorName + quot;, (quot; +
                          numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;;


String concatenation is evil
So is using string buffer
String displayString() {
                    quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;

Groovy strings allow you to construct strings using ${}

You can also do multi line strings
String multiLineDisplayString() {

                by ${authorName}
                (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;quot;quot;


You can also do multi line strings
11 private List<Chapter> chapters;
                    55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
                    56     Chapter foundChapter = null;
                    58     if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
                    59         for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
                    60             if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
                    61                     chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
                    62                 foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
                    63                 break;
                    64             }
                    65         }
                    66     }
                    67     return foundChapter;
                    68 }

Java example of finding a chapter by title

- iterate over the the list until you find the one youquot;re looking for, set it in a
temp variable and break
11 private List<Chapter> chapters;
                   55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) {
                   56     Chapter foundChapter = null;
                   58     if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) {
                   59         for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) {
                   60             if (chapters.get(i) != null &&
                   61                     chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) {
                   62                 foundChapter = chapters.get(i);
                   63                 break;
                   64             }
                   65         }
                   66     }
                   67     return foundChapter;
                   68 }

Java example of finding a chapter by title

- by the way, did you notice all the null checking going on that distracts
from the essence of the code: finding a chapter by title
8     List chapters
                 17    Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) {
                 18        // finding the first item that matches criteria
                 19        chapters?.find({it?.title == title})
                 20    }

Groovy example

- use .find and pass a closure
- closure is executed against every item in the list until a
match is found

- #itquot; is an implicit parameter passed to a closure, can be
8     List chapters
                22    List findChaptersByTitleStartingWith(String searchKeyword) {
                23        // finding all matching items
                24        chapters?.findAll({it?.title?.startsWith(searchKeyword)})
                25    }

- can also use .findAll
8     List chapters
                 27    void printChapterTitles() {
                 28        // iterating over a list
                 29        chapters.each {chapter ->
                 30            println chapter?.title
                 31        }
                 32    }

or .each to iterate over a collection
duck typing

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck.

Rather than create an interface to define the contract, use behavior at
runtime to determine the functionality

So now, a Java example
oh wait. you canquot;t do this in java. no example here.
1    package;
                 3    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
                 4    import javax.servlet.http.*;
                 5    import;
                 7    public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
                 9        @Override
                 10       protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                 11                             HttpServletResponse response)
                 12               throws ServletException, IOException {
                 14           String username = request.getParameter(quot;usernamequot;);
                 15           if (username != null) {
                 16               HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
                 17               session.setAttribute(quot;loggedInUserquot;, username);
                 18           }
                 20       }
                 21   }

Herequot;s an example of a Java Servlet. It takes a parameter from
the request, and if it is not null, sets it in to the session.

If I wanted to test this, I would have to provide a full
implementation of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
just in order to call the method.

Note: Spring (and other frameworks) provide Mock
implementations of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse,
1    package com.piragua.groovy
                    3    import javax.servlet.http.*
                    4    import
                    6    public class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase {
                    8     Map params
                    9     Map session
                    11     def request
                    13     protected void setUp() {
                    14       params = [:]
                    15       session = [:]
                    16       def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }]
                    18        request = [
                    19          getParameter: {param -> return params[param]},
                    20          getSession: {createNew -> return mockSession as HttpSession}]
                    21    }

But using Groovy, I can utilize Duck Typing to mock out the

Line 20 has an example: “mockSession as HttpSession”

more in the tests
23   void testDoGetFoundUser() {
                   24       params.username = 'mike'
                   25       new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest,
                   26               [:] as HttpServletResponse)
                   27       assertEquals(params.username, session.loggedInUser)
                   28   }
                   30   void testDoGetNoUser() {
                   31       params.username = null
                   32       new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest,
                   33              [:] as HttpServletResponse)
                   34       assertNull(session.loggedInUser)
                   35   }

Line 25: “request as HttpServletRequest” - my map (defined in the setup
method) now looks like a HttpServletRequest to the Servlet under test

Line 33: “[:] as HttpServletResponse” just acts as a non-null
HttpServletResponse. How would you do this in Java? Create a class,
implement the HttpServletResponse interface with a bunch of empty
methods, then new it up and pass it into the doPost method. That sucks.

Now, I know duck typing is controversial. Interfaces can be a good thing,
and they enforce the contract at compile time. With duck typing, you donquot;t
If we had more time...
                                         •   file handling

                                         •   really easy regular expressions

                                         •   groovy truth

                                         •   case / switch

                                         •   closures

                                         •   meta programming

For reference in the handout:
- File: Convenience methods for writing and reading files:
- Truth: .equals is the same as ==; 1 is true, 0 is false; null is false; empty string is false; etc. :
- Regular expressions are so easy!
- Case / Switch: can switch on any type:
- Closures: named block of code. pass it around, reuse it, do all sorts of fun things:
- Meta Programming: , also
- See more differences from Java:

Two resources:
Groovy website @ codehaus - api, documentation, and lots of examples
Groovy Users Group of MN - meets the second Tuesday of the month in NE

Also see this presentation by Guillaume LaForge (groovy project manager)
on Groovy
Three books:
-Groovy in Action (Dierk König)
-Groovy Recipies (Scott Davis)
-Programming Groovy (Venkat Subramaniam)
Act II

So now, on to Grails...What is Grails?
Web MVC Framework

Grails is a Web Model/View/Controller framework
that leverages the power of Groovy, Hibernate, Spring and Java


With it you can do rapid application development by using the
concepts of Convention...


instead of configuration (AKA convention over configuration)


And “Don’t Repeat Yourself”
Why add all sorts of ceremony to your code in configuration
when it could be implied?

Grails provides a full *development* environment out of the box
including an:
- in-memory HSQL DB
- Jetty application server
- Automatic reloading of most artifacts

But you’re not limited to that in Development or even in
Production -

Jetty and HSQLDB are just the defaults -
You can deploy a grails application on any application server that
can handle a WAR file
and any database that has a JDBC driver

But I’m getting ahead of myself...let’s get started with some Grails


Artifacts. or, if you’re british


A lot of the core contributors to Grails are in the UK, so you
sometimes run into this (in the Grails code base)
grails create-app devjam

Every Grails Application has a common structure
Underneath the ‘grails-app’ directory there are sub-directories for
“special” grails artifacts.
Let’s look at a few
The domain subdirectory is for any class that you want to be
These classes are automatically mapped to the DB through
Grails will automatically create your database tables based on
your domain classes using Hibernate’s hbm2ddl
There are other ways to manage DB migrations, this is just the
mysql> describe event;
               | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
               | id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
               | version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
               | event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
               | title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
               4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

!   - the domain class name becomes the table name
mysql> describe event;
                | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
                | id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
                | version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                | event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                | title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

!   - attribute names are converted into column names
mysql> describe event;
                 | Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
                 | id         | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
                 | version    | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                 | event_date | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                 | title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
                 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

- id (PK) and version (optimistic locking) columns are added to
DB, but don’t need to be explicitly specified in code

all of these defaults can be overridden through a mapping DSL or
through explicit Hibernate configuration
The next couple examples are screen shots of the “Grails Console”
- an interactive Swing console that is wired up with hibernate and
all your spring beans and everything
Not only are the domain classes automatically mapped to the DB,
Grails adds persistent methods like

.save() - inserts or updates an object

pass in the ID of a persistent object and hibernate will retrieve it

select * from table
and last but not least, dynamic finders like “findByTitle”
and you can even add criteria like ‘EventDateLessThan’
how about a query using case insensitive ‘like’?
or a query using HQL?
or a query using criteria?
All of this with: Zero - the amount of configuration and DAO lines
of code you have to do to perform crud on a domain class.

                                    class Customer {
                                    ! Address address


Associations are also supported - you can have
- one to one
class Customer {
                ! static hasMany = [incidents:Incident]

                    Customer               Incident

- one to many
class Customer {
                 ! static hasMany = [products:Product]

                 class Product {
                     static hasMany = [customers:Customer]
                     static belongsTo = Customer //Customer owns the relationship

                       Customer                                   Product

- many to many
Controllers are servlets in the Grails world. Any groovy class in
this directory will have a url mapping by convention - no xml
config required:

                      name of application

The context root of your app is the name of the application, in
this case “devjam”

                      name of controller

The next part of a URL is the name of the controller

                       name of action

and the final part is the name of the action (which is a closure
defined in the controller)

These are the defaults - you can change URL mappings to your

Grails puts all the parameters coming in to a controller in to a
map called ‘params’ - you can access them using ‘dot’ notation
(like ‘params dot max’ to get the ‘max’ parameter)
Data Binding

This is also fantastic for data binding
- on a new object you can pass the ‘params’ map straight to a
object constructor (thank you Groovy constructor convenience)
Dependency Injection

Grails artifacts like controllers and services are created as spring
beans - and grails autowires beans together by name.

In the case, AuthenticateService will automatically be injected into
the EventController - no config needed
Views are GSP (grails server pages) instead of JSPs
you can reference anything that is in the ‘model’ with ${} notation
(like eventInstance)
there’s a convention for where the views go - by default views for
the “EventController” go in the “views/event” subdirectory
Grails uses SiteMesh to decorate pages - so your GSPs are simple
that have a layout applied to them

Demo - build a simple Grails app to
-list events (demo scaquot;olding)
-create a new event (demo domain constraints)
-allow users to RSVP to them (demo reloading of controller and
dependency injection)
-create RSS feed of events list (install and use feeds plugin)
If we had more time...
                                   •   testing

                                   •   tag libraries

                                   •   services

                                   •   plugins

                                   •   content negotiation

For reference in the handout:
Tag Libraries:
Content Negotiation:

Two resources: website - great starting point - and a grails app itself
Grails reference guide - excellent documentation of Grails
Two excellent books coming out very soon (early editions
available from publisher now)

GIA (May?):
DGG (Jan):

Act III:
- when should you consider using these tools in an existing
- greenfield environment?
- Where have they worked and where havenquot;t they?

When should you consider using these tools in an existing
The first question I ask is “Are you already a Java shop?”

If you are - then you already have the infrastructure you need to
build and deploy applications with Groovy/Grails...

And you also have resources that understand Java
If your company/client is open source friendly
Then bringing Groovy into your existing environment is a piece of
Learning Curve





                       * data for this chart is completely fabricated

The learning curve for a new language might look like this
Learning Curve





                       * data for this chart is completely fabricated

With Groovy, your Java developers will have a jump start on
learning the language
-the syntax is basically the same
-all the Java APIs are available to you
-can immediately be productive with the language and
conveniences it provides
Integrating Grails into an existing environment may not be quite
as easy
If you’re already using Hibernate for the ORM layer, then it’s
possible. You can take your existing database, existing hibernate
mapping files and Java domain classes and take advantage of all
the features Grails has to oquot;er.

(See “Grails In Action” book for using Grails to map the “Legacy
Database from Hell”)

But where Grails really excels is in a green field
+         +

-If your team is familiar with Hibernate and Spring
-Your process includes iterative development and a fast feedback
-And testing is important
Then you should seriously be considering Grails for your next

Where has it worked?
1    package com.piragua.groovy
                3    import javax.servlet.http.*
                4    import
                6    class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase {
                8     Map params
                9     Map session
                11     def request
                13     protected void setUp() {
                14       params = [:]
                15       session = [:]
                16       def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }]

Unit Testing is a great way to start integrating Groovy into your
code base
- collections / xml / file convenience features reduce the amount
of ceremony in your tests
- can make mocking is easier (as shown in earlier groovy slides)

“internal” apps are a great place for Grails - it’s very easy to
develop a fully functional web app very quickly

I built one at my last client in 12 hours (full user login, search,
audit history and workflow task management)
There are tons of success stories for Grails (
Some very large, some smaller.
200,000       1 Million    $250/month
                    users    page views/month     VPS

Like this example - this Brazilian Entertainment website has 200k
users, 1 million page views per month and runs on a $250/month
VPS - no load balancing or major performance tuning

Feb 2008
Linked in uses Grails for some of its sites for corporate customers
Hot oquot; the press - a full case study is coming soon! is Grails powered and more of is
moving to Grails soon

Where has it failed?
I have seen projects run into trouble when they don’t test enough.
The dynamic nature of Groovy/Grails means that the compiler
won’t find certain errors - you need good testing to mitigate this
XYZ Thing

Too far outside the box

For instance - one project that didn’t use the conventions that
GORM provides and tried to roll their own persistence mechanism
didn’t go so well.
I hope youquot;ve enjoyed the overview of Groovy/Grails and some thoughts
to consider when choosing them

Obviously, I’m drinking the Koolaid
But I’ve also been working with Groovy and Grails for almost 2
years and I’m still a happy camper.
I encourage you to go download Groovy or download Grails and
walk through the “Getting Started” tutorials - and see how these
new tools can help you be more equot;ective
Thank You

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Groovy Grails DevJam Jam Session

  • 2.
  • 4. “When you program in Groovy, in many ways you’re writing a special kind of Java.” -Dierk König Groovy in Action
  • 6.
  • 7. hugobook:groovy mjhugo$ groovyc usage: groovyc [options] <source-files> options: --encoding <encoding> Specify the encoding of the user class files. -F <flag> -J <property=value> -d Specify where to place generated class files. -e,--exception Print stack trace on error. -h,--help Print a synopsis of standard options. -j,--jointCompilation Attach javac compiler to compile .java files. -v,--version Print the version.
  • 8.
  • 9. 20% 80%
  • 11. 1 package; 2 3 public class SimpleBook { 4 private String title; 5 private String authorName; 6 7 public String getTitle() { 8 return title; 9 } 10 11 public void setTitle(String title) { 12 this.title = title; 13 } 14 15 public String getAuthorName() { 16 return authorName; 17 } 18 19 public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { 20 this.authorName = authorName; 21 } 22 }
  • 12. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 class SimpleBook { 4 String title 5 String authorName 6 }
  • 13. javap -private SimpleBook Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot; public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... { private java.lang.String title; private java.lang.String author; public java.lang.String getTitle(); public void setTitle(java.lang.String); public java.lang.String getAuthor(); public void setAuthor(java.lang.String); ... }
  • 14. javap -private SimpleBook Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot; public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... { private java.lang.String title; private java.lang.String author; public java.lang.String getTitle(); public void setTitle(java.lang.String); public java.lang.String getAuthor(); public void setAuthor(java.lang.String); ... }
  • 15. 1 package; 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 2 3 import java.util.Date; 3 class Book { 4 import java.util.List; 4 String title 5 5 String authorName 6 public class Book { 6 Integer numberOfPages 7 private String title; 7 String subTitle 8 private String authorName; 8 List chapters 9 private Integer numberOfPages; 9 Date publishDate 10 private String subTitle; 10 String publisher 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; 11 12 private Date publishDate; 12 String toString() { 13 private String publisher; 13 title?.toUpperCase() 14 14 } 15 public String getPublisher() { 15 16 return publisher; 16 String displayString() { 17 } 17 quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot; 18 18 } 19 public void setPublisher(String publisher) { 19 20 this.publisher = publisher; 20 Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) { 21 } 21 // finding the first item that matches criteria 22 22 chapters?.find({it?.title == title}) 23 public Date getPublishDate() { 23 } 24 return publishDate; 24 } 25 } 26 27 public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) { 28 this.publishDate = publishDate; 29 } 30 31 public List getChapters() { 32 return chapters; 33 } 34 35 public void setChapters(List chapters) { 36 this.chapters = chapters; 37 } 38 39 public String getTitle() { 40 return title; 41 } 42 43 public void setTitle(String title) { 44 this.title = title; 45 } 46 47 public String getAuthorName() { 48 return authorName; 49 } 50 51 public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { 52 this.authorName = authorName; 53 } 54 55 public Integer getNumberOfPages() { 56 return numberOfPages; 57 } 58 59 public void setNumberOfPages(Integer numberOfPages) { 60 this.numberOfPages = numberOfPages; 61 } 62 63 public String getSubTitle() { 64 return subTitle; 65 } 66 67 public void setSubTitle(String subTitle) { 68 this.subTitle = subTitle; 69 } 70 71 public String toString() { 72 String upperCaseTitle = null; 73 if (title != null) { 74 upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase(); 75 } 76 return upperCaseTitle; 77 } 78 79 public String displayString() { 80 return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; 81 } 82 83 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 84 Chapter foundChapter = null; 85 86 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 87 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 88 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 89 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 90 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 91 break; 92 } 93 } 94 } 95 return foundChapter; 96 } 97 }
  • 17. 1 package; 2 3 import junit.framework.TestCase; 4 5 import java.util.ArrayList; 6 import java.util.Date; 7 8 public class BookTest extends TestCase { 9 Book book; 10 Chapter chapter; 11 12 public void setUp() { 13 book = new Book(); 14 book.setNumberOfPages(300); 15 book.setAuthorName(quot;Mike Hugoquot;); 16 book.setTitle(quot;Groovy Jamquot;); 17 book.setSubTitle(quot;Jamminquot;); 18 book.setPublisher(quot;Piragua Pressquot;); 19 book.setPublishDate(new Date()); 20 }
  • 18. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 public class BookTest extends GroovyTestCase { 4 Book book 5 Chapter grails, groovy, why 6 7 void setUp() { 8 book = new Book(title: quot;Groovy Jamquot;, subTitle:quot;Jamminquot;, 9 authorName: quot;Mike Hugoquot;, numberOfPages: 300, 10 publishDate:new Date(), publisher: quot;Piragua Pressquot;) 11 }
  • 20. 32 public String toString() { 33 String upperCaseTitle = null; 34 if (title != null){ 35 upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase(); 36 } 37 return upperCaseTitle; 38 }
  • 21. String toString(){ title?.toUpperCase() }
  • 22. // more complex String toString(){ book?.publisher?.address?.city?.toUpperCase() }
  • 24. // Java Example public String displayString() { return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; }
  • 25. // Java Example public String displayString() { return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; }
  • 26. String displayString() { quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot; }
  • 27. String multiLineDisplayString() { quot;quot;quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName} (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;quot;quot; }
  • 29. 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; //... 55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 56 Chapter foundChapter = null; 57 58 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 59 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 60 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 61 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 62 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 63 break; 64 } 65 } 66 } 67 return foundChapter; 68 }
  • 30. 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; //... 55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 56 Chapter foundChapter = null; 57 58 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 59 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 60 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 61 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 62 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 63 break; 64 } 65 } 66 } 67 return foundChapter; 68 }
  • 31. 8 List chapters //... 17 Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) { 18 // finding the first item that matches criteria 19 chapters?.find({it?.title == title}) 20 }
  • 32. 8 List chapters //... 22 List findChaptersByTitleStartingWith(String searchKeyword) { 23 // finding all matching items 24 chapters?.findAll({it?.title?.startsWith(searchKeyword)}) 25 }
  • 33. 8 List chapters //... 27 void printChapterTitles() { 28 // iterating over a list 29 chapters.each {chapter -> 30 println chapter?.title 31 } 32 }
  • 35.
  • 36. 1 package; 2 3 import javax.servlet.ServletException; 4 import javax.servlet.http.*; 5 import; 6 7 public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 8 9 @Override 10 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 11 HttpServletResponse response) 12 throws ServletException, IOException { 13 14 String username = request.getParameter(quot;usernamequot;); 15 if (username != null) { 16 HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); 17 session.setAttribute(quot;loggedInUserquot;, username); 18 } 19 20 } 21 } 22
  • 37. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 import javax.servlet.http.* 4 import 5 6 public class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase { 7 8 Map params 9 Map session 10 11 def request 12 13 protected void setUp() { 14 params = [:] 15 session = [:] 16 def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }] 17 18 request = [ 19 getParameter: {param -> return params[param]}, 20 getSession: {createNew -> return mockSession as HttpSession}] 21 }
  • 38. 23 void testDoGetFoundUser() { 24 params.username = 'mike' 25 new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest, 26 [:] as HttpServletResponse) 27 assertEquals(params.username, session.loggedInUser) 28 } 29 30 void testDoGetNoUser() { 31 params.username = null 32 new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest, 33 [:] as HttpServletResponse) 34 assertNull(session.loggedInUser) 35 }
  • 39. If we had more time... • file handling • really easy regular expressions • groovy truth • case / switch • closures • meta programming
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 44.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 56. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 57. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Zero
  • 68. Customer class Customer { ! Address address } Address
  • 69. class Customer { ! static hasMany = [incidents:Incident] } Customer Incident
  • 70. class Customer { ! static hasMany = [products:Product] } class Product { static hasMany = [customers:Customer] static belongsTo = Customer //Customer owns the relationship } Customer Customer Product Product
  • 71.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Demo
  • 84. If we had more time... • testing • tag libraries • services • plugins • content negotiation
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 88.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. Learning Curve 100 75 50 25 0 * data for this chart is completely fabricated
  • 94. Learning Curve 100 75 50 25 0 * data for this chart is completely fabricated
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 98. + +
  • 99.
  • 101. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 import javax.servlet.http.* 4 import 5 6 class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase { 7 8 Map params 9 Map session 10 11 def request 12 13 protected void setUp() { 14 params = [:] 15 session = [:] 16 def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }]
  • 103.
  • 104. 200,000 1 Million $250/month users page views/month VPS
  • 105.
  • 106.
  • 108.
  • 110.
  • 112.
  • 113.
  • 116. 3 things to talk about tonight: -Brief overview of Groovy -High level Grails (and Live Coding!) -Thumbs up and Thumbs Down: ! -When should you choose to use Groovy/Grails in existing or greenfield project ! -Where it has worked (and why) and where it has failed (and why)
  • 117. Act I What is Groovy? - ask the audience...possible answers: - “Very pleasing; wonderful.” - agile language - scripting language for the JVM - dynamically typed language - build tool - runtime tool for the JVM - high level language for the JVM that compiles to byte code - open source java language
  • 118. “When you program in Groovy, in many ways you’re writing a special kind of Java.” -Dierk König Groovy in Action Groovy is all of those things, but most of all I like this definition. What is Groovy? - answer by Dierk König, Groovy committer and author of “Groovy in Action” - dynamic language for the JVM
  • 119. .groovy .java In fact, most of the time you can take .java file and rename it .groovy and it will compile and run
  • 120. Groovy and Java work seamlessly together -your java classes can reference groovy classes and groovy classes can reference java classes
  • 121. hugobook:groovy mjhugo$ groovyc usage: groovyc [options] <source-files> options: --encoding <encoding> Specify the encoding of the user class files. -F <flag> -J <property=value> -d Specify where to place generated class files. -e,--exception Print stack trace on error. -h,--help Print a synopsis of standard options. -j,--jointCompilation Attach javac compiler to compile .java files. -v,--version Print the version. This is because of something unique to groovy - the Groovy Joint Compiler - you can compile .groovy and .java files at the same time allowing that seamless interaction
  • 122. What this means is if you’re already using Java, it works with everything you already have - IDEs - Open Source Frameworks - Application Servers, etc.
  • 123. 20% 80% For me, it comes down to the 80/20 rule. Groovy gives me the ability to write concise code thatquot;s straight to the point of what Iquot;m trying to do. I donquot;t have to include “ceremony” - code that doesnquot;t relate to the task at hand (Stuart Halloway, 2008/4/1/ending-legacy-code-in-our-lifetime) and can focus directly on the goal my code is trying to achieve. Examples...
  • 124. getters and setters Getters and Setters Example Standard stuff - create some properties and have your IDE of choice generate the getters and setters but WHY generate them? they add so much noise to your code...
  • 125. 1 package; 2 3 public class SimpleBook { 4 private String title; 5 private String authorName; 6 7 public String getTitle() { 8 return title; 9 } 10 11 public void setTitle(String title) { 12 this.title = title; 13 } 14 15 public String getAuthorName() { 16 return authorName; 17 } 18 19 public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { 20 this.authorName = authorName; 21 } 22 } Java example: two properties, 15 lines of code for getters/ setters Now, letquot;s look at the same class in Groovy...
  • 126. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 class SimpleBook { 4 String title 5 String authorName 6 } Same class, 0 lines of code for getters/setters Also notice that the attributes and the class are not scoped - thatquot;s because Groovy provides sensible defaults for these - Lets take a look at a snippet of the byte code as shown by javap
  • 127. javap -private SimpleBook Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot; public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... { private java.lang.String title; private java.lang.String author; public java.lang.String getTitle(); public void setTitle(java.lang.String); public java.lang.String getAuthor(); public void setAuthor(java.lang.String); ... } - getters and setters are provided automatically ! - You can add your own getters and setters to define custom behavior - but how often do you really do this?
  • 128. javap -private SimpleBook Compiled from quot;SimpleBook.groovyquot; public class com.piragua.groovy.SimpleBook ... { private java.lang.String title; private java.lang.String author; public java.lang.String getTitle(); public void setTitle(java.lang.String); public java.lang.String getAuthor(); public void setAuthor(java.lang.String); ... } - no need to define class as public - thatquot;s the default - attributes are private by default - methods are public by default
  • 129. 1 package; 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 2 3 import java.util.Date; 3 class Book { 4 import java.util.List; 4 String title 5 5 String authorName 6 public class Book { 6 Integer numberOfPages 7 private String title; 7 String subTitle 8 private String authorName; 8 List chapters 9 private Integer numberOfPages; 9 Date publishDate 10 private String subTitle; 10 String publisher 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; 11 12 private Date publishDate; 12 String toString() { 13 private String publisher; 13 title?.toUpperCase() 14 14 } 15 public String getPublisher() { 15 16 return publisher; 16 String displayString() { 17 } 17 quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot; 18 18 } 19 public void setPublisher(String publisher) { 19 20 this.publisher = publisher; 20 Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) { 21 } 21 // finding the first item that matches criteria 22 22 chapters?.find({it?.title == title}) 23 public Date getPublishDate() { 23 } 24 return publishDate; 24 } 25 } 26 27 public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) { 28 this.publishDate = publishDate; 29 } 30 31 public List getChapters() { 32 return chapters; 33 } 34 35 public void setChapters(List chapters) { 36 this.chapters = chapters; 37 } 38 39 public String getTitle() { 40 return title; 41 } 42 43 public void setTitle(String title) { 44 this.title = title; 45 } 46 47 public String getAuthorName() { 48 return authorName; 49 } 50 51 public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { 52 this.authorName = authorName; 53 } 54 55 public Integer getNumberOfPages() { 56 return numberOfPages; 57 } 58 59 public void setNumberOfPages(Integer numberOfPages) { 60 this.numberOfPages = numberOfPages; 61 } 62 63 public String getSubTitle() { 64 return subTitle; 65 } 66 67 public void setSubTitle(String subTitle) { 68 this.subTitle = subTitle; 69 } 70 71 public String toString() { 72 String upperCaseTitle = null; 73 if (title != null) { 74 upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase(); 75 } 76 return upperCaseTitle; 77 } 78 79 public String displayString() { 80 return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; 81 } 82 83 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 84 Chapter foundChapter = null; 85 86 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 87 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 88 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 89 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 90 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 91 break; 92 } 93 } 94 } 95 return foundChapter; 96 } 97 } This is the same class - on the left is Java (97 lines of code), on the right is Groovy (24 lines of code). 6 pt font Each class has 7 attributes and three methods. When you go to maintain the Book class, which file would you rather work with?
  • 131. 1 package; 2 3 import junit.framework.TestCase; 4 5 import java.util.ArrayList; 6 import java.util.Date; 7 8 public class BookTest extends TestCase { 9 Book book; 10 Chapter chapter; 11 12 public void setUp() { 13 book = new Book(); 14 book.setNumberOfPages(300); 15 book.setAuthorName(quot;Mike Hugoquot;); 16 book.setTitle(quot;Groovy Jamquot;); 17 book.setSubTitle(quot;Jamminquot;); 18 book.setPublisher(quot;Piragua Pressquot;); 19 book.setPublishDate(new Date()); 20 } Constructor Shortcut Happens all the time in unit testing, but also sometimes in real code for setting defaults New up an object, then call all the setters to populate some values
  • 132. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 public class BookTest extends GroovyTestCase { 4 Book book 5 Chapter grails, groovy, why 6 7 void setUp() { 8 book = new Book(title: quot;Groovy Jamquot;, subTitle:quot;Jamminquot;, 9 authorName: quot;Mike Hugoquot;, numberOfPages: 300, 10 publishDate:new Date(), publisher: quot;Piragua Pressquot;) 11 } In groovy, you can use named parameters in the constructor to build objects - can happen in any order - can pass all, some, or none of the attributes to the constructor - itquot;s descriptive - you know whatquot;s being set because it says it right here (e.g. title: “groovy jam”)...if you created a java constructor how would you remember which order to pass the parameters?
  • 134. 32 public String toString() { 33 String upperCaseTitle = null; 34 if (title != null){ 35 upperCaseTitle = title.toUpperCase(); 36 } 37 return upperCaseTitle; 38 } In Java, you often have times where you check to see if something is null before performing an action on it
  • 135. String toString(){ title?.toUpperCase() } In Groovy, you can use the ? operator to safely traverse the tree of an object graph
  • 136. // more complex String toString(){ book?.publisher?.address?.city?.toUpperCase() } If any of the attributes in this example are null, groovy will stop at that point and return null
  • 138. // Java Example public String displayString() { return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; } Yeck. String concatenation is evil So is using string buffer
  • 139. // Java Example public String displayString() { return quot;<u>quot; + title + quot;</u> by quot; + authorName + quot;, (quot; + numberOfPages + quot; pages)quot;; } Yeck. String concatenation is evil So is using string buffer
  • 140. String displayString() { quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName}, (${numberOfPages} pages)quot; } Groovy strings allow you to construct strings using ${} notation You can also do multi line strings
  • 141. String multiLineDisplayString() { quot;quot;quot;<u>${title}</u> by ${authorName} (${numberOfPages} pages)quot;quot;quot; } You can also do multi line strings
  • 143. 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; //... 55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 56 Chapter foundChapter = null; 57 58 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 59 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 60 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 61 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 62 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 63 break; 64 } 65 } 66 } 67 return foundChapter; 68 } Java example of finding a chapter by title - iterate over the the list until you find the one youquot;re looking for, set it in a temp variable and break
  • 144. 11 private List<Chapter> chapters; //... 55 public Chapter findChapterByTitle(String chapterTitle) { 56 Chapter foundChapter = null; 57 58 if (chapterTitle != null && chapters != null) { 59 for (int i = 0; i < chapters.size(); i++) { 60 if (chapters.get(i) != null && 61 chapterTitle.equals(chapters.get(i).getTitle())) { 62 foundChapter = chapters.get(i); 63 break; 64 } 65 } 66 } 67 return foundChapter; 68 } Java example of finding a chapter by title - by the way, did you notice all the null checking going on that distracts from the essence of the code: finding a chapter by title
  • 145. 8 List chapters //... 17 Chapter findChapterByTitle(String title) { 18 // finding the first item that matches criteria 19 chapters?.find({it?.title == title}) 20 } Groovy example - use .find and pass a closure - closure is executed against every item in the list until a match is found - #itquot; is an implicit parameter passed to a closure, can be named
  • 146. 8 List chapters //... 22 List findChaptersByTitleStartingWith(String searchKeyword) { 23 // finding all matching items 24 chapters?.findAll({it?.title?.startsWith(searchKeyword)}) 25 } - can also use .findAll
  • 147. 8 List chapters //... 27 void printChapterTitles() { 28 // iterating over a list 29 chapters.each {chapter -> 30 println chapter?.title 31 } 32 } or .each to iterate over a collection
  • 148. duck typing If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck. Rather than create an interface to define the contract, use behavior at runtime to determine the functionality So now, a Java example
  • 149. oh wait. you canquot;t do this in java. no example here.
  • 150. 1 package; 2 3 import javax.servlet.ServletException; 4 import javax.servlet.http.*; 5 import; 6 7 public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 8 9 @Override 10 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 11 HttpServletResponse response) 12 throws ServletException, IOException { 13 14 String username = request.getParameter(quot;usernamequot;); 15 if (username != null) { 16 HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); 17 session.setAttribute(quot;loggedInUserquot;, username); 18 } 19 20 } 21 } 22 Herequot;s an example of a Java Servlet. It takes a parameter from the request, and if it is not null, sets it in to the session. If I wanted to test this, I would have to provide a full implementation of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse just in order to call the method. Note: Spring (and other frameworks) provide Mock implementations of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse,
  • 151. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 import javax.servlet.http.* 4 import 5 6 public class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase { 7 8 Map params 9 Map session 10 11 def request 12 13 protected void setUp() { 14 params = [:] 15 session = [:] 16 def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }] 17 18 request = [ 19 getParameter: {param -> return params[param]}, 20 getSession: {createNew -> return mockSession as HttpSession}] 21 } But using Groovy, I can utilize Duck Typing to mock out the implementation. Line 20 has an example: “mockSession as HttpSession” more in the tests
  • 152. 23 void testDoGetFoundUser() { 24 params.username = 'mike' 25 new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest, 26 [:] as HttpServletResponse) 27 assertEquals(params.username, session.loggedInUser) 28 } 29 30 void testDoGetNoUser() { 31 params.username = null 32 new MyServlet().doPost(request as HttpServletRequest, 33 [:] as HttpServletResponse) 34 assertNull(session.loggedInUser) 35 } Line 25: “request as HttpServletRequest” - my map (defined in the setup method) now looks like a HttpServletRequest to the Servlet under test Line 33: “[:] as HttpServletResponse” just acts as a non-null HttpServletResponse. How would you do this in Java? Create a class, implement the HttpServletResponse interface with a bunch of empty methods, then new it up and pass it into the doPost method. That sucks. Now, I know duck typing is controversial. Interfaces can be a good thing, and they enforce the contract at compile time. With duck typing, you donquot;t
  • 153. If we had more time... • file handling • really easy regular expressions • groovy truth • case / switch • closures • meta programming For reference in the handout: - File: Convenience methods for writing and reading files: - Truth: .equals is the same as ==; 1 is true, 0 is false; null is false; empty string is false; etc. : display/GROOVY/Groovy+Truth - Regular expressions are so easy! - Case / Switch: can switch on any type: - Closures: named block of code. pass it around, reuse it, do all sorts of fun things: - Meta Programming: , also 2008/05/07/what-methods-does-my-groovygrails-class-have/ - See more differences from Java:
  • 154. Two resources: Groovy website @ codehaus - api, documentation, and lots of examples Groovy Users Group of MN - meets the second Tuesday of the month in NE minneapolis Also see this presentation by Guillaume LaForge (groovy project manager) on Groovy university-guillaume-laforge-presentation
  • 155. Three books: -Groovy in Action (Dierk König) -Groovy Recipies (Scott Davis) -Programming Groovy (Venkat Subramaniam) 1932394842
  • 156. Act II So now, on to Grails...What is Grails?
  • 157. Web MVC Framework Grails is a Web Model/View/Controller framework
  • 158. that leverages the power of Groovy, Hibernate, Spring and Java
  • 159. convention With it you can do rapid application development by using the concepts of Convention...
  • 160. configuration instead of configuration (AKA convention over configuration)
  • 161. DRY And “Don’t Repeat Yourself” Why add all sorts of ceremony to your code in configuration when it could be implied?
  • 162. Development Grails provides a full *development* environment out of the box including an: - in-memory HSQL DB - Jetty application server - Automatic reloading of most artifacts But you’re not limited to that in Development or even in Production -
  • 163. Deployment Jetty and HSQLDB are just the defaults - You can deploy a grails application on any application server that can handle a WAR file and any database that has a JDBC driver But I’m getting ahead of myself...let’s get started with some Grails basics
  • 164. Artifacts Artifacts. or, if you’re british
  • 165. Artefacts A lot of the core contributors to Grails are in the UK, so you sometimes run into this (in the Grails code base)
  • 166. grails create-app devjam Every Grails Application has a common structure Underneath the ‘grails-app’ directory there are sub-directories for “special” grails artifacts. Let’s look at a few
  • 167. The domain subdirectory is for any class that you want to be persistent. These classes are automatically mapped to the DB through Hibernate
  • 168. Grails will automatically create your database tables based on your domain classes using Hibernate’s hbm2ddl There are other ways to manage DB migrations, this is just the default
  • 169. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) ! - the domain class name becomes the table name
  • 170. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) ! - attribute names are converted into column names
  • 171. mysql> describe event; +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | version | bigint(20) | NO | | NULL | | | event_date | datetime | NO | | NULL | | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) - id (PK) and version (optimistic locking) columns are added to DB, but don’t need to be explicitly specified in code all of these defaults can be overridden through a mapping DSL or through explicit Hibernate configuration
  • 172. The next couple examples are screen shots of the “Grails Console” - an interactive Swing console that is wired up with hibernate and all your spring beans and everything
  • 173. Not only are the domain classes automatically mapped to the DB, Grails adds persistent methods like .save() - inserts or updates an object
  • 174. .get(id) pass in the ID of a persistent object and hibernate will retrieve it
  • 176. and last but not least, dynamic finders like “findByTitle”
  • 177. and you can even add criteria like ‘EventDateLessThan’
  • 178. how about a query using case insensitive ‘like’?
  • 179. or a query using HQL?
  • 180. or a query using criteria?
  • 181. Zero All of this with: Zero - the amount of configuration and DAO lines of code you have to do to perform crud on a domain class.
  • 182. Customer class Customer { ! Address address } Address Associations are also supported - you can have - one to one
  • 183. class Customer { ! static hasMany = [incidents:Incident] } Customer Incident - one to many
  • 184. class Customer { ! static hasMany = [products:Product] } class Product { static hasMany = [customers:Customer] static belongsTo = Customer //Customer owns the relationship } Customer Customer Product Product - many to many
  • 185. Controllers are servlets in the Grails world. Any groovy class in this directory will have a url mapping by convention - no xml config required:
  • 186. http://server/devjam/event/list name of application The context root of your app is the name of the application, in this case “devjam”
  • 187. http://server/devjam/event/list name of controller The next part of a URL is the name of the controller
  • 188. http://server/devjam/event/list name of action and the final part is the name of the action (which is a closure defined in the controller) These are the defaults - you can change URL mappings to your liking
  • 189. http://server/devjam/event/list?max=10 Grails puts all the parameters coming in to a controller in to a map called ‘params’ - you can access them using ‘dot’ notation (like ‘params dot max’ to get the ‘max’ parameter)
  • 190. Data Binding This is also fantastic for data binding - on a new object you can pass the ‘params’ map straight to a object constructor (thank you Groovy constructor convenience)
  • 191. Dependency Injection Grails artifacts like controllers and services are created as spring beans - and grails autowires beans together by name. In the case, AuthenticateService will automatically be injected into the EventController - no config needed
  • 192. Views are GSP (grails server pages) instead of JSPs
  • 193. you can reference anything that is in the ‘model’ with ${} notation (like eventInstance)
  • 194. there’s a convention for where the views go - by default views for the “EventController” go in the “views/event” subdirectory
  • 195. Grails uses SiteMesh to decorate pages - so your GSPs are simple HTML
  • 196. that have a layout applied to them
  • 197. Demo Demo - build a simple Grails app to -list events (demo scaquot;olding) -create a new event (demo domain constraints) -allow users to RSVP to them (demo reloading of controller and dependency injection) -create RSS feed of events list (install and use feeds plugin)
  • 198. If we had more time... • testing • tag libraries • services • plugins • content negotiation For reference in the handout: Testing: Tag Libraries: Services: Plugins: Content Negotiation:
  • 199. Two resources: website - great starting point - and a grails app itself Grails reference guide - excellent documentation of Grails
  • 200. Two excellent books coming out very soon (early editions available from publisher now) GIA (May?): dp/1933988932/ DGG (Jan): Second/dp/1590599950
  • 201. Act III Act III: - when should you consider using these tools in an existing environment? - greenfield environment? - Where have they worked and where havenquot;t they? When should you consider using these tools in an existing environment?
  • 202. The first question I ask is “Are you already a Java shop?”
  • 203. If you are - then you already have the infrastructure you need to build and deploy applications with Groovy/Grails...
  • 205. If your company/client is open source friendly
  • 206. Then bringing Groovy into your existing environment is a piece of cake.
  • 207. Learning Curve 100 75 50 25 0 * data for this chart is completely fabricated The learning curve for a new language might look like this
  • 208. Learning Curve 100 75 50 25 0 * data for this chart is completely fabricated With Groovy, your Java developers will have a jump start on learning the language -the syntax is basically the same -all the Java APIs are available to you -can immediately be productive with the language and conveniences it provides
  • 209. Integrating Grails into an existing environment may not be quite as easy
  • 210. If you’re already using Hibernate for the ORM layer, then it’s possible. You can take your existing database, existing hibernate mapping files and Java domain classes and take advantage of all the features Grails has to oquot;er. (See “Grails In Action” book for using Grails to map the “Legacy Database from Hell”)
  • 212. + + -If your team is familiar with Hibernate and Spring -Your process includes iterative development and a fast feedback loop -And testing is important
  • 213. Then you should seriously be considering Grails for your next project
  • 215. 1 package com.piragua.groovy 2 3 import javax.servlet.http.* 4 import 5 6 class MyServletTest extends GroovyTestCase { 7 8 Map params 9 Map session 10 11 def request 12 13 protected void setUp() { 14 params = [:] 15 session = [:] 16 def mockSession = [setAttribute: {k, v -> session[k] = v }] Unit Testing is a great way to start integrating Groovy into your code base - collections / xml / file convenience features reduce the amount of ceremony in your tests - can make mocking is easier (as shown in earlier groovy slides)
  • 216. “internal” apps are a great place for Grails - it’s very easy to develop a fully functional web app very quickly I built one at my last client in 12 hours (full user login, search, audit history and workflow task management)
  • 217. There are tons of success stories for Grails ( Success+Stories) Some very large, some smaller.
  • 218. 200,000 1 Million $250/month users page views/month VPS Like this example - this Brazilian Entertainment website has 200k users, 1 million page views per month and runs on a $250/month VPS - no load balancing or major performance tuning Feb 2008 reference: td15548113.html
  • 219. Linked in uses Grails for some of its sites for corporate customers
  • 220. Hot oquot; the press - a full case study is coming soon! is Grails powered and more of is moving to Grails soon
  • 222. I have seen projects run into trouble when they don’t test enough. The dynamic nature of Groovy/Grails means that the compiler won’t find certain errors - you need good testing to mitigate this
  • 223. XYZ Thing Too far outside the box For instance - one project that didn’t use the conventions that GORM provides and tried to roll their own persistence mechanism didn’t go so well.
  • 224. I hope youquot;ve enjoyed the overview of Groovy/Grails and some thoughts to consider when choosing them
  • 226. But I’ve also been working with Groovy and Grails for almost 2 years and I’m still a happy camper.
  • 227. I encourage you to go download Groovy or download Grails and walk through the “Getting Started” tutorials - and see how these new tools can help you be more equot;ective