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Moving	Graphs	to	Produc3on	
At	Scale	
Ian	Robinson
•  Deployment	Op,ons	
•  Hardware/So5ware	Requirements	
•  HA	Architecture	
•  Backups	
•  Monitoring	
•  Tes,ng	
•  Performance	Tips
Deployment	Op3ons	
Server	with	Extensions
Deployment	Op3ons	
•  Host	Neo4j	in	Java	process	
•  Access	to	Neo4j’s	Java	APIs	
Server	with	Extensions	
Java	APIs	
Deployment	Op3ons	
•  Server	wraps	embedded	instance	
•  HTTP/JSON	interface	
•  Transac,onal	endpoint	
Server	with	Extensions	 REST	API	REST	API	REST	API	
Load	balancer
Deployment	Op3ons	
Server	with	Extensions	
•  JAX-RS	RESTful	resources	
•  Execute	complex	logic	on	server	
•  Close	to	the	data	
•  Mul,ple	opera,ons	per	request	
•  Integrate	with	backend	systems	
•  Control	HTTP	request/response	
format,	headers	
Load	balancer	
REST	API	 Extensions
•  Intel	Core	i3	(minimum)	
•  Intel	Core	i7	(recommended)	
•  Neo4j	scales	with	the	number	of	cores	
•  Requires	Enterprise	to	scale	beyond	4	cores	
•  SLC	(single-level	cell)	SSD	w/SATA	
•  ext4	(recommended),	ZFS	
•  Increase	permiYed	number	of	open	files	to	40,000	
•  Lots	of	RAM	(for	heap	+	page	cache)	
•  8-12	GB	heap	(up	to	24	GB)	
•  Explicitly	set	page	cache	to	(store	size	+	10%	+	headroom)	
–  Otherwise	defaults	to	75%	of	RAM-minus-heap	(50%	in	2.3)	
•  OpenJDK	8	(preferred)	or	7	or	Oracle	Java	8	(preferred)	or	7	
•  G1	garbage	collector	
•  Default	in	2.3	
•  JDK	1.7.0_71	or	later	
Opera3ng	System	
•  Linux		
•  HP	UX		
•  Windows	2012
•  HVM	(hardware	virtual	machine)	over	PV	(paravirtual)	
•  EBS-op,mized	
•  Dedicated	throughput	to	EBS	
•  C3	or	C4	(compute-op,mized)	
•  E.g	c4.2xlarge	(15	GiB	RAM,	8	vCPU,	1000	Mbps	EBS	throughput)	
•  R3	(memory-op,mized)	
•  E.g.	r3.xlarge	(30.5	GiB	RAM,	4	vCPU)	
•  Not	EBS-op,mized	by	default	
•  Provisioned	IOPS	(io1)	for	predictable	performance
•  For	I/O	intensive	workloads	
•  Up	to	30	IOPS	per	GiB	
–  E.g.	300	GiB	volume,	9000	IOPS
HA	Architecture	
Neo4j	HA	
Instance	2	
Neo4j	HA	
Instance	1	
Neo4j	HA	
Instance	3	
Cluster	Configura3on	
Joining	Cluster	
•  ha.initial_hosts (neo4j.proper)es)	
•  List	of	servers	to	contact	when	joining	cluster	
•  All	hosts	must	be	available	when	star,ng	instance	
•  For	large	clusters,	supply	only	a	small	number	of	hosts,	e.g.	3	
Pull	and	Push	Transac3ons	
•  ha.pull_interval=10s (off	by	default)	
•  ha.tx_push_factor=1 (default,	but	best	efforts	only)	
•  ha.heartbeat_timeout=11s (default)	
•  Heartbeats	sent,	by	default,	every	5s	
•  Increase	,meouts	if	pauses	cause	heartbeats	to	be	delayed	
•  Warning:	it	will	take	longer	to	discover	an	instance	has	failed	
•  ha.state_switch_timeout=120s (default)	
•  Increase	if	new	instances	,meout	while	catching	up	with	master	on	startup
HA	Endpoints	–	Useful	for	Load	Balancing	
Endpoint	 State	 Status	Code	 Body	
Master	 200 OK true	
Slave	 404 Not Found false	
Unknown	 404 Not Found UNKNOWN	
Master	 404 Not Found false	
Slave	 200 OK true	
Unknown	 404 Not Found UNKNOWN	
Master	 200 OK master	
Slave	 200 OK slave	
Unknown	 404 Not Found UNKNOWN	
From	2.3	onwards
HA	JMX	Endpoint	
JSON	Response	
•  Alive?	
•  Role	
•  Last	commiYed	transac,on	ID	
•  Instances	in	cluster	
•  Role	
•  Instance	ID	
•  Available?	
•  URI	
Iden,fy	slaves	
falling	behind	
Does	everyone	agree	
on	composi,on	of	
Cross	DC-Clusters	
•  Same	subnet	(consider	using	a	VPN)	
•  Bandwidth	between	DCs	aligned	with	write	throughput	
•  Common	prac,ce:	instances	in	secondary	run	as	slave-only	
•  Restricts	master	elec,on	to	the	primary	
•  When	failing	over,	reconfigure	instances	in	secondary	
Mul3-Region	Clusters	in	AWS	
All	Versions	
•  Recommended:	Amazon	VPC	(Virtual	Private	Cloud)	
2.3	Enterprise	
•  2.3	supports	mul,-region	clusters	with	no	addi,onal	infrastructure	
•  Use	public	DNS	names	rather	than	IP	addresses	in	ha.initial hosts,	
ha.server	and	ha.cluster_server
•  Warning:	uses	public	internet
Scale	Horizontally	For	High	Read	Throughput	
Master	 Slave	 Slave	
Load	Balancer	
Scale	Horizontally	For	High	Read	Throughput	
Master	 Slave	 Slave	
Read	Load	Balancer	Write	Load	Balancer
HAProxy	Configura3on	
Configure	HAProxy	as	Read	Load	Balancer	
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend neo4j-slaves
backend neo4j-slaves
option httpchk GET /db/manage/server/ha/slave
server s1 maxconn 32 check
server s2 maxconn 32 check
server s3 maxconn 32 check
listen admin
bind *:8080
stats enable
Configure	HAProxy	as	Read	Load	Balancer	
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend neo4j-slaves
backend neo4j-slaves
option httpchk GET /db/manage/server/ha/slave
server s1 maxconn 32 check
server s2 maxconn 32 check
server s3 maxconn 32 check
listen admin
bind *:8080
stats enable
404 Not Found
404 Not Found
200 OK
Improve	Read	Performance	with	Cache	Sharding	
1	 2	 3	
Load	Balancer	
MATCH (c:Country{name:'Australia'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Zambia'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Norway'})...
Cache	Sharding	Using	Consistent	Rou3ng	
1	 2	 3	
Load	Balancer	
MATCH (c:Country{name:'Australia'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Zambia'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Norway'})...
A-I					1	
J-R					2	
S-Z					3	
MATCH (c:Country{name:'Zambia'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Norway'})...MATCH (c:Country{name:'Australia'})...
Configure	HAProxy	for	Cache	Sharding	
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend neo4j-slaves
backend neo4j-slaves
balance url_param country_code
server s1 maxconn 32
server s2 maxconn 32
server s3 maxconn 32
listen admin
bind *:8080
stats enable
Configure	HAProxy	for	Cache	Sharding	
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend neo4j-slaves
backend neo4j-slaves
balance url_param country_code
server s1 maxconn 32
server s2 maxconn 32
server s3 maxconn 32
listen admin
bind *:8080
stats enable
•  Full	
•  Incremental	
•  On	top	of	a	previous	backup	
•  Uses	logical	logs	to	apply	changes,	so	logs	must	be	kept	at	least	2	x	backup	interval	
Consistency	Check	
•  Backup	and	standalone	tool	
•  Evaluate	store	health	
•  Part	of	backup	and	standalone	tool	
•  -verify false to	disable	in	backup	
keep_logical_logs=7 days
Backup	Strategies	
•  Local	or	remote	backups	
•  If	backing	up	to	remote	machine,	consistency	check	takes	place	offline	with	
respect	to	the	database	
•  Backup	from	a	dedicated	slave	or	round	robin	
•  Choose	a	schedule:	
•  Full	once	per	day,	incremental	every	hour	
•  To	restore	from	backup:	
•  Stop	instance	
•  Replace	graph.db	with	backup	
•  Start	instance
Backup	Strategies	
A	 B	 C	
A	–	full	,	consistency	check	
B	–	full	,	consistency	check	
C	–	full	,	consistency	check	
A	–	incremental	
B	–	incremental	
C	–	incremental	
A	–	incremental	
B	–	incremental	
C	–	incremental	
A	–	full	,	consistency	check	
B	–	full	,	consistency	check	
C	–	full	,	consistency	check	
-from single:// 
-to /backups/201510151318263/graph.db
-verify true|false
•  Metrics	available	via	JMX	and	HTTP	and	in	browser	
•  Metrics	publishing	included	in	2.3	(Enterprise)	
•  Node,	rela,onship,	property	counts	
•  HA	network	usage	
•  Transac,ons	(ac,ve,	started,	commiYed,	rolled	back,	etc)	
•  Neo4j	page	cache	(page	faults,	evic,ons,	flushes,	excep,ons)	
•  JVM	
•  Published	to:	
•  Graphite	
•  Ganglia	
•  CSV	
Collate	Internal	and	External	Views	of	the	System	
•  collectd	
•  Metrics	
•  Tail	messages.log	
HA	Endpoints	
•  /db/manage/server/ha/master
•  /db/manage/server/ha/slave	
Server	Latencies	
•  h9p.log	
Cypher	Queries	
•  dbms.querylog.enabled=true
•  dbms.querylog.threshold=2s
Applica3on	metrics	
•  End-to-end	latencies
Test	at	Scale	
Soak	Tests	
•  Representa,ve	dataset	and	queries	
•  Peak	load	and	above	
•  Correctness	
•  Performance	
•  Latency	
•  Throughput	
•  Stability	
•  Backup	
•  Disaster	recovery	
•  Replace	instances
Performance	Tips	–	Use	the	Cypher	Query	Planner	
8,386,880	hits	 59,272	hits	
ON :Crime(description)
Performance	Tips	–	JVM	
•  Look	for	GC	pauses	in	messages.log	
•  grep blocked data/graph.db/messages.log
•  Caused	by	
•  Heap	too	small	
•  New/survivor	space	too	small	
•  Badly	wriYen	Cypher	query	or	unmanaged	extension
Enable	GC	Logging	
Log	will	be	wriYen	to	data/log/neo4j-gc.log
Performance	Tips	–	Unmanaged	Extensions	
•  Single	request,	many	opera,ons	
•  Reduce	network	latencies	
•  Mul,ple	implementa,on	op,ons	
•  Cypher	
•  Traversal	Framework	
•  Graph	Algo	Package	
•  Core	API	
•  Control	Request/Response	Format	
•  JSON,	CSV,	protobuf,	etc	
•  Domain-specific	representa,ons	
•  Compact	
•  Conserve	bandwidth	
•  HTTP	Headers	
Performance	Tips	–	Write	Requests	
•  Align	the	number	of	concurrent	write	requests	with	the	number	of	
Neo4j	server	threads	on	the	master	
•  By	default,	number	of	server	threads	=	number	of	CPUs	reported	available	
by	the	JVM	
•  Configure	the	number	of	threads	in	neo4j-server.proper)es	using	
•  Service	requests	from	a	thread	pool	in	your	applica,on	
•  Use	the	thread	pool	queue	depth	to	apply	back	pressure
Performance	Tips	–	Batch	Writes	Using	a	Queue	
Thread	 Batch	
Thank	You

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