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Senior Solutions Architect, 10gen
Mark Helmstetter
General Technical
Overview of MongoDB for
Dev Teams
• A bit of history…
• Introducing MongoDB
• MongoDB CRUD Operations
• Working with Indexes in MongoDB
• Aggregation Framework
• MongoDB Ecosystem
A bit of history…
RDBMS Strengths
• Data stored is very compact
• Rigid schemas have led to powerful query
• Data is optimized for joins and storage
• Robust ecosystem of tools, libraries, integrations
• 40 years old!
It hides what you’re really
It makes development hard
Object Relational
Code XML Config DB Schema
What do they have in
Enter “Big Data”
• Gartner defines it with 3Vs
• Volume
– Vast amounts of data being collected
• Variety
– Evolving data
– Uncontrolled formats, no single schema
– Unknown at design time
• Velocity
– Inbound data speed
– Fast read/write operations
– Low latency
Mapping Big Data to RDBMS
• Difficult to store uncontrolled data formats
• Scaling via big iron or custom data
marts/partitioning schemes
• Schema must be known at design time
• Impedance mismatch with agile development
and deployment techniques
• Doesn‟t map well to native language constructs
Introducing MongoDB
• Scale horizontally over commodity systems
• Incorporate what works for RDBMSs
– Rich data models, ad-hoc queries, full indexes
• Drop what doesn‟t work well
– Complex schemas, multi-row transactions, complex joins
• Do not homogenize APIs
• Match agile development and deployment
Key Features
• Data represented as documents (JSON)
– Flexible-schema
– Storage/wire format is BSON
• Full CRUD support (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
– Atomic in-place updates
– Ad-hoc queries: Equality, RegEx, Ranges,Geospatial,Text
• Secondary indexes
• Replication – redundancy, failover
• Sharding – partitioning for read/write scalability
Database Database
Table Collection
Row Document
Document Oriented, Dynamic
name: “jeff”,
eyes: “blue”,
height: 72,
boss: “ben”}
{name: “brendan”,
aliases: [“el diablo”]}
name: “ben”,
hat: ”yes”}
{name: “matt”,
pizza: “DiGiorno”,
height: 72,
boss: 555.555.1212}
{name: “will”,
eyes: “blue”,
birthplace: “NY”,
aliases: [“bill”, “la
gender: ”???”,
boss: ”ben”}
MongoDB is full featured
first_name: „Paul‟,
surname: „Miller‟,
city: „London‟,
location: [45.123,47.232],
cars: [
{ model: „Bently‟,
year: 1973,
value: 100000, … },
{ model: „Rolls Royce‟,
year: 1965,
value: 330000, … }
Rich Queries
• Find Paul’s cars
• Find everybody who owns a car built
between 1970 and 1980
Geospatial • Find all of the car owners in London
Text Search
• Find all the cars described as having
leather seats
• What’s the average value of Paul’s car
Map Reduce
• What is the ownership pattern of colors
by geography over time? (is purple
trending up in China?)
Developers are more
Object Relational
XML Config DB Schema
Developers are more
Object Relational
XML Config DB Schema
MongoDB Scales Better
> use blog
> var post = {
author: "markh",
date: new Date(),
title: "My First Blog Post",
body: "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database
system developed and supported by 10gen.",
tags: ["MongoDB"]
> db.posts.insert(post)
Create – insert()
> var post = {
"_id" : 1,
"author" : "markh",
"title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application
using MongoDB",
"body" : "MetLife built a working prototype in two weeks and
was live in U.S. call centers in 90 days.",
"date" : ISODate("2013-05-07T00:00:00.000Z"),
"tags" : ["MongoDB", "Database", "Big Data"]
> db.posts.update({ _id:1 }, post, { upsert : true })
// upsert option with <query> argument on _id -- same as save()
> db.posts.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"),
"author" : "markh",
"date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"),
"title" : "My First Blog Post",
"body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented
database system developed and supported by 10gen.",
"tags" : ["MongoDB"]
// _id is unique but can be anything you like
Read – findOne()
> db.posts.findOne({author:"markh"})
"_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"),
"author" : "markh",
"date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"),
"title" : "My First Blog Post",
"body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented
database system developed and supported by 10gen.",
"tags" : ["MongoDB"]
Read – findOne()
> db.posts.find({author:"markh"})
"_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"),
"author" : "markh",
"date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"),
"title" : "My First Blog Post",
"body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented
database system developed and supported by 10gen.",
"tags" : ["MongoDB"]
Read – find()
> db.posts.find( { author:"markh" } , { _id:0, author:1 } )
{ "author" : "markh" }
// Ranges: $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte
> db.posts.find( {
author : "markh",
date : {
$gte : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt : ISODate("2013-05-10T02:50:27.874Z")
{ "title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application
using MongoDB",
"date" : ISODate("2013-05-07T00:00:00Z") }
Range Query Operators
// Set: $in, $all, $nin
> db.posts.find( {
author : "markh",
tags : { $all : [ "MongoDB", "Database", "Big Data" ]}
}, { title:1 })
"_id" : 1,
"title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application
using MongoDB"
Set Query Operators
// Logical: $or, $and, $not, $nor
> db.posts.find( {
author : "markh",
$or : [
{ title : /first/i },
{ body : /prototype/i }
} ).count()
Logical Query Operators
> var post = {
author: "markh",
date : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"),
title: "MongoDB is the #1 NoSQL Database",
body: "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database
system developed and supported by 10gen.",
tags: ["MongoDB"]
> db.posts.update(
{ _id:ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549") },
> db.posts.update(
{ _id: 1},
{ $set: {slug:"mongodb"} }
> db.posts.update(
{ _id: 1 },
{ $unset: {slug:1} }
> db.posts.update(
{ _id: 1 },
{ $inc: {revision:1} }
Update Operators
// Array Update Operators
// $set, $unset
// $push, $pop, $pull, $pullAll, $addToSet
> comment = {
userid: "fred",
date: new Date(),
text: "I totally agree!"
> db.posts.update( { _id: 1 }, {
$push: {comments: comment}
Array Update Operators
book = {
_id: 123456789,
title: "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide",
available: 1,
checkout: [ { by: "joe", date: ISODate("2012-10-15") } ]
> db.books.findAndModify ( {
query: { _id: 123456789, available: { $gt: 0 } },
update: {$inc: { available: -1 },
$push: { checkout: { by: "abc", date: new Date() } } }
} )
// Delete EVERYTHING in the collection
> db.posts.remove()
// Delete based on query criteria
> db.posts.remove( { _id:3 } )
> db.posts.remove( { author:"john" } )
// Only delete one document using "justOne" option
> db.posts.remove( { author:"john" }, true )
Working with Indexes in
Indexes are the single biggest
tunable performance factor in
Absent or suboptimal indexes
are the most common
avoidable MongoDB
performance problem.
// Default (unique) index on _id
// create an ascending index on “author”
> db.posts.ensureIndex({author:1})
> db.posts.find({author:"markh"})
Indexing a single value
// Arrays of values (multikey indexes)
tags: [“MongoDB”, “Database”, “NoSQL”]
> db.posts.ensureIndex({ tags: 1 })
> db.posts.find({tags: "MongoDB"})
Indexing Array Elements
// Multiple fields (compound key indexes)
> db.posts.ensureIndex({
author: 1,
date: -1
> db.posts.find( {
author : "markh",
date : {
$gte : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt : ISODate("2013-05-10T02:50:27.874Z")
Compound Indexes
// Subdocuments
comments: [ {
userid: "fred",
date: new Date(),
text: "I totally agree!"
} ]
db.posts.ensureIndex( { "comments.userid": 1 } )
Indexing Subdocuments
> db.pubs.insert( [
{name: "Ned Devine's",
loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.410018, 38.9516 ] } },
{name: "O'Sullivan's",
loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.386329, 38.970754 ] } },
{name: "Old Brogue",
loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.29067, 38.998542 ] } },
{name: "Finnegan's",
loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.395275, 38.952734 ] } }
> db.pubs.ensureIndex( { loc : "2dsphere" }
Geospatial Indexes
> db.pubs.find( { loc : { $near :
{ $geometry :
{ type : "Point" ,
coordinates: [ -77.386164, 38.971088 ] } },
$maxDistance : 500
} } )
{ "name" : "O'Sullivan's",
"loc" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -77.386329, 38.970754 ] } }
Geospatial Indexes
> db.pubs.insert( [
{ description: "Irish Pub, serving great Irish beers",
menuItems: ["Bangers & Mash", "Fish & Chips"] },
{ description:"Sports bar and restaurant",
menuItems: [ "Burgers", "Wings", "Pizza"] },
{ description:"Beer joint",
menuItems: [ "Belgian Beers", "Micro Brews", "Cask Ales"] }
> db.pubs.ensureIndex( {
description: "text",
menuItems: "text"
} )
Text Indexes
> db.pubs.runCommand( "text", { search: "beer",
project: { _id: 0 } } ).results
{"score" : 1.5, "obj" : {
"description" : "Beer joint",
"menuItems" : ["Belgian Beers", "Micro Brews", "Cask Ales"]
} },
{"score" : 0.5833333333333334, "obj" : {
"description" : "Irish Pub, serving great Irish beers",
"menuItems" : ["Bangers & Mash", "Fish & Chips", "Sheperd's Pie"]
} } ]
Text Indexes
// username in users collection must be unique
db.users.ensureIndex( { username: 1 }, { unique: true } )
Uniqueness Constraints
// Only documents with comments.userid will be indexed
{ "comments.userid": 1 } ,
{ sparse: true }
// Allow multiple documents to not have a sku field
db.products.ensureIndex( {sku: 1}, {unique: true, sparse: true} )
Sparse Indexes
• Process a stream of documents
– Original input is a collection
– Final output is a result document
• Series of operators
– Filter or transform data
– Input/output chain
ps ax | grep mongod | head -n 1
Pipeline Operators
• $match
• $project
• $group
• $unwind
• $sort
• $limit
• $skip
Aggregation Framework
SQL Statement MongoDB Aggregation Statment
FROM orders
db.orders.aggregate( [
{ $group: { _id: null,
count: { $sum: 1 } } }
] )
SELECT SUM(price) AS total
FROM orders
db.orders.aggregate( [
{ $group: { _id: null,
total: { $sum: "$price" } } }
] )
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) AS total
FROM orders
GROUP BY cust_id
db.orders.aggregate( [
{ $group: { _id: "$cust_id",
total: { $sum: "$price" } } }
] )
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) as total
FROM orders
WHERE status = 'A'
GROUP BY cust_id
db.orders.aggregate( [
{ $match: { status: 'A' } },
{ $group: { _id: "$cust_id",
total: { $sum: "$price" } } }
] )
title: "The Great Gatsby",
pages: 218,
language: "English"
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian"
title: "Atlas Shrugged",
pages: 1088,
language: "English"
Matching Field Values
{ $match: {
language: "Russian"
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian"
title: "The Great Gatsby",
pages: 218,
language: "English"
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian"
title: "Atlas Shrugged",
pages: 1088,
language: "English"
Matching with Query
{ $match: {
pages: { $gt: 1000 }
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian"
title: "Atlas Shrugged",
pages: 1088,
language: "English"
title: "The Great Gatsby",
pages: 218,
language: "English"
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian"
title: "Atlas Shrugged",
pages: 1088,
language: "English"
Calculating an Average
{ $group: {
_id: "$language",
avgPages: { $avg:
"$pages" }
_id: "Russian",
avgPages: 1440
_id: "English",
avgPages: 653
title: "The Great Gatsby",
pages: 218,
language: "English"
title: "War and Peace",
pages: 1440,
language: "Russian”
title: "Atlas Shrugged",
pages: 1088,
language: "English"
Summating Fields and
{ $group: {
_id: "$language",
numTitles: { $sum: 1 },
sumPages: { $sum: "$pages" }
_id: "Russian",
numTitles: 1,
sumPages: 1440
_id: "English",
numTitles: 2,
sumPages: 1306
MongoDB Ecosystem
MongoDB Ecosystem
Libraries /
ETL Tools
Global Community
MongoDB Downloads
Online Education Registrants
MongoDB User Group Members
MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) Users
Annual MongoDB DaysAttendees
MongoDB is the leading NoSQL
MongoDB Users
Use Cases
High Volume
Data Feeds
User Data
MongoDB Books
Online Manual
Free Online MongoDB Training
Community Supported
Drivers for most popular
programming languages and
• CakePHP
• CodeIgniter
• Fat-Free
• Lithium
• Symfony 2
• TechMVC
• Vork
• Grails
• Pyramid
• Django
Ecosystem – Web Application
• Morphia
• Doctrine
• Kohana
• Yii
• MongoRecord
• ActiveMongo
• Comfi
• Mandango
• Mongoose
• Spring Data MongoDB
• Hibernate OGM
• MongoEngine
• Salat
Ecosystem – ODM
• Drupal
• Locomotive
• MongoPress
• Calipso
• Frameworks
– Web frameworks with CMS capabilitites
– v7files / Vermongo
Ecosystem – CMS
• Munin MongoDB Plugin
• Nagios
• Ganglia
• Zabbix
• Scout
• Server Density
Ecosystem – Monitoring Tools
• Edda
• Fang of Mongo
• Umongo
• MongoExplorer
• MongoHub
• MongoVision
• MongoVUE
• mViewer
• Opricot
• PHPMoAdmin
• RockMongo
• Genghis
• Meclipse
• Humongous
• MongoDB ODA
plugin for BIRT
• Monad
for MongoDB
Ecosystem – Admin UIs
• HTTP Console / Simple REST Interface (built-in)
• Sleepy Mongoose (Python)
• DrowsyDromedary (Ruby)
• MongoDB Rest (Node.js)
• MongoDB Java REST Server
Ecosystem – HTTP/REST
• GridFS
– Thundergrid
– Mongofilesystem
• Deployment /
– puppet-mongodb
– chef-mongodb
• MongoDB Pagination
• Morph
• Mongodloid
• SimpleMongoPhp
• Mongo-Queue-PHP
Ecosystem – Miscelenia
• MongoDB is a full-featured, general purpose
• Flexible document data model provides
– Greater flexibility
– Greater agility
• MongoDB is built for "Big Data"
• Healthy, strong, and growing ecosystem /
• Presentations / Webinars
• Customer Success Stories
• MongoDB Documentation
• Community
Senior Solutions Architect, 10gen
Mark Helmstetter
Thank You

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Similaire à Webinar: General Technical Overview of MongoDB for Dev Teams (20)

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Webinar: General Technical Overview of MongoDB for Dev Teams

  • 1. Senior Solutions Architect, 10gen Mark Helmstetter General Technical Overview of MongoDB for Dev Teams
  • 2. Agenda • A bit of history… • Introducing MongoDB • MongoDB CRUD Operations • Working with Indexes in MongoDB • Aggregation Framework • MongoDB Ecosystem
  • 3. A bit of history…
  • 4. RDBMS Strengths • Data stored is very compact • Rigid schemas have led to powerful query capabilities • Data is optimized for joins and storage • Robust ecosystem of tools, libraries, integrations • 40 years old!
  • 5.
  • 6. It hides what you’re really doing
  • 7. It makes development hard Relational Database Object Relational Mapping Application Code XML Config DB Schema
  • 8. What do they have in common?
  • 9. Enter “Big Data” • Gartner defines it with 3Vs • Volume – Vast amounts of data being collected • Variety – Evolving data – Uncontrolled formats, no single schema – Unknown at design time • Velocity – Inbound data speed – Fast read/write operations – Low latency
  • 10. Mapping Big Data to RDBMS • Difficult to store uncontrolled data formats • Scaling via big iron or custom data marts/partitioning schemes • Schema must be known at design time • Impedance mismatch with agile development and deployment techniques • Doesn‟t map well to native language constructs
  • 12. Goals • Scale horizontally over commodity systems • Incorporate what works for RDBMSs – Rich data models, ad-hoc queries, full indexes • Drop what doesn‟t work well – Complex schemas, multi-row transactions, complex joins • Do not homogenize APIs • Match agile development and deployment workflows
  • 13. Key Features • Data represented as documents (JSON) – Flexible-schema – Storage/wire format is BSON • Full CRUD support (Create, Read, Update, Delete) – Atomic in-place updates – Ad-hoc queries: Equality, RegEx, Ranges,Geospatial,Text • Secondary indexes • Replication – redundancy, failover • Sharding – partitioning for read/write scalability
  • 15. Document Oriented, Dynamic Schema name: “jeff”, eyes: “blue”, height: 72, boss: “ben”} {name: “brendan”, aliases: [“el diablo”]} name: “ben”, hat: ”yes”} {name: “matt”, pizza: “DiGiorno”, height: 72, boss: 555.555.1212} {name: “will”, eyes: “blue”, birthplace: “NY”, aliases: [“bill”, “la ciacco”], gender: ”???”, boss: ”ben”}
  • 16. MongoDB is full featured MongoDB { first_name: „Paul‟, surname: „Miller‟, city: „London‟, location: [45.123,47.232], cars: [ { model: „Bently‟, year: 1973, value: 100000, … }, { model: „Rolls Royce‟, year: 1965, value: 330000, … } } } Rich Queries • Find Paul’s cars • Find everybody who owns a car built between 1970 and 1980 Geospatial • Find all of the car owners in London Text Search • Find all the cars described as having leather seats Aggregation • What’s the average value of Paul’s car collection Map Reduce • What is the ownership pattern of colors by geography over time? (is purple trending up in China?)
  • 21. > use blog > var post = { author: "markh", date: new Date(), title: "My First Blog Post", body: "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system developed and supported by 10gen.", tags: ["MongoDB"] } > db.posts.insert(post) Create – insert()
  • 22. > var post = { "_id" : 1, "author" : "markh", "title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application using MongoDB", "body" : "MetLife built a working prototype in two weeks and was live in U.S. call centers in 90 days.", "date" : ISODate("2013-05-07T00:00:00.000Z"), "tags" : ["MongoDB", "Database", "Big Data"] } > db.posts.update({ _id:1 }, post, { upsert : true }) // upsert option with <query> argument on _id -- same as save() Upsert
  • 23. > db.posts.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"), "author" : "markh", "date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"), "title" : "My First Blog Post", "body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system developed and supported by 10gen.", "tags" : ["MongoDB"] } // _id is unique but can be anything you like Read – findOne()
  • 24. > db.posts.findOne({author:"markh"}) { "_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"), "author" : "markh", "date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"), "title" : "My First Blog Post", "body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system developed and supported by 10gen.", "tags" : ["MongoDB"] } Read – findOne()
  • 25. > db.posts.find({author:"markh"}) { "_id" : ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549"), "author" : "markh", "date" : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"), "title" : "My First Blog Post", "body" : "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system developed and supported by 10gen.", "tags" : ["MongoDB"] } … Read – find()
  • 26. > db.posts.find( { author:"markh" } , { _id:0, author:1 } ) { "author" : "markh" } Projections
  • 27. // Ranges: $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte > db.posts.find( { author : "markh", date : { $gte : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt : ISODate("2013-05-10T02:50:27.874Z") } }) { "title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application using MongoDB", "date" : ISODate("2013-05-07T00:00:00Z") } Range Query Operators
  • 28. // Set: $in, $all, $nin > db.posts.find( { author : "markh", tags : { $all : [ "MongoDB", "Database", "Big Data" ]} }, { title:1 }) { "_id" : 1, "title" : "MetLife builds innovative customer service application using MongoDB" } Set Query Operators
  • 29. // Logical: $or, $and, $not, $nor > db.posts.find( { author : "markh", $or : [ { title : /first/i }, { body : /prototype/i } ] } ).count() 2 Logical Query Operators
  • 30. > var post = { author: "markh", date : ISODate("2013-05-29T20:13:37.349Z"), title: "MongoDB is the #1 NoSQL Database", body: "MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system developed and supported by 10gen.", tags: ["MongoDB"] } > db.posts.update( { _id:ObjectId("517ed472e14b748a44dc0549") }, post ) Update
  • 31. > db.posts.update( { _id: 1}, { $set: {slug:"mongodb"} } ) > db.posts.update( { _id: 1 }, { $unset: {slug:1} } ) > db.posts.update( { _id: 1 }, { $inc: {revision:1} } ) Update Operators
  • 32. // Array Update Operators // $set, $unset // $push, $pop, $pull, $pullAll, $addToSet > comment = { userid: "fred", date: new Date(), text: "I totally agree!" } > db.posts.update( { _id: 1 }, { $push: {comments: comment} }); Array Update Operators
  • 33. book = { _id: 123456789, title: "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", available: 1, checkout: [ { by: "joe", date: ISODate("2012-10-15") } ] } > db.books.findAndModify ( { query: { _id: 123456789, available: { $gt: 0 } }, update: {$inc: { available: -1 }, $push: { checkout: { by: "abc", date: new Date() } } } } ) findAndModify
  • 34. // Delete EVERYTHING in the collection > db.posts.remove() // Delete based on query criteria > db.posts.remove( { _id:3 } ) > db.posts.remove( { author:"john" } ) // Only delete one document using "justOne" option > db.posts.remove( { author:"john" }, true ) Delete
  • 35. Working with Indexes in MongoDB
  • 36. Indexes are the single biggest tunable performance factor in MongoDB Absent or suboptimal indexes are the most common avoidable MongoDB performance problem.
  • 37. // Default (unique) index on _id // create an ascending index on “author” > db.posts.ensureIndex({author:1}) > db.posts.find({author:"markh"}) Indexing a single value
  • 38. // Arrays of values (multikey indexes) tags: [“MongoDB”, “Database”, “NoSQL”] > db.posts.ensureIndex({ tags: 1 }) > db.posts.find({tags: "MongoDB"}) Indexing Array Elements
  • 39. // Multiple fields (compound key indexes) > db.posts.ensureIndex({ author: 1, date: -1 }) > db.posts.find( { author : "markh", date : { $gte : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt : ISODate("2013-05-10T02:50:27.874Z") } }) Compound Indexes
  • 40. // Subdocuments { … comments: [ { userid: "fred", date: new Date(), text: "I totally agree!" } ] } db.posts.ensureIndex( { "comments.userid": 1 } ) Indexing Subdocuments
  • 41. > db.pubs.insert( [ {name: "Ned Devine's", loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.410018, 38.9516 ] } }, {name: "O'Sullivan's", loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.386329, 38.970754 ] } }, {name: "Old Brogue", loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.29067, 38.998542 ] } }, {name: "Finnegan's", loc : { type : "Point", coordinates : [ -77.395275, 38.952734 ] } } ]) > db.pubs.ensureIndex( { loc : "2dsphere" } Geospatial Indexes
  • 42. > db.pubs.find( { loc : { $near : { $geometry : { type : "Point" , coordinates: [ -77.386164, 38.971088 ] } }, $maxDistance : 500 } } ) { "name" : "O'Sullivan's", "loc" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -77.386329, 38.970754 ] } } Geospatial Indexes
  • 43. > db.pubs.insert( [ { description: "Irish Pub, serving great Irish beers", menuItems: ["Bangers & Mash", "Fish & Chips"] }, { description:"Sports bar and restaurant", menuItems: [ "Burgers", "Wings", "Pizza"] }, { description:"Beer joint", menuItems: [ "Belgian Beers", "Micro Brews", "Cask Ales"] } ]) > db.pubs.ensureIndex( { description: "text", menuItems: "text" } ) Text Indexes
  • 44. > db.pubs.runCommand( "text", { search: "beer", project: { _id: 0 } } ).results [ {"score" : 1.5, "obj" : { "description" : "Beer joint", "menuItems" : ["Belgian Beers", "Micro Brews", "Cask Ales"] } }, {"score" : 0.5833333333333334, "obj" : { "description" : "Irish Pub, serving great Irish beers", "menuItems" : ["Bangers & Mash", "Fish & Chips", "Sheperd's Pie"] } } ] Text Indexes
  • 45. // username in users collection must be unique db.users.ensureIndex( { username: 1 }, { unique: true } ) Uniqueness Constraints
  • 46. // Only documents with comments.userid will be indexed db.posts.ensureIndex( { "comments.userid": 1 } , { sparse: true } ) // Allow multiple documents to not have a sku field db.products.ensureIndex( {sku: 1}, {unique: true, sparse: true} ) Sparse Indexes
  • 48. Pipeline • Process a stream of documents – Original input is a collection – Final output is a result document • Series of operators – Filter or transform data – Input/output chain ps ax | grep mongod | head -n 1
  • 49. Pipeline Operators • $match • $project • $group • $unwind • $sort • $limit • $skip
  • 50. Aggregation Framework SQL Statement MongoDB Aggregation Statment SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM orders db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } } ] ) SELECT SUM(price) AS total FROM orders db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: "$price" } } } ] ) SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) AS total FROM orders GROUP BY cust_id db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } } ] ) SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) as total FROM orders WHERE status = 'A' GROUP BY cust_id db.orders.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: 'A' } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } } ] )
  • 51. { title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English" } { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian" } { title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English" } Matching Field Values { $match: { language: "Russian" }} { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian" }
  • 52. { title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English" } { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian" } { title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English" } Matching with Query Operators { $match: { pages: { $gt: 1000 } }} { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian" } { title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English" }
  • 53. { title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English" } { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian" } { title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English" } Calculating an Average { $group: { _id: "$language", avgPages: { $avg: "$pages" } }} { _id: "Russian", avgPages: 1440 } { _id: "English", avgPages: 653 }
  • 54. { title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English" } { title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian” } { title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English" } Summating Fields and Counting { $group: { _id: "$language", numTitles: { $sum: 1 }, sumPages: { $sum: "$pages" } }} { _id: "Russian", numTitles: 1, sumPages: 1440 } { _id: "English", numTitles: 2, sumPages: 1306 }
  • 56. MongoDB Ecosystem Drivers Libraries / Framework s Applications Monitoring Tools Admin Tools ETL Tools Deployment Tools IDEs Communit y
  • 57. Global Community 4,000,000+ MongoDB Downloads 50,000+ Online Education Registrants 15,000+ MongoDB User Group Members 14,000+ MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) Users 10,000+ Annual MongoDB DaysAttendees
  • 58. MongoDB is the leading NoSQL Database
  • 60. Use Cases Content Management Operational Intelligence High Volume Data Feeds E-Commerce User Data Management
  • 64. Drivers Community Supported Drivers Drivers Drivers for most popular programming languages and frameworks Java Python Perl Ruby Haskell JavaScript PowerShell Prolog Racket
  • 65. • CakePHP • CodeIgniter • Fat-Free • Lithium • Symfony 2 • TechMVC • Vork • TURBOPY • Grails • Pyramid • Django Ecosystem – Web Application Frameworks
  • 66. • Morphia • Doctrine • Kohana • Yii • MongoRecord • ActiveMongo • Comfi • Mandango • MongoDB PHP ODM • Mongoose • Spring Data MongoDB • Hibernate OGM • MongoEngine • Salat Ecosystem – ODM
  • 67. • Drupal • Locomotive • MongoPress • Calipso • Frameworks – Web frameworks with CMS capabilitites – v7files / Vermongo Ecosystem – CMS
  • 68. • MMS • Munin MongoDB Plugin • Nagios • Ganglia • Zabbix • Scout • Server Density Ecosystem – Monitoring Tools
  • 69. • Edda • Fang of Mongo • Umongo • MongoExplorer • MongoHub • MongoVision • MongoVUE • mViewer • Opricot • PHPMoAdmin • RockMongo • Genghis • Meclipse • Humongous • MongoDB ODA plugin for BIRT • Monad Management for MongoDB Ecosystem – Admin UIs
  • 70. • HTTP Console / Simple REST Interface (built-in) • Sleepy Mongoose (Python) • DrowsyDromedary (Ruby) • MongoDB Rest (Node.js) • MongoDB Java REST Server Ecosystem – HTTP/REST Interfaces
  • 71. • GridFS – Thundergrid – Mongofilesystem • Deployment / Mangagement – puppet-mongodb – chef-mongodb • MongoDB Pagination • Morph • Mongodloid • SimpleMongoPhp • Mongo-Queue-PHP Ecosystem – Miscelenia
  • 72. • MongoDB is a full-featured, general purpose database • Flexible document data model provides – Greater flexibility – Greater agility • MongoDB is built for "Big Data" • Healthy, strong, and growing ecosystem / community Conclusion
  • 73. • Presentations / Webinars – • Customer Success Stories – • MongoDB Documentation – • Community – – Resources
  • 75. Senior Solutions Architect, 10gen Mark Helmstetter Thank You @helmstetter

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Magento ER Diagram
  2. BSON types:stringinteger (32- or 64-bit)double (64-bit IEEE 754 floating point number)date (integer number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch)byte array (binary data)boolean (true and false)null
  3. BSON types:stringinteger (32- or 64-bit)double (64-bit IEEE 754 floating point number)date (integer number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch)byte array (binary data)boolean (true and false)null
  4. These are called targeted modifications
  5. So it’s imperative we understand them
  6. Indexes can be costly if you have too manysoooo....
  7. GeoJSON is an open format (based on the JSON standard) for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. MongoDB supports the following GeoJSON objects:PointLineStringPolygon
  8. $geoWithin - GeoJSON Objects Bounded by a Polygon$geoIntersects operator queries for locations that intersect a specified GeoJSON object.
  9. unique applies a uniqueness constant on duplicate values.dropDups will force the server to create a unique index by only keeping the first document found in natural order with a value and dropping all other documents with that value.dropDups will likely result in data loss!!!TODO: Maybe add a red exclamation point for dropDups.
  10. MongoDB doesn&apos;t enforce a schema – documents are not required to have the same fields.Sparse indexes only contain entries for documents that have the indexed field.Without sparse, documents without field &apos;a&apos; have a null entry in the index for that field.With sparse a unique constraint can be applied to a field not shared by all documents. Otherwise multiple &apos;null&apos; values violate the unique constraint.XXX: Is there a visual that makes sense here?
  11. MongoDB uses BSON as the data storage and network transfer format for “documents”.