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Mounia Lalmas
Yahoo Labs London
CLEF 2015 – Toulouse
This talk
§ Evaluation in search
(offline evaluation)
(online evaluation)
§  Interpreting the signals
§ Introduction to user engagement
§ From retrieval effectiveness to user engagement
(from intra-session to inter-session evaluation)
The Message of this talk
What you want
to optimize for
each task,
session, query
What you want
to optimize long-
Evaluation in
How to evaluate a search system
§ Coverage	
§ Speed	
§ Query	
§ User	
§ User	
§ But	
Sec. 8.6
(Manning, Raghavan & Schütze, 2008; Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 2011)
Within an online
›  July 2012
›  2.5M users
›  785M page views
›  Categorization of the most
frequent accessed sites
•  11 categories (e.g. news), 33
subcategories (e.g. news finance,
news society)
•  760 sites from 70 countries/regions
short sessions: average 3.01 distinct sites visited with revisitation rate 10%
long sessions: average 9.62 distinct sites visited with revisitation rate 22%
(Lehmann etal, 2013)
Measuring user happiness
Sec. 8.1
all items
§  User	
§  Relevance	
§  Example:	
›  Informa&on	
›  Query:	
Evaluation measures:
•  precision, recall, R-precision; precision@n;
average precision; F-measure; …
•  bpref; cumulative gains, rank-biased precision,
expected reciprocal rank, Q-measure, …
Measuring user happiness
Sec. 8.1
Explicit signals
Test collection methodology (TREC, CLEF, …)
Human labeled corpora
Implicit signals
User behavior in online settings (clicks, skips, …)
Explicit and implicit signals can be used together
Examples of implicit signals
§  Number of clicks
§  SAT click
§  Quick-back click
§  Click at given position
§  Time to first click
§  Skipping
§  Abandonment rate
§  Number of query reformulations
§  Dwell time
§  Hover
What is a happy user in search
1.  The user information need is satisfied
2.  The user has learned about a topic and even
about other topics
3.  The system was inviting and even fun to use
In-the-moment engagement
Users on a site
Long-term engagement
Users come back frequently
Interpreting the
User variability
(Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001; Bailey etal, 2015)
T: number of documents users (judges) expected to read
Q: number of queries users (judges) expected to issue
Task complexity Task complexity
Explicit signal: MAP
(Turpin & Scholer, 2006)
Similar results obtained with P@2, P@3, P@4 and P@10
Explicit signal: MAP (2)
(Turpin & Scholer, 2006)
top most popular tweets top most popular tweets + geographical diverse
Being from a central or peripheral location makes a difference.
Peripheral users did not perceive the timeline as being diverse
Explicit signal: “Diversity”
It should never be just about the algorithm, but also how users respond to what the
algorithm returns to them
(Graells-Garrido, Lalmas & Baeza-Yates, Under Review)
Implicit signal: Click-through rate
new ranking algorithm
new design of search result page
Multimedia search
activities often
driven by
needs, not by
information needs
Relevance in multimedia search
(Slaney, 2011)
Signal signal: Clicks (I)
(Miliaraki, Blanco & Lalmas, 2015)
Implicit signal: Clicks (II)
Explorative and serendipitous search
I just wanted the phone number … I am totally happy J
Implicit signal: No click
Information-rich snippet
Implicit signal: No click
Cickthrough rate:
% of clicks when URL
shown (per query)
Hover rate:
% hover over URL
(per query)
Unclicked hover:
Median time user hovers over
URL but no click (per query)
Max hover time:
Maximum time user hovers
over a result (per SERP)
(Huang et al, 2011)
§  Abandonment is when there is no click on the search result page
›  User is dissatisfied (bad abandonment)
›  User found result(s) on the search result page (good abandonment)
§  858 queries (21% good vs. 79% abandonment manually examined)
§  Cursor trail length
›  Total distance (pixel) traveled by cursor on SERP
›  Shorter for good abandonment
§  Movement time
›  Total time (second) cursor moved on SERP
›  Longer when answers in snippet (good abandonment)
§  Cursor speed
›  Average cursor speed (pixel/second)
›  Slower when answers in snippet (good abandonment)
(Huang et al, 2011)
Implicit signal: Abandonment rate
“reading” cursor heatmap of relevant document vs “scanning” cursor heatmap
of non-relevant document (both dwell time of 30s)
(Guo & Agichtein, 2012)
Implicit signal: Dwell time
Implicit signal: Dwell time
“reading” a relevant long document vs “scanning” a long non-relevant
(Guo & Agichtein, 2012)
Implicit signal: Dwell time
used a proxy of
user experience
click on
an ad on
Dwell time on non-optimized landing pages
comparable and even higher than on mobile-
optimized ones
… when mobile optimized, users realize quickly
whether they “like” the ad or not?
(Lalmas etal, 2015)
non-mobile optimized mobile optimized
User engagement
What is user engagement?
“User engagement is a quality of the
user experience that emphasizes the
phenomena associated with wanting to
use a technological resource longer and
frequently” (Attfield et al, 2011)
Characteristics of user engagement
(Webster & Ho, 1997; O’Brien,
Richness and control
(Jacques et al, 1995; Webster &
Ho, 1997)
(Jacques et al, 1995; O’Brien,
(Read, MacFarlane, & Casey,
2002; O’Brien, 2008)
Focused attention
(Webster & Ho, 1997; O’Brien,
Reputation, trust and
(Attfield et al, 2011)
Positive Affect
(O’Brien & Toms, 2008)
Motivation, interests,
incentives, and benefits
(Jacques et al., 1995; O’Brien & Toms,
(O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
Measuring user engagement
Self-report Questionnaire, interview,
think-aloud and think after
Short- and long-term
Lab and field
Small scale
Physiology EEG, SCL, fMRI
eye tracking
Lab and field
Small and large scale
Analytics intra- and inter-session metrics
data science
Short- and long-term
Large scale
Attributes of user engagement
§ Scale (small versus large)
§ Setting (laboratory versus field)
§ Objective versus subjective
§ Temporality (in-the-moment versus long-term)
What you want
to optimize for
each task,
session, query
What you want
to optimize long-
User engagement metrics
User engagement metrics
0-1 1-0.5 0.5
Kendall’s tau with p-value < 0.05
('-' insignificant correlations)
High correlation
between metrics in
same group
Low correlation
between metrics in
different groups
#Users [POP] 0.82 0.75 - - 0.43 0.34
#Visits [POP] 0.82 0.85 - - 0.60 0.52
#Clicks [POP] 0.75 0.85 0.16 0.18 0.59 0.51
PageViewsV [ACT] - - 0.16 0.33 - -
DwellTimeV [ACT] - - 0.18 0.33 - -
ActiveDays [LOY] 0.43 0.60 0.59 - - 0.79
ReturnRate [LOY] 0.34 0.52 0.51 - - 0.79
(Lehmann etal, 2012)
Online sites differ with respect to
their engagement pattern
Users spend
much time per
Users come
frequently and
do not stay long
Social media
Users come
frequently and
stay long
Users come on
average once
a week e.g. weekly
Users come
e.g. morning and
Users visit site,
when needed,
e.g. to renew
(Lehmann etal, 2012)
in-the-moment: at each visit
long-term: visit frequency
From intra- to
1.  Search
2.  Mobile advertising
happy users
come back
The Message: From intra- to inter-
session evaluation
What you want
to optimize for
each task,
session, query
What you want
to optimize long-
Search experience
What you want
to optimize for
each task,
session, query
(revisit the
What you want
to optimize long-
intra-session search
•  Dwell time
•  Number of clicks
•  Time to 1st lick
•  Skipping
•  Click through rate
•  Abandonment rate
•  Number of query
•  …
Dwell time as a proxy of user interest
Dwell time as a proxy of relevance
Dwell time as a proxy of conversion
Dwell time as a proxy of post-click ad
User engagement metrics for search
(Proxy: relevance of search results)
Dwell time (I)
§ Definition
The contiguous time spent on
a site or web page
§ Cons
Not clear that the user was
actually looking at the site
while there à blur/focus
Distribution of dwell times on 50
(O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
Dwell time (II)
Dwell time varies by
site type:
•  leisure sites tend to have
longer dwell times than
news, e-commerce, etc.
Dwell time has a
relatively large variance
even for the same site
Dwell time on 50 websites
(tourists, active, VIP …
(O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
Search result page for “asparagus” (I)
Search result page for “asparagus” (II)
Absence time and survival analysis
story 1
story 2
story 3
story 4
story 5
story 6
story 7
story 8
story 9
0 5 10 15 20
Users (%) who did come back
Users (%) who read story 2 but did not come back after 10 hours
Absence time applied to search
Ranking function on Yahoo Answer Japan
Two-weeks click data on Yahoo Answer Japan: search
One millions users
Six ranking functions
30-minute session boundary
survival analysis: high hazard rate (die quickly) = short absence
5 clicks
Absence time and number of clicks on
search result page
3 clicks
§  No click means a bad user experience
§  Clicking between 3-5 results leads to same user experience
§  Clicking on more than 5 results reflects poorer user experience; users cannot
find what they are looking for
(Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
Using DCG versus absence to evaluate
five ranking functions
Ranking Alg 1
Ranking Alg 2
Ranking Alg 3
Ranking Alg 4
Ranking Alg 5
Ranking Alg 1
Ranking Alg 3
Ranking Alg 2
Ranking Alg 4
Ranking Alg 5
Absence time
Ranking Alg 1
Ranking Alg 2
Ranking Alg 5
Ranking Alg 3
Ranking Alg 4
(Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
Absence time and search experience
§  Clicking lower in the ranking (2nd, 3rd) suggests more careful choice
from the user (compared to 1st)
§  Clicking at bottom is a sign of low quality overall ranking
§  Users finding their answers quickly (time to 1st click) return sooner to
the search application
§  Returning to the same search result page is a worse user experience
than reformulating the query
search session metrics à absence time
(Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
Absence time – search experience
From 21 experiments carried out through A/B testing, using absence time
agrees with 14 of them (which one is better)
(Chakraborty etal, 2014)
Positive signals
•  One more query in session
•  One more click in session
•  SAT clicks
•  Query reformulation
Negative signals
•  Abandoned session
•  Quick-back clicks
search session metrics à absence time
Native advertising
The context — Post-click experience
on mobile advertising
What you want
to optimize for
each task,
session, query
time on
(next ad
What you want
to optimize long-
termnative ad
Native Advertising
Mobile Desktop
Estimating the quality of the post-click
Best experience is when conversion happens
Estimating the probability of conversion is hard!
- Conversion data is not available for all advertisers
- Conversion data is not missing at random
Proxy metric of post-click quality:
dwell time on the ad landing page
- No conversion does not mean a bad experience
tad-click tback-to-publisher
dwell time = tback-to-publisher – tad-click
Dwell time as a proxy of the post-click
200K ad clicks
Ø  It needs less time to
get the same
probability of a
second click
desktop (toolbar)
30K ad clicks
Ø  23.3% of users visit other websites
than the ad landing page before
returning to publisher
Ø  this goes down to 7.4% for dwell time
up to 3 mins.
Probability of a second click
increases with dwell time
Dwell time and
absence time
short ad clicks long ad clicks
Dwell time à ad click
Positive post-click
experience (“long” clicks)
has an effect on users
clicking on ads again
(Lalmas etal, 2015)
Absence time:
•  return to publisher
•  click on an ad
From intra- to inter-
session evaluation
Absence time
1.  Search
2.  Mobile advertising
happy users
come back
What’s next?
Large-scale online measurement
Decide the in-
Decide the long-
Which in-the-
moment metric(s)
are good
predictor of long-
term value
Optimize for the
identified in-the-
Lots of data
required to
remove noise
What is a
What is a
O’Brien & Toms User
Engagement Scale
31-items and six sub-
aesthetic appeal, novelty,
felt involvement,
focused attention,
perceived usability,
(O’Brien & Toms, 2010; Arguello etal, 2012;
Bordino etal, Under Review)
Small-scale measurement
Towards User Engagement
happy users
come back
we need to
properly identify
that a user is

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161121 ASML UX Event
User Interface and User Experience - A Process and Strategy for Small Teams
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Plus de Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke

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Plus de Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke (14)

Engagement, Metrics & Personalisation at Scale
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Evaluating the search experience: from Retrieval Effectiveness to User Engagement

  • 1. Evalua&ng  the  search  experience:   from  Retrieval  Effec&veness  to   User  Engagement   Mounia Lalmas Yahoo Labs London CLEF 2015 – Toulouse
  • 2. This talk § Evaluation in search (offline evaluation) (online evaluation) §  Interpreting the signals § Introduction to user engagement § From retrieval effectiveness to user engagement (from intra-session to inter-session evaluation)
  • 3. The Message of this talk What you want to optimize for each task, session, query M1 M2 M3 . . . Mn LTV1 LTV2 LTV3 . . . LTVm Mi LTVj What you want to optimize long- termSystem Models Features
  • 5. How to evaluate a search system § Coverage   § Speed   § Query  language   § User  interface   § User  happiness   Users  find  what  they  want  and  return  to  the  search  system     § But  let  us  remember:   In  carrying  out  a  search  task,  search  is  a  means,  not  an  end   Sec. 8.6 (Manning, Raghavan & Schütze, 2008; Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 2011)
  • 6. Within an online session ›  July 2012 ›  2.5M users ›  785M page views ›  Categorization of the most frequent accessed sites •  11 categories (e.g. news), 33 subcategories (e.g. news finance, news society) •  760 sites from 70 countries/regions short sessions: average 3.01 distinct sites visited with revisitation rate 10% long sessions: average 9.62 distinct sites visited with revisitation rate 22% (Lehmann etal, 2013)
  • 7. Measuring user happiness Most  common  proxy:  relevance  of  retrieved  results   Sec. 8.1 Relevant Retrieved all items §  User  informa(on  need  translated  into   a  query   §  Relevance  assessed  rela&ve  to     informa(on  need  not  the  query   §  Example:   ›  Informa&on  need:  I  am  looking  for  tennis   holiday  in  a  country  with  no  rain   ›  Query:  tennis  academy  good  weather   Evaluation measures: •  precision, recall, R-precision; precision@n; average precision; F-measure; … •  bpref; cumulative gains, rank-biased precision, expected reciprocal rank, Q-measure, … precision recall
  • 8. Measuring user happiness Most  common  proxy:  relevance  of  retrieval  results   Sec. 8.1 Explicit signals Test collection methodology (TREC, CLEF, …) Human labeled corpora Implicit signals User behavior in online settings (clicks, skips, …) Explicit and implicit signals can be used together
  • 9. Examples of implicit signals §  Number of clicks §  SAT click §  Quick-back click §  Click at given position §  Time to first click §  Skipping §  Abandonment rate §  Number of query reformulations §  Dwell time §  Hover
  • 10. What is a happy user in search 1.  The user information need is satisfied 2.  The user has learned about a topic and even about other topics 3.  The system was inviting and even fun to use In-the-moment engagement Users on a site Long-term engagement Users come back frequently USER ENGAGEMENT
  • 12. User variability (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001; Bailey etal, 2015) T: number of documents users (judges) expected to read Q: number of queries users (judges) expected to issue Task complexity Task complexity
  • 13. Explicit signal: MAP (Turpin & Scholer, 2006) Similar results obtained with P@2, P@3, P@4 and P@10 PRECISION-BASED SEARCH
  • 14. Explicit signal: MAP (2) (Turpin & Scholer, 2006) RECALL-BASED SEARCH
  • 15. top most popular tweets top most popular tweets + geographical diverse Being from a central or peripheral location makes a difference. Peripheral users did not perceive the timeline as being diverse Explicit signal: “Diversity” It should never be just about the algorithm, but also how users respond to what the algorithm returns to them (Graells-Garrido, Lalmas & Baeza-Yates, Under Review)
  • 16. Implicit signal: Click-through rate CTR new ranking algorithm new design of search result page …
  • 17. Multimedia search activities often driven by entertainment needs, not by information needs Relevance in multimedia search (Slaney, 2011) Signal signal: Clicks (I)
  • 18. (Miliaraki, Blanco & Lalmas, 2015) Implicit signal: Clicks (II) Explorative and serendipitous search
  • 19. I just wanted the phone number … I am totally happy J Implicit signal: No click Information-rich snippet
  • 20. Implicit signal: No click Cickthrough rate: % of clicks when URL shown (per query) Hover rate: % hover over URL (per query) Unclicked hover: Median time user hovers over URL but no click (per query) Max hover time: Maximum time user hovers over a result (per SERP) (Huang et al, 2011) 20
  • 21. §  Abandonment is when there is no click on the search result page ›  User is dissatisfied (bad abandonment) ›  User found result(s) on the search result page (good abandonment) §  858 queries (21% good vs. 79% abandonment manually examined) §  Cursor trail length ›  Total distance (pixel) traveled by cursor on SERP ›  Shorter for good abandonment §  Movement time ›  Total time (second) cursor moved on SERP ›  Longer when answers in snippet (good abandonment) §  Cursor speed ›  Average cursor speed (pixel/second) ›  Slower when answers in snippet (good abandonment) (Huang et al, 2011) Implicit signal: Abandonment rate
  • 22. “reading” cursor heatmap of relevant document vs “scanning” cursor heatmap of non-relevant document (both dwell time of 30s) (Guo & Agichtein, 2012) 22 Implicit signal: Dwell time
  • 23. Implicit signal: Dwell time “reading” a relevant long document vs “scanning” a long non-relevant document (Guo & Agichtein, 2012) 23
  • 24. Implicit signal: Dwell time DWELL TIME used a proxy of user experience Publisher click on an ad on mobile device Dwell time on non-optimized landing pages comparable and even higher than on mobile- optimized ones … when mobile optimized, users realize quickly whether they “like” the ad or not? (Lalmas etal, 2015) non-mobile optimized mobile optimized
  • 26. What is user engagement? “User engagement is a quality of the user experience that emphasizes the phenomena associated with wanting to use a technological resource longer and frequently” (Attfield et al, 2011)
  • 27. Characteristics of user engagement Novelty (Webster & Ho, 1997; O’Brien, 2008) Richness and control (Jacques et al, 1995; Webster & Ho, 1997) Aesthetics (Jacques et al, 1995; O’Brien, 2008) Endurability (Read, MacFarlane, & Casey, 2002; O’Brien, 2008) Focused attention (Webster & Ho, 1997; O’Brien, 2008) Reputation, trust and expectation (Attfield et al, 2011) Positive Affect (O’Brien & Toms, 2008) Motivation, interests, incentives, and benefits (Jacques et al., 1995; O’Brien & Toms, 2008) (O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
  • 28. Measuring user engagement Measures   Attributes   Self-report Questionnaire, interview, think-aloud and think after protocols Subjective Short- and long-term Lab and field Small scale Physiology EEG, SCL, fMRI eye tracking mouse-tracking Objective Short-term Lab and field Small and large scale Analytics intra- and inter-session metrics data science Objective Short- and long-term Field Large scale
  • 29. Attributes of user engagement § Scale (small versus large) § Setting (laboratory versus field) § Objective versus subjective § Temporality (in-the-moment versus long-term) What you want to optimize for each task, session, query What you want to optimize long- term Mi LTVj
  • 31. User engagement metrics 0-1 1-0.5 0.5 Kendall’s tau with p-value < 0.05 ('-' insignificant correlations) High correlation between metrics in same group Low correlation between metrics in different groups [POP]#Users [POP]#Visits [POP]#Clicks [ACT]PageViewsV [ACT]DwellTimeV [LOY]ActiveDays [LOY]ReturnRate #Users [POP] 0.82 0.75 - - 0.43 0.34 #Visits [POP] 0.82 0.85 - - 0.60 0.52 #Clicks [POP] 0.75 0.85 0.16 0.18 0.59 0.51 PageViewsV [ACT] - - 0.16 0.33 - - DwellTimeV [ACT] - - 0.18 0.33 - - ActiveDays [LOY] 0.43 0.60 0.59 - - 0.79 ReturnRate [LOY] 0.34 0.52 0.51 - - 0.79 0.69 (Lehmann etal, 2012) in-the-moment long-term
  • 32. Online sites differ with respect to their engagement pattern Games Users spend much time per visit Search Users come frequently and do not stay long Social media Users come frequently and stay long Niche Users come on average once a week e.g. weekly post News Users come periodically, e.g. morning and evening Service Users visit site, when needed, e.g. to renew subscription (Lehmann etal, 2012) in-the-moment: at each visit long-term: visit frequency
  • 34. 1.  Search 2.  Mobile advertising happy users come back
  • 35. The Message: From intra- to inter- session evaluation What you want to optimize for each task, session, query M1 M2 M3 . . . Mn LTV1 LTV2 LTV3 . . . LTVm Mi LTVj What you want to optimize long- termSystem Models Features
  • 37. Search experience What you want to optimize for each task, session, query search metrics (signals) absence time (revisit the site) Mi LTVj What you want to optimize long- termSearch system Models Features
  • 38. intra-session search metrics •  Dwell time •  Number of clicks •  Time to 1st lick •  Skipping •  Click through rate •  Abandonment rate •  Number of query reformulations •  … Dwell time as a proxy of user interest Dwell time as a proxy of relevance Dwell time as a proxy of conversion Dwell time as a proxy of post-click ad quality … User engagement metrics for search (Proxy: relevance of search results) intra-session inter-session
  • 39. Dwell time (I) § Definition The contiguous time spent on a site or web page § Cons Not clear that the user was actually looking at the site while there à blur/focus Distribution of dwell times on 50 websites (O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
  • 40. Dwell time (II) Dwell time varies by site type: •  leisure sites tend to have longer dwell times than news, e-commerce, etc. Dwell time has a relatively large variance even for the same site Dwell time on 50 websites (tourists, active, VIP … users) (O’Brien, Lalmas & Yom-Tov, 2014)
  • 41. Search result page for “asparagus” (I)
  • 42. Search result page for “asparagus” (II)
  • 43. Absence time and survival analysis story 1 story 2 story 3 story 4 story 5 story 6 story 7 story 8 story 9 0 5 10 15 20 Users (%) who did come back Users (%) who read story 2 but did not come back after 10 hours SURVIVE DIE DIE = RETURN TO SITE èSHORT ABSENCE TIME hours
  • 44. Absence time applied to search Ranking function on Yahoo Answer Japan Two-weeks click data on Yahoo Answer Japan: search One millions users Six ranking functions 30-minute session boundary
  • 45. survival analysis: high hazard rate (die quickly) = short absence 5 clicks control=noclick Absence time and number of clicks on search result page 3 clicks §  No click means a bad user experience §  Clicking between 3-5 results leads to same user experience §  Clicking on more than 5 results reflects poorer user experience; users cannot find what they are looking for (Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
  • 46. Using DCG versus absence to evaluate five ranking functions DCG@1 Ranking Alg 1 Ranking Alg 2 Ranking Alg 3 Ranking Alg 4 Ranking Alg 5 DCG@5 Ranking Alg 1 Ranking Alg 3 Ranking Alg 2 Ranking Alg 4 Ranking Alg 5 Absence time Ranking Alg 1 Ranking Alg 2 Ranking Alg 5 Ranking Alg 3 Ranking Alg 4 (Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
  • 47. Absence time and search experience §  Clicking lower in the ranking (2nd, 3rd) suggests more careful choice from the user (compared to 1st) §  Clicking at bottom is a sign of low quality overall ranking §  Users finding their answers quickly (time to 1st click) return sooner to the search application §  Returning to the same search result page is a worse user experience than reformulating the query search session metrics à absence time (Dupret & Lalmas, 2013)
  • 48. Absence time – search experience From 21 experiments carried out through A/B testing, using absence time agrees with 14 of them (which one is better) (Chakraborty etal, 2014) Positive signals •  One more query in session •  One more click in session •  SAT clicks •  Query reformulation Negative signals •  Abandoned session •  Quick-back clicks search session metrics à absence time
  • 50. The context — Post-click experience on mobile advertising What you want to optimize for each task, session, query dwell time on landing page absence time (next ad click) Mi LTVj What you want to optimize long- termnative ad serving Models Features
  • 52. Estimating the quality of the post-click experience Best experience is when conversion happens Estimating the probability of conversion is hard! - Conversion data is not available for all advertisers - Conversion data is not missing at random Proxy metric of post-click quality: dwell time on the ad landing page - No conversion does not mean a bad experience tad-click tback-to-publisher dwell time = tback-to-publisher – tad-click
  • 53. Dwell time as a proxy of the post-click experience mobile 200K ad clicks Ø  It needs less time to get the same probability of a second click desktop (toolbar) 30K ad clicks Ø  23.3% of users visit other websites than the ad landing page before returning to publisher Ø  this goes down to 7.4% for dwell time up to 3 mins. Probability of a second click increases with dwell time
  • 54. Dwell time and absence time 0% 200% 400% 600% short ad clicks long ad clicks adclickdifference Dwell time à ad click Positive post-click experience (“long” clicks) has an effect on users clicking on ads again (mobile) (Lalmas etal, 2015) Absence time: •  return to publisher •  click on an ad
  • 55. From intra- to inter- session evaluation Absence time 1.  Search 2.  Mobile advertising happy users come back
  • 57. Large-scale online measurement Decide the in- the-moment metric(s) Decide the long- term-value metric(s) System Models Features Which in-the- moment metric(s) are good predictor of long- term value metric(s) Optimize for the identified in-the- moment metric(s) Lots of data required to remove noise What is a signal? What is a metric?
  • 58. O’Brien & Toms User Engagement Scale 31-items and six sub- scales: aesthetic appeal, novelty, felt involvement, focused attention, perceived usability, endurability (O’Brien & Toms, 2010; Arguello etal, 2012; Bordino etal, Under Review) Small-scale measurement
  • 59. Towards User Engagement happy users come back we need to properly identify that a user is happy
  • 60. Merci