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                                                               Properties - Indications
Indian Name    Latin Name              Common Name
Yashtimadhu,   Glycyrrhizaglabra       Licorice root           Wounds, sore throat, colds,
Jethimadh                                                      coughs, nervous exhaustion, liver,
                                                               skin conditions,ulcers, cystitis,
                                                               chronic fatigue.
Shunti,        Zinginberofficinale     Ginger                  Stimulant, carminative,
Ardraka                                                        antispasmodic, expectorant,
                                                               emmenagogue, antiemetic
Ajwan,         Carum                   Carom,                  Spastic bowel, flatulence,
Ajowan,        copticum                Bishop's                dyspepsia, sluggish digestion,
Ajwain,                                weed                    chronic hiccups, belching, sinus
Yavani                                                         congestion, asthma, menstrual
                                                               cramping, renal calculi,
RaktaChandan   Pterocarpussantalinus   Red sandalwood          Skin tonic, liver disorders, fever
Neem,          Azadirachtaindica       Neem, Margosa, Indian   Skin disease, antibacterial,
Nimba                                  lilac                   antifungal, blood purifier,
                                                               antipyretic, hepatoprotective,
                                                               antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiemetic
Avani          Hyoscyamusniger         Henbane                 Sedative. Chronic dementia,
                                                               hysteria, palpitations, asthma.
Argbhada,      Cassia fistula          Indian laburnum,        Ringworm, constipation, fevers,
Arag-vadha,                            Purging cassia          bleeding, hemorrhoids.
Kapikachchu,   Mucunapruriens          Kapikacchu, Cowhage     Parkinson's, paralysis, cramps, low
Atmagupta                                                      libido, infertility, impotence,
Properties - Indications
Indian Name    Latin Name                  Common Name
Jatamansi      Nardostachysjatamansi       Indian                   Nervousness, anxiety,
                                           spikenard                dysmenorrhea, insomnia, hair
Vacha,         Acorus                      Calamus,                 Nervine, antispasmatic, sedative,
Ugragandha     calamus                     Sweet flag               stomachic, expectorant, emetic,
                                                                    laxative, diuretic
Brahmi,        Bacopa                      Bacopa,                  Memory loss, debility, cystitis,
Jalabrahmi     monnieri                    Indian Gotu kola         headaches, epilepsy, ADHD,
                                                                    Asperger's syndrome, depression,
Badama         Prunusamygdalus             Almond                   Laxative, tonic, nervine tonic,
                                                                    mental stimulant.
Datura,        Daturametel                 White thorn apple        Joint pain, asthma, fevers, lung
Dhattura                                                            congestion, dysmenorrhea.
Bhumyamalaki   Phyllanthusamarus; P.       Phyllanthus,             Jaundice, liver disease, fever,
               niruri; P. fraternus (US)   Stonebreaker             genitourinary disease, edema,
                                           Chancrapiedra            gallstones, menorrhagea
Garijara       Daucuscarota                Carrot seed              Jaundice, kidney diseases.
Mandukaparni   Centella                    Gotu kola (West),        Insomnia, epilepsy, stress, autism,
               asiatica                    Indian pennywort         ADHD, Asperger's, memory loss,
                                                                    inflammatory skin conditions,
                                                                    wounds, hair loss, arthritis, gout.
Haridra,       Curcuma longa               Turmeric                 Infections, ulcers, dyspepsia,
Haldi                                                               diabetes, gallstones, skin diseases,
                                                                    conjunctivitis, cysts,
                                                                    endometriosis, dysmenorrhea,
                                                                    fevers, septicaemia, high
Sarpagandha    Rauwolfiaserpentina         Rauwolfia, Indian snake Hypertension, anxiety, insomnia,
                                           root                    colic
Amalaki,       Emblicaofficinalis          Emblicmyrobalan,         Hyperacidity, constipation, ulcers,
Amla,                                      Indian gooseberry        hepatitis, colitis, high cholesterol,
Dhatri                                                              diabetes, anemia, radiotherapy and
Katuka,        Picrorhizakurroa            Gentian                  Hepatitis C, cirrhosis, acidity,
Properties - Indications
Indian Name    Latin Name             Common Name
Katuki,                                                      allergies, asthma, rhinitis, eczema,
Kutki                                                        autoimmune conditions,
Talamulika     Curculigoorchiodes     Curculigoorchiodes     Hemmorrhoids, asthma, kidney
                                                             stones, skin
Arjuna,        Terminaliaarjuna       Arjunamyrobalan        Heart, lungs, skin, liver,
Arjun,                                                       reproductive tissues, anemia,
Kakubha                                                      tumors, asthma, cardiac and
                                                             circulatory problems.
Ashwagandha    WithaniaSomnifera      Winter cherry          General debility, insomnia, low
                                                             libido, impotence, infertility,
                                                             multiple sclerosis, enlarged
                                                             prostate, skin diseases.
Lasuna,        Allium                 Garlic                 Gastric disturbances, food
Rasona         sativum                                       poisoning, candida albicans,
                                                             catarrh, myalgia, sluggishness,
                                                             high cholesterol, clotting,
                                                             infections, blood pressure.
Shatavari      Asparagus racemosus    Wild                   Galactogogic, antispasmodic, anti
                                      asparagus              diarrhetic, demulcent.
Hing,          Ferula                 Asafoetida             Flatulence, cough, constipation,
Hingu          asafoetida                                    palpitations, aphrodisiac,
                                                             whooping cough, sciatica,
                                                             convulsions, arthritis.
Satapushpi     Peucedanumgraveolens   Peucedanumgraveolens   Flatulence, colic, abscesses,
Narikela       Cocos                  Cocos                  Fever, pharyngitis, skin disorders,
               nucifera               nucifera               alterative
Manjista,      Rubia                  Indian                 Female disorders, anorexia, skin
Manjishta,     cordifolia             madder                 diseases, poor appetite.
Shleshmataka   Cordiamyxa (obliqua)   Cordiamyxa (obliqua)   Expectorant, colic, dyspepsia,
                                                             ulcers, cough
Champaka       Micheliachampaca       Champaca               Emmenagogue, diuretic. Gastritis,
                                                             chronic arthritis, colic.
Properties - Indications
Indian Name   Latin Name           Common Name
Sudarshan     Crinum deflexum      Crinum deflexum    Emetic, inflammatory conditions.
              (asiaticum)          (asiaticum)
Maricha       Piper                Black              Dyspepsia, cough, pharyngitis,
              nigrum               pepper             headache, diarrhea
Kumkuma,      Crocus sativus       Saffron            Dysmenorrhea, infertility, anemia,
Kesar,                                                liver congestion, cardiac
Ghusrna                                               congestion, angina, impotence,
                                                      low libido, depression, nervous
                                                      debility, painful urination.
Dadima,       Punica               Pomegranate        Dysentery, diarrhea, hyperacidity,
Anardana      granatum                                dyspepsia, menopause, prostate
                                                      problems, circulation.
Punarnava     Boerhaviadiffusa     Indian hogweed     Diuretic, expectorant, laxative
Shardunika    Gymnemasylvestre     Gymnema            Diuretic, astringent,
Gurmar,                                               hypoglycemic, refrigerant,
Meshasringa                                           stomachic
Chitrak,      Plumbagozeylanica    White              Digestive problems, non-bleeding
Chitraka,                          leadwort           hemorrhoids, arthritis, parasites.
Bibhitaki,    Terminaliabelerica   Belericmyrobalan   Digestive disorders, bronchitis,
Baheda                                                asthma, Chron's disease, colitis,
                                                      parasites, congestion of eyes, ears
                                                      and nose, insomnia, bladder
                                                      stones, cardiac congestion.
Nagbala       Grewia hirsute       Grewia hirsute     Diarrhea, wounds, heart disease,
Karpoor       Cinnamomum           Camphor            Diarrhea, nervousness, muscular
              camphora                                pain, fever.
Udumbara      Ficus                Ficus              Diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bleeding
              racemosa             racemosa           disorders, antiseptic
Devadaru      Cedrus               Devadar            Diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative.
              deodara                                 Fevers, diarrhea, urinary disorders.
Tulsi,        Ocimum sanctum       Holy basil         Demulcent, expectorant,
Properties - Indications
Indian Name      Latin Name            Common Name
Tulasi,                                                        anticatarrhal, antispasmodic,
Divya,                                                         anthelminthic, nervine, tonic,
Vishnu-priya                                                   diaphoretic, digestive stimulant,
                                                               antiparasitic, antibacterial
Uma              Linumusitatissimum    Linumusitatissimum      Cystitis, bronchitis, boils,
                                                               expectorant, demulcent
Kumari,          Aloe indica,          Aloe vera               Cuts, burns, infections,
Ghee kunvar,     Aloe vera, Aloe                               constipation, enlarged liver or
Kunvarpatha      barbadensis                                   spleen, hepatitis, bursitis, cystitis,
                                                               vaginitis, bronchitis, asthma,
Vidari,          Puerariatuberosa      Vidarikanda             Cough, hoarseness, respiratory
Vidarikand                                                     stimulant, tonic
Satupuspa        Foeniculumvulgare     Foeniculumvulgare       Cough, flatulence, dysmenorrhea,
                                                               hookworm, edema
Shati            Curcuma zedoaria      White                   Cough, asthma, leukorrhea,
                                       turmeric                tonsillitis.
Zupha            Hyssopusofficinalis   Hyssop                  Cough, asthma, bronchitis,
Markandika       Cassia angustifolia   Cassia angustifolia     Constipation, liver disease, joint
Haritaki,        Terminaliachebula     Chebulicmyrobalan       Constipation, hemorrhoids, eye
Harde,                                                         disorders, dysentery, parasites,
Hara                                                           hemorrhoids, high cholesterol,
                                                               coughs, conjunctivitis.
Isaphgul,        Plantagoovata         Psyllium husk           Constipation, colitis, irritable
Sat Isabgol                                                    bowel, cystitis
Krishnajiraka,   Nigella sativa        Black cumin, Love-in-   Carminative, antispasmodic,
Kalika,                                the-mist                aromatic, diuretic, vermifuge,
Kaljaji                                                        expectorant, bronchodilator
Vasaka,          Justicia              Malabar nut             Bronchitis, asthma, jaundice,
Vasa             adhatoda                                      antispasmodic
Dhanyaka,        Coriandrumsativum     Coriander, Cilantro     Bloating, flatulence, irritable
Dhaniya                                                        bowel syndrom, worms, allergies,
Properties - Indications
Indian Name     Latin Name            Common Name
                                                               cystitis, dysuria, fevers,
                                                               respiratory problems, heavy
Ela,            Elettariacardamomum   Cardamom                 Bloating, borborygmus, colic,
Elaichi,                                                       indigestion, coughs, asthma,
Sukshmaela                                                     nausea, morning sickness, painful
Aswatha         Ficusreligiosa        Peepal                   Astringent, laxative, cooling,
                                                               alterative. Boils, ulcers, skin
                                                               disease, diabetes, constipation.
Guduchi,        Tinosporacordifolia   Tinospora                Arthritis, gout, malaria, diabetes,
Giloy,                                                         skin diseases.
Shankapushpi,   Evolvulusalsinoides   Bindweed,                Anxiety, diarrhea, bronchitis,
Shankhahuli                           Aloe weed                memory loss, fever, liver
                                                               problems, skin diseases.
Twak,           Cinnamomum            Cinnamon                 Antispasmodic, carminative,
Daru-sita,      zeylanicum                                     aromatic, astringent, expectorant,
Dalchini                                                       stimulant, diaphoretic
Jeeraka,        Cuminumcyminum        Cumin seed               Antiseptic, carminative, digestive,
Jeera                                                          diuretic, galactagogue,
Sigru,          Moringa               Horseradish, Drumstick   Antifungal, antiviral, flocculating
Shigru          oleifera                                       agent, stimulant, abortifacient,
                                                               source of vitamin C, colds, boils,
                                                               fever, joint pain, gout
Shallaki        Boswelliaserrata      Boswelliaserrata         Antiarthritic, analgesic, anti
Mustaka,        Cyperusrotundus       Nut grass                Anti-inflammatory, flatulence,
Musta                                                          fever, estrogenic
Nagadamni       Artemisia vulgaris    Artemisia vulgaris       Anthelminthic, expectorant
Kutaja,         Holarrhena            Kutaja                   Amoebic and bacillary dysentery,
Kutaj,          antidysenterica                                diarrhea, colitis, Chron's disease,
Kureya                                                         hemorrhoids, skin problems,
                                                               bleeding disorders.
Properties - Indications
Indian Name       Latin Name                   Common Name
Sariva,           Hemidesmusindicus            Indian sarsaparilla       Alterative. Poor appetite, cough,
Sugandhi                                                                 skin problems
Bhringaraj        Eclipta alba                 Bhringaraj                Alopecia, premature greying,
                                                                         dizziness, hepatitis, cirrhosis,
                                                                         insomnia, bronchitis, asthma, skin.

Ayurvedic Diet & Recipes
Kicharee recipe
Try eating kicharee regularly: it is easy to digest, very nourishing and delicious with our hemp
seed oil

1/3 cup split mung dal
2/3 cup basmati rice (or other grain)
3-4 cups of water (a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4).
1/2 tsp each of organic turmeric, ginger, roasted cumin and coriander. Adjust flavour to your
Seasonal vegetables: spinach, peas, or seaweeds, shitake mushrooms for an all round healing,
healthy and agni enkindling meal.

Simmer the mung dal and rice in the water. Add all the herbs and then the vegetables. The best
practice is to cook it on a very low heat in a covered saucepan and DO NOT stir it after all the
ingredients are added or it will go mushy.

Stir in a teaspoon of ghee or hemp seed oil at the end.

Water retention reducing soup
50g barley
200g asparagus
Bunch fresh coriander
1 tsp fennel seeds

No salt

Simmer for 1 hour
Helpful for reducing water retention, fluid accumulation and easing urinary difficulty.

Immune Tonic Soup
20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa)
20g of Amla (Emblicaofficinalis)
6 Shitake Mushrooms

Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour
Extract Amla and Shatavari

Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley
Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato
Add leeks, onions garlic
Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles
Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric
Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame
simmer for 45 mins

Adjust quantities and water as desired
Add any particular favourite vegetables or herbs

Eat broth in convalescence
Eat 1-2 x/ week for general immune tonification

Benefits digestion, allergies, fatigue, inflammatory conditions etc

Basic curry recipe (serves 4)
3 tbs virgin coconut oil or ghee
1 tspn each of cumin, coriander, fennel seeds, mustard seed
1 inch piece of freshly chopped ginger
Pinch of asafoetida
Two to three vegetables of your choice, chopped (adjust quantity as needed, but approximately
300-400g of each type)
Cumin, turmeric and cinnamon to taste
Coconut milk or yoghurt, optional

Heat the oil or ghee in a large pan. Fry the cumin, coriander, fennel and mustard seeds in a high
heat until brown and releasing a delicious smell. Other spices, as required, can be used. Add the
ginger and asafoetida. Add chopped vegetables. Sauté until the vegetables are coated in the
spiced oil. Add a little water and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes or until done. Add
cumin, turmeric, cinnamon powders to taste. Add any ‘quick-to-cook’ vegetables such as spinach
and peas at the end for 3 minutes. You can also add coconut milk or yoghurt to make a creamier

Basic dhal recipe (serves 4)
200g lentils
2 inches washed seaweed (kombu)
1 tsp cumin powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp each of cumin seed, fennel seed and mustard seed
1 inch of freshly chopped ginger
One onion, chopped and 1 clove garlic optional
3 tbs ghee or virgin coconut oil for frying
1 pinch salt
Handful, fresh coriander
Coconut milk or yoghurt, optional

Wash the lentils and simmer them in pan for 40 minutes with some washed seaweed, the cumin
powder and turmeric powder. In a separate pan heat the ghee or oil and fry in high heat the
cumin, coriander, fennel and mustard seeds until brown and releasing a delicious smell. Add the
ginger and asafoetida. (Onions and garlic can also be fried after the spices to make a more
nourishing dish.) Pour this spiced oil into the lentil mixture (dhal). Add a pinch of salt and the
fresh coriander. Coconut milk or yoghurt can be added as desired.

Rice pudding elixir (serves 2)
100g rice pudding rice (You can also try with black or red rice)
I litre of cow's, almond or rice milk (option of more)
3 tbs almond powder
7 strands of saffron
5 cardamom pods
Rose Jam
Ghee, Virgin Coconut oil or honey, optional

Place the rice in a heavy pan and add the milk. Bring to boil and simmer for 1 hour. Add the
almond powder. Add more milk as desired. (coconut milk is an interesting change). Soak the
strands of saffron in a tablespoon of milk for 10 minutes to extract its golden pigment and then
add to rice pudding. Add cardamom and rose jam. Serve and add ghee, virgin coconut oil or
honey as desired.

You can also add grated carrots or beetroots to this recipe for a colourful and nourishing

This is a very nourishing food for reducing vata and pitta, strengthening the tissues and building
reproductive tissues.

These are very useful to accompany a meal to stimulate agni, reduce ama and facilitate
digestion. They are a great complement to a tridoshic meal where members of a family have
different dietary needs. This way a simple balancing meal can be prepared and then specific
dosha regulating chutneys can be added as needed.

       1 inch fresh ginger, juice of 1/2 lemon, a pinch of rock salt: enkindles agni,
       regulatesvata, for irregular digestion
       1 inch fresh ginger, 1 tablespoon of mint, 1 tablespoon of coriander: enkindles agni,
       reduces pitta, for excessive digestion
4 tablespoons roasted desiccated coconut, juice of ½ fresh lime, 1 inch of fresh ginger, a
       pinch of rock salt: enkindles agni, reduces pitta and vata
       1 tablespoon fresh horseradish, ¼ teaspoon dry ginger, 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary:
       enkindles agni, reduces kapha, for sluggish digestion (mandaagni)

Hot milk recipe
1 cup almond or rice milk
2 tsp organic almond powder
2 cardamom pods
5 strands saffron.
pinch of nutmeg

Heat the above ingredients and add 1 tsp honey.

Take with 2 capsules of organic Ashwagandha at night for a restful sleep.

This helps to nourish the nervous system, reproductive system and helps you sleep. Pure Bliss!

Sunny coconut fennel flapjacks
200g rolled oats
100g virgin coconut oil
50g maple syrup
50g sunflower seeds
50g dessicated coconut
2 tablepoons fennel

Melt virgin coconut oil over a low heat. Remove from heat and add rolled oats, maple syrup,
coconut, sunflower seeds and fennel seeds. Place in oiled baking tray. Heat at 200C for 20-25
mins. Allow to cool, Divide. Share.

Coconut lentil lime dhal (serves 3-4 people)
250g split mung lentil (or any other lentil)
440ml coconut milk
4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
6 spring onions
1 inch finely chopped fresh ginger
1 bunch coriander
10 peppermint leaves
1 lime
4 keffir lime leaves
2 tsp ground coriander seed

Fry the ground coriander, fresh ginger and spring onions in the virgin coconut oil. Stir in the
washed lentils and simmer in 250ml water for 20 mins. Add coconut milk and simmer for a
further 20 minutes. Take off heat. Add grated peel of lime, juice of lime, finely chopped kefir
lime leaves, coriander leaves and mint leaves. Add a pinch of salt. Leave to stew for 15 minutes.
Serve with rice or noodles.

Coconut rice (2-3 people)
100g basmati rice
200ml coconut milk
50g dessicated coconut
2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil

Soak rice for 2 hours. Rinse rice thoroughly. Add to a good heavy saucepan and pour in the
coconut milk. Bring to a simmer and stir well once. Add the saucepan lid and turn down to the
lowest heat. Simmer for 10 minutes. Take off heat and add the virgin coconut oil. Leave to steam
in its own aroma for 5 minutes and serve to delight. Lightly roast the dessicated coconut and
sprinkle over each portion.

Golden delicious spicy roast orange vegetables in coconut oil
1 butternut squash cut into 1 inch chunks
2 carrots cut into 1 inch rounds
3 sweet potatoes cut into 2 inch wedges
2 tablespoons cumin
2 tablespoons coriander
2 teaspoons chilli flakes
4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil

Grind the spices and blend together. Melt coconut oil and add vegetables so that they are coated
in the oil. Add the crushed spices and a pinch of salt. Roast in an oven at 220C turning after 20
minutes until golden delicious after 40 minutes.

Braised asparagus in coconut oil
Big fresh bunch of asparagus
4 tablespoons coconut oil

Wash and then tail the fibrous stems of the asparagus. Warm the coconut oil in a pan and add a
dram of water (about 4 tablespoons). Add the asparagus. Pop the covered pan into an oven.
Braise in the oven for 20-30 minutes until caramelized. Add a pinch of salt or seagreens and

Try this with courgettes or endive as well

Hemp ginger salad dressing
75ml hemp seed oil
The juice and rind of 1 lemon
Pinch of salt and pepper
1 inch of fresh ginger
A handful of fresh parsley
Shake well
(To make a lighter dressing add some olive oil)

Hemp coconut butter
30% hemp seed oil
70% coconut butter
As coconut is solid between 10-25°C you can store in the fridge and use as a spread on bread,
cooked potatoes or vegetables.

Hemp with vegetables and roasted seeds
Lightly steam a bunch of asparagus and a broccoli head.
Toast some pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Add a bit of tamari as they cool.
Mix ingredients together and add 2 tablespoons hemp seed oil.
Add a sprinkle of paprika, salt and pepper to taste

Vata Diet

Use this diet to help relieve nervous tension, cramps, pain, anxiety, insomnia, bloating,
constipation, dryness

General treatments:

       Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do
       not like it then please avoid it. This diet is to help raise the digestive fire and enhance the
       assimilation of nutrients which will help calm the nervous system.
       Emphasise foods that are warm, soupy and easy to digest.
       Eat at regular times.
       Eat to less than full.
       Practice relaxation.
       Avoid yeast, refined sugars, coffee, tea, tobacco, drugs, poor quality oils and extremely
       spicy foods as these aggravate the digestion and the nervous system.
       Favour foods that are warm, heavy, and oily as these nourish the nervous system.
       Reduce foods that are cold, dry, and hard as these aggravate digestion.
       Favour foods that are sweet (e.g. wheat, milk, rice), sour (e.g. vinegar, yogurt, umeboshi
       plums, citrus fruit), and salty as these are all nourishing.
       Reduce foods that are very spicy, bitter (e.g. coffee, chillies, green leafy vegetables), and
       astringent (e.g. apples, beans) as these aggravate digestion and disturb the nervous

Dairy: all dairy products nourish the nervous system. Always boil milk before you drink it, mix
with cardamom seeds and drink it warm. Don’t take milk with a full meal or with fruit. Use
organic milk. If allergic substitute with almond or rice milk. Avoid ice cream, powdered milks
and soya milk.

Sweeteners: all sweet flavours are good for nourishing the nervous system. Reduce refined
white sugar. Avoid all sugars if bloating is present.
Oils: all oils reduce dryness and nourish the nervous system. Emphasise Flax, hemp, sesame,
ghee, olive, sunflower, evening primrose, borage and fish oils. Use these internally and

Grains: rice (basmati, brown, wild), wheat, oats (cooked) and quinoa are very good for
nourishing the nervous system. Amaranth is ok. Reduce intake of barley, corn, millet, buckwheat
and rye as these are a bit drying and can be difficult to digest creating wind. Avoid the rest

Fruits: favour sweet, sour, or heavy fruits, such as berries, bananas, avocados, grapes, cherries,
lemons, limes, fresh figs, peaches, melons, plums, pineapples, mangoes, and papayas. Cooked
apples and pears are ok. Soaked prunes and raisins are ok. Avoid dried fruits, uncooked apples,
pears, pomegranates, cranberries as these can create wind.

Vegetables: asparagus, beets, cucumbers, carrots, and sweet potatoes are the best. Peas, green
leafy vegetables, celery, summer squash, winter squash, and potatoes are best well cooked in oil
or ghee with mild spices. Seaweeds are very beneficial. It’s best to avoid the Brassica family;
brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Also avoid Solanaceae family; peppers,
aubergines, potatoes and tomatoes. Raw vegetables, especially onions are banned as these all
create wind.

Spices: Most of them, especially; asafoetida, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, fennel, dill,
cinnamon, salt, cloves, mustard seed, black pepper all help reduce gas and spasms in the
digestive system.

Nuts: all nuts and seeds are good in moderation, especially soaked.

Beans: avoid all beans, except for marinated tofu and mung lentils and occasionally red lentils.

Meat and fish: chicken, turkey, eggs and seafood are fine; beef should be avoided.

Pitta Diet

Use this diet to help clear skin inflammations, itching, joint pain, hot flushes, acidity, ulcers,
anger, irritation, infections, fever, late spring

General Treatments

       Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do
       not like it then please avoid it.
       Include Aloe Vera juice and rosewater daily
       Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, and animal products. Low quality
       oils are a major cause of inflammation.
       Avoid sour, salty, and pungent foods as these aggravate inflammation.
       Favour foods that are cool, refreshing and liquid. Fresh organic fruits and vegetables.
       Favour foods that are sweet, bitter, or astringent as these reduce heat.
       Reduce foods that are spicy, salty or sour as these increase heat.
Dairy: Milk, butter, and ghee are good for pacifying heat. Avoid yogurt, cheese, sour cream, and
cultured buttermilk; these sour tastes aggravate inflammation.

Sweeteners: All sweeteners are good except for honey and molasses.

Oils: Flax, hemp, borage, evening primrose, olive, sunflower, and coconut oils are best. Reduce
sesame, almond, and corn oil, all of which increase heat.

Grains: Wheat, basmati rice, barley and oats are anti-inflammatory. Reduce corn, rye, millet,
and brown rice as they are a little heating.

Fruits: Favour sweet fruits such as grapes, limes, cherries, melons, avocado, coconut,
pomegranates, mangoes, apples, berries, sweet and fully ripened oranges, pineapples, and plums.
Reduce sour fruits such as grapefruits, lemons, olives, papayas and sour, not-yet-ripened
oranges, pineapples, and plums as they can increase heat and acidity.

Vegetables: Favour asparagus, cucumber, cooked beetroots, sweet potatoes, green leafy
vegetables, pumpkins, summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, okra, lettuce, sprouted
beans, peas, green beans. Avoid Solanaceae nightshade family; hot peppers, bell peppers,
tomatoes, aubergines, potato (some is ok). Also avoid Allium family; especially raw onions,
garlic, radishes. Also avoid and raw beetroots, raw spinach and mustard greens as these all
increase heat and acidity.

Beans: Avoid all beans except for tofu and mung lentils. Especially avoid peanuts as these can
create inflammation.

Spices: Cinnamon, coriander, dill, aniseed, cardamom, fennel, turmeric, fresh ginger and small
amounts of black pepper are good, but the following spices strongly increase heat and should be
taken in moderation: Asafoetida, dry ginger, cumin, fenugreek, clove, celery seed, salt, and
mustard seed. Chilli peppers and cayenne should be avoided.

Meat and Fish: Chicken, pheasant, and turkey are preferable; but beef, seafood, and egg yolk
increase inflammation.

Superfoods: Chlorella, Spirulina, Wheat grass, Barley grass, Kalamath lake algae, seaweeds all
help to cool the system and clear inflammation.

Kapha Diet

Use this diet to help clear mucus, heaviness, sinus congestion, think tongue coating, tiredness,
sluggishness, high cholesterol, oedema and during winter months

General Treatments

       Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do
       not like it then please avoid it.
Avoid yeast, salt, cheese, yoghurt, chocolate, and refined sugars and flours as these
       increase mucus.
       Avoid overeating, especially at night.
       Do not eat when you are not hungry. Do not eat between meals.
       Do not eat cold foods
       A primarily vegetarian diet is highly recommended.
       Include ginger in your daily diet: take a pinch of fresh ginger root with a few drops of
       lemon juice before each meal.
       Favour foods that are light, dry, and warm as these reduce mucus.
       Reduce foods that are heavy, oily, and cold as these increase weight and mucus.
       Favour foods that are spicy, bitter, and astringent (e.g. ginger, asparagus, tea) as these
       help to dry excess fluids in the body.
       Reduce foods that are sweet, salty, and sour (e.g. cakes, crisps, vinegar) as these increase
       fluids in the body.

Dairy: Low-fat milk is better. Always boil milk before you drink it (making it easier to digest)
and take it warm. Do not take milk with a full meal, or with sour or salty food. Add some
cardamom or ginger to whole milk before boiling it to help reduce any mucus generating
properties. Use goat’s milk or water milk down 50/50. A little ghee (clarified butter) is fine.
Avoid eggs, cheese, yoghurt and buffalo milk.

Fruits: Lighter fruits, such as apples and pears, are better. Reduce sweet, heavy or sour fruits
such as oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts, and melons, as these fruits
increase mucus.

Sweeteners: Use a little honey (2 tsp/day) as it helps to reduce mucus. Reduce all other sugar

Beans: All beans are fine, except tofu as it is very cold.

Nuts: Reduce all nuts as they are too oily.

Oils: Reduce all oils but flax, corn and sunflower is ok.

Grains: Increase barley, corn, buckwheat, quinoa and millet as these are slightly drying or
warming. Avoid or do not take too much wheat, rice, or oats, as they increase heaviness and

Spices: Include all spices except for salt. Salt increases water retention and mucus whereas
spices increase warmth in the body.

Vegetables: Increase asparagus, aubergine, beetroots, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower,
celery, garlic, ginger, green leaves, kale, onion, potato, pumpkin, radish, sprouts. Reduce okra,
olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, and summer squash as these increase fluids.
Meat and Fish: White meat from chicken or turkey is fine, as is seafood. Avoid or reduce red
meat and pork.


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Ayurvedic recipes

  • 1. o Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhizaglabra Licorice root Wounds, sore throat, colds, Jethimadh coughs, nervous exhaustion, liver, skin conditions,ulcers, cystitis, chronic fatigue. Shunti, Zinginberofficinale Ginger Stimulant, carminative, Ardraka antispasmodic, expectorant, emmenagogue, antiemetic Ajwan, Carum Carom, Spastic bowel, flatulence, Ajowan, copticum Bishop's dyspepsia, sluggish digestion, Ajwain, weed chronic hiccups, belching, sinus Yavani congestion, asthma, menstrual cramping, renal calculi, depression. RaktaChandan Pterocarpussantalinus Red sandalwood Skin tonic, liver disorders, fever Neem, Azadirachtaindica Neem, Margosa, Indian Skin disease, antibacterial, Nimba lilac antifungal, blood purifier, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiemetic Avani Hyoscyamusniger Henbane Sedative. Chronic dementia, hysteria, palpitations, asthma. Argbhada, Cassia fistula Indian laburnum, Ringworm, constipation, fevers, Arag-vadha, Purging cassia bleeding, hemorrhoids. Amaltas Kapikachchu, Mucunapruriens Kapikacchu, Cowhage Parkinson's, paralysis, cramps, low Atmagupta libido, infertility, impotence, hypercholesterolemia.
  • 2. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Jatamansi Nardostachysjatamansi Indian Nervousness, anxiety, spikenard dysmenorrhea, insomnia, hair tonic Vacha, Acorus Calamus, Nervine, antispasmatic, sedative, Ugragandha calamus Sweet flag stomachic, expectorant, emetic, laxative, diuretic Brahmi, Bacopa Bacopa, Memory loss, debility, cystitis, Jalabrahmi monnieri Indian Gotu kola headaches, epilepsy, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, depression, autism. Badama Prunusamygdalus Almond Laxative, tonic, nervine tonic, mental stimulant. Datura, Daturametel White thorn apple Joint pain, asthma, fevers, lung Dhattura congestion, dysmenorrhea. Bhumyamalaki Phyllanthusamarus; P. Phyllanthus, Jaundice, liver disease, fever, niruri; P. fraternus (US) Stonebreaker genitourinary disease, edema, Chancrapiedra gallstones, menorrhagea Garijara Daucuscarota Carrot seed Jaundice, kidney diseases. Mandukaparni Centella Gotu kola (West), Insomnia, epilepsy, stress, autism, asiatica Indian pennywort ADHD, Asperger's, memory loss, inflammatory skin conditions, wounds, hair loss, arthritis, gout. Haridra, Curcuma longa Turmeric Infections, ulcers, dyspepsia, Haldi diabetes, gallstones, skin diseases, conjunctivitis, cysts, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, fevers, septicaemia, high cholesterol. Sarpagandha Rauwolfiaserpentina Rauwolfia, Indian snake Hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, root colic Amalaki, Emblicaofficinalis Emblicmyrobalan, Hyperacidity, constipation, ulcers, Amla, Indian gooseberry hepatitis, colitis, high cholesterol, Dhatri diabetes, anemia, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Katuka, Picrorhizakurroa Gentian Hepatitis C, cirrhosis, acidity,
  • 3. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Katuki, allergies, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, Kutki autoimmune conditions, dysentery. Talamulika Curculigoorchiodes Curculigoorchiodes Hemmorrhoids, asthma, kidney stones, skin Arjuna, Terminaliaarjuna Arjunamyrobalan Heart, lungs, skin, liver, Arjun, reproductive tissues, anemia, Kakubha tumors, asthma, cardiac and circulatory problems. Ashwagandha WithaniaSomnifera Winter cherry General debility, insomnia, low libido, impotence, infertility, multiple sclerosis, enlarged prostate, skin diseases. Lasuna, Allium Garlic Gastric disturbances, food Rasona sativum poisoning, candida albicans, catarrh, myalgia, sluggishness, high cholesterol, clotting, infections, blood pressure. Shatavari Asparagus racemosus Wild Galactogogic, antispasmodic, anti asparagus diarrhetic, demulcent. Hing, Ferula Asafoetida Flatulence, cough, constipation, Hingu asafoetida palpitations, aphrodisiac, whooping cough, sciatica, convulsions, arthritis. Satapushpi Peucedanumgraveolens Peucedanumgraveolens Flatulence, colic, abscesses, digestive Narikela Cocos Cocos Fever, pharyngitis, skin disorders, nucifera nucifera alterative Manjista, Rubia Indian Female disorders, anorexia, skin Manjishta, cordifolia madder diseases, poor appetite. Manjith Shleshmataka Cordiamyxa (obliqua) Cordiamyxa (obliqua) Expectorant, colic, dyspepsia, ulcers, cough Champaka Micheliachampaca Champaca Emmenagogue, diuretic. Gastritis, chronic arthritis, colic.
  • 4. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Sudarshan Crinum deflexum Crinum deflexum Emetic, inflammatory conditions. (asiaticum) (asiaticum) Maricha Piper Black Dyspepsia, cough, pharyngitis, nigrum pepper headache, diarrhea Kumkuma, Crocus sativus Saffron Dysmenorrhea, infertility, anemia, Kesar, liver congestion, cardiac Ghusrna congestion, angina, impotence, low libido, depression, nervous debility, painful urination. Dadima, Punica Pomegranate Dysentery, diarrhea, hyperacidity, Anardana granatum dyspepsia, menopause, prostate problems, circulation. Punarnava Boerhaviadiffusa Indian hogweed Diuretic, expectorant, laxative Shardunika Gymnemasylvestre Gymnema Diuretic, astringent, Gurmar, hypoglycemic, refrigerant, Meshasringa stomachic Chitrak, Plumbagozeylanica White Digestive problems, non-bleeding Chitraka, leadwort hemorrhoids, arthritis, parasites. Agni, Jvala Bibhitaki, Terminaliabelerica Belericmyrobalan Digestive disorders, bronchitis, Baheda asthma, Chron's disease, colitis, parasites, congestion of eyes, ears and nose, insomnia, bladder stones, cardiac congestion. Nagbala Grewia hirsute Grewia hirsute Diarrhea, wounds, heart disease, fever Karpoor Cinnamomum Camphor Diarrhea, nervousness, muscular camphora pain, fever. Udumbara Ficus Ficus Diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bleeding racemosa racemosa disorders, antiseptic Devadaru Cedrus Devadar Diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative. deodara Fevers, diarrhea, urinary disorders. Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Holy basil Demulcent, expectorant,
  • 5. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Tulasi, anticatarrhal, antispasmodic, Divya, anthelminthic, nervine, tonic, Vishnu-priya diaphoretic, digestive stimulant, antiparasitic, antibacterial Uma Linumusitatissimum Linumusitatissimum Cystitis, bronchitis, boils, expectorant, demulcent Kumari, Aloe indica, Aloe vera Cuts, burns, infections, Ghee kunvar, Aloe vera, Aloe constipation, enlarged liver or Kunvarpatha barbadensis spleen, hepatitis, bursitis, cystitis, vaginitis, bronchitis, asthma, tumors. Vidari, Puerariatuberosa Vidarikanda Cough, hoarseness, respiratory Vidarikand stimulant, tonic Satupuspa Foeniculumvulgare Foeniculumvulgare Cough, flatulence, dysmenorrhea, hookworm, edema Shati Curcuma zedoaria White Cough, asthma, leukorrhea, turmeric tonsillitis. Zupha Hyssopusofficinalis Hyssop Cough, asthma, bronchitis, amenorrhea Markandika Cassia angustifolia Cassia angustifolia Constipation, liver disease, joint pain Haritaki, Terminaliachebula Chebulicmyrobalan Constipation, hemorrhoids, eye Harde, disorders, dysentery, parasites, Hara hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, coughs, conjunctivitis. Isaphgul, Plantagoovata Psyllium husk Constipation, colitis, irritable Sat Isabgol bowel, cystitis Krishnajiraka, Nigella sativa Black cumin, Love-in- Carminative, antispasmodic, Kalika, the-mist aromatic, diuretic, vermifuge, Kaljaji expectorant, bronchodilator Vasaka, Justicia Malabar nut Bronchitis, asthma, jaundice, Vasa adhatoda antispasmodic Dhanyaka, Coriandrumsativum Coriander, Cilantro Bloating, flatulence, irritable Dhaniya bowel syndrom, worms, allergies,
  • 6. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ cystitis, dysuria, fevers, respiratory problems, heavy metals. Ela, Elettariacardamomum Cardamom Bloating, borborygmus, colic, Elaichi, indigestion, coughs, asthma, Sukshmaela nausea, morning sickness, painful urination. Aswatha Ficusreligiosa Peepal Astringent, laxative, cooling, alterative. Boils, ulcers, skin disease, diabetes, constipation. Guduchi, Tinosporacordifolia Tinospora Arthritis, gout, malaria, diabetes, Giloy, skin diseases. Amrita Shankapushpi, Evolvulusalsinoides Bindweed, Anxiety, diarrhea, bronchitis, Shankhahuli Aloe weed memory loss, fever, liver problems, skin diseases. Twak, Cinnamomum Cinnamon Antispasmodic, carminative, Daru-sita, zeylanicum aromatic, astringent, expectorant, Dalchini stimulant, diaphoretic Jeeraka, Cuminumcyminum Cumin seed Antiseptic, carminative, digestive, Jeera diuretic, galactagogue, antispasmodic Sigru, Moringa Horseradish, Drumstick Antifungal, antiviral, flocculating Shigru oleifera agent, stimulant, abortifacient, source of vitamin C, colds, boils, fever, joint pain, gout Shallaki Boswelliaserrata Boswelliaserrata Antiarthritic, analgesic, anti inflammatory Mustaka, Cyperusrotundus Nut grass Anti-inflammatory, flatulence, Musta fever, estrogenic Nagadamni Artemisia vulgaris Artemisia vulgaris Anthelminthic, expectorant Kutaja, Holarrhena Kutaja Amoebic and bacillary dysentery, Kutaj, antidysenterica diarrhea, colitis, Chron's disease, Kureya hemorrhoids, skin problems, bleeding disorders.
  • 7. Properties - Indications Indian Name Latin Name Common Name ▴ Sariva, Hemidesmusindicus Indian sarsaparilla Alterative. Poor appetite, cough, Sugandhi skin problems Bhringaraj Eclipta alba Bhringaraj Alopecia, premature greying, dizziness, hepatitis, cirrhosis, insomnia, bronchitis, asthma, skin. Ayurvedic Diet & Recipes Kicharee recipe Try eating kicharee regularly: it is easy to digest, very nourishing and delicious with our hemp seed oil 1/3 cup split mung dal 2/3 cup basmati rice (or other grain) 3-4 cups of water (a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4). 1/2 tsp each of organic turmeric, ginger, roasted cumin and coriander. Adjust flavour to your preference. Seasonal vegetables: spinach, peas, or seaweeds, shitake mushrooms for an all round healing, healthy and agni enkindling meal. Simmer the mung dal and rice in the water. Add all the herbs and then the vegetables. The best practice is to cook it on a very low heat in a covered saucepan and DO NOT stir it after all the ingredients are added or it will go mushy. Stir in a teaspoon of ghee or hemp seed oil at the end. Water retention reducing soup 50g barley 200g asparagus Bunch fresh coriander 1 tsp fennel seeds No salt Simmer for 1 hour Helpful for reducing water retention, fluid accumulation and easing urinary difficulty. Immune Tonic Soup
  • 8. 20g of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) 20g of Amla (Emblicaofficinalis) 6 Shitake Mushrooms Simmer in 3 pints water- 1/2 hour Extract Amla and Shatavari Add 1/2 cup organic pearl barley Add root vegetables: Beetroots, carrots, potato Add leeks, onions garlic Add Seasonal greens- kale, spinach, nettles Add ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric Add 1-2 sticks kombu/ wakame simmer for 45 mins Adjust quantities and water as desired Add any particular favourite vegetables or herbs Eat broth in convalescence Eat 1-2 x/ week for general immune tonification Benefits digestion, allergies, fatigue, inflammatory conditions etc Basic curry recipe (serves 4) 3 tbs virgin coconut oil or ghee 1 tspn each of cumin, coriander, fennel seeds, mustard seed 1 inch piece of freshly chopped ginger Pinch of asafoetida Two to three vegetables of your choice, chopped (adjust quantity as needed, but approximately 300-400g of each type) Cumin, turmeric and cinnamon to taste Coconut milk or yoghurt, optional Heat the oil or ghee in a large pan. Fry the cumin, coriander, fennel and mustard seeds in a high heat until brown and releasing a delicious smell. Other spices, as required, can be used. Add the ginger and asafoetida. Add chopped vegetables. Sauté until the vegetables are coated in the spiced oil. Add a little water and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes or until done. Add cumin, turmeric, cinnamon powders to taste. Add any ‘quick-to-cook’ vegetables such as spinach and peas at the end for 3 minutes. You can also add coconut milk or yoghurt to make a creamier sauce. Basic dhal recipe (serves 4) 200g lentils 2 inches washed seaweed (kombu) 1 tsp cumin powder ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • 9. 1 tsp each of cumin seed, fennel seed and mustard seed 1 inch of freshly chopped ginger One onion, chopped and 1 clove garlic optional 3 tbs ghee or virgin coconut oil for frying 1 pinch salt Handful, fresh coriander Coconut milk or yoghurt, optional Wash the lentils and simmer them in pan for 40 minutes with some washed seaweed, the cumin powder and turmeric powder. In a separate pan heat the ghee or oil and fry in high heat the cumin, coriander, fennel and mustard seeds until brown and releasing a delicious smell. Add the ginger and asafoetida. (Onions and garlic can also be fried after the spices to make a more nourishing dish.) Pour this spiced oil into the lentil mixture (dhal). Add a pinch of salt and the fresh coriander. Coconut milk or yoghurt can be added as desired. Rice pudding elixir (serves 2) 100g rice pudding rice (You can also try with black or red rice) I litre of cow's, almond or rice milk (option of more) 3 tbs almond powder 7 strands of saffron 5 cardamom pods Rose Jam Ghee, Virgin Coconut oil or honey, optional Place the rice in a heavy pan and add the milk. Bring to boil and simmer for 1 hour. Add the almond powder. Add more milk as desired. (coconut milk is an interesting change). Soak the strands of saffron in a tablespoon of milk for 10 minutes to extract its golden pigment and then add to rice pudding. Add cardamom and rose jam. Serve and add ghee, virgin coconut oil or honey as desired. You can also add grated carrots or beetroots to this recipe for a colourful and nourishing variation. This is a very nourishing food for reducing vata and pitta, strengthening the tissues and building reproductive tissues. Chutneys These are very useful to accompany a meal to stimulate agni, reduce ama and facilitate digestion. They are a great complement to a tridoshic meal where members of a family have different dietary needs. This way a simple balancing meal can be prepared and then specific dosha regulating chutneys can be added as needed. 1 inch fresh ginger, juice of 1/2 lemon, a pinch of rock salt: enkindles agni, regulatesvata, for irregular digestion 1 inch fresh ginger, 1 tablespoon of mint, 1 tablespoon of coriander: enkindles agni, reduces pitta, for excessive digestion
  • 10. 4 tablespoons roasted desiccated coconut, juice of ½ fresh lime, 1 inch of fresh ginger, a pinch of rock salt: enkindles agni, reduces pitta and vata 1 tablespoon fresh horseradish, ¼ teaspoon dry ginger, 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary: enkindles agni, reduces kapha, for sluggish digestion (mandaagni) Hot milk recipe 1 cup almond or rice milk 2 tsp organic almond powder 2 cardamom pods 5 strands saffron. pinch of nutmeg Heat the above ingredients and add 1 tsp honey. Take with 2 capsules of organic Ashwagandha at night for a restful sleep. This helps to nourish the nervous system, reproductive system and helps you sleep. Pure Bliss! Sunny coconut fennel flapjacks 200g rolled oats 100g virgin coconut oil 50g maple syrup 50g sunflower seeds 50g dessicated coconut 2 tablepoons fennel Melt virgin coconut oil over a low heat. Remove from heat and add rolled oats, maple syrup, coconut, sunflower seeds and fennel seeds. Place in oiled baking tray. Heat at 200C for 20-25 mins. Allow to cool, Divide. Share. Coconut lentil lime dhal (serves 3-4 people) 250g split mung lentil (or any other lentil) 440ml coconut milk 4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil 6 spring onions 1 inch finely chopped fresh ginger 1 bunch coriander 10 peppermint leaves 1 lime 4 keffir lime leaves 2 tsp ground coriander seed Fry the ground coriander, fresh ginger and spring onions in the virgin coconut oil. Stir in the washed lentils and simmer in 250ml water for 20 mins. Add coconut milk and simmer for a further 20 minutes. Take off heat. Add grated peel of lime, juice of lime, finely chopped kefir
  • 11. lime leaves, coriander leaves and mint leaves. Add a pinch of salt. Leave to stew for 15 minutes. Serve with rice or noodles. Coconut rice (2-3 people) 100g basmati rice 200ml coconut milk 50g dessicated coconut 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil Soak rice for 2 hours. Rinse rice thoroughly. Add to a good heavy saucepan and pour in the coconut milk. Bring to a simmer and stir well once. Add the saucepan lid and turn down to the lowest heat. Simmer for 10 minutes. Take off heat and add the virgin coconut oil. Leave to steam in its own aroma for 5 minutes and serve to delight. Lightly roast the dessicated coconut and sprinkle over each portion. Golden delicious spicy roast orange vegetables in coconut oil 1 butternut squash cut into 1 inch chunks 2 carrots cut into 1 inch rounds 3 sweet potatoes cut into 2 inch wedges 2 tablespoons cumin 2 tablespoons coriander 2 teaspoons chilli flakes 4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil Grind the spices and blend together. Melt coconut oil and add vegetables so that they are coated in the oil. Add the crushed spices and a pinch of salt. Roast in an oven at 220C turning after 20 minutes until golden delicious after 40 minutes. Braised asparagus in coconut oil Big fresh bunch of asparagus 4 tablespoons coconut oil Wash and then tail the fibrous stems of the asparagus. Warm the coconut oil in a pan and add a dram of water (about 4 tablespoons). Add the asparagus. Pop the covered pan into an oven. Braise in the oven for 20-30 minutes until caramelized. Add a pinch of salt or seagreens and enjoy. Try this with courgettes or endive as well Hemp ginger salad dressing 75ml hemp seed oil The juice and rind of 1 lemon Pinch of salt and pepper 1 inch of fresh ginger A handful of fresh parsley Shake well
  • 12. (To make a lighter dressing add some olive oil) Hemp coconut butter 30% hemp seed oil 70% coconut butter As coconut is solid between 10-25°C you can store in the fridge and use as a spread on bread, cooked potatoes or vegetables. Hemp with vegetables and roasted seeds Lightly steam a bunch of asparagus and a broccoli head. Toast some pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Add a bit of tamari as they cool. Mix ingredients together and add 2 tablespoons hemp seed oil. Add a sprinkle of paprika, salt and pepper to taste Vata Diet Use this diet to help relieve nervous tension, cramps, pain, anxiety, insomnia, bloating, constipation, dryness General treatments: Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do not like it then please avoid it. This diet is to help raise the digestive fire and enhance the assimilation of nutrients which will help calm the nervous system. Emphasise foods that are warm, soupy and easy to digest. Eat at regular times. Eat to less than full. Practice relaxation. Avoid yeast, refined sugars, coffee, tea, tobacco, drugs, poor quality oils and extremely spicy foods as these aggravate the digestion and the nervous system. Favour foods that are warm, heavy, and oily as these nourish the nervous system. Reduce foods that are cold, dry, and hard as these aggravate digestion. Favour foods that are sweet (e.g. wheat, milk, rice), sour (e.g. vinegar, yogurt, umeboshi plums, citrus fruit), and salty as these are all nourishing. Reduce foods that are very spicy, bitter (e.g. coffee, chillies, green leafy vegetables), and astringent (e.g. apples, beans) as these aggravate digestion and disturb the nervous system. Dairy: all dairy products nourish the nervous system. Always boil milk before you drink it, mix with cardamom seeds and drink it warm. Don’t take milk with a full meal or with fruit. Use organic milk. If allergic substitute with almond or rice milk. Avoid ice cream, powdered milks and soya milk. Sweeteners: all sweet flavours are good for nourishing the nervous system. Reduce refined white sugar. Avoid all sugars if bloating is present.
  • 13. Oils: all oils reduce dryness and nourish the nervous system. Emphasise Flax, hemp, sesame, ghee, olive, sunflower, evening primrose, borage and fish oils. Use these internally and externally. Grains: rice (basmati, brown, wild), wheat, oats (cooked) and quinoa are very good for nourishing the nervous system. Amaranth is ok. Reduce intake of barley, corn, millet, buckwheat and rye as these are a bit drying and can be difficult to digest creating wind. Avoid the rest Fruits: favour sweet, sour, or heavy fruits, such as berries, bananas, avocados, grapes, cherries, lemons, limes, fresh figs, peaches, melons, plums, pineapples, mangoes, and papayas. Cooked apples and pears are ok. Soaked prunes and raisins are ok. Avoid dried fruits, uncooked apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries as these can create wind. Vegetables: asparagus, beets, cucumbers, carrots, and sweet potatoes are the best. Peas, green leafy vegetables, celery, summer squash, winter squash, and potatoes are best well cooked in oil or ghee with mild spices. Seaweeds are very beneficial. It’s best to avoid the Brassica family; brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Also avoid Solanaceae family; peppers, aubergines, potatoes and tomatoes. Raw vegetables, especially onions are banned as these all create wind. Spices: Most of them, especially; asafoetida, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, fennel, dill, cinnamon, salt, cloves, mustard seed, black pepper all help reduce gas and spasms in the digestive system. Nuts: all nuts and seeds are good in moderation, especially soaked. Beans: avoid all beans, except for marinated tofu and mung lentils and occasionally red lentils. Meat and fish: chicken, turkey, eggs and seafood are fine; beef should be avoided. Pitta Diet Use this diet to help clear skin inflammations, itching, joint pain, hot flushes, acidity, ulcers, anger, irritation, infections, fever, late spring General Treatments Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do not like it then please avoid it. Include Aloe Vera juice and rosewater daily Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, and animal products. Low quality oils are a major cause of inflammation. Avoid sour, salty, and pungent foods as these aggravate inflammation. Favour foods that are cool, refreshing and liquid. Fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Favour foods that are sweet, bitter, or astringent as these reduce heat. Reduce foods that are spicy, salty or sour as these increase heat.
  • 14. Dairy: Milk, butter, and ghee are good for pacifying heat. Avoid yogurt, cheese, sour cream, and cultured buttermilk; these sour tastes aggravate inflammation. Sweeteners: All sweeteners are good except for honey and molasses. Oils: Flax, hemp, borage, evening primrose, olive, sunflower, and coconut oils are best. Reduce sesame, almond, and corn oil, all of which increase heat. Grains: Wheat, basmati rice, barley and oats are anti-inflammatory. Reduce corn, rye, millet, and brown rice as they are a little heating. Fruits: Favour sweet fruits such as grapes, limes, cherries, melons, avocado, coconut, pomegranates, mangoes, apples, berries, sweet and fully ripened oranges, pineapples, and plums. Reduce sour fruits such as grapefruits, lemons, olives, papayas and sour, not-yet-ripened oranges, pineapples, and plums as they can increase heat and acidity. Vegetables: Favour asparagus, cucumber, cooked beetroots, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, okra, lettuce, sprouted beans, peas, green beans. Avoid Solanaceae nightshade family; hot peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, aubergines, potato (some is ok). Also avoid Allium family; especially raw onions, garlic, radishes. Also avoid and raw beetroots, raw spinach and mustard greens as these all increase heat and acidity. Beans: Avoid all beans except for tofu and mung lentils. Especially avoid peanuts as these can create inflammation. Spices: Cinnamon, coriander, dill, aniseed, cardamom, fennel, turmeric, fresh ginger and small amounts of black pepper are good, but the following spices strongly increase heat and should be taken in moderation: Asafoetida, dry ginger, cumin, fenugreek, clove, celery seed, salt, and mustard seed. Chilli peppers and cayenne should be avoided. Meat and Fish: Chicken, pheasant, and turkey are preferable; but beef, seafood, and egg yolk increase inflammation. Superfoods: Chlorella, Spirulina, Wheat grass, Barley grass, Kalamath lake algae, seaweeds all help to cool the system and clear inflammation. Kapha Diet Use this diet to help clear mucus, heaviness, sinus congestion, think tongue coating, tiredness, sluggishness, high cholesterol, oedema and during winter months General Treatments Please just eat what is appropriate for you. If you are intolerant of any food or simply do not like it then please avoid it.
  • 15. Avoid yeast, salt, cheese, yoghurt, chocolate, and refined sugars and flours as these increase mucus. Avoid overeating, especially at night. Do not eat when you are not hungry. Do not eat between meals. Do not eat cold foods A primarily vegetarian diet is highly recommended. Include ginger in your daily diet: take a pinch of fresh ginger root with a few drops of lemon juice before each meal. Favour foods that are light, dry, and warm as these reduce mucus. Reduce foods that are heavy, oily, and cold as these increase weight and mucus. Favour foods that are spicy, bitter, and astringent (e.g. ginger, asparagus, tea) as these help to dry excess fluids in the body. Reduce foods that are sweet, salty, and sour (e.g. cakes, crisps, vinegar) as these increase fluids in the body. Dairy: Low-fat milk is better. Always boil milk before you drink it (making it easier to digest) and take it warm. Do not take milk with a full meal, or with sour or salty food. Add some cardamom or ginger to whole milk before boiling it to help reduce any mucus generating properties. Use goat’s milk or water milk down 50/50. A little ghee (clarified butter) is fine. Avoid eggs, cheese, yoghurt and buffalo milk. Fruits: Lighter fruits, such as apples and pears, are better. Reduce sweet, heavy or sour fruits such as oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts, and melons, as these fruits increase mucus. Sweeteners: Use a little honey (2 tsp/day) as it helps to reduce mucus. Reduce all other sugar products. Beans: All beans are fine, except tofu as it is very cold. Nuts: Reduce all nuts as they are too oily. Oils: Reduce all oils but flax, corn and sunflower is ok. Grains: Increase barley, corn, buckwheat, quinoa and millet as these are slightly drying or warming. Avoid or do not take too much wheat, rice, or oats, as they increase heaviness and mucus. Spices: Include all spices except for salt. Salt increases water retention and mucus whereas spices increase warmth in the body. Vegetables: Increase asparagus, aubergine, beetroots, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, garlic, ginger, green leaves, kale, onion, potato, pumpkin, radish, sprouts. Reduce okra, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, and summer squash as these increase fluids.
  • 16. Meat and Fish: White meat from chicken or turkey is fine, as is seafood. Avoid or reduce red meat and pork. Practitioners Stockists