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Cells – Cell Theory
 In 1665, and English scientist named
Robert Hooke looked at empty cork cells
and identified the first cells
 he used the word cell to describe the
empty spaces in the cork
Cells – Cell Theory
 Robert Brown was the first
person to discover the nucleus:
the cell part that controls most
of the cell’s activities
 Two German biologists Mathias
Schleiden and Theodor
Schwann formed the theory that
all plants and animals are made
up of cells
Cells – Cell Theory
 All these ideas combined into the
modern Cell Theory:
 1. All living things are made of one or
more cells
 2. Cells are the basic units of structure
and function
 3. All cells come from existing cells
Cells – The basics
 All cells are primarily made of four
elements: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen,
 Living cells are about 60% water
Cells – Interstitial Fluid
 In addition to large amounts of water,
the body cells are constantly covered in
a dilute saltwater solution called
interstitial fluid
 This fluid is derived from blood
Two main types of cells
Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells
 “pro” means before
 More primitive
 Lack a nucleus
 DNA is free floating
 “eu” means true
 More complex
 Have a nucleus that
contain DNA
 Have organelles (“tiny
What type of cell is this?
What about this one?
Cells – The generalized cell
 No one cell type is exactly like another
 Most do have the same parts
 Let’s talk about a generalized cell: a
basic cell used to demonstrate most cell
Cells – The generalized cell
Cells – The generalized cell
The cell – The nucleus
 Nucleus: controls all of the cell’s
 Contains DNA
 The “boss” of the cell
 Determines how and when
proteins are made
 Controls cell reproduction
 The nucleus usually conforms
to the shape of the cell
The cell – the nucleus
 Is enclosed by a nuclear membrane (or
nuclear envelope)
 Nuclear membrane: structure that
surrounds the nucleus and separates it
from the rest of the cell
 Nuclear pores: openings in the nuclear
membrane that allows molecules to pass
 Nucleoplasm: the jelly-like fluid between
the two layers of the nuclear membrane
The cell – the nucleus
 Nucleolus: the center of the nucleus
 Some cells contain multiple nucleoli
 Contains the DNA
 Helps makes ribosomes
 Contains chromatin
The cell – the nucleus
 Chromatin: a loose network of DNA combined
with protein scattered throughout the nucleus
 When a cell is dividing, the Chromatin
condenses and coils to form chromosomes
 Chromosomes: threadlike structures with
information that determines traits a living thing
will have
The cell – the nucleus
The cell – the plasma
The cell – the plasma
 Plasma membrane: a fragile, transparent
barrier that contains the cell contents and
separates them from the surrounding
 It is semi-permeable or selectively
permeable which means it allows some
things to pass while blocking others
The cell – the plasma
 The plasma
membrane is a
phospholipid bilayer
 This means it has
two layers of fats
that line up tail to
The cell – the plasma
 The phospholipids each
have a hydrophilic and a
hydrophobic end
 This allows the
membrane to reseal itself
quickly when damage
 A substantial amount of
cholesterol is also found
in the plasma membrane
The cell – the plasma
 The proteins scattered in the lipid bilayer
are responsible for most of the
membrane’s specialized functions
 Ex. enzymes, hormone receptors,
binding sites, protein channels, etc
The cell – Specializations of the
plasma membrane
 Let’s talk about microvilli
and membrane junctions
 Microvilli: tiny fingerlike
projections that greatly
increase the cell’s
surface area to increase
the rate of absorption
The cell – specializations of the
plasma membrane
 Membrane junctions: specialized
connections between plasma
 Three main types are:
 1. Tight junctions
 2. Desmosomes
 3. Gap junctions
The cell – membrane junctions
 1. Tight junctions: impermeable
junctions that bind cells together into
leakproof sheets that prevent
substances from passing through the
extracellular space between cells
 Plasma membranes fuse together like a
 Ex. in the small intestine, these junctions
prevent digestive enzymes from seeping
into the bloodstream
The cell – membrane junctions
 Tight Junction
The cell – membrane junctions
 2. Desmosomes: anchoring junctions that
prevent cells subjected to mechanical
stress from being pulled apart
 Structurally these junctions are buttonlike
thickenings of adjacent plasma membranes
(plaques), connected by fine protein
 Thicker protein filaments extend from the
plaques inside the cells to the plaques on
the cells’ opposite side, forming an internal
system of strong wires
 Ex. skin cells
The cell – membrane junctions
 Desmosomes
The cell – membrane junctions
 3. Gap junctions: common to heart cells
and embryonic cells, these junctions
function mainly to allow communication
 Chemical molecules (nutrients, ions, etc)
pass directly from one cell to another
through the gap
 In gap junctions, the neighboring cells are
connected by connexons: hollow cylinders
composed of proteins that span the entire
width of the adjoining membranes
The cell – membrane junctions
 Gap junctions
The cell – the cytoplasm
 Cytoplasm: the cellular material outside
the nucleus and inside the plasma
 It is where most chemical reactions
occur inside the cell
 Made of three major elements:
 1. the cytosol
 2. the organelles
 3. inclusions
The cell – the cytoplasm
 The cytosol is the semitransparent fluid
that suspends the other elements
 The organelles or “tiny organs” are the
machinery of the cell
 Inclusions are chemical substances that
may or may not be present, depend on
the cell type
 Include stored nutrient, lipids, glycogen,
mucus, various crystallized products, etc
The cell – the cytoplasm
Organelles - Mitochondria
 Mitochondria: energy-producing
organelle in animal cells
 Consists of two membranes
 The outer is smooth and featureless
 The inner contains shelflike protrusions
called cristae
Organelles – Mitochondria
 Break down food through the
process of cellular respiration
to form ATP molecules
 ATP molecules provide the
energy for all cellular work
 “Busy” cells such as liver and
muscles cells have larger
amounts of mitochondria
Organelles - Ribosomes
 Ribosomes: tiny, bilobed, dark bodies
made of proteins and RNA
 Site of protein synthesis in the cell
 Two types:
 Free – free floating in the cell
 Bound/Attached – attached to the
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelles - Ribosomes
 Ribosomes: tiny particles of RNA and
 The sight of protein synthesis
 Two types:
 1. Free – free-floating in the cytoplasm
 2. Bound/Attached – found on the rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelles – Endoplasmic
 Endoplasmic Reticulum: a system of
fluid-filled sacs and membranes located
near the nucleus that packages and
exports protein, lipids and other small
 Accounts for about half of a cell’s
Organelles – Endoplasmic
 Endoplasmic Reticulum: a system of
fluid-filled canals (cisterns) that coil and
twist through the cytoplasm
 Accounts for about half the cell’s
 Provides a network of channels for
carrying substances
Organelles – Endoplasmic
 Two forms of the ER:
 1. Rough ER: studded with ribosomes
 All of the building materials of cellular
membranes are formed either in or on it:
 Proteins are packaged and sent out in
transport vesicles
 Greater number in organs that require more
○ Ex. pancreas
Organelles – Endoplasmic
 2. Smooth ER: plays no role in protein
 Functions in lipid metabolism and
 Therefore there are many smooth ER in
liver cells
Organelles – Endoplasmic
Organelles – Golgi
 Golgi Apparatus: flattened stack of
membranous sacs that modifies and
packages proteins and lipids
 Forms secretory vesicles including
Organelles - Lysosomes
 Lysosomes: small, enzyme-filled
 Digest worn-out cell structures, foreign
substances, etc
 Many in phagocytes, cells that dispose
of bacteria and debris
Organelles - Peroxisomes
 Peroxisomes: mebranous sacs
containing powerful oxidase enzymes
that use molecular oxygen to detoxify a
number of harmful or poisonous
 Most important function is to “disarm”
free radicals
Organelles - Peroxisomes
 Free radicals: highly reactive chemicals
with unpaired electrons that can
scramble the structure of proteins and
nucleic acids
 Free radicals are usually produced by
cellular respiration but if they
accumulate they have devastating
effects on the cell
Organelles - Peroxisomes
 Peroxisomes convert free radicals to
hydrogen peroxide
 Are created by budding from the Golgi
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
 Cytoskeleton: an elaborate network of
 the cell’s “bones and muscles”
 Determine:
 Cell shape
 Supports the organelles
 Provides the machinery needed for
intracellular transport and various types of
cellular movement
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
 3 types of cytoskeleton:
 1. Microfilaments
 Involved in cell motility and changes in cell
 2. Microtubules
 Determine the overall shape of a cell and
the distribution of organelles
 3. Intermediate Filaments
 Help form desmosomes, resist pulling forces
on the cell
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
 Centrioles: rod-shaped bodies that lie at
right angles to each other
 Made up of fine microtubules
 Best known for their role in cell division
 (direct the formation of the mitotic
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
 Some cells have projections known as
cilia and flagella
 Cilia: whiplike cellular extensions that
move substances along the cell surface
 Ex. ciliated respiratory cells moving mucus
 Flagella: substantialy longer projections
formed by the centrioles
 only flagellated human cell is a sperm cell
Organelles - Cytoskeleton
Cell Diversity
 1. Cells that connect body parts
 2. Cell that covers and lines body organs
 3. Cells that move organs and body parts
 4. Cells that stores nutrients
 5. Cells that fight disease
 6. Cells that gather information and
controls body functions
 7. Cells of reproduction
1. Cells that connect body parts
 Fibroblast: most common connective
cells in animals
 Elongated shape
 Secretes cable-like fibers
 Produce large amounts of collagen
 Abundant rough ER and large Golgi
Apparatus (make and secrete necessary
 Important in wound healing
1. Cells that connect body parts
 Erthrocyte: red blood cell
 Carries oxygen in the bloodstream
 Concave disk shape
 Extra surface area
 So much oxygen-carrying pigment
(hemoglobin) is packed in that
other organelles have been
excluded to make room
2. Cells that cover and line
body organs
 Epithelial cell
 Hexagonal shape
 Allows cells to pack
 Many intermediate
filaments that resist
3. Cells that move organs and
body parts
 Skeletal muscle and smooth muscle
 Elongated
 Filled with many contractile filaments
 Can shorten with great force
○ Moves bone
○ Change size of internal organs
4. Cells that store nutrients
 Fat cell (adipose cell)
 Large and spherical
 Produced by large lipid droplets in the
5. Cells that fight disease
 Macrophage (phagocytic cell)
 Long, extendable pseudopods (“false
 Crawl through tissue to reach infection
 Lysosomes within the cell digest the
infectious microorganisms
6. Cells that gather information
and control body functions
 Nerve cell (neuron)
 Has long processes for receiving and
transmitting messages
 Processes are covered with an
extensive plasma membrane
 Large rough ER to synthesize
membrane components
7. Cells of reproduction
 Oocyte (female): egg cell
 Largest cell in the body
 Contains several copies of all organelles
7. Cells of reproduction
 Sperm (male)
 Long and streamlined (built for
 Flagellum acts as a motile whip to
propel the sperm
Membrane Transport
 The fluid environment on both sides of
the plasma membrane is an example of
a solution.
 Solution: a homogeneous mixture of two
or more components
Membrane Transport - solutions
 Every solution is made of two major
components – a solvent and solutes
 Solvent: the substance present in the
largest amount that does the dissolving
 Usually a fluid (liquid or gas)
 Solute(s): the substance(s) present in
smaller amount that get dissolved
Membrane Transport
 Intracellular Fluid: a solution containing small
amounts of gases, nutrients, and salts dissolved in
 Interstitial Fluid: the fluid that continuously bathes
the exterior of our cells
 A rich, nutritious “soup”
 Contains amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins, etc
Membrane Transport
 Quick reminder!
 Plasma membranes are selectively or
 This means they let some things pass
while blocking others
Membrane Transport
 Movement of substances through the
plasma membrane happens two ways
 1. Passive Transport
 2. Active Transport
Passive Transport
 Passive Transport: movement in which
substances are transported across the
membrane without energy input from the
Passive Transport
 Diffusion: the
movement of
particles from an
area of high
concentration to an
area of low
 High to Low, Go with
the Flow!
Passive Transport
 The particles are said to
move down their
concentration gradient:
the gradual change in
the concentration of
solutes in a solution
 Speed of diffusion is
affected by the size of
the molecules (smaller
= faster) and
temperature (warmer =
Passive Transport
 The hydrophobic core of the plasma
membrane makes it a physical barrier to
 Particles will still diffuse if:
 1. they are small enough to pass through the
membrane pores
 2. they can dissolve in the fatty portion of the
 3. they are assisted by a membrane carrier
Passive Transport
 Simple diffusion:
unassisted diffusion
of solutes through
the plasma
 Facilitated diffusion:
provides passage
for certain needed
substances that are
both lipid-insoluble
and too large to
pass through the
Passive Transport
 Although facilitated diffusion follows the
laws of diffusion, a protein membrane
channel is used
 This acts as a transport vehicle
Passive Transport
 Substances that
pass into and out
of cells by diffusion
save energy
 Includes the
movement of key
molecules like
water, glucose,
oxygen and carbon
Passive Transport
 Osmosis: the diffusion of water
across a selectively permeable
 Remember water is highly polar
and is repelled by the non-polar
core of the membrane, so it must
pass through aquaporins
 aquaporins: special pores created
by membrane proteins that allow
osmosis to occur
Passive Transport
 Filtration: the process by which water
and solutes are forced through a
membrane by fluid, or hydrostatic
 In the body, this is usually seen in blood
Passive Transport
 This is a passive process
 The gradient however, is the pressure
gradient that pushes solute-containing
fluid (the filtrate) from high-pressure
areas to low pressure areas
 Important to kidneys
Active Transport
 Whenever a cell uses some of its ATP
supply to move substances across the
membrane, the process is considered
 Active Transport: also called solute
pumping, requires ATP –energized
protein carriers to transport substances
across the membrane
Active Transport
 The ATP-energized protein carriers used
in active transport are called solute
 Amino acids, some sugars, and most
ions are transported across the
membrane in this way
 And in most cases, they travel against
the concentration gradient
 This is opposite to the direction in which
substances would normally flow
Active Transport
 Movement against the concentration
gradient requires energy (ATP)
 Ex. Sodium-Potassium Pump
 Simultaneously carries Sodium (Na+)
ions out of the cell and Potassium (K+)
ions into the cell
 The Na-K Pump is essential for normal
nerve cell transmissions
Active Transport
Vesicular Transport
 Vesicular transport: moves substances
in or out of cells without their actually
crossing the plasma membrane
 Requires ATP
Vesicular Transport
 Two main types:
 1. Endocytosis
 2. Exocytosis
Vesicular Transport
Endocytosis Exocytosis
 Endocytosis take up, or
engulf, extracellular
substances by enclosing
them in a small membrane
 Once the vesicle, or sac, is
formed, it detaches from
the plasma membrane and
moves into the cytoplasm,
where it fuses with a
lysosome and its contents
are digested
 Exocytosis moves
substances out of cells
 Is how cells actively
secrete hormones, mucus
and other products
 Products are packed in
small vesicles or sac
 The sac migrates to the
plasma membrane and
 The contents are then
spilled outwards
Vesicular Transport
 Three types of endocytosis:
 1. phagocytosis: “cell eating”
 Ingestion of solid substances
 2. pinocytosis: “cell drinking”
 Ingestion of liquid substances
 3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis: main
cellular mechanism for taking up specific
target molecules
 Both receptor and the target molecule are taken
into the vesicle
Vesicular Transport
Cell Division
 The cell life cycle is the series of
changes a cell goes through from the
time it is formed until it divides
 The cycle has two major periods:
 1. Interphase, in which the cell grows
and carries on it usual metabolic
 2. Cell Division, time when the cell
reproduces itself
Cell Division – Cell Cycle
Cell Division - Interphase
 Interphase has three major stages
 1. G1 – Growth 1
 Cell increases in size
 2. S – Synthesis
 DNA and organelles are replicated
 3. G2 – Growth 2
 Continued cell growth before division
Cell Division - Interphase
Cell Division
 Mitosis: division of the nucleus
 Cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm
Cell Division
 Mitosis is divided into
four major phases:
 1. Prophase
 2. Metaphase
 3. Anaphase
 4. Telophase
 And results in two
identical daughter
1. Prophase
 As cell division begins, the chromatin
threads condense to form barlike bodies
called chromosomes (“colored bodies”)
1. Prophase
 The centrioles separate from each other
and begin to move to opposite sides
(“poles”) of the cell
 The direct the assembly of the mitotic
 The mitotic spindle provides the
structure for attachment and movement
of the chromosomes for the duration of
1. Prophase
 The nuclear envelope and nucleoli break
down and disappear
 Chromosome attach randomly to spindle
fibers at the centromere
2. Metaphase
 The chromosome cluster and align
along the metaphase plate (center of the
spindle midway)
 Creates a straight line of chromosomes
3. Anaphase
 The centromeres split
 The sister chromatids split (now called
chromosomes again)
 Chromatids move to opposite poles of
the cell
 When chromosome movement ends
4. Telophase
 Essentially prophase in reverse
 Chromosomes uncoil and become
chromatin again
 Spindle fibers break down and
 Nuclear envelopes reform and nucleoli
reappear around each group of
4. Telophase
 Cytokinesis usually begins during late
anaphase and finishes in telophase
 A contractile ring of microfilaments forms
a cleavage furrow over the midline of the
 This squeezes the original cytoplasmic
mass into two parts
 Each daughter cell is smaller, but
genetically identical
Mitosis and Cytokinesis
 Mitosis and Cytokinesis usually go
together, but sometimes the cytoplasm
does not divide
 This creates binucleated or
multinucleated cells
 This is common in liver cells
Transcription and Translation
Protein Synthesis
 DNA is the blueprint for protein
 A gene is defined as the DNA segment
that carries the information for building
one protein of a poly peptide chain
Protein Synthesis - RNA
 DNA requires a messenger and a
decoder to complete the building of
 These jobs are carried our by RNA
 There are three varieties of RNA
involved in protein synthesis:
 1. transfer RNA (tRNA)
 2. ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
 3. messenger RNA (mRNA)
Protein Synthesis
 Protein Synthesis occurs in two major
 1. Transcription – when complementary
mRNA is made at the DNA gene
 2. Translation – when the information carried
in the mRNA molecules is “decoded” and
used to assemble proteins
Protein Synthesis -
 Transcription involves the
transfer of information from
DNA’s base sequence into
the complementary base
sequence of mRNA
 Occurs in the nucleus
 Only DNA and mRNA are
involved in transcription
 Each DNA triplet (three-base
sequence) complements a
mRNA codon
Protein Synthesis -
 So if the DNA sequence is:
 (triplets)
 The transcribed mRNA sequence is:
 (codons)
Protein Synthesis - Translation
 In translation the language
of nucleic acids (the base
sequence) is “translated”
into the language of proteins
(amino acids)
 Occurs in the cytoplasm
 Involves three major
varieties of RNA
Protein Synthesis - Translation
 Once the mRNA attaches to the
ribosome, tRNA comes into the picture
 Each tRNA carries or “transfers” an
amino acid to the ribosome
 They match a three-base anticodon
with the codon of the mRNA as it reads
through the ribsome
Protein Synthesis - Translation
Protein Synthesis - Translation
 Once the first tRNA has moved itself into
the correct position, the ribosome moves
the mRNA strand along, bringing the next
codon into position to be read by the tRNA
 As each amino acid is brought in, they are
joined together by enzymes
 As the amino acids join, each tRNA is
 When the last codon, or “stop” codon is
read, the protein is released
Protein Synthesis
Body Tissues
 Tissues: groups of cells that are similar
in structure and function
 Four primary tissue types:
 1. Epithelial (covering)
 2. Connective (support)
 3. Muscular (movement)
 4. Nervous (control)
Epithelial Tissues
 Epithelial Tissue (epithelium): the lining,
covering and glandular tissue of the
 Helps form boundaries and separate
 Nearly all substances the body gives off
or receives must pass through the
Epithelial Tissues
 Functions of the epithelium:
 Protection
 Absorption
 Filtration
 Secretion
Epithelial Tissues -
 1. Fit closely together (except glandular cells)
 Bound together by many desmosomes and tight
 2. One free edge or surface
 Apical surface
 3. Lower surface rests on a basement
 4. No blood supply of their own
 Avascular
 Depend on diffusion from the capillaries
 5. Regenerate themselves, if well nourished
Epithelial Tissues -
 Each epithelium is given two names
 The first indicates the relative number of
cell layers
Epithelial Tissues -
 The classifications by cell arrangement are:
 Simple epithelium – one layer
 Stratified epithelium – more than one layer
Epithelial Tissues -
 The second indicates the shape of the
 There are:
 Squamous – flattened like scales
 Cuboidal – Cube-shaped
 Columnar – Column-shaped
 (stratified epithelia are named for the
cells at the free surface not those on the
basement membrane)
Epithelial Tissues -
Epithelial Function
 Simple Epithelia are concerned mainly
with absorption, secretion and filtration
 Stratified epithelia function primarily to
Glandular Epithelium
 A gland consists of one or more cells
that make and secrete a particular
 This product is called a secretion
 Usually consists of protein molecules in
an aqueous solution fluid
Glandular Epithelium
 Two major types of glands develop from
epithelial sheets:
 1. Endocrine glands
 2. Exocrine glands
Endocrine Glands
 Endocrine glands:
glands that lose their
connection to the
surface or duct (also
called ductless glands)
 Secretions diffuse
directly into the blood
vessels that weave
through the gland
 Ex. thyroid, adrenals,
Exocrine Glands
 Exocrine glands:
gland that retain
their ducts
 Secretions empty
through the ducts to
the epithelial
 Ex. sweat and oil
glands, liver,
Glandular Epithelium
 The term secretion
also indicates an
active process in
which the glandular
cells obtain needed
materials from the
blood and use them
to make their
secretion, which
they then discharge
Connective Tissue
 Connective Tissue: connects body parts
 Found everywhere in the body
 Most abundant and widely distributed of
the tissue types
Connective Tissue
 The characteristics of connective tissue
 1. Variations in blood supply
 Most connective tissue is well vascularized
 Exceptions – Ligaments, Tendons,
○ As a result these heal very slowly
 2. Extracellular Matrix
 Varying amounts of a nonliving substance
outside the cells
Connective Tissue
 The extracellular matrix distinguishes
connective tissue from other cell types
 Has two main elements – a structureless
ground substance and fibers
Connective Tissue
 The ground substance of the matrix is
composed largely of water plus some
adhesion proteins and large, charged
 The adhesion proteins are the “glue”
that allows the connective tissues to
attach themselves to matrix fibers
embedded in the ground substance
 The charged polysaccharides trap water
as they intertwine
Connective Tissue
 Various types and amounts of fibers are
in the matrix and form parts of the matrix
 Including collagen (white) fibers, elastic
(yellow) fibers and reticular (fine
collagen) fibers
Connective Tissues
 Because of the extracellular matrix,
connective tissue can form soft packing
tissue around organs, bear weight, and
withstand stretching and other abuses
Connective Tissue
 There is great variation in connective
 The major classes are:
 Bone
 Cartilage
 Dense Connective
 Loose Connective
 Blood
Connective Tissue - Bone
 Bone (osseous tissue)
 Composed on bone cells sitting in
cavities called lacunae (pits) and
surrounded by layers of a very hard
matrix that contains calcium salts and
large numbers of collagen fibers
 Important in protecting and supporting
other body organs
Connective Tissue - Bone
Connective Tissue -
 Less hard and more flexible than bone
 Found a few places in the body
 Most widespread is hyaline cartilage:
abundant collagen fibers hidden by a
rubbery matrix with a glassy blue-white
Connective Tissue -
 Forms supporting structures in the
larynx, attaches ribs to the breastbone,
covers ends of bones at joints
Connective Tissue
 There are other types of cartilage:
 Fibrocartilage: highly compressible that
forms the cushionlike disks between the
vertebrae of the spinal column
 Elastic cartilage: is found where a
structure where elasticity is desired
 Ex. external ear
Connective Tissue
 Dense Connective Tissue:
collagen fibers as its main
matrix element
 Crowded between the collagen
fibers are rows of fibroblasts
that manufacture the building
blocks of the fibers
 Forms tendons and ligaments
Connective Tissue
 Tendons: attach skeletal muscles to
 Ligaments: connect bones to bones at
 Ligaments are more stretchy and elastic
than tendons
Connective Tissue
 Loose Connective Tissue: softer, have
more cells and fewer fibers
 Areolar Tissue: most widely distributed
connective tissue variety in the body
 Cushions and protects body organs
Connective Tissue
 When a body region is inflamed, the
areolar tissue in the area soaks up the
excess fluid like a sponge, and the area
swells and becomes puffy
 This is called an edema
Connective Tissue
 Adipose Tissue:
commonly called
fat, areolar tissue in
which fat cells
 Forms
Connective Tissue
 Reticular connective tissue: a delicate
network of interwoven reticular fibers
associated with reticular cells, which
resemble fibroblasts
 Forms stroma, the internal framework
which can support many free blood cells
and in lymphoid organs
Connective Tissue
 Blood: (vascular tissue)
is considered connective
tissue because it
consists of blood cells
surrounded by nonliving,
fluid matrix called blood
 The “fibers” of blood are
soluble protein
molecules that become
visible only during blood
Muscle Tissue
 Muscle tissue: highly specialized to
contract, or shorten, to produce
Muscle Tissue
 Three main types:
 1. skeletal muscle
 2. cardiac muscle
 3. smooth muscle
Muscle Tissue
 Skeletal Muscle
 attached to the skeleton
 can be controlled voluntarily
 when contracted they pull on
bones or skin
 the cells of skeletal muscle
are long, cylindrical,
multinucleate and have
obvious striations
Muscle Tissue
 Cardiac Muscle
 Found only in the heart
 As it contracts, the heart acts as a pump
and propels blood through the blood
 Has striations
 Uninucleate, relatively short, branching,
and fit tightly together through intercalated
 Under involuntary control
Muscle Tissue
Muscle Tissue
 Smooth Muscle (visceral muscle)
 No visible striations
 Single nucleus, spindle-shaped
 Found in the walls of hollow organs
 As it contracts, the cavity of an organ
contracts or enlarges
 Contracts more slowly than the other
two types
 Ex. peristalsis
Nervous Tissue
 Think neurons
 All neurons receive and conduct
electrochemical impulses from one part
of the body to another
 Irritability and conductivity are their two
major functional characteristics
Nervous Tissue
 Drawn out cytoplasm, allow for long
signal transmission
 With supporting cells, neurons make up
the structures of the nervous system
Tissue Repair
 Tissue repair occurs in two major ways:
 Regeneration – replacement of
destroyed tissue by the same kind of
 Fibrosis – involves repair by dense
connective tissue by the formation of
scar tissue
 Depends on the type of tissue damaged and
the severity of the injury
Tissue Repair
 Tissue injury sets the following steps in
 1. capillaries become permeable
 Fluid rich in clotting proteins seep into the
injured areas
 2. granulation tissue forms
 Delicate pink tissue composed largely of new
 3. surface epithelium regenerates
 Makes its way across the granulation tissue
Tissue Repair
Three other important
 Neoplasm: an abnormal mass of
proliferating cells
 Benign or malignant
 Hyperplasia: when certain body tissues
may enlarge because there is some
local irritant or condition that stimulates
the cells
 Atrophy: a decrease in size in an organ
or body area that loses its normal

Contenu connexe


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Chapter 3 cells and tissues

  • 2. Cells – Cell Theory  In 1665, and English scientist named Robert Hooke looked at empty cork cells and identified the first cells  he used the word cell to describe the empty spaces in the cork
  • 3. Cells – Cell Theory  Robert Brown was the first person to discover the nucleus: the cell part that controls most of the cell’s activities  Two German biologists Mathias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann formed the theory that all plants and animals are made up of cells
  • 4. Cells – Cell Theory  All these ideas combined into the modern Cell Theory:  1. All living things are made of one or more cells  2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function  3. All cells come from existing cells
  • 5. Cells – The basics  All cells are primarily made of four elements: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen  Living cells are about 60% water
  • 6. Cells – Interstitial Fluid  In addition to large amounts of water, the body cells are constantly covered in a dilute saltwater solution called interstitial fluid  This fluid is derived from blood
  • 7. Two main types of cells Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells  “pro” means before  More primitive  Lack a nucleus  DNA is free floating  “eu” means true  More complex  Have a nucleus that contain DNA  Have organelles (“tiny organs”)
  • 8. What type of cell is this?
  • 10. Cells – The generalized cell  No one cell type is exactly like another  Most do have the same parts  Let’s talk about a generalized cell: a basic cell used to demonstrate most cell features
  • 11. Cells – The generalized cell
  • 12. Cells – The generalized cell
  • 13. The cell – The nucleus  Nucleus: controls all of the cell’s activities  Contains DNA  The “boss” of the cell  Determines how and when proteins are made  Controls cell reproduction  The nucleus usually conforms to the shape of the cell
  • 14. The cell – the nucleus  Is enclosed by a nuclear membrane (or nuclear envelope)  Nuclear membrane: structure that surrounds the nucleus and separates it from the rest of the cell  Nuclear pores: openings in the nuclear membrane that allows molecules to pass  Nucleoplasm: the jelly-like fluid between the two layers of the nuclear membrane
  • 15. The cell – the nucleus  Nucleolus: the center of the nucleus  Some cells contain multiple nucleoli  Contains the DNA  Helps makes ribosomes  Contains chromatin
  • 16. The cell – the nucleus  Chromatin: a loose network of DNA combined with protein scattered throughout the nucleus  When a cell is dividing, the Chromatin condenses and coils to form chromosomes  Chromosomes: threadlike structures with information that determines traits a living thing will have
  • 17. The cell – the nucleus
  • 18. The cell – the plasma membrane
  • 19. The cell – the plasma membrane  Plasma membrane: a fragile, transparent barrier that contains the cell contents and separates them from the surrounding environment  It is semi-permeable or selectively permeable which means it allows some things to pass while blocking others
  • 20. The cell – the plasma membrane  The plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer  This means it has two layers of fats that line up tail to tail
  • 21. The cell – the plasma membrane  The phospholipids each have a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end  This allows the membrane to reseal itself quickly when damage occurs  A substantial amount of cholesterol is also found in the plasma membrane
  • 22. The cell – the plasma membrane  The proteins scattered in the lipid bilayer are responsible for most of the membrane’s specialized functions  Ex. enzymes, hormone receptors, binding sites, protein channels, etc
  • 23. The cell – Specializations of the plasma membrane  Let’s talk about microvilli and membrane junctions  Microvilli: tiny fingerlike projections that greatly increase the cell’s surface area to increase the rate of absorption
  • 24. The cell – specializations of the plasma membrane  Membrane junctions: specialized connections between plasma membranes  Three main types are:  1. Tight junctions  2. Desmosomes  3. Gap junctions
  • 25. The cell – membrane junctions  1. Tight junctions: impermeable junctions that bind cells together into leakproof sheets that prevent substances from passing through the extracellular space between cells  Plasma membranes fuse together like a zipper  Ex. in the small intestine, these junctions prevent digestive enzymes from seeping into the bloodstream
  • 26. The cell – membrane junctions  Tight Junction
  • 27. The cell – membrane junctions  2. Desmosomes: anchoring junctions that prevent cells subjected to mechanical stress from being pulled apart  Structurally these junctions are buttonlike thickenings of adjacent plasma membranes (plaques), connected by fine protein filaments  Thicker protein filaments extend from the plaques inside the cells to the plaques on the cells’ opposite side, forming an internal system of strong wires  Ex. skin cells
  • 28. The cell – membrane junctions  Desmosomes
  • 29. The cell – membrane junctions  3. Gap junctions: common to heart cells and embryonic cells, these junctions function mainly to allow communication  Chemical molecules (nutrients, ions, etc) pass directly from one cell to another through the gap  In gap junctions, the neighboring cells are connected by connexons: hollow cylinders composed of proteins that span the entire width of the adjoining membranes
  • 30. The cell – membrane junctions  Gap junctions
  • 31. The cell – the cytoplasm  Cytoplasm: the cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane  It is where most chemical reactions occur inside the cell  Made of three major elements:  1. the cytosol  2. the organelles  3. inclusions
  • 32. The cell – the cytoplasm  The cytosol is the semitransparent fluid that suspends the other elements  The organelles or “tiny organs” are the machinery of the cell  Inclusions are chemical substances that may or may not be present, depend on the cell type  Include stored nutrient, lipids, glycogen, mucus, various crystallized products, etc
  • 33. The cell – the cytoplasm
  • 34. Organelles - Mitochondria  Mitochondria: energy-producing organelle in animal cells  Consists of two membranes  The outer is smooth and featureless  The inner contains shelflike protrusions called cristae
  • 35. Organelles – Mitochondria  Break down food through the process of cellular respiration to form ATP molecules  ATP molecules provide the energy for all cellular work  “Busy” cells such as liver and muscles cells have larger amounts of mitochondria
  • 36. Organelles - Ribosomes  Ribosomes: tiny, bilobed, dark bodies made of proteins and RNA  Site of protein synthesis in the cell  Two types:  Free – free floating in the cell  Bound/Attached – attached to the Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • 37. Organelles - Ribosomes  Ribosomes: tiny particles of RNA and protein  The sight of protein synthesis  Two types:  1. Free – free-floating in the cytoplasm  2. Bound/Attached – found on the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • 38. Organelles – Endoplasmic Reticulum  Endoplasmic Reticulum: a system of fluid-filled sacs and membranes located near the nucleus that packages and exports protein, lipids and other small molecules.  Accounts for about half of a cell’s membrane
  • 39. Organelles – Endoplasmic Reticulum  Endoplasmic Reticulum: a system of fluid-filled canals (cisterns) that coil and twist through the cytoplasm  Accounts for about half the cell’s membranes  Provides a network of channels for carrying substances
  • 40. Organelles – Endoplasmic Reticulum  Two forms of the ER:  1. Rough ER: studded with ribosomes  All of the building materials of cellular membranes are formed either in or on it:  Proteins are packaged and sent out in transport vesicles  Greater number in organs that require more proteins, ○ Ex. pancreas
  • 41. Organelles – Endoplasmic Reticulum  2. Smooth ER: plays no role in protein synthesis  Functions in lipid metabolism and detoxification  Therefore there are many smooth ER in liver cells
  • 43. Organelles – Golgi Apparatus  Golgi Apparatus: flattened stack of membranous sacs that modifies and packages proteins and lipids  Forms secretory vesicles including lysosomes
  • 44. Organelles - Lysosomes  Lysosomes: small, enzyme-filled organelles  Digest worn-out cell structures, foreign substances, etc  Many in phagocytes, cells that dispose of bacteria and debris
  • 45. Organelles - Peroxisomes  Peroxisomes: mebranous sacs containing powerful oxidase enzymes that use molecular oxygen to detoxify a number of harmful or poisonous substances  Most important function is to “disarm” free radicals
  • 46. Organelles - Peroxisomes  Free radicals: highly reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons that can scramble the structure of proteins and nucleic acids  Free radicals are usually produced by cellular respiration but if they accumulate they have devastating effects on the cell
  • 47. Organelles - Peroxisomes  Peroxisomes convert free radicals to hydrogen peroxide  Are created by budding from the Golgi apparatus
  • 48. Organelles - Cytoskeleton  Cytoskeleton: an elaborate network of protein  the cell’s “bones and muscles”  Determine:  Cell shape  Supports the organelles  Provides the machinery needed for intracellular transport and various types of cellular movement
  • 49. Organelles - Cytoskeleton  3 types of cytoskeleton:  1. Microfilaments  Involved in cell motility and changes in cell shape  2. Microtubules  Determine the overall shape of a cell and the distribution of organelles  3. Intermediate Filaments  Help form desmosomes, resist pulling forces on the cell
  • 51. Organelles - Cytoskeleton  Centrioles: rod-shaped bodies that lie at right angles to each other  Made up of fine microtubules  Best known for their role in cell division  (direct the formation of the mitotic spindle)
  • 52. Organelles - Cytoskeleton  Some cells have projections known as cilia and flagella  Cilia: whiplike cellular extensions that move substances along the cell surface  Ex. ciliated respiratory cells moving mucus  Flagella: substantialy longer projections formed by the centrioles  only flagellated human cell is a sperm cell
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  • 55. Cell Diversity  1. Cells that connect body parts  2. Cell that covers and lines body organs  3. Cells that move organs and body parts  4. Cells that stores nutrients  5. Cells that fight disease  6. Cells that gather information and controls body functions  7. Cells of reproduction
  • 56. 1. Cells that connect body parts  Fibroblast: most common connective cells in animals  Elongated shape  Secretes cable-like fibers  Produce large amounts of collagen  Abundant rough ER and large Golgi Apparatus (make and secrete necessary proteins  Important in wound healing
  • 57. 1. Cells that connect body parts  Erthrocyte: red blood cell  Carries oxygen in the bloodstream  Concave disk shape  Extra surface area  So much oxygen-carrying pigment (hemoglobin) is packed in that other organelles have been excluded to make room
  • 58. 2. Cells that cover and line body organs  Epithelial cell  Hexagonal shape  Allows cells to pack together  Many intermediate filaments that resist tearing
  • 59. 3. Cells that move organs and body parts  Skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells  Elongated  Filled with many contractile filaments  Can shorten with great force ○ Moves bone ○ Change size of internal organs
  • 60. 4. Cells that store nutrients  Fat cell (adipose cell)  Large and spherical  Produced by large lipid droplets in the cytoplasm
  • 61. 5. Cells that fight disease  Macrophage (phagocytic cell)  Long, extendable pseudopods (“false feet”)  Crawl through tissue to reach infection sites  Lysosomes within the cell digest the infectious microorganisms
  • 62. 6. Cells that gather information and control body functions  Nerve cell (neuron)  Has long processes for receiving and transmitting messages  Processes are covered with an extensive plasma membrane  Large rough ER to synthesize membrane components
  • 63. 7. Cells of reproduction  Oocyte (female): egg cell  Largest cell in the body  Contains several copies of all organelles
  • 64. 7. Cells of reproduction  Sperm (male)  Long and streamlined (built for swimming)  Flagellum acts as a motile whip to propel the sperm
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  • 66. Membrane Transport  The fluid environment on both sides of the plasma membrane is an example of a solution.  Solution: a homogeneous mixture of two or more components
  • 67. Membrane Transport - solutions  Every solution is made of two major components – a solvent and solutes  Solvent: the substance present in the largest amount that does the dissolving  Usually a fluid (liquid or gas)  Solute(s): the substance(s) present in smaller amount that get dissolved
  • 68. Membrane Transport  Intracellular Fluid: a solution containing small amounts of gases, nutrients, and salts dissolved in water  Interstitial Fluid: the fluid that continuously bathes the exterior of our cells  A rich, nutritious “soup”  Contains amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins, etc
  • 69. Membrane Transport  Quick reminder!  Plasma membranes are selectively or semi-permeable  This means they let some things pass while blocking others
  • 70. Membrane Transport  Movement of substances through the plasma membrane happens two ways  1. Passive Transport  2. Active Transport
  • 71. Passive Transport  Passive Transport: movement in which substances are transported across the membrane without energy input from the cell
  • 72. Passive Transport  Diffusion: the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration  High to Low, Go with the Flow!
  • 73. Passive Transport  The particles are said to move down their concentration gradient: the gradual change in the concentration of solutes in a solution  Speed of diffusion is affected by the size of the molecules (smaller = faster) and temperature (warmer = faster)
  • 74. Passive Transport  The hydrophobic core of the plasma membrane makes it a physical barrier to diffusion  Particles will still diffuse if:  1. they are small enough to pass through the membrane pores  2. they can dissolve in the fatty portion of the membrane  3. they are assisted by a membrane carrier
  • 75. Passive Transport  Simple diffusion: unassisted diffusion of solutes through the plasma membrane  Facilitated diffusion: provides passage for certain needed substances that are both lipid-insoluble and too large to pass through the pores
  • 76. Passive Transport  Although facilitated diffusion follows the laws of diffusion, a protein membrane channel is used  This acts as a transport vehicle
  • 77. Passive Transport  Substances that pass into and out of cells by diffusion save energy  Includes the movement of key molecules like water, glucose, oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • 78. Passive Transport  Osmosis: the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane  Remember water is highly polar and is repelled by the non-polar core of the membrane, so it must pass through aquaporins  aquaporins: special pores created by membrane proteins that allow osmosis to occur
  • 79. Passive Transport  Filtration: the process by which water and solutes are forced through a membrane by fluid, or hydrostatic pressure  In the body, this is usually seen in blood
  • 80. Passive Transport  This is a passive process  The gradient however, is the pressure gradient that pushes solute-containing fluid (the filtrate) from high-pressure areas to low pressure areas  Important to kidneys
  • 81. Active Transport  Whenever a cell uses some of its ATP supply to move substances across the membrane, the process is considered active  Active Transport: also called solute pumping, requires ATP –energized protein carriers to transport substances across the membrane
  • 82. Active Transport  The ATP-energized protein carriers used in active transport are called solute pumps  Amino acids, some sugars, and most ions are transported across the membrane in this way  And in most cases, they travel against the concentration gradient  This is opposite to the direction in which substances would normally flow
  • 83. Active Transport  Movement against the concentration gradient requires energy (ATP)  Ex. Sodium-Potassium Pump  Simultaneously carries Sodium (Na+) ions out of the cell and Potassium (K+) ions into the cell  The Na-K Pump is essential for normal nerve cell transmissions
  • 85. Vesicular Transport  Vesicular transport: moves substances in or out of cells without their actually crossing the plasma membrane  Requires ATP
  • 86. Vesicular Transport  Two main types:  1. Endocytosis  2. Exocytosis
  • 87. Vesicular Transport Endocytosis Exocytosis  Endocytosis take up, or engulf, extracellular substances by enclosing them in a small membrane vesicle  Once the vesicle, or sac, is formed, it detaches from the plasma membrane and moves into the cytoplasm, where it fuses with a lysosome and its contents are digested  Exocytosis moves substances out of cells  Is how cells actively secrete hormones, mucus and other products  Products are packed in small vesicles or sac  The sac migrates to the plasma membrane and fuses  The contents are then spilled outwards
  • 88. Vesicular Transport  Three types of endocytosis:  1. phagocytosis: “cell eating”  Ingestion of solid substances  2. pinocytosis: “cell drinking”  Ingestion of liquid substances  3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis: main cellular mechanism for taking up specific target molecules  Both receptor and the target molecule are taken into the vesicle
  • 91. Cell Division  The cell life cycle is the series of changes a cell goes through from the time it is formed until it divides  The cycle has two major periods:  1. Interphase, in which the cell grows and carries on it usual metabolic activities  2. Cell Division, time when the cell reproduces itself
  • 92. Cell Division – Cell Cycle
  • 93. Cell Division - Interphase  Interphase has three major stages  1. G1 – Growth 1  Cell increases in size  2. S – Synthesis  DNA and organelles are replicated  3. G2 – Growth 2  Continued cell growth before division
  • 94. Cell Division - Interphase
  • 95. Cell Division  Mitosis: division of the nucleus  Cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm
  • 96. Cell Division  Mitosis is divided into four major phases:  1. Prophase  2. Metaphase  3. Anaphase  4. Telophase  And results in two identical daughter cells
  • 97. 1. Prophase  As cell division begins, the chromatin threads condense to form barlike bodies called chromosomes (“colored bodies”)
  • 98. 1. Prophase  The centrioles separate from each other and begin to move to opposite sides (“poles”) of the cell  The direct the assembly of the mitotic spindle  The mitotic spindle provides the structure for attachment and movement of the chromosomes for the duration of mitosis
  • 99. 1. Prophase  The nuclear envelope and nucleoli break down and disappear  Chromosome attach randomly to spindle fibers at the centromere
  • 100. 2. Metaphase  The chromosome cluster and align along the metaphase plate (center of the spindle midway)  Creates a straight line of chromosomes
  • 101. 3. Anaphase  The centromeres split  The sister chromatids split (now called chromosomes again)  Chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell  When chromosome movement ends
  • 102. 4. Telophase  Essentially prophase in reverse  Chromosomes uncoil and become chromatin again  Spindle fibers break down and disappear  Nuclear envelopes reform and nucleoli reappear around each group of chromatin
  • 104. Cytokinesis  Cytokinesis usually begins during late anaphase and finishes in telophase  A contractile ring of microfilaments forms a cleavage furrow over the midline of the spindle  This squeezes the original cytoplasmic mass into two parts  Each daughter cell is smaller, but genetically identical
  • 106. Mitosis and Cytokinesis  Mitosis and Cytokinesis usually go together, but sometimes the cytoplasm does not divide  This creates binucleated or multinucleated cells  This is common in liver cells
  • 108. Protein Synthesis  DNA is the blueprint for protein synthesis  A gene is defined as the DNA segment that carries the information for building one protein of a poly peptide chain
  • 109. Protein Synthesis - RNA  DNA requires a messenger and a decoder to complete the building of proteins  These jobs are carried our by RNA  There are three varieties of RNA involved in protein synthesis:  1. transfer RNA (tRNA)  2. ribosomal RNA (rRNA)  3. messenger RNA (mRNA)
  • 110. Protein Synthesis  Protein Synthesis occurs in two major phases:  1. Transcription – when complementary mRNA is made at the DNA gene  2. Translation – when the information carried in the mRNA molecules is “decoded” and used to assemble proteins
  • 111. Protein Synthesis - Transcription  Transcription involves the transfer of information from DNA’s base sequence into the complementary base sequence of mRNA  Occurs in the nucleus  Only DNA and mRNA are involved in transcription  Each DNA triplet (three-base sequence) complements a mRNA codon
  • 112. Protein Synthesis - Transcription  So if the DNA sequence is:  ATG – TCT – GAA  (triplets)  The transcribed mRNA sequence is:  UAC – AGA – CUU  (codons)
  • 113. Protein Synthesis - Translation  In translation the language of nucleic acids (the base sequence) is “translated” into the language of proteins (amino acids)  Occurs in the cytoplasm  Involves three major varieties of RNA
  • 114. Protein Synthesis - Translation  Once the mRNA attaches to the ribosome, tRNA comes into the picture  Each tRNA carries or “transfers” an amino acid to the ribosome  They match a three-base anticodon with the codon of the mRNA as it reads through the ribsome
  • 115. Protein Synthesis - Translation
  • 116. Protein Synthesis - Translation  Once the first tRNA has moved itself into the correct position, the ribosome moves the mRNA strand along, bringing the next codon into position to be read by the tRNA  As each amino acid is brought in, they are joined together by enzymes  As the amino acids join, each tRNA is released  When the last codon, or “stop” codon is read, the protein is released
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  • 119. Body Tissues  Tissues: groups of cells that are similar in structure and function  Four primary tissue types:  1. Epithelial (covering)  2. Connective (support)  3. Muscular (movement)  4. Nervous (control)
  • 120. Epithelial Tissues  Epithelial Tissue (epithelium): the lining, covering and glandular tissue of the body  Helps form boundaries and separate  Nearly all substances the body gives off or receives must pass through the epithelium
  • 121. Epithelial Tissues  Functions of the epithelium:  Protection  Absorption  Filtration  Secretion
  • 122. Epithelial Tissues - Characteristics  1. Fit closely together (except glandular cells)  Bound together by many desmosomes and tight junctions  2. One free edge or surface  Apical surface  3. Lower surface rests on a basement membrane  4. No blood supply of their own  Avascular  Depend on diffusion from the capillaries  5. Regenerate themselves, if well nourished
  • 123. Epithelial Tissues - Classification  Each epithelium is given two names  The first indicates the relative number of cell layers
  • 124. Epithelial Tissues - Classification  The classifications by cell arrangement are:  Simple epithelium – one layer  Stratified epithelium – more than one layer
  • 125. Epithelial Tissues - Classification  The second indicates the shape of the cell.  There are:  Squamous – flattened like scales  Cuboidal – Cube-shaped  Columnar – Column-shaped  (stratified epithelia are named for the cells at the free surface not those on the basement membrane)
  • 127. Epithelial Function  Simple Epithelia are concerned mainly with absorption, secretion and filtration  Stratified epithelia function primarily to protect
  • 128. Glandular Epithelium  A gland consists of one or more cells that make and secrete a particular product  This product is called a secretion  Usually consists of protein molecules in an aqueous solution fluid
  • 129. Glandular Epithelium  Two major types of glands develop from epithelial sheets:  1. Endocrine glands  2. Exocrine glands
  • 130. Endocrine Glands  Endocrine glands: glands that lose their connection to the surface or duct (also called ductless glands)  Secretions diffuse directly into the blood vessels that weave through the gland  Ex. thyroid, adrenals, pituitary
  • 131. Exocrine Glands  Exocrine glands: gland that retain their ducts  Secretions empty through the ducts to the epithelial surface  Ex. sweat and oil glands, liver, pancreas
  • 132. Glandular Epithelium  The term secretion also indicates an active process in which the glandular cells obtain needed materials from the blood and use them to make their secretion, which they then discharge
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  • 134. Connective Tissue  Connective Tissue: connects body parts  Found everywhere in the body  Most abundant and widely distributed of the tissue types
  • 135. Connective Tissue  The characteristics of connective tissue include:  1. Variations in blood supply  Most connective tissue is well vascularized  Exceptions – Ligaments, Tendons, Cartilages ○ As a result these heal very slowly  2. Extracellular Matrix  Varying amounts of a nonliving substance outside the cells
  • 136. Connective Tissue  The extracellular matrix distinguishes connective tissue from other cell types  Has two main elements – a structureless ground substance and fibers
  • 137. Connective Tissue  The ground substance of the matrix is composed largely of water plus some adhesion proteins and large, charged polysaccharides  The adhesion proteins are the “glue” that allows the connective tissues to attach themselves to matrix fibers embedded in the ground substance  The charged polysaccharides trap water as they intertwine
  • 138. Connective Tissue  Various types and amounts of fibers are in the matrix and form parts of the matrix itself  Including collagen (white) fibers, elastic (yellow) fibers and reticular (fine collagen) fibers
  • 139. Connective Tissues  Because of the extracellular matrix, connective tissue can form soft packing tissue around organs, bear weight, and withstand stretching and other abuses
  • 140. Connective Tissue  There is great variation in connective tissue  The major classes are:  Bone  Cartilage  Dense Connective  Loose Connective  Blood
  • 141. Connective Tissue - Bone  Bone (osseous tissue)  Composed on bone cells sitting in cavities called lacunae (pits) and surrounded by layers of a very hard matrix that contains calcium salts and large numbers of collagen fibers  Important in protecting and supporting other body organs
  • 143. Connective Tissue - Cartilage  Less hard and more flexible than bone  Found a few places in the body  Most widespread is hyaline cartilage: abundant collagen fibers hidden by a rubbery matrix with a glassy blue-white appearance
  • 144. Connective Tissue - Cartilage  Forms supporting structures in the larynx, attaches ribs to the breastbone, covers ends of bones at joints
  • 145. Connective Tissue  There are other types of cartilage:  Fibrocartilage: highly compressible that forms the cushionlike disks between the vertebrae of the spinal column  Elastic cartilage: is found where a structure where elasticity is desired  Ex. external ear
  • 146. Connective Tissue  Dense Connective Tissue: collagen fibers as its main matrix element  Crowded between the collagen fibers are rows of fibroblasts that manufacture the building blocks of the fibers  Forms tendons and ligaments
  • 147. Connective Tissue  Tendons: attach skeletal muscles to bones  Ligaments: connect bones to bones at joints  Ligaments are more stretchy and elastic than tendons
  • 148. Connective Tissue  Loose Connective Tissue: softer, have more cells and fewer fibers  Areolar Tissue: most widely distributed connective tissue variety in the body  Cushions and protects body organs
  • 149. Connective Tissue  When a body region is inflamed, the areolar tissue in the area soaks up the excess fluid like a sponge, and the area swells and becomes puffy  This is called an edema
  • 150. Connective Tissue  Adipose Tissue: commonly called fat, areolar tissue in which fat cells predominate  Forms subcutaneous tissue
  • 151. Connective Tissue  Reticular connective tissue: a delicate network of interwoven reticular fibers associated with reticular cells, which resemble fibroblasts  Forms stroma, the internal framework which can support many free blood cells and in lymphoid organs
  • 152. Connective Tissue  Blood: (vascular tissue) is considered connective tissue because it consists of blood cells surrounded by nonliving, fluid matrix called blood plasma  The “fibers” of blood are soluble protein molecules that become visible only during blood clotting
  • 153. Muscle Tissue  Muscle tissue: highly specialized to contract, or shorten, to produce movement
  • 154. Muscle Tissue  Three main types:  1. skeletal muscle  2. cardiac muscle  3. smooth muscle
  • 155. Muscle Tissue  Skeletal Muscle  attached to the skeleton  can be controlled voluntarily  when contracted they pull on bones or skin  the cells of skeletal muscle are long, cylindrical, multinucleate and have obvious striations
  • 156. Muscle Tissue  Cardiac Muscle  Found only in the heart  As it contracts, the heart acts as a pump and propels blood through the blood vessels  Has striations  Uninucleate, relatively short, branching, and fit tightly together through intercalated disks  Under involuntary control
  • 158. Muscle Tissue  Smooth Muscle (visceral muscle)  No visible striations  Single nucleus, spindle-shaped  Found in the walls of hollow organs  As it contracts, the cavity of an organ contracts or enlarges  Contracts more slowly than the other two types  Ex. peristalsis
  • 159. Nervous Tissue  Think neurons  All neurons receive and conduct electrochemical impulses from one part of the body to another  Irritability and conductivity are their two major functional characteristics
  • 160. Nervous Tissue  Drawn out cytoplasm, allow for long signal transmission  With supporting cells, neurons make up the structures of the nervous system
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  • 162. Tissue Repair  Tissue repair occurs in two major ways:  Regeneration – replacement of destroyed tissue by the same kind of cells  Fibrosis – involves repair by dense connective tissue by the formation of scar tissue  Depends on the type of tissue damaged and the severity of the injury
  • 163. Tissue Repair  Tissue injury sets the following steps in motion:  1. capillaries become permeable  Fluid rich in clotting proteins seep into the injured areas  2. granulation tissue forms  Delicate pink tissue composed largely of new capillaries  3. surface epithelium regenerates  Makes its way across the granulation tissue
  • 165. Three other important terms:  Neoplasm: an abnormal mass of proliferating cells  Benign or malignant  Hyperplasia: when certain body tissues may enlarge because there is some local irritant or condition that stimulates the cells  Atrophy: a decrease in size in an organ or body area that loses its normal stimulation