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How South Korea escaped poverty and
became one of the richest countries in the

Hyunsu “Philip” Cho
Edmonds-Woodway High School
►   Despite trillions of aid given, 2.6 billion live w/ less than $2 a
►   Countries in Africa and Lat. Am. are still dependent on
    commodity exports
►   Productivity has stagnated in Lat. Am. - falling behind in int'l

►    GDP per capita around $100,
                       poorer than Philippines
                  ►    Ravaged by the Korean War
                  ►    Large standing army - menace
                       from North
                  ►    Largely agarian country
                  ►    Lack of natural resources - coal,
                       iron, copper, oil

►   GDP growth averaged 9-10% a year
►   Manufactoring sector took greater share of the economy
    (close to 30% - comparable to West Germany)
►   “Boys who grew up working in rice paddies found
    themselves building oil tankers and designing
    semiconductor chips.” - Mark L. Clifford

TO WHAT EXTENT did Park Chung Hee‟s iron rule contribute
to South Korea‟s economic growth?
►   Sense of desperation
     ►   U.S. aid kept people barely alive: 1/2 of national budget
     ►   1/5 of adults unemployed; social unrest fueled by unemployed youth
     ►   Menace from the North
►   Traditional social structure dismantled
     ►   Land Reform: wiped out traditional landed aristocracy
►   Tepid economic growth, lack of manufacturing base
     ►   Democracy seemed helpless in mounting economic challenges
     ►   Capital shortage kept businesses from growing

►   seized the capital + other
                         important cities
                     ►   purged politicians on corruption
                     ►   brought businessmen into
                         submission (June 14 law)
                     ►   The military was the most modern
                         sector of that time

                         “Western democratic institutions do
                         not harmonize with the
                         underdeveloped conditions of Korea.”
                         – Park

►   Economic growth as the historical goal, to be achieved at
    all cost
     ►   “In human life, economics precedes politics or culture.” – Park
►   “Guided Capitalism”: The state as the engine of economic
     ►   central planning + gov‟t intervention in the market
     ►   industrial policy, corporate state
►   Influenced by state-planning in Manchukuo

►   The state intervenes in individual firms‟ decisions
►   Economic Planning Board (EPB) : planning, national budget
►   Ministry of Finance (MoF) controlled the banking sector
     ►   Nationalization of banks
     ►   Extraordinary power over credit-starved businesses
►   All businesses were required to join associations
     ►   Policies, regulations, orders move quickly from ministries to firms
     ►   domestic cartels – steady stream of profit
►   Enfoncement devices
     ►   Cutting off credit line     • Personal connections
     ►   Arbitrary tax audit         • Uneven law enforcement

Top-down, General Headquarter
                     Other Gov‟t
                                       - Park himself made major decisions

                   MoF (Ministry of       state-owned
                      Finance)                banks

 EPB (Economic
 Planning Board)    MTI (Ministry of    industry/business
                   Trade + Industry)      associations

                   FKTU (Federation
                                        (gov‟t-controlled)     Businesses
                    of Korean Trade
                                         industrial unions
National Budget
                    Coopted labor
►   Pro
     ►    Allows for great flexibility in policy implementation
     ►    Channel of communication b/w gov‟t and private sector
     ►    Unlike Mussolini, Park utilized corporate state to the fullest
►   Con
     ►    Coercive element – individual initiatives are often compromised, tight gov‟t
          control, the state always had upper hand
     ►    Red tape – maze of permits, regulations, and licenses
            ►   Institutionalized corruption
            ►   favors big business over small business

►   Early 1960s: dollars began to run out; U.S. threatened to cut aid
►   2nd FYP: Build industries targeted to export markets
     ►   1960s: S. Korea utilized cheap labor – light manufacturing
►   Huge incentives for exporters
     ►   Import license conditional on export performance
     ►   Tariff exemption for raw materials and machinery
     ►   Exporters could automatically borrow against overseas orders
     ►   More credit to companies w/ superior export performance
►   Coercive element: Corporate state had business go along

1st Export Promotion Meeting (1960)
                                                          Park hands over export towers

►   Monthly Export Promotion Meeting
     ►   President, gov‟t officials, academics, reps from trading companies – “rapid response
         team” for exporters
►   Export Day (11/30)
     ►   “Export towers” to companies w/ best export performance

►   Scoured the world for new export
                 ►   Helped Korean businesses how to
                     market their products in foreign
                 ►   Key to overcoming the obstacles
                     early exporters faced

►   Exports skyrocketed; trade deficit stayed under $1 billion
     ►   S. Korea established a firm international standing in light
         industries – shoes, wig, clothes, plywood etc
     ►   Foreign borrowing + direct investment plugged the gap
►   Exports: $33 million -> $3.3 billion (100 times)
►   Imports: $343 million -> $3.8 billion (11 times)
     ►   Raw materials + machinery for export industries
►   Investment: 6% of GDP -> 23% of GDP

RESULTS (1961-73)
EOI (EXPORT                                    ISI (IMPORT
    PROMOTION)                                     SUBSTITUTION)
►   Taiwan, South Korea                        ►   Latin America, Soviet
                                                   Union, Mussolini‟s Italy, North
►   Selective, short-term protection –             Korea
    international competition makes
    infant industries grow up                  ►   Blanket, permanent protection –
                                                   infant industries don‟t grow up
     ►   Up-to-date machinery introduced
                                                    ►   Lack of competition →
     ►   Experience w/ overseas market                  drag in int‟l competitiveness
►   Gov‟t complements market forces                 ►   Inflated wages
     ►   Correction of market failure – high        ►   Tried to reinvent the wheel:
         set-up costs of exports; imperfect             expensive intermediate goods
                                               ►   Gov‟t resists market forces
     ►   Meritocracy in allocating credit
                                               ►   Balance of Payment crisis lowers
►   Reduced possibility of BoP crisis              quality of inputs
►   Selective use of FDI (Foreign Direct       ►   Dependence on FDI and foreign
    Investment)                                    aid

►    North Korea continued its
                         offensive; U.S. threatened to
                         withdraw its troops
                    ►    Yushin Constitution
                          ►   Nation ruled under martial law;
                              Korea became Single Party State
                          ►   Park turned into dictator
                          ►   KCIA censored the
                              press, eavesdropped phone calls

THE BIG PUSH (1973-79)
►   HCI (Heavy & Chemical Industries) Plans – 4th FYP
►   Aim: build up defense
►   Shipbuilding, machinery, chemicals, steel, electronics, automobile
►   Unprecedented industrial expansion
►   Good: gain experience in heavy industries, which create far more added
    value; acquire managerial skills; economies of scale
     ►   Korea became competitive in semiconductor, shipbuilding, steel
►   Bad: policy loans caused massive inflation in 1970s; some target
    industries didn‟t work out in the end (i.e. aluminum)

THE BIG PUSH (1973-79)
►   Lure Koreans who‟d been
                       educated overseas with attractive
                       pay packages
                        ►   Cutting-edge managerial
                            techniques and scientific
                   ►   KAIST (Korea Institute of Science
                       of Technology)
                        ►   engineering education

►   State-owned enterprise
►   World Bank refused to finance the project
►   Park Tae Joon used personal connection in Japan to channel
    reparations (for past colonization)
►   Ran like military
     ►   Rapid construction schedule + high quality standard
     ►   Long work hours (60-70 hour work week)
►   Became one of the largest, most efficient
    steel maker in the world
►   Opened up the way for heavy industries

►   National conglomerates (groups) run by founding families
►   Profitable firms subsidize less profitable firms within the
    conglomerate (cross-subsidization)
►   Factors
     ►   Scarce credit + abounding investment opportunities
     ►   Red tape – lots of paperwork
     ►   Export promotion – bigger is better in export market
     ►   State-owned banking sector – political clout was a must to
         secure loans
►   Quite a few became successful global multinationals

Controversy still continues
►   Economic growth was impossible
                                  w/o Park
                              ►   Western-style democracy isn‟t fit
                                  for an undeveloped country like
                              ►   Nonpartisan planning is the way
                                  to rapidly modernize
                              ►   Park had a grand vision for
                                  economic development

  Kim Seong Jin – President
  Park‟s former secretary

►   Strength
     ►   EOI wasn‟t as politically palatable as ISI (popular in 3rd world countries)
     ►   Businesses were reluctant to export if left on their own
     ►   State autonomy allowed for quick policy decisions
     ►   Capital market hadn‟t fully developed (curb market)
►   Weakness
     ►   Park didn‟t have a “vision” (1st FYP didn‟t include export promotion)
           ►   Park adjusted his strategies according to economic realities
           ►   He listened to U.S. AID advisers + foreign-educated technocrats

     ►   Park was luckier than his Latin American counterparts

►   Military/Economic alliance with the United States
     ►   U.S. wasn‟t so friendly w/ some Latin American countries
     ►   U.S. aid $3 billion by 1968; Vietnam gave military contracts
     ►   The Cold War: need to contain North Korea
     ►   U.S. gave Korea considerable freedom in economic policy
►   1960s: rise of international division of labor
     ►   Labor cost too high in developed countries
►   Opposition was weak/unorganized; the state was autonomous
     ►   Anticommunism: leftists and labor unions were repressed
     ►   Land reform of 1950s: landed aristocracy wiped out
     ►   Bourgeoisie lost wealth during wartime; industrialists and businessmen were
         dependent on the state for foreign aid

►   Harms done by Park‟s iron rule
                          outweigh benefits of economic
                      ►   South Korea‟s economic
                          development was mainly driven
                          by external factors above Park‟s
                      ►   Chaebols became a huge liability
                           ►   Expansion into many different
                               fields of production, regardless of

  Jin Jung Kwon – a        ►   High debt-equity ratio –
  social critic                vulnerable to recessions
                           ►   Corrupt gov‟t-business alliance

►   Strength
     ►   Democracy and economic development aren‟t mutually exclusive
     ►   Labor sacrificed too much
           ►   Jeon Tae-il (labor activist) burned himself in 1970
     ►   External factors
     ►   1997 financial crisis: gov‟t allowed chaebols to borrow excessively
►   Weakness
     ►   Efficient developmental state requires autonomous state
     ►   Initial phase of development entails hard time for labor
     ►   Economy of scale is necessary to compete in global market
     ►   Gains in competitiveness stuck after 1997 financial crisis
     ►   Not every leader can take advantage of good environment

►   Park instilled into people the value
                                       of thrift and hard work
                                   ►   Although circumscribed, private
                                       property encouraged investment
                                   ►   Korea had (virtual) free trade
                                   ►   Park contained communist North
                                   ►   Park is guilty of central planning
                                        ►   Economy is best left to the
                                        ►   Economic freedom and political
                                            freedom are intertwined
Kim Jeong Ho – president of
Center for Free Enterprise (CFE)

►   Strength
     ►   Saemaul (New Community) Movement mobilized idle workers in countryside
     ►   Businessmen and entrepreneurs maintained their roles
     ►   Exporters didn‟t pay tariffs on raw materials + machinery
     ►   Businessmen couldn‟t speak up against gov‟t, fearing their credit lines might be
         cut off
►   Weakness
     ►   Corporate state forced businesses to invest more than they would otherwise; cult
         of austerity induced people to save
     ►   Gov‟t intervention corrected market failures in exports
     ►   Gov‟t selectively protected + nurtured infant industries

►   Chaebols served to protect
                                          national economy from predatory
                                          foreign capital
                                      ►   Park‟s developmental state offers
                                          model for “economic democracy”
                                           ►   State-owned financial sector
                                           ►   Extensive control over capital
                                           ►   A democracy is powerless if it
                                               cannot contain the excesses of
                                               the market

Chang, Ha-Joon – author of
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About

►   Strength
     ►   Profits made by chaebols stayed within the border
     ►   Corporate state ensured that businesses act in accordance with the national
►   Weakness
     ►   Modern nations with sizable population have representative democracy. Putting
         too much financial power to politicians is like putting all eggs in one basket.
     ►   Corporate state requires autonomy of the state – interest groups hamper such
     ►   Chaebols are just like other multinationals of the world

►   Park has built a “Tiger Daddy State”
     ►   Economic development in exchange for political freedom
     ►   Single party corporate state speeded up development
     ►   Businesses were forced to compete overseas
►   Park was pragmatic and flexible
     ►   Took maximum advantage of int‟l + domestic politics
     ►   EOI as result of policy adaptation
     ►   Acknowledged role of businessmen and entrepreneurs
     ►   Recognized need for advanced foreign technology
►   While developmental state is somewhat at odds with interest group
    democracy, Park didn’t need iron rule to advance his agenda; state
    autonomy had been established since 1950s

►   It takes right kind of “parenting” to develop a country‟s industrial base to
    internationally competitive level
     ►   Park‟s South Korea: too authoritarian
     ►   Latin America: too overprotective
     ►   Somewhere in the middle
          ►   Alexander Hamilton‟s American School
          ►   France and Quebec: “indicative planning”

     ►   Countries should integrate into world economy, on their own terms
►   Infant industries need some time to grow and mature
►   The individual cannot overcome market failures
►   The individual succeed only so far as his country provides him opportunities to
    do so

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Similaire à Economic Development of South Korea under Park Chung Hee (1961-79)

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Economic Development of South Korea under Park Chung Hee (1961-79)

  • 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTH KOREA UNDER PARK CHUNG HEE (1961-1979) How South Korea escaped poverty and became one of the richest countries in the world Hyunsu “Philip” Cho Edmonds-Woodway High School
  • 2. Despite trillions of aid given, 2.6 billion live w/ less than $2 a day ► Countries in Africa and Lat. Am. are still dependent on commodity exports ► Productivity has stagnated in Lat. Am. - falling behind in int'l competition POVERTY IS A STUBBORN THING
  • 3. GDP per capita around $100, poorer than Philippines ► Ravaged by the Korean War (1950-3) ► Large standing army - menace from North ► Largely agarian country ► Lack of natural resources - coal, iron, copper, oil SOUTH KOREA IN 1950S
  • 4. GDP growth averaged 9-10% a year ► Manufactoring sector took greater share of the economy (close to 30% - comparable to West Germany) ► “Boys who grew up working in rice paddies found themselves building oil tankers and designing semiconductor chips.” - Mark L. Clifford SOUTH KOREAN ECONOMY ROARS
  • 5. RESEARCH QUESTION TO WHAT EXTENT did Park Chung Hee‟s iron rule contribute to South Korea‟s economic growth?
  • 6. Sense of desperation ► U.S. aid kept people barely alive: 1/2 of national budget ► 1/5 of adults unemployed; social unrest fueled by unemployed youth ► Menace from the North ► Traditional social structure dismantled ► Land Reform: wiped out traditional landed aristocracy ► Tepid economic growth, lack of manufacturing base ► Democracy seemed helpless in mounting economic challenges ► Capital shortage kept businesses from growing POSTWAR SITUATION
  • 7. seized the capital + other important cities ► purged politicians on corruption charge ► brought businessmen into submission (June 14 law) ► The military was the most modern sector of that time “Western democratic institutions do not harmonize with the underdeveloped conditions of Korea.” – Park PARK STAGES MAY 16 REVOLUTION
  • 8. Economic growth as the historical goal, to be achieved at all cost ► “In human life, economics precedes politics or culture.” – Park ► “Guided Capitalism”: The state as the engine of economic development ► central planning + gov‟t intervention in the market ► industrial policy, corporate state ► Influenced by state-planning in Manchukuo PARK‟S “DEVELOPMENTALISM”
  • 9. The state intervenes in individual firms‟ decisions ► Economic Planning Board (EPB) : planning, national budget ► Ministry of Finance (MoF) controlled the banking sector ► Nationalization of banks ► Extraordinary power over credit-starved businesses ► All businesses were required to join associations ► Policies, regulations, orders move quickly from ministries to firms ► domestic cartels – steady stream of profit ► Enfoncement devices ► Cutting off credit line • Personal connections ► Arbitrary tax audit • Uneven law enforcement KOREAN CORPORATE STATE
  • 10. Top-down, General Headquarter style Other Gov‟t - Park himself made major decisions Ministries MoF (Ministry of state-owned Finance) banks EPB (Economic Planning Board) MTI (Ministry of industry/business Trade + Industry) associations FKTU (Federation (gov‟t-controlled) Businesses of Korean Trade industrial unions Unions) National Budget Coopted labor
  • 11. Pro ► Allows for great flexibility in policy implementation ► Channel of communication b/w gov‟t and private sector ► Unlike Mussolini, Park utilized corporate state to the fullest ► Con ► Coercive element – individual initiatives are often compromised, tight gov‟t control, the state always had upper hand ► Red tape – maze of permits, regulations, and licenses ► Institutionalized corruption ► favors big business over small business KOREAN CORPORATE STATE (CONT.)
  • 12. Early 1960s: dollars began to run out; U.S. threatened to cut aid ► 2nd FYP: Build industries targeted to export markets ► 1960s: S. Korea utilized cheap labor – light manufacturing ► Huge incentives for exporters ► Import license conditional on export performance ► Tariff exemption for raw materials and machinery ► Exporters could automatically borrow against overseas orders ► More credit to companies w/ superior export performance ► Coercive element: Corporate state had business go along EXPORT-ORIENTED INDUSTRIALIZATION (EOI)
  • 13. 1st Export Promotion Meeting (1960) Park hands over export towers ► Monthly Export Promotion Meeting ► President, gov‟t officials, academics, reps from trading companies – “rapid response team” for exporters ► Export Day (11/30) ► “Export towers” to companies w/ best export performance EXPORT-ORIENTED INDUSTRIALIZATION (EOI)
  • 14. Scoured the world for new export markets ► Helped Korean businesses how to market their products in foreign countries ► Key to overcoming the obstacles early exporters faced KOREA TRADE PROMOTION AGENCY (KOTRA)
  • 15. HUGE SUCCESS! ► Exports skyrocketed; trade deficit stayed under $1 billion ► S. Korea established a firm international standing in light industries – shoes, wig, clothes, plywood etc ► Foreign borrowing + direct investment plugged the gap ► Exports: $33 million -> $3.3 billion (100 times) ► Imports: $343 million -> $3.8 billion (11 times) ► Raw materials + machinery for export industries ► Investment: 6% of GDP -> 23% of GDP RESULTS (1961-73)
  • 16. EOI (EXPORT ISI (IMPORT PROMOTION) SUBSTITUTION) ► Taiwan, South Korea ► Latin America, Soviet Union, Mussolini‟s Italy, North ► Selective, short-term protection – Korea international competition makes infant industries grow up ► Blanket, permanent protection – infant industries don‟t grow up ► Up-to-date machinery introduced ► Lack of competition → ► Experience w/ overseas market drag in int‟l competitiveness ► Gov‟t complements market forces ► Inflated wages ► Correction of market failure – high ► Tried to reinvent the wheel: set-up costs of exports; imperfect expensive intermediate goods information ► Gov‟t resists market forces ► Meritocracy in allocating credit ► Balance of Payment crisis lowers ► Reduced possibility of BoP crisis quality of inputs ► Selective use of FDI (Foreign Direct ► Dependence on FDI and foreign Investment) aid WHAT‟S GOOD ABOUT EOI?
  • 17. North Korea continued its offensive; U.S. threatened to withdraw its troops ► Yushin Constitution ► Nation ruled under martial law; Korea became Single Party State ► Park turned into dictator ► KCIA censored the press, eavesdropped phone calls THE BIG PUSH (1973-79)
  • 18. HCI (Heavy & Chemical Industries) Plans – 4th FYP ► Aim: build up defense ► Shipbuilding, machinery, chemicals, steel, electronics, automobile ► Unprecedented industrial expansion ► Good: gain experience in heavy industries, which create far more added value; acquire managerial skills; economies of scale ► Korea became competitive in semiconductor, shipbuilding, steel ► Bad: policy loans caused massive inflation in 1970s; some target industries didn‟t work out in the end (i.e. aluminum) THE BIG PUSH (1973-79)
  • 19. Lure Koreans who‟d been educated overseas with attractive pay packages ► Cutting-edge managerial techniques and scientific knowledge ► KAIST (Korea Institute of Science of Technology) ► engineering education “REVERSE BRAIN DRAIN”
  • 20. State-owned enterprise ► World Bank refused to finance the project ► Park Tae Joon used personal connection in Japan to channel reparations (for past colonization) ► Ran like military ► Rapid construction schedule + high quality standard ► Long work hours (60-70 hour work week) ► Became one of the largest, most efficient steel maker in the world ► Opened up the way for heavy industries POSCO: INTEGRATED STEEL MILL
  • 21. National conglomerates (groups) run by founding families ► Profitable firms subsidize less profitable firms within the conglomerate (cross-subsidization) ► Factors ► Scarce credit + abounding investment opportunities ► Red tape – lots of paperwork ► Export promotion – bigger is better in export market ► State-owned banking sector – political clout was a must to secure loans ► Quite a few became successful global multinationals RISE OF CHAEBOLS
  • 22. PARK: A HERO OR A VILLAIN? Controversy still continues
  • 23. Economic growth was impossible w/o Park ► Western-style democracy isn‟t fit for an undeveloped country like Korea ► Nonpartisan planning is the way to rapidly modernize ► Park had a grand vision for economic development Kim Seong Jin – President Park‟s former secretary CONSERVATIVE HISTORIANS
  • 24. Strength ► EOI wasn‟t as politically palatable as ISI (popular in 3rd world countries) ► Businesses were reluctant to export if left on their own ► State autonomy allowed for quick policy decisions ► Capital market hadn‟t fully developed (curb market) ► Weakness ► Park didn‟t have a “vision” (1st FYP didn‟t include export promotion) ► Park adjusted his strategies according to economic realities ► He listened to U.S. AID advisers + foreign-educated technocrats ► Park was luckier than his Latin American counterparts EVALUATION OF ARGUMENT
  • 25. Military/Economic alliance with the United States ► U.S. wasn‟t so friendly w/ some Latin American countries ► U.S. aid $3 billion by 1968; Vietnam gave military contracts ► The Cold War: need to contain North Korea ► U.S. gave Korea considerable freedom in economic policy ► 1960s: rise of international division of labor ► Labor cost too high in developed countries ► Opposition was weak/unorganized; the state was autonomous ► Anticommunism: leftists and labor unions were repressed ► Land reform of 1950s: landed aristocracy wiped out ► Bourgeoisie lost wealth during wartime; industrialists and businessmen were dependent on the state for foreign aid EXTERNAL FACTORS
  • 26. Harms done by Park‟s iron rule outweigh benefits of economic growth ► South Korea‟s economic development was mainly driven by external factors above Park‟s control ► Chaebols became a huge liability ► Expansion into many different fields of production, regardless of profits Jin Jung Kwon – a ► High debt-equity ratio – social critic vulnerable to recessions ► Corrupt gov‟t-business alliance LIBERAL HISTORIANS
  • 27. Strength ► Democracy and economic development aren‟t mutually exclusive ► Labor sacrificed too much ► Jeon Tae-il (labor activist) burned himself in 1970 ► External factors ► 1997 financial crisis: gov‟t allowed chaebols to borrow excessively ► Weakness ► Efficient developmental state requires autonomous state ► Initial phase of development entails hard time for labor ► Economy of scale is necessary to compete in global market ► Gains in competitiveness stuck after 1997 financial crisis ► Not every leader can take advantage of good environment EVALUATION OF ARGUMENT
  • 28. Park instilled into people the value of thrift and hard work ► Although circumscribed, private property encouraged investment ► Korea had (virtual) free trade ► Park contained communist North ► Park is guilty of central planning ► Economy is best left to the individual ► Economic freedom and political freedom are intertwined Kim Jeong Ho – president of Center for Free Enterprise (CFE) LIBERTARIANS / NEOCLASSICALS
  • 29. Strength ► Saemaul (New Community) Movement mobilized idle workers in countryside ► Businessmen and entrepreneurs maintained their roles ► Exporters didn‟t pay tariffs on raw materials + machinery ► Businessmen couldn‟t speak up against gov‟t, fearing their credit lines might be cut off ► Weakness ► Corporate state forced businesses to invest more than they would otherwise; cult of austerity induced people to save ► Gov‟t intervention corrected market failures in exports ► Gov‟t selectively protected + nurtured infant industries EVALUATION OF ARGUMENT
  • 30. Chaebols served to protect national economy from predatory foreign capital ► Park‟s developmental state offers model for “economic democracy” ► State-owned financial sector ► Extensive control over capital ► A democracy is powerless if it cannot contain the excesses of the market Chang, Ha-Joon – author of 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism CONTRARIAN
  • 31. Strength ► Profits made by chaebols stayed within the border ► Corporate state ensured that businesses act in accordance with the national interests ► Weakness ► Modern nations with sizable population have representative democracy. Putting too much financial power to politicians is like putting all eggs in one basket. ► Corporate state requires autonomy of the state – interest groups hamper such development. ► Chaebols are just like other multinationals of the world EVALUATION OF ARGUMENT
  • 32. Park has built a “Tiger Daddy State” ► Economic development in exchange for political freedom ► Single party corporate state speeded up development ► Businesses were forced to compete overseas ► Park was pragmatic and flexible ► Took maximum advantage of int‟l + domestic politics ► EOI as result of policy adaptation ► Acknowledged role of businessmen and entrepreneurs ► Recognized need for advanced foreign technology ► While developmental state is somewhat at odds with interest group democracy, Park didn’t need iron rule to advance his agenda; state autonomy had been established since 1950s CONCLUSION
  • 33. It takes right kind of “parenting” to develop a country‟s industrial base to internationally competitive level ► Park‟s South Korea: too authoritarian ► Latin America: too overprotective ► Somewhere in the middle ► Alexander Hamilton‟s American School ► France and Quebec: “indicative planning” ► Countries should integrate into world economy, on their own terms ► Infant industries need some time to grow and mature ► The individual cannot overcome market failures ► The individual succeed only so far as his country provides him opportunities to do so CONCLUSION
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Notes de l'éditeur

  1. June 14 law: punish anyone who&apos;d &quot;illicitly&quot; grown rich in the last 8 years -- license to prosecute anyone w/ money at will
  2. North Korean agents tried to assassinate Park in 1968, then again in 1974
  3. HCI took up vast amounts of capital that might have gone to light industries. Consumer goods were in short supply, and the middle class frantically hoarded them
  4. Conservatives in South Korea are more statist and nationalist than American counterpart. They approve of state intervention in the market (e.g. trade protectionism) as long as it serves national interests.
  5. South Korea maintained its “capitalist” image in order to stay friendly with its Western allies